Patterns of Life Force

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Patterns of

Life Force
Julian Barnard

Bibliographical information
First published by:

Bach Educational




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This explanation of life force, thought forms

and patterns of behaviour illuminates the
action of the Bach Flower remedies and
their relationship with health and disease.
The collected works were brought together
in this anthology by Julian Barnard and
copyright is owned by Flower Remedy
Programme 1987
Republished electronically by the
Bach Flower Research Programme 2003.
Licensed by the author for copying for
research purposes. No commercial use is


Authors Preface
Chapter 1


Chapter 2

The Birth Death Process


Chapter 3

Learning from Life


Chapter 4

The Riddle of Nature


Chapter 5

Drawing Breath

Chapter 6

Your Body Speaks its Mind


Chapter 7

Its not Where We Are - its Where We Are At


Chapter 8

The Need for a New Medicine


Chapter 9

The Medical Discoveries of Dr Bach


Chapter 10

A Bridge to Life

Chapter 11

Healing Herbs

Chapter 12

Making Bach Flower Remedies


Chapter 13

A Definite Healing Power


Chapter 14

The Consolidation of a Mental Attitude


Chapter 15

You Have Got the Idea

This is given in thanks to the well of healing where all may come and
draw freely of the love of life.

My wife Martine has contributed substantially to this book. We have
discussed the ideas of it together, she has helped provide much of the
material and in every way has given of her generous love to it. Her
sensitive advice has been combined with her warm encouragement.
Without her it would not have been.
To others who have helped I equally give a heart-felt thank you: to
Michele Sargoni for her research and assistance on many occasions; to
Joy Southgate for her commitment and thoughtful encouragement; to
Glenn Storhaug who helped with design and who gave freely of his
most valuable advice; to my parents for their perennial willingness to
help and for their loving kindness; to K. who has silently taught. And
a special thank you to Nickie Murray who was my first contact with
Bachs work and who has remained a true guide and to her husband
Malcolm; both have given help and friendship.

Authors Preface
This is now complete. No, not perfect, not by a long way, but
complete, dear reader, because you are now engaged with the process.
Certain ideas are conveyed in this writing but their action is only
useful in that they stimulate a response and review in you. There is not
much here that can be taken on board and trotted out as learning but
there is the possibility for a new perception, a different view of life. As
such this is like water drawn from a well and you, if you will, may use
it for whatever it seems good for.
In ancient times the well formed the centre of a settlement with
families grouped around it. It was in the interests of all that it be free
and kept in good order. The water was given by life, percolating
through the earth and no one man could claim to own it. So it is with
us. Edward Bach spoke of the flower remedies as this God-sent Gift
and which of us would disagree? The nature of the gift is still
becoming apparent as fifty years on we continue to draw benefit from
his life work. The discoveries that Edward Bach made, however, are
not, of themselves, the well. More of an apparatus, perhaps, a way of
getting to the water.
It is my belief that we have only just begun to see the implications of
Bachs work. The prospect is for a far greater development of human
sensitivity and consciousness, a realisation of deeper potential in
humanity. By this I do not mean that the clarity and simplicity of its
use should be confused and muddled by extensions, rebuilding or
redesigning the well - that would only muddy the water. Rather that
we have the opportunity for a more profound understanding of what
life is, by sharing the water.
The Bach Flower Remedies are used by many people in many different
ways. They are taken as a simple healing medicine, used in conjunction
with many different forms of treatment and different kinds of therapy.
They have a following among many different people. But the flower
remedies themselves are a way, stepping stones to understanding life.
The more we understand Bachs ideas and come to terms with their
implications the more we will see the true vision of what life might be
when we can let go of our limitations. The glory of life is ever present
but we may fail to perceive it.
So it can be said and recognised that whatever is true and resounding
in this is not mine but drawn from life and whatever is limited and
unfounded is only the result of my limitation.
Julian Barnard
October 1986

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Chapter 1

The following is a quotation from Dr Edward Bach taken from his
book Free Thyself written in 1932.
It is as simple as this, the Story of Life
A small child has decided to paint the picture of a house in time for
her mothers birthday. In her little mind the house is already
painted; she knows what it is to be like down to the very smallest
detail, there remains only to put it on paper.
Out comes the paint-box, the brush and the paint-rag, and full of
enthusiasm and happiness she sets to work. Her whole attention
and interest is centred on what she is doing -nothing can distract
her from the work in hand.
The picture is finished in time for the birthday. To the very best of
her ability she has put her idea of a house into form. It is a work of
art because it is all her very own, every stroke done out of love for
her mother, every window, every door painted in with the
conviction that it is meant to be there. Even if it looks like a hay
stack, it is the most perfect house that has ever been painted; it is a
success because the little artist has put her whole heart and soul, her
whole being into the doing of it.
This is health, this is success and happiness and true service. Serving
through love in perfect freedom in our own way.
So we come down into this world, knowing what picture we have
to paint, having already mapped out our path through life, and all
that remains for us to do is to put it into material form. We pass
along full of joy and interest, concentrating all our attention upon
the perfecting of that picture, and to the very best of our ability
translating our own thoughts and aims into the physical life of
whatever environment we have chosen.
Then, if we follow from start to finish our very own ideals, our very
own desires with all the strength we possess, there is no failure, our
life has been a tremendous success, a healthy and a happy one.
The same little story of the child-painter will illustrate how, if we
allow them, the difficulties of life may interfere with this success
and happiness and health, and deter us from our purpose.
The child is busily and happily painting when someone comes along
and says, Why not put a window here, and a door there; and of
course the garden path should go this way. The result in the child
will be complete loss of interest in the work; she may go on, but is
now only putting someone elses ideas on paper: she may become

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Chapter 1

cross, irritated, unhappy, afraid to refuse these suggestions; begin to

hate the picture and perhaps tear it up: in fact, according to the
type of child so will be the re-action.
The final picture may be a recognisable house, but it is an imperfect
one and a failure because it is the interpretation of anothers
thoughts, not the childs. It is of no use as a birthday present
because it may not be done in time, and the mother may have to
wait another whole year for her gift.
This is disease, the re-action to interference. This is temporary
failure and unhappiness: and this occurs when we allow others to
interfere with our purpose in life, and implant in our minds doubt,
or fear, or indifference.
The picture of a house is an expression of our being: our sense of
ourselves. The way that we paint it is the way that we express the
pattern of our life force.
Bach saw how the thoughts that we have for our life create its pattern.
In this he made a link between our life and health and the way that we
think and feel. Negative thoughts and interference, whether from
ourselves or other people, create a distortion of the true pattern of
what we aspire to be in life. He showed us that the thoughts that we
have are powerful for the destruction, the maintenance and the
creation of life.

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Chapter 2

The Birth Death

More than 200 thousand people are born each day. The
circumstances vary from the very primitive to high-tech. While
some of us were met first by the sight of the night sky others were
amazed by the bright light of the operating theatre. No matter. We
are all part of one humanity, born at this moment in this place and
in no other. And for each of us the origins from which we take our
form relate back to the same process: conception.
It is the miracle of life that everything is based upon this same
process. We jokingly refer to the birds and the bees but that is just it!
Behind all creation, existence, behind all living matter seen and
unseen is the same process of life; we see its form in the time between
birth and death; its substance is the material of life life force. Life
force, like a magnet, draws matter to itself. After conception the
fertilised ovum divides and the single cells multiply to form the
embryo. The life force that will become a human, a fish, a giraffe draws
in the material to clothe itself for living in accordance with the pattern
of its type of being. If the life force is strong then the body will be
strong. If the life force is weak then the vehicle created for that life will
be weak. If the life force dwindles and ceases then the form will be left,
an uninhabited shell which will dissolve back into undifferentiated
matter. Life declines into Death.
At any point during our conscious existence we may gauge the level of
activity of life force in ourselves or in another. When the life force is
strong in a plant it is visibly healthy, growing and prolific. If it is mature
within its cycle of growth then the life force is gradually condensed
into the seed or root in preparation for a new spring. If it is declining
then the leaves fall, stems collapse and the plant will die. The
process is the same throughout nature. We can observe the strength of
the life force at the vegetable, animal or human levels.
How the life force works within us as human individuals is determined
by many complex factors. While so called genetics may account for
many of the physical characteristics of our children it is clear that
other influences bear strongly upon the individual. Even when we
share the same parents as children we are conceived in a different
situation, a different time. What happens at conception and how the
forces of life shape us may be difficult to assess. Being beyond the
realms of physical measurement they are beyond the realms of
conventional science, they belong to the metaphysical, the intangible.
Yet every mother knows the circumstances of pregnancy and many
can be sure of the moment of conception and the events that led to it.
The more we are in tune with our body the more we hear its rhythms

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Chapter 2

and messages of change. And without the need for astrology or

mystery we can agree that the emotional circumstances that attend
pregnancy and the creating of a new life form are instrumental in
shaping it. Indeed it is the purpose of this book to illustrate how the
strength of the life force is related to the emotional state of each and
every one of us.
Broadly speaking the proposition is this. At the outset we are all
pretty well strong in life force. But as the difficulties and experience of
life on earth are encountered we are apt to close off from life and
move towards death. Negative emotional states (fear, anger,
indecision etc.) constrict the flow of vitality just as fatty deposits in the
arteries constrict the flow of blood.
Life is about change and the facility for change. The greater the
potential to continue living with the greatest potential for change, the
greater the abundance of life. At the extreme we can see that
extinction in life is the failure to adapt. If an organism cannot adapt to
a change in climate it dies. The greater the potential for existence in a
wide range of conditions the more prolific the life. Man is said to be
an adaptable species in physical terms. But what holds true for the life
potential physically is also applicable in other realms. We are more
than a physical being and life is more than physical adaptability.
As a simple expression of this we all know how the child has a
potential to become many things. When I grow up, says the little
boy, I am going to be a racing driver, or an explorer... The potential
for either is there. But come 40 the potential for racing circuits seems
to have faded and a wish to explore has a settled dust over it like
schoolboy annuals left piled up in the attic. Either possibility could be
reawakened however just as the potential for life can be rejuvenated.
Great-grandmother goes ballooning brings a smile but it is always
possible. Then again the potential for being an explorer can be
developed in another way: as an explorer not of the outer world but of
the inner regions of being - the landscape of our heart and mind. But
such an exploration would need adaptability and the facility for
change, it would require a greater potential for life. Thus old folk can
be full of life, interested in new possibilities and discoveries and the
young may close off in boredom. Life generally gives up on those who
give up on it.
If life is the potential for change then a good illustration of it is a
colony of bees. There may be 50 thousand insects in a hive. Each acts
as a part of the whole, relating all its actions to the welfare and needs
of the colony, fetching now nectar, now water, collecting pollen to
feed the young or cleaning the cells in the wax brood combs for new
eggs and larvae. The worker bees are not, as is often thought, obedient
servants of the queen, rather they are individuals responding to the call
of life. Because of this bees show an amazing ability to work with
change always getting on with things as they are, responding directly
to the present situation in accordance with the law of their being. If
circumstances alter within the hive - maybe the queen dies or the hive
is knocked over, maybe the day is very hot/cold or there is found to be
insufficient space to store the incoming nectar - whatever happens the

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Chapter 2

bees will work to continue the life of the colony in the most
advantageous way. The pathway of life force between action and
response is kept clear of difficulties. Of course there are occasions
when bees cannot make up their minds but they are exceptional.
In terms of what bees do we can say they have a remarkable ability to
adapt to change and life. But to perceive the life force at work in a hive
it may be necessary to experience it, not as a set of theoretical
probabilities (what will the bees do if this were to happen?) but as a
living thing. Most people are afraid of bees because they might sting
(life can be painful) but to sense the strength and beauty of this form
of life we need to get close to it. We will feel it if we stop thinking of
ourselves and we will rejoice in its strength if we stop feeling our
strength threatened.
It is the same generally in life for us. If we are always thinking of
ourselves we cannot experience the beauty of another being. If we see
the other being as a threat to our strength and we react with a
defensive posture to life, closing ourselves off in order to protect what
we have, then we shall suffer. First we suffer because we miss the joy
of relationship and communion with life and then we suffer because
we close and constrict the movement of the life force within. It
becomes suffocating, like breathing the stale air in a closed room. We
suffer from ourselves as Dr Bach observed. Experience shows that the
opposite reaction is the more rewarding. If we open ourselves to the
experience of life we find happiness, strength and love. This is made
more real in the difference between working with our head and
working with our hearts. The opening of our hearts opens us to the
experience of loving life.
A love of life is essential. When we suffer we think: how can I love
life? But when we love life we will not be in suffering. It is a little bit
the chicken and the egg. Which came first the suffering or the
resentment? The suffering feeds the negative emotion (which constricts
the life force) and the negative emotion causes the suffering. Which
came first is academic.
When we act with a love of life we will only be concerned with the
present way out of the problem: that is an instantaneous decision. And
from that moment onwards, when we decide to love life, the potential
and the future will change.
All nature works for the future. Bees collect their honey, trees and
plants produce their millions of seeds, birds lay their eggs. Beneath the
ground roots extend their shoots, nests of worms are knotted in
obscurity while the moles tunnel blindly towards each other. It is
through abundance that nature survives. This theme of generosity is
familiar enough to us. But again it points to the way of life. Both on
and in the land, the rivers and seas and in the air the myriad forms of
creation show the process of life. We are a part of it.
At 1256 hrs today a child is being born. Now at this moment, as this
child is writing. All the life stands before it in potential. In a room, in a
town, in this part of a country is the physical location. In what other

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Chapter 2

circumstances we can only guess. At the exact point from which we

progress the easiest things to describe are the physical locations. The
subtle world, the metaphysical, is not so clearly mapped out. The
pattern of the life force, the way that life expresses itself for that being,
is more ambiguous. We tend therefore to look at the physical
components of life. So we can imagine the mother and the child within
her; she working to bring to birth another being. How the child is
born continues the story of its previous months of life. Is the birth
traumatic? Is the mother anaesthetised? Is the father helping? Is the
child unwilling? Are the others sympathetic, kind, loving or are they
worried by their own difficulties and self-absorbed? Is the child born
amid fears and uncertainty or surrounded by harmony and love? All
these impressions will focus in the life of that small body.
The child is born. What happens next? Is it a disappointment (Oh
dear, not another boy!)? Was it all a shock, not what we had
expected? Our first reactions imprint themselves strongly and will
probably continue to do so. If it is taken away from the mother how
will they both react emotionally? Every event will be recorded as part
of this childs life, whether it is remembered consciously or not. If we
try to imagine the countless impressions that are registered by each of
us, just in the first few weeks of life, we may wonder what could
possibly hold such a record. The answer is that we are that record.
How the unique record of our lives play upon us we each know. Most
of us, at some time in our life, try to discover the circumstances of our
birth, just as a traveller will return to his native town. Equally we
might recall the vivid moments of drama, the times of pain and
sorrow, happiness and joy like streets and buildings in that town. We
often walk in the lanes of our memories. Some of us have had the
experience of working to revisit such places through the various
techniques employed in workshops and groups. The journey of
self-development often begins with a knowing of our past. But we
should not spend too much time in the past. It is true that we have
been through many experiences but they do not have to control us
now. We are still alive and the story is not over yet. Life is for change
and we can change our life now. The past may be the story of how we
got here but it need not dictate what happens next.

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Chapter 3

Learning from Life

We are in a time of great change. Seen in the context of a lifetime our
present age is filled with upheaval in every way, so much so that we
have all but become inured to it - social, religious, political, economic,
educational and moral change are so commonplace that we are getting
quite used to the idea. We are coming to expect and even to crave
novelty. In science we wait restlessly for new marvels of daring and
delicacy whether in space flight, in biotechnology or atomic physics. In
the marketplace new products succeed each other so that after 2 or 3
years a machine design is said to be obsolete. Not to be new is to be
nothing. What are we to do?
In human terms this thrust for change causes us considerable
difficulties. In times of great stability we form attachments emotionally
to certain idea structures. They help to hold and mediate the life force
like a vessel, giving stability and constancy to our activity. But in times
of change these idea structures act against us because of the
attachment that we have to them. We find it difficult to look with a
free objectivity at what is happening because we are held in the shell of
past patterns. In some cases this shell has become so thick and
unresponsive that the life force within it is unable to move outwardly
at all. Nothing can come in, no relationship with external forces is
possible. The life becomes like a stubborn and unrelenting opponent of
change. Bigotry is everywhere.
Such patterns lock us in positions of difficulty. They are carried by
individuals, in families and within communities and nations. They are
the idea structures that determine barriers, blocks, gulfs,
impossibilities. We all hold them in varying degrees and in different
forms according to our natures. And we hold to them passionately
feeding their structure and stricture with our emotional responses like
a mollusc secreting the substance of the shell in which it lives. We can
see the activity of these emotional patterns by asking ourselves a few
simple questions. The questions could relate to religion, politics, sex,
education, family obligations, sexual roles, childhood and so on.
Within family units these patterns of behaviour appear to stream in
from the past through the generations of the family. Like the
obligations of revenge the emotions are often set by inheritance. The
ideas that structure the assumptions of power or the aspiration to
improvement or the acceptance of poverty are bred into us. As such
they become imbued with an emotional charge for us in our family
unit where they may be completely absent for our neighbour.
In a wider context we can watch these emotional patterns at work in
the many religious and sectarian wars that are being fought at the
present time or the countless theatres of ideological struggle
throughout the world. We see people who will seek to destroy life for

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Chapter 3

the sake of maintaining or strengthening an idea. Nor should we

imagine that we ourselves are mere spectators in this situation. Let us
gauge our own responses to local conflicts and our own struggles as
well. In it all we can observe the same thing: life is not considered as
important as these idea - shells that rule our emotions and our actions.
Life is cheap when it is so little in evidence. We see our opponents not
as life forms but as animated masks, often more mechanical than
human. Or else we don a mask ourselves to disguise our humanity and
commit atrocity.
The experience of meeting, not a human being but a set of
programmed or patterned responses is both the product and the reason
for our contemporary reductionist view of life (when we see ourselves
not as the greatest we might be but as the smallest that can be proved
achievable by all). To some, man is a machine, but a machine for
what? It is a disturbing line of thought for many of us. But when we
meet another person who will not meet our eyes, who will not look us
straight, we are encountering not a free life - spirit but a pattern of
emotional fixity and we should be warned.
In times of change these patterns, karmic shells as they are called, will
be assaulted. Sometimes, if they are no longer supplied with life force
they will become brittle and fall away. Times of personal change may
lead to such an opening to life. Sometimes a little conflict will jolt the
shell and release us. For others a jolt is not enough and many blows
are needed to crack open the shell. For each of us the story is similar
and yet unique.
The shells are fed by a variety of emotional patterns although the
process is similar. We are bound by such things as fear, pride, greed,
jealousy or hatred; by negative emotions that are based upon past life
experience. These shells prevent us from meeting new life experiences
freely (we are prejudiced -we prejudge them). When the shells are
broken we have to face life without the protection of this casing as a
delicate kernel of life force ready to grow. It is a high risk business.
Because of the dangers of being so apparently vulnerable we generally
scamper into the shelter of our shells. When we face what appear to be
threatening questions about our life or existence we take refuge in
available belief and accepted philosophy. Of course, this may be the
genuine product of our life experience. Yet if it is we will find it no
shell nor shelter but a radiating centre of love for life. More often
though the refugee will find it is a way of giving authority to other
people who will hold sway through the power of their certainty.
The man who holds the sway in ideas holds more power than the
military chieftain because he holds the key to peoples hearts or rather
the emotional patterns and karmic shells. Religion, in times of change,
leads to disagreement and alienation. In an age of stability the problem
does not arise because the external world conforms consistently with
the internal idea. But when changes occur our inflexibility makes for
dogmatism and blind belief. One mans religion is another mans
prejudice. We rush to join the One True Way Club whose members
are certain they alone know the Real Truth. The more difficult a thing

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is to prove, the more we feel the need to be right and the more
threatened we are by alternative points of view. Ideas can become very
destructive forces.
For some the answer lies in happy ignorance: I would rather be a
goldfish, mouthing water in a bowl. But that is just another kind of
shell, the shell of ignorance, a way of avoiding life. And for the real
fish there is no such reality as it encounters life force and life
experience at its own level of being. For us there is really no other
choice. We can only learn to work with life or come to terms with the
consequences of refusal. The consequences of refusal are death.
We stand in this balance between life and death. It is the nature of our
existence. For each of us the condition of our being reflects the balance
of these forces. And for each the story of our life has led to our being
here now. To know why we are in this present situation we must make
true observation of what has gone before. If we see it for what it is we
may be able to understand how we got here and how the forces of life
have arranged themselves in our body. To move forward from that
position, to observe and learn the lessons that are there in the past
experience and to apply them to the present is to understand why. But
for that why to have reality it must be free of prejudice, dogma and
preconceived ideas. It must be free from the influence of karmic
Without a structure of ideas though we are apparently unprotected,
vulnerable. We are then thrown back upon the resources of the heart.
Our love of life alone can sustain us. Like a refugee we are dependent
upon human kindness and the generosity of life. But unencumbered we
may yet be the ones who survive.

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Chapter 4

The Riddle of Nature

When we look at architecture it is surprising to see how varied the

forms of building are. While in the western world we prefer hard shells
of concrete and stone others make light-weight structures of canvas
and bamboo. The massive edifices of our modern cities (twentieth
century cathedrals) are supposed to be a mark of civilisation and
enlightened thought. A comparison of building technology and idea
structures would be rewarding. The Bedouin in his tent allows the
outside breeze to circulate, like the Red Indian he is closer to the land.
In Japan the bamboo and paper walls are designed for flexibility. The
buildings that a culture erects are monuments to their thought and
speak of their relationship to life. A bank vault is as deadly as the
grave. We live therefore more or less in harmony with nature and we
build in a way that displays our need to dominate the natural world or
our willingness to accept it.
It is said that if you wish to find out what you are like you should look
around you. Look at where and how you live. Look at what is
considered of value and important. We are like what we are. It is
thought that we are what we eat; equally we are what we think and we
become what we do. The nature of our activity will shape our being.
Because our lives are dominated by our emotional attachment to ideas
we are blind to the consequences of our actions. This blindness
becomes habitual and we no longer see what we are doing. We have
lost the ability to discriminate between what is helpful and what is
damaging to life. We think that we are rather separate from life and
can therefore prey upon it but because we are part of life we cannot
act independently (so long as we are alive!). The idea of nuclear
arsenals that can destroy the world not just once but ten times over is
absurd. Absurd in just the same way that a man should have ten times
more food than he can eat. It is not a moral offence so much as it is
indiscriminate, like deafness (ab- + surdus, deaf or dull; o.e.d.).
Without ears and eyes our balance is gone: we swing between choices
unable to decide, lacking the centre from which to act.
So there is the need to return to a simplicity where those ideas we hold
to, like a tent, can provide shelter and yet be carried as we travel; ideas
that allow for life and so for change. Something with tensile strength
and flexibility which will not crystallize and harden into a shell and
constrict us. The idea of life force is like this. Not so much an edifice
as a plank across the canyon.
Anthropologists who study the life and beliefs of different cultures can
observe how many societies live in such a way that their lives and
practices are not in conflict with the natural world. Rituals that we
might call primitive serve to remind such people of the relationship
they have with nature. Their thoughts about life and the forms that

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Chapter 4

follow upon those thoughts are not set in conflict with the world in
which they live; their actions apparently have a simple fitness in them,
they are appropriate. As change overtakes these societies they flounder
in confusion. Western thinking as much as western materialism
breaches the integrity of the culture.
It is not so far different for us. By instinct we are pantheistic seeing
God in all things, just as God is in life. As children we are drawn by
simple joy to experience and love life. If left without interference how
might things develop? But the experienced are jealous of innocence
and will not allow it. So we begin to localise experience (according to
karmic patterning again) and come to see some things as holy and
others as profane. For both we build temples and so enshrine the
polarity. And these temples are no light-weight affairs.
All this is because our life and what we do is a literal reflection of
what we are. What we build and what we cherish is a reflection of our
inner state of mind. Indeed external life is one and the same as internal
life. It is only because we are sold on the idea of conflict, polarity,
duality that we would ever see it otherwise. But life is one, not two!
To see this however we must think with the heart and look with a
fresh eye upon our existence. It is not so easy for the conditioning is
strong. Look out of the window and you will see what you are - for
the world reflects to us our nature.
Two men look out through prison bars
The one sees mud, the other stars.
We choose what we see and select from the external world what will
reinforce the world picture that we have formed internally. This world
picture is decided by our emotional attachment to ideas. Beauty, after
all, is in the eye of the beholder. The critical eye will see only ugliness
and find fault, the disappointed only disappointment.
In the world of nature there is a riddle. That world is made of the
same material as we are and it carries in it the imprint of the same
force of patterning, consequently we are like it. The riddle? Phrase it
how you will but basically it is this: the world and our idea of life are
one and the same... the world is just the expression of an idea.
Everything that exists must be conceived. What is conceived in a
physical state must first be conceived in the mind, in the imagination.
This conception is a thought form. It is the form that can be filled by
life force to bring a living substance into existence. Thought forms are
held by all life structures that have or hold life force. We are,
ourselves, a thought form, just as we are conceived. The world as we
see it, that too is a thought form. Plants, trees, grass, flowers, these are
all thought forms of the planet. Seeds are a condensing of one
individual thought form that has the potential through the activation
of life force to grow into a full expression of that idea. From a grain of
mustard may grow a great plant.

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Chapter 4

That we recognise such a state of affairs as self-evident should not

surprise us. It is a statement of the obvious. But humans seem to have
forgotten just what human beings are and what their relationship is
with the natural world. The memory, however, is near at hand in all
our language and imagery. We have just been using it. This after all is
the seed of an idea. It may grow in the fertile soil of the individual
reader into a strong plant, bearing fruit.
In literature nature is always analogous to human experience. Writers
have unerringly recognised that the human estate is reflected in and a
reflection of the images of the natural world. Ideas take root in the
mind, a reflective mood is like still water, sweet thoughts are flowers,
others rank weeds. Troubles cloud the mind, children have a sunny
disposition, some activities are fruitful others nipped in the bud; we
weather storms, have hopes dampened, cultivate good habits or have
thoughts scattered to the winds; passions burn and ardour is fanned;
old age is autumnal, youth like spring; we are thrifty like squirrels,
collectors with a magpie instinct, chatter like sparrows, proud as
peacocks, frightened as a mouse or greedy as pigs; we are shy violets,
rosy cheeked or fresh as a daisy.
But more than this the natural world bears within an exact
counterpart to our own life experience. Nature constantly provides the
illustration by which we recognise a picture of the truth; it is in nature
that our questions can be answered. As Job said:
Speak to the earth and it shall teach you.

The world is the only example that we have - there is no other. Where
else is there that we may learn, what other expression of thought can
we have? Without our seeing of the world (or our report of it) what
language do we have for thought? Since thought is so far a part of us
how can we but conclude that the world, planet, earth and all that is
therein is a part of us too. Actually whether we are part of it or it is
part of us is hardly the point: we are one with life.
Contemporary thinking will not work well with this concept. We have
grown used to the idea that man and nature are separate entities. We
see life in terms of stratification, hierarchies and evolutionary levels.
Needless to say man is on the top in each case. Like adolescents we
imagine we have outgrown our parents and that we are now quite able
to manage this life estate. But the farmer does not create the seed, nor
the plant geneticists, they are merely tampering with life. The great
processes of life were there long before we discovered genetic
engineering and will continue long after all human empires are laid
waste. Whether we (humanity) continue with life depends pretty much
upon what we do now.
In many respects the thought forms of the planet and the thought
forms of mankind are compatible. The difficulty arises when our
thought forms become destructive and start to exclude the thought
forms of the planet. The result causes planetary damage. At a simple
practical level the thought form that creates toxic waste is destructive
to life. People know this and will not willingly encounter radiation.

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Chapter 4

But while pollution, drugs, chemicals and so on poison life they are
minor damage compared to the effect of actual thought forms
themselves. Negative thought forms as we might call them, thoughts
that act against life, are the real danger to the planet and to life. We
can witness their effects in several ways: again look out of the window
and we can see what mans thought forms have created; then let us
look at ourselves and recognise how the thought forms that create us
are reflected in us and thirdly, though it is more difficult, we can
perceive how the negative thought forms of humanity dislocate the
thought forms of the planet.
This last matter shows first as the withdrawal of a planetary thought
form. If a particular plant or animal species becomes extinct the
thought form that created it is no longer supplying the vessel for that
life. Equally though, there are certain species that become more
prolific in response but these species are the predators and the
dominant, often damaging forms that are hostile to the ecological
balance. It is more than a matter of conservation, however. When
people steal the eggs of rare breeding birds it creates publicity but as
far as the thought form goes it is already too late. Life cannot survive
as a zoo species.
In fact the natural species on this planet are being withdrawn from life
at a fantastic rate. But still the world looks pretty much the same as it
was and we might imagine that all was well. But the time scale for the
planet is vast and we have yet to understand it. If the planet actually
changed its mind (thought forms) it would take a long time for us to
realise it and we can only speculate as to whether those thought forms
would be compatible with the thought for human life. The result
undoubtedly would be a great change for humanity.
At present we need only look at the earth to see a reflection of our
state. Just as the poet sees the light of reason and the dawn of hope
within the imagery of nature so we can see the torture and degradation
of the natural world as a statement of our situation. We need to realise
that toxic thoughts are toxic waste, that rapacious greed despoils the
land, that emotional desolation creates a wasteland, that war and
destruction are born in the fear of our hearts and in the cruelty of our
So too we can recognise that hope springs eternal, that where the
gentle rain of reason falls the hard earth will soften. Where the
sunshine of joy and love can warm us the seeds of new life will
germinate and if we allow them to grow the herbs of the field can
flower for our healing and for health.

This title is borrowed from a book by Aubrey Gaulter published in 1929 by J.

Whitaker & Sons Ltd, London. The subtitle reads Being the Natural Religion of
Truth by Evolution. It is an extraordinary book.

Book of Job 12:8

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Chapter 5

Drawing Breath
The most important, or at least the most essential, processes in life are
automatic. They occur without conscious thought, by virtue of lifes
natural activity: like breathing. If we had actually to learn consciously
the chemical processes of digestion before we could utilise food we
might not survive for long. If we had always to remember to breathe
there might be time for little else. If the mind was totally occupied by
the thought of taking breath, holding it, exchanging the gases and
other life-giving substances and then expelling the air what would
happen to argument, anxiety, self-pity or fear? What fills the mind
tends to fill the life. Indeed it is the basis of some meditative practices
that if we quiet the mind and stop the chit-chat of thoughts by
concentrating upon a single thing then we will experience a greater
tranquillity in our life. The heart does not suffer from the same
restlessness as the mind. That is why, when we think with our hearts
we find simplicity and clarity.
People who study animal behaviour observe the intricacy of the
instinctive patterning that animals use. These behaviour patterns are
apparently innate to individual species herring gull chicks peck at a
red spot like that on the parents beak expecting food, spiders spin
webs through a natural design skill rather than through
experimentation. Human behaviourists observe similar patterns in our
ways of living. This does not demean the status of human or bird but
it invites the observation that instinctive behaviour plays an important
part in all life forms. If everything in life was always experimental the
result would be chaos. Instinct, as we call it, mediates between
innovation and closely ordered behaviour. In human terms there has
been a tendency to see instinct as crude and evidence of low
intelligence. Instinctive behaviour in animals conversely is seen as
evidence of a higher animal intelligence. Neither view is accurate
because of a false view of intelligence.
Life learns a pattern through repetition. Repetition leads to ordered
behaviour - I do this because it is what I always do! Instinct comes into
play when ordered behaviour is made part of the life pattern for that
species. It is part of the thought form that creates the spider or the
gull. As such it is inbuilt, innate, they are born with it. For humans the
same is true. We do not learn to breathe, it is instinctive, just as
sucking is or crawling.
Other behaviour patterns can become almost instinctive within a
family unit if the activities are repeated through generations. A baby
follows the demonstrated behaviour of parents. At 18 months a whole
vocabulary of gesture and sound exactly mimics the adults. The
toddler will stand, look and move just like the parents. Thus we carry
sign stimuli as surely as the herring gull. This gesture means food,
this tone of voice means bed. We do with our children what our

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Chapter 5

parents did with us (as evidenced by child abuse). Not always: it is

possible to take a conscious decision to change but generally this is the
These instinctive behaviour patterns are very strong and we are
strongly attached to them. Once formed they are difficult to break. If it
is said that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks it is because the
patterns are most strongly learned in early life. Yet another
phenomenon of animal behaviour is of interest here. It is called enemy
learning. A group of birds will call in alarm at the sight of a predator.
When a hawk appears (or even the shadow of one) the mother hen will
call in her chicks. A cry of alarm will go through the local bird
populace, the threat is general. But it is not necessary for every
individual to see the hawk, the sound of the alarm call alone will alert
them. In laboratory experiments groups of birds have been taught that
harmless objects are predators by associating the object with the alarm
call. This kind of enemy learning is a strong force within human
communities as well as in family behaviour patterns.
How does it work? Suppose the family meet a situation that the
parents view as a threat, suppose the door bell rings. Well, what kind
of a threat is that? It is unexpected, Mum jumps, Dad thinks I hope it
isnt..., fear, anxiety, apprehension all round. The children learn the
pattern: always fear the worst, a knock at the door is ominous. When
the door is opened, however, it turns out to be a welcome visitor, one
bearing gifts even. The children now study the adult response:
suddenly the anxious glances have been exchanged for the nervous
chatter of relief. The pattern is being imprinted.
The imprinting is far stronger however if it is attached to specific
objects or ideas. The inexplicable fear or attraction for beards,
blondes, tall or short people is often built in through this family
patterning. It should be noted too that if a single experience is strong
enough it needs no repetition to become indelibly imprinted - sexual
abuse in particular is like this and fears and phobias that carry from
the one experience are many.
Thus we learn from our family group a way of reacting to life. It will
be superimposed upon and modify the other inherited patterns that we
already carry with us. We will then learn a type of breathing in accord
with what we see adults do. When enemy learning is being imprinted
we will also learn a multitude of other responses. Some responses are
basic instinctive like the urge to urinate, what is called a fight or flight
response. Others are strictly local to the family group: when frightened
we may eat or not eat, breathe fast and shallow or virtually stop
breathing, shout, cry, sing, laugh, indeed the responses can be so
varied as to be contradictory and difficult to recognise as a fear-related
All of these behaviour patterns engage our emotions and although the
ideas that trigger them are instinctive rather than intellectual they bind
themselves as part of the karmic pattern of our life and become fused
into the karmic shell.

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Chapter 5

Another way in which these patterns build can be seen in personal

relationships. If there is disagreement some resolve must be reached.
Either we compromise, change our viewpoint or go into a win/lose
position. If it becomes win/lose then it is a trial of strength; who can
impose their will, who can get their own way? In such a conflict all
kinds of ammunition can be used and the trial of strength will
certainly activate many of the learned patterns from childhood.
Eventually a victor will emerge. The conflict now is over apparently.
But what of the vanquished, how will they deal with the situation?
They respond with prejudice so that any comparable situation is
prejudged to be unfavourable and attitudes are developed that will
pervert any truthful meeting in the future. Prejudice in turn creates
counter prejudice in the other so that pretty soon characterisation
speaks to characterisation and all true meeting is prevented. These
prejudices are inevitably passed on within family groups, role models
are perpetuated with all their attendant limitations.
So the inheritors (the children) are assailed on a broad front. First they
see a set of behaviour patterns upon which they model their bodies:
these show a way of working instinctively in posture, breathing etc.
Then they are given a set of idea prejudices which dispose them to
view life in a particular way -all men do this... all women are that...
Thus bodies, emotions and ideas are given shape. Well, yes, of course
they may be positive models, good ones, but then our prejudices will
determine what is good. Which of us deliberately would give our
children negative patterning? Which of us having a child who asked
for bread would give him a stone? Alas, we can all too rarely tell the
What then can change it? The clue lies in the breathing. For by
observing the breath we can see the first movements of life and
activity. When we can observe the natural pattern of our breathing
then we can observe when it varies. The variation in breathing patterns
at least can make us aware of our varying responses to what we
encounter in life and we may be able to recognise what is happening
within us. We need to become conscious of these instinctive responses.
We already have some experience of this as part of our general
vocabulary: when surprised we have a sharp intake of breath, we
hold our breath in anticipation and when tension passes we give a
sigh of relief. The process of respiration defines life in so far as it leads
to an exchange of that which is outside with that inside. Without
change there is no life. So the way we breathe is significant of the way
that we encounter life.
Other body processes are equally essential, the action of the heart, for
instance. The physical heart acts to circulate what is already internal.
But when we look at the metaphysical action of the heart we can see it
as the organ that mediates our emotional responses to the exchanges
we have internally and externally. Where is the seat of love? Why, in
the heart of course. And it is our love or lack of it that determines our
emotional responses. An open heart meets life with joy; if we love life
our responses are happy and positive, we breathe easy. But when we
meet with a difficulty that triggers our instinctive responses, where the
learned behaviour is brought into play (when we respond not with

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Chapter 5

openness but with the fixity of karmic patterning) the heart is not
open, rather it closes off. The sensation, for it has actually a feeling
attached to it, is a framing of the heart, like a freeze-frame facility in a
movie film. Then the heart constricts and the flow of life force is
stopped. At the same time the breathing constricts and altogether the
being stops free exchange with the environment around. Like a snail
withdrawing into its shell so we retreat into stereotyped behaviour.
If we keep breathing and try hard to keep the heart open with a love
and trust of life we may avoid these prejudiced responses. As for the
karmic shells they can be broken by shock it is true but they can also
be discharged if we simply do not feed them life. One such exercise
leads to the thought like what it doesnt like where it is the
characterisation of the karmic pattern. But if we simply do not
continue our emotional attachment to the pattern we will starve it and
in time it must surely grow brittle and fall away. This may be helped if
the life situation is changed, for change induces new activity and a
movement of life force. Our way of dealing with such a problem
suggests the real nature of intelligence: it is not a fixed quantity to be
calibrated, it is rather a qualitative ability to respond to life and the
changes that it may bring. To the heart this may be instinct but to the
mind an act of conscious intent.

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Chapter 6

Your Body Speaks its

Well I couldnt stand it anymore, I said, Im going to give him a
piece of my mind... Ah! What kind of a gift will that be? Usually
something fairly unpleasant if the image runs true to form. We do not
always fill the mind with sweet thoughts. Certainly that sentence
evokes the picture of an outraged person who has delivered a parcel of
abuse to the neighbour. We might quickly build an imaginary drama
but somehow it is already familiar enough. When tensions and conflict
develop we have many ways of dealing with them and sure not
everyone will take the path of action. But whether we keep our
negativity to ourselves or pass it on to others the common experience
is one of dissatisfaction with life.
Our thoughts reflect what we feel about life. If we love life we have
loving thoughts that are sweet and fragrant. If we resent our situation
and feel unfairly treated by life our thoughts will be bitter and acrid.
And what we share of our mind with others will be in accord with
what we carry in our thoughts. We may convey the pure clear light of
reason, the cold dispassionate thoughts of the uncaring, the crystalline
thoughts of the unyielding which are beautiful but without life or the
scattered thoughts of the confused.
As thoughts come to speech we will see their quality. Noble or
beautiful thoughts are not reserved to fancy language but they will
make any language fine and beautiful. Similarly cruel thoughts will
corrupt the fairest words. The force of the thought that is behind the
words will show through and we recognise this instinctively as
hypocrisy. Some words create destructive force patterns by their very
sound and should be avoided. Certain words that are frequently used
in situations of stress for instance can both reflect and induce the
difficulty. Sound has both a creative and destructive force and like
thought it influences our bodies. And we may recognise here that just
as thought can act to distort the pattern of the life force so too thought
can act to realign the pattern of the life force.
We each form a picture of life which shows us to be more or less
satisfied with how it is. Our thoughts are specific to our individual life
story but the principles guiding them will be the same. We think about
that which is either inside of ourselves or outside and it either makes
us happy or unhappy. The unhappy person therefore may be unhappy
because they do not like the way the external world exists (I want
that situation altered) or because their inner life makes them feel
miserable (I feel depressed). Then again somebody may be happy
with themselves internally (Yum, yum, I am eating a lovely cake) or
externally (What a beautiful day...). These four states are equivalent

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Chapter 6

to the four traditional temperaments : choleric, melancholic,

phlegmatic and sanguine. We can act in accordance with any of them
at differing times although we may have a disposition towards one
more than another in our way of thinking.
The way that we fill our minds with thoughts is generally seen as a
private affair. And in detail it is generally so. But the quality of
thought will show itself and be read rather clearly in the body where
although we keep our lips sealed the mind will speak: Your Body
Speaks its Mind. A smile can be translated into many ideas but a real
smile always shows a kind of pleasure and happiness. It may be a
welcoming smile (thought: I am happy to see you) or a tight, satisfied
smile (thought: there, I knew I would be right), an enigmatic smile (the
Mona Lisa and who can guess her thought?) or a quiet secret smile of
inner pleasure when we think of one we love. So too the mouth
betrays our grief and sorrow, it may be twisted into a snarl of rage or
contempt, it may pout or ponder: as our feelings and thoughts change
so too the lips form and reform into an expressive pattern. In time the
form of the habitual thought produces the form habitual to the mouth.
What is true for the mouth is true for the rest of the face. In the eyes
we read boredom, indifference, suspicion, detachment or deference.
They blaze with anger, sparkle with interest, gaze with longing, are
dull with fear. As the mind in fear is unsteady and hovers in
apprehension so the eyes wander and will not settle. In the nose or
chin we can read the thoughts too: why else do the proud look down
their noses and the willful stick out their chin. Again the body
responds to what is in the mind. Children are expert at learning this
body language and before the thought can form, the instinctive
responses interpret the signs and learn the vocabulary of this form of
speech, as we have already discussed.
Other parts of the body are as vocal in the declaration as the face. The
stiffness of the neck and back display the thoughts of pride and
self-esteem. The bombastic belly shows the urge to self-aggrandisement
and power. A bowed back shows one bent by burdens, carrying guilt,
grief, the cares of others or the load of responsibility. Hunched
shoulders and a compressed chest speak of fears and lack of
confidence. Those who suffer confusion in the mind display a
confusion in the body and as the thoughts go without balance and
direction like a chicken being chased so too the body shows arms and
legs that lack the coordination of a clear purpose. As a body-builder
has but the one thought of rippling muscle so we daily exercise and
perform to create the outward expression of our life. A mind that is
closed and patterned by obedience to a single thought shows as an
automaton that marches like a drill soldier; a mind that is watchful
and receptive demonstrates poise, balance and alertness... actively calm
and calmly active.
All of our life then speaks through our body and the way that we live.
A man tortured in body or mind carries the scars. A fakir with his
shrivelled arm held aloft demonstrates the result of fixed thought
forms held perpetually in place. Each body speaks its life. The patterns
of the past condition the way we act now - the karmic shells constrict

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Chapter 6

and channel our life force into a moulded course of activity. Like a
river that cuts and undercuts the bank as it meanders through the land
so our life force flows within the channel of our behaviour. Where we
meet soft shale or clay the river spreads and widens, where there is a
band of hard rock it rebounds into a tight rush of turbulence. When
the winter floods bring debris washing down from the upper reaches
the river may burst its banks and reform its channel. The old water
course may be left as stagnant pools; lakes and marshes may form
behind a dam. If we examine the landscape we will see that it is in a
state of change. It lives: it must change. That change displays structure,
process and stage. The structure is the pattern of the idea form and its
material; the process is the way that it now is being shaped, and the
stage denotes the extent to which it has moved within the process. A
river profile can be drawn that is like a life, the scenery like the
thought forms that surround us, the rain and sun like the gifts of life.
As the spring flows from the hillside, filled with water that fell upon
the mountain so through all the villages and towns the river of life
flows to come at last to unite with the sea.

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Chapter 7

Its not Where We Are its Where We Are At

This year, 1986, is the centenary of the birth of Edward Bach. One
hundred years ago on September 24th he was born at Moseley near
Birmingham in the heart of England. He lived a convenient 50 years
and died in the evening of November 27th 1936. Like many who lived
and worked in the first decades of this century he saw the great
upheaval of the western world and the revolutions of society. It is
customary to notice change by reference to aeroplanes and motor cars
and certainly during his life he saw the technological stirrings of the
20th century. As a young man before the Great War he must have seen
the first flights and may have shared the general enthusiasm for
innovation. He arrived in London just in time to see the last
horse-drawn omnibus and during the next 20 years (he lived in
London 1910-1930) he cannot but have noticed the effect of radio and
telephone upon the city institutions. We now witness the electronic
revolution and computerisation, it is another surge of change.
While Bach studied medicine and qualified as a medical doctor the
great landmarks of modern science were being mapped. In the first
discovery of radiation by Becquerel (a name we all have good reason
to remember) when Bach was 10 years old, the workings of modern
physics were implicit. And indeed some of the workings of modern
medicine. The ideas of 50 years ago become the reality of today. And
it is only to state the obvious to observe that the century since Bach
was born has seen the discovery and development of devices that have
radically changed the context of life for every one of us.
The changes in physical and social circumstances, however, are less
significant than the changes in ideas themselves. We see the outward
show of new design and can plot a sort of progress by the speed
records and space flights but they are less significant for life than the
changes in thought. Thought it is true can create those material forms
but the greatest alteration has come in relation to how we think about
ourselves. This has been born out of a slow change in the great
thought forms that control the psyche of mankind. These dictate that
in the cultures of different ages mankind has seen a differing reality:
the world view of the Greek being different to that of the Roman, the
medieval churchman seeing a different picture of the hierarchy of
being to the philosophers of the 18th century. Whilst there is debate as
to when we encountered the nadir in the great cycles of cosmic
thought it is generally agreed that we are now on the upswing and we
are moving progressively from the dark ages of materialism.
A signal of the changing consciousness of people in western society
during the last hundred years is the coming of the term psychological.

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Chapter 7

In the 1880s a few philosophers hinted at the workings of the subtle

mind. The Romantic Poets who wrote in terms of longing for the soul
guessed at the workings of the psyche. But most people knew only the
simple injunctions of religion . Few indeed saw anything beyond the
stability of a society based upon material wealth and the personal
power that derived from it. Today our outlook may still appear to be
materialistic but our world view has been enlarged in great measure.
Ideas only slowly become acceptable to the public consciousness. As
we have come to understand the subtlety of electricity so our
consciousness too has changed. If we were to walk now into the street
and ask what is psychology ? we can be sure that the vast majority
would understand the question and give a reasonable answer.
This shift in perception has now become universal. Rather as the
colonialists of the 19th century explored and occupied the physical
world so in the 20th century we have explored and colonised the
psychological world. The effects of this are apparent even in the comic
books of our children: the moral stories of missionaries in Africa have
given way to robot transformers in a world where not all is what it
seems. The moral struggle of good and evil now takes place within the
geography of our minds.
As we know the foundation stones of our modern understanding of
the mind were laid in Austria and Switzerland by Freud and Jung. It is
unfair to suggest that they were entirely original: Mesmer had worked
in Austria too a hundred years before but now everyone knows these
names and they are among the folk-heroes of modern thought. Yet
whether history is made by individuals is debatable and the event that
helped so many people into the recognition of the psyche was the First
World War. Again it was the poets who were first into the field
(Graves and Sassoon, for instance) but almost every household
encountered the effect of shock, mental trauma and fatigue and saw
the way their loved ones must deal with it. War was no longer the
noble pursuit of young braves but a horrific initiation into torments of
the mind. It was not a pointless slaughter, however: as the shells rained
down upon the trenches the karmic shells of a generation were
cracking open.
With the great changes that shook Western Europe in World War I
came the opportunity to look afresh at life patterns. It is true that in
some measure the karmic shells were carefully reassembled and glued
back together again so that the appearance of normality was resumed.
But as we know from history the flood of change was washing at the
steps of many of the grand monuments of authority. A simple
recognition of humanity began to replace the blind assumptions of
For some the shock of the war left them incapable. A new medical
term came to describe them as shell-shocked. Nothing much could be
done to help but observation concluded that when the mind was
strained beyond all bearable limits the body responded in peculiar and
unpredictable ways. There was the dawn of an idea that our mental
state affected our physical state. Like any idea it can be turned for

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Chapter 7

good or ill and from such a seed could grow the horrors of brain
washing and the basis for a new medicine.
Historians have suggested that a second world war was inevitable after
the way that the first was ended. Between the wars two great forces
seem to have been at work. The one was to file claims for justice and a
proper resolution to grievances (social problems and national
socialism) the other to persuade people to see humanity in a different
way. During these years many great teachers worked in the west trying
to change the consciousness (psychological outlook) of their followers.
Gurdjieff, Steiner, Annie Besant and the Theosophists for instance. As
grieving families tried to contact their dead loved ones spiritualism
grew popular: accounts of life beyond the grave were provided by A
soldier and other spirit guides.
These sort of influences changed the thinking of a generation; unseen
in many ways but none the less potent for that. Perhaps the most
significant teacher came to the west on the first passenger ship to leave
India after the war. It docked in New York in late September 1920.
Swami Yogananda brought a spiritual knowledge from the east that
might transform the consciousness of mankind the ancient creedless
teachings of Kriya Yoga .
At about this time many texts of oriental philosophy and religion
began to be available in new translation. First they were seen as being
of scholarly interest but gradually they dissolved like honey into the
warm water of our soul consciousness. They held a hope for the
future, a possibility that new ways of thought from ancient thought
might offer insight to the perplexity of western rationalism.
After the Second World War a generation were born to whom the
journey to the east, whether in book or in body was a strong
attraction. If a list of names can serve to remind us it is such as Jung, I
Ching, Lao Tzu, Herman Hesse and Tolkien who have shaped our
thoughts. The love generation, hippies, flower children et al are the
offspring of the spiritual renewal that took place in the years between
the wars. Even the interest in wholemeal food and a vegetarian diet
started then. We have been the inheritors of the aspirations and
thought forms of the grandfathers: ideas germinate for a generation
before they grow in force.
Instability in times of change produces diversity of thought: we are not
all sold on the notion of mysticism and for that we may be thankful.
But it is helpful to recognise that we work within the context of certain
thought forms. The products of scientific modernism (call it what you
will) are all too well known to enumerate. So the ideas that stand as
alternative in our society seem the more interesting. Of course what
value we place upon them is a matter for the individual to decide.
The advent of psychology , a science of the mind, has spawned a host
of areas of study that relate to our physical and mental states. As
science was once the total study of all matter and has now become a
number of specialisations so too has the study of the mind
proliferated. An instinct of our time seems to be this urge to divide

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things up into categories and parts so that we become immersed in

smaller and smaller details. By becoming special (specialisation) we
hope to find identity. But another form of thought suggests that a
whole being is greater than its assembled parts and that we cannot
hope to understand life if we dissect it and cut it into pieces.
As ordinary human beings (not specialists) what are we to make of this
matter? It appears that no sooner is something discovered than it
becomes another department of study to which we are not allowed
access, the doors being locked by jargon and scientific terminology.
The findings of the specialist are published as new knowledge which a
generation later we are expected somehow to understand as it is taught
to our children as scientific fact. The difficulty is that we have no
general formula for life to which we can refer matters. In times gone
by we might use religion but it is clear that science and religion have
moved to worlds apart.
No sooner had we come to accept the idea of the psyche than we had
to contend with differing opinion, competing schools of thought with
differing theories, claims and counter claims. It is difficult for anybody
who is not in the game (a specialist) to know what to make of it. In
fact, of course, what we try to do is to get on with our lives and ignore
it all. That is fine until something goes wrong. If our car breaks down
we go to a mechanic (specialist), if the television is on the blink we
have it repaired (specialist), if the body starts to judder we go to a
doctor (specialist), and if the mind begins to reel we seek out
psychiatry (a specialist). In all of this we act as consumers without an
informed view or point of access to what is under the bonnet or inside
the box.
It will be argued that it is difficult to keep relating back and forth from
the general to the particular. We must have the details apparently since
observation of the detail will provide the scientific facts for life. Each
time we find a new detail in some sub-sub-sub category of a science we
cannot hope to relate it to every other detailed fact and piece of
information. And if some new idea emerged from another specialist
how difficult it would be if that conflicted with the idea structure that
we have built in our own specialised world of study. Often we dont
want to look at changes in life for fear that they may demand that we
change too.
It has been suggested rather optimistically that western science is
nearing the end of the assembly of information. As if the world were
really a pile of material to be dug out and sifted through in order for
understanding to be achieved! But there is no end to the number of
thought forms and there is no end to the possibilities of life. This being
so because life is change and change provides new possibilities and
potential for life. Only when we stop looking at the details and look at
what supplies the details will we understand what we are seeing. Only
by perceiving the life force that fills the thought forms will we perceive
the process of life.
Essentially this process begs that we work with a different approach. It
is the mind that works with this assembly of facts, the ordered

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argument. But as we know, the argument too quickly runs into debate
and discussion; we cannot hold the centre of our thinking. The mind
totters without the ordered hierarchy of knowledge.
We must learn to think with our hearts.....The mind says that the heart
cannot think.....the heart laughs.....the mind says that sounds like
madness.....the heart is open to receive. The heart knows that all life is

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Chapter 8

The Need for a New

All of this would not be necessary if the other way was working. Quite
clearly it is not. This great diversity of ideas and thought forms, the
complexity of detail and the rival claims of different viewpoints leave
us bemused. But worse than that it leaves us adrift without map or
compass. In the days when science could justify itself by demonstrating
its successes we had the illusion of purpose but the fact is that things
are going wrong, badly wrong. A catalogue of this years disasters will
look mild set against the tragedy of what comes next. It is not going to
get better in that way. The signs are writ so large how can we avoid
reading them?
What we need is a new medicine. Not a wonder drug, not a surgical
implant nor a form of synthetic ego support. We need something that
will help us wake up to see what is going on, so that we may see life
for what it is. We need to regain our sense of discrimination so that we
may once again recognise what is harmful to life and what is of benefit
to life. We need something that will help us to understand what we are
so that we may simply live. We need something that Is not dependent
upon the specialist and fragmenting forces of intellectualism,
something that works with life as we know it. Something is needed
that will help us work with change for it is our inability to go with
change that drives us away from life. We need something that will
work with the life force within us to bring us to a healthy and happy
living. Something that will work in harmony with nature and bring
healing to the planet.

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Chapter 9

The Medical Discoveries

of Dr Bach
In February 1931 Dr Edward Bach had published his book Heal
Thyself. The title alone was a challenge to the establishment since his
invitation is to patients so that they may assist in their own healing.
In an earlier piece of writing he declared his intention to show how
each of us may become our own doctor. His medical discoveries or
rather his discoveries about life patterns and the states of being that
humans experience at this time do indeed offer just that: the
opportunity for each of us to become our own doctor and to heal
When we consider the complexity of scientific medicine and the
dangers of modern methods of treatment would we not be wiser to
leave matters of health to the experts? Well yes, if we are thinking of
using only such methods we would do well to leave them to those who
are trained to use them. But there are other ways to health. Dr Bach
was quite clear on this. Speaking to a group of homoeopaths at
Southport in 1931 he begins:
I come to you as a medical man: yet the medicine of which one
would speak is so far removed from the orthodox views of today,
that there will be little in this paper which savours of the consulting
room, nursing home or hospital ward as we know them at present.
or again in his book Free Thyself
Health is listening solely to the commands of our souls; in being
trustful as little children; in rejecting intellect (that knowledge of
good and evil); with its reasonings, its fors and againsts, its
anticipatory fears: ignoring convention, the trivial ideas and
commands of other people, so that we can pass through life
untouched, unharmed, free to serve our fellow-men.6
And further on in the same chapter:
Truth has no need to be analysed, argued about, or wrapped up in
many words. It is realised in a flash, it is part of you. It is only
about the unessential complicated things of life that we need so
much convincing, and that have led to the development of the
intellect. The things that count are simple, they are the ones that
make you say, why, that is true, I seem to have known that
always, and so is the realisation of the happiness that comes to us
when we are in harmony with our spiritual self, and the closer the
union the more intense the joy.

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Bach did not dwell upon the issue of his disagreement with
contemporary medicine but we know for sure that his ideas had led
him far away from the authoritarian outlook of science and the
authority of specialists. Rather he wanted each of us to take
responsibility for our life and for our health and happiness.
It would be some time before people understood what he was trying to
convey, that he knew. So he spoke to the future:
The prognosis of disease will no longer depend on physical signs
and symptoms, but on the ability of the patient to correct his fault
and harmonise himself with his Spiritual Life.
And speaking of the future for medicine he said:
The patient of tomorrow must understand that he, and he alone,
can bring himself relief from suffering, though he may obtain
advice and help from an elder brother who will assist him in his
Lest we think that only medically trained people can be such an elder
brother he points out:
We are all healers, and with love and sympathy in our natures we
are also able to help anyone who really desires health. Seek for the
outstanding mental conflict in the patient, give him the remedy that
will assist him to overcome that particular fault, and all the
encouragement and hope you can, then the healing virtue within
him will of itself do all the rest.
By this mention of mental conflict we come upon the essential message
of Dr Bachs work - that it is mental conflict that causes illness. We
might equally say it is the emotional state or the mental state: it
doesnt help to bicker over words for the essential truth of this is to be
perceived by the heart and not by the intellect. We can also see from
this last quotation that Bach recognised an inherent healing virtue
that could act within each of us: what we have termed the life force.
All of this, however, shows what came towards the end of Bachs life
when he had fashioned the ideas upon which he was to base his new
medicine. It is interesting to see how he came to this position where he
declared that we must forget the intellectual approach, break free from
orthodox ways of working and return to the simplicity of little
children. For that we must look back over his life and observe the
influences that shaped his ideas.
As a boy Edward Bach was apparently careful and imaginative while
being very determined and strong in character. He took great care of
his younger sister and was altogether very caring for the weak and
those in need. He no doubt saw medicine as a caring profession and
determined to become a doctor. He also had a great love for the
natural world and the countryside, he was fond of long solitary walks
and had a passion for fresh air (he even removed his bedroom window
so that it might not become shut!). Strange then that at 16 he left

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school and went to work in his fathers factory: a brass foundry in

For 3 years he was employed in the family business (1903-1906). We
may suppose that he learned much. An engineering firm works with
strong elemental forces; forging, casting and machining metal has its
own poetry and truth. In the furnace of our hearts we forge the cast of
our character. A brass foundry is no bad place to see passion fire the
cold metal of inherited forms so that they may be melted down and
cast into a new shape. Bach witnessed materials changing state, an
experience that he was unlikely to forget. But while this and the many
other subtle influences of working with people may have formed his
character we can see how Bach needed to break free from the
assumptions that family karma had put upon him.
It was three years before Edward had finished with his fathers
business. Ostensibly he worked in the factory because he felt a request
for money to train as a doctor would be difficult. Whether we call this
pattern false modesty, pride, fear, lack of confidence or indecision is of
no consequence - he clearly needed time to grow to be his own man.
Family obligations hold many people in the shell of inappropriate
behaviour throughout their life. That this issue was important to Bach
we can have no doubt for he continually refers to the need to give
other people the freedom to choose their course in life:
We must earnestly learn to develop individuality according to the
dictates of our own Soul, to fear no man and to see that no one
interferes with, or dissuades us from, the development of our
Think of the armies of men and women who have been prevented
from doing perhaps some great and useful work for humanity
because their personality had been captured by some one individual
from whom they had not the courage to win freedom; the children
who in their early days know and desire their ordained calling, and
yet from difficulties of circumstance, dissuasion by others and
weakness of purpose glide into some other branch of life, where
they are neither happy nor able to develop their evolution as they
might otherwise have done...12
Thus the child should have no restrictions, no obligations and no
parental hindrances, knowing that parenthood had previously been
bestowed on his father and mother and that it may be his duty to
perform the same office for another.
Parents should be particularly on guard against any desire to mould
the young personality according to their own ideas or, wishes, and
should refrain from any undue control or demand for favours in
return for their natural duty and divine privilege of being the means
of helping a soul to contact the world. Any desire for control, or
wish to shape the young life for personal motives, is a terrible form
of greed and should never be countenanced, for if in the young
father or mother it takes root it will in later years lead them to be
veritable vampires...

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The gaining of freedom, the winning of our individuality and

independence, will in most cases call for much courage and faith.
He could not tell us more plainly: he is speaking out of personal
experience. If it was the idea of the expense that held him back from
training as a doctor we can easily understand the problem. He was the
eldest son, however, and one suspects that was closer to the heart of
the difficulty. But Bach was not a man to be held in the thrall of an
idea, especially an idea that was preventing him from achieving what
he wanted to do. He made his way to medical school and after many
years of study (in 1912) he was qualified - well, he was M.R.C.S.,
L.R.C.P., M.B., B. S., and D.P.H. It had taken eight years. He was
constantly under pressure of work as he had insufficient financial
support and was obliged to earn his living as well as work and study.
It cost a lot to qualify - it nearly cost him his life.
In 1913 Dr Bach was appointed Casualty House Surgeon at the
National Temperance Hospital. He was 27 years old. As a boy his
health had been a matter for concern and now he had to give up his
post after only a few months owing to illness. As house surgeon he
would have been on call day and night working under great pressure
where life was often at stake in the casualty department. It may have
been exciting but it was also certainly exhausting and nerve-wracking.
He could not sustain it. Nora Weeks, who perhaps knew Bach better
than anyone, comments in her biography that he had little use for
accepted theories which he had not tested and proved for himself.
Bach had seen how surgery worked and knew first hand what it was
capable of and also its limitations. To many he was in the top rank of
his profession where reputation and fame were found but he could not
continue. Perhaps surgery did not come easily to him and he was later
to eschew even the use of hypodermic needles in the treatment of
illness. However it may have been, this was a turning point in the
outward progress of Bachs career in medicine.
When he recovered from his breakdown in health he set up in
practice in Harley Street. Having gone along the path of working in an
institutional set-up (hospital) he tried the same medical principles
when applied from his own consulting room. It was not much better.
He still found orthodox medicine failed to give sufficient lasting
benefit to his patients. Bach was not a person to sit back and wait for
answers: when one avenue was explored and found to be a blind lead
he started upon the next. Looking at contemporary medical research
he thought he might find better results and a more sympathetic
methodology in the Immunity School. In bacteriological research many
interesting discoveries had been made since the pioneering work of
Pasteur and Koch. It was a form of research that was demanding in
terms of time and experimentation. But it was in the forefront of
medicine and offered new possibilities to Bach.
He took up a post as Assistant Bacteriologist at University College
Hospital, London. While he continued in practice he began research.
Basically he searched the body tissues and blood of people both
healthy and sick to find what bacteria characterised their condition. At
its most basic bacteriology searches for the physical organism that

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causes illness (germ theory). Bach was later to declare that such
findings were merely results of illness not the cause. But at this stage it
was a more subtle and delicate form of medicine than the use of
surgery and was the next step upon his path of realisation.
This was a time of great intensity in Bachs life. At the outset of the
World War he had tried to enlist but was considered unfit for service.
Bach was disappointed. As for us we might afford a smile for had he
been stronger physically he could well have died in Flanders. Instead
he tended the wounded in the hospital and was in charge of over 400
war beds. He also took on more work in the medical school as
Demonstrator and Clinical Assistant. He worked and worked. In his
researches he came upon a form of intestinal bacteria that were found
to be more plentiful in the gut of the chronically ill. He was to prepare
a vaccine from these and begin a new form of treatment for such
things as arthritis and rheumatism. The results were encouraging.
Yet in all this he cannot have been happy. We can judge our health
by our happiness, and by our happiness we can know that we are
obeying the dictates of our souls16 he was to write later. Whatever
else was happening in his life at this time he was personally in crisis. In
July 1917 he began to bleed and fell unconscious. He had cancer.
Many speculations might now be made. But we do not know many of
the facts of what was taking place at this time. What of Bachs family,
his love-life, his mental state? We do not know what pressures he was
working under. War was ravaging Europe and he had been very
anxious to fight. Was he finding that his assumptions were being
beaten about by reality? It is more likely that this illness was rooted in
his personal life. Bachs ideas were forged in the reality of his own
experience and later he wrote that:
Disease is the result of wrong thinking and wrong doing, and ceases
when the act and thought are put in order. When the lesson of pain
and suffering and distress is learnt, there is no further purpos i its
presence, and it automatically disappears.17
Bach was told that he had no more than 3 months to live. He was
given surgery and no hope. What actually happened next we do not
know. Again there is the temptation to speculate. He went back to his
work with renewed vigour we are told, and as he toiled at it he found
that the deadline was passed. But he was working like this before and
he had developed the cancer. So work alone would not explain his
recovery. Something fundamental must have changed for him during
this time. Some new beginning. Some shell of constriction, some
mental state that had enslaved him must have given way so that he
was able to revivify his body and walk out from the shadow of death.
There was some kind of healing.
It is significant that Bach should have met with this difficulty - he now
knew from personal experience what it was to be terminally ill and
what it was to regain health. He could now speak with the authority
of reality, with the knowledge of one who has been there. He was no
mere theorist. So he could write:

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In true healing there is no thought whatever of the disease: it is the

mental state, the mental difficulty alone, to be considered: it is
where we are going wrong in the Divine Plan that matters.18
The sense of Divine Plan must have begun to figure strongly for Bach
at about this time. He was a Freemason and strongly committed to the
Masonic philosophy and inner teachings. What may his teachers have
shown him at this time? Was this the moment when he struck out for
freedom that he had previously failed to find? We cannot tell. But
again we find in his later writings he speaks quite emphatically on such
Disease of the body, as we know it, is a result, an end product, a
final stage of something much deeper. Disease originates above the
physical plane, nearer to the mental. It is entirely the result of a
conflict between our spiritual and mortal selves. So long as these
two are in harmony, we are in perfect health: but when there is
discord, there follows what we know as disease.
Disease is solely and purely corrective: it is neither vindictive nor
cruel: but it is the means adopted by our own Souls to point out to
us our faults: to prevent our making greater errors to hinder us
from doing more harm and to bring us back to that path of Truth
and Light from which we should never have strayed.
Disease is, in reality, for our good, and is beneficent, though we
should avoid it if we had but the correct understanding, combined
with the desire to do right.
If we dwell upon this issue it is not in order to question Bachs
greatness as a man or the genius of his medical discoveries. It is rather
to illustrate how exactly he knew what he was talking about. It is too
easy for one who has never had such troubles to tell others how to be
free of them. But the realities of common human experience are always
At this time too Bachs problems were not merely concerned with his
research work and his own health. His first wife, Gwendoline, whom
he had married early in 1913, died from diphtheria in April 1917. He
remarried in the following month and his illness appeared in July
though we may suppose that it had been developing for some time. It
is not really very important that we know exactly what was happening
at this time. Bachs married life was and can remain a personal matter.
What is important is to recognise the emotional pressure that he was
experiencing and that he was not merely a medical bystander
witnessing the life difficulties of other people.
Bach continued his work as he was convalescing from the operation
but in fact he was parting company with conventional bacteriological
research. In the spring of 1919 he joined the staff of the London
Homoeopathic Hospital. He became involved with a yet more subtle
approach to medicine and through his reading of the work of
Hahnemann began to see new prospects for reaching to a level of
treatment that might truly relate to the causes of disease not merely

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deal with the effects. He was looking for something we may be sure
but it was not going to be found in conventional science:
The science of the last two thousand years has regarded disease as a
material factor which can be eliminated by material means: such, of
course, is entirely wrong.
At this time one suspects that Bachs reading and thinking widened to
take in things other than medical research. He had a strong interest in
the traditions of the east and like many others in the years between the
wars he learned from ancient thought a new way to approach the
problems of his day. This is certainly evident in the ideas that he puts
forward though he is discreet in referring to our western religious
teachings and the example of Christianity. His own words, however,
evidence his real interest:
But the times are changing, and the indications are many that this
civilisation has begun to pass from the age of pure materialism to a
desire for the realities and truths of the universe. The general and
rapidly increasing interest exhibited to-day for knowledge of
superphysical truths, the growing number of those who are desiring
information on existence before and after this life, the founding of
methods to conquer disease by faith and spiritual means, the quest
after the ancient teachings and wisdom of the East - all these are
signs that people of the present time have glimpsed the reality of
It is often noticed that Bachs thinking is very modern and we may feel
that those words have an expression that is more contemporary to our
time than his. Bach was working for the future. It might be argued that
the ways of technology carried the future, then and now, but
ultimately we will come to see that truth is simple and that there is
simplicity in truth. At a certain level everything is complex and the
more we see the more complex it becomes. But beyond all the
complexity there are the simple truths of the heart, the simple truths of
life. It was these simple truths that Bach was seeking.
Ten years of research and application in bacteriology and
homoeopathy ended one day when he closed his laboratory, his clinic
and his consulting rooms and left London for good. It was a drastic
change and left his friends and colleagues amazed. He had made such
advances in his work apparently, he was a famous and respected man,
he had money, status and reputation. All the things that people set in
conventional life patterns would wish for. And he threw them all over.
What kind of reason might he give for the decision?
Be captains of your Souls, be masters of your fate (which means let
yourselves be ruled and guided entirely, without let or hindrance
from person or circumstance, by the Divinity within you, ever living
in accordance with the laws of, and answerable only to the God
Who gave you your life.
It is strong stuff. We might ask - did he live by it himself? The answer
must be yes. Bach was a man of vision, guided by a vision and

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everything he encountered was measured against it in a search for

what would answer his need. If he chose to call that living according
to the guidance of the Divinity within you he is just trying to keep it
simple. He is using the word imagery of his time and the traditions
that he knew and loved. We may choose our own.
The guidance that he received in his work had led him to try many
different things. He had progressed through conventional medicine
from surgery, to bacteriology, he had worked in homoeopathy and
looked at many of the novelties of his day like X-rays and even
Abrams Black Box. He had researched into diet and its effect upon
cancer treatment. But in every case he turned to look forward to new
possibilities. Guidance does not necessarily mean that we are taken by
the hand and led directly to the realisation. Rather we search through
the opportunities that life offers and find always a deeper
understanding that will lead to realisation.
For some people homoeopathy is the realisation of the search, the end
of the road. It is said that could we but understand it homoeopathy
has a remedy for everything -every problem has its pattern; we have
only to recognise it, potentise it (prepare it by homoeopathic
principles) to the right degree and as like cures like all will be well.
Bach studied homoeopathy and used homoeopathic techniques in the
preparation of some of his early medicines but he was to search
further. Why? His writings answer us clearly:
It is obviously fundamentally wrong to say that like cures like.
Hahnemann had a conception of the truth right enough, but expressed
it incompletely. Like may strengthen like, like may repel like, but in
the true healing sense like cannot cure like...
Do not think for one moment that one is detracting from
Hahnemann s work, on the contrary, he pointed out the great
fundamental laws, the basis.. we are merely advancing his work,
and carrying it to the next natural stage.
Bach greatly admired Hahnemann s work and followed his intimation
that we should look to the personality of the patient rather than the
disease. At first, too, Bach followed with the principles of potentising
from the material of the substance that characterised the illness: he
followed Hahnemann in that he reversed the action of the damaging
bacteria by giving them back to the patient in potentised form. But he
was to come to see this as fundamentally inappropriate. After all, at
what point does the poison become a healing agent? If it is a matter of
reversing the action then it would be better to start with the substance
that was already the true antidote to the problem. Bach explains the
matter like this:
And if we follow on this line of thought, the first great realisation
which comes upon us is the truth that it is disease itself which is
like curing like: because disease is the result of wrong activity... it
is the very disease itself which hinders and prevents our carrying
our wrong action too far and at the same time, is a lesson to teach

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us to correct our ways, and harmonise our lives with the dictates of
our Soul...
Another glorious view then opens out before us, and here we see
that true healing can be obtained, not by wrong repelling wrong,
but by right replacing wrong: good replacing evil: light replacing
Here we come to the understanding that we no longer fight disease
with disease: no longer oppose illness with the products of illness:
no longer attempt to drive out maladies with such substances that
can cause them: but, on the contrary, to bring down the opposing
virtue which will eliminate the fault...
True, hate may be conquered by greater hate, but it can only be
cured by love: cruelty may be prevented by a greater cruelty, but
only eliminated when the qualities of sympathy and pity have
developed: one fear may be lost and forgotten in the presence of a
greater fear, but the real cure of all fear is perfect courage.
Taking his instruction from the natural world Bach saw that
homoeopathic action was not the way of nature. Darkness is replaced
by the light of the sun not by any form of darkness; dryness is
refreshed by rain not by any form of drought.
Although homoeopathy has its greatness Bach was guided to the
possibility of healing more directly. For this he was to search in nature
for the plant forms that held a clear pattern that is the positive
antidote to the negative pattern. He had drawn inspiration from the
homoeopathic school and his later work was not running counter to
homoeopathy. As he put it he wanted only to walk a little further
along the road, as indeed we may now be called upon to do.
So Bach left London and began a new life one might say. He had
completed his theoretical research and from now onwards in his
remaining years of life he was to put into practice the ideas that he had
formulated. The shift that took place at this time is more than the
assembly of dates. But dates help to put it into perspective:

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Chapter 9


Shift from potentising bacteria to the discovery of first

herbal equivalents.
Search for suitable plants.
Realisation that psychological types existed and that they
influenced illness.
Finding Mimulus, Impatiens and Clematis in September.
Outlines his thoughts to British Homoeopathic Society in


Continues in practice but uses new remedies.


Leaves London in May for Bettws-y-coed, Wales.

Discovery of the sun method of potentising. Goes to
Cromer in Norfolk.
Writing Heal Thyself and other material published in
Homoeopathic World.
Finding of next six remedies.
Putting the Bach Flower Remedies to work.


Travels through England and Wales searching for plants.


Writes Free Thyself an account of the first 12 remedies

Twelve Healers & Other Remedies (1933).

In his search for this new medicine Bach gave up everything he had
worked for as a medical doctor. He returned to the instinct of his
childhood and roamed the countryside. As a boy of 10 or 12 he had
spent whole days walking alone; now a man in his forties he returned
to his source. We say he searched for and found the remedies by
intuition, often without a realisation of what that means. Bach was
clear on the matter: what is called intuition is nothing more or less
than being natural and following your own desire absolutely. For
him it was like being a happy child left to live without interference and
not interfering, free to be simply alive. Intuition functions
automatically when we are in a balanced and harmonious state within
ourselves and in relation to our surroundings.

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Ye Suffer From Yourselves, Dr Edward Bach; 1931, p. 1 [See Vlamis ibid p. 117

ibid p. 7

ibid pp.7-8

ibid p.8

ibid p.9

Free Thyself: opcit p. 25


Heal Thyself: opcit p. 25


Endnote Text


ibid p.25


ibid p.26


ibid p.28-9


Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach, Physician, Nora Weeks; C.W.Daniel Co.;

1973, p. 17


Free Thyself: opcit p. 7


Ye Suffer from Yourselves: opcit p. 3


Free Thyself: opcit p.24


Ye Suffer from Yourselves opcit p. 5




Heal Thyself: opcit p.7


Ye Suffer from Yourselves: opit p.14


ibid p.4


ibid p.2 ff

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A Bridge to Life

It is impossible to put truth into words , says Bach and perhaps

that is why he whittled his writings down to the minimum. People who
have a familiarity with them will know of their simplicity. Yet they are
still fraught with structured ideas of Soul and Divinity Bach sought for
words to describe the simple truth he had perceived in his being while
ultimately the only witness we can have to the truth is to be there in it
ourselves. For that we must stay in being without thought or
judgement seeing life simply for what it is.
Of course it is not easy. We want answers, we want structures. If this
bridge is to be built it must have foundations of reason and purpose,
the building blocks of meaning and the clear span of intellect. Oh? But
they bring tension, worry, anxiety and uncertainty. Such fixed forms
create stricture and control. Already I begin to doubt my existence, to
doubt my being It is like it is like a tight-rope walker balancing high
but beginning to falter when he looks down, it is fear and doubt that
assail him as his foot slips Such are the difficulties of the mind
We should walk, as Bach did, into the fields and then look again.
There we may see that life IS. Do you see the shift, from inside the
head and out into the free spaces of being? In the field the grass waits
patiently in service sheltering the earth and its inhabitants, thistles
blow their seed, trees endure the spaces while the crows rattle noisily
above the heads of the sheep. All are just being We may be struggling
to understand in the noise of our thoughts until we stop and look
outward. Then we may receive the gentle perception of being. Truly
the half of our problem is that we try too hard. For understanding is
just Being:
Consider the lilies, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I
tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of
God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding beyond measure and
largeness of mind like the sand on the seashore and he spoke of
trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out
of the wall... He spoke of the natural world and his words were wise.
But there is greater wisdom yet in nature itself. There we may perceive
our being, not merely hear of it reflected in proverbs and fine
teachings. Knowledge is available to everyone of us through the
perception of our being. To know what this is we must do it, not think
about it. And when we know this we will see the simplicity of it all.
It is the mind that always returns to theories. The heart works in
practice. There is a gentleness like soft rain in this truth. And if we
doubt its relevance to Bachs work consider: why else did he spend so
much time out in the countryside walking, watching, observing and

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Chapter 10

being? He had travelled as far as he might in the realms of theoretical

medicine and he then went to contact the only one great healer in this
Of course he still had questions. We still have questions. But we know
where they must be addressed. That, as we suggested earlier, is the
riddle of nature. They will be answered by intuition: which is nothing
more than being natural.
If we wish to cross this bridge and so to cross the gulf of the unknown
we need two buttresses to support our plank. They are clear enough.
One is self-knowledge, the other a knowledge of nature. One comes
with the other, they are not to be seen separately. To put it more
simply we need to know what is life. Understand that and we will see
well enough how
Bach saw it. Bach tells us this in so many words when he speaks of the
education that will be needed by the physician of the future. And let us
remember that he said that we are all healers, all able to help ourselves
and others - so the education of the physician is the education that we
all need:
The education of the physician will be a deep study of human
nature; a great realisation of the pure and perfect: and
understanding of the Divine state of man... He will also have to
study Nature and Natures Laws: be conversant with Her healing
The study of human nature is no great matter, we can study ourselves.
And we have ample textbooks in the material that Bach gave us. A
study of the 38 mental states that Bach describes in The Twelve
Healers & Other Remedies will provide us with a complete picture of
the dispositions of our nature. That is why he drew up the list! He
observed the variety of psychological states and found that they
derived from these 38 conditions of outlook upon life. These
negative traits like anxiety, frustration or guilt determine the way that
we look from inside of ourselves at the outside world. If we can see
and understand the viewpoint or disposition from which we look out
upon life we will understand why it is that we have a distorted
perception of what life is. Could we but harmonise and balance the
outlook through self-realization and self-knowledge we would not see
outwardly anything but the simple truth of what life is. Knowing that,
we would know ourselves to be one with it in the unity of life. No
more conflict, no more difficulty. Simply being.
The other way around is equally appropriate: we may either feel
discomforted with the outer world or with the inner. If we look at
nature and see it for what it is, recognising the profound truth and
simplicity that is written in every part of the natural world then we
would reflect back into ourselves that truth and could not fail to be
happy. What we see outside is a reflection of what we are. What we
are is a reflection of what we perceive life to be.

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Chapter 10

To see a World in a grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.
Bach puts it a little differently from Blake. For Bach the idea is put into
a word rather than an image but the message is identical:
The development of Love brings us to the realisation of Unity, of
the truth that one and all of us are the One Great Creation.
The cause of all our troubles is self and separateness, and this
vanishes as soon as Love and the knowledge of the great Unity
becomes part of our natures. The Universe is God rendered
objective; at its birth it is God reborn; at its close it is God more
highly evolved. So with man; his body is himself externalised, an
objective manifestation of his internal nature; he is the expression
of himself, the materialisation of the qualities of his consciousness.
If we could develop this love (heart rather than head) and realise this
sense of unity (simply being) we would come to recognise how it is.
We would become one with life and understand the nature of life and
that we are one with it because it is one with us. Then whatever we
looked at (outside) we would recognise as part of ourselves (inside).
and then we would understand that whatever we experience inside has
its equivalent outside. We are no longer stuck with the problem of me
and my life because it is all ours and part of the unity.
Returning to Dr Bach and bridge building it may be clear now that he
discovered his flower remedies because he allowed the nature of the
plant to be one with his nature. He also allowed his nature to find its
true equivalent in the plant. Once we stop putting up barriers and
shells of separation it is most likely that like will go to like and that we
will find what we are looking for. Much of this is so simple that it
hardly needs to be said. Why, we know that certain people like certain
colours and are naturally attracted to them. Others are drawn to a
place they feel related to, or to eat food that will help them. Children
know it: they even play the game Whats your favourite colour, whats
your favourite flower...?
If we could retain the simplicity of children we would know
instinctively what would make us happy. We still do know it as adults
and may think of it as unconscious preference or an intuitive
prompting although it is no more than our selves saying that is what
I really want. But we have grown away from our simplicity and our
intuitive faculty of being natural and following our own desire
absolutely. We have forgotten the simple joy of living and the
happiness that comes from the heart. Rather do we stand on one bank
of the river looking with envy and dissatisfaction at this world. Or,
looking across the water we gaze with longing to a place where the sun
shines but we feel unable to go. The river runs in our land, both banks
are of this world but, yes, we need a bridge.


Free Thyself: opcit, Introduction


Ye Suffer from Yourselves- opcit p.8


Heal Thyself, opcit pp. 55-56

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Chapter 11

Healing Herbs
We are told that there was an occasion in 1928 when Dr Bach had
first insight into the way that his work might develop. He had long felt
that underlying an illness was the mental outlook of the patient but
until this time he had not recognised that the mental state might be
classified and formally described. Then one night this famous dinner...
was it, one wonders, a Masonic occasion? As Nora Weeks describes
it we know it changed the course of Bach's work. His thought for the
seven bacterial nosodes which characterised seven personality types
was reformed so that the grouping would be made not according to
the physical landmarks (bacteria types) but the emotional and mental
states. A new landscape was to open before him where the manner,
mood and mentality of the person were to be seen as the points of
reference, not the illness or products of illness.
It was several years before Bach was to declare that he had completed
his surveying in this new land. He began at once, however, to put his
new ideas to work (never one to hang about) and it was later that
same year that he found the first three of the 38 plants that are now so
strongly associated with his name. He continued to work with the
bacterial medicines meanwhile: his scientific training restrained any
Imagine now his state of mind. He has seen something but as yet does
not know what it really is. He knew that he had to follow where it led
but this was quite outside the realms of previous research. It was as if
he had seen a sketch of a new land but had now actually to draw the
maps and plot the landscape. Once more he is starting out afresh and
as before he is searching for a more refined system of medicine. Now,
however, the laboratory bench must go. No more test-tubes and germ
culture dishes. From now on the experiment and the experimenter are
one and the same. He became the technician and he became the lab.
He has before him the conviction that a new healing agent can be
found in the trees and plants of nature and that it must be for the
psychological state of human experience not the physical. For the first
he went to walk in the fields and for the second he took himself.
The first remedies Bach found were actually seen as equivalents to his
bacterial types. He prepared them as he had his vaccines. Later they
stayed in his repertory although they were prepared differently. The
plants were Mimulus and Impatiens. These would now be seen as
descriptive of two differing states: fear of known things and
irritability. If the thought is correct that Bach discovered these healing
herbs by relating them to the state of his own psyche then we should
expect these two flowers to speak of his type. Do they? We can only
guess now. But Bach certainly spoke of his own impatience and it is
supposed that he was an Impatiens type. And the Mimulus? Perhaps
he is not so likely as a candidate for fear, at least not when we read the

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Chapter 11

description as it came to be in The Twelve Healers. But this

description was refined and altered over a period and if we look at the
earlier description in Free Thyself then we get clues:
Are you one of those who are afraid; afraid of people or of
circumstances: who go bravely on and yet your life is robbed of joy
through fear; fear of those things that never happen; fear of people
who really have no power over you; fear of to-morrow and what it
may bring; fear of being ill or of losing friends; fear of convention; fear
of a hundred things?
Do you wish to make a stand for your freedom, and yet have not the
courage to break away from your bonds; if so Mimulus, found
growing on the sides of the crystal streams, will set you free to love
your life, and teach you to have the tenderest sympathy for others,
This description from 1932 reveals just the negative state of mind that
might have held him back from his purpose. If he was thinking of
leaving London and giving up his old work what would people think
of him, how will he survive, what if he gets ill again and the cancer
returns, what will happen to the well-respected Dr Bach? We know
now that all would be well but he may have been anxious at the time.
Mimulus would have helped him, no doubt. No true researcher would
not first test his medicine upon himself and doubtless Bach took the
Mimulus. It gave him a quiet courage, control and emotional stability
so that he directed his purpose to the future work that he was to do.
How beautiful - the first remedy he finds is the one that will give him
freedom and help him to find the rest. And the Impatiens? Bach was
coming to self-knowledge.
Still the question might be there: how did he find these plants and
know that they were the ones to use? If he had watched others at this
dinner and seen that they had characteristic types he must have turned
the question upon himself. He was watching closely at this time in
order to find and evaluate the psychological types. He must have
considered his own behaviour as part of that. Then, knowing that he
was looking for a flower that was equivalent to that state he had
simply to look. First he allowed himself to be drawn by intuition (go
where you will), then by attraction he would have seen what he
This process is in fact a commonplace experience in other contexts.
We do it with food by selecting from the market or menu, with clothes
when we spot a garment that is just right or with gifts when we match
the person to the present. Quite simply we carry an image of what we
seek (we bear it in mind, have a picture of what we want) and go on
matching it against what is available. When we see something we
think, yes, that's quite like it or that's it exactly. We match image to
For Bach the matching game started with the search for a flower that
would bring a gentle, forgiving feeling to the sense of tension and
impatience. To understand properly why this plant has such a feeling
we need to look at the flower, just as he did. If we do so the true

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Chapter 11

observations that we make of its image and quality are not really
described in words. Bach was looking at the subtle form rather than
the physical plant. Nevertheless we can observe certain things. Its
growth is prolific and fast, it tends to colonise a particular area, amidst
the dark foliage the flowers hang as small bursts of colour, delicate
and mobile and in seed the pods explode to scatter their contents; all
of which has a relationship to the remedy type.
The poet Blake describes the beginning of the more subtle perception
when he declares that a plant was outwardly a thistle but "inwardly
'twas an old man grey" (curiously Bach at one time was to think of
Sow Thistle as one of the remedies but later abandoned it). Many such
ideas are part of our popular folklore. Willows are gnarled and
twisted, vengeful and not to be trusted and, as boys should know, are
not safe to be climbed. Quite different the Oak, renowned for its
stalwart strength, its dependability, the English emblem. Yet while
they are strong the oak trees can rot from within and one day fall
unexpectedly. Again with Gorse we know that when it's in flower it's
kissing time - it's always in flower, it's always kissing time! Just so
with hope it is eternal and ever present. A plant like Wild Rose has
had a long association with man and in those sad places where
tumbled walls mark an old dwelling place wild roses are often found
marking the spot where human efforts have turned to resignation.
The physical sight of the plant, however, is different to the
metaphysical insight. To understand the nature of a particular flower
we must spend time with it, allow its quality to spread into us and fill
our being. By merging the inner and outer, realising the unity of things
and opening ourselves to the flower we will know it. If, for instance,
we stand with our back to an oak tree and allow it to speak to us it
tells clearly of its being. It says: "I endure". Through wind and storm,
through time and season, with patient purpose and constancy this tree
endures. That is its thought.
Going into the place where we may realise that, however, is not always
helpful. So a word of warning. If we try this we may find that it is not
altogether a healthy experience. In such situations it is possible to lose
contact with ourselves, lose contact with the body and our ordinary
experience of reality. There is little doubt but that Bach found this to
be so. How do we know? Because the third remedy that he found was
Clematis which helps those who 'go off' in this way. It helped him to
remain earthed and in conscious reality at a time when his mind must
have been rather considerably disassociated. Going out into the unity
of life is a fine thing but we must be quite sure that we have got
ourselves properly prepared for such a journey.
It is not chance then that led Bach to find these first three flower
remedies in 1928. Rather they were the ones that he needed to find,
for himself. At this date he prepared them in a way that was less
potent than his later techniques but the healing force of the plant was
still present and still of the same kind. When Bach had found these
three remedies he used them in his London practice. During 1929 he
tested them on patients and found that they worked effectively. It is
interesting to note that these remedies required no experimental testing

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Chapter 11

on guinea pigs since they were in no way toxic. Towards the end of the
year he decided to give up using the bacterial vaccines. He now
concentrated his efforts on developing his new system of medicine.
Two processes appear to work concurrently for Bach at this time. In
one case he is examining and observing the quality of different plants,
in the other he is developing his observation of the human states that
will become the 'pictures' for the new remedies. We know that he
began by looking for twelve remedies for twelve different states and
these were to become the original Twelve Healers as they are listed in
Free Thyself. In this booklet he lists the twelve great qualities that are
characteristic of perfection as we see it in the 'Great Masters'. He
suggests that these have each a negative condition, the antipathy of the
condition that we need to find for the fulfilment of our life purpose on
earth. In life we find that; the negative state may lead to illness because
we are failing to learn the essential lesson of our existence: thus he
reasons that it is negative emotional and mental states that cause
These original remedies were all kept when Bach extended the
repertory in later years although the key words were slightly modified.
The table that he gives in Free Thyself has a strong sense of order in
it. Here is the feeling of a theory that is going to be amplified. It is like
a map with broad delineations: mountains in the north, river and
forest in the south: a picture map without the details of contours.


































Rock Rose



Water Violet


No doubt Bach liked the harmony of numbers and 12 has a great

many associations that reinforce it. Although the first twelve have a
sort of cardinal quality to them, they are the primary states, the most

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Chapter 11

characteristic types, they do not really cover the full range of human
Bach saw these first twelve as sort of archetypal qualities -Virtues as he
calls them. We all need to develop the positive attribute of each of
them in ourselves through life on earth, "possibly concentrating upon
one or two at a time". For this reason they are sometimes seen as
being the type remedies* by which it is meant the twelve essential
types of human experience. [The idea has been pointed out by Nickie
Murray of the Bach Centre that these are primary states that will be
found more readily before our personality is overlaid by difficulty
Because we play games and confuse our simple outlook in life with
complexity it is sometimes necessary to look for more subtle states, but
the primary 12 remain as the essential types of psychological outlook.
The later remedies then appear to derive from these essentials. We are
likely to find them more apparent in children, animals or plants.]
Somehow this idea corresponds with the neatness of his earlier
researches. He maps out a theory and then finds the material to fit it.
Although Bach put wonderful and heroic life effort into finding these
twelve there is the feeling that the work was relatively pedestrian at
this stage when it is compared to the last three years of his life when he
was swept away by a force like a tornado of discovery.
A word that is often associated with Bach's research and his discovery
of the remedies is suffering. This has come about because his finding of
the later remedies, the Seven Helpers and then the second nineteen,
was attended by a deterioration of his physical health. He used his
body as a laboratory and it was damaged by the experience. But it is
not helpful to explain his discoveries as the result of suffering. An
alternative view would be like this. Bach developed the schema that
would show him the first twelve remedies. He recognised in himself
the nature of each of these personality types, worked with it, amplified
it perhaps and then sought the appropriate flower. Later he came to
see that something would be needed for people who had grown
beyond the simple 'type remedy' and who were controlled and
imprisoned in a state of mind that had no prospect for release. But of
these states he had as yet no personal knowledge; he was not bound up
in them himself. He began easily enough with Gorse, Oak, Heather
and Rock water. In each case he was able to develop the picture of
what he sought and search for the balancing force. Rock water we
know is not a plant but water that comes from a healing spring. But as
the search progressed through 1934-35 he seems to have been swept
into states of mind that formed no part of his theoretical scheme. He
did not know the nature of the various emotional states that were to
be found still less the antidote. With great intensity he would
experience the feeling of say mental anguish or depression and then be
driven to search for the Sweet Chestnut and Mustard flowers to
counteract it.
In all he found 19 new remedies in 1935, experiencing each mood
intensely for two or three days before finding the remedy. He had little
respite. He did suffer physically at this time but his discoveries were
made because of his realisation, not because of the suffering. As a
person he was not attached to the process that his body experienced

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Chapter 11

knowing that the reality of life lay not with the negative but with the
positive state.

Bach made the observation that a man who was a leader should
know more about his subject than his followers and that if one was to
be a leader in the struggle against human suffering it would be
necessary to have an expert knowledge of the subject. It is true that
Bach suffered much pain in his life both physically and mentally but
the pain was learning, not a virtue in itself. It is also true that he was a
lonely man, especially in the last years of his life. So few people
understood his vision or could appreciate what he was attempting to
do. Most of his erstwhile friends and colleagues thought he had lost
his way. His sensitivity one might say then led him to an Agrimony
condition; at the end he appeared to be a lonely eccentric, kindly but
seeking for oblivion. His early death may have been a signal that his
work was complete but it was also sought as a release from the tension
of being that he experienced.
It is important that we remember this now, fifty years on. In the two
generations that have passed since his time we have all grown to
recognise his greatness and come to understand something of what he
was working for. If we now look around there are so many
like-minded friends who will share their hearts with us. So many who
appreciate the music of the inner world and can offer an open heart to
a sister of brother. If we would heal the pain that Bach may have felt
we should help each other now.

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Chapter 11

Twelve Healers


Sept. Impatiens



Seven Helpers

Second nineteen





Water Violet
Rock Rose

April Gorse
May Oak
Sept Heather


Rock water
Wild Oat


Cherry Plum
Chestnut Bud
Star of Bethlehem
Crab Apple
Red Chestnut
White Chestnut
Sweet Chestnut
Wild Rose

Page 52

All potentised by
sun method

All potentised by
sun method

All potentised by
boiling method,
except White Chestnut

Chapter 11


Endnote Text


Free Thyself: opcit p. 19


See Nora Weeks opcit pp. 138-9

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Chapter 12

Making Bach Flower

The order in which Bach found the remedies is of interest. The first
twelve formed a distinct group and then seven more were added, then
the second nineteen. The preparation of these remedies was of two
kinds; by what Bach called The Sun Method and The Boiling Method.
The first nineteen remedies with the addition of White Chestnut
(found in 1935) were all prepared by the sun method. The last group
of remedies, eighteen of them, were all boilers. There has been a little
confusion over this matter of how remedies are prepared. Nothing will
make the matter clearer than quoting Bachs own description as
published originally in The Twelve Healers & Other Remedies. Bach
wanted this information to be generally known as indeed he wanted all
his writing to be widely available.
Two methods are used to prepare the remedies.
A thin glass bowl is taken and almost filled with the purest water
obtainable, if possible from a spring nearby,
The blooms of the plant are picked and immediately floated on the
surface of the water, so as to cover it, and then left in the bright
sunshine for three or four hours, or less time if the blooms begin to
show signs of fading. The blossoms are then carefully lifted out and
the water poured into bottles so as to half fill them. The bottles are
then filled up with brandy to preserve the remedy. These bottles are
stock, and are not used direct for giving doses. A few drops are
taken from these to another bottle, from which the patient is
treated, so that the stocks contain a large supply. The supplies from
the chemists should be used in the same way.
The following remedies were prepared as above: Agrimony,
Centaury, Cerato, Chicory, Clematis, Gentian, Gorse, Heather,
Impatiens, Mimulus, Oak, Olive, Rock Rose, Rock Water,
Scleranthus, Wild Oat, Vervain, Vine, Water Violet, White
Chestnut Blossom.
Rock Water. It has long been known that certain wells and spring
waters have had the power to heal some people, and such wells or
springs have become renowned for this property. Any well or any
spring which has been known to have had healing power and which
is still left free in its natural state, unhampered by the shrines of
man, may be used.

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Chapter 12


The remaining remedies were prepared by boiling as follows:
The specimens, as about to be described, were boiled for half an
hour in clean pure water.
The fluid strained off, poured into bottles until half filled, and then,
when cold, brandy added as before to fill up and preserve.
Chestnut Bud. For this remedy the buds are gathered from the
White Chestnut tree, just before bursting into leaf. In others the
blossoms should be used, together with small pieces of stem or
stalk, and, when present, young fresh leaves.
All the remedies given can be found growing naturally in the British
Isles, except Vine, Olive, Cerato, although some are true natives of
other countries along middle and southern Europe to northern
India and Tibet.
There follows a list of English and botanical names as is generally
Nora Weeks and Victor Bullen shared the ideals that Dr Bach had
embodied in his work. One such might be characterised by his phrase
to gain freedom, give freedom (Free Thyself Ch:X). For that reason
they published the illustrated guide on how to prepare the Bach Flower
Remedies. [In The Bach Remedy Newsletter, January 1964, Nora
Weeks states explicitly her wish that people should enjoy preparing
their own Essences; Vol 3 No.9] It is not possible to quote directly
from this book but the directions given there elaborate and clarify Dr
Bach's notes. For the present purpose the following observations can
be made.
Bachs notes are unclear in respect of the three stages in preparing the
remedies: these stages are:
1. Preparing the Essence.
2. Dilution of the essence to Stock - 2 drops of essence make up
into 30ml of stock.
3. Dilution of the stock to Medicine Strength - 2 drops of stock
make up into 30ml of medicine strength remedy.
When preparing essence it is important to check that the plant is the
correct one (more on this below), the flowers should be in perfect
bloom and be collected about 9am on a fine bright morning, from as
many different plants as possible which are growing in the wild where
they have seeded naturally.

Sun method
Make the remedy near where the plants grow. No shadow should
interrupt the clear sunlight (nor cloud) so the place is important. Fill

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Chapter 12

the thin glass bowl with good spring water and cover the surface with
flowers. Avoid touching the flowers by either putting the bowl beneath
the plant or covering your hand with a broad leaf and carrying them
on that. Leave the bowl in clear sunlight as Bach directs. When
removing the flowers use stem from the same plant and not your
fingers! The essence should then be poured into a sterilised bottle that
is half filled with brandy. A sterile jug or funnel may be helpful.

Boiling method
The same conditions apply to this method. Use a clean saucepan, fill it
three quarters full with flowering sprays, leaves and twigs then put the
lid on. The boiling is best done at home but make no delay. Cover
with two pints of spring water and simmer for thirty minutes. Use a
twig from the same plant to press the contents below the water.
Afterwards let the contents cool, then remove the twigs and filter the
essence. Again half fill the bottle with brandy and half with essence.
These notes are sketchy but the best that can be done at the present
Now this essence will make a very large volume of stock. Only a few
drops are required to potentise an ounce of brandy in another bottle
(stock) and when making up a medicine strength bottle it is diluted
again so if we make the essence we have a lot more than is needed
individually. That is one thing. Another is this. Some of these plants
are now scarce so let us not pillage nature: a flower that is picked
cannot become a seed. And thirdly it is important to use the right
Dr Bach tested a great many different plants and concluded that these
were the ones that satisfied his intentions. If we find others they too
will have a life force that has a notable virtue but it may not be the
one that we want or think it is. There can be no doubt that mistakes
are easily made. If, for instance, we were to prepare an essence from
Bryony thinking it to be Clematis what would be the effect? Bryony is
a poisonous creeper that in some ways mimics Clematis but a remedy
prepared from the flowers would be rather different and with
properties that might not be so pleasant. So care is needed.


Twelve Healers & Other Remedies, Dr Edward Bach; C.W.Daniel Co.; 1936

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Chapter 13

A Definite Healing Power

The remedies are endowed with a definite healing power quite apart
from faith, neither does their action depend upon the one who
administers them, just as a sedative sends a patient to sleep whether
given by a nurse or a doctor.
Reading what Bach wrote about his work it is interesting to see how
he anticipated many of the doubts that might be expressed by other
people. That the Bach Flower Remedies might work on what is called
the placebo effect is often suggested, at least by those who have not
had the experience of using them. But there is no doubt of it, the
remedies do have a definite healing power. We must inevitably address
ourselves to the question then as to what is this power and how does it
Bachs answer to this question is clear enough. He says that the healing
power is the gift of the The Creator, it is present in the plant and
present in us. He also says that no science or knowledge is necessary in
order to gain the benefit of it. Indeed we will gain more benefit from
the God-sent Gift if we keep it pure, free from science, free from
theories: for everything in Nature is simple. Well enough Bach
foresaw the trend of science and the way that technology and scientific
research would come to blind us to simple truth.
Yet as we have grown in our knowledge through the expansion of
consciousness that has developed in this century so we may better
understand what the remedies are and how they work. Bach was
concerned that we should not try to use the intellect (science) to
understand their action and we could only agree with him. It is not the
intellect that will understand their way of working, rather the heart. It
has been suggested that by working with the heart we will have a
direct perception of what life is through our experience of it. Therefore
to think with the heart is to be in the experience (at the heart of the
matter) while to think with the intellect is to distance ourselves from
the experience and to try to exact a theoretical base from which to
make judgements. In any event a scientific approach will not yield
much helpful information in this subject. The reason is simply that we
have not as yet a science of such subtlety - that is why Bach was led to
discover the remedies. They are, in themselves, a science of the
metaphysical, the emotional world.
This issue might start to be laboured but it is so fundamental that it is
necessary to get it clear. People say that they cannot see how he was
able to select and test the flowers that he wanted to use. Why use one
form of Gentian and not another? Equally it is asked why there are
thirty-eight remedy states rather than any other number. Both these
questions can be answered but the answer comes from a view of life
that is based upon the truth of the work of Dr Bach. So we might say

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there are thirty-eight remedy states because there are nineteen

manifestations and there are two states for each, one generally internal
and the other external. But then we just come to the question of why
there are nineteen manifestations!
Earlier it was suggested that all living things are conceived as a
thought form that is filled with life force. Plants are no exception. We
recognise a plant by its physical form and then by its metaphysical
expression (we might recall Shakespeare: heres Rosemary, thats for
When it comes to why Bach chose a particular plant rather than
another the answer appears: because that is the plant that exactly
represents that thought form. It is true that other plants could be used
since they have similar qualities. That is why other researchers,
following on from Dr Bach have concluded that certain other plants
could have healing essences prepared from them. Of course they can.
Every plant has a specific quality, uniquely itself and it is possible to
discover its identity and express the thought that it carries. But we
must question whether the thought that is held in that form is so
universal and succinct that it is really appropriate to all people.
For what Bach did was to describe the universal states of mind that we
experience and then find the most exact equivalents of those states in
the vegetable world. There are many flowers that may be quite like
(Sow Thistle was one) but he wanted to make the match an exact one.
It is simple as that: why should we want to make it more complicated
by suggesting a lot of in between states that are appropriate to a series
of flowers that carry a thought form that is not clear?
It seems then that all flowers carry a meaning but in some cases it is
clearer than in others and in some cases too it is more specifically
appropriate to human patterns of behaviour. When we look at the
different forms that occur in trees and plants (vegetable world) we see
that some are good for food, some for use in building, some for use in
medicine and healing, some for use in less practical and more aesthetic
ways (we make music with bamboo pipes). Nothing in nature (or in
existence one should say) is without meaning and purpose. We may
not as yet know and understand its meaning but since it was conceived
as a thought and brought into being and imbued with life we may be
sure that it does have meaning. There are other ways of seeing our
existence it is true but they begin by denying meaning and therefore
can only reduce our perception of what we are. So, as Bach would
express it, life is the expression of God, the Creator:
All earthly things are but the interpretation of things spiritual. The
smallest most insignificant occurrence has a Divine purpose to it.33
The simplest explanation of the healing force that is present in these
plants then is to say that they carry the purpose of the divine. And
indeed they must do: such alone is meaning.
Yet, for reasons that will become clear, it is helpful to describe it a
little further. All plants are the result of the thought forms of the

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planet. They exist where and how they do not by chance but by the
concentration of necessary purposes. Let us think why it is that an oak
tree, generating many thousands of acorns will not be swamped by its
offspring. It is because that position on the earth for the form of tree
to be is currently occupied by that oak: when it goes the next will
grow. It is a law of existence that two different beings should not
occupy the same space.
We imagine that there is some scientific basis (chemical analysis) that
reasons the way plants grow but they have a more subtle meaning in
their growth that is in the nature of harmony. It is easy to see that
certain plants are dominant (just as certain people are...) but these
plants do not overrun the land - why? It is because, if nature is left to
herself, the thought form that creates a type of plant colony is in
harmony with all the other subtle forces that interplay in that locality.
Observation confirms this: we see stands of Pine trees, Mimulus grows
in the stony bed of streams, Impatiens with its seeds washed along by
the floods lives on the river-banks, Water violet in its secret way hides
in the still water courses of fenland.
Some plants will grow in other places as well as their natural habitat.
But then the thought form that creates them has not such a strong
calling. Heather could be persuaded to the rockery in a town garden
but its instinct is for the mountainside. Gentian or Centaury will be
found among gravel and tall grasses but the pattern that is true to its
nature is on the thin soils and short grass of chalk downs. Sweet
Chestnut will grow on chalk and clay but its nature is for sand. It is
more than geology that informs these plants and trees. On the
mountainside it is bracken that is dominant but yet it does not overrun
the heather.
When men interfere with nature the harmony of plant ecology is upset,
however. We decide that we will grow what we want where we want it
and an altogether different process is created. This is not necessarily
wrong or bad it is simply that man creates a thought form that is
different to the thought form of nature. If we threw the seed down and
accepted the outcome we would find some plants were accepted by the
land while others were not. But we tend to work by confrontation and
conflict and will it differently.
Where plants grow by nature, however, they partake of the subtle
qualities that characterise that exact place. Various names have been
used to express the meaning of this. Let us say that the earth carries a
pattern of life force that is expressed through the plant as a thought
form. If we go to that plant we will have the possibility of contacting
that pattern of life force. Just as we are drawn to certain places that
are special for us or carry a healing quality that we are attracted to, so
the earth carries a force pattern that is attractive for that life form: the
plant. If we want to contact that quality we could touch the earth at
that place, have a picture of it or somehow take into ourselves the
thought form that characterises it. The flower essences work like this.
The life force that is in the plant takes up the pattern that in physical
terms we call by a botanical name. But it is more than the physical

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form just as we are more than the physical body. The thought form
that the plant represents has an equivalence to us since all life is one.
Nature in its multiplicity and variety is an expression of what man is
in a united form (that is the riddle of nature). So the plant carries an
exact expression of something that is a general part of mankind. If we
need to contact and invoke the pattern that the plant carries we go to
the plant.
If we just contact the plant we can feel and share its thought. Bach,
however, wanted to get a stronger charge than this and to concentrate
the patterned life force (power) that the plant carried in such a way
that we might take it with us wherever we go or take it to those who
cannot get out into the fields. The sun method of potentising was to do
just this. He saw its significance in the way that it combined the four
The earth to nurture the plant, the air from which it feeds, the sun
or fire to enable it to impart its power, and water to collect and be
enriched with its beneficent magnetic healing.
As usual we can agree that the method is simplicity itself. What
happens is that the life force in the plant is given up into the water so
that the water (essence) now contains the thought form, just as the
flower did. Is it too much to believe? A reel of celluloid film can carry
many thousands of thought forms, a family snapshot holds the pattern
of a group of beings, an old shoe carries the memory of dancing, the
scent of the past lingers on in life. Such things are part of daily


Free Thyself: opcit p.19


opcit p.5


The Homoeopathic World 1930; Some Fundamental Considerations of Disease

& Cure; Dr Edward Bach

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Chapter 14

The Consolidation of a
Mental Attitude
Disease is a kind of consolidation of a mental attitude... and it is
only necessary to treat the mood of a patient and the disease will
Using slightly different words Bach repeats this message time and
again. Our mental outlook or emotional state is the cause of illness.
Fear, greed, uncertainty, fixity, guilt, apathy, forcefulness, worry...
these are the mental attitudes. As these patterns of activity become
habitual so they constrict the flow of life force in our bodies and we
are prey to illness and disease. More than that the pattern of mental
activity, because it is causing disharmony in life needs to be corrected
and so it will be brought to our attention (consciousness) for us to
work upon it. Illness is therefore the opportunity for looking at the
truth and encountering change.
In the picture that Bach draws of existence we see that subtle forces
create a pattern, that pattern shapes the material of life in itself to
create a physical result. The process is like the growth of all life forms.
Constant suspicion or jealousy creates a pattern of behaviour in our
daily life, it also sets up a pattern of activity in our subtle body (the
emotional level) that channels and patterns the life force within us.
That pattern is not a balanced or harmonious pattern. We call it a
negative pattern of behaviour and it deeply influences all our life. In
time it will result in a physical debility or distortion of health. The
negative pattern also acts like a vortex that draws the material of
disease into itself. At a simple level we recognise this when we think of
tiredness as weakening our defences to the common cold. But every
other negative pattern of emotional behaviour is also likely to weaken
our defences.
The way that negative patterns act upon the body (both physical and
emotional) can be visualised. A shock will tear the fabric allowing life
force to flow out like blood from a wound. Rigid mental attitudes
progressively remove the suppleness from the body just as ageing
makes the bones brittle as the structure of the collagen changes
(collagen is the elastic fibre in bone and tissue). Fear restricts the flow
of life force so that change is less possible just as it creates shallow
breathing and so reduces the exchange of gases. The effect of this can
be traced through the whole metabolism: less oxygen means less
activity in all parts of the body, less red blood (and so the pallor of
fear), less efficient digestion, poor circulation and so cold, fatigue and
poor health are inevitable. These are all physical effects of a poor
pattern of breathing. But the breathing is a result of a more subtle
cause - the restriction of the life force that a prolonged pattern of fear

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or nervousness will induce. It is possible to counteract the effects by

learning to breathe better, by taking exercise and so on. This will
effectively unsettle the pattern. But if the fear remains the pattern will
reform and the condition will continue.
Other problems can be seen in a similar way. A pattern of health often
has a quite logical sequence in it if we can ascertain the stages that lead
to the originating cause. Any of the feelings of apathy, hopelessness or
dejection will lead to a slowing of all life activity in the body, it will be
a matter of which form of disease takes hold first when we come to
give a name to the illness. Often there are many. In cases where
tension, anger, dominance and pride are at work the life force is put
under pressure, channelled into a fixed direction. The result is that
pressure is localised in the physical body: in the heart maybe, or in the
Dr Bach saw this process as being a very literal indication of life
activity. It will be necessary, he said, to be able from the life and
history of the patient [person] to understand the conflict which is
causing the disease or disharmony... to give the necessary advice and
treatment for the relief of the sufferer. For Bach the relationship was
direct. If we suffer pain it is because we cause pain to others... it has a
slightly judgmental ring to it but he makes his point.
Pain is the result of cruelty which causes pain to others, and may be
mental or physical: but be sure that if you suffer pain, if you will but
search yourselves you will find that some hard action or hard thought
is present in your nature: remove this, and your pain will cease. If you
suffer from stiffness of joint or limb, you can be equally certain that
there is stiffness in your mind; that you are rigidly holding on to some
idea, some principle, some convention may be, which you should not
have. If you suffer from asthma or difficulty in breathing, you are in
some way stifling another personality; or from lack of courage to do
right, smothering yourself. If you waste, it is because you are allowing
someone to obstruct your own life-force from entering your body.
Even the part of the body affected indicates the nature of the fault. The
hand, failure or wrong in action: the foot, failure to assist others: the
brain, lack of control: the heart, deficiency or excess or wrong doing in
the aspect of love: the eye, failure to see aright and comprehend the
truth when placed before you. And so, exactly, may be worked out the
reason and nature of the infirmity: the lesson required of the patient:
and the necessary correction made.
This idea is elaborated in Heal Thyself. It is a little confronting
perhaps but Bach wants us to take up the responsibility for our health
and for our life. It is our mental attitude that is to be examined not the
righteousness of our souls. To him, as both a doctor and as a man, the
state of bodily health is a matter of observable fact not something that
requires moral criticism. This is important since it is at the heart of the
matter. If we judge the body of ourselves or another with the sharp
knife of our minds we will only cause pain. We need a loving, caring
understanding to appreciate how the mental attitude has become
consolidated into this pattern of difficulty. Nothing sentimental will
help but a truthful acceptance of life and the will to work with change.

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If we approach the matter with criticism and judgement we will find it

rebounds: we must then examine ourselves to see what is happening.
If we have in our nature sufficient love of all things, then we can do
no harm; because that love would stay our hand at any action, our
mind at any thought which might hurt another. But we have not
yet reached that state of perfection; if we had, there would be no
need for our existence here. But all of us are seeking and advancing
towards that state, and those of us who suffer in mind or body are
by this very suffering being led towards that ideal condition...
It is clear that all of us in life are pretty much in the same boat. It is
not a matter where some of us are perfected and others are not. For, as
one teacher put it, if we were too good for this world we may be sure
that we would be adorning another! So in this matter it is not a
judgement that is sought but an understanding of the process of
In order for us to see that what Bach describes is actually so we must
observe its truth in our own experience. In such circumstances case
histories do not prove anything, rather we must actually see the
process for ourselves. For this we must first suspend disbelief and then
open our hearts to life: we will be shown. We might perceive by
intellectual reasoning but the process is far more difficult. But for
those who like to think about it we could go back to the most perfect
case history of all, our own life. What we then might see is how the
process of our health has reflected the mental attitude that we have
had in our lives.
What actually happens then is something rather like this. As we
experience life certain patterns of behaviour become engrained in us.
They are the responses to a combination of factors: the inherited
patterns that dispose our nature to certain attitudes, the learned
instinctive responses of family patterning and then the responses that
we have to the variety of life experience. What mental attitude these
create will be individual for each of us but it will be well established in
most of us long before we are adult. Let us suppose that a child finds
life to be difficult. Perhaps a deep conflict has developed between the
parents. When there is a prospect of the conflict being repeated the
child has anxiety. It might displace this mental attitude with pretence,
manipulative behaviour, whatever. But in individual cases the physical
body could eventually register the story as earache, eczema or enuresis
(bed-wetting). In fact each of these three offers a possibility of viewing
the way that the pattern is manifesting since bed-wetting is likely to
demonstrate fear or anger against the father, eczema a smothered fear
and mental turmoil and earache a pressure of anger that wishes not to
If we work with Dr Bachs flower remedies we could prescribe for such
a situation and know that as the emotional conflict was eased then the
physical problem would disappear. If the mental outlook is no longer
being informed by the difficulty then the physical body has no longer
that negative pattern distorting the flow of the life force. So while we
may begin by attempting to remove the eczema from a suffering child

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we must actually work to ease the mental outlook. The remedy in such
an instance would be Agrimony which is for the anxiety and inner
pain that is hidden by the appearance of cheerfulness. In such an
example the pain is not allowed to show on the outside emotionally
but it cannot be prevented from appearing physically.
In actual fact it is not really necessary even to take a remedy for the
difficulty that we experience once we can see that it derives from this
mental state. It is quite possible to work directly upon the mental state
ourselves once we recognise that it is creating the distortion in our
pattern of health. Perhaps we may think that it is asking too much of a
child but in fact the child will find it easier to do than an adult because
the adult is more bound in with the idea of being unwell. This
interestingly is equally true of our responses to actually taking the
Bach Remedies for children respond more readily than adults in most
As adults we seem to feel we need something more complicated than
this to explain health and illness. We feel that it cannot be so simple.
Our instinct is for complex explanations since simple truths are more
difficult to avoid. But what Bach is putting forward is a view that
requires us to reorientate our ideas. Just as thought forms and karmic
shells create the patterns of behaviour that we express in life so we
have certain set attitudes about what constitutes health and what leads
to illness. These attitudes often require complex intellectual structures
to maintain the distance between idea and reality and to distance us
from our responsibility for our own life. It is the complexity that leads
us to go to specialists.
At the extreme we see all the hardware of the modern hospital system
probing, measuring and assembling as many facts as possible in the
hope of it making sense. But while modern medicine has successes in
some areas it cannot offer any hope of reducing the burden of illness
or increasing the prospect of health since it has no explanation as to
why we get sick. In other areas of medicine or health care we see that a
less technological approach touches more upon the human aspect. But
often the problem is still made into a complex issue. The complexity
makes it special and enforces the relationship of illness and health that
already exists. What we see then is a mental outlook that is structured
into the very way that we all see illness: we have a set idea of what our
illness is and how we imagine we can get better.
This may be illustrated by the picture that we have formed (mental
outlook) about ourselves if we are a patient or a practitioner. Even if
we leave out the white coats we have an image where the patient is
seen in a recumbent position, lying down under illness. It has to be
that way otherwise we have no way of telling who is the patient. It
also signifies that the illness has reached a stage of development where
we can no longer maintain our daily living in the way we are
accustomed, standing on our own two feet. Just the act of seeking help
means that we have admitted that illness has got on top of us. For this
reason we define a relationship that puts the helper as being okay and
ourselves as being in trouble.

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The natural consequence of this is to see health as an either/or

situation and to imagine that we need only take something to get us up
and better again. But while we may receive specific help from another
person the process of life is really not built upon such a see-saw. If it
helps to think in terms of visual models we can imagine the matter not
as a line where we cross into ill health but as a circular image where
the centre is the abundance of life and the periphery the various
negative states of difficulty. Then, in order to be more in the state of
health we need only look to see what leads us towards the centre
where there is a greater abundance of life. Any other involvement in
the difficulty is just delaying the change.
There are many ways of expressing this. Swami Sri Yukteswar
(1855-1936) says:
There are two ways to be rid of disease, a right and a wrong way,
the one being slow and uncertain and the other being speedy and
sure; the foolish physician studies disease in order to bring about
health while the wise physician studies health in order to annihilate
disease, saying to his patients:
Fulfill the condition of health and diseases will fall away from you
of their own accord.
And if this is so with the body, in like manner is it also with the
mind which is full of maladies in the shape of hatred and jealousy
and sensuality and anger and other painful and bitter sensations.
And how will we do this? He says:
Imagination is the door through which disease as well as healing
enters. Disbelieve in the reality of sickness even when we are ill; an
unrecognised visitor will flee.
From this we can only conclude that what we each hold in our minds
is the mental outlook that defines our perception of life. If we hold the
attitude that sees ourselves as unable to overcome our life difficulty
then certainly we will be incapable. If we hold in our mind an attitude
that is destructive to life we can only find ourselves being destroyed.


Dr Edward Bach quoted by Nora Weeks: Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach,

Physician; opcit p. 57


Ye Suffer from Yourselves: opcit p.8


ibid p.6


Heal Thyself: opcit Ch:III, pp.14-18

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Chapter 15

You Have Got the Idea

It is now widely accepted that a good diet is helpful to a healthy life.
We are beginning to see the need for such a review of our emotional
diet. A meal of artificial feelings, overdone attitudes and cold lifeless
caring will not be helpful, especially if we pour on the salt of fixity and
the vinegar of suffering. Everything in the physical realm has its
equivalent in emotional terms. Even the first-aiders kiss of life has its
counterpart in emotional first aid. There is no substance without the
thought form that is behind it. Just as we have come to trace the
difficulty that is caused by a diet that is imbalanced, heavily saturated
by fat, starch and sugar so we will recognise that an emotional
outlook that is strongly held by negative thought forms will cause us
ill health. An emotional block is a constriction of the life force as
surely as a blocked trachea restricts the flow of air or arteriosclerosis
and atheroma constrict the flow of blood.
Once we have got this idea one of two things are likely to happen. We
may look positively upon the prospect of working so directly upon our
health and life. Alternatively we may react emotionally to the idea. If
we start to look at it this way we might well feel that we are to blame
for the mess, we might feel guilty for our failures and begin to
reproach ourselves for what we feel we have done to our life and to
others. Understandable response. But it is itself a negative emotion and
we can actually be free from it. The lessons of life are not intended to
induce guilt, rather to help us to be happy. So we need to begin by
lovingly accepting ourselves and not feeling guilty for what has
happened. Life has mystery in it still and nothing is made clear and no
problem solved by dealing out blame.
It is inevitable that in life we make mistakes and it even appears to be
that we must make mistakes and will go on being given life difficulty
until we see and admit that we do. The issue is then not one of blame
for making mistakes but what we do when we find out our failings.
The ideal might be that we stay balanced in a loving acceptance of life
but usually we topple over into a pattern of negative emotion. Each of
us has a tendency to topple a particular way. That tendency shows our
disposition to the remedy types that Dr Bach delineated: the 3 8
remedy states.
We might see it like this. As people interact with life there are
inevitable tensions and difficulties that arise. They are part of the
dynamic of life experience. In some cases we turn away from the life
force as it enters into us since it can be painful, in others we accept the
life force but cannot utilise it effectively. As we rub off our difficulties
upon one another so negativity can arise between us emotionally like
static electricity. The pattern of fear or hopelessness, the pattern of
irritation or indifference, indeed any of the human states of mind,

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Chapter 15

builds as a voltage charge in our being. As the static builds we find it

increasingly difficult to hold the charge.
Sooner or later the static must be earthed out. We use the force of this
static charge to create thought forms. These thought forms could be
positive or negative in content but since they arise from the friction or
pain of contact they tend to be negative. We then look for an
opportunity to unburden ourselves of them. We can do this to one
another or agree to do it to the third party (scape-goating). If we wish
to we can project them over a considerable distance to another person
though the effect of earthing is lessened and slower then.
If we witness the earthing out of these thought forms we will see the
life force dissipate in the drama of the exchange. If we are disposed to
irritation there will be an outburst - sparks will fly. If we are disposed
to self-pity we will collapse in floods of tears. If we are fearful we will
find the difficulty builds until we get to the point where what we
feared actually occurs (we have created the reality from the charge).
Alternatively we may bury it in our guts where it festers as resentment,
or we may attempt to smother it and suppress the force until it
explodes. If apathy is the response then we allow the charge straight
through us so that the life force ebbs away - even those who come near
to us will be earthed out by the pattern so that they will leave depleted.
Quite often we get drawn into life dramas that will force us to work
with these difficulties. In terms of the remedies we often recognise that
in relationships people actually work the pattern together. Thus a Vine
person who is domineering requires a Centaury person to order about.
The Centaury person who is weak-willed equally needs the bossy Vine
for the expression of the life lesson. In the same way the Chicory type
needs someone to be Chicory with: the emotional binding must be
made upon someone. So life provides an external expression for the
thought form - hurdles for those lacking in confidence, loads for those
who are burdened by life and worries for the anxious. What would we
do if we had no problems? We would invent them!
To begin to clear the pattern and all the attendant problems we have
only to start work upon it. Changing our diet begins with the first
meal. What is required is that we act to change our thought forms and
as we change into a more harmonious, positive, life-affirming outlook
so we will be well. First we will notice the change as we become
happy. Negative thought forms create unhappiness and as they change
so we become happy. Then, whatever ill has taken hold of our body it
will be eased. Even if the process of degeneration has gone to a point
where it is irreversible still the heart will be eased and a gentle and
positive acceptance of life will suffuse the body.
A simple and practical way to set to work upon ourselves is through
the use of the Bach Flower Remedies. Bach discovered the remedies to
help those who were sick in the body but we now can see a way to use
them to heal the balance of the mind even before the body becomes an
expression of a disease that requires healing. Taking a flower remedy
can help us to contact the positive force of life that will counter the
negativity. In that case the static charge will be neutralised in us, not

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Chapter 15

earthed out through another person nor turned inwards to cause

internal suffering.
It is also possible to work directly with the life force so that we can
neutralise the negativity in ourselves, or that which comes towards us.
Essentially all that we need for this is a recognition that the negative
and positive states exist. Then, instead of building the negative
thought form, and earthing it out on another person, we can
consciously neutralise it by creating the positive thought form. If we
are handed the negative thought form of another person the same
applies. We can create the positive thought form in ourselves first to
neutralise and then to broadcast the force outwards.
In practice what must we do? First let us look again to see what would
be the action of the flower remedies. If we are stuck in a pattern that is
refusing to work with the forward movement of life experience, where
we are constantly looking back, rerunning the film of memories with a
longing for the happiness of the past then we are refusing to be active
in the present. This Honeysuckle state as Bach identified it has a
romantic nostalgia. To take Honeysuckle as a Bach Flower Remedy
would act to bring us to life in the present, conclude the lessons in the
past and to free us from the binding of memories. In consequence the
life force coming into us would be used to enhance the present and not
feed the thought forms of the past.
In such a case as this the negativity is not an active force that is
earthed painfully upon another person but a drawing force that
sustains the images of the past. Yet the action is deadly. It works to
maintain thought forms that would naturally decay, to keep in life
things that should be dissolving back into other levels of existence. It is
not so sweet.
If we used Bach Flower Remedies to work on such a state we would
find help. But once we recognise that the process is built upon thought
forms we would find meaning. We can work directly upon the thought
forms themselves. This means that we create thoughts that are the
opposite: in the positive of Honeysuckle they are seen as moving into
the present and deliberately creating thoughts that are here and now.
The example of a different remedy will serve to further illustrate the
process. For the Cerato state which in a negative form is imitative and
uncertain we can create positive thought forms that will determine that
the intuition is responded to, decisions are made and held to. The
positive thought form of the tired and weak will be for strength and
However, these thought forms are more than words. They are actual
force patterns. It takes an act of will to create such things and it
requires our constant effort to sustain them. Bach describes the
We must steadfastly practise peace, imagining our minds as a lake
ever to be kept calm, without waves, or even ripples, to disturb its
tranquillity, and gradually develop this state of peace until no event
of life, no circumstance, no other personality is able under any

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Chapter 15

condition to ruffle the surface of that lake or raise within us any

feelings of irritability, depression or doubt. It will materially help to
set apart a short time each day to think quietly of the beauty of
peace and the benefits of calmness, and to realise that it is neither
by worrying nor hurrying that we accomplish most, but by calm,
quiet thought and action become more efficient in all we
undertake... and though at first it may seem to be beyond our
dreams, it is in reality', with patience and perseverance, within the
reach of us all.
In this way we can bring ourselves to really learn what the Bach
Flower Remedies can teach us. For while they are always of benefit as
a physical helper the true virtue of the remedies is in their showing of
the mental states and how we may each work with them for ourselves.
Whether we begin with affirming the positive idea of the state, by
contemplating the image of the flower, by attuning ourselves to the
natural world, whatever way we endeavour to work we are trying to
move towards a harmony of understanding. Bach said that disease was
only here in order to help us to see the nature of our conflicts. Equally
the substance of any thing is only here to lead us towards the idea so
that we can see and understand how it is. If we see and understand
already we can do without the substance. If we work with the
substance we will come to understand. That is the story of life.
In our world, animals are subject to the limitation of the thought
forms that create them. We see animals as bounded by instinct for this
reason. A tiger is held within the pattern of its nature just as a gull is
patterned to its gull behaviour. The same is true of the animal level in
humans. This means that we are bounded by the limitation of our
ideas. We can be caught in the web of thought forms such as illness
and health, in conflict and violence, in the ideas of polarity, in the
concept of materialism that gives us the appearance of being subjected
to materiality. But it is actually possible for human beings to realign
their being by reference to new or different thought forms. A donkey
will always be bound into the limited thought form of donkey: a
human being has the potential to transcend.
By consciously creating a new thought form for our being we can
change what we are. If our thought form does not contain the illusion
of our difficulties they will not exist. In terms of this animal-level
problem of illness we can create the thought form of health and realign
ourselves accordingly all the way through to the physical. Dr Bach
showed us that disease derives from the negative emotional states and
that positive emotional states lead to happiness, health and well-being.
As such he was aligning himself with a long tradition of wisdom that
has always known that mankind creates its own difficulties and has
the power to overcome them.
We all know that human individuals are capable of change. As we
change as individuals so the world will change. The quality of our
thought forms creates the quality of our life. It is our thought forms yours and mine - that will help to determine what happens. For every
thing there is a season, a time when this thing alone is right and
proper. Who can stand in the way of an idea whose time has come? It

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Chapter 15

will explode into the public consciousness and no pattern of restraint

will withstand it. Life is about change and a love of life brings a joyous
exclamation of being without limitation. We must love life more than
conflict, we must love life more than illness, we must love life more
than unhappiness, we must love life more than any fixed pattern of
ideas. Then we may love and accept the life lesson for our being and
rejoice in the experience of being alive.


Heal Thyself: opcit Ch:III, p51

Page 70


animal behaviour

life force
7,10 - 16,22 23,25,29,31,33

19 - 20



5,26,28,31 - 33,35 37,39,41,44

mental conflict

bacteriology 35 - 36,38 - 39,41




9 - 10


10,18 - 20










psychological 27 - 28




27 - 28




7,33,37 - 40




12 - 13,27 - 29




12,26,28 29,31,33,38
sun method 41

Hahnemann 37,39

Heal Thyself 32,41 - 42,45,65,70




Twelve Healers



homeothapy 41




16 - 17,19,22,28,41

Weeks, Nora 35,42,53,65



27 - 28

13 14,16,20,22,24,27





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