Enterprise Wide Integration Systems (4pg)
Enterprise Wide Integration Systems (4pg)
Enterprise Wide Integration Systems (4pg)
by stating the intent to tackle traditional complexity to deliver predictable, reliable and efficient
IT services (Tech Trends, 2015, p.1).
The IS function outsourcing systems
Currently, more businesses are leveraging global business services strategies to obtain economies
of scale as well as align their business objectives appropriately. The situation has forced these
companies to use the outsourcing technique as a tool to complement and accelerate shared
services strategies. The outsourcing technique has proven to reduce operating costs, leverage
innovation as well as reduce global compliance. The process results in significant changes in the
organization's corporate values. For example, a Service Integration and Management in a Multisourced (SIAM) IT model ensure that multiple service providers deliver services to several
businesses in an efficient and cohesive manner. The SIAM is the central point between demand
and supply thus aggregating demand from businesses within the enterprise and translating
business activity forecast. In the process, the SIAM is responsible for assuring the planning and
the communication between the enterprise and the client (Mansell, 2013, p.1). Another example
is the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to integrate worldwide business functions. The
systems have been used to connect MNC (Multi-National Corporation) headquarters, partners
and affiliates without geographical restrictions. The results of outsourcing are improved
productivity, higher customer satisfaction, higher quality, faster time to market and the ability to
deal with cultural differences as well as international conflicts (Hirschheim, Heinzl, & Dibbern,
2002, p.404).
There exists substantial evidence that proves that the performance of a firm is influenced by the
behaviors emphasized as well as how the firm is structured. For example, the Customer-Centric
Innovator design is preferable to prospectors while the Competitor Centric Controller design is
most suitable for the low-cost defenders. In both of the above cases, the designs will help
generate high performances. Integration standards define the interfaces between control and the
enterprise activities. For example, the ISA-95 has been severally used to define operation
activities as well as show the information flow in various areas. The use of reference models
benefits the customers by pinpointing the negative and positive implementation issues. The
models provide corporate knowledge of the know-how processes including organizational
procedures, technologies, rules, products as well as individual know-how of individual
employees. The use of standards assists in the provision of flexible guidelines as a basis for the
integral steps to be followed during system design. For example, the application of standards in
industries can allow for highly flexible manufacturing that is easy to configure, modify as well as
maintain (Olson, Hult, & Slater, 2005, p.1).
Project management systems
Project management is a business function used by enterprises to align their business units with
larger business objectives and initiatives. Inadequate tracking and planning can easily lead to
unrealistic schedules, budgets, as well as project failure. Project management is vital in the
creation of a measurement system that assesses and controls project risk. The project risk
assessment is based on the project structure, size and the experience with technology. The use of
EWPM (Enterprise-Wide Project Management) system has proven to be important in supporting
the management of the enterprises projects, programs, and non-operational portfolio. Properly
implemented project management practices, processes and principles can have a significant
impact on a companys cost to market, quality to market, time to market, as well as customers
recognition of the firm as a superior and world class leader. EWPM utilizes an executive level
EPMO (Enterprise Project Management Office) system to apply standardized (PBM) Project
Business Management model to manage the enterprises non-operational work. Managers use
PBM to apply, organize and manage a companys non-operational resources in direct alignment
with the firms strategic initiatives, missions, visions, and objectives. The project managers also
use PBM to establish key performance indicators for business, and strategy objectives
accomplishments as well as the portfolio performance. PBM integrates tactical and strategic
initiative planning of both operational and non-operational business objectives. The results of
implementing a proper project management team are high performance, low-cost of business
operations that possess a great potential to provide a consistent positive ROI (Return on
Investment) in portfolio, program and project management. A reliable PBM can be implemented
by developing and formally documenting a mature integrated set of standardized project business
management processes and the establishment of EPMO as an operational business unit ( where
the system is monitored by competent personnel as well as Managers)(Bolles & Hubbard, 2008,
Buy or build decisions
At a certain point of a business growth, systems will need to be implemented. The firm holds the
decision as to whether to buy or build the systems; some people would argue that using a built
system would save time and money while others would others may disagree saying that there
already exists systems ready for implementation. In making build decisions, the firm needs to
consider if the current staff has the requisite experience to take on an enterprise-wide project that
they require. Whether building or buying the system, the lines of the business resources will have
to be involved. Looking at the value impacted when deciding to build or buy, the buy aspects
require customizations to enable the system fit with the exact enterprise needs (faster) while the
building aspect requires an experienced team for faster completion of the project. The buy side
possesses lower risk due to the resources and level of experience involved in the project. On the
other hand, the build side has a higher risk especially if it has few experienced employees.
When the firm decides to build the system, the employees involved are left with great pressure
on how to implement the data model. On the other hand, purchasing the system reduces the
amount of pressure during the implementation of the model. In making the buy or build
decisions, most organizations should consider the pros and cons of their decisions before
implementing them. In most cases, most companies end up building the system unless they can
find vendors that have analytics that they want to customize.
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