A Fundamental Study of Asphaltene Deposition
A Fundamental Study of Asphaltene Deposition
A Fundamental Study of Asphaltene Deposition
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United States, and
The Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
S Supporting Information
ABSTRACT: Asphaltenes are a solubility class of petroleum crude oil that can destabilize and deposit in both upstream and
downstream processes. In this study, asphaltene deposits were generated in metal capillaries by heptane addition to crude oils,
and it was found that deposition is caused by submicrometer asphaltene aggregates. Deposits were generated at heptane
concentrations above and signicantly below the instantaneous onset point. Analysis of the results reveals that the governing
factor controlling the magnitude of asphaltene deposition is the concentration of insoluble asphaltenes present in a crude oilprecipitant mixture and the instantaneous onset point is irrelevant to the deposition process. Electron microscopy images of the
deposits represent the rst images and conrmation of arterial growth in laboratory generated asphaltene deposits. The axial
deposit prole was found to be highly nonuniform. In addition, deposits formed shortly after when oil and heptane mix, revealing
that the destabilization of asphaltenes occurs virtually immediately after a precipitant is added. The results were reproduced with
a second crude oil, indicating that asphaltene deposition behavior is broadly applicable.
Asphaltenes are a complex fraction of petroleum crude oil that
are dened by their solubility in aromatics (typically toluene)
and insolubility in normal alkanes (typically n-pentane or nheptane).1 Asphaltenes are of great industrial interest and
signicance because of their tendency to deposit in porous rock
formations, well-bores, production lines, and reneries.2
Injecting miscible or immiscible compounds into a reservoir
can cause a compositional change in the crude oil and can lead
to asphaltene precipitation in the porous rock formation.35
The asphaltene molecular structure, aggregation state, and
destabilization mechanism remain as areas of intense debate
despite decades of research. High-resolution mass spectrometry
has identied the elemental composition of approximately
7,200 unique asphaltene molecules.6 Several small-angle
scattering studies suggest that asphaltenes exist either as stable
aggregates or clusters of aggregates with a radius of gyration of
approximately 10 nm or less in both crude oil and toluene.710
However, asphaltene scattering results have been successfully
analyzed by assuming asphaltene molecules exist as solid
nanoparticles and as liquidliquid concentration uctuations in
an otherwise homogeneous uid.11,12 The ambiguity of whether
asphaltenes behave as colloidal suspensions or as a liquid
liquid mixture adds to the uncertainty of understanding the
asphaltene destabilization mechanism.
To establish consistent and clear terminology, the usage of
several terms which will be used in this work are dened now.
First, the term destabilization will be used to describe the
transition an asphaltene undergoes on the nanometer length
scale from stable (not allowed to aggregate or grow in size) to
unstable (able to aggregate or grow in size). Second,
aggregation will be used to describe the generic growth
process of increasing the size of an asphaltene from the
nanometer to micrometer length scale. Finally, precipitation
2013 American Chemical Society
capillary inlet was then slowly opened to relieve the system pressure.
The deposition capillary was drained by holding the outlet against a
piece of paper towel and allowing the oil-precipitant mixture to drain.
Prior to performing deposition experiments, the oil was centrifuged at
14,000 g for 3 h to remove already precipitated asphaltenes, sand
particles, and water. The two oils used in this study, Oil A and WY Oil,
were free of any production chemicals that are commonly used to
prevent deposition or corrosion. All experiments were performed at a
total volumetric ow rate (oil + heptane) of 5 mL/h in order to keep
the residence time in the mixing capillary constant. The length of the
mixing capillary was not varied to ensure consistency between
experiments. For Oil A, the temperature was kept at 60 C for all
experiments, while the temperature was varied for WY Oil.
When starting a deposition experiment, the system was rst prelled
with only oil, and all lines were bled to eliminate air pockets. During
the prelling step, a small pocket of air was trapped between the oil
and heptane to prevent mixing of the two liquids prior to
experimentation, and oil was allowed to ow into the heptane line.
Once the system was lled with oil and back-pressure was established,
the heptane ow was started. The heptane ow pushed the air pocket
and oil into the deposition apparatus at the initial stages of the
experiment. Strictly adhering to this startup procedure will allow for
accurate measurement of when the heptane is introduced into the
system, identiable by a sharp decrease in the pressure drop due to the
lower viscosity of the uid inside the capillary with heptane added. The
time, t, when heptane enters the system is dened as t = 0. This
procedure only allows heptane to enter the system once the proper
ow rate and back-pressure have been established, minimizing error
and enhancing reproducibility. All of the generated pressure drop
proles are shifted based on the initial steady state pressure drop, Po,
which is the pressure drop of the oil-heptane mixture owing through
the apparatus before any deposition is detected. New precut capillaries
and porous frits were used as supplied from Upchurch Scientic and
replaced for each new run. All heptane in oil concentrations are
reported as volume percent heptane because the concentration in the
deposition apparatus was controlled by varying the volumetric ow
rate of oil and heptane pumps.
In order to study the eect of particle aging on the asphaltene
deposition process, a second conguration of the deposition apparatus
was used to recirculate premixed oil and heptane mixtures through a
capillary. A single peristaltic pump (Masterex #7523-20) replaced the
syringe pumps and mixing system in Figure 1. The intake for the pump
and outlet of the deposition apparatus was a continuously stirred ask
containing a premixed oil and heptane solution. The ow rate for these
experiments was 36 mL/h, and a 0.01 ID and 30 cm length
deposition capillary was used. As with the primary apparatus shown in
Figure 1, the pressure drop was monitored across the deposition
capillary to determine the extent of fouling. The recirculating
Figure 4. SEM images of the deposition capillary inlet (left) and outlet
(right) for three runs (#13) of 30 vol. % heptane in Oil A with 0.02
ID and 5 cm length capillaries. The large material found at the bottom
of the run #1 capillary outlet is a contaminant, see text for rationale.
Dashed circles are drawn to aid identication of inner capillary wall
Figure 8. Measured deposition detection times, td, for the rst deposit
to be detected as a function of heptane concentration for Oil A. Line
represents a linear regression of the results.
Figure 7. Pressure drop vs time for Oil A diluted with various heptane
volume percents in 0.01 ID capillaries of 5 and 30 cm lengths. All
runs performed at 60 C and 5 mL/h.
Figure 10. SEM images of the deposition capillary inlet (left) and
outlet (right) for the WY Oil deposits generated in a 0.01 ID capillary
with a 5 cm length at 35 vol. % heptane at 60 C (top) and 25 vol. %
and 25 C (bottom). As with Oil A, the deposit is thicker at the inlet.
short capillaries superimpose, within experimental reproducibility, after shifting by the initial pressure drop, Po, revealing
that the deposit is axially nonuniform and formed primarily in
the rst 5 cm of the capillary, in agreement with the SEM
images. The result does not eliminate the possibility of deposits
forming at positions farther down the capillary, but it clearly
illustrates that the rate of deposition is signicantly higher near
the capillary inlet and that the pressure drop measurement is
dominated by the deposit near the capillary inlet. If the deposits
were uniform in the long and short capillaries, the pressure
drop proles would superimpose if normalized by the capillary
length; see the Supporting Information for mathematical
validation. This is clearly not the case, because the pressure
drop in the long capillary is not six times the magnitude as the
short capillary.
Deposition of WY Oil. Deposition experiments were also
performed on a second crude oil, WY Oil, at both 60 C and at
25 C in 0.01 ID and 5 cm length capillaries. The pressure
drop for WY Oil was an order of magnitude smaller than that of
Oil A and was on the order of the error of measurement for the
transducers used, owing to the low asphaltene content and
viscosity. Consequently, it is expected for the deposit to be less
severe and more dicult to detect. Nevertheless, electron
S Supporting Information
In this work, a capillary deposition apparatus was used to
demonstrate that asphaltene deposition occurs before the
asphaltene precipitation can be detected by standard
techniques, such as optical microscopy. Micrographs of the
capillary euent reveal that asphaltene aggregates that grow to
0.5 m or greater are not necessary for deposition to occur.
This observation reveals that the damage from asphaltene
fouling is likely dominated by submicrometer asphaltene
aggregates and that large and mature aggregates do not deposit.
For the rst time, arterial asphaltene deposits generated in the
laboratory have been directly observed. The SEM images show
that the deposit is signicantly thicker at the capillary inlet
when compared to the outlet, and the deposition prole is most
likely caused by transport limitations of asphaltene aggregates
diusing to the deposit interface. Good mixing in the apparatus
was conrmed by SEM and supported by CFD simulations.
Contrary to previous results, there is no dierence in
asphaltene deposition when comparing experiments above and
below the instantaneous onset conditions other than the
solubility of asphaltenes. No critical precipitant concentration
was observed, and the extent of asphaltene deposition was a
smooth and continuous function of heptane concentration.
Attempting to assign an absolute set of conditions, such as an
onset point, that will dictate whether or not asphaltenes will
deposit fails to describe the complex process of asphaltene
stability and fouling. Although it takes some period of time to
detect the deposition, the asphaltenes that are responsible for
the observed deposits have only been in contact with heptane
for a short period of time, approximately 16 s. This nding
clearly illustrates that asphaltene precipitation kinetics are only
a detection limitation in observing asphaltene instability and
not a delay in when asphaltenes begin to precipitate or
aggregate. These experimental results stress the importance of
understanding asphaltene precipitation and aggregation in the
kinetic regime,1921 where asphaltene aggregates are in the
process of growing and are too small to be detected by
conventional means (i.e., optical microscopy, refractive index,
etc.). The kinetic regime for asphaltenes may be the most
critical in the deposition process and has unfortunately, largely
been overlooked.
Corresponding Author
*E-mail: sfogler@umich.edu.
Present Addresses
The authors would like to thank the sponsors of the University
of Michigan Industrial Aliates Program for nancial support.
Program members include the following: BP, Chevron,
ConocoPhillips, MSIKenny, Nalco, Schlumberger, Shell,
StatOil, and Total. In addition, we would like to thank Wattana
Chaisoontornyotin for performing the high-temperature
solubility measurements and Claudio Vilas Boas Favero and
Nasim Haji Akbari Balou for numerous helpful discussions.
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