Causas de Pancitopenia Canina y Felina

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CE Article #2

Causes of Canine and Feline

Shawn Ann Kearns, DVM
Angell Animal Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts

Patty Ewing, DVM, MS, DACVP (Anatomic and Clinical Pathology)

Genzyme Corporation
Cambridge, Massachusetts

ABSTRACT: Pancytopenia (i.e., a decrease in all circulating hematologic cell lines) can result from
peripheral destruction of cells or a primary insult to the bone marrow. Many infectious, immunemediated, and neoplastic conditions have been associated with pancytopenia in dogs and cats. Bone
marrow aspirates and/or core biopsy samples are generally required to fully characterize the
marrow disease, especially in cases of decreased hematopoietic cell production. Understanding the
mechanisms by which various disorders alter circulating blood or marrow cells may aid in
developing a diagnostic and/or treatment plan.The prognosis in pancytopenic patients is variable
and depends on the underlying cause.

ancytopenia (in Greek, pan means all) is

defined as decreased circulating numbers of
all marrow cell lines: myeloid, erythroid,
and megakaryocytic. Clinical signs related to
pancytopenia are often nonspecific. Pallor and
bleeding tendencies, such as petechiae, are the
most common clinical manifestations and are
directly related to anemia and thrombocytopenia,
respectively. Most clinical signs are referable to
the underlying condition. However, certain physical examination findings may help direct the
diagnostic course. An accurate and thorough history is essential in determining the cause of pancytopenia (see box on page
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Depending on an animals age, normal hemic

tissue contains 25% to 75% marrow cells in the
unit particles. Marrow cellularity is higher in
growing animals because cells are produced to
balance normal cell turnover and growth of the
cardiovascular system. With age, marrow cellularity decreases because the ratio of the bone
marrow space to blood volume increases.1 Deviations from the normal ratio can assist with distinguishing various marrow diseases because
pancytopenia can occur with either increased or
decreased hematopoiesis (Figure 1). Diseases
resulting in decreased hematopoietic cell production usually require evaluation of bone marrow aspirate or, more often, a bone marrow core
biopsy sample to obtain a definitive diagnosis.
In most cases related to peripheral destruction
or sequestration, a diagnosis may be obtained
without a bone marrow sample, especially if
there is evidence of erythroid and thrombocyte
February 2006

Causes of Canine and Feline Pancytopenia CE


regeneration. This article reviews the etiopathogenesis

of canine and feline pancytopenia.

Essential Historical Information in

Patients with Pancytopenia


Causes of decreased hematopoietic marrow cell production include marrow hypoplasia or aplasia, bone
marrow necrosis, marrow fibrosis/sclerosis, myelophthisis, and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Many infectious, neoplastic, inflammatory, or immune-mediated
diseases can result in decreased cellular production by
various mechanisms. Although hematopoietic marrow
cells decrease in number, the overall cellularity of the
marrow may increase, especially in cases of myelodysplasia, myelophthisis, and marrow necrosis.

Were therapeutic drugs administered within 4 weeks

of the presentation?
Could the patient have been exposed to human
Has the patient traveled to other regions of the
United States or other countries?
What is the patients vaccination history?
Has the patient been exposed to other animals? In
what way?
Has the patient had previous health problems?
Has the patient been exposed to chemicals (e.g.,
benzene) or radiation? (This is rare in the clinical
For male dogs, were both testicles descended at

Marrow Hypoplasia or Aplasia

Marrow hypoplasia or aplasia is believed to result
from one or a combination of the following1,2:

A decrease (i.e., destruction of ) or genetic defect in

stem cells

An altered marrow microenvironment, including vascular and stromal components

Dysregulation of cell production from abnormal

humoral mediators or other cellular products

Destruction of stem cells and progenitor cells is a wellestablished cause of marrow hypoplasia or aplasia and is
the proposed or documented mechanism through which
many drugs, toxins, and infectious agents exert their
marrow-suppressive effect.2 A marrow sample is considered hypocellular in an adult when at least 75% of the
marrow is composed of fat but some hematopoietic cells
remain (Figure 2). The term aplastic is applied when all
marrow hematopoietic cells are markedly reduced or
absent. Stromal cells, including adipocytes, reticuloendothelial cells, and macrophages, as well as lymphocytes
and plasma cells may still be present in hypoplastic and
aplastic marrow despite the decrease in other cell lines.1,3
Although mast cells are rarely seen in normal marrow,
mast cell hyperplasia has been documented in canine
cases of aplastic anemia, with proposed mechanisms
including localized cellular hyperplasia from intramedullary immunologic reactions, local imbalance or
depletion of soluble growth mediators, and the ability of
mast cells to proliferate and differentiate in the absence
of certain growth factors.4
Acute forms of aplastic anemia are frequently associFebruary 2006

ated with destruction of progenitor and/or proliferative

cells in bone marrow. This marrow-level destruction
results in predictable changes in the peripheral blood.
Clinical signs related to leukopenia and thrombocytopenia typically result within 2 weeks of marrow injury
because of the life span of neutrophils (i.e., 1 to 4 days)
and platelets (i.e., 8 to 10 days). The erythrocyte life
span is much longer (i.e., 120 days in dogs; 70 to 80 days
in cats); therefore, anemia, when present, is often mild or
delayed in onset. If the injurious agent is removed, stem
cells will repopulate marrow progenitor cells, and
approximately 10 to 14 days after cessation, the cytopenias begin to resolve. Recovery is usually complete
within 21 days; however, dysplastic changes can occur in
any one or all three cell lines during this recovery phase.
Chronic aplastic anemia generally results from
hematopoietic stem cell injury. In these cases, the resulting anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia are often
moderate to severe. Marrow repopulation is unpredictable in these cases and often takes weeks to months,
if it occurs at all.2

Exogenous or endogenous estrogen exposure has been
implicated in dogs with mild to severe myelosuppression.513 Cats appear relatively resistant to the effects of
estrogen on bone marrow. Although dose and frequency
of exposure are important factors in the development of
bone marrow suppression, there also appear to be variations in individual susceptibility unrelated to age, sex,
breed, nutritional plane, route of administration, or type


CE Causes of Canine and Feline Pancytopenia


cell production

cell production

Requires bone
marrow aspiration
or core biopsy for
definitive diagnosis

evidence of

Aplastic or hypoplastic marrow

Infectious disease
Marrow necrosis
Immune-mediated disease
Infectious disease
Immune-mediated disease
Infectious disease

Immune-mediated disease
Hemophagocytic syndrome/
Infectious disease

history of cryptorchidism, gynecomastia, and

symmetric alopecia may be detected in male
dogs. The amount of estrogen produced is
generally proportional to the tumor size.14 In
females, functional cystic ovaries and granulosa cell tumors have been implicated in
clinical cases of hyperestrogenemia.7,15 The
primary complaint in female dogs may be
persistent estrus. The exact mechanism of
myelotoxicity with estrogen exposure is
unknown. Estrogens may interfere with stem
cell differentiation, alter iron utilization by
erythrocyte precursors, inhibit production of
circulating erythrocyte stimulation factors, or
stimulate production of a myelopoiesis
inhibitory factor.9,14
Estrogen exposure initially results in
leukocytosis and thrombocytopenia. Normal
marrow cellularity is often noted because of
myeloid hyperplasia; however, erythropoiesis
and thrombopoiesis are decreased. Pancytopenia generally develops 3 to 4 weeks after
exposure. Severe chronic aplasia can occur,
especially with repeated exogenous injections, and the reversibility of bone marrow
damage in these cases is unknown.2

Drug-Associated Marrow Suppression

Numerous reports of drug-induced marrow
suppression in animals exist; however, many
Marrow fibrosis/sclerosis
of the agents implicated (see box2,10,11,1530 on
Marrow necrosis
page 127) are no longer in general use
because clinically safer alternatives are now
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
available. In many instances, the mechanism
of action of marrow injury is unknown. The
Immune-mediated disease
reaction may be dose-dependent, idiosynMyelophthisis
cratic, or associated with hypersensitivity or
an immune-mediated reaction. In general,
Granulomatous disease
the prognosis for marrow recovery is good
Figure 1. Summary of diseases resulting from decreased or increased
with withdrawal of chemotherapeutics
hematopoietic cell production.
because stem cells are spared as a result of
their low mitotic rate. The prognosis is vari9
pharmaceutic classes; however, marrow
of disorder treated. Exogenous estrogens are most comrecovery should occur within 1 to 2 weeks after pharmamonly used in the form of estradiol cypionate for misceutic drug withdrawal in most cases.
mating and prostatic hyperplasia. Estrogen has also
been used in treating circumanal gland tumors and uriInfectious Disease
nary incontinence. Excess endogenous estrogens in male
Infectious causes of aplastic anemia or hypocellular
dogs are most commonly produced by Sertolis cell
marrow identified in dogs and/or cats include, but are
tumors.7,1114 Male feminization, hyperpigmentation, a

February 2006


CE Causes of Canine and Feline Pancytopenia

Figure 2. Marrow spicule from a pancytopenic dog.

Note that the spicule is almost entirely composed of adipocytes

(>90%).Virtually no hematopoietic precursors are present.
(WrightsGiemsa stain, original magnification 200)

not limited to, parvovirus, FeLV, FIV, Ehrlichia canis

infection, bacterial septicemia, and endotoxemia.
Parvovirus infection in dogs and cats can cause acute
aplastic anemia.11,31 This is believed to be due to virus
proliferation in progenitor and proliferative cells.2,31,32
Bone marrow alterations can occur in all cell lines.
However, the anemia and/or thrombocytopenia may be
mild or absent. Changes observed in bone marrow specimens are occasionally indicative of extreme marrow

tion.4,11,35 In the acute stage, the marrow is often hypercellular because of peripheral cell destruction. Platelet
consumption, sequestration, and destruction may all
contribute to thrombocytopenia. Erythrocyte destruction and suppression of erythrocyte production may lead
to progressive anemia in the acute phase of infection.
Chronic infections can lead to aplastic anemia; the
mechanism responsible for bone marrow suppression
and subsequent hypoplasia of all marrow precursor cells
is not understood.2,3537 Ehrlichia spp infection has also
been reported in cats3843 and should be considered in a
differential list for multiple cytopenias.
FeLV usually causes selective suppression of erythropoiesis and occasionally thrombopoiesis, but infection
may also lead to aplastic anemia.2 Proposed mechanisms
of FeLV-induced pancytopenia include17:

Direct cytopathic effects of the virus

Arrested precursor differentiation
Anemia of inflammatory disease

Bone marrow findings in cats with FeLV are variable.

Hypoplastic marrow is more common in FeLV-infected
cats than is aplastic anemia. The bone marrow in FeLVinfected cats can also be hypercellular with erythroid
and/or multiple lineage differentiation arrest or disorder.1,4446

Acute aplastic anemia is potentially reversible if the injurious agent is removed.

Chronic aplastic anemia resulting from stem cell injury may be irreversible.
toxicity and reactivity and destruction of normal elements.31,33 Marrow hypercellularity with granulocytic
hyperplasia and myelophthisis has also been reported.33
Marrow injury secondary to endotoxemia or septicemia
often cannot be excluded in many cases, and gastrointestinal blood loss may contribute to, or be the primary
cause of, anemia rather than direct bone marrow injury.
Vaccination for parvovirus has also reportedly caused
refractory anemia and pancytopenia in rare instances.34
Regardless, hematologic recovery is often rapid if an
affected animal survives the acute stage of the disease.
Pancytopenia may be observed in acute and chronic
stages of ehrlichial infection, particularly E. canis infecCOMPENDIUM

FIV has also been documented to cause pancytopenia

but usually only in cats with advanced disease or chronic
illness.47,48 Humoral inhibitory substances may be directed
at granulocytic or macrophage differentiation in bone marrow.49 FIV infects megakaryocytes and bone marrow accessory cells, potentially altering the capacity of accessory cells
to support normal hematopoiesis of other cell lines.17

Chemicals and Radiation Therapy

Chemical injury to stem cells by benzene and related
substances has been documented in humans and experimental animals.3 In clinical practice, chemical exposure
is an uncommon cause of pancytopenia. Sufficient doses
February 2006

Causes of Canine and Feline Pancytopenia CE


Agents Associated with Pancytopenia in

Dogs and Cats

Proposed Criteria for a Diagnosis of

Idiopathic Aplastic Anemia51


Pancytopenia has been present for >2 wk

Pancytopenia persists after treatment of endotoxemia
and/or sepsis
No known exposure to aplastic anemiainducing agents
in the 4 wk preceding the development of cytopenias
Exclusion of chronic renal disease
No evidence of retained testicles, testicular masses, or
persistent estrus
Negative titers for infectious diseases, including
Ehrlichia, Babesia, Rickettsia, and Leishmania spp
A bone marrow core biopsy sample revealing
replacement of bone marrow with adipose tissue, with
hemic tissue occupying only 0% to 25% of the bone
marrow space

Meclofenamic acid10
Chemotherapeutics 2,11,15,1719

Cytosine arabinoside
Cyclohexylchloroethylnitrosurea (CCNU; lomustine)




Noxema Skin Cream (Procter & Gamble)30

of total body irradiation induce aplastic anemia in all


In cases in which all infectious, hormonal, and drugrelated exposures have been excluded, a diagnosis of
idiopathic aplastic anemia can be made. A recent review51
proposes that a diagnosis of idiopathic aplastic anemia
be made only if specific criteria are met (see box on this
page). In veterinary medicine, such a diagnosis is rarely
supported by complete exclusion of underlying causes.52
An immune-mediated reaction against hematopoietic
precursors has been suggested and is supported in
human medicine with evidence of T lymphocytemediated stem cell reactions.53 In vitro studies have shown
that overproduction of interferon- and tumor necrosis
factor by T lymphocytes suppresses hematopoietic
colony formation and, when secreted into the marrow
environment, they inhibit stem cell proliferation by
February 2006

effects on the mitotic cycle and apoptosis.3,53 Recovery

following administration of immunosuppressive drugs
further supports an immune-mediated cause, although
not all cases respond to treatment.
Idiopathic aplastic anemia has been sporadically documented in dogs.4,11,34,54 Most reports are of young dogs,
and the prognosis is considered poor in many cases.15 In
a retrospective study17 of causes of feline pancytopenia,
three cases of idiopathic aplastic anemia were identified.
All three were young cats that died or were euthanized
within 1 week of diagnosis.

Marrow Necrosis
Myelonecrosis is necrosis of myeloid tissue and
medullary stroma in large areas of hematopoietic bone
marrow.55 Causes of marrow necrosis may be due to
direct (toxic) damage to hematopoietic cells or secondary
to ischemia via injury or disruption of microcirculation.1
Extensive necrosis can lead to suppressed hematopoiesis
and subsequent cytopenias. Bone marrow biopsy may
show an absence of normal parenchymal architecture,
indistinct cell margins, amorphous eosinophilic background material, and foci of necrotic patches surrounded
by normal hematopoietic cells.1,55 Diseases or processes
associated with marrow necrosis include septicemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, neoplasia, drugs,
estrogen, parvovirus, systemic lupus erythematosus,
ehrlichiosis, and FeLV infection. 1,56 Pancytopenia is
infrequently reported with marrow necrosis but can
occur. 57,58 If a patient with myelonecrosis survives,
myelofibrosis may develop.


CE Causes of Canine and Feline Pancytopenia

Marrow Fibrosis
Primary or idiopathic myelofibrosis is considered a
chronic myeloproliferative disorder of all cell lines. This
nonclonal fibroblast proliferation is believed to be due
to stimulation by growth factors and fibrogenic
cytokines released from abnormal megakaryocytes
and/or platelets.5861 Alternatively, immunologic abnormalities, including complement activation, have been
implicated in the pathogenesis of myelofibrosis.62 The
presence of abnormal megakaryocytes in bone marrow,
extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen and/or liver,
and dysplastic features in all cell lines in idiopathic
myelofibrosis helps differentiate it from secondary
myelofibrosis.52,63 Idiopathic myelofibrosis should be differentiated from acute megakaryoblastic leukemia,
which can also be associated with prominent marrow
Secondary myelofibrosis usually results from marrow
injury, including necrosis, vascular damage, inflammation, neoplasia (with concurrent myelophthisis and neoplasia at extramedullary sites), or myeloproliferative
disease. Pyruvate kinase deficiency, primarily docu-

In cats, myelofibrosis is primarily associated with

myelodysplasia or acute myelogenous leukemia
(AML).58,59 FeLV infection is frequently the cause of
myelodysplasia with secondary myelofibrosis.58
Myelofibrosis should be suspected when repeated
attempts at bone marrow aspiration are unsuccessful or if
poor-quality aspirates with spindle cells or specimens
lacking marrow particles are obtained. A definitive diagnosis can be made only with marrow histopathology
showing fibrous tissue containing actively proliferating
fibroblasts and an excess of reticulin and/or collagen.1
Special stains may be required to detect mild myelofibrosis and to differentiate between reticulin and collagen.

Osteosclerosis and Osteopetrosis

Osteosclerosis is thickening of trabecular (i.e.,
spongy) bone, whereas osteopetrosis is a form of
osteosclerosis resulting from decreased bone resorption
secondary to decreased numbers and/or abnormal osteoclast function.1 Space for hematopoiesis decreases with
osteosclerosis and, occasionally, hyperostosis (i.e.,
widening of cortical compact bone from appositioning

Clinical signs related to leukopenia and thrombocytopenia typically

develop within 2 weeks after marrow injury because of the life span
of neutrophils (i.e., 1 to 4 days) and platelets (i.e., 8 to 10 days).
mented in basenjis, is associated with subsequent
myelofibrosis.1,64,65 Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia
(IMHA), lymphoma, carcinoma, sarcoma, drugs (e.g.,
phenobarbital, phenytoin, phenylbutazone, colchicine),
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, metastatic adenocarcinoma, and lymphoblastic lymphoma have also been
reported in cases of myelofibrosis.63,6668 Overproduction
of erythropoietin and thrombopoietin in patients with
IMHA, immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMT),
and pyruvate kinase deficiency as well as increased production of cytokines from activated macrophages may
contribute to the development of marrow fibrosis.15,59
Neoplasia has been proposed to cause myelofibrosis by63:

Decreased intramedullary blood flow

Tumor secretion of factors that induce fibroblast proliferation

Necrosis secondary to disseminated intravascular



of osseous tissue at endosteal and/or periosteal surfaces).

Mild to severe nonregenerative anemia occurs often,
whereas decreases in platelets and leukocytes occur less
often.6971 A presumptive diagnosis of osteosclerosis or
osteopetrosis is based on the presence of combined
cytopenias with increased radiographic osseous density;
however, the diagnosis can be confirmed only with a
bone marrow core biopsy.72,73 These disorders should be
suspected when a marrow sample cannot be obtained
because of difficulty advancing the needle through the

Myelodysplastic Syndrome
MDS is a group of clonal hematologic disorders originating from a mutational event in hematopoietic stem
cells, thus conferring a growth advantage. Such hematopathies are considered preneoplastic or neoplastic and
can be lethal, even without progression to AML,
because of severe cytopenias from the marrows inability
February 2006

Causes of Canine and Feline Pancytopenia CE

to produce mature blood cells.59 The clonal expansion

and apoptotic response observed in MDS arises from
interaction between the malignant clone and the
microenvironment.74,75 Multiple defects in growth and
differentiation of marrow cells, induction of apoptosis
from inflammatory cytokines, and uncontrolled production of myelomonocytic precursors contribute to cytopenias. 59,74,76 Although one cell line may be more
severely affected, defects within multipotential stem
cells lead to ineffective proliferation of one or more cell
lines and result in peripheral cytopenias of the affected
population(s). Anemia is present in almost all cases,
whereas alterations in peripheral neutrophils and
platelet counts are variable.59 The marrow is typically
normo- to hypercellular. Marrow samples occasionally
have patchy hypercellularity or decreased cell counts.
MDSs are classified based on characteristics identified
by quantitative and morphologic evaluation of blood
and bone marrow.59 The French, American, and British


MDS can be a primary disease (as already defined) or

can occur secondary to a concurrent disease, nutritional
deficiency (e.g., iron, folate), lead toxicosis, or, most
commonly, malignancy or drug administration. 79,8688
Lymphoma, myelofibrosis, IMT, IMHA, multiple
myeloma, and certain drugs have been associated with
MDS in dogs.22,77,8991 MDS has also been reported in
dogs with hepatic disease and following exposure to
gamma radiation.1,92,93 Concurrent diseases identified in
cats include lymphoma, stomatitis, toxoplasmosis, FIP,
granulomatous meningoencephalitis, bite wounds, and
Aleurostrongylus spp infection. 84 MDS secondary to
chemotherapy treatment may be due to a mutational
stem cell event or direct cytotoxic effects.51 Nearly 20%
of human cases are secondar y to treatment with
chemotherapy agents, particularly alkylating agents, and
exposure to radiation or chemicals.59 Bone marrow evaluation in cases of secondary MDS usually reveals fewer
than 5% myeloblasts. The pathogenesis of secondary

Ehrlichial infections should be considered in the differential

diagnosis for cats and dogs with multiple cytopenias.
guidelines for MDS classification in humans have been
adapted for animals. The Animal Leukemia Study
Group of the American Society for Veterinary Clinical
Pathology recently established uniform and specific
cytomorphologic criteria for characterizing MDS. 77
Increased cellularity, increased blast cells (<30%), and
dysplastic features of one or more cell lines define
MDS.11,59 The three main types of MDS in small animals are currently subclassified as MDS with refractory
cytopenia, erythroid predominance, or excessive blasts
(MDS-EB).77,78 Many factors are used for prognosis; in
general, high marrow blast cell counts and multiple
severe cytopenias are predictors of short survival and
likely progression to AML.59,7981 MDS-EB more commonly presents with pancytopenias compared with
other MDS groups.46,77
MDS leading to pancytopenia has been identified in
dogs and cats.11,46,79,80,8284 All three subclassifications of
MDS have been identified in cats.51,80 About 80% of cats
with MDS are FeLV positive and have macrocytic anemia.59,81,84 This anemia may be due to FeLV-induced erythroid hypoplasia or primary FeLV-induced mutational
events in hematopoietic stem cells.46,85 In cats, survival is
generally of short duration with all types of MDS.80
February 2006

MDS is poorly understood; however, some cases are

potentially reversible with treatment of the inciting

Myelophthisis features infiltration of the bone marrow
by neoplastic cells, inflammatory cells, or fibrous connective tissue resulting in loss of hematopoietic space and
decreased hematopoiesis. Certain neoplastic or granulomatous conditions can show patchy or multifocal distribution in the marrow, making diagnosis difficult.72
Granulomatous Bone Marrow Disease
Histoplasmosis, which is caused by Histoplasma capsulatum, is a systemic mycotic disease with preferential
involvement of the reticuloendothelial system. 94,95
Although uncommon, pancytopenia secondary to histoplasmosis has been reported in cats and dogs. 94,96
Proposed mechanisms of pancytopenia include displacement of myeloid/erythroid elements by granulomatous reaction to Histoplasma organisms, anemia of
chronic infection, and toxic effects of the organisms.94,96
Pancytopenia has also been reported in association with
granulomatous disease of visceral leishmaniasis.97


CE Causes of Canine and Feline Pancytopenia

pancytopenia, which are often identified without the

need for marrow aspiration or biopsy.

Sepsis is implicated as the primary cause of pancytopenia when hematology results suggest sepsis and
more common causes of pancytopenia are not evident.11,17 Hematologic findings suggestive of septicemia
include an inflammatory leukogram with a degenerative
left shift and toxic change or neutropenia, mild to moderate anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Septicemia can
affect bone marrow in several ways52:
Figure 3. Hypercellular marrow spicule from a dog with

neutropenia. Note that the densely cellular spicule is composed

of approximately 90% hematopoietic precursors and 10%
adipocytes. (WrightsGiemsa stain, original magnification 200)

Malignant histiocytosis (MH) is an aggressive neoplastic condition characterized by pancytopenia and proliferation of atypical macrophages in the liver, spleen,
lymph nodes, lungs, and bone marrow or a combination
of these sites.98 MH has been sporadically reported in
several breeds of dogs, most notably Bernese mountain
dogs.99101 Finding greater than 20% macrophages, some
of which exhibit criteria of malignancy, in the bone marrow supports a diagnosis of MH.89,100,102 Pancytopenia
may be due to phagocytosis of marrow cells or suppression of hematopoiesis.100 MH has also been reported in a
cat with multiple cytopenias.103 Pancytopenia has also
been reported in association with acute lymphoblastic
leukemia, myelogenous leukemia, lymphoma, multiple
myeloma, and metastatic disease.11,17,84,104 The cause of
pancytopenia in dogs with malignant disease is uncertain
but may be due to rapid proliferation of malignant cells
in marrow, thus suppressing normal hematopoiesis.
In general, peripheral cell destruction of blood cells
stimulates bone marrow production of the affected cell
lines, leading to hypercellular marrow (Figure 3). Peripheral pancytopenia can result if destruction or sequestration of all cell lines exceeds the capacity of the
marrow and/or sites of extramedullary hematopoiesis to
replace circulating cells. Compared with decreased marrow cell production, there are fewer causes of peripheral

Endotoxin-induced destruction of bone marrow


Toxic or hypoxic bone marrow necrosis

Inflammatory cytokine-induced suppression of


Inflammation associated with bacterial infection of

the bone marrow

Other mechanisms that may contribute to cytopenias

included sequestration of neutrophils and platelets in
capillary beds, blood loss, red cell fragmentation, and
rapid mobilization of neutrophils to the site of
infection.15 If sepsis is directly affecting the marrow,
hypocellularity may be noted. Animals may recover with
antibiotic treatment and other supportive care.

Immune-Mediated Disease
Pancytopenia has been reported in dogs with IMHA
and IMT. Red cells and platelets are the primary targets
in these diseases, but neutropenia may be present. The
neutropenia is often mild and may be secondary to an
acute inflammatory response initiated by the immunemediated disease, sepsis, or immune-mediated destruction of neutrophils.11 An association with IMHA and/or
IMT in conjunction with a positive Coombs or antinuclear antibody test may further support an immunemediated cause. Certain drugs, such as methimazole and
anticonvulsants, have been associated with apparent
immune-mediated peripheral blood cell destruction,
although the exact immunologic and toxic mechanisms
underlying these drug reactions are not always clear.105,106
Hemophagocytic Syndrome and
Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) is a nonmalignant
proliferative disorder of macrophages in the bone marFebruary 2006

Causes of Canine and Feline Pancytopenia CE

row.101,107 It can be primary/idiopathic or secondary to

other diseases, including IMHA, IMT, MDS, infection
(i.e., salmonellosis, parvovirus), and neoplasia (i.e., lymphoma, mast cell tumor, carcinoma, sarcoma).15,52,102,107,108
Phagocytosis of hematopoietic cells does not appear to
be due to a primary immune disorder but rather to inappropriate activation of normal macrophages.107 The precise pathogenic events that lead to inappropriate reactive
histiocytosis have not been characterized. Cytopenias
are partly due to cytophagia, but other factors to consider include107,109:

Depression of progenitor cell proliferation due to

release of cytokines that inhibit hematopoiesis, such
as interferon-, tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1

Inappropriate production of these and other

cytokines stimulating phagocytic activity in normal

Acquired, iatrogenic, or congenital immunologic


In cases of IMHA, opsonization of erythroid cells as a

result of antibody binding may increase phagocytic
activity.110 Bone marrow aspirates in cases of HPS show
mild to moderate increases in macrophages and many
phagocytized hematopoietic cells. 107,109 Bone marrow


difficult to differentiate from MH via cytology in cases

in which neoplastic macrophages exhibit minimal cytologic atypia.98,102 The outcome in HPS depends on the
underlying disease implicated.
Hypersplenism is characterized by marked splenomegaly, in which the expanded reticuloendothelial system of the spleen results in blood cell destruction and
subsequent cytopenias.15 This is not a well-established
syndrome in dogs, and there is probably some overlap
with HPS.15,112,113 Hypersplenism can develop from several common causes of splenomegaly, including
hemolytic anemia, granulomatous inflammation, splenic
congestion, and neoplasia. 112,113 The pathogenesis of
cytopenias is thought to be due to increased splenic
sequestration or phagocytosis of blood cells and expansion of plasma volume. Decreased marrow cellularity
may be due to splenic release of humoral and cellular
inhibitors of myelopoiesis.112 Patients with clinical cases
present with anemia, thrombocytopenia, and marked
splenomegaly with extramedullary hematopoiesis and
hyper- or hypocellular marrow.113 Resolution of cytopenias generally occurs following splenectomy.112

Identifying and treating patients with pancytopenia
should be approached by first excluding the causes of
peripheral cell destruction, especially sepsis and

Hypercellular marrow may be present despite decreased hematopoietic cell production

because of infiltration of neoplastic cells, the presence of inflammatory cells, or
an altered microenvironment conferring a growth advantage for other cells lines.
may be hypercellular or hypocellular. Erythrocytophagia
is commonly obser ved; however, phagocytosis of
platelets and granulocytic cells has also been reported.102
In one retrospective evaluation of HPS in four dogs and
one cat, macrophage percentages in bone marrow varied
from 2% to 35% (normal: <3%).107 Immunosuppression
may be valuable in treating underlying immune-mediated disease; however, in reported animal cases, spherocytes and agglutination were not evident and all cases
had negative results via Coombs testing.107 HPS should
be differentiated from systemic histiocytosis, malignant
histiocytosis, bone marrow necrosis, granulomatous
bone marrow disease, histiocytic lymphoma, and monocytic and myelomonocytic leukemia.57,102,111 HPS can be
February 2006

immune-mediated disease. If initial diagnostics, including infectious disease testing, do not offer a conclusive
diagnosis, bone marrow aspiration and/or core biopsy is
indicated. Understanding the etiopathogenesis of marrow-related diseases aids in diagnosing pancytopenic
patients and in determining a prognosis for recovery.

1. Harvey JW: Disorders of bone marrow, hematopoietic neoplasms, and nonhematopoietic neoplasms. Atlas of Veterinary Hematology: Blood and Bone
Marrow of Domestic Animals. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2001, pp 125188.
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February 2006



CE Causes of Canine and Feline Pancytopenia

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1. A bone marrow sample in an adult animal is considered hypoplastic when at least ____% of the
marrow is composed of fat.
a. 25
b. 40
c. 60
d. 75
2. Which has not been associated with bone marrow hypoplasia and/or aplasia?
a. borreliosis
b. ehrlichiosis
c. parvovirus
d. FeLV infection
3. FIV can infect ______________, which may alter
the capacity of accessor y cells to support
a. erythroid cells
b. myeloid cells
c. megakaryocytes
d. endothelial cells
4. Primary or idiopathic myelofibrosis is believed to
be due to stimulation by growth factors and
fibrogenic cytokines from abnormal
a. megakaryocytes.
b. myeloid cells.
c. fibroblasts.
d. erythroid cells.


7. Clinical signs related to leukopenia and thrombocytopenia generally occur within ___ days of
bone marrow injury because of the life span of
neutrophils and platelets.
a. 5
c. 21
b. 14
d. 30
8. Excess endogenous estrogens in male dogs are
most commonly produced by
a. Leydigs cell tumors.
b. Sertolis cell tumors.
c. granulosa cell tumors.
d. seminomas.
9. An increase in hematopoietic cells in bone marrow aspirate does not occur with
a. hypersplenism.
c. sepsis.
b. HPS.
d. myelofibrosis.
10. Bone marrow hypoplasia or aplasia may result
a. a decrease or genetic defect in stem cells.
b. an altered marrow microenvironment.
c. dysregulation of bone marrow cell production from
abnormal humoral mediators.
d. all of the above

5. Of the MDS subclasses, _________ more commonly occurs with pancytopenia.

a. MDS with erythroid predominance
c. MDS with refractory cytopenia
d. AML
6. Phagocytosis of hematopoietic cells in cases of
HPS is due to
a. activation of malignant macrophages.
b. a primary immune disorder.
c. inappropriate activation of normal macrophages.
d. a primary abnormality in the hematopoietic precursor cells.


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February 2006

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