Rievtech User Manual

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Programmable Relay User's Manual

Applied to ELC&PR series Ver: 3.0

Rievtech Electronic Co.,Ltd


 Introduction

 Getting started

 Installation and wiring

 Programming xLogic

 Configuring &software

 Applications

 Technical data


Congratulations with your xLogic Micro PLC provided by Rievtech Electronic Co., Ltd.

The xLogic Micro PLC is a compact and expandable CPU replacing mini PLCs, multiple timers, relays and

The xLogic Micro PLC perfectly fits in the space between timing relays and low-end PLCs. Each CPU
incorporates not only a real-time clock and calendar, but also provides support for optional expansion I/O
modules to enhance control and monitoring applications. Data adjustments can easily be performed via
the keypad, the LCD display, or through the Rievtech-to-use xLogic soft. DIN-rail and panel-mounted
options are both available, offering full flexibility to the various installation needs of your application.

The xLogic Micro PLC is available in 120V/240V AC or 12V and 24V DC versions, making it the ideal
solution for relay replacement, or simple control applications as building and parking lot lighting,
managing automatic lighting, access control, watering systems, pump control, ventilation systems,
home automation and a wide field of other applications demanding low cost to be a primary design issue.

We strongly recommended taking the time to read this manual, before putting the xLogic Micro PLC to
work. Installation, programming and use of the unit are detailed in this manual. The feature-rich xLogic
Micro PLC provides a for off-line operation mode, allowing full configuration and testing prior to in-field
service commissioning. In reviewing this manual you will discover many additional advantageous product
properties, it will greatly simplify and optimize the use of your xLogic Micro PLC.

Valid range of this manual

The manual applies to devices of ELC series and PR series modules . For more information about EXM
series module(GSM and WIFI module) ,please refer to the x-Messenger user's manual.

Safety Guideline

This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to

prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual
by a safety alert symbol; notices referring to property damage only have no safety alert symbol. The
notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.

Indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are
not taken

With a safety alert symbol indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper
precautions are not taken.

Without a safety alert symbol indicates that property damage can result if proper
precautions are not taken.


Indicate that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding

notice is not taken into account.

If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of
danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a
warning relating to property damage.

Qualified Personnel

The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning
and operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of
the safety notices in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to
commission, ground and label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety
practices and standards. Please read the complete operating instructions before installation and
Rievtech does not accept any liability for possible damage to persons, buildings or machines, which occur
due to incorrect use or from not following the details.

Prescribed Usage

Note the following:


This device and its components may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the
technical description, and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers
which have been approved or recommended by Rievtech. Correct, reliable operation of the product
requires proper transport, storage, positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and


All names identified by xLogic are registered trademarks of the Rievtech. The remaining trademarks in
this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the
rights of the owner.

Copyright Rievtech 2015 all rights reserved

The distribution and duplication of this document or the utilization and transmission of its contents are
not permitted without express written permission. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights,
including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.

Disclaim of Liability

We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However,
the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in
subsequent editions.

Additional support
We take pride in answering your question as soon as we can:
Please consult our website at www.rievtech.com for your closest point of contact or email us at

Contents........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 1 General Introduction to xLogic........................................................................................................................ 11
1.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Highlight feature................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 2 Hardware models and resources.................................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Naming Rules of ELC&PR Series.................................................................................................................................. 16
2.2 Hardware model selection.............................................................................................................................................. 16
2.3 Structure & dimension..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 3 Installing/removing xLogic............................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 DIN rail mounting.............................................................................................................................................................. 23
3.2 Wall-mounting..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.3 wiring xLogic........................................................................................................................................................................ 27
3.4.1 Connecting the power supply............................................................................................................................ 27
3.4.2 Connecting xLogic inputs.................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.3 Connecting xLogic Outputs................................................................................................................................ 32
3.4.4 Communication port instructions:................................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 4 Parameters modification HMI operation.................................................................................................. 37
4.1 Overview of xLogic menu............................................................................................................................................... 37
4.2 LCD panel instruction....................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.3 Select function page......................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.3.1 How to switch Run/Stop...................................................................................................................................... 43
4.3.2 Set parameter......................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.3.3 Set password........................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.3.4 How to set address of CPU and expansion module.................................................................................. 50
4.3.5 Set LCD (backlight and Contrast)....................................................................................................................52
4.3.6 Set communication parameters....................................................................................................................... 54
4.3.7 Modification of System Time............................................................................................................................. 56
Chapter 5 Configuring & Programming software.......................................................................................................... 58
5.1 xLogic Functions................................................................................................................................................................. 59
5.2 General Input & Output functions............................................................................................................................... 59
5.2.1 Inputs......................................................................................................................................................................... 59
5.2.2 Cursor keys.............................................................................................................................................................. 60
5.2.3 Outputs...................................................................................................................................................................... 60
5.2.4 Permanent logical levels HI and LO................................................................................................................ 61
5.2.5 Panel Key.................................................................................................................................................................. 61
5.2.6 Shift register bits................................................................................................................................................... 62
5.2.7 Analog inputs........................................................................................................................................................... 62
5.2.8 F (digital flag).......................................................................................................................................................... 63
5.2.9 AF (Analog flag)......................................................................................................................................................64
5.3 Basic functions list – GF.................................................................................................................................................. 64
5.3.1 AND............................................................................................................................................................................. 65
5.3.2 AND with edge evaluation.................................................................................................................................. 66

5.3.3 NAND.......................................................................................................................................................................... 67
5.3.4 NAND with edge evaluation............................................................................................................................... 68
5.3.5 OR................................................................................................................................................................................ 68
5.3.6 NOR............................................................................................................................................................................. 69
5.3.7 XOR............................................................................................................................................................................. 70
5.3.8 NOT..............................................................................................................................................................................71
5.3.9 Boolean Function.................................................................................................................................................... 71
5.4 Basics on special functions.............................................................................................................................................72
5.4.1 Designation of the inputs....................................................................................................................................73
5.4.2 Time response......................................................................................................................................................... 74
5.4.3 Backup of the real-time clock........................................................................................................................... 74
6.4.4 Retentivity.................................................................................................................................................................74
5.4.5 Parameter protection............................................................................................................................................ 75
5.4.6 Calculating the gain and offset of analog values...................................................................................... 75
5.5 Special functions list – SF...............................................................................................................................................77
5.5.1 On-delay.................................................................................................................................................................... 81
5.5.2 Off-delay....................................................................................................................................................................82
5.5.3 On-/Off-delay.......................................................................................................................................................... 84
5.5.4 Retentive on-delay................................................................................................................................................ 85
5.5.5 Wiping relay (pulse output)............................................................................................................................... 86
5.5.6 Edge triggered wiping relay............................................................................................................................... 88
5.5.7 Asynchronous pulse generator......................................................................................................................... 89
5.5.8 Random generator.................................................................................................................................................90
5.5.9 Stairway lighting switch...................................................................................................................................... 92
5.5.10 Multiple function switch.................................................................................................................................... 94
5.5.11 Weekly timer......................................................................................................................................................... 95
5.5.12 Yearly timer........................................................................................................................................................... 98
5.5.13 Up/Down counter.............................................................................................................................................. 103
5.5.14 Hours counter..................................................................................................................................................... 105
5.5.15 Threshold trigger.............................................................................................................................................. 107
5.5.16 Latching relay..................................................................................................................................................... 109
5.5.17 Pulse relay........................................................................................................................................................... 110
5.5.18 Message text.......................................................................................................................................................111 How to change parameters of blocks in displayed message ?............................................119
5.5.19 Softkey.................................................................................................................................................................. 121
5.5.20 Shift register....................................................................................................................................................... 123
5.5.21 Analog comparator........................................................................................................................................... 124
5.5.22 Analog threshold trigger................................................................................................................................ 127
5.5.23 Analog amplifier................................................................................................................................................ 129
5.5.24 Analog value monitoring................................................................................................................................ 130
5.5.25 Analog differential trigger..............................................................................................................................132
5.5.26 Analog multiplexer........................................................................................................................................... 134
5.5.27 System cover...................................................................................................................................................... 136
5.5.28 Pulse Width Modulator (PWM)..................................................................................................................... 137

5.5.29 Analog Ramp...................................................................................................................................................... 140
5.5.30 Analog Math........................................................................................................................................................ 142
5.5.31 Analog math error detection........................................................................................................................ 144
5.5.32 Modbus Read...................................................................................................................................................... 146
5.5.33 Modbus Write...................................................................................................................................................... 151
5.5.34 Data latching relay........................................................................................................................................... 155
5.5.35 PI controller.........................................................................................................................................................157
5.5.36 Memory write..................................................................................................................................................... 168
5.5.37 Memory Read......................................................................................................................................................172
5.5.38 Word to Bit.......................................................................................................................................................... 175
5.5.39 Bit to Word.......................................................................................................................................................... 177
5.5.40 Stopwatch............................................................................................................................................................ 178
5.5.41 Analog filter......................................................................................................................................................... 180
5.5.42 Max/Min................................................................................................................................................................ 181
5.5.43 Average value..................................................................................................................................................... 184
5.5.44 Device Reset....................................................................................................................................................... 185
5.5.45 Comport Status................................................................................................................................................. 187
5.5.46 Astronomical clock............................................................................................................................................190
5.5.47 Cam Control........................................................................................................................................................ 192
5.5.48 Angular Cam Timer.......................................................................................................................................... 193
5.5.49 Pumps Management........................................................................................................................................ 194
5.5.50 Defrost.................................................................................................................................................................. 196
5.5.51 Comparison of 2 values.................................................................................................................................. 197
5.5.52 Multicompare...................................................................................................................................................... 198
5.5.53 Compare in zone............................................................................................................................................... 199
5.5.54 Conversion Word bits...................................................................................................................................... 200
5.5.55 Conversion bits Word...................................................................................................................................... 201
5.5.56 Demultiplexer..................................................................................................................................................... 201
5.5.57 Multiplexing......................................................................................................................................................... 202
5.5.58 Multiplexer........................................................................................................................................................... 203
5.5.59 Square Boot........................................................................................................................................................ 203
5.5.60 Sin Cos.................................................................................................................................................................. 204
5.5.61 Absolute Humidity............................................................................................................................................ 205
5.6 xLogicsoft........................................................................................................................................................................... 206
5.7 Main Functions..................................................................................................................................................................212
5.8 Operation Instructions...................................................................................................................................................213
5.8.1 Menu Bar.................................................................................................................................................................213 File................................................................................................................................................................. 213 Edit................................................................................................................................................................ 214 Tools..............................................................................................................................................................214 SMS............................................................................................................................................................... 215 View.............................................................................................................................................................. 216 Help...............................................................................................................................................................216
5.8.2 Toolbar..................................................................................................................................................................... 217

5.8.3 Programming Toolbar.........................................................................................................................................217
5.8.4 Simulation Tool and status window.............................................................................................................. 219
5.9 Basic Operation................................................................................................................................................................ 221
5.9.1 Open File................................................................................................................................................................. 221 Open New File........................................................................................................................................... 221 Open Existed Document....................................................................................................................... 223
5.9.2 Edit Function Diagram Program.................................................................................................................... 224 Place Function Block............................................................................................................................... 224 Edit Property of Function Block..........................................................................................................224 Setup link................................................................................................................................................... 225 Delete Function Block or Delete Link...............................................................................................227 Change block index................................................................................................................................ 228
5.10 Simulation Running...................................................................................................................................................... 228
5.11 Save and Print................................................................................................................................................................ 230
5.12 Modify Password and transfer the Program....................................................................................................... 231
5.13 On-line monitoring/test circuit program.............................................................................................................. 233
Chapter 6 How to configure the Ethernet modem built-in CPU ?........................................................................ 239
6.1 Configuration with DeviceManager................................................................................................................... 239
6.2 Establish communication between CPU and xLogicSoft/SCADA via Ethernet.............................. 248
6.3 How to establish the communication among CPUs via Ethernet ?...................................................... 251
Chapter 7 Applications.......................................................................................................................................................... 262
7.1 Dual-function switch...................................................................................................................................................... 262
7.1.1 Standard solution .............................................................................................................................................. 262
7.1.2 The scheme of xLogic........................................................................................................................................ 264
7.2 Automatic gate................................................................................................................................................................. 265
7.2.1 Standard solution................................................................................................................................................ 266
7.2.2 The scheme of xLogic........................................................................................................................................ 267
7.3 Ventilation system...........................................................................................................................................................269
7.3.1 Standard solution................................................................................................................................................ 269
7.3.2 The scheme of xLogic........................................................................................................................................ 270
7.4 Factory door...................................................................................................................................................................... 272
7.4.1 Standard solution................................................................................................................................................ 272
7.4.2 The scheme of xLogic........................................................................................................................................ 273
7.5 Daylight lamp system.................................................................................................................................................... 275
7.5.1 Standard solution................................................................................................................................................ 276
7.5.2 The scheme of xLogic........................................................................................................................................ 276
7.6 Rainwater pump............................................................................................................................................................... 278
7.6.1 Standard solution................................................................................................................................................ 279
7.6.2 The scheme of xLogic........................................................................................................................................ 280
Chapter 8 Modbus function code and Register addresses...................................................................................... 281
8.1 xLogic modbus function code ................................................................................................................................... 281
8.2 Register addresses of xLogic...................................................................................................................................... 282
Appendix..................................................................................................................................................................................... 286
A Technical data....................................................................................................................................................................... 286

A.3 Switching capacity and service life of the relay outputs................................................................................. 309

Chapter 1 General Introduction to xLogic

1.1 Overview

xLogic is a universal logic module made by Rievtech.

xLogic , a compact, expandable CPU that can replace mini PLC, multiple timers, relays and counters,
Splitting the difference between a timing relay and a low-end PLC, Each CPU has a real-time clock and
calendar, and supports optional expansion I/O modules to enhance your control and monitoring
applications . Data adjustments can be done via the on-board keypad and LCD display, or with xLogicsoft.
It can be either DIN-rail or panel mounted, depending upon the needs of your application, and it is
available in 120V/240V ac as well as 12V and 24V dc versions, and it is the ideal solution for relay
replacement applications, simple control applications such as building and parking lot lighting, managing
automatic lighting, access control, watering systems, pump control, or ventilation systems in factory, and
home automation and applications in which cost is a primary design issue.

1.2 Highlight feature

 4-lines, 16-characters per line, backlight display.

 Multiple value display and input via keypad and LCD display.
 70 kinds of function Blocks can be used in a circuit program in maximum
 Standard Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP communication protocol supported.
 It’s optional for xLogic to act as slave or master in certain Modbus communication network.
(easy connect to other factory touch screen by RS232 cable, RS485 module)
 CAN BUS protocol based expansion modules(PR-18/PR-24 series CPU)
 Expandable up to 16 linked IO expansion modules reaching 282 I/O points in maximum
 Optional RS232, RS485 and Ethernet connectivity
 Multiple channels analog inputs available with DC 0-10V signal ,PT100 signal& 0/4….20mA.
 Default Real Time Clock (RTC) and summer/winter timer is available
 Backup at Real Time Clock (RTC) at 25 °C:100 hours
 4 channels high-speed counting
 Pre-configured standard functions, e.g. on/ off-delays, pulse relay and softkey
 2 PWM channels(10KHz in maximum)
 Retentive memory capability (Not applied to PR-6&PR-12-E series CPU)

 RS232 and USB communication download cable with photo-electricity isolation
 Programmable capability up to 512 function blocks(standard PR-12/PR-18/PR-24) and 64 function
blocks for PR-6&PR-12-E
 Mounting via modular 35mm DIN rail or screw fixed mounting plate
 On-line monitor capability(Free charge SCADA for all series xlogic)
 Datalogging
 Kinds of analog signals process capacity (DC 0..10V ,0/4...20mA and PT100 probe inputs and DC
0..10V and 0/4...20mA outputs)
 Low cost

Some of the things xLogic can do for you?

The xLogic Micro PLC provides solutions for commercial, industrial, building and
domestic applications such as lighting, pumping, ventilation, shutter operations or
in switching cabinets. The application field is widespread and these are just a few
to mention.
Using the RS485 bus and Ethernet connectivity allows the user to realize various extensive (real-time)
monitoring and control applications.
Special versions without operator panel and display unit are available for series production applications
in small machine, installation and cabinet building environments to further slash cost.

xLogic devices:

xLogic Basic is available in two voltage classes:

*Classes 1:DC12-24V: i.e.: PR-6DC Series, PR-12DC series, PR-18 series, PR-24DC series.

*Classes2: AC110-240V: i.e.: PR-6AC Series, PR-12AC series, PR-18AC series , PR-24AC series.

In the versions:

* With Display: with “-HMI” model, such as PR-12DC-DA-R-HMI

* Without Display: PR-6 series and with “-CAP” model, such as PR-12DC-DA-R-CAP. Only PR-12 has -CAP

version. PR-18,PR-24 all have display in default.

Expansion modules:

PR-E (applied to PR-18/PR-24 CPU)

* xLogic digital modules are available for operation with 12…24V DC, and 110.. .240 V AC, and are
equipped with eight inputs and eight outputs.
* xLogic analog modules are available for operation with 12…24 V DC and are equipped with six digital
and 4 analog inputs.

Communication cable and module:

 xLogic:RS232 communication cable (Model:ELC-RS232)

It is kind of universal cable with photoelectricity isolation which can be directly connected to standard
9-pin port of PC, also kind of interface module which can enable user’s program to be downloaded into
xLogic CPU through xLogicsoft for running. It also is the connection cable between CPU and third party
device with the RS232 port(just like HMI) in modbus communication system.

 xLogic: USB communication cable (Model: ELC-USB).

It is kind of communication cable with photoelectricity isolation through which PC with USB port only can
be connected to xLogic main module, moreover, it has same features as ELC-RS232 module, so it is
quite convenient for user whose computer has no standard serial port.

 xLogic: PRO-RS485 cable (Model: PRO-RS485).

It is kind of converter cable with photoelectricity isolation to make the program port serves as RS485

 xLogic: RS485 module(Model:PR-RS485)

isolated 485 converter,used to bring out the terminals of RS485 port built-in PR-18,PR-24 series CPU for

connection with third party devices.

Communication / Network

xLogic offers different ways to communicate within the system.

RS485 port

The RS485 port is used for communication between the CPU and various devices or equipments which
have the standard RS485 port. Communicate using Modbus RTU/ASCII protocol.

Note:PR-RS485 module is required to connect the CPU to RS485 BUS.

RS232 or USB port (ELC-ES232/ ELC-USB needed)

If there is no network required and only one main module with some expansion modules is needed for the
application, the down- and upload of the project to and from the main module happens over the standard
RS232 or USB port. It allows system maintenance like monitoring too.

Note:PR-E-RS485 module is required to connect the CPU to RS485 BUS.

Ethernet network

If the application requires a system where more than one main module is needed and these main
modules have to communicate, each Ethernet CPU will be connected directly to the Ethernet by the
built-in LAN port. The project down- and upload to and from the main modules and the communication
between the CPU happens over the Ethernet network. Furthermore the our free of charge SCADA can be
also established connection with Ethernet CPU


xLogic CPU may be equipped with expansion modules of the different voltage class, but expansion
module must be supplied the correct power corresponding to its type.
Each xLogic CPU provides the following connections for the creation of the circuit program, regardless of
the number of connected blocks:

 Digital inputs I1 to I4(PR-6), I1 to I8(PR-12), I1 to IC(ELC-18),I1 to IE(PR-24). I11-I18(Expansion

with address 1)...I161--I168(Expansion with address 16)
 Analog inputs I1 to I6(PR-18/PR-24), I1 to I4(PR-12), I11 to I14(PR-E expansion with address
1),....AI161 to AI164(PR-E expansion with address 16)
 Digital outputs Q1 to Q6(PR-18), Q1 to Q4(PR-12),Q1 to QA(PR-24);Q11 to Q18((PR-E expansion
with address 1), Q81 to Q88(PR-E expansion with address 16)
 Digital flag blocks F1-F32(PR-6,PR-12-E), F1-F128(PR-12/PR-18/PR-24) ;
 -F8 : Startup flag
 -F64: Backlight control bit(to control the backlight of LCD and backlight of ELC-43TS)
 -F63: Buzzer of ELC-43TS control bit
 Analog flag blocks AF1 to AF256(PR-12/PR-18/PR-24);AF1-AF32(PR-6/PR-12-E)
 Shift register bits S1 to S8

Chapter 2 Hardware models and resources

2.1 Naming Rules of ELC&PR Series

1.Series name: ELC series; PR series.

2.Points of input and output
3.Supply power AC or DC
4.Digital/Analog D: digital DA: digital/analog
5.Output type R: relay T: transistor TN = “PNP” transistor; TP= “NPN” transistor
6. E: economic mode
7. N: Ethernet port built-in


The model end with “-HMI” means the CPU has LCD and panel keys on it;

The model end with “-CAP” means the CPU has no LCD on it.

Model name (expansion module ,plus with PR-18/PR-24 CPU together to use):

1.Series name
2.E: expansion module
3.Points of input and output
4.Supply power AC or DC
5.Digital/Analog D: digital DA: digital/analog
6.Output type R: relay TP: “NPN” transistor;TN :“PNP” transistor

2.2 Hardware model selection

PR-6 Series CPU Units (None expandable)

Model Expansion Supply voltage Inputs Outputs PWM HMI RTC

PR-6AC-R no 4 digital 2 relays (10A) no no no yes

PR-6DC-DA-R no DC12-24V 4 digital/4(0...10V) 2 relays (10A) no no no yes

PR-12 Series CPU Units(None expandable)

Model Supply voltage Inputs Outputs High-speed count PWM HMI RTC

PR-12AC-R-HMI no AC110~AC240V 8 digital 4 relays (10A) no no yes yes

PR-12AC-R-E-CAP no AC110~AC240V 8 digital 4 relays (10A) no no no yes

PR-12DC-DA-R-HMI no DC12-24V 4(0...10V)+4 digital 4 relays (10A) 4(I5-I8)(60KHZ) no yes yes

PR-12DC-DA-R-E-CAP no DC12-24V 4(0...10V)+4 digital 4 relays (10A) no no no yes

PR-12DC-DA-TN-HMI no DC12-24V 4(0...10V)+4 digital 4 (I5-I8)(60KHZ) Yes(10KHZ) yes yes

PR-18 Series CPU Units(Expandable)

Model Expansion Supply voltage Inputs Outputs High-speed count PWM HMI RTC

PR-18AC-R-HMI yes 12 digital 6 relays (10A) no no yes yes

PR-18DC-DA-R-HMI yes DC12-24V 6 relays (10A) 4(I9-IC)(60KHZ) no yes yes
al+4 digital

6(0...10V)/6digit 4 relays (10A)+

PR-18DC-DA-RT-HMI yes DC12-24V 4(I9-IC)(60KHZ) yes(10khz) yes yes
al+4 digital 2 transistor(0.3A)

PR-24 Series CPU Units(Expandable)

Model Expansion Supply voltage Inputs Outputs PWM HMI RTC

PR-24AC-R-HMI yes AC110~AC240V 16 digital 10 relays (10A) no no yes yes

PR-24DC-DA-R-HMI yes DC12-24V 10 relays (10A) 4(I9-IC)(60KHZ) no yes yes
+8 digital

PR-24DC-DAI-RTA yes DC12-24V 4(0...10V)/4digital 4(I9-IC)(60KHZ) YES(10khz) yes yes
+8 digital

Expansion Modules(For PR-18,PR-24 series)

Model Supply voltage Inputs Outputs

PR-E-16AC-R AC110~ 8 digital 4 relays(10A)+4 relays(3A)


PR-E-16DC-DA-R DC12-24V 4digital+4analog(0..10V)/digital 4 relays(10A)+4 relays(3A)

PR-E-16DC-DA-TN DC12-24V 4digital+4analog(0..10V)/digital 8 transistors(PNP)(0.3A)

PR-E-PT100 DC12-24V 3 Channels PT100, resolution: 0.5°), temperature range : -50℃- 200℃ none

PR-E-AQ-VI DC24V none 2 Channels (DC 0…10V/0...20mA)

PR-E-AI-I DC12-24V 4 Channels (0/4…..20 mA), Current Signal none

PR-RS485 DC12-24V isolated 485 converter,used to bring out the terminals of RS485 port built-in ELC-12 series CPU for connection with third party



ELC-RS232 RS232 communication module /download cable between PC and xLogic CPU units

ELC-USB USB communication module /download cable between PC and xLogic CPU units

ELC-COPIER ELC-COPIER can be used to save user program and download program into xLogics.(including all the ELC series and EXM series PLC)

ELC-MEMORY Real time data-logging device with a mini-SD card slot for ELC&EXM series CPUs. The history data( IO status , analog value, current value of registers)

of ELC&EXM CPU can be recorded, retrieved and viewed via it.

PRO-RS485 Converter cable from program port to RS485 port.

ELC-BATTERY RTC BATTERY, the RTC can be backup for 20days, but with this battery, the RTC shall be backup for 1 year

2.3 Structure & dimension

1. PR-6 Series CPU

1.Power supply 2. Input 3. Program port for applied to ELC-6 CPU 4.Output

2. Standard PR-12 series with LCD model:

1.Power supply&Input terminals 2. Program Port(can be used as RS232 port with ELC-RS232 or RS485
port with PRO-RS485) 3.HMI/LCD panel 4.keypad 5.Output terminals

3. Economic PR-12 series without LCD model:

1.Power supply&Input terminals 2. Program Port(can be used as RS232 port with ELC-RS232 or RS485
port with PRO-RS485) 3.RUN/STOP Indicator 4.Output terminals

4. PR-18 series model:

1.Power supply&Input terminals 2.HMI/LCD panel 3.keypad 4.Output terminals 5. Program

Port(can be used as RS232 port with ELC-RS232 or RS485 port with PRO-RS485) 6.Extension port
Dimensions of PR-18:

5. ELC-26 series CPU

1. Power supply 2.Input 3. Program/RS232 port 4.HMI/LCD panel 5.keypad 6.Extension/RS485
port 7.Output

6. ELC-22 Ethernet CPU

1.Power supply 2.Input 3. Program/RS232 port 4.HMI/LCD panel 5.keypad 6.Extension/RS485

port 7.Output 8.LAN port

11. PR-E extension module:

1. Power supply&Input terminals 2. Connection cable between CPU and extension(Detached)

3.Extension port(left) 4. RUN/STOP indicator 5. Extension port( Right) 6. Output terminals

Dimensions of PR-E:

Chapter 3 Installing/removing xLogic


The xLogic installation dimensions are compliant with DIN 43880.

xLogic can be snap-mounted to 35 mm DIN rails to EN 50022 or on the wall.
xLogic width:
 EXM-E expansion module and PR-6 series CPU have a width of 48mm
 PR-18&ELC-12-N Series CPU has a width of 95mm.
 PR-E expansion modules have a width of 72mm.
 PR-24 Series CPU has a width of 133mm.
 PR-12 Series CPU has a width of 72mm
The figure below shows you an example of the installation and removal of an PR-18 CPU and one
expansion module of PR-18 CPU.

W a r n i n g

Always switch off power before you “remove” and “insert” an expansion module.

3.1 DIN rail mounting


How to mount a xLogic module and an expansion module onto a DIN rail:
1. Hook the xLogic Basic module onto the rail.
2. Push down the lower end to snap it on. The mounting interlock at the rear must engage.
3. Hook the xLogic expansion module onto the rail
4. Slide the module towards the left until it touches the xLogic CPU.
5. Push down the lower end to snap it on. The mounting interlock at the rear must engage.
6. Remove the plastic cover in the expansion port of CPU and expansion module.
7. Plus the connector on the flat cable to CPU

Repeat the expansion module steps to mount further expansion modules.

Note:If you need install the expansion and CPU on different rows, you need order the longer
flat connection which is used to connected with CPU, the longest distance can
be 200meters between the CPU and the end expansion module.

To remove xLogic:
....... if you have installed only one xLogic Basic:
1. Insert a screwdriver into the eyelet at the bottom of the slide interlock and move the
latch downward.
2. Swing the xLogic Basic off the DIN rail.

....... if you have connected at least one expansion module to xLogic Basic:
1. Remove the connector on the flat cable
2. Slide the expansion module off towards the right.
3. Insert a screwdriver into the eyelet at the bottom of the slide interlock and lever it
4. Swing the expansion module off the profile rail.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 for all other expansion modules.

3.2 Wall-mounting

For wall-mounting, first slide the mounting slides on the rear side of the devices towards the outside. You
can now wall-mount xLogic by means of two mounting slides and two ØM4 screws (tightening torque 0.8
to 1.2 Nm).

Drilling template for wall-mounting
Before you can wall-mount xLogic, you need to drill holes using the template shown below.
All dimensions in mm
Bore hole for Ø M4 screw, tightening torque 0.8 to 1.2 Nm
1. xLogic CPU

PR-6 series:

PR-12 Series CPU

PR-18 series:

1.PR-18 CPU;2. PR-E extension

PR-24 series

3.3 wiring xLogic

Wire the xLogic using a screwdriver with a 3-mm blade.

You do not need wire ferrules for the terminals. You can use conductors with
cross-sections of up to the following thicknesses:

 1 x 2.5 mm2

 2 x 1.5 mm2 for each second terminal chamber

 Tightening torque: 0.4.. .0.5 N/m or 3. ..4 lbs/in


Always cover the terminals after you have completed the in s t a l l a t i o n . To pr o t e c t

xL o g i c a d e q u a t e l y fr o m impermissible contact to live parts, local standards must
be complied with.

3.4.1 Connecting the power supply

The PR-6AC, PR-12AC,PR-18AC, PR-24AC versions of xLogic are suitable for

operation with rated voltages of 110 V AC and 240 V AC. The PR-6DC,
PR-12DC,PR-18DC, PR-24DC versions can be operated with a 12 or 24 VDC power


A power failure may cause an additional edge triggering signal.

Data of the last uninterrupted cycle are stored in xLogic

To connect xLogic to the power supply:

3.4.2 Connecting xLogic inputs

1. Requirements

the inputs you connect sensor elements such as: momentary switches, switches, light barriers,

daylight control switches etc.

AC Type DC Type

Signal status 0 <40VAC <5VDC

<0.03mA <0.1mA
Input current >79 VAC
Signal status 1 >10VDC
Typical 0.06 Typical 0.3mA
Input current 0.24mA
Analogue input NO AI1-AI4(0-10V DC)(PR-6,PR-12)

1. For PR-6DC-DA-R, PR-12DC-DA , PR-18DC-DA ,PR-24DC-DA Series and
versions. That can receive analog input. They can be set to analog input or
digital input as either may be used in the program. They will be recognized
as analog inputs when the input terminal is connected with an analog
function block, and they will be recognized as switching inputs when the
input terminal is not connected with an analog function block.

2. The analog inputs require DC 0V ~ +10V voltage signals. These are 2.

divided equally in 0.01V increments. In programming, all the block

parameters related to the analog inputs are based on the minimum
increment of 0.01V.

3. They can be recognized as switching input when the input voltage is more
than 10.0V and cannot be recognized as an analog input.

4. For the switching input off, when the switch status changes from 0 to 1,
the time of Status 1 must be greater than 50ms, and when the switch status
changes from 1 to 0, the time of Status 0 also must be greater than 50ms.

Connecting xLogic is shown as in the following figures:

* DC type digital inputs

* AC type digital inputs

* Analog Inputs (DC 0…10V)

*Analog inputs current Inputs (0…20mA)

The above figure shows how to make a four-wire current measurement.


It can be connected with one two-wire or three-wire resistance-type thermocouple.

When two-wire technology applied, the terminals “M1+ and IC1” (this rule also shall be applied to” M2+
and IC2”, “M3+ and IC3” ) would be short connected. Such connection can not compensate
error/tolerance caused by the resistance in measurement loop. The measurement error of 1 Ω impedance
of power cord is proportional to +2.5 °C
The three-wire technology can inhibit the influence of measurement results caused by cable length
(ohmic resistance).

2-wire (short circuit M+ and Ic) 3 wire

3.4.3 Connecting xLogic Outputs

1. Requirement for the relay output

Various loads such as lamp, fluorescent tube, motor, contact, etc., can be connected to the outputs of
xLogic. The maximum ON output current that can be supplied by xLogic is 10A for the resistance load and
3A for the inductive load. The connection is in accordance with the following figure:

2. Requirement for the electronic transistor output:

The load connected to xLogic must have the following characteristics:

* The maximum switch current cannot exceed 0.3A.
* When the switch is ON (Q=1), the maximum current is 0.3A.

Notes (PNP):

* The load connecting voltage must be ≤60VDC and it must be DC.

* The “+” terminal of the output wiring must be connected with the DC positive
voltage, and it must be connected with the “L+” terminal of the xLogic power ,a
load must be connected with the “-” terminal of the DC negative voltage.

PR-E-AQ-V(DC0..10V analog output).



Actually, PR-RS485 is just a converter with photo isolation bringing out 3 wiring terminals(short circuited
inner of such 3 terminals, so only one channel RS485 bus is available) from RS485 port (2x8pin) of
CPU(PR-18/ELC-22/ELC-26) for your easy connection with other devices.

If “RT1”, RT2” terminal are short connected, one 120R resistor will be connected between A/+ and B/-

3.4.4 Communication port instructions:


PR-18 ,ELC-22 and ELC-26 CPUs

1. Programming port/RS232 port
(ELC-RS232 ,ELC-USB,ELC-Copier,ELC-MEMORY,ELC-BATTERY,PRO-RS485) should be inserted in this
When the programming port should be used as the standard RS232 port (D-shape 9 pin header) ,the
ELC-RS232 cable needed.Blow is show you the pin definition of the header:

PIN function

others NULL

2. Expansion port/RS485 ( pin definition)

3------RS485 A
5------RS485 B

Communication between CPU and expansion module will use 4.7,9,15 pin.
PR-RS485 module is required when PR-18/ELC-22/ELC-26 CPU communicate with the third party devices
via RS485 bus

PR-12 CPUs

With HMI model Without HMI model

1. Programming port/RS232
port(ELC-RS232 ,ELC-USB,ELC-Copier,ELC-MEMORY,ELC-BATTERY,PRO-RS485 should be inserted in this
port) Named COM0.
When the programming port should be used as the standard RS232 port (D-shape 9 pin header) ,the
ELC-RS232 cable is required.

Chapter 4 Parameters modification HMI operation

4.1 Overview of xLogic menu

PR-12 ,PR-18,ELC-22,ELC-26 series CPU has same menu on the LCD, so here we show the PR-18 for

Parameter assignment mode

Parameter assignment menu:

4.2 LCD panel instruction

PR-12 Series CPU PR-18 Series CPU ELC-22 and ELC-26 series CPU

1. Display area: 4x16 characters can be displayed

2. 4 X Function key: operate the program by pressing down these key (Only for ELC-22 and ELC-26
series CPU, invalid for PR-12 and PR-18 series CPU;F1--F4 are all available on ELC-43TS)
3. 6x Panel key: you can modify the parameters, programming, view alarming message.
What this operate panel can do for you?
1. Display the RUN/STOP status of the CPU
2. Display or modify the Clock.
3. Display the IO status of CPU& extensions
4. Display all kinds registers value(AI/AO, Parameters of blocks etc)
5. Display multiple alarming messages
6. Modify the parameters of blocks
7. Backlight can be controlled via programming(Light on Alarm)
8. System cover message can be customized
9. Up to 64 different alarming messages is allowed.
10. The CPU address can be modified
11. Set password protection
12. Change communication parameters for COM port

Menu shows:

After being powered on, xLogic shall self-check program stored in the CPU.
If the program is accurate, then the CPU will be running, meanwhile the system cover will show as
In xLogicsoft, this interface is defaulted as its initialization screen.

If there are several parameter pages, users can press or key to go to the page you would like.

The last page is the cursor mode:

Cursor keys can be controlled in this page by press arrow keys and ESC key at the same time.
If xLogic has several alarm interfaces in the same period and it only displays the message with highest

priority in the function block, also you may go through all alarm messages by pressing or key.

The message text block would be treated as parameter page only when it has no input, otherwise, it may
be regarded as alarm page. When input has high pulse, LCD shall display alarm message.

4.3 Select function page

Press ESC key to change from running mode to function page.

After pressing ESC key, xLogic would be switched to function page and meanwhile open function menu as
figure below shows.

Brief introduction on 5 options of function page:

 Run/stop
Select this menu to switch over xLogic status between RUN and Stop. Refer to
chapter4.3.1 for details.
 Set Param
To set function block parameter. Refer to chapter 4.3.2 for details.
 Set…
Used to set /modify password ,set address of CPU&extension , LCD settings and
communication parameters settings refer to chapter 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 for details
1. ”Press ”UP” or “DOWN” key to move the cursor to “Set….”
2. Then press OK key ,xLogic will display as follows:

 Clock

To set and modify date and time .Refer to chapter 4.3.5 for details.

 Menu Language
To change the language of the Menu. Refer to chapter 4.3.6 for detail
 Network(This only for Ethernet CPU)
Recovery ET: when you press ok when the cursor stay on this menu, the Ethernet modem
built-in Ethernet CPU will be reset to default settings.

4.3.1 How to switch Run/Stop

You should first select FUNCTION PAGE. (Read 4.3)

1. Move the cursor to “Run/stop”: Press “UP” or “DOWN” key.
2. Move the cursor to "Yes": Press OK key.

After pressing ESC key, you’ll find out your circuit program has changed to “stop” status as figure below

4.3.2 Set parameter

If you want to select a parameter, you need do as the following procedures:

1. Under the FUNCTION PAGE, select

“Set parameter”: Press or key

2. Confirm by pressing OK key.

Then xLogic displays the first parameter, so you can modify as you like. If there is no parameter to
set/modify, you can press ESC key to return.

3. Select parameter you intend to modify.

4. Select certain specific value of that parameter which you want to edit, then press OK key.

How to modify parameter?

A. First select certain parameter which you need to edit by following the below procedures:

1. Under the FUNCTION PAGE, select

“Set parameter”: Press or key

2. Confirm by pressing OK key.

B. then you can perform the below actions to modify parameter:

1. Move the cursor to the parameter to be modified: press or key.

2. Modify value: press or key.

3. Confirm the value after modification: press OK key.


When xLogic is running, not only time value but also time unit(S,M,H) can be
altered , but Besides alter time parameter at RUN time ,you can alter time
base(s=second, m=minute ,h=hour).

Current value of time T

View time T in parameter mode:

You are allowed to modify configuration time. Switch on/off time for a time segment.

In parameter mode, time segment figure of a timer:

You can alter the time and date of switch on/off.

Current value of counter

In parameter mode, the parameter view of a counter:

Current value of hour counter
In parameter mode, the view of hour counters:

You can edit configured time interval (MI).

Current value of threshold trigger

In parameter mode, the view of threshold trigger:

You can alter the threshold value of switching on /off.

4.3.3 Set password

xLogic supply password protection function for your program. You can choose according to your need.
See the following instruction; you’ll understand the method of setting password.

Set one password

A password contains less than or equal to 4 characters and each character is Arabian number from 0 to
9 .It is easy to specify, edit or remove the password directly on the xLogic in the “Password” menu of the
function page:
You should first select the FUNCTION PAGE. (Read 5.2)
1. Move the cursor to “Password”: Press “UP” or “DOWN” key.
2. Confirm “Password”: Press OK key.
Example: let us set “1234” as password for a program. Now the LCD displays the following interface:

Select “New” option, and then edit it.

3. Select “1”: press “UP” key once.
4. Move the cursor to the next character: press “Right” key.
5. Select “2”: press “UP” key twice.
6. Move the cursor to the next character: press “Right” key.
7. Select”3”: press “UP” key three times.
8. Move the cursor to the next character: press “Right” key.
9. Select “4”: press “UP” key four times.
Now display:

10. Confirm password: press OK key.

Now, the program is protected by the password of “1234”, and then you can return to the main menu.

You can cancel a password newly-set via ESC key. In this instance, xLogic will return to main menu and
not reserve that password. Such password is for the parameter, that means only when you operate the
menu of LCD, the password is required. The program password need be set in xlogicosoft by the menu
File->Property-> Parameter

Modify password:

In order to modify password, you are required to present current password.

In the menu of the FUNCTION PAGE:

1. Move the cursor to “Password”: Press “UP” or “DOWN” key.
2. Confirm “Password”: Press OK key.
Select “Old” and input primary password (in our instance is “1234”), the process is the same as the step
3 to step 10 mentioned above.

LCD displays:

Thus, you could select “New” to input new password such as “8888”:
3. Select “8”: press “UP” key.
4. Move the cursor to next character: press “Right” key.
Repeat the step 3 and 4 to realize the third and fourth character.

LCD displays:

4.Confirm new password: press OK key.

So you have set the new password and then return to main menu.

How to remove the password:

In case you need to remove password .e.g. allow the other users to edit your program, then you must
know the current password. The process of removing password is the same as that of modifying

In the menu of the FUNCTION PAGE. :

1. Move the cursor to “Password”: Press “UP” or “DOWN” key.
2. Confirm “Password”: Press OK key.
Select “Old” and input primary password (in our instance is “8888”), the process is the same as the step
3 to step 10 mentioned above.

LCD displays as follows:

Input nothing under the “New”, and let it keep blank to clear password.

4.Confirm “blank” password: press OK key. Now you have cleared password and return to main menu. If
you want to set password next time, the LCD will display:

4.3.4 How to set address of CPU and expansion module

A. Set CPU address

If there are more than one CPU in a certain communication network,well then the address of CPU must
be set differently each other. You can change the address of CPU via xLogicsoft, or via the panel key if the
CPU with LCD panel. The address range is from 1 to 247 for ELC and PR series CPU

Confirm with "OK"

Change the address with arrow keys, and confirm with "Ok".

The CPU address also can be set by xlogicsoft, if the CPU without HMI, you only can set the expansion
address with such method.
You can set the CPU address by the menu Tools-> transfer-> set PLC’s address in xlogicsoft.

Part 2 :Set address of ELC-E extensions.(ELC-E-16DC-DA-R etc..)

1. Plastic slice
Step 1: Using a screwdriver , take the plastic slice down and we’ll find a dial switch.
2: Dial the switch as the below instructions to set the address what you need.
Up to 8 extensions (includes IO ,AQ,AI,PT100 modules) can be connected with the CPU .
The default address of ELC-E extensions is 1 and the dial switch as below:
Address 1:

means the switch position

Address 2:

Address 3:

Address 4:

Address 5:

Address 6:

Address 7:

Address 8:

1.The address setup of the extension module must be before powering on. Modification when powering
on will be ineffective.
2.Freely connection with CPU and expansion , do not care the power supply type of CPU and
extensions ,that means the AC type module also can be connected with the DC type module or AC type
expansion module also can be connected with DC type CPU.
3.If the communication is established between CPU and extensions , the indicator on the top of the
extensions’ house will turn to RUN(green color)(If the LED is red, that means the CPU cannot get
communication with it).
4.If more than one expansion module connect to CPU at the same time ,the address of expansion module
must be different each other, otherwise the system(CPU+expansions) would run abnormal, but if the
expansion already has each own separately address, then the installation sequence of the expansion is
not important anymore, for example you can let the expansion with address 8 as the first one with CPU.

4.3.5 Set LCD (backlight and Contrast)

The backlight of CPU can be set “ON” time as 10 sec or “ON” all the time. The setting way as follows:

1. Select “Set...” menu and click OK.

2. Select “Set LCD” menu and click “OK”

3.Select "Backlight"menu and click "OK"

4. Default is 10 seconds, and another option is "Always On". Confirm with "OK"

Modify the contrast

Confirm with "OK"

Modify the contrast with Left or right key, and confirm with "Ok".

4.3.6 Set communication parameters

Select "Set Com" menu from the menu "Set..".

Confirm with "Ok"

COM0: RS232 port or programming port.

COM1: RS485 port(For the PR-RS485 module which shall be connected to

ELC-18,ELC-22,ELC-26 CPU)

COM2: reserved
Set Baud rates

Confirm with "OK"

Change it with pressing Up and Down key

And confirm with "OK"

Set Modbus protocol

Confirm with "OK"

Change with Up and Down key. And confirm with "OK"
There are 4 options available: RTU, ASCII, TCP RTU, TCP ASCII.

Note:If you want to use the Modbus TCP protocol, generally, you can select the "TCP

4.3.7 Modification of System Time

You should first select the FUNCTION PAGE. (read 4.2)

1. Move the cursor to “Clock”: Press “UP” or “DOWN” key.
2. Confirm “Clock”: Press OK key.

Press OK key to set and modify date.

Press “UP” or “DOWN” key to realize the date which you want to set .After you
finished your setting, press OK key to return to:

If you want to set the time further, please move the cursor to” Set Time” menu, then press OK key:

Here you can set week day (From Monday to Sunday) and the clock. The method is similar to above. After
completion of your setup, press OK key:

Press ESC key and return to FUNCTION PAGE.

Chapter 5 Configuring & Programming software

Users who are familiar with the logic boxes of Boolean algebra can use the xLogicsoft. In fact xLogicsoft
adapts the function block programming way. xLogicsoft is available as a programming package for the
PC. This mode provides many features, for example:

 A graphic interface for offline creation of your circuit program by means of

Function Block Diagram (function chart)

 Simulation of your circuit program on the PC

 Generating and printing of an overview chart for the circuit program

 Saving a backup of the circuit program on the hard drive or other media

 Rievtech configuration of blocks

 Transferring the circuit program

– from the xLogic to the PC and

– from the PC to xLogic

Online test: Display of status changes and process variables of xLogic in RUN mode:

– Status of a digital I/O, shift register bits and cursor keys

– The values of all analog I/Os

– The results of all blocks

– The current values (including the times) of selected blocks

– Change the output(the input pin of the output cannot be connected) status
via xLogicsoft

 Starting and stopping circuit program execution via the PC (RUN, STOP).

The xLogic alternative

As you can see, xLogicsoft represents an alternative to conventional engineering


1. You start by developing the circuit program on your desktop.

2. You simulate the circuit program on your computer and verify its functions, before
you actually implement it in your system.

3. You can add comments to the circuit program and create hard-copies.
4. You save a copy of your circuit program to the file system on your PC, to make it
directly available for any modifications.

5. It takes only a few key actions to download the circuit program to xLogic.
6. Under Simulate mode in xLogicsoft, you can study how to program via the panel

5.1 xLogic Functions

ELC series adapts programming methods by means of function blocks. A total of 9 general function blocks,
37 special function blocks, and 11 input & output function blocks are configured. And each block can
achieve a specific control function independently, e.g. TOND, TOFD, SBPL, TBPL, SCHD, etc. As several
blocks are linked up in a specific way, relatively complicated control functions can be performed.
Programming with function blocks is simpler and better appreciated than the conventional PLC
instruction programming.

The following types of operator for xLogic function blocks are available for options:

5.2 General Input & Output functions

5.2.1 Inputs

Input blocks represent the input terminals of xLogic. Up to 4 digital inputs(ELC-6 CPU),8(PR-12
CPU) , 76 inputs(PR-18 ) 78 inputs(ELC-22) and 80 inputs(ELC-26) are available to you.

In your block configuration, you can assign an input block a new input terminal, if this terminal
is not already used in the circuit program.

I11 means the I1 input of the expansion with address 1.
I85 means the I5 input of the expansion with address 8.

5.2.2 Cursor keys

Up to four cursor keys are available to you. Cursor keys are programmed for the circuit program in the
same ways as other inputs. Cursor keys can save switches and inputs, and allow operator control of the
circuit program.

Switch the screen to current page(above shows) by pressing the Left or Right key, and press
ESC key and arrow keys at the same time, then the corresponding cursor keys will turn on and
give off a high trigger!

5.2.3 Outputs

Output blocks represent the output terminals of xLogic. You can use up to 2 outputs(ELC-6), 4
outputs(PR-12),70 outputs(PR-18), 72 outputs(PR-22),74 outputs(PR-26). In your block configuration,
you can assign an output block a new terminal, provided this terminal is not already used in your circuit
The output always carries the signal of the previous program cycle. This value does not change within the
current program cycle.

Q11 means the Q1 output of the expansion with address 1.
Q85 means the Q5 output of the expansion with address 8.

5.2.4 Permanent logical levels HI and LO

Set the block input to logical hi (hi = high) to set it permanently to logical '1' or 'H' state.

Set the block input to logical lo (lo = low) to set it permanently to logical '0' or 'L' state.

5.2.5 Panel Key

It is the symbol of the Function key on the panel (F1—F4). If one of the function keys is pressed down,
the status of the corresponding symbol in the program shall turn from 0 to 1. And it shall give off one high

Notes: 1.Only one function key is allowed to be pressed down at any one time, if you press down two or
more at the same time, xLogic does not process.
2. If the arrow keys(UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT), Esc and OK had been applied to the program,
then they would be invalid for menu operation (e.g. manual programming,parameters modification and
view alarming message etc).

5.2.6 Shift register bits

xLogic provides the shift register bits S1 to S8, which are assigned the read-only attribute in the circuit
program. The content of shift register bits can only be modified by means of the Shift register special

5.2.7 Analog inputs

You can use up to 36 analog inputs. In your block configuration, you can assign a new input terminal to
an input block, provided this terminal is not already used in the circuit program.

For help on analog block parameter, refer to Information on analog value processing.

AI11 means the AI1 input of the expansion with address 1.
AI82 means the AI2 input of the expansion with address 8.

Based on different analog input signals, you need select different sensor type in the analog blocks, you
need use an analog amplifier with the AI input, and select the corresponding sensor type for DC0..10V,
0/4..20mA or PT100 input.

5.2.8 F (digital flag)

Flags are used when xLogic works in a communication system. F is digital flag which is used to save
/transfer signal 1 or 0(data format is Bit) and AF is analog flag which is used to save /transfer analog
values (data format is Signed short) between the master and slave devices. Up to 32(ELC-6),
128(PR-12/ELC-22/ELC-26) can be used when programming. In your block configuration, you can assign
a new number to the flag, provided this flag number does not already exist in your circuit program.
The output always carries the signal of the previous program cycle. This value does not change if the
communication has failed.
Startup flag: F8
The F8 flag is set in the first cycle of the user program and can thus be used in your circuit program as
a startup flag. It is reset after the first program execution cycle.
In the subsequent cycles, the F8 flag reacts in the same way as the F1 to F64 flags.
Backlight flags: F64
The F64 flag controls the backlight of the xLogic display or the ELC-43T backlight.
You can use the outputs of timers, message texts, or other function blocks to activate the backlight flags.
To enable multiple conditions to control the backlight of the devices, you can use multiple function blocks
in parallel or in sequence.
Buzzer of ELC-43TS control flag:F63

Notes: 1.The address of “ F“ can be found in the modbus communication protocol file . the F block figure
must have the input pin in the xLogic showing.
1. Keep the input pin of F NULL(do not connect with other blocks) ,if you want to use the write property.

5.2.9 AF (Analog flag)

Flags are used when xLogic works in a communication system. AF is analog flag which is used to save
/transfer analog values (data format is Signed short) between the master and slave devices. Up to
32(ELC-6) and 256(PR-12/ELC-22/ELC-26) for xLogic CPU can be used when programming. In your
block configuration, you can assign a new number to the analog flag, provided this flag number does not
already exist in your circuit program.
The output always carries the signal of the previous program cycle. This value does not change if the
communication were failed.
Notes: 1.The address of “AF“ can be found in the modbus communication protocol file .
2.Keep the input pin of AF NULL(do not connect with other blocks) ,if you want to use the write

You can set a start value for the AF1--AF64(PR-12/ELC-22/ELC-26), and the value does not lost if the
power was failure, so you can use such AF in your program as a number input from the touch screen or
the panel key of the CPU.
Notes: 1.AF65--AF256 does not support such function(start value settings). and the value of
AF65--AF256 will be lost if the power is failure.
2. If you enable the "start value option" of AF, then you are not allowed to connect any other
function to the input leg of the AF.
3. If you connect the input leg of AF block to other function blocks, the "start value" will not be
available anymore.

5.3 Basic functions list – GF

Basic functions represent simple logical elements of Boolean algebra.

You can invert the inputs of individual basic functions , i.e. the circuit program inverts a logical “1” at a
relevant input to a logical “0”; if “0” is set at the input, the program sets a logical “1”.
The GF list contains the basic function blocks you can use for your circuit program. The following basic
functions are available:

View in the circuit diagram View in xLogicsoft Name of the basic function

AND with edge evaluation


(Not AND)

NAND with edge evaluation


(Not OR)


(exclusive OR)

(negation, inverter)


5.3.1 AND

(Symbol in xLogic)
The output of an AND function is only 1 if all inputs are 1, i.e. when they are closed.
A block input that is not used (x) is assigned: x = 1.
Logic table of the AND block:

Input1 Input2 Input 3 Input 4 Output

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 1 0

0 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0

0 1 1 0 0

0 1 1 1 0

1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 0

1 0 1 0 0

1 0 1 1 0

1 1 0 0 0

1 1 0 1 0

1 1 1 0 0

1 1 1 1 1

5.3.2 AND with edge evaluation

(Symbol in xLogic)

The output of an AND with edge evaluation is only 1 if all inputs are 1 and at least one input was 0
during the last cycle.
The output is set to 1 for the duration of one cycle and must be reset to 0 for the duration of the next cycle
before it can be set to 1 again.
A block input that is not used (x) is assigned: x = 1.
Timing diagram of an AND with edge evaluation

5.3.3 NAND

(Symbol in xLogic)

The output of an NAND function is only 0 if all inputs are 1, i.e. when they are closed.
A block input that is not used (x) is assigned: x = 1.
Logic table of the NAND block:

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Output

0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1 1

0 0 1 0 1

0 0 1 1 1

0 1 0 0 1

0 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 0 1

0 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 1

1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 1

1 0 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 1

1 1 0 1 1

1 1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 0

5.3.4 NAND with edge evaluation

The output of a NAND with edge evaluation is only 1 at least one input is 0 and all inputs were 1 during
the last cycle.
The output is set to 1 for the duration of one cycle and must be reset to 0 at least for the duration of the
next cycle before it can be set to 1 again.
A block input that is not used (x) is assigned: x = 1.

Timing diagram of a NAND with edge evaluation

5.3.5 OR

(Symbol in xLogic)
The output of an OR is 1 if at least one input is 1 (closed).
A block input that is not used (x) is assigned: x = 0.

Logic table of the OR function:

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Output

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 1

0 0 1 0 1

0 0 1 1 1

0 1 0 0 1

0 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 0 1

0 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 0 1

1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 1

1 0 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 1

1 1 0 1 1

1 1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1

5.3.6 NOR

(Symbol in xLogic)

The output of a NOR (NOT OR) is only 1 if all inputs are 0 , i.e. when they are open. When one of the
inputs is switched on (logical 1 state), the output is switched off.
A block input that is not used (x) is assigned: x = 0.

Logic table of the NOR function:

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input 4 Output

0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 1 0

0 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 0

0 1 1 0 0

0 1 1 1 0

1 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 0

1 0 1 0 0

1 0 1 1 0

1 1 0 0 0

1 1 0 1 0

1 1 1 0 0

1 1 1 1 0

5.3.7 XOR

(Symbol in xLogic)

The XOR (exclusive OR) output is 1 if the signal status of the inputs is different.
A block input that is not used (x) is assigned: x = 0.
Logic table of the XOR function:

Input 1 Input 2 Output

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0

5.3.8 NOT

(Symbol in xLogic)

The output is 1 if the input is 0. The NOT block inverts the input status.
Advantage of the NOT, for example: xLogic no longer requires break contacts. You simply use a make
contact and convert it into a break contact with the help of the NOT function.
Logic table of the NOT function:

Input 1 Output

0 1

1 0

5.3.9 Boolean Function

The BOOLEAN function gives the value of the output according to the combination of inputs.
The function has four inputs, and therefore 16 combinations. These combinations can be found in a truth
table; for each of these, the output value can be adjusted. The number of configurable combinations
depends on the number of inputs connected to the function.
Non-connected inputs are set to 0.
The following diagram shows an example of part of the Boolean function truth table:


Having connected at least one input, you can configure the value of the output in the truth table, in the
Parameters window.
The output values can be 0 for the Inactive state, and 1 for the Active state(Double click to change the
0 or 1 ).
By selecting the Output ON if result is TRUE option, the output takes the value configured in the truth
By selecting the Output OFF if result is TRUE option, the output takes the inverse value of the value
configured in the truth table.

5.4 Basics on special functions

Because of their different input designation, you can see right away that there is a difference between the
special functions and basic functions. SFs contain timer functions, retentive functions and various
parameter assignment options, which allow you to adapt the circuit program to suit your own
This section provides you with a brief overview of input designations and with some particular
background information on SFs. The SFs in particular are described in Chapter7.5

5.4.1 Designation of the inputs

Logical inputs
Here, you will find the description of the connectors you can use to create a logical link to other blocks
or to the inputs of the xLogic unit.
S (Set):
A signal at input S sets the output to logical “1”.
R (Reset):
The reset input R takes priority over all other inputs and resets the outputs.
Trg (Trigger):
This input is used to trigger the start of a function.
Cnt (Count):
This input is used for counting pulses.
Fre (Frequency):
Frequency signals to be evaluated are applied to this input.
Dir (Direction):
This input determines the direction of count.
En (Enable):
This input enables a block function. When this input is “0”, other signals to the block will be ignored.
Inv (Invert):
A signal at this input inverts the output signal of the block.
Ral (Reset all):
All internal values are reset.

Parameter inputs
At some of the inputs you do not apply any signals. You configure the relevant block values instead.

Par (Parameter):

This input will not be connected. Here, you set the relevant block parameters (times, on/off thresholds

No (Cam):

This input will not be connected. Here, you configure the time patterns.

P (Priority):

This is an open input. Here, you define priorities and specify whether a message is to be acknowledged
in RUN.

5.4.2 Time response

Parameter T
In some of the SFs it is possible to configure a time value T. When you preset this time, note that your
input values are based on the time base set:

Time base __ : __

s (seconds) seconds : /100 seconds


m (minutes) minutes : seconds

h (hours) hours : minutes

Accuracy of T
Because of slight tolerances in the characteristics of electronic components, the set time T may deviate. The
xLogic has a maximum tolerance of ± 0.02 %.
When 0.02 % of the time T is smaller than 0.02 seconds, the maximum deviation is 0.02 seconds.
Example: The maximum tolerance per hour (3600 seconds) is ±0.02%, which is proportional to ± 0.72
seconds. The maximum tolerance per minute (60 seconds) is ± 0.02 seconds.
Accuracy of the timer (weekly/yearly timer)
The maximum timing in accuracy is ± 5 s/day.

5.4.3 Backup of the real-time clock

Because the internal real-time clock of an xLogic is backed up, it continues operation after a power
failure. The ambient temperature influences the backup time. At an ambient temperature of 25°C, the
typical backup time of xLogic is 100 hours.

6.4.4 Retentivity

The switching states and counter values of SFs can be set retentive. This means that current data is retained
after a power failure, and that the block resumes operation at the break point. The timer is not reset,
but resumes operation until the time-to-go has expired, for example, to enable this response, however,

the relevant functions must be set retentive.
R: The data is retained.
/: Current data is not retained (default). See the section in topic "Second circuit program
" on enabling and disabling retentivity.
SFs hours counter, weekly timer, yearly timer and PI controller are always retentive.

5.4.5 Parameter protection

In the parameter protection settings, you can determine whether or not the parameters can be displayed
and edited in xLogic parameter assignment mode. Two options are available:
+: The parameter attribute permits read/write access in parameter assignment mode(default).
-: The parameter settings are read–/write–protected in parameter assignment mode, and can be
edited only in programming mode. See the parameter protection mode example in the "Second circuit

5.4.6 Calculating the gain and offset of analog values

A sensor is connected to the analog input and converts a process variable into an electrical signal. This
value of signal lies within the typical range of this sensor. xLogic always converts the electrical signals at
the analog input into digital values from 0 to 1000. A voltage of 0 to 10 V (or current signal 0/4…20mA)
at input AI is transformed internally into range of values from 0 to 1000. An input voltage exceeding 10
V is shown as internal value 1000.
Because you cannot always process the range of values from 0 to 1000 as predetermined by xLogic, you
can multiply the digital values by a gain factor and then shift the zero of the range of values (offset). This
allows you to output an analog value to the xLogic display, which is proportional to the actual process

Parameter Minimum Maximum

Input voltage (in V) 0 ≥ 10

Input current(in mA) 0/4 ≥20

Internal value 0 1000

Gain –10.00 +10.00

Offset –10000 +10000

Mathematical rule
Actual value Ax =
(internal value at input Ax∙gain) + offset

Gain and offset calculation

The gain and offset is calculated based on the relevant high
and low values of the function.

Example 1:

The available thermocouples have the following technical

data: –30 to +70℃, 0 to 10 V DC (i.e. 0 to 1000 in xLogic).
Actual value = (internal value ∙gain) + offset, thus
–30 = (0 ∙A) + B, i.e. offset B = –30
+70 = (1000 ∙A) –30, i.e. gain A = 0.1

Example 2:
A pressure sensor converts a pressure of 1000 mbar into a voltage of 0 V, and a pressure of 5000 mbar into
a voltage of 10 V.
Actual value = (internal value. gain) + offset, thus
= (0·A) + B, i.e. offset B = 1000
=(1000 ∙A) +1000, i.e. gain A = 4

Example of analog values

Process Voltage Internal Gain Offset Value

variable (V) value shown
–300 C 0 0 0.1 –30 –30
00 C 3 300 0.1 –30 0
+700 C 10 1000 0.1 –30 70
1000 mbar 0 0 4 1000 1000
3700 mbar 6.75 675 4 1000 3700
5000 mbar 10 1000 4 1000 5000

0 0 0.01 0 0

5 500 0.01 0 5
10 1000 0.01 0 10
0 0 1 0 0

5 500 1 0 500
10 1000 1 0 1000
0 0 10 0 0

5 500 10 0 5000
10 1000 10 0 10000
0 0 0.01 5 5

5 500 0.01 5 10
10 1000 0.01 5 15
0 0 1 500 500

5 500 1 500 1000

10 1000 1 500 1500
0 0 1 –200 –200
5 500 1 –200 300

10 1000 1 –200 800
0 0 10 –10000 –10000
10 1000 10 –10000 0
0.02 2 0.01 0 0
0.02 2 0.1 0 0
0.02 2 1 0 2
0.02 2 10 0 20

5.5 Special functions list – SF

When you create your circuit program in xLogicsoft, you find the special function blocks in the SF list.
You can invert the inputs of SFs individually, i.e. the circuit program converts a logical “1” at the input into
a logical “0”; a logical “0” it converts into a logical “1”. The table also specifies whether the relevant function can
be set retentive (Rem). The following SFs are available:

View in xLogic Name of the special function Rem

On-delay REM

Off-delay REM

On-/Off-delay REM

Retentive on-delay REM

Wiping relay(pulse out) REM

Edge triggered wiping relay REM

Asynchronous pulse generator REM

Random generator

Stairway lighting switch REM

Multiple function switch REM

Weekly timer

Yearly timer

Up/down counter REM

Hours counter REM

Threshold trigger

Analog threshold trigger

Analog differential trigger

Analog comparator

Analog value monitoring

Analog amplifier

Analog multiplexer

Pulse Width Modulator(PWM)

Analog math

Analog ramp

PI controller

Analog math error detection


Latching relay

Pulse relay

Message texts


Shift register

Data latching relay REM

Modbus Read

Modbus Write

Memory Write

Memory Read

Word to bit REM

Bit to word REM

Device Reset

Comport status

RH math

Cam control block REM

Angular Cam Timer

Pumps management


Comparison of 2 values


Compare in Zone

Conversion word bits

Conversion bits word




Square root

Sin Cos

5.5.1 On-delay

Short description
The output is not switched on until a configured delay time has expired.

Connection Description

Trg input The on delay time is triggered via the Trg (Trigger) input

Parameter T represents the on delay time after which the output is

switched on (output signal transition 0 to 1).
Retentivity on = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Q switches on after a specified time T has expired, provided Trg

is still set.

Parameter T
The time for parameter T can also be preset based on the actual value of another, already-configured
function. You can use the actual values of the following functions:
Analog comparator: Ax - Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller:AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

You select the required function via the block number. Time-base can be adjusted.
The value of "T" can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to modify,refer
to chapter 5.2.2 please.
For information on the validity and accuracy of the time base, refer to the xLogic time-base list as follows:

Valid ranges of the time-base, if T = parameter

Time-base Max. Min. resolution Accuracy


s (seconds) 99:99 10 ms ± 10 ms

m (minutes) 99:59 1s ±1s

h (hours) 99:59 1 min ± 1 min

Valid ranges of the time base, if T = Actual value of an already-programmed


Timing diagram

Description of the function

The time Ta (the current time in xLogic) is triggered with the 0 to 1 transition at input Trg.
If the status at input Trg stays 1 at least for the duration of the configured time T, the output is set to 1
when this time has expired (the on signal of the output follows the on signal of the input with delay).
The time is reset if the status at input Trg changes to 0 again before the time T has expired.
The output is reset to 0 when input Trg is 0.

5.5.2 Off-delay

Short description
The output with off delay is not reset until a defined time has expired.

Connection Description

Input Trg Start the off delay time with a negative edge (1 to 0
transition) at input Trg (Trigger)

Input R Reset the off delay time and set the output to 0 via the R
(Reset) input.
Reset has priority over Trg

Parameter T: The output is switched off on expiration of the delay

time T (output signal transition 1 to 0).
Retentivity on = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Q is switched on for the duration of the time T after a

trigger at input Trg.

The time set in parameter T can be supplied by the value of another already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax - Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller:AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "T"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to modify, refer to
chapter 5.2.2 please.
Select the required function by the block number. The time base is configurable. For
information on valid time base ranges and parameter preset, refer to chapter 4.4.1 the On-delay topic.
Timing diagram

Description of the function

Output Q is set to 1 momentarily with a 0 to 1 transition at input Trg.
At the 1 to 0 transition at input Trg, xLogic retriggers the current time T, and the output remains set. The
output Q is reset to 0 when Ta reaches the value specified in T (Ta=T) (off delay).
A one-shot at input Trg retriggers the time Ta.
You can reset the time Ta and the output via the input R (Reset) before the time Ta has expired.
If retentivity is not set, output Q and the expired time are reset after a power failure.

5.5.3 On-/Off-delay

Short description
The on/off delay function is used to set an output after a configured on delay time and then reset it again
upon expiration of a second configured time.

Connection Description

Input Trg You trigger the on delay with a positive edge (0 to 1

transition) at input Trg (Trigger).
You trigger the off delay with a negative edge (1 to 0

Parameter TH is the on delay time for the output (output signal transition
0 to 1).
TL is the off delay time for the output (output signal transition
1 to 0).
Retentivity on = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Q is switched on upon expiration of a configured time TH if Trg

is still set. It is switched off again upon expiration of the time
TL and if Trg has not been set again.

The on-delay time and off-delay time set in parameter TH and TL can be provided by the actual value of
another already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "TH","TL"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to
modify, refer to chapter 7.2.2 please.
For information on the validity and accuracy of the time base, refer to 7.4.2
Timing diagram

Description of the function
The time TH is triggered with a 0 to 1 transition at input Trg.
If the status at input Trg is 1 at least for the duration of the configured time TH, the output is set to logical
1 upon expiration of this time (output is on delayed to the input signal).
The time TH is reset if the status at input Trg is reset to 0 before this time has expired.
The time TL is triggered with the 1 to 0 transition at the output.
If the status at input Trg remains 0 at least for the duration of a configured time TL, the output is reset
to 0 upon expiration of this time (output is off delayed to the input signal).
The time TL is reset if the status at input Trg is returns to 1 before this time has expired.

5.5.4 Retentive on-delay

Short description
A one-shot at the input triggers a configurable time. The output is set upon expiration of this time.

Connection Description

Input Trg Trigger the on delay time via the Trg (Trigger) input.

Input R Reset the time on delay time and reset the output to 0 via
input R (Reset).
Reset takes priority over Trg.

Parameter T is the on delay time for the output (output signal transition
0 to 1).
Retentivity on = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Q is switched on upon expiration of the time T.

The time in parameter T can be provided by the value of another already-programmed function:

Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "T"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to modify, refer
to chapter 5.2.2 please.

Timing diagram

Description of the function

The current time Ta is triggered with a 0 to 1 signal transition at input Trg. Output Q is set to 1 when Ta
reaches the time T. A further pulse at input Trg does not affect Ta.
The output and the time Ta are only reset to 0 with a1 signal at input R.
If retentivity is not set, output Q and the expired time are reset after a power failure.

5.5.5 Wiping relay (pulse output)

Short description
An input signal generates an output signal of a configurable length.

Connection Description

Input Trg You trigger the time for the wiping relay with a signal at
input Trg (Trigger)

Parameter TL represents the time after which the output is reset

(output signal transition 1 to 0).
Retentivity set (on) = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q A pulse at Trg sets Q. The output stays set until the time T
has expired and if Trg = 1 for the duration of this time. A 1
to 0 transition at Trg prior to the expiration of T also resets
the output to 0.

The off time T can be provided by the actual value of another already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "TL"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to modify, refer
to chapter 5.2.2 please.
Timing diagram

Description of the function

With the input signal Trg = 1, output Q is set to 1. The signal also triggers the time Ta, while the output
remains set.
When Ta reaches the value defined at T (Ta=T), the output Q is reset to 0 state (pulse output).
If the signal at input Trg changes from 1 to 0 before this time has expired, the output is immediately reset
from 1 to 0.

5.5.6 Edge triggered wiping relay

Short description
An input pulse generates a preset number of output pulses with a defined pulse/pause ratio
(retriggerable), after a configured delay time has expired.

Connection Description

Input Trg You trigger the times for the Edge-triggered wiping relay
with a signal at input Trg (Trigger).

Input R The output and the current time Ta are reset to 0 with a
signal at input R.

Parameter TL, TH: The inter-pulse period TL and the pulse period TH are
N determines the number of pulse/pause cycles TL / TH:
Value range: 1...9.
Retentivity set (on) = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Output Q is set when the time TL has expired and is reset
when TH has expired.

The pulse width TH and the inter-pulse width TL can be provided by the actual value of another
already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller:AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "TH","TL"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to
modify, refer to chapter 5.2.2 please.

Timing diagram

TL = 0; N = 1
Description of the function
With the change at input Trg to 1, the time TL (time low) is triggered. After the time TL has expired, output
Q is set to 1 for the duration of the time TH (time high).
If input Trg is retriggered prior to the expiration of the preset time (TL + TH), the time Ta is reset and the
pulse/pause period is restarted.
If retentivity is not set, output Q and the time are reset after a power failure.

5.5.7 Asynchronous pulse generator

Description of function

The pulse shape at the output can be modified via a configurable pulse/pause ratio.

Connection Description

Input En You enable/disable the asynchronous pulse generator with

the signal at input En.

Input Inv The Inv input can be used to invert the output signal of the
active asynchronous pulse generator..

Parameter TL,TH: You can customize the pulse (TL)/ pause (TH)
Retentivity set (on) = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Q is toggled on and off cyclically with the pulse times TH

and TL.


The pulse width TH and the inter-pulse width TL can be provided by the actual value of another
already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax

Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt
The value of "TH","TL"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to
modify, refer to chapter 5.2.2 please.

Timing diagram

Description of the function

You can set the pulse/pause ratio at the TH (Time High) and TL (Time Low) parameters.
The INV input can be used to invert the output signal. The input block INV only inverts the output signal
if the block is enabled via EN.
If retentivity is not set, output Q and the expired time are reset after a power failure.

5.5.8 Random generator

Short description
The output of a random generator is toggled within a configurable time.

Connection Description

Input En The positive edge (0 to 1 transition) at the enable input En

(Enable) triggers the on delay for the random generator.
The negative edge (1 to 0 transition) triggers the off delay
for the random generator.

Parameter TH: The on delay is determined at random and lies

between 0 s and TH.
TL: The off delay is determined at random and lies

between 0 s and TL.

Output Q Q is set on expiration of the on delay if En is still set. It is

reset when the off delay time has expired and if En has not
been set again.

The on-delay time TH and the off-delay time TL can be provided by the actual value of another
already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "TH","TL"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to
modify, refer to chapter 5.2.2 please.

Timing diagram

Description of the function

With the 0 to 1 transition at input En, a random time (on delay time) between 0 s and TH is set and
triggered. If the status at input En is 1 at least for the duration of the on delay, the output is set to 1 when
this on delay time has expired.
The time is reset if the status at input En is reset to 0 before the on delay time has expired.
When input En is reset 0, a random time (off delay time) between 0 s and TL is set and triggered.
If the status at input En is 0 at least for the duration of the off delay time, the output Q is reset to 0 when
the off delay time has expired.
The time is reset if the status at input En returns to 1 before the on delay time has expired.

5.5.9 Stairway lighting switch

Short description

The edge of an input pulse triggers a configurable time. The output is reset when this time has expired.
An off warning can be output prior to the expiration of this time.

Connection Description

Input Trg You trigger the time (off delay) for the stairway switch with
a signal at input Trg (Trigger).

Parameter T: The output is reset (1 to 0 transition when the time T

has expired.
T! Determines the triggering time for the pre-warning.
T!L determines the length of the pre-warning time.
Retentivity set (on) = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Q is reset after the time T has expired. A warning signal can
be output before this time has expired.

The off-delay time T, the pre-warning time T! and the pre-warning period T!L can be provided by the
actual value of another already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "T"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to modify, refer
to chapter 5.2.2 please.

Timing diagram

Changing the time base
You can change the pre-warning time base and the period.

Time base Pre-warning time Pre-warning

T period
Seconds 750 ms 50 ms
Minutes 15 s 1s

Hours 15 min 1 min

* makes sense only for programs with a cycle time of < 25 ms

Description of the function

Output Q is set to 1 with a 0 to 1 signal transition at input Trg. The 1 to 0 transition at input Trg triggers
the current time and output Q remains set.
Output Q is reset to 0 when Ta reaches the time T. Before the off delay time (T - T!) has expired, you can
output a pre-warning that resets Q for the duration of the off pre-warning time T!L.
Ta is retriggered (optional) at the next high/low transition at input Trg and if Ta is expiring.
If retentivity is not set, output Q and the expired time are reset after a power failure.
Setting the Par parameter
All times must have the same time base.

View in parameter assignment mode (example):

5.5.10 Multiple function switch

Short description
Switch with two different functions:
 Pulse switch with off delay
 Switch (continuous light)

Connection Description

Input Trg With a signal at input Trg (Trigger) you set output Q
(continuous light), or reset Q with off delay. Output Q can
be reset with a signal at the Trg input.

Input R You set the current time Ta, and reset the output to 0, with
a signal at input R.

Parameter T: The output is reset (1 to 0 transition) when the time T

has expired.
TL determines the period during which the input must be
set in order to enable the permanent light function.
T! Determines the on delay for the pre-warning time.
T!L determines the length of the pre-warning time.
Retentivity set (on) = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Output Q is set with a signal at input Trg, and it is reset

again after a configured time has expired and depending
on the pulse width at input Trg, or it is reset with another
signal at input Trg.

The off-delay time T, the permanent light time TL, the on-delay pre-warning time T!, and the pre-warning
time period T!L can be provided by the actual value of another already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ

Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "T","TL"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to
modify, refer to chapter 5.2.2 please.

Timing diagram

Description of the function

Output Q is set to 1 with a 0 to 1 signal transition at Trg.
If output Q = 0, and input Trg is set hi at least for the duration of TL, the permanent lighting function is
enabled and output Q is set accordingly.
The off delay time T is triggered when the status at input Trg changes to 0 before the time TL has expired.
Output Q is reset when the Ta = T.
Before the off delay time (T - T!) has expired, you can output an off pre-warning that resets Q for the
duration of the off pre-warning time T!L. A further signal at input Trg always resets T and output Q.


The time base for the T, T! and T!L must be identical.

If retentivity is not set, output Q and the expired time are reset after a power failure.

5.5.11 Weekly timer

Your xLogic must be equipped with an internal real-time clock if you are going to use this SFB.

Short description

The output is controlled by means of a configurable on/off date. The function supports any combination
of weekdays.

Connection Description

Parameter At the No1, No2, No3 (cam)

parameters you set the on and
off triggers for each cam of the
weekly timer. The parameter
units are the days and the

Output Q Q is set when the configured

cam is actuated.

You can configure a time hysteresis for each individual cam in parameter mode. For information about
how to modify, refer to chapter 4.2.2 please.
Timing diagram (three practical examples)

No1: Daily: 06:30 h to 08:00 h

No2: Tuesday: 03:10 h to 04:15 h
No3: Saturday and Sunday: 16:30 h to 23:10 h

Description of the function

Each weekly timer is equipped with three cams. You can configure a time hysteresis for each individual
cam. At the cams you set the on and off hysteresis. The weekly timer sets the output at a certain time,
provided it is not already set.
The output is reset at a certain time, provided it is not already reset. A conflict is generated in the weekly
timer when the set on time and the set off time at another cam are identical. In this case, cam 3 takes
priority over cam 2, while cam 2 takes priority over cam 1.
The switching status of the weekly timer is determined by the status at the No1, No2 and No3 cams.

Days of the week

The prefix "D=" (Day) has the following meaning:
● M: Monday
● T: Tuesday
● W: Wednesday
● T: Thursday
● F: Friday

Any time between 00:00 h and 23:59 h is possible. You can also configure the on time to be a
pulse signal. The timer block will be activated at the specified time for one cycle and then the
output is reset.
- -:- - means: No on-/off-times set.

Setting the weekly timer

To set the on-/off-times:
1. Move the cursor to one of the Cam parameters of the timer (e.g. No1).
2. Press OK. xLogic opens the Cam parameter assignment screen form. The cursor is
positioned on the day of the week.

3. Press and to select one or several days of the week.

4. Press to move the cursor to the first position of the on-time.
5. Set the on-time.

Modify the value at the respective position, using the keys and . Move to the cursor to
the various positions, using the keys and . At the first position, you can only select the
value - -:- -
(- -:- - means: No on-/off-times set).

6. Press to move the cursor to the first position of the off-time.

7. Set the off-time (in same way as in step 5).
8. Confirm your entries with OK.
The cursor is now positioned on the No2 parameter (Cam2) and you can configure a further cam.

Special characteristics to note when configuring

The block properties window offers a tab for each one of the three cams. Here you can set the weekly on
times for the cams. Each tab offers you in addition an option of defining the on and off times for each cam
in hour and minute units. Hence, the shortest switching cycle is one minute.
You can disable the on and off times individually, i.e. you can achieve switching cycles extending across
more than one day, for example, by setting the on time for cam 1 to Monday 7:00 h and the off time of
cam 2 to Wednesday 13:07 h, while disabling the on time for cam 2.

Backup of the real-time clock

The internal real-time clock of xLogic is buffered against power failure. The buffering time is influenced
by the ambient temperature, and is typically 100 hours at an ambient temperature of 25°C.

5.5.12 Yearly timer

Your xLogic must be equipped with an internal real-time clock if you are going to use this SFB.

Short description
The output is controlled by means of a configurable on/off date

Connection Description

Parameter At the No (cam) parameter

you set the on and off trigger

for the cam of the yearly

Output Q Q is set on when the

configured cam is switched on.

The on and off trigger for the cam of the yearly timer can be set/modified in parameter mode and you can
configure what you need. For information about how to modify, refer to chapter 5.2.2 please.

Timing diagrams
Example 1: Yearly mode on, Monthly mode off, Pulse Off, On Time = 2000-06-01, Off Time =
2099-08-31: Every year on June 1 the timer output switches on and remains on until August

Example 2: Yearly mode on, Monthly mode off, Pulse on, On Time = 2000-03-15, Off Time =
2099-**-**: Every year on March 15, the timer switches on for one cycle.

Example 3: Yearly mode on, Monthly mode off, Pulse off, On Time = 2008-06-01, Off Time =
2010-08-31: On June 1 of 2008, 2009, and 2010 the timer output switches on and remains
on until August 31.

Example 4: Yearly mode on, Monthly mode off, Pulse on, On Time = 2008-03-15, Off Time =
2010-**-**: On March 15 of 2008, 2009, and 2010, the timer output switches on for one cycle.

Example 5: Yearly mode off, Monthly mode off, Pulse off, On Time = 2008-06-01, Off Time =
2008-08-31: On June 1, 2008 the timer output switches on and remains on until August 31,

Example 6: Yearly mode off, Monthly mode off, Pulse selected, On Time = 2008-03-15, Off Time =
****-**-**: On March 15, 2008 the timer output switches on for one cycle. Because the timer does not
have a monthly action or yearly action, the timer output pulses only one time
at the specified On Time.

Example 7: Yearly mode on, Monthly mode off, Pulse off, On Time = 2008-12-15, Off Time =
2010-01-07: On December 15 of 2008 and 2009, the timer output switches on and remains
on until January 7 of the following year. When the timer output turns off on January 7, 2010 it
does NOT turn on again the following December 15.

Example 8: Yearly mode on, Monthly mode on, On Time = 2008-**-01, Off Time = 2010-**-
05: Starting in 2008, on the first day of each month the timer output switches on and switches off on the
fifth day of the month. The timer continues in this pattern through the last month of 2010.

Description of the function
The yearly timer sets and resets the output at specific on and off times.
The off-date identifies the day on which the output is reset again. The first value defines the month, the
second the day.
When you select the every month check box, the yearly clock switches on or off at a certain day of every

Backup of the real-time clock

The internal real-time clock of xLogic is buffered against power failure. The buffering time is influenced
by the ambient temperature, and is typically 100 hours at an ambient temperature of 25°C.
Special characteristics to note when configuring
A click on the dialog box enables direct keyboard input of the month and day values. The values entered
may not exceed the logical maximum of the relevant input boxes; otherwise xLogicsoft returns an error
The calendar icon offers you an Rievtech way of setting the date. It opens a window where you can set
the days and months by clicking the relevant buttons.

Sample configuration
The output of an xLogic is to be set annually on March 1, reset on April 4, set again on July 7,
and reset again on November 19. You need to configure two yearly timers with corresponding on-times.
Then logically link the outputs by means of an OR block.

Yearly Timer 1
On-time Mar 1
Off-time Apr 4

Yearly Timer 2
On-time Jul 7
Off-time Nov 19


Place two yearly timer switch SFBs on your programming interface and configure the blocks as specified.

Create a logical link of the blocks via a standard OR block. The OR output is 1 if at least one of the yearly
timer switches is set.

5.5.13 Up/Down counter

Short description
An input pulse increments or decrements an internal value, depending on the parameter setting. The
output is set or reset when a configured threshold is reached. The direction of count can be changed with
a signal at input Dir

Connection Description

Input R You reset the output and the internal

counter value to zero with a signal at input
R (Reset).

Input Cnt This function counts the 0 to 1 transitions

at input Cnt. It does not count 1 to 0

Input Dir Input Dir (Direction) determines the

direction of count:
Dir = 0: Up
Dir = 1: Down

Parameter On: On threshold

Value range: 0...99999999
Off: Off threshold
Value range: 0...99999999
StartVal: Initial value from which to begin
counting either down or up.
Retentivity set (on) = the status is
retentive in memory.

Output Q Q is set and reset according to the actual

value at Cnt and the set thresholds.


The on threshold On and the off threshold Off can be provided by the value of another
already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "On","Off"and "Cnt"can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about
how to modify ,refer to chapter 5.2.2 please.

Timing diagram

Description of the function

The function increments (Dir = 0) or decrements (Dir = 1) the internal counter by one count with every
positive edge at input Cnt.
You can reset the internal counter value to '000000', with a signal at the reset input R. As long as R=1,
the output is 0 and the pulses at input Cnt are not counted.
Output Q is set and reset according to the actual value at Cnt and the set thresholds. See the following
rules for calculation.
Calculation rule
If the on threshold >= off threshold, then:
Q = 1, if Cnt >= On
Q = 0, if Cnt < Off.
If the on threshold < off threshold, then:
Q = 1, if On <= Cnt < Off.
The function polls the limit value of the counter once in each cycle.
Thus, if the pulses at the fast inputs are faster than the scan cycle time, the SFB might not switch until
the so specified limit has been exceeded.
Example: Up to 100 pulses per cycle can be counted; 900 pulses have been counted so far. On = 950; Off
= 10000. The output is set in the next cycle, after the value has reached 1000.
The output would not be set at all if the value Off = 980

5.5.14 Hours counter

Short description
A configured time is triggered with a signal at the monitoring input. The output is set when this time has

Connection Description

Input R A positive edge (0 to 1 transition) at input R resets output Q

and sets a configured value MI at the counter for the
duration of the time-to-go (MN).

Input En En is the monitoring input. xLogic scans the on-time of this


Input Ral A positive edge at input Ral (Reset all) resets both the hours
counter (OT) and the output, and sets the configured value
MI at the counter to for the duration of the time-to-go (MN).
That is,

 Output Q = 0,

 The measured operating hours OT = 0, and

 The time-to-go of the maintenance interval

MN = MI.

Parameter MI: Maintenance interval to be specified in hour units

Range of values: 0000...9999 h

OT: Expired total operation time. An offset can be specified.

Range of values: 00000...99999 h
Q 0:

 When "R" is selected:

Q = 1, if MN = 0;
Q = 0, if R = 1 or Ral = 1

 When "R+En" is selected:

Q = 1, if MN = 0;
Q = 0, if R = 1 or Ral = 1 or En = 0.

Output Q The output is set when the time-to-go MN = 0. The output is


 When "Q 0:R+En", if

R = 1 or Ral = 1 or En = 0

 When "Q 0:R",

if R = 1 or Ral = 1.

Timing diagram

MI = Configured time interval

MN = Time-to-go
OT = Total time expired since the last 1 signal at the Ral input
These values are principally held retentive!
The maintenance interval MI can be provided by the actual value of another already-programmed
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

The value of "MI" can be set and modified in parameter mode. For information about how to modify,
refer to chapter 4.2.2 please.

Description of the function

The hours counter monitors input En. As long as the status at this input is 1, xLogic calculates the time
expired and the time-to-go MN. xLogic displays these times when set to configuration mode. The output
is set to 1 when the time-to-go is equal to zero.
You reset output Q and the time-to-go counter to the specified value MI with a signal at input R. The
operation hour counter OT remains unaffected.

You reset output Q and the time-to-go counter to the specified value MI with a signal at input Ral. The
operation hour counter OT is reset to 0.
Depending on your configuration of the Q parameter, the output is either reset with a reset signal at input
R or Ral, or when the reset signal is 1 or the En signal is 0.

Limit value of OT
The values of the operating hours in OT are retained when you reset the hours counter with a signal at
input R. The hours counter OT continues the count as long as En = 1, irrespective of the status at the
reset input R. The counter limit of OT is 99999 h. The hours counter stops when it reaches this value.
Parameter preset
In xLogicsoft, you can define MI and an OT start value.
You determine that Q does not depend on En by selecting the corresponding check box.

Retentivity with the hours counter

The hours counter in the xLogic is generally retentive.

However, if the values of the hours counter are lost after a power failure, then select the respective block
in your circuit program. Right mouse click on the hours counter and select Block Properties > Parameters.
The option Retentivity must be activated and not changeable (grayed out).
If the Retentivity option is not available, then delete the block and insert a new special function hours
counter at the same position.

5.5.15 Threshold trigger

Short description
The output is switched on and off, depending on two configurable frequencies.

Connection Description

Input Fre The function count 0 to 1 transitions at input Fre. ! to 0

transitions are not counted.

 Inputs I5,I6 (14KHZ)I7,I8(60kHz) for ELC-12

CPU, Inputs I9,IA (14KHZ)IB,IC(60kHz) for
upgraded ELC-18,ELC-22,ELC-26 CPU

 Any other input or circuit element for low

frequencies (typical 4 Hz).

Parameter On: On threshold

Range of values: 0000...9999
Off: Off threshold
Range of values: 0000...9999
G_T: Time interval or gate time during which the input
pulses are measured.
Range of values: 00:05 s...99:99 s

Output Q Q is set or reset according to the threshold values.

The gate time G_T can be provided by the actual value of another already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt
Data latching relay: AQ
Analog Math AQ

The value of " On" ," Off" can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about how to
modify, refer to chapter 5.2.2 please.

Timing diagram

fa = Input frequency

Description of the function
The trigger measures the signals at input Fre. The pulses are captured during a configurable period G_T.
Q is set or reset according to the set thresholds. See the following calculation rule.

Calculation rule

If the threshold (On) > threshold (Off), then:

Q = 1, if fa >= On
Q = 0, if fa < Off.
If the threshold (On) < threshold (Off), then Q = 1, if
On <= fa < Off.

5.5.16 Latching relay

Short description
A signal at input S sets output Q. A signal at input R resets output Q.

Connection Description

Input S Set output Q with a signal at input S (Set).

Input R Reset output Q with a signal at input R (Reset). Output Q is

reset if S and R are both set (reset has priority over set).

Parameter Retentivity set (on) = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Q is set with a signal at input S and remains set until it is

reset with signal at input R.

No parameter of Latching relay can be set/modified in parameter mode .

Timing diagram

Description of the function

The latching relay represents a simple binary memory logic. The output value depends on the input
states and the previous status at the output.

Logic table of the latching relay:

S R Q Remark

0 0 x Status unchanged

0 1 0 Reset

1 0 1 Set

1 1 0 Reset

When retentivity is enabled, the output signal corresponds with the signal status prior to the power

5.5.17 Pulse relay

Short description
The output is set and reset with a short one-shot at the input.

Connection Description

Input Trg You switch output Q on or off with a signal at input Trg
(Trigger) input.

Input S A one-shot at input S (Set) sets the output to logical 1.

Input R A one-shot at input R (Reset) resets the output to logical 0

Parameter Selection:
RS (input R priority), or
SR (input S priority)
Retentivity set (on) = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Q is switched on with a signal at Trg and is reset again at

the next Trg pulse, if both S and R = 0.

parameter of Latching relay can be set/modified in parameter mode .

Timing diagram

Description of the function

The status of output Q changes with each 0 to 1 transition at input Trg and if both S and R = 0, i.e. the
output is switched on or off.
Input Trg does not influence the SFB when S = 1 or R = 1.
A one-shot at input S sets the pulse relay, i.e. the output is set to logical 1.
A one-shot at input R resets the pulse relay to its initial state, i.e. the output is set to logical 0.
Either the input R takes priority over input S (i.e. the signal at input S has no effect as long as R = 1), or
the input S takes priority over input R (i.e. the signal at input R has no effect as long as S = 1), depending
on your configuration.

5.5.18 Message text

Short description
Display parameterized message texts and parameters of other blocks in RUN mode.

Connection Description

Input En A 0 to 1 transition at En (Enable) triggers the output of the

message text.

Input P P is the priority of the message text.

1 is the lowest, 32 is the highest priority.
Quit: Acknowledgement of the message text

Parameter Text: Input of the message text

Par: Parameter or actual value of another, already configured
function (see "Visible parameters or actual values")
Time: Shows the continuously updated time-of-day
Date: Shows the continuously updated date
EnTime: Shows the time of the 0 to 1 transition

EnDate: Shows the 0 to 1 transition of the date

Output Q Q remains set as long as the message text is queued.

Description of the function

With a 0 to 1 transition of the signal at input En, the display outputs your configured message text (actual
value, text, TOD, date) in RUN mode.
Acknowledgement disabled (Ack = Off):
The message text is hidden with a 0 to 1 signal transition at input En.
Acknowledgement enabled (Ack = On):
After input En is reset to 0, the message text is displayed until acknowledged by pressing the OK button.
The message text cannot be acknowledged as long as input En is high.
If several message text functions were triggered with En=1, the message with the highest priority (1 =
lowest, 64=highest) is displayed. This also implies that a new message text is only displayed if its priority
is higher than that of previously enabled message texts.
After a message text is disabled or acknowledged, the function automatically shows the previously active
message text that takes the highest priority.

You can press the and keys to step through multiple active message texts.

This is how two message texts could be shown:
Display field of xLogic in RUN mode

Input P configuration
From the input P, you configure the following characteristics of the message text:
● Priority
● Acknowledgement
● Message destination

Up to 64 message text functions are available for PR-12,PR-18/ELC-22/ELC-26 .

Particular characteristics to be noted when configuring

1 "General" area

Here you will find the following settings:·

 Priority of the message text

 Check box for message text acknowledgement

2 Kinds of parameters and the number size selection area

IO status, analog IO values analog flags and blocks can be inserted into
LCD for displaying.

3 "Blocks" area

Shows a list of all the circuit program blocks and their parameters.

4 Language selection

5 Animate option

This option is used to the animate display on ELC-43TS, you can refer to
the user instruction of ELC-43TS.

6 "Insert" button

Button for inserting a parameter selected from the “Block parameters”


"Block parameters" or "General parameters" area into the message


7 "Block parameters" area

Shows the parameters of a block selected from the "Blocks" area which you
can output in the message text.

8 "General parameters" area

Shows general parameters such as the current date.

9 "Delete" button

Button for deleting entries from the "Messages" area

"Special characters" button

Button for inserting special characters in the "Messages" area

10 "Messages" area

You arrange the message text in this area. Information entered in this area
corresponds with that on the xLogic display.

To arrange the message text

From the "Blocks" area, select the block whose parameters you want to output.
Drag and drop the parameters required from the "Block parameters" to the "Messages" area. You may
also use the "Insert" button to do so.
In the "Messages" area, you can add parameter data as required.

Particular characteristics to be noted when configuring

The message text can be configured in the block properties dialog. You can enter up to 4 lines for each
message text (the text display of the xLogic has 4 x 16 characters) and set the priority. You can move to
the next line using the cursor keys or the mouse. Hit the [ENTER] key to confirm all your entries in the
block properties dialog and to close the dialog.
You may also enter the actual values of other blocks in the text lines. To do so, select the relevant block
from the Block dialog. A Parameter dialog opens to display a list of all parameters available for the
selected block. The block parameter you select in this dialog is written to the selected text line. The actual
parameter value is now included when you call the message text.
Set the "Acknowledge message" attribute to specify whether a message is be acknowledged before it
is closed.

A. I/O status of CPU and extensions

B .Blocks

C. Analog input value of CPU and extensions

D. Analog output value of CPU and extensions

E. F (digital flag) status

F. AF(analog flag) value

G. M status

H. AM value

With text message, the text can display big number(6 bits or 4 bits). (This feature only can be used in
ELC-22/26 Series CPU and PR-12 CPU).

Animate option
This option is for the ELC-43TS touch screen, it is used to trigger the pictures saved in the screen, you can
refer to the ELC-43TS user guide for detail information. How to change parameters of blocks in displayed message ?

Parameters of blocks can be changed in displayed message if inserted into the “message text
“ block by press “OK” key for 3 seconds.
Step as follows:
A. Insert the parameters of block into message text.(Here is On-delay).

B. Change the page to display the message text contents by arrow keys.

C. Press “ok” for 3 seconds and enter into edit mode.

D. Modify value by pressing arrow keys and confirm with OK key.

5.5.19 Softkey

Short description
This SFB provides the action of a mechanical pushbutton or switch.

Connection Description

Input En Output Q is set with a 0 to 1 signal transition at input En

(Enable) and if, in addition, 'Status=On' has been
confirmed in configuration mode.

Parameter Type: Sets either a pushbutton action for one cycle or a

switching action of the function.
Status: On or Off state that is applied in the initial cycle
after program startup, is retentivity is not set.
Retentivity set (on) = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Output Q remains set 1, as long as En=1 and the status at

the parameter Type = Switch and Status = On.
Output Q is set for the duration of one cycle if EN=1 and the
status at the parameters Type = momentary (pushbutton)
and Status = On.

Factory state
Default of 'Type' is 'momentary action switch'.

Timing diagram

Description of the function
The output is set, when input En is set and the 'Status' parameter is set to 'On' and confirmed with OK.
This action is performed irrespective of a configured switch or pushbutton function.
The output is reset to '0' in the following three cases:

 With a 1 to 0 signal transition at input En.

 When a pushbutton function is configured and one cycle has expired after its

 When the 'Status' parameter sets the 'Off' status in configuration mode, and this
has been confirmed with OK.

Particular characteristics to be noted when configuring

The softkey can be used both with momentary push button or switching action. At the status parameter
you can define the on (actuated) or off state for the switch/push button.
If the softkey is assigned a push button action, the output is always set for the duration of one cycle with
a 0 to 1 transition at input En when the push button is in on state, or if the push button state changes
from Off to On when En=1.

Parameters of softkey in message texts block:

1.The “ok” means you can press the ok button to switch the status of the softkey block after its parameter
inserted into message texts.
2.The “Esc” means you can press the ESC button to switch the status of the softkey block after its
parameter inserted into message texts.
3.The status of softkey block is also can be inserted into the message texts block for displaying.

5.5.20 Shift register

Short description
The shift register function can be used to read an input value and to shift the bits. The output value
corresponds with the configured shift register bit. The shift direction can be changed at a special input.

Connection Description

Input In The function when started

reads this input value.

Input Trg The SFB is started with a

positive edge (0 t 1
transition) at input Trg
(Trigger). A 1 to 0 transition
is irrelevant.

Input Dir You define the shift direction

of the shift register bits
S1...S8 at the Dir input:
Dir = 0: shift up (S1 >> S8)
Dir = 1: shift down (S8 >>

Parameter Shift register bit that

determines the value of
output Q.
Possible settings: S1 ... S8
Retentivity set (on) = the
status is retentive in

Output Q The output value

corresponds with the
configured shift register bit.

Timing diagram

Setting the Par parameter
This special function is not available in parameter assignment mode.

Description of the function

The function reads the value of input In with a positive edge (0 to 1 transition) at input Trg (Trigger).
This value is written to shift register bits S1 or S8, depending on the set shift direction:

 Shift up: S1 accepts the value of input In; the previous value of S1 is shifted to
S2, S2 is shifted to S3, etc.

 Shift down: S8 accepts the value of input In; the previous value of S8 is shifted
to S7, S7 is shifted to S6, etc.

Q outputs the value of the configured shift register bits.

If retentivity is not enabled, the shift function restarts at S1 or S8 after a power failure.

The special function shift register can be used only once in the circuit program.

5.5.21 Analog comparator

Short description
The output is set and reset depending on the difference Ax - Ay and on two configurable thresholds.

Connection Description

Inputs Ax, Ay Input the analog signals of which you want to
determine the delta at the inputs Ax and Ay.
Use the analog inputs AI1...AI8, the analog outputs
AQ1 and AQ2.
AI1..AI8: 0 - 10 V corresponds with 0 - 1000 (internal

Parameter A: Gain
Range of values: ± 10.00
B: Zero offset
Range of values: ± 10,000
On: On threshold
Range of values: ± 20,000
Off: Off threshold
Range of values: ± 20,000
p: Number of decimals
Range of values: 0, 1, 2, 3

Output Q Q is set or reset depending on the set thresholds.

Parameter p (number of decimals)

The on threshold On and the off threshold Off can be provided by the actual value of another
already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

Applies only to Ax, Ay, Delta, On and Off values displayed in a message text.
Does not apply to the comparison of on and off values! (The compare function ignores the decimal point.)
The value of "On","Off"and "Dec" can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about
how to set/modify, refer to chapter 5.2.2 please.(Dec means decimal point.)

Timing diagram

Q for Ax - Ay > 200, On = Off = 200
Description of the function
The function reads the value of the signal at the analog input Ax.
This value is multiplied by the value of parameter A (gain). Parameter B (offset) is added to the product,
(Ax ∙ gain) + offset = Actual value Ax.
(Ay ∙ gain) + offset = Actual value Ay.
Output Q is set or reset depending on the difference of the actual values Ax - Ay and the set thresholds.
See the following calculation rule.

Calculation rule

 If threshold On ≥Threshold Off, then:

Q = 1, if (actual value Ax - actual value Ay) > On

Q = 0, if (actual value Ax - actual value Ay) ≤Off.

 If threshold On < Threshold Off, then Q = 1, falls:

On ≤ (actual value Ax - actual value Ay) < Off.

Reducing the input sensitivity of the analog comparator
You can delay the output of the analog comparator selectively by means of the "on delay" and "off delay"
SFBs. By doing so, you determine that output Q is only set if the input trigger length Trg (= output of the
analog comparator) exceeds the defined on delay time.
This way you can set a virtual hysteresis, which renders the input less sensitive to short changes.
Particular characteristics to be noted when configuring
For help on analog block parameters, refer to the Analog value processing section in xLogicsoft.

Setting the Par parameter

The gain and offset parameters are used to adapt the sensors to the relevant application.
In a heating control system, the supply Tv and return line temperatures Tr are to be
compared, for example with a sensor at AI2.
A control signal is to be triggered (for example "heater On") when the difference between the
supply and return line temperatures is greater than 15 °C. The control signal is reset when

the difference is less than 5 °C.
The process variable of the temperature is to be shown in parameter assignment mode.
The thermocouples available have the following technical data: -30 to +70 °C, 0 to 10 VDC.

Reducing the input response of the analog comparator

You can selectively delay the output of an analog comparator by means of the "On-delay"
and "Off-delay" special functions. With on-delay, output Q is only set if the pulse width of the
triggering signal at input Trg (=analog comparator output) is longer than the on-delay time.
Using this method, you will obtain a virtual hysteresis and reduce the input response to short signals.
Function block diagram

5.5.22 Analog threshold trigger

Short description
The output is set or reset depending on two configurable thresholds (hysteresis).

Connection Description

Input Ax Input the analog signal to be evaluated at input Ax.

Use the analog inputs AI1...AI8, the analog outputs AQ1
and AQ2.
0 - 10 V is proportional to 0 - 1000 (internal value).

Parameter A: Gain
Range of values: ± 10.00
B: Zero offset
Range of values: ± 10,000
On: On threshold
Range of values: ±20,000
Off: Off threshold
Range of values: ± 20,000
p: Number of decimals
Range of values: 0, 1, 2, 3

Output Q Q is set or reset depending on the set thresholds.

Parameter On and Off

The On and Off parameters can be provided by the actual value of another already-programmed
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

Applies only to the display of On, Off and Ax values in a message text.
Does not apply to the comparison of On and Off values! (The compare function ignores the decimal
The value of "On","Off"and "Dec" can be set/modified in parameter mode. For information about
how to set/modify, refer to chapter 4.2.2 please.(Dec means decimal point.)

Timing diagram

Description of the function
The function reads the value of the signal at the analog input Ax.
This value is multiplied by the value of parameter A (gain). Parameter B (offset) is added to the product,
(Ax ∙Gain) + Offset = Actual value Ax.
Output Q is set or reset depending on the set threshold values. See the following calculation rule.
Calculation rule
If threshold (On) ≥ threshold (Off), then:
Q = 1, if the actual value Ax > On
Q = 0, if the actual value Ax ≤Off.
If threshold (On) < threshold (Off), then Q = 1, if
On ≤ the actual value Ax < Off.

The decimal point setting must be identical in the min. and max. range.

View in parameter assignment mode (example):

5.5.23 Analog amplifier

Short description
This SFB amplifies an analog input value and returns it at the analog output.

Connection Description

Input Ax Input the analog signal to be

amplified at input Ax.
Use the analog inputs
AI1...AI8, the analog outputs
AQ1 and AQ2.
AI1..AI8: 0 - 10 V corresponds
with 0 - 1000 (internal value).

Parameter A: Gain
Range of values: ± 10.00
B: Zero offset
Range of values: ± 10000
p: Number of decimals
Range of values: 0, 1, 2, 3

Output AQ Analog output

Value range for AQ:

Parameter p (number of decimals)

Applies only to the display of Ax and Ay values in a message text.
Does not apply to the comparison of On and Off values! (The compare function ignores the decimal
Description of the function
The function reads the value of an analog signal at the analog input Ax.
This value is multiplied by the gain parameter A. Parameter B (offset) is added to the product, i.e.
(Ax ∙gain) + offset = Actual value Ax.

5.5.24 Analog value monitoring

Short description
This special function saves the process variable of an analog input to memory, and sets the output when

the output variable exceeds or drops below this stored value plus a configurable offset.

Connection Description

Input En A positive edge (0 to 1 transition) at input En saves

the analog value at input Ax ("Aen") to memory and
starts monitoring of the analog range Aen ± Delta.

Input Ax You apply the analog signal to be monitored at input

Use the analog inputs AI1...AI8, the analog
outputs AQ1 and AQ2.
0 - 10 V is proportional to 0 - 1000 (internal value).

Parameter A: Gain
Range of values: ± 10.00
B: Zero offset
Range of values: ± 10,000
Delta: Difference value for the Aen on/off threshold
Range of values: ± 20,000
p: Number of decimals
Range of values: 0, 1, 2, 3

Output Q Q is set/reset, depending on the stored analog value

and the offset.

Parameter p (number of decimals)

The two threshold parameters Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 can be provided by the actual value of
another already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

Applies only to the display of Aen, Ax and Delta values in a message text.

Timing diagram

Description of the function
A 0 to 1 transition at input En saves the value of the signal at the analog input Ax. This saved process
variable is referred to as Aen".
Both the analog actual values Ax and Aen are multiplied by the value at parameter A (gain), and
parameter B (offset) is then added to the product, i.e.
(Ax ∙ gain) + offset = Actual value Aen, when input En changes from 0 to 1, or
(Ax ∙ gain) + offset = Actual value Ax.
Output Q is set when the signal at input En = 1 and if the actual value at input Ax is out of range of Aen
± Delta.
Output Q is reset, when the actual value at input Ax lies within the range of Aen +- Delta, or when the
signal at input En changes to lo.

5.5.25 Analog differential trigger

Short description

The output is set and reset depending on a configurable threshold and a differential value.

Connection Description

Input Ax You apply the analog signal

to be analyzed at input Ax.
Use the analog inputs
AI1...AI8, the analog outputs
AQ1 and AQ2.
0 - 10 V is proportional to 0 -
1000 (internal value).

Parameter A: Gain
Range of values: ± 10.00
B: Zero offset
Range of values: ± 10,000
On: On threshold
Range of values: ±20,000
Delta: Differential value for
calculating the off parameter
Range of values: ± 20,000
p: Number of decimals
Range of values: 0, 1, 2, 3

Output Q Q is set or reset, depending

on the threshold and
difference values.

Parameter p (number of decimals)

Applies only to the display of On, Off and Ax values in a message text.
Does not apply to the comparison of On and Off values! (The compare function ignores the decimal

Timing diagram A: Function with negative difference Delta

Timing diagram B: Function with positive difference Delta

Description of the function

The function fetches the analog signal at input Ax.
Ax is multiplied by the value of the A (gain) parameter, and the value at parameter B (offset) is added to

product, i.e.
(Ax ∙ gain) + offset = actual value of Ax.
Output Q is set or reset, depending on the set (On) threshold and difference value (Delta). The function
automatically calculates the Off parameter: Off = On + Delta, whereby Delta may be positive or negative.
See the calculation rule below.
Calculation rule
When you set a negative differential value Delta, the On threshold >= Off threshold, and:
Q = 1, if the actual value Ax > On
Q = 0, if the actual value Ax ≤ Off.
See the timing diagram A.
When you set a positive differential value Delta, the On threshold < the Off threshold, and Q = 1, if:
On ≤ the actual value Ax < Off.
See the timing diagram B.

5.5.26 Analog multiplexer

Short Description
This special function displays 0 or one of 4 saved analog values on the analog output.

Connection Description

Input En 1 on input En (Enable)

switches, dependent on S1
and S2, a parameterized
analog value to the output
0 on input EN switches 0 to
the output AQ.

Inputs S1 S1 and S2 (selectors) for

and S2 selecting the analog value to
be issued.
S1 = 0 and S2 = 0: The value
1 is issued
S1 = 0 and S2 = 1: The value
2 is issued
S1 = 1 and S2 = 0: The value
3 is issued
S1 = 1 and S2 = 1: The value
4 is issued

Parameter V1...V4: Analog values
(Value) that will be issued.
Value range:
p: Number of decimal places
value range: 0, 1, 2, 3

Output AQ Analog output

Value range for AQ:

Parameters V1…V4
The values for V1…V4 can be provided by the value of another already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

Timing Diagram

Description of Function
If input En is set, then the function issues one of 4 possible analog values V1 to V4 at the output AQ,
depending on the parameters S1 and S2.

If the input En is not set, then the function issues the analog value 0 at output AQ.

Analog output
If you interconnect this special function with a real analog output, note that the analog output
can only process values between 0 and 1000. To do this, you may need to connect an
additional amplifier between the analog output of the special function and the real analog
output. Using this amplifier, you standardize the output range of the special function to a
value range of 0 to 1000.

5.5.27 System cover

This block cannot directly be found in the block list ,however, it is set as default by system of xLogic,
hence system cover can be available if you follow the below procedures : use your mouse to left-click
“Tools” menu->select “Edit Cover HMI” by left-click in xLogicsoft .

Short description
Display the status (Run or Stop) of xLogic when power-on or simulation by soft.
Particular characteristics to be noted when configuring

5.5.28 Pulse Width Modulator (PWM)

Short Description:
The Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) instruction modulates the analog input value Ax to a pulsed digital
output signal. The pulse width is proportional to the analog value Ax.

connection Description
EN A positive edge (0 to 1 transition) at
input En enables the PWM function

Input Ax Analog signal to be modulated to a

pulsed digital output signal.

A: Gain
Range of values: +- 10.00
B: Zero offset
Range of values: +- 10,000
PT: Periodic time over which the digital
output is modulated
p: Number of decimals
Range of values: 0, 1, 2, 3
Output Q Q is set or reset for the proportion of each time
period according to the proportion of the
standardized value Ax to the analog value range.

Parameter PT
The periodic time PT can be provided by the actual value of another already-programmed function:
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Analog math: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

Parameter p (number of decimals)
Parameter p applies only to the display of the Ax value in a message text.

Description of the function

The function reads the value of the signal at the analog input Ax.
This value is multiplied by the value of parameter A (gain). Parameter B (offset) is added to the product,
as follows:
(Ax * Gain) + Offset = Actual value Ax
The function block calculates the proportion of the value Ax to the range. The block sets the digital output
Q high for the same proportion of the PT (periodic time) parameter, and sets Q low for the remainder of
the time period.

Examples with Timing Diagrams

The following examples show how the PWM instruction modulates a digital output signal from the analog
input value:
Example 1
Analog input value: 500 (range 0...1000)
Periodic time T: 4 seconds

The digital output of the PWM function is 2 seconds high, 2 seconds low, 2 seconds high, 2 seconds low
and continues in that pattern as long as parameter "En" = high.

Example 2
Analog input value: 300 (range 0...1000)
Periodic time T: 10 seconds
The digital output of the PWM function is 3 seconds high, 7 seconds low, 3 seconds high, 7 seconds low
and continues in that pattern as long as parameter "En" = high.

Calculation rule
Q = 1, for (Ax – Min) / (Max – Min) of time period PT
Q = 0, for PT – [(Ax – Min) / (Max – Min)] of time period PT.
Note: Ax in this calculation refers to the actual value Ax as calculated using the Gain and Offset. Min and
Max refer to the minimum and maximum values specified for the range

Special feature.
Generally, the output frequency could be up to 30Hz But the Q3,Q4 of ELC-12 type,Q5,Q6 of
ELC-18/22/26 (PNP transistor output) CPU could be up to 333 Hz and the property dialog box of PWM
function block setting as follows:

If the special output is selected in the property dialog box of PWM block, then the unit of “periodic time”
will be changed from s:1/100s to s:1/1000s, so if you input 3 (1/1000s) , then its frequency is 1000/3 Hz.


1. The periodic time must be no less than 3 ms.

2. If the specific output is selected in the property dialog box of PWM block, then the output pin of PWM
function block cannot be linked as input to other blocks.
3. Q3, Q4 in the above dialog box are exactly corresponding to Q3, Q4 of ELC-12 CPU and Q5,Q6 of
ELC-22/26 and upgraded ELC-18 CPUs
4. Common speed output allow the frequency different for Q3&Q4 of ELC-12 CPU and Q5&Q6 of
ELC-22/26 and upgraded ELC-18 CPUs; But if the high speed ticked in the dialog box then the frequency

settings must be same for Q3&Q4 of ELC-12 CPU and Q5&Q6 of ELC-22/26 and upgraded ELC-18 CPUs.

5.5.29 Analog Ramp

Short Description:
The Analog Ramp instruction allows the output to be changed from the current level to a selected level at
a specified rate.

Connection Description

Input En A change in the status from 0 to 1 at input EN (Enable) applies the start/stop level (Offset "B"
+ StSp) to the output for 100 ms and starts the ramp operation to the selected level.

A change in the status from 1 to 0 immediately sets the current level to Offset "B", which
makes output AQ equal to 0.
SeI = 0: The step 1 (level 1) is selected.
Input Sel
SeI = 1: The step 2 (level 2) is selected.
A change in status of Sel causes the current level to start changing to the selected level at the
specified rate.
A change in the status from 0 to 1 at input St (Decelerated Stop) causes the current level to
Input St
decrease at a constant rate until the start/stop level (Offset "B" + StSp) is reached. The
start/stop level is maintained for 100 ms and then the current level is set to Offset "B", which
makes output AQ equal to 0.
Level1 and Level2: Levels to be reached; value range for each level: -10,000 to +20,000
MaxL: Maximum value that must not be exceeded.
Value range: -10,000 to +20,000
StSp: Start/Stop offset: value that is added to Offset "B" to create the start/stop level. If the
Start/Stop offset is 0, then the start/stop level is Offset "B").
Value range: 0 to +20,000
Rate: Speed with which level 1, level 2 or 0ffset is reached. Steps/seconds are issued.
Value range: 1 to 10,000
A: Gain
Value range: 0 to 10,00
B: Offset
Value range: +- 10.000

p: Number of decimal places

Value range: 0, 1, 2, 3

The output AQ is scaled using the formula:
Output AQ
(Current Level - Offset "B") / Gain "A"

Note: When AQ is displayed in parameter mode or message mode, it is displayed as an

un-scaled value (engineering units: current level).
Value range for AQ: 0...+32767

Parameter p (number of decimal places)

The level parameters Level1 and Level2 can be provided by the value of another already-programmed
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

Parameter p only applies for displaying the values of AQ, level 1, level 2, MaxL, StSp, and Rate in a
message text.

Timing diagram for AQ

Description of function
If the input En is set, then the function sets the value StSp + Offset "B" for 100 ms.
Then, depending on the connection of Sel, the function runs from the level StSp + Offset "B" to either

level 1 or level 2 at the acceleration set in Rate.
If the input St is set, the function runs to a level of StSp + B at the acceleration set in Rate. Then the
function holds the level at StSp + Offset "B" for 100 ms. After 100 ms, the level is set to Offset "B". output
AQ. The scaled value (output AQ) is 0.
If the input St is set, the function can only be restarted once the inputs St and En have been reset.
If input Sel has been changed, depending on the connection of Sel, the function runs from the current
target level to the new target level at the rate that is specified.
If the input En is reset, the function immediately sets the current level to Offset "B".
The current level is updated every 100 ms. Note the relationship between output AQ and the current
Output AQ = (current level – Offset "B" ) / Gain "A"

5.5.30 Analog Math

Short Description
The analog math block calculates the value AQ of an equation formed from the user-defined operands
and operators.

Connection Description
Input EN Enable the analog math function block.
Parameter V1:Value 1: First operand
V2: Value 2: Second operand
V3: Value 3: Third operand
V4: Value 4: Forth operand

Operator 1: First operator

Operator2: Second operator
Operator 3: Third operator

Priority 1: Priority of first operation

Priority 2: Priority of second operation
Priority 3: Priority of third operation

P: number of decimals
Range of values: 0,1,2,3
Output AQ The output AQ is the result of the equation formed from the operand values and
operators. AQ will be set to 32767 if a divide by 0 or overflow occurs, and -32768
if a negative overflow (underflow) occurs.

Parameter p (number of decimals)
The values V1, V2, V3, and V4 can be provided by the actual value of another already-programmed
Analog comparator: Ax – Ay
Analog trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
PI controller: AQ
Data latching relay: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt

Parameter p applies to the display of V1, V2, V3, V4 and AQ in a message text.

Description of the function

The analog math function combines the four operands and three operators to form an equation. The
operator can be any one of the four standard operators: +, -, *, or /. For each operator, you must set a
unique priority of High ("H"), Medium ("M"), or Low ("L"). The high operation will be performed first,
followed by the medium operation, and then by the low operation. You must have exactly one operation
of each priority. The operand values can reference another previously-defined function to provide the
value. The analog math function rounds the result to the nearest integer value.
The number of operand values is fixed at four and the number of operators is fixed at 3. If you need to
use fewer operands, use constructions such as " + 0" or " * 1" to fill the remaining parameters.
You can also configure the behavior of the function when the Enable parameter "En"=0. The function
block can either retain its last value or be set to 0.

Possible errors: Zero division and overflow

If the analog math function block execution results in zero division or overflow, it sets internal bits that
indicate the type of error that occurred. You can program an analog math error detection function block
in your circuit program to detect these errors, and to control the program behavior as needed. You
program one analog math error detection function block to reference one specific analog math function
The following tables show some simple example analog math block parameters, and the resulting
equations and output values:

V1 Operator1 V2 Operator2 V3 Operator3 V4

12 +(M) 6 /(H) 3 -(L) 1
Equation: (12 + (6 / 3)) - 1
Result: 13

V1 Operator1 V2 Operator2 V3 Operator3 V4

2 +(L) 3 *(M) 1 +(H) 4
Equation: 2+ (3*(1+4))
Result: 17

V1 Operator1 V2 Operator2 V3 Operator3 V4

100 -(H) 25 /(L) 2 +(M) 1

Equation: (100 – 25) / (2 + 1)

Result: 25

5.5.31 Analog math error detection

Short Description

The analog math error detection block sets an output if an error has occurred in the referenced analog
math function block.

Connection Description

Input EN Enable the analog math error detection function block.

Input R Reset the output
Parameter Referenced FB: block number of an analog math instruction
Error to detect: Zero division, Overflow, or Zero division OR Overflow.
Auto Reset: Reset the output when the failure condition clears.
Output AQ Q is set high if the error to detect occurred in the last execution of the
referenced analog math function block.

Parameter Referenced FB

The value for the Referenced FB parameter references the block number of an already-programmed
analog math function block.

Description of the function

The analog math error detection block sets the output when the referenced analog math function block
has an error. You can program the function to set the output on a zero division error, an overflow error,
or when either type of error occurs.
If you select the automatically reset check box, the output is reset prior to the next execution of the
function block. If not, the output retains its state until the analog math error detection block is reset with
the R parameter.
In any scan cycle, if the referenced analog math function block executes before the analog math error
detection function block, the error is detected in the same scan cycle. if the referenced analog math
function block executes after the analog math error detection function block, the error is detected in the
next scan cycle.

Analog math error detection logic table

In the table below, Error to Detect represents the parameter of the analog math error detection
instruction that selects which type of error to detect. Zero represents the zero division bit set by the
analog math instruction at the end of its execution: 1 if the error occurred, 0 if not. OF represents the
overflow bit set by the analog math instruction: 1 if the error occurred, 0 if not. Zero division OR Overflow
represents the logical OR of the zero division bit and the overflow bit of the referenced analog math
instruction. Output (Q) represents the output of the analog math error detection function. An “x”
indicates that the bit can be either 0 or 1 with no influence on the output.

Error to zero of Output

Zero 1 X 1
Zero 0 X 0
Overflow X 1 1

Overflow X 0 0

Zero 1 0 1
division OR
Zero 0 1 1
division OR

Zero 1 1 1
division OR
Zero 0 0 0
division OR

If the Referenced Analog Math FB is null, then the output is always 0.

5.5.32 Modbus Read

Short description:
When there is a high level at En, the Modbus Read block will be activated and the xLogic shall
communicate with a peripheral device as a master via RS232 or RS485 interface. Furthermore, the
output will be switched on when communication is established successfully. Otherwise the output (Q pin)
remains “off” which means communication has failed.
A signal at input R resets output Q and disables this block at the same time

Connection Description
Input En A high signal at En input will enable “Modbus Read” function block to be activated

Input R To disable the MODBUS read function and set the output to 0 via the R (Reset)
input. Reset has priority over En

Parameter Slave address: 1 is default .

Communication protocol: Modbus(RTU)
Communication parameter: baud rate (BPS),Data bits, Stop bits,
Parity, Overtime (response time out)
Comm Type: RS232 or RS485( Communication interface of xLogic )
Data register Index: High Low /Low High
Command: 01 Read coils(0x)
02 Read Discrete Input(1x)
03 Read Holding Registers(4x)
04 Read Input Registers(3x)
Register start address, count
Output Q Q is set or reset depending on the communication status.
Successful communication , Q=1;
Failed communication ,Q=0;

Note: 1. Data register Index: High Low /Low High

For example, when High Low index was set, one data 0x 00 12 was read and saved to AQ, AQ= 0X0012;
however, when Low High index was set, AQ=0x 1200
Regarding Modbus RTU detail, please refer to our Modbus RTU communication protocol file for it.

Description of the function:

In the configuration of our xLogic communication, the xLogic usually serves as a slave via Modbus RTU
Protocol, and can communicate with a master directly. That’s to say, any device communicating with
xLogic sends command to it, and then its response will be sent out only when the xLogic has received the
command, Just as the below figure shows:

However, the “Modbus Read” or “Modbus Write”(next chapter will introduce it) function block would be
utilized if xLogic shall be required to play a role of master to communicate with other devices. As the
following figure shows:

When you put the “Modbus read” or “Modbus Write” function block in your program and make some
configurations, the function that xLogic serves as master will be realized.

The Property in dialog box of “Modbus Read” shows as below figure:

1. Slave Address: 1 is default
2. Communication parameters:BPS is baud rate、Stopbits、Databits、Communication
type: RS232、RS485 . Actually RS232 or RS485 are just interface of xLogic.
3. Command, register address and register count

Command Function description remark

01 Read one group coil status(00000~0XXXX) Read Coil Status(output)

02 Fetch one group data of the status of switch input Read input Status (input relay)

03 Read data of multi-holding register(40000~4XXXX) Read Holding Registers(Output


04 Read data of input registers (3000~3XXXX) Read Input Registers

Note: Please use “03” command to read AI/AO of xLogic

4. Where to save the data read from Slave.

Example: The following we'll take a example that one xLogic (Master) communicate with other xLogic
(Slave) via RS485.

Example 1: Get Q1 status of SLAVE1(xLogic) and then save the bit status to F1.

If count was set 4, the Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 of xLogic (station No.1) will be read and save to F1 to F4

F is bit type flag. It can be used to receive bit data from slave device.

Example 2 : Get AI value from Slave 2(xLogic with station No.2) and save the data to AQ11

The number setting of Q,I,AQ are continuous .AQ12 cannot be set as AQ 12 and should be set AQ 4 as
above figure shows.
The following table shows how to set.
Note: this table also can be applied for the configuration of Modbus Write function block.

Model I,Q,AI,AQ Dialog box set

CPU I1-I8 I1-I8
Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4

Expansion1 I11-I14 I9-I12
(Address is 1) Q11-Q14 Q9-Q12
AI11-AI14 AI9—AI12
AQ11-AQ12 AQ3,AQ4
Expansion2 I21-I24 I18—I21
(Address is 2 Q21-Q24 Q17—Q19
AI21-AI24 AI17---AI24
AQ21-AQ22 AQ5--AQ6


Data format instruction

5.5.33 Modbus Write

Short description:

When a high level in En, the Modbus Write block will be activated and the xLogic could communicate with
peripheral as a master via RS232 or RS485 interface, further the output will be switched on when the
communication is established successfully. Otherwise the output (Q pin) is kept“off” it means
communication has failed.
A signal at input R resets output Q and disable, this block at the same time

Connection Description
Input En A high signal at En input will enable “Modbus Write” function block to be activated
Input R Reset the value read from peripheral and set the output to 0 via the R (Reset) input.
Reset has priority over En
Parameter Slave address: 1 is default .
Communication protocol: Modbus(RTU)
Communication parameter: baud rate (BPS),Data bits, Stop bits,
Parity, Overtime (response time out)
Comm Type: RS232 or RS485( Communication interface of xLogic )
Data register Index: High Low /Low High
Command: 05 Write Single Coil
06 Write Single Register
15 Write Multiple Coils
16 Write Multiple Registers
Register start address, count

Output Q Q is set or reset depending on the communication status.

Successful communication , Q=1;
Failed communication ,Q=0;

The Property in dialog box of “Modbus Write” shows as below figure:

1. Slave Address: 1 is default

2.Communication parameters:BPS is baud rate、Stopbits、Databits、Communication type: RS232、RS485 .
Actually RS232 or RS485 are just interface of xLogic.
3. Command, register address and register count

Command Function description remark

05 Force the switch status of single coil(00000~0XXXX) Force Single Coil


06 Pre-set the data of single register Set single output register


15 Force multi-coils on/off bit(00000~0XXXX)

16 Write multi-holding registers data(40000~4XXXX)

4. Where is to save the pre-configuration data that would be written to Slave. It contains 2 kind ways to
pre-configuration. One is auto mode, this data uses the flags in the program, such as FM, AFM, I, Q and
AQ. The manual mode is input a fixed value or bit status.

Example 1

Write the I2 bit status of Master xLogic to Slave xLogic with No.1 and control Q1 of Slave via RS485 port.
The program of master can be made as follows:

I1of master is used to control the communication .If I1 is high and the communication is established
successfully, one alarm message (text message block) will be displayed on LCD. Then the Q1 of slave
No.1 will be controlled by I2 of master. If I2 is high, Q1 of slave No.1 would be ON and if I2 is low, Q1 of
slave would be OFF.

Note: The Q1 must be free, it means the in the program of Slave No.1, the input pin of Q1 must be not
linked to other blocks.

Example 2, manual mode input value

The above configuration is to force Q1, Q2, Q3 of Slave No.1 ON. " " means pre-set the BIT 1

and " " means pre-set the BIT 0 ”Coil 0” is corresponding to the start address ,Here is Q1.

Note: The manual input value is Hex data .it contains 4 bytes. If you want to write a decimal value to the
register of SLAVE, please convert it to Hex format.

4. The following table shows how to set.

Note: this table also can be applied for the configuration of Modbus Read function block

Data format instruction

For the detail information about I, AI, Q, AQ, registers address of xLogic ,refer to the RTU protocol file.

5.5.34 Data latching relay

Short description
This special function saves the process variable of an analog input to memory, and returns it at the
analog output.

Connection Description
Input S Save the Ax to memory and return it at the analog output with a
signal at input S (Set).
Input Ax Input the analog signal to be amplified at input Ax. Use the
analog inputs, the block number of a function with analog output,
or the analog outputs.
Input R Reset analog output AQ to 0 with a signal at input R (Reset).
analog Output AQ is reset if S and R are both set (reset has
priority over set).
Output AQ Analog output
Value range for AQ: -32768...+32767
Parameter Value range for Start value: -32768...+32767


When I1 turn to HIGH, the value of AI2 will be saved to memory and return it to AQ1
as follows:

When the I3 turns to HIGH, the value of this function block will be reset to 0.

1.Start value, you can set a start value for the data latch relay block now.

2. The HEG value of the data latch relay can be modified by press OK key for 3 seconds in text message
The HEG value of data latch relay block also can be displayed with decimal point now.

There is Modbus address for the HEG, so you can also can change the HEG value by Master(Touch screen
etc.). You can found the address in the modbus RTU protocol(Memory map) file.

Note: If your firmware of CPU cannot support such function, you can download the firmware
update package from our website.

5.5.35 PI controller

Short Description
It is proportional-action and integral-action controllers. You can use both types of controller individually
or combined.

Connection Description

Input A/M Set the mode of the controller:

1: automatic mode
0: manual mode

Input R Use the input R to reset the output AQ. As long as this input
is set, the input A/M is disabled. The output AQ is set to 0.

Input PV Analog value: process value, Influences the Output

Parameter Sensor: Type of sensor being used

Min.: Minimum value for PV
value range: -10,000 to +20,000
Max.: Maximum value for PV
value range: -10,000 to +20,000

A: Gain
Value range: +- 10.00
B: Offset
Value range: +- 10,000
SP: Set-value assignment
value range: -10,000 to +20,000
Mq: Value from AQ with manual mode.
Value range: 0 to 1,000
Parameter sets: application-related presets for KC, TI
and Dir (see below)
KC: Gain
value range: 00.00 to 99.99
TI: Integral time
value range 00:01 min to 99:59 min
Dir: Action direction of the controller
value range: + or -
p: Number of decimal places
value range: 0, 1, 2, 3

Output AQ Analog output (manipulated variable)

Value range for AQ: 0 to 1,000

Parameter P (number of decimal places)

Only applies for portraying the values from PV, SP, Min. and Max. in a message text.
Timing Diagram
The nature, manner and speed with which the AQ changes depends on the parameters KC and TI. Thus,
the course of AQ in the diagram is merely an example. A control action is continuous; therefore the
diagram portrays just an extract.

1. A disturbance causes the PV to drop, as Dir is positioned upwards, AQ increases until PV corresponds
again to SP.

2. A disturbance causes the PV to drop, as Dir is positioned upwards, AQ decreases until PV

corresponds again to SP.

Dir is coordinated to the basic conduct of a control loop. The direction (dir) cannot be changed
during the term of the function. The change in Dir here is shown for the purposes of clarification.

3. As AQ is set to 0 by means of the input R, PV changes. This is based on the fact that PV increases,
which on account of Dir = upwards causes AQ to drop.

Description of Function
If the input A/M is set to 0, then the special function issues output AQ with the value that you set with
parameter Mq.
If the input A/M is set to 1, then automatic mode commences. As an integral sum the value Mq is adopted,
the controller function begins the calculations in accordance with the formulas given in Control and
regulate basics. The updated value PV is used to calculate in the formulas.

Updated value PV = (PV * gain) + offset

If the updated value PV = SP, then the special function does not change the value
of AQ.

Dir = upwards/+ (timing diagram numbers 1 and 3)

 If the updated value PV > SP, then the special function reduces the value of AQ.
 If the updated value PV < SP, then the special function increases the value of

Dir = downwards/- (timing diagram number 2)

 If the updated value PV > SP, then the special function increases the value of

 If the updated value PV < SP, then the special function reduces the value of AQ.

With a disturbance, AQ continues to increase / decrease until the updated value PV

again corresponds to SP. The speed with which AQ changes depends on the
parameters KC and TI. If the input PV exceeds the parameter Max., then the updated
value PV is set to the value of Max.. If the PV falls short of the parameter Min., then
the updated value PV is set to the value of Min.

If the input R is set to 1, then the AQ output is reset. As long as R is set, the input A/M
is disabled.

Sampling Time

The sampling time is fixed at 500 ms.

Parameter sets

In order to simplify the use of the PI controller, the parameters for KC, TI and Dir are
already given as sets for the following applications:

Parameter set Application example Parameter KC Parameter TI Parameter

(s) Dir

Temperature fast Temperature, cooling control of 0,5 30 +

small spaces; small volumes

Temperature slow Heating, ventilation, temperature, 1,0 120 +

cooling control of large spaces;
large volumes

Pressure 1 Quick pressure change, 3,0 5 +

compressor control

Pressure 2 Slow pressure change, differential 1,2 12 +

pressure control (flow controller)

Full level 1 Vat and/or reservoir filling without 1,0 1 +


Full level 2 Vat and/or reservoir filling with 0,7 20 +


Characteristics when configuring
Observe the Control and regulate basics.
Control and regulate
In engineering, quantities can be both controlled and regulated.
When controlling, a quantity is manipulated without being able to compensate for outside influences.
When regulating, a quantity is maintained at a specific value in order to compensate for outside
In the following example, controlling means that the person can set the heat output at a fixed value. The
heater cannot compensate for the drop in room temperature when a window is opened.
In the example below, regulating means that the person can increase the heat output if the room
temperature drops to below 20 °C. If the room temperature rises above 20 °C, the heat output is

Basic concepts of regulating

In the example, the current for the electric heating is the manipulated variable. The changeable
resistance is the actuator. The hand that operates the actuator is the control. The actual room
temperature is the controlled variable or the process value. The desired room temperature is the
command variable or the setpoint value. The electric heating is the control process. The thermometer is
the sensor. The temperature loss from opening the window is the disturbance variable.
So this means that the person measures the process value (room temperature) with the sensor
(thermometer), compares the process value (room temperature) with the command variable (desired
room temperature) and uses the actuator (changeable resistance) to manually regulate the manipulated
variable (heating current), in order to compensate for the disturbance variable (temperature drop from
opening the window). The person is therefore the controller.

The control device is formed from the actuator and the control.
The control and controller together form the regulating device.
The following picture gives an abstract portrayal of the situation described above.
The comparing element uses the sensor to compare the command variable with the process value. If the
command variables and process value deviate from one another, this results in a positive or negative loop
error that in turn changes the process value.

Control loop
The process value x influences the manipulated variable M by means of the regulating device. This
creates a closed circuit that is also known as a control loop.
If, in the example above, the window is opened, the temperature in the room drops. The person must
increase the heat output of the heater. If the heat output is increased too much, it will get too hot. The
person must then reduce the heat output.
If the heat output is increased or reduced too quickly, then the control loop starts to sway. The room
temperature fluctuates. It is either too hot or too cold. To prevent this, the person must carefully and
slowly reduce or increase the heat output.
Loop error
The loop error is the difference between the command variable and the process value. In other words:
the deviation of a process value from a set value.

e = SP – PV
The loop error e brings about a change to the manipulated variable M.
The example above illustrates this very well: if, with a desired temperature of 20 °C (= command value
w), the room temperature is 22 °C (= process value PV), this results in the loop error:
e = SP – PV = 20 °C - 22 °C = -2 °C
In this case, the negative sign indicates a reversing action: the heat output is reduced.
In a control loop's state of equilibrium, the loop error is zero or very small. If the command variable
changes or there is a disturbance, a loop error arises. The loop error is corrected by means of the
manipulated variable M.

Controller basics

A controller can be simply portrayed as follows:

The comparing element and the controller function describe the conduct of the controller.
The following describes the most important types of controller. A controller's step response tells us a lot
about its conduct. The step response describes how a controller reacts to the erratic change in the
process value.
There are 3 important basic types of controller:
Proportional-action controller (P controller)
Integral-action controller (I controller)
Differential-action controller (D controller – we're not touching on this here)
These are combined for a real controller. For instance, the PI controller:
P Controller
A proportional-action controller (P controller) changes the manipulated variable M proportional to the
loop error. The P controller works immediately. By itself it cannot drive the loop error to zero.

:Manipulated variable of the P controller at the time n

:Gain of the P controller

: Loop error at the time n

The following picture shows a jump in process value and step response of the controller:

The P controller has the following characteristics:
It cannot correct faults with the control process > lasting loop error.
It reacts immediately to a change in the process value.
It is stable.
I Controller
An integral-action controller (I controller) changes the manipulated variable M proportional to the loop
error and to the time. The I controller works by delayed action. It completely remedies a loop error.
In order to calculate the value of the manipulated variable at a period of time n, the time up until this
period of time must be divided into small time slices. The loop errors at the end of each time slice must
be added up (integrated) and they are then entered in the calculation.

: Manipulated variable of the I controller at the time n

: Manipulated variable of the I controller at the time n-1; also called integral sum

: Gain of the I controller

: Sampling time, duration of a time slice

: Integral time: by means of this time, the influence of the integral part is controlled on the

manipulated variable, also known as integral-action time

: Loop error at the time n

: Loop error at the time n-1; etc.

: Loop error at the beginning of the calculations

The following picture shows a jump in process value and step response of the controller:

The PI controller has the following characteristics:
It sets the process value exactly to the command variable.
By so doing, it tends to oscillate and is unstable.
It requires more time to carry out the control action than the P controller .
PI controller
A PI controller reduces the loop error immediately and will eventually drive the loop error to zero.

: Manipulated variable at the time n

: Proportional part of the manipulated variable

: Integral part of the manipulated variable

: Manipulated variable of the I controller at the time n-1; also called integral


: Gain of the P controller

: Gain of the I controller

: Sampling time, duration of a time slice

: Integral time; by means of this time the influence of the integral part is

controlled on the manipulated variable, also known as the integral-action time

: Loop error at the time n

The following picture shows a jump in process value and step response of the controller:

The PI controller has the following characteristics:
The P controller components quickly intercept an occurring loop error.
The I controller components can then remedy the remaining loop error.
The controller components supplement each other so that the PI controller works quickly and precisely.

Description of the individual parameters

Controller parameters Portrayed in xLogic Possible value range in the xLogic

Mn Manipulated variable Output of the PI controller block 0 to 1,000

at the time n

kP In the xLogic, the parameter KC 0.00 to 99.99

applies as an increase for the I part
Gain of the P part and the P part of the controller

Should you enter KC=0, then the P

kI part of the controller switches off. In
this special case, k is automatically
Gain of the I part
set to 1 for the I part. If KC = 0: kP =
0 and kI = 1

If KC <> 0: kP = kI = KC

Ts Sampling time, Fixed 500 ms

duration of a time slice

TI Integral time Parameter TI, if you set this 00:01 min to 99.59 min
parameter to 99:59 min, then you
switch off the I part of the controller.

en Refer to SP and PV "

Loop error at the time n;

generally applies: e = SP –

SP The parameter SP is the set-value -10,000 to +20,000

assignment w. For this parameter you
can use the analog output of a
different special function.

PV PV is the process value x and is "

calculated as follows:

PV = (analog value on input * gain) +


You can connect the input for

example by means of an analog input
with a PT100 sensor.

The gain parameter has an effect on 0.0 to 10.0


The offset parameter has an effect on -10,000 to +20,000


PV is restricted by the parameters In each case: -10,000 to +20,000

Min. and Max.

The Dir parameter gives the action - or +

direction of the controller.

Positive means: If set value > process

value then the process value is
increased; if set value < process
value then the process value is

Negative means: If set value >

process value then the process value
is reduced; if set value < process
value then the process value is

e.g. heat regulation: if the set value is

greater than the process value (room
is too cold), the manipulated variable
increases the process value.

5.5.36 Memory write

Short Description
Only when there is a low to high trigger at Trg pin, the Memory Write block will be activated and the
pre-configured record action will be performed, at the same time the output will switch on if the record
action had been done successfully.

Connection Description
Trg input Only when there is a low to high trigger at Trg pin, the Memory
write Read block will be activated and the pre-configured record
action will be performed. Each trigger, only write once.
Input R Reset the Memory Write block and set the output to 0 via the R
(Reset) input. Reset has priority over Trg
Output Q Q switches on only after Write function had been executed

Description of Memory write block’s property dialog box :

1. File name
Place where you can set the name of the file used to save the registers’ data

2. Record title
Below is an example in the “OUTPUT.TXT”

The above range circled in red is just pre-set contents in the “Record title” of the Memory write block’s
property dialog box.

2. File write mode

Two options available: Option A. Append (This option would be selected if a certain file is already existed
in the Mini SD card inserted in ELC -MEMORY)
B . Create ( This option shall be chosen, if no any file existed or existed file has different name from that

pre-set in the “file name” in the Mini SD card inserted in ELC-MEMORY If such

box has been ticked ,the file content will show the time when the data starts to be recorded.

4. Separator
Such separator shall be required while more than one analog values would be stored and displayed for
easier observation and convenient analysis.
5. File Size
It is an option for you to set the size of file to be stored.
6. After memory Full
Two options can be selected after memory is full (it means the relative file has reached its pre-configured
size), one is to over-write and the other is to stop recording.
7. Register params:
This section is for register’s parameters setting. The register includes following sorts:
A. I digital inputs

Name Address:
I1-I8 0….7
I11-I14 8---15
I21-I24 16…23

….. ……

B. Q digital outputs

Name Address:
Q1-Q4 0….7
Q11-Q14 8---15
Q21-Q24 16…23

….. ……

C. F digital flag

Name Address:
F1-F64 0….63

D. M

Name Address:

M1-M512 0….511

E.AI analog inputs

Name Address:
AI1-AI8 0….7
AI11-AI14 8---15
AI21-AI24 16…23

….. ……

F. AQ analog outputs

Name Address:

AQ1-AQ2 0….1
AQ11-AQ12 2---3
AQ21-AQ22 4…5
….. ……

G.AF analog flag

Name Address:
AF1-AF256 0….255


Name Address:

AM1-AM512 0….511


Please refer the property dialog box of B003, it can record the output status .The start address is from 0
and it must record the 20 outputs with continuous addresses.

And the record file shows below:

Per program, every 6 seconds the record will do once, and the Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q11 will be all “ON”. You
can see the record file and you’ll see the recording time and the status of the output.

Notes: 1.The ELC-MEMORY only can be inserted into the RS232 port ( programming port) of ELC series
2.If this function block is working ,the RS232 port ( programming port) will be occupied ,some data will
be being transferred , if you want to use the programming port for some purposes (for example download
or upload program) , you must make sure the Trg pin of this block keeps at Low status or stop the CPU
by panel key.

5.5.37 Memory Read

Short Description
Only when there is a low to high trigger at Trg pin, the Memory Read block will be activated once and
xLogic CPU will read correlative data (bit or short) to set pre-configured register from the file in the SD
card of ELC-MEMORY module, at the same time the output will switch on if the read action had been done

Connection Description
Trg input Only when there is a low to high trigger at Trg pin, the Memory
Read block will be activated and xLogic CPU will read some data (bit
or short) to set pre-configured register from the file in the SD card
of ELC-MEMORY module. Each trigger, only write once.
Input R Reset the Memory Read block and set the output to 0 via the R
(Reset) input.
Reset has priority over Trg
Output Q Q switches on only after the Read function had been executed
correctly, provided.

Description of Memory write block’s property dialog box:

1. File name
The name of the file which you want to access is stored in the mini-SD card of the ELC-MEMORY module.

2. Record Title
Below is an example in the “OUTPUT.TXT”

3. Data Type:
Two options available: Option A. BIT (0 or 1, this is used to be set the status of Q or F )
Option B . WORD (this is used to be set the value of AQ or AF)
4. Record Index:
Here is used to set which line the CPU will access via this Memory Read block

3. Register Params
Here is to set the parameters of register, all these registers have “write” property.
BIT data can be used to set the register “Q” and “F”.

Q: digital outputs

Name Address:
Q1-Q4 0….7
Q11-Q14 8---15
Q21-Q24 16…23

….. ……

F: digital flag

Name Address:
F1-F64 0….63

WORD data can be used to set the register “AQ” and “AF”

AQ analog outputs

Name Address:

AQ1-AQ2 0….1
AQ11-AQ12 2---3
AQ21-AQ22 4…5
….. ……

AF analog flags

Name Address:

AF1-AF64 0….63

Here is to set how many register you want to set once.

For example

If the Memory Read block had been triggered, the Q1 of ELC-12 CPU will be set “1”.

, .

5.5.38 Word to Bit

Short description
This special function is used to transfer the word type data (AI, AF or AQ) to 16 bit status (0 or 1)(F or Q)

Connection Description

Input En Enable this function.

Input R Reset output Q with a signal at input R (Reset).

Parameter Retentivity set (on) = the status is retentive in memory.

Output Q Q is switched on with a signal at input En, and switched off

with a low signal at input En.


Convert the AQ11 (2012) to Q1,Q2 and F1--F14(0000011111011100)


Convert the counter value (5) to Q1,Q2 and F1--F14(0000000000000101)

5.5.39 Bit to Word

Short description
This special function is used to transfer the 16-Bit status(0 or 1)(F or Q) to word type data (AF or AQ).

Connection Description

Input En Enable this function.

Input R Reset output AQ with a signal at input R (Reset).

Parameter Retentivity set (on) = the value is retentive in memory

when power lost.

Output AQ AQ will output the value of the block when En was


For example
Transfer the F1--F3 and Q1 status to the AQ001. F1 is saved in Bit0, F2 is saved in Bit1,F3 is saved in
Bit2,Q1 is saved in Bit3.

F1 F2 F3 Q1 AQ1 value
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1

0 1 0 0 2
1 1 0 0 3
0 0 1 0 4

1 0 1 0 5
0 1 1 0 6
1 1 1 0 7
0 0 0 1 8

1 0 0 1 9
0 1 0 1 10
1 1 0 1 11
0 0 1 1 12
1 0 1 1 13
0 1 1 1 14

1 1 1 1 15

1.The Bit4--Bit15 was not ticked, they are all recognized as 0.
2. With such block you can realize to modify one bit of the word register in the slave devices together
with the code 06/16 in Modbus network.

5.5.40 Stopwatch

Short description
The stopwatch records the time elapsed since it was enabled.

Connection Description
Input En En (Enable) is the monitoring input. xLogic sets the current elapsed time to 0 and begins
counting elapsed time when En transitions from 0 to 1. When En transitions from 1 to 0,
the elapsed time is frozen.
Input Lap A positive edge (0 to 1 transition) at input Lap pauses the stopwatch, and sets output to lap time.
A negative edge (1 to 0 transition) at input Lap resumes the stopwatch, and set the output to
current elapsed time..
Input R A signal at input R (Reset) clears the current elapsed time and lap time.
Parameter Time base for elapsed time, which you can set to hours, minutes, seconds, or 1/100ths of seconds.
Output AQ The output AQ outputs value of the current elapsed time when it is a negative edge (1 to 0 transition)
at the input Lap, and outputs value of the Lap time when it is a positive edge (0 to 1 transition)
at the input Lap.
A positive edge (0 to 1 transition) resets the value at output AQ to 0.

Parameters Time base

You can configure the time base for the analog output:

The time base for the elapsed time can be in hours, minutes, seconds, or 1/100ths of seconds (units of
10 milliseconds). The smallest time base, and therefore the resolution, is 10 milliseconds, or 1/100ths of

Timing diagram

Description of the function

When En = 1, the current time increases.

When En = 0, the current time counting pauses.
When En = 1 and Lap = 0, the output AQ outputs the value of the current elapsed time.
When En = 1 and Lap = 1, the current time continue increasing, but the output AQ outputs the value of
the Lap time.
When En = 0 and Lap =1, the output AQ outputs the value of the Lap time.
When En = 0 and Lap = 0, the output AQ outputs the value of the latest current time.

When R = 1, both the current time and the Lap time are reset.

5.5.41 Analog filter

Short Description

Connection Description
Input Ax Analog Inputs
Analog Outputs
Analog Flags
The block number of a function with analog output
Parameter Sn (Number of samples): determines how many analog values are sampled
within the program cycles that are determined by the set number of
samples. xLogic samples an analog value within every program cycle. The
number of program cycles is equal to the set number of samples.
Possible settings:
8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
Output AQ AQ outputs an average value of the analog input Ax over the current
number of samples, and it is set or reset depending on the analog input and
the number of samples.
* Analog inputs: 0 to 10 V corresponds with 0 to 1000 (internal value).

You can set the number of samples to the following values:

After you set the parameter, the analog filter calculates the average value of the samples and assigns this
value to AQ.

Timing diagram

Description of function
The function outputs the average value after sampling the analog input signal according to the set
number of samples. This SFB can reduce the error of analog input signal.

There are a maximum of eight analog filter function blocks available for use in the circuit program in

5.5.42 Max/Min

Connection Description
Input En The function of input En (Enable) depends on the settings of parameter Mode
and the selection of check box "when En = 0, reset Max/Min".
Input S1 This input is enabled when you set Mode =2:
A positive transition (0 to 1) at input S1 sets the output AQ to the maximum
A negative transition (1 to 0) at input S1 sets the output AQ to the minimum
Input Ax Input Ax is one of the following analog signals:
Analog Inputs
Analog Outputs
Analog flags
Block number of a function with analog output
Parameter Possible settings: 0, 1, 2, 3

Mode = 0: AQ = Min
Mode = 1: AQ = Max
Mode = 2 and S1= 0 (low): AQ = Min
Mode = 2 and S1= 1 (high): AQ = Max
Mode = 3 or a block value is referenced: AQ = Ax
Output AQ AQ outputs a minimum, maximum, or actual value depending on the inputs, or
is reset to 0 if configured to do so when function is disabled
Analog inputs: 0 to 10 V corresponds with 0 to 1000 (internal value).

Parameter Mode

You can set the values for parameter Mode based on the actual values of another already-programmed
Analog comparator: Ax - Ay
Analog threshold trigger: Ax
Analog amplifier: Ax
Analog multiplexer: AQ
Analog ramp: AQ
Analog math: AQ
Up/Down counter: Cnt
Threshold trigger: Fre
Max/Min: Ax
PI controller: AQ
Analog filter : AQ
Average value : AQ
You can select the required function by the block number.
Timing diagram

*) If you select the check box "when En = 0, reset Max/Min"

Description of the function

If you select the check box "when En = 0, reset Max/Min":
En = 0: The function sets the AQ value to 0.
En = 1: The function outputs a value at AQ, depending on the settings of Mode and S1.
If you do not select the check box "when En = 0, reset Max/Min":
En = 0: The function holds the value of AQ at the current value.
En = 1: The function outputs a value at AQ, depending on the settings of Mode and S1.
Mode = 0: The function sets AQ to the minimum value
Mode = 1: The function sets AQ to the maximum value
Mode = 2 and S1 = 0: The function sets AQ to the minimum value
Mode = 2 and S1 = 1: The function sets AQ to the maximum value
Mode = 3 or a block value is referenced: The function outputs actual analog input value.

Max/Min block upper/lower function

In the dialog box of Max/Min block, there is a upper/lower limit setting, when the block output the AQ
value is less than the lower value, the AQ shall be equal to the Lower value; While the block output the

AQ value is more than the upper value, the AQ shall be equal to the upper value.
If someone wants to use the upper/lower limitation for other function blocks. such upper/lower limit
function can be used, then this block can be referenced as other blocks parameters when programming.

Here is an example:
Someone wants to use the panel key to change the on-delay parameters for 1s—10s in the text message
block, if the value which user set exceeds such range, then it will crush the machine, hence we must add
the upper/lower limitation in the program to avoid such trouble.

5.5.43 Average value

Short description
The average value function samples the analog input signal during configured time period and outputs
the average value at AQ.

Connection Description
Input En A positive edge (0 to 1 transition) at input En (Enable) sets the output AQ to the
average value of input Ax after the configured time. A negative edge (1 to 0
transition) holds the output at its last calculated value.
Input R A positive edge (0 to 1 transition) at input R (Reset) resets the output AQ to 0.
Input Ax Input Ax is one of the following analog signals:
Analog Inputs
Analog Outputs
Analog Flags
The block number of a function with analog output
Parameter St (Sampling time): You can set it to Seconds, Days, Hours or Minutes.
Range of values:
If St = Seconds: 1 to 59
If St = Days: 1 to 365
If St = Hours: 1 to 23
If St = Minutes: 1 to 59
Sn (Number of samples):
Range of values:
If St = Seconds: 1 to St*100
If St = Days: 1 to 32767
If St = Hours: 1 to 32767
If St = Minutes and St ≤ 5 minutes: 1 to St*6000
If St = Minutes and St ≥ 6 minutes: 1 to 32767

Output AQ

AQ outputs the average value over the specified time of sampling.

* Analog Inputs: 0 to 10 V corresponds with 0 to 1000 (internal value).
Parameter St and Sn
Parameter St represents the sampling time and parameter Sn represents the number of samples.

Timing diagram

Description of the function

When En = 1, the average value function calculates the average value of the samples during the
configured time interval. At the end of the sampling time, this function sets output AQ to this calculated
average value.
When En = 0, the calculation stops, and AQ retains the last calculated value. When R = 0, AQ is reset to

5.5.44 Device Reset

Short description
This function block is used to reset the device (Ethernet modem or WIFI modem built-in) in the CPU, if
there is a trigger at the Trg pin. It merely can be applied to the CPU with Ethernet module or Wifi module

Available in below CPUs:

ELC series type:


Connection Description

Trg If there is a trigger at the Trg pin, then the Ethernet modem will be
reset , The modem will be startup again until the time "Reset period"

Parameter Channel: Ethernet

Reset period:1—100s

Output When the Ethernet module had been reset successfully, this block will
output a short trigger.

Description of the function

In order to monitor the communication status of the Ethernet to see if it is normal or continuous(or avoid
the Ethernet module is dead by unknown cause), sometimes we need reset the Ethernet module built-in
in the CPU when the communication has failed or been timeout.
Just one parameter to be set is the "Reset period" as follows:

Here are two examples with detailed description on how to use these blocks in the program.

Example 1
Just as below program shows, after the CPU running, we can push down the digital input1(just need a
short trigger to reset the Ethernet modem), after the Reset period(here is 5s) is reached, the Ethernet
modem will start up and this block will output a short trigger at the same time.

We also can use such “device reset” block along with the “Com status” function block together in the
program, when there is no data transmission through the Ethernet port while the timeout period(50s) is
reached, the com port status will output HI signal ,and then the Device reset block would be enabled and
the Ethernet module will be reset for the Reset period in the device reset block property dialog box.

5.5.45 Comport Status

Short description
This function block is used to monitor the communication status of the RS232 (programming port),
RS485 port, Ethernet/WIFI port.
With the text message block, we can insert the com port status from such function block for displaying on
the LCD.

Connection Description

En Enable the function block if a HI level at En input pin and if a trigger from HI to
LOW, the function would be disabled.

Parameter Channel: RS232

Monitor type: TX

Output When a HI level at the En pin and the timeout is reached the output will be HI,
and it will be reset when the En is switched.



RS232: This channel is the programming port, it can be used to monitor or display the communication
status of the below accessories:

ELC-RS232 cable
ELC-USB cable
PRO-RS485 cable

RS485: This channel is the RS485 port, it can be used to monitor or display the communication status of
the below accessories:
For Standard ELC-12 Series
For ELC-18/22/26 Series CPUs
Ethernet: This channel is the Ethernet port, it can be used to monitor or display the communication
status of the LAN port built-in in the CPU:
Timeout 1—100s
Monitor type
Tx : Data from CPU to external devices.
Rx: Data from external device to CPU
Tx+Rx: Data transmission between external device and CPU.

Description of the function

In order to monitor the communication status of the RS232, RS485 and Ethernet port, we can enable
such function block, when the timeout period exceeds, such block shall output a high level trigger.

How to insert the com port status to the text message for displaying?
Put the “com port status” into program.

Select “BLOCKS” in the text message property block.

1.select TX or Rx and insert into the screen.

2.You can edit the text in the screen, such as TX:,RX:

So, you can view the communication status on the LCD, even if there are no indicators on the
If there is data transmission, the status of the com port on the LCD will be flashing.

5.5.46 Astronomical clock

Short description
The astronomical clock SFB is used to set an output high between sunrise and sunset based on the local
time at the geographical location of the xLogic devices. The output status of this function block also
depends on the configuration of summer time/wintertime conversion.
Connection Description
The location info including longitude, latitude and time zone.
Output Q
Q is set to hi when sunrise time is reached. It holds this state until sunset time is reached.


In the astronomical clock dialog, you can select the location of the xLogic device. You can select one of
following pre-defined time zone locations:


If you select one of these locations, xLogicsoft uses the latitude, longitude, and time zone of your
Alternatively, you can configure a specific latitude, longitude, and time zone for your location, and
provide a name for this custom location.
Based on the location and time zone, xLogic calculates the absolute sunrise and sunset time for the
current day. The block also takes summer time/winter time into consideration, if it is configured on the
computer where xLogicsoft is installed. To do such configuration, you should select check box of
"Automatically adjust clock for daylight for saving changes" in the "Date and Time Properties" dialog.
Timing diagram

Description of function
The function calculates the value at the input and sets or resets Q depending on the sunrise time and
sunset time at the configured location and time zone of the module.

5.5.47 Cam Control

Short description

The cam programmer function Cam Control is used to control a set of 8 built-in cam wheels.

On its 8 outputs (representing the 8 wheels), the function provides the state corresponding to the current
position of the shaft wheels.The cam configuration can be set for each position, output state is
adjustable.Once the maximum value has been reached, the cam restarts from its initial position (output
returns to 0).
Connection Description
Input Forward MOVE FORWARD is the input which is used to control cam progress; it
moves one step forward at each rising edge (digital status is changed
from 0 to 1).
Input Reverse MOVE BACKWARD is the input which is used to control backward cam
movement; it moves one step backward at each rising edge (digital
status is changed from 0 to 1).

Input Reset RESET (initialization): When this input is active, the cam is replaced to
its initial position: the POSITION output will be forced to 0.
Output Output1.. The status of the 8 outputs is corresponding to the current position of
............ the shaft (representing the 8 wheels).
Position analog output corresponding to the current cam position (0 to 49).
Parameters From the property dialog box, you may adjust:
The number of program steps: Its value is between 1 and 50,
Output status [1..8]: for each position of the shaft.

The following figure shows an example of a part of parameters window:

1.The FORWARD input takes priority over the BACKWARD input.
2.If the FORWARD and REVERSE inputs are not connected, they are set to inactive.
When selected, the "Retentivity" enables the current value of the timer to be retrieved following a power

5.5.48 Angular Cam Timer

Short description
This function block is used to describe operation of a cam timer based on the angle made by the cams
as the analog input. The number of steps can be selected and each step corresponds 2
configurable outputs.

Connection Description

Input Enables the function. If this input is not activated, the function remains inactive.
VALIDATION: Activated implicitly if it has not been connected.

Input ANGLE: Timer command input (from 0° to 359°). The outputs vary according to this value

and the OUTPUT STATE parameter.

Output OUTPUT 1: Output 1 is related to the value in the OUTPUT 1 column in the OUTPUT STATE
table. If the value of the angle in the ANGLE input is higher or the same as a value
N in the ANGLE column in the OUTPUT STATE table and less than the value N+1 in
the table, the value of the corresponding OUTPUT 1 column is copied to OUTPUT 1
(1 => output at ON, 0 => output at OFF).

Output OUTPUT 2: Output 2 is related to the value in the OUTPUT 2 column in the OUTPUT STATE
table. If the value of the angle in the ANGLE input is higher or the same as a value
N in the ANGLE column in the OUTPUT STATE table and less than the value N+1 in
the table, the value of the corresponding OUTPUT 2 column is copied to OUTPUT 2
(1 => output at ON, 0 => output at OFF).

Parameters NUMBER OF DEGREES: Equivalent to the wheel step number (2 to 72 steps of 5° to

180°). \
OUTPUT STATES: Table is listing the output states for each position. These states
can be modified by left-clicking in the corresponding boxes.

5.5.49 Pumps Management

Short description


This function is used to set to ON a maximum of four digital outputs which can be activated (OUTPUT 1 ...
OUTPUT 4). This number is equal to the maximum number of digital inputs (from 2 to 4) in the ON state.
In addition, the outputs set to ON are selected so that in the event of prolonged operation, each output
will have been set to ON the same number of times.

The ON duration of the outputs is set to equal values by applying the following technique:
As the number of ON inputs increases, the outputs changing to ON are those following the order of the
PILOT OUTPUT NUMBER: 1 for OUTPUT 1, 2 for OUTPUT 2, 3 for OUTPUT 3 and 4 for OUTPUT 4. For
example, if the "outputs controlled" parameter has the value 4, if PILOT OUTPUT NUMBER has the value
3 and just one input is set to ON, only the OUTPUT 3 output will be set to ON. As soon as two inputs
change to ON, the OUTPUT 3 output remains at ON and the OUTPUT 4 output changes to ON. As soon as
a third input changes to ON, the OUTPUT 3 and OUTPUT 4 outputs remain ON and OUTPUT 1 changes to
As soon as the number of outputs decreases, the outputs changing to OFF will be those which have been
in the ON state the longest. As soon as one output changes to OFF, PILOT OUTPUT NUMBER takes the
value of the output number after the output(s) which has (have) just been set to OFF. To complete the

above example, as soon as one input changes to OFF, the OUTPUT 3 output changes to OFF and PILOT OUTPUT
NUMBER displays the integer value 4.
The Parameters tab in the property box contains the number of outputs which may change to ON
depending on the number of inputs which are set to ON. The values of this parameter are fixed at 2, 3 or

If the value of the parameter is fixed at 2, only the OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT 2 outputs are used and may
therefore change to ON. In this case, if more than two inputs change to ON, the OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT
2 outputs remain at ON and the OUTPUT 3 and OUTPUT 4 outputs remain fixed at OFF.

If the value of the parameter is fixed at 3, only the OUTPUT 1, OUTPUT 2 and OUTPUT 3 outputs are used
and may therefore change to ON. . In this case, if four inputs change to ON, the OUTPUT 1, OUTPUT 2 and
OUTPUT 3 outputs remain at ON and OUTPUT 4 remains fixed at OFF.

If the value of the parameter is fixed at 4, only the OUTPUT 1, OUTPUT 2, OUTPUT 3 and OUTPUT 4
outputs are used and may therefore change to ON.

All inputs which are not connected have the value OFF.

When the program is initialized, PILOT OUTPUT NUMBER is fixed at 1.

The Parameters tab contains the default check box which re-initializes PILOT OUTPUT NUMBER to 1 (and
defines the first output activated when the first input changes to 1) after a controller power failure.

Example of use:

Filling a tank with a group of four pumps operating in parallel. The operating duration of each pump is the

The "number of outputs controlled" parameter is fixed at 4.

On initialization, PILOT OUTPUT NUMBER has the value 1. On initialization, if the tank is in the state
indicated and if a sensor above the water is in the ON state, when the user program is executed, the
INPUT 1 and INPUT 2 inputs are ON, INPUT 3 and INPUT 4 are OFF and OUTPUT 2 and OUTPUT3 are ON.

Assuming that the tank is full, INPUT 2 changes to OFF and OUTPUT 1 changes to OFF. PILOT OUTPUT
NUMBER indicates the value 2.

Assuming that the tank is empty, INPUT 2 changes back to ON, OUTPUT 3 changes to ON and OUTPUT 2
remains ON.

Assuming that the tank refills, INPUT 2 changes back to OFF, OUTPUT 2 changes to OFF and PILOT
OUTPUT NUMBER indicates the value 3.

Assuming that the tank continues to refill, INPUT 1 changes to OFF, OUTPUT 3 changes to OFF and PILOT
OUTPUT NUMBER indicates the value 4.

5.5.50 Defrost

short Description
The defrost output changes to ON when the input temperature is less than the minimum temperature for
a time T (T being the cumulative duration of passages below the minimum temperature). If the
temperature rises to higher than the maximum temperature during the defrost cycle, the defrost output
reverts to OFF even if it has not finished. This output can be triggered and stopped by means of the
corresponding inputs.

Connection Description

Input function validation input. The function remains inactive for as long as this input is not
VALIDATION activated. VALIDATION is implicitly active if it is not connected.

Input Air temperature in °C*100 (-32768°C to 32767°C).


Input Sets the defrost output to ON if the temperature is less than the maximum
MANUAL temperature.

MANUAL Sets the defrost output to OFF (Priority stop).

Output The defrost output is at ON when the CUMULATIVE OPERATING TIME has elapsed.

Output Measured duration, in minutes, when the temperature is less than the minimum
CUMULATIVE temperature or duration of the current defrost cycle.

Parameters CUMULATIVE OPERATING TIME: Time T, in minutes, at the end of which the function
triggers defrosting (1 to 32767).
DEFROST CYCLE: Duration of defrosting in minutes (1 to 32767).
MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE: Temperature in °C above which defrosting is stopped
(10°C ... 20°C).
MINIMUM TEMPERATURE: Temperature in °C below which the time T is measured
(-10°C ... 0°C).

5.5.51 Comparison of 2 values

Short Description
The COMPARE function is used to compare two analog values.

Connection Description

Input an ENABLE FUNCTION Discrete-type input


Input VALUE 1 Integer-type input

Input VALUE 2 Integer-type input

Function If the VALUE 1 or VALUE 2 input is not connected, the value is set to 0.
The function provides a discrete-type OUTPUT.
The output is active if the result of the comparison between VALUE 1 and
VALUE 2 is true and if the ENABLE FUNCTION input is active or not connected.
The output does not change state if the ENABLE FUNCTION input changes from
Active to Inactive state.

Parameters The comparison operators that can be chosen from the Parameters window
Symbol Description

Greater than.

Greater than or equal to.

Equal to.

Less than or equal to
Less than

5.5.52 Multicompare

Short Description:
This function is used to activate the output corresponding to the value present on the "Value" input.

Connection Description

Input Function validation input. Until this input is activated, the function remains
VALIDATION inert. Validation is active implicitly if it has not been connected.

Input VALUE Value to be compared.

Outputs VALUE N: Output ON if Value = Value N.

VALUE N + 1: Output ON if Value = Value N + 1.

VALUE N + 2: Output ON if Value = Value N + 2.
VALUE N + 3: Output ON if Value = Value N + 3.
VALUE N + 4: Output ON if Value = Value N + 4.
VALUE N + 5: Output ON if Value = Value N + 5.
VALUE N + 6: Output ON if Value = Value N + 6.
VALUE N + 7: Output ON if Value = Value N + 7.

The comparison value (Value N) can be configured. It must be between 0 and 32760.

5.5.53 Compare in zone

Short Description
The COMP IN ZONE comparison function is used to compare one value between two set points (the MIN
and MAX values of the zone).

Connection Description

Input ENABLE a discrete ENABLE FUNCTION input; this input is Active if it is not connected.

Input VALUE TO The value is used to be compared with the min and max value, whose type is
COMPARE Integer.

Input MIN VALUE A MIN VALUE input, whose type is Integer

Input MAX VALUE A MAX VALUE input, whose type is Integer

OUTPUT The OUTPUT indicates the result of the comparison when the ENABLE FUNCTION
input is active.
The OUTPUT does not change state when the ENABLE FUNCTION input is inactive.

Parameters From the Parameters window, you can select the state of the output according to
the result of the comparison:
ON in the zone: the output will be active if the input value is between the two
setpoints (MIN and MAX),
OFF in the zone: the output will be inactive if the input value is between the two

setpoints (MIN and MAX).

If MINI is greater than MAXI, then for:

ON in the zone: the output always remains inactive,
OFF in the zone: the output always remains active.

Comparison Function
The diagram below shows the different states the output can take, depending on the input value to
compare and the enable input:

5.5.54 Conversion Word bits

Short Description
When the "En" is high, The DEC/BIN function breaks down an integer (16-bit) type input into 16 bit-type


This function supports 1 integer type 16-bit input:
This function supports 16 discrete outputs: BIT01 (least significant byte) ... BIT16 (most significant

5.5.55 Conversion bits Word

Short Description

When the "En" is high, the BIN/DEC function produces a 16-bit integer-type output from 16 inputs of the
following type: Bit

This function supports 16 discrete inputs: BIT01 (least significant byte) ... BIT16 (most significant byte).
This function supports one 16-bit integer-type output.

5.5.56 Demultiplexer

This function demultiplexer integers. It is used to route the input value onto one of the 4 OUTPUTS on
each rising edge of the VALIDATION input.
A VALUE copied to an output does not revert to 0 when a VALUE is written to another ADDRESS.
The BASE ADDRESS parameter allows several blocks to be used at the same time to multiply outputs.
The Parameters tab contains:
BASE ADDRESS: Contains the address of the ADDRESS 1 output.
Retentivity: Chooses whether or not the function is reinitialised if the controller power supply is
When they are not connected, the ADDRESS and VALUE inputs are set to zero.

When the BASE ADDRESS parameter contains the value 0 these outputs have addresses 0, 1, 2, 3
respectively, and in this case if the ADDRESS input equals 2 the VALUE will be copied to the third output.
If a second block is being used, 8 outputs can be demultiplexed by putting the value 4 as the BASE
ADDRESS in the second block and connecting the VALIDATION and ADDRESS inputs to the same source.

5.5.57 Multiplexing

Short Description
The MUX function carries out two input channel multiplexing on the OUTPUT.

Connection Description

Input this is the multiplexer input A, whose type is integer.


Input this is the multiplexer input B, whose type is integer.


Input this input is used to choose the input channel to apply to the output.

Output this is the multiplexer output.

This value depends upon the state of the SELECTION input.
If the SELECTION input is:
inactive: the OUTPUT corresponds to CHANNEL A,
active: the OUTPUT corresponds to CHANNEL B.

Notes: 1. If the SELECTION input is not connected, then it is considered to be inactive.

2.If CHANNELS A or B are not connected, then they are set to 0.

5.5.58 Multiplexer

Short Description

This function multiplexes the WORD inputs. It is used to route the value of one of the inputs selected by
the ADDRESS input to the output. The input is routed to the output on each rising edge of the
The BASE ADDRESS parameter allows several blocks to be used at the same time to multiply inputs.
The Parameters tab contains:
BASE ADDRESS(corresponding to Input 1): Contains the address of the INPUT 1 input.
Retentivity: Chooses whether or not the function is reinitialized if the controller power supply is
When they are not connected, the digital input is in the OFF state and the WORD inputs contain 0.

When the BASE ADDRESS parameter contains the value 0 these inputs have addresses 0, 1, 2, 3
respectively, and in this case if the ADDRESS input equals 2 the VALUE of the third input will be copied to
the output.
If a second block is being used, 8 inputs can be demultiplexed by putting the value 4 as the BASE
ADDRESS in the second block and connecting the VALIDATION and ADDRESS inputs to the same source.

5.5.59 Square Boot

Short Description:
This function is used to calculate the square root of the number present as an input with accuracy to two
decimal points.

Connection Description

Input Validation Function validation input. Until this input is activated, the function remains inert.
Validation is active implicitly if it has not been connected.

Input Calculation The value must be between 0 and 32767.


Output Calculation Calculation output: The result is presented in the format "Root" x 100.

Example: for X = 20000 => Root of X = 141.42. The value read as an output of the function is 14142.
If used as an input, the number is negative and the result is 0.
The calculation is accurate to 0.01 either way.

5.5.60 Sin Cos

Short Description
This function is used to calculate the cos and sin of an angle between 0° and 90°.

Connection Description

Input Validation Function validation input. Until this input is activated, the function remains
inert. Validation is active implicitly if it has not been connected.

Input Angle Represents the angle in degrees. Its value must be between 0 and 900 for
an angle between 0° and 90°.

Output Sin Result of ("Angle" sin) x 10000

Output Cos Result of ("Angle" cos) x 10000

The function calculates the cos and the sin to the nearest 0.0001 by rounding up or down as appropriate.

Sin (63°8) = 0.8973 and Cos (63°8) = 0.4415

5.5.61 Absolute Humidity

Short Description
This function is used to calculate the absolute humidity.

Connection Description

Input En Enable the function

Input T Temperature

Output RH Humidity

Output AQ Absolute humidity

Calculate rule:

5.6 xLogicsoft

xLogicsoft runs under Windows 95/98,
Windows NT 4.0, Windows Me®, Windows 2000®, Windows XP®,windows Vista xLogicsoft is capable of
client/server operation and offers you a high degree of freedom for creating your circuit program.
xLogicSoft: xLogicV3.1.6.2
This is the current version of xLogicsoft. You will find all the functions and the functionality of the devices
described in this manual in the version and later.

If a full version is not installed, you can carry out an upgrade as follows:
 Install the software from the CD.
 When the system prompts you for the previous version, place the old xLogicsoft CD in CD drive.
 Point your browser to the “...\Install” directory on the CD.

Updates and info

You can download demo versions of the software free of charge from the Internet address specified in the

Installing xLogicsoft:

1. Double-click on Setup.exe or left-click the “INSTALL” menu directly.

2. Select the language you would like and click OK to confirm

3.If you consent to the license agreement, click Next to confirm.

4. Where is the program to be installed? If you do not want to accept the recommended file
C:\Program Files\Rievtech\xLogicsoft, specify another directory using Browse.

5. If you want to accept the recommended file location, click Next to Confirm.

6. In this example, the program icon is to be placed on the desktop. Use Next to proceed.

7.Click Install button to install. Program is being installed. . . . .

8. The installation is finished. You can start the xLogicsoft immediately or later by
double-clicking the icon on the desktop.

You now see the complete user interface of xLogicsoft The programming interface for creating your
circuit programs occupies the greater part of the screen. The icons and logical links of the circuit program
are arranged on this programming interface.

To help you to maintain an overview of large circuit programs, the right side and the bottom of the
programming interface contains scroll bars, which you can use for vertical and horizontal scrolling of the
circuit program.

1. Menu bar
2. Standard Toolbar
3. Programming Toolbar
4. Reference material (Function block list)
5. Info box (Display memory Info, IO status and analog IO values under simulation/monitoring mode)

6. Status bar (Including current operation, current CPU model and the communication status)
7. Programming Interface
Notes: For the detailed operation, please refer to Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 of this part.

5.7 Main Functions

1. Edition function
The main function of xLogicsoft is programming for xLogic. By using the Logical
Function Edition window of xLogicsoft, you can create and edit your desired xLogic programs using
various function blocks of xLogic and can also perform file operations such as save, print, program
management etc.
2. Simulation operation function
After the program is edited, you can view the program operation result on the computer and conveniently
check if the said program meets your control requirements. Here xLogicsoft provides you with a
completely new off-line test function, through which you can debug the program without installing the
xLogic on site. With this function, many inconvenience of the site test can be avoided.

3. Real-time monitoring
xLogicsoft has a Real-Time Monitoring window. You can view the process of the control system and the
running conditions of all xLogic and control remote xLogic, by connecting the xLogic communication port
(RS232,USB, Ethernet optional) to the computer you can view the process of the control system.
4. Document
The program circuit can be saved and printed. The analog values also can be saved in one excel file .

5.8 Operation Instructions

5.8.1 Menu Bar

When xLogicsoft is used to edit xLogic programs under customized mode, some basic operations
including files management, opening and closing of the Tool Bar and Status Bar access to Help
information are completed by using pull-down menu under File, Edit, Tools, SMS, View and Help. The
Instruction Function list of xLogicsoft is characterized by its flexibility and variation according to the main
It can be changed according to the current operation for convenience of your specific operations. File

The instruction is mainly used for file management, including creation, opening, saving and printing of

Fig. 10.1 File Menu

Instruction Name Function

New Open a new file
Open Open an old file
Close Close the current active Window
Close All Documents Close all the current active Windows
Save Save a file

Save As Save current file to a new path and a new file

Print Print a file
Print Preview Preview the file printing result
Print Setup Setup printing format

Property File property(page size &model select)
Exit Exit the xLogicsoft Edit

Fig. 10.2 Edit Menu

※ Undo: Undo the previous step operation and support consecutive operations.
※ Redo: Recover the contents undone by the previous step of operation and support consecutive
※ Cut: Cut the contents in the area highlighted with the cursor.
※ Copy: Copy the contents highlighted with the cursor.
※ Paste: Paste the contents cut or copied.
※ Delete: Delete various graphic components.
※ Select All: Select all the contents in the current window editing box and setup the label.
※ Goto Apponited block: Goto the apponited block in the program interface.
※ Property: open the property box of the apponited block
※ Properties (all blocks): Open all the property boxes of the selected blocks.
※ Phonebook: Add/Delete phone number into phonebook Refer to the chapter 6.5.2 . Tools

This instruction is mainly used for reading program from xLogic, writing program to xLogic, diagnosis the
communication situation of xLogic, program management and simulation and so on. The pull down menu
of Tools is shown as the following:

Fig. 10.3 Tools Menu
※ Configuration: Select and open the Com port.
※ Disconnect Line: Cancel the connection of PC and xLogic.
※ Transfer: Transfer the following data between PC and xLogic.
PC-> PLC: Download the program to xLogic
PLC->PC: Upload the program from xLogic.
Password set: Set Password protection to xLogic
Get PLC Version: Get the current xLogic hardware version
Set Clock: Set RTC for xLogic
Get Clock: Get RTC from xLogic
Get Communication Type: Get current communication type
Set Communication Type: Set communication type for current xLogic
Set PLC’s address: Set the current xLogic address
Get PLC’s address: Get the address of current xLogic
Get PLC’s scan time: Get the scan period of the xLogic for current program
Summer time/Winter time: Activate/disable the conversion of the summer/ winter time
Set Extended module: Activate/disable the expansion port of xLogic (Only applied to
Standard ELC-12 series CPU)

※Simulation: simulate the xLogic program.

※ Select Hardware: Select the model of xLogic for programming.
※ Edit Cover HMI: Customers are allowed to edit the first page of the HMI by this menu.
※ User manger: File management, program can be protected with different priorities.
※ Set monit config: select elements for monitoring or saving with Excel file. SMS

※ Set Modbus config : Change the MODBUS data format based on the device which will communicate
with xLogic.

215 View

This instruction is to display the status bar, workspace and the Information window and so on. The pull
down menu is shown as the following:

Fig. 10.5 View Menu

※ Status bar: state bar displaying instruction

※ Workspace: workspace displaying instruction
※ Info Window: Info window displaying instruction
※ Zoom: window proportion displaying instruction. There are four different sizes of the windows for the
user to select. Help

※ Content Index: Help index and detailed contents

※ About xLogicsoft
※ Version information

5.8.2 Toolbar

The icons of the standard toolbar provide quick access to commands that are also available on the menu.

New Zoom In

Open Zoom Out

Save Align Left

Save All Align Right

Cut Align Top

Copy Align Bottom

Paste Page Layout Tab

Undo Open COM port

Redo Download(PC-> xLogic)

On-line monitor Upload(xLogic-> PC)

Get RTC from xLogic Set RTC to xLogic

5.8.3 Programming Toolbar

The programming toolbar contains integral icons for creating, editing and testing programs. Each one of
these tools represents a programming mode, in which mouse operations have different effects.

The editing tools are not available as menu commands.

Catalog of the elements of a

circuit program open / close

Selection Tool

Text Tool


Connector Tool

Constants and Terminals

Basic functions

Special functions


On-line test

Selection Tool

You can use the selection tool to select and move blocks, text and connecting lines. You can select objects
individually with a left-click; you can select multiple objects with [Ctrl]+Click, or you can use the mouse
as a "lasso" to surround objects with a rectangle and capture them as a selection.
You can call the selection tool in any other tool by pressing the [ESC] key or by clicking on the icon in the
programming toolbar.

Text Tool

This tool is used to insert or edit user-defined text objects in the programming interface. You can specify
the font type, font size and font color for each individual label.
Text figures can be set in Wrap Text format. You can adjust the size of a text figure typically by dragging
the rectangle handles.


This tool is used to cut and join connections between blocks. To cut a connection, left-click to select the
relevant line while the Cut/Join tool is active. The connection is replaced at the blocks by a reference to
the partner block. The reference is labeled with the page number, block number and the I/O of the
partner block.

5.8.4 Simulation Tool and status window

A toolbox pops up when you open the simulation mode. It contains:

 Icons (e.g. switches) for operator control of the inputs .

 An icon for the simulation of a power failure, for testing the switching response with reference
to retentivity characteristics after power failure.

 Icons (e.g. bulbs) for monitoring outputs .

 Simulation control icons and

 Time control icons.

Simulation control icons

Start simulation

Stop simulation

Hold simulation (pause)

Time control

If you have programmed a time-sensitive circuit, you should use the time control to monitor the reaction
of your circuit program.

Start simulation for a specific time or number of cycles.

Set the period and the number of cycles using the following

Setting the period and the time base for a time limited
simulation or setting a specific number of cycles

Display of the current time in xLogicsoft

Modification of the current time in xLogicsoft

Status display

Layout of inputs

The inputs are displayed in the form of key or switch icons. The name of the input is displayed below the
icon. An open input represents an inactive switch. When you click on the icon, it is indicated active and
the switch is shown in closed state.

Icon for pushbutton I1, not actuated open input

Icon for pushbutton I1, actuated closed input

Icon for pushbutton I2, not actuated open input

Icon for pushbutton I2, actuated closed input

Layout of the outputs

The status of an output is indicated by a light or dark bulb icon. The name of the output in your circuit
program is displayed below this icon.

Status display of output Q1 Output switched off

Status display of output Q1 Output switched on

The output status only indicates the status as such. Here, you cannot switch an output by clicking on an
icon. When your circuit program switches an output, the indicator lamp is active; when the output is
switched off, the indicator lamp is also switched off.

Prerequisite: The display of signal states and process variables is enabled under Tools


The colored indication lets you identify the "1" or "0" status of a connecting line. Default color of
connecting lines carrying a "1" signal is red. Default color of connecting lines carrying a "0" signal is blue.

5.9 Basic Operation

This chapter will tell you how to write logic function graph Program with xLogicsoft, how to simulate the
Program you write with xLogicsoft, how to communicate between PC and xLogic with xLogicsoft, how to
copy system document of xLogic with xLogicsoft, and how to complete the update of application and
system Program code. If you want to write a function graph Program, first of all, it’s necessary to start an
empty document, and then put the function block into editing box. First set the property of every function
block, then link every function block according to logic controlling relation, thereby complete the
protracting of a logic function graph. In addition, in order to help the users confirm if the function graph
accord with the prospective controlling result, xLogicsoft also provides most intuitionist function of
simulation. You can get the moving result of the program through simulation of the function graph.

5.9.1 Open File Open New File

Operation method:
To open a new file, click ‘New’ option of menu ‘File’, click once with left button of mouse. As shown in the
following fig.

Fig.7. 9.1 Open New Document

Notes: An option Window of outside-meet extended module will appear before a new document opened.

Fig.7. 9.2 Hardware type selection

Page layout set and hardware selection before programming

In the Page Layout tab, you can specify how and on how many pages to print your circuit program. You
can preview the pagination in this tab. If you choose more than one program page, the page breaks are
indicated by white lines on the programming interface.

The hardware type selection is also needed be done before programming. The available
elements are showing in the right area in the above figure.

Click the payout icon or double click the model displayed area on the right down of the interface,
the model selection dialog box also can pop out Open Existed Document

Operation Method:

1. To open a document, click ‘Open’ option of menu ‘File’ once with left button of mouse ,or click

once in toolbar, shortcut key ‘Ctrl+O’ also can be used. As shown in Fig 11.3:

Fig7. 9.3 Open Existed Document

2. Click ‘Open’, find the path of saving file, dialogue box as follows:

Fig7.9.4 Dialogue Box of Existed Document

3. Click the file you want to open with left button of mouse, then click button “Open”. After

opening the document, you can modify or print the document.

5.9.2 Edit Function Diagram Program Place Function Block

While you set up a new document, you can write your control Program in the new program
interface. The method and process of placement is as follows:
The method of placing function block is as follows: choose function block needed from the
workspace left of the program interface.
Operation Procedure:
1. Choose corresponding function group. “Constant”, “Basic”, ”Special” list and various blocks
can be selected .Refer to the function block instruction chapter 5 for detail instruction of
function blocks
2. Click the block you needed with left button of the mouse
3. Move the mouse to the proper place in the program interface, click with left button of the
mouse, then complete the placement of a block.
4. According to above operation, put all modules in program interface.
E.g.: To complete all the function block of one certain system control, as Fig 7.10.1 shown, put
all function modules into the edit program interface.

Fig 7.10.1 Place block Edit Property of Function Block

After put all function block in edit box, it’s necessary to setup property of every function block.
This is the most important step to write function block Program.
Operation Method:
1. In the function block Program interface, click some block twice with left button of the mouse,
or pitch on a block and press right button of the mouse, then an edit menu appears, and then
click “Properties…” of this menu. As shown in Fig 11.6:

Fig 7.10.2 Block edit menu
2.You also can click the menu Edit-> Properties or Edit-> Properties(all blocks) to change the
settings of the block.
Property dialogue box, as shown in Fig 7.10.3, to setup each item of content according to what
you need, you also could click “Help” to observe the detail instruction.

Fig 7.10.3 property box

Note: Different block has different property setup, especially the property of special function
block. Please read chapter 5, the explanation to refer the detailed setup. Setup link

After put all the blocks needed in protracting function graph, and set up properties as needed,
it’s necessary to set up link according to logic control relation and make it an integrated
function diagram.
Operation Method:

1. Pitch on shortcut key , when the mouse becomes the shape of a pen, it can be used to


2. To do so, move the mouse pointer to a block input or output and press the left mouse button. Keep the
mouse button being pressed down and then drag the mouse pointer from your selected source terminal
to the target terminal. Now release the mouse button to anchor the connecting line to both terminals.
While the connecting line is being drawn, it is shown as a straight line between the first terminal and the
mouse pointer. Once it is anchored, it appears as a combination of horizontal and vertical lines, which can
be manipulated using the selection tool.

Fig. 7.10.4

xLogicsoft offers you a further option of connecting blocks when you right-click on the input or output of
a block. In the shortcut menu, click the Connect with block menu command. This calls a selection list
that contains all blocks available for your connection. Click on the relevant target block. xLogicsoft
Comfort then draws the connecting line. This method is especially useful for connecting a source to a
target block over a greater distance on the programming interface.

Fig. 7.10.5

Tips on connecting blocks

1. Move the mouse pointer over a block and briefly hold it in this position. The name of the block is shown.
The name of the block input appears when you move the mouse pointer onto the input.
2. To make it easier for you to interconnect blocks, a blue frame around the mouse pointer pops when it
is "captured" by a pin.
Rules for connecting blocks
The following rules apply to the connection of blocks:
1. You can connect a single input to multiple outputs.
2. You cannot connect multiple inputs to a single output.
You cannot interconnect I/O in the same path of a circuit program. Recursion is not permitted.
Interconnect a flag or output if necessary.
Special function blocks also have green "connectors". These do not represent connecting pins, but are
used instead for assigning the parameter settings.
Analog I/O cannot be connected to digital I/O. Delete Function Block or Delete Link

When you put some needless block in program interface or link some default ones, you need to
delete them as follows:
1. Pitch on module or link to delete with mouse.
2. Press “Delete” in the keyboard, or click right button of the mouse, select option
“Delete” in the menu, then you can delete the module or link.

227 Change block index

In a program cycle, the block with little number will be run before the block with big number.
For example, The below program, the run sequence is B001,B002,B003, the Q1 cannot get

If I change the B002 to B004, the Q1 will get high in first. The program run sequence is

You can change the block number with clicking the block by right key and select the “change
block index” option, then change to other block number.

5.10 Simulation Running

xLogicsoft could edit function diagram, and perform function of simulation operation.
After you finish the edit, you can start the function of simulation operation, to
examine program to see if it performs your control logic or not.

Operation Method:
1.Click “Simulation” under the menu “Tools” with left button of the mouse . It’s time to start

program of simulation, or click “ ” in the simulation toolbar with mouse, and it also can open

simulation operation interface. It shows as Fig. 11.9.

Fig. 7.10.6 Start simulation

2. Click input block with mouse. It can change the state of input, state displays “ON” and “OFF” in the
output point of the module, so you can observe the state of input or output.

3. Click button again, to terminate the operation function of the module.

Fig. 7.10.7 Simulation Operation

Attn: In above graph, you can see “ON” or “OFF” state of input and output, and the output state and the
current state of timing and counting of all blocks. Through this simulation operation graph, you can exam
the program to see if it performs control requirement or not.

5.11 Save and Print

Operation method of file saving

1.To save a Program, click option “save” or “Save As” under menu “File” with left button of the mouse,

as shown in Fig.7.10.8, or click button “ ”under toolbar.

2. You can set up saving path and file name in this box.
3. After the setup of the file saving path and file name, click “save” to save file in the appointed path, then
complete to save file.

Fig. 7.10.8 Save File Menu

Operation Method of Printing File

1. Click option “Print” under menu “File” with left button of mouse.
2. Dialog box as shown in Fig. 7.10.9 appears, set up your printing requirement according to the cue of
dialog box.
3. Click “confirm” with left button of mouse, then your file will be printed in your printer.

Fig. 7.10.9 File Print

5.12 Modify Password and transfer the Program

Operation Method:
a. First of all, link xLogic with your PC through the optional way: RS232 cable, USB cable (need install
driver first), Ethernet connection.
b. Open application software xLogicsoft, set up a new document, then open computer com. Click option

“Configuration” under menu “Tools” with left button of the mouse, or click“ ”in toolbar, dialog box

shown as 7.10.10 appears, then select your communication port and speed.
Option A. RS232. This option is used when you use the ELC-RS232 or ELC-USB(relative driver needed)
Option B. Ethernet. This option is used when you use the ELC-E-Ethernet module.
Option C. GPRS. This option is used when you has established the GPRS connection between xLogic and

Fig. 7.10.10 Set Up Port and Baud Rate

1. Setup Password and Time

I. xLogic permits you to set up password for your Program. Only after input of right password, you can
write, read and modify your Program.

Operation method of setup password
a. Click “File->Property” and select “parameter” option, then you can input the password into the dialog
box shown as Fig.7.10.11 appears:

Fig. 7.10.11 Set or modify program password

Program password can be set here, but for the parameter password, you can directly set by the
panel on the CPU “Set..”->” Password”-> “Set password”
Operation Method:

c. Clink option “Tools->transfer->Set xLogic time” with left button of the mouse, or clink “ ” under

toolbar, dialog box appears shown as Fig. 7.10.12.

Fig. 7.10.12 Modify Time Interface

d. Display system time in this dialog box, click “ “, cue shown as Fig. 7.10.13 appears, to renew
time of xLogic succeed.

Fig. 7.10.13 Setup Time Succeed

2. Download/Upload Function Block Program

After you debug the function graph successfully, you need to download it into xLogic, and operate as
following process.
Operation Method of read-in Program
a. First of all, connect xLogic with your PC through the optional way: RS232 cable, USB cable(need install
driver first), Ethernet connection.
b. Open xLogicsoft, create a new program, then open computer com port by click then menu Tools->

configuration with left button of the mouse, or click“ ”in toolbar.

c. Click option “transfer->PC->xLogic” under menu “Tools”; or click button “ ”in toolbar

d. Click button “ ” with left button of mouse, start update Program, downloading status shown as Fig.

7.10.14 display update Program course.

Fig. 7.10.14 downloading status

Note: After the Program updated, xLogic will run the Program automatically, do not need restart.

Operation Method of Upload Program:

a. Click option “Transfer->xLogic->PC” under menu “Tools” with left button of mouse, or click

“ ”under toolbar.

b. Click button “ ” with left button of mouse, start upload Program, uploading status shown as Fig.

7.10.14 display upload Program course.

5.13 On-line monitoring/test circuit program

After you are satisfied with your program simulation and have downloaded it to xLogic CPU, you can also
perform an online test of the circuit program. An online test is similar to simulation in that you can view
inputs and outputs and block parameters. It differs, however, in that you are testing the program running
in the xLogic with "live" inputs rather than testing the program on the PC with simulated inputs.
Multiple registers can be accessed individually by clicking “Tools->Set Monitor Config”.

Monitor mode:

Under monitor mode, user can change the spare output (the input pin of Q is not connected to other
blocks) state via xLogicsoft.

Right click "Q2" and then click "Set Output State".

Click "OK" button and the Q2 of xLogic will be turned off.

How to transfer monitoring data (AI/AQ) to an Excel file ?
Example program:
1. Select Tools-> Set Monit Config and further click it.

As below configuration shows, all history data of AI/AQ under monitor mode can be automatically saved
to one EXCEL file for user’s reference.

Caution: If the “clear previous data” is selected as well, then the history data cannot be saved, and then
only the current monitor data can be saved, furthermore, the history data (previous monitor data) would
be simultaneously cleared.
2. Click here to enter Monitor Mode

3. View the data by clicking View-> Monit data.

4. Click to transfer data into one excel file (it contains AI1/AQ number, value and the
corresponding time.).

Chapter 6 How to configure the Ethernet modem built-in CPU ?

6.1 Configuration with DeviceManager

Note: 1. This chapter is only applied to the CPU with built-in LAN port(Ethernet PLC).
Available CPU types : ELC-12DC-DA-R-N ;ELC-12AC-R-N

ELC-12DC-DA-R-N figure

Ethernet network

If the application requires a system where more than one main module is needed and these main
modules have to communicate, each main module will be connected over an Ethernet Module box to the
Ethernet. The project down- and upload to and from the main modules and the communication between
the main modules happens over the Ethernet network. Furthermore the visualization of the whole system
is possible and Rievtech to realize by a personal computer.

Software part:

Device IP factory setting

The default IP address of Ethernet module is:

Network segment check of PC and Ethernet module’s

Users need ensure that PC has Ethernet cards,and that the network settings of PC and Ethernet module’s
must keep in the same network segment before establishing communication between PC and Ethernet
The Ethernet module has a factory setting IP( network mask( Users
can process as shown in Figure 4.3 to check whether the Ethernet module and PC in the same network
segment. If in the same network segment, then congratulations to you, and you do not have to read the
following network setting contents. If it is different, then the following settings is very important to you.

Figure 4.3

Above contents is used to tell you how to make the user’s PC with the Ethernet module in the same
network segment.

How to configure Ethernet module built-in ELC-22DC-DA-R-N IP address?

Start Ethernet module IP address configuration software.

Step one: Double click the file “DeviceManager” in CD and then the following contents will pop out:

Step two: Select “DeviceManagement.exe” file, and start it with double-click the left key of your mouse.

In order to enable your Ethernet module to link to Ethernet, you are required to connect the LAN port of
the CPU to your computer by net router. You are allowed to connect the LAN port of the CPU to Ethernet
directly by common net cable. Hereunder let’s take computer as an example:

Connect diagram:

You are required to set as following way, otherwise the Ethernet module may fail to work , please take
some time to study the below instruction carefully :

Power on ELC-12DC-DA-R-N module and click to search Ethernet module. At the same time the


Process will be showing. In the search window, we can see the search module, and the corresponding
MAC address and IP Address.

Double-click the device in the list of equipment; or select equipment items, click the toolbar button

Input the username and password to login. The default is Username: admin; Password is admin.

If the username and the password are both correct, you can click the button. And the

configuration dialog box would pop out.

Basic Settings:
You can rename the Device name, default is NB-L
After you click the “OK” button, the settings in the current dialog box would be set into the CPU.

Network settings:
You can view the network parameters in such table.

Serial Settings:
This item is very important, You need keep the settings as the above figure shows, the baud rates need
be 9600.
Note: Baudrate can be set “4800” ,”9600”,”19200” and the corresponding communication port must be
set the same as baudrate , namely , the COM3 of CPU. The default baudrate is 9600 in CPU.

Connection settings:
ELC-12DC-DA-R-N can work as either server or client.
Net Protocol: TCP
Worked As: Server/Client
Remote Host: The remote PC IP address (while working as client, CPU will automatically get connected
to such remote host.)
Active connect : AutoStart
Remote Port: the remote port (while working as client, CPU will get connected to remote host with such
Local Port: the local port (while working as server, the client shall be connected with the CPU

Password setting
Password can be changed in such dialog box. Password is required for accessing the Ethernet port. You
must enter at least one character or number.

Apply Settings/Reset
Merely “Save and reboot “ option can be selected among those options shown in above page.
After you change or configure the settings for Ethernet module, you must apply settings by save and
reboot the module, otherwise the modification settings is not finished.
Export you settings:

Click to export the settings

The configuration would be saved as a .xml file.

You also can import the existed configuration by the menu Tools->Import Config

6.2 Establish communication between CPU and xLogicSoft/SCADA via Ethernet.

1. Ethernet CPU can communicate with Touch screen/SCADA via LAN port.
2. Communication protocol is Modbus TCP.

Here. we only introduce how to establish the connection between CPU and xlogicsoft via Ethernet?

1.Connect the ELC-12DC-DA-R-N as the first part, and configure as the first part.
2. Here are two options to open “COM PORT”:

A. click symbol B. select menu Tools->Configuration

Option 1: Ethernet module in ELC-12DC-DA-R-N works under TCP client mode, xLogicsoft
software acting as server .

3.Select “Ethernet” option

4. To search “PLC’s IP” by clicking “Search” button

xLogicSoft Com port setting dialog box LAN port setting in Device manager

Port number and PLC’s IP pre-configure in Device manager shall be configured as above figure shows
1.The remote host IP address is the same as that of the PC in which the xLogicSoft being
installed .
2.Modbus Type in xlogic shall be MODBUS TCP
3. Active Connect must be “AutoStart” in device manager.

5. Click "Connect to PLC" button, and then the Ethernet module and PC will be linked.

After the ELC-12DC-DA-R-N and PC being linked, many features can come true, e.g. downloading user
program into xLogic CPU module , uploading program into PC and online monitor (monitor real time
status of xLogic IO)can be done, herewith Ethernet module just plays a role of ELC-RS232/USB cable.

A . Upload program: click

B. Download program: click

C. Monitor program run status: click

Option 2: ELC-12DC-DA-R-N work under TCP serve mode, xLogicsoft software acting as Client.

6. Click "Connect to PLC" button, and then the Ethernet module and PC will be linked.

6.3 How to establish the communication among CPUs via Ethernet ?

Hardware connection.

Step A.
First you need use the device manger to configure the LAN connection .
Master PLC works as server. Its IP address is and the local port shall be set as 5001.

As below configure shows :

Work as: server

Local port: 5001

The items with red circle marked must be the same as the above figure.

Slave 1 settings:
IP address is

Work as : Client
Remote Host:
Remote port: 5001

The items with red circle marked must be the same as the above figure.

PLC address need be changed to 1 (default is 1). Change the CPU address with the panel key

Press ,and then press Press

Press Press Change

address with UP or DOWN button and confirm with OK.

Slave 2 settings:
IP address is

Work as : Client
Remote Host:
Remote port: 5001

PLC address need be changed to 2 (default is 1). Change the CPU address with the panel key

Press ,and then press Press

Press Press Change

address with UP or DOWN button and confirm with OK.

Regarding the program. We need realize the below logic.

1.I1--IA in master to control the Q1--QA in slave1&salve2, if I1 is ON in master, the corresponding Q1 in
salves is ON; I2 is ON in master, the corresponding Q2 in salves is ON;....IA is On in master, the
corresponding QA in salves is ON. If I1 is OFF in master, the corresponding Q1 in salves is OFF.......IA is
OFF in master, the corresponding QA in salves is OFF.

2. Read the Inputs I1--IA status of slave 1 to control the F11--F20 in master; Read the Inputs I1--IA
status of slave 2 to control the F21--F30.

3. Read the AF1 value of slave1 to be saved in the AF1 of master; Read AF1 value of slave2 to be saved
in AF2 of master.

Program in slave 1
(Note: In the program, you can put the input/output block in, but you cannot link the input pin of the

Program in slave 2
(Note: In the program, you can put the input/output block in, but you cannot link the input pin of the

Program in master
You need use the MODBUS BLOCK to realize the data transmission between master and slaves.

B001: Transfer the I1--IA status from the master to the Q1-QA of the slave1. Setting as follows:

B002: Transfer the I1--IA status from the master to the Q1-QA of the slave2. Setting as follows:

B005: Read the I1--IA status from the slave1 to the F11-F20 of the master. Setting as follows:

B006: Read the I1--IA status from the slave2 to the F21-F30 of the master. Setting as follows:

B009: Read the AF1 value from the slave1 to the AF1 of the master. Setting as follows:

B010: Read the AF1 value from the slave2 to the AF2 of the master. Setting as follows:

1. When you do not use the MODBUS blocks in your program, then ELC-22DC-DA-R-N CPU shall work as
slave, in this case, you can use the SCADA or touch screen to communicate with ELC-22DC-DA-R-N via
the LAN port. However, if MODBUS BLOCKS had been used in your program, moreover, the
communication type (comm Type) is Ethernet, then ELC-22DC-DA-R-N can not work as slave through
Ethernet port

2. In your program, if the Modbus read/write blocks would be used, then you can use the
ELC-22DC-DA-R-N as the master CPU to communicate with the slave ( i.e. xlogic or the devices from
other supplier which supports the standard MODBUS TCP communication protocol.) in Modbus network

Chapter 7 Applications

In order to let users know the far going application field of xLogic, we present a set of application example.
Each instance includes the circuit program of its original solution and the compare of solution in which
xLogic has been applied.

You can find the following solution:

Dual-function switch
Automatic gate
Ventilation system
Industry door
Daylight lamps
Rain water pump

The application example of xLogic is available free of charge to our clients, but we can’t make any
promise, it is only to explain the general rule of using xLogic. It is possible that these instances can be
different from user’s specific application, so user should take all related responsibility of running those
instance systems, and we sincerely suggest user shall refer to relevant nation standard and installation
rules related to systems. Also, we have to point out that error is unavoidable, and we reserve the
according modification rights.

7.1 Dual-function switch

Requirements for stairway lighting systems

The basic requirements for a stairway lighting system are as follows:
 When someone is using the stairs, the stairway lights should be on.
 If no one is in the stairway, the lights should go out in order to save energy.

7.1.1 Standard solution

Up to now two methods were known to control such a lighting system:

 Pulse relay: When the lights are off, press any of the pushbuttons to switch on the lights. When the
lights are on, press any of the pushbuttons to switch off the lights again.

Disadvantage: People often forget to switch off the lights

 Automatic stairway light switch: Press any one of the pushbuttons to switch on the lights. The lights
switch off again automatically when a preset off delay time has expired.

Disadvantage: You can't keep the lights switched on over an extended period of time. The permanent on
switch, usually installed inside the stairway lighting timer unit, may be difficult or impossible to access.

The wiring is the same for both systems.

xLogicSoft solution

The xLogic system can replace the automatic stairway light switch or the pulse relay.
xLogic also lets you create a simple automatic stairway light switch via the stairway light switch SFB.
You can also implement both functions (off delay timer and pulse relay) in a single unit. What is more,
you can incorporate extra functions without making any alterations to the wiring. In our example

program, we have combined the advantages of both the current impulse relay and the automatic
stairway lighting timer as follows:

 Actuate the pushbutton The light is switched on and switched off again on
expiration of a predefined time.

 Hold the pushbutton down Switches on continuous lighting

 Press the pushbutton once more Switches off the lighting

7.1.2 The scheme of xLogic

The wiring of a lighting system with xLogic is the same as standard corridor or stairway lighting systems.
Only the automatic lighting timer/pulse relay is replaced.
xLogic lets you quickly and easily combine all those functions in a single dual-function switch SFB,
without additional wiring and expenditure.

Apply pulse relay of xLogic

When the input “I1” has a pulse, the output “Q1”will be on or off.

Automatic stairway lighting system

If input “I1”has a pulse, the output Q1will be on and keep 6 minutes, then be off.

Apply xLogic to realize multiple switches

When the input “I1” has a pulse, the output “Q1” will be on and not off until the period“TH”be over.
Keep the momentary switch holding down in period “TL”, the light will be on all the time.

Select special function

The following selection can be done as special function or saving energy sources:
 The lighting flicker before it gets off automatically.
 You can integrate different central control functions:
 Central control off
 Central control on(emergency button)
 Control all lighting or certain single circuitry by lighting control switch.
 To control by integrated timer.

7.2 Automatic gate

In the entrance of supermarket、public building、bank、hospital etc,automatic gate is often used.

The requirement of automatic gate

 If some people approach to gate, it will be opened automatically.

 The gate must remain open until there is no person on the passageway.
 If there is no person on the passageway, the gate must be off automatically in
a minute.

7.2.1 Standard solution

As long as the detector B1 or B2 detects someone approach, the switch K3 will be on and open the door.
If the two detectors don’t detect person in a short time, trigger K4 and close the door.

7.2.2 The scheme of xLogic

Required components:
 K1 open contactor
 K2 close contactor
 S1(break contact) close limit switch
 S2(break contact) open limit switch
 B1(make contact) outdoor infrared action detector
 B2(make contact) infrared action detector inside

xLogic function block circuit program:

Motion detector

During business hours, if someone enters store, the detector B1 will trigger electric motor to open the
door, vice versa.
At closing time, the detector B2 make electromotor keep running for an hour to make more time for
customer to leave.

Trigger electromotor for opening door

The output Q1 is switched on and triggers electromotor, when:

 Operate control switch I5(the door is open all the time)
 The detector indicates that somebody is approaching to the door.

 The door has not been opened entirely (I4 limit switch is not off.).

Trigger electromotor for closing door

 Operate control switch I6(the door is closed all the time )

 The detector indicates that nobody is approaching the door.
 The door had not been closed entirely (I3 limit switch is not off).


Connect the buzzer to output Q3.When the door is going to be closed; the buzzer
gives off sounds for a short time (1s in this example). To attach buzzer, need to
connect the following circuit program to output Q3.

7.3 Ventilation system

Requirements for a Ventilation system

A Ventilation system supplies fresh air into a room and exhausts the contaminated
air. Let us look at the following sample system:

 A room contains an extractor fan and a fresh-air fan.

 Each fan is monitored by means of a flow sensor.

 The pressure in the room may rise above the atmospheric pressure.

 The fresh-air fan may only be switched on if the flow sensor signals the safe
operational state of the extractor fan.

 A warning lamp indicates failure of one of the fans.

7.3.1 Standard solution

The control circuit diagram of Ventilation system formerly as follows:

The fans are monitored by means of flow sensors. If no air flow is registered after a short delay time has
expired, the system is switched off and an error message is generated, which can be acknowledged by
pressing the off button.
Fan monitoring requires an analyzer circuit with several switching devices, in addition to the flow sensors.
A single xLogic device can replace this analyzer circuit.

7.3.2 The scheme of xLogic

The circuit diagram of ventilation system:

Required components:

 K1 Main contactor

 K2 Main contactor

 S0(make contact) Off button

 S1(make contact) On button

 S2(break contact) Flow monitor

 S3(break contact) Flow monitor

 H1 Flashing lamp

 H2 Flashing lamp

xLogicSoft solution

The use of xLogic reduces the amount of switchgear. Thus, you save installation time and space in the
control cabinet. You may even be able to use as a smaller control cabinet.
With xLogic you can also switch off of the fans sequentially after the system is switched off.

The circuit in xLogicSoft

The system is switched on and off at the inputs I1 and I2. The fans are connected to outputs Q1 and Q2,
the flow sensors are connected to the inputs I3 and I4. Blocks B07 and B10 are used to set the watchdog
times after which the flow sensors should send a signal to the fault output Q3.

You can invert output Q3 to use output messages at Q4. Relay Q4 only drops out if main power is lost or
if there is a fault in the system. The output can then be used for a remote message.

7.4 Factory door

Requirements for a gate control system

In many cases a factory entrance is closed with roll gates. Those gates are only opened when vehicles
need to enter or leave the factory grounds. The gate is controlled by the porter.
 The sliding gate is opened and closed by means of a pushbutton control in the gatehouse. The porter
can monitor the gate operation.

 The roll gate is normally fully opened or it is closed. However, gate movements can always be

 A flashing light is activated five seconds before the gate moves, and while the gate is in motion.

 A safety pressure strip ensures that people are not injured and that no objects are trapped and
damaged when the gate is closing.

7.4.1 Standard solution

There are many different control systems for operating automatic gates. The OPEN and CLOSE buttons
initiate gate movements into the relevant direction, provided it is not already moving in the opposite
direction. Movement of the gate is terminated either by means of the STOP button or the relevant limit

7.4.2 The scheme of xLogic

The circuit diagram of industry gate:

Required components:
 K1 Main contactor

 K2 Main contactor

 S0 (break contact) Off button

 S1 (make contact) Open button

 S2 (make contact) Shutdown button

 S3 (break contact) Open position sensor

 S4 (break contact) Shutdown position sensor

 S5 (break contact) Safety bar

xLogicSoft solution

A xLogic circuit provides a further feature compared to standard controls: The actuation of a safety bar
interrupts the closing motion of the gate. Five seconds before the gate is opens or closes, a flashing light

is activated and signals the start of the movement. It continues flashing until the gate has stopped.

In contrast to standard solutions, xLogic offers an Rievtech and economic means of modifying the control

7.5 Daylight lamp system

Requirements for lighting system:

 Different daylight lamp rows should be able to be switched on and off handily.
 If window at one side has enough light, the light will be switched off automatically via lightness

sensitivity switch.
 The light would be switched off automatically at 8:00 p.m.
 The light can be switched on and off manually at any time.

7.5.1 Standard solution

Lighting lamp can be operated by pulse relay controlled by button besides the door. Pulse relay can be
repositioned by means of timer and lightness sensitivity switch. Pulse relay may shorten pulse width of
“off command”.

Required component:
 Button S1—S4
 Daylight control switch B1
 Timer T1
 Pulse relay K1 and K2
 pulse switch K3—K6 able to be switched off collectively

Disadvantages of traditional solution:

 In order to realize function, it needs plenty of wiring.
 Vast mechanical parts will result in obvious abrasion and high maintenance costs.
 Modification function can cause much work.

7.5.2 The scheme of xLogic

 S1—S4(make contact) Momentary switch
 B1(make contact) Daylight control switch

Circuit diagram by xLogicsoft:

While power consumption of load does not exceed output of switch’s voltage range, lamp can be directly
connected to xLogic main module; however, if power consumption of load exceeds output of switch’s
voltage range, then power contactor would be required.

 You can connect directly lightness sensitivity switch to the input of xLogic.

 Don’t need external timer, as this function has been integrated in xLogic.

 It can be installed in a small-sized cabinet, so quite space-saving.

 Less equipment

 Quite easier to modify lighting system

According to your demand, you may setup supplementary on/off timing (lamp can be switched off in
order at the end of day.

Easier to apply role of lightness sensitivity switch to lamp or already modified lamp row.

7.6 Rainwater pump

Nowadays besides drinkable water in family, rainwater applications is gradually increasing. In this way
much costs can be saved, also environment can be improved as well. The application of rain water as

 Wash clothes
 Water system in garden
 Potted plant water
 Wash car
 Scour W.C.
The following figure is to tell you how to run the rainwater application system:

The rain water is collected in the container and then pumped to service water ductwork through pumping
station. So you can apply rain water as drinkable water. If the rain water in the container dried up, this
system can supply drinkable water.

Requirements for the control system of service water pump

 It can provide service water all day, under the contingency instance, the control system must be
able to be switched over to drinkable water system automatically.
 When switching to drinkable water system, it can’t interlard rain water.
 If rain container has not enough rain water, service water pump can’t be on (rain water dry-up

7.6.1 Standard solution

7.6.2 The scheme of xLogic

 K1 main contactor

 Y1 Solenoid valve
 S1 Pressure switch

S2(make contact) Bobber switch(water level)

S3—S4(break contact) Bobber switch(water level)
Function block diagram:

Chapter 8 Modbus function code and Register addresses

8.1 xLogic modbus function code

The following table contains some communication orders supported by xLogic.

Length of
Function description message(one frame Remarks
order can deal with)

01 Read one group coil status ( 00000 ~ -- Read Coil Status (Output
0XXXX) relay)

02 Fetch one group data of the status of -- Read input Status (input
switch input relay)

03 Read data of multi-holding register -- Read Holding Registers

(40000~4XXXX) (Output register)
05 Force the switch status of single coil 1 Force Single Coil

06 Pre-set the data of single register 80 Set single output register


15 Force multi-coils on/off data many


16 Write multi-holding registers data


8.2 Register addresses of xLogic

Communication parameters settings:

PLC mode selection:MODBUS RTU

Communication parameter set:
Baud rates:9600
Data bit:8
Stop bit:1

Name Set address method Data format Attribute

Digital quantity input PR-6(CPU): 0~3
switch PR-18(CPU): 0~11 BIT R
PR-E-16(EXT1): 12~19
PR-E-16(EXT2): 20~27 Function
Block in PR-E-16(EXT3) 28~35 code 02
xlogicsoft: ∙ ∙
∙ ∙
∙ ∙

PR-12 (CPU) 0~7

PR-24 (CPU) 0~15

Type: PR-E-16(EXT1) 16~23
(1x) PR-E-16(EXT2) 24~31
PR-E-16(EXT3) 32~39
... ...

4 cursors
(Cursor key) C 256~259 BIT R

code 02

Coils outputs PR-6(CPU): 0~1 BIT R/W
PR-18(CPU): 0~5
PR-E-16(EXT1): 8~15 Function
PR-E-16(EXT2): 16~23 code
PR-E-16(EXT3): 24~31 01/05/15
∙ ∙
(0x) ∙ ∙
∙ ∙
PR-12(CPU): 0~7

ELC-22/26(CPU) 0~9
PR-E-16(EXT1) 10~17
PR-E-16(EXT2) 18~25
PR-E-16(EXT3) 26~33

Middle coil (M) PR-6 Series: 256~319 BIT R

(0x) PR-12-E Series:
code 01

PR-12-HMI/PR-18/PR-24 256~767

F outputs (F) PR-6 Series: 1536~1567 BIT R/W
PR-12-E Series:
PR-12-HMI/PR-18/PR-24 1536~1599


Holding register(timer、 PR-6 Series: 0~63 LONG R
counter value) PR-12-E Series:



(4x) REG
Analog quantity input PR-12 Series: 1024~1031 Signed short R
register (AI) CPU

(CPU) : 1024~1031
EXT1: 1032~1039
EXT2: 1040~1047
Analog quantity output PR-18/PR-24 /ELC-12-N Signed short R/W
buffer (AQ) Series:

CPU: 1280~1281
EXT1: 1282~1283
EXT2: 1284~1285

Analog quantity buffer PR-6 Series: 1536~1599 Signed short R
PR-12/PR-18/PR-24/ELC- 1536~2074
12-N Series:


Analog quantity buffer PR-6Series: 3072~3103 Signed short R/W

PR-12/PR-18/PR-24/ELC- 3072~3135
The frequency value Word R
buffer of threshold
trigger (HEG) PR-12/PR-18/PR-24/ELC- 2560~3071

RTC All ELC&PR series CPU Signed short R/W

Year 3328
Month 3329
Day 3330
Hour 3331
Minute 3332
Second 3333


A Technical data

A.1 General technical data

Criterion Tested in accordance with Values

PR-6 series CPU 48 x 90 x 64 mm

Dimensions Approx.180g
on a 35 mm profile rail or wall mounting
(W x H x D) Weight

PR-12 Series Main Module

Dimensions 72 x 90 x 61 mm
(W x H x D) Weight
on a 35 mm profile rail or wall mounting

PR-18 series CPU 96 x 90 x 61 mm

Dimensions Approx.400g
on a 35 mm profile rail or wall mounting
(W x H x D) Weight

PR-E-16 Series Expansion

Dimensions 72 x 90 x 58 mm
(W x H x D)
on a 35 mm profile rail or wall mounting

PR-24 Series CPU

Dimensions 133 X 90 x 61mm

(W x H x D) Weight
Approx. 500 g
on a 35 mm profile rail or wall mounting
Climatic conditions
Ambient temperature Horizontal Low temperature
- - to -20 ... 55 °C
IEC 6006821 -20 ... 55 °C
installation High temperature to IEC
Vertical installation 60068-2-2 -40 °C ... +70 °C

Relative humidity IEC 60068-2-30 From 10 to 95 % no condensation

Air pressure 795 ... 1080 hPa

Pollutants IEC 60068-2-42 SO2 10 cm3 /m3,4 days
IEC 60068-2-43 H2S 1 cm3 /m 3,4 days

Criterion Tested in accordance with Values
Ambient mechanical conditions
Protection mode IP20

Vibrations: IEC 60068-2-6 5 ... 9 Hz (constant

amplitude 3.5 mm)
9 ... 150 Hz (constant
acceleration 1 g)
Shock IEC 60068-2-27 18 shocks
(half-sine wave 15g/11 ms)
Drop IEC 60068-2-31 Drop height 50 mm
Free fall (packaged) IEC 60068-2-32 1m

Electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC)

Emission(Conducted Emission) EN 55022 Class B

Emission(Radiated Emission) EN 55022 Class B

Harmonics(Current Harmonics) EN 61000-3-2
Flicker(Voltage Fluctuation) EN 61000-3-3
ESD(Electrostatic Discharge) EN 61000-4-2 8 kV air discharge
Severity 3 6 kV contact discharge
RF-Field(Radiated Immunity) EN 61000-4-3 3V/m
Burst(Electrical Fast Transients) EN 61 000-4-4 1 kV (supply and signal lines)

Surge(Transients comm.&diff.mode) EN 51000-4-5 0.5kV

(applies only to ELC-AC types)
RF-com.mode(RF continues EN 61000-4-6
V-dips(Voltage dips and EN 61000-4-11
Cycle time
Cycle time per function <0.01ms

A.2 Technical data: xLogic (PR&ELC series)

Standard CPU Units PR-6AC-R PR-6DC-DA-R

(PR-6 series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage AC110V-240V DC 12-24V
Operating limits AC85 - 265 V DC 10.8-28.8V
Immunity from micro --- Typ.5 ms
power cuts
Max. Startup current --- Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 34 mA (85V AC) 1.1 W (10.8V dc) ; 1.2W (28.8V dc)
26 mA (265V AC)
Protection against polarity Yes Yes
The main frequency range 47-63Hz ---
Input parameters:
Input No 4 ( I1-I4 ) 4 ( I1-I4 )
Digital input 4 ( I1-I4 ) 4 ( I1-I4 )
Analogue input None 4 ( I1-I4)(0..10V DC)
Input voltage AC0-240V DC0-28.8V
Input signal0 AC0-40V;<0.03mA < 5V DC;<0.1mA
Input signal1 AC79-240V; >0.06mA > 8 V DC;>0.3mA
Input current --- 0.4mA @ 10.8V dc
0.5mA @ 12.0 V dc
1.2mA @ 24 V dc
1.5mA @ 28.8 V dc
Input Response Time Delay time at 0 to 1: Delay time at 0 to 1 :
120V AC :Typ. 50 ms Typ. 1.5 ms ;
240V AC :Typ. 30 ms Delay time at 1 to 0 :
Delay time at 1 to 0: Typ. 1.5 ms
120V AC :Typ. 90 ms
240V AC :Typ.100 ms
Maximum counting Typ. 4Hz Typ.:4 HZ
Sensor type Contact or 3-wire PNP Contact or 3-wire PNP
Isolation between power None Resistive
supply and inputs
Isolation between inputs None None
Protection against polarity Yes None
Inputs used as analog inputs( I1-I4 )
Measurement range --- DC 0---10V
Input impedance --- Min, 24KΩ ; Max. 72KΩ
Input voltage --- 28.8 V DC max

Resolution --- 9bit ,0.015V

Accuracy at 25 °C --- ± (Max.0.02)V

Accuracy at 55 °C --- ± (Max.0.04)V
Isolation between analog --- None
channel and power supply
Cable length --- 10 m max. shielded and twisted
Output parameters:
Output No. 2 (Q1-Q2)
Output type Relay output
Continuous current Resistive load 10A/Inductive load 2A
Max. breaking voltage AC 250 V /DC 110 V
Max. Allowable Power Force 1250VA /300W
Electrical durability 105 Operations at Rated Resistive Load
Mechanical life 107 Operations at No Load condition
Response time Operate Time : 15 mSec. Max.
Release Time : 10 mSec. Max.
Built-in protections Against short-circuits: None
Against overvoltages and overloads: None
Switch frequency:
Mechanism 10Hz
Resistor/light load 2Hz
Sensitive load 0.5Hz
Other parameters:

Function blocks 64 blocks

RTC accuracy : MAX ±2S/day

RTC Backup at 25 °C 20 days

Program and settings 10 Years
Data Power-off retentivity No
Weight Approx.180g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required
Cycle time typ. 0.6ms ➞ 8.0ms
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²

Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC

Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (48*90*64 mm)
Programming cable PC cable, (RS232 or USB)
Third party device(HMI) Yes (work as modbus slave)
<=> xLogic
Extensions No

High speed input No

Note: The following function block cannot be used in PR-6 & Economic PR-12series
Constant (Cursor key, Sms input/output,Sms message input/output)
Basic (Boolean function)
Timer( Astronomical clock, Stopwatch)
Analog (Analog MUX, PI Controller,Analog Ramp,Analog Math,Analog Math error detection,Analog
filter,Max/Min,Average value)
Miscellaneous(Message texts, Pwm,Modbus Read,Modbus Write,word to bit,bit to word,device reset,
comport status)
App(all are unavailable)

Economic CPU Units PR-12AC-R-E PR-12DC-DA-R-E

(PR-12-E series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage AC110V-240V DC 12-24V
Operating limits AC85 - 265 V DC 10.8-28.8V
Immunity from micro --- Typ.5 ms
power cuts
Max. Startup current --- Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 38mA (85V AC) 3.2 W (10.8V dc) ; 3.8 W (28.8V dc)
30mA (265V AC)
Protection against polarity Yes Yes
The main frequency range 47-63Hz ---
Input parameters:
Input No 8 ( I1-I8 ) 8 ( I1-I8 )
Digital input 8 ( I1-I8 ) 8 ( I1-I8 )
Analogue input None 4 ( I1-I4)(0..10V DC)
Input voltage AC0-240V DC0-28.8V
Input signal0 AC0-40V;<0.03mA < 5V DC;<0.1mA(I1-I4),<1mA(I5-I6)
Input signal1 AC79-240V; >0.06mA > 8 V DC;>0.3mA(I1-I4),>1.7mA(I5-I6)
Input current --- 0.4mA(I1-I4),2.3mA(I5-I8),@ 10.8V dc
0.5mA(I1-I4),2.6mA(I5-I8),@ 12.0 V dc
1.2mA(I1-I4),5.2mA(I5-I8),@ 24 V dc
1.5mA(I1-I4),6.3mA(I5-I8),@ 28.8 V dc
Input Response Time Delay time at 0 to 1: Delay time at 0 to 1 :
120V AC :Typ. 50 ms Typ. 1.5 ms (I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
240V AC :Typ. 30 ms Delay time at 1 to 0 :
Delay time at 1 to 0: Typ. 1.5 ms(I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
120V AC :Typ. 90 ms
240V AC :Typ.100 ms

Maximum counting Typ. 4Hz Typ.:4 HZ

Sensor type Contact or 3-wire PNP Contact or 3-wire PNP
Isolation between power None Resistive
supply and inputs
Isolation between inputs None None
Protection against polarity Yes None
Inputs used as analog inputs( I1-I4 )
Measurement range --- DC 0---10V
Input impedance --- Min, 24KΩ ; Max. 72KΩ
Input voltage --- 28.8 V DC max
Resolution --- 9bit ,0.015V

Accuracy at 25 °C --- ± (Max.0.02)V

Accuracy at 55 °C --- ± (Max.0.04)V
Isolation between analog --- None
channel and power supply
Cable length --- 10 m max. shielded and twisted
Output parameters:
Output No. 4 (Q1-Q4)
Output type Relay output
Continuous current Resistive load 10A/Inductive load 2A
Max. breaking voltage AC 250 V /DC 110 V
Max. Allowable Power Force 1250VA /300W
Electrical durability 10 Operations at Rated Resistive Load

Mechanical life 107 Operations at No Load condition
Response time Operate Time : 15 mSec. Max.
Release Time : 10 mSec. Max.
Built-in protections Against short-circuits: None
Against overvoltages and overloads: None
Switch frequency:
Mechanism 10Hz
Resistor/light load 2Hz
Sensitive load 0.5Hz
Other parameters:

Function blocks 64 blocks

RTC accuracy : MAX ±2S/day

RTC Backup at 25 °C 20 days

Program and settings 10 Years
Data Power-off retentivity No
Weight Approx.300g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required

Cycle time typ. 0.6ms ➞ 8.0ms
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²

Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC

Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (72*90*61 mm)
Programming cable PC cable, (RS232 or USB)
Third party device(HMI) Yes (work as modbus slave)
<=> xLogic
Extensions No
High speed input No
RS485 port Can use PRO-RS485 cable to convert program port to RS485 port

Standard CPU Units PR-12AC-R PR-12DC-DA-R PR-12DC-DA-TN
(PR-12 series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage AC110V-240V DC 12-24V

Operating limits AC85 - 265 V DC 10.8-28.8V

Immunity from micro --- Typ. 5 ms
power cuts
Max. Startup current --- Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 48.5mA (85V ac) ; 3.2 W (10.8V dc) ;
35mA (265V ac) 3.8 W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity Yes Yes
The main frequency range 47-63Hz ---
Input parameters:
Input No 8 ( I1-I8 ) 8 ( I1-I8 )
Digital input 8 ( I1-I8 ) 8 ( I1-I8 )
Analogue input None 4 ( I1-I4)(0..10V DC)
Input voltage AC0-240V DC 0-28.8V
Input signal0 AC0-40V;<0.03mA < 5V DC;<0.1mA(I1-I4),<1mA(I5-I6)
Input signal1 AC79-240V; >0.06m > 8 V DC;>0.3mA(I1-I4),>1.7mA(I5-I6)
Input current --- 0.4mA(I1-I4),2.3mA(I5-I8),@ 10.8V dc
0.5mA(I1-I4),2.6mA(I5-I8),@ 12.0 V dc
1.2mA(I1-I4),5.2mA(I5-I8),@ 24 V dc
1.5mA(I1-I4),6.3mA(I5-I8),@ 28.8 V dc
Input Response Time Delay time at 0 to 1: Delay time at 0 to 1 :
120V AC :Typ. 50 ms Typ. 1.5 ms (I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
240V AC :Typ. 30 ms Delay time at 1 to 0 :
Delay time at 1 to 0: Typ. 1.5 ms(I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
120V AC :Typ. 90 ms
240V AC :Typ.100 ms

Maximum counting Typ. 4Hz Typ.:4 HZ

Sensor type Contact or 3-wire PNP Contact or 3-wire PNP
Isolation between power None Resistive
supply and inputs
Isolation between inputs None None
Protection against polarity Yes None
Inputs used as analog inputs( I1-I4 )
Measurement range --- DC 0---10V
Input impedance --- Min, 24KΩ ; Max. 72KΩ
Input voltage --- 28.8 V DC max
Resolution --- 10bit ,0.01V

Accuracy at 25 °C --- ± (Max.0.02)V
Accuracy at 55 °C --- ± (Max.0.04)V
Isolation between analog --- None
channel and power supply
Cable length --- 10 m max. shielded and twisted
Output parameters:
Output No. 4 (Q1-Q4) 4 (Q1-Q4)
Output type Relay output Transistor output
Continuous current Resistive load 10A/Inductive load 2A 0.3A
Max. breaking voltage AC 250 V /DC 110 V DC 30V
Max. Allowable Power Force 1250VA /300W 9W
Electrical durability 10 Operations at Rated Resistive Load
Mechanical life 107 Operations at No Load condition ---
Response time Operate Time : 15 mSec. Max. Operate Time : <1 ms
Release Time : 10 mSec. Max. Release Time : <1 ms
Built-in protections Against short-circuits: None
Against overvoltages and overloads: None
Switch frequency:
Mechanism 10Hz ---
Resistor/light load 2Hz 10HZ
Sensitive load 0.5Hz 0.5HZ
PWM frequency --- 10K HZ(Q3,Q4 must have
same frequency when
PWM works)
PWM accuracy at 500Hz --- < 0.5% (20 % ➞ 80 %)
load at 10 mA
Other parameters:

Function blocks 512 blocks

RTC accuracy : MAX ±2S/day

RTC Backup at 25 °C 20 days

Program and settings 10 Years
Data Power-off retentivity Yes
Weight Approx.300g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required
Cycle time typ. 0.6ms ➞ 8.0ms
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²
Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC
Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (72*90*61 mm)

Programming cable PC cable, (RS232 or USB)
Third party device(HMI) Yes (work as modbus master or slave)
<=> xLogic
Extensions No
High speed input No I5---I8(60kHz)
RS485 port Option1:Can use PRO-RS485 cable to convert program port to RS485 port

Standard CPU Units PR-18AC-R PR-18DC-DA-R PR-18DC-DA-RT

(PR-18 series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage AC110V-240V DC 12-24V

Operating limits AC85 - 265 V DC 10.8-28.8V

Immunity from micro --- Typ. 5 ms
power cuts
Max. Startup current --- Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 49mA (85V ac) ; 3.5 W (10.8V dc) ;
37mA (265V ac) 4 W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity Yes Yes
The main frequency range 47-63Hz ---
Input parameters:
Input No 12 ( I1-IC ) 12 (I1-IC )
Digital input 12 ( I1-IC ) 12 (I1-IC )
Analogue input None 6 ( I1-I4)(0..10V DC)
Input voltage AC0-240V DC 0-28.8V
Input signal0 AC0-40V;<0.03mA < 5V DC;<0.1mA(I1-I6),<1mA(I7-IC)
Input signal1 AC79-240V; > 8 V DC;>0.3mA(I1-I6),>1.7mA(I7-IC)
Input current --- 0.4mA(I1-I6),2.3mA(I7-IC),@ 10.8V dc
0.5mA(I1-I6),2.6mA(I7-IC),@ 12.0 V dc
1.2mA(I1-I6),5.2mA(I7-IC),@ 24 V dc
1.5mA(I1-I6),6.3mA(I7-IC),@ 28.8 V dc
Input Response Time Delay time at 0 to 1: Delay time at 0 to 1 :
120V AC :Typ. 50 ms Typ. 1.5 ms (I1-I6),<1ms(I7-IC);
240V AC :Typ. 30 ms Delay time at 1 to 0 :
Delay time at 1 to 0: Typ. 1.5 ms(I1-I6),<1ms(I7-IC);
120V AC :Typ. 90 ms
240V AC :Typ.100 ms
Maximum counting Typ. 4Hz Typ.:4 HZ
Sensor type Contact or 3-wire PNP Contact or 3-wire PNP
Isolation between power None Resistive

supply and inputs
Isolation between inputs None None
Protection against polarity Yes None
Inputs used as analog inputs( I1-I6 )
Measurement range --- DC 0---10V
Input impedance --- Min, 24KΩ ; Max. 72KΩ
Input voltage --- 28.8 V DC max
Resolution --- 10bit ,0.01V

Accuracy at 25 °C --- ± (Max.0.02)V

Accuracy at 55 °C --- ± (Max.0.04)V
Isolation between analog --- None
channel and power supply
Cable length --- 10 m max. shielded and twisted
Output parameters:
Output No. 6 (Q1-Q6) 4 (Q1-Q4) Relay
Output type Relay output +2(Q5-Q6)Transistor(PNP)

Continuous current Resistive load 10A/Inductive load 2A (Relay) Resistive load

10A/Inductive load 2A
Max. breaking voltage AC 250 V /DC 110 V(Relay) AC 250 V /DC 110
DC 30V(Transistor)
Max. Allowable Power Force 1250VA /300W(Relay) 1250VA /300W(Relay)
Electrical durability 105 Operations at Rated Resistive Load(Relay) ---
Mechanical life 107 Operations at No Load condition(Relay) ---
Response time Operate Time : 15 mSec. Max.(Relay) Operate Time : <1 ms
Release Time : 10 mSec. Max.(Relay) Release Time : <1 ms
Built-in protections Against short-circuits: None
Against overvoltages and overloads: None
Switch frequency:
Mechanism 10Hz ---
Resistor/light load 2Hz 10HZ
Sensitive load 0.5Hz 0.5HZ
PWM frequency --- 10K HZ(Q5,Q6 must have
same frequency when PWM
PWM accuracy at 500Hz --- < 0.5% (20 % ➞ 80 %)
load at 10 mA
Other parameters:

Function blocks 512 blocks

RTC accuracy : MAX ±2S/day

RTC Backup at 25 °C 20 days

Program and settings 10 Years
Data Power-off retentivity Yes
Weight Approx.400g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required
Cycle time typ. 0.6ms ➞ 8.0ms
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²
Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC
Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (72*90*61 mm)
Programming cable PC cable, (RS232 or USB)
Third party device(HMI) Yes (work as modbus master or slave)
<=> xLogic
Extensions Yes(Can connect up to 16 pcs PR-E extensions.)
High speed input No I9---IC(60kHz)
RS485 port Option1:Can use PRO-RS485 cable to convert program port to RS485 port
Option2:Or use PR-RS485 extension module

Standard CPU Units PR-24AC-R PR-24DC-DA-R PR-24DC-DAI-RTA

(PR-24 series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage AC110V-240V DC 12-24V

Operating limits AC85 - 265 V DC 10.8-28.8V

Immunity from micro --- Typ. 5 ms
power cuts
Max. Startup current --- Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 49mA (85V ac) ; 3.5 W (10.8V dc) ;
37mA (265V ac) 4 W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity Yes Yes
The main frequency range 47-63Hz ---
Input parameters:
Input No 14 ( I1-IE ) 14 (I1-IE )
Digital input 14 ( I1-IE ) 14 (I1-IE ) 12(I3-IE)
Analogue input None 6 ( I1-I4)(0..10V DC) 2(I1-I2)(0...20mA)+

Input voltage AC0-240V DC 0-28.8V DC 0-28.8V(I3-IE)
Input signal0 AC0-40V;<0.03mA < 5V < 5V
DC;<0.1mA(I1-I6),<1m DC;<0.1mA(I3-I6),<1m
A(I7-IC) A(I7-IC)
Input signal1 AC79-240V; >8V >8V
>0.06mA DC;>0.3mA(I1-I6),>1.7 DC;>0.3mA(I3-I6),>1.7
mA(I7-IC) mA(I7-IC)
Input current --- 0.4mA(I1-I6),2.3mA(I7-I 0.4mA(I3-I6),2.3mA(I7-I
C),@ 10.8V dc C),@ 10.8V dc
0.5mA(I1-I6),2.6mA(I7-I 0.5mA(I3-I6),2.6mA(I7-I
C),@ 12.0 V dc C),@ 12.0 V dc
1.2mA(I1-I6),5.2mA(I7-I 1.2mA(I3-I6),5.2mA(I7-I
C),@ 24 V dc C),@ 24 V dc
1.5mA(I1-I6),6.3mA(I7-I 1.5mA(I3-I6),6.3mA(I7-I
C),@ 28.8 V dc C),@ 28.8 V dc
Input Response Time Delay time at 0 to 1: Delay time at 0 to 1 : Delay time at 0 to 1 :
120V AC :Typ. 50 ms Typ. 1.5 ms Typ. 1.5 ms
240V AC :Typ. 30 ms (I1-I6),<1ms(I7-IC); (I3-I6),<1ms(I7-IC);
Delay time at 1 to 0: Delay time at 1 to 0 : Delay time at 1 to 0 :
120V AC :Typ. 90 ms Typ. 1.5 Typ. 1.5
240V AC :Typ.100 ms ms(I1-I6),<1ms(I7-IC); ms(I3-I6),<1ms(I7-IC)

Maximum counting Typ. 4Hz Typ.:4 HZ

Sensor type Contact or 3-wire PNP Contact or 3-wire PNP
Isolation between power None Resistive
supply and inputs
Isolation between inputs None None
Protection against polarity Yes None
Inputs used as analog inputs( I1/I3-I6 )
Measurement range --- DC 0---10V
Input impedance --- Min, 24KΩ ; Max. 72KΩ
Input voltage --- 28.8 V DC max
Resolution --- 10bit ,0.01V

Accuracy at 25 °C --- ± (Max.0.02)V

Accuracy at 55 °C --- ± (Max.0.04)V
Isolation between analog --- None
channel and power supply
Cable length --- 10 m max. shielded and twisted
Current Inputs(0/4..20mA)
Input No ---- 2 ( I1-I2 )
Measurement range ---- 0/4...20mA
Resolution ---- 10bit ,0.02mA

Accuracy at 25 °C 0.05mA
Output parameters:
Output No. 10 (Q1-QA) 6 (Q1-Q6) Relay
Output type Relay output +2(Q7-Q8)Transistor(PNP)
Continuous current Resistive load 10A/Inductive load 2A (Relay) Resistive load
10A/Inductive load 2A
Max. breaking voltage AC 250 V /DC 110 V(Relay) AC 250 V /DC 110
DC 30V(Transistor)
Max. Allowable Power Force 1250VA /300W(Relay) 1250VA /300W(Relay)
Electrical durability 105 Operations at Rated Resistive Load(Relay) ---
Mechanical life 107 Operations at No Load condition(Relay) ---
Response time Operate Time : 15 mSec. Max.(Relay) Operate Time : <1 ms
Release Time : 10 mSec. Max.(Relay) Release Time : <1 ms
Built-in protections Against short-circuits: None
Against overvoltages and overloads: None
Analog Output
Signal type None 1(0...10V)+1(0...20mA)
Resolution None 0.01V 、0.02mA

Accuracy at 25 °C None 0.02V、0.05mA

Switch frequency:
Mechanism 10Hz ---
Resistor/light load 2Hz 10HZ
Sensitive load 0.5Hz 0.5HZ
PWM frequency --- 10K HZ(Q7,Q8 must have
same frequency when PWM
PWM accuracy at 500Hz --- < 0.5% (20 % ➞ 80 %)
load at 10 mA
Other parameters:

Function blocks 512 blocks

RTC accuracy : MAX ±2S/day

RTC Backup at 25 °C 20 days

Program and settings 10 Years
Data Power-off retentivity Yes
Weight Approx.500g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required

Cycle time typ. 0.6ms ➞ 8.0ms
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²

Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC

Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (133*90*61 mm)
Programming cable PC cable, (RS232 or USB)
Third party device(HMI) Yes (work as modbus master or slave)
<=> xLogic
Extensions Yes(Can connect up to 16 pcs PR-E extensions.)
High speed input No I9---IC(60kHz)
RS485 port Option1:Can use PRO-RS485 cable to convert program port to RS485 port
Option2:Or use PR-RS485 extension module
Option3:built-in RS485 port is available

Extension Units PR-E-16AC-R PR-E-16DC-DA-R PR-E-16DC-DA-TN

(PR-E-16 series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage AC110V-240V DC 12-24V

Operating limits AC85 - 265 V DC 10.8-28.8V

Immunity from micro --- Typ. 5 ms
power cuts
Max. Startup current --- Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 53mA (85V ac) ; 3.5 W (10.8V dc) ;
38mA (265V ac) 4.5 W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity Yes Yes
The main frequency range 47-63Hz ---
Input parameters:
Input No 8 ( I1-I8 ) 8 (I1-I8 )
Digital input 8 ( I1-I8 ) 8 (I1-I8 )
Analogue input None 4 ( I1-I4)(0..10V DC)
Input voltage AC0-240V DC 0-28.8V
Input signal0 AC0-40V;<0.03mA < 5V DC;<0.1mA(I1-I4),<1mA(I5-I8)
Input signal1 AC79-240V;>0.06mA > 8 V DC;>0.3mA(I1-I4),>1.7mA(I5-I8)
Input current --- 0.4mA(I1-I4),2.3mA(I5-I8),@ 10.8V dc
0.5mA(I1-I4),2.6mA(I5-I8),@ 12.0 V dc
1.2mA(I1-I4),5.2mA(I5-I8),@ 24 V dc

1.5mA(I1-I4),6.3mA(I5-I8),@ 28.8 V dc
Input Response Time Delay time at 0 to 1: Delay time at 0 to 1 :
120V AC :Typ. 50 ms Typ. 1.5 ms (I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
240V AC :Typ. 30 ms Delay time at 1 to 0 :
Delay time at 1 to 0: Typ. 1.5 ms(I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
120V AC :Typ. 90 ms
240V AC :Typ.100 ms

Maximum counting Typ. 4Hz Typ.:4 HZ

Sensor type Contact or 3-wire PNP Contact or 3-wire PNP
Isolation between power None Resistive
supply and inputs
Isolation between inputs None None
Protection against polarity Yes None
Inputs used as analog inputs( I1-I4 )
Measurement range --- DC 0---10V
Input impedance --- Min, 24KΩ ; Max. 72KΩ
Input voltage --- 28.8 V DC max
Resolution --- 9bit ,0.015V

Accuracy at 25 °C --- ± (Max.0.02)V

Accuracy at 55 °C --- ± (Max.0.04)V
Isolation between analog --- None
channel and power supply
Cable length --- 10 m max. shielded and twisted
Output parameters:
Output No. 8 (Q1-Q8) 8 (Q1-Q8)
Output type Relay output Transistor output
Continuous current Resistive load 10A/Inductive load 2A (Relay) 0.3A(Transistor)
Max. breaking voltage AC 250 V /DC 110 V(Relay) DC 30V(Transistor)
Max. Allowable Power Force 1250VA /300W(Relay) 9W(Transistor)
Electrical durability 10 Operations at Rated Resistive Load(Relay)
Mechanical life 107 Operations at No Load condition(Relay) ---
Response time Operate Time : 15 mSec. Max.(Relay) Operate Time : <1 ms
Release Time : 10 mSec. Max.(Relay) Release Time : <1 ms
Built-in protections Against short-circuits: None
Against overvoltages and overloads: None
Switch frequency:
Mechanism 10Hz ---
Resistor/light load 2Hz 10HZ
Sensitive load 0.5Hz 0.5HZ
Other parameters:
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²

Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC
Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (133*90*61 mm)

Extension Units PR-E-AI-I PR-E-PT100 PR-E-AQ-VI

(PR-E series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage DC 12-24V DC 24V

Operating limits DC 10.8-28.8V DC 19.2-28.8V

Immunity from micro Typ. 5 ms
power cuts
Max. Startup current Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 3.5 W (10.8V dc) ; 4.5 W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity Yes
Input parameters:
Input No 4 ( I1-I4 ) 3 PT100 ---
Digital input None None ---
Analogue input I1-I4(0/4...20mA) 3PT100 ---
Analog inputs
Measurement range 0/4...20mA -50℃--200℃ ---
Resolution 0.02mA 0.3℃ ---

Accuracy at 25 °C Max. 0.05mA <1℃ ---

Isolation between analog --- None
channel and power supply
Cable length --- 10 m max. shielded and
Output parameters:
Output No. --- 2(AQ1-AQ2)
Output type --- 0...10V/0...20mA
Resolution --- 0.01V/0.02mA
Accuracy at 25 °C --- 0.02V/0.05mA
Other parameters:
Weight Approx.400g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required
Cycle time typ. 0.6ms ➞ 8.0ms
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²
Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC

Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (72*90*58 mm)

RS485 communication module PR-RS485

Power supply:
Nominal voltage DC 12-24V

Operating limits DC 10.8-28.8V

Immunity from micro power cuts Typ. 5 ms
Max. Startup current Max. 0.1A
Max. absorbed power 1.5 W (10.8V dc) ; 1.8W W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity inversions Yes
Input parameters:
Output parameters:
Other parameters:
Weight Approx.400g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²

Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC

Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions WxHxD (72*90*58 mm)

Ethernet CPU Units ELC-12AC-R-N ELC-12DC-DA-R-N

(ELC-12-N series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage AC110V-240V DC 12-24V

Operating limits AC85 - 265 V DC 10.8-28.8V

Immunity from micro --- Typ. 5 ms
power cuts
Max. Startup current --- Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 48.5mA (85V ac) ; 3.5 W (10.8V dc) ;
35mA (265V ac) 4 W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity Yes Yes
The main frequency range 47-63Hz ---
Input parameters:

Input No 8 ( I1-I8 ) 8 (I1-I8 )
Digital input 8 ( I1-I8 ) 8 (I1-I8 )
Analogue input None 4 ( I1-I4)(0..10V DC)
Input voltage AC0-240V DC 0-28.8V
Input signal0 AC0-40V;<0.03mA < 5V DC;<0.1mA(I1-I4),<1mA(I5-I8)
Input signal1 AC79-240V; > 8 V DC;>0.3mA(I1-I4),>1.7mA(I5-I8)
Input current --- 0.4mA(I1-I6),2.3mA(I7-IC),@ 10.8V dc
0.5mA(I1-I6),2.6mA(I7-IC),@ 12.0 V dc
1.2mA(I1-I6),5.2mA(I7-IC),@ 24 V dc
1.5mA(I1-I6),6.3mA(I7-IC),@ 28.8 V dc
Input Response Time Delay time at 0 to 1: Delay time at 0 to 1 :
120V AC :Typ. 50 ms Typ. 1.5 ms (I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
240V AC :Typ. 30 ms Delay time at 1 to 0 :
Delay time at 1 to 0: Typ. 1.5 ms(I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
120V AC :Typ. 90 ms
240V AC :Typ.100 ms

Maximum counting Typ. 4Hz Typ.:4 HZ

Sensor type Contact or 3-wire PNP Contact or 3-wire PNP
Isolation between power None Resistive
supply and inputs
Isolation between inputs None None
Protection against polarity Yes None
Inputs used as analog inputs( I1-I4 )
Measurement range --- DC 0---10V
Input impedance --- Min, 24KΩ ; Max. 72KΩ
Input voltage --- 28.8 V DC max
Resolution --- 10bit ,0.01V

Accuracy at 25 °C --- ± (Max.0.02)V

Accuracy at 55 °C --- ± (Max.0.04)V
Isolation between analog --- None
channel and power supply
Cable length --- 10 m max. shielded and twisted
Output parameters:
Output No. 4 (Q1-Q4)
Output type Relay output
Continuous current Resistive load 10A/Inductive load 2A (Relay)
Max. breaking voltage AC 250 V /DC 110 V(Relay)
Max. Allowable Power Force 1250VA /300W(Relay)
Electrical durability 105 Operations at Rated Resistive Load(Relay)
Mechanical life 107 Operations at No Load condition(Relay)

Response time Operate Time : 15 mSec. Max.(Relay)
Release Time : 10 mSec. Max.(Relay)
Built-in protections Against short-circuits: None
Against overvoltages and overloads: None
Switch frequency:
Mechanism 10Hz
Resistor/light load 2Hz
Sensitive load 0.5Hz
Other parameters:

Function blocks 512 blocks

RTC accuracy : MAX ±2S/day

RTC Backup at 25 °C 20 days

Program and settings 10 Years
Data Power-off retentivity Yes
Weight Approx.400g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required
Cycle time typ. 0.6ms ➞ 8.0ms
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²

Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC

Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (95*90*61 mm)
Programming cable PC cable, (RS232 or USB)
Third party device(HMI) Yes (work as modbus master or slave)
<=> xLogic
Extensions Yes(Can connect up to 8 pcs EXM-E extensions.)
High speed input No I7---I8(60kHz)
RS485 port Option1:Can use PRO-RS485 cable to convert program port to RS485 port
Option2:Or use PR-RS485 extension module

Extension Units for EXM-E-8AC-R EXM-E-8DC-DA-R

Ethernet CPU(ELC-12-N)
(EXM-E series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage AC110V-240V DC 12-24V

Operating limits AC85 - 265 V DC 10.8-28.8V

Immunity from micro --- Typ. 5 ms
power cuts

Max. Startup current --- Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 34mA (85V ac) ; 1.1 W (10.8V dc) ;
26mA (265V ac) 1.2 W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity Yes Yes
The main frequency range 47-63Hz ---
Input parameters:
Input No 4 ( I1-I4 ) 4 (I1-I4 )
Digital input 4 ( I1-I4 ) 4 (I1-I4 )
Analogue input None 4 ( I1-I4)(0..10V DC)
Input voltage AC0-240V DC 0-28.8V
Input signal0 AC0-40V;<0.03mA < 5V DC;<0.1mA(I1-I4),<1mA(I5-I8)
Input signal1 AC79-240V;>0.06mA > 8 V DC;>0.3mA(I1-I4),>1.7mA(I5-I8)
Input current --- 0.4mA(I1-I4),2.3mA(I5-I8),@ 10.8V dc
0.5mA(I1-I4),2.6mA(I5-I8),@ 12.0 V dc
1.2mA(I1-I4),5.2mA(I5-I8),@ 24 V dc
1.5mA(I1-I4),6.3mA(I5-I8),@ 28.8 V dc
Input Response Time Delay time at 0 to 1: Delay time at 0 to 1 :
120V AC :Typ. 50 ms Typ. 1.5 ms (I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
240V AC :Typ. 30 ms Delay time at 1 to 0 :
Delay time at 1 to 0: Typ. 1.5 ms(I1-I4),<1ms(I5-I8);
120V AC :Typ. 90 ms
240V AC :Typ.100 ms

Maximum counting Typ. 4Hz Typ.:4 HZ

Sensor type Contact or 3-wire PNP Contact or 3-wire PNP
Isolation between power None Resistive
supply and inputs
Isolation between inputs None None
Protection against polarity Yes None
Inputs used as analog inputs( I1-I4 )
Measurement range --- DC 0---10V
Input impedance --- Min, 24KΩ ; Max. 72KΩ
Input voltage --- 28.8 V DC max
Resolution --- 9bit ,0.015V

Accuracy at 25 °C --- ± (Max.0.02)V

Accuracy at 55 °C --- ± (Max.0.04)V
Isolation between analog --- None
channel and power supply
Cable length --- 10 m max. shielded and twisted
Output parameters:
Output No. 4 (Q1-Q4)
Output type Relay output

Continuous current Resistive load 10A/Inductive load 2A (Relay)
Max. breaking voltage AC 250 V /DC 110 V(Relay)
Max. Allowable Power Force 1250VA /300W(Relay)
Electrical durability 10 Operations at Rated Resistive Load(Relay)

Mechanical life 107 Operations at No Load condition(Relay)
Response time Operate Time : 15 mSec. Max.(Relay)
Release Time : 10 mSec. Max.(Relay)
Built-in protections Against short-circuits: None
Against overvoltages and overloads: None
Switch frequency:
Mechanism 10Hz
Resistor/light load 2Hz
Sensitive load 0.5Hz
Other parameters:
Weight Approx.250g
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²

Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC

Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (48*90*64 mm)

Extension Units for EXM-E-AI-I EXM-E-PT100 EXM-E-AQ-V EXM-E-AQ-I

Ethernet CPU(ELC-12-N)
(EXM-E series)
Power supply:
Nominal voltage DC 12-24V DC 24V DC 12-24V

Operating limits DC 10.8-28.8V DC 15-28.8V DC 10.8-28.8V

Immunity from micro Typ. 5 ms
power cuts
Max. Startup current Max. 0.25A
Max. absorbed power 3.5 W (10.8V dc) ; 4.5 W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity Yes
Input parameters:
Input No 4 ( I1-I4 ) 2 PT100 ---
Digital input None None ---
Analogue input I1-I4(0/4...20mA) 2PT100 ---
Analog inputs
Measurement range 0/4...20mA -50℃--200℃ ---
Resolution 0.02mA 0.5℃ ---

Accuracy at 25 °C Max. 0.05mA <1℃ ---
Isolation between analog None None
channel and power supply
Cable length 10 m max. shielded and twisted
Output parameters:
Output No. --- 2(AQ1-AQ2)
Output type --- 0...10V 0...20mA
Resolution --- 0.01V 0.02mA
Accuracy at 25 °C --- 0.02V 0.05mA
Other parameters:
Weight Approx.250g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²

Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC

Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions W x H x D (48*90*64 mm)

RS485 communication module EXM-E-RS485

for ELC-12-N Ethernet CPU
Power supply:
Nominal voltage DC 12-24V

Operating limits DC 10.8-28.8V

Immunity from micro power cuts Typ. 5 ms
Max. Startup current Max. 0.1A
Max. absorbed power 1.5 W (10.8V dc) ; 1.8W W (28.8V dc)
Protection against polarity inversions Yes
Input parameters:
Output parameters:
Other parameters:
Weight Approx.250g
Short-circuit protection External fuse required
Connection cables 2 x 1.5 mm² or 1 x 2.5 mm²

Ambient temperature -20 to + 55 ºC

Storage temperature –40 ºC to + 70 ºC
Certification CE
Mounting On 35 mm standard mounting rail, 4 MW, or wall-mounting
Dimensions WxHxD (48*90*64 mm)

A.3 Switching capacity and service life of the relay outputs

Ohmic load

Figure A Switching capacity and service life of the contacts with ohmic load (heating)

Inductive load

Figure B Switching capacity and service life of the contacts with high inductive load (contactors,
solenoid coils, motors).


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