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Informatica Data Quality (Version 10.


Getting Started Guide

Informatica Data Quality Getting Started Guide

Version 10.0
November 2015
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This product includes software copyright 2003-2006 Joe WaInes, 2006-2007 XStream Committers. All rights reserved. Permissions and limitations regarding this
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This product includes software Copyright (c) 2013 Frank Balluffi and Markus Moeller. All rights reserved. Permissions and limitations regarding this software are subject
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Part Number: DQ-GSG-10000-0001

Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Informatica Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Informatica My Support Portal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Informatica Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Informatica Product Availability Matrixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Informatica Web Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Informatica How-To Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Informatica Knowledge Base. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Informatica Support YouTube Channel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Informatica Marketplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Informatica Velocity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Informatica Global Customer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 1: Getting Started Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Informatica Domain Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Feature Availability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Introducing Informatica Analyst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Informatica Developer Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Informatica Developer Welcome Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Cheat Sheets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Data Quality and Profiling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
The Tutorial Story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The Tutorial Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Informatica Analyst Tutorial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Informatica Developer Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Tutorial Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Part I: Getting Started with Informatica Analyst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chapter 2: Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica Analyst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Setting Up Informatica Analyst Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Task 1. Log In to Informatica Analyst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Task 2. Create a Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Task 3. Create a Folder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Setting Up Informatica Analyst Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter 3: Lesson 2. Creating Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Creating Data Objects Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Task 1. Create the Flat File Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Task 2. View the Data Object Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Table of Contents

Creating Data Objects Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Chapter 4: Lesson 3. Creating Default Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Creating Default Profiles Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Task 1. Create and Run a Default Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Task 2. View the Profile Results in Summary View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Creating Default Profiles Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 5: Lesson 4. Creating Custom Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Creating Custom Profiles Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Task 1. Create a Custom Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Task 2. Run the Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Task 3. Drill Down on Profile Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Creating Custom Profiles Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Chapter 6: Lesson 5. Creating Expression Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Creating Expression Rules Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Task 1. Create Expression Rules and Run the Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Task 2. View the Expression Rule Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Task 3. Edit the Expression Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Creating Expression Rules Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Chapter 7: Lesson 6. Creating and Running Scorecards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Creating and Running Scorecards Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Task 1. Create a Scorecard from the Profile Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Task 2. Run the Scorecard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Task 3. View the Scorecard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Task 4. Edit the Scorecard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Task 5. Configure Thresholds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Task 6. View Score Trend Charts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Creating and Running Scorecards Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Chapter 8: Lesson 7. Creating Reference Tables from Profile Columns. . . . . . . . 41

Creating Reference Tables from Profile Columns Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Task 1. Create a Reference Table from Profile Columns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Task 2. Edit the Reference Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Creating Reference Tables from Profile Columns Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Chapter 9: Lesson 8. Creating Reference Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Creating Reference Tables Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Task 1. Create a Reference Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Creating Reference Tables Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Table of Contents

Part II: Getting Started with Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 10: Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Setting Up Informatica Developer Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Task 1. Start Informatica Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Task 2. Add a Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Task 3. Add a Model Repository. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Task 4. Create a Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Task 5. Create a Folder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Task 6. Select a Default Data Integration Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Setting Up Informatica Developer Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Chapter 11: Lesson 2: Importing Physical Data Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Importing Physical Data Objects Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Task 1. Import the Boston_Customers Flat File Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Task 2. Import the LA_Customers Flat File Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Task 3. Importing the All_Customers Flat File Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Importing Physical Data Objects Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Chapter 12: Lesson 3. Run a Profile on Source Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Profiling Data Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Task 1. Perform a Join Analysis on Two Data Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Task 2. View Join Analysis Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Task 3. Run a Profile on a Data Source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Task 4. View Column Profiling Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Profiling Data Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Chapter 13: Lesson 4. Parsing Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Parsing Data Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Task 1. Create a Target Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Step 1. Create an LA_Customers_tgt Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Step 2. Configure Read and Write Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Step 3. Add Columns to the Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Task 2. Create a Mapping to Parse Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Step 1. Create a Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Step 2. Add Data Objects to the Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Step 3. Add a Parser Transformation to the Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Step 4. Configure the Parser Transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Task 3. Run a Profile on the Parser Transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Task 4. Run the Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Task 5. View the Mapping Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Parsing Data Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Table of Contents

Chapter 14: Lesson 5. Standardizing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Standardizing Data Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Task 1. Create a Target Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Step 1. Create an All_Customers_Stdz_tgt Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Step 2. Configure Read and Write Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Task 2. Create a Mapping to Standardize Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Step 1. Create a Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Step 2. Add Data Objects to the Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Step 3. Add a Standardizer Transformation to the Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Step 4. Configure the Standardizer Transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Task 3. Run the Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Task 4. View the Mapping Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Standardizing Data Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Chapter 15: Lesson 6. Validating Address Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Validating Address Data Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Task 1. Create a Target Data Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Step 1. Create the All_Customers_av_tgt Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Step 2. Configure Read and Write Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Step 3. Add Ports to the Data Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Task 2. Create a Mapping to Validate Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Step 1. Create a Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Step 2. Add Data Objects to the Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Step 3. Add an Address Validator Transformation to the Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Task 3. Configure the Address Validator Transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Step 1. Set the Default Country for Address Validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Step 2. Configure the Address Validator Transformation Input Ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Step 3. Configure the Address Validator Transformation Output Ports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Step 4. Connect Unused Data Source Ports to the Data Target. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Task 4. Run the Mapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Task 5. View the Mapping Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Validating Address Data Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Informatica Analyst Frequently Asked Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Informatica Developer Frequently Asked Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Table of Contents

The Data Quality Getting Started Guide is written for data quality developers and analysts. It provides
tutorials to help first-time users learn how to use Informatica Developer and Informatica Analyst. This guide
assumes that you have an understanding of data quality concepts, flat file and relational database concepts,
and the database engines in your environment.

Informatica Resources
Informatica My Support Portal
As an Informatica customer, the first step in reaching out to Informatica is through the Informatica My Support
Portal at https://mysupport.informatica.com. The My Support Portal is the largest online data integration
collaboration platform with over 100,000 Informatica customers and partners worldwide.
As a member, you can:

Access all of your Informatica resources in one place.

Review your support cases.

Search the Knowledge Base, find product documentation, access how-to documents, and watch support

Find your local Informatica User Group Network and collaborate with your peers.

Informatica Documentation
The Informatica Documentation team makes every effort to create accurate, usable documentation. If you
have questions, comments, or ideas about this documentation, contact the Informatica Documentation team
through email at infa_documentation@informatica.com. We will use your feedback to improve our
documentation. Let us know if we can contact you regarding your comments.
The Documentation team updates documentation as needed. To get the latest documentation for your
product, navigate to Product Documentation from https://mysupport.informatica.com.

Informatica Product Availability Matrixes

Product Availability Matrixes (PAMs) indicate the versions of operating systems, databases, and other types
of data sources and targets that a product release supports. You can access the PAMs on the Informatica My
Support Portal at https://mysupport.informatica.com.

Informatica Web Site

You can access the Informatica corporate web site at https://www.informatica.com. The site contains
information about Informatica, its background, upcoming events, and sales offices. You will also find product
and partner information. The services area of the site includes important information about technical support,
training and education, and implementation services.

Informatica How-To Library

As an Informatica customer, you can access the Informatica How-To Library at
https://mysupport.informatica.com. The How-To Library is a collection of resources to help you learn more
about Informatica products and features. It includes articles and interactive demonstrations that provide
solutions to common problems, compare features and behaviors, and guide you through performing specific
real-world tasks.

Informatica Knowledge Base

As an Informatica customer, you can access the Informatica Knowledge Base at
https://mysupport.informatica.com. Use the Knowledge Base to search for documented solutions to known
technical issues about Informatica products. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions,
technical white papers, and technical tips. If you have questions, comments, or ideas about the Knowledge
Base, contact the Informatica Knowledge Base team through email at KB_Feedback@informatica.com.

Informatica Support YouTube Channel

You can access the Informatica Support YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/INFASupport. The
Informatica Support YouTube channel includes videos about solutions that guide you through performing
specific tasks. If you have questions, comments, or ideas about the Informatica Support YouTube channel,
contact the Support YouTube team through email at supportvideos@informatica.com or send a tweet to

Informatica Marketplace
The Informatica Marketplace is a forum where developers and partners can share solutions that augment,
extend, or enhance data integration implementations. By leveraging any of the hundreds of solutions
available on the Marketplace, you can improve your productivity and speed up time to implementation on
your projects. You can access Informatica Marketplace at http://www.informaticamarketplace.com.

Informatica Velocity
You can access Informatica Velocity at https://mysupport.informatica.com. Developed from the real-world
experience of hundreds of data management projects, Informatica Velocity represents the collective
knowledge of our consultants who have worked with organizations from around the world to plan, develop,
deploy, and maintain successful data management solutions. If you have questions, comments, or ideas
about Informatica Velocity, contact Informatica Professional Services at ips@informatica.com.

Informatica Global Customer Support

You can contact a Customer Support Center by telephone or through the Online Support.
Online Support requires a user name and password. You can request a user name and password at


The telephone numbers for Informatica Global Customer Support are available from the Informatica web site
at http://www.informatica.com/us/services-and-training/support-services/global-support-centers/.




Getting Started Overview

This chapter includes the following topics:

Informatica Domain Overview, 11

Introducing Informatica Analyst, 13

Informatica Developer Overview, 14

The Tutorial Story, 16

The Tutorial Structure, 16

Informatica Domain Overview

Informatica has a service-oriented architecture that provides the ability to scale services and to share
resources across multiple machines. The Informatica domain is the primary unit for the management and
administration of services.
You can log in to Informatica Administrator after you install Informatica. You use the Administrator tool to
manage the domain and configure the required application services before you can access the remaining
application clients.
The Informatica domain contains the following components:

Application clients. A group of clients that you use to access underlying Informatica functionality.
Application clients make requests to the Service Manager or application services.

Application services. A group of services that represent server-based functionality. An Informatica domain
can contain a subset of application services. You create and configure the application services that the
application clients require.
Application services include system services that can have a single instance in the domain. When you
create the domain, the system services are created for you. You can configure and enable a system
service to use the functionality that the service provides.

Profile warehouse. A relational database that the Data Integration Service uses to store profile results.

Repositories. A group of relational databases that store metadata about objects and processes required to
handle user requests from application clients.

Service Manager. A service that is built in to the domain to manage all domain operations. The Service
Manager runs the application services and performs domain functions including authentication,
authorization, and logging.


The following table lists the application clients, not including the Administrator tool, and the application
services and the repositories that the client requires:
Application Client

Application Services


Data Analyzer

Reporting Service

Data Analyzer repository

Informatica Reporting and Dashboards

Reporting and Dashboards Service

Jaspersoft repository

Informatica Analyst

Analyst Service
Content Management Service
Data Integration Service
Model Repository Service
Search Service

Model repository

Informatica Developer

Analyst Service
Content Management Service
Data Integration Service
Model Repository Service

Model repository

Metadata Manager

- Metadata Manager Service

- PowerCenter Integration Service
- PowerCenter Repository Service

- Metadata Manager repository

- PowerCenter repository

PowerCenter Client

- PowerCenter Integration Service

- PowerCenter Repository Service

PowerCenter repository

Web Services Hub Console

- PowerCenter Integration Service

- PowerCenter Repository Service
- Web Services Hub

PowerCenter repository

The following application services are not accessed by an Informatica application client:


PowerExchange Listener Service. Manages the PowerExchange Listener for bulk data movement and
change data capture. The PowerCenter Integration Service connects to the PowerExchange Listener
through the Listener Service.

PowerExchange Logger Service. Manages the PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows to
capture change data and write it to the PowerExchange Logger Log files. Change data can originate from
DB2 recovery logs, Oracle redo logs, a Microsoft SQL Server distribution database, or data sources on an
i5/OS or z/OS system.

SAP BW Service. Listens for RFC requests from SAP BI and requests that the PowerCenter Integration
Service run workflows to extract from or load to SAP BI.

Chapter 1: Getting Started Overview

Feature Availability
Informatica products use a common set of applications. The product features you can use depend on your
product license.
The following table describes the licensing options and the application features available with each option:
Licensing Option

Informatica Developer Features

Informatica Analyst Features

Data Quality

- Create and run mappings

- Create and run rules
- Profiling that includes using the
enterprise discovery profile and
discovering primary key, foreign key,
and functional dependency
- Curate inferred profile results
- Scorecarding
- Export objects to PowerCenter

- Profiling including enterprise

- Use discovery search to find where
data and metadata exist in the
profiling repositories
- Scorecarding
- Curate inferred profile results
- Create and run profiling rules
- Reference table management
- Create rule specifications and
compile rule specifications into
- Bad and duplicate record

Data Services

- Create logical data object models

- Create and run mappings with Data
Services transformations
- Create SQL data services
- Create web services
- Export objects to PowerCenter

- Reference table management

Data Services and Profiling


- Create logical data object models

- Create and run mappings with Data
Services transformations
- Create SQL data services
- Create web services
- Export objects to PowerCenter
- Create and run rules with Data
Services transformations
- Profiling

- Reference table management

Introducing Informatica Analyst

Informatica Analyst is a web-based application client that analysts can use to analyze, cleanse, standardize,
profile, and score data in an enterprise.
Depending on your license, business analysts and developers use the Analyst tool for data-driven
collaboration. You can perform column and rule profiling, scorecarding, and bad record and duplicate record
management. You can also manage reference data and provide the data to developers in a data quality

Introducing Informatica Analyst


Informatica Developer Overview

Informatica Developer is an application client that developers use to design and implement data solutions.
The following figure shows the Developer tool:

The Developer tool can display the following views:

Object Explorer view
Displays projects, folders, and the objects within the projects and folders.
Connection Explorer view
Displays connections to relational databases.
Outline view
Displays objects that are dependent on an object selected in the Object Explorer view.
Cheat Sheets view
Displays the cheat sheet that you open. To open a cheat sheet, click Help > Cheat Sheets and select a
cheat sheet.
Data Viewer view
Displays source data, profile results, and previews the output of a transformation.
Object Dependencies view
Displays object dependencies when you view, modify, or delete an object.
Alerts view
Displays connection status alerts.


Chapter 1: Getting Started Overview

Validation Log view

Displays object validation errors.
The Developer tool can display other views also. You can hide views and move views to another location in
the Developer tool workbench. Click Window > Show View to select the views you want to display.

Informatica Developer Welcome Page

The first time you open the Developer tool, the Welcome page appears. Use the Welcome page to learn more
about the Developer tool, set up the Developer tool, and start working in the Developer tool.
The Welcome page displays the following options:

Overview. Click the Overview button to get an overview of data quality and data services solutions.

First Steps. Click the First Steps button to learn more about setting up the Developer tool and accessing
Informatica Data Quality and Informatica Data Services lessons.

Tutorials. Click the Tutorials button to see tutorial lessons for data quality and data services solutions.

Web Resources. Click the Web Resources button for a link to mysupport.informatica.com, where you can
access the Informatica How-To Library. The Informatica How-To Library contains articles about
Informatica Data Quality, Informatica Data Services, and other Informatica products.

What's New. Click the What's New button to view the latest features in the Developer tool.

Cheat Sheets
The Developer tool includes cheat sheets as part of the online help. A cheat sheet is a step-by-step guide
that helps you complete one or more tasks in the Developer tool.
When you complete a cheat sheet, you complete the tasks and see the results. For example, after you
complete a cheat sheet to import and preview a relational data object, you have imported a relational
database table and previewed the data in the Developer tool.
To access cheat sheets, click Help > Cheat Sheets.

Data Quality and Profiling

Use the data quality capabilities in the Developer tool to analyze the content and structure of your data. You
can enhance the data in ways that meet your business needs.
Use the Developer tool to design and run processes that achieve the following objectives:

Profile data. Profiling reveals the content and structure of your data. Profiling is a key step in any data
project as it can identify strengths and weaknesses in your data and help you define your project plan.

Create scorecards to review data quality. A scorecard is a graphical representation of the quality
measurements in a profile.

Standardize data values. Standardize data to remove errors and inconsistencies that you find when you
run a profile. You can standardize variations in punctuation, formatting, and spelling. For example, you
can ensure that the city, state, and ZIP code values are consistent.

Parse records. Parse data records to improve record structure and derive additional information from your
data. You can split a single field of freeform data into fields that contain different information types. You
can also add information to your records. For example, you can flag customer records as personal or
business customers.

Validate postal addresses. Address validation evaluates and enhances the accuracy and deliverability of
your postal address data. Address validation corrects errors in addresses and completes partial

Informatica Developer Overview


addresses by comparing address records against reference data from national postal carriers. Address
validation can also add postal information that speeds mail delivery and reduces mail costs.

Find duplicate records. Duplicate record analysis compares a set of records against each other to find
similar or matching values in selected data columns. You set the level of similarity that indicates a good
match between field values. You can also set the relative weight fixed to each column in match
calculations. For example, you can prioritize surname information over forename information.

Create and run data quality rules. Informatica provides pre-built rules that you can run or edit to suit your
project objectives. You can create rules in the Developer tool.

Collaborate with Informatica users. The rules and reference data tables you add to the Model repository
are available to users in the Developer tool and the Analyst tool. Users can collaborate on projects, and
different users can take ownership of objects at different stages of a project.

Export mappings to PowerCenter. You can export mappings to PowerCenter to reuse the metadata for
physical data integration or to create web services.

The Tutorial Story

HypoStores Corporation is a national retail organization with headquarters in Boston and stores in several
states. It integrates operational data from stores nationwide with the data store at headquarters on regular
basis. It recently opened a store in Los Angeles.
The headquarters includes a central ICC team of administrators, developers, and architects responsible for
providing a common data services layer for all composite and BI applications. The BI applications include a
CRM system that contains the master customer data files used for billing and marketing.
HypoStores Corporation must perform the following tasks to integrate data from the Los Angeles operation
with data at the Boston headquarters:

Examine the Boston and Los Angeles data for data quality issues.

Parse information from the Los Angeles data.

Standardize address information across the Boston and Los Angeles data.

Validate the accuracy of the postal address information in the data for CRM purposes.

The Tutorial Structure

The Getting Started Guide contains tutorials that include lessons and tasks.

Each lesson introduces concepts that will help you understand the tasks to complete in the lesson. The
lesson provides business requirements from the overall story. The objectives for the lesson outline the tasks
that you will complete to meet business requirements. Each lesson provides an estimated time for
completion. When you complete the tasks in the lesson, you can review the lesson summary.
If the environment within the tool is not configured, the first lesson in each tutorial helps you do so.

The tasks provide step-by-step instructions. Complete all tasks in the order listed to complete the lesson.


Chapter 1: Getting Started Overview

Informatica Analyst Tutorial

During this tutorial, an analyst logs into the Analyst tool, creates projects and folders, creates profiles and
rules, scores data, and creates reference tables.
The lessons you can perform depend on whether you have the Informatica Data Quality or Informatica Data
Services products.
The following table describes the lessons you can perform, depending on your product:



Lesson 1. Setting up Informatica


Log in to the Analyst tool and create a project and folder for
the tutorial lessons.

Data Quality

Lesson 2. Creating Data Objects

Import a flat file as a data object and preview the data.

Data Quality

Lesson 3. Creating Quick


Creating a quick profile to quickly get an idea of data


Data Quality

Lesson 4. Creating Custom


Create a custom profile to configure columns, and sampling

and drilldown options.

Data Quality

Lesson 5. Creating Expression


Create expression rules to modify and profile column


Data Quality

Lesson 6. Creating and Running


Create and run a scorecard to measure data quality

progress over time.

Data Quality

Lesson 7. Creating Reference

Tables from Profile Results

Create a reference table that you can use to standardize

source data.

Data Quality

Lesson 8. Creating Reference


Create a reference table to establish relationships between

source data and valid and standard values.

Data Quality

Data Services

Data Services

Data Services

Informatica Developer Tool

In this tutorial, you use the Developer tool to perform several data quality operations.
Informatica Data Quality users use the Developer tool to design and run processes that enhance data quality.
Informatica Data Quality users also use the Developer tool to create and run profiles that analyze the content
and structure of data.
Complete the following lessons in the data quality tutorial:

Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica Developer

Create a connection to a Model repository that is managed by a Model Repository Service in a domain.
Create a project and folder to store work for the lessons in the tutorial. Select a default Data Integration

Lesson 2. Importing Physical Data Objects

You will define data quality processes for the customer data files associated with these objects.

Lesson 3. Profiling Data

Profiling reveals the content and structure of your data.

The Tutorial Structure


Profiling includes join analysis, a form of analysis that determines if a valid join is possible between two data

Lesson 4. Parsing Data

Parsing enriches your data records and improves record structure. It can find useful information in your data
and also derive new information from current data.

Lesson 5. Standardizing Data

Standardization removes data errors and inconsistencies found during profiling.

Lesson 6. Validating Address Data

Address validation evaluates the accuracy and deliverability of your postal addresses and fixes address
errors and omissions in addresses.

Tutorial Prerequisites
Before you can begin the tutorial lessons, the Informatica domain must be running with at least one node set
The installer includes tutorial files that you will use to complete the lessons. You can find all the files in both
the client and server installations:

You can find the tutorial files in the following location in the Developer tool installation path:
<Informatica Installation Directory>\clients\DeveloperClient\Tutorials

You can find the tutorial files in the following location in the services installation path:
<Informatica Installation Directory>\server\Tutorials

You need the following files for the tutorial lessons:





Chapter 1: Getting Started Overview

Part I: Getting Started with

Informatica Analyst
This part contains the following chapters:

Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica Analyst, 20

Lesson 2. Creating Data Objects, 23

Lesson 3. Creating Default Profiles, 26

Lesson 4. Creating Custom Profiles, 29

Lesson 5. Creating Expression Rules, 33

Lesson 6. Creating and Running Scorecards, 36

Lesson 7. Creating Reference Tables from Profile Columns, 41

Lesson 8. Creating Reference Tables, 44



Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica

This chapter includes the following topics:

Setting Up Informatica Analyst Overview, 20

Task 1. Log In to Informatica Analyst, 21

Task 2. Create a Project, 21

Task 3. Create a Folder, 21

Setting Up Informatica Analyst Summary, 22

Setting Up Informatica Analyst Overview

Before you start the lessons in this tutorial, you must set up the Analyst tool. To set up the Analyst tool, log in
to the Analyst tool and create a project and a folder to store your work.
The Informatica domain is a collection of nodes and services that define the Informatica environment.
Services in the domain include the Analyst Service and the Model Repository Service. The Analyst Service
runs the Analyst tool, and the Model Repository Service manages the Model repository. When you work in
the Analyst tool, the Analyst tool stores the assets that you create in the Model repository.
You must create a project before you can create assets in the Analyst tool. A project contains assets in the
Analyst tool. A project can also contain folders that store related assets, such as data objects that are part of
the same business requirement.

In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Log in to the Analyst tool.

Create a project to store the assets that you create in the Analyst tool.

Create a folder in the project that can store related assets.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisites:


An administrator has configured a Model Repository Service and an Analyst Service in the Administrator

You have the host name and port number for the Analyst tool.

You have a user name and password to access the Analyst Service. You can get this information from an

Set aside 5 to 10 minutes to complete this lesson.

Task 1. Log In to Informatica Analyst

Log in to the Analyst tool to begin the tutorial.

Start a Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google Chrome browser.


In the Address field, enter the URL for Informatica Analyst:

http[s]://<fully qualified host name>:<port number>/analyst


If the domain uses LDAP or native authentication, enter your user name and password on the login


Select Native or the name of a specific security domain.

The Security Domain field appears when the Informatica domain uses LDAP or Kerberos authentication.
If you do not know the security domain that your user account belongs to, contact the Informatica domain


Click Log In.

The Analyst tool opens on the Start workspace.

Task 2. Create a Project

In this task, you create a project to contain the assets that you create in the Analyst tool. Create a tutorial
project to contain the folder for the project.

On the Manage header, click Projects.

The Projects workspace appears.


From the Actions menu, click New > Project.

The New Project window appears.


Enter your name prefixed by "Tutorial_" as the name of the project.


Click OK.

Task 3. Create a Folder

In this task, you create a folder to store related assets. You can create a folder in a project or another folder.
Create a folder named Customers to store the assets related to the data quality project.

In the Projects panel, select the tutorial project.

Task 1. Log In to Informatica Analyst



From the Actions menu, click New > Folder.

The New Folder window appears.


Enter Customers for the folder name.


Click OK.
The folder appears under the tutorial project.

Setting Up Informatica Analyst Summary

In this lesson, you learned that the Analyst tool stores assets in projects and folders. A Model repository
contains the projects and folders. The Analyst Service runs the Analyst tool. The Model Repository Service
manages the Model repository. The Analyst Service and the Model Repository Service are application
services in the Informatica domain.
You logged in to the Analyst tool and created a project and a folder.
Now, you can use the Analyst tool to complete other lessons in this tutorial.


Chapter 2: Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica Analyst


Lesson 2. Creating Data Objects

This chapter includes the following topics:

Creating Data Objects Overview, 23

Task 1. Create the Flat File Data Objects, 24

Task 2. View the Data Object Properties, 24

Creating Data Objects Summary, 25

Creating Data Objects Overview

In the Analyst tool, a data object is a representation of data based on a flat file or relational database table.
You create a flat file or table object and then run a profile against the data in the flat file or relational
database table. When you create a flat file data object in the Analyst tool, you can upload the file to the flat
file cache on the machine that runs the Analyst tool or you can specify the network location where the flat file
is stored.

HypoStores keeps the Los Angeles customer data in flat files. HypoStores needs to profile and analyze the
data and perform data quality tasks.

In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Upload the flat file to the flat file cache location and create a data object.


Preview the data for the flat file data object.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisites:

You have completed lesson 1 in this tutorial.

You have the LA_Customers.csv flat file. You can find this file in the <Installation Root Directory>
\<Release Version>\clients\DeveloperClient\Tutorials folder.

Set aside 5 to 10 minutes to complete this task.


Task 1. Create the Flat File Data Objects

In this task, you create a flat file data object from the LA_Customers file.

In the Analyst tool, click New > Flat File Data Object.
The Add Flat File wizard appears.


Select Browse and Upload, and click Browse.


Browse to the location of LA_Customers.csv, and click Open.


Click Next.
The Choose type of import panel displays Delimited and Fixed-width options. Select the Delimited
option. The default option is Delimited.


Click Next.


Under Specify the delimiters and text qualifiers used in your data, select Double quotes as a text


Under Specify lines to import, select Import from first line to import column names from the first
nonblank line.
The Preview panel updates to show the column headings from the first row.


Click Next.
The Column Attributes panel shows the datatype, precision, scale, and format for each column.


Click Next.
The Name field displays LA_Customers.


Select the Tutorial_ project and the Customers folder.


Click Finish.
The data object appears in the folder contents for the Customers folder.

Task 2. View the Data Object Properties

In this task, you can view the properties of the LA_Customers data object.

Click Open to open the Library Navigator.


In the Library Navigator, click Data Objects in the Assets panel.

A list of data objects appears in the Data Objects panel.


Click LA_Customers flat file.

The Data Preview panel appears with the data retrieved from the LA_Customers data object.


In the Data Preview panel, review the structure and content of the LA_Customers data object.
The Analyst tool displays the first 100 rows of the flat file data object.


Click Properties.
The Properties panel displays the name, type, description, and location of the data object. You can also
see the column names and column properties for the data object.


Chapter 3: Lesson 2. Creating Data Objects

Creating Data Objects Summary

In this lesson, you learned that data objects are representations of data based on a flat file or a relational
database source. You learned that you can create a flat file data object and preview the data in it.
You uploaded a flat file and created a flat file data object, previewed the data for the data object, and viewed
the properties for the data object.
After you create a data object, you create a default profile for the data object in Lesson 3, and you create a
custom profile for the data object in Lesson 4.

Creating Data Objects Summary



Lesson 3. Creating Default

This chapter includes the following topics:

Creating Default Profiles Overview, 26

Task 1. Create and Run a Default Profile, 27

Task 2. View the Profile Results in Summary View, 27

Creating Default Profiles Summary, 28

Creating Default Profiles Overview

A profile is the analysis of data quality based on the content and structure of data. A default profile is a profile
that you create with default options. Use a default profile to get profile results without configuring all columns
and options for a profile.
Create and run a default profile to analyze the quality of the data when you start a data quality project. When
you create a default profile object, you select the data object and the data object columns that you want to
analyze. A default profile skips the profile column and option configuration. The Analyst tool performs
profiling on the live flat file for the flat file data object.

HypoStores wants to incorporate data from the newly-acquired Los Angeles office into its data warehouse.
Before the data can be incorporated into the data warehouse, it needs to be cleansed. You are the analyst
who is responsible for assessing the quality of the data and passing the information on to the developer who
is responsible for cleansing the data. You want to view the profile results quickly and get a basic idea of the
data quality.

In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Create and run a default profile for the LA_Customers flat file data object.


View the profile results.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:


You have completed lessons 1 and 2 in this tutorial.

Set aside 5 to 10 minutes to complete this lesson.

Task 1. Create and Run a Default Profile

In this task, you create a default profile for all columns in the data object and use default sampling and
drilldown options.

Click New > Profile.

The New Profile wizard appears in the Discovery workspace. The Single source option is selected by


Click Next.


In the Specify General Properties screen, enter a name and an optional description for the profile.


In the Location field, select the project or folder where you want to create the profile. Click Next.


In the Select Source screen, click Choose. Navigate to LA_Customers in the Choose Data Object
dialog box. Click OK.


Click Next.


In the Specify Settings screen, the following options are selected by default:

Run column profile

All rows in the Run profile on pane

Live in the Drilldown pane

Native connection in the Select Connection Type pane.


Click Next.


In the Specify Rules and Filters screen, click Save and Run to create and run the profile.
The Analyst tool creates the profile and the profile results appear in the summary view.

Task 2. View the Profile Results in Summary View

In this task, you use the summary view for the LA_Customers profile to get a quick overview of the profile

In the Library Navigator > Assets > Profiles pane, click LA_CustomeNavigatorrs profile.
The profile results appear in the summary view.


In the summary view, click Columns in the Filter By pane to view the profile results for columns.
You can view the profile results based on the default filters. You can view all the profile results for the
profile by using the Columns and rules filter.


Hover the mouse over the horizontal bar charts to view the values in percentages.


In the Data Type and Data Domain sections, you can view all the inferred data types and documented
data type for a column when you hover the mouse over the values.


Click Pattern outlier or Value frequency outlier filters to view the outliers in the profile results.

Task 1. Create and Run a Default Profile


Note: You must run outliers explicitly to view the outlier data. Click Actions > Detect Outlier to run
outlier on the profile results.

Click Name to view the profile results for this column in the detailed view.

Creating Default Profiles Summary

In this lesson, you learned that a default profile shows profile results without configuring all columns and row
sampling options for a profile. You learned that you create and run a default profile to analyze the quality of
the data when you start a data quality project. You also learned that the Analyst tool performs profiling on the
live flat file for the flat file data object.
You created a default profile and analyzed the profile results. You got more information about the columns in
the profile, including null values and data types. You also used the column values and patterns to identify
data quality issues.
After you analyze the results of a quick profile, you can complete the following tasks:


Create a custom profile to exclude columns from the profile and only include the columns you are
interested in.

Create an expression rule to create virtual columns and profile them.

Create a reference table to include valid values for a column.

Chapter 4: Lesson 3. Creating Default Profiles


Lesson 4. Creating Custom

This chapter includes the following topics:

Creating Custom Profiles Overview, 29

Task 1. Create a Custom Profile, 30

Task 2. Run the Profile, 31

Task 3. Drill Down on Profile Results, 31

Creating Custom Profiles Summary, 32

Creating Custom Profiles Overview

A profile is the analysis of data quality based on the content and structure of data. A custom profile is a
profile that you create when you want to configure the columns, sampling options, and drilldown options for
faster profiling. Configure sampling options to select the sample rows in the source. Configure drilldown
options to drill down to data rows in the source data or staged data. You can choose to run the profile in a
Hive or native environment.
You create and run a profile to analyze the quality of the data when you start a data quality project. When you
create a profile object, you start by selecting the data object and data object columns that you want to run a
profile on.

HypoStores needs to incorporate data from the newly-acquired Los Angeles office into its data warehouse.
HypoStores wants to access the quality of the customer tier data in the LA customer data file. You are the
analyst responsible for assessing the quality of the data and passing the information on to the developer
responsible for cleansing the data.

In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Create a custom profile for the flat file data object and exclude the columns with null values.


Run the profile to analyze the content and structure of the CustomerTier column.


Drill down into the rows for the profile results.


Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:

You have completed lessons 1, 2, and 3 in this tutorial.

Set aside 5 to 10 minutes to complete this lesson.

Task 1. Create a Custom Profile

In this task, you use the New Profile wizard to create a custom profile. When you create a profile, you select
the data object and the columns that you want to run a profile on. You also configure the sampling and drilldown options.

Click New > Profile.

The New Profile wizard appears. Single source is selected by default.


Click Next.


In the Specify General Properties screen, you must set the following options:

Enter Profile_LA_Customers_Custom in the name field and an optional description for the profile.

Select Customs folder in the tutorial project in the Location field.


Click Next.


In the Select Source screen, click Choose.

The Choose Data Object dialog box appears.


In the Choose Data Object dialog box, select LA_Customers. Click OK.


In the Select Source screen, clear the Address2, Address3, and City2 columns.


Click Next.


In the Specify Settings screen, set the following options:

Run column profile.

All rows in the Run profile on pane.

Staged in the Drilldown pane.


Verify that the Exclude approved data types and data domains from the data type and data domain
inference in the subsequent profile runs. option is selected. This setting excludes columns with an
approved data type from the data type inference of the next profile run.


Click Next.


In the Specify Rules and Filters screen, click Save and Finish to create the profile.
The Analyst tool creates the profile and displays the profile in the Discovery workspace. You need to
run the profile to view the results.


Chapter 5: Lesson 4. Creating Custom Profiles

Task 2. Run the Profile

In this task, you run a profile to perform profiling on the data object and display the profile results. The
Analyst tool performs profiling on the staged flat file for the flat file data object.

Verify that you are in the Discovery workspace.

You can see the profile Profile_LA_Customers_Custom in the workspace.


Click Profile_LA_Customers_Custom in the workspace.


The profile screen appears where you can choose to edit the profile or run the profile. Click Run.


The profile results appear in the summary view.

Task 3. Drill Down on Profile Results

In this task, you drill down on the CustomerTier column values to see the source rows in the data object for
the profile.

Verify that you are in the summary view of the profile results for the Profile_LA_Customers_Custom


Select the CustomerTier column.

The column results appear in detailed view.

Task 2. Run the Profile



In the detailed view, select the Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, and Bronze values. Right-click on the values in
the Values pane, and select Drilldown.
The rows for the column with a value of Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, or Bronze appear in the Data Preview
The following image shows the drilldown results in the Data Preview pane when you drilldown on values
Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, or Bronze:

The Data Preview panel displays the first 100 rows for the selected column. The title of the Data
Preview panel shows the logic used for the source column.

Creating Custom Profiles Summary

In this lesson, you learned that you can configure the columns that get profiled and that you can configure the
sampling and drilldown options. You learned that you can drill down to see the underlying rows for column
values and that you can configure the columns that are included when you view the column values.
You created a custom profile that included the CustomerTier column, ran the profile, and drilled down to the
underlying rows for the CustomerTier column in the results.
Use the custom profile object to create an expression rule in lesson 5.


Chapter 5: Lesson 4. Creating Custom Profiles


Lesson 5. Creating Expression

This chapter includes the following topics:

Creating Expression Rules Overview, 33

Task 1. Create Expression Rules and Run the Profile, 34

Task 2. View the Expression Rule Output, 34

Task 3. Edit the Expression Rules, 35

Creating Expression Rules Summary, 35

Creating Expression Rules Overview

Expression rules use expression functions and source columns to define rule logic. You can create
expression rules and add them to a profile in the Analyst tool. An expression rule can be associated with one
or more profiles.
The output of an expression rule is a virtual column in the profile. The Analyst tool profiles the virtual column
when you run the profile.
You can use expression rules to validate source columns or create additional source columns based on the
value of the source columns.

HypoStores wants to incorporate data from the newly-acquired Los Angeles office into its data warehouse.
HypoStores wants to analyze the customer names and separate customer names into first name and last
name. HypoStores wants to use expression rules to parse a column that contains first and last names into
separate virtual columns and then profile the columns. HypoStores also wants to make the rules available to
other analysts who need to analyze the output of these rules.

In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Create expression rules to separate the FullName column into first name and last name columns. You
create a rule that separates the first name from the full name. You create another rule that separates the
last name from the first name. You create these rules for the Profile_LA_Customers_Custom profile.


Run the profile and view the output of the rules in the profile.



Edit the rules to make them usable for other Analyst tool users.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:

You have completed Lessons 1 through 4.

Set aside 10 to 15 minutes to complete this lesson.

Task 1. Create Expression Rules and Run the Profile

In this task, you create two expression rules to parse the FullName column into two virtual columns named
FirstName and LastName. The rule names are FirstName and LastName.

Open the Profile_LA_Customers_Custom profile from the Library Navigator.

The profile results appear in summary view.


Click Edit.
The Profile wizard appears.


Click Specify Rules and Filters screen.


In the Rules pane, click Actions > Create Rule.


In the Name field, enter FirstName.


In the Expression section, enter the following expression to separate the first name from the Name


Click Validate.


Click OK.


Repeat steps 4 through 8 to create a rule named LastName. Enter the following expression to separate
the last name from the Name column:

SUBSTR(FullName,1,INSTR(FullName,' ' ,-1,1 ) - 1)

SUBSTR(FullName,INSTR(FullName,' ',-1,1),LENGTH(FullName))

Click Save and Finish to save the profile.

Task 2. View the Expression Rule Output

In this task, you view the output of expression rules that separates first and last names after you run a profile.

In the summary view, click Actions > Run Profile.

The Analyst tool runs the profile and displays the profile results in summary view.


Click Edit.
The profile wizard appears



In the profile wizard, click Select Source.


In the Select Source screen, select the check box next to Name on the toolbar to clear all columns.

Chapter 6: Lesson 5. Creating Expression Rules

You can see that one of the columns is selected by default because you need to select at least one
column in the Columns section.

Select the FullName column and the FirstName and LastName rules.


Clear any other column that you see selected.


Click Save and Run.

The profile results appear in the summary view.


In the summary view, click the FirstName section.

The FirstName section expands and the values appear in the summary view.


Click FirstName rule, the profile results for the rule appears in detailed view.
Select a value in the Values pane. Right-click on the value and click Drilldown.
The values for the FullName column and the FirstName and LastName rules appear in the Data Preview
panel along with other column values. Notice that the Analyst tool separates the FullName column into
first name and last name.

Task 3. Edit the Expression Rules

In this task, you make the expression rules reusable and available to all Analyst tool users.

Click Edit in the summary view where the Profile_LA_Customers_Custom profile results appear.
The profile wizard appears.


Click the Specify Rules and Filters screen.


In the Specify Rules and Filters screen, select the FirstName rule and click Actions > Edit Rule.
The Edit Rule dialog box appears.


Select the Do you want to save this rule as a reusable rule? option, and choose a location to save the


Click OK.


Select the LastName rule, and repeat steps 3 through 5.


Click Save and Finish to save the profile.

Any Analyst tool user can use the FirstName and LastName rules to split a column with first and last
names into separate columns.

Creating Expression Rules Summary

In this lesson, you learned that expression rules use expression functions and source columns to define rule
logic. You learned that the output of an expression rule is a virtual column in the profile. The Analyst tool
includes the virtual column when you run the profile.
You created two expression rules, added them to a profile, and ran the profile. You viewed the output of the
rules and made them available to all Analyst tool users.

Task 3. Edit the Expression Rules



Lesson 6. Creating and Running

This chapter includes the following topics:

Creating and Running Scorecards Overview, 36

Task 1. Create a Scorecard from the Profile Results, 37

Task 2. Run the Scorecard, 38

Task 3. View the Scorecard, 38

Task 4. Edit the Scorecard, 39

Task 5. Configure Thresholds, 39

Task 6. View Score Trend Charts, 40

Creating and Running Scorecards Summary, 40

Creating and Running Scorecards Overview

A scorecard is the graphical representation of valid values for a column or the output of a rule in profile
results. Use scorecards to measure and monitor data quality progress over time.
To create a scorecard, you add columns from the profile to a scorecard as metrics, assign weights to metrics,
and configure the score thresholds. You can add filters to the scorecards based on the source data. To run a
scorecard, you select the valid values for the metric and run the scorecard to see the scores for the metrics.
Scorecards display the value frequency for columns in a profile as scores. Scores reflect the percentage of
valid values for a metric.

HypoStores wants to incorporate data from the newly-acquired Los Angeles office into its data warehouse.
Before the organization merges the data, they want to verify that the data in different customer tiers and
states is analyzed for data quality. You are the analyst who is responsible for monitoring the progress of
performing the data quality analysis. You want to create a scorecard from the customer tier and state profile
columns, configure thresholds for data quality, and view the score trend charts to determine how the scores
improve over time.


In this lesson, you will complete the following tasks:

Create a scorecard from the results of the Profile_LA_Customers_Custom profile to view the scores for
the CustomerTier and State columns.


Run the scorecard to generate the scores for the CustomerTier and State columns.


View the scorecard to see the scores for each column.


Edit the scorecard to specify different valid values for the scores.


Configure score thresholds, and run the scorecard.


View score trend charts to determine how scores improve over time.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:

You have completed lessons 1 through 5 in this tutorial.

Set aside 15 minutes to complete the tasks in this lesson.

Task 1. Create a Scorecard from the Profile Results

In this task, you create a scorecard from the Profile_LA_Customers_Custom profile to score the
CustomerTier and State column values.

Verify that you are in the summary view of the Profile_LA_Customers_Custom profile results.


Select the CustomerTier column, and right-click on the column, and select Add to > Scorecard.
The Add to Scorecard wizard appears. The New Scorecard option is selected by default.


Click Next.


In the Step 2 of 7 screen, enter sc_LA_Customer for the scorecard name, and navigate to the
Customers folder for the scorecard location.


Click Next.


Select the CustomerTier and State columns to add to the scorecard.


Click Next.


In the Step 4 of 7 screen, you can create, edit, or delete filters for the metrics. In this tutorial, we will not
create a scorecard filter. Click Next.


In the Step 5 of 7 screen, select CustomerTier metric in the Metrics.


In the Score using: Values pane, select all the values, and click the Add All button to move the values
to the Valid Values section.
Use the Shift key to select multiple values.


In the Metrics section, select the State metric, and select those values that have two letter state codes
in the Score using: Values section.


Click the Add button to move the values to the Valid Values section.
You can see the total number of valid values and valid value percentage at the top of the section.

Task 1. Create a Scorecard from the Profile Results



For each metric in the Metrics section, accept the default settings for the score thresholds in the Metric
Thresholds section.


Click Next.


Optionally, select a metric group to add the metrics. By default, the Analyst tool adds the metrics to the
Default metric group.


Click Next.


In the Default - Metrics pane, double-click the Weight column for the CustomerTier metric.
When you run a scorecard, the Analyst tool calculates the weighted average for each metric group based
on the metric score and weight you assign to each metric.


Enter a weight for the CustomerTier and State metrics.


Click Save to create the scorecard.

The scorecard appears in the Scorecards workspace.

Task 2. Run the Scorecard

In this task, you run the sc_LA_Customer scorecard to generate the scores for the CustomerTier and State

Verify that you are in the Scorecards workspace. You can see the scorecard sc_LA_Customer.


Click Actions > Run Scorecard.

The Run Scorecard dialog box appears.


Verify the settings in the dialog box, and click Run.

The Scorecards workspace displays the scores for the CustomerTier and State columns.

Task 3. View the Scorecard

In this task, you view the sc_LA_Customer scorecard to see the scores for the CustomerTier and State

Select the State row that contains the State score you want to view.
In the sc_LA_Customer - metrics section, you can view the following properties of the scorecard:


Scorecard name.

Total number of rows in the scorecard.

Number of rows that are not valid.

Score along with a horizontal bar chart.

Score trend. You can click on the score trend to view a graphical representation in the Trend Chart
Detail screen.

Weight of the metric.

Cost of invalid data.

Chapter 7: Lesson 6. Creating and Running Scorecards


Cost trend.

Data object. Click the data object to view the data preview of the data object in the Discovery

Column or rule name.

Type of source.

Drilldown icon.

Click the drilldown icon in the State row.

The scores that are not valid for the State column appears in the Invalid Rows section in the Drilldown


Select Valid Rows to view the scores that are valid for the State column.


Click the drilldown icon in the CustomerTier row.

All scores for the CustomerTier column are valid.

Task 4. Edit the Scorecard

In this task, you edit the sc_LA_Customer scorecard to specify the Ruby value as not valid for the
CustomerTier score.

Verify the you are in the Scorecard workspace, and the sc_LA_Customer scorecard is open.


Select Actions > Edit > Metrics.

The Edit Scorecard dialog box appears.


In the Metrics section, select CustomerTier.


In the Score using: Values section, move Ruby from the Valid Values section to the Available Values
Accept the default settings in the Metric Thresholds section.


Click Save & Run to save the changes to the scorecard and run it.


View the CustomerTier score again.

The CustomerTier score changes to 81.4 percentage.

Task 5. Configure Thresholds

In this task, you configure thresholds for the State score in the sc_LA_Customer scorecard to determine the
acceptable ranges for the data in the State column. Values with a two letter code, such as CA are
acceptable, and codes with more than two letters such as Calif are not acceptable.

Verify the you are in the Scorecard workspace, and the sc_LA_Customer scorecard is open.


Select Actions > Edit > Metrics.

The Edit Scorecard dialog box appears.


In the Metrics section, select State.

Task 4. Edit the Scorecard



In the Metric Thresholds section, enter the following ranges for the Good and Unacceptable scores: 90
to 100% Good; 0 to 50% Unacceptable; 51% to 89% Acceptable.
The thresholds represent the lower bounds of the acceptable and good ranges.


Click Save & Run to save the changes to the scorecard and run it.
In the Scorecard panel, view the changes to the score percentage and the score displayed as a bar for
the State score.

Task 6. View Score Trend Charts

In this task, you view the trend chart for the State score. You can view trend charts to monitor scores over

Verify the you are in the Scorecard workspace, and the sc_LA_Customer scorecard is open.


Select State row.


Click Actions > Show Trend Chart, or click the arrow under the Score Trend column.
The Trend Chart Detail dialog box appears. You can view the Good, Acceptable, and Unacceptable
thresholds for the score. The thresholds change each time you run the scorecard after editing the values
for scores in the scorecard.


Point to any circle in the chart to view the valid values in the Valid Values section at the bottom of the


Click Close to return to the scorecard.

Creating and Running Scorecards Summary

In this lesson, you learned that you can create a scorecard from the results of a profile. A scorecard contains
the columns from a profile. You learned that you can run a scorecard to generate scores for columns. You
edited a scorecard to configure valid values and set thresholds for scores. You also learned how to view the
score trend chart.
You created a scorecard from the CustomerTier and State columns in a profile to analyze data quality for the
customer tier and state columns. You ran the scorecard to generate scores for each column. You edited the
scorecard to specify different valid values for scores. You configured thresholds for a score and viewed the
score trend chart.


Chapter 7: Lesson 6. Creating and Running Scorecards


Lesson 7. Creating Reference

Tables from Profile Columns
This chapter includes the following topics:

Creating Reference Tables from Profile Columns Overview, 41

Task 1. Create a Reference Table from Profile Columns, 42

Task 2. Edit the Reference Table, 43

Creating Reference Tables from Profile Columns Summary, 43

Creating Reference Tables from Profile Columns

A reference table contains reference data that you can use to standardize source data. Reference data can
include valid and standard values. Create reference tables to establish relationships between source data
values and the valid and standard values.
You can create a reference table from the results of a profile. After you create a reference table, you can edit
the reference table to add columns or rows and add or edit standard and valid values. You can view the
changes made to a reference table in an audit trail.

HypoStores wants to profile the data to uncover anomalies and standardize the data with valid values. You
are the analyst who is responsible for standardizing the valid values in the data. You want to create a
reference table based on valid values from profile columns.

In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Create a reference table from the CustomerTier column in the Profile_LA_Customers_Custom profile by
selecting valid values for columns.


Edit the reference table to configure different valid values for columns.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:

You have completed lessons 1 through 6 in this tutorial.


Set aside 15 minutes to complete the tasks in this lesson.

Task 1. Create a Reference Table from Profile

In this task, you create a reference table and add the CustomerTier column from the
Profile_LA_Customers_Custom profile to the reference table.

Verify that you are in the Assets pane in theLibrary Navigator.

You can see the profile Profile_LA_Customers_Custom in the workspace.


Click Profile_LA_Customers_Custom profile to open the profile results in summary view.


In the summary view, select the CustomerTier column that you want to add to the reference table. Rightclick and select Add to Reference Table.
The Add to Reference Table dialog box appears.


Select Create a reference table.


Click Next.


In the Name field, enter Reftab_CustTier_HypoStores.


Enter a description and set 0 as the default value.

The Analyst tool uses the default value for any table record that does not contain a value.


Click Next.


In the Column Attributes section, configure the following column properties for the CustomerTier









Reference customer tier values


Optionally, choose to create a description column for rows in the reference table. Enter the name and
precision for the column.


Verify the CustomerTier column values in the Preview section.


Click Next.
The Reftab_CustomerTier_HypoStores reference table name appears. You can enter an optional


In the Save in section, select your tutorial project where you want to create the reference table.
The Reference Tables: panel lists the reference tables in the location you select.



Enter an optional audit note.

Chapter 8: Lesson 7. Creating Reference Tables from Profile Columns


Click Finish.

Task 2. Edit the Reference Table

In this task, you edit the Reftab_CustomerTier_HypoStores table to add alternate values for the customer

In the Library navigator, find the Reftab_CustomerTier_HypoStores reference table.


Click the Reftab_CustomerTier_HypoStores reference table.

The reference table opens in the Design workspace.


To edit a row, select the row and click Actions > Edit or click the Edit icon.
The Edit Row dialog box appears. Optionally, select multiple rows to add the same alternate value to
each row.


Enter the following alternate values for the Diamond, Emerald, Gold, Silver, and Bronze rows: 1, 2, 3, 4,
Enter an optional audit note.


Click Apply to apply the changes.


Click Close.
The changed reference table values appear in the Design workspace.

Creating Reference Tables from Profile Columns

In this lesson, you learned how to create reference tables from the results of a profile to configure valid
values for source data.
You created a reference table from a profile column by selecting valid values for columns. You edited the
reference table to configure different valid values for columns.

Task 2. Edit the Reference Table



Lesson 8. Creating Reference

This chapter includes the following topics:

Creating Reference Tables Overview, 44

Task 1. Create a Reference Table, 45

Creating Reference Tables Summary, 45

Creating Reference Tables Overview

A reference table contains reference data that you can use to standardize source data. Reference data can
include valid and standard values. Create reference tables to establish relationships between the source data
values and the valid and standard values.
You can manually create a reference table using the reference table editor. Use the reference table to define
and standardize the source data. You can share the reference table with a developer to use in Standardizer
and Lookup transformations in the Developer tool.

HypoStores wants to standardize data with valid values. You are the analyst who is responsible for
standardizing the valid values in the data. You want to create a reference table to define standard customer
tier codes that reference the LA customer data. You can then share the reference table with a developer.

In this lesson, you complete the following task:

Create a reference table using the reference table editor to define standard customer tier codes that
reference the LA customer data.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:

You have completed lessons 1 and 2 in this tutorial.

Set aside 10 minutes to complete the task in this lesson.


Task 1. Create a Reference Table

In this task, you will create the Reftab_CustomerTier_Codes reference table to standardize the valid values
for the customer tier data.

Click New > Reference Table.

The New Reference Table wizard appears.


Select Use the reference table editor.


Click Next.


For each column you want to include in the reference table, click the Add New Column icon and
configure the column properties for each column.
Add the following column names: CustomerID, CustomerTier, and Status. You can reorder the columns
or delete columns.


Enter an optional description and set the default value to 0.

The Analyst tool uses the default value for any table record that does not contain a value.


Click Next.


In the Name field, enter Reftab_CustomerTier_Codes.


In the Folders section, select the Customers folder in the tutorial project.


Click Finish.
The reference table appears in the Design workspace.


From the Actions menu, select Add Row to populate each reference table column with the following
four values:
CustomerID = LA1, LA2, LA3, LA4
CustomerTier = 1, 2, 3, 4.
Status= Active, Inactive

Creating Reference Tables Summary

In this lesson, you learned how to create reference tables using the reference table editor to create standard
valid values to use with source data.
You created a reference table using the reference table editor to standardize the customer tier values for the
LA customer data.

Task 1. Create a Reference Table


Part II: Getting Started with

Informatica Developer
This part contains the following chapters:


Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica Developer, 47

Lesson 2: Importing Physical Data Objects, 51

Lesson 3. Run a Profile on Source Data, 55

Lesson 4. Parsing Data, 60

Lesson 5. Standardizing Data , 67

Lesson 6. Validating Address Data, 73


Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica

This chapter includes the following topics:

Setting Up Informatica Developer Overview, 47

Task 1. Start Informatica Developer, 48

Task 2. Add a Domain, 48

Task 3. Add a Model Repository, 49

Task 4. Create a Project, 49

Task 5. Create a Folder, 49

Task 6. Select a Default Data Integration Service, 50

Setting Up Informatica Developer Summary, 50

Setting Up Informatica Developer Overview

Before you start the lessons in this tutorial, you must start and set up the Developer tool. To set up the
Developer tool, you add a domain. You add a Model repository that is in the domain, and you create a project
and folder to store your work. You also select a default Data Integration Service.
The Informatica domain is a collection of nodes and services that define the Informatica environment.
Services in the domain include the Model Repository Service and the Data Integration Service.
The Model Repository Service manages the Model repository. The Model repository is a relational database
that stores the metadata for projects that you create in the Developer tool. A project stores objects that you
create in the Developer tool. A project can also contain folders that store related objects, such as objects that
are part of the same business requirement.
The Data Integration Service performs data integration tasks in the Developer tool.

In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Start the Developer tool and go to the Developer tool workbench.

Add a domain in the Developer tool.

Add a Model repository so that you can create a project.

Create a project to store the objects that you create in the Developer tool.


Create a folder in the project that can store related objects.

Select a default Data Integration Service to perform data integration tasks.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisites:

You have installed the Developer tool.

You have a domain name, host name, and port number to connect to a domain. You can get this
information from a domain administrator.

A domain administrator has configured a Model Repository Service in the Administrator tool.

You have a user name and password to access the Model Repository Service. You can get this
information from a domain administrator.

A domain administrator has configured a Data Integration Service.

The Data Integration Service is running.

Set aside 5 to 10 minutes to complete the tasks in this lesson.

Task 1. Start Informatica Developer

Start the Developer tool to begin the tutorial.

Start the Developer tool.

The Welcome page of the Developer tool appears.


Click the Workbench button.

The Developer tool workbench appears.

Task 2. Add a Domain

In this task, you add a domain in the Developer tool to access a Model repository.

Click Window > Preferences.

The Preferences dialog box appears.


Select Informatica > Domains.


Click Add.
The New Domain dialog box appears.



Enter the domain name, host name, and port number.


Click Finish.


Click OK.

Chapter 10: Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica Developer

Task 3. Add a Model Repository

In this task, you add the Model repository that you want to use to store projects and folders.

Click File > Connect to Repository.

The Connect to Repository dialog box appears.


Click Browse to select a Model Repository Service.


Click OK.


Click Next.


Enter your user name and password.


Select a namespace.


Click Finish.
The Model repository appears in the Object Explorer view.

Task 4. Create a Project

In this task, you create a project to store objects that you create in the Developer tool. You can create one
project for all tutorials in this guide.

In the Object Explorer view, select a Model Repository Service.


Click File > New > Project.

The New Project dialog box appears.


Enter your name prefixed by "Tutorial_" as the name of the project.


Click Finish.
The project appears under the Model Repository Service in the Object Explorer view.

Task 5. Create a Folder

In this task, you create a folder to store related objects. You can create one folder for all tutorials in this

In the Object Explorer view, select the project that you want to add the folder to.


Click File > New > Folder.


Enter a name for the folder.


Click Finish.
The Developer tool adds the folder under the project in the Object Explorer view. Expand the project to
see the folder.

Task 3. Add a Model Repository


Task 6. Select a Default Data Integration Service

In this task, you select a default Data Integration Service so you can run mappings and preview data.

Click Window > Preferences.

The Preferences dialog box appears.


Select Informatica > Data Integration Services.


Expand the domain.


Select a Data Integration Service.


Click Set as Default.


Click OK.

Setting Up Informatica Developer Summary

In this lesson, you learned that the Informatica domain includes the Model Repository Service and Data
Integration Service. The Model Repository Service manages the Model repository. A Model repository
contains projects and folders. The Data Integration Service performs data integration tasks.
You started the Developer tool and set up the Developer tool. You added a domain to the Developer tool,
added a Model repository, and created a project and folder. You also selected a default Data Integration
Now, you can use the Developer tool to complete other lessons in this tutorial.


Chapter 10: Lesson 1. Setting Up Informatica Developer


Lesson 2: Importing Physical

Data Objects
This chapter includes the following topics:

Importing Physical Data Objects Overview, 51

Task 1. Import the Boston_Customers Flat File Data Object, 52

Task 2. Import the LA_Customers Flat File Data Object, 52

Task 3. Importing the All_Customers Flat File Data Object, 53

Importing Physical Data Objects Summary, 54

Importing Physical Data Objects Overview

A physical data object is a representation of data based on a flat file or relational database table. You can
import a flat file or relational database table as a physical data object to use as a source or target in a

HypoStores Corporation stores customer data from the Los Angeles office and Boston office in flat files. You
want to work with this customer data in the Developer tool. To do this, you need to import each flat file as a
physical data object.

In this lesson, you import flat files as physical data objects. You also set the source file directory so that the
Data Integration Service can read the source data from the correct directory.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:

You have completed lesson 1 in this tutorial.

Set aside 10 to 15 minutes to complete the tasks in this lesson.


Task 1. Import the Boston_Customers Flat File Data

In this task, you import a physical data object from a file that contains customer data from the Boston office.

In the Object Explorer view, select the tutorial project.


Click File > New > Data Object.

The New dialog box appears.


Select Physical Data Objects > Flat File Data Objectand click Next.
The New Flat File Data Object dialog box appears.


Select Create from an Existing Flat File.


Click Browse and navigate to Boston_Customers.csv in the following directory: <Informatica

Installation Directory>\clients\DeveloperClient\Tutorials


Click Open.
The wizard names the data object Boston_Customers.


Click Next.


Verify that the code page is MS Windows Latin 1 (ANSI), superset of Latin 1.


Verify that the format is delimited.


Click Next.


Verify that the delimiter is set to comma.


Select Import column names from first line.


Click Finish.
The Boston_Customers physical data object appears under Physical Data Objects in the tutorial


Click the Read view and select the Output transformation.


Click the Runtime tab on the Properties view.


Set the Source File Directory to the following directory on the Data Integration Service machine:
<Informatica Installation Directory>\server\Tutorials


Click File > Save.

Task 2. Import the LA_Customers Flat File Data

In this task, you import a physical data object from a flat file that contains customer data from the Los
Angeles office.

In the Object Explorer view, select the tutorial project.


Click File > New > Data Object.

The New dialog box appears.


Select Physical Data Objects > Flat File Data Object and click Next.
The New Flat File Data Object dialog box appears.


Chapter 11: Lesson 2: Importing Physical Data Objects


Select Create from an Existing Flat File.


Click Browse and navigate to LA_Customers.csv in the following directory: <Informatica

Installation Directory>\clients\DeveloperClient\Tutorials


Click Open.
The wizard names the data object LA_Customers.


Click Next.


Verify that the code page is MS Windows Latin 1 (ANSI), superset of Latin 1.


Verify that the format is delimited.


Click Next.


Verify that the delimiter is set to comma.


Select Import column names from first line.


Click Finish.
The LA_Customers physical data object appears under Physical Data Objects in the tutorial project.


Click the Read view and select the Output transformation.


Click the Runtime tab on the Properties view.


Set the Source File Directory to the following directory on the Data Integration Service machine:
<Informatica Installation Directory>\server\Tutorials


Click File > Save.

Task 3. Importing the All_Customers Flat File Data

In this task, you import a physical data object from a flat file that combines the customer order data from the
Los Angeles and Boston offices.

In the Object Explorer view, select the tutorial project.


Click File > New > Data Object.

The New dialog box appears.


Select Physical Data Objects > Flat File Data Object and click Next.
The New Flat File Data Source dialog box appears.


Select Create from an Existing Flat File.


Click Browse and navigate to All_Customers.csv in the following directory: <Informatica Installation


Click Open.
The wizard names the data object All_Customers.


Click Next.


Verify that the code page is MS Windows Latin 1 (ANSI), superset of Latin 1.


Verify that the format is delimited.


Click Next.


Verify that the delimiter is set to comma.

Task 3. Importing the All_Customers Flat File Data Object



Select Import column names from first line.


Click Finish.
The All_Customers physical data object appears under Physical Data Objects in the tutorial project.


Click the Read view and select the Output transformation.


Click the Runtime tab on the Properties view.


Set the Source File Directory to the following directory on the Data Integration Service machine:
<Informatica Installation Directory>\server\Tutorials


Click File > Save.

Importing Physical Data Objects Summary

In this lesson, you learned that physical data objects are representations of data based on a flat file or a
relational database table.
You created physical data objects from flat files. You also set the source file directory so that the Data
Integration Service can read the source data from the correct directory.
You use the data objects as mapping sources in the data quality lessons.


Chapter 11: Lesson 2: Importing Physical Data Objects


Lesson 3. Run a Profile on

Source Data
This chapter includes the following topics:

Profiling Data Overview, 55

Task 1. Perform a Join Analysis on Two Data Sources, 56

Task 2. View Join Analysis Results, 57

Task 3. Run a Profile on a Data Source, 57

Task 4. View Column Profiling Results, 58

Profiling Data Summary, 58

Profiling Data Overview

A profile is a set of metadata that describes the content and structure of a dataset.
Data profiling is often the first step in a project. You can run a profile to evaluate the structure of data and
verify that data columns are populated with the types of information you expect. If a profile reveals problems
in data, you can define steps in your project to fix those problems. For example, if a profile reveals that a
column contains values of greater than expected length, you can design data quality processes to remove or
fix the problem values.
A profile that analyzes the data quality of selected columns is called a column profile.
Note: You can also use the Developer tool to discover primary key, foreign key, and functional dependency
relationships, and to analyze join conditions on data columns.
A column profile provides the following facts about data:

The number of unique and null values in each column, expressed as a number and a percentage.

The patterns of data in each column, and the frequencies with which these values occur.

Statistics about the column values, such as the maximum and minimum lengths of values and the first and
last values in each column.

For join analysis profiles, the degree of overlap between two data columns, displayed as a Venn diagram
and as a percentage value. Use join analysis profiles to identify possible problems with column join


You can run a column profile at any stage in a project to measure data quality and to verify that changes to
the data meet your project objectives. You can run a column profile on a transformation in a mapping to
indicate the effect that the transformation will have on data.

HypoStores wants to verify that customer data is free from errors, inconsistencies, and duplicate information.
Before HypoStores designs the processes to deliver the data quality objectives, it needs to measure the
quality of its source data files and confirm that the data is ready to process.

In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Perform a join analysis on the Boston_Customers data source and the LA_Customers data source.

View the results of the join analysis to determine whether or not you can successfully merge data from the
two offices.

Run a column profile on the All_Customers data source.

View the column profiling results to observe the values and patterns contained in the data.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:

You have completed lessons 1 and 2 in this tutorial.

Time Required

Set aside 20 minutes to complete this lesson.

Task 1. Perform a Join Analysis on Two Data

In this task, you perform a join analysis on the Boston_Customers and LA_Customers data sources to view
the join conditions.

Select the tutorial folder and click File > New > Profile.


Select Enterprise Discovery Profile.


Click Next.


In the Name field, enter Tutorial_Profile.


Click Finish.
The Tutorial_Profile profile appears in the Object Explorer.


Drag the Boston_Customers and LA_Customers data sources to the editor on the right.
Tip: Hold down the Shift key to select multiple data objects.


Right-click a data object name and select Join Profile.

The New Join Profile wizard appears.


In the Name field, enter JoinAnalysis.


Verify that Boston_Customers and LA_Customers appear as data objects, and click Next.



Verify that the CustomerID column is selected in both data sources.

Chapter 12: Lesson 3. Run a Profile on Source Data

Scroll down the wizard pane to view the columns in both data sets.
Click Next.

Click Add to add join conditions.

The Join Condition dialog box appears.


In the Columns section, click Add row.


Double-click the first row in the left column and select CustomerID.


Double-click the first row in the right column and select CustomerID.


Click OK, and click Finish.


If the Developer tools prompts you to save the changes, click Yes.
The Developer tool runs the profile.

Note: Do not close the profile. You view the profile results in the next task.

Task 2. View Join Analysis Results

In this task, you view the join analysis results in the Join Result view of the JoinAnalysis profile.

Click the JoinAnalysis tab in the editor.


In the Join Result section, click the first row.

The Details section displays a Venn diagram and the color key that details the results of the join


Verify that the Join Rows column shows zero as the number of rows that contain a join.
This value indicates that CustomerID fields do not have duplicates. You can successfully merge the two
data sources.


To view the CustomerID values for the LA_Customers data object, double-click the circle named
LA_Customers in the Venn diagram.
Tip: Double-click the circles in the Venn diagram to view the data rows. If the circles intersect in the
Venn diagram, double-click the intersection to view data values common to both data sets.
The Data Viewer displays the CustomerID values from the LA_Customers data object.

Task 3. Run a Profile on a Data Source

In this task, you run a profile on the All_Customers data source to view the content and structure of the data.

In the Object Explorer view, browse to the data objects in your tutorial project.


Select the All_Customers data source.


Click File > New > Profile.

The New dialog box appears.


Select Profile.


Click Next.


In the Name field, enter All_Customers.

Task 2. View Join Analysis Results



Click Finish.
The All_Customers profile opens in the editor and the profile runs.

Task 4. View Column Profiling Results

In this task, you view the column profiling results for the All_Customers data object and examine the values
and patterns contained in the data.

Click Window > Show View > Progress to view the progress of the All_Customers profile.
The Progress view opens.


When the Progress view reports that the All_Customers profile finishes running, click the Results view in
the editor.


In the Column Profiling section, click the CustomerTier column.

The Details section displays all values contained in the CustomerTier column and displays information
about how frequently the values occur in the data set.


In the Details section, double-click Ruby.

The Data Viewer runs and displays the records where the CustomerTier column contains the value


In the Column Profiling section, click the OrderAmount column.


In the Details section, click the Show list and select Patterns.
The Details section shows the patterns found in the OrderAmount column. The string 9(5) in the Pattern
column refers to records that contain five-figure order amounts. The string 9(4) refers to records
containing four-figure order amounts.


In the Pattern column, double-click the string 9(4).

The Data Viewer runs and displays the records where the OrderAmount column contains a four-figure
order amount.


In the Details section, click the Show list and select Statistics.
The Details section shows statistics for the OrderAmount column including the average value, standard
deviation, maximum and minimum lengths, the five most common values, and the five least common

Profiling Data Summary

In this lesson, you learned that a profile provides information about the content and structure of the data.
You learned that you can perform a join analysis on two data objects and view the degree of overlap between
the data objects. You also learned that you can run a column profile on a data object and view values,
patterns, and statistics that relate to each column in the data object.
You created the JoinAnalysis profile to determine whether data from the Boston_Customers data object can
merge with the data in the LA_Customers data object. You viewed the results of this profile and determined
that all values in the CustomerID column are unique and that you can merge the data objects successfully.


Chapter 12: Lesson 3. Run a Profile on Source Data

You created the All_Customers profile and ran a column profile on the All_Customers data object. You
viewed the results of this profile to discover values, patterns, and statistics for columns in the All_Customers
data object. Finally, you ran the Data Viewer to view rows containing values and patterns that you selected,
enabling you to verify the quality of the data.

Profiling Data Summary



Lesson 4. Parsing Data

This chapter includes the following topics:

Parsing Data Overview, 60

Task 1. Create a Target Data Object, 61

Task 2. Create a Mapping to Parse Data, 63

Task 3. Run a Profile on the Parser Transformation, 65

Task 4. Run the Mapping, 65

Task 5. View the Mapping Output, 65

Parsing Data Summary, 66

Parsing Data Overview

You parse data to identify one or more data elements in an input field and to write each element to a different
output field.
Parsing allows you to have greater control over the information in each column. For example, consider a data
field that contains a person's full name, Bob Smith. You can use the Parser transformation to split the full
name into separate data columns for the first name and last name. After you parse the data into new
columns, you can create custom data quality operations for each column.
You can configure the Parser transformation to use token sets to parse data columns into component strings.
A token set identifies data elements such as words, ZIP codes, phone numbers, and Social Security
You can also use the Parser transformation to parse data that matches reference table entries or custom
regular expressions that you enter.

HypoStores wants the format of customer data files from the Los Angeles office to match the format of the
data files from the Boston office. The customer data from the Los Angeles office stores the customer name in
a FullName column, while the customer data from the Boston office stores the customer name in separate
FirstName and LastName columns. HypoStores needs to parse the Los Angeles FullName column data into
first names and last names so that the format of the Los Angeles data will match the format of the Boston


In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Create and configure an LA_Customers_tgt data object to contain parsed data.

Create a mapping to parse the FullName column into separate FirstName and LastName columns.

Add the LA_Customers data object to the mapping to connect to the source data.

Add the LA_Customers_tgt data object to the mapping to create a target data object.

Add a Parser transformation to the mapping and configure it to use a token set to parse full names into
first names and last names.

Run a profile on the Parser transformation to review the data before you generate the target data source.

Run the mapping to generate parsed names.

Run the Data Viewer to view the mapping output.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:

You have completed lessons 1 and 2 in this tutorial.

Set aside 20 minutes to complete the tasks in this lesson.

Task 1. Create a Target Data Object

In this task, you create an LA_Customers_tgt data object that you can write parsed names to.
To create a target data object, complete the following steps:

Create an LA_Customers_tgt data object based on the LA_Customers.csv file.


Configure the read and write options for the data object, including file locations and file names.


Add Firstname and Lastname columns to the LA_Customers_tgt data object.

Step 1. Create an LA_Customers_tgt Data Object

In this step, you create an LA_Customers_tgt data object based on the LA_Customers.csv file.

Click File > New > Data Object.

The New window opens.


Select Flat File Data Object and click Next.


Verify that Create from an existing flat file is selected.


Click Browse and navigate to LA_Customers.csv in the following directory: <Informatica

Installation Directory>\clients\DeveloperClient\Tutorials


Click Open.


In the Name field, enter LA_Customers_tgt.


Click Next.


Click Next.

Task 1. Create a Target Data Object



In the Preview Options section, select Import column names from first line and click Next.
Click Finish.
The LA_Customers_tgt data object appears in the editor.

Step 2. Configure Read and Write Options

In this step, you configure the read and write options for the LA_Customers_tgt data object, including file
locations and file names.

Verify that the LA_Customers_tgt data object is open in the editor.


In the editor, select the Read view.


Click Window > Show View > Properties.


In the Properties view, select the Runtime view.


In the Value column, double-click the source file name and type LA_Customers_tgt.csv.


In the Value column, double-click to highlight the source file directory.


Right-click the highlighted name and select Copy.


In the editor, select the Write view.


In the Properties view, select the Runtime view.


In the Value column, double-click the Output file directory entry.


Right-click and select Paste to paste the directory location you copied from the Read view.


In the Value column, double-click the Header options entry and choose Output Field Names.


In the Value column, double-click the Output file name entry and type LA_Customers_tgt.csv.


Click File > Save to save the data object.

Step 3. Add Columns to the Data Object

In this step, you add Firstname and Lastname columns to the LA_Customers_tgt data object.

In the Object Explorer view, browse to the data objects in your tutorial project.


Double-click the LA_Customers_tgt data object.

The LA_Customers_tgt data object opens in the editor.


Verify that the Overview view is selected.


Select the FullName column and click the New button to add a column.
A column named FullName1 appears.


Rename the column to Firstname. Click the Precision field and enter "30."


Select the Firstname column and click the New button to add a column.
A column named FirstName1 appears.



Rename the column to Lastname. Click the Precision field and enter "30."


Click File > Save to save the data object .

Chapter 13: Lesson 4. Parsing Data

Task 2. Create a Mapping to Parse Data

In this task, you create a mapping and configure it to use data objects and a Parser transformation.
To create a mapping to parse data, complete the following steps:

Create a mapping.


Add source and target data objects to the mapping.


Add a Parser transformation to the mapping.


Configure the Parser transformation to parse the source column containing the full customer name into
separate target columns containing the first name and last name.

Step 1. Create a Mapping

In this step, you create and name the mapping.

In the Object Explorer view, select your tutorial project.


Click File > New > Mapping.

The New Mapping window opens.


In the Name field, enter ParserMapping.


Click Finish.
The mapping opens in the editor.

Step 2. Add Data Objects to the Mapping

In this step, you add the LA_Customers data object and the LA_Customers_tgt data object to the mapping.

In the Object Explorer view, browse to the data objects in your tutorial project.


Select the LA_Customers data object and drag it to the editor.

The Add Physical Data Object to Mapping window opens.


Verify that Read is selected and click OK.

The data object appears in the editor.


In the Object Explorer view, browse to the data objects in your tutorial project.


Select the LA_Customers_tgt data object and drag it to the editor.

The Add Physical Data Object to Mapping window opens.


Select Write and click OK.

The data object appears in the editor.


Select the CustomerID, CustomerTier, and FullName ports in the LA_Customers data object. Drag the
ports to the CustomerID port in the LA_Customers_tgt data object.
Tip: Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple ports.
The ports of the LA_Customers data object connect to corresponding ports in the LA_Customers_tgt data

Task 2. Create a Mapping to Parse Data


Step 3. Add a Parser Transformation to the Mapping

In this step, you add a Parser transformation to the ParserMapping mapping.

Select the editor containing the ParserMapping mapping.


In the Transformation palette, select the Parser transformation.


Click the editor.

The New Parser Transformation window opens.


Verify that Token Parser is selected and click Finish.

The Parser transformation appears in the editor.


Select the FullName port in the LA_Customers data object and drag the port to the Input group of the
Parser transformation.
The FullName port appears in the Parser transformation and is connected to the FullName port in the
data object.

Step 4. Configure the Parser Transformation

In this step, you configure the Parser transformation to parse the column containing the full customer name
into separate columns that contain the first name and last name.

Select the editor containing the ParserMapping mapping.


Click the Parser transformation.


Click Window > Show View > Properties.


In the Properties view, select the Strategies view.


Click New. The New Strategy wizard displays.


Click the selection arrow in the Inputs column, and choose the FullName port.


Select the character space delimiter [\s].


Click Next.


Select the Parse using Token Set operation, and click Next.


Select Fixed Token Sets (Single Output Only) and choose the Undefined token set.


Click the Outputs field and select New.


In the Operation Outputs dialog box, change the output name to Undefined_Output.


Click Finish.


In the Parser transformation, click the Undefined_Output port and drag it to the FirstName port in the
LA_customers_tgt data object.
A connection appears between the ports.


In the Parser transformation, click the OverflowField port and drag it to the LastName port in the
LA_customers_tgt data object.
A connection appears between the ports.



Click File > Save to save the mapping.

Chapter 13: Lesson 4. Parsing Data

Task 3. Run a Profile on the Parser Transformation

In this task, you run a profile on the Parser transformation to verify that you configured the Parser
transformation to parse the full name correctly.

Select the editor containing the ParserMapping mapping.


Right-click the Parser transformation and select Profile Now.

The profile runs and opens in the editor.


In the editor, click the Results view to display the result of the profiling operation.


Select the Undefined_output column to display information about the column in the Details section.
The values contained in the Undefined_output column appear in the Details section, along with
frequency and percentage statistics for each value.


View the data and verify that only first names appear in the Undefined_output column.

Task 4. Run the Mapping

In this task, you run the mapping to create the mapping output.

Select the editor containing the ParserMapping mapping.


Click Run > Run Mapping.

The mapping runs and writes output to the LA_Customers_tgt.csv file.

Task 5. View the Mapping Output

In this task, you run the Data Viewer to view the mapping output.

In the Object Explorer view, locate the LA_Customers_tgt data object in your tutorial project and double
click the data object.
The data object opens in the editor.


Click Window > Show View > Data Viewer.

The Data Viewer view opens.


In the Data Viewer view, click Run.

The Data Viewer runs and displays the data.


Verify that the FirstName and LastName columns display correctly parsed data.

Task 3. Run a Profile on the Parser Transformation


Parsing Data Summary

In this lesson, you learned that parsing data identifies the data elements in an input field and writes each
element to a new column.
You learned that you use the Parser transformation to parse data. You also learned that you can create a
profile for a transformation in a mapping to analyze the output from that transformation. Finally, you learned
that you can view mapping output using the Data Viewer.
You created and configured the LA_Customers_tgt data object to contain parsed output. You created a
mapping to parse the data. In this mapping, you configured a Parser transformation with a token set to parse
first names and last names from the FullName column in the Los Angeles customer file. You configured the
mapping to write the parsed data to the Firstname and Lastname columns in the LA_Customers_tgt data
object. You also ran a profile to view the output of the transformation before you ran the mapping. Finally,
you ran the mapping and used the Data Viewer to view the new data columns in the LA_Customers_tgt data


Chapter 13: Lesson 4. Parsing Data


Lesson 5. Standardizing Data

This chapter includes the following topics:

Standardizing Data Overview, 67

Task 1. Create a Target Data Object, 68

Task 2. Create a Mapping to Standardize Data, 69

Task 3. Run the Mapping, 71

Task 4. View the Mapping Output, 72

Standardizing Data Summary, 72

Standardizing Data Overview

Standardizing data improves data quality by removing errors and inconsistencies in the data.
To improve data quality, standardize data that contains the following types of values:

Incorrect values

Values with correct information in the wrong format

Values from which you want to derive new information

Use the Standardizer transformation to search for these values in data. You can choose one of the following
search operation types:

Text. Search for custom strings that you enter. Remove these strings or replace them with custom text.

Reference table. Search for strings contained in a reference table that you select. Remove these strings,
or replace them with reference table entries or custom text.

For example, you can configure the Standardizer transformation to standardize address data containing the
custom strings Street and St. using the replacement string ST. The Standardizer transformation replaces
the search terms with the term ST. and writes the result to a new data column.

HypoStores needs to standardize its customer address data so that all addresses use terms consistently. The
address data in the All_Customers data object contains inconsistently formatted entries for common terms
such as Street, Boulevard, Avenue, Drive, and Park.


In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Create and configure an All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object to contain standardized data.

Create a mapping to standardize the address terms Street, Boulevard, Avenue, Drive, and Park to a
consistent format.

Add the All_Customers data object to the mapping to connect to the source data.

Add the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object to the mapping to create a target data object.

Add a Standardizer transformation to the mapping and configure it to standardize the address terms.

Run the mapping to generate standardized address data.

Run the Data Viewer to view the mapping output.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisite:

You have completed lessons 1 and 2 in this tutorial.

Set aside 15 minutes to complete this lesson.

Task 1. Create a Target Data Object

In this task, you create an All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object that you can write standardized data to.
To create a target data object, complete the following steps:

Create an All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object based on the All_Customers.csv file.


Configure the read and write options for the data object, including file locations and file names.

Step 1. Create an All_Customers_Stdz_tgt Data Object

In this step, you create an All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object based on the All_Customers.csv file.

Click File > New > Data Object.

The New window opens.



Select Flat File Data Object and click Next.


Verify that Create from an existing flat file is selected.


Click Browse and navigate to All_Customers.csv in the following directory: <Informatica

Installation Directory>\clients\DeveloperClient\Tutorials


Click Open.


In the Name field, enter All_Customers_Stdz_tgt.


Click Next.


Click Next.


In the Preview Options section, select Import column names from first line and click Next.

Chapter 14: Lesson 5. Standardizing Data


Click Finish.
The All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object appears in the editor.

Step 2. Configure Read and Write Options

In this step, you configure the read and write options for the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object, including
file locations and file names.

Verify that the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object is open in the editor.


In the editor, select the Read view.


Click Window > Show View > Properties.


In the Properties view, select the Runtime view.


In the Value column, double-click the source file name and type All_Customers_Stdz_tgt.csv.


In the Value column, double-click the Source file directory entry.


Right-click the highlighted name and select Copy.


In the editor, select the Write view.


In the Properties view, select the Runtime view.


In the Value column, double-click the Output file directory entry.


Right-click and select Paste to paste the directory location you copied from the Read view.


In the Value column, double-click the Header options entry and choose Output Field Names.


In the Value column, double-click the Output file name entry and type All_Customers_Stdz_tgt.csv.


Click File > Save to save the data object.

Task 2. Create a Mapping to Standardize Data

In this task, you create a mapping and configure the mapping to use data objects and a Standardizer
To create a mapping to standardize data, complete the following steps:

Create a mapping.


Add source and target data objects to the mapping.


Add a Standardizer transformation to the mapping.


Configure the Standardizer transformation to standardize common address terms to consistent formats.

Step 1. Create a Mapping

In this step, you create and name the mapping.

In the Object Explorer view, select your tutorial project.


Click File > New > Mapping.

The New Mapping window opens.


In the Name field, enter StandardizerMapping.

Task 2. Create a Mapping to Standardize Data



Click Finish.
The mapping opens in the editor.

Step 2. Add Data Objects to the Mapping

In this step, you add the All_Customers data object and the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object to the

In the Object Explorer view, browse to the data objects in your tutorial project.


Select the All_Customers data object and drag it to the editor.

The Add Physical Data Object to Mapping window opens.


Verify that Read is selected and click OK.

The data object appears in the editor.


In the Object Explorer view, browse to the data objects in your tutorial project.


Select the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object and drag it to the editor.

The Add Physical Data Object to Mapping window opens.


Select Write and click OK.

The data object appears in the editor.


Select all ports in the All_Customers data object. Drag the ports to the CustomerID port in the
All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object.
Tip: Hold down the Shift key to select multiple ports. You might need to scroll down the list of ports to
select all of them.
The ports of the All_Customers data object connect to corresponding ports in the
All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object.

Step 3. Add a Standardizer Transformation to the Mapping

In this step, you add a Standardizer transformation to standardize strings in the address data.

Select the editor that contains the StandardizerMapping mapping.


In the Transformation palette, select the Standardizer transformation.


Click the editor.

A Standardizer transformation named NewStandardizer appears in the mapping.


To rename the Standardizer transformation, double-click the title bar of the transformation and type


Select the Address1 port in the All_Customers data object, and drag the port to the Input group of the
Standardizer transformation.
A port named Address1 appears in the input group. The port connects to the Address1 port in the
All_Customers data object.

Note: You add an output port to the transformation when you configure a standardization strategy.


Chapter 14: Lesson 5. Standardizing Data

Step 4. Configure the Standardizer Transformation

In this step, you configure the Standardizer transformation to standardize address terms in the source data.
Note: You will define five standardization operations in this task. Each operation replaces a string in the input
column with a new string.

Select the editor that contains the StandardizerMapping mapping.


Click the Standardizer transformation.


Click Window > Show View > Properties.


In the Properties view, select Strategies.


Click New. The New Strategy wizard displays.


Click the selection arrow in the Inputs column, and choose the Address1 input port.
The Outputs field shows Address1 as the output port.


Select the character space and comma delimiters [\s] and [,]. Optionally, select the options to remove
trailing spaces.


Click Next.


Select the Replace custom strings operation, and click Next.


Under Properties, click New.


Edit the Custom Strings and Replace With fields so that they contain the first pair of strings from the
following table:
Custom Strings

Replace With












Repeat steps 9 through 12 to define standardization operations for all strings in the table.


Drag the Address1 output port to the Address1 port in the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object.


Click File > Save to save the mapping.

Task 3. Run the Mapping

In this task, you run the mapping to write standardized addresses to the output data object.

Select the editor containing the StandardizerMapping mapping.


Click Run > Run Mapping.

The mapping runs and writes output to the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt.csv file.

Task 3. Run the Mapping


Task 4. View the Mapping Output

In this task, you run the data viewer to view the mapping output and verify that the address data is correctly

In the Object Explorer view, locate the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object in your tutorial project and
double-click the data object.
The data object opens in the editor.


Click Window > Show View > Data Viewer.

The Data Viewer view opens.


In the Data Viewer view, click Run.

The Data Viewer displays the mapping output.


Verify that the Address1 column displays correctly standardized data. For example, all instances of the
string STREET should be replaced with the string ST.

Standardizing Data Summary

In this lesson, you learned that you can standardize data to remove errors and inconsistencies in the data.
You learned that you can use a Standardizer transformation to standardize strings in an input column. You
also learned that you can view mapping output using the Data Viewer.
You created and configured the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object to contain standardized output. You
created a mapping to standardize the data. In this mapping, you configured a Standardizer transformation to
standardize the Address1 column in the All_Customers data object. You configured the mapping to write the
standardized output to the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object. Finally, you ran the mapping and used the
Data Viewer to view the standardized data in the All_Customers_Stdz_tgt data object.


Chapter 14: Lesson 5. Standardizing Data


Lesson 6. Validating Address

This chapter includes the following topics:

Validating Address Data Overview, 73

Task 1. Create a Target Data Object , 74

Task 2. Create a Mapping to Validate Addresses, 76

Task 3. Configure the Address Validator Transformation, 77

Task 4. Run the Mapping, 80

Task 5. View the Mapping Output, 80

Validating Address Data Summary, 83

Validating Address Data Overview

Address validation is the process of evaluating and improving the quality of postal addresses. It evaluates
address quality by comparing input addresses with a reference dataset of valid addresses. It improves
address quality by identifying incorrect address values and using the reference dataset to create fields that
contain correct values.
An address is valid when it is deliverable. An address may be well formatted and contain real street, city, and
post code information, but if the data does not result in a deliverable address then the address is not valid.
The Developer tool uses address reference datasets to check the deliverability of input addresses.
Informatica provides address reference datasets.
An address reference dataset contains data that describes all deliverable addresses in a country. The
address validation process searches the reference dataset for the address that most closely resembles the
input address data. If the process finds a close match in the reference dataset, it writes new values for any
incorrect or incomplete data values. The process creates a set of alphanumeric codes that describe the type
of match found between the input address and the reference addresses. It can also restructure the address,
and it can add information that is absent from the input address, such as a four-digit ZIP code suffix for a
United States address.
Use the Address Validator transformation to build address validation processes in the Developer tool. This
multi-group transformation contains a set of predefined input ports and output ports that correspond to all
possible fields in an input address. When you configure an Address Validator transformation, you select the
default reference dataset, and you create an input and output address structure using the transformation
ports. In this lesson you configure the transformation to validate United States address data.


HypoStores needs correct and complete address data to ensure that its direct mail campaigns and other
consumer mail items reach its customers. Correct and complete address data also reduces the cost of
mailing operations for the organization. In addition, HypoStores needs its customer data to include addresses
in a printable format that is flexible enough to include addresses of different lengths.
To meet these business requirements, the HypoStores ICC team creates an address validation mapping in
the Developer tool.

In this lesson, you complete the following tasks:

Create a target data object that will contain the validated address fields and match codes.

Create a mapping with a source data object, a target data object, and an Address Validator

Configure the Address Validator transformation to validate the address data of your customers.

Run the mapping to validate the address data, and review the match code outputs to verify the validity of
the address data.

Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisites:

You have completed lessons 1 and 2 in this tutorial.

United States address reference data is installed in the domain and registered with the Administrator tool.
Contact your Informatica administrator to verify that United States address data is installed on your
system. The reference data installs through the Data Quality Content Installer.

Set aside 25 minutes to complete this lesson.

Task 1. Create a Target Data Object

In this task, you create a target data object, configure the write options, and add ports.
To create and configure the target data object, complete the following steps:

Create an All_Customers_av_tgt data object based on the All_Customers.csv file.


Configure the read and write options for the data object, including the file locations and file names.


Add ports to the data object to receive the match code values generated by the Address Validator

Step 1. Create the All_Customers_av_tgt Data Object

In this step, you create an All_Customers_av_tgt data object based on the All_Customers.csv file.

Click File > New > Data Object.

The New window opens.



Select Flat File Data Object and click Next.

Chapter 15: Lesson 6. Validating Address Data


Verify that Create from an existing flat file is selected. Click Browse next to this selection, find the
All_Customers.csv file, and click Open.


In the Name field, enter All_Customers_av_tgt.


Click Next.


Click Next.


In the Preview Options section, select Import column names from first line and click Next.


Click Finish.
The All_Customers_av_tgt data object appears in the editor.

Step 2. Configure Read and Write Options

In this step, you configure the read and write options for the All_Customers_av_tgt data object, including
the target file name and location.

Verify that the All_Customers_av_tgt data object is open in the editor.


In the editor, select the Read view.


Select Window > Show View > Properties.


In the Properties view, select the Runtime view.


In the Value column, double-click the source file name and type All_Customers_av_tgt.csv.


In the Value column, double-click to highlight the source file directory path.


Right-click the highlighted path and name and select Copy.


In the editor, select the Write view.


In the Properties view, select the Runtime view.


In the Value column, double-click the Output file directory entry.


Right-click this entry and select Paste to add the path you copied from the Read view.


In the Value column, double-click the Header options entry and choose Output Field Names.


In the Value column, double-click the Output file name entry and type All_Customers_av_tgt.csv.


Select File > Save to save the data object.

Step 3. Add Ports to the Data Object

In this step, you add two ports to the All_Customers_av_tgt data object so that the Address Validator
transformation can write match code values to the target file. Name the ports MailabilityScore and
The MailabilityScore value describes the deliverability of the input address. The MatchCode value
describes the type of match the transformation makes between the input address and the reference data

In the Object Explorer view, browse to the data objects in your tutorial project.


Double-click the All_Customers_av_tgt data object.

The All_Customers_av_tgt data object opens in the editor.


Verify that Overview is selected.


Select the final port in the port list. This port is named MiscDate.


Click New.

Task 1. Create a Target Data Object


A port named MiscDate1 appears.


Rename the MiscDate1 port to MailabilityScore.


Select the MailabilityScore port.


Click New.
A port named MailabilityScore1 appears.


Rename the MailabilityScore1port to MatchCode.

Click File > Save to save the data object.

Task 2. Create a Mapping to Validate Addresses

In this task, you create a mapping and add data objects and an Address Validator transformation.
To create the mapping and add the objects you need, complete the following steps:

Create a mapping object.


Add source and target data objects to the mapping.


Add an Address Validator transformation to the mapping.

Step 1. Create a Mapping

In this step, you create and name the mapping.

In the Object Explorer view, select your tutorial project.


Select File > New > Mapping.

The New Mapping window opens.


In the Name field, enter ValidateAddresses.


Click Finish.
The mapping opens in the editor.

Step 2. Add Data Objects to the Mapping

In this step, you add the source and target data objects to the mapping.
All_Customers is the source data object for the mapping. The Address Validator transformation reads data
from this object. All_Customers_av_tgt is the data target object for the mapping. This object reads data
from the Address Validator transformation.

In the Object Explorer view, browse to the data objects in your tutorial project.


Select the All_Customers data object and drag it to the editor.

The Add Physical Data Object to Mapping window opens.


Verify that Read is selected and click OK.

The data object appears in the editor.



In the Object Explorer view, browse to the data objects in your tutorial project.


Select the All_Customers_av_tgt data object and drag it onto the editor.

Chapter 15: Lesson 6. Validating Address Data

The Add Physical Data Object to Mapping window opens.


Select Write and click OK.

The data object appears in the editor.


Click Save.

Step 3. Add an Address Validator Transformation to the Mapping

In this step, you add an Address Validator transformation to the mapping that contains the source and data
When this step is complete, you can configure the transformation and connect its ports to the data objects.

Select the editor containing the ValidateAddresses mapping.


In the Transformation palette, select the Address Validator transformation.


Click the editor.

The Address Validator transformation appears in the editor.

Task 3. Configure the Address Validator

In this task, you configure the Address Validator transformation to read and validate addresses from the
All_Customers data source.
Note: The Address Validator transformation contain a series of predefined input and output ports. Select the
ports you need and connect them to the objects in the mapping.
To configure the transformation, complete the following steps:

Select the default country for address validation.


Configure the transformation input ports.


Configure the transformation output ports.


Connect unused source ports to the data target.

Step 1. Set the Default Country for Address Validation

In this step, you select the default country for address validation. The address reference data files that the
Address Validator transformation uses are organized by country. When you select the default country, you
identify the country dataset that the transformation applies to any input address that does not contain country

Select the Address Validator transformation in the editor.


Under Properties, click General Settings.


In the Default Country menu, select United States.

Task 3. Configure the Address Validator Transformation


Step 2. Configure the Address Validator Transformation Input

In this step, you select transformation input ports and connect these ports to the All_Customers_av data
The Address Validator transformation contains several groups of predefined input ports. Select the input
ports that correspond to the fields in your input address and add these ports to the transformation.
Hold the Ctrl key when selecting ports in the steps below to select multiple ports in a single operation.

Select the Address Validator transformation in the editor.


Under Properties, click Templates.


Expand the Basic Model port group.


Expand the Hybrid input port group and select the following ports:
Port Name


Delivery Address Line 1

Street address data, such as street name and building number.

Locality Complete 1

City or town name.

Postcode 1

Postcode or ZIP code.

Province 1

Province or state name.

Country Name

Country name or abbreviation.

Note: Hold the Ctrl key to select multiple ports in a single operation.

On the toolbar above the port names list, click Add port to transformation.
This toolbar is visible when you select Templates.
The selected ports appear in the transformation in the mapping editor.



Connect the source ports to the Address Validator transformation ports as follows:
Source Port

Address Validator Transformation Port


Delivery Address Line 1


Locality Complete 1


Postcode 1


Province 1


Country Name

Chapter 15: Lesson 6. Validating Address Data

Step 3. Configure the Address Validator Transformation Output

In this step, you select transformation output ports and connect these ports to the All_Customers_av_tgt
data object.
The Address Validator transformation contains several groups of predefined output ports. Select the ports
that define the address structure you require and add these ports to the transformation.
You can also select ports containing information on the type of validation achieved for each address.

Select the Address Validator transformation in the mapping editor.


Under Properties, click Templates.


Expand the Basic Model port group.


Expand the Address Elements output port group and select the following port:


Port Name


Street Complete 1

Street address data, such as street name and building number.

Expand the Last Line Elements output port group and select the following ports:
Port Name


Locality Complete 1

City or town name.

Postcode 1

Postcode or ZIP code.

Province Abbreviation 1

Province or state identifier.

Note: Hold the Ctrl key to select multiple ports in a single operation.



Expand the Country output port group and select the following port:
Port Name


Country Name 1

Country name.

Expand the Status Info output port group and select the following ports:
Port Name


Mailability Score

Score that represents the chance of successful postal delivery.

Match Code

Code that represents the degree of similarity between the input address and the
reference data.

On the toolbar above the port names list, click Add port to transformation.
This toolbar is visible when you select Templates.

Task 3. Configure the Address Validator Transformation



Connect the Address Validator transformation ports to the All_Customers_av_tgt ports as follows:
Address Validator Transformation Port

Target Port

Street Complete 1


Locality Complete 1


Postcode 1


Province Abbreviation 1


Country Name 1


Mailability Score


Match Code


Step 4. Connect Unused Data Source Ports to the Data Target

In this step, you connect the unused ports on the All_Customers data source to the data target.

Connect the unused ports on the data source to the ports with the same names on the data target.

Task 4. Run the Mapping

In this task, you run the mapping to create the mapping output.

Select the editor containing the ValidateAddresses mapping.


Select Run > Run Mapping.

The mapping runs and writes output to the All_Customers_av_tgt.csv file.

Task 5. View the Mapping Output

In this task, you run the Data Viewer to view the mapping output. Review the quality of your validated
addresses by examining the values written to the Mailability Score and Match Code columns in the target
data object.
The Match Code value is an alphanumeric code representing the type of validation that the mapping
performed on the address.
The Mailability Score value is a single-digit value that summarizes the deliverability of the address.

In the Object Explorer view, find the All_Customers_av_tgt data object in your tutorial project and
double click the data object.
The data object opens in the editor.


Select Window > Show View > Data Viewer.

The Data Viewer opens.


Chapter 15: Lesson 6. Validating Address Data


In the Data Viewer, click Run.

The Data Viewer displays the mapping output.


Scroll across the mapping results so that the Mailability Score and Match Code columns are visible.


Review the values in the Mailability Score column.

The scores can range from 0 through 5. Addresses with higher scores are more likely to be delivered


Review the values in the Match Code column.

Match Code is an alphanumeric code. The alphabetic character indicates the type of validation that the
transformation performed, and the digit indicates the quality of the final address.
The following table describes the Match Code values:



Address code lookup found a partial address or a complete address for the
input code.


Address code lookup found no address for the input code.


Corrected. All postally relevant elements are checked.


Corrected. Some elements cannot be checked.


Corrected, but the delivery status is unclear due to absent reference data.


Corrected, but the delivery status is unclear because user standardization

introduced errors.


Data cannot be corrected completely, but there is a single match with an

address in the reference data.


Data cannot be corrected completely, and there are multiple matches with
addresses in the reference data.


Data cannot be corrected. Batch mode returns partial suggested addresses.


Data cannot be corrected. Batch mode cannot suggest an address.


Validation error. Validation did not take place because single-line validation is
not unlocked.


Validation error. Validation did not take place because single-line validation is
not supported for the destination country.


Validation error. Validation did not take place because the reference database
is out of date.


Validation error. Validation did not take place because the reference data is
corrupt or badly formatted.


Validation error. Validation did not take place because the country data cannot
be unlocked.

Task 5. View the Mapping Output






Validation error. Validation did not take place because the required reference
database is not available.


Validation error. Validation did not take place because the country is not
recognized or not supported.


Suggestion List mode. Address validation can retrieve one or more complete
addresses from the address reference data that correspond to the input


Suggestion List mode. Address validation can combine the input address
elements and elements from the address reference data to create a complete


Suggestion List mode. Address validation cannot suggest a complete address.

To generate a complete address suggestion, add data to the input address.


Suggestion List mode. There is insufficient input data to generate a



Country recognized from abbreviation. Recognizes ISO two-character and ISO

three-character country codes. Can also recognize common abbreviations
such as "GER" for Germany.


Country recognized from the Force Country setting in the transformation.


Country recognized from the Default Country setting in the transformation.


Country recognized from the country name.


Country recognized from the country name, but the transformation identified
errors in the country data.


Country recognized from territory data.


Country recognized from province data.


Country recognized from major town data.


Country recognized from the address format.


Country recognized from a script.


Country not recognized because multiple matches are available.


Country not recognized.


Parse mode. The address was parsed perfectly.


Parse mode. The address was parsed with multiple results.


Parse mode. There was a parsing error due to an input format mismatch.

Chapter 15: Lesson 6. Validating Address Data




Verified. The input data is correct. Address validation checked all postally
relevant elements, and inputs matched perfectly.


Verified. The input data is correct, but some or all elements were standardized,
or the input contains outdated names or exonyms.


Verified. The input data is correct, but some elements cannot be verified
because of incomplete reference data.


Verified. The input data is correct, but user standardization has negatively
impacted deliverability. For example, the post code length is too short.

Validating Address Data Summary

In this lesson, you learned that address validation compares input address data with reference data and
returns the most accurate possible version of the address.
You learned that the address validation process also returns status information on the quality of each
You learned that Administrator tool users run the Data Quality Content Installer to install address reference
You also learned that the Address Validator transformation is a multi-group transformation, and that you
select the input and output ports for the transformation from the port groups. The input ports you select
determine the content of the address that is validated. The output ports determine the content of the final
address record.

Validating Address Data Summary



Frequently Asked Questions

This appendix includes the following topics:

Informatica Analyst Frequently Asked Questions, 84

Informatica Developer Frequently Asked Questions, 84

Informatica Analyst Frequently Asked Questions

Review the Frequently Asked Questions to answer questions you might have about Informatica Analyst.
Can I use one user account to access the Administrator tool, the Developer tool, and the Analyst tool?
Yes. You can give a user permission to access all three tools. You do not need to create separate user
accounts for each client application.
Where is my reference data stored?
You can use the Developer tool and the Analyst tool to create and share reference data objects. The
Model repository stores the reference data object metadata. The reference data database stores
reference table data values. Configure the reference data database on the Content Management

Informatica Developer Frequently Asked Questions

Review the frequently asked questions to answer questions you might have about Informatica Developer.
What is the difference between a source and target in PowerCenter and a physical data object in the Developer tool?
In PowerCenter, you create a source definition to include as a mapping source. You create a target
definition to include as a mapping target. In the Developer tool, you create a physical data object that
you can use as a mapping source or target.
What is the difference between a mapping in the Developer tool and a mapping in PowerCenter?
A PowerCenter mapping specifies how to move data between sources and targets. A Developer tool
mapping specifies how to move data between the mapping input and output.
A PowerCenter mapping must include one or more source definitions, source qualifiers, and target
definitions. A PowerCenter mapping can also include shortcuts, transformations, and mapplets.
A Developer tool mapping must include mapping input and output. A Developer tool mapping can also
include transformations and mapplets.


The Developer tool has the following types of mappings:

Mapping that moves data between sources and targets. This type of mapping differs from a
PowerCenter mapping only in that it cannot use shortcuts and does not use a source qualifier.

Logical data object mapping. A mapping in a logical data object model. A logical data object mapping
can contain a logical data object as the mapping input and a data object as the mapping output. Or, it
can contain one or more physical data objects as the mapping input and logical data object as the
mapping output.

Virtual table mapping. A mapping in an SQL data service. It contains a data object as the mapping
input and a virtual table as the mapping output.

Virtual stored procedure mapping. Defines a set of business logic in an SQL data service. It contains
an Input Parameter transformation or physical data object as the mapping input and an Output
Parameter transformation or physical data object as the mapping output.

What is the difference between a mapplet in PowerCenter and a mapplet in the Developer tool?
A mapplet in PowerCenter and in the Developer tool is a reusable object that contains a set of
transformations. You can reuse the transformation logic in multiple mappings.
A PowerCenter mapplet can contain source definitions or Input transformations as the mapplet input. It
must contain Output transformations as the mapplet output.
A Developer tool mapplet can contain data objects or Input transformations as the mapplet input. It can
contain data objects or Output transformations as the mapplet output. A mapping in the Developer tool
also includes the following features:

You can validate a mapplet as a rule. You use a rule in a profile.

A mapplet can contain other mapplets.

What is the difference between a mapplet and a rule?

You can validate a mapplet as a rule. A rule is business logic that defines conditions applied to source
data when you run a profile. You can validate a mapplet as a rule when the mapplet meets the following

It contains an Input and Output transformation.

The mapplet does not contain active transformations.

It does not specify cardinality between input groups.

Informatica Developer Frequently Asked Questions



creating custom profiles

overview 29
creating data objects
overview 23
creating default profiles
overview 26
creating expression rules
overview 33
creating reference tables from columns
overview 41
creating scorecards
overview 36

profiling data
overview 55

importing physical data object
overview 51


reference tables
overview 44

setting up Analyst tool
overview 20
setting up Developer tool
overview 47

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