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Antibacterial activity of four sulfonamide

derivatives against multidrug-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
Article November 2014



5 authors, including:
Imne Becheker

Berredjem Malika

Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University

Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University





Available from: Imne Becheker

Retrieved on: 20 May 2016

Available online

Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 6(11): 893-899

Research Article

ISSN : 0975-7384

Antibacterial activity of four sulfonamide derivatives against

multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Imne Becheker1, Hajira Berredjem1*, Nafissa Boutefnouchet1, Malika Berredjem2
and Ali Ladjama1

Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biochemistry,

University of Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria
Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, Synthesis of Biomolecules and Molecular Modelling Group, Faculty of
Sciences, Department of Chemistry, University of Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria
This study aims to evaluate, in vitro, antibacterial activity of four novel sulfonamide derivatives (1a-d) against
Staphylococcus aureus: reference strain ATCC 25923 and 40 clinical isolates. Inhibition zones were performed with
the disk diffusion method. The MIC values were determined by the dilution broth method. A 48 hours MIC-Kinetic
curve was performed for the tested compounds. All compounds showed significant antibacterial activity. The mean
values of the inhibition zones diameter for compounds 1a-d were 22.15 6.22, 16.39 1.17, 15.42 0.66 and 15.83
1.28 mm, respectively (p value = 0.001). The MIC values were ranged between 64 and 512 g/ml. The compound
1b showed better activity. The 48 hours MIC-kinetic curve showed an inhibiting bacterial growth. The studied
compounds 1a-d showed a promising antibacterial effect to response to the urgent need for innovative drugs that
could be more effective against resistant pathogens.
Keywords: Antibacterial activity, Sulfonamides, Staphylococcus aureus, MIC.
Sulfonamides are among the most widely used antibacterial agents in the world. They were the first effective
chemotherapeutic agents used systematically for the prevention and cure of bacterial infections in humans and some
animals, mainly because of their low cost, low toxicity and excellent activity against bacterial diseases [1]. The
sulfonamide SO2NH group occurs in numerous biologically active compounds that constitute an important class
of drugs used extensively as pharmaceutical and agricultural agents [2]. Many sulfonamide derivatives were
synthesized, characterized and tested for antibacterial [3], anti-tumour [4,5] anti-carbonic anhydrase [6,7], diuretic
[8,9], hypoglycemic properties [10], antithyroid [11], anti-inflammatory [5], and other biological activities [4,5].
Unfortunately, the abuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of drug-resistant strains which have a significant
impact on the patients morbidity and mortality. In some cases, the formerly effective antimicrobial agents are no
longer useful [12,13].
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is the most frequent resistant bacterium in the vast majority of the clinical
isolates. It is a common human pathogen responsible for a significant number of infections worldwide such as skin
and soft tissue infections, septicemia, pneumonia, endocarditis and deep abscesses; which have long been considered
as hospital-acquired [14]. However, the epidemiology of S. aureus is changing because of its ability to adapt to
varying environmental conditions [15]. New community-acquired strains, which differ from nosocomial strains in
their susceptibility to various antibiotics, have appeared. S. aureus have rapidly become resistant above all


Hajira Berredjem et al
J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(11): 893-899
antibiotics, such as methicillin (MRSA: methicillin resistant S. aureus) [16,17], and recently to the vancomycin
(VRSA: vancomycin resistant S. aureus), which previously represented the treatment of choice [18-20].
Even though the arsenal of antibacterial molecules available is considerable, it cannot solve all these problems [21].
Therefore, a clear need is required for the development of innovative antimicrobial agents with better
pharmacological profiles. The aim of this study is to assess the in vitro activity of four innovative antimicrobial
sulfonamide derivatives against S. aureus. We realize at the same time a MIC-kinetic curve for the inhibition
activity of the new molecules.
Bacterial strains
A total of 40 clinical S. aureus strains were used in this study. The isolates collected from public and private sanitary
establishments were mainly isolated from different samples: 21 pus (52.50%), 9 urine (22.50%), 6 blood (15%), and
4 protected distal sampling (PDS) (10%).
The identification of the bacterial strains was made on cultural and biochemical characters (API staph system,
BioMrieux, France). The S. aureus ATCC 25923 was used as a control (Pasteur Institute, Algiers).
The commonly used method in routine laboratory practice for the detection of methicillin and vancomycine
resistance is oxacilline (5mg, Bioanalyse, Turkey) and vancomycine disc diffusion (30 mg, Bioanalyse, Turkey).
Tested compounds
The tested sulfonamide derivatives 1a-d (Figure 1) were prepared in acetone and then serial dilutions were made in
a concentration range from 0.5 to 512 g/ml.
Two commercial drugs were used as positive control and were diluted in the same manner: Control 1: Bactrim,
sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprime (400/80mg) (Laboratoire Roche, France), and control 2: Enteropathyl,
Sulfaguanidine (500 mg) (Merck, France).

(1a) N-(4-methoxyphenyl) sulfamide

(1b) N-(3-fluorophenyl) sulfamide

(1c) N-(phenyl) sulfamide

(1d) N-(phenylethyl) sulfamide

Figure 1: Chemical structure of the sulfonamide derivatives 1a-d

Determination of inhibition zones

The newly synthesized compounds 1a-d were screened for antibacterial activity against S. aureus ATTC 25923 and
clinical isolates. Inhibition zones of the compounds were performed with the disk diffusion method [22]. The
antimicrobial screening was performed using MuellerHinton agar that was poured into each sterile Petri dish,
allowed to solidify and finally seeded with a bacterial inoculums prepared in physiological sterile water with an
OD625 about 0,08. Empty sterilized disks of 6 mm (Schleicher and Schule, Germany) were each impregnated with 20
l of the different concentrations of the compounds. Disks were placed on agar plates and the cultures were
incubated at 37C for 24 hrs.


Hajira Berredjem et al
J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(11): 893-899
The standard drugs, control 1 and 2, were used as positive controls. Disks embedded with acetone were used as a
negative one. Inhibition zones formed on the medium were evaluated in millimeter (mm). All tests were performed
in duplicate, and experiment was repeated three times.
Minimal inhibitory concentration
The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of compounds 1a-d were determined by the dilution broth
method following the procedures recommended by the CLSI [22].
All tests were performed in MuellerHinton broth. Bacterial inoculum with an OD625 about 0.08 was added to each
tube containing compound at geometric dilutions ranging from 0.5 to 512 g/ml; a control tube without compound
was used. The tubes were incubated at 37C for 24 hrs. The results were recorded according to the presence or
absence of bacteria growth comparatively to the controls. As previously, control 1 and 2 were used as positive
controls. Two replicates were done for each compound, and experiment was repeated three times.
Minimal bactericidal concentration
The minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) was carried out to assess the concentrations of the compounds that
can kill or inhibit the growth of the tested organisms. Absence of growth was interpreted as bactericidal action while
growth represented a bacteriostatic action [22]. The MBC was established on nutritive agar by sub-culturing, at
37C for 24 hrs, 0.1 ml of tubes showing no turbidity at MIC concentration of the tested compounds.
MIC-kinetic curve
Bacterial suspensions were prepared in physiological sterile water (OD625 was approximately 0.08) and then
inoculated in fresh Muller-Hinton broth. Compounds 1a-d were added in MIC concentration as previously
determined. A control was used to show bacterial growth without the presence of any compound.
The DO625 was taken before incubation and then each 2 hrs after incubation at 37C: 0; 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12; 14; 16; 18;
24 and 48 hrs. Samples were removed from each tube at each time point indicated above.
Statistical analysis
Data analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by t student test.
All the results were expressed as mean S.E.M. (standard error of the mean). Statistical significance was considered
at p < 0.05.
Determination of inhibition zones
As shown in Table 1, the diameter of inhibition zones values of tested compounds 1a-d against the reference strain
S. aureus ATCC 25923 were ranged between 15 and 34 mm. Values for control 1 and control 2 were 24 and 16 mm
Table 1: The MIC and the diameter of growth inhibition zones values of tested compounds 1a-d against S. aureus ATCC 25923
Tested compounds Diameter of inhibition zones (mm) MIC (g/ml)
Control 1
Control 2
Table 2: Percentage (%) of S.aureus resistance/sensibility against tested compounds 1a-d
Tested compounds
Control 1
Control 2

resistant Strains sensible strains


Among the 40 clinical strains, 9 (21.96%) were resistant towards the new compounds whereas resistance towards
control 1 and 2 were 34.17% and 85.37% respectively (Table 2). Therefore, all the synthesized compounds 1a-d


Hajira Berredjem et al
J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(11): 893-899
exhibited a good antibacterial activity with a varying degree of inhibitory effect on the growth of the tested
microbial strains. These results were comparative to the reference strain ones.
The diameters of inhibition zones values were expressed as an interval of measures (Table 3). The highest diameters
of inhibition zones for the test compounds 1a-d were obtained in the interval [30-34] (31.8 1.83 mm) for 1a, [1519] (16.54 1.00 mm) for 1b, [15-19] (15.51 0.55 mm) for 1c and [15-19] (16.5 1.08 mm) for 1d.
The results vary between 14-34 mm for the compound 1a, 14-18 mm for the compounds 1b and 1d, and 14-17 mm
for the compound 1c; the highest percentage of sensitive strains is obtained in the interval [15-19].
Compound 1a inhibited the growth of pathogens, particularly MRSA (28 strains) and VRSA (7 strains), better than
compounds 1b-d and the control 2.
The solvent control (acetone) did not show any antimicrobial activity.
Table 3: Percentage (%) of S. aureus strains relative to the intervals of the inhibition zones of the tested compounds 1a-d
Tested compounds
Control 1
Control 2

Percentage (%) of S. aureus strains relative to the inhibition zones intervals (mm)

Determination of the MIC

As shown in Table 2, the MIC values of tested compounds 1a-d against the reference strain S. aureus ATCC 25923
were ranged between 64 and 256 g/ml. Values for control 1 and 2 were respectively 32 and 512 g/ml.
For the clinical strains, the antibacterial results (Table 4) evidently shown that the new series of sulfonamide
derivatives possess a good concentration-dependent antibacterial activity against the tested bacteria at MIC values
between 64 and 512 g/ml. Among the screened compounds, 1b-d showed good activity against all the bacterial
strains, compared to the control 2.
Antibacterial screening revealed that the tested compound 1b showed promising activity with the lowest MIC 64
g/ml for 51.61% of tested strains whereas the compounds 1c-d showed activity for the same concentration
respectively for 12.12% and 24.24% of tested strains. The compound 1a was found to be active on 53.12% of the
tested strains at higher concentration 512 g/ml.
Table 4: Percentage (%) of S. aureus strains relative to the different MIC (g/ml) of the tested compounds 1a-d
tested compounds
Control 1
Control 2
(-): negative.

Percentage (%) of S. aureus strains relative to the different MIC (g/ml)

0,5 1 2
- 46,87 53,12
- - 3,22
51,61 22,58 19,35 3,22
- 12,12 42,42 27,27 18,18
- 3,03 24,24 39,39 21,21 12,12
- - 33,33 11,11 7,40 18,51 29,62
- 14,63

Determination of the MBC

The bacterial count determined a number greater than 102 UFC/ml in all Petri dishes, which corresponds to 0.01% of
the initially number of bacteria. According to these results of MBC study, the synthesized compounds 1a-d are
Kinetic Curve
The kinetic curve of the MIC for 48 hrs showed that the antibacterial activity of the new series of sulfonamide
derivatives occurs during the first hours of incubation by inhibiting bacterial growth. The optical density (OD) was
low and equal to the initial seeding rate of bacterial strains, as compared to the control one, which showed an
exponential growth of the bacteria (Figure 2).


Hajira Berredjem et al
J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(11): 893-899

Optical Density (OD625)



















Time (hours )

Figure 2: MIC-kinetic curves of clinical S. aureus strains for the tested compounds 1a-d

In the 1960s, antibiotics have emerged as a revolution; they healed in a few days deadly infections, wound
infections, and food intoxications. Diseases such as syphilis or tuberculosis appeared to be eradicated, and ancient
scourges, such as plague and cholera, were mastered [23]. The treatment of bacterial infections is made more
complex because of the ability of bacteria to develop a variety of resistance mechanisms to numerous therapeutic
agents. Many authors have described this phenomenon as the end of the era of antibiotics [24]. In reality, emerging
and re-emerging infectious diseases have left us facing drug resistant organisms, which remain an important
problem in clinical practice that is difficult to solve [16]. Drug-resistance bacteria, especially the Staphylococcus
aureus, Staphylococcus pneumoniae kill more than two million people each year and endanger human health
seriously [25]. However, the number of new antibiotics has precipitously declined over the last 25 years. A decrease
of almost 75% was observed for systemic antibiotics, approved by the FDA (American Food and Drug
Administration) between 1983 and 2007, and this decline is particularly important for five years (2003-2007) [26].
This rapid evolution of bacterial resistance to the most marketed antibiotics encourages the discovery of new
molecules with a good pharmacokinetic profile. Therefore, developing new antimicrobial agents continues to attract
attention and is an area of rigorous research. Although a large number of antibiotics and chemotherapeutics are
available for medical use, the antimicrobial resistance created an increasing need of new antimicrobial agents
Sulfonamides were the first effective chemotherapeutic agents employed systematically for the prevention and cure
of bacterial infections in humans and other animal systems [29]. The importance of the sulfonamide has been
achieved when the sulfonylamide, sulfonamide analogue key, has been reported to be the first antibacterial drug.
Later, many sulfonylamide derivatives were synthesized, characterized and tested for their biological activities
In this study, new series of four synthetic sulfonamide derivatives 1a-d were screened for the in vitro antimicrobial
activity against Gram positive bacteria, a reference strain Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and 40 clinical
strains of S. aureus. There has been a predominance of strains isolated from pus (51.28% of samples), comparatively
to the other biological samples. These findings corroborate the previous study done by Elhamzaoui et al. [32] which
showed a predominance of 62.70% for S. aureus strains isolated from pus.
The tested compounds demonstrate a significant antibacterial activity against the S. aureus strains which showed a
high sensibility of 78.04% and 80.48% comparatively to the standard antibiotics. In fact, when conventional
antibiotics were used for an antibiogram (data not shown), the clinical S. aureus strains presented an important
multidrug-resistance; the rates of resistance were as follows: B-Lactam antibiotics (89.02%), aminoglycosides
(Aminosides) (75.12%) and quinolones (60.97%). High resistance was obtained with different antibiotics:
Rifampicin (95.12%), fusidic acid (80.48%), sulphonamides (90.24%), pristinamycin (56.09%) and tetracyclin
The in vitro evaluation of the antibacterial activity of the sulfonamide derivatives 1a-d has highlighted an important
dose-dependent antibacterial activity, which results in the appearance of the inhibition zones. The MIC kinetic curve
during 48 h showed that the antibacterial activity of the new molecules appears since the first hours of incubation
and inhibits the bacterial growth. Among the 40 clinical isolated strains, 32 (80%) showed inhibition zones 14


Hajira Berredjem et al
J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2014, 6(11): 893-899
mm, reflecting their sensitivity to the new effective compounds. Regarding control 2, 86.37% of the tested strains
were resistant.
Compounds 1b, 1c and 1d inhibited the growth of pathogen particularly MRSA and VRSA. Even though the
synthesized compounds showed a good antibacterial activity, control 1 exhibited a better activity with a MIC equal
to 4 g/ml.
Among the four molecules, the compounds 1b-d showed good antibacterial activity as indicated by MIC values
equal to 64 g/ml while the compound 1a showed moderate antibacterial activity with a MIC value equal to 256-512
g/ml. When compounds are compared with each other, 1b was found to be more active at the lower concentration
64 g/ml against 51.61% of studied strains. The presence of electron donating and withdrawing groups, size and
shape of molecule, might be influencing the selective antibacterial activity. Aromatic fluorine substituent improves
bioavailability and increases potency. It was therefore concluded that the presence of fluor moiety, in addition to
phenyl group, was found to be essential for its high antibacterial activity. Kumar M. et al. [33] indicate in their study
that the presence of phenyl ring attached to the sulfonamide moiety increased the antimicrobial potential of the
synthesized compounds against the tested microbial strains; these results are coherent with our results. Ozdemir et
al. [30] carried out a study on a S. aureus ATCC 25923 strain; six sulfonamide derivatives and their complexes gave
MIC values between 220 and 413 g/ml. These values are higher than ours (128- 64 g/ml). Ever more, Chohan et
al. [34] determinate the antibacterial activity of some new biologically active metal-based sulfonamides on a S.
aureus strain; the diameters of the inhibition zones vary between 12 and 26 mm. and corroborate our results (15 and
34mm). Another study was carried out by Messah et al. [35] on a reference strain Staphylococcus aureus ATCC
25923 and a clinical strain for a new series of five N-acylsulfonamides. When compared to our findings, the
reference strain showed the same results. The MICs obtained for the clinical strain vary between 256-512 g/ml for
three compounds as the results of compound 1a. Among the five N-acylsulfonamides, two had MIC between 128-64
g/ml, which were comparable with our tested compounds 1b-c.
Compared to the antibacterial potential of our studied sulfonamide compounds 1a-d, N-acylsolfonamide synthesized
by Berredjem et al. [36] didnt show any activity on the Gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC
25923 and S. aureus isolates).
However, traditional methods of measuring antibiotic efficacy such as the MIC are insufficient for understanding the
complex dynamics that lead to the rapid development and spread of antibiotic resistance within bacterial
populations. The ability to investigate the relationship between individual molecular components of the system and
the overall treatment outcome can lead to a better understanding of how to optimize antibiotic performance and to
predict treatment outcome [37].
The antibacterial activity results of the studied compounds revealed that all the synthesized sulfonamides showed
very good inhibitory characteristics. Among the screened molecules, compound 1b with stronger conjugation effect
of fluor in the benzene ring, was noticeable as the most active antibacterial agent against MRSA, VRSA. The
studied products are still under investigation. Their antibiotic properties have promising applications in the control
of infections.
This work was supported by the Algerian Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research, under the number:
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