Evaluation of Bioactive Compounds and Antihyperlipidemic Activity of Erythrina Indica in Albino Wistar Rats

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Advances in Biological Research 10 (1): 33-36, 2016

ISSN 1992-0067
IDOSI Publications, 2016
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.abr.2016.10.1.101112

Evaluation of Bioactive Compounds and Antihyperlipidemic

Activity of Erythrina indica in Albino Wistar Rats
S. Soniya and R. Deepa
Department of Biochemistry,
Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Ellispettai, Erode, India
Abstract: Erythrina indica is a member of the family, Leguminosae. The present study was carried out to
evaluate the antihyperlipidemic activity of ethanolic extract of Erythrina indica leaf. Phytochemicals for the
characterization of Antihyperlipidemic Activity. The present study to evaluate the antihyperlipidemic activity
of ethanol extract of Erythrina indica leaf. Ethanolic extract of Erythrina indica leaf at two dose levels doses
level 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg for 28 days resulted in the reduction of TC, TG, LDL, VLDL and HDL level in the
high fat diet which induced hyperlipidemia in rats. The results are compared to standard drug, Simvastatin
5mg/kg. It was noticed that the Ethanolic extract of Erythrina indica reduced the Antihyperlipidemic Activity
when compared with positive control.
Key words: Erythrina indica


Antihyperlipidemic activity


antihelmenthesis, sedative, anti-inflammatory, nematocidal

and worm infection [6]. A medium sized, quick growing
tree with trifoliate leaves, coral red flowers in dense
racemes and oblong seeds red to dark brown in colour.
Roots, barks and leaves are used as folk medicine, bark
used in diabetes and dysentery, leaves are in rheumatic
joins and roots are used in spleen disease [7].
play important role in plant
metabolism such as carbohydrate,proteins, alkaloids
derived from amino acids, terpenes are a group of lipids
and phenolic from carbohydrate. Plants produce a very
impressive array of antioxidant found from natural
occurrence [8-10].
The presence of active constituents viz. Alkaloids,
Glycosides, Phenyl coumarin have been reported from
root and seeds. Antihyperlipidemic activity in leaf extract
of Erythrina indica Lam, an attempt has been made to
explore such activity for Erythrina indica Lam. In the
present work cold maceration ethanolic extracts were
evaluated for antihyperlipidemic activity [11, 12].

Medicinal plants are of great importance to the health

of individuals and communities in general. The medicinal
value of plants lies in some chemical substances that
produce a definite physiological action on the human
body [1]. Medicinal plants are the backbone of
traditional medicine, which means more than 3.3 billion
people in the less developed countries utilize medicinal
plants on a regular basis. It is thought that about 80% of
the 5.2 billion people of the world live in the less
developed countries and the World Health Organization
estimates that about 80% of these people rely almost
exclusively on traditional medicine for their primary
healthcare needs [2].
Excessive quantities or improper types of lipid-intake
may result in hyperlipidemia which is characterized by an
abnormal elevation in one or more of the serum lipids such
as total cholesterol, triglycerides and low density
lipoprotein cholesterol. Hyperlipidema is considered to be
a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases including
atherosclerosis, myocardial infraction, heart attacks and
cerebro vascular diseases [3, 4].
Erythrina indica Lam is a common plant found in
south India. It is known as kalyanamurungai in Tamil [5].
In siddha system, it is being considered useful for treating
Corresponding Author:


Collection of Plant Material: Erythrina indica were
collected from the Government Veterinary Hospital
campus, Vellode, Tamilnadu.

Assistant Professor R. Deepa, Department of Biochemistry, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science,
Ellispettai, Erode-638116, Tel: +91-7373185343.


Advan. Biol. Res., 10 (1): 33-36, 2016

Preparation of Extract [13]: The air dried leaves were

pulverized into coarse of particle and extracted
exhaustively with ethanol by cold maceration for 48 hrs.
The ethanolic leaf extract were collected and dried in room
temperature. The dried ethanolic leaf extract were used for
the following experimental analysis.

Simvastatin at a dose of 10 and 400mg/ kg/bw/

day10mg/ kg/bw/day and 400mg/ kg/ bw/ day.
Administered orally with help of oral coated tube to the 3,
4 and 5 groups respectively& Continued for 4weeks.
Animals are starved overnight before collecting blood on
4 th week. Blood samples of 3 ml is withdrawn from rat
using heparinised tubes and separation of plasma/serum
within 30 min of collecting blood by using a refrigerated
centrifuge at 3000 rpm/10 min for estimation of the
following biochemical parameters as per the standard
method. Serum Total Cholesterol (TC), Serum
Triglycerides (TG), Serum HDL Cholesterol (HDL-C),
Serum LDL Cholesterol (LDL-C) wasanalyzed.

Phytochemical Analysis: Preliminary phytochemical

screening of leaves of Erythrina indica were carried out
using standard laboratory procedures, to detect the
(phytochemical constituents) such as alkaloids,
flavonoids, saponins, tannins, steroid, glycosides,
phenols, carbohydrates, proteins, terpenoids, fatty acid,
cardio glycosides etc.

Statistical Analysis: All the group data were statistically

evaluated and the significant of various treatments was
calculated using students t-test data. All the results were
expressed as mean +/- S.D. from 6 rats in each group.

In vivo Studies
Experimental Animal Model [14]: Wistar rats (150-180gm)
of either sex approximately the same age procured from
listed suppliers of Nandha College of Pharmacy, Erode..
They were housed in polypropylene cage and fed with
standard rodent pellet diet and water.


Phytochemical Screening: Preliminary phytochemical
screening of the ethanolic extract of Erythrina indica
reveals the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins,
tannins, steroids, glycosides, carbohydrates and proteins.

Acute Toxicity Study (OECD) [15]: Acute toxicity was

preformed for the extracts to as certain the safe dose by
acute oral toxic class method.The ethanol extracts were at
the dose level of 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg.
The animals were divided into five groups of six each,
marked to individual identification and kept in their cages.
Group 1:Normal diet and water (control), Group 2: 20%
cholesterol enriched diet for 4 weeks (cholesterol), Group
3: 20% cholesterol enriched diet + standard drug
(simvastatin), Group 4: 20% cholesterol enriched diet +
test drug 1 (200mg/kg), Group 5: 20% cholesterol enriched
diet + test drug 1 (400mg/kg).The normal pellet diet was
grinded to fine particles and given to group 1. To the fine
particles add 45% cholesterol and 25 ml coconut oil and
given to groups group2, 3, 4 and 5.

Table 1: Preliminary Phytochemical Screening Analysis

Fresh Leaf Juice extract Result
Flavonoids Flavanoids _
Cardiac glycosides
Fatty acid
Note: + =Present - = Absent

Ethanol Extract

The ethanolic extract was taken for the following studies due to high glycoside content.
Invivo studies - Antihyperlipidemic Studies
Table 2: Antihyperlipidemic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Erythrina indica

Cholesterol (mg/dl)

Triglycerides (mg/dl)

LDL (mg /dl)


HDL (mg/dl)

Negative control
Positive control
Test drug200 mg/kg
Test drug400mg/kg

148.3 b10.2
159.5 b7.8
150.2 b9.4

208.56 b14.2
220.6 b3.15
190.6 b15.6

66.47 b11.6
64.04 b8.6
66.2 b5.8

56.7 a4.2
41.6 b3.8
44.9 b2.4
38.1 b3.6

40.23 b1.4
40.9 b4.6
41.56 b3.2

Values were meanSEM; n = 6, bP< 0.01,When compared to positive control, aP< 0.01,When compared to negative control (one way ANOVA followed by
dunnetts test)


Advan. Biol. Res., 10 (1): 33-36, 2016

Fig. 1: Antihyperlipidemic Activity of Ethanolic Extract Of Erythrina indica


In a 4weeks week study period serum cholesterol

level was and it was found that 200 mg /kg test drug was
found to be significantly high compared to 400 mg/kg test
drug and it is nearer to the positive control simvastatin
drug. This shows that the extracts has antihyperlipidemic
activity, Similar results were absorbed in the studies
carried out for evaluation of antihyperlipidemic activity of
leaves of Portulaca oleracealinn against dexamethasone
induced hyperlipidemia in rats [14].
The serum triglyceride test for the study was done at
the end of the study period and the result observed
shows that 200 mg/kg test extract is showing higher
activity compared to 400mg/kg dose and it also exhibits
activity as positive control. The study conducted [16] in
Antioxidant and Antihyperlipidemic activity of Hibiscus
sabdariffa Linn. leaves and calyces extract in rats
supports the current study.
The ethanolic extract with two concentrations
200 mg/kg &400 mg/kg showed similar results with
positive control for LDL serum assay and it helps to
conclude the plant can possess antihyperlipidemic
activity. Antihyperlipidemic activity of methanolic extract
of Rhina canthusnasutus [17] also shows the similar
The Serum VLDL test for the study reveals that both
the concentrations (200&400 mg/kg) are effective and
both 200 mg/kg has higher activity as positive
controls.Also the serum HDL test reveals that the
concentrations 200 and 400 mg/kg are effective against
the negative control.The HDL test is considered to have
antihyperlipidemic activities. This study is supported by
a similar research work carried out for Antihyperlipidemic
activity of Divyamethipachak against triton x 100
induced hyperlipidemia rats [18].

The aim of the present study was to elucidate the role

of Erythrina indica during hyperlipidemia induced rats
and to study its antihyperlipidemic activity.
Several plant species endowed with the
phytochemicals have been documented to serve as a
potent antihyperlipidemic agent. The Phytochemical
study for the fresh leaf and the ethanol extract reveals that
the plant possess alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins,
tannins, steroids, glycosides, carbohydrates and proteins
of which glycoside are important for antihyperlipidemic
Antihyperlipidemic study for ethanolic extract of
Erythrina indica shows serum cholesterol level was
analysed and it was found that 200 mg /kg test drug was
found to be significantly high compared to 400 mg/kg test
drug and it is nearer to the positive control simvastatin
drug. The serum triglyceride test for the study showed the
result that 200 mg/kg test extract is showing higher
activity compared to 400mg/kg dose and it also exhibits
activity as positive control.
The ethanolic extract with two concentrations 200
mg/kg &400 mg/kg showed similar results with positive
control for LDL serum assayand it helps to conclude the
plant can possess antihyperlipidemic activity. The Serum
VLDL test for the study reveals that both the
concentrations (200&400 mg/kg)are effective and of both
200 mg/kg has higher activity as positive control.Also the
serum HDL test reveals that the concentrations 200 and
400 mg/kg are similar to positive control. Thus the
ethanolic extract in both high and low dose provides
protection against hyperlipidemia by decreasing the level
of total cholesterol,triglycerides,LDL,VLDL and increasing

Advan. Biol. Res., 10 (1): 33-36, 2016

the HDL level.HDL gives protection against many cardiac

problems and obesity and the Erythrina indica plant can
be taken in the regular diet for its activity.
To conclude the Erythrina indica plant was found to
possess antihyperlipidemic activity and further research
can be carried to study its synergestic and other









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