Objectives: Civics & Citizenship
Objectives: Civics & Citizenship
Objectives: Civics & Citizenship
1. Students use inquiry skills to compare and contrast different migrant stories.
2. Students engage with multimodal literature to create and understand bias,
empathy and perspective.
3. Students use ICT to illustrate specific ideas (Bubbl.us)
4. Students present ideas, reflection and perspectives via diary entries.
5. Students construct interviews and present using ICT. They explore emotive
themes and report back via presentations and multimedia technology.
The concept of source refers to any written or nonwritten materials that can be
used to investigate and provide information about the past (e.g. coins, photographs,
letters, interviews, gravestones, buildings). Primary sources are those created or
written during the time being investigated. Secondary sources are accounts that are
developed after the time period being studied.
The concept of evidence is about the information obtained from sources that is
valuable for a particular inquiry. Evidence can be used to help construct a historical
narrative, to support a hypothesis or to prove or disprove a conclusion. Sources
become evidence when they are used to support or dispel a claim.
other. Historians use cause and effect to identify chains of events and developments
over the short term and long term.
The concept of perspective is a persons point of view, the position from which they
see and understand events going on around them. People in the past may have had
different points of view about a particular event, depending on their age, gender,
social position and their beliefs and values. Historians also have perspectives and
this can influence their interpretation of the past.
The concept of empathy is an understanding of the past from the point of view of a
particular individual or group, including an appreciation of the circumstances they
faced, and the motivations, values and attitudes behind their actions
The concept of place is about the significance of places and what they are like. They
range in size from a part of a room or garden to a major world region.
The concept of change is about explaining geographical phenomena by
investigating how they have developed over time.
Achievement Standards
At Standard, students develop questions for a specific purpose. They locate and
collect relevant information and/or data from primary and/or secondary sources,
using appropriate methods to organise and record information. Students
apply ethical protocols when collecting information. They use criteria to determine
the relevance of information and/or data. Students interpret information
and/or data, sequence information about events, identify different perspectives, and
describe cause and effect. They use a variety of appropriate formats to translate
collected information and draw conclusions from evidence in information
and/or data. Students engage in a range of processes when making decisions in
drawing conclusions. They consider audience and purpose when selecting
Curriculum Links
Who can be an Australian citizen, the formal rights and responsibilities, and shared
values of Australian citizenship (ACHCK038)
The location of the major countries of the Asia region in relation to Australia and the
geographical diversity within the region (ACHGK031)
Australia's connections with countries (e.g. trade, migration, tourism, aid,
education, defence, sport) and how these connections change people and places
(ACHGK034; ACHGK035)
Experiences of Australia's democracy and citizenship, including the status and
rights of Aboriginal people and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples, migrants, women
and children (ACHHK114)
Stories of groups of people who migrated to Australia (including from one Asian
country), the reasons they migrated (e.g. pushpull factors) and their contributions
to society (ACHHK115)