Manual-13 en Pile
Manual-13 en Pile
Manual-13 en Pile
Updated: 04/2016
The objective of this engineering manual is to explain the application of the GEO 5 PILES
program for the analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile for a specified
practical problem.
Problem specification
The general specification of the problem is included in the previous chapter (12. Pile foundations
Introduction). All analyses of the vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile shall be carried out in
compliance with requirements of EN 1997-1 (Design approach 2). The resultant of loading
components N1 , M y ,1 , H x ,1 acts at the pile head level.
We will use the GEO 5 PILES program to analyse the problem. In the text below we will describe
the solution of this problem step by step.
In this analysis we will assess a single pile using various analytical calculation methods (NAVFAC
DM 7.2, EFETIVE STRESS and CSN 73 1002) and will focus on the input parameters, which influence
the overall results.
Specification definition
We click on the Select Settings button (at the bottom left of the screen) in the Settings frame and
then select the Standard EN 1997 DA2 analysis setting. Further, we set the method of the
analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a pile using the analytical solution. In our case we will
assess the pile in drained conditions.
Further, we will define the other parameters of soils required for the analysis and assign them to
the profile. The NAVFAC DM 7.2 method requires that the soil type is defined first, i.e. whether it is a
cohesive or cohesionless soil layer. All the parameters listed below influence the magnitude of skin
friction Rs kN .
Unit weight
(Soil classification)
kN m 3
firm consistency
Angle of
of soil
cef / cu kPa
- / 50
Table with the soil parameters Vertical bearing capacity (analytical solution)
For the 1st layer, which is considered an undrained cohesive soil (class F4, firm consistency), we
must in addition specify the total soil cohesion (undrained shear strength) cu kPa and the so-called
adhesion factor . This factor is determined relative to the soil consistency, pile material and
total soil cohesion (for more details visit Help F1).
For the 2nd layer, which is considered a cohesionless soil (class S3, medium dense), we must in
addition specify the angle of skin friction , which depends on the pile material. Further, we must
define the coefficient of lateral stress K , which is affected by the type of loading (tension
pressure) and by the pile installation technology (for more details visit Help F1). To simplify the
problem, we will select the option calculate for both of the two variants.
In the Material frame, we will specify the material characteristics of the pile the unit weight of
the structure 23.0 kN m 3 .
Subsequently, we will define the load acting on the pile. The design (calculation) loading is
considered in the calculation of the vertical load-bearing capacity of the pile, while the service load is
considered in the calculation of settlement.
In the Geometry frame we will specify the circular cross-section of the pile and further
determine its basic dimensions, i.e. the diameter and length. Subsequently, we will define the type of
the pile installation technology.
Geometry frame
We will leave the GWT + subsoil frame out. In the Stage settings frame we will leave the
permanent design situation set and then we will continue to the assessment of the pile using the
Vertical capacity frame.
Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile NAVFAC DM 7.2 analysis method
Firstly, we must specify the calculation parameters affecting the magnitude of the pile base
bearing capacity Rb kN in the frame Vertical capacity. First we will define the critical depth
k dc analysis coefficient, which is derived from the so-called critical depth depending on the soil
density (for more details visit Help F1). We will consider this coefficient as k dc 1,0 .
Another important parameter is the coefficient of bearing capacity N q , which is determined
by the soil internal friction angle ef relative to the pile installation technology (for more details
visit Help F1). In this case we will consider N q 10.0 .
Rc 2219.06 kN Vd 1450.0 kN
Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile EFFECTIVE STRESS analysis method
Now we will get back to the input data settings and will carry out the analysis of the vertical
bearing capacity of a single pile for the other analysis methods (Effective stress and CSN 73 1002).
In the Settings frame we will click the Edit button. In the Piles tab, at the drained conditions
calculation, we will select the Effective stress option. The other parameters will remain unchanged.
bearing capacity p for this analysis method which affects the magnitude of skin friction
Rs kN . This parameter is determined by the soil internal friction angle ef and the soil type
(for more details visit Help F1).
The other frames remain unchanged. Now we will get back to the Vertical capacity frame. For
the Effective Stress method we must first specify the value of the coefficient of bearing capacity
N p , which significantly affects the pile base bearing capacity Rb kN . This parameter is
determined by the soil internal friction angle ef and the soil type (for more details visit Help
The significant influence of this parameter on the result is demonstrated by the following table:
Rb 1542.24 kN ,
Rb 4626.71 kN ,
Rb 9253.42 kN .
For our particular problem, we consider the coefficient of bearing capacity N p 30 (the pile
base in sandy soil). The guidance values of N p can be found in Help for more details visit F1.
Rc 6172.8 kN Vd 1450.0 kN
Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile CSN 73 1002 analysis method
Now we will get back to the Settings frame, where we will change the analysis method for
drained conditions in the dialogue window Edit current settings to CSN 73 1002. All of the other
input parameters will remain unchanged.
Subsequently, we will re-assess the pile in the Vertical capacity frame. We will leave the
coefficient of technological influence equal to 1.0 (the analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a
pile without the reduction due to the installation technology).
CSN 73 1002:
Rc 5776.18 kN Vd 1450.0 kN
adhesion factor ,
pile skin friction angle ,
coefficient of lateral soil stress K ,
critical depth analysis coefficient k dc ,
coefficient of bearing capacity N q .
CSN 73 1002:
EN 1997-1, DA2
Vertical bearing
Analysis method
Rs kN
Rb kN
Rc kN
CSN 73 1002
(drained conditions)
The total vertical bearing capacity of a centrally loaded single pile Rc is higher than the value
of the design load Vd acting on it. The fundamental reliability condition for the ultimate limit state is
met; the pile design is therefore satisfactory.
It follows from the analysis results that the total vertical bearing capacity of a pile is different.
This fact is caused both by the different input parameters and by the chosen analysis method.
The assessment of piles depends first of all on the chosen analysis method and the input
parameters describing the soil. Designers should always use calculation procedures for which they
have the required soil parameters available, for example values resulting from the results
of engineering geological surveys and which reflect the local practices.
It is certainly improper to assess a pile using all analysis methods contained in the program and
choose the best or the worst results.
For the Czech and Slovak Republic, the GEO 5 software authors recommend calculating the
vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile using the following two methods:
An analysis taking into consideration the value of the allowable settlement slim 25 mm
(the procedure according to Masopust, which is based on the solution of regression curves
An analysis according to CSN 73 1002. The pile analysis procedure remains identical with that
contained in CSN, but the loading and calculation coefficients reducing the soil parameters or
the pile resistance are specified according to EN 1997-1. This analysis therefore fully complies
with EN 1997-1.