Suffolk Fines

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1 Richard I

1 Benedict de Blakeham v. Prioress of Convent of Wikes in Chettesham

2 Richard I
2 Prioress of the Convent of the church of S. Mary of Wicham v. Robert
son of William de Hintlesham in Hintlesham
3 Prioress of the Convent of Wikes v. William son of Robert and
Helewysia his wife of the advowson of Billeston church
3 Richard I
4 Adam son of Robert de Cokefeld v. Sampson, Abbot of S. Edmunds of
half the hundred of Cosford
6 Richard I
5 Alexander de Winderuilla v. Geoffrey son of Jordan and Alice his
wife in Branteston and Cretingham
7 Richard I
6 Ralph Mangard v. Prior of Buttele of third part of a Knights fee
in Capeles
7 Odo son of Edward de Hepworthe v. Nicholas de Haledis in Bedingfeld
8 Illeb de Gnateshal v. Roger son of Wareng de Gnateshal in Gnateshal

9 Robert son of Roscelyn and Beatrice his wife v. Hubert de Randeston
in Medles
10 Richard nephew of Freburn v. Peter son of Roger in Stanesfeld
11 Richard de Tivill and Cecilia his mother v. W. Prior and Convent of
Ipswich in Pauinton [or Paninton]
12 Richard son of Huhtred v. Richard de Liudholt in Preston
13 William son of Ralph v. Alexander de Vallib3 in Barsham and Ringsfeld
14 Walter Clavigerus v. Brian de Brede in Doseling and Wortharn.
15 Robert de Belage v. John de Fuleburn and Petrouilla his wife in Boxsted
8 Richard I

16 Robert de Coleuill and Stephen de Ludh v. Baldwin de Ufford in UfFord

1 7 Alan Wastenell v. John de Cornherd in Wilmundeston and Bures
18 Richard, Abbot of Colchester v. Ralph de Rouecestr at Bereswell
19 Ralph de ...senur and Roger de Boiton v. Michael Chieure in Boiton
20 William de Hay v. Hugh de Polsted of the advowson of church of
21 Barth'us de Anvllirs v. Angot de Cornerth in Torp and Reidon
22 Ralph de Hosovil v. Geoffrey Pichot in Stanton
23 William son of Agnes v. Geoffrey son of Godfrey in Stanefeld
24 Thomas Bigod and Agnes his wife v. William de Wolpferston in Torp
25 Alice Ouell v. Geoffrey Peche in Hertest (sic)
26 (only part of a document) de Willanesham v. Ralph son of
Simon in Reukeshall
27 Walter son of Elyas v. John de Cornherda in Cornherda
28 Maurice de Dodenelle v. Wimerius, chaplain, in Dodenesse
29 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Gilbert son of Ralph in Telnedham,
Hepwrd Gersinge and Reindon
30 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. William son of Anselm of Totdestoke
in Randest [Brandeston ?]
31 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Peter son of Henry de Livremere
in Magna and Parva Livermere and Ameton
32 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Norman son of Norman in Risebi
33 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. William de Berdewell in Berdewell
and Hnnterstan
34 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Adam de Cockefeld of the scutage
of one knight

8 -10 RICHARD I. 3
35 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Walter de Saxham in Saxham and

36 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Gilbert de Maneton in Maneton

37 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Gilbert Peche in Dorencheston,
Kalesham, Newetpn, Qweton, Culeford, Herleston, Wodewell and
Wand [Waud ?]
38 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Adam Coterel in Ameton and Timwrd
39 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Eeginald, son of Peter de Brochelee
in Brochelee
40 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Richard de Hikewrd in Hikewrd,
Wanford, Horniggesheyd and Stanton
41 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Peter son of Alan de Brochelee in
9 Richard I
42 Matilda de Bellet v. Richard de Specteshale of Gunolfeshace
43 Martin de Bello Fago and Gila his wife v. Ivo de Keneton and Alice
his wife in
44 William de Otelli v. Roger de Tudham in Tudharn
45 Thurbarius son of Ailine and Rikilda his wife and Johanna his
daughter v. Hugh, Prior of Stokes in Stokes
46 Ralph Gerund in Carlton and Belton
47 (part of a document) v. Ralph the nephew in Bernham
48 Countess Gundreda v. Roger de Kro in Waincford
49 Samson [Abbot of S. Edmunds] v. Robert de Scalis of the advowson
of the church of Wetherden
50 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. William son of Walter and Sarah
his wife of the services of two knights in Bradefeld and Watlesfeld
10 Richard I
51 William son of William v. Nicholas de Benhaull in Rissemere
52-Cristiana de Hixninge v. Adam Trussebut in Hixninge
53 Alice de Livremere v. William, Alexander and Ralph the son of
Richard the Priest in Livermere
54 Matilda de Hauberuill v. Gilbert de Hirlenden of land and mill del Hea

55 Michael, Prior and the canons of the Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul of
Ipswich v. Arnaldus de Koleuile and Agnes his wife of the church
of Cretingham

56 Beatrice and Margaret de Corp v. Wachel Videlu in Torp
57 Eobert son of Osbert de Kopedhoc v. Eeinerus, clerk of Hintlesham.
in Hintlesham
58 Adam de Pagefeld and Ailiva. his wife, daughter of Eobert de
Pagefeld v. Warinnus Lacun in Pagefeld
59 Mabilla who was wife of Manaser v. John his son in Mendlesham
60 Ludovic son of Hugh v. Eobert son of Herveus in Herkestede
61 Ealph Milun v. John de Troftune and Ealph Brito and Eichard Brito
in Reseby
62 Cecilia daughter of Osbert v. Eobert de Depedene in Dunstune
63 Adam de Eussemere v. Hugh de Aldhagh in Bussemere
64 Eobert Auehell v. Nigellus de Broc of Tuffesden in Silkeden
65 Alice daughter of Eobert v. Eobert son of Eichard in Giselham
66 Magister Peter, parson of the church of Dinuineton v. Gerard son of
Herveus in Mapelenehawe
67 Geoffrey son of Herbert v. Bartholomew and John his brother of
Hemingestun of Bulewalestoft near Stupaineslund in Hemingestun
68 William and Adam son of Osbert of Sprouton v. Alexander de Sudbuf
and Hawisia his wife in Sprouton
69 Thomas son of Simon v. Walter de Specteshale in Specteshale
70 Simon de Eyes v. Peter de Eidele in Watesdon
71 Eobert and Ainilda his wife v. Alfridus Palmar in Werlingham
72 Eeinerus of London and Lucia his wife v. Eobert de Windegoste in
73 Simon de Farnham v. Baunulph Dun in Hienhel
74 William son of Eobert v. Anselm de Eingeshale in Eingeshal

75 Ealph de Watefeld v. Geoffrey de Aublie and Nicholas de Aldcam in

76 William son of Elwin v. Thomas de Glanuilla in Uvesdene
77 Alice daughter of Anandus v. Huricus del Hul in Lalehebi
78 William son of Eobert v. Eobert Leneweina and Matilda his wife in
79 Eohesia daughter of Hereward v. Peter de Fakedon in Fakedon
80 Simon Niger de Aldulveston v. Adam de Otteleia in Oteleia (sic)
81 Geoffrey Blundel and Adam son of Stanild v. Ralph de Depedene and
Edith his wife and Robert de Hecham and Alice his wife in Depedene

82 William, Prior of the church of S. Mary de Buttele v. Kobert son of
Kobert de Blancheuill in Butele
83 Walter de la Hose v. Henry de la Hose in Flinwurct (?)
84 William de Hida v. Bobert de Walsam in Heccham
85 Folclune (?) son of Aluric and Avicia his sister v. Bichard de Boiton
in Boiton
( 86 William son of Warin and Leurmer his brother v. Clement Pistor in
87 Huricus son of Hubert v. Bichard his brother in Jachesle
88 Henry Bukiard v. Philip, clerk, of Batlesden in Batlesdon
89 Lucia, daughter of Cecilda and Beatrice her sister v . Bichard de
Bramford and Bichard de Wilages in Hinton
90 Bobert son of Basil v. Nicholas de Aldeham in Watefeld
91 Boger, chaplain v. Bichard de WilageBhem in Burstal
92 Odelina the. wife of Holdegrin v. Alured and Salerna his wife in Hopeton
93 William de Heming v. Bichard de Guneton in Guneton
94 William son of Brittwus v. Alan son of Gilbert in Gnateshal
95 Bichard Bernard and Matilda his wife and Alditha sister of Matilda V;
Bobert son of William in Benelega

96 Bobert de Cleding v. Bobert de Esse in Esse

97 Aldietha daughter of Bichard v. Bobert son of Mainard in Mutford
98 Albretha daughter of Hereward v. Bichard son of Wlured in Berton
99 Philip le Bello Campo v. Geoffrey de Amble in Parva Offigetun
100 Meruinus and Wimard his wife and Margaret sister of Wimard v.
William, clerk of Wase c in Belstede
101 Alan son of William v. Gilbert son of Bichard in Cavenham
102 Balph son of Osbert v. Bobert son of Malet in Tiburton
103 Henry son of Hugh v. Hugh son of Hugh in Samere
104 Lena de Thornam v. Berard de Watlesfeld of the dowry of Lena in
105 Hervicus de Hepwrth v. William son. of Geoffrey in Bradefeld
106 Alexandra de Litleber v. William son of Clement in Habeton
107 Beginald son of Boger and Matilda his wife v. Peter de Finstede in
108 John son of Geoffrey v. Bobert de Chodeham in Chodeham
109 Wlwan son of William v. William Platon in Thorp

110 Henry son of Yvo v. Ralph Perdit in Stokes
111 Henry son of Wlwin v. Ralph de Bello Campo and Alice his
mother in Melles
112 Walter de la More v. Gerard son of Gilbert and Gunnilda his wife in
113 Walter de la More v. Fucardus son of John in Cnotigtun
114 Maurice Cattun and Hubert his brother v. Stephen son of Roger in
115 Richard the Priest v. Hubert de Grilleslund in Jakele
116 Nicholas Carbonel v. Mabilla daughter of Alan and John her relative
in Waldingefeld

117 Alice and Hawisia and Mabilla neices of Paganus Bard v. Countess
Agnes in Cokefeld
118 Geroudus de Dunestun v. Walter Fab? in Dunstun
119 Alan son of Roger v. Ordingus son of Ralph in Elmham
120 Cecilia de Clare v. William de Westun iu Clare
121 William of St. Edmunds v. Adam Talebot in Fornham
122 Safrey and Ranulf and Goscelin, brothers v. Adam de Gernemue in
123 William de Winderuile v. John and Alexander in Meleis.
124 John son of William de Bello Campo v. John de Duneston in Brokelande
1 John
Ralph de Bule, chaplain v. William Reimund and Ivo his sou, in Helman
1 de Haia v. Maurice his brother in
2 Robert son of Gerard v. Matilda de Aldeham and Nicholas her son in
3 Elias son of Turstan v. Nicholas son of Robert in Dunwich
4 Simon son of Bartholomew v. Roger his brother in Stanham
5 Walter Master of Hospital of Holy Saviour outside the northern gate
of S. Edmunds v. Master Herveus of S. Edmunds in Cranemere
6 Hubert de Munkanesi v. Earl Roger Bigot of Staraerton [or Stavertonl
7 Walter de Hadfeld and Matilda his w}fe v. John son of Turolda and
Gena his wife in Esse
8 Roger son of Richard v. Hamund of Sibeton in Sibeton
9 Hervicus de Berton v. William son of Walter in Berton

1 4 JOHN. 7
10 Walter, Master of the Hospital of Blessed Saviour outside northern
gate of S. Edmunds and Master Herveus of S. Edmunds v. Adelina
daughter of Richard in Crauemere
1 1 Roger son of William de Walesham v. William de Ixewurthe in Langham

12 Robert de Vallib3 v. Hubert de Munchanes in Wenham and

and Chebestan and Turton
13 Brian son of Berold v. Robert Prcepositus in Braunteston
14 Walter de Bernham v. Thomas de Mendham in Alpheldtun
2 John
15 Thomas de Estang v. Cristiana who was wife of Wisoardus Leidet in
Brandon and Lakingehee
16 Sanson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Adam de Bedingefeld in Bedingefeld
17 Ranulph le Flemeng v. GereB de S. Clare in Bradefeld
18 Earl Roger Bigod v. William son of Alan in Teberton
19 Robert de Stradebroo v. Norman Carpentar in Cheventon
20 Belesent daughter of Alstan v. Reginald son of Robert in Dunwioh
3 John
21 Gerard de Vian and Isabella his wife and Albretha sister of Isabella
v. Walter Stosne in Stosne
22 Ralph Munti v. Walram his brother in Wilingsham and H
23 Richard de v. Geoffrey de Berkyng in Bretenham
24 Osbert son of Herveus v. William son of Anselm de Totestoke in
25 Ralph of Ipswich and Basilia his wife v. Hubert son of Geoffrey in
26 Cristiana who was wife of Sweting v. Thomas, Prior of the church of
S. Peter of Dunwich outside the gate of S. Nicholas of Dunwich
1 Nicholas son of Roger v. Ralph son of Warin in
4 William
5 John son of G v. Robert de Codham
6 Gilbert de Pattun and Richard and John his brother v. Burchardus de
Gnadeshale in .........

7 Clarenbald del Aune v. John de Romges in Rinbriot (?)

8 William and Richard sons of Geoffrey v. Alrio le Panner and William
his son in Chevynton
9 Richard son of Simon de Bretham and Cristiana his wife v. Walter
Swift in Bretham
10 Robert son of Ernold v. Adam, Abbot of Gloucester and Ernold Ruffic
in Hammingeston
11 Olivia daughter of Geoffrey v. Robert son of Ranulph in Cukeleu (?)
12 v. William son of and Matilda his wife in
14 Ranulf son of Ailnath v. Richard de Bendon in Bandon
16 Ranulph de Glanvill v. Bartholomew, parson of Langeford in Berningham and Elnetham
17 Geoffrey son of Bercardus v.' Hector son of Adam in Hillege
18 Goda daughter of Reginald v. Odo son of Mainard and Wimerus de
Elmeswell in Elmeswell
20 son of Wade v. John son of Eadmund de Reindon in
21 Selena daughter of Wittmar v. Jordanus de Ringeshal and Lecia his
wife in Tatingeston
22 Hubert de deston v. Gaufridus de Lodnes and Alice his wife in
23 Roger Gobet v. Ralph G of land in Fornham
,24 Jordanus Buling and Lucia his wife and Beatrice sister of Lucia v.
Walter de la Haie in Sprotton
25 Theobald de Acleie v. Anselmus de Acleie in Acleie ,
26 Mabilla who was wife of Eustachim de Esse v. Walter de Hatfeld and

Matilda his wife of the dowry of Mabilla in Esse and Hamingaston

27 v and Constance his wife in
28 Adam de Cokefeld v. Richard de V in singfeld
29 Elias son of William v. William Richard and Adam sons of Roger in
30 Roger de Twamhol v. Warinus son of Geoffrey in Mildenhal
31 William de Bavent v. William son of Roscelin in Wode
32 Gerard, Prior of Norwich and the convent of the same place v. William
son of Eborard in Gapeton

4 JOHN. 9
33 v. Michael, Prior of S. Peters in Ipswich in
34 Eobert son of Alan v. William Blundus in Westleton
35 Bartholomew de Hemingeston v. Swift son of Herbert de Hemingestone of
36 Walter de Lexham v. Gerebert de Sant Cler in Bradeffeld and Watlesfeld
37 Hugh de Rikinghal v. Richard de Rikinghal in Wetheringset
39 Walter de v. Gilbert Palmarius in Wortham
40 v. Reinbald son of William
41 William son of Robert v. William son of Roscelin in Wingefeld
42 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Heinfridus de Criketot in Vvesden
43 Angod son of Richard de Cornhert v. Gilbert son of Hubert in Saxstede
44 Petronilla who was wife of Osbert son of William v. Roger son of
Osbert in Redesham
46 William Giffard v. Baldwin son of Umfray in Halebroc
47 Ranulph Flandresone v. Adam de Gedding in Buc
48 Osbert son of Godrich v. Gaviuus de Sprouton in Sprouton
49 Roger son of and William his brother v. Henricus son of

Robert in Watfeld
50 Berard son of Edmund v. Solomon of Wepsted in Dunston
51 William Joseph v. Matilda who was the wife of William son of Ralph
de Herlingefleth in Herlingefleth
52 v de Bockeford in
53 Thomas de Keneteford v. Alexander de Brocton in Kenetford
54 Goda daughter of Reginald and Connora his sister v. William son of
Robert in ingeston
55 James Olund v. Roger de Wodeham in Wodeham
56 Robert de Bateford v. Everard de Bateford in Farnlegh and in Atlitun (?)
and Strateshel
58 Lawrence sou of Roger v. Angerus de Bergham in
59 Paganus de Hei and Agnes his wife v in
60 William son of Joseph v. Stephen his son in Herlingefleth
61 in Hadley
62 Reginald of Dunwich v. Simon de Heveningham in Heveningham

63 Juliana de Bello Monte v. Gilbert son of Kalph in Cretyng
64 Hugh son of Botild v. Ealph son of Richard in Keneton
65 Roger de Limesi v. Robert Trusse in Wicham
66 Richard de Insula v. William de Askeby in Herlingeflete
67 Richard de Holle v. Sawalus and Basilia his wife in
69 William son of Gilbert and Hugh his brother v in Riseby
70 Hugh son of Robert v. Roger Gulafre in Atle in Gosewald
71 Samson, Abbot v. William son of G and Robert his
brother in Chevinton

72 William son of Peter and Beatrice his wife v. Roger in Finigham

74 Juliana de Straton v. Philip son of Gilbert in Culesle
75 Geoffrey son of v. William Malchael in
76 William de Berton v. Osbert de Hopeton in
78 Robert Flandr v. Adam de Gedding in Buokeshal
79 Cecilia de Clare v. Hugh son of in Pridinton
80 in Oxne
82 Albricus son of Mangot and Eva his sister v. Ralph son of Dionisia
in Ofton
85 Henry, chaplain of Brom v. Alured son of Josef and John his son in
86 Ralph Hadened and Gerud de Tadew and Andrew and
Alice de v. Robert de Walesham and Basilia his wife in
89 Clarice and Emma v
90 William de Be v. Osbert de Hopetun in
91 Henry v. Ralph son of Adam in
92 Albricus son of Mangot and Eva his sister v. William son of
in Asfeld

45 JOHN. 11
94 William in Floketun

95 Mabilla and Muriel daughters of Anioia v in Farnlegh

96 Johnle Petit v
97 William de Gloucester v. Henry son of Roger and Matilda his wife
98 Margaret and Basilia her sister of Ipswich v. John, Prior of the
church of S. Trinity of Ipswich in Gleidun
99 Robert de broc v. Jocelyn of All Saints in Cheventon
100 Robert de Munegheton and Agnes his wife v. Robert de Coleuill in
L01 v. Dean and Chapter of
103 Reiner of London and Lucia his wife v. Roger de Wlpettes in Wlpetes
5 John
1 Juliana daughter of Hubert v. Thomas de Tancraville and his
wife in Edwardestone
2 John de Cornherth v. Ralph de La Kersumere in Kemesing
3 Mericia daughter of William v. William de la Haie in Sproton
4 Randulph Flandr v. William de Felsham in Felsham
5 Matilda de Sapeston v. Richard son of Drogan in Wridewelle
6 Robert le Bretun v. Roger le Bretun in Wurtham and Palegraue and
7 Geoffrey son of Alstan v. William son of Alstan in Westhall
8 Richard de Messebir v. Roger des Escales in Herst
9 Richard de Ykewurthe v. Alan de Flemeton of Flemeton
10 William Ingeniator and Avicia his wife v. William de Horningeshierd
in Weston, Wimerdeston, Wertherdon and Stanton
1 1 Yda de Langeston v. Roger de Baudeseie and Avelina his wife in
Langeton and Burgate
12 Roger de Catton v. William Gertrum in Thorham
13 Mericia daughter of William v. Mabilla de Remes in Sprouton
14 Robert de Glanuill v. Robert de Crec and Agnes his wife in Middelton
and Iokeford

15 Gilbert son of Thomas v. Gilbert son of Gerold in Clare

16 Alice widow of Stephen Le bachilier b. Walter de Asfeld in Asfeld
17 Robert de Giselingh v. Matilda de Risses in Wiverdeston

6 John
18 William de Dranchestone and Agnes his wife v. Walter son tffl
William in Eindham
19 William Ingeniator and Lucia his wife v. Nicholas de Bulchee il
20 Walter de Bernham v. Martin, Abbot of Aubemare of Alfledetone
21 Earl Koger le Bigod v. Robert de Coleuill of Kenlesham
22 Philip de Cokeleis and Roger his brother v. Andrew de Cruwelurii
in Esse
23 Philip, Monk v. William de Horcuser in Berdewell
24 William de Mendham and Margaret his wife v. Richard son of
Deogonisius in Livermere
25 Richard, Earl of Clare v. Ralph de la Kersunnere of Stanefeld
26 Hugh son of Gedruc v. Walter son of Adam in Leleseia (?)
27 William son of Gregory v. Yvo de Keneton in Burstalle
28 Ernald de Charneless and Maria his wife v. Osbert de Wachesham
and Isabella his wife in Buresgerd
29 Osbert Parcarius v. Robert Marescallus in Huneden
30 Richard de Karlestone and Alice his wife v. Beatrice daughter of
Fulco in Goderichestorp
31 Thomas de Bretherton and Martha his wife v. William Hoton in Hoton
32 Adam de Claidon and Basilia his wife v. Walter de Hadfeld and
Matilda his wife in Esse and Hemmingestone
33 Jocelin de Espano v. Walter Malet and Aeleisia his wife in
7 John

34 Isabella daughter of Herbert v. Robert Gulafre of in

35 William son of v. John Hunipot in Wingefeld
36 Roger de Cresey v. Richard de Bleuill in Reiyd
37 Herbert Camerarius and Matilda his wife v. John de Whatefeld in
38 Matilda daughter of Ralph v. Gutuld de Heppewurthe in Heppewnrthe
39 William Ruffus v. William de Colevill in Brontun and Bozel
40 Robert son of Walter and Gunnora his wife v. Walter de Sapeston
of church of Sapestone

79 john. 13
41 Robert and William and Walkelinus and John, sons of Norman v.
Osbert de Sproutone in Sproutone
42 Bartholomew de v. Robert de Crec and Agnes his wife in
43 Agnes daughter of Oger v. Richard son of John in Stansfeld
44 Margaret de Luoi v. William de Bello Monte and Emelina his
daughter of Langeham
45 William Josep v. Geoffrey de Euepoll and Matilda his wife in Westhall
46 The Rector of Leiham v. Maurice de Ispana in Hehham
8 John
47 Milo de Suterni and Amabilla his wife v. Hubert de Anesty and
Matilda his wife in Wissele
48 Huricus de Cokefeld v. Richard de Fresingefeld and Amanda his
wife in Corfford, Haslee, Whitfeld and Auelton
49 Matilda who was wife of Gamaliel de Euerwardeston v. Adam de
Bramton in Euerwardeston
50 Matilda Belet v. William son of Walter de Henham in Henham
51 Isabella de Gerdesle v. Solomon de Welpsted in Duneton

52 Agnes and Margaret and Wulviva daughter of Selida v. Stephen

son of Benedict in Akethorp
; 53 Adam son of Oger v. Richard, Abbot of the church of S. Osith in
54 Geoffrey de Maur v. Roger de S. Philberto in Branton
55 Peter son of William de Cove v. William, Prior of S. Neots in
56 Mabilla who was wife of Gilbert v. Nicholas of Bentelawe in Wretting
57 Linnet Carpentarius v. Hugh son of Walter, in Timewrth
58 William Petet v. Ranulph Kettone in Herkested
59 Amicia, Countess of Clare v. Emma, Prioress of Eton of S. Gregory
60 William, Prior of Norwich v. Geoffrey de Askebi in Gapeton [Sapiston ?]
61 Peter de Celestr v. Milo de Hastings in Heketun
9 John
62 Samsone, Abbot of S. Edmund's v. John son of William de Costantino
in Rikinghale
63 Robert de Crec v. Hugh de Flamaville of church of Finingham

64 Alexander de Subr and Robert his brother and Alex r son of Liuald inSuErj
65 Do. do. * Matilda da
Sudbur in Sudbuf
66 William Russell and Isolda his wife v. Earl Roger le Bigod ii
67 Robert son of Ralph de Neketon v. William de Neketon in Berton
68 Eustace de Gerarvile v. William de Gerarvile in Stok
69 Gervase parson of Witlesham v. Hugh de Rikingshal in Walesham ,
70 Osbert son of Gerard de Wechesham v. Michael, Prior of S. Peter,:
of Ipswich of Weruested
71 William, son of Walter v. Robert carpentarius in Laiham
72 Gilbert Rofensis v. Philip de Gumde and Rosamund his wife in

73 Gilbert de Colevill v. Theobalde de Valeifi of church of Perham
10 John
1 Jordan son of Matilda v. Milo de Hasting in Hoketon (Holeton 1)
2 Hugh son of Herbert v. Ralph de Londe in Strateshill
3 Matilda and Auelina, Albricia, Agnes and Gunnilda and Roesift
daughter of Robert son of Gilbert v. Gilbert le Caner in Fresingfeld
4 Richard son of Matilda v. Thomas son of Gilbert in Hediham
5 Thomas de Erdinton and Roesia v. Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds
in Ruseham
6 Nicholas son of Aungerus and Amicia his wife v. Nicholas de
Bulethe in Brocley
7 Siredus de Boxford v. Godwin de Ornesfeld in Hocleia
8 Walter Peikat and Cecilia his wife v. Thomas Bastard in Crotone
9 William de Gymingeham v. Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds of
Endegate Church
10 Robert de Aldewarthon v. Bartholomew de Amlers of Euer wards-:
stone church
11 Hugh Pinetor v. Gilbert Caby and Bernard del Ling in Brom
12 Humfrey Faber and Levena his wife v. Oskitel Kniton in Palegraue
13 Walter le Cunte v. Adam le Berningham (Abbot of St. Edmunds and
Robert son of Walter apposi clam)
14 Alicia Mabilla and Hawisia de Colchester v. Godfrey Carpentaria!
in Kockefeld

10 11 JOHN. 15
15 Robert de Avilers v. Alan son of Warner in Redegrave and Rikinghal
16 Philip Gulafre v. Hugh de Aubervill in Halm17 John de Summerthou v. Roger, Chaplain in Sumerthon
18 William Tresg03 v. William de Colevill in Hesphal

19 Robert son of Thurstan and Roger his brother v. Richard son of

Simon in Esse
20 Robert le Mayner v. Huricus de Tayden in Thorney
21 Geoffrey and William sons of Herveus de Pesseme v. Robert son of
Robert de Bromfeld in Haminggeston
22 William son of Norman v. Gilbert de Belsted in Belsted
23 Matilda and Anicia daughter of Ymanell v. Ralph son of Richard in
24 Simon de Howe and Edina his wife v. Ralph son of Wilfrun in Bringham
25 Warinus and William and Turkill sons of Edward v. Simon de Esse
in Semere
26 Alice, Mabilla and Havvisia, sisters, v. Alan, chaplain, in Kokefeld
27 Robert de Avilers v. Ralph son of Warner in Redgraue and Rikingehal
28 Alan de Beketon v. Bartholomew son of Eudon in Beketon
29 Richard son of Huricus v. Agnes who was wife of Henry de
Widekesho and Richard his son in Walkesho
30 Aillilda daughter of Godwin v. William de Draiton and Avelina his
wife in Wemested
31 Briocwold son of Walera v. Roger Ingeniator, in Burnedis
32 Nicholas son of Gilbert v. Gerald son of Umfridus in Beleton
33 Wlivia and Matilda, daughter of Richard Riot v. Warinnus de
Ramesden in Weybrede
34 Geoffrey and William sons of Hervicus de Ressemere v. Baldwin son
of Ordinerus and Robert his brother of Clayden in Hemingeston
35 Godfrey de Waure v. Robert de Burnedis in Dininton
36 Simon de Reindon v. John Wtefeld in Watefeld
11 John
37 Alan de Witheresdal v. Roger Gulafre in Istede
38 Samson, Abbot of S. Edmunds v. Thomas de Sedding in Redgrave
(Hubert son of William appofi clain)

39 Anicia daughter of Roger v. Walter de Wancy in Diepeden

40 Roger Cocus v. Wido de Verdon and Alice his wife in Craneford

41 Hugh Pincerna o. Roger Gulafre in Atle
42 Alesia who was wife of Nigellus Maresoall v. William Russell and
Isolda his wife in Falceham
43 William Corndebos v. William Le Cunte in Brocford
44 William son of Warin v. William son of Brittmar in Sadenfeld
45 John son of Jordan v. Nicholas, Dispensator, in Laneham
46 Richard Pikenot v. John de Hudebovill in Aketon
47 Wimarc son of Richard v. Bartholomew son of Hugh in Mendesham
(Richard son of Thomas appoii clam)
48 Lawrence son of Maysent v. Alexander de Whelnetham and Sarah
his wife in Exninge
49 Philip de Columbers v. Semay son of Robert in Renigeham and Acholte
50 Hubert Smaleman and Adam and Geoffrey his brothers v. Ralph Le
Franceis in Edwardeston
12 John
51 John son of Roland v. William son of Gregory and Alice his wife in
Sprouton (Robert de Norwud appon clam)
52 Philippa who was wife of Odo de Cokefeld v. Hebert de Alenon in
53 Matilda who was wife of Roger de Tudeham v. Gilbert de Tudenham
in Tudeham and Caveham
54 William de Gerard vill v. Roger, Prior of Eya of Stokes.
55 Hubert de Monte Kanisio v. John son of Roland in Stokes (Roger
Kalmedus appoii clam)
56 Robert Custepan and Cristiana his wife v. Peter son of Robert in
Teberton in Dunwich

57 William de Bromford v. Hubert de Monte Kanisii of Holeton

13 John
58 Robert son of Robert v. Gerard son of Avelina in Wiuermers
59 John son of Roland o. Richard de Bromford in Bromford
60 John, Prior of S. Trinity of Ipswich v. John son of Roland in
Bromford (John son of NonQ and John son of Edmund appoii clam)
61 Roger son of Osbert v. Osbert de Bradewell of Bradewell Church
62 Johanna, Prioress of Campesse v. Henry de Turnecurt of Totinton
63 Stephen Oligrant and Walter his brother v. Robert Oligrant in
Stouene, Utkethale and Sadenefeld

14 16 JOHN 2 3 HENRY III. 17

14 John
64 Ralph de Beckel and Alice his wife v. Adam de Bauent in Randesham
65 Alan de Witheresdal v. Robert, Prior de Buttelof Weibred advowson
66 William Missa and Isolda his wife v. Stephen de Chiselford in
67 Sara de Sapeston v. William de Hora in '!
68 Michael de Bauent v. Ralph de Cukel in Silham
69 Sara de Sapeston v. William Venator in Sapeston
70 Beatrice who was wife of Richard de Kent v. Nicholas de Kenet in
71 Agatha de la Kersimer v. John de Cornerthe in Remesinges
15 John
f72 Nicholas de Asfeld v. Thomas Dacun in Gretingeham and Framesden,
Asfeld and Saham
73 Ralph son of Hugh v. Gilbert son of Hugh in Glemham
74 Robert, Abbot of York v. Henry de Grumilles of Cove
75 Walter de Soterlee v. Robert de Windervill and : Emma his wife in
76 Gerebert de S. Clair v. Henry de Cokefeld of Hoketon and Bradefeld

77 William Russell and Isolda his wife v. Henry de~ Grumilles in

16 John
78 Letitia de Medefeld v. Richard Kitcy in Medefeld
79 (4 John) Samson, Abbot of S. Edmund v. Benedict son of John de
Blakeham of the manors of Chelsworth, Lacford and Whepsted
2 Henry III
1 Ralph de Bulecamp v. William Reimund in Helmham
2 Avelina who was wife of Walter de Daggewurthe v. Robert de
Daggewurthe in Daggewurthe
3 Cristiana who was wife of William Mori v. Hugh son of Mabilia in
4 Robert de Stradebroc v. Robert son of Geoffrey in Cheuenton
3 Henry III
5 Lambert de Muleton and Gilbert de Kentewell and William de
Waudingham v. Robert, Abbot of Creteng, of Cretinges
+ Since this Calendar waa made this fine has been removed from the file.

6 John de Watfeld v. Walter de Nauelton of Nauelton [Nauetton ?]
7 Margaret who was wife of Eobert de Bordewell v. William de
Bordewell in Hunteston
8 Ernald son of Gerard v. William, chaplain, and John his brother and
Ealph son of Gerard in Crosfeld and Codeham
9 Osbert son of Eobert v. Eobert son of Michael in Hasketon
10 Juliana who was wife of Gocelyn, son of Bertram v. Peter de
Brampton in Brampton
11 Eoger son of Hugh v. Beatrice de Stagno in Burgate
12 Peter de Nerford v. Gilbert de Klouere in Stansfeld

13 Hamo Chevre v. Prior of Ginges of Wydekesho

14 Osbert de Wachesham and Isabel his wife and William de Verdun and
Matilda his wife v. Adam, Prior of Horton of Stansted
15 William son of Beyner of London v. Hubert de Montecanisio in
16 Maurice le Eus v. John de Houdebouill in Cesterton
17 Emma daughter of Eichard v. Eichard de Suthhutton and Maria his
wife and William son of Margaret in Berningham
18 Magister Lambert, pason of Huniden church v. Hugh de Gardin and
Eoger de Gardin and William Pollard and Eeginald le Granger and
Thurstan de Huneden in Huneden
19 John son of Walter v. William son of Eichard in Wyvermersh
20 Martin de Bella Fago and Gila his wife v. Hugh de Bykinghal of
Witlesham and Crosfeld and Bikinghal in Cambes
21 William Picot v. Aernald Lenveise in Wevyton
22 William de Blancheuill v. Prior de Eya in Fresingfeld
23 Alexander son of Ealph v. Henry, Prior of S. Anthony of Kereseye
in Semere
24 Eohesia de Kokefeud v. Thomas de Burgo and Nesta his wife in
Cokfeud, Semer and Grotun
25 Hugh de Gersing v. John de Eichbrok, chaplain, in Gaysle and Nedham
26 Gregory de Hupton and Matilda his wife and Alice daughter of Eoger
Chayfun v. Eobert Picot in Mendham
27 John de Gloviernia and Dionisia his wife v. Adam Baavent and Eglentina
his wife in Cambes
28 Walter Parlet and Margaret his wife v. Ysabella who was wife of
Warin and Thomas his son in Ho

29 Walter son of Thomas v. John Sturmi and Alexander Ruhheued and
William de Sudwode and Hervicus de Bradegren in Hanley

30 Hugh de Gersing v. Roger de Benders in Nedham

31 Thomas Gernun v. Philip de Columbariis in Bateford and in Horisett
32 Hubert de Munechanesy v. Adam de Vallibz in Cheddeston
33 Geoffrey son of Richard v. Prior of Blyburt in Thurigton
34 Alexander son of Robert v. Richard son of John in Magna Cornerth
and Parva Cornerth, and Sudbyry
35 Flandrina daughter of Warin de Pethag v. Flandrina daughter of
Robert and Philip her son in Pethag
36 William son of Adam v. William Blundun in Aschefeld
37 Thomas le Latymer v. Warin le latimer in Kessingeland
38 Edmund de Pulham v. Hubert Thurmed in Lakingheye
39 Robert de Hyl v. Walter son of Eustace and William brother of Walter
40 Hugh de Blakeld and Hawisia his wife v. William Cotum and Muriel
his wife in Mendham
41 Thomas de Gerbodesham and Maria his wife v. Adam de Hwepstede in
42 Solomon son of Norman and Cecilia his wife v. Hervicus, Prior, in
43 Richard de Ketelbergh v. Henry son of Ralph in Eston and Ketelbergh
44 Alvina daughter of Robert v. Richard son of Algar and Matilda
his wife in Chyleburn
45 Richolda and Rohesia, daughters of Hugh v. Ralph de Wadingefeld
in Priditun [or Friditun]
46 Robert son of Walter de Westeneueton v. Walter de Valenc in
47 Earl Roger Le Bigod v. Robert Bardolf in Bungheye
48 William de Walesham v. Nicholas de Mendham in Preston
49 Wulnethia daughter of Gunnild v. Bartholomew de Herst in Barsham,
Herst, and Shchypmedwe
50 Margaret daughter of William v. Roger Fuseway in Thorneham

51 Hubert Jernggan v. Prioress of Redlingefeld in Redlingefeld

52 Alan son of Reginald v. Roger son of Reginald in Methingham
53 Ralph, clerk and Aldrith his wife v. Richard Le Cornur and Alice his
wife and Emma daughter of Syred in Bokesford

54 Alice daughter of Gerard v. William Visdelu in Tremeleye
55 Hubert son of Kichard v. Hubert son of Hubert in Werestede
56 Katherine and Alice, daughters of Aleisia v. Henry de Capeles ir
57 John de Glovern and Dionisia his wife v. Anna de la More in Watefelc
58 Walter son of William v. William son of Hugh in Sylham
59 Petronilla daughter of William de Belestede v. Kobert de Koppedoc
in Hintlesham
60 Philip son of Richard v. Walter de Bedingfeld in Bedingfeld
61 Richard de Nereford v. Walter de Nereford in Essinton
62 Cecilia and Matilda daughters of William de Rindham v. Ralph dt
Rybo in Ryndham
63 Adam sou of Roges v. Nicholas Halyday, clerk in Cretingham
64 Roger of Maurice v. Alan de Witherdal in Weyberde
65 Ralph son of Henry v. Burchardus de Gnateshal in Gnateshal
66 John son of Adam v. Prior of S. Peters of Ipswich in Hintlesham
67 Eva de Gray v. William Abbot of S. Albans of Alinggeton
68 Walter de Westhorp v. Robert Gernun in Westhorp
69 Ailmerus de Berningham v. Gilbert Sorel in Berningham
70 Robert Channterell and Stephen his brother v. William son of Adam
and Paschana his wife in Finengham
71 Hugh de Boxstede v. Hugh de Polstede in Polstede
72 Geoffrey Bustard v. Osbert de Baudreseya in Stradebroc
73 Prior of Stokes v. Robert de la Hese of Berton

74 Alan son of Reginald v. Michael de Regefeld in Reddesham

75 Robert son of Herbert v. John Nerebold in Aketon
76 Robert son of Hubert of Randeston v. Walter le Cunte of Benigham
in Bernigham
77 William Caugel and Aleisia his wife v. Hervicus le Taillur and
Felicia his wife in Elmingham
78 Robert son of Matilda v. Bartholomew son of Henry and William de
Bellocampo in Melles
79 Roger de Wyset v. Walter son of Aelinus in Wyset
80 William de Cerysy v. Hubert Jhernagay in- Sthanham and Cretyng
81 Roger Abholte and Constancia- de Bertholte, Adam de Croyndon and
William de Croydon v. Robert Pinctor de Hemingeston and Matilda
his wife in Bercholt

3 5 HENRY III. 21
82 Matilda daughter of Martin v. Alexander de Welnetham and Sarah
his wife and Albricus Molendinar in Yxeninge
. 83 Robert de Haustede v. Abbot of Tyleceya in Benetley
84 Albreda daughter of Richard v. Aernaldua Cusin and Matillus Brusa
in Parva Stonham
85 Geoffrey Ski' and Alice his wife v. Robert son of Michael in Oreford
86 Roger son of Nigellus v. Richard de Kaleston and Alice his wife in
87 Magister William, parson of Wetherden v. Humfrey son of William
in Wetherdene r
88 Walter son of Edmund v. Gunfredus Le Aldeman in Wyllyngham '
89 William de Verdun v. William de Coleuill in Brampton
90 Ralph Bencelin v. Ralph Le Ko in Ryssemere
91 Hamelinus, chaplain of Gretyngham v. Walter Saxe in Helmele
4 Henry III
92 Robert Mariscall v. William Testepin in Hintlesham

93 Amabilla who was wife of Richard de Dalham v. Roger de Dalham

in Gaysle in Guliug
94 Thomas Tyrel v. William de Peyton in Peyton
95 William de Arches v. John de Rikelebury and Juliana his wife in
96 Ernaldus son of Pagan v. Richard son of William in Bacton
97 Richard de Braham v. Bartholomew de Braham in Braham and
Stutton and Tatyngeston in Braham
98 Eborard de Sigillo v. William son of Eborard in Karsee andDenardeston
99 Hugh son of Walter v. John de Dunham of Tymewrth
100 Adam de Bauent v. Richard de Witewell in Sutton and in Schadewell
101 Agnes who was wife of William de Braham v. Hugh de Braham in
102 William le Bigot v. Earl Roger le Bigot of Es
103 Alienora, Countess of Salebir v. Geoffrey de Bokedesham in Culing
5 Hervry III ,
104 Johanna, Prioress of Campeseia v. Thomas de Valeeies in Perham
(Earl Roger le Bigot and Roger de Colerall and Gilbert de Coleuill
appoii clam)
105 John de Cotton v. Wlivia who was wife of Adam Pistorius in Eya

106 Fulco son of Eudo v. Robert de Burgate in Hadcrop
107 Hubert son of Hubert and Matilda his wife, Gilbert de Auvll and
Amabilla his wife, and Agnes sister of Matilda and Amabilla v.
John de Goldingham of Parva Belsted
108 Benedict, Bishop of Rochester v. Hugh, Abbot of S. Edmunds in
6 Henry III
109 William son of Basil de Archis v. William son of John de Archis in

110 Bartholomew de Stanham v. Roger del Ho of Mikelfeld

111 Ylaria Trussebut v. Hamo Peeche of Wicham
112 Amabilla who was wife of Ralph de Verly v. Robert de Wike in Wike
113 Ivo son of William v. John Northman and Matilda his wife in
114 Robert de Radleg v. Robert de Tateshall in Shelfleg
115 I von son of William v. Nicholas son of Simon and Cecilia his wife in
116 Henry de Charneles and Alice his wife v. John de Sproutone and
Beatrice his wife in Carletone
117 Reginald son of Ralph v. Robert son of Walter in Swiftling
7 Henry III
118 Amicia who was wife of Robert v. Thomas son of Godfrey in Sudbiry
and Cornerth
119 Amicia who was wife of Robert v. Martin de Subur in Subur
120 Ralph de Buers and Geoffrey Karbonell v. John de Hudebouill,
Richard de Vallbadon, Nicholas de Wiggebgh, Roger Anglicus
Loretta his wife, Roger de Thorp, Petronilla his wife, Philip de
Subur, Roesa his wife and Alice sister of Loretta Petronilla and
Roesa of Magna Wadingefeld
121 Henry de Kemesie v. Ralph Brocher, Robert Sweteman, Warinus
Sweteman and William Le Petit in Exniug
122 Richard son of Humfrey v. Henry de Nek in Livermere
123 Henry son of Arnold v. Robert de Goswond in Aineneuton (?)
124 Walter son of Richard v. Alexander son of Robert in Boxford
125 William son of Walter de Heppelwurth v. Alexander sou of Matilda
de Sapeston in Whelnetham

7 10 HENRY III. 23
126 William de Serely v. Hubert Jarnegan in Stanham
8 Henry III

127 Henry de Illeg v. Edmund de Tudenham in Parva Tudenham

128 Alexander de Walepole and Greoia his wife v. Warinus de Wadeshill
in Trillawe
129 Roger Clerenbald v. Salfridua Parchemin and Matilda his wife in
130 Henry de Caldecot v. John de Freton in Freton
131 Amioia daughter of David de Tikebrom v. William de Walesham in
132 Nicholas son of Swift v. William de Walesham in Mendham and Preston
133 Hugh Rustun v. Richard, Prior of the Monks of S. Mary of Thetford
in Dersham
134 Hamo Peche v. William son of Roscelin in Sutton
9 Henry HI
135 Richard son of Roger of Heggeset v. William son of Michael in
Heggeset (Thomas de Otelee appoii claffi)
136 Hugh Rouel and Walter de Pateshill v. John de Whatefeld in Helmeset
and Whatefeld
137 B. Bishop of Rochester v. Symon Berkarius and Sabina his wife in
138 Benedict, Bishop of Rochester v. Ralph Walensis and Isabella his
wife in Frekenham
139 Benedict, Bishop of Rochester v. Cristiana de Frekeham in Frekeham
140 Ralph le Chaluner v. Robert de Hemmingeston and Matilda his wife
in Stratford
141 Roger son of Osbert v. Robert de Bluudestun of Blundestun
142 Robert Ledet v. William de Brunford in Husehale and Tatingeston
143 John Longus and Alice his wife v. Brother Alan Martell master of
Knights Templars, in Giselingeham.
144 John son of Adam de Alliston v. Robert deErnestedel in Stanfeld
145 William son of Ailnod v. Ivo de Sandputte in Sandputte

10 Henry III
146 John son of Godfrey and Amicia his wife v. Matilda, Basilia and
Beatrice daughters of Austinus of Bernardeston in Bernardeston
147 Neuelo de Arrar v. Henry de Ver of 6 marks of debt
148 Gerard son of Richard v. Robert de Tateshal in'Selflegh

149 Roger son of Osbert v. Roger de Ludham of Herliugflet
150 William son of Godwyn v. Robert de Hathstede in Summerton
151 Hervious de Staunton v. Robert de Staunton in Staunton
15'2 Eborardus de Trumpington v. William de Snapwell in Thudeham
153 William de Giselham v. Henry de Summerleton in Summerleton
154 Agnes who was wife of Gerold son of Wlsy v. Walter de Goneton in
155 Hugh de Grentenhagh v. Luca de Grentenhagh in Debenbam
11 Henri/ III
1 Hubert de Burgo, Earl of Kent v. Robert and Margaret
his wife of Westhal
12 Henri/ III
2 Odo Stracs [or St^co] v. William son of Adam in Buckeshall
3 John son of Richard de Hille v. Thomas de Ottelee in Ottelee
4 Mathew de Luwyne v. John de Ofwude in Bildeston
5 William de Hengham and Matilda his wife v. Hamo de Ticheseye
and Matilda his wife in Rindham
6 Scolastica who was wife of Augustinus of Dunwich v. Robert de
Hauuill in Westhall.
7 Albreda daughter of Burchard v. Bernard, Prior of Bresele in
8 John de Laland v. Gilbert Buggewo in Denardeston
9 Hugh Le Teinturer and Matilda his wife v. Robert son of Michael in

10 Ralph de Bodenham v. Ralph de Burgo in Burgo
11 William de Ausinges v. Ralph de Burgo in Burgo
12 Peter son of Eborard v. Mauling in Mauling (John son
of Nicholas appoii clam)
. 13 William Sutor and Agnes his wife and Suenilda sister of Agnes v.
William son of Robert in Reydun
14 Robert le Pauerin and Alice his wife v. Jordanus, Prior of Dodenes
in Bereholt (Roger de Aken appon clafn)
15 Edmund Gippe v. William son of Robert Gippe in Giselino-ham
16 Robert de Coleuille v. Roger de Meynnewarin of Karleton
17 Ralph le Rede v. William son of Gilbert in Langham
18 Roger son of Robert v. Richard son of Hubert in Burstall

. 12 HENRY III. 25
.19 Roger Nigrun v. Bartholomew de Herst in Barsam
20 Nicholas Tonorre v. Osbert de Saterlegh in Saterlegh
21 Ralph de Willasham v. William de Burnavill in Bersham
22 Hurvicus de la Hose v. Richard de Shynnethorp of the town of
23 Geoffrey Longe and Scolastica his wife and Robert Lake and
Alice his wife v. Juliana who was wife of Roger son of Alice of
Leylond in Leylond
24 Michael de Wyvelseye v. Mabilla de Belmo in Haverhill
25 Anselmus de Boxhale and Matilda his wife v. Geoffrey Mantel in
26 Gilbert de Grena v. Hamo son of Maxelinus in'Parva Gnem[ue]
27 Hubert de Briselworthe v. Robert de Wyk in Heppeworth
28 Roger son of Robert de Asches v. Richard de Asches, chaplain in Asches
29 Adam son of William de Bordstal v. Geoffrey de Brokes in Bordstal
30 Alice who was wife of Robert de Cantebr v. Ernald son of Roger de
Cratfeld in Cratfeld

31 Henry son of Hugh v. William Cunestable in Lexndun

32 Alexander son of Robert v. William le Cunestable in Selkleg
33 Amicia daughter of David v. Gilbert de Wassam in Mendham
34 Ralph de Moresbarewe v. Mabilla his wife v. Edmuud son of Walo in
35 Richard Bame v. Robert de Thornham in Thorham
36 Ralph de Moresbarewe and Mabilla his wife v. Wymerus de Karleton
in Karleton
37 Henry de Caudecotes v. Ralph de Burgo in Burgo
38 Robert Pecche and Letitia, Muriel, Cristiana and Alice daughter of
Robert de Valeyunes v. Thomas Prior of Donewic in Boylund
39 Margaret daughter of Ralph de Culesle v. William de Boython in
40 William de Walesham v. Thomas son of William de Medefeld in
41 Matilda who was wife of John de Turston v. Richard de Langetot in
42 Lefquen who was wife of Roger de Huggechale v. Aliee, Prioress of
Bungeya in Leyburn

43 Cecilia, who was wife of Nicholas de Benhall v. Reginald de Brocleye
in Broct
44 Adam son of Roger v. Roger de Saxlingham in Saxlingham
45 Bartholomew son of Roger de Codeham and Aleice his wife v. Osbert
Mor in Creting and Stonham
46 William son of Alexander de Subur v. Geoffrey son of William de
Bodekesham in Culing
47 William son of Warin v. Briceus de Melton in Thorp
48 William de Sutthon v. Henry le Teler and Alice his wife in Preston

49 Hugh Le teinturer and Matilda his wife v. Thomas Bulling, Henry

Richard and William, brothers of Thomas in Orford
50 Hubert de Norton and Aelice his wife and Goldeuiria sister of Alice
v. Hugh de Rede in Wellecroke &c
51 Walter de Hatfield and Matilda his wife v. Robert le Combere in
52 Richard de .Nereforth v. Hugh de Rikingehal in Kodenham and
53 Walter Stanham and Walter de Hacfeud and Matilda his wife v.
Walter de Lodnes in Ratlesdene
54 Levina de Cloey and Robert Halyale and Roeysa his wife v. Walter
son of Hugh in Reddesham
55 Matilda de Leycestr v. John son of Robert in Lund
56 Simon son of Thomas v. Roger Manek in Boiton
57 Robert son of Ailwy v. William Gumbaund in Thorpe (Roger Ailwy
appoii clam)
58 Jordan Chaillion and Mabillia his wife v. William de Olyvhal (?) in
59 Thomas son of Benedict v. Hugh, Abbot of St. Edmunds in Fornham
60 Robert son' of Alexander and Nichola his wife v. William de Hauleye
in Hauleye
61 Osbert de Bradewell v. Richard de Nes in Nes
62 William de Waltham and Matilda his wife, Anselm and Amytia his
wife v. Geoffrey de Capell in Preston
63 Clement Steikild v. Robert Steikild in Finingham
64 William de Hengham v. Joh son of Roger de Borenham and Henry
de Russebroc in Betenham

12 HENRY III. 27
65 John de Fleg v. William De Aubrevill in Keleton

66 Ralph de Moresharewe and Mabilia his wife v. William son of Walon

in Karleton
67 John de Beiaunes v. Gilbert de Belsted in Belsted
68 Geoffrey Maukael v. Roger Le flemeng in Eston and Beylham and
69 Roger son of William v. Walter son of Richard in Pesenhal
70 Reginald son of Adam v. Hubert son of Thurlanus in Laugeton and
71 Richard de Amhers v. Hugh le Butteler in Brom
72 Richard de Dagworthe v. Robert son of Walter in Bagworthe
73 Egelinus son of Roger v. Robert son of Adam in Meleford
74 Ralph de lande v. John de la lande in Stratezell
75 Geoffrey son of Osbert and Edith his wife v. Stephen de Steingat in
76 Margareta de Liketon v. Mathew son of Richard de Suberi in Suberi
77 William Lund v. Robert de Hese in Bertone
78 Symon son of Herbert v. Richard, Prior of Theford in Syleham
79 Roger son of Herveus v. William Arnold in Finigham
80 Katherine and Matilda daughters of Hugh de Hauerhall v. Thomas
Grute and Cecilia his wife in Hauerhell
81 Simon de Watefeld v. Renibald de Lamara in Hadl
82 Richard son of Reginald v. Ralph Picot in Theyt
83 Margaret daughter of Roger de Burgo v. Ralph de Burgo in Burg
84 Hubert del Lyston and Alice his wife v. Edmund de Kenoddelhal in
85 Richard son of Reginald v. Robert Morcos (?) in Wicham
86 William son of Hugh de Vleden v. Bartholomew de Bedenggfeld in
87 Albreda Del Hille v. Adam Beseghe in Cranele
88 Ralph de Burgo v. Reginald de Heniggeston in Burgo

89 Hubert de Brom and Hauwisia his wife v. Thomas Crawe in Randesthon

90 Robert son of William v. Thomas de Blumwell, Bishop of Norwich in
91 Robert son of Reginald v. Andrew Patras in Heveuigham

92 Isolda de Bellocampo, William de Waseuill and Matilda his wife Ralph
de Arden and Alina his wife and Idonia who was wife of Henry dS
Alneto v. Gilbert, chaplain and Nicholas de Cloptun his brother
in Clopton (Hugh Ruffus appofi clam)
93 Thomas son of Alan u. William son of Michael in Ressebroc
94 William son of Herveus and Alice his wife v. Robert de Karlethon in
95 Basilia daughter of Robert Gleiwman v. Hubert son of Walter de
Gnodeshal and Alice his wife in Gnondeshal
96 Hugh Luffam v. Richard, Bishop of Evreux (Adam de Blancheuill
appofi clam)
97 John son of Ralph de Qwelnetham v. Richard de Newton in Newton
98 Henry de Caudecotes v. Nicholas son of Turgis in Boleton
99 Adam de Bretherton v. Henry de Leycestr in Lund
100 Hugh de Badelee v. Alan de Hulm in Badele
101 Robert son of Hugh v. William de Burgo in Cokefeud
102 Robert Herlewun v. Thomas Brumam and Henry his brother in
103 Walter son of John de Tadham o. Peter de Nereford in Stonham
104 William de Baytone v. John son of Robert de Askeby in Boyton
105 Walkelinus son of William de Wrentham v. William de Nighel in
106 Hamo son of Umfrey v. William Serjant and Isabella his wife in
107 Henry son of Semanus v. Eudo son of William in Elmam and Wisete

108 Rodlandus, Prior of Waburne v. William de Meynewarin in

109 Herebert of Aletan v. Henry Perthar de Burned in Tantingtun and
Burned (Robert de Wythervill, Stephen de Brokendm, Michael de
Nevventon appofi clam)
110 Alan de Pakefeld v. William Le hyreis in Pakefeld
111 Richard son of Alan of Dunedun v. Robert Marescallus and Eva his
wife in Dalham
112 Gilbert son of Hugh v. John de DuBr in Clare and Dulileyh
113 Robert de Coleuill v. Wymerus de Gernem in Karleton
114 John, Henry and Simon, sons of William de Rucham v. Walter de
Bradefeld in Rucham

12 13 HENRY III. 29
115 Alice, who was wife of John Longo v. Mathevv de Horle in Gisilingham
116 Isabella daughter of Auelin v. Robert, Deacon of Norwich in Parva
117 William son of John de Lund v. John son of Robert in Lund
118 Robert son of Geoffrey v. Ralph de Braham in Stanham
119 Walter de Hatfeld and Matilda his wife and Walter de Stanham v.
Roger, Prior of Eya, in Acont
120 William son of Robert v. William, Prior del Eya in Wenham Combusta
121 Hugh le Tenyturer and Matildo his wife v. Fulco son of Reginald
in Oreford
122 John de Hondebovill v. Maurice Ruffus in Aketun
123 Richard son of Aylmer v. John de Houdebouile in Aketun
124 Gerard Carpentar and Levina his wife and Ascelina, Matilda and
Aylina sisters of Levina v. Peter son of Hugh in Polsted
125 Osbert son of Roger v. Richard de Argentem in Berton
126 William son of Sefrey de Neuton v. Thomas son of Ranulph in Neuton
13 Henri/ III

127 Beatrice de Bolon v. William Lund in Stowe

128 Ralph son of Odo v. James son of Henry Herse in Bradewell
129 Mathew de Lewayne v. John de Oswde in Bildeston
130 Roger de Akeny v. Robert de Maneton in Berghout
131 Thomas son of Godefrey and Mabilia his wife v. Hugh, Abbot of
Leyston in Glering
132 Cecilia who was wife of Martin de Hauerhull v. Geoffrey Linch in
133 Roger de Akeny v. Robert de Alneto in Bergholt
134 John son of Benedict of Gernemue v. William, Prior de Lega in
135 John de Gloucestr v. Richard Parde in Thopesfeld
136 William son of Walter v. Simon, parson of Liuermere in Magna
137 Radulphus le Esstrang v. Peter Marescal in Ingham
138 Thomas Brunston v. Bartholomew Spink in Medefeld
139 Peter de Tolnetham v. Mathew de Wetherdale in Troston
140 John Sefrey and Emma his wife v. Thomas son of Herbert in Berdewell
141 Johanna, Prioress of Camppesse v. Bartholomew de Krec of Helmingh

142 Fulco de Rindham v. Auelina who was wife of Yvo de Craneford
in Rindham
143 Maria de Valeynes v. Constantinus, Abbot of Sibeton in West Neuton
144 Angnes Luve v. Robert son of William in Thornham
145 Edon de Crokeston v. Thomas de Lineford in Lineford
146 Salonus of St. Edmunds and Beatrice his wife v. Olive daughter of
Andrew de Hecham, Elen, Agatha, Matilda and Elizabeth and
Egidia sisters of Olive, in Hecham
147 Henry de Senkes v. Thomas son of Osbert of Hopetuue in Hopetun
148 Augerus de Risingia and Margaret his wife and William de Anemere

and William de Branton v. William, Prior of Lega in Duneton

149 Willian Le clauer v. Thomas son of Michael in Rossebroch
150 Henry Celestr v. William son of John de Glemeforth in Glemeforth
151 William Le clauer v. John de Gloucestre in Turston
152 Hugh de Arderne, parson of St. Mary of Thorp v. Benedict son of
Herveus in Thorp
153 William de Glemham v. Simon de Farnham in Glemham
154 Sarah daughter of Robert de Pentelawe v. Robert son of Hugh in
1 55 Robert son of Simon v. Katherine daughter of William de Swanford
in Cauenedess
156 Alicia who was wife of Ralph Houel v. Ranulph Primervel (?) in
157 William le Glauer v. Alexander de Tutfen (Cutfen?) in Thirston ,
158 Alan de Pakefeld v. Andrew le Hyreis in Pakef
159 William de Coleuill v. Simon de Cretingham in Cretingham
14 Henry III
1 Henry son of Margaret, Walter de Redesham and Agnes his wife,
Alan de Wymundal and Auelina his wife, Walter Perbrun and
Alice his wife v. Alan son of Ralph in Rereston and Parva Jernemuta
2 William le Clauer v. Thomas son of Michael in Resselbrok
3 Hugh de Rikingehal v. William son of Theobald in Teberton
4 John son of Robert and Matilda his wife v. Randolph de Braham in
5 Richard son of Robert and Anestasia his wife v. Gilbert Cusin in Torpe
6 Hugh de Ringehale v. Hugh, Abbot of Leiston in Teberton (Geoffrey
de Biskeley appofi clam)

14 16 HENRY III. 31
7 Henry son of Margaret, Walter de Redesham and Agnes his wife,
Alan de Wymundal and Auelyna his wife, Walter Perbrun and

Alice his wife in Gorleston and Jernemuta

8 Mathew de Morley v. William le Briton in Gislingham
9 Reginald de Stanhog v. Wakerlinus de Holebroch in Holebroch
10 Warin son of Henry and Reina his wife v. William Angod in Brend
Wenham and Raydon
11 John de Presseygny v. Geoffrey de Falsham in Stanfeld
12 Reinerus de Tudham v. Richard de Tudham in Tudham
13 Richard son of Osbert and Anestasia his wife v. Constantine, Abbot of
Sibbeton in Torpe and Heueningham
14 Ralph son of Walter and Agnes his wife v. Gilbert, Prior of St. Peter
of Ipswich in Brok
15 Hugh le Butiller v. Richard de Auilles in Brorue
16 Gerard son of Julia, Adam son of Andrew and Walter son of Edo v.
Henry son of Geoffrey in Willing
17 Nicholas de Hintlisham v. John de Hintlisham in Hintlisham (Thomas
son of Sewin de Intlisham appoii clam)
18 Hugh de Ringshale v. Geoffrey Jordi in Teberton
15 Henry III
19 Hugh Buhurt v. William, Prior of St. Trinity of Ipswich in Mendham
20 Emma who was wife of Alan Le Vtlage v. Bartholomew de Brancestr
of Ilketshal
21 John de Cramaville and Lucia his wife v. Peter son of Alan of
22 Adam de Kareston v. Robert de Bluntiston in Bluntiston
23 Hugh de Munt Chenesy and Alice his wife v. Anselinus de Illegh
in Illegh and Selleseye and Cheliswrth
24 Sampson de Essewell Chaplain v. Radulf de Freton and Margaret
his wife in Rykinghal
16 Henry III
25 Letitia de Valoniis v. Hugh Cocus and Edith his wife in Ernthern

26 William son of John v. Simon son of Robert in Benacre

27 Richard son of Alan v. Henry son of John in Hablunt Watecroft Nes
and Broxton
28 Adam son of Robert v. Alexander Sckot and Beatrice his wife in

29 Roger le Bigod and Isabella his wife v. Ralph de Pesehal of Pesehal
30 Richard, Abbot de Cogishale v. Philip de Columbar of Acholt
31 Lawrence, Prior of Bernewell v. Robert de Becke and Ida his wife in
32 Roger de Mutford v. Robert de Mutford in Mutford
33 Adam son of Robert v. Richard son of Alan in Herlingflet
34 William de Cyrosy v. Roger, Prior of Eye of Iakele and Melles
35 Thomas son of Walter v. Robert son of Walter de Rikinghale of
36 Gilbert son of Thomas v. William son of Walter in Redesham
37 Johanna, Prioress of Kaumpes v. Richard de Brom in Erewardeston
17 Henry III
38 Roger son of Vital v. Hugh, Bishop of Ely in Glemsford
39 Alice and Alice daughter of Richard son of Peter v. Godefrey son of
Hugh in Culing
40 Roger de Essewell and Maria his wife v. Hugh de Muncheneseye and
Alice his wife in Yllegh, Lelleseye and Chellewrth
41 Hugh de Munt Chenes and Alice his wife v. Robert de Leleseya
chaplain, in Illegh
42 William de Brikebec v. Richard Foliot and Aleisia his wife in Subir
43 Brother Robert de Dina, Prior of Hospital of Jerusalem in England v.
Richard, Deacon of Codeham, in Codeham, Hemmingeston and
44 Wakelynus le Clerc v. Ralph Quareme in Stutton

45 John de St. Clare v. Gerebert de St. Clare in Bradefeud

46 Elen who was wife of Ralph Sterky v. Wynerus de Harleton in
Hiddeleigh and Harleton
18 Henri/ III
47 Hugh de Muntkenes v. Richard de Boitun and Jena his wife in Holetune
48 Hugh de Muntkenes v. Robert de Reymes and Isabella his wife in
49 Hugh le Butiler v. Richard de Auillers in Brome
50 Ralph le Hadlee v. Adam de Hadlee in Hadlee and Leyham
51 Adam le Graunt v. William son of Gerard in Mildehal (Roger del Fen
appoii clam)
52 John son of Rocelin v. Roger de Holesle of Sutton

18 19 HENRY III. 33
53. Adam son of Walter v. Adam, 'Prior of Buttel in Kuodeshal
54 Gervase, parson of Witlesham v. Eobert de Rykinghal in Willesham
55 William son of Peter v. William de Alneto in Hanhus (? Onehouse),
Bukeshal, Shevelond and Watherden
56 Adam, Prior of Buttel v. Geoffrey Camerarius of Athelinton
19 Henry III
57 Thomas de Bateford v. Thomas de Horsag in Hecham
58 William Le Blunt v. Gilbert, Prior of Ixwurthe of Huntrestun
59 Richard de Stanford v. Ralph Carbunel in Waldingefeld
60 Walter de Hekham and Matilda his wife, Katherine and Alice sisters
Matilda v. Thomas de Geddinges in Wrtham
61 Hugh de Bodekesham v. Thomas de Kerdeford in Kerdeford and Nedham
62 Henry, Abbot of St. Edmunds v. Mathew de Luvein and Muriella his
wife in Rattlesden (Robert son of Richard appon clam)
63 John de Glouecestre and Dionisia his wife v. Robert son of John de
Watefeud in Hadleg

64 Peter de Brom and Matilda his wife, Richard de Dalling and Johanna
his wife v. Agnes, Prioress of Campes in Marleford
65 Robert de Neketon v. Thomas de Pakeham in Pakeham
66 Nicholas son of Hugh de Ho and Geoffrey his brother v. Symon de
Cokefeld in Watefeld
67 Hugh de Bodeseham v. Roger le Clerk in Culinges
68 Henry Haucepe v. Walter le Conestabl in Wivermers
69 Roger Huntteman v. Roger le Waleis in Sibeton
70 Eadmund de Brunt v. Egidius de Wachesham in Wachesham (Robert
son of Alexander and Nichola his wife appofl clam)
71 Baldwyn de Rofeye v. Adam de Rokelund in Rokelund
72 John son of William v. Richard de Derham in Westleton
73 Roger son of Symon v. Robert de Langetot in Stowe
74 Wymarka daughter of David de Cruce v. Hamo Passelewe and Matilda
his wife, William de St. Albans and Alice his wife in Baruhe
75 Gilbert de Bee and Hugelina his wife, Hugh de Billingford and Emma
his wife v. Peter de Ameton in Ameton
76 Walter de Wyrham v. Herlewyn le Prestre in Berton
77 John de Tudeham v. Robert de Freney in Brisete (Peter de Pridintort
appofi clam)

78 Ranulph Faber and Edith his wife, Hamo Ened and Avicia his wife
v. Jordan, Prior of Dodenash in Benetleg
79 Adam sou of Hugh and Susanna his wife v. Martin de Chilton and
Emma his wife in Chilton
80 William, Prior of St. Trinity of Ipswich v. Gena de Arches in Mendham
81 William, Prior of Norwich v. Nicholas son of Anselm and Emma his
wife in Hoxne
82 Peter, Abbot of Leyston v. William de Boevill in Culpho and

83 Ealph le Prestre v. Richard, Prior of St. Mary of Theford in Teford
84 Peter Giffard v. Adam, Prior of Chippeleg in Clopton
85 John son of Robert v. William Gernun in Magna Thornham
86 Robert son of Herveus v. William, Prior of St. Trinity of Ipswich of
advowson of Rysmere church
87 Jordan son of Roger de Hopetun v. Adam Beuerage in Hopet
88 Peter Pistor and Matilda his wife v. William de Ciresy in Stanham,
Creting and town of St. Olave
89 Emma who was wife of Roger Thorald v. William Mapelenehefd in
90 Mathew de Braham v. Walter de Stanham in Stanham (Peter de
Nereford appofi clam)
91 Robert de Neketon v. John Freman and Alice his wife in Berton
92 Walter de Saxham v. Norman son of Walter in Saxham
93 Robertde Randeston v. Robert de Fresneyin Thorp (Peter de Pridinton
appofi clam)
94 Hugh son of Drogo v. Alan de Semere of land in Brome
95 Mathew le Marchant and Seyria his wife v. Adam King in Ilketelshall
96 Thomas de Reyndon, Richard, William and Hugh brothers of Thomas
v. Robert de Northwude in Reyndon
97 William le Engnyiur v. William son of Henry in Thorneye and Cretinge
98 John de Hudeboeuill v. Ingreda who was wife of William le Grom in
99 Peter son of Olona v. Peter le Parker in Rishancf
100 Thomas de Theye and Roeysa his wife v. Robert de Hel in Hattlee
101 Agnes Luue v. Roger, Prior of Eye in Thornham
102 OsbertBuley v. Sabina de Kenton and Richard their son in Asfeld inTorn

19 HENRY III. 35

103 Peter de Heveuingham v. Constantine, Abbot of Sibeton in Thorp

104 Ranulph Wigge and Matilda his wife v. Thomas son of Hugh in
Hecham. (John Herin, John son of Hervicus de Hecham app clam)
105 William de Benton v. James le Enveise in Wenham
106 William son of Symon v. Ranulph son of Robert in Houtun
107 Ernald son of Alured v. William de Pays and Agues his wife in Vthale
108 Robert son of Roger v. Roger son of Robert in Hederseta
109 Adam son of Alured v. Robert de Grunill [or Gruvill] in Silham
110 Matilda de Valeines v. Aleysia de Charneles in Buresherd
111 Amicia who was wife of Ralph Talena3 v. Hugh de Gosebec in Campese
112 Gerard son of Richard v. Richard Belenfant in Estude and Pritewell
(Martin son of Symon and Barbota his wife appofi clam)
113 Matilda de Brocley v. Robert de Hulmo in Ipswich (John de Cramavill appofi clam)
114 Richard de Riboef v. Nicholas Aliday in Eyffeld Torp, Earl Sahara
and Monks Saham
115 Walter Rad' and Augustus son of Matilda of Middleton v. Gilbert
son of Hugh in Poslingewrth
116 Robert Bulex v. Nicholas Haliday in Asfeld and Thorp
117 Henry, Abbot of St. Edmund's v. Nicholas de Ryseby in Ryseby
118 William, Chaplain de Branford v. Elyas Ketch and Margaret his wife
in Branford
119 Alice and Katherine, daughters of William le Waleys v. William le
Bretunin Burgate (Matilda daughter of William le Waleys appofi clam)
120 Fulcon son of Reginald v. Robert son of Michael in Adulveston
121 Roger de Falesham v. Robert de Falesham in Falesham
122 The Burgesses of Ipswich v. Hugh, Bishop of Ely in Nedham
123 Ralph de Blumuill v. Robert de Wlfun and Sarra his wife in Ipswich
124 Robert de Livermere v. Thomas de Haya in Livermere (Peter de

Telnetham app clam)

125 Ranulph Wigge v. Ralph Lemuner in Codenham
126 Richard de Langetot v. Robert de Dunemawe in Stowe
127 Gilbert del Broc v. John de Vallibz in Witheresfeud
128 Henry Abbot of St. Edmunds v. Ralph de Langham of advowson
of church of Langham (William de Langham and Ralph Frede
appofi clam)

129 Hugh, Abbot of Langel v. Jordan son of Nicholas de Syelton of
the advowson of Syelton church.
130 William de Kerdestou v. Hugh son of William in Stratford
131 Nicholas son of William de Prestun v. Terricus, Prior of Hospital of
St. John of Jerusalem in Preston.
132 Eichard son of Stephen and Maria his wife v. Thomas de Ottele in
133 Henry, Abbot of St. Edmunds v. Ralph son of Freda of advowson of
Langham (William de Langham app clam)
134 Gilbert de Mineres and Lucia his wife v. Henry Abbot of Becco
Herlewin in Blakeham.
135 Robert de Leyham v. Adam de Hadlegh in Leiham
136 William de Knapewell v. Gilbert de Tudenham in Tudenham.
137 Roger de Brom v. Roger le Sage and Alice his wife in Brom
Elhingham and Yorpeston
138 Robert de Windervill, Stephen de Brokedis and Michael de Neuton
v. Godfrey de Burdis in Tatingtun and Burdis
139 John de Pamton and Muriel his wife, Thomas Vie and Acelina his
wife and Letitia who was wife of William Textor v. Robert son of
Stephen de Stanham in Wersstede.
140 Robert de Rudham v. Egidius de Wachesham in Rudham
141 Hamo de Clerbec v. Robert de Melun in Aketon

142 Hugh de Holeton and Alice his wife and Margaret who was wife of
Anselm de Meg v. John parson of Illegh in Meg
143 Hugh son of Hamo de Ixwrth v. Gilbert, Prior of Ixwrth in Ixwrth
144 Michael de la Cressimere v. William Forestariun in Hauckedon
145 Adam son of Amieu v. Reinbald son of Amien in Kerseye and Cokefeld
146 John de Kenteford v. Roger son of Andrew in Kenteford
147 Walter son of Norman v. Nicholas de Riseby in Riseby
148 Hugh de Munt Kanis v. William de Bromford in Holeton
149 Roger de Rudham v. Laurence de Horshag and Matilda his wife in
Parva Brisete, Magna Brisete, Ringefeld, Willanesham, Berking
and Offeton
150 Martin son of Walter v. Thomas de Bodenes in Benetlegh
151 Richard, Priorde Teford v. Peterde Ixningh and Alice his wife inlxningh
152 John le Parker v. Robert son of Walter in Hulleston

19 HENRY III. 37
153 William, parson of Burgate church v. William de Belencumbre in
154 Angot de Hulmo v. Michael de Luvein and Muriel his wife in Brokes
(William de Hulmo and Edmund his son appofi clam)
155 Richard de Pulham v. Adam de Gedding in Gedding and Ratlesden
and in Ratlesdene, Gedding aud Bretinham
156 William, Prior of St. Crux de Theford v. Herbert de Alencon in
Gaysle, Hecham and Kaneham
157 William son of Richard v. Thomas son of William in Pakenham
158 Ralph son of Aylgar v. John son of Heylac in Littelbradeleg
159 Walter, William, Robert and Absolon sons of Richard de Specteshale
v. Henry de Specteshale in Specteshale
160 Matilda de Boeles v. Richard de Hastings in Nedding
161 Adam de Hormngesherd and Isabella his wife v. Walter de Gungest
and Cristiana his wife in Berningham

162 Hamo Lenginiur v. Durand Lenginiur and Margaret his wife in

163 Roger de Marisco v. Adam le Grant in Midehal
164 Herbert de Audham and Matilda v. Roger de Audham and Katherine
his wife in Hadleg and Audham
165 William de Burg and Emma his wife v. Warin Champeneis and Alice
his wife in Parva Gernemuth
166 Symon Snod v. Alexander Snod in Ayshe (Edmund de Brunton
appofi clam)
167 Roger son of Geoffrey v. Robert Bulloc in Stemefeld
168 William le Cunestable v. Robert son of Walter in Winermers
169 Roger son of Reginald v. Adam le Grant in Muleton
170 Robert son of Humfrey v. William de Wridewell in Hornigeserd
(Richard de Ikewurth appofi clam)
171 Eadmund de Alencun v. Peter, Abbot of Leyston in Tebberton
.172 Geoffrey de Capeles v. William de Wantham and Matilda his wife in
' Preston
173 Adam, Prior of Chippeleg v. Walter de Wadesele in Clopton and
174 Avicia de Weston v. Walter Elgar in Stanton

175 Katherine daughter of Robert v. Geoffrey son of Edrio and Emma
his wife, Symon Pieot and Wimarca his wife in Wetheringsete and
176 John le Marchant v. Bricus, Prior of Letheringham in Letheringham
177 Adam de Korton v. Geoffrey de Korton of advowson of Korton church
178 Alan de Bulemere v. William de Ramesholt in Craneford
. 179 Vincent son of Walter v. William, Prior of Lega in Gapeton
180 Ralph son of Ernald v. Henry son of William de Elmeswell in Meleford
181 Ralph de Micclesfeld v. Robert de Huledene in Codeham

182 Roger de Stanham v. Hervicus de Stanham and Mabel his wife in

Stauham (Peter de Nerford app clam)
183 Ralph Burel v. Peter de Nova Aula in Codeham
184 Thomas de Meulinges v. Mathew de Meulinge in Meulinge
185 Geoffrey son of Warin v. Gilbert de Clare, chaplain and Richard his
son in Clare
186 John son of Richard Walwain v. Richard Walwain in Eya and Sudwde,
Brisewde and Suddofi, Iakesle, Burgate, Hed, and Giselingham
187 Roger de Geddinges v. Richard son of John and Thomas his brother
and Edith their mother in Polested
188 Almina daughter of Robert v. William son of Gregory, chaplain in
189 William de Pinkem and Cecilia his wife v. Hugh, Abbot of Langel
in Helegeton
.190 Adam, Prior of Chippeleg v. Warinus son of Hugh in Prideton and
191 Peter de Brom and Mabilia his wife, Richard de Dalliug and Johanna
his wife v. Adam le Heriz in Marlesford
192 William le Bluyd v. Gilbert, Prior of Ixwurth in Ixwurth
193 William son of Peter v. Henry, Prior of St. Antony of Kereseya in
194 Robert de Bello Campo and Juliana his wife v. William de St. Albans,
and Alice his wife in Barewe
20 Henry III
1 Thomas de Multon and Matilda his wife v. Hubert de Valliz of Gerlingham and Denham (Alina wife of Hubert de Valliz appofl clam)
2 William, Prior of St. Trinity of Ipswich v. Agnes de Fretton in Bonetlag

2022 HENRY III. 39.

3 William Luvel v. John de Glannuill in Stowe
4 John de Rodenhale v. Sawale de Rodenhale of Pagefeld

5 Brother Theodorious de Nussa, Prior of Hospital of Jerusalem in

England v. Bartholomew Brito and Alice his wife in Maneton
6 Simon son of William de Sadenefeld v. Warin son of William de Sadenefeld
in Sadenfeld
7 William sou of Robert v. Thomas le pinur and Alice his wife in
21 Henry III
8 John de Freton v. Vincent, Prior of Bromholm in Burgo
9 Peter Cavenaz v. Henry Cavenaz in Berton
10 Ralph de Traylley and Matilda his wife v. John de Stradebroc and
Juliana his wife of advowson of Fresingfeld church (Alan de
Wytheresdal appofl clam)
11 Adam, Prior of Buttel v. Richard de Lechesham and Alice his wife in
12 Henry, Abbot of St. Edmuud's v. Emma de Fornham in Fornham
22 Henry III
13 Ralph, Prior of Ely v. John de Stanham of the advowson of church
of Bergham
14 John son of Robert and Matilda his wife v. Richard de Braham in
15 Thomas de Euereus v. Abraham son of Thomas and Alesia his wife in
. Subir
16 Mag'ister John de Histon v. Humfrey de Ernington in Emington
17 Roger de London v. Roger de Meleford in Culinges
18 David le Engynur v. Magister Ralph de Fakeham, in Fakeham, Euston,
Sapeston, Berniugham, Thelnetham, Wattlesfeld St. Edmund's and
19 Richard le Chanoyne v. Johanna Noel in Hausted.
20 Peter de Pridinton v. Robert Fraxneto in Thorp (Basil son of Buchard
appofl clam)
21 Richard de Insula v. Johu son of William in Broxton

22 Richard de Insula v. Robert son of Richard in Broxton

23 Robert de Burnevill v. Robert de Frenay in Thorp (Basilia wife of
Martin Potekyn appofl clairi)

24 Stephen, Prior of Theford v. Eobert Gunter of the advowson of Parva
Belinges church (Robert Agylun appoii clam)
23 Henry III
25 Eichard de Insula v. John son of William in Brokeston (the brothers of
John the son of William appofl clam)
26 Peter de Pridintou v. Geoffrey Pugel and Avicia his wife and Matilda
sister of Avicia in Thorp.
27 Stephen, Prior of Theford v. Ralph, Archdeacon of Norfolk in
Glemham (Magister Robert de Insula appofl clam)
28 Osbert de Mundeford v. Peter de Barwe in Barwe Haregraue and in the
town of St. Edmunds.
29 John son of Walter v. Peter son of Peter de Nerford of the advowson
of Esttanham church
30 Roger de Cressy v. William de Walesham of the custody and the
marriage of Mathew son and heir of Peter de Telnetham
24 Henry III
31 William de Buris and Eugenia his wife v. James de Elmham in
32 Ranulph son of William and Ailda his wife v. Thomas Cordel in
33 William de Chelewurth v. Ansellus son of Peter de Chelewurth in
Ohelewurth and Watefeud.
34 Tristam de Ruidham v. Herbert de Alenciin of advowson of the
church of Ruidham
35 Magister Ralph de Agoens v. Robert de Cokefeud in Muleton

36 Robert de Windervill v. Prioress de Campese in Glemham

37 Roger de Westorpe v. William de Handleye in Westorpe
38 Ralph de Trayly and Matilda his wife v. Hugh Burt and Margaret his
wife of Margaret's dowry in Laxfeld and Fresingfeld
39 Brian son of Anselm v. Prior of Brisete in Ringeshal
40 Thomas de Pakeham v. Thomas son of Magister William de Pakeham
in Pakeham and Langham
41 Richard son of Robert v. John de Belloeamp and Nosta his wife in
Boxforde and Alington (Bartholomew de Crek and William de
Bellsmonte appoii clam)
42 Thomas de Pakham v. Robert de Neketon in Pakeham

24 HENRY III. 41
43 William fil' Turg v. Prioress de Campese in Chasfeld
44 William de Wridewell v. Abbot of Wardon of Livermere
45 Thomas de Pakeham v. Thomas son of Magister William de Pakeham
in Pakeham and Langham
46 William de Evingham and Graciana his wife v. William son of
Bartholomew de Houton in Broxton and Whetecroft
47 Geoffrey de Suffolk v. John de Bellocamp and Nesta his wife in
Kerseya (Bartholmew de Crek and William de Bello Monte app clam)
48 Thomas son of Geoffrey v. Geoffrey de Baddel in Baddel
49 Walter de Sipemedwe v. Gilbert son of Thomas in Sipmedwe
50 Robert de Neketon v. Martin de Berton and Amicia his wife in Berton
51 Benedicta daughter of John Lanardin v. John Lanardin in Berton
52 Prior of St. Trinity of Ipswich v. William Bullok and Roesa his wife
of the advowson of Thudeham
53 Theobald de Leston v. Godfrey Le Parker in Billesford
54 Robert de Boyton v. Roger de Cressy in Glemham (Bishop of Norwich
and Robert son of Thomas de Vfford app clam)
55 Alpas who was wife of William son of Theol v. Abbot de Leston in

56 Thomas de Buc v. William de Giselingham in Bedingfeud
57 Reginald de Stanhog v. William Dyonis in Stutton (Roger le Bigod,
Earl of Norfolk and Floric' Juvenal appofi clam)
58 Godfrey Parcarius v. Robert, parson of Saham in Saham
59 Robert de Bosco v Roger son of Thomas de Uketeshale in Karleton
60 Laurence de Geddinge and Winneis (?) Visdeleu v. William le Rus in
Akenham and Whitenton
61 Magister William, parson of Stokes v. Reginald, clerk in Stokes (Prior
of Ely and Agnes de Presteshey appofi clam)
62 William son of Hard win v. Robert de Gudinton and Henry de Cudinton
in Parva Gernemuth
63 William son of Hardwin v. Abraham son of Godfrey .in Parva
64 Henry son of William de Carleton v. Roger son of Thomas de
65 Gilbert de Mendham v. John son of Robert de Medefeld in Mendham
66 Thomas de Geddinge v. Peter de Burgate in Burgate

67 John de Cramavile and Lucia his wife v. Ernald de Oteleye in Thurston
68 Walter le Conestable y. Thomas de Cauenedis and Petronilla his wife
in Bures
69 William of York, praepositus of Beverley v. William de Monte Canis
in Stauerton Eye and Bromeswell
70 Eichard son of Thomas v. Geoffrey son of Ralph in Lexham
71 Alexander son of Warin Fers of Becles v. Susan his mother in Becles
and Weston
72 James, parson of Sprouton v. Hugh de Langeston in Sprouton
73 Cecilia who was wife of Roger Carpentarius v. Prior de Leg in Brende

74 Juliana who was wife of Ralph de Cheney v. John son of William of
Dunwich in Middeltune and Fordle
75 David Lenginiurw. Magister Ralph deFakehaminFakehamandSapestun
76 Robert Weypin and Gunnilda his wife v. Adam de Herligflet and
Gunnilda his mother in Bungeya
77 Walter de Bradefeud v. Ralph de Clopton and Agatha his wife in
78 Roger de Soteford v. Alan de Wytheresdal in Weybrede (Philip Burdun
and Cristiana his wife and John de Mirieus app clam)
79 Nicholas of St. Edmunds v. Walter son of Sibilla de Colnia of Wikes
80 Theobald de Leyston v. Henry, Abbot of St. Edmunds, of Suthwaud
81 Warin de Basigburne and Agnes his wife, Geoffrey de Swapham and
Petronilla his wife v. Robert de Hereford in Colesley
82 Richard son of Adam v. William Erthebaud in Rendlesham and
Eysse (Richard Archembaud appoii clani)
83 Hugh son of Robert de Grangia v. John le Bracur in Waletone
(Earl Roger le Bigod appoii clam)
84 Robert son of Roger of Dunwich v. John Blench and Alice his wife
in Hallesworth
85 Walter Crask v. Thomas Le Latimer in Beketon
86 Milicent daughter of Alice v. William Cholle and Margaret his wife
in parva Gernemuth
87 John de Cranele v. Flavyen de Rugheheye in Lausell
88 Robert de Langetot v. Richard de Langetot in Stowe Walesham,
Trostune and Beuchamp

54 HENRY III. 43
89 David son of Walter v. Andrew de Helyun in Haverill
90 John de Witnesham v. Richard son of Herbert de Witnesham in

91 Geoffrey Gaunsel v. Gilbert de Walesham in Cotton and Baketon
92 Robert Bori v. John Bori in Clare
93 Godwin son of Geoffrey v. William son of Robert in Thurkeltun
and Kyrketune
94 Richard de Tudeham v. Abbot of St Ositha in Tudeham and
95 Hugh son of Aleysia and William his brother v Thomas de la Pond
in Lasham (or Lafham)
96 Hugh Reuel v. Simon de Pateshill in Whatefeld
97 William Talebot v. Roger son of Osbert in Nauelton
98 John le Enveyse v. Hugh Burt in Lynsted
99 Robert Snou and Beatrice his wife v. William son of Warin de
Bersham and Margaret his wife in Sutherton and Speghteshall
100 William Garnoyse v. John de Stradebroc in Stradebroc
101 Benedict son of Alwin and Cristiaua his wife v. Gilbert de Belsted
in Magna Belsted.
102 William de Metingham v. Roger Le Bigot, Earl of Norfolk of
103 Adam . de Westfeld v. Ralph, Deacon of Cleydune in Cleydun
Westfeld and Thurleston
104 Alexander son of William de Sprouton v. Hugh de Langeston in
Sprouton, Burstall and Ipswich.
105 John de Estun v. Thomas de Craueii in Henham
106 William de Aubermill v. William Russel of Warren in Benhal,
Keleton and Farham.
107 William de Gunigham v. Daniel son of Odo in Endegate.
108 Richard de Gray and Lucia his wife v. Henry, Abbot of St.
Edmunds in Mildehal
109 Adam de Gretingham and Joeta his wife, Herbert Welond and

Beatrice his wife, John de Beumes and Matilda his wife, Cristiana
Amicia and Matilda, daughters of Stephen Wynesham v. William
son of Reynerus in Wynesham
11Q Majister Nicholas de Leyham v. William de Leyham in Leyham.

111 William son of Thomas v. Roger son of Osbert in Halesworhg
112 Agnes de Bramford v. William le Vautier in Wenham Ais
113 Richard de Cranesford v. Thomas Balant in Medefelde
114 William Briton v. Robert de Grimiles in Sternefeld
115 Basil ia Potekyn v. Robert de Fraxineto in Euerwardeston
116 Abbot de Bello v. Adam le Flemeng in Ixninghe
117 John le Bret v. Roger de Ketelingeham in Handleye
118 Magister Robert de Insula v. Henry de Caldecote in Caldecote,
Freton and Beleton (Andrew de Insula and John his brother appofi
119 Nicholas son of Alan de Sumersham v. William, chaplain of
Sumersham in Sumersham
120 Hugh son of Ralph v. Ralph le Bigot of Metingham
121 Walter de Shipmede v. Ralph Bigot of Stoctun
122 Gerard de Odingesel v. William de Odingesel in Kavenedis
123 Prior of St. Antony of Kerseya v. John de Bello Campo and Nesta
his wife in Kerseya and Leleseya and advowson of Kerseya
(Bartholomew of Crok and William de Bello Monte, H. Bishop of
Ely and the Abbot of St. Edmunds appofi clam)
124 Walter de Hathfelde and Matilda his wife v. Prior of Ely in Bergham
125 Richard Pikot v. Thomas de Medefeud in Mendham
126 Alan de Brumford v. Agnes de Bramford in Wenham Ars.
127 Robert de Winderuile v. Stephen de Ludhani in Craneford
128 Natalina who was wife of Edmund de Brunton v. Terricus, Prior of
Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England in Hemmingeston
129 Katherine la Walesche and Alice his sister v. Roger Briton in Worthham
130 Natalina who was wife of Eadmund de Brunton v. William de

Handleye in Handleye
131 Robert de Wesleneton, Richard of Tudeham and John son of
Edmund v. Hugh, Bishop of Ely of Bosemere
132 Adam son of Sefrid v. William son of Seftrid in Kareton
133 Thomas de Pakeham v. Thomas son of Magister William de Pakeham
in Pakeham in Langharn
134 Thomas de Bradefelde v. Walter de Bradefelde in Buham
135 Christiana daughter of John Lavardin v. John Lavardin in Bertun
136 Anicia who was wife of William Atteforde v. Thomas de la Tye and
Katherine his wife in Laveham [Lavenham ?]

24 25 HENRY III. 45
137 William son of Adam de Holebrok and Eoesa his wife v. Richard de
Berham in Westleton
138 Thomas Bertel v. William son of Walter de Bures in Assington
139 Sara de Hauckedon, John Ilger and Agnes his wife v. Adam, Prior of
Chippele in Pridintun
140 Thomas de la Hyde v. Geoffrey Peche in Ketleberghestune
141 John la Riuere and Matilda his wife v. Brother Therricus, Prior of
Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England in Prestune
142 Katherine daughter of William le Waleys and Alice her sister v.
Thomas de Geddinge in Wrthham
143 Thomas son of Nicholas and Emma his wife v. Gilbert de Polsted in
144 Richard son of Ranulph de Neweton v. William sonof Sefrid in Neweton
145 Robert son of Gilbert v. Argentela de Walesham in Walesham
146 Brother Therricus, Prior of Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in
Anglia v. Robert de Vlendon in Dormundesham
147 Humfrey son of Osebert v. William Talebot in Naueltun
148 William son of Geoffrey v. Thomas de Bradefeude in Stanesfelde

149 Richard son of Ralph de Elmham v. Agnes daughter of Walter

Agullin in Metingham and Bungeya
150 John de Culfo v. John de Thudeham in Thudeham
151 Simon de Pateshill v. Hugh Riuel in Wathefeud
152 Peter de Greneuill and Isabella his wife v. William Kotun of Livermere
in Fornham
153 Simon and Nicholas sons of Ralph de Whatefeld v. John son of Ralph
in Whatefeld
154 Henry Cavenaz v. Henry de Stokes and Joeta his wife in Heringwelle
and Berton
155 Adam, son of William v. Mathew de Luneyne and Muriel in
25 Henry III
156 William Briton v. Margaret de Bleuill in Istede
157 Magister William de Kentewell v. Roger de Kentewell in Kentewell
158 Magister Robert de Insula v. John de Freton in Freton
159 William de Henngham and Graciana his wife v, William son of
Bartholomew in Broxton, Habelund and Whetecroft

160 Stephen son of William v. Roger son of Nigellus in Wetheringset
161 Petronilla de Brumptou v. Eobert de Brampton in Brumpton
162 Roger de Karleton v. William de Cotton and Johanna his wife in
Buriserd Craueford Sveftling Rindham and Pesehal
163 Prior of St. Anthony of Kerseia v. Mathew de Leyham and Nesta
his wife in Leleseye (Bartholomew de Creek and William de
Eellemonte appofi clam)
164 William of York, praepositus of Beverley v. William de Monte Canisio
in Stanerton
165 Brother Terricus de Nussa, Prior of the Hospital of St. John

of Jerusalem in Anglia v. Robert de Wheluetham in Prestune

and Hauckton
166 Stephen son of Ailmer de Walsokne v. William son of Roger de
Stokton and Roesa his wife in Belton and Lund
167 John de Thudeham and Gundreda his wife v. John son of Osbert of
Stanham of advowson of Stepelcreting
168 Agnes who was wife of Ely as de Leyham v. Mathew de Leyham in Leyham
169 John Beleramb v. Odo, Deacon of Ipswich in Akenham
170 Henry Abbot of St. Edmunds v. Mathew de Leyham and Nesta his
wife in Cokefeld
27 Henry III
1 Thomas son of Walter v. Walter de Bradefeld in Bradefeld
2 Fluria Juvenal v. Robert Treidons and Cecilia his wife in Stratford
3 Gilbert son of Warin de London v. Isardus de Bonasis and Alice his
wife in Giselingham and Thornham
4 David, Abbot of St. Ositha v. Roger de Bauent and Sarah his wife
in Brantestan
5 Herbert son of John de Brunton v. Robert son of Richard de Brunton.
of Wynesham
6 Geoffrey de Slaunideseye v. Thomas de Codeham in Boxford
7 William de Holebrok v. Robert de Fletesmuht and Edith his wife in
8 Thomas de Auenebur and Alice his wife v. Hugh Peche in Culeford
9 John de Valliz and Alice his wife v. William de Lyketon in Neweton
10 Stephen, Prior of Thefford Monastery v. Thomas de Nauleton and
Matilda his wife

2830 HENRY III. 47

28 Henry III
11 Eobert Olygraunt v. Henry son of William Olygraunt in Vggethal
(Stephen Olygraunt appofi clam)
12 Nicholas Peyvre v. Nicholas le Crevequor in Brethenham

13 Thomas de Gerbodesham and Maria his wife v. Thomas son of Salomon

de Whepsted in Whepsted
14 Henry de Neketon v. Hillaria daughter of John de Wausigham of
Forenhams and Ingham
15 Geoffrey de Whitstub, Adam de Gretingham and Ivetta his wife,
Herbert Welond and Beatrice his wife, John de Beumes and Matilda
his wife, Roger de Esse and Matilda his wife, Cristiana and Amicia
sister of Ivetta, Beatrice, Matilda and Matilda v. Eobert de Cokefeld
in Wytnesham, Wosterfeld and Akeham
1 6 William, Prior de Eye v. Robert de Boyton in Pleyford
17 William Manneyssin junior v. William Manneysin, senior in Parva
Bradelee r
29 Henry III
18 Peter de Nereford v. Adam de Nereford in Parva Bresete
19 Richard de Dalbam v. Roger de Peselingarche, Thurstan de Mentemore
and Margerita his wife in Culing
20 Alice who was wife of Osbert de Sco Savo v. John de Sumerleton in
21 The King v. William son of Hugh and Amabilla his wife in Kentewell
22 Amicia who was wife of Robert le Paumer v. Ralph le Neyr in Boxford
23 Henry, Abbot of St. Edmunds v. Walter, Prior of Ely in Labingti
* 24 Margaret wife of Hubert Gernegan v. Hugh Gernegan in Stanham
30 Henry III
24 John de Codeham v. Brother Therricus, Prior of Hospital of St. John
of Jerusalem,- in Anglia in Hemengeston
25 Robert Thewar v. Brother Therricus, Prior of Hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem, in Anglia in Codeham
26 Thomas Crowe v. John de Nastandf and Benedicta his wife in Bures
(Henra de Wykham and Cristiana daughter of Isabella de Mara
appofi clam)
*This fine is not now in its old place on the file, which has been renumbered wi
thout it.

27 Symonde Rudham and Agneshis wife-y. Hervicusde PlemfordinBarsham
28 Robert Pycot v. William Sandcroft in Elmham
29 Arnold son of Arnold and Alice his wife v. Arnold de Bosco and
Johanna his wife in Esinton
30 Gervase de Berton and Cecilia his wife v. Geoffrey de Thorp in Thorp
31 Walter de Coleuill v. Roger de Coleuill in Perham
32 William de Anehus v. Geoffrey de Burgo in Charsfeld and Debeche
33 , William, Prior of St. Trinity of Ipswich v. Walkelinus Wys de Lou
of moiety of advowson of Kyrketon
34 John de Westhorp v. Henry de Westhorp of the manor of Westhorp
31 Henry III
35 Hamo de Valeynes v. Richard de Plessete in Blakeshal and Bruges.
36 Mathew, Abbot of Leyston v. William Russel and Agnes his wife in
37 Magister Robert, Archdeacon of Colchester v. Nicholas deFreton in Freton
38 William de Pakeham v. Walkelinus de Kalna in Berdewell
39 William de Metingham v. Roger le Bygot, Earl of Norfolk and
Marshall of England in Metingham
40 Thomas de Lasceles and Ralph de Hodeng v. Adam de Cokefeld in
41 Magister William le Large v. John son of Gilbert in Berthon and
42 William son of Roger de Gardino v. Richard son of William Edward
and Sarah his wife in Stokes.
43 Philip de Whelnetham v. Adam de Hocwude and Maria his wife in
44 Amicia who was wife of William de Batesford v. Robert de Gateshal
in Batesford.
45 Joseph de Okes v. Agnes daughter of William in Kessinglond

46 Walter, Bishop of Norwich, parson of Hoxne v. Magister William

de Horham in Chickering.
47 William de Bosco v. Roger de Nauenton in Sutton.
48 William, Prior of Kereseye v. Robert de Chanelingwrth and Eva his
wife in Kereseye.
49 Walter, Bishop of Norwich, parson the Hoxne v. Richard de Lyng
and Margaret his wife in Jakele, Randeston and Melles.

31 33 HENRY III. 49
50 Walter, Bishop of Norwich, parson of Hoxne v. William le Flemeng
in Denham
51 Walter, Bishop of Norwich, parson of Hoxne v. Magister Henry de
Melles in Jakele
32 Henri/ III
52 Warin son of Hugh and Alice his wife v. Bobert de Alneto in Bukeahal
53 John son of Bobert and Matilda his wife v. Boger le Bygod, Earl of
Norfolk and Marshal of England of advowson of Wlfriston
54 Brother Terricus, Prior of Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in
England v. Thomas de Horshawe, chaplain in Vleden
55 Ernald de Denham and Beatrice his wife v. Theobald de Denham and
Agnes his wife in Denham
56 Bobert son of William of Batesford and Matilda his wife v. William
de Bocstede and Beatrice his wife in Bingeshal
57 Philip de Welnetham, Bobert le Breton and Mabilia his wife John de
Haley, Beginald son of Bobert and Aniicia his wife, Adam de
Hocwald and Maria his wife v. Thomas de Gerbodesham and Maria
his wife in Whepested
58 William le Blunt v. Bichard de Taney and Margaret his wife in Ix worth
59 Edmund de Polstede o. John de Middelton and Boesa his wife in
60 Adam de Tysteshal v. Godfrey de Burnedyz in Burnedyz and Tatinton

and Wutton
33 Henry III
61 Magister William de Horham, Archdeacon of Suffolk v. William de
Camera in Horham
62 Hugh de Ver, Earl of Oxford v. Symon, Prior of Pritchwell of the
advowson of Stokes
63 William son of Charles v. William Prior of Wangeford of moiety of
advowson of Stouene
64 Bobert de Scales v. William de Wychenton of advowson of Wrydlington
65 William de Huntingfeld and Olivia his wife v. Philip Basset in Chersfeld
66 John de Heselworthe v. Manserus de Bordeshowe in Sprouton
67 William de Buwemere *. Hervicus de Euwemere in Cornerd
68 Simon de Kokefeud v. Osbert de Kokeld in Yoxford

34 Henry III
69 Adam de Meresheye v. Peter de Meauling and Johanna his wife in
70 William, Prior of Wangelford v. William son of Corolus in Stouene,
Schadenefeld, Brampton, Hugeschal and Henam
71 Peter son of Matilda, Hugh son of Letitia, Adam son of Isolda v.
Robert le Neuvecomen in Lund
72 Ealph de la Haye v. Hugh de Pollestede of advowson of Stratford
73 Bartholomew de Crek v. William le Rus of the marriage of Ivo son
of Robert de Keneton
74 Peter de Leyham v. Mathew de Leyham in Leyham
75 William, Prior of Walsingeham v. Adam son of William de Bungeie
and Gunnilda his wife in Bungeye
76 Oshert son of Godard v. Walter son of Adam in Ouer Wardeston
77 Peter, Prior of Buttele v. Geoffrey de Cadamo and Agnes his wife in

78 Ralph de Arderne v. Peter, Prior of Buttele in Baudeseye and Aldreton

(Henry de Saunwyz and Johanna his wife appofi clam)
79 Warm son of Hugh and Alice his wife v. John de Estru in Gulinge
80 Edmund de Soterle v. Philipp de Flegg and Sarah his wife in Soterle
81 William de Garauill v. Thomas de Gerauill in Stok
82 Roger parson of Culing v. Alan de Culing in Culing
83 John Welond v. Thomas de Burgo in Charsfeld and Debach
84 Geoffrey le Enginnur v. Robert le Enginnur in Weston, Wetherden,
Watlesfeld, Hopeton, Thelnetham and Stanton
85 Walter de Burgo v. Robert de Grimiles in Cove, Holeton and Sternefeld
86 Thomas Picot and Isabella his wife v. Stephen de Marisco and Cecilia
his wife in Wadingfeud and advowson of church
87 Philip de Eye v. Theobald de Eye in Eye, Langeton, Cranele,
Benegham, Suddon, Cokelingole
Thomas de Craneford v. Clement de Randeswurth and Agatha his
wife in Craneford and Perham (Sarah and Agnes sisters of Agatha
appofi clam) [no reference no old no 244]
Henry de la Lee and Eugenia his wife v. Henry de Habelund and
Johanna his wife in Lavingham [no reference n]

35 HENRY III. 51
35 Henry III
88 Walter de Thurkelby v. Walter de Benham of manor of Alflodeton
and advowson of church
89 John Mausel, praepositus of Bevert v. Bartholomew de Crek in
Lellesey and advowson of the chapel &c.
90 John Maunsel, praepositus of Beveri v. Bartholomew de Crek in
Lellesey and advowson of chapel &c.
91 John de Meleford v. Henry de Bello Campo in Meleford
92 Peter de Leyham v. Mathew de Leyham of Leyham and advowson of

93 Stephen de Langeton v. John de Standon of Bures (Hugh, parson of

Stysted church appon clam)
94 Daniel de Becles v. Ivo Mulard and Margaret his wife of Bekles
95 William, Prior of St. Trinity of Ipswich v. John de Wescy in Beylham
96 Mathew Abbot of Leiston v. Walter Pissun and Christiana his wife
in Parva Geremue
97 Albreda who was wife of William of St. Edmunds v. Kobert son of
Herveus de Wyrlingwurth in Wirlingwurth
98 Nicholas de Gretingham v. Symon Suylard in Gretingham, Munghedon,
Framesden and Helmingham
99 Eva Peche v. Keginald de Seluerleg and Petronilla his wife in Pesehal
100 Alexander Abbot of Sybeton v. Kalph Turgis in Heueningham,
Pesehale and Badingeham
101 Mathew Abbot of Leyston v. William Russel and Agnes his wife in
Gnodeshal and Bukeslowe
102 William de Holebrok v. Richard de Whatefeld and Isabella his wife
in Tatingeston
103 Alexander de Thorp v. Alice de Wadingfeld in Wadingfeld
104 John Welond v. Ralph de Moughedon and Brangwayna his wife in
Mougheden (John de Molegheden appofi clam)
105 Eva Pecche v. William de Huntingefelde and Olivia his wife in
Bredefeld and Wykham
106 William son of Robert and John his brother v. Robert son of Anselm
in Pakeham
107 Matilda Peche v. Geoffrey Pech in Ketelberston (Nicholas Crowe appof

108 Peter de Sprokolt v. Thomas Sprokolt in Stanesfeld
109 John de Manddevill v. Ernulphus de Manddevill and Galiena his wife

in Mendlesham
110 Walter Eadgar and Claricia his wife v. Geoffrey le Marchaund in
111 Philip, Chaplain of Weston v. Ivo Mulard [nmsard?] and Margaret
his wife in Bekles
112 Ivo Mulard and Margaret his wife v. Geoffrey de Burnavill in Waleton
113 Peter Hauegrim v. Geoffrey Hauegrym in Hemingeston
114 Peter Peper v. William Winter and Alice his wife in Neuton
115 Bartholomew le Chapelain v. Hugh de Langeston and Cristiana his
wife in Parva Stanham
116 Bobert son of Henry de Pulham v. Henry de Pulham in Redgraue
117 William son of Alexander de Subyr v. William de Northwode in
Sproughton (Hugh de Langeston appofi clam)
118 William de Horham, rector of Melles church v. William de Cremmavill
and Elena his wife in Melles
119 Peter de Calewecroft and Agnes his wife v. Adam Pygace in Thorneia
120 Geoffrey de Lodenes v. Simon, Abbot of Langel
121 Hugh Peuerel v. Richard de Gosebek in Brithelwell (Bishop of Ely
appofi clam)
122 John le Carpenter and Anselmus le Waunter v. Ralph Mayner in
Fornham St. Genovefe
123 Juliana de Thorp, Nicholas and William her sons v. Osbert de Richey
in Thorp
124 William de Emundeuill v. Thomas son of William in Thorp (Warinus.
son of William and Robert de Burnavill appofi clam)
125 Ralph son of Brian v. Hugh Rynel in Naneton
126 Avelina who was wife of Sefare Pystor v. William Ragemer in Tendring.
127 Hugh le Gros v. Hugh de Weer, Earl of Oxford in Melles
12'8 Robert de Wadingefeld v. Walter de Subyr and Alice his wife in

129 Richard son of Stephen and Athelina his wife and Matilda sister of
Athelina v. Edmund de Wymundehale in Hoppeton
130 Walter de Thurkelby v. John de Morieus and Katherine his wife in

35 HENRY III. ,53

131 Matilda Peche v. Hugh de Morles in Ketelberston
132 William de Stok and Petronilla his sister v. Martin de Nutstedeand
Sarah his wife in Kereseye
133 Nigellus-de Burgo v. William Kuter in Witnesham
134 Kiohard son of William v. Philip de Columbariis in Batesford and
135 William de Bovill and Johanna his wife v. Thomas Crawe in Randiston
(Roger Crawe and Nicholas Crawe appofl claffi)
136 Roger de Shotford v. John de Morieaus in Githesthorp (Alan de
Wiresdal and Baldwyn de Roseto appofl claffi)
137 John de Branford v. Agnes de Branford in Brendewenham (William
de Holebrok appofi claffi)
138 Walkelinus Vitdelu v. William son of Ralph de Prebeness and Agnes
his wife in Chircheford and advowson of Kapeles church.
139 Edward de Berkholt, Roger de Couintr and Gunnilda his wife, Juliana
de Couentr and Emma her sister v. Robert le Prestr in Stokes
140 Edmund, Abbot of St. Edmund's v. Osebert de Thorp and Margaret
his wife in Hildercle, Rykingehal and Watlesfeld
141 Arnulf son of William v. William son of Walter in Thorinton
142 Herveus Etewell and Matilda his wife v. William Theobald in Bromford
143 Roger son of Hugh v. William son of Robert in Brotford
144 Alice daughter of William Bonhayt v. Hugh son of Frethesent in
145 John le Futur v. Adam de Bedingfeld in Codeham

146 Warinus son of Hugh v. John Algar and Lucia his wife in Keddiston
and Bernardeston (Gilbert de Bayllol and Margaret his wife appoii
147 John de Punchardun v. Gilbert son of Thomas of rent due to John
148 William Legat v. Robert de Hingham in Culingge
149 Richard Curlu v. Gilbert son of Thomas in Scipmede, Metingham
and Barsham
150 Andrew son of Andrew v. Andrew de Helyun of Hauerhall
151 Andrew de Laweshull v. Gilbert de Illeye and Alice his wife in Stanfeld
152 Ralph Patregos v. Sarah La Chambrere in Wyresfeld
153 John Cotun v. Hugh, Bishop of Ely in Hecham
154 Magister William de Clare v. John de Essex in Benham

155 Adam de Meg v. Thomas son of Nicholas in Hadleg
156 Sabina daughter of Theobald, Loretta, Alice and Mabilla sisters of
Sabina v. Theobald Kandel in Huneden
157 William de Wyggenhal v. Eoger Belyun and Agnes his wife in Alfeton
158 Matilda who was wife of Alan de Iselham v. Cristiana de Berton and
Kobert her son in Meleford, Alfeton and Kentewell
159 Geoffrey de Burgo v. John Welond in Charsfeld and Debech
160 Gerberg son of Symon Le Clauer, Matilda and Amicia his sister v.
Symon le Clauer and Agatha his wife in Rykingehal
161 Thomas de Grotone v. Sarah de Grotone in Kerseye and Hadleg
162 Symon, Prior of Norwich v. William de Jakeleg in Jakeleg
163 Philip, Prior of Ixewrth v. Cristiana de Walsham in Dunham juxta
164 Alice de Polstede v. John de Reyndon in Stokes
165 Peter Cote v. Elas, deacon of Dunwich in Dersham
166 Robert de Elvedon v. Osbert de Haliwell in Mildenhal (William son
of Robert de Haliwell and Alexander le Butyler de Hemingeston

app clam)
167 Walter de Wulston v. Castanea de Keneton in Keneton
168 William de Stokes and Petronilla his sister v. Gilbert Florence and
Nesta his wife in Kersete
169 Magister William de Clare v. Robert de Alneto in Wetherden and
170 Bartholomew de Walsingham and Cecilia his wife and Margaret sister
of Cecilia v. Walter Gaugy and Alice his wife in Polstede (Alice
daughter of Cecilia and Hugh de Polsted appofi clam)
171 William, Prior of St. Peter of Ipswich v. Ralph de Glaunvill
172 Philip, Prior of Ixeweth v. Thomas son of Michael de Ryssebrok
1 73 Hugh son of Hugh de Dunny veton and John his brother v. Hugh,
Chaplain of Dunnyveton in Dunnyueton
174 William Kudny v. John son of William de Knodeshal of the freedom
of the said William (40/-)
175 Geoffrey son of Reginald de Brokindihs v. Stephen Haking and
Amabilla his wife in Pethawe, Framesden and Helmingham (Michael
son of Michael appoii clam)
176 Alexander, Abbot of Sybeton v. Robert Malet in Wenhakeston

3537 HENRY III. 55

177 Thomas son of Robert v. Robert son of Adam Je Wirlingewrth in
Wyrlingwrth and Bedirlgfeld
178 Bichard son of William del Boys v. Alice who was wife of William
del Boys in Batisford and Ringeshal
179 Robert le Blund v. Roger de Mundham and Matilda his wife in
Mendlesham and Wikham
180 Walter de Thurkelby v. Walter de Bernham in Asfledeton
181 Geoffrey son of Alexander v. Margaret daughter of Robert de Burgo
in Parva Gernemwe
182 Jordan de Multon v. Bartholomew de Crek in Kambes

36 Henry III
183 Robert de Randeston and Matilda his wife v. John de London and
Katherine his wife in Burgate
184 Nicholas de Shelton v. John de Glouc and Alice his wife in Frensingefeld
185 Eadmund de Sotert v. Roger le Bigot, Earl of Norfolk in Borsham
186 Symon son of Richard v. Henry de Bello Campo in Rede
187 Thomas Gresley v. Isabella de Muschauns in Weston, Riggesfeld,
Beckles and Werlingham
188 Stephen Lagon v. Roger, chaplain of Wetheringesete in Wetheringeset
189 Reginald de Cobeham and Maria his wife v. Adam de Illeg in Kirketon
(William Vis de Lu appofi clam)
190 Ranulph de Florendon v. Walter de Florendon in Elraham and
191 John de Wangeford v. William, Prior of Wangeford in Henham
192 James de Crek v. John de Haukewell in Middleton and Ickford
(Margerita de Crek and Robert her son appofi clam)
37 Henry III
193 Thomas Talebot and Avelina his wife and William de Susleboys v.
Peter Giffart and Juliana his wife in Stokes and Whyvermers
194 Margeria who was wife of Bartholomew de Crek v. James de Crek in
Middelton, Jakeford and Wylebeg
195 Nicholas de Geddyng v. Ralph de Saxham in Parva Saxham
196 Margaret who was wife of William Thalemache v. Hugh Thalemache
of a third of the manors of Bentley, Haketon and Coppedhok
197 William son of John de Clare v. Sarah de Thudham in Thudham
198 Adam de Gedding v. William de Rykinghal and Adam his brother of
the advowson of the church of Gedding

199 Eadmund son of Roger v. Roger son of William in Coling

200 Hugh le Conestable v. Peter Giffar't and Juliana his wife in Stokes
and Why vermersh
201 Roger Bygot, Earl of Norfolk v. John Algar and Lucia his wife of
Brockele and advowson of church
202 James son of Robert de Lindholt v. Reginald son of Robert le Cunte
and Amicia his wife in Wopstede, Horningesherthe, Brocle and
38 Henry III
203 William de Weston v. Roger de Huntingfeud of advowson of the
church of Cokeleye
204 Robert son of Robert de Perers v. Agnes who was wife of Robert de
Perers in Stanfeud (William son of Robert de Perers app clam)
205 Philip de Eya v. Ralph de Aviulers and Beatrice his wife in Horham,
Hoxne, Chikering, Wyleby, Athelington, Grundesburgh, Banham
and Melles
206 William de Swyneford v. Michael de Thurston in Barne and Heygham
207 Magister Roger de Gosebec v. Thomas de Esse in Esse
208 Walter le Forester, clerk v. John Knytt of Stanesfeld in Stanesfeld
209 Agnes, Prioress of the Nuns of St. George of Theford v. Hugh de
Neketon in Fornham (Richard, Earl of Gloucester app clam)
210 John Welond v. Henry de Minnigheten in. Minnigheten
211 Claricia daughter of Osbert Fabr v. John le Barun of Coppedoc in
212 Peter Braunche v. John le Sauvage in Neuton
213 Martin Gulafre v. Galyena Dannmartin in Melles and Burgate
39 Henry III
214 Simon, Abbot of Langel v. William son of Simon de Baketon in
Berningham, Berdewell and Sapston
215 Herbert de Alenzun v. William le Blunt in Westleton, Snapesfed land
216 Osbert de Kaylly v. Herbert Wolond in Westerfeld, Thurleston and

217 William le Taillour v. Walter de Rybuef in Blakeshale
218 Robert son of Roger le Porter v. William, Prior of Eya
219 Henry de Munugheden v. John de Muungheden in Munugheden

39 40 HENRY III. 57
220 John de Lanfare v. Thomas Wrburgh and Alice his wife inWyohambroc
221 Eadmund de Polestede v. Martin de Bordesho and Hodierna his wife
in Polstede and Boxford
222 John Welond v. John de Munugheden in Munugheden
223 William son of William de Weston v. William de Weston in Cokel
224 Ealph Weppelok v. John, Prior of Rumburgh of advowson of church
of St. Michael of Sut Elmham
225 Richard son of Moys v. Herbert de Alencun of advowson of the church
of Giselham
226 Robert, Abbot of Bee v. Benedict de Blakeham in North Blakeham
227 Thomas de Plessete v. William de Valoynnes in Blakeshal and Bruges
228 Robert de Gyselingham v. William son of Robert de Giselingham and
Elizabeth his wife in Gyselingham, Ryhoses and Bedingfeld
229 Richard de Ratlesden and Alia hiswife v. William Roscelin in Bradelegti
40 Henry III
230 Ralph de Gyseburne and Alice his wife, Geoffrey le Teler and Margeret
his wife v. John de Linstede in Linstede
231 Thomas Welond v. John son of William de Chyselford of Chyselford
and adowson &c. in Oreford
232 William de Pakeham v. Paganus de St. Philberto and Isolda his wife
in Thorp
233 Adam son of Ylleyea v. Robert de Bradefeud and Agnes his wife in
234 Magister William de Clare v. Robert des Escales in Wrydelington and
advowson of church

235 Walter de Escoteny v. Thomas de Gelham in Parva Hauerhull (Alan

sou of Walter appofi clam)
236 Gilbert Pecche v. Robert de Ufford of the advowson of Ufford
237 Ralph de Bradewell v. Peter son of Osebert of advowsou of Bradewell
238 Alice de Hadleghe v. Warinus de Wadeshull in Hadleghe (William de
Bosco appofi clani)
239 Ivo de Shelton v. Jordan de Shelton in Kenetone
240 Paganus de St. Philberto and Isolda his wife v. Philip, Prior of
Ixeworth of advowson of Thorp church
241 Agnes daughter of Gilbert de Melton v. Richard son of Arnolf de
Melton in Melton and Wodebregge

242 John son of Eobert de Stanbregg and his wife v. Richard son of Hugh
le Erl in Belstede and Sproton (Roger le Chalmere of Chatteshale
appofi clam)
41 Henry III
1 Magister William de Clare, Archdeacon of Suber v. Symon son of
Richard of Dunmowe of manor of Reda
2 Geoffrey, Abbott of Leyston v. Theobald de Leyston in Leyston
3 Michael son of Walter of Sutbur and Katherine his wife v. Cecilia,
Prioress of Eton of the advowson of St. Gregory at Sutbur
4 (Transferred to 103)
42 Henry III
5 Magister William de Clare v. James Maskerel and Isabella his wife in
6 Benedict de Blakeham u. Mathew de Luneyn and Muriella his wife in
7 Magister William de Clare v. Magister John de Dageworth in Kaumbes
8 Magister William de Clare v. James Maskerel in Kauenedys
9 James de Crek and Sarah his wife v. Geoffrey le Neve of Jokesford

and Katherine his wife of manor of Jokesford

10 Robert de Reydon v. William Mori and Margaret his wife in Reydon
11 Margaret daughter of Simon v. Simon de Whatefeld in Whatefeld,
Nedding and Nawelton
12 Henry, Abbot of St. Osith v. Henry de Schelton in Illeya arsa
13 Thomas Levebaud v. William de Okenhell and Agnes his wife,
Hamond de Okenhill and Sarah his wife in Framelingham and
14 Thomas de Blakeham v. Lodovicus de Gerard vill and Petronilla his
wife in Chelesworth
15 Walter de Covele v. Fabyan, vicar of Stradbrok in Stradebrok
16 Robert de Walepol v. Gilbert de Clare in Parva Trillawe
17 Roysia de Lascy v. Thomas de Rauenyngham in Brampton (Gilbert de
Colevil appofi clam)
18 Robert son of Walter de Meleford v. Christiana daughter of Walter
de Welnetham in Magna Whelnetham
19 Richard Gerun v. Walter, Prior of Leghe in Gapeton
20 Thomas Galaund v. Adam son of Richard de Meleford in Melleford

42 HENRY III. 59
21 William le Priur v. Nicholas But and Agnes his wife in Yxninge
22 John de Gynevill v. Richard de Geddinge and Katherine his wife in
Magna Bures
23 Walter de Eluedene v. Warin son of Thurstan de Eluedene in Eluedene
24 Nicholas de Bures v. Gilda who was wife of David de Magna Bures in
Magna Bures
25 Hammond son of Nicholas v. Roger of London in Culinges
26 Geoffrey de Lenn and Avelina his wife v. Reginald, Prior of Kerseya
in Whatefeld.
27 William de Neketon v. Nicholas de Cuneyston and Alice his wife in

28 Letitia daughter of Stephen de Argentes, Matilda and Mabilla sisters
of Letitia v. Johanna de Aumbervill, John and Richard sons of
Johanna in Budeleg
29 William de Feypo v. William de Clopton and Alice his wife in
30 Reginald, Prior of Kerseya v. Philip de Presseny and Katherine his
wife in Kerseya (Dyonisia de Gloucester and John de Gloucestf
appofi clam)
31 Hugh son of Gerard de Langeston v. Gilbert Hake and Alice his wife,
Adam le Espicer and Isabella his wife in Ipswich.
32 Clement, Prior of Bromholm v. John de Broxton and Cristiana his
wife in Burgh in Luthingland
33 Old No. 33 missing
34 Hubert de Swafham v. William de Gosewold in Dynyeneton
35 Adam de Tybetot v. Mathias de la Mare and Florencia his wife and
Paganus de la Mare and Isabella his wife in Berchout
36 Robert de Lyuermere v. Mathew de Thelnetham of advowson of
Magna Lyuermer
37 Roger de Mundham and Matilda his wife v. Henry de Coleuill in Clopton
38 Roger de Priditon v. Eustace de Berningham and Margaret his wife in
Siluerleg Aysseleg Cheueley Dallham and Multon
39 Robert de Ludham v. John de Guneton in Guneton
40 Symon, Abbot of Langele v. Adam le Cunte of Berningham and Matilda
his wife in Berningham and Gnateshale
41 Thomas son of Henry de Wurebam v. Henry le Prestre in Wurcham

42 Eichard de Holebrok v. Roger de Montesferard and Matilda his wife
in Tatington
43 Richard de Ayssewell v. John son of Elias de Rutham and Cristina

his wife in Norton

44 Michael de Neueton and Isabella his wife v. John de Dagworth in
Wykelewode and Kaldecote (Prior of Broumholm appofi clam)
45 Henry de Fornham v. Walter de Fornham in Fornham St. Geneuefe
46 Richard de Goseford v. William Boleheued and Susanna his wife in
Clare, Poselingword and Cauenedis
47 Martin Houel v. Arnulph de Lofham and Maria his wife in Hunterestun
and Badewell Assfeld
48 Aunketil Scareboc v. Symon de Greynvill and Alice his wife in
49 Agues daughter of Margaret de Priditon v. Ralph de Waudingefeld in
50 Basilia, Prioress of Campese v. Roger del Hole and Avicia his wife in
Wrcham and Burgate
51 Eadmund de Clar v. James Maskerel and Isabella his wife in Glare
52 Clementia daughter of Roger de Corpesey v. Sarah daughter of William
de Mendham in Mendham
53 John de Ketel and Cristiana his wife, Alice de Ketel and Ida her sister
v. John le Charpent in Denham
54 William de Horseth and Elen his wife v. Helewisia who was wife of
Warin de Wadesele in Parva Trillawe
55 John son of Walter de Wlpech v. William Wlpech in Wlpech
56 Richard de Kenet v. Nicholas de Kenet in Blakeham
57 Adam Unwyne v. Walter de Fakeham and Agnes his wife in Tudeham
58 Lodowic de Gerardvill v. Robert son of Anselm de Cheleswrth in
59 Roger le Gros v. Robert de Munteny and Isolda his wife in Earl
Saham, Monks Saham, Aschefeld and Thorp (Philip Halyday appofi
60 Roger de Suthflet v. William son of Bernard and Letitia his wife in

61 Geoffrey son of William v. Robert le Prestre of Parva Waldingfeld in

Parva Waldingfeld

42 43 HENRY III. 61
62 Eoger de Appelgar v. William son of Walter and Elizabeth his wife
in Cauenedia
63 Ada who was wife of Hubert Houel v. Robert Houel senior, of a third
of the manor of Horepol
64 Robert de Braham v. Idonea de Capel in Capel
65 Thomas de Blakeham v. Ludovic de Geraruill and Petronilla his wife
in Cheleswurth (Robert son of Anselm app clam)
43 Henry III
66 Robert le Engyniur, junior v. Robert le Engynur senior in Weston,
Hopton, Thelnetham, Watlesfeld and Stanton (Robert son of Dauid
le Egymur appon clam)
67 Thomas Welond v. Walter de Ryboef of Blakeshal
68 John Welond v. Alan Burnell of Branteston
69 Robert son of Hugh de Eluedon v. William de Apelford and Lucia his
wife in Eluedon
70 Robert Brunmay v. John de Wymundehale and Mariota his wife in
Bluudeston, Lound and Manthorp
71 John Welond v. Thomas son of Aucher and Amabilla his wife of
72 Robert Fulton (Fulcon ?) v. Richard de Westerfeld in Westerfeld,
Akenham and Thurleston
73 John Herman and Agnes his wife v. Clement, Prior of Bromholm in
Burgo in Luthinglong
74 Robert Fulton of Rading v. Robert Siben and Beatrice his wife in
75 Roger de Gosebec v. William de Eye in Eye
76 Nicholas de Laffham v. Walter le Carpenter of Clare and Dionisia his

wife in Badeleg and Andeham

77 John de Wangested v. Nicholas de Randeworth and Emma his wife in
78 John Welond v. Richard Goroyl of manor of Branteston with
advowson of the church
79 Robert de Suffolk and Elyzabeth his wife v. William de Braunfbrd and
Avicia his wife in Kombis
BO John Welond v. Ralph de Monte Alto in Mungheden
SI Robert Mouthergod and Thomas his brother v. Adam Snork in

82 John Weylond v. Robert son of Matilda de Munegheden, sister of
Henry de Munedene of Munegheden
83 Ralph de Berners v. Reginald, Prior of Kerseya of the advowson of
Lcllesheye church
84 Roger Appelgar v. John Knyt and Matilda his wife in Bernardeston
85 Magister Thomas de Bello Campo v. Robert son of Geoffrey le
Marchaunt de Stutton and Mabilla his wife in Stutton
44 Henry III
86 Alienora, Prioress of Flixton v. Ranulph de Combes in Flixton
87 missing
88 Symon, Abbot of St. Edmunds v. William de Gereboldesham and Alice
his wife in Whepested
89 Alienora, Prioress of Flixton v. Mayant [magaut ?] de Crek in Flixton
and advowson of church
90 Simon, Bishop of Norvvych v. William Sprot and Mariorta his wife in
91 Richard son of William de Holebrok v. Ernald de Coleuill of
manor of Reulesham and advowson of church
92 Walter de la Haye v. William de Suthwold and Alice his wife in

93 Johanna de Audelan v. Thomas de Watesden and Cecilia his wife in
Parva Blakenham, Bromford Nettlestede and Blakeham
94 Ralph de Tydenheye v. John son of John of Parva Cornherth in Parva
95 Walter de Lahaye v. Henry de Eye and Matilda his wife in Thorndon
96 John de Geddinton v. William la Justice in Hecham
97 John Blundel, parson of Leyham church v. Richard de Lillesheye in
98 Johanna who was the wife of Roger de Blok v. Richard son of Peter
de Bramford in Bramford
99 John de "Wathefeld v. Symon de Cokefeld and Robert de Wathefeld of
advowson of church of Naulton
100 John Davy and Roesia his wife, John son of Alice and Osbert son of
Isabella v. Lawrence son of John Rolaund in Braunford, Stokes,
Sprouton and Burstall
101 Henry de Bathofi and Alma his wife v. John de Caugy and Petronilla
his wife in Berkyng, Wylawesham and Tatiston

44 46 HEtfRY in. 63
102 Henry de Lyuermere v. Mathew de Thelnetham of fishing rights in
Lyuermere and Magna Lyuermere
45 Henri/ III
103 James de Kerseye and Amanda his wife v. John de Pynkeny and
Alice his wife in Lilleseye, Hadleye and Semer
104 Alexander son of Aylmer v. Robert de Brumpton in Wyohlesham
Geoffrey de Burnavill and Matilda his wife v. Roger le Bygot, Earl of
Norfolk, in Lestanton and Burgate (Robert de Burnavill appofl clam)
105 Magister Richard de Freton, parson of church of Sympling v. Geoffrey
de Henham in Sympling
106 Roger Quaremure v. Ralph Quaremure in Stutton

107 Thomas de Stagno v. Isabella who was wife of Adam de Horminggeserth

in Berningham
108 Roger de Leukener v. Nicholas de Leukener of Mendlesham and
advowson of church (Dean and chapter of Chichester appon clam)
109 John de Pakenham v. Ralph le Rok in Pakeuham and Thurston
110 Hugh de Dunster and Alice his wife v. Robert Houel and Margaret
his wife in Wycham (Ada who was wife of Hubert Houell appon clam)
46 Henry III
111 Robert de Horning v. John de Horning and Anastasia his wife in
Ilketeleshale and Venakeston
112 William Burryth (Lovrich T) v. Matilda Pauewit in Tremel
113 Nicholas de Freton v. Walter le Chaumpeneys in Jernemuth
114 John de Geddyng and Sarah de Nustede v. Adam son of William in
115 William de Poselingworth v. Adam de Poselingworth in Culing
116 Peter son of John v. Ilgerus son of Thomas de Sympling in Sympling
116bMatilda who was wife of Godfrey de Burendes v. Geoffrey de Beaumes
in Ipswich (Roger Luveday, Geoffrey de Beaumes and William his
brother appon clam)
117 Arnald de Coleuill and Johanna his wife v. Richard de Holebrok of
118 Stephen de Ryngeshale and Alice his wife v. John le Messag and
Agnes daughter of Ralph Swan in Rendham
119 James de la Chaumbre v. Alexander de la Chaumfcr in Boxford
120 Reginald, Prior of Kerseye v. Nicholas de Matingdon and Alina his
wife in Berking, Tatteston, Batesford, Willawesham and Creting

121 Isabella de Wycurube v. William de Wycumbe in Stowemarket
122 Roger le Daneys v. William le Daneys of Gretingham in Gretingham,
Frammesden, Brandeston and Ayssefeld

123 Hugh de Tudeham v. Egidius de Tudeham in Parva Cornerth, Magna

Cornerth, Assington and Bures
47 Henri/ III
124 John de Saham v. Aymon Thurunbern and Basilia his wife in
Wyngefeld (John Roscelin appon clam)
125 Robert son of Fulco de Rading v. Richard de Sproutou and Petronilla
his wife in Berkiug, Tateston, Dernundestore, Creting and
126 Henry, Abbot of St. Osith v. Reginald de Pauely and Cristiana his
wife of Stutton
127 Henry de Caldecote and Johanna his wife v. William de Anhus of
manors of Anhus and Debeche (John Roscelin appon clani)
128 Nicholas de Fretou v. Johnlvettein Freton
129 Margaret who was wife of Geoffrey de Thorp v. Magister John de
Pageham in Thorp
130 Walter, Prior of Butteley v. Roger Jordon of rent due to him
131 Godfrey de Beaumes [Beauvies?] v. William son of Elyas de Subbyr
and Alice his wife in Hemmyngeston
132 William de Wendling v. William de Muncheues of Cadwardeston in
133 William Welond v. John de Ketelber in Munegeden
134 Richard de Braham v. Matilda who was wife of Roger de Monteferard
of Ringeshal
49 Henri/ III
135 Nicholas de Basing and Agnes his wife v. Reginald de Pavely and
Cristiana his wife in Stutton
136 Nicholas de Codeham v. Thomas de Gosebek, chaplain in Eston and
137 John de Badingham v. Robert de Ardereshull and Margeret his wife
in Cassinglond (Peter de Arden appon clam)
50 Henri/ III

138 William de Thornegg and Ida his wife v. Muriella de Loveyn in

Brokes, Cleydon and Rubrok

50 52 HENRY III. 65
t30 John Peche v. Matilda de Langetot of Stowe Langetot (Richard son
of Richard le Marshall and Isabella his wife appon clam)
31 Henry de Flemeng v. Gerard de Rodis and Isabella his wife in Exninge
32 Thomas de Clare v. Robert de Craneleg and Gundred his wife in
51 Henry III
33 Benedict de Blakenham v. Edmund de Illeg and Johanna his wife of
Stanefeld and advowson of church
34 Cecilia who was wife of John son of Mathew of Magna Renham v.
William son of Bartholomew de Renham in Magna Renham and
Parva Renham
35 Robert de Monnteny v. John son of John de Scolakel and Isabella his
wife in Magna Waldingefeld and advowson of church
36 Letitia who was wife of Walter de Turkeby v. Walter de Bernham in
37 Robert, Abbot of Tylceye v. William Comyn in Facham (? Fakenham)
38 Richard de Breuse and Alice his wife v. Amisus, Prior of Wodebrigg
in Leyre
39 Roger Cuband v. Alan de Engleys and Alice his wife in Weybrede
52 Henry III
40 Thomas de Clare v. William, Prior de Eya of advowson of Playford
41 Magister Geoffrey de Asphale v. William Lewys and Johanna his wife
in Culynge
42 Thomas Levebaud v. William de Mareschal and Ampel his wife William
dele Dene and Ada his wife in Sprouton (Manserus son of Richard
de Bordesho appofi clam)
43 Richard de Enges v. Hervicus le Mercer of Norwich and Amabilia his
wife in Hopeton

44 John de Rameseye v. John de Fuleham and Johanna his wife in Ipswich

45 Robert de Typetoft v. Roger Loueday of Westhaya
46 Geoffrey de Askeby and Matilda his wife v. William de Bouill of
part of manor of Bulges in Burgo
47 William le Bygod v. Thomas le Bygod of Magna Bradeleya of Parva
and advowson of church in Trillowe and Magna Bradele (Hugh le
Bigod de Bradel app clam)
tFrom this point the Fines have been permanently stamped with the reference numb
now given.

48 Hubert fil' William de Bysewrth v. Robert fil' John and Matilda his
wife and Wm, le Parker and Margery his wife of the manor of
53 Henry III
1 Beatrice who was wife of Robert de Muscegros v. Robert Pogeys in
2 Robert Kokerel v. Richard le Clerk de Wyngefeld in Wyngefeld
Stradebrock and Esham
3 Nicholas de Falsham v. John de Hoo of advowson of church of
4 Reginald Le Juvene v. Robert le Juvener in Parva Thirlawe
5 Henry de Kaldekote v. William Godwine and Amicia his wife in Onhuse
6 Thomas de Wlferston v. Isabella, Prioress of Wykes in Wlferston
7 Symon, Abbot of St. Edmund's v. John le Bigot of fishing rights in Bekles
8 Walter de Seddesham v. Robert, Prior of Buttele of advowson of
church of Parva Sedesham and advowson of half the church of
9 William de Clopton and Alice his wife v. Ingelramus de la Haye and
Matilda his wife in Wykhambrok and Stanesfeld
10 Nicholas Bret v. William de la Chambere and Isabella his wife in

Magna Welnetham
1 1 Thomas de Livermere v. William de Gardifi and Alexandra his wife in
Magna and Parva Livermere
12 William son of Robert de Giselingham v. William de Gyselingham
and Elizabeth his wife in Giselingham Finigham and Westorp (Hugh
Jernegan and Richard de Bohun and Elen his wife appori clam)
13 John de Martham v. William son of Peter de Baketon and Isonda
his wife in Baketon (Roger Bishop of Norwich app clam)
1 4 Ralph de Overton v. William de la Tye and Margaret his wife in Thorp
15 Roger Doreward v. Benedict de Skeyth and Richolda his wife in
16 Brother Robert de Kylwardebi, Prior of the Friars Preachers in
England v. Adam le Roy and Matilda his wife in Ipswich
17 William Wade and Margaret his wife v. Henry de Reueshal in
18 John le Pouere v. John de Pinkeny and Lucia his wife in Wetheringsete

53 HENRY III. 67
19 William de Betenhazee v. Michael de Briseurth and Cecilia his wife in
20 Lucas de Poningges v. Walkelinus de Bosevile in Wrantham
21 Nicholas de Freton v. Deonisia daughter of Robert of Dunwich in
Freton and advowson of church (John Juhet (or Inket) and Henry
de Caudecott and William de Freton appon clam)
22 Robert Utrelewe of Berdewelle v. William le Barbur and Alice his
wife in Berdewelle
23 Simon de Wattesfeld v. William Goer and Christiana his wife in
24 Richard son of Thomas de Sniterton v. Martin de Siddesterne and
Ysmania his wife in Boketon
25 Constantia de Grimston v. Ralph de Onhus in Magna, Fineberge and

Onhus (Henry de Caudekote appofl clam)

26 John de Cokefeld, Richard de Cokefeld, Robert de Cokefeld, Alexander
de Cokefeld and Peter de Cokefeld, John le Vaversur and Alice his
wife, Thomas de Cokefeld and Richard de Cokefeld parson of
Bradefeld Church v. Henry de Cokefeld in Wattefeld Hadlegh,
Nauelton Semere, Hocketon Bradefeld and Stowene Bradefeld
27 Robert de Wlverdiston, chaplain of chapel of Blessed Mary of Alwarton
v. Martin Houel and Sarah his wife in Parva Brothing, Hauerhull
and Magna Wrothing
28 Roger Crowe of Strattone v. Matilda Peche in Ketelberston
29 Henry Blench v. John Blench in Wisete and Holeton
30 Adam de Bedingfeld and Mar' his wife and James their son v. John
Alg of Saccestede and Maria his wife in Willebeye
31 John de Belstede v. John de Cramavile in Meleford
32 William son of William de Causton v. Philip de Neubay and Ysabel
his wife in Finchamf
33 William de Camera and Isabella his wife v. Adam de Poslingworth in
Poselingworth, Cavenedis and Stanefeld
34 Nicholas de Wynton v. Robert Pikard and Agnes his wife in Mendlesham
(William son of John de Mendlesham app clam)
35 Beatrice, Prioress of Flixton v. Walter de Shypmedwe and Walter de
Redesham in Shipmedwe and advowson of church
+ This is a Norfolk fine misplaced by the original scribe.

36 Gilbert de Bernardeston and Avicia his wife v. William Wastel of
Culinge in Culinge
37 Adam de Mereseye and Alice his wife v. Alice la Blunde of the
advowson of Dunham church
38 William de Pakeham, parson of the church of Tymewrth and Johanna
daughter of Philip Nowel v. Richerus de Flempton of the manor of
Amston and the advowson of the church
39 Robert de Pridigton, chaplain v. Adam Aspelond and Matilda his wife

in Heyham
40 Alexander Bacun and Emma his wife v. Emma who was wife of Thomas
de la Porte and Cecilia her daughter and John Lorence in Stoke
41 Richard Potekin and Petronilla his wife v. Adam de Wigenhall and
Amicia his wife in Cauendis
42 Stephen de Haukedene v. Peter de Haukedon in Haukedon
43 Robert Carbonel v. Roger Loueday in Summersham
44 Alice, Prioress of Swafham v. Mathew de Thelnetham in Livermere
45 Roger son of Robert de Bosco of Culinge v. Robert de Bosco of Culing
in Culing
46 Martin Houel v. William de Criketot in Hunterston
47 Symon, Abbot of St. Edmunds v. John of St. Clare in Bradefeld
48 Geoffrey, Prior of Brisete v. Robert de Tatteshal senior in Battesford
49 Sarra, Prioress of Bunggeya v. James de Ilketleshale in Ilketleshale
50 Nicholas de Freton v. Henry son of Henry de Caldecote in Freton
51 Henry de Stanton v. Walter de Staunton in Halstede
52 Geoffrey Spot and Agnes his wife v. Walter de Feugres in Thedglemham
53 Helewisa de Ylleye and Alexander son of Osbert de Hadleye v. John
Picot and Juliana his wife in Munk Ylleye
54 Robert son of Thomas de Bradefeld v. Richard de Sumerton and
Richard de Culinge in Stannefeld Presseny
55 John de Pakenham v. Ralph son of Herveus and Cristiana his wife in
Pakenham (William son of Henry de Neketon app claffi)
56 Richard de Boyland and Ellen his wife v. Richard de Hecham in
Giselingeham, Burgate, Redgrave, Wicham, Cotton, Westhorp,
Finingham and Wyvardeston (Peter de Burgala app claffi)
57 Nicholas son of Benedict of Risehangeles and Cristiana his wife v.
William le Blake of Redgrave and Beatrice his wife in Finingham

53 HENRY III. 69
58 Robert de Vallibz v. Michael de Briseworth and Cecilia his wife in
Beuchamp Plume
59 Hubert Bery v. John Abot of Hicheton and Agnes his wife in
Thornham and Pilecok
"60 John de Pakeham v. Reginald Pecche and Sarah his wife in Pakenham
61 William le Cat v. Alexander Buzun in Wytheresfeld
62 Benedict de Haustedestret v. Geoffrey Waterloo and Claricia his wife in
63 William le Bigod v. Thomas le Bigod in . Bradel and advowson of
church (Stephen de Bassinghebum appofi clam)
64 John de Luvetot v. Geoifrey son of Thomas de Dodenes in Tatingston
(Hugh de Dodenesse and John de Gedddinge appofi clam)
65 Walter de Redgrave and Isabella his wife v. William, Prior of St.
Olave of Herlingflet in Bungeye
66 Geoffrey de Berking v. William, Prior of Kerseye in Berking
67 Nicholas le Bret v. Robert de Roynger and Alice his wife in Magna
Welnetham (Walter son and heir of Henry de Neketon appofi clam)
68 Robert son of Thomas de Bradefeld v. Nicholas de Shelton in
69 Richard son of Geoffrey de Breg and Margaret his wife v. Robert
Ebrond and Alice his wife in Breg
70 John de Holebrok v. Arnulf de Colevile in Cretingham, Otteleye,
Framesden and Helmingham
71 Roger son of William Alleyn de Fresingfeud v. Henry de la Hose in
Fresingfeud and Ersham
7.2 Robert Pichard and Agnes his wife v. Richard de Boylond and Ellen
his wife in Finigham
73 Walter Danyel v. Geoffrey de Askebi and Matilda his wife in Antygones
74 Roger son of Clerebald de Baddel v. Ralph de Baddel of Freston
75 Richard Pigare (or Pigane) v. James de Homilierd and Margaret his

wife in Sumersham
76 Henry de Simpling v. William, parson of the church of Stokes in
77 James de Bedingefeld v. Adam de Bedingfeld and Maria his wife in
Berking (Andrew of Ely for the Bishop and Church of Ely and
Robert son of Robert de Elevdene appofi clam)

78 Kobert son of John de Stanham v. Geoffrey de Askebi and Matilda
his wife in Estanham
79 Walter de Stanham v. Ralph le Savage and Isabella his wife in
80 Philip de Eye v. Henry de la Huse in Fresingfeld and advowson of
81 John son of Baldwyn of Pesenhal v. Baldwyn of Pesenhal in Thorlest
and Wyttoii
82 Alexander Godwyne v. Thomas de Landwrath and Isabella his wife in
Exninge ;
83 Alice who was wife of John Blench v. Henry Blench in Haleworth
(John Blench appofl clani)
84 Thomas de la Gutere and Agnes his wife v. Geoffrey de Askebi and
Matilda his wife in Estanham
85 Alice de Dufford and Cristiana her sister v. Benedict de Dufford in
86 Andrew de Braham v. Alexander Lumbard of Asshe in Beylham
(Hubert son of William de Bryseweth v. Robert son of John and'
Matilda his wife, William le Parker and Margaret his wife of
Bryseweth. This fine has been removed from the file.)
87 Richard, Abbot of Sibeton v. William de Alezun of Craneford in
Craneford and advowson of church (Hamo de Ukenel appoii clam
for Wm. son of Wm. de Alyzun)
88 Andrew of Norwich v. William son of Robert le Franseys of Iakel in

89 Walter son of Geoffrey de Askebi v. Geoffrey de Askebi and Matilda
his wife in Estanham
90 Philip de Eya v. William son of Philip and Matilda his wife in
91 Henry de Ruieshal v. William de Lifremere and Sarah his wife in'
92 James de Neketon v. Roger de Bellocampo in Bur^ate
93 Walter de Holmere and Sarah his wife v. William son of John de
Merton in Alnesburn
94 Egelina who was wife of Philip de Columbaf v. William, Abbot of St.
Johns of Colchesttr in Akholte, Beningham and Sutholte

53-^-55 henry m. 7t;

95 Matilda de Eos v. Walter le Chapeleyn of Thorp in Thorp, Sapston
and Stowelangetot
96 Edmund Crane and Margaret his wife v. John de Berch of Fraunsdene
in Fraunsdene, Gretingham and Assche
97 Simon de Furneaus and Cecilia his wife v. Richard de Miclefeud and
Alexandra his wife in Eyndreby
98 Bartholomew Warin v. Eudo del Boys and Agnes his wife and Adam
son of Eudo in Wrtham
99 John de Ruieshal and Dionisia his wife v. William le Parker in
54 Henry III
1 Simon Wylot and Emma his wife v. William Gernun and Anastasia
his wife in Framesden, Gretyngham, Torp, Debeham and Pethawe
2 Peter de Burgate v. Walter, Dean and Chapter of Chichestr of the
advowson of the church of Mendlesham
3 Nicholas de Weyland v. William de Ley land of Charsfeud and

i William, Prior of Eya v. William son of Thomas de Gerandvill of

advowson of church of Stok juxta Thorenden
5 John, Prior of Bromholm v. Adam son of Philip of Jernemut in
Burgo in Ludynglond
6 Reginald Peche and Sarah his wife v. John de Pakenham in Pakeham
7 Alexander de Cryketot v. John de Crowe and Maria his wife of Creftfeld.'
8 Roger, Bishop of Norwich v. William Comyn of Baketon
9 Richard son of Moyse of Gyselham v. Henry son of Andrew in Gyselham
10 John son of Alexander de Vallib3 of Keesewyk v. John de Dykelee
and Matilda his wife of Brumfeld
11 Lucas de Ponyng v. Wm. Walkelin and Basilia his wife in Wrentham
(Hugh le Waleys app clam)
-'55 Henri/ III
12 Alexander Lewys v. Henry de Thistelden and Agatha his sister in
13 Henry de Denham v. Edon le ; Poleter and Margaret his wife in Kukeleye
M William son of Richard de Gyselham v. John de Bereford and Alice
his wife in Kessinglond - >
15 Robert son of Robert le Engynnur of Weston and Alice his wife v.
John Manueysyn of Parva Bradeley and Agnes his wife in Gnateshale


16 Roger le Deheys v. John de Pynkeni and- Lucia his wife in Codeham
17 William de Oheverevill and Alice his wife v. Walter de C'olchestr son
of Robert de la More and Johanna his wife in'Reydon and advowson
of the church. (Robert de Redon, John de' Vallibz of Scotesham
and Roger de Holebrpk appofi clam) , '
18 Robert de Pereres and Lecia his wife v. Gilbert de Tudeham and Johanna
his wife in Polstede
19 Amabilia daughter of William Shonecrist, Isabella, Eufemia, Margaret,
Gereberga and Cristiana sister of Amabilia v. William Shonecrist
in Pagefeud and Kyrkele
20 Roger Loveday v. Robert de Stotevill and Johanna his wife in Offeton
21 William de Brademedewe and Rosa his wife v. Robert Bacun of

Otteleye and Alice his wife in Otteleye

22 Adam de Bedyngefeld and Maria his wife and James son of Adam v.
Nicholas de Shelton and Beatrice his wife in Flemewrth (Timeworth ?)
23 Roger de Holebrock. v. Walter de Colchestr and Johanna his wife,
Robert le Burser and Emma his wife and Eufemia daughter of
, Roger de Mun of Parva Wenham
24 Richard of Newmarket v. .Michael de la Kersumere and Alice his wife
in Ik-elyngham
25 Hugh, Bishop of Ely v. Richard de Breouse and Alice his wife and
, . William Blanchevill of advowson of church of Whysinton
262Robert Aguylon v. William Tracy and Johanna his wife of manor of
Bures (William de Standon and Thomas de Brambellesete and
Johanna his wife appofi clam)
27 John son of Philip de Freyston v. Ralph Byle and Mabilla his wife
and Geoffrey del Pet and Dionisia his wife in Stockton
28 William le Bygod v. Thomas le Bygod of Magna Bradeleye and
advowson of church (Roger le Bigod.Earl of Norfolk, Thomas son
of ^Thomas le Bigot and Albreda his wife, William son of William
le Breton and Hugh le Bygod appofi clam)
29 Ralph fi5 le Clerk v. John de Vallibj of Kesewyk in Kirkele
30 Philip de Eya v. William de Hoxne in Burdysh
31 William de Eynges v. Nicholas de Felmyngham and Auelina his wife
in Parva Jernemuta
32 Milo son of Robert de Preeles v. Robert de Preeles in Coppedok

55 56 HENRY III. 73
33 Ranulph son of William de Bodham v. John, Prior of Bromholm in
Burgh in Luthynglond
34 Roger le Daneys v. Robert de Brumpton and Matilda his wife in
35 Roger Loveday v. William, Prior of the monks of Theford of
advowson of Ofton church
36 William de Cyrez v. Robert de Perer in Stanham le Cunte in Earls

37 John de Hoxne and William his son v. William de Hoxne in Wylebergh
and Burndysh
: .'56 Henry III
1 Geoffrey son of Hubert v. Hubert de Swafham in Dynnyneton
2 Nicholas de Pulham and Matilda his wife v. William de Ringestede
and Lucia his wife in Wetherden
'3 Thomas de Weylaund v. Robert de Wyvill and Agnes his wife in
4 Hervicus son of Nicholas de Staunton and Robert his brother v.
Robert son of Henry Aunger in Staunton
5 Richard de Suddene v. Philip son of Hugh de Blogate and Matilda
'-''' -his sister in Eye, Jakele, Thornham, Pylecot, Acolt, and Hoxne
6 Thomas Thurkil and Mazelina his wife v. Hervicus le Mercer and
' Amabilla his wife in Goueton
7 Magister Reginald de Braundon v. Henry Germegraunt and Matilda
his wife in Braundon
<8 Adam de Merseye and Alice his wife v. William de Capelis of Haverhill
and Matilda his wife in Haverhill
9 Hugh Peche and Ida his wife v. William de Fistelden in Tystelden (sic)
10 Robert Fulco v. Richard de Wyk and Johanna his wife in Berdewell
11 Roger de la Haye and Margaret his wife v. Hugh Peche and Ida his
wife of Martele in Hacheton and Aston
12 John of London v. Walter Brokenhorn and Johanna his wife in Culyng
13 Roger Aleman v. Alexander de Borle and Sibilla his wife in Stowemarkat
14 Semanus de Reding v. Hillarius son of Hugh de Reding in Hoxne
(Roger Bishop of Norwich appoii clam)
15 cWalter de Redesham v. Bertram de Verdun and Alice his wife in

16 Hugh Peche and Ida his wife v. Geoffrey Ode of Eston and Sarah his
wife in Hachetou Aston and Martele
17 Nicholas de Wynton v. John Wygge de Codham in Codham Hemynge-

ston and Hecham

(John de Vallibz v. Eobert de Kam and Johanna his wife John de
Stouen and Sibilla his wife in Leyham. Kemoved from file.)
18 Henry de Heleghton v. Peter de la Bure and Agnes his wife in Ryseby
19 Roger de Pridiugton v. Peter Sprooulf and Agnes his wife in Haukedon,
Somerton and Rede
57 Henry III
20 John de Tendring and William his son v. Bartholomew le Wyte and
Alice his wife in Stokeneylond
21 Robert son of Thomas de Bradefeud and Agnes his wife v. Adam son
of Adam de Ylleye in Stokene Bradefeud
22 John de Tendring and William his son v. Seyna who was wife of
Daniel le Curteys of Pollestede in Polstede (William de Lunburne
and Hawysia his wife appofi clam)
23 Henry Constantin and Elyna his wife v. William de Stoketon and
Roesa his wife in Burgate
24 Peter Huberd of Clare v. Hubert de Ruylley and Isabella his wife
in Clare
25 Henry le Hayward and Matilda his wife v. Walter son of Peter
Attehaghe in Thornedon
26 Thomas de Bolegey and Isabella his wife v. Isabella daughter of
Walter of Parva Horningeserth in Parva Horningesherth, Westle,
Baketon and West Stowe
1 Edward I
1 Robert de Holebrok and Robert de Wykeham and Florencia his wife:
in Braham \ { \
2 Eustace de Berningham and Margaret his wife v. John de St. Clare in
Berningham. (Robert son of Walter, and John son of John de.
Staunton appofi clam)
3 Thomas de Anton v. John de Wascoyl of the adyowson of the church,
of Cloptone. (Alina daughter of Philip ...,... f ., appofi clam)
4 Alexander de Ballyolo of Caueres and Cristina de Maule v. Roger,
Bishop of Norwich in Baketon

1 2 EDWARD I. 75
5 Egidius, son of William de Neketon v. William de Neketon in Berton
and Hepeworthe
6 Philipp de Eye v. Walter Le Bel and Matilda his wife in Dynyeneton
7 William, Abbot of Rameseye v. Robert le Grauel in Laushall,
8 William, Abbot of Rameseye v. Robert de Bradefeud and Agnes his
wife in Laushull
9 William de Campo de Esshe v. John de Baggeworth and Sarah his
wife in Esshe
10 Michael Adgar and Matilda his wife v. Bartholomew Davylers in
11 Stephen son of Jordan and William son of Jordan de Sykolvesmere
v. Ralph son of Adam le Chaplain of Meleford in Meleford
2 Edward I
12 John de Redesham v. William de Blanchevill and Laureta his wife in
Parva Redesham
13 Robert son of de Geddyng v. John de Geddyng in Buckeshale,
Brethenham, Hecham, Thorneye and Waumford
14 Peter deThurdon v. Reginald de Ispania and Alice his wife in Lennf
15 Thomas Levebaud, Archdeacon of Suffolk v. Nicholas Crawe and
Margaret his wife in Dunwyc and West Lenetone (Alexander de
. Cryketoft appon clam)
16 William son of John de Mendlesham v. Nicholas de Wynton in
17 Walter son of Elias de Bosco v. Elias de Bosco of Thornedon in
18 Lucas de Ponynges v. Roger son of Peter of the custody of Morgan
son of William de Setford, &c.
19 Thomas de Welonde v. Stephen de Haukedon and Katherine his wife
in Bocstede

20 Thomas de Weylaunde v. Margaret who was wife of Alan de Farnhanx

in Herthurst (Isabella who was wife of Peter de Bauve appon clam)
21 Simon son of Richard v. Ralph de Chedegrave and Emma his wife in
Chedebergh (Ralph de Belegrave appon clam)
22 William de Eysse i). Geoffrey de Rendham and Amicia his wife in
Eysse, Bercham and Hemmyngeston
t A Norfolk Fine misplaced.

23 Kichard son of Simon v. Gilbert de Ylketeleshale and Matilda his wife
in Metingham, Wyseth, Ylketeleshall and Bungeye
24 William de Pakenham of Tymworth v. Robert de Hadleye and Alice
his wife in Bexton
25 Lucas de Ponynges v. Gilbert de Todenham and Johanna his wife in
Magna Bures, Smalebrigg, Wyrmundeford, and Assynton (William
le Constable appoii clam)
26 John son of Margaret Wodecock and William and Adam his brothers
v. Geoffrey de Blundeston in Blundeston and Gorleston
3 Edward I
27 Beatrice who was wife of Robert de Rede v. Edmund de Whelnetham
in Ketelberstone (John son of Robert de Red appofi clam)
28 Richard de Cokefeud v. Gilbert Poer and Johanna his wife in Watefeld
and Elmesete
29 Robert sou of Charles v. Thomas Charles in Ryngeshall
30 Lawrence de Bernardeston and Peter de Brewynge v. Adam son of
Adam de Yll[egh] in Brendylle (Edmund de Illegh app clam)
31 Johanna Charles v. Richard Fundyng and Basilia his wife in Ketleberge
32 Robert, Abbot of Leyston v. Hubert de Bavent in Aersham (Barsham?)
Middelton and Fordlee
33 Richard de Boylund v. Baldwyn de Bavent and Katherine his wife in

34 Magister Richard de la More v. Alan de la More in Wrtham and Parva

Glemham and moiety of the advowson of the church of Vpton
35 John son of Ralph le Mareschal v. John de Sco Dyonis in Heycham
36 John de Rameseye and Agnes his wife v. John de Bockyng and Alice
his wife of Saxmundham and sixth part of advowson of the church
(Roger Fraunceys v. Ralph Martin and Agnes his wife in Ipswich.
Removed from file.)
37' William de Jernemuth v. Richard de Garneys and Juliana his wife in
38 Robert son of Walter v. William, Prior of Ixeworthe of the advowson
of Sapeston church
39 Thomas Weylonde v. William de Kyrketot of Middelton and advowson.
of church of Fordle
40 James son of Gilbert v. Thomas Weylond of Ilketleshal and advowson
of church

3 5 EDWARD i. 77
41 Henry de Ryveshal v. Roger del Chaump of Ryveshale and Elena his
wife in Hepewurth, Berdwell, Stanton, Yxeworth, Watlesfeld,
Bernyngham, Weston, Walsham, and Theford and advowson of
fourth part of church of Heppewurth (William de Neketon appofi
42 Alan de Wymundehale v. Adam son of Henry de Freton in Freton in
43 Richard de Boylund v. Bartholomew de Norfolk and Johanna his wife
in Chediston
44 Richard de Boylund v. John de Norfolk and Olivia his wife in Chediston
45 Herbert son of Richard de Wynesham and Matilda his wife v. John
Crowe and Maria his wife in Wytnesham
46 Adam de Walpol v. John de Redesham and Johanna his wife in
4 Edward I
1 John de Sutholt and Agnes his wife v. Richard de Aschewell in Stowe
2 Nicholas Levebaud v. Thomas Levebaud, Archdeacon of Suffolk, in

Sprouton, Burstall and Braunford (Prior de Bernewell and John

son of Andrew de Braunford app clam)
3 Robert de Ludham v. John de la Ferie in Herlyngflet
4 Gilbert de Derham and Agatha his wife v. Hugh de Muryaus and
Basilia his wife in Hecham
5 Lawrence son of Fulco de Pakenham Amicia his wife and Alured de
Drencheston and Cecilia his wife v. William de Pakenham in Thorp
juxta Ixeworthe
6 John de Belstede and Alice his wife v. Roger Loveday in Berkynge,
Dermundeston, Beylham and Wylasham
7 Richard de Boylaund v. John de Norfolk and Olyvia his wife in
8 Alan de Gyselingham v. Simon de Gyselingham and Matilda his wife
in Thorp and Sapiston
9 Robert de Burgate v. Roger Golafre in Melles
5 Edward I
10 Walter son of Thomas de Bernham v. John son of John de Burgo in
11 Thomas Welond v. Magister William de Parva Whelnetham in Parva

12 William Vel of Fresingefeld v. John Beleperche and Estrilda his wife
in Wyngefelde and Fresyngfeld
13 William de Leyham v. Richard de Leyham in Burstall
14 John son of Simon de Gorleston v. Elyas Bacheler of London and
Margaret his wife in Parva Gernemuth
15 Roger Loveday v. William son of Osbert de Sprouton in Sprouton
16 Margaret de Capeles of Bernardeston v. Alicia la Blunde of the
advowson of Bernardeston church
17 Richard, Abbot of Sybeton v. William de Huntingfeld of rent

18 Nicholas Welond and Juliana his wife v. Ralph de Eling and Anabilla
his wife in Westerfeld (Henry son of Thomas Aucher appoii claiS)
19 Bartholomew de Aunvylers v. Robert Houel in Wykham juxta
20 Roger son of Osbert de Sumerton, chaplain v. Alan de Borham and
Juliana his wife in Aketon.
6 Edward I
21 Oliver de Ingeham v. Thomas de la Clare of Weiebrede and Witheresdale. (Ralph de Arderne appoii clam)
22 John Harneys of Ipswich v. William son of Roger de Ays in Aysh,
Hemyngston, Codonham and Gosebek
23 William de Gyselham v. Peter le Taylur and Matilda his wife of
24 Simon, Abbot of St. Edmund's v. John de Weston of advowson of
church of Endegate
25 William Bardolf v. Hervicus son of William Cokerel in Wolpet
26 Gilbert de Shelford v. Alan de Shelford and Gemina .his wife in Culyng
27 Edmund de Hemegrave and Isabella his wife v. Walter son of William
de Calthorp in Tudeham
28 Robert son of John and Matilda his wife v. Richard de Eye in Hoxne,
Hersham, Stradebroke, Athelinton, Chykering, Wylebeye, Wyngefeld, and Denham. (Alice who was wife of Richard Veel and John
le Parker de Burendisshe appoii clam)
29 John de Aspale v. William de Nerford of Stanham Antegeyne
30 Richard de Boylane v. Robert de Wolholm and Olyue his wife in
31 Alan de le Wode and Geoffrey his son v. John de le Wodehus, parson
of Freston, in Somerisham and Netlestede

6 7 EDWARD I. 79
32 John de Berking v. William de Boy ton and Dyonisia his wife in

Monks Illegh
33 John Engayn v. Eudo la Zuche and Milesenta his wife of the
advowson of Wykhatnbrok church
34 Thomas Welond v. Robert de Bradefeld and Agnes his wife of advowson
of Parva Whelnetham church
35 Roger le Daneys and Matilda his wife and William their son v. John
le Aleblaster de Kyllingeford and Alyenora his wife in Codeham,
Creting and Berking
36 Thomas Welond v. John de Neketon and Anicia his wife of Parva
Cornerth and advowson of church
37 Richard, Abbot of Sybeton v. Matilda de Hardredeshull in Westleueton
and advowson of church
38 Richard, Abbot of Sybeton v. William de Livermere and Sarah his
wife in Pesenhall
7 Edward I
1 William de Disce and Amicia his wife v. William Symeon and Matilda
his wife in Huneden
2 William Maukael v. Robert Maukael in Hintlesham
3 John de Bathon, parson of church of All Saints of Garbatesham v.
John de Norwich in Gnateshall
4 Robert de Ludham v. John le Tayllur of Herlingfeld in Herlingflet (sic)
5 Robert del Ille v. Robert de Muscegros in Magna Fyneberge
6 Ralph son of Peter de Veteri Bokenham v. Robert le Engynur of
Weston and Alice his wife in Horham
7 William de Grey v. William de Polstede and Beatrice his wife in
8 Henry de Clerebek v. William de Feypo in Neweton, Magna
Waldingfeld and Aketon
9 Henry de Clerebek v. William de Feypo and Anicia his wife in
Neweton and Magna Waldingefeld
10 Haymo Hauteyn v. Ralph de Chategrave and Emma his wife in

11 Roger Crowe v. William de Bovill in Randiston
12 Robert son of Warin Wylemot v. Robert son of Roger Swyfte of
Suthkarleton and Margaret his wife in Parva Gernemuth and

13 Magister Geoffrey de Aspale v. Robert Pugeys in Culling
14 Belesenta who was wife of John de Brandish v. Robert de Farendon
and Amabilla his wife in Fornham All Saints.
15 Henry del Moryene and Agnes his wife v. Richard de Cornerde in
Magna Waldingfeld
8 Edward I
16 Roger of Dunwich v. William de Ludham and Alice his wife in
Tudenham and Westerfelde, and advowson of Tudenham church
17 Hugh son of Oto v. Roger de Leukenore, Thomas de Leukenore and
Lucia his wife of Meudlesham. (Robert de Burgate app clam)
18 Robert son of Walter v. William de Valenc of Reydon juxta Wangeford. (Robert son of Roger appon clam)
19 Peter, Abbot of Becco Herlewynn v. John de Lovetot in Blakenham
20 Thomas Welond v. William son of Henry de Boestede of Bocstede
21 Benedict de Blakeham v. Richerus de Flempton in Flempton
22 John son of Osbert v. William Osebern and Agnes his wife and John
son of William Osebern in Tatyngton, Burendysh and Bedefeld
23 William son of Roger de Ludham v. Robert son of William de
Stutston in Stutston
24 John de Wyntershulle and Amicia his wife v. William de Pageham
in Norton juxta Pageham and Saxham
25 Thomas Welond and Margaret his wife and William his son v. Alice
who was wife of Geoffrey de Staunton in Asse, Tunstall, Blakeshale,
Watesden, Marlesford, and Rendham

9 Edward I
26 Robert de la Gore and Matilda his wife v. Robert Edward and Alice
his wife in Aketon
27 William de Burnton v. Robert Houel and Alyenora his wife of
28 Walter de Secheford v. John del Hulle and Rose his wife in Floketon
29 Roger son of Roger de Broxtone v. John de Manthorp and Cristiana
his wife in Bradewell and Belton
30 Simon le Clerk of Belton v. William de Belton, clerk, in Belton and
31 William de Ernestede and Sabina his wife v. Robert de Emestede in

9 10 EDWARD I. 81
32 Philip de Clopton v. Roger de Priditon in Boxford, Shymplinge and
Vnesdene (Robert Baynyard and Robert son of Fulco Baynyard
and William de Monte Canso de Ewardestone appoii clam)
33 Magister Richard and Magister William de Clifford v. Gilbert Pecche
of manor of Magna Trillawe (John Pecche app clam)
34 Bricus son of Nicholas de Wynton and Johanna his wife v. Nicholas
de Wynton and Johanna his wife in Mendlesham
35 William de Grey v. John Rundel and Margaret his wife in Subyr and
36 John de Ingoldesthorp v. Adam de Waldon and Ela his wife in
Codeham (John de Leyton and Johanna his wife app clam)
37 John de Rameseye and Johanna his wife v. Thomas Richard and
Isabella his wife in Reydon
38 William de Bnrnton v. Robert Houel of manor of Weston
39 William de Bovill and Johanna his wife v. James de Crek of
advowson of church in Wylebeye
40 Henry de Clerebek v. William de Feypo in Neuton Magna Waldinge-

feld and Aketon

41 Hugh Peche v. Robert Houel in Istede juxta Weybred, Otinton,
Weybrede and Moreston
42 Fulco de Vallibz v. Richard de Cokefeld and Alice his wife in
Wenham Combusta and Reydon
43 Hugh son of Oto v. Thomas de Leukenore and Lucia his wife in
44 Hugh de Tudenham and Agnes his wife v. Robert del Dufhus in
Blakeuham and Braunford
10 Edward I
1 Ralph de Auney and Mathew his son v. Osbert de Herdhurst and
Avelina his wife in Leyham
2 Henry de Carleton and Claricia his wife and Geoffrey their son v.
Hugh Warde and Matilda his wife in Askeby
3 Ralph de Auney and Mathew his son v. Roger de Audeham and
Dyonisia his wife in Leyham
4 Robert le Frauncees v. John de Walkefare and Agnes his wife
in Wridelington

5 Walter son of William de Clopton v. Kobert de Siuelesho and Mabel
his wife in Priditon
6 Peter de Walepol v. Ralph de Hengham in Trillow
7 Thomas de Boyton v. Benedict de Dufford and Agnes his wife in
8 Thomas Welond and William his son v. Thomas de Cayley, Simon
his brother and Johanna wife of Alexander de Whelnetham of two
parts of the manor of Parva Whelnetham
9 Stephen son of Benedict of St. Edmunds v. Ralph son of John le
Ostricer of Baruwe in Hecham (Hugh, Bp. of Ely appofi clam)
10 William de Bovill and Johanna his wife v. Margaret de Creek of the

manor of Wylebye
11 Thomas Charles and Johanna his wife v. Thomas de Bircheholt
and Alice his wife in Ryngesale
12 Margaret daughter of Alexander de Oaketon v. Elyas de Oaketon in
13 William le Bere v. Adam Rych and Beatrice his wife in Subyr
li John de Gyselham v. William son of Henry de Gyselham in Gyselham
15 Thomas de Weyland and Margaret his wife and Richard their son v.
William de Stanton in Asse, Blakesale, Tunstalle, Marlesford,
Wandesden and Rendesham
16 Thomas Welond v. Robert son of Philip and Sibilla who was wife of
Philip of Parva Whelnetham in Parva Whelnetham
17 William de Tendring and Beatrice his wife v. Ralph de Berners of
the manor of Stokeneyland
18 Geoffrey son of Godwin v. John de Cumpeyne and Sarah his wife in
19 Richard son of John Kirkele v. Thomas de Kirkele and Alice his
wife in Parva Gernemuta and Gorleston
20 John de Reda v. Henry le Fraunceys and Berca his wife in Priditon
21 William le Primur v. Alice le Primur in Magna Werlingham and
Parva Werlingham
22 John de Herlingflet and Agnes his wife v. Isabella de Corton in
Herlingflet. (Alice de Corton appofi clam)
23 Thomas Welond and Margaret his wife Richard their son v. Adam
son of Robert de Alnete in Annus, Shenlond, Buxale and Wetherdene

11 12 EDWARD I. 83
11 Edward I
24 Cristiana, Prioress of Halywale v. Gilbert de Colevile, Roger de
Brampton and John de Sco Philberto of advowson of church of

25 William de Euges of Parva Gernemuta v. John Aleyn of Magna

Gernemuta and Constance his wife of rent &c. in Parva Gernemuta
26 Roger Loveday v. John de Augervill in Sprouton
27 John de Kyrkeby and Margaret his wife v. Lora de Ros of the manor
of Thoppefeud
28 Bartholomew son of Mathew de Ferentino v. William de Mercok and
Sarah his wife in Frekenham
29 Robert de Ludham v. Robert Houel and Alyenora his wife in
Weybrede, Istede and Otinton.
30 Robert de Nortwolde v. John de Cramavill of Meleford of the manor
of Brockeley
31 John Gerard v. Roger Gerard in Grotene
32 Thomas Welond v. Philip Herneys and Alice his wife in Swynlaunde
33 Thomas Welond and John his son v. Robert son of Richard Russell
of Whelnetham in Wantisden, Blakeshale, Tunstall, Rendlesham
and Chiselford
34 Robert de Ludham v. Thomas Le Rodebetere and Matilda his wife
in Lund (Robert de Lund appofl clam)
35 William Peynte and Margaret his wife v. Robert Houel in "Wyverston
36 Richard de Holebrok v. Robert de Wykham and Florence his wife in
12 Edward I
1 Philip de Trillawe v. Gilbert son of Hervicus Pecke in Magna and
Parva Trillawe, and Magna Wrattinge
2 Philip de Magna Trillawe v. Gilbert Pecke and Johanna his wife in
Magna 13 r . . . .
3 Adam son of William de la Sale de Cleydon v. Prioress de Caumpess
and Thomas Holiday in Cleydon and Blakenham super aquam
4 Walter de Chetebyr v. Ralph de Dereby and Matilda his wife in
Thorp and Walepol

5 Hugh son of Gilbert de Reimes of Werstede v. Hugh de Reymes of

Ipswich and Amicia his wife in Ipswich

6 Sarah who was wife of Kobert Wolfhun v. Adam Attehalle de Cleydon
and Juliana his wife and William their son in Ipswich, Floketon
and Wytington (John Lue of Ipswich and Thomas his brother
appoii clam)
7 John de Lovetot v. Cristiana Prioress of Haliwell in Brampton and
advowson of church
8 Henry de Lenne v. Walkelinus de Oweye and Mabel his wife in Ryseby
9 John de Peyton and Hawisia his wife and Robert son of John de
Peyton v. Arnold de Tangel and Isabella his wife in Nyweton and
Parva Cornerd
10 Eustace de Bemingham v. Robert son of Walter of advowson of
Berningham church
1 1 Henry de Lenn v. Robert Houel and Alianora his wife in Ryseby
12 Robert son of Walter and William de Valenc of the manor of Reydon
juxta Wangeford
13 Gilbert Peche and Johanna his wife v. Magister Richard de Clifford
and Magister William his brother of the manor of Magna Trillawe
14 John de Lovetot v. John de Sco Philberto and Alice his wife, Roger
son of Alan Jordan of Brampton, Gilbert de Colevile and William
de Brampton of the advowson of Brampton church
15 Robert de Ufford v. Gilbert Pecke in Ufford, Melton, Petrestre,
Ludham, Wycham, Brommeswelle, Bureyerd, Wangeford, Dalingeho,
Bredefeud, and Wodebrigge and advowson of Vfford church
16 Matilda de Merk v. Thomas Haliday in Codeham (William son of
Roger de Deneys app clam)
17 Ralph de Angemere, chaplain v. Matilda Peche of the manor of
18 Philip Barneys and Alice his wife and John their son v. William de
Ays in Codenham, Gosebek, Eston and Stanham Lamberd

19 Albricus de Reymes and Alice his wife v. William Sprot and Matilda
his wife in Ipswich
20 Talebot son of William Talebot of Hyntlesham v. John Crowe and
Sarah his wife of the manor of Rykyngehale except advowson of
21 John de Dagewrth v. Abbot of St. Ositha of the advowson of church
of St. Mary of Stowemarket

12 13 EDWARD I. 85
22 John de Kyrkeby v. William Gerim and Anestasia his wife in Wolpet
23 William de Grey and Avioia his wife v. Richard Maskerel in Cauendishe
24 Hugh Len and Seyna his wife v. William de le Spitel and Katherine
his wife in Eststonham
25 Robert Starling and Alexander his brother v. John Starling in Gipp,
Westerfeud, Wykham Bishops, and Wykham of Robert de Ufford
26 William de Gisilham v. William de Ho and Margaret his wife in
Kessinglond, Ryssemere and Benaker
27 William de Gyselham v. Geoffrey de la Forde and Alice his wife in
Kessiglond, Ryesemere and Henstede
28 William de Glaunvile v. Robert de Sprouton and Sarah his wife in
13 Edward I
1 William de Tendryng and Beatrice his wife v. Stephen le Calicer in
2 Martinus de Gellam v. John son of John de Codenham and Juliana
his wife in Tudenham
3 William de Giselingham v. Nicholas de Wynton in Mendlesham and
4 Thomas de Weylaund and Margaret his wife and Richard their son v.
John de Stratton in Pethagh and Framesdene
5 Richard de Holebroke v. Roger le Taylur of Borstalle and Katherine

his wife in Braunford

6 'Richard Hakun of Farnham, Richard Fyket of Rendlesham, Robert
Codun of Benhal, Gerard son of William de Okehill, Walter Wyket
of Redehal and Johanna his wife, Agnes Agatha and Gunda sister
of Johanna v. John de Ruieshal in Rendlesham, Asse, Tonestall,
Orford Wantisden
7 John Pikard of Stistede v. John le Mey of Polstede and Marcilia his
wife in Rede and Brokeleye
8 Ralph de Hardereshulle v. Warin de Aunay in Bidingham and Colstune
9 William Roscelin v. John de Saham in Wyngefeud
10 John de Herlyngflet and Philip de Dol v. Prior de Bromholm in Burgo
juxta Gernemuth
11 Robert de Denham v. Ernald de Benham and Beatrice his wife in

12 Thomas de Weylaund and Margaret his wife and Richard their son v.:
William de Ponte, Peter Formage and Elizabeth his wife in
13 Richard de Holebrok v. Geoffrey de Burnham and Agnes his wife in
14 William son of Philip Gerard v. Richerus le Tundur and Avelina his
wife in Barsham
15 William de Tendringe and Beatrice his wife v. William le Conestable
in Stok Neylond
16 .Robert de Ludham v. Robert de Lund in Lund and advowson of church
17 Richard de Holebrok v. Richard de Grenvile of Rykinghale in.
Kenebrok and Buklesham
18 John de Enepol v. John de Wymudhale and Avelina his wife in
Stoune Brampton and Seterleye
19 John de Beaumund v. John de Stratton and Dronisia his wife in
Turkelton juxta Kirketon

20 Thomas de Weylaund and Margaret his wife and Richard their son
v. John de Stratton in Peghagh and Framesdene
21 William le Bret v. Robert son of Benedict de Haustede and Marsilia
his wife in Hopworth
22 Thomas son of John de la Gare and Agnes his wife v. William son of
Thomas de Walisham in Walisham, Ayssefeld, Langham, and Stanton
23 Sewalus de Bernevile v. John son of William de Aggewrth and Maria
his wife in Olde Neueton
14 Edward I
24 William de Gyselham v. Roger de Putte in Ilketeleshale, Roddesham,
Shipmedwe and Rungesfeld
25 Robert de Coppedhoc v. Hugh Talemach of advowson of church of
26 Aluered de Silny (?) v. John de Vallibz in Reydon
27 John de Ramesheye v. Robert de Sprouton and Sarah his wife in
Saxmundham, Sterinefeld, Stradebrok and Mylham
28 John de Bohoun and Johanna his wife v. Richard son of Robert de
Kenyngton and Agnes his wife in Somersham and Nettlested
29 Robert Swan and Alice his wife v. Robert de Sprouton and Sarah his
wife in Saxmundham

14 15 EDWARD I. 87
30 William, Bishop of Norwich v. Walter de Colcestr and Johanna his
wife in Wytnesham, Dageworthe, Caldeoote and Henley
31 Ealph de Hardredeshulle v. Matilda de Hardredeshulle in Hadyngham,
Colston, Aymueton, Westleton and Snape
32 Peter Eoscelyn v. Roger de Colevile, senior in Carleton Colevile
33 William de Boyton v. Benedict Le Peyntur and Basilia his wife in
Magna Fyneberg
34 Thomas de Weylaund v. William de Ros and Cecilia his wife in

Wantesden, Tunstall and Eendlesham

35 Richard de Bray v. John de Saham and Matilda his wife in
36 Roger son of Peter son of Osbert v. Gwido Ferre of the manor of
37 John son of William Trone v. John son of John Trone in Coulinge,
Attelton and Hupheme (?)
38 Thomas de Weylaund v. Edmund son of William de Bradefeld in
Magna and Parva Cornherde, Assington and Bures
39 Thomas de Chigewelle and Emma his wife v. Adam de Aselardton and
Olive his wife in Kokefeud
15 Edward I
1 John Litel and Cristiana his wife v. Thomas le Clerk of Chatesham
and Matilda his wife in Ipswich
2 Richard Playnamur and Katherine his wife, William de Lym and
Alice his wife v. Thomas Prior of Legh in Bradewell
3 John de Byskele v. Vincent, Prior of Theford of advowson of church
of North Hales
i Robert de Reydon v. Alice de Cherevill of advowson of church of
Reydone (Magister Roger de Holebrok app clam)
5 William de Gyselham v. John de Sco Philberto and Alice his wife in
6 Geoffrey de St. Edmunds and Matilda his wife v. William Lyome and
Beatrice his wife in Werlingham
7 Thomas Charles and Johanna his wife v. Anselus del Hill of Hoxne
and Alice his wife in Esham, Sylham, Weybrede, and Fresingfeld
(William Le Veel appoil clam)
8 Geoffrey de St. Edmunds v. Sabina daughter of Walter Halk in

9 Robert de Lymburne v. William de Lymburne in Suthelniham

10 Thomas de la Hyde v. Roger de Childelstone and Agnes his wife in

11 John Brond and Alice his wife, Richard Paveler and Philippa his wife
v. John son of Arnold de Ketelbergh in Hachetone
12 William de Basingham and Elena his wife v. Nicholas son of Adam
de Mereseye in Melding
13 William de Hamingefeld and Johanna his wife v. William Talemasche
and Cecilia his wife in Lausele
14 William son of Thomas de Boxsted v. William Truket and Christiana
his wife in Cauenedish
15 John de Peytone and Hawysia his wife v. John Pecch and Johanna
his wife in Neutone and Parva Cornerde
16 Adam de Cowerne v. Thomas de Pampesworthe and Elizabeth his
wife in Coleford
17 Robert Burgeys de la Neylaund v. John son of William de la Neylaund
and Cristiana his wife, John de Cokefeld and Matilda his wife,
Walker le Berecher and Agnes his wife in Stoke Neylaund
18 Roger de Aspale v. Robert le Pouere of Fynyngham and Sibilla his
wife in Stanham Antyngon
19 Martin de Meldham v. Henry de Codeham and Matilda his wife,
Stephen Pacche and Lucia his wife in Tudenham (William son of
Mngister Robert de Pakenham and Isolda his wife app clam)
20 John de Asphal v. Richard Godfrey of Coulyngg and Beatrice his wife
in Coulyngg
21 Stephen le Especer and Lucia his wife v. William de Bovill in
Randestone, Burgate, and Wertham
22 Adam de Trehamptone and Margaret his wife v. John Peche and
Johanna his wife in Cavenedish, Clare, and Stanesfeld
23 Simon de Cretingham v. Hubert Le Leche of Horham and Basilia
his wife in Hevenyngham
24 Margaret de Criollys v. John son of Geoffrey de Say of the manor

of Denham
25 Gilbert de Chastillun v. Robert de Secheford and Matilda his wife in
Kerseye, Leleseye, and Whatef'eld
26 Stephen de Colne and Beatrice his wife v. Ralph de Hyrdercle in

15 EDWARD I. 89
27 Richard de Boylaund v. Eichard de Hecham in Gyselyngham,
Fynyngham, Melles, Wywardeston, Cortone and Thornham Pyleook
28 Elyas, Abbot de Lyesnes v. John de Creek of rent in arrear
29 Ealph Prior of Dodenes v. John de la Mare in Berugholte
30 Robert son of Roger de Ludhani v. Roger son of Ralph de Ludham
in Herlyngflet, &c.
31 John de Peytone and Hawsia his wife v. Robert their son v. Nicholas
de Feypo and Isabella his wife in Neutone
32 Robert Eppegamen and Cecilia his wife and William son of Isabella
v. Ralph son of John de Fornham in Fornham (Abbot of St.
Edmunds app clam)
33 Edmund de Mora of Heryngwell v. Henricus de Cotenham and
Matilda his wife in Heryngwell and Tudenham
34 Henry de Crammaville v. Nicholas de Feypo and Isabella his wife in
35 Fulco de Vallibz v. William de Vallibz in Brendewenham and Reydone
36 John de Aspale v. Robert de Sivelesho and Mabel his wife in Coulynge
(Walter de Clopton and Alice his wife app clam)
37 Stephen de Wyndrevile v. Warinus de Wyndrevile in Magna Lynsted
38 John Crowe and Maria his wife v. Alexander de Cryketot of the
manor of Crosfeud
39 William de Draytine v. Ralph de Muncy in Pakefeud and advowson
of church (Johanna de Muncy appoii clam)
40 William le Butyller and Edmund his brother v. Walter le Butyller

in Eysh juxta Hemmyngeston

41 Reginald de Helpeston and Isabella his wife v. William son of Hugh
de Meleford in Meleford and Glemesford (Bishop of Ely and Abbot
of St. Edmunds and John son of Hugh de Meleford and Alan his
brother app clam)
42 John de Barun v. Thomas de Barun of Coppedhoc and Fulco his
brother in Coppedhoc and Magna Belsted
43 John son of Thomas de Eston v. Thomas de Eston in West Creting
44 Richard le Spenser and Matilda his wife John Thedild of Wolferston
Dulcia his wife v. William le Muner and Dionisia his wife in
Kirketon juxta Thurketeun
45 Hugh Prior of St. Bartholomews, London v. Adam, Prior of St.
Mary's of Blyburgh of rent &c.

46 Amicia de Geddyng v. William Prior of St. Trinity in Ipswich of
advowson of church of Hegham
47 Bartholomew de Homeresfeld v. Hugh de Kenyngton and Alice his
wife in Perham, Hatheston, and Framelingham
48 William de Gyselham v. William de Dufford and Anastasia his wife
in Kessinglond, Gyselham, Rysshemere and Benacre
49 Lambert le Marchaunt of Debenham v, William Lambert, chaplain
and Richard his brother and Roysia de Eyton in Debenham and
50 Richard de Certeseye v. John de Red in Red
51 Bartholomew de Castello v. Robert de Burgate and Juliana his wife
of the manor of Thruton
52 Edmund de Sherdelowe v. Herbert de Elmham and Alesia his wife
in Keleshale
53 Gilbert Hidecock and Agnes his wife v. Henry son of Henry de
Hauecheche (?) and Amicia his wife in Haverhill
54 William le Parker and Margaret his wife v. Dionisia de Ubbeston

and Claritia his wife in Ubbeston and Heveuyngham

55 Bartholomew de Castello v. John de Neketon in Guithesthorp and
Gokfeld (?Cockfield)
56 Gocelinus de Graveny v. Athelardus de Graveny in Watfeud, Semere,
Nauketon, and Parva Fynebergh
57 Robert de Ufford and Johanna his wife and Thomas their son v.
Robert Jedyben (?) and Agnes his wife in Parva Glenhatn
58 Roger de Aspale v. John Crowe and Maria his wife of the manor of
59 Robert de Ufford and Johanna his wife and Thomas their son v.
Margaret daughter of Osbert de Baudresya in Fresingefeud
60 Thomas de Weylaund and John his son ;;. Robert de Kokefeld in
61 Richard de Weyland v. Thomas de Weylaund, of the manor of Parva
Cornerde and advowson of the church
62 John de Graveny v. Athelardus de Graveny in Watfeud Semere
Nanelton and Parva Finebergh
63 Hugh le Bere v. Robert de Assington and Johanna his wife in Laneham
64 Thomas de Weylaund and John his son v. Richard de Brumptone
in Wytnesham and Henlegh

15; 16 EDWARD I. 91
65 "William de Grey and Amicia his wife v. Stephen de Braunfeud and
Katherine his wife in Cauenediss
66 Thomas de Weylaund and John his son v. James son of Gilbert of
the manor of Swynelande
67 John de Lovetot v. Adam de Preston and Isabella his wife and
William de Bosco and Katherine his wife in Braunford
68 Thomas de Weylaund aud John his son v. Matilda de Rameseye who
was wife of Nicholas de Pulham in Ass. juxta Otelee

69 Sayena who was wife of Hugh le (sic) Len v. Robert Blome and Isolda
his wife in Bergham
16 Edward I
1 William de Carleton v. John de Columbariis of the manor of
2 Roger de Holebrok v. William de Toft and Alexandrina his wife in
Bi - endwenham
3 John Bakun v. Alan Bonde and Alice his wife in Gorleston and Refton
4 Johanna de Huntingfeud v. Roger de Huntingefeud aud Nichola his
wife of the manor of Thorneye
5 Robert de Benhale v. Thomas Bole of Disce and Margaret his wife
in Benhale
6 Oliver de Wysete v. Robert de Ailton in Clopton and advowsou of
7 John de Weyland and Maria his wife v. Richard de Breuse and Alice
his wife of the manor of Clopton
8 Robert son of Theobald de Denham and Margaret his wife v. Thomas
son of Robert de Denham iu Denham and Eye
9 Thomas de Weylaund v. Andrew de Neyvill of services &c. in
10 Thomas de Weylaund v. Gilbert Peche of .services &c. in Letheringham, Poteford, Sharefeud, and Dalyngho
11 Nicholas son of John de Rode v. William de Lenue and Isabella his
wife in Rode
12 Brother Richard, Prior of church of St. Peter of Eye v. Andrew del
Punt de Mikelfeud and Isabella his wife, Adam del Hoo and Rose
his wife, John del Boys and Johanna his wife, Benedict de Sehelton
and Margaret his wife, of the advowson of church of Laxfeud

13 Richard de Saxham and Matilda his wife v. Kichard son of Nicholas

de Geddinge and Cristiana his wife in Chevynton

14 Roger Page v. William Page in Bramptone
15 Robert de Obeston and Alice his wife v. Elias son of Roger de
Obeston in Stauham, Antyngayne, Stepel Oretyngg, Pethawe and
16 Roger son of Amabilla de Cauz (?) and Amabilla de Cauz (?) v. John
son of Roger de Badyngham in Badyngham and Pesenhale
17 Roger son of Amabilla de Cauz (?) and Amabilla de Cauz (?) v.
Lawrence de Merk in Badyngham
17 Edward I
18 Robert de Wyllasham and Lucia his wife v. Henry son of Elias
Fuchir of Osemundeston in Ryngeshale, Batesford, and Brisett
19 Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hereford v. Robert Passlewe
and Roisia his wife in Saxefeld and Hegham
20 Richard de Boylaund and Matilda his wife v. Roger son of John de
Howe in Mikelfeld and advowson of church
21 Thomas Stace of Ipswich v. John de Dykeleye and Margaret his wife
in Brantham
22 William le Bret and Isabella his wife v. Gerard son of William de
Regrave in Hepeworth
23 Thomas de Weylaund and John his son v. Robert de Aulton in
Cloptone and advowson of church
24 Thomas de Weylaund and John his son v. Oliver de Weysete chaplain
in CI op ton and advowson of church
25 Thomas de Weylaund and Margaret his wife and Richard their son
v. Agnes del Punt in Buxhale and Fynebergh
26 Thomas de Weylaund and John his son v. Ralph son of Roger
Balling and Simon son of Walter Ston of Swynelaund in Swynelaund
27 Nicholas Darre of Sudbirg v. William Pytewyne of Gesinthorp and
Cristina his wife in Sudbirg
28 Roger son of Peter son of Osbert and Sarah his wife v. Beatrice

Prioress of church of St. Katherine of Flixton in Caumbes

29 Walter son of Robert Cristemesse of Wysete v. William de Nereford
and Petronilla his wife in Wysete

17 18 EDWARD I. 93
30 Alan le Man of Hemmygeston, chaplain v. John de Causton and
Selona his wife in Stanham, Antegan, Codenham Petehwe, Debenham, Quytinton, Thurleston, Wetrefeld, Rissemere, and Todenham
31 Mathew son of Hubert, parson of Brisewrthe church v. Robert Shrub
in Stoke-juxta Eye, Pilekot, Thornham and Brisewrthe
32 Roger de Bykerwyk v. John Rees and Matilda his wife in Ash juxta
33 William de Wancy and Johanna his wife v. Gilbert de Acre and
Alice his wife in Depedene
34 William son of Richard Russell v. Richard Russel of Watesham in
Watesham, Hecham, and Bildeston.
17 and 19 Edward I
35 Richard son of Ralph de Saxham and Matilda his wife v. Magister
Robert de Glemysford in Stanefeud, Hanstede and Lausele
17 Edward I
36 John de Eston v. Fulco de Cravene in Henham
18 Edward I
1 Brother John, Abbot of church of Blessed Mary of Sibeton v. William
de Lyveremere and Sarah his wife in Peshall
2 Thomas de Chygewell v. Adam de Heselardton and Elina his wife in
3 Johanna daughter of William de Staunford v. Hugh Bardolf and
Isabella his wife in Magna Bures
4 William le Gyselham v. John sou of Warin Brunflet and Letitia his
wife in Gyselham
5 Roger Mankael of Hyntlesham v. Walter le Galeys of Berghalt and

Beatrice his wife in Hyntlesham

6 Henry de Compeyne and Agnes his wife v. Philip de Pattemere in
7 Adam de Brom v. Henry de Brom in Brom
8 Ralph de Muncy v. Hugh de Cressyngham in Elgn, Wylingham
Weston, Cove, Shadenefeld, Mutford, Herstede, Wyrlyngham,
Pakefeld, Stouene, Suterle, Ryssemere, Giselham, Kessinglond,
Kirkele, Endegate, Bekles, Ilketeshale, Freton, Brampton and
advowson of church of Elgh

9 Richard de Holebrok v. John Crowe and Maria his wife in Buklesham
and advowson of church
10 Robert de Swyllington v. William son of Sarah de Pirrowe in Ickeford,
Middelton and Burgh (William de Bourle and Johanna his wife
and Roger de Brampton app clam)
11 Brother John, Abbot of the church of St. Edmunds v. Ralph de
Berners of 2 parts of the manor of Semere and Grotene
12 John de Aspall v. Robert de Syvelesho and Mabilia his wife in
13 John le Mey of Polstede and Marcilla his wife v. Ralph de Hemenhale
and Emma his wife in Polstede
14 Hugh de Bosco of Weston v. William Pycher and Agnes his wife in
Parva Grillawe (1 Ellaugh)
15 Thomas de Bagepuz and Ralph son of Walter de Hemenhall and
Emma his wife in Polstede
16 Roger son of Peter son of Roger son of Osbert and Sarah his wife v.
Richard de Boylaund and Matilda his wife in Combes
17 Reniigius de Meldyngg v. William Milksop and Alice his wife of the
manor of Meldingg
18 Robert de Mundevill v. Roger de Huntyngefeld and Nichola his wife
of the manor of Sternefeld
19 Edward I

19 Robert de Wenhale v. Ralph de Arderne, senior, and Katherine his

wife and Ralph their son of the manor of Wytheresdale and
advowson of the church there
20 Walter son of Roger de Clare and Agnes his wife and Alice their
daughter v. Sampson son of Robert Godfrey of Waldyngfeld and
Johanna his wife in Magna Waldyngfeld
21 Robert de Ufford and Johanna his wife and Thomas son of Robert de
Ufford v. William son of Henry de Hoo and Margaret his wife in
Parva Glemham, Marlisford and Stratford
22 William son of Henry Le Leche of Belton v. Henry son of Henry
de Caldecote in Belton and Fretbn
23 Stephen son of Benedict of St. Edmunds and Margaret his wife v.
William son of Gilbert Le Forester of Honeton in Stradeselee,
Honedene, Wychambrok, Denardeston, and Chilton (Gilbert de
Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hereford (app clam)

19 20 EDWARD I. 95
24 Walter Baldewyne and Johanna his wife and Thomas their son v.
Philip de Briseworth and Agnes his wife in Stratford and Bergholte
25 Lawrence de Sco Mauro v. Henry de Cramavile of the manor of
26 Matilda daughter of Robert de Cleydon v. William daughter of
Adam de Aula of Cleydon in Cleydon and Blakeham
27 Magister John de Wallecote v. William de Pakenham and Johanna
his wife in Berdewell
20 Edivard I
28 Bartholomew de Castello, Junior v. Bartholomew de Castello, senior
in Thorpe Muryans
29 Nicholas, Abbot of church of St. Mary of Leyston v. John de
Lyvermere of Theberton and Matilda his wife in Theberton
30 John Bacun v. Fulco de Cravene of the manor of Henham in Claxton
31 John son of Walter de Saxham and Katherine his wife v. John son
of Adam de Geddyng in Magna and Parva Saxham, Westle and
Fornham All Saints

32 Beatrice, Prioress of the church of St. Katherine of Floxton v.

William de Colcestr and Isabella his wife in Combes
33 Thomas Gulafre v. John de Golafre of Otle in Otle
34 Alexander le Quylter and Matilda his wife v. William Hoberd of
Clare and Agnes his wife in Stok (John Paulyn and Matilda Sueyn
his wife appoil clam)
35 Guydo Ferre Junior v. Nicholas de Cryell of the manor of Benhall
36 Alexander de Fastolf and Claricia his wife v. William Germyn and
Johanna his wife in Brandish
37 Walter son of- Semanus de Fresyngfeld and Lenota his wife and John
their son v. Alan Houel of the manor of Rughhaghe
38 Robert de Ufford Johanna his wife Thomas their son v. William son
of William son of Philip de Dynyeneton and Isabella his wife in
Parva Glemham
39 Robert son of Robert de Bradefeld v. Robert Pecche and Agnes his
wife in Stanefeld, Lausele and
40 Robert de Stokeneylond, clerk v. John son of William de Neylaund
and Cristiana his wife in Stokeneylaund

41 Gilbert de la Haye and Isabella his wife v. Robert de Kothynges and
Alice his wife in Welnetham Magna and Parva, Bradefeld, Hanstede,
Neweton juxtaSt. Edmund's, Gaysle, Nedham, Hegham, Kenteford,
Mileton, Bernham juxta Thefford, Tumpston, Caston, Alpheton,
Meleford, and town of St. Edmund's
42 Guido Ferr v. Kalph de Eothingg of third part of manor of Bruges
(Walter de Cove appoil clam)
43 Balph de Pulham and Matilda his wife o. Ralph Attebrigge and
Beatrice his wife in Ipswich
44 William Gerneys v. Bartholomew Cyrcy of Cretyng and Matilda his
wife in Badingham, Dyngeneueton and Laxfeld
45 Marselia daughter of Robert Waspal v. Robert Waspal in Wetherden

46 Richard de Ikelingham and Alice his wife v. Richard de Alewarton

and Alesia his wife in Stanefeld
47 Robert le Feure of Clare v. Alexander le Quylter and Matilda his
wife in Clare
48 John de Whatefeud v. Henry de la Heye and Johanna his wife in
21 Edward I
1 Robert de Goddynge v. Peter Furnage and Elizabeth his wife in
2 Philip Harueys of Ipswich and Alice his wife and John their son v.
John Crowe and Maria his wife in Codenham, Estou, Pethagh,
Gesebek, and Stanham Lambert (Prior of Ely and Calebotus de
Hyntlesham app clam)
3 Bartholomew Lane of Parva Jernemuth v. William de Wydemale
and Avelina his wife in Gorleston
4 Ralph de Hardreshull v. Reginald Le Chapelayn of Honyng in
5 Richard Randolph of Magna Gernemuth v. John Felice and Alice
his wife in Belton, Hopton, and Askeby
6 Walter son of Semanus de Fresynfeld and Lenora his wife and John
their son v. Robert de Ludham of the manor of Cukeleye
7 John Picard and Isabella his wife v. Walter de Huntercumbe in
Rede, Brockele, Depedene, Haukedon

20 22 EDWARD I. 97
8 Ralph de Muncy and Alice his wife v. Hugh de Cressyngham in
Elgh, Wylingham, Cove, Shadenesfeld, Mutford, Henstede, Wyrlingham, Pagefeld, Stouene and Soterlee, Risshemere, Giselham,
Kessynglond, Kirklee, Endegate, Bekles, Ilketeleshale, Freton,
Brampton juxta Westhale and Weston juxta Bekles
9 Adam Testard v. Richard le Armurer and Isabella his wife in Craneford and Perham
10 John Bakun, clerk v. John de Eston of services in Henham

11 Robert Bird of Chippenham and Johanna his wife v. Alexander de

Ikelyngham and Elen his wife in town of Newmarket
12 William de Wyfton, clerk v. Geoffrey de Hoketon and Juliana his wife
in Stanefeld
13 John de Walsham v. Roger de Walsham of the manor of Walsham
14 Mathew de Lovayn v. Athelardus de Graveny of rent in Drencheston
15 Henry de Catfeld v. Reginald son of Nicholas de Shotesham in
Weybrede, Mendham, and Wytheresdale
16 Magister Simon de la Neylaunde v. Robert de Pereres of Leyham
and Leca his wife in Leyham and Schelleye
17 Richard son of Henry Trussebut of Ixnyng v. Nicholas Trussebut of
Ixnyng in Ixnyng
18 William Hereward v. William de Duneton and Johanna his wife in
19 Geoffrey son of Lawrence Esturmy v. Geoffrey de Geddyng and
Margaret his wife in Buxhale
20 Robert de Veer, Earl of Oxford v. Robert son of Henry de Capelles
and Christiana his wife in Preston in B . . . . ley
21 Reginald de Shotesham and Rose his wife v. John de Marham and
Christina his wife in Weybrede
22 Robert de St. Quinton v. John de St. Quinton in Benakre, Henestede,
Northales, and Wychincham
21 and 22 Edward I
23 Robert son of Robert of Neketon v. John de Ickeworth in Wepstede
and Brock eleye
22 Edward I
24 John Russel and Stephen de Farnham v. Geoffrey le Whyte of
Messyngg and Matilda his wife of the manor of Cheselford with
advowson of church 7


25 Richard, Prior de Cruris Koesie v. Geoffrey Lenveyse of Codenharu in

26 John de Heyham, chaplain and John de Beaumund v. Nicholas son of
Hugh de Neketon and Ada his wife in Foruham All Saints (A.bbot
of St. Edmunds app clam)
27 Michael son of Adam de Donton v. William de Wepstede chaplaiu in
28 William Trone of Coulyngg v. Robert Sampson of Swenelysho and
Mabel his wife in Coulyngg
29 Ralph de Hemenhale and Emma his wife v. Magister Henry de
Haregrave in Ryseby juxta St. Edmunds
30 William Denys of Neylond v. Geoffrey Corbyn of Neylond and Cecilia
his wife in Neylond
31 William Payn of Brampton senior, and William Payn of Brampton
Junior v. Henry de Shipmedwe and Elizabeth his wife in Brampton
32 William son of William de Boytone v. John son of William de Dagworthe and Maria his wife in Veteri Newetone
33 Nicholas son of Adam de Meldingge v. Henry son of William de Brom
in Thelnetham
34 Margaret daughter of Albert Le Bercher of Flempton and Claricia
her sister v. John son of Elias of Stowe Langetot and Margaret his
wife in Flempton
35 Henry son of Henry de Biskele and Dama his wife v. John son of
William le Sauvage de Henestede in Frostendene, Cove, Northales
and Beneacre (John de Biskale appoii clam)
36 Nicholas de Freton and Agatha his wife v. Roger son of Peter and
Katherine his wife in Freton
37 Hugh Talemache and Hillaria his wife v. John son of John de Wacheham in Parva Bresete
38 Ralph le Hunte v. Robert Hamelyn and Edith his wife in Aketon
39 Richard Oter of Ipswich v. Ralph del Punt of Ipswich and Beatrice

his wife in Ipswich

40 Stephen Godyng of Magna Trillawe and Alice his wife v. William son
Richard of Parva Saunpford in Parva Trillawe
41 Henry de C . . . . v and Johanna his wife in Westhorp, Wyvereston and Fynyngham

23 EDWARD I. 99
23 Edward I
1 Richard son of Salomon of St. Edmund's and Isabella his wife v.
Henry de Bernardestone and Amicia his wife in Magna and Parva
Whelnetham, Ressebrok and Bradefeld
2 John Rayson of Ipswich and Katherine his wife v. Alan de Pulham
and Ismania his wife in Ipswich
3 John son of William de Holebrok v. Magester Roger de Holebrok in
Parva Weuham, Breudewenham, Holet on, Bergholt Stratford,
Tatingestone and advowson of Parva Wenham Church and advowson
of fourth part of Capell Church. (John son of Richd. de Holebroke
appoii clani)
4 Ivo de Kessinglond, chaplain, William de Kessinglond and Richard
his brother v. Thomas Le Fevre of Kessinglond in Kessinglond and
5 Magister Lawrence de Bek v. Ralph de Grymescroft and Isabella his wife
in Hunterston, Magna and Parva Asshefield and Stowe Langetot
6 Robert de Tybotot and Eva his wife v. Alan de Tye in Braunford,
Floketon, Burstal and Ipswich
7 Richard son of Solomon of St. Edmund's and Isabella his wife v.
Thomas de Dependen and Beatrice his wife in Magna and Parva
Whelnetham and Rysshebrok
8 Johanna daughter of John of Bath v. Hugh le Noreys of Staunford
and Matilda his wife of rent, &c, in Elmesete and Ussyngton
9 Thomas son of Hubert de Bavent and Alice his, wife v. William de
Sutton and Isabella his wife in Ugthal, Frestenden, Wangeford,
Reydon, Brampton, and Stouene
10 Simon Bush of Mendlesham and Maria his wife v. William son of John

of Mendlesham and Petronilla his wife in Mendlesham

11 Bartholomew de Castello v. Ralph Russell and Henry his son in
12 Henry de Fornham and Johanna his daughter v. Roger Martyn and
Rosa his wife in Fornham St. Genoveve
13 John de Byskelee of Forstenden and dementia his wife v. John de
Dernesford and Anastasia his wife in Kessinglond, Rysshemere,
Henstede and Gyselham
14 Thomas de Gapton v. Thomas Berchard and Isabella his wife in


15 Simon Le Lund v. William Aunfrey and Amabilla his wife in Gerleston
16 Henry Clerbek v. Eoger de Bery and Agnes his wife in Westhorp,
Fynyngham and Wynerston
17 John Pyoard and Isabella his wife v. William son of Gilbert Le Forester
of Hoveden in Eode, Brekele, Haukedon, and Depeden
18 Stephen son of Benedict of St. Edmunds v. Alexander de Cokayngne
and Matilda his wife in Stradesell
21 Edward I
19 Richard de Weylaund and John his son v. Walter Maunser of Allfeton
and Alice his wife in Alfeton
20 John de Motford v. Roger of York in Herkestede, Holebrok, Ch . . . .
21 William de Burnton v. John Houel and Agnes his wife in Wynerston
22 Susanna who was wife of Walter Swayn of Clare v. Robert Polol and
Agnes his wife in Clare
23 William de Mortuo Mari clerk v. John de Bernham and Mary his wife
of the manor of Alfeton
24 Peter de Totenhill v. Giles de Harbonmers of St. Edmunds and
Juliana his wife in Fornham All Saints (Cecilia daughter of William
son of Walter of St. Edmunds app clam)

25 John Le Hunte of St. Edmunds v. Henry Le Hunte of Lawenham in

Lawenham and Cokefeld
26 Simon de Perpunt and Maria his wife v. Gilbert de Wogham, parson
of Benacre church in Benacre and Northales
27 Thomas son of Edmund de Poselyngworth and Amicia his wife v.
Edmund de Poselyngworth in Conlinge
28 John Honipot of Wyngefeld and Juliana his wife v. William de
Stubbecroft of Hoxene in Hoxene, Stradebrok and Horham
29 John de Hoo of Okie v. Roger son of Robert of St. Edmunds and
Agnes his wife in Cotton and Wykham
25 Edward I
30 Clement son of William de Chedestane v. Bartholomew of Norfolk
and Johanna his wife in Chedestane
31 Reginald de Belton v. Alan Bonde of Parva Jernemuth and Alice his
wife in Gorleston and Bradewell
32 Stephen son of Peter de Haukedon and Alice his wife v. Robert son of
Walter de Glemesford and Hamon Broun of Edmund's, chaplain, in
Haukedon, Glemesford, Boxsted Shympling, Stanstede and Stan

2526 EDWARD I. 101

33 John son of Thomas de Assele of Letheringham v. Roger de Assele of
Kettleber in Kettleber and Letheringham
34 Giles de Mokedon v. William Le Ken de Meddilton and Sayena his
wife in Ipswich
35 Bartholomew de Barsham v. Bartholomew de Norfouk and Johanna
his wife in Chedestane
36 Lawrence de Bodeketon v. William Le Ireys and Juliana his wife in
37 Cecilia de Sparkeford and Nicholas his son v. John Houel and Agnes
his wife in Wyuerston
38 Bartholomew de Elmham and Henry his son v. Roger de Stok and

Johanna his wife, Alan de Rokwode and Elizabeth his wife and
Geoffrey de Legh and Alice his wife in Westhorp Wynerston and
39 John le Maister of Ashfeld v. Roger Sewale of Framyngham and
Johanna his wife in Gretingham
40 Alan de Goldyngham v. Roger de Huntingfeld and Nichola his wife
of the advowson of Giselingham church
41 Henry Le Bowyere and Alice his wife v. Alan Bonde of Parva Jernemuta and Alice his wife in Gorleston
42 Richard de Brewosa v. Alice who was wife of Richard de Brewosa of
the manor of Stadebrok and advowson of church of Wyngefeld
43 Roger de la Lee, clerk v. William de Shymplingford and Amicia his
wife inKyrketon juxta Everwarton, Parva Cornerthe, andEverwarton
44 James Duuch and William his son v. William Le Clauer and Katherine
his wife in Ilketishale
45 Robert de Pampeswrth v. Thomas de Pampeswrth and Elizabeth his
wife in Culeford and Fornham St. Genoveve
46 John son of Alice de Barewe and Katheriue his wife and Alice db
Barewe v. William Giffard and Katherine his wife in Barewe
26 Edward I
1 Walter de Redying v. John le Chaumberleyn and Lora his wife in
Tudenham, Thurleston, Akenham, Westerfeld, Culpho and
Rysshemere (Peter de Reding appofi clam)
2 Simon de Heyford v. Baldwyn le Ploghwryght and Agnes his wife in
Dyueneton,-Badyngham and Okenhill


3 John de Ho of Otle v. William Attechurohe of Wetheringsete and
Johanna his wife in Cotton and Wykham
4 Bartholomew de Rollesby and Edelina his wife v. Avelina who was
wife of William le Serjaunt in Tatington
5 John de Wallpol v. Roger de Aldricheford and Maria his wife in Lausill

6 Robert de Ufford senior and Johanna his wife and Edmund their son
v. Richard de Mundewill and Johanna his wife of third part of the
manor of Burgh juxta Grundesburgh
7 John de Gedding v. Geoffrey de Gedding and Margaret his wife in Buxall
8 Bartholomew de Elmham and Henry his son v. Roger de Bery and
Agnes his wife in Wes Thorp
9 Thomas de Walepol v. William de Walepol and Cecilia his wife in
Manston, Brokkele, Wepstede, Welnetham and Lausill
10 William de Cramavill of Hanstede v. Benedict Cay of Earls Stonham
and Elizabeth his wife in Rede
11 Edmund son of Roger Alemau and Constantia de Greyneston v.
William son of Henry de Caldecotes in Magna Fynnebergh
27 Edward I.
12 Adam Wolrigh of Thurston and Agnes his wife v. Peter Martyn of
Ixenyngg in Ixenyngg
13 John de Cokfeld v. Simon de Cokfeld in Whatefeld, Hadlegh, Naneland, Semere, Bradefeld and Ketelberston
14 William Bastard v. John son of William Mattheu of Ereswell Junior
in Lakynghith
15 Walter son of Simon de Preston v. Geoffrey de Bekeshale, clerk, and
Anicia his wife in Preston
16 William de Burnton v. John Houel and Agnes his wife in Wyverston
17 John son of Robert le Parker of Tatyngton v. Robert son of Richard
le Parker of Tatyngton in Tatyngton Dynyton and Laxfeld
28 Edward I
18 Magister John Flemang v. Nicholas Trussebut and Cristiana his wife
in Ixnyng
19 Roger son of Robert de Colevill of Carleton and Dionysia his wife v.
John de Buresyeid in Carleton Colevile
20 Hervy de Stanton v. Walter de Norwich of Stowe Langetot of the
fourth part of a knight's fee in Stowe Langetot

2829 EDWARD I. 103

21 Roger son of Robert de Coleville and Dionisia his wife v. John son of
Robert de Sancroch of part of the manor of Carleton Colevile
22 Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln and Margaret his wife v. Robert son
of Sampson de Swynelesho and Matilda his wife in Culyng (Robert
de Asphale appofl clam)
23 Geoffrey de Carleton v. John de Bosco of Wirlingworth in Monks
Saham (Peter Child appori clam)
24 William de Shymplingeford and Ralph de Geddyng v. Robert de
Geddyng in Cauendish (John de Luton and Margaret his wife
appoii clam)
25 Edmund de Munpinzun v. John son of Giles de Wachesham in
Hecham and Ketelberston, Preston and Brethenham
29 Edward I
26 William Brun of Wetheringset v. John de Bosco of Wylringworth and
Johanna his wife in Laxfeld
27 Robert de Barnevill and Ismania his wife v. Alice Martyn of Ipswich
in Veteri Neueton, Gippingneuton, Mendlesham and Thorneye (John
son of Robert de Barnavil and Michael his brother app clam)
28 John de Metford and Katheriue his wife v. Edmund de Hemegraue and
Isabella his wife in Metford and Barneby
29 Walter, Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield o. Adam de Hodeleston of
the manors of Aspale, Debenham and Brampton and advowson of
i Brampton church (Adam Bacon, Henry de Chykewell and Alice his
wife, John de la Faleyse of Dunwich and Robert de Sefeld app clam)
30 John de Beck and Katherine his wife v. William de Mersh of
Thrandeston in Rykynghale and Burgate (Nicholas de Ry app clam)
31 William de Ludham and John his son v. William parson of Wykham
church of the manor of Ludham
32 Nicholas de Shrulblund v. Roger Shrulbund of Bergham in Bergham
and Edenham
33 Peter de Tatyngton v. William de Bekles, clerk, of the manor of

34 Hugh Honel and. Johanna his wife v. Hugh Peccke in Chedestan and
South Elmham
35 William son of John Bomund v. Philippa daughter of William de
Moneye in Bliburgh and Stovene


36 William de la Lee and Beatrice his wife v. John son of Walter de
Barnham and Maria his wife of the manor of Chardacre
37 Gerard de Wachesham v. Egidius de Wachesham and Amicia his wife
of the manor of Wortham
38 John de Gun ton and Letitia his wife v. Roger de Ludham of the manor
of Gunton and advowson of St. Peters church in Gunton
39 Fulco Barun and Katherine his wife v. Gilbert Burre and Isabella his
wife in Coppedok and Capele
' 40 Adam sou of John de Westle v. Matilda who was wife of Richard son
of Ralph of Saxham in Magna Whelnetham and Halstede juxta
St. Edmunds (John de Menewede and Emma who was wife of John
le Forester appoii clam)
41 Cecilia who was wife of William de Morleye v. William de Thrandeston
in Thrandeston, Eye, Melles, Burgate and Wortham
42 Peter de Burgate and Amicia his wife v. William de Mersh of
Thrandeston of part of the manor of Burgate
43 Roger Symeon of Mendham v. William Polle of Mendham in Mendham
(Juliana wife of Roger Simeon of Mendham app clam)
44 Henry son of William de Stonham and Sarah his wife v. Nicholas
Bustard chaplain in Whelnetham and Rishshebrok
30 Edward I
1 Thomas son of John de Norton and Agnes his wife v. William de
Tendryng in Tustok, Norton, Thurston, Beketon and Elmeswell
and advowson of Tustok church
2 Adam Bacun v. John Bacuu in Olton and advowson of church
3 Edmund de Ho and John son of Edmund de Whelnetham v. Simon

de Ho and Matilda his wife in Stanefeld, Lausele and Resshebrok

and Parva Whelnetham
4 Ralph, parson of Bulemere church v. William son of Ralph de Pebernesshe of the manors of Parva Waldingfeld and Capelis
5 Thomas de Blakenham, Hugh de Sco Philberto and John son of Hugh.
v. Benedict de Blakenham, of the manor of Chelesworth in Cheselworth (Richard de Cokefeld and Alice his wife appoii clam)
6 John Dyn of Halstede v. Richard son of Simon of Halstede in Sudbery
7 Peter de Malteby, parson of Ryshengles church v. Brian de Hykelingge, of the manor of Ryshengles

30 31 EDWARD I. 105
8 Robert de St. Quintino v. William de Mortuo Mari of the manor of
9 Warinus de Lund and Amabilla his wife v. John son of Robert de
Boyton in Lund
10 Henry de Hales v. Thomas de Bosco of Kyrkeby in Wynston
11 Thomas de Cretyngg v. Ralph de Marisco of Marham and Margaret
his wife in Cretyngg All Saints, Cretyngg Blessed Mary, Cretyngg
St. Olave and Codeham
12 Guido Ferre, Junior v. Brian de Hikelinge of the manor of Kelton in
Benhale and Farnham
13 Robert Bacun, clerk v. William Page of Brampton in Brampton
14 Thomas Regges of Gretingham v. Edmund, vicar of Gretingham
church, in Gretingham
15 Geoffrey son of Oliver Wyth v. John de Gunton and Letitia his wife
in Lund, Blundeston, Hopeton, Somerleton and Askeby
31 Edward I
16 Roger son of Henry Atte Milne of Wrydelyngton and Walter his
brother v. Henry atte Milne of Wrydelyngton in Wrydelyngton
17 Alexander son of Ralph de Walsham and Johanna daughter of
William de Melford v. Robert de Northwode, of the manor of

Brockeleye with advowsou of church (John de Cramauille appoii

18 Edmund de Chebanhale, Alexander de Fresingfeld and Geoffrey his
brother v. Geoffrey de Carleton in Fresingfeld and Laxfeld
19 William de Boyton v. John de Ostehill of Hyntelesham in Hyntelisham
and Burstall
20 John Blome v. Roger son of Peter son of Osbert and Katherine his
wife of the manors of Wathe and Sumleton
21 Sayena who was wife of Hugh Len of Ipswich v. Richard Len of
Ipswich and Margaret his wife in R . . . emere, Tudenham, Pleyford,
Kessegraue, Wykes, Magna and Parva Bresete
22 Isolda de Clare of Tudenham v. John de Benstede in Tudenham
23 Abel Le Bole and Johanna his wife v. William de Stonham and Egidia
his wife in Ameton and Parva Lyvermere
24 Alexander Cut of Ikelyngham and Basilia his wife v. Alexander
Camaille of Ikelyngham and Elena his wife in Ikelyngham


25 John de Sco Claro and Johanna his wife v. Peter de Redlysworth of
the manor of Bernyngham
26 Petronilla de Neyrford v. Peter son of John de Donewyco and Camilla
his wife in Holton, Suthcove aud Northales
27 Nicholas de Leleseye and Felicia his wife v. William de Bassyngham
and Osbevt Hochard in Ketelberston, Monks Illeye and Leleseye
(Bobert Foxheth and Agues his wife and Alice and Matilda, sisters
of Agnes appon clam)
28 John de Cramavill and Johanna his wife v. William de Shymplingford
in Melford and Aketon
29 Gregory de Oastello v. Nicholas de Castello and Cecilia his wife in
Barsham and Wytheresdale
30 Richard de Brewosa and Alianora his wife v. William Roscelyn in
Wyngefeld, Stradebrok, Fresingfeld, Esham and Sutton

31 Alexander son of Ralph de Walsham v. William Sparsho and Agnes

his wife in Walsham juxta Ixeworth
32 Leonard Peleryn of Metyngham and Agnes his wife and John de
Metyngham v. Henry de Hales, clerk, in Metyngham
33 Godfrey de Medefeld v. Adam de Medefeld in Mendham
34 Nicholas de Combes aud Margaret his wife v. Henry de Dunstable
and Alice his wife in Stutton juxta Holebrok
35 William de Shymplingford v. Alan son of John Lambyn in Langeham
and Bedewell Asshfeld
32 Edward I
1 Henry de Thurston v. John Drury in Thurston
2 William de Ernestede and Cecilia his wife v. Andrew son of Thomas
le Chapman of Wolferston and Alice his wife in Herkestede
3 Robert de Alnellers v. Nicholas de Glaunvill and Cristiana de Anellers
in Schatesham, Sutton, Ramesholt and advowson of Schatesham
4 Isabella Bourt v. Benedict de Shelton and Margaret his wife of rent,
&c, in Laxfele
5 William Alured v. John Alured in Tatyngton
6 John de Ofton v. Peter son of John of Dunwich aud Camilla his wife
in Saxmuudham, Sternefeld and Keleshale
7 John de Catfeld, clerk v. William Page of Brompton in Braumpton

32 EDWARD I. 107
8 Thomas de la Gore and Agnes his wife and Agnes their daughter and
John son of William de la Grene senior v. William Kempe of
Griston and William de Salmannesford in Walsham, Stanton and
Parva Asshefeld
9 William de Rameseye and Elizabeth his wife v. Robert de Reydon in
Reydon and Leyham
10 Mathew de Thelnetham and Cecilia his wife v. Nicholas son of
Bartholomew de Thelnetham of part of Thelnetham manor and the
advowscn of church

11 William son of William de Bey tone v. William de Bey tone in Veteri

12 Edmund de Mikelfeld v. Godfrey de Helton in Mikelfeld (Olivia de
Helton appoii clam)
13 Paganus Tybetot v. Nicholas de Tunstall and Margaret his wife in
Parva Blakenham, Veteri Tunstall and Braunford (Thomas son of
Edmund Pecche appoii clam)
14 William Bermund and Alice his wife v. William de Biskle of Halesworth, Brunfeld, Walpol, Cokeleye and Chedestane
15 John Hog of Wrydelington and Agnes his wife v. William le Waleys
de Wrydelington in Wrydelington
16 William de Deuham and Ida his wife v. Thomas Le Beel of Onesden
in Onesden
17 William son of William le Sire de Ixeworthethorp v. Matilda who was
wife of Simon of Gyslyngham in Ixeworth, Ixeworthethorp, Hunweton and Troston
18 John le Chauuberleyu of Leverington and Milseuta his wife v. Thomas
de Cheuenton and Johanna his wife in Ixnynge
19 John son of William Wade of Ilketlishall and Margaret his wife v.
Bartholomew sou of Claricia Sparewe of Bungeye and Alice his
wife in Ilketeleshale
20 Thomas de Grey v. William de Lenne and Isabella his wife in Magna
and Parva Waldingfeld, Meldingge and Edwardeston
21 William son of William Dalizun v. William Dalyzun in Craneford
22 Alan de Cretingg and Johanna his wife v. Marsilia de Hauvill in
Whersted, Freston, Woulferston, Benetleye, Gypeswyz, Caldewell,
Hecham and Westerfeld


23 Warinus de Bosco of Helmyngham and Amicia his wife v. Nicholas
Moyses of Assh in Assh juxta Helmyngham, Eston, Gosebek, and

32 and 33 Edward I
24 Robert son of John de Geddyng and Buxhale and Eufemia his wife v.
John son of William de Tendryngg in Buxhale, Brethenham, Hech
ham, Kettelberston, Stutton, and Magna Fynebergh
33 Edward I
25 Henry de Wangeford and Lucia his wife v. Thomas de Boyton in
Wenhaston, Thoryton, Blytheburgh, Henham and Mellys
26 Robert Kiff of North Jernemuth v. Godfrey de Ludham of Magna
Jernemuth and Constancia his wife in Kirkele, Pagefeld, Suth
Carletone, Mutford and Oltone (Edmund son of Robert Scwysch of
Kirkele appon clam)
27 Guydo Ferre v. Ralph le Sauvage and Margaret his wife of the manor
of Benhale
28 Thomas son of William de Pakenham v. Robert de Drencheston in
Berdewell and Thorp juxta Lxeworth
29 Robert de Mordon v. Ralph de Moudon and Maria his wife in Magna
30 Jordanus de Wetheresfeld v. Hugh de Weston and Petronilla his wife
in Magna Bradelej'e
31 Robert de Geddingg of Buxhale and Eufemia his wife v. Robert le
Warde of Geddyng and Dionisia his wife in Buxhale
32 Nicholas de Olton, clerk v. John son of Adam Hardwyne in Olton
33 William Talemache v. Richard Wombe and Alice his wife and John
Spineis and Johanna his wife in Berton juxta St. Edmunds and
Lyvermere Magna
34 Robert de Sandcroft and Johanna his wife v. Robert de Morlee and
Benedict Vicar of church of Mendham in Suthhelmham and
advowson of Sandcroft church
35 John Burs of Eston Gosebek and Johanna his wife v. Nicholas Moyses
of Assh in Assh juxta Helmyngham, Eston, Gosebek and Hemyngston
36 Mathew de Thelnetham and Cecilia his wife v. John son of Mathew de
Thelnetham in Thelnetham and third part of manor

33 34 EDWARD I. 109
37 Richard de la Rokele and Elizabeth daughter of Johu de Maundeuill
v. John Gilbard of Griston and Anicia his wife in Westley
38 William de Carletou v. John Kyde and Katherine his wife in Batesford
39 William Preutiz of Neylond and Margaret his wife v. Robert le Ken
(Keu ?) of Mounteneyysigge and Alice his wife in Stokeneylond
40 Adam Munk of Bungeye v. William son of John le Chalouer of
Wymundham and Johanna his wife in Bungeye, Ilketleshale and
41 Robert sou of Thomas and John his brother v. Thomas Whasseman
and Rose his wife in Magna and Parva Waldingfeld and Brend
Illeye (Richard Whasseman appon clam)
42 William Bokele of Freston v. William de Reydon and Agnes his wife
in Buckeslowe, Freston, Sternefeld, and Knodeshall
43 Robert de Rollesby and Elena his wife v. William de Ramesdene and
Matilda, his wife in Sudbery
44 William son of Roger de Pastone v. William de Whetacre in Beccles
45 Thomas de Westerfeld v. Humfrey de Denardeston and Johanna his
wife in Westerfeld, Thurliston and Whytenton
46 William Baynard v. Robert de Geddyngg and Eufemia his wife in
Stowe Market and Thorney
34 Edward I
1 Jordan de Witheresfeld v. Ralph de Wytheresfeld in Parva Thirllowe,
Magna and Parva Bradeleye
2 William Inge v. William Gernon and Isabella his wife of the manor
of Alwyneleye
3 Roger Pussoft (Puffoft ?) and Matilda his wife v. Alan de Cretyngge in
4 Geoffrey Coleman and Matilda daughter of Geoffrey Loue v. Roger
Coleman in Thuriton and Wenhastone
5 John le Letstere of Bungeye v. Hugh de Hedersete and Isabella his

wife in Bungeye
6 John son of Walter de Ayton v. Richard son of William le Parker
of Theydon and Alice his wife in Meleford
7 Ralph de Hemenhale and Alina his wife v. Geoffrey de Boxhale and
Anicia his wife in Oteleye, Grundesburgh, Cliydon and Dalinghoo
8 John de Goseford and Alice his wife v. Roger de Lowystoft in Gunton,
Corton, and Lowystoft


9 Stephen son of Benedict of St. Edmunds v. Geoffrey son of William
de Caldebek of Couligg and Alice his wife in Stratesele
10 Humfrey Farewel of Culyngg v. Geoffrey son of William de Caldebek
of Culyngg and Alice his wife in Culyngg
11 Walter de Clopton v. Geoffrey de Caldebek of Culingg and Alice his
wife in Poselingworth, Cippeleye and Bernardeston
12 William Hore and Walter Duce v. David de Wynton clerk in Bedefeld
13 William de Stanham and Thomas his brother v. Bobert de Stanham
in Batlesdeu
14 Geoffrey de Colevill and Margaret his wife v. William Talemach and
Cecilia his wife in Sastede, Framyngham, Sahara and Hasketone
15 Geoffrey le Teynturer of Sudbury and Mariota his wife v. William de
Bamesden and Matilda his wife in Sudbury
16 Thomas de la Dale v. Humfrey de Denhardestone and Johanna his
wife in Wytingtone and Thorlestone
17 Geoffrey de Colvile v. William Talmache and Cecilia his wife of rent,
&c, in Brockele and Hanstede
18 Bichard Pungge of Belcham and Alesia his wife v. Henry, Prior of
Wangeford of a corrody
19 Magister Stephen de Heppeworth v. David de Camerp in Heppeworth,
Bernyngham and Stanton
20 Stephen Alvene v. Thomas son of Stephen Alvene in Mendham

21 Adam Bacun and Edmund Bacun u. Bobert de Askeby parson of

Ingham church of the manor of Honton and advowson of church
of 01 ton
22 John de Hodebouill and Hillaria his wife v. Peter de Debenham and
Boger de Hodebouill of third part of manor of Akoton
23 Thomas son of Walter de Aldham and Matilda his wife v. Geoffrey de
Bumstede, chaplain, in Magna and Parva Waldyngefeld
24 Bichard de Walsham v. Simon de Hildercle and Anna his wife in
25 Gilbert de Stapleton v. John of Newmarket and Amicia his wife of
the manor of Kedyton and advowson of the church.
26 Geoffrey de Carleton v. Bichard de Carleton, chaplain, in Monks Saham
27 Benedict Le Letstere of Bungeye v, Bobert de Westemerland and
Elena his wife in Bungeye

34 EDWARD I. Ill
28 Thomas Charles and Alianora his wife v. Albricus de Wykes in Esham,
Silham, Weybrede, Fresingfeld, Ryngeshale, Batesford and Combys
(Ralph de Sco Mauro and Alice his wife, John de Scb Clare, Walter
de Cadamo, Edward Charles, and Thomas Stonild and Robert
Stonild appon clam)
29 Thomas Gorge v. Hervicus Gorge in Thorp Muriels and Cokefeld
30 John Clerbaud of Sudbery v. Richard Aylof and Matilda his wife in
31 William de Neketon, parson of church of Heppeworth v. Ralph de
Ickelworth and Amicia his wife and Ralph their son in Ickelworth
and Magna and Parva Horninggeserth
32 John de Wycheresfeld v. Ralph de Wycheresfeld in Parva Thirlowe,
Magna and Parva Bradeleye
33 Robert de Reydone v. Thomas GifFard in Wherstede, Frestone,
Bentelegh and Westerfeld
34 William son of Roger Payn of Westhorp v. Henry Constantyn and

Rose his wife in Netherrikynghale

35 Geoffrey de Crauele and Basilia his wife v. Thomas Alfrich of Ketelberston in Preston and Ketelberston
36 Thomas de Verdouu v. Magister Bugo de Cucuill (?) parson of B'risingham church, of the manor of Chedebury and advowson of church
37 Reginald de Argeutem v. John de Belencumbre in Wortham, Redgraue, Melles and Thrandeston
38 Egidius de Brewosa and Johanna his wife v. Richard de Bello Monte
of the manor of Wytnesham
39 Johanna daughter of William de Bovill v. William de Bovill of the
manor of Cretyng and advowson of church
40 Robert son of William le Clerk of Wrethelyngton v. Johanna
daughter of Edmund de Peselyngworth in Culynge
41 Richard de Brumpton v. Robert de Reydon in Leyham, Vkenhull,
Badyngham, Perham, Framelyngham and Ketlebergh
42 Hamo de Sutton v. William Cheure of third part of manor of
43 Roger Bonedych, Roger and John his sons v. John Braban chaplain
in Playford and Resshemere juxta Ipswich


44 William de Maldon and Matilda his wife v. Kobert de Milham, chaplain
in Sudbury- and Magna Cornerth (Thomas son of Geoffrey Le
Palmere of Maldene, Robert son of William the Parson app clam)
45 John Mannisson and Alice his wife, Robert Grym of Benestede and
Amphelisia his wife v. Richard de Drencheston, chaplain in Parva
46 Warinus son of Ralph Godard v. Richard son of Brian le Mareschal of
Magna Bresete and Letitia his wife in Combes and Magna Finebergh
47 Geoffrey son of John de Askeby v. John Ingelose in Askeby, Somerleton, Herlingflet, Bel ton, Louud, Gunton, Gorton, Loustoft, Olton
and Blundeston and advowson of Askeby church

48 Thomas le Fraunceys and John son of William le Fraunceys of

Henstede v. John Botild of Motford in Hensted, Soterleye and
49 Hugh le Despenser v. John fiT . . . . in Doodeham
35 Edward I
1 Olivede Tudeham and Muriel his wife v. Henry de Hales in Sutton,
Stowe, Blessed Margaret, Rammesholt and Schatesham
2 Nigellus de Keneton v. Peter de Keneton of the manor of Keneton
3 Peter de Denardeston and Matilda his wife v. Roger parson of the
church of Ketelberston, William de Basyngham and Richard of
Sudbury in Mels ....... leye, Magna and Parva Waldyngfeld,
Preston, Monks Illeye and Grotene
4 Ralph de Hemenhall and Alina his wife v. Alan, parson of the church
of Stanefeld in Ryseby and Westowe
5 Simon de Walpol, parson of Pulham church, Roger de Alverychesfeld
and Maria his wife v. William de Walpol parson of Chavelee church
in Wykham, Brok and Kedyton
6 Geoffrey Fairlok of Halsworth v. Richard Faukes of Halsworth in
Halsworth and Holton
7 William son of William Fox v. John Hardheued of Ratlesden and
Margaret his wife in Veteri Neuton
8 Robert de Marham of Newmarket v. Richard de Ikelyngham of Newmarket in Ixnyng
9 Walter Priur of Nedham v. William Sperling of Nedham and
Johanna his wife in Nedham

35 EDWARD I. 113
10 Robert son of Henry de Langham of St. Edmund's v. William son of
John de Buxhale of Berdewell in Berton juxta St. Edmunds
11 Henry de Hales v. Oliver de Tudeham in Sutton, Rammesholte,
Stowe Blessed Margaret and Shetesham

12 Alexander de Fresyngfeld v. Robert de Fresyngfeld in Fresyngfeld

and Laxfeld
13 John de Peyton v. John de Eweneye and Hawisia his wife in Polstede,
Stokeneylonde and Leyham
14 Robert son of Henry de Langham of St. Edmund's v. William son of
John de Buxhall of Berdewell in Berton juxta St. Edmund's
15 Alan de Goldyngham and Alice his wife v. Magister Thomas de
Kerdeston of the manor of Little Belstede
16 Walter de Norwich v. Thomas Avelyne of Chykeringge of Hoxne in
Walpol, Huntyngfeld, Cokeleye and Bromfeld
17 Goscelinus de Elmham v. William Antony and Isabella his wife in
18 John de Scotlondeshalle and Margaret his wife v. Robert de Bures in
19 William Haltebe of Ipswich v. Roger Syred and Selona his wife in
20 Edmund de Hunterston, chaplain v. William de Langham and Sibilla
his wife in Langeham (Geoffrey Bacun app clam)
21 Henry le Carpenter and Scolastica his wife v. John de Blomvill in
Burgh juxta Grundesham
22 Hervy de Stanton v. William de Buxhall in Pakenham, Norton, Berton,
Stowe Langetot, Thurston, and Ixworth
23 Walter de Langeton, Bishop of Coventry and Lytchefeld v. Richard de Bello mo
nte of part of manor of Grimmeston
24 John de Mutford v. William de Weston and Avelina his wife in
Carleton-juxta Mutford
25 Alan le Clerkissone v. Geoffrey dil Rousk of Brampton and Margaret
his wife in Uggethale
26 Roger Bonedych and Alice his wife and John the son v. Walter de
Westhalle and Agnes his wife inResshemere, Toddeham, and Playford
27 Robert de Lyd . . . and Matilda his wife v. John de Peyton in Grotene

28 Alexander son of Ralph de Walsham v. Magister John de Walsham

clerk in Walsham 8


29 Edmund de Pakenham and Rose his wife v. Richard son of Robert
Hawys of the freedom of Richard 20 marks of silver paid
30 Ralph son of John le Clerk of Saxlingham v. John son of Anselm de
Ratlesden and Margaret his wife in Wurthham
31 Walter de Cove and Walter his son and dementia daughter of Roger
de Welyngeton v. Walter Cristemesse, chaplain, in Cove and
1 Edward II
1 John son of William de Holebrok and Petronilla his wife v. Robert
de Reymer and Matthew son of John de Holebrok in Parva Wenham,
Brende Wenham, Holeton Stratford, Tattingeston and
advowson of Parva Wenham Church (Thorn de Ruby appon clam)
2 Oliver le Ken (?) of Chedeston and Matilda his wife v. Bartholomew de
Ehnham in Chediston, Magna and Parva Lynstede
3 Simon de Heyford v. John de Bek and Katherine his wife in Burgate
and Ouer Rykynghale
4 Hervicus de Stanton v. John Thorald in Wytheresdale and advowson
of church
5 Walter parson of Ouesdene church and Robert de Ashfeld chaplain v.
William son of William de Oriketot and Maria who was wife of
William de Criketot of manor of Ouesdene
6 Alexander son of Ralph de Walsham and Johanna his wife v. Mathew
de Stanton, chaplain and William de Buxhale in Magna Whelnetham,
Stanefeld, Haustede, Meleford and Alfeton.
7 Peter de Taleworth of Ixeworth and Margaret his wife v. Richard le
Sutere of Lydegate and Agnes his wife in Ixworth.
8 Geoffrey Gauge and Sarra his wife v. Hugh Gauge in Sudbury
9 Richard le Bercher de Parva Trillowe and Amicia his wife v. Hugh de

Bosco of Weston and Petronilla his wife in Parva Trillowe

10 Walter Prior of Nedam v. Robert Herierd in Geysle, Nedham and
Hegham (Richd. son of Richd. Hereyerd and Richard Maggard and
Ralph de Milton appoii clam)
11 Richard Duraunt and Simon Ryveus v. Richard Hardy of Walsingham
and Johanna his wife in Hegham and Barewe
12 Luca de Debenham chaplain v. Luca son of William Wite of
Debenham in Ringishale

1 EDWARD II. 115

13 William Gyffard and Andrew de Depefen v. Thomas Gyffard and
Matilda his wife in Stanstede
14 Andrew de Depefen and Alan Galet v. Thomas Gyffard and Matilda
his wife in Wykhambrook
15 William Gyffard and Andrew de Depefen v. Thomas Gyffard and
Matilda his wife in Meleford (John son of Petronilla de Meleford
and Roger de Helpestan and Isabella his wife appoii clam)
16 John le Enveyse and Isabella his wife v. Mathew de Holebrok and
Roger le Enveyse in Stratford
17 Hugh de Naunton v. John de Holebrok and Petronilla his wife in
Rendlesham, Ludham, Ikyne, Bredefeld and Northglemham
18 Walter le Shepperde of Gosefelde v. Walter de Halsted and Isabell his
wife in Tymeworth
19 Berardus, vicar of Grauntemerthe church and Edmund Gunneuill v.
Robert de Boys and Cristiana his wife of the manor of Brok
20 Amicia who was wife of Richard son of Simon v. Simon son of Richard
and Isabella his wife of the manor of Rede
21 Guido Ferre and Alianora his wife v. John Bacun and Adam his
brother of the manor of Benhale
22 Letitia de Wyngefeld v. Richard Edward de Waldyngfeld and Agnes
his wife in Esham, Silham, Weybred and Fresyngfeld

23 Thomas Blaunfrunt v. Philip de Leghton and Mabel his wife in

Alesburne and Granewyche
24 John le Chepman of Sudbury and Amicia his wife v. Thomas Denyel
and Matilda his wife in Sudbury
25 John de Walsham and Alice his wife v. Nicholas de Walsham chaplain
of the manor of Walsham (Edmund de Pakenham and Rose his
wife appoii claffi)
26 Magister Thomas de Kymingham and Thomas de la Chaumbre de
Waketon and Isabella his wife in Nedham, Welnetham, Poselingworth and Sidolvesmere
27 John de Weylaund and Maria his wife v. John Olyver of the manors
of Wytnesham, Brompton, Swynelond and Clopton and advowson
of Clopton church
28 Henry de Lindesele v. Simon de Bereford of Chipenham and Lora his
wife in Chipenham


29 William de Braham and Amnesia his wife v. Thomas de Bello Campo
parson of Capelles church and Richard atte Hulle, chaplain in
Capelles and Brande Wenham
30 John le Bolur v. Adam Leue of Westhale in Blitheford
31 Adam de Sayham de Sudbury and Alice his wife v. Roger Abot of
Sudbyry and Matilda his wife in Sudbyry
32 Stephen de Chilton and Katherine his wife v. Ralph le Mouner and
Alice his wife in Sudbury
33 William de Tyveteshale and Clementia his wife v. William de Langhale,
chaplain of the manor of Bylesford juxta Knodesham.
34 Richard son of Henry son of Nicholas de St. Edmund's and Isabella
his wife v. John de Lincoln and Edmund de Neketou of the manor
of Cannewykes
35 Roger Bonedich and John and Roger his sons v. John Attewell of
Wherestede and Elina his wife in Resshemere and Playford

36 Richard de Kymberlergh parson of Monks Saham church v. Bartholomew de Waltham and Matilda his wife in Monks Saham, Ashfeld
and Thorp
37 William de Walcote v. Warinus de Thornton in Wylebeghe
2 Edward II
1 William de Leleseye and Isabella his wife v. William de Buskale in
2 John son of Thomas de Bassyugburne v. Isabella daughter of Robert
Aguylun of the manor of Bures (Thomas son of Hugh Bardolf and
Thomas de Grey appofi clainn)
3 Isabella de Wylburgham, John, William and Robert her sons v. John
son of Walter le Rous of Wylburgham in Offeton, Navelton and
4 Richard son of Robert Wendout v. William Wygge and Alice his wife
in Stokes juxta Clare
5 William son of Robert Aubri of Langham and Mabel his wife v.
Mathew de Stanton, chaplain, in Langham, Walsham, Berdewelle
and Stanton
6 Ralph de Hardredeshull and Alia his wife v. John parson of Badyngham church and Robert Trivel chaplain, of the manor of Colston
7 Thomas son of Richard de Cokefeld and Margaret his wife v. William
de Boyton in Whatefeld, Hadley, Semere, Naulton and Elmsete

2 EDWARD II. 117

8 Magister William de Rokelund parson of Grudesburgh church v.
John de Staunton of Clopton and Agnes his wife in Grudesburgh
, 9 Gilbert son of Robert Wendout v. Robert Wendout in Stokes juxta
10 Hervicus de Stanton v. John Darcy and Petronilla his wife in
Wytheresdale and advowson of church
1 1 John de Rysyugge and Agnes his wife v. Roger Tenden chaplain and
Robert Trivel chaplain in Burysyerd
12 Robert Wendout and Johanna his wife v. Andrew Dyk in Hunyden,
Wyxho and Stokes juxta Clare (William Wendout de Stok appoii

13 Johanna daughter of Robert Wendout and Margaret her daughter v.

Robert AVendout in Stokes juxta Clare
14 John de Weyland and Mary his wife v. Henry de Stonham and Sarah
his wife in Parva Welnetham and Risshbrok
15 Alan de Cretinge v. Robert de Tylleye in West Cretynge
16 John de Geddyng and Agnes his wife v. Geoffrey de Wykham parson
of Geddyng church in Falsham, Bradefeldsengler, Thorpmorieus,
Drenkeston, and Geddyngg
17 Richard le Bercher of Parva Thrillawe v. Hugh de Bosco of Weston
and Petronilla his wife in Thrillawe
18 William le Charpenter of Parva Bradelegh v. John le Cuper of
Berkhamstede and Cassandra his wife in Parva Bradelegh
19 Johnde Usk and Susannah his wife v. John Pavellun and Matilda his
wife in Clare
20 William son of Walter de Dicton v. Johanna who was wife of Walter
de Ditton in Meleford
21 John de Blomvill v. Godfrey de Hilton and Matilda his wife in
22 Stephen le Teynturer of Manycre v. Christian Fraunk of Ipswich and
Johanna his wife in Mistelegh
23 Hugh Nuiun and Julia his wife v. John Richeman of Stradebrok in
Fresingfeld and Stradebrok
24 William de Boulge, clerk v. William Warde of Brouneswalle and
Beatrice his wife in Boulge and Hasketon (Walter le Venour
app clam)


25 dementia daughter of William de Gyselham v. William de Ty vetshale
and dementia his wife in Gyselham
26 Hugh le Merk, parson of church of Burgh juxta Grundesburgh v.
Peter Gernegan and Maria his wife in Burgh juxta Grundesburgh

27 Walter Crane of Shadenefeld, chaplain and Ralph his brother v. Isolda

who was wife of Thomas le Mouner of Beccles, Ringgesfeld and
28 Gilbert son of Walter de Gaysele v. Robert de Pakenham of Mildenhale
and Johanna his wife in Gaysele
29 Petronilla de Kemesek v. James de Lamburne and Johanna his wife of
moiety of the manor of Polstede
30 William Bys of Brokford v. William Halfdevel and Margaret his wife
in Brokford
3 Edward II
1 Richard de Drengestone, parson of Skeghetone church and John his
brother Andrew le Moun and Johanna his wife v. Walter de Clare
parson of Uvesdene church in Drengestone, Tostok, and Hessete
2 Almaricus Grym and Agnes his wife v. William Grym of Watlesfeld in
Watlesfeld, Nethere Rykynghale and Walsham
3 Robert de Bures and James his brother v. Walter de Clare, John Bussh
of Magna Berdefeld and Alice his wife in Magna Waldingfeld
(Sampson son of Roger Grigori of Waldingfeud appoii clam)
4 Robert Douse of Sudbery v. Robert Spallard and Petronilla his wife
in Sudbery
5 Bartholomew de Castello and Alianora his wife v. William Haltebe of
Ipswich, in Thorp Muryeaux, Cokefeld and Prestone
6 Godfrey son of Hamo v. John Le Large and Agnes his wife in Magna
and Parva Saxham, Rysby, Flempton, Westle and town of St.
7 Robert de Ubbeston and Ismania his wife v. John de la Dale in
Stanhamantyngham, Stepel Cretyngge, Pethaghe, and Debenham
8 Robert son of Ralph son of Richard de Suthelmharn v. Ralph son of
Richard de Suthelmharn in Elmham, Wyssete, Flixton, Metingham
and Bungeye
9 Robert son of Robert Rose and Isabella his wife v. William Gerard of
Beccles in Beccles, Barsham, Ryngesfeld, Westone, Werlingham,

3 EDWARD II. 119

10 William Blauncpain and Alice his wife v. Richard Durant of Magna
Saxham in Barewe and Ouvesdene
11 Thomas son of John Hochard v. John Hochard of Thorp Moryeus and
Margaret his wife in Thorp Moryeus (William son of John Hochard
and William Gorham and Elen his wife and Agnes de Childeston
app clam)
12 William son of Geoffrey Clement of Stowmarket v. John de la Warde
and Margaret his wife in Ringesele
13 John Prichet and John son of John Slene of Hadleye v. William Capup
and Agnes his wife in Hadleye (Hugh de Semyngtone and Matilda
his wife and Clarice sister of Matilda appofi clani)
14 Hawysia who was wife of John de Evveuhey and John her son v.
James de Peyton in Aseton, Bures and Parva Cornerthe
15 Henry de Thurston v. Alice daughter of John Drury in Thurston,
Beketone, Drenkestone, Tostok, Norton and Pakenham
16 John son of William de le Heg of Bedingfeld v. William de le Hey of
Bedingfeld in Bedingfeld, Suthholte and Monekes saham
17 Geoffrey de St. Edmund's v. Hugh le Chapman of Wetyngge and
Matilda his wife in Brandon Ferie (Robert, Bishop of Ely app clam)
18 Walter le Cressener and Katherine his wife v. Richard de Stone and
Margaret his wife in Denham, Barwe, Gaysle, and Hegham juxta
19 John Butecurte and Matilda his wife v. William son of Walter de
Magna Bradeleye in Magna Bradeleye
20 Isabella who was wife of Thomas de Maydenhach and Johanna her
daughter v. Roger Cosyu and Johanna his wife in Bergholte
(Cristiana daughter of Julia Caperoun appon clam)
21 George de Nostede and Florence his wife and John and Hugh their
sons v. Adam Bacun of Merseye in Polstede, Boxford and Hadleye
22 Peter de Nerford v. Isabella la Dene and Nicholas their son in Stansfeld
23 Richard de Horseth v. Richard Petytru of Wytheresfeld in Wytheres-

feld and Thrillawe

24 John son of Robert de Stonham and Matilda his wife v. Thomas de
Ubbeston in Stonham Antegan, Mickelfeld and Assh
25 William Alston of Ixnyng and Margaret his wife v. Henry Alston of
Ixnyng in Ixnyng


26 John Cobald and Walter his brother v. Nicholas le Barkere and
Matilda his wife in Monks Sahara
27 Thomas de Grey and Alice his wife v Berardus vicar of Magna
Cornerth, church, of Kavendissh with appurtenances.
28 Thomas de Chiggewell and Elicia his wife and John their son v. Julia
de Bede in Cokefeld
29 Edmund son of Walkelin de Queye and Matilda his wife v. Edmund
atte Grene of Byseby in Byseby and Flemton
30 Boger de Hemenhale, chaplain v. Beginald de Wotton in Wortham
31 Thomas Carbunel and Elizabeth his wife v. Bichard Talemache and
Bobert de Aketon chaplain of two parts of the manor of Magna
Waldyngfeld in Neuton
32 Bichard son of Edmund le Plummer of Norwych chaplain v. John
atte Green of Wychingham, chaplain, in Fornham All Saints
33 Edmund de Bedyngfeld and Matilda his wife v. John of St. Neots
vicar of Bedyngfeld church, of the manor of Bedyngfeld
34 Thomas Fraunceys and Johanna his wife v. Simon son of Balph le
Hunt of Lavenham and John Fraunceys in Aketon
35 William de Wetheringsete and Johanna his wife v. William Jayot and
Johanna his wife of fourth part of the manor of Laxfeld with
36 William son of Balph de Watefeld v, Bichard son of William del Fen
of Bessheworth and Idonia his wife in Navelton
37 Bobert Swan and Alice his wife v. John Swan, parson of Wylebeghe

church in Saxmundham
38 Allan de Cretyng v. Margaret who was the wife of Thomas de Creting
in Cretingg
39 Thomas de Bavent and Alice his wife v. William de Wodeton and
Julia his wife in Chedestan and Wissete
40 Hugh de Naunton and Alianora his wife v. Bichard de Naunton in
Aldertone and Halleslee
41 Bichard Bussh and Thomas atte Watere v. Simon Bussh and Maria
his wife in Mendlesham
42 John de Bumburgh and Isabella his wife v. Michael de Kertlinge and
Matilda his wife in Mildenhale
43 Bobert de Holebeche and Juliana his wife v. Boland de Acre in Ottele
Clopton and Helmyngham

4 EDWARD II. 121

4 Edward II
1 Hervicus de Stanton v. Michael son of John de Stanton, chaplain, in
Stanton, Heppeworth and Bardwell
2 Thomas de Denham and Johanna his wife v. Peter Osbern of Tatyngton
in Kenton
3 John de Shardelowe and Agnes his wife v. Thomas de Ikworth in
Flemton and advowson of the church
4 Walter de Clopton v. Clement de Clopton in Chippeley and Poselingworth
5 William Edrich of Weybred v. Walter son of William Launce of
Fresyngfeld and Johanna his wife in Weybrede
6 Walter de Westhale and Agnes his wife v. William Swyllard and
Johanna his wife in Whytenton, Cleydon, Bergham and Blakenham
on water
7 Valentine Honypot of Stradebrok v. Thomas de Neweburn in Stradebrok

8 Henry of Ipswich v. Robert de Apelton of Combes in Combes

9 Richard de Alneto of Parva Saxham and Cristiana his wife v. Edmund
de Hemegrave in Parva Saxham
10 Margaret daughter of Ralph de Blaunchevill v. Ralph de Blaunchevill
in Asshe juxta Hemmyngestou
11 Alexander de Hechham v. Anselinus de Wangford and Johanna his
wife in Mildenhale
12 Reginald son of Jordan de Wytheresfeld and Alice his wife v. Robert
de Waldyngfeld, chaplain, in Wytheresfeld, Magna Trillawe, and
Magna Wrattyngge
13 Roger Kempe and Alice his wife v. Adam Love of Westhale in
Ubbeston, Laxefeld and Huntingfeld
14 Geoffrey le Quilter v. Roger le Quilter in Brend Illeye
15 Nicholas de Prato of Hopton and Beatrice his wife v. Thomas lop of
Redgrave, chaplain, in Hopton and Thelnetham
16 William de Crakeford and Cristiana his wife v. John de Stradebrok
parson of Akenham church, in Cleydon, Magna Blakenham and
17 Roger de Lopham and Agnes his wife v. Nicholas de Shotford in
Wulferston, Frestou and Holebrok and advowson of Wolferston


18 Hugh son of John v. Adam son of Hugh son of John in Over
Rykinghale, Parva Rykynghale, Botulfesdale, and Eedgrave
19 Robert de Bures and Hillaria his wife v. John Dyn in Magna and
Parva Waldyngfeld, Meldyng, Meleford, Aketon, and Sudbury
20 Michael de Ponyngg and Margaret his wife v. Thomas de Ponyngg
of the manors of Wrantham and Smalebregg with appurtcs.
21 Lawrence de Flete v. Adam del Auny and Philip del Auney and Ada
his wife in Hertherst, Lausell, and Brokele
22 John de Wendon and Lucia his wife v. Walter son of William of

Magna Bures in Magna Bures

23 Roger atte More and Agnes his wife v. William de Boxstede in
24 Walter de Clopton v. Clement de Clopton in Wykhambrook
25 Simon de la Flete of Cicestre v. Henry atte Snape and Alice his wife
in Cicestr (sic)
26 William de Bovill and Johanna his wife v. John de Catfeld and
William de Reppes of the manor of Letheryngham
27 Walter de Westhale and Agnes his wife v. Richard Picstan and Agatha
his wife in Westerfeld
28 John son of Henry le Porter v. Robert of Ouer Eei in Frekenham
29 Adam de Vans and John de Spekteshale v. Richard Shymmyng and
Amabilla his wife in Cheddestane and Wysete
30 Peter Rolf of Suthholt v. Bartholomew le Neweman of Rollesby and
Edelina his wife in Suthholt
31 Henry de Gyselham, parson of Wyrling worth church v. Ralph de
Gyselham and Johanna his wife in Wylingham and Elgh
32 Walter son of John le Sekersteyn v. Robert le Bargh and Katherine
his wife in Edwardeston
33 Thomas de Denham and Johanna his wife and Nicholas their son v.
Peter Osbern of Tatyngton in Eye
34 John Harneys and Alice his wife v. Ralph de Bockynge in Oodenham
35 Stephen de Haukedone and Alice his wife v. Robert Pecche and Agnes
his wife in Rougham and Berton jtixta St. Edmunds
36 Robert le Whyte of Tatingston and Agnes his wife v. Stephen de
Braunford of Wenham in Tatingston
37 John son of Robert Payn of Hardhull de Sudbury v. John in The
Lane de Hadleye and Margaret his wife in Sudbury

4 EDWARD II. 123

38 Peter de Lungeley and Alice his wife v. Thomas de la Chambre de

Stok in Stoke and Polstede (John, parson of Polstede church appofl
39 John Pamfiloun of Thakstede v. Adam de Romely of Witlesford and
Agnes his wife in Haverhell
40 Thomas de Gerardevill and Alice his wife v. Simon de Heyford of the
manor of Wodehalle with appurtces. (William de Henleye and
Felicia his wife appofl clani)
41 Egidius de Wachesham v. Gerard de Wachesham of the manor of
Thury . . . n
42 Semannus Baroun v. John Mordefreyt and Rose his wife in Eye
43 Hugh de Naunton v. Richard son of Hugh de Gosebek in Assh juxta
44 Geoffrey Pecche and Amicia his wife v. Roger de Langhall in Stowe
45 Walter de Middelton v. Adam de Rosshebrok and Cecilia his wife in
46 Walter de Norwich v. William son of Ralph le Blund of Saxlingham
in Herringesworth and Tudenham
47 William la Zuche v. Robert de Bures and James de Bures of the
advowson of Wykhambrok church
48 William Sorel of Clare and Isabella his daughter v. John de Stystede
and Sarah his wife in Clare
49 Roger parson of Melles church v. Nicholas de Fayrford and Margaret
his wife in Eye, Thrandeston, Jakesle, Bresevvorthe, Ocolte, Benyngham, and Denham
50 Thomas Le Chasteleyn and Rose his wife v. James de Peyton in Magna
and Parva Waldyngfeld, Aketon, and Edwardeston
51 John Beneyt, senior of Monks Saham v. Agatha Fydion in Monks
Sahani, Debenham, and Keneton
52 Thomas Underwode v. Thomas, vicar of church of Magna Trillawe in

Wrattynge, Bernardeston, and Trillawe

53 John de Sandale clerk v. Roger de New Market, of the manor of
Kedynton with appurtcs. and advowson of church
5 Edward II
1 Robert Fyn of Netlistede and Johanna and Robert Tayllur
in ... . yllham, Blakenham, Bromford, and Wylasham


2 John de Whelnitham and Alice his wife v. Geoffrey de Ketlesberston
and Nicholas de Whelnitham of the manor of Alfeton
3 William son of John le Poer of Aspahale and Alice daughter of
Thomas de Bogenill v. Ralph Leyre of Redlingfeld chaplain, in
Asphale, Debenham, Thomdon, Ryshangeles, and Bedyngfeld
4 Alexander de Hecham, Gilbert de Neketon and Margaret his wife v.
Reynerus de la More, chaplain, in Mildenhale
5 Lora who was wife of Robert de Belsted and Thomas son of Robert
son of William de Reydone juxta Shelleye v. Robert de Reydon in
Reydone and Leyham
6 John de Stratford and Johanna his wife v. William parson of Reydon
church in Stratford and Capelle
7 Richard de Framesdene v. Roger le Parker of Kenynghale and Isabella
his wife in Berkyngg
8 John Wynter of Orford v. Robert de Hegham in Suthburn and Orford
9 Bartholomew le Ken of Stanefeld v, Lucas de Debenham, chaplain, in
10 Walter de Bradestede and Juliana his wife ^.-Alexander de Chebeuhale
in B'resingfeld
1 1 John Fraunceys of Beccles and Alice his wife v. Richerus le Doo de
Attelbregge and Cecilia his wife in Shaduefeud, Sotsrle, Brampton,
Stovene and Willingham
12 Hugh Houel v. William de Pensthorp of Westhorp and Sarah his
wife in Westhorp

13 John de Hoo of Laxfeld and Johanna his wife v. John son of John de
Hoo of Ocle in Oclee, Stuston, Thrandeston Belgrave, Eye and
Denham and advowson of St. Nicholas church in Ocle and All
Saints church in Stuston (Adam le Long of Gislingham and
Bartholomew de Stuston appofi clain)
14 William Tastard of Craneford v. Roger Muschun of Rendham and
Johanna his wife in Rendham
15 Richard de Wymbissh and Johanna his wife v. Thomas de Furneus
and Alice his wife in Cauendissh
16 John son of William Le Graunt of Multou v. Geoffrey Bakou and
Margaret his wife in Multon and Kenteford
17 John de Catefeld and Saerus parson of Stutton church v. Richard de
Amundevill and Elizabeth his wife of the manor of Okenhill

5 EDWARD II. 125

18 Ralph de Clopton and Margaret his wife v. Walter de Eyderne and
Gilbert de Lydgate in Denardiston, Stansfeld, and Coulinge
19 Brian de Pos ling worth and Basilia his wife v. Thomas le Rybbere of
Thurstanston and Johanna his wife in Poslyngworth
20 Margaret de Wylghby and John her son v. John de Sandale of the
manor of Kedyngton and advowson of the church
21 Robert son of Christian de Wynneferthing and Petronilla his wife v.
William de Caldebek and Rose his wife and John son of Alexander
le Ken of Burston in Wortham and Burgate
22 John de Whelnitham and Alice his wife v. Geoffrey de Ketelberston,
chaplain, and Nicholas de Whelnitham of two parts of the manor
of Magna Whelnitham (Robert de Whelnytham and Nicholas his
brother appofi clani)
23 Roger son of Julia Mannyng of Chedestan v. Julia Mannyng of
Chedestan in Chedestan
24 Thomas Avelyn of Hoxne and Camilla his wife v. William son of John
de Cranle in Hoxne
25 John le Heyward de Wytheresfeld v. Lawrence Pycot of Bradeleye

and Margaret his wife in Wytheresfeld

26 Robert son of Ralph de Dunton of Meleforde v. William le Webbe of
Schotesham and Matilda his wife in Meleforde
27 Nicholas de Fayrford and Margaret his wife v. Roger, parson of Melles
church, in Eye, Thrandeston, Yakesle, Breseworth, Ocotte, Benyngham and Denham
28 Adam son of William le Long v. Richard Mariot and Margaret his
wife in T.hurston
29 Robert de Saudcroft and Johanna his wife v. John, parson of
Sandcroft church, and John de Redenhale of part of the manors of
Sandcroft and Flixton
30 Roger de Ludham v. William de Thordale and Margaret his wife in
31 Robert de Wyrlingworth v. William son of Robert de Bosco in
Wyrling worth and Alington
32 Roger Muschon and Johanna his wife v. William de Okie in Rendham
33 Richard de Wymbissh and Johanna his wife v. Egidius Rynel and
Egidius his son in Cavendissh


34 Hervicus de Stanton v. Adam parson of church of St. James in
Ikelingham in Ikelingham
35 Thomas de Wytnesham and Alice his wife v. William de Wynesham
in Wytenesham, Tudeuham, Culpho, Grundesburgh, Swynlond,
Henleye, Ipswich, Boxtede, Hertherst, Somerton, Hauekedon,
Kauendisshe, and Gleymesford
36 Robert de Bures and Hillaria his wife v. Roger de Hodebouill of the
manor of Aketon (Alice daughter of John de Hodebouill and Hugh
de Hodebouill appofi clam)
37 William de Hanyngfeld and Alice his wife v. Thomas de Coulyng,
chaplain in Lausele and Stanefeld
38 Walter de Norwich v. John son of Adam de Walpol of Shipmedwe,
in Shipmedwe, Weston, Beccles, Barsham, Metingham, and Ilketeshal

39 Hugh Talemach and Katherine his wife, and John their son v. William
le Gros, clerk, of the manor of Beneteleye
40 Walter son of Alan de Gislingham, clerk and William his brother and
Gerard son of Egidius de Wachesham, of the manor of Swyftling
41 William Visdeleu and Rose his wife v. Reginald son of Walter de
Pauely and Alice his wife, of the manor of Stutton
42 Roger son of Adam le Fevre of Bodefeld v. Adam le Fevre of Bodefeld in Bodefeld, Tatyngton, and Monks Saham
43 Robert Warmeton, chaplain v. John Spice of Redenhall and Agatha
his wife in Wytheresdale
6 Edward II
1 William son of Adam Olygraunt v. Geoffrey de Stouene in Stovene
2 Magister Thomas Flemeug v. John Beaufou and Elizabeth his wife in
3 John de Sandale, clerk v. Stephen Underwode of Bernardeston in
Hunedene, Bernardeston, Magna Wrottyng, Kedyngton aad Trillowe
4 Egidius de Wachesham and Amicia his wife v. Robert Russel in
Wachesham, Hecham and Bildeston
5 Richard de Wymbisshe and Johanna his wife v. Roger le Botiller and
Margaret his wife in Cauenedissh
6 William son of William de Pakenham and Johanna his wife v. Fulcon
de Barroun and Katherine his wife in Copedok and Capele (John
son of Robert le Haruny appon clam)

. , 6 EDWARD II. 127

7 Thomas son of Henry le Fevre of Neylond and Agnes his wife v.
Adam son of Thomas de Franesham, vicar of the church of Wysyngton and Henry de Neylond, chaplain, in Stokeueylond
8 Paganus Tybotot and Agnes his wife v. Roger de Wortham parson of
Arkeseye church and John Lucas, parson of Netlestede church, of
the manor of Carlecote in Braunford, Westhey, Wylagesham,
Beylham, Magna and Parva Blakenham, Wytenton, Burstalle,
Itoubrok, Floketon, Westerfeld, Akenham, Henleye, Cleydon,

Batesford, Codenham, Oteleye, Cretynge, Ipswich, and Thurleston

(Robert de Reydon appoii clam)
9 Thomas Gernoun and Cecilia his wife v. William Gernoun of Thornham
Pilecok in Thornham Pilecok, Stoke, Gyselingham, Wynereston,
Briseworth and Jakele
10 Martinus Love of Westhale and Adam his brother v. William de
Wymundhale and Alice his wife, in Brampton
11 Roger de Heueningham and Alice daughter of John de La Welde of
Lanfare v. William de Wicham parson of church of Goldhangre
in Heveningham
12 Walter de Norwich v. Thomas de Swathyng and Margaret his wife in
Bromfeld, Walpol, Sybeton, Wenhaston, Blyford, and Thuritou
13 John Bacun, clerk v. Hamo de Miklefeld in Miklefeld, Stanham
Gernaga, Stanham Antegayn, and Bliburgh
14 Adam sou of Richard le Clerk of Sudbury v. William son of Richard
le Clerk of Sudbury and Cecilia his wife, in Sudbury
15 Isabella daughter of William Bastard and William her sou v. Gilbert
de Blofeld and Agnes his wife in Lakynghethe
16 Thomas de Walpol of Brokeleye and Amicia his wife v. John son of
Hugh de Morieus in Brockeleye, Wepstede, Ewelnetham and Lausele
(Simon de Walpol, brother and heir of Thomas de Walpol appoii
17 William de Cleydon and Alianor his wife v. Simeon de Deseburgh
parson of Briton church, of the manor of Farnham
18 John de Sandale v. Stephen de Haukedon and Alice his wife in
Beruardeston and Magna Wrotyng
19 John de Meleford, parson of Buckeslowe church and William de
Symplyngford v. William son of Baldwin de Stoke and Johanna his
wife in Stoke atte neylond


20 Robert Leffled and Cristiana his wife v. Richard de Overton chaplain
in Thorp Murieus

21 Robert de Reueshale v. Adam Spikenhale and Amy his wife, in Sudbury

22 John son of John de Buresyerd and Elizabeth his wife v. Hervicus
son of Roger de Welyngton of the manor of Buresyerd
23 Huo-h Wynk of Framelingham and Julia his wife v. William Wynk
of Framelyngham in Framelyngham
24 Beatrice daughter of Margaret le Rede v. Walter le Rede of Wyverston
and Margaret his wife in Wyverston
25 Robert son of Walter de Glemesford and Walter his son and Johanna
wife of Walter v. William son of Thomas son of William of Glemesford in Glemesford and Cavendissh
26 Isabella de Prato v. Robert de Dalyngeho, in Dalyngeho
27 William son of Henry le Smith of Dynyeton v. John Cristenesone and
Avelina his wife in Dynyeton
28 William de Maldon. and Thomas his brother v. Robert de Kirkele of
Sudbury, in Cornerthe
29 Johanna Usele of Metingham and Richard his son v. Thomas de
Elingham, clerk, in Metingham and Shypmedwe
30 Robert the Palmere of Ryndham and Matilda his wife v. Richard
Philip in Ryndham and Saxmundham (Mathew de Rendham appofi
31 Andrew le Forester and Rose his wife v. Richard de Walsham and
Felicia his wife, in Illeye Moygnes and Leleseie
32 John de Sandale v. Alexander son of Walter de Bernardeston in
Beruardeston and advowson of church
33 Richard de Weylaund and Johanna his wife v. Alexander de Saxmundham parson of Chyselford church, and Peter de Grymmeston,
chaplain, of the manors of Blaxhale, Wantisdene, Middelton and
Cokefeld in Witnesham
34 William Kempe v. John Kempe in Elgh and Wylyngham
35 Sciencia who was wife of Nicholas de Bradelegh v. John Talmache and
Margaret his wife, Anselmus Talmache and Emma his wife and
Peter de Bradefeld and Agnes his wife in Berton juxta St. Edmunds
and Fornham St. Martins

36 John son of John le Bercher Junior, v. John le Bercher in Magna and

Parva Bradeleye and Parva Thrillawe

7 EDWARD II. 129

37 George son of Thomas de feld v. John Talmache and Margaret
his wife, Anselmus Talmache and Emma his wife and Peter de
Bradefeld and Agnes his wife in Tymworth and Ampton
38 William de Creppynge and Beatrice his wife v. Saerus Suyllard parson
of Rendlesham church and William de Culpho, parson of Stutton
in Stutton
39 Robert Seburgh of Chevynton v. Magister Peter de Fornham All
Saints in Chevynton
7 Edward II
1 Ralph de Cressy and Roger de Cressy v. Robert de Aspale and Alice
his wife in Mildenhale
2 Thomas son of John del Mersh v. John del Mersh of Thrandeston in
Thrandeston, Melles, Burgate and Wortham
3 Benedict de Lacford v. John son of John de Lincoln in Rugham and
Berton juxta St. Edmunds
4 William de Chiltone of Sudbury and Margaret his wife v. Geoffrey
Gauge of Sudbury and Sarah his wife in Sudbury
5 Gilbert Pecche v. Gilbert son of John Pecche of three knights fees and
appurtenances in Belingges, Grundesburgh and Falsham
6 Richard Aylith of Brethenham v. Ralph Skarp of Shenlonde and
Alice his wife in Brethenham
7 Richard de Wyngefeld v. William de Bovill of the manor of Dynyeton
with appurtces and advowson of the church
8 Peter de la Ty and Margaret his wife, and William Tastard of
Cranesford and Margaret his wife v. Richard de Ikene, parson of
the church of Westerfeld in Braunford
9 Geoffrey de Corton v. John de Corton and Thomas his brother, of the
manor of Corton with appurtces and advowson of the church

10 William de Bovill v. John de Catefeld and Adam his brother of the

manor of Thorp with apputces.
11 Thomas Wyot and Cecilia his wife v. Johanna daughter of Alexander
Lagheman of Ipswich in Parva Belstede and Sprowton
12 William le Parker of Ixnyng and Dionisia his wife v. Adam Wulrich
of Ixnyng in Ixnyng
13 Robert de Bures and Hillaria his wife v. Hugh Talemache in Aketone
14 Edmund son of Edmund de Burnedissh v. Robert Broun of Burnedissh
and Margaret his wife in Burnedissh 9


15 John Wynk of Framelyngham v. Nicholas Oslak and Agnes his wife
in Framelingham
16 Kichard de Weylaund v. Hubert le.(sic) Bavent and Dionisia his wife of
the manor of Carleton Colevill with appurtces (Geoffrey de Colevill
and Alice daughter of John de Bursyerd and Edmund de
Hemegrave app clam)
17 Simon de Walpol v. William son of Thomas Giffard and Amicia his
wife, in Brockeleye, Wepstede, Qwelnetham and Lausele
18 Gilbert de Wogham, parson of Benacre church v. Athelburt de Ipswich,
chaplain and Geoffrey Bacun of Westhale in Benacre and advowson
of the church (Simon de Perpount appofi clani)
19 John son of Alexander de Ryndham v. John le Blind of Eston juxta
Letheryngham and Margaret his wife, in Ryndham and Carleton
juxta Sexmundham
20 William de Bello Campo and Johanna his wife v. William de Wengrave
of the manors of Multon and Waldingfeld
21 John de Belstede and Isabella his wife and John de Bircheye and
Johanna his wife v. William de Belstede, parson of Sprouton church,
in Magna Bilstede, Chatesham, Coppedok, Codenham, and Sprouton
22 Bartholomew Fraunceys and Agnes his wife v. John Fraunceys and
Alice his wife in Beccles, Weston Bargham, Elgh and Werlingham
23 Robert de Monte Alto and Emma his wife v. Adam de Osgodeby of

the manor of Framesden with appurtces

24 John de Hoo of Laxfeld v. Robert Osbern of Tatyngton and Isabella
his wife in Laxfeld
25 Robert son of Robert de Sandcroft and Johanna his wife, v. Walter
de Monte Acuto of London le Pestur and Johanna his wife, of a
mill and appurtces in Suthelmham
26 John son of Edmund de Hemegrave and Avicia his wife v. Edmund
de Hemegrave in Westlee, Fornham, Flempton and Parva Saxham
27 Roger de Gynney and Margaret his wife v. John le Moigne of Garboldesham and Alice his wife of the manor of Westowe with
appurtces, at Culford
28 William Cokerel and Cecilia his wife v. Johanna Prychet of Horton
and John Lumbard in Hadleigh

7 EDWARD II. 131

29 Cecilia who was wife of William Talemaohe v. Thomas parson of the
church of Somerton and Roger parson of Hausted church in
Hausted, Brockeleye, Somerton and Hertherst (Richard Talmache
app clam)
30 Katherine who was wife of Roger son of Peter fitz Oubern (sic) v.
Magister Henry de Clavering of the manor of Freton with
appurtces aud advowson of the church
31 Richard de Heye v. Robert de Cornerth and Matilda his wife in Sudbury
32 Hugh de Moryeus and John his son v. Edmund Pecche and Margaret
his wife, of the manor of Falsham with appurtces and advowson
of the church (Gilbert son of John Pecche app clam)
33 John de Bircheye and Johanna his wife v. William de Stowhalle,
parson of Parva Blakenham church in Magna Belstede, Wenham
and Chatesham
34 John son of Geoffrey le Cuper of Thorp v. Alexander de la Venelle of
Sudbury and Beatrice his wife in Sudbury
35 William de Bovill v. John de Catefeld and Adam his brother of the
manor of Boulges with appurtces and advowson of the church

36 Thomas de Grey and Alice his wife v. Thomas de Assh in Cavenedish

37 Reginald Daghe, chaplain and Nicholas son of Basilius de Brokford v.
Roger son of Thomas son of John de Broun in Ocle, Brom, and Eye
38 Warinus de Typelond and Mabel his wife v. Johanna daughter of
Alexander Lagheman of Ipswich in Belstede and Sprouton
39 William Haugrym of Hemyngeston, chaplain v. Robert de Bulewalle in
Hemyngeston and Bergham (John son of Geoffrey Haugrym of
Hemyngeston app clam)
40 Robert de Alethrop and Alice his wife v. Robert de Brochole and
Johanna his wife in Honedon
41 John son of William de Brampton v. Thomas son of John de
Brampton in Weybrede
42 John atte Place of Sudbyry and Cassandra his wife v. John son of
Walter le Marchaunt of Sudbyry and Amicia his wife in Sudbyry
43 John de Swyneford and Agnes his wife v. Peter de Burgate in Burgate,
Melles, Wortham, Palegrave, Redgrave, and Thrandeston and
advowson of Burgate church


8 Edward II
1 Margaret de Wyleby and Thomas her son v. William de Hauchach
and Alice his wife in Wrotyng and Bernardeston
2 Peter Gernegan and Elen his wife v. Theobald de Leyston of the
manor of Stonham Gernegan with appurtces
3 Edmund de Pakenham and Rose his wife v. John Neumarche
chaplain in Pakenham, Thurston, Roucham and Berton
4 Henry son of Walter Pope v. Gertrude who was wife of Walter Pope
in Suthholt
5 William Dunch v. Philip de Rudham and Ida his wife in Bungeye
(Ralph son of James Dunch app claffi)
6 John de Ingham v. William le Bucteler (sic), chaplain in Ameton, Parva

Livermere, Tymworth and Fornham St. Genoveve

7 Richard Bene and Katherine his wife v. William Wygge and Alice his
wife in Stoke juxta Clare
8 William Kerne and Matilda his wife v. Thomas de Berdewell in
Honeweton, Sapeston and Thorp juxta Ixworth
9 Roger le Deneys and Johanna his wife v. William de Gorton and
Ralph de Bockyng in Codenham
10 Osbertus de Aldham and Florence de Mannegrene v. John son of
Osbertus de Aldham in Navylton, Semere and Whatefeld (Laurence
son of Nicholas de Semere app claffi)
1 1 Thomas le Teynturer de la Neylond and Robert his son v. Henry le
Cok de la Neylond and Matilda his wife in la Neylond
12 William Brocyn of Frekenham and Beatrice his wife v. Walter le Clare,
parson of Ounesdene church and Robert de Asshefeld chaplain in
Frekenham and Wrydelington
13 Roger de Reydon and Ralph de Reydon v. Robert de Reydon, of the
manor of Leyharn with appurtces
14 Simon Cok of Sudbery v. Adam de Spykenhale of Sudbery and
Amicia his wife in Sudbery
15 Margaret de Wyleby and Thomas her son v. John son of Philip of
Magna Trillawe and Sibilla his wife in Magna Wrottyngge
16 William de Claydon and John his brother v. Robert de Kirtlington
in Orford, Sudburn, and Gategraue
17 Hugh Essul of Haleworth v. Roger Fox of Bulecampe and Agnes his
wife in Hoi ton

8 EDWARD II. 133

18 William de Wachesham and Robert le Carter, chaplain v. Peter de
Burgate, of the manor of B . . . with appurtoes
19 Roger de Wyngefeld, chaplain v. Robert Pryk, parson of Wytheresdale church in Mendham and Wytheresdale

20 Roger Tyville of Wherstede v. William le Clerk and Juliana his wife

in Wherstede
21 Matilda who was wife of Thomas Giffard v. John de Meleford of
Ipswich iu Leyham and Shelleghe
22 John de Playford and Sibilla his wife v. Saerus Soiliard and William
de Culphoo, parson of Stutton church of three parts of the manor
of Playford with appurtces
23 Nicholas de Cokefeld and Sarah his wife v. Adam de Waldyngfeld in
24 Gilbert le Mareschal of Gaysle v. Andrew son of Geoffrey de Multon
and Margaret his wife in Gaysle
25 William son of Richard Haltebe of Ipswich and Edmund son of
William v. John son of Richard Haltebe in Sprouton, Burgate,
Redgraue and Ouere rikynghale
26 Hugh Houel and Agnes his wife v. Robert de Todenham of the manor
of Istede
27 William de Bovill and Johanna his wife v. William de Reppes and
John de Catfeld of the manor of Letheringham with appurtces
(Thomas son of Thomas Latimer appon clam)
28 Walter de Norwich v. John Peverel and Isabella his wife in Bromfeld,
Walpol, Wenhaston, Capele and Parva Wenham
29 Geoffrey son of Alan Boydyn of Meleford v. Johanna who was wife of
Thomas Everard in Stratesele and Wykhambrok
30 William Giffard and Amicia his wife v. John de Waleys, chaplain in
Stokeneylond and Shelleye
31 Wolveva Dukat and Alice Dukat v. William Dukat in Wykham and
32 John de Waldingfeld and Johanna his wife and Robert their son v.
Roger de Reymes and Rose his wife in Parva Wenham and Brente
33 John de Cragmanvill and Emma his wife v. Benedict de Haustede
clerk and Thomas Gyle in Fornham All Saints, Magna. and Parva
Hemyngeserthe, Haustede, Neuton and Westle


34 John of the Bregge of Laxfeld and Emma his wife v. Robert Osbern
of Tatyngton and Isabella his wife of fourth part of the manor of
35 John son of John . . . v. Sarah who was wife of John de St. Edmunds
of Sudbery in Sudbery, Magna and Parva Cornerth, Meleford and
Chilton juxta Sudbery
36 John de Cramavyll and Emma his wife v. Benedict de Haustede,
clerk, and Thomas Gyle of Saxham in Hanstede, Whelnetham,
Magna Stanefeld, Lausele and Whepstede
37 Thomas de Loveyn and Johanna his wife v. Mathew parson of
Drenkeston church and Richard of Dunmowe parson of Parya
Erstangg church of the manors of Drenkeston, Fallsham and
38 William son of Richard Haltebe of Ipswich v. John Le Mey and
Matilda his wife in Burgate
9 Edward II
1 William de Neketon and Margaret his wife v. Robert Le Palmere
chaplain in Heppeworthe
2 Beatrice de Chalfhagh of v. John son of William le Clerk of
Elmeswelle and Agnes his wife in Resshebrok
3 dementia de Byskele v. Nicholas de Olton clerk in Gyselham and
4 George son of Thomas de Bradefeld v. Richard de Hecham in Fornham
St. Martin, Fornham St. Genovephe, Fornham All Saints and Berton
juxta St. Edmunds
5 John son of Henry de Erinstede v. Stephen de Saxham in Cheventon
and Chelsbery
6 Hamo de Mikelfeld and Matilda his wife v. John . . . clerk in Mikelfeld,
Stanham Antegayn and Stanham Gernegayn
7 Henry de Wetheryngsete, chaplain v. Thomas de Verlay and Johanna
his wife in Sternefeld and Saxmundham

8 Adam le Lung of Gislingham and Elizabeth his wife v. Roger de

Brom parson of Stouston church, in Gislingham, Thornham, Pilecok,
Melles and Burgate (Geoffrey de Bosco of Cranle app clam)
9 Edward Charles and Alice his wife v Thomas de Elingham and
William de Ingelose of the manor of Ketlebergh with appurtces
and advowson of churches of Ketleburerh and Eston

9 EDWARD II. 135

10 Nigellus Tebaud and Sarah his wife v. Thomas Denyel of Sudbery
and Matilda his wife in Meleford
1 1 Walter de Clopton v. Clement de Clopton in Wykhambrok, Denardeston, Stanesfeld and Stratesele
12 Bartholomew Davillers and Johanna his wife v. John Murieus of the
manor of Erwarton with appurtces and advowson of church
13 Walter de Clopton and John his son v. Geoffrey de Caldebek and
Alice his wife in Coulinge
14 Robert de Abethorp and Alice his wife v. Reginald de Missomer nortou
and Senicla his wife in Gaisle
15 John de Luton and Margaret his wife v. John son of Geoffrey son of
Alan de Meleford and Matilda his wife in Meleford
16 John de Capelis and Agnes his wife v. William Romy of Haverhill in
17 John Sorel, William Shire, William Duraunt, Gilbert le Mareschal,
William Thurston, Ralph Fretherik and Gilbert Disce v. Robert de
Brokhole and Johanna his wife in Honeden
18 Robert de Alethorp and Alice his wife v. Geoffrey de Norton chaplain
in Gaisle
19 John de Lampet and Beatrice his wife v. William de Lampet in
Helmyngham. Martlesham and Waldyngfeld
20 Roger de Ryeboef, senior and Eva his wife v. Peter de Glemham in
Parva Glemham
21 Egidius de Wachesham v. Gerard de Wachesham of the manor of

Thuriton with appurtces

22 Nicholas son of William Blaunkpayn v. Roger Lovecok and Cristina
his wife in Meleford
23 Henry de Dutou v. Henry son of Peter de Burgh and Johanna his
wife in Parva Thrillowe
24 Edmund Wymark v. Ralph Broun of Ryveshale and Matilda his wife
in Burnedissh
25 William de Weylond and Elizabeth his wife v. Lawrence de Rustiton
of the manor of Brandiston with appurtces (Richard son of John
de Weylond app clam)
26 Roger de Grotene of Sudbery and Avicia his wife v. John Garlauud
and Alice his wife in Sudbery


27 Adam le Romeyn v. William le Romeyn of Palgrave, chaplain in
Palgrave and Wortham juxta Palgrave
28 William Judyben (or Indyben) and Petronilla his wife and Richard
de Weylaund v. Richard Judyben chaplain in Glemham and Stratford
29 Egidius parson of Depedene church and Walter son of William de
Wauncy v, William de Wauncy of the manor of Depedene
30 Roger de Reydon v. Robert Maukel of Hyntelsham in Hyntelsham,
Reydon, Shatesham, Floketon, and Hadleye
31 Walter Testepyn of Hyntlesham v. John son of Richard Haltebe of
Ipswich in Hyntelsham
32 Thomas de Weston of Ipswich v. Roger le Taillur of Thrillowe and
Johanna his wife in Magna Thrillowe and Parva Thrillowe
33 John son of John Ekenhill of Badyngham v. Geoffrey de Castre,
clerk, in Badyngham and Cranesford *
34 Guido Ferre v. John Bacun, clerk, and Adam Bacun of the manor of
Ilketelishale with appurtces

35 John Page and Alice his wife v. Robert Clereb'ek in Aketon, Magna
Waldyngfeld and Wyppeney
36 Robert Cokerel v. Adam de Ponte of Laxfeld in Buxhale (Robert and
Thomas sons of Guido Cokerel appofi clani)
37 Robert de Reydon v. Amicia who was wife of John Tastard in Freston,
Whersted, and Holebrok
38 Ralph de Lungeleye v. Geoffrey attefen of Edwardiston and Idonia
his wife in Edwardiston
39 Richard de Cranesford v. Thomas de Verlay and Johanna- his wife in
40 Robert le Parker and Cristiana his wife v. John Lyoun of Sudbery
and Cristiana his wife in Sudbery
41 Alexander de Chepenhale cf Fresingfeld v. Robert Parliman of Playford
and Margaret his wife in Eye, Briseworth and Denham
42 Mathew de Suthheth of Heringewell v. Alexander de Chellesworth
and Leuena his wife in Mildenhale
43 Robert de Reydon v. Roger de Reymys in Reydon
10 Edward II
1 Hugh Elyot of Colkirke and John le Warde of Melton v. Roger Page
of Rynggesele and Agnes his wife, in Resshemere

10 EDWARD II. 137

2 Robert de Ingelose and Johanna his wife v. Alice daughter of William
de Birohhey in Magna Belstede, Wenham and Chatisham
3 John Colyn of Multon v. William Hamund of Kenteford and Alice
his wife in Kenteford juxta Multon
4 William Visdeleu and Rose his wife v. John de Sheltori in Stutton
and Tatyngeston
5 Thomas son of Richard de Cokefeld v. Henry son of Simon de
Cokefeld, of the advowson of Wliatefeld church
6 Go^efre^e"BSBttrfaftr%id Mariota his wife v. Thomas Short, chaplain

in Wantisdene, Tonestall, Cheselford, Rendlesham and Eyk

7 Richard Sampson of Ryngefeld v. Walter son of Richard Sampson of
Ryngefeld in Ryngefeld juxta Bekeles
8 William de Horkesleye v. John Buttercurte and Matilda his wife of
the manor of Wyston with appurtces
9 Simon le Hunte and Isabella his wife v. Thomas de la Chambre in
Cavendish (Adam de Trehaunton appofi clam)
10 Thomas Penyale of Estburne-w. William de Becheleye and Constance
his wife, in . . . stburne
11 William de Cryketot v. Albricus de Wykes in Magna and Parva
Asshefeld and Wetherdene
12 Benedict le Warner v. John de Bitericheseye and Egidia his wife in
13 John de Ingham v. Simon de Walpol in Brockeleye, Wepstede, Magna
Welnetham and Lausele
14 John de la Dale v. Robert de Ubbeston, of part of the manor of Ubbeston
15 Roger son of Stephen le Archer and Agnes daughter of William le Ros
v. William le Ros and Cecilia his wife in Bergholt, Holton, Stratford and Wenham
16 Walter de Norwich v. John de Babbingle and Alice his wife in
Metingham and Shipmedwe
17 Richard Galun of Sudbery v. Henry Prentiz of Sudbery and Alice hi$
wife in Sudbery
18 Mathew del Auney of Leyham v. Richard Garlebred of Hadleye and
Nicholas Futh, chaplain in Leyham
19 Thomas son of Eustace and Avicia his wife v. Richard de Thorp
chaplain, of the manors of Halstede juxta St. Edmunds and
Codenham juxta Boxford


20 William Cokerel of Hadlegh and Cecilia his wife v. Gilbert de Dedham

and Margareta n ' s w 'f e m Hecham and Finebergh and custody of

the JJishop of Elys Wood at Hecham
21 Benedict son of William de Braham and Margaret his wife v. William
de Braham and Amflesia his wife in Capel
22 William de Braham and Amflesia his wife v. Henry de Suthflet and
Nicholas de Hoo, of the manor of Braham with appurtces
23 Ralph de Bockyngge and Matilda his wife v. John Michel and
Margaret his wife in Falsham and Geddyngge
24 Ralph de Bockyngg and Matilda his wife v. Thomas son of Nicholas
de Falsham in Falsham and Geddyngge (John Michel and Margaret
his wife appofl clam)
25 Benedict de Stanstede of Sudbrey and Isabella his wife v. John
Inthelane of Hadlege and Margaret his wife in Sudbery
26 Richard de Riskele and Alice his wife v. Henry de Pesenhale, chaplain
in Henham, Fostendon, Northal and Uggechale
27 John of the Temple of Clare and Katherin daughter of Henry Chaure
of Clare v. Nicholas son of William Attecote and Agnes his wife
in Clare
28 William de Lanes of Feleby v. Richard del Strete of Bungeye and
Margaret his wife in Bungeye
29 Gilbert de Bek and Isabella his wife v. Alice daughter of Hugh de
Dagenhale of Northglemham in Northglemham (Hugh son of Hugh
Gorge appori clam)
30 William de la Cressonere of Ikelyngham and Petronilla his. wife v.
de Geddynge and John le Breton of Somerton in Ikelyngham
31 John Godwyne of Eye and Basilia his wife v. Adam Gunnyld of Eye
and Sarah his wife in Eye
32 John de Cove and Eva his wife v. Ralph de Gyselham and Johanna
his wife in Thuryton
33 Robert de Reuesale v. Richard Cock of Stebbyng and Rose his wife in
Magna Waldefeld
34 Hamo de Mikefeld and Matilda his wife v. John Bacun clerk, of the

manor of Blyford with appurtces

35 Henry le Warner of Saxmundham v. Thomas de Verlay and Johanna
his wife in Saxmundham and Releshale

11 EDWARD II. 139

36 Robert de Rokwode and Margaret his wife v. John de Bures and
Robert Clerbek in Aketon
37 John son of Hugh le Paumer of Sudbyr and Cristiana Bataille v.
Thomas Danyel of Sudbur and Matilda his wife in Sudbyr
38 Alexander Andrew of Wenham Combusta and Cecilia his wife v. John
Lestraunge of Wykham and John Leghes in Holton and Wenham
11 Edward II
1 Henry son of Robert le Clerk of Carleton and Auelina his wife v.
Geoffry son of Alan Kempe of Weston in Carleton, Rushmere,
Mutford, Barnely and Honbergh
2 Thomas of Ipswich and Alice his wife and John their son v.
John the son of Thomas Sprouton and William de Crosfeld in
Bergham, Hehleye, Hemmyngeston, and Codenham
3 William de Shymplingford and Johanna his wife v. William son of
Baldwyn of Stoke and Johanna his wife in Stoke atte Neylond.
4 William Giffard and Amicia his wife v. John le Waleys, chaplain in
Wykhambrok, Stanfield, and Depedene (John de Ingham appofi clam)
5 Robert de la Place of Sudbury v. William de Henye and Christiana his
wife in Sudbiry
6 William Stonhard of Walton v. Geoffry de Waldingfield of Stanfeld
and Isabella his wife in Alterston
7 Gilbert Packard and John his son and Agnes wife of John v. , Robert
de Stanmere in Woodbrudge and Hasketon
8 Richard de Ressheworth and Matilda his wife v. John de Wilburgham
in Ofton.
9 Baldwyn de Manerus v. Thomas de Colevill of rent and appurtces

in Reydon juxta Wangeford

10 Geoffry de Waldyngfeld and Isabella his wife v. John son of Geoffrey
de Waldyngfeld and Ralph son of Michael de Stansfeld in Stansfeld
1 1 Richard de Ressheworth and Matilda his wife v. Henry de Thurston
in Elmesete, Whatefeld, OfFeton, and Naulton
12 Thomas Michel of Sudbiry and Johanna his wife v. Thomas de Ultyng
in Sudbiry, Chilton, Magna and Parva, Cornered and Aketon
(John son of Walter Michael of Sutbury appofi clani)
13 Robert Mymmyng of Bungeye v. Clement Careman of Horstede and
Johanna his wife in Bungeye


14 John de Aldeby and Cristiana his wife v. Robert le Hey ward of
Boxstede and Alice daughter of William le Bretoun of Buxhale
Boxstede, Somerton and Glemesford
15 Stephen de Haukedon and John Seman of Berton v. Bichard de
Alwarton and Alesia his wife in Todenham, Cavenham and Berton
juxta Mildenhale
16 Robert le Clerk of Bermyngham and Claricia his wife v. John son of
John of Atleburgh and Sarah his wife in Bernynham
17 Robert de Bures and Hillaria his wife v. James de Bures and John de
Bures of the manor of Aketon and Ketelberston
18 John de Peyton and Agnes his wife v. Henry de Wellington and
Henry de Norwich parson de Colneye of the manor of Peyton
19 John Burghard of Framelyugham v. John de Wylebeye and Margaret
his wife in Framelyngham
20 John le Hunt v. Walter son of Simon de Preston and Margaret his
wife in Resshebrok and Welnetham
21 Thomas de la Grene of Kirkestede and Johanna his wife v. William
de Herlyugflet and Sarah his wife in Newton, Haustede and
Parva Qwelnetham
22 Walter Druce, chaplain v. Richard Ordemere of Pesenhall in Kenton

23 John Spore and Margaret his wife v, Nicholas Spore of Mildenhale

in Mildenhale
24 Philip de Waunford v. John Spore and Margaret his wife in Mildenhale
25 William of Ipswich and Albreda his wife and Edmund their son v.
Roger son of Geoffrey le Fevre and Margaret his wife in Corton
26 Thomas Gorges v. Walter de Prato of Falsham and Cristiana his wife
in Thorp Murieus aud Cokefeld (Richard de Haverlond appon clam)
27 William de Batesford and Johanna de Say v. Thomas de la Chaumbre
and Isabella his wife in Batesford
28 Robert de Reydon and Margaret his wife v. Roger de Reydon parson
of church of v. Edmund of parson of Russheworth
church in Reyton, Brendwenham, Bergham Hole in
Capeles, Parva Wenham, Wherstead, Freston, Wolferstone,
Beutleghe andWesterfeld and advowson of Reydon church (Petronilla
wife of William de Nerford and Robert de Reymes appofl clam)
29 William Leyre of Rydelingfeld, senior v. Bartholomew de Rollesby of
Suthholt and Edelina his wife in Suthholt

11 EDWARD II. 141

30 William de Goffard, parson of Fundenhale church v. William le
Bercher of Chilton and Sarah his wife in Clare
31 Richard son of William atte Fen v. William atte Fen of Resheworth
in Resheworth
32 John Doune and Isabella his wife v- Gilbert de Blofeld and Agnes his
wife in Lakyngheth
33 John de Donham, vicar of Assington church and William son of
Baldwyn de Stoke v. William de Schymplingford and Johanna his
wife in Kirketon and Euerwarton
34 Alan le Clerk of Mendham and Alice his wife v. Thomas Torald and
Isabella his wife in Dynyeneton
35 Roger de Sotherton and Margaret his wife v. Warinus de Lind in

36 William de la ChaumbKe and Sayena his wife v. John de Bukenham

clerk in Creswell
37 John son of Roger de Wikkelowe and Johanna his wife v. Margaret
who was wife of Adam Tastard and John Randolf chaplain of
Hatheston and Marlesford
38 Adam Bertclot and Agnes his wife v. Michael Bercelot in Brethcnham
39 Walter son of Alen de Gyselyngham and Johanna his wife v. Egidius
de Wachesham of the manor of Burgherd
40 Margaret who was wife of Adam Tastard and William Tastard and
Margaret his wife v. John de Wychelowe senior and John Ranbulf
chaplain in Cranesford, Badyngham, Shyftlyngge, Magna Glemham
and Perham (John son of Gerard de Hukenhulle app clain)
41 Adam vicar of Cavenham church v. Geoffrey de Cavenham chaplain
in Kenyton and Depenham
42 Nicholas Fastolf v. Richard de Bradewell, of the manor of Bradewell
with appurtces and advowson of the church (Katherine who was
wife of Roger Fitz Oubern, Peter Gernegan, John Noioun, Johanna
who was wife of Simon de Bradewelle appofi clam)
43 John le Bolour of Blifor v. Richard de Brisworth of Asshefeld and
Petronilla his wife, in Baddenelle, Asshefeld, Magna Asshefeld and
44 Stephen de Cressingham chaplain v. William de Kerdiston and Thomas
his son of the manor of Stratford juxta Benhale


45 Stephen son of William de Lyvermere and Matilda his wife v.
William de Herat in Lyvermere
46 Adam son of Kiohard de Gatisbury v. Richard de Gatisbury of the
manor of Preditone
47 John de Elmham v. Nicholas son of A.dam le Clerk of Stuston and
Matilda his wife in Thrandeston
48 Eobert de Bures and Hillaria his wife v. John de la Barre and Alice
his wife in Aketon

49 Robert del Hil and Cristiana his wife v. Richard Ordemere of

Pesenhale in Keneton
50 Richard de Brakenest (sic) of Beccles v. John de Uggechale in Beccles,
Endegate, Weston, Elgh
51 John de Freston and Alice his wife and Thomas their son v. Thomas
Wolferston and Geoffrey in Freston, Stuton, Somersham,
Wylasham, Whetested and Tatyngeston
52 Robert Assham of Magna Jernemuth and Constantia his wife v.
William le Greive of Barsham and Beatrice his wife in Beccles,
Ringesfeld, Shipmedive, Parva Redisham and Barsham juxta Beccles
53 William de Monte Caniso of Edwardeston and Alice his wife v. John
son of John of St. Clare of the manor of Bradefeld Seyntcler with
appurtces and advowson of church
12 Edward II
1 William de Rameshot and Letitia his wife v. John in
2 Arnald Pynnote of Capele and Matilda his wife and Matilda daughter
of Arnald v. John de Redenhale, clerk, Capele, Brendewenham,
Copedok, Brendeleye and Bergholt
3 Thomas de la Rente of Ipswich and Alice his wife v. John son of
and William de Creffeld in Bergham, Hemmyngeston,
Codenham, Henleye, Cleydon and Cretynge
4 Roger le Marischal and Alice his wife v. Magister Thomas de
Heylesdene in Ketelbergh, Eston and Hacneston
5 Stephen Abel of Beketon v. Amicia daughter of Thomas de Bradefeld
in Hegissete, Beketon, Drenkeston, Wolpet and Rougham
6 Remigius de Meldinges and Margaret his wife v. Nicholas parson
of Meldings church in Meldings and advowson of church (Robert,
de Burea appoS clafii)

12 EDWARD II. 143

7 John son of John de Mendham and Cristiana his wife v. Benedict vicar
of Mendham church in Mendham (Nicholas Polle and Roger
Polle appofl clam)

8 Robert de Lound and Alexander his wife v. Adam atte Cherche Junior
of Knodeshale and Johanna his wife in Knodeshale
9 John le Valeyns of Categrave v. Thomas Short of Tunestalle chaplain
ia Categrave (Godefrey de Ludham app clam)
10 Martin Faukun of Cavendish and Margaret his wife v. John Wyndout
of Clare and Matilda his wife in Cavendish
11 William son of Michael de Dol v. John son of William de Dol in
Somerleton, Blundeston, and Herlingflet
12 Walter de Westhale v. Adam de Huntingfeld and Margaret his wife
of two parts of the manor of Coleslee
13 Adam Bacun, clerk v. Robert de Wlverton and Agatha his wife of the
manor of Westhale with appurtces (John son of Robert de
Wlverton and John son of Robert de Wlverton app claffi)
14 Nigellus de Keneton and Agnes his wife v. Magister John de Badingham parson of Stoke church and Richard Ordmer vicar of Keneton
church in Bramford, Sprouton, Hunlesham, Burstalle, Whitington,
Brokes, and Blakenham
15 Nicholas de le Paund, chaplain and Richard Garleberd of Hadleigh,
clerk v. John de Lafham in Hadlegh, Reydon, and Aldham
16 John son of Ralph de Thurston of Norwich v. Robert de Reydon in
Badyngham and Framlyngham castel
17 Thomas de Hamingfeld and Isabella his wife v. Thomas Maundevill of
the manor of Lausele with appurtces
18 Simon de Marcham and Petronilla his wife v. Roger de Peynees and
Alice his wife in Herlyngflet
19 Robert son of Thomas de Bradefeld and Margaret his wife v. Peter
Osbern, parson of Thorp Abbots church in Rugham, Rosshebrok,
and Parva Whelnytham (William son of James de Gedbyngg
app clam)
20 Stephen Houel and Matilda his wife v. John de Westwyk, junior, of
the manor of Horpol vfith appurtces
21 Alexander de Chebenhale of Fresingfeld v. Hubert Seaman and Julia

his wife in Fresingfeld


22 Geoffrey son of Philip le Clerk of Newton, Alice de Burnbam and
Stephen her son v. William Pycard and Rose his wife in Newton
23 Walter Faucoun of Eye v. John de Lasham and Maria his wife in
Stuston (Geoffrey de Bosco de Craule app clam)
24 William son of John Man and Letitia his wife v. Peter Jernegan and
John Noion in Flixton and Olton in Lodinglonde
25 William son of Adam de Melton and Agnes his wife v. John de
Reynes, parson of Melton church, Melton, Bredefeld, Ufford,
Bromeswall, Sutton, Wantesdene, Wodebregge, Hasketon, Debach,
Boulge and Dalyngho
26 Nicholas Hermelene v. Hugh Postel and Johanna his wife and Adam
Prudhomme and Emma his wife in Aketon
27 Thomas de la Rente of Ipswich v. John de Reynes, senior in Parva
28 Robert le Taverner of Newborn v. William son of Roger de
Helmyngham in Combs
29 Richard Chaumpagne and Alice his wife v. John Beneyt, chaplain, in
and Mendlesham
30 Alexander Carvayle of Ecleington v. Richard de Albreton and Isabella
his wife in Ecelingham
31 William son of William de Boy ton and Margaret his wife v. John
atte Chirche of Shelfhangre in Holton, Strathforth, Monks Ellegh
and Lelleseye
32 Robert de Bures and Hillaria his wife v. Michael de Nelende and
Alice his wife in Wyston
33 Robert de Reydon and Margaret his wife v. Roger de Reydon, parson
of Clenchewarton Church and Edmund de Gunvill, parson of
Russheworth church in Reydon, Wherstede, Freston, Wolferston,
Benteleghe and Westerfield (Petronilla who was wife of William de
Nerford app clairi)

34 John, Bishop of Ely v. William son of Robert Cockerel and Cecilia

his wife of the custody of the Bishop Woods &c. in Hecham
35 John de Belytot and Matilda his wife v. Richard de Bedingfeld, vicar
of Freston church in Leyton
36 Robert de Buckenham and Petronilla his wife v. William de Roter
and Agnes his wife in Redgrave and Wertham

13 EDWARD II. 145

37 Peter de Redesworth v. John son of John de St. Clare of the manor
of Seyntcler of Bernyngham with appurtces
38 Thomas de Bosco of Neuham and Cecilia his wife v. John de Burnevile
of Stratton and Alice his wife in Stratton juxta Tremeley
39 John de Thelnetham and Matilda his wife v. Edmund de Gunvill parson
of Russheworth church and Peter son of Robert de Hoo of Bernham
of the manor of Bromoalle with appurtces, and advowson of Magna
Lyveremere church
40 John de Furneus and Maria his wife v. William Visdelu and Saier
Suyllard, parson of Rendlesham church of the manor of Whatefeld
41 and Agnes his wife v. John Jaye de Tatyngton in Munkessham and Thory juxta Debenham
42 William de Gosefeld v. Eustace de Swafham of the manor of Borsted
13 Edward II
1 William de Boueton of Ereswell and Matilda his wife and William de
Boueton, chaplin v. Nicholas de B . . . . de Heringewell in Ereswell
and Mildenhall
2 John son of John Heyward and Margaret his wife v. Nicholas de Olton
in Lund and Blundeston
3 Thomas, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England v. Adam Brown
of Pulham and Margaret his wife of the manor of Medefeld with
appurtces (Prior de Mendham, Cristiana wife of John de Medeford
and Edmund Bacun app clam)
4 William Love of Westhall v. John le Bolur of Blyford in Blyford,
Dunwich, Westleton, Sutherton, Henham, Bulcampe, Wenhaston
and Keleshall
5 William Cokerel of Hadlegh and Cecilia his wife v. John son of

Stephen son of Benedict of Hegham in Houeden, Stradefeld,

Farlegh, Dennarston, Wykhambrok, Conlyng and Chilton
6 Walter le Ken of Thornedon v. Robert Parleman and Margaret his
wife in Okolt and Bernyngham
7 John de Redenhale, clerk v. John son of Walter le Warenner of Suth
Elmham, chaplain v. William son of Ioce son of Walter of Suth
Elmham and Emma his wife in Suth Elmham
8 John Daundely v. Adam de Grymesharewe and Sibilla his wife of third
part of manor of Bergholt


9 William de Bedale, Junior and Alice his wife v. Johanna Bomund and
Margaret his wife in Westleneton, Dersham, Yoxford, Blytheburgh,
Thuriton, and Brunfeld
10 John Botild of Mutford and Catherine his wife v. John parson of
Redesham church in Mutford
11 John Daundely v. William de Tendring and Margaret his wife of third
part of the manor of Bergholt
12 John son of Adam de la Sale of Cleydone v. John le Kyng of Sterstone
and Cristiana hiswifeinHindlesham, Chatesham, Reydon and Hadleye
13 John Daundely v. John de Louches and Isabella his wife of third part
of the manor of Bergholt
14 John de Neketon and Isabella his wife v. William de Herlyng chaplain
in Cotton
15 Osbert de Boy ton v. William de Boy ton and Margaret his wife of the
manor of Veteri Neuton
16 Mabilla who was wife of Roger del Fen of Ilketleshall v. Richard
Virly of Boton in Ilketleshall, Spectessale, Suth Elmham and
1 7 John Rey, chaplain v. John de Stowe and Cristiana his wife in Stowemarket and Thorney (William Glaunvill app clam)

18 Richard Wrong of Beccles v. Simon de Brakenest, chaplain in Beccles

Endegate and Werlynham
19 John le Noreys of Bedyngfeld and Heleuisia his wife v. Ralph Sayre
of Rydlingfeld in Bedingfeld and Kenton [this is of 14 Edw. n.J
20 Alice who was wife of William Bomund v. John son of John Bomund
and Margaret his wife in Halesworth, Cokeley, Bromfeld, Walpole
and Chetestan
14 Edward II
1 Thomas, Earl of Norfolk, Marshal of England v. Adam le Brown of
Pulham and Margaret his wife, of the manor of Medefeld
2 John Brown v. William Emme of Suthelmham and Margaret his wife
in Suthelmham
3 Adam Bacun v. Nicholas de Olton of the manor of Houton with
appurtenances in Olton and advowson of church
4 Oliver de Stratton and dementia his wife v. John de Neketon and
Robert Cardoun in Jakele, Thrandestone, and Eye (William de Jakele
and Alice his wife appofi clam)

14 EDWARD II. 147

5 John de Swyneford and Agnes his wife v. Roger de Burgate in Burgate
and Burghhagh
6 John Brown v. William Emme of S. Elmham and Margaret his wife
in S. Elmham
7 William de Shymplyngford and Johanna his wife v. Oliver de Stratton
and Clementia his wife in Cokefeld, Alfletone, and Stanefeld (John
son of Robert Pecok of Ridbourne, senior, and Matilda his wife app
8 Edmund de Soterle v. Peter Gernegan and John Nuion of the manor
of Uggethale with appurtenances and advowson of church
9 Sarah who was wife of Walter de Stanes v. William Kenne and
Matilda his wife in Elvedon and Lakynghethe
10 William de Whatefeld and Anicia his wife v. John le White in Naulton,
Whatefeld, and Aldham

11 Adam le Porter and Letitia his wife v. Thomas parson of Ketlebergh

church in Ketlebergh
12 John de Horkesle and Philippa his wife v. John le Sauser chaplain
and Richard de Culford chaplain, of Magna Hornigeserth
13 Geoffrey de Kaldewelle and Cecilia his wife v. Nicholas son of William
de Coldham in Berdewelle
14 Peter de Denardeston and Margaret his wife and Arthur and John
their sons v. Hugh de Hodebovill and Margaret his wife in Aketon
and Magna Waldingfeld
15 Nigellus Tebaud of Sudbery and Sarah his wife v. Roger le Bret of
Sudbery and Alice his wife in Sudbery
16 John son of John de Bohun v. Richard son of Herbert Hacoun of
Magna Melton and Anna his wife of fourth part of the manor of
17 William Giffard and Amicia his wife v. John de St. Clare of the manor
of Watlesfeld with appurtenances and advowson of the church
18 Nicholas Bonde and Matilda his wife v. Thomas le Moraunt of
Herkestede and Alice his wife in Herkestede
19 John de Lampet and Beatrice his wife and Marcus Pod of Helmyngh^m
and Alice his wife in Helmyngham and Brightewelle
20 Agnes Thurbern v. Thomas Thurbern of Cotton in Cotton ( Thomas
son of William Thurbern app claifi)


21 Walter le Cok of Thornedon v. John de Langhale and Johanna his
wife in Okolt and Benyngham
22 William Blaunc payn v. Thomas de Morton and Margaret his wife in
Chevyngton and Cheteberwe
23 William de Dulyngham, parson of Matessale church v. William Bule
of Parva Snoryngge of the manor of Jakesle with appurtenances
24 William de Cauntele and Alice his wife v. Alice de Calston in

Thornedon, Stoke, Wetheringsete, and Ryshanghs

25 Stephen Bacun and Roger son of Emma Aylmere of Frammesden
v. William son of Hamo le Kyng of Wetheringsete and Johanna
his wife in Debenham
26 Ralph Mayner of New Market and Claricia his wife and Raynerus
their son v. Robert son of Henry de la More of Fordham in Ixnyng
27 Isabella who was wife of John de Wascoil v. William son of Ralph de
Pebenersh and Matilda his wife of the manor of Parva Waldyngfeld
except advowson of church
28 William son of Alan de Hanecheth v. Walter le Clerk of London and
Sabina his wife in Wytheresfeld
29 Roger de Berdewell v. Nicholas de Suthyngton in Ikelyngham
30 John son of John de Bohun v. Alianora daughter of Walter Loveday
of fourth part of manor of Oftone and Bresete
31 Ralph de Gosebek and Alianora his wife v. Richard de Wyngefeld and
Roger le Denys of two parts of the manor of Gosebek
32 Olivia who was wife of William de Houton v. William de Lopham
vicar of church of St. Trinity in Bungaye and John The Pafric of
Brantham, chaplain in Brantham and Stutton
33 John le Porter and Isabella his wife v. John Seman of Berton in
34 John le Noreys and Helevisia his wife v. Ralph Leyre of Rydlingfeld,
chaplain in Bedingfeld and Kenton
35 Richard le Longe and Isabella his wife v. John de Usk and Susannah
his wife in Clare and Stoke
36 Reginald Munk of Bungeye v. John Burel of Norwich and Matilda
his wife in Bungeye
37 Geoffrey Bacun and Margaret his wife v. Thomas de Alderhegge and
Emma his wife in Westleton

15 EDWARD II. 149

38 Ealph de Suggenho and Alice his wife and John Bacoun v. Geoffrey
son of Ealph de Suggenho in Bredefeld
39 Thomas de Asshe and Margaret his wife v. John de Brom chaplain
in Ikkeworth and Parva Hornyngeserth (Freburnus Miloun and
Eobert de Corthon appofi clam
40 Eobert de Bures and Hillaria his wife v. Eichard de Broghton and
Katherine his wife in Aketon
41 Eoger le Marchaunt of Stoke Neylond and Isabella his wife v. Bartholomew of Leveryngeton in Stoke Neylond
42 John le Tomour of Redbonrne chaplain v. John son of Robert Pecok
of Eedbourne, senior and Matilda his wife, of the advowson of
Parva Cornerth Church and part of the manor (Robert son of
Herbert "Weyland, William de Symplyngford and Johanna his wife,
Olivia de Stratton and Clementina his wife appofi clam)
43 William de Ipswich and Albreda his wife and Edmund their son v.
Eoger de Burne and Ellen his wife in Burgate
44 John Burdeney and Eva his wife v. John de Kyrkedonne of Mendlesham and Matilda his wife in Mendlesham
45 William de Breseworth v. Egidius parson of Keleshall church and
Eobert Alfrech chaplain in Cotton, Frynyngham, and Baketon
46 John de Stanesfeld v. Nicholas le Veel of Fresingfeld and Margaret
his wife in Esham, Fresingfeld and Wyngefeld
47 John son of Eobert Pocock of Eedburn senior and Matilda his wife
v. Peter de Denarstone in Magna and Parva Cornerthe, Essington,
Neweton and Magna Bures
48 Thomas de Kypenham v. Eichard de Alwarton and Alicia his wife in
49 John le Tornour of Eedbourne chaplain v. John son of Eobert Pecok
of Eedbourne and Matilda his wife in Great and Little Cornerth,
Essington, Newton, and Great Bures (Robert son of Herbert Weyland, William de Symplyngford and Johanna his wife, and Oliver de
Stratton and dementia his wife app clam)
15 Edward II
1 Robert de Bures and Hillaria his wife" v. Eichard le Parker and
Margaret his wife in Magna Bures

2 Eichard le Bukand Agnes his wife v. Eobert Waryn of Monks Hillegh

and Alice his wife in Monks Hillegh


3 William Tastard of Craneaford v, Walter de Geselingham and Johanna
hiswifeinBursyerd, Swyftlinge, Pesinghale, Badingham, Cranesford
and Stutton
4 Alexander de Toft of Brendewenham and Beatrice his wife v. John de
Cotton parson of Wrabenase church in Brende Wenham, Holton
and Stratford juxta Bergholt
5 Simon le Shephirde v. William Leyre of Rydelingfeld chaplain in
Suthholte (Simon son of Simon Silvestre William Leverich and
Olivia his wife app clam)
6 Roger Gangy of Giselham v. William son of John de Giselham in
7 John son of Robert de Eldhalle of Cokefelde and Rose de Eldhalle
of Cokefelde v. Nicholas de Spina of Brundbradefeld and Margaret
his wife and Robert de Spina of Brundbradefeld in Cokefeld
8 John Thorald v. Nicholas son of Thomas de Stanton and Margaret
his wife in Stanton, Heppeworth, and Berdewell
9 Richard le Parker and Margaret his wife v. Robert de Bures and
Hillaria his wife in Hecham
10 Thomas Sheep of St. Edmunds v. John son of Edmund de Rumburgh
and Alice his wife in Magna and Parva Hornyngsserth and Ikworth
11 William de Reppes v. John Huchon of Dynyton in Dynyton
12 John son of Ralph de Thurston of Norwich v. John de Brunham and
Agnes his wife in Beccles
13 John de Bradefeld, fleshewer, v. Walter EfFereme and Alice his wife in
14 Johnson of John de Bohun v. Thomas Duraunt and Margaret his wife
of fourth part of the manor of Ofton
15 Thomas de Stonham and Robert his brother v. John de Stonham in

Stonham Antegayne, Stonham Gernegan, Michelfeld, Cretyng St.

Mary, Gyppyng Newton, Veteri Newton, Pethaugh, and Assh juxta
16 William de Cleydon v. John de Ingelthorp in Cotenham and Hemmyngeston
17 Thomas de Grey of Cornerth and Alice his wife v. Walter Potekyn of
Cavendissh and Johanna his wife in Cavendissh
18 John Mayaunce v. Roger atte Mor of Boxstede in Boxstede

16 EDWARD II. 151

19 Eobert de Eokwode and Margaret his wife v. Alan Galant and
Constancia his wife in Aketon and Stanefeld
.20 Robert de Elmham. parson of Elgh church v. John de Brunham and
Agnes his wife in Upredesham and Parva Redesham
21 William atte Mor of Hawele v. Robert le Fevre of Magna Bures and
Matilda his wife in Sudbury
22 John de Framelyngham, clerk v. Thomas de Oxon, clerk, in Castelframelyngham (Robert Bolle app clam)
16 Edward II
23 Robert de Louthorp, chaplain and Richard hi the Gate of St Edmunds
v. Peter, son of Adam de Bradefeld and Agnes his wife 1 in
24 John de Belton, Junior v. Simon de Belton in Lund and Askeby
25 Walter de Bemham v. William son of Geffrey Lene of Westhale of
the manor of Sutherton with appurtenances and advowson of
church (Robert son of Walter de Bemham app clam)
26 Nicholas de Brom parson of Newton chuach v. Alice who was wife of
Thomas de Grey in Denardeston, Wykhambrok and Stradesele
27 Geoffrey Mynyot and Isabella his wife v. John Mynyot and Anketinus
Salveyn and Isolda his wife in Hegham, Stratford, Holton and
28 William de Halk of Weston v. John de Brunham and Agnes his wife
in Weston juxta Beccles

29 John son of Richard Sampson v. Richard Sampson of Ryngisfeld in

Ryngisfeld, Barsham, Redisham, and Barsham juxta Beccles
30 Hugh son of Richard Sampson v. Richard Sampson of Ryngisfeld in
Ryngisfeld, Beccles and Weston juxta Beccles
31 Thomas de Stoktone v. William de Lymburne in Chedeston
32 William de Swanton v. William le Warner of St. Edmund's and
Margaret his wife in Bungeye
33 John Gerard of Wirlyngworth and Agnes his wife v. Gilbert Helpe of
Westhorp and Johanna his wife in Wyrlyngworth
34 Alexander Robert of Orford v. William de Stratford of Buttele and
Mariota his wife in Orford
35 Robert de Askeby, parson of Ingham church v. Bruce Page of Ingham
in Ingham


36 John Boutecourte and Matilda his wife v. Hugh Pirpount of the
manor of Mendlesham
37 Hugh vicar of Benhale church v. Geoffroy de Clopton of Debenham
and Matilda his wife in Debenham and Wyston
17 Edward II
1 John de Kedenhale, parson of Barsham church v. John Rees, chaplain
in Pethawe
2 Osbert de Aldham v. Nicholas Fut of Hadleye and Nicholas son of
John de Aldham, chaplain, in Hadleye
3 Henry de Langham and Cristiana his wile v. Alan Lambyn of Langham
and Isabella his wife in Langham and Asshefeld
4 Boger de Asshe, clerk v. Andrew Sparke of Thefford and Johanna his
wife in Asshefeld
5 John son of John le Vyneter and Alice his wife v. Edmund. Flour in
Sprouton, Magna Belstede, Hyntlesham and Burstall
6 John son of Stephen de Haukeden and Amacia his wife v. John Pichet,

chaplain and William del Auneye of Parva Saxham in Haukedon,

Glemsford, Boxstede, Somerton, Stanesfeld, Denardeston, Polyngsworth, and Chepleye
7 Gilbert de Bisshton v. William de Bradefeld of St. Edmund's and
Isabella his wife in Westhorp and Ba . . . n
8 Bichard de Brakenest of Beccles and Johanna his wife v. John de
Burnham and Agnes his wife in Beccles and Weston
9 Bobert Assheman of Magna Jernemuth and Constancia his wife v. John
de Brunham and Agnes his wife in Barsham and Byngesfeld.
10 John Sturmyn of Frekenham and Petronilla his wife v. John le Porter
of Dertford and Isabella his wife in Frekenham
11 John de Berkelawe, parson of Bedefeld church v. Boger de Bedefeld
and Alice his wife in Bedefeld
12 Adam Lestraunge of Tymworth v. Bichard Bam and Alice his wife in
13 Bichard Austyn of Ereswell and Alice his wife and William de la
Chambre of Ereswell v. Beinerus de la Moore, parson of church of
All Saints in Wetyngg in Ereswell and Mildenhale
14 Roger Blome v. Nicholas de Storteford and Elizabeth his wife in
Mellis, Burgate, and Wortham (Roger le Ken of Burgate and
Thomas his brother appofi clam)

17 EDWARD II. 153

15 Ealph de Scales and Margaret his wife v. Roger Aylward, chaplain,
in Wetherdon
16 William of Ipswich and Albreda his wife v. Richard Chaumpaigne and
Alice his wife in Mellis and Burgate and advowson of Pethaghe
17 Roger Blome and Margaret his wife v. Thomas de Verlay and Johanna
his wife in Mellis and Burgate
18 John atte Hulle and Alice his wife v. William de Lopham, vicar of
the church of Aketon in Sudbery (Adam son of John Garlond
app clam)

19 William of Ipswich and Albreda his wife v. Alan Fraunceys and

Katherin his wife in Hacheton, Bredefeld, Bulge, Pethaghe,
_Stonham autegon, Codenham, Meller, and Burgate and advowson
of Pethaghe church
20 Thomas de Verlay and Johanna his wife v. Nicholas de Storteford and
Elizabeth his wife and Roger Blome and Margaret his wife in
Iken, Southbourne, and Orford
21 John Bussh and Matilda his wife v. Simon de Heyford in Mendlesham,
Wetheringsete and Brokford
22 Nicholas de Walsham, chaplain v. Adam Trace of Ingham and Alice
his wife in Mildenhale
23 John de Refham v. Thomas atte Lye of Kynton and Emma his wife
in Saxham and Parva Ickeworth
24 Thomas le Cartere chaplain v. Benedict Oliver in Framesdene, Oteleye,
and Gretyngham
25 Roger Gaugy v. John Lambernans and Isabella his wife iu . . . lham
26 Robert Cuhyt of Boxsford v. Ralph Blachod of Cauenedish and
Semicla his wife iu Cavendish
27 Humfrey Farewel of Coulyngge and Eufemia his wife v. Richard son
of Andreu de Cavenham chaplain in Coulyngge (John de Bosco of
Coulyngg clerk appofl clam)
28 John le Garlonder v. Bartholomew son of John de Wykham in
Fornham St. Genovefe
29 Richard de Glaunvile and Elena his wife and John their son v. Oliver
parson of Sutton church and William de Wetheringsete of the
manor of Sutton with appurtenances and advowson of church and
lands in Holesle, Royton, Capele and Sutton


30 William de Kisheton and Alice his wife and John son of John de Ofton
v. John de Wellston and David le Waleys of Hadenham of the
manor of Tuddenham
31 Robert de Swynbourn v. John Boteconrt and Matilda his wife of the

of the manor of Wyston

32 Magister Robert de Creswell and Adam le Straunge v. William le
Straunge and Robert his son in Ereswell and Elveden
33 John Andreu of Sprouton and Margaret his wife v. John son of Hugh
Horold in Sprouton, Burstall, Huntlesham, Elmesete, Magna
Belstede, Everwarton, Chelmincton and Shottele
34 Thomas son of William Tendrynge and Emma his wife v. John de
Sutton, vicar of Stokneylonde church and Mariota his wife in
Meldinge, Magna and Parva Waldyngfeld, Monks Illeye and Groton
18 Edward II
1 Benedict le Eyr of Walpol chaplain v. William Tastard in Rindham
2 William son of William de Hoo v. John his brother v. John, son of
of John Davyeus of Grotyngham and Multon juxta Kentsford
3 William Prudhomme v. Geoffrey Skyg of Wry tele and Elena his wife
in Parva Jernemuth
4 Walter le Bolour v. John de Blyford and Margaret his wife in Blyburgh
5 William Giffard and Isabella his wife v. Roger de Halis parson of
Norton church and John de Herseye chaplain of the manor of
Wattesfeld in Stokeneyland, Schelley and Belstede and advowson
of churches of Watlesfeld and chapel of Stoke
6 Adam de Stok, meleuer, v. William de Stanes of Somerton and Margaret
his wife in Somerton
7 Reginald de Peyton of Flempton v. Henry Power and Clarissa his
wife in Flempton
8 Remigius de Meldyngg and Margaret his wife *. Nicholas parson of
Meldyng church in Meldyngg (Robert de Bures app clam)
9 Bartholomew Godwyne and Johanna his wife and Roger their son v.
Roger le Walsh and Sarah his wife in Cotton
10 Henry le Eyr of Dersham and Agnes his wife v. Geoffrey Hare of
Dersham and Matilda his wife in Dersham
11 Richard de Hadleye of Cotton and Mariota his wife v. John son of
Richard de Hadleye of Cotton in Cotton and Wycham

18 EDWARD II. 155

12 William son of Peter le Clerk of Aldham and Elena his wife v.
John son of Adam de Aldham Junior in Aldham, Hyntlesham, and
13 John Walle and Johanna his wife v. Oliver de Halstede chaplain in
Burgate, Melles, Wortham, and Thrandeston
14 John de St Philberto and Ada his wife v. Magister Robert de Ereswell
clerk and Ralph parson of Chickenhall church, of manors of
Lacford and Flemton
15 Ralph Ordemere and Avelina his wife and John his son and Agnes
his wife v. Walter de Bliford in Thebuston and Leyston
16 Bartholomew de Elham v. Henry Le Autres in Westhorp, Fynyngham,
Baketon, and Cotton (Simon son of Adam de Geddyng and Margaret
his sister and Robert de Walpol and Thomas his brother app clam)
17 Roger le Dypere, chaplain v. John B in Fornham and Oteleye
* [Agnes who was wife of Walter de Westhale v. John de Reymes, parson
of Melton church and Richard de Glaunuile of two parts of the
manor of Colesle in Alderton]
19 William Freman and Matilda his wife v. James atte Brok in Stokerieylond.
20 Roger, parson of Bradefeld Seyncler and Henry de Whelnetham
v. Richard son of Simon de Cok .... of the manor of Cokefeld
21 Richard Olyve of Michelfeld, chaplain v. Stephen Bacoun of Michelfeld
and Aylmerus de Framesdene in Michelford, Stanham Antegayne,
and Stanham gernegan
22 John de Wynton and Agnes his wife v. John de Ulveston and Stephen
in Mendlesham and Stanhamgernegan
23 William Kyn of Capele, John de Boyton and Alice his wife v. John
Parson of the Church of Wrabnesse in Capele
24 Robert de Welle and Lora his wife v. Ralph son of Thomas de Merk
of the manor of Reydon juxta Shelley
25 Robert Weylond v. William Bole, chevalier and Johanna his wife of

the manor of Bedefeld

26 Thomas Burel of Suthbery v. Robert de Bousser and Margaret his
wife in Suthbery
* This fine is not now in its old place on the file, and has probably been remov
owing to its date not being 18 Edward II.


27 Petronilla who was wife of John de Benstede v. Adam fitz Simon and
Walter Grapynel in Todenham
28 Thomas de Bavent v. Henry de Freton and Johanna his wife in
29 John son of John de Bohun v. Thomas Duraunt and Margaret his
wife of fourth part of the manor of Magna Bresete and advowson
of St. Leonard's church in that town (Ralph son of William Loveday
and Roger son of Roger Loveday app clafil)
30 William son of William de Hoo and John his brother v. John son of
John Davyeus of Gretyngham, of the manor of Multon juxta
31 Robert Maupetit and Agnes his wife v. John parson of Wrabenesse
church in Braham
32 John son of Warin de Walsham and Alan de Ixnyngg v. William
Holdry and Johanna his wife in Mildenhale
33 Abbot of St. Edmunds v. Gilbert de Blofeld parson of Westowe church
in Westowe
34 Richard de Burghstede parson of Earls Stonham church v Henry de
Nedham and Agnes his wife in Westcretynge and Thorneye juxta
35 Richard de Burghstede parson of Earls Stonham church v. Robert le
Wodehirde and Cecilia his wife in Westcretynge
36 John atte Hul and Alice his wife v. William de Chilton and Alice his
wife in Sudbury
37 Robert de Stoke atte Neylond chaplain v. William le Leche of Beding-

feld in Debenham and Bedingfeld

38 Osbertus de and Florence his wife v. Nicholas Fut of Hadlegh
chaplain and Nicholas son of John de Aldham chaplain in Hadleigh
19 Edward II
1 John son of William de Sudbury and Agnes his wife v. William Bole
of Wetherdene and Agnes his wife in Wetherdene
2 William de la Chaumbre and Sayena his wife v. Thomas de Lyneford
and Isabella his wife in Brandoneferye
t [William son of William de Hoo and John his brother v. John son of
John Danyens of Cretyngham of the manor of Milton juxta
t Not now on file. See last note.

19 EDWARD II. 157

3 Robert Kempe, parson of Reysshemere church, Geoffrey de
Cherchehons and Juliana de Cherchehous of Kessynglond v. Geoffrey
Meryot and Isabella his wife in Heygham, Stratford, Holtone, and
4 Robert son of William de Weylond and Cecilia daughter of Thomas
Baldok v. William de Weylond of the manor of Charsfeld
5 Robert de Tym worth and Mabel his wife v. Nicholas parson of
Tymworth church and Richard de Drayton in Tymworth
6 Thomas son of Hubert de Bruseworth v. John son of John de Brom
and Alice his wife in Melles, Burgate, Gislingham, Thornham Pilcok
and Parva Thornham
7 John de Whiteby, parson of Stradesele church v. Henry de Benewyk
de Kynelyngwoth and Emma his wife in Stradesele (Emma daughter
of Roger son of Henry le Cok of Lilleburn app clam)
8 John son of Geoffry de Cove of Eastone v. Martinnus le Clerk and
Claricia his wife in Suthcove
9 William de Gosefeld v. Eustace de Swafham of the manor of Boxsted
(Beatrice who was wife of William son of Henryde Boxstede app clam)
10 Hugh Houel and Agnes his wife v. Robert de Tudenham of the manors
of Weston and Morston in Weston, Hoppeton, Thelnetham,
Barnyngham, Stanton, Conegeston, Alteneston St. Johns (Robert

son of Hugh Houel app clam)

11 Williem son of Alan Alston and Margaret his wife and John his son v.
Thomas Skeppe of Ixnyng chaplain in Ixnyng
12 John de Tendryng arid Agnes his wife v. John de Sutton, vicar of
Stoke atte Neylond church v. Adam de Kerseye, chaplain, in
Polstede and Boxsted
13 Walter le Clerk of Edwardiston and Idonea his wife v. Alexander
vicar of church of Edwardiston, in Edwardiston, Reveslond and
14 Matilda who was wife of Robert de Lacy v Asshele in
15 John de Falesham v. Thomas de Falesham and Nicholas his wife in
Mikelfeld and Stonham Gemegan
16 Ralph de Reydon and Lora his wife v. John vicar of Ramseye church,
in Hyntlesham, Hadeleye, Chatesham and Burstall


17 John de Redenhale, clerk and Henry de Redenhale *. Walter Herberd
of Southelmham in Southelmham
18 John de Verdon and Agnes his wife v. Robert Clypston, parson of the
church of Brynton of the manor of Stanstede
19 Thomas Nichole of Cotton v. Odo Cumpyn of Cotton and Margaret
his wife in Cotton
20 Thomas son of William son of Ralph de Pebenersh v. William son of
Ralph de Pebernersh and Matilda his wife of the manor of
Chercheford with appurtences except the advowson of church
21 Robert Fraunceys of St. Edmunds and Alice his wife v. Thomas
Reyner of Tymworth in Tymworth
22 John le Spenser of Thorndon v. William de Cantele and Alice his wife
in Thornedon
23 Hugh de Naunton and Alianora his wife and Hugh their son v. William
le Neuman, chaplain and Hugh de Frampton, chaplain in Alderton

Baudersey, and advowson of Alderton church

24 Nicholas de Walsham and Margaret his wife v. Ralph de Rydlyngfeld
chaplain and John son of Peter de Welle, of the manor of Walsham
juxta Westhorp
25 Roger Flesheghe of Weybrede v. John Beneyt of Chedestan in
26 William Kempe and Agnes his wife v. Walter de Blyford in Elgh and
27 William de Burgh, clerk v. John de Freton of Suth Jernemuth in Suth
Jernemuth, Bradewell and Gorleston
28 Germanus de Shymplyngg, clerk v. Ralph de Bockyngg and Matilda
his wife in Falsham and Geddyngg
29 John son of Robert de Bradefeld, junior v. Richard Flynthard and
Agnes his wife in Stanefeld, Lausele, Cokefeld and Parva Bradefeld
30 Jeronimus de Lyoniis v. William le Vynour and Cristina his wife
Nicholas Caboche and Alice his wife in Stoke juxta Clare
31 Robert son of Robert de Barsham, chevalier v. Henry son of Roger de
Wellington of the manor of Barsham juxta Beckles and advowson
of church (Robert de Barsham, junior, Robert Asstreman, Ralph dil
Appelton, John de Uggethale and Agnes Cokerel appon claim)

20 EDWARD II. 159

32 John son of John de Bohun v Koger de Tychebourne and Katherine
his wife of fourth part of the manor of Ofton (Ralph son of William
Loneday app clam)
33 Richard Howe of Tunstale and Amabilla his wife v. Roger Brown of
Naketon and Alice his wife in Gorliston
34 Richard de Argentem and Johanna his wife v. Egidius de Argentem
in Aketon
35 John Brond of Sudbery and Johanna his wife v. Adam son of Richard
le Clerk of Sudbery and Sarah his wife in Sudbery
36 Robert de Bures v. Walter de Preston and Margaret his wife in

Preston and Lavenhani

37 Simon de le Wolpet of Berdefeld v. Robert Walfrey of Combys and
Sabina his wife in Combys juxta Stowe
38 Walter Baynard and Felicia his wife v. William de St. Clare and John
Warde of Ardelegh in Stowmarket and Thorneye
39 John de Sulny and Alice his wife v. Amisius atte Ston de Herweyco
and John son of William de Sudbery in Reydon (John son of John
de Sudbery appofi clam)
40 Alice de Welyngton v. Roger de Bisvile in Ilketeleshale, Barsham,
Parva, Redesham, Kessynglond, Gisilham, Resshemere, Benacre,
Henstede, Kyrkele, Ryngesfeld (Henry de Welyngton appofi clam)
41 Henry de Thurston and Cecilia Reyner v. Henry le Lomb and Alice
daughter of John Drury in Rugham, and Berton juxta St. Edmund's
42 John son of Geoffrey son of Aunsy de Cove of Eston v. Geoffrey
son of Hubert le Clerk of Cove in Wylyngham
43 Robert de Rokewod and Margaret his wife v. John le Botiller, parson
of Foston church in Stanfeld, Lausele, and Halsted
44 William de Wrattyng v. Amicia who was wife of John Swyft in
Hauhille and Wytheresfeld
45 Simon de Kynardesle and Margaret his wife v. John son of Thomas de
Hanchhache and Johanna his wife in Bernardeston
20 Edward II
1 Richard son of Geoffrey de Carleton and Matilda his wife v. John de
Redenhale, clerk in Monks Soham and Thorp juxta Debenham
2 Ebulo le Strange and Alesia his wife v. Robert de Aspald of customs
and services out of part of the manor of Coulyng


3 Richard de Dalton v. John de Holme and Sarah his wife in Thrandeston
4 Hamo de Huntingfeld and Mabel his wife v. Augustinus de laFaleyse,
parson of Brampton church in Huntingfeld, Cokeleye and Walpol
(William son of Hamo de Huntingfeld, Hubert Bagge of Cokeleye
and Cristiana who was wife of John de Hybernia app clam)

5 William de Bedale and Alice his wife v. John Bomond and Margaret
his wife in Leueton, Dersham, Yoxford, Blytheburgh, Thuriton and
6 Robert de Badele and Meliora his wife v. Richard de Hasting and
John Bateman of the manor of Badele in town of Badele
7 Robert Spirhard of Weybrede, chaplain v. Alan son of Robert le
Barkere of Weybrede in Weybrede
t [Richard Len of Ipswich and Emma his wife v. Egidius de Wachesham
and John atte Northstrete, chaplain, of the manors of Resshemere
and Parva Breste in Resshmere, Westerfield and Tuddenham
8 Robert de Bures and Michael his son v. Robert Clerbek in Lauenham
and Meldyngg, Cokefeld, Preston, and Monks Illeye
9 John son of Adam Brightyene of Blaxhale v. John Hurt and Alianora
his wife in Blaxhale
t [Benedict le Eyr of Walpol, chaplain v. William Tastard in Rindham]
10 Nicholas son of Richard del Hill and Isabella his wife v. Richard del
Hill of Hyntlisham in Hyntlisham
11 William Bobyl of Hadleye v Nicholas atte Pond, chaplain, in Hadleye
12 William Spice and Agnes his wife v. John le Bret and Ivetta his wife
in Brendwenham
13 George son of Rdbert de Geddyngge of Stokeneylonde and Johanna
his wife v. Robert de Bordeshowe in Stokeneylond and Polsted (Alice
who was wife of Robert Burel of Geddyngg and John son of George
Burel app clam)
14 Alexander Andrew v. John Lucas and Johanna his wife in Brendwenham
15 Stephen de Braunford v. Roger de Lodeneford and Cristiana his wife
in Brendewenham
20 Edward II or Edioard III
t [. . . . Charles v. Edward Charles in Esham hale,
Batesford ]
t Not now on file.


1 Edward III

1 John son of John de Bohun v. Roger de Tichebourne and Katherine

his wife of fourth part of the manor of Magna JBresete with its
appurtences and- the advowson of the Priory church of St. Leonards
in same town
2 Robert de Laxfeld v. Nicholas de Shy parson of the church
of Pethawe in Pethawe, Helmyngham, Wyn .... and Codenham
3 John Ketil of Wiston and Johanna his wife v. William de Stansfeld,
clerk, in Wiston
4 Thomas de Gardinis and Constancia his wife v. Nicholas de Rysing v.
William Wyggepirye in Ixnyng
5 John son of Edmund le Sauvage of Henstede and Isolda his wife v.
John son of William le Sauvage of Henstede iu Henstede, Wrentham,
Benacre, Soterle, Southcove, Kessynglond, Resshemere, Beccles, and
6 Thomas Thurbern of Cotton v. Ralph son of Gregory son of Ralph de
Mendlesham and Alice his wife in Mendlesham
7 Thomas de Gardinis and Constancia his wife v. William Wyggepirye
of land- in Ixnyng
8 John de v. Roger de Ticheburne and Eatherine his wife of the
fourth part of the manor of Sprouton with appurtenances, &c, which
Sibilla who was wife of Roger Loveday held for life (Roger de
Tichebourn and Katherine his wife and Richard Hakon and Alina
his wife app clani)
9 Lawrence de Burghstede and Agnes his wife v. William de Henlegh and
Felicia his wife in Stonham
10 John Gamen of Keleshale, chaplain, v. Roger Alfred and Matilda his
wife in Yoxford
11 John son of Geoffrey de Cove v. Andrews de Scrouteby and Felicia his
wife in Spectishale, Rumburgh, and Ilketelishale
12 Adam son of Ralph Pounkel of Bergham and Mabel his wife v. John
son of William de Melton in Bergham, Codenham Magna, and
Parva Blakenham
13 Gilbert Roberd and Saina his wife v. Ralph de Gosebak of third part
of the manor of Estonegosebek with appurtences in the manor and

advowson of church


14 William de Elyngham v. Peter Dunnyng, chaplain, in Wynston,
Framesden, Helmyngham, Pethawe, Gretyngham, Debenham,
Ashfield juxta Thorp, and Thorp juxta Ashfield
15 William son of John de Langhale and Johanna daughter of John
Bubrok v. John de Langhale of Parva Lynstede and Johanna his
wife in Wetheringsett, and Brokford
16 Thomas Charles v. Edward Charles in Esham.
2 Edward III
17 Margaret who was wife of Edmund de Shardelowe v. William Payn,
chaplain and William son of Richard de Hauwyle in Coulyn,
.... dgate, Oteleye, Bradeley, and Trillowe
18 Robert de Stok v. Richard de Mundeford in Belstede,
and Hynclesham (William de Mundeford appofi clam)
19 Robert son of Herbert Weylaund and Isabella his wife v. Simon de
Heyford of the manor of Hegh Hamhale with appurtances in
Burgate, Gyssingham, and Mellis (William Osbern of Gislingham'
appofi clam)
20 Robert son of John de Shelton and Matilda his wife v. Stephen parson
of Lound church and Laurence son of John de Shelton chevalier of
the manor of Stradebrok (Agatha who was wife of John de Shelton
appofi clam)
21 John de Aspale v. Richard Hacoun and Anna his wife of the fourth
part of the manor of Sprouton with appurtences and advowson of
church, which Sibilla wife of Roger Loveday held for life
22 John son of Warinus de Bosco of Helmyngham, Junior, chaplain v.
Sampson le Chapman and Avicia his wife in Estounegosbek and
Asshe juxta Helmyngham
23 Edmund son of Robert dil Clyf v. John de Peyto and Alice his wife
of moiety of manor of Brampton with appurtences
24 John Jermye and Johanna his wife v. Roger de Hales and William de
Newport of the manor of Medefeld with appurtences

25 Walter Mokes v. Ralph de Bockyng and Matilda his wife in Falesham

and Geddyng
26 ^Henry de Blofeld of Mutford and Margaret his wife v. John de Hugh
junior, chaplain in Mutford and Resshemere
27 Henry de Dicton and Alice his wife v. John de Dicton chaplain in
Parva and Magna Thrillowe and Parva Bradelele


28 Thomas de Sakevill v. John de Sakevyll chaplain, of the manor of
Marlesford with appurtoes and advowaon of the Church
29 William Kysse of Gorleston v. John Assheman of Somerleton and
Sarah his wife in Corton
30 John de la Lee and Petronilla his wife v. John Tristrem of
Shymplyng and Ealph de Rerisby of the manor of Chardacre with
appurtces which Beatrice who was wife of William de la Lee held
for life
31 John de la Lee and Petronilla his wife v. John Tristrem of Shymplyng
and Ralph de Rerisbi in Herthirst
32 William de Haddeshagh and Agnes his wife v. John de Peyto Le Fiuz
and Alice his wife of the manors of Asphale and Debenham
33 Nicholas de Trowes and Sarah his wife v. Adam le Syre, chaplain in
Hunterston, Asshele, Parva Langham, and Stoke Langetot
34 Bartholomew de Castello and Johnna his wife v. William de Lopham,
vicar of the church of Aketon v. Edmund le Boteler in Thorpmorieux, Cokefeld and Preston
35 Robert de Bures and Hillaria his wife v. Edmund le Botiller in Magna
and Parva Waldyngfeld, Meldyngge, Meleford, Aketon, Sudbury
and Newton
36 Robert de Aspale and Alice his wife v. Thomas son. of Robert de Aspale
of the manor of Coulynge with appurtces
37 John de Ponte and Cristiana his wife v. Peter de Elyngham and Robert
Gilber . . . Codenham, chaplain in Cretying St. Mary, Cretyng All
Saints, Cretyng St. Olive and Codenham (Thomas son of Alan of

Cretyng, Thomas son of John de Ponte and William Purchaz and

Alan Purchaz appofi clam)
3 Edward III
1 Roger de Wyngefeld, chaplain and George son of William Pryk and
Elen his wife and Henry de Redenhale and Ralph Pryk in Mendham, Wethersdale and Southelmham
2 Peter de Donewyco, parson of Westleton church and John son of
Roger de Donewyco and Thomas his brother (John) v. Clement
Thorald parson of Wrentham church of the manor (of Westleton
(John son of Augustus del Clif of Donewyco and Thomas son of
William Austyn of Donewyco appofi clam)


3 Alan Borel and Agnes his wife v. John Dunch and Matilda his wife
in Codenham and Berkyngg
4 Eobert Freysel b. Richard de Hauvyle and Margaret his wife in Ickeworth'
5 Peter de Scales and Johnna his wife v. Richard de Tendryng parson
of the church of Burgate in Wetherdene
6 John de Schelton and Thomas vicar of Preston church v. Peter le
Boteler of Cokefeld and Matilda his wife in Cokefeld, Brendebradefeld, Lausele, and Stanefeld
7 Roger de Loudham v. Stephen parson of church of Lound of land in
Askeby and Herlyngflet and of the ferry at the. water of St.
Olave in town of Herlyngflet (Roger son of Roger of Londham,
relative and heir : of Robert de Loudham app clam)
8 Hugh Pryde of Sudbury chaplain and Albredus Pertrich of Denham'
chaplain v. John Page of 'Aketon and Alice his wife in Meleford
9 Roger Hervi and John his son : and Matilda the latter's wife v. John
son of Robert 'Hubert of Berde[well] in Fynyngham
10 John son of Henry [Hepjvvorth and Avelina his wife in Berdwell,
Stanton, Bernyngham, and Hepworth, and advowson of churoh of
St. John of Stanton
11 William de Elyngham v. William Leyre senior in Suthholte
12 John son of Ralph Torald of Hepworthe and Edmund de Stanton v.
John de Rodinge chaplain in Hepworthe, Bernyngham, Watlisfeld,
and Weston

13 Thomas son of Katherine de Stanton v. Peter de Redlisworth of the

manors of Seyncler and Netherehall with appurtenances
14 Ralph de Norwich and Cecilia his wife v. Peter le Botiller and Matilda
his wife in Cokefeld
15 John de Stonham and Rose his wife v. Thomas le Shephirde of Parva
Bradeley in Magna and Parva Bradeleye and Coulyngg
16 John de Hoxne v. John Burgelyoun and Margaret his wife in Horham
17 Robert de Wechesham and Johanna his wife v. Egidius de Wechesham
of the manors of Thuriton and Stansted with appurtenances
18 John de Aspale v. Thomas Duraunt and Margaret his wife of third part
of the manor of Sproughton with appurtenances which Sibilla who
was the wife of Roger Loveday held for life (Richard de Tychebourn
and Katherine his wife and Richard Hakoun and Anna his wife
appon clam)


19 Ralph de Norwich v. John son of Thomas de Chjggewell chaplain in
20 Richard Sprount and Matilda his wife v. Adam Annejs parson of
Donyngworth church in Parva Glemham
21 John de Botiller v. Ralph Alisaundre in Heohham
22 John de Beche if. Matilda his wife v. John de Walsham chapman in
23 Robert de Bures v. Edmund le Boteler in Magna Bures, Wistpn,
Assyngton, and Parva Cornerde
24 John de Hibernia senior v. John son of Ralph Ohapeleyn of Bradenham
and Mabel his wife in Walpol juxta Sybetune
25 John son of Robert de Bradefeld junior and Matilda his wife v. Edmund
Saxi of Stanefeld and Elen his wife in Brande, Bradefeld, and Magna
and Parva Whelnetham , ,
26 Edmund Saxi and Elena his wife v.- John son of Robert of Bradefeld
junior and Matilda his wife in Stanefeld, Lausele, and Cokefeld.

27 Henry son of Robert Oftheredyng of Hoxne and, Johanna his wife v.

Richard de Cranesford in Freston, Buxlowe, and Stertiefeld (Henry
; de Bradeleand Avicia his wife appon clam)
28 Stephen son of Mathew de Rendham of Magna Lynstede v. Robert son
of Geoffrey Jurdon of Bromfeld and Margaret his wife in Magna
Lynstede;; , ; .,....'',
29 John Brunnewyne of Elgh chaplain ft; Roger Rode of Elgh in Elgh
and Werlyngham ;
30 John de Hoo of Saxfeld v. Walfer Lagon of Wethe.ryngsete in Saxfeld,
Badyngham, and Dynyton and fourth part of the manor of Saxfeld
with appurtenances ; ; ,
31 John de Lyndholt and Hawisia his wife v. Hugh vicar ;of the church,,
of Parva Waldyngfeld in Parva Waldyngfe^d and Meldyngge
32 Roger Aldred of Haustede v. Robert Beneyt of Haustede and Johanna
, his wife in Haustede and Whepstede ,.\
33 John de Wynterton v. Roger le Taillour of Thrillowe and Johanna his
wife in Magna Thrillowe
34 Isabella who was wife of John de Belstede v. Robert de Iugelose and
Johanna his wife hr Magna, Belstede, Parva Wenham, Chatesham,
Hintlesham, Coppedok, Bursted, Stratford, Fleketon, and Ipswich


3 and 4 Edward III
35 Edmund de Sutton and Petronilla his wife v. Nichalas de Sutton of
the manor of Widekesho with appurtenances
36 John de Dymeton, clerk v. John Norman of Burnedish, clerk, in
Burnedish aud Dymeton
37 Bobert de Bures and Hillaria his wife v. Edmund le Boteller of manor
of Aketon with appurtenances
38 William de Elmham and Agnes his wife v. John de Holm of
Thrandestou and Sarah his wife in Thrandeston
39 Walter Taverner of Stokeneylond and Matilda his wife v. Stephen

Petyt of Stokeneylond in Stokeneylond

40 Robert de Mertone and Katherine his wife v. Thomas de Wolferston
and Thomas de Badelew in Halughtre, Aliusbourne, and Suburbs
of Ipswich
41 Robert de Bordeshowe and Amicia his wife and Richard, son of the
said Robert v. Richard Muriel of Depham and Thomas his brother
in Sprouton, Bramford, Brokes, and Stoke juxta Ipswich
42 John de la Chaumbre of Ereswell and Anna his wife v. William, son of
William of Boneton of Ereswell and Robert de Graunsete in
43 Warinus atte Welle of Colecestre and William de Bronie of Colecestre
v. John de Weston of Parva Jernemutha and Avelina his wife in
Parva Jernemutha and Gorleston
44 Wakelinus de Hardredeshull and Alice his wife v. John de Catfeld,
William le Palmere, chaplain, and Robert de Saxfeld of part of the
: manor of Colston
"45 T John del Hey the, chaplain v. William del Hey the of Jakele in Jakele
46 Paulinus de Somersham, vicar of the church of Ofton v. Robert
Herbert of Lausele and Sabina his wife in Lausele
4 Edward III
1 Thomas de Berkeleye and Margaret his wife v. Thomas Ap Adam of
the manor of Monewden in the appurtenances and advowson of the
Church which Isabella de Hastynges held for life (John Inge appoil
2 Philip de Wele, chivaler and Johanna his wife v. William Wynkpyri
of Ixngng in Ixngng


3 Thomas Tebaud of Berkyngg and Cecilia his wife v, John de Bresete
and Alice his wife of Gippynggeneuton
4 Bresete and Alice his wife v. Thomas Tebaud de Berkyngge
and Cecilia his wife in Eldeneuton, Gippynggeneuton and Thorneye
5 Thomas, son of John de Tymworth and Agnes his wife v. William
Payn, parson of Flemton church in Mildenhale, Tymworth, Ingham,
Katlesden, and Hecham
6 Thomas de Verlay and Johanna his wife v. Oliverus Ermeger and-

Thomas de Wingfeld in Sternefeld, Saxmundham, Benhall, Famham,

and Holton and advowsou of Saxmundham church
7 William de Marleford and Margaret his wife v. Thomas de Verlay and
Johanna his wife in Ikene, Orford, and Sudburne
8 Robert de Harkyngg and Cecilia his wife v. Roger de Harkyngg in
Redgrave and Wortham
9 John de Norwich, chevalier and Margaret his wife v. Remigius de
Hedersete, parson of Hengham church and Walter de Therstone
. parson of Sculthorp church of the manors of Brounfeld, Melles, and
Dallyngho with appurtenances and advowson of Dallyngho church
10 John de Gorliston v. John Cabelowe in Bradewell
11 Walter Grapmel and Simon atte Halle of Retheresthorp v. Margaret
who was the wife of Simon de Kynardesle of the manor of Kedyngton
with appurtenances and advowsou of the church
12 John Martyn v. John Broundel and Emma his wife in Edwardestou,
Magna Waldyngfeld, and Parva Waldyngfeld
13 John Chaumpanye and Nicola his wife o. Margaret daughter of
William Chaumpanye in Stowe Langetot, Huuteston, Langham, and
14 John Bonetonn and Anicia his wife v. John de Chaumbre of Ereswell
and Nicolas Blount, chaplain in Eriswelle and Mildenhale
15 John Seman of Berton v. John Wysman and Richard de Lakenham in
Berton and Mildenhale
16 Nicholas Boweman, and John Woderoue v. Thomas, son of Roger
Woderoue and Alice his wife in Parva Jernemuth
17 Alexander, son of Ralph de Lungeleye of Edwardiston and Margaret
his wife v. Ralph Swyft of Preston and Nicholas de Estone in
Edwardiston, Waldingfeld, Magna and Parva


18 John de Irlaund 1 v. William, son of Hamond de Huntyngfeld in
Ilketelishale and Wysete

19 Hugh, son of Gregory de Boxford and John his brother v. Jacob le

Cok of Boxford and Marilda his wife in Boxford
20 John Mareschal and William, son of Adam de Aldham v. William
Eussell and Cristiana his wife in Chiselford, Orford, Sudbourn, and
21 Thomas Aldwyne and Juliane his wife v. William de Loungele'ye of
Stokeneylond and Cristiana his wife in Stokeneylond
22 Thomas Honeman and Margaret his wife v. John Honenian in Ixnyngg
23 Simon de Lellesley v. Henry,' son of Luce of Sampford and Amabilla
his wife in Semere
24 William Cuttyng v. Richard Hilte of Braucham and Johanna his wife
in Eldeneuton
25 Nicholas le Rede and John atte Medwe v. Simon de Huntereston,
parson of Ouesdou church in Rede
26 Peter the son of Peter del Brok of Wysete and Alice his wife v. Henry
1 de Redenhale and Roger de Euereus in Wysete, Specteshale,
Rumburgh, and Chedestan
27 Saierus Sulyard, parson of Rendlesham church and ll William le
Neweman of Benteleye, chaplain v. Hugh Sulyard, parson of moiety
of the church of Brendewenham and Roger de Ernestede in
Rendlesham, Eyk. Bromeswalle, and Buttele
28 John Hervy of Baketone v. Thomas Scot of Gottone and Rose his wife
in Cottone, Baketone, and Fynyngham
29 Stephen atte Hacehe v.. Ramulph le Gynour and Cecilia his wife in
-30 Sarah who was the wife of Walter de Stanes of Elevedene v. Roger de
Stanes, parson of the church of Parva Ly vermere in Elevedene and
31 Ralph de Norwich and Cecilia his wife v. John, son of Henry Drury
of Thurstonein Thurstone, Beketon, Drenkeston, Tostok, Norton,
and Pakenham
32 Adam Flemyng of Bedyngfeld and Mabel his wife v. William de
Elyngham in Bedyngfeld
33 Agnes, daughter of Nicholas le Hert and Matilda her sister v. Nicholas

le Hert of Boxford in Boxford

5 EDWARD III. 1,6,9

34 John, son of Geoffrey -de Cove of Estoove and Julia his wife v. Geoffrey
son of Hubert le Clark of Suthcove in Heygham, Stratford, Holton,
and Reydon
5 Edward III
1 .Gilbert Pecche and Sibilla his wife v. William de Gretton, clerk., and
Thomas le Graunt of Multon of the manor of Magna Trillowe with
2 William son of William Suclyng of Cratfeld v. Richard de Denham of
Cokeleye and Johanna his wife in Weath ....
3 Prior of Angleseye v. Elizabeth de Burgo of rent and appurtenances
in Lakyngheth
4 Bartholomew Isak of Felmyngham, chaplain and Margaret de
Carmenwalle of Eldeneuton and William Isaak and Johanna his
wife v. Richard Hilte and Johanna his wife in Eldeneuton
5 Hugh de Rattlesden and Letitia his wife and John his son v. Nicholas
Calf and Avicia his wife in Sapston
6 Philip le Keu of Poselyngworth v. John Hemery of Poselyngworth and
Matilda his wife in Poselyngworth
7 Thomas son of Henry de Heppeworth and Isabella his wife v. Matthew
Esger of Stanton and Thomas le Taillour of Stowe in Heppeworth,
Stanton, and Berdewell
8 [Rogerus parson] of, Frostendene church and Roger de Dunwich,
. chaplain v. Clementia .who was the wife of John de Biskelee,
l . ,. .chevalier and Reginald. her son in Giselham, .... lond, Henstede,
Mutford, Benacr, Pagefeld, Kyrkelee, Bameby, Carleton, and
Becles (Richard de Byskelee app clam)
9 Richard le Forester of Illegh and Rose who was the wife of Andrew le
Forester of Illegh v. John de Brok of Illegh and Jacob de Lelleseye,
. chaplain, in Monks Illigh, Brendillegh, Meldyngg, Lelleseye, and
10 William son of Egidius de Neketon and Margaret his wife v. Reginald
de Denham, parson of Westtoftes Church in Magna Burton and

W- William Michel and Margaret his wife v. William de Stansfeld and

Nicholas his brother in Stansfeld
12 John Brunnewyne of Elgh, chaplain v. Bartholomew Crane and
Johanna his wife in Elgh and Soterle (Hugh Berry app clam)


13 Thomas Person of Wyrlington and Isabella his wife v. Richard Atte
More and Cecilia his wife in Wyrlyngton
14 Robert Loveday and Agnes his wife v. Robert son of Hugh Houel,
chevalier and Johanna his wife in Chedestan and Suth Elmham
15 William de Gretton of Parva Thrillowe, clerk v. John Mowe of Parva
Thrillowe, chaplain, in Parva Thrillowe
16 Benedict Le Eyr of Walpol, vicar of the church of Rendham and
Henry his brother v. Robert de Walpol and John de Lympynhowe
in Dersham
17 William de Gretton of Parva Thrillowe, clerk v. John Mowe of Parva
Thrillowe, chaplain, in Parva and Magna Thrillowe
18 Prior of Ely v. Elizabeth de Burgo of manor of Lakyngheth
19 John le Palmere and Henry his son v. Robert de Sancroft and Johanna
his wife in Suthelmham
20 Adam le Warde of Fornham All Saiuts and Alice his wife v. Adam de
Brandestou, chaplain and William de Bradeleye, chaplain, in
Fornham All Saints
21 Roger atte Wode of Parva Thornham and Agnes his wife v. Walter de
Wyvill and Hugh de Lameley in Parva Thornham, Thornham
Pilcok, and Melles
22 Thomas de Cornerth and Margaret his wife, v. Andrew de Bures and
George de Cornerth in Poselingworth, Clare, Stratesell, and Pontelawe
23 Thomas de Cornerth and Margaret his wife v. Andrew de Bures and
George de Cornerth in Magna Bures, Magna Cornerth, and
24 William son of Robert Wace ofBenyngham aud Katherine hiz wife v.
Magister John de Sailthorp, clerk and Warinus atte Welle of

Colecestre in Benyngham and Reddyngfeld

25 William son of John de Ereswell v. John son of William Matheu of
Ereswell in Ereswell
26 Richard Queynte of Meleforde v. Adam Goch of Meleforde aud Sarah
his wife in Meleforde
27 Alexander de Chepenhale of Fresingfeld v. John de Langhale and
Johanna his wife in Eye, Briseworth, Yakesle, Parva Thornham^
Okolt, Benyngham, Brom, Melles, Thrandiston, Wetheringsete,
Redgrave, Redlingfeld, and Denham (John Palmer of Ely aud Agnes
his wife app clam)


28 Johnna who was wife of Richard de Argentham v. Thomas sou of
Hugh le Bere of Lavenham chaplain in Aketon (Alan le Bere of
Lavenham appofi clairi suum)
29 William le Shephirde of Leyham senior v. Richard son of John Clerk
of Leyham chaplain and Richard Garleberd of Hadleye clerk in
Leyham (Nicholas Dore and Elen his wife app clam
30 Nicholas le Fevre, chaplain v. Thomas Scot of Cocton and Rose his
wife in Cocton
31 John Sampson of Kereseye v. Robert le Palmere of Rendham and
Dionisia his wife in H . . legh
32 Geoffrey Wythe and Isabella his wife v. Thomas de Ages of the
manor of Lound with appurtenances
33 John Marscal of Elmesete and Rose his wife v. John son of Adam de
la Sale of Cleydon in Elmesete, Hintiesham, and Floketon
34 John sou of Adam de la Sale of Cleydon v. John Marscal of Elmesete
in Burstalle, Braunsete, Sprouton, Hnntlesham, Hadleye, Reydon,
Chatesham, and Magna Belstede
35 John de Redenhale and Henry de Redenhale v. John de Boylound,
chevalier in Chedistan, Cokeleye, Huntyngfeld, Lynstede, Wysete,
and Southelmham
36 Bartholomew Bateman, chevalier, v. Robert de Standcroft and Johanna
his wife of the manor of Flixtou (Robert son of Robert de

Barsham Kuight app clam)

37 Robert de Hel v. John de Brecete and Alice his wife in Eldeneuton
and Gyppyngneuton]
38 Nicholas de Cantebrigg, . parson of Ferditton church and Clement
Torald, parson of Wrantham church v. Simon de Perpunt, chevalier,
of the manor of Wrantham with appurtenances and advowsons of
the churches of that town and of the towns of Beanacre and
Henstede (Alan de Henstede appofi clam)
39 William de Sutton and Matilda his wife v. Adam Kereseye, chaplain,
in Stokeneylonde ,
40 Richerus son of Eustachius le Clerk of Grymeston and Mabel his wife
v. Thomas le Clerk of Neuburne in Tremeleye St. Martin, Tremeleye
St. Mary, and Altanston (Thomas son of Richarus son of Eustachius
le Clerk of Grymeston app clairi)


41 William le Breton v. William de Ernestede in Herkestede
42 Michael de Bures v. William Giffard and Isabella his wife in Shelleye,
Hegham, Beydon, and Holton
43 Bobert de Bokwod v. Bobert de Cotton and Mariota his wife in
Stanefeld and Lausele (John son of Edmund Saxi clerk appofi clam)
44 Gilbert de Dedham and Isabella his wife and Bobert de Dedhafci and
Emma his wife v. Nicholas de Hadham, vicar of the chunfli of
Ardeleye in Stratford, Dedham, Ardeleye and Bergholt juxta
Cattiwade (Michael son of John le Veyse appon clam)
45 Thomas atte Bregge of Codenham and Johanna his wife v. William
de Brekelis and John Kok of Codenham in Codenham, Cretyng,
All Saints, Cretyng St. Mary, Cretyng St. Olave, and Berkyng
46 Bobert de Batesford and Cecilia his wife and William and John his
sons v. William de Batisford and Johanna his wife in Battesford,
Badele, Berkyng, Byngesele, and Combes
47 Nicholas de Crammavill and Alianora his wife v. John le Fermer in
Meleford and Aketon > :
48 John de Cove and Eva his wife v. William Bacon, parson of the
church of Tasburgh of the manor of Thuryton with appurtenances

in Thuryton, Brumfeld, Wenanstou, and Bleburgh

49 Clementia de Loudham v. John Frere in Aldeburgh and Haselwod .'
50 Walter, of Hellis, v. Paul, vicar., of the church of Ofton in Ofton,
Somersham, and Netlestede
51 John de Beymis and Agnes his wife v. Nicholas son of Bogerle Smyth
of Shelleye, chaplain, in Hegham and Hetcham
52 Ran ul ph le Gyuour and Cecilia his wife v. Richard Hilte and Johanna
his wife in Framesdene, Gretyngham, Munegheden, Helmyngham,
and Asshefelde juxta Gretyngham
53 Henry Sndu of Ufford and Matilda his wife v. Robert de Ingclose and
Johanna his wife in Sprouton
54 John Richer of Cavendissh, senior v. John Barlycorn of Poslyngwprth.
and Johanna his wife in Cavendissh
55 Peter Talbot of Hyntlesham and Matilda his wife v. Walter de
Wauncy, parson of Groundesburgh church, of the manor of
Croweshalle with appurtenances

6 edward in. :173

56 Benedict de Cokefeld and Avicia his wife v. Richard de Tendringg,
clerk, in Whatefeld, Hadlegh, Elmesete, Navelton, and Semere, and
advowson of church of Whatefeld
57 Avicia who was wife of i William de Whatefeld v. Giles de
Wachesham in Naulton, Whatefeld, and Aldham
6 Edward III
-1 Richard son of Alan' de Cretyng v. Henry de Nedham and Agnes his
wife in Stow market
2 Andrew de Bures v. Hugh de Pavethorn and Alice his wife in Aketon
and Magna Waldyngfeld
3 John Alcok and Simon his son v. John del Hegh, chaplain, in
'- 4 John Spore v. William de Lelysheye and Isabella his wife in Berdewell
5 John Costyn of Mildenhale v. William de Chevyngton and Agnes his
wife in Parva Hornynges Herthe, and Ikworthe
6 Thomas son of Hugh de Thorp Murfeux v. Walter de Navelton and

T Johanna his wife of the manor of Falesham with appurtenances

7 Robert son of Herbert Weylond v. William de Aungre and Matilda
his wife in Wytlesham and Tudenham'
8 John de Brundish, chaplain v. Ancelinus Talmache and Emma his wife
in Onesdene
9 Richard de Brewosa and Johanna his wife v. Richard Skyn parson of
Saxlyngham church in Fornham All Saints, Westle, Hanegrave,
and Flempton
10 John de Martham of Suthwalde and Amabilla his wife v. Alan de
Henstede in Suthwalde and Reydon juxta Wangeforth
11 William de Wormbregge v. William atte More of Chiltone and Alice
his wife in Stradesele
12 Giles de Wachesham and Amicia his wife v. Walter son of Ralph
de Whatefeld in Whatefeld, Aldham and Naulton and advowson of
the church of Naulton
13 Stephen de Magna Lyvermere and Agnes his wife v. John de Denham
in Magna Lyvermere.
14 John le Spenser of Polstede junior v. John Maudyan de Eylond and
Matilda his wife in Ratlesden
' 15 Thomas Phelipe and Isabella his wife v. William Phelipe hi Aketon
and Lavenham


16 Nicholas de Ofton and Alice his wife v. Richard le Deen chaplain in
Ofton and Ketlebere (William son of Nicholas de Ofton appofi clam
17 William Fitz Steven of Broxstede and William son of William and
Matilda his wife v. John de Bonbrok of Wetheryngsete and John
de Elmesford chaplain, in Broxstede
18 John de la Stronde of Catty wade v. Nicholas Lassh of Catty wade
and Johnna his wife in Brantham
19 John de Stanmere v. Henry le Fullere and Alice his wife in Assh
juxta Eendlisham

20 Robert son of Hugh Houel, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. Vincent
Morwan of Petriste and Margaret his wife in Wykham Market
21 Robert son of Hugh Houel, chevalier, senior, and Johanna his wife
v. Robert Loverede and Alice his wife in Wykham Market
22 Alice who was wife of John Page of Chilton and Richard son of John
v. John Impehey and Sarah his wife in Clare
23 Nicholas de Toftis and Johanna daughter of Henry le Maistre v. John
Everard de Wykhambrok and Aliec his wife, Alan de Ouesden and
Agnes his wife and John atte Walle and Alice his wife in Chetebere,
Chenyngton, and Depeden
24 Nicholas Launce of Fresyngfeld and Johanna his wife v. Richard de
Bernyngham and John de Hedersete of the manor of Snapehalle
with appurtenances in Fresingfeld, Medefeld, Stradebrok, Mendham,
Esham, and Silham
25 Robert Parvyng, junior v. Ranulph de Dacre and Margaret his wife in
26 Alan le Conyers and Catherine his wife v. Nicholas le Conyers and
William Gobald of the manor of Fynyngham and advowson of the
27 Isabella who was wife of William Phelip v. Ralph Everard ofBlaxhale,
chaplain of the manor of Parva Glemham with appurtenances in
Magna and Parva Glemham, Marlesford, and Stratford juxta
Blenhale (Richard son of William de Dynyngton app clam)
28 Richard de Biskele and John de Hoxne v. John de Ulveston in
Debenham, Mikelesford, Stanhan, Wetheryngsete, and Aspale
29 Adam le Melnere v. Walter son of John Tylkeys of Glemesford and
Albreda his wife in Glemesford


30 John son of Richard Haltebe of Ipswich v. Gilbert de Burgh of Ipswich
and Alice his wife in Ipswich
31 John de Denham v. Robert Parvyng of the manor of Denham with
32 John Blome,v. Hugh Pygouche and Ernaburga his wife in Magna and

Parva Belynges
33 Thomas son of Alan de Rogham and Thomas de Bradefeld, chaplain v.
John le Taillour of Resshebrok and Cecilia his wife in Resshebrok
34 John son of Alan de Fengham and Thomas de Bradfelde, chaplain v.
John Aylet and Matilda his wife in Resshebrok
35 Thomas de Saxham, parson of the church of Westharlyngg and Ralph
de Rykyngale, chaplain v. Hugh de Saxham and Rose his wife of the
manors of Walsham and Ixeworth with appurtenances
36 John de Ingham and Amicia his wife v. John de Welnytham,
chevalier and Henry de Welnytham in Mauston. Brokeleye, Lausill,
Wepstede, and Magna Welnytham
37 Clementia who was wife of Roger de Loundham, parson of the church
of Lound v. William Scarlet, chaplain, in Herlyngflet, Askeby,
Freton Stouene, and Upredisham
38 John de Whelnetham and Alice his wife v. Andrew Drake of
Shymplynge and Johanua his wife in Alfeton
39 William de Wathe v. Thomas de Samanton and Cecilia his wife and
Roger son of Thomas de Samanton and Katherine his wife in
Northcone, Barneby, Magna Wirlyngham, and Parva Wirlyngham
40 Christiana daughter of William de Pentelowe v. Sarah who was the
wife of William de Pentelowe in Clare
41 Roger le Whyte of Whatefeld, chaplain and Peter Haukyn of
Whatefeld, chaplain v. Thomas le Curson of Carleton and Joiesia
his wife in Kerseye
42 John de Ulveston and Thomas his son and Clementia the wife of
Thomas v. Richard de Biskele and John de Hoxne in Debenham,
Mikelesfeld, Stanham, Wetheryngsete, and Asphale
43 William de la More of Huntyngfeld v. Robert le Warner of
Hevenyngham and Julia his wife in Hevenyngham
7 Edward III
1 John Godefrey of Bungeye and Agnes his wife v. Roger Corbyn of
Aldeburwe and Ida his wife in Bungeye


2 Robert de Tatyngton v. Walter Cobald of Thorp and Johanna his

wife in
3 Thomas le Neve and William Trenchesvil of Badburgham, chaplain, v.
Nicholas de Scostede and Johanna his wife in Wysete, Haleworth,
and Holton
4 Ealph de Bockyngg and Matilda his wife v. William le Straunge and
Margaret his wife in Hemmyngeston, Henle, Codenham, and Ayssh
juxta Helmyngham
5 John son of Adam de la Sale of Cleydon and Thomas son of Lawrence
Horold of Ipswich v. Adam Sabyne of Brustall and Alice his wife in
6 John de la Chaumbre of Ereswell and Amia his wife v. John
Godhewyn de Lakynghethe, senior, and John de Ereswell, junior in
7 Helewisia le Waleys of Totyngton v. Magister Peter de Fornham All
Saints in Fornham All Saints, Fornham St. Genevefe, and Fornham
St. Martin's
8 John de Mortuo Mari, chevalier, and Alianora his wife v.
[Thomas ] vicar of the church of Preston and Nicholas
de Hoo, chaplain, of the manors of Preston and Oteleye
9 Roger de Godesfeld of Warwick v. John de Hertford and Maria his
wife in Wridlyngton, Mildenhale, and Frekenham
10 William de Ingham, parson of the church of Ampton and Edmund de
Rysby, chaplain v. Stephen de Ampton and Alice his wife of the
manor of Ampton with appurtenances and advowson of the church
11 Richard de Ikene, parson of the church of Ratlesden and Richard son
of William de Bouk of Melton v. John son of Simon de Ratlesden in
Ratlesden, Buxhale, Felsharn, Geddyngg, Ryngishele, and Cretyngg
12 Henry Alswyth of Frekyngham v. John Sodenhowe and Alice his
wife in Frekenham
13 William son of John de la Howe and Alice his wife v. Walter de
Wratworth in Eye and Yakesle
14 Roger de Brewese and Margaret his wife v. Nicholas Bonde and

Matilda his wife in Altyngston, Kyrketon, Tremeleye St. Martin's,

and Tremeleye St. Mary.
15 Gilbert le Pestour v. Richard Spront and Matilda his wife and John
de Marlesford and Johanna his wife in Framlyngham Castel


16 "William le Baxtere of Redgrave, chaplain, v. John son of William le
Baillif of Banham and Alice his wife in Redgrave, Ouere Rykynghal,
and Nethere Rynkynghal
17 William Giffard, chevalier and Isabella his wife v. William Hervy of
the manor of Boxstede with appurtenances
18 John Jermye, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. William de Blaxhale
of Ipswich and Saiena his wife of the manor of Eston-Gosebek, with
appurtenances and advowson of the church of Eston-Gosebek
19 John de Stanmere v. Richard Lacy in Assh, Rendlesham, Blaxhale,
and Marlisford
20 Warinnus Man v. Robert Man of Mutford in Mutford and Resshmere
21 Adam Bataille of Beckles and Isabella his wife v. John Bacon of Elgh
and Alice his wife in Beckles
22 Thomas de Hemegrave and Margaret his wife v. Robert Man de
Mutford in Carletone, C . . kele, Pagefeld, Gissilham, Mutford and
Henstede (Katherine and Elizabeth daughters and heiresses of
Richard de Mutford appofi clam)
23 Roger de Bourne and Elen his wife v. Robert Whitfot, clerk and
Robert Balle, clerk, of the manor of Gislyngham with appurtenances
24 John de Freston v. Reinerus le Gotegrom of Meleford and Petronilla
his wife in Holebrok
25 Walter Fauncoun of Eye v. John le Palmere and Agnes his wife in
Eye, Bryseworth, Yakesle, Parva Thornham, Okolt, Benynghan,
Brom, Melles, Thrandeston, Wetheringsete, Redgrave, Redlingfeld,
and Denham
26 John de St. Philberto and Ada his wife v. John de Ille and Robert
Mabiliun de Chelesworth of the manor of Chelesworth
27 Robert de "Walpol v. Richard Patil of Fynyngham and Johanna his

wife in Westhorp and Baketon

28 Simon Goscelyne and Thomas his brother v. Gilbert de Blofeld and
Agnes his wife in Ereswelle
8 Edward III
1 Augustinus son of William Austyn of Dunwich v. William de
Emefeld of Polstede and Johanna his wife in Dersham
2 Robert Stel and Johanna his wife v. John de Neuton and Agnes his
wife in Belton and Bradewell


3 William de Assh v. Robert son of Robert Lengyneour of Weston and
Alianora his wife of the manor of Weston juxta Hopeton with
appurtenances in town of Weston
4 Geoffrey de Corton v. Alan Isoude of Gorlyston and Margaret his wife
in Gorlyston
5 . . . . Bacoun and Margaret his wife v. Thomas de Bradewell, parson
of Salle church and Robert de Jernemuth, junior in Plixton and
advowson of Olton church (John Bacon, chevalier app clam)
6 Robert de Rokwode v. Lucus son of Edmund de St. Edmund's and
Mariota his wife in Stanefeld, Lausele, and Cokefeld
7 John son of Eufemius la Berchere of Grotone and Adam his brother
v. Henry, parson of Grotone church in Grotone
8 John le Noble of Frekenham v. Jacob Russel of Tyneham and
Johanna his wife and Martin son of Andrew Pope of Fakenamdam
and Margaret his wife in Frekenham
9 Thomas son of Richard de Kenton and Agatha his wife v. Simon del
Grene of Herdwyk in Kenton
10 William le Taillour and Agnes his wife and John son of William and
Alice daughter of Robert Jayat v. John Jayat in Tatyngton
11 Nigellus de Keneton v. William de Hoo, parson of the church of
Dalyngho and [John] parson of the church of Eston of the manor

of Keneton with appurtenances in Debenham, Keneton .... juxta

12 Prioress of Caumpesse v. John de Framlyngham, clerk, of the manor
of Karlest on juxta Kelesdale with appurtenances and advowson of
the church
13 John de Abethrop and Agnes his wife v. Robert de Abethrop and
Alice his wife in Honeden (William Carbonel and Margaret his
wife app clam)
14 Simon le Mazoun, chaplain, v. Ralph Barat of Parva Fakenham in
Parva Fakenham, Euston, and Berdewell
15 Eva de Tatrishale v. William, parson of the church of Taseburgh and
Robert de of the manors of Cove, Northales, and
Thoryton with appurtenances
16 William son of Walter de Bello Campo, chevalier, v. Roger Aunger,
chaplain, and John Payn of Caneford, clerk, of third part of the
manor of Multon with appurtenances


t [ de Seyham, Walter de Byntre, and John de Bonge v.
Henry de esle and Agnes his wife and John Blome and
Johanna his wife in Walpol, Braumfeld, Cokeleye, and Hiintyngfeld]
17 John le Bole de , chaplain, v. William de Crosweyt and
Margaret his wife and John de Carlton of and Cleinencia
his wife in Dounham
18 Ralph de Berkelowe and Stephen le Chapman v. Richard Ottyng and
Matilda his wife in Kenteford
19 Henry de Neuton, clerk, aud Margaret his daughter v. William de
Stonham and Johanna his wife in Heigham juxta Stratford
20 Robert de Abethrop v. Peter Markaunt of Clare, chaplain, and John de
Thrillowe, chaplain in Gayslee
21 Michael de Burys and Maria his wife v. Henry de Neuton and
Edmund de Whelnytham in Mildyng, Monks Illegh, Lavenham,
Cokefeld, Preston, and Thorp Moryeux

22 Michael de Burys v. Ralph de Fynchatn and Saiena his wife in

Lavenham, Cokefeld, Preston, and Thorp Moryeux
23 Henry son of John de Bursyerd and Beatrice his wife v. Kentigernus
parson of Resshemere church and John, parson of Gasthorp church
of the manor of Schadenefeld with appurtenances in Thuryton
24 Roger Toward v. Robert de and Alice his wife and Ralph
de Redelyngfeld, chaplain in Redelyngfeld
25 de Hevenyngham v. Richard de Brakenesc and Matilda his
wife in Beccles Endegate, Elgh . . . . : (John del Brok
and Alice his wife appofi claiS)
9 Edward III
1 John le Bee of Brok, chaplain, v. John del Wode of Ketilbergh and
Margaret his wife in Hopton
2 Guido de Sco Claro and Margaret his wif v. William Muschet and
Alice his wife of three parts of the manor of Meldyng with
appurtenances and advowson of church
3 John Goldyng, chaplain, v. Matilda de Derneford in Walpol, Mellis,
Cokeleye, Halisworth, and Broumfeld
4 William de Holebrok and Amicia his wife v. John de Breouse, parson
of the church of Stradebrok and William, parson of church of Parva
Wenham, of the manors of Parva Wenham and Brende Wenham
with appurtenances and advowson of Parva Wenham church
+ Not now on file.


5 Simon Fraunceys of Bildeston and Margaret his wife v. Kobert
Marchaunt of Bildeston and Isabella his wife and William son of
William le Bercher of Leyham and Sarah his wife in Bildeston
6 Thomas Nikeman of Bretenham v. Geoffrey Miloun of St. Edmunds
and Isolda his wife in Brethenham and Hecham
7 Bobert Godrych and John Godrych and Margaret his wife v. John de
Stoke and Alice his wife in Falesham
8 Thomas Aylmer of Framesdene and Johanna his wife v. Ralph le

Gynour and William Jay in Framesdene

9 William le Bretoun and Lora his wife v. Richard de Berkyngg, parson
of the church of Lyere Bretoun, of the manor of Herkstead with
appurtenances and advowson of the church
10 John de Aspale and Elizabeth his wife v. William le Hetherst, parson
of the church of Watlesfeld, Peter de Berton, parson of the church
of Stonham and Robert Giffard of the manor of Stonham Antegayn
with appurtenances in Stonham Antegayn, Mikelesfeld, and Aspale,
and advowson of Stonham church
11 Adam le Waleys of Kerseye and Avicia his wife v. John de Kerseye,
parson of church of Bedefeld and Nicholas Bonde in Kerseye,
Selyseye, Semere, and Hadlegh (Richard le Kyng and Eva his wife,
Robert Godwhete and Johanna his wife app clam)
12 Geoffrey Banyard of Spectishale and Margaret his wife v. Nicholas de
Stystede and Johanna his wife in Spectishale and Rumburgh
13 Henry Alswysft v. Roger Fairheued of Frekenham and Amicia his wife
in Frekenham and Wrydlyngton
14 Nicholas de Daggeworth and Margaret his wife v. Henry de Elyngham,
chaplain, and John de Hadisco, chaplain of the manor of
15 John Men and John Shirlok v. Nicholas Shirlok and Constancia his
wife in Ilketishale, Spectishale, Metyngham, and Bungeye
16 Robert son of Ralph de Hemenhale, chevalier, and Agnes his wife v.
John, parson of the fourth part of Dikilbourgh church and John de
Lympenhowe in Rysby, Weststowe, Magna Saxham, Parva Saxham,
and Barwe
17 Philip de Gelham v. Simon Pryk of Fresyngfeld and Agnes his wife in
Berdewell and Euston

10 EDWARD III. 181

18 John Godard, chaplain, and John son of John Godard of Stonham v.
.Richard Lynn of Batisford in Batisford
19 Mathew son of Peter atte Halleyate of Shirburn in Elmet v. John de
Shirburn, of York and Sarah his wife in Stowe Langetot, Hunteston,
Langham, and Norton

20 John son of Robert Hawys of Walsham, chaplain, v. Hugh de Saxham,

chevalier, and Rose his wife, in Mauldenhale
21 William Osbern of Gislyngham and Agnes his wife and Richard their
son and Matilda, Margaret, and Isabella their daughters v. Roger
de Burgate, clerk in Gyslyngham and Burgate
10 Edward III
22 Simon, parson of Onsdeu church and John de Kyrkeby, chaplain, v.
Gilbert Pecche and Johanna his wife of the manor of Magna
Thrillowe with appurtenances
23 John le Bolour of Bliford and Walter his son and Alice his wife v.
Gilbert le Smyth and Matilda his wife in Henham.
24 Margaret who was wife of John Fylyol v. Edmund de Gonevile, parson
Russheworthe church, in Reydon juxta Shellegh which Lora de
Belsted holds for life.
25 John le Gardener of Cokeleye and Geoffrey Banyard v. John son of
Richard Blannchard of Hevenyingham in Beccles, Endegate,
Werlyngham, Elgh, and Weston juxta Shadeiiefeld
26 Ralph le Gynour v. Richard de Westhorp, parson of the church of
Magna Belynges, and Robert le Spicer, chaplain in Framisden, and
Asshefeld juxta Gretyngham.
27 John de Shirburn of York and Sarah his wife v. Mathew son of Peter
atte Hallegate of Shirburn in Elmet, Stowe, Langetot, Hunteston,
Langham, and Norton
28 Thomas de Holebrok, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. William le
Neweman,* parson of Tatyngeston church and Nicholas Bonde of the
manors of Holebrok, Tatingeston, Langeston, Naketon, and Foxhole,
with appurtenances (John son of John de Freston app clam)
29 John de Loudham, chevalier, v. Richard Swyft of Fornesete and Isabella
his wife in Alyngton, Horham, Redelyngfeld, Hoxii, Wirlyngworth,
Southolte, Bedyngfeld, and Benyngham
30 Edmund atte Chaumbre and Johanna his wife v. Robert atte Barre
in Stoke Neylonde, Wystone, and Asyngtone


31 Edmund atte Chaumbre and Johanna his wife v. Roger de Me ....

bourne, vicar of Assyngton church in Stoke Neylonde, Winston, and

32 Nicholas Blauncpayn v. Gilbert atte Medwe of Eatlisdene and
Johanna his wife in Meleford
33 Peter de Bertone, parson of Stonham and Peter de
Mildenhale v. Katherine de Sutheth in Denham, Mildenhale, and
Berton juxta Mildenhale
34 John Fraunceys of Shadenefeld and John de Uggethale v. John dil
Brok of Weston and Alice his wife in Weston juxta Beccles
35 Roger de Loudham and Matilda daughter of Richard de Grey v.
Geoffrey de Corton of the manor of Gunton with appurtenances
36 William son of Stephen Godyng of Magna Thrillowe and Johanna his
wife v. Lucus de Hovyl of Parva Bradeleye and Isabella his wife
in Houedne and Bernardeston
37 John Priour of Gaysle v. Edmund Boylard and Alice his wife in Gaysle
38 Robert Ermelyn de Magna Waldyngfeld v. Robert Mervyn and Matilda
his wife in Kersey
39 John de Fyncham, junior, v. Thomas Phelip of Lavenham and Isabella
his wife in Lavenham
40 John de Ho of Laxfeld v. John Ryvet and Alice his wife in Ocle,
Thrandeston, Brom, Palgrave, and Stuston, and advowson of third
part of Stuston church
41 Reginald de Worthstede, chaplain, v. Thomas de Polyngfolde and
Margaret his wife in Mendlysham and Cotton
42 Richard de Walsham v. John Hochard, chaplain, and John de Walsham,
chaplain in Mildenhale, Ketilborston, and Preston
43 Walter Baldewene and Johanna his wife v. Nicholas Fraunceys,
chevalier, and Florence his wife of the manor of Bergholt
44 John de Veer, Earl of Oxford and Matilda his wife v. William
Crocheman, chevalier, and Richard de Stoke of the manor of Cokefeld
with appurtenances
45 William Gyffard and Isabella his wife v. Franciscus de Braunford and
Beatrice his wife in Hadlegh

11 Edward III
1 Nicholas de Lavenham and William de Lavenham v. Simon de
Draghtoh and Rose his wife in Lavenham

11 EDWARD III. 183

2 John de Wyngefeld and Alianora his wife v. Giles de Wyngefeld,
parson of Erstham church and Roger le Haukere, clerk, in Sternefeld,
Saxmundham, Benhale, Famham, and Snape, and the advowson of
Saxmundham church
3 Augustinus le Waleys of Woxebrigg v. Roger Bavent, chevalier, and
Hawisia his wife of the manor of Braudeston halle with
4 Robert son of Richard le Fullere of Glemsford and Matilda his wife v.
John Aylyth of Glemesford and Walter his son in Glemesford
5 John de Rounhey and John his son v. John Caleys, parson of Herchest
church and Roger de la More of Boxsted in Lausele
6 Thomas de Ikeworth and Johanna his wife v parson of
Ouesden church and Ralph de Ouesden, chaplain of the manors of
Ickworth and Waunford, and the advowson of the churches of those
7 Andrew de Bures and Alice his wife v. Michael de Ponynges and
Thomas le Botiller in Reydon, Brendwenham, Hadleye, Leyham,
Hegham, Holeton, Capeles, Stratford, Parva Wenham, Werstede,
Freston, and Westerfeld, and advowson of the church of Reydon
8 William le Warner of Botulfisdale v. Richard Levyng of Langeton and
Margaret his wife in Redgrave (Matilda daughter of William del
Wode, Simon Jop and Isabella his wife, Richard del Wode and
Isabella his wife app clam)
9 John son of Richard le Lord of Magna Wilburgham v. John le Quylter
of Clare, junior, and Mabel his wife in Clare
10 William and Margaret his wife v. John le Boteller, vicar
of Magna Fynburwe church and John son of Gerard Cokerel of
Combe in Parva Fynburwe, Combes, Hecham, and Magna Fynburwe
11 Robert de Walpol v. John atte Lound of Thrandeston and Matilda his
wife in Fynyngham
12 John son of Richard Blaunchard of Hevenyngham and Johanna his

wife v. John le Gardener of Hokeleye and Geoffrey Banyard in

Beccles Endegate, Werlyngham, Elgh, and Weston juxta
13 Robert de Rokwode and Margaret his wife v. John de Rokwode and
Thomas Whatlok in Stoke Neylond, and advowson of chapel of
Scotlondehalle (William de Lungeleye and Cristiana his wife app clam)


14 William de Neuton v. William Glaunvill and Thomas de Neuton,
chaplain, in Gyppyng Neuton, and Oldeneuton
15 John le Haukere of Glemham, senior, v. Robert, parson of church of
Saxmundham and John of Stratford, chaplain in Magna Glemham,
Swyftlyngg, and Stratford
16 v. Magister Roger de Beklis, parson of the
church of Thurston, John Hardheued of Baketon, and Roger
in Stonham Antegayne, Stonham Gernegan, Mikelfeld,
Cretyngg St. Mary, Gypyngg Neuton, Veteri Neuton,
( . . . . de Aldershegh and Ismania his wife app clam)
17 Henry Blome of Southelmham v. Henry Terry and Margaret his wife
in Southelmham
18 Robert son of Bartholomew Houel of Wy verston v. Roger de Bavent,
chevalier, and Hawisia his wife in Combes and Battesford, and
advowson of Combes chapel
19 Petronilla de Cravene v. Augustinus son of Walter le Poer of Westleton
and Isabella his wife in Bulcampe and Bregge
20 Elizabeth de Burgo v. Robert de Benhale, chevalier, and Eva his wife
in Ilketleshale and Spectishale
12 Edward III
21 Robert de Peyton, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. Thomas de
Torneye, parson of Boxford church and Walter Petit, chaplain in
Edwardiston, Essyngton, Holton, Parva Cornerde, Neweton juxta
Boxford, and Stratford juxta Heygham
22 John Sampson of Kerseye and Johanna his wife v. Thomas Cursoun
and Jocosa his wife in Polestede, Boxstede, and Grotene (Oliver de
Stretton and Clementina his wife, John Pecok and Matilda his wife,

and John de Shimplyngworth and Beatrice his wife app clam)

23 Edmund de Redesham and Alice his wife v. Walter de Hales of the
manor of Parva Redesham with appurtenances in that town and
24 Robert de Pyeshale v. Thomas Fastolf and John Tedbot of Magna
Jernemuta in Dymeton and Burnedissh
25 John Dembel v. John atte Tye of Thorpe Moryeux and Sioca his wife
in Thorp Moryeux

12 EDWARD III. 185

26 Robert Houel and Alianora his wife v. Mathew de Cantebrigg in
Westhorp, Cotton, Fynyngham, Gyslyngham, and Nethererykynghale, and of the manor of Westhorp, and advowson of church
(Lawrence de Cumpyne of Cotton and Matilda his wife app clam)
27 John Mocoun and Johanna his wife v. Robert le Mayster in Wetherden,
Elms well, and Wolpet
28 John de Shardelowe and Agnes his wife v. Roger Lestraunge of
Knokyn in Coulynge and advowson of church and free chapel which
Alesia Countess of Lincoln held for life
29 Walter de and Richard de Masshebery and Johanna his
wife v. John de Brok and Walter de Ronhey in Hecham and
30 William Clerebaud, chaplain, and Paul de Palgrave, chaplain, v. John
son of Walter Sergiaunt of Hethurst and his wife in Sudbury
31 Robert Houel v. William Rees of Bretenham and Alice his wife in
Combes, Batisford, Magna and Parva Fyneberwe, and Hecham
32 William de Tendryngg, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. Gilbert de
Hardyngham, vicar of the church of Stok Eylond and Roger Prik,
chaplain of the manors of Stanstrete and Leshey with appurtenances
33 Richard le Spenser of Bergholt and Katherine his wife v. William de
Tendringe and Margaret his wife of third part of the manor of
Bergholt with appurtenances which Nicholas Fraunceys, chevalier,
held for life
34 John son of Richard Haltebe of Ipswich and Margaret his wife v.

William son of Mathew de Witnesham, chaplain in Sprouton,

Braunford, Brokes, Westrefeld, and Resshemere
35 Gilbert del Hawe and Margaret his wife v. William le Monek and
Johanna his wife in Debenham and Wytheringsete
36 Ralph Megre, parson of church of Kessynglond v. Henry son of Ivo
de Cherchehous of Kessynglond and Isabella his wife in Kessynglond
37 Robert le Hotot and Anicia his wife v. Richard Clement of the manor
of Thorneye with appurtenances
38 Mathew de Thelnetham and Margaret his wife v. Robert Peyvere, parson
of church of Magna Lyveremere and William Payn, parson of
church of Flemton of the manor of Bromhall with appurtenances
and advowson of church of Magna Lyveremere


39 Thomas de Lambourne and Elizabeth his wife v. Keginald de Shutlyngdon, parson of Lamburne church and Nicholas del Hoo,
chaplain of the manor of Polestede Newelond with appurtenances
and advowson of church
40 Cecilia de Helegeye and Roger Poy and Agnes his wife v. Walter of
St. Edmunds, chaplain, and Roger Lusci of Ratlisden, chaplain in
41 Thomas atte Tye and Amicia his wife v. Adam atte Tye and John
Donylond in Monks Illegh
42 Roger atte Mor of Boxsted v. Ralph Pyk of Somerton and William son
of Roger atte Mor of Boxsted in Boxsted and Cavendyssh
43 John de Refham and Isabella his wife v. Robert de Walton and
Johanna his wife in Eston juxta Letheryngham
44 Robert Caperoun of Eldeneuton v. William, son of John de Stowe
and Cecilia his wife in Eldeneuton, Haghele, and Dagworth juxta
45 Thomas Frauusays of Aketon v. William de Thorp and Maria his wife
in Russebrooke
46 Thomas Boneman and Walter his son v. John Mayner of Newmarket
and Alice his wife in Ixnyngge

13 Edward III
1 Edmund son of Robert del Clyf and Katherine his wife v. Augustinus
del Clyf, parson of Brampton church and John Paf, chaplain of the
manor of Brampton with appurtenances and advowson of the church
in Brampton, Westhale, Pedesham, Stradenefeld, and Stouene
2 Robert Edrych, parson of the church of Burgh v. William Ryngald of
Ipswich and Henry Purchas and Johanna his wife in Berkyng and
3 Thomas de Stowe and Jacob de Micklefeld v. William Godard of
Wirlyngworth, chaplain of the manors of Bedyngfeld and Hesteleye
4 Ralph de la Cressonere and Margaret his wife v. William de la
Cressonere of Ilkelingham in Ilkelingham
5 John de Shardelowe, knight, and Agnes his wife v. Alesia, Countess of
Lincoln in Coulynge, and advowson of the church of C'oulyngge and
chapel of St. Margaret in the same town
6 Nicholas Spake v. Bartholemew Godwyne and Johanna his wife in.

13 EDWARD III. 187

7 John de Verdoun and Matilda his wife v. Magister Alan de Hotham of
the manor of Stanstede with appurtenances
8 Alice Daspale and Thomas her son and Mirabella his wife v. William
de Hoo and Margeret his wife in Mendlisham, Thorneye, Wykham,
Brotford, Wetheringsete, Codenham, Stonham, Knights, Stonham
Jernygan, West Cretinge, Cretynge St. Mary, Cretyng St. Olive,
and Cretynge All Saints
9 Eobert de Walpol v Walter of the Merrsh of Westhorp and Katherine
his wife in Walsham
10 Walter Faukouner of Eye and Johanna his wife v. John Talbot, parson
of church of Ouerrikynghale and Thomas Gorges of Glemham,
chaplain, of the manor of Alyngton with appurtenances
11 John de Walsham, chaplain, Ralph son of Richard de Walsham, and
Nicholas Ralph's brother v. William son of Richard de Walsham in
12 Thomas son of Robert de Stonham, knight, v.. Edmund de Stonham

and Matilda his sister in Ratlesden

13 Thomas Thebaud and Cecilia his wife v. William Quarel, chaplain, in
Gyppyng Neuton
14 John Buntyng and Margaret his wife v. John son of John Buntyng in
15 John -Michel of Tendryng and Richard Felix of Parva Bentelegh,
chaplain, v. Richard de Wymbisch and Johanna his wife of one mill
with appurtenances in Denham
16 Robert Houel v. Robert de Wyllasham and Saencia his wife in Combes,
Batisford, Hecham, Magna Fyneberwe, and Parva Fyneberwe
17 John Bullok of Freston and Agnes his wife v. John Bronewene in
Ryngesfeld, Redesham, and Weston
18 John son of William de Hoo and Dionisia his wife v. John del Brok,
parson of the church of Eston and John de Kenton, chaplain in
Hoo, Letheryngham, Charsfeud, Dallinghoo, Wykham, Brendefeud,
Debach, Clopton, Mounwedon, Gretyngham, Ketelbre, Cranesford,
Rendham, Rendlesham, and Sweftelyng (Maria, Countess of
Norfolk, Thomas de Wachesham, Johanna de Hoo, Edmund de
Playford, vicar of Kenton, appofi clam)


19 William de Elyngham, Hugh, vicar of Benhall, and Eiohard and
Thomas his brothers v. John de Hoxne in Wynston, Framesden,
Debenham, Hoxne, Horham, and Denham
20 Eobert Bacon, chevalier, v. Nicholas de la Beche and Margaret his wife
in Westhale and Brampton
21 William Giffard, chevalier, and Isabella his wife and William son of
William Giffard v. William de Carlton, parson of Watlesfeld church
and Nicholas del Pond, chaplain in Hadeleye (Florence who was
wife of Osbert de Aldham, and Alexander, Osbert and Augustinus
their sons appon clam sun)
22 John Hervy of Magua Waldyngfeld and Amicia his wife v. Nicholas
Aubre and Margaret his wife and William their son in Magna Bures
23 Gilbert Bernard v. Ralph de Ingepenne and Margaret his wife in

24 Henry de Freton v. William Noloth of Weybrede and Agnes his wife

in Weybrede
25 John Cabelowe and Amabilla his wife and Margaret his daughter v.
Boger Botil, chaplain in Belton, Askeby, end Bradewell
26 Hamo de Mikelsfeld v. William son of Hamo de Huntyngfeld and
Johanna his wife in Spectishale, Wyssete, and Rumburgh
27 Benedict de Cokefeld v. Roger le Child, parson of Stratford church
and Robert de Boxted, parson of Misteleye church in Whatefeld,
Naulton, Elmesete, Aldham, Hadlegh, Semere, Lellesey, and
Nedlyngg and advowson of Whatefeld church
28 Ralph le Megre, parson of Kessynglond church v. William Gyffard,
chevalier, and Isabella his wife and William Germye, chevalier, in
Kessynglond and Giselham
29 Alice who was wife of Robert de Aspale and John de Aspale and
Elizabeth his wife v. Alexander Mot of Assh and Johanna his wife
in Coulynge and Stradesele
14 Edward III
1 Henry de Houdene and Beatrice his wife v. William son of Stephen
Godyng of Magna Thirlowe and Johanna his wife in Houdene and
2 William Carbonel, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. Baldewyn
Ploghwright, chaplain, of the manor of Sadjngfeld with appurtenances

14 EDWARD III. 189

3 John de Staundon and Johanna his wife v. John Waryn of Capele and
Johanna his wife in Capele
4 Kobert de Wachesham and Johanna his wife v. William de Hedersete,
parson of Attelburgh church and Walter Laurenz, parson of
Nauelton church of the manors of Wachesham and Wortham with
appurtenances and advowson of moiety of Wortham church
5 John le Lyng of Gislyngham and Emma his wife v. Ralph atte Bregge
in Gislyngham, Burgate, and Thornham Pylcok (John Rande of
Gislyngham app clam)
6 Robert son of Robert de Insula and Thomas his brother v. Robert de

Insula, chevalier, of the manor of Fymberghe

7 Robert son of Robert de Insula and Thomas his brother v. Robert de
Insula, chevalier, of the manor of Neddynge with appurtenances
8 John son of Robert Pecok of Redbourne, senior, v. Anegodus son of
Adam le Ram of Parva Cornerth and Johanna his wife in Magna
Cornerth and Parva Cornerth
9 Maria who was wife of John de Rokwode and John their son v. Peter
le Boteler and Matilda his wife in Stanefeld
10 Robert de Morle, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. John de Bolyngton,
parson of Whatefeld church of the manor of Framesden
11 William de Ruston, chevalier, and Alice his wife v. David le Waleys of
Hadenham and Margaret his wife and Alice sister of Margaret in
Todenham juxta Ipswich
12 Walter Osbern and Margaret his wife v. Geoffrey Edwyne, chaplain,
and William Godard, chaplain in Bedefeld, Monks Soham, Tatyngton,
and Kenton
13 John de Stanes and Amy his wife v. William Keene and Matilda his
wife of rent, &c, appurtenances in Elveden and Lakyngheth
14 Robert le Bustelere v. William de Dufton and Felicia his wife in
15 John son of Nicholas de Gonevill, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v.
William de Gonevill, parson of the church of netham, John
de Goneuill, parson of Lirlyng church, Osbert, parson of Blundeston
church, and Thomas de Kalkhill, chaplain, in Flixton, Olton,
Blundeston, Gorliston, Lovystoft, Gunton, Barneby, Parva Jernemuta and Hopton juxta Cotton


16 Alinora who was wife of William Wyggepirye v. Thomas de Cherlwede
and Juliana his wife and Richard atte Felde and Alice his wife in
17 William de Stansfeld, clerk, v. John Cut of Ikelyngham, chaplain in

18 Geoffrey Calle and Matilda his wife v. Adam Wolward and Cecilia his
wife in Magna Waldyngfeld and Parva Waldyngfeld
19 Richard Freysel v. William de Stonham of Hegeseth and Johanna his
wife in Geddyng, and moiety of Geddyng manor with appurtenances
and advowson of moiety of Geddyng church
20 Ralph de Reydon and Elizabeth his wife v. William de Bohun, Earl of
Northampton, in Hyntlysham, Haddeleghe, Burstelle, and
21 John Baroun of Tudenham and Beatrice his wife v. Thomas le Masoun,
chaplain in Tudenham
22 Walter de Mauny and Walter de Byntre v. John de Resham and
Isabella his wife in Eston juxta Letheryngham
23 Thomas le Graunt of Multon v. Richard Miriel of Depham and Henry
Haukyn of Fettewelle in Multon and Gaysle
24 Henry de Elmham and Henry le Ancres, chaplain, v. John Howard,
knight, and Alice his wife in Neuton, and Baketon juxta Cotton
25 William Giffard, chevalier, and Isabella his wife v. Roger Reymes and
Agnes his wife with appurtenances in Stratford
26 Edmund de Caldecote and Agnes his wife v. Robert de Walpol in
Baketon and Cotton
27 Richard de Middelton v. Alan le Clerk and Alice his wife in Mendham
and Suthelmham
28 Simon de Lilleseye v. Robert son of Robert le Merk and Alice his wife
in Monks Illegh
29 Robert de Batisford and Cecilia his wife v. Richard de Cokefeld,
chevalier, and Amicia his wife in Reyham and Resshebrok
30 John Deryng of Aketon, junior, and Roesia his wife v. Walter Deryng
of Aketon, chaplain, and Robert Cral of Magna Waldyngfeld in
Magna Waldyngfeld
15 Edward III
1 John Gerime and Johanna his wife and Thomas their son v. Simon
Prike of Frisyngfeld and Agnes his wife in Mendham

15 EDWARD III. 191

2 Stephen de Catesfeld v. Walter Beneyt and Johanna his wife in
3 Edmund, parson of Chenyngton church v. William de Scortford and
Isabella hia wife in Monewedon and Branteston
4 Abbot of Pippewell v. William la Zouche of Haryngworthe of the
advowson of Wykhambroke church (Andrew de Bures, chevalier, and
Jacob de Bures app clam)
5 Henry de Harnhulle, chevalier, v. John Fraunceys of Stradenfeld and
John de Irland of the fourth part of the manor of Brounfeld with
6 John Swan, parson of Wylbegh church v. Bobert de Ufford, Earl of
Suffolk, in Wylbegh and Stradbrok
7 Walter de Bermyngham and Elizabeth his wife v. Maurice de
Bermyngham, parson of of third part of the manor
of Thurstaneston
8 Michael de Bures v. John de Whelnetham in Ketelberston and Preston,
which Henry de Whelnetham and Bobert his brother held for life
9 John son of Hugh Horold and Johanna his wife v. Henry Morcok,
chaplain in Nethere Gretyngham, Ouere Gretyngham, Branteston,
Monewedon, Framesden, Sprouton, Magna Belstede, Parva Belstede,
Ipswich, and Stoke juxta Ipswich (Soger de Godelesford and
Margaret his wife appofl clam)
10 Prior of the church of Blessed Mary of Buttele v. Walter de Naulton
and Johanna his wife in Herleston juxta Onhous
11 William Bast and Alesia his wife v. Bichard Chaumpaygne and Alice
his wife in Bredefeld, Dalyngho, Melton, Boulge, and Hasketon
12 John Thurgor of Melford and Johanna his wife v. Walter North of
Berdewelle and Matilda his wife in Melford and Alpheton
13 William le Warenner of St. Edmunds v. William de Besshebrok and
Johanna his wife in Besshebrok
14 John de Hoo and Dionisia his wife v. John del Brok, parson of the
church of Eston and Bichard Baret of the manor of Gretyngham

with appurtenances
15 William Carbonel v. Bichard Fitz Simon of the manor of Wilebege
with appurtenances and advowson of the church


16 John Hardel and Alice his wife v. John son of Fulcon de Goldyngham
of the manor of Gyslyngham with appurtenances and a mill and
appurtenance in Gyslyngham (John son of Nicholas de Twinstede
appofi clam)
17 Geoffrey de Neuton and Agnes his wife v. Eobert le Tumour, chaplain,
and Geoffrey de Herdwyk in Framelyngham ad castrum, Perham,
Cranesford, and Eston
18 John de Aldeby and Cristiania his wife v. Eobert Friote and Agnes
his wife in Somerton and Boxted
19 William de Berton and Katherine his wife v. John son of Richard de
Broughton of Monks Illeye in Monks Illeye
20 Edmund son of Robert de Stonham mil' v. Roger de Alderheg and
Ismania his wife in Stonham Antegan, Mikelfeld, and Assh juita
21 Ralph Bygot v. John Ryvet and Alice his wife in Gyselham, Soterle,
Elwe, Elk . . . . , Russhmere, and Wylyngham
22 Andrew de Bures, chevalier, and "William de Bures, parson of the
church of Wykhambrok v. Nicholas de Traumavill and Alianora his
wife in Meleford and Aketon, which Robert Giffard and Isabella his
wife held for life.
23 William Woderoue and Margaret his wife v. John de Cesterfeld, chaplain
in Bradewelle, Belton, Barsham, Kyrkelee, Gorleston, Barneby, and
24 John Troket and Rose his wife v. Peter Troket of Boxstede and
Johanna his wife in Boxstede and Somerton
16 Edward III
1 John Houel and Matilda daughter of William Fitz William de
Fynchyngfeld v. Geoffrey le Dormour, chaplain, in Wynerston,
Baketon, and Westhorp
2 Thomas de Felsham and Agnes his wife v. Roger de Chelmersford

and Ralph Roys of Carleton in Miklefeud, Stonham Gernegan, and

3 Stephen Michileboy of Tatyngeston v. William le Neuman, parson of
Tatyngeston church and Hugh de Fuller, chaplain in Tatyngeston,
and Bentleye

16 EDWARD III. 193

4 Nicholas de Playford v. William de Wykham, parson of Hasketon
church, Reginald, parson of Magna Belyng church, and Edmund,
vicar of Kenton church in Sprouton, Bramford, and Whityngton
5 William de Neketon and Margaret his wife v. Giles de Neketon in
Heppeworthe, Bernyngham, Weston, Stanton, Thelnetham, and
Watlisfelde and advowson of Heppeworthe church
6 Richard de Blogate and Lucia his wife v. Roger Sherman, chaplain
and Ralph Sket in Briseworth, Yaxlee, Wykham, Eye, Magna
Thornham, Parva Thornham, and Stoke juxta Eye
7 William de Hygeleye v. Johanna de Bokelond in Hecham which
Walter de Bokelond held for life
8 John Brotyn of London v. Henry son of William Drosey and Agnes
his wife in Flecchyngge
9 Henry de Elmham and Clementia his wife v. John Howard, chevalier,
and Alice his wife in Eldeneuton
10 Henry de Foxton, parson of Wolpet church v. John atte Welle of
Wolpet and Johanna his wife in Shellonde
11 Margaret who was the wife of Robert de Redgrave v. Stephen, vicar
of Chepynham church and John de Castro Martini in Multon
12 Thomas son of William de Ipswich v. Richard de Brysyngham of
Hemanhale and Hawysia his wife in Pethaghe, Wynston, and
13 Walter de Wytnesham and Katherine his wife v Walter de Vauncy
in Clare
14 Michael de Bures v. Richard de Derhawe of Brondissh and Katherine
his wife in Lavenham

15 Nicholas de Playford and Sabina his wife v. William de Wykham,

parson of Hasketon church, Reginald, parson of Magna Belyng
church, and Edmund, vicar of Kenton church, of the manor of
16 Richard de Blogate and Geoffrey his son and Matilda daughter of
Robert Weylond of Stoke v. John son of William Bole of Parva
Snoryng and Agnes his wife and Roger Sherman, chaplain, of the
manor of Yaxlee with appurtenances
17 Robert de Peyton, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. Walter Petyt,
parson of Stratton church and Peter Lingeley in Stokeneylond,
Polsted, Esyngton, Boxford, and Grotene 13


18 Richard le Spenser of Bergholte and Katherine his wife v. John le
Spenser, chaplain, and Adam Paysote in Bergholte
19 Isabella who was wife of Thomas de Gerardevyll v. Richard de
Tendryngg, parson of Bourgate church and Peter Wrenne, chaplain
iu Bourgate, Gysylyngham, and Melles
20 John Bisshop of Wykham, chaplain, v. John atte Dale of Stok and
Johanna his wife in Stoke
21 Richard de Cokefeld, chevalier, and Amicia his wife and Walter Page
v. Henry de Langhain and Christiana his wife in Langhani,
Hundteriston, and Parva Asshefelde
22 Alexander son of Alexander de Walsham, knight, v. William Talmache
of Brockeleye, knight, Reginald Gykes of Felsted, chaplain, and
John Th .... of Melford of the manor of Brookelye with
appurtenances' in Brockeleye, Rede, Hertherst, and Whepsted, and
advowson of Brockleye church (Hervicus son of Walter de Stanton
appofi clam)
23 Robert de Swynesford, knight, and Margaret his wife v. Edmund de
Playford, vicar of Keneton church and Thomas de Swynesford, part
of the manor of Burgate
24 Thomas atte Bregge of Codenham and Johanna his wife v. John de
Caston, chevalier, and Katherine his wife in Codinham, Stonham
Antegayne, Debenham, and Pethayhe
25 John son of John de Louches of Gersyngdon and Margaret his wife v.

Roger de Shyrynton and Sibilla his wife of third part of the manor
of Bergholt with appurtenances which John Daundelyn, chevalier,
held for life
26 Nicholas de Lavenham and Margaret his wife v. Roger Coleyn,
chaplain, and Stephen de Brokedyssh in Lavenham, Preston, Thorp
Morieux, Aketon, and Meleford
27 John son of John de Louches of Gersyndon and Margaret his wife v.
Roger Huwet of third part of the manor of Bergholt with
28 John le Spenser and Matilda his wife v. Geoffrey Fausebron, parson of
Buxhale church, and Roger de Melchebourn, vicar of Assyngton
church in Assyngton and Cornerth

17 EDWARD III. 195

29 John de Say and Agnes his wife and Agnes who was the wife of
Geoffrey de Say v. William de Ryseby, chaplain, and John atte
Lane of Lakynghethe of the manor of Denham
30 John de Veer, Earl of Oxford, and Matilda his wife v. Richard de
Stoke, clerk, and John Fermer of the manors of Lavenham Overhall,
Lavenham Netherhall, and Aldham with appurtenances
31 Ralph de Bockyng, chevalier, v. Thomas de Felsham and John Horold
of the manors of Helmyngham and Asshe with appurtenances
32 Richard de Welryngworth and Johanna his wife v. John son of
William le Poer of Asphale and Agnes his wife in Asphale,
Debenham, Thornedon, Ryshangles, and Bedyngfeld
33 Thomas de Hemegrave and Margaret his wife v. Thomas de Saxham,
parson of Troston church and Henry de Suthirton, parson of
Somerletone church of the manor of Todenham with appurtenances
and advowson of the churches of that manor
34 John de Veer, Earl of Oxford, and Matilda his wife v. Richard de
Stoke, clerk, and John Fermer of the manor of Cokefeld with
35 John de Aldham v. Hugh Horold of Stanham and Agnes his wife in
Stonham Earls, Cretyng, and Thomeye
17 Edward III
1 Nicholas Fraunceys, chevalier, v. John de Twamhill of Mildenhale in

2 Richard son of Benedict de Cokefeld, knight, and Emma his wife v.
Jacob de Sampson and William de Chasteleyn in Naulton, Elmsete,
Aldham, Hadlegh, Semere, Lellesey, Meldyng, and Whatefeld, and
advowson of Whatefeld church
3 William le Glaunvill and Nicholas Bencelyne of Codenham, chaplain,
v. John le Mounneye and Petronilla his wife in Stonham Antegayne
4 John son of John son of Reginald Rodlond and Margaret his wife v.
Alexander Baroun, parson of the church of Horham in Stoke juxta
5 Thomas de Clopton and Margaret his wife v. Gilbert de Pentelowe,
parson of Depeden church in Kenton
6 William de Clopton and Maria his wife v. Thomas Gerneys and Sibilla
his wife in Wythersfeld, Magna Tryllowe, Parva Tryllowe, Magna
and Parva Wrattynge


7 Roger Brice of Thrandeston and Agnes his wife v. Peter Mauvesyn and
Alice his wife and John their son in Thrandeston and Palgrave
8 Geoffrey de Peyton v. Dionisia de Aldham and Margaret de Aldham
in Whatefeld, Hadeleye, Aldham, and Elmsete (Agnes daughter of
Roger de Aldham appofi clam)
9 Abbot of Pippewell v. Andrew de Beures and Jacob de Beures of the
advowson of Wykhambrctk church
10 Richard de Glaunvill and Ellen his wife v. Richard de Westhorp,
parson of Sutton church and Robert Hothot, parson of Shatesham
church of the manor of Shatesham with appurtenances and
advowson of the church in Shatesham, Ramesholt, Holesle, and
11 William Pipard, knight, and Margaret his wife v. Geoffrey Gilbert of
the manor of Hyntelisham with appurtenances and advowson of the
12 William Creketot and Johanna his wife v. Michael de Porynges uncle
of John Botiller, parson of Foxherde church, Richard Freisel and
Robert de Batisford of the manors of Asshefeld and Ounsden with
appurtenances in Magna Ashefeld, Parva Asshefeld, Badewell,

Honteston, and Walsham, and advowson of Ounsden Church

13 Isabella who was wife of Robert son of Herbert Weylond and Thomas
son of Robert v. Walter son of John Faucoun of Eye, and Johanna
his wife in Yakeslee and Thrandeston
14 Nicholas de Sumpton and Ralph de Sumpton of Ixworth v. Robert de
Sumpton of Berdewell in Ixworth, Berdewell, and Pakenham
15 Mathew Aras v. John Wysman and Katherine his wife in Heryngeswell
16 John Drury of Thurston v. Edmund de Walpol, parson of church of
St. Peter of Brunham and Thomas Jarkevile in Thurston, Hegesete,
Beketon, Drenkeston, Tostoke, Norton, and Berton
17 Edmund de Stonham and Matilda his wife v. John Talbot, parson of
Overikynghale church and Robert Hamound, chaplain in Stonham
Antegayne, Stonham Gernegan, Milkilfeld, Gyppyng, Neuton, veteri
Neuton, Petaugh, and Assh juxta Helmyngham
18 Thomas Visdelau, chevalier, and Katherine his wife v. Robert de
Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, and Peter de Ty, chevalier, of the manors of
Stutton and Shottele with appurtenances and advowson of the

18 EDWARD III. 197

19 Guido de Sco Claro and Margaret his wife v. Henry Reymond and
Margaret his wife of fourth part of the manors of Meldyng with
appurtenances and the advowson of the churches
20 John de Metefeld v. Roger son of John Bernard and Agnes his wife in
21 John son of Geoffrey de Say and Stephen de Brethenham v. Richard
de Amoundevylle, chevalier, of the manor of Okynhulle with
22 Margaret la Rotoun f of Ipswich v. Hugh de Nostede and Johanna his
wife and William le White and Cristiana his wife in Sprouton
23 John son of Edmund Cook of Codenham v. Benedict Cheke and
Margaret his wife in Codenham
24 Philip de Clopton o. Nicholas de Hoo and Katherine his wife in Magna
Hornyngeserthe and Parva Hornyngserthe

25 Robert de Rokwode and John son of Robert de Rokwode, junior, v.

Edmund de Cotton and Margaret his wife in Stanefeld
26 Thomas son of Thomas Passelewe v. Robert de Burdeux and
Margaret his wife in Gaysle and Waltham
18 Edward III
1 John de Wylughby, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. Robert Tyffour,
chevalier, and Matilda his wife in Olton, Carlton, Colevile, and
Barneby, which Matilda wife of Robert Banyard, chevalier, held
for life
2 William de Russheton, chevalier, and Alice his wife v. Robert, parson
of the church of Stradesham and William de Mordon, chaplain in
Todenham juxta Ipswich
3 John de Bresete and Alice his wife v. Walter Lawrence and William,
vicar of Olde Neuton church in Olde Neuton and Gyppyng Neuton
4 Thomas de Saxham and Robert Maryot of Saxham v. Thomas de
Trowes and Margaret his wife and John their son in Hunterstone,
Magna and Parva Asshefeld, Langham, Stowelangetot, and Nortone
5 John de Norwich, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. Henry de
Harnhull, chevalier of the manor of Shipmedwe with appurtenances
in Metyngham, Shipmedwe, Ilketelishale, Barsham, and Beccles
t or Rocoun.


6 John Ram of London and Matilda atte Vine v. Jacob Deneys of
Boxford and John his son in Neuton, Boxford, and Edwardestone,
which Richard de Melchebourn, chaplain, held for life
7 Roger Hillary, chevalier, and John his son v. John de Louches of
Gersyngdon of two parts of the manor of Bergholt with appurtenances which John Daundelyn, chevalier, held for life
8 Thomas le Tumour and Margaret his wife v. John atte Grene and
Margaret his wife in Lavenham
9 John son of Edmund le Coke of Codenham v. John le Roo and Johanna
his wife in Codenham
10 John Bron v. Bartholomew le Chapman of Stanefelde and Matilda his
wife and John son of Nicholas Scryvener of Melford in Melford

11 William Neweman and John Capron v. Thomas de Holbrok, knight,

and Margaret his wife in Rendlesham, Asshe, Orford, Bentlegh,
Coppdok, Parva Belsted, Capele, and Brantham
12 Magister Gilbert de Yarewell, parson of Blofeld church, Salomon,
parson of Catston church, William de Burgh and William de
Felmyngham v. John de Catston, chevalier, and Katherine his wife
of the manor of Russhemere with appurtenances
13 Thomas de Newelond and Margaret his wife v. John de Stonham and
Avicia his wife in Boxford
14 John de Braham and John their sou v. Adam Ordemere and Margaret
his wife in Buckeslowe and Freston and advowson of fifth part of
Buckeslowe church
15 Guido de Sco Claro and Margaret his wife v. Ralph Swift and Roger,
parson of Bradfeld Seynt Clier church, of manor of Meldyngg with
appurtenances and advowson of the church
16 Nicholas Fastolf and Margaret daughter of Richard de Amoundevill,
chevalier, v. Richard de Amoundevill, chevalier, of the manor of
Okenhill with appurtenances
17 John de Brook, parson of Eston church v. John de Kenton, chaplain,
and John de Blaunchevyle of Ketelberg, chaplain, in Eston
18 William del Brok and John his son and Lucia his wife v. Thomas
Bonde and William de Eston in Eston
19 William de Dersham v Reginald son of John Philipp of Magna
Trillowe and Thomas Gerveys and Sibilla his wife in Magna and
Parva Thrillowe

18 EDWARD III. 199

20 Thomas de Wyngefeld v. Mathew Davy and Alice his wife in Stradebrok
and Fresyngfeld
21 John Heued and Alianora his wife v. William son of Robert de Badele
in Hemyngeston, Eston, Gosbek, Henleye, and Asshe juxta
22 William de Clopton and Mary his wife v. Simon de Alfrichysfeld and
Katherine his wife in Wykhambrok

23 Henry Thurmod v. Peter de Aldwyk and John le Spencer in Ratlesden,

Hecham, Brethenham, and Buxhale
24 Robert Osebern and Matilda his wife v. John de Cotton and John Sarle
in Tatyngton, Burnedysch, and Dynyngton (Margaret Tillote and
Theobald Osbern appofi clafn)
25 William son of Richard de Hetdyngham and Johanna his wife v.
William Alyene (or Alyeve), vicar of Neuton church and John
Mynton, chaplain in Elderneuton (Robert Cadas of Eccles and
Hauisia his wife app clam)
26 John de Aspale v. John Burdoun and Isabella his wife of the manor of
Spronton with appurtenances and advowson of church
27 Roger Wylot v. John Piffle of Otteleye and Emma his wife in Assh
juxta Eston Gosebek
28 George de Halle of Drenkiston by Richard Cavendissh his attorney
v. Geoffrey son of John de Wetthorp of Stowe Market and Katherine
his wife in Dreukiston
29 Richard de Burstede, parson of Framlyngham church, William
Scarlet, parson of Gunton church, John Gerard, chaplain, and John
Fraunceys of Sladenfeld v. John Bokel of Freston and Margaret his
wife and Richard Bokel and Johanna his wife in Leyston,
Alryngham, Theberton, Knodeshale, Buxelowe, Freston, Keleshale,
Middelton, Fordle, and Yoxford, and of the manor of Wadehalle
with appurtenances which Margaret wife of Theobald de Leyston held
for life
30 William de Takele v. Geoffrey Eve of Wilbegh and Illota his wife in
31 William Claver v. Richard West and Margaret his wife in Mildenhale
32 John Mabiloun of Bildiston v. Richard le Kyng of Kerseye and Eva
his wife in Navelton


19 Edward III
1 Walter son of Walter Wyseman of Bedefeld v. John le Power of Aspale
and Agnes his wife in Bedefeld
2 Semannus Waterward of Bungeye v. Philip Rycheman and Agnes his

wife in Bungeye
3 Adam atte Tye and Dionisia his wife and Thomas their son v. Stephen
atte Tye and John Donylond in Monks Illeye
4 Adam le Wrotham, Richard Hubert of Gnatishale, chaplain, and
William de Hopton, chaplain, v. John Selove of Gnatishale and
Agnes his wife in Gnatishale
5 John Edmund v. Nicholas le Soutere of Stoke and Matilda his wife in
6 Henry Filet and Alice his wife, Richard de Cokefeld, chevalier, and
Amicia his wife, Adam Wolnard and Cecilia his wife, Robert del
Hill and Margaret his wife, William de Pokelyngton and Agnes his
wife, and John de Norwich of Cokefeld v. Thomas de Stevcle and
Katherine his wife in Haustede, Whepsted, Lausele, and Magna
7 William, vicar of Resshemere church and Hamo Dike of Wydekesho,
chaplain, v. William de Brastrete and Petronilla his wife in
8 Richard le Forester v. Thomas atte Tye and Elizabeth his wife in
Brendillegh, Meldyng, and Parva Waldyngfeld
9 John de Howes of Norton, senior, v. Nicholas le Breustere of Langham
and Isabella his wife in Norton juxta Elemeswell
10 Thomas atte Brigge of Coddenham and Johanna his wife v. William de
Bergh, parson of Northbirlyngham church, Robert Wygor, chaplain,
and son of Edmund le Cook of Codenham in Codenham,
Cretyngg All Saints, and Cretyngg St. Mary
11 Johanna who was wife of John Sampson of Kerseye v. Jacob Sampson
of Kerseye in Kerseye, Boxford, Polsted, and Grotene
12 Robert de Ufforde, Earl of Suffolk v. Edmund de Ufforde le Frere,
Peter de Ty, and Adam de Sakelthorp, parson of Dynyngton church
and part of the manors of Wycham and Blakeshale with

20 EDWARD III. 201

13 Richard Freysel v. Henry Filet and Alice his wife, Richard de

Ookefeld, knight, and Amicia his wife, William de Popelyngton and

Agnes his wife, and Robert del Hil of Wetherdene and Margaret his
wife in Hausted juxta St. Edmunds
14 Thomas de Lamburne and Elizabeth his wife v. Thomas Torny,
parson of Boxford church and William de Chevyngton, chaplain in
Polstede and Boxsted and of the manors of Polsted and Newelond
with appurtenances and advowson of Polsted church
15 Robert son of Nicholas Rust of Thueyt v. William atte Water and
Alice his wife in Wetheryngsete
16 Henry Redberd of Ipswich v. William Malyn, senior, in Cleydon,
Whytyngton, Thirleston, Westerfeld, Alnesbrunne, Ipswich, and
suburbs of Ipswich
17 Robert Terwald, chaplain, v. Hugh de Saxham, chevalier, and Rose his
wife in Walsham and Parva Asshefeld
20 Edward III
18 Michael le Bret of Botone, Wiliiam Fichet of Eye, and John son of
William Fichett and Agnes his wife v. Jacob de Runham, parson of
Prilleston church and John de Scrouteby in Eye and Hoxne
19 William de Pakenham and Johanna his wife v. Thomas de Saxham
and Robert de Bokenham of the manor of Parva Fakenham with
20 John de Bulteford v. Geoffrey Purchas and Johanna his wife, Richard
Wade and Agnes his wife, and William de Perham and Johanna his
wife in Berkyng and Cretyng St. Mary
21 John Olyve v. Peter Martyn of Mildenhale and Alice his wife in
22 John de Loudham of Tatyngtou v. John Ogger in Tatyngton
23 Thomas Kenyng and Margaret his wife v. Ralph de Shelton and
Johanna his wife of third part of manor of Brendholleye with
24 William, parson of Woderysingg church and Robert de Shelton,
chevalier, John de Asshcroft and John de Lympenhowe v. Oliver
Wyth, chevalier, of the manor of Lound with appurtenances which
Isabella who was wife of Geoffrey Wyth, knight, held for life
25 Hugh Edrich of Flempton and Agnes his wife v. William Beneyt and
Matilda his wife in Culford, Ingham, and Fornham St. Genoveve


26 William atte Gap of Magna Jernemuth and Petronilla his wife v.
Nicholas Sommes of Suthfeld and Rose his wife in Parva Jernmuth
27 Peter son of Michael del Wode and Matilda his wife v. Thomas
B . . . : . . and John , chaplain, in Sutton
28 John son of Geoffrey Pecche of Stowelangetote, knight, v. John
Talbot of Fyneham and Roger de Stave (or Stane), parson of Parva.
Ly vernier church of the manor of Stowelangetote with appurtenances and advowson of the church
29 William Lambert and Beatrice his wife v. Adam le Gardener and
Thomas atte Wynchel in Debenham and Mikelfeld
30 Edmund de Stonham and Matilda his wife v. Robert le Full ere of
Brokford and Alice his wife in Buklesham
31 William Ferthyng and Matilda his wife v. Robert de Gunton of
Beccles and Margaret his wife in Beccles
32 Prior and Canons of Bresete v. John Burdoun and Isabella his wife of
the manor of Bresete with appurtenances
33 William de Henlee and Margaret his wife v. Gilbert de Waltham in
Stonhamgernegan, Erlestonham, Cretynge Blessed Mary, Cretynge
All Saints, Cretynge Saint Olave, and Mikelfeld
34 Thomas de Batisford, chevalier, and Matilda his wife v. John de
Bresete and Robert de Batisford in Stowemarket
35 John de Bynesle of Sudbery and Benedict his wife v. Adam Knyght
of Skenvyng and Amicia his wife in Sudbery
36 William do Henlee and Margaret his wife v. Ralph de Becckynge in
37 John Scot and Isabella his wife v. Nicholas de Lay, parson of church
in St. Margarets de Burgh in Flegg and John de Dunwich of part
of the manor of Mynnysmere
38 Simon Pryk and Agnes his wife v. Walter Wyseman of Bedefeld, clerk
in Fresyngfeld and Wj'theresdale

39 Richai-d de Boxford v. John Fery of Hadleye, senior in Hadleye

40 John Child v. John de Rouhaghe and William Child in Wylebeghe
and Burnedissh
41 Peter de Longelye of Stokeneylond and Robert his son and Isabella
wife of Robert v. Robert de Welton, vicar of Stokeneylond church
and John, vicar of Bumstede church in Polstede and Stokeneylonde

21 EDWARD III. 203

42 Robert son of William de Cleydon v. Aliauora who was wife of
de Cleydon of the manor of Farnham with appurtenances
which Robert de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, held for life
21 Edward III
1 John son of Theobald de Pakenham and Agues his wife v. Theobald
de Pakenham in Thorpe juxta Ix worth
2 Thomas sou of Nicholas de Cokefeld of Hertherst and Margaret his
wife v. Robert Giffard and John Kyng of Laxfeld in Hertherste
3 John de Hoo of Laxfeld and Katherine his wife v. Roger de Swathyngg,
parson of Northcreik church and Thomas de S . . . . of the manor
Oclee juxta Eye with appurtenances (Robert son of John de Hoo of
Laxfeld app clam)
4 Edmund son of Piobert de Weyland, knight and Alianora his wife v.
Robert de Weyland, chevalier, and Cecilia his wife of the manor of
Brandiston and Westerfeld with appurtenauces
5 Philip de Clopton v. William le Barkere, chaplain in Ickeworthe and
Parva Hornynggeserthe
6 Robert sou of Bartholomew Houel of Wynerston and Alianora his
wife v. Peter de Scales, Richard de Blogate, Richard le Spenser,
and Peter le Clerk of Euston of the manor of Westhorp with
7 Edmund de Ufford le Frere, chevalier, Adam de Scakelthorp, parson
, of Dynyeton church and Johauna de Dersham, parson of the church
of Ufford v. William de Hoo of Dynyeton in Dynyeton which John
Hobees holds for a term of 15 years
8 Thomas de Batisford, chevalier, and Matilda his wife v. Ralph de

Beckinge, chevalier, John de Bresete and Simon de Yoxford in

Fornham St. Genovefe, Fornham All Saints, and Tymworth
9 Roger de Esturmy v. John de Benstede and Matilda his wife in . . . axhale
10 Robert de Walpol v. John de Foxle of Westhorp and Johanna his wife
in Westhorp, Baketou, and Cotton
11 Alice who was wife of Thomas de Hoo r. Geoffrey de Neweton and
Agnes his wife in Framelyngham
12 Thomas son of William Haltebe of Ipswich v. John de Galston and
Emma his wife in Pethagh


13 chevalier, v. Edmund de Shelton, parson of Combes
church and John Spakkyng, chaplain of the manor of Thorneye
with appurtenances
14 John son of Roger le Clerk of Assh and Katherine his wife v. John
Nugge of Pakenham and Beatrice his wife in Magna and Parva
Ashfeld, Wyneston, Wetherden, and Elmeswell
1 5 Robert son of Richard de Cranele and Margaret his wife v. Peter de
Ty, chevalier, and John del Brok, parson of Eston church and John
son of Nicholas de Eston in Eye, Benyngham, Ocolt, and Denham
16 John sou of Edmund de Shardelowe v. Walter de la Cressonore and
Margaret his wife of two mills and appurtenances in Berton juxta
17 John de Tylneye, chevalier, and Isabella his wife v. John de Freston
and Margaret his wife in Wrydelyngton and Frekenham
18 Thomas de Grey, chevalier, v. Ralph de Heppeworth and Johanna his
wife in Parva Cornerth, and Bures Blessed Mary
19 William de Tendryngge, chevalier, -v. Ralph de Tendryngge and Roger,
parson of Parva Brythe church of the manor of Stoke atte Neylonde
with appurtenances (George de Geddyngge appofi clam)
20 Michael le Bret and Johanna his wife v. Thomas de Clopton and
Margaret his wife in Eye, Flymworthe, Denham, Benyngham, and
21 John de Freston and Margaret his wife v. Roger de Wolferston and

George Burel in Stutton, Holebrok and Tatyngeston

22 John de Gyselyngham v. John de Westle and Johanna his wife of the
manor of Swartishagh with appurtenances in Gyselyngham, Melles,
Thornhampilecok, Wynerston, and Fynyngham
23 Robert de Stalham and Lucia his wife v. Thomas de de
Mildyn, chaplain in Seynt maryburs (sic)
24 William son of Walter de Clopton v. Thomas de Clopton and Gilbert
de Pentelowe, parson of the church of Copdene in Wikhambrok,
Denardeston, Stradesele, Stansfeld, Hankedon, Depedene, Hoketon,
and Parva Thrillowe
25 Thomas de Grey, chevalier and Isabella, his wife v. John de Bradefeld,
parson of Haustede church, John Boteler, parson of Foxherde church
and Robert Giffard in Parva Cornherth, Magna Bures, and Assyngton

21 EDWARD III. 205

26 William, vicar of Geyton church and Hugh de Oldefen, chaplain, v.
William de Langham, knight, and Johanna his wife of the manor of
Langham with appurtenances
27 William de Grey and Elizabeth his wife v. John de Bradefeld, parson
of Haustede church, John Boteler, parson of Foxherde church, and
Robert Giffard in Magna and Parva Cornherth, Magna Waldyngfeld,
Neuton, and Chilton juxta Subbery
28 Richard de Stoke, parson of Lavenham church v. Richard Gorge of
Thorpmorieux and Elizabeth his wife in Thorpmorieux, Cokefeld,
Thornton, Felsham, and Preston
29 Robert Swan, parson of Saxmundham church, Hubert, parson of
Spykesworth church, John, vicar of Laxfeld church, and Thomas de
Colne v. Emma who was the wife of John atte Brigge of Laxfeld
and Adam his son of fourth part of the manor of Laxfeld with,
30 Isabella daughter of Matilda de Stonham v. Adam Borel and Agnes
his wife in Berkyngg
31 Augustinus, parson of Brampton church and Beatrice who was wife of
John dil Clif v. Peter dil Clif, Robert dil Clif, and Robert Burghard,
chaplain of the manor of Westleton with appurtenances
32 Robert de Benhale, knight, Richard de Blogate, Peter de Scales,

Richard le Spenser and Peter le Clerk of Euston v. Thonlas de

Felsham and Johanna his wife of the manor of Westhorp
33 Thomas Thurbern de Mendlesham and Johanna his wife v. Robert
Atte Myre of Semere and Margaret his wife and Johanna the
daughter of Ralph Fitz Rauf in Mendlesham
34 Eva who was wife of Robert de Tatishale and Johanna who was wife
of Peter de Bradefeld and Alan son of John v. Roger de Watisfeld
and Cecilia his wife in Hornynggeserth and Magna Neuton
35 Alexander, parson of Horham church, Robert de Martham, Richard de
Boghay, and William de Felmyngham v. Alexander de Walsham
and Margaret his wife of the manor of Wyresdale with appurtenances
and advowson of the church
36 John Quyntyn of Benacre and Alice his wife and Robert their son v.
Roger Botild and John son of Richard Quyntyn in Benacre, Northalis,
Wrentham, and Henstede


37 John Leen of Ipswich and Jacob Sampson, parson of the church of
Middclton, v. Thomas de Paxton, parson of Bedehampton church
and Robert Druel, parson of Stanebourn church in Bergham,
Codenham, Hemyngeston, Henleye, Cretyng All Saints, Cretyng
St. Mary, Blakenham super aquam, Beylham, and Cleydon
38 Geotfrey son of Richard Pyt v. Walter Casteleyu and Agnes his wife
in Resshemere
39 Adam Roger of Depham, chaplain, v. Alan atte Hel and Agnes his
wife in Chelesworth
40 Adam de Melton of Oreford v. John atte Halle of Colecestre and Mary
his wife in Oreford, Sudborn, and Categrave
41 Michael le Bret and Dionisius le Eyr v. William de Fenton, chevalier,
and Matilda his wife in Eye and Flymworth
22 Edward III
1 Robert de Oldhaghe and Matilda his wife v. John Waryn and Thomas
Waryn, clerk in Capele
2 Michael de Bolecoupe and Saiena his wife v. Thomas Wolnoth and
Thomas Orebold in Playford, Culpho, Kesgrave, Tudenham,

Groundesburgh, and Magna and Parva Belynges

3 William Wasselyn v. Thomas de Broxton of Somerleton and Margaret
his wife in Hopton and Lound
4 Thomas de Clopton and Ada his wife v. Roger de Borghden, parson of
the church of Wrydewelle and Henry de Honedon in Chippeleye,
Poselyngford, and Stanesfeld
5 Thomas de Beverle of Magna Jernemuth v. Johanna daughter of John
Dol in Somerleton, Blundeston, and Herlingflet
6 Philip Hay and William Hay and Johanna his wife v. John de
Elyngham, parson of Moneweden church in Wynston and
7 Robert de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, v. William de Berdewell of St.
Edmunds and Johanna his wife in Ufford, Melton, Wodebrugge, ,
Bredefeld, Henham, Blaxhale, Wickham, Petrestre, Dalinghoo, and
8 Hervicus de Stanton, parson of Elm church, v. Alexander son of
Alexander de Walsham, knight, in Santon, Heppeworth, and

22 EDWARD III. 207

9 John de Herlyng v. Robert de Wyuneferthyng and John his brother of
the manor of Gnateshale with appurtenances
10 John de Wangeford and Agnes his wife v. Andrew Bomond, parson of
Westle church and John Dancres (or Daucres) in Henham and
11 Matilda daughter of Ralph Swy'ft v. William de la Cressener and
Johanna his wife in Felsham and Thorp Morieux
12 Nicholas del Fen of Everwarton and Isabella his wife v. John son of
Richard Blosse of Kirketon and Margaret his wife in Herkestede
13 John de Herst v. John le Power and Agnes his wife in Werlyngworth
14 Richard de Warrewyk, chamberlain, and Alice his wife v. John de
Weudovere, clerk, in Helegh and Hemmyngeston
15 John de Grey, parson of Balsham church, John de Aspale, chevalier,
Thomas de Clopton, Robert de Giffard, John de Cavendissh, John

de Bradefeld, parson of Hausted church, Walter de la Cressenere,

and John de Cavendissh, parson of Fornham St. Martin church, v.
de Grey, chevalier, in Cavendissh, Glemmesford, Clare,
Haverhill, Wrottyngge, Kedygton, Bernardeston, Hoveden, Poselyngworth, Stanesfeld, Boxford, Brende Illegh, Kokefeld, Preston,
Semere, Groton, Magna and Parva Waldyugfeld
16 William Lampet and Mabel his wife v. Jacob Sampson, parson of
Middleton church, Edmund Salman, chaplain, and John Hore,
chaplain of the manor of Brightwalle with appurtenances and
advowson of church in Waldringfeld and Martlesham
17 Thomas de Grey, knight, John de Bradefeld, parson of Haustede
church, Gilbert de Debenham, and Walter Hert, chaplain, v. John
son of Thomas Gernoun of the manor of Sproutone with appurtenances
18 William Lampet and Mabel his wife v. William son of William Lampet
and Alice his wife in Hemyngham and Oteleye
19 John Waryn and Johanna his wife v. John le Paf, parson of Wolferston
church, and Thomas Waryn, clerk in Capele
20 Robert Pye v. John son of John Parys of Cheverton and Rose his
wife in Whepstede
21 Richard son of Benedict de Burwardeslegh v. John de Seem and
Isabella his wife in Bramford, and Magna and Parva Blakenham


22 Thomas de Hemenhale, chevalier, and Agnes his wife v. John de
Haveryngge, chevalier, and William de Hemenhale, and William de
la Mote of the manor of Eyngesele with appurtenances and
advowson of church
23 Alice who was wife of Robert de Aspale, knight, and Thomas their
son v. Humphrey son and heir of John de Boys of Coulyngg in
24 Roger Marscal and John del Wode v. John Brodheued of Offeton and
Johanna his wife in Parva Bresete
25 Reginald Baldwyn of Shymplyng v. Angodus le Ram and Johanna his
wife in Parva Cornerd

26 Ralph Conerne, chaplain, and Robert Rakedeu v. John le Taillour of

Flemton and Beatrice his wife in Parva Hornyngeserthe
t Richard son of Richard de Egebaston, knight, v, Thomas Fychet,
chevalier, and Isabella his wife in Horebourn
27 William Talmach, chevalier, and John de Sauston v. Thomas de
Brokesbourn and Katherine his wife of a moiety of the manor of
Cheverton with appurtenances
28 John de Aspale, chevalier, and Elizabeth his wife v. Gilbert de
Debenham and Walter Hert, chaplain of the manor of Sprouton and
advowson of the church
23 Edward III
1 Nicholas de Naunton, chevalier, John son of Nigellus de Kenton and
John Bretoun de Asshfeld juxta Framesdene v. John Dalisoun and
Matilda his wife in Briseworthe, Eye, Ocolt, Thorndon, Risshangles,
Parva Thornham, Yakesle, Cokyngle, Stoke juxta Briseworth, and
Denham juxta Eye
2 Robert atte Place and Agnes his wife v. John Waryn and John
Lygroum, in Sudbery, Chilton, and Magna and Parva Cornerde
3 John de Gyslyngham and Alianora his wife v. Ralph son of John de
Tendryng, chevalier, and Richard le Spenser of Thornedon in
Bedyngfeld, Rishangles, Aspale, Gislyngham, and Thornham Pilcok
4 Robert de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, v. William de Enefeld and Johanna
his wife of the manors of Oldehalle and Overhalle and moiety of the
manor of la Fenne with appurtenances
t Not now on file.

24 EDWARD III. 209

5 John de Sutton of Wyenhe, knight, and Margaret his wife v. John
Wolf of Mauntre and Johanna his wife of third part of the manors
of la Fenne, Holdehalle, and Overhalle with appurtenances
6 John de Sutton of Wyvenho, knight, and Margaret his wife v. Amflesia
daughter of Thomas Baldewyne, and Walter de Barkworth and
Katherine his wife of moiety of the manors of la Fenne, Holdehalle,
and Overhalle with appurtenances
24 Edward III
7 Johanna who was the wife of Robert de Saxhatn and Thomas de
Saxham, clerk, of the manor of Rede with appurtenances in Troston,
Honeweton, Cheteburgh, Westle, Parva Saxham, Parva Hornynges-

erthe, Magna Lyvermere, and Fornham All Saints

8 Robert Capel and Isabella his wife v. John Osbern and Johanna his
wife in Falsham, Cokefeld, Thorp Morieux, and Bradefeld Seincler
9 John Haddock of Rendlisham v. John Pourtepet of Herkistede and
Cristiana his wife, Semanus Hyne of Helmelee and Alice his wife in
Wodebreg, Meltone, and Ufford
10 Richard de Kyselyngbury of London v. Robert de Beverly, chevalier,
and Johanna his wife in Bramford, Whitton, Blakenham, and
Jpswich (Thomas, Bishop of Ely, Lord of Bramford app clam)
11 Simon le Cartere of Hecham v. Thomas Cacheral of Aldharn and
Matilda his wife in Bildesfon
12 William de Henleye v. Henry de Elmham and William Seyntclou ia
Henleye, Witnesham, Akenham, Bergham, and Cleydon
13 Thomas de Beverle of Magna Jernemuth v. Thomas Rose and Katherine
his wife in Somerleton, Blundeston, and Herlyngflet
14 William de Dersham v John de Caston and Katherine his wife in
Parva and Magna Bresete
15 William Copedok and Beatrice his wife v. John de Ketene, parson of
Copedok church, of the manor of Copedok with appurtenances
16 Robert de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, and Edmund his brother, and Adam
Isabella his
Combes (John

parson of Causton church, v. William de Middleton and

wife of the manor of Thorneye with appurtenances in
Haghle, Eldeneweton, Gypingneweton, Cretyng and
le Fitz Wauter, chevalier, appon clam)



17 John deUfford, chevalier, William de Bergh, clerk, William de Letton,
parson of Westtoftes church and William de Felmyngham v. John
de Caston, chevalier, and Katherine his wife of the manor of
Buclesham with appurtenances in Ipswich, Thurleston, Whitton,
Bramford, and Cleydon
25 Edward III
18 Thomas de Reygate and Matilda his wife v. William son of John
Wakelyn and Margaret his wife in Ixnyng

19 William de Routhyng, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. Geoffrey

Purchas and Johanna his wife in Dermynggisdon, Berkyng, and
20 John de Stanton v. Simon Busshoun of Depeden and Juliana his wife
in Hamstede juxta Neuton
21 John de Langhales and Alice his wife v. Eichard de Herst and James
de Clopton in Wolpet and Emiswell
22 John de Northawe of Wenston v. Roger Carkeney and Agnes his wife
in Wenston and Debenham
23 John de Lound v. Oliver Wyth (or Wych), chevalier, and Winesia his
wife in Belton and Broxton
24 John Coleman and Cecilia his wife v. Edmund de Helveton and
Isabella his wife in Hadleye and Leyham
25 John de Wyngefeld and Alianora his wife v. Elizabeth daughter of
Nicholas Launce of fifth part of the manor of Snapehall with
26 William de Dersham v. Nicholas Trank of Norhampton and Petronilla
his wife, Philip son of Philip le Lord of Quenton and Alice his wife
in Magna Thrillowe, and Parva Thrillowe, and Parva Bradeleye
27 Richard de Keselyngbury of London v. John Gernoun, chevalier, and
Johanna his wife of Toppesfeldehalle with appurtenances in
Haddeleye which Cecilia wife of William Cokerell held for life
28 Ralph de Walsham and Henry de Cotton, chaplain, v. John de
Chelmerisford and Margaret his wife in Mildenhale and Ikelyngham
29 Walter Bory and Isabella his wife v. Thomas de Louthe and Johanna
his wife in Clare
30 Henry atte Strete and Johanna his wife v. Edmund de Saxham and
Avicia his wife in Stowemarket, Thorneye, and Dageworth

26 EDWARD III. 211

31 John de Lenne v. Elizabeth de Burgo and John Bardolf and Elizabeth
his wife of the manor of Ilketleshale with appurtenances

32 Peter le Clerc of Euston v. Roger son of John de Murton of the manor

of Cokefeldhalle in Euston with appurtenances
26 Edward III
1 John de Herlyng and John de la Lee and Johanna his wife of a moiety
of the manor of Euston with appurtenances and advowson of a
moiety of the church
2 'Ralph Lolt and Agnes his wife v. Thomas Sprng (Spring 1) and Rose
his wife in Bergham and Cloydon
3 Richard de Denardeston and Matilda his wife v. Roger Aubri and
Johanna his wife in Meldyngg, Brend Illeye, Preston and Monks
4 Hugh son of Hugh de Naunton v. William Mai . . . and Amy his
wife of fourth part of the manor of Alderton with appurtenances and
advowson of Alderton church
5 Edmund de Ufford, chevalier, and Adam de Scakilthorp v. William
Malore and Amy his wife of fourth part of the manor of Dalengeho
with appurtenances and advowson of church
6 Thomas de Wymbotesham and Alice his wife v. Roger de Wolferton
and John Waryn of Capele in Stokeneylond and Polstede
7 Robert de Abethorp and Alice his wife v. John chaplain,
and John Syward, chaplain, in Gaysle and Dalham
8 Baldewinus Warde, chaplain, and Adam Martyn v. Simon de Manwode
and Sarah his wife in Aketon
9 Andrew de Bures, chevalier, and Alice his wife v. Peter de Bakelere
and Johanna his wife in Wherstede, Freston, Ipswich, and
Caldewall juxta Ipswich
10 Thomas de Aspale v. John de Sco Philberto, knight, of the manors of
Ufford, Flempton, and Stowe in Pridington
11 Roger de Wolferston v. Augustinus de Aldham in Hadleye
12 Thomas Prat of Boxforde v. William de Sutton and Petronilla his wife
in Boxforde
13 John Alone (or Alove) of Sudbury v. John Saleman and Isabella his
wife in Sudbury

14 John Colchet of Magna Bresete and Johanna his wife v. Richard Colchet
of Magna Bresete in Magna Bresete


15 Adam le Smyth of Batesford and Johanna his wife and John Seman of
Batesford v. John de Sprotburgh, vicar of Batesford church, in
16 John de Freston v. Thomas de Wymbotesham and Alice his wife in
Sprouton, Braunford, Whitton, Brokes juxta Ipswich, and Stoke
juxta Ipswich
17 Edmund de Hemegrave, chevalier, v. John de Byntre, chevalier, and
Elizabeth his wife and John de Assh and Katherine his wife in
Kirkele, Pagefeld, Gissilham, Mutford, Henstede, and Carlton Colvil)
18 Robert de Thorudon v. William le Warner and Beatrice his wife
in Fornham St. Martin, Fornham St. Genovephe, Fornham All Saints,
and Berton near the town of St. Edmunds
19 William de Brundissh and Johanna his wife v. Alan de Lavenham and
Margaret his wife in Westle and Parva Hornyngeserth
20 William de Dersham v. John son of Thomas Bret of Parva.
Chestrreford and Emma his wife in Langham, Hunterston, and Parva
21 Richard Garneys v. Ralph le Mauncer and Alice his wife in Badyngham
22 Geoffrey atte Grene and Johanna his wife v. Adam Frend and Isabella.
his wife in Thorn eye
23 John Lowys v. John Brion and Agnes his wife in Melford
27 Edward III
1 William Germie, chevalier, and Isabella his wife v. Geoffrey Fausebroun,
parson of the church of Mose, of the manor of Germie in Capele with
2 John Gerard of Wirlyngworth v. John Longhales and Alice his wife
in Wirlyngworth
3 William de Rosshebrook, chevalier, v. John son of Roger Maskal and
Isabella his wife in Wholnetham and Monks Bradefeld

4 William de la Pole, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. John de Insula,.

knight, Hugh de Bray, Warin son of Warin de Bassyngbourn, knight.
William de le Dale, Richard de Bayous, knight, William de Coin,
knight, William de Playford, parson of the church of Botun, Ralph
de Hynton, John de Ofton and Henry de Heweny of the manors of
Grymston, Aspale and Debenham with appurtenances and advowson
of churches of Tremle and Althyston

27 EDWARD III. 213

5 Richard le Webstere of Somerleton v. Alexander parson of the church
of Stradebrok and Egidius Gerneys (or Gerveys) in Somerleton
6 Abbot of St. Edmunds v. Edmund de Helgweton and Elizabeth his
wife in Risby, Flempton, Hemegrave, and Fornham All SaintB
7 John de Cavendissh and Alice his wife v. Hugh Power and John son
.of Adam Helewys in Cavendissh, Clare, and Poslyngeworth
8 Gilbert de Debenham v. William de Fenton, chevalier, and Matilda
his wife in Baketon, Cotton, Fynyngham, Eldeneuton, and Gippyngge
9 Robert Marchaunt of Bildiston and Thomas his brother v. William
Malorre and Amy his wife of the manor of Lesehalle
10 Thomas de Holbrok, chevalier, v John Caperon, parson of Tatyngston
church and Henry White of Tatyngston of the manors of Conhawe,
Foxhole, Langeston, and Rendlesham, and advowson of the churches
of Randlesham, Buklesham, Brendwenham, and Holton
11 John de Deuham and Matilda his wife v. Stephen de Brokedish and
Thomas le Parker of the manor of Denham in Denham
12 John Rokwode and Margaret his wife v. William de Rokeswell, Thomas
Rokwode, and John Ligon in Stanfeld, Lausele, and Hanstede, and
advowson of the church of Stanfeld
13 John Aroundel of Peyton, John Englissh of Bridbrook and Nicholas
Dany of Stokeneylond v. Richard Wyndout of Magna Teye and
Gunnora his wife and John Boukere of Bures Blessed Mary and
Margaret his wife in Bures Blessed Mary, Parva Cornerthe, and
U Robert de Burghersh, chevalier, John son of Thomas de Holbrok and
Matilda daughter of Robert v. John Caperon, parson of the church
of Tatyngton and Henry White of Tatyngeston, of the manors of
Playford and Benteleye with appurtenances

15 John Colt of Hoxne v. John de Wetheryngsete and Alice his wife in

Hoxne which Johanna of the Hyll held for life
16 Richard, de Wolryngworth v. John de Denham and Matilda his wife in
Shellonde, Ratlesden, Wolput, Wetherdon, Haule, Herlaston, and
17 Matilda who was wife of Thomas de Batisford, knight, v. John le
Straunge of Tymworth and Elizabeth his wife in Ikelyngham


18 John de Lakynghethe v. William Bryen and Johanna his wife in
Ereswelle and Mildenhale
19 Adam dil Feld and Agnes his wife v. Peter de Peyton and Matilda his
wife in Theberton
20 William de Middelton and Isabella his wife v. John Fitz Eustace,
chevalier, and Elizabeth his wife of the manor of Hansted with
appurtenances and advowson of the church
21 Eobert Waryn of St. Edmunds v. John atte Hawe and Meliora his
wife in Fornham St. Martin
22 Richard de Fifhid, junior, John Kernetby, clerk, and John Shakerys of
Combes v. Henry atte Strete and Johauna his wife in Stowe Market
23 Robert atte Assh of Alnesbrunne and Isabella his wife v. Robert atte
Walle, chaplain in Alnesbrunne and Euerwardton (Simon del Pond
de Aylisbourne son of John del Pond app clam)
24 Ralph le Hemenhale, knight, v. John del Mede and Margaret his wife
in Geselyngham, Magna and Parva Thornham, Wykham juxta
Cotton, and Stoke juxta Magna Thornham
25 Richard de Batisford (?) v. John Fery of Hadleye, senior, in Hadleye
26 Walter de Byntre and John de Donge, and Henry de Monesle
and Agnes his wife, and John Blome and Johanna his wife in Walpol,
Braumfeld, Coleseye, and Huntyngfeld
28 Edward III
27 Peter Fauelore v. William de Bolum, Earl of Northampton, and
Elizabeth his wife of the manor of Newton with appurtenances
and advowson of church which William de Clopton held for life

28 John Tylie, chaplain, and William de Banyngham of Wetherden v.

Edmund Tylie of Hessete and Alice his wife in Wetherden
29 John le Chaumberleyn del March and Lucy his wife v. Robert le
Webbere of Hadleye and Claricia his wife in Hyiitlesham
30 Ralph de Hemenhale, chevalier, v. Ralph Spake and Margaret his wife
in Giselyngham, Wykham, Magna and Parva Thornham
31 William de Langhale and Johanna his wife v. Robert Barry and Amy
his wife in Wetheringsete
32 John de Norwich, chevalier, v. John de Wengefeld, chevalier, and
Alianora his wife in Holton, Halisworth, and Blyford
33 Peter son of Peter le Boteler of Cokefeld v. Roger de Langmedwe of
Neuton and Isabella his wife in Cokefeld

29 EDWARD III. 215

34 Richard Forester and John. Aroundel v. Roger Aubry and Johanna his
wife in Aketon, Magna and Parva Waldyngfeld
35 William parson of a moiety of Fresyngfeld church v. Robert Bacoun
and Johanna his wife in Fresyngfeld
36 Roger and Johanna his wife v. Peter atte Medwe parson of
the church of Thorp Morieux and Alan . . . chaplain in Brethenham
37 Gilbert de Debenham v. John de Gayton and Isabella his wife and
Alice sister of Isabella in Brantharn
38 John Waryn of Capele and Agnes his wife v. Robert Tany and Alice
his wife in Capele and Benteleye
29 Edward III
1 John Butecourt v. Richard Trulove, knight, and Sibilla his wife of the
manor of Mendlesham in Mendlesham
2 John of Norwich, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. William de
Bergh, clerk of the manor of Ilketeleshale with appurtenances
3 Gilbert de Debenham and John de Lakyngheth v. John de Furneaux,
knight, senior of the manor of Baventeshalle with appurtenances

which William Neweman held for life

& Hugh de Ulseby v. William de la Pole, junior, chevalier, and Margaret
his wife of the manor of Grymmeston with appurtenances
5 Richard de Warwyk v. Robert Pant and Maria his wife in Henleye,
Akenham, and Wytnesham
6 Edmund de Brundissh, parson of the church of Castre, Edmund de
Bruudish parson of the church of Soham Monachorum, and Geoffrey
Baret v. John de Chebenhale and Alianora his wife in Fresyngfeld
7 John de Wynggefeld and Alianora his wife v. Margaret daughter of
Nicholas Launce of the manor of Snapehall with appurtenances
and three parts of the Market of Fresyngfeld with appurtenances
8 John de Wynggefeld, chevalier, and Alianora his wife v. Edmund de
Neketon in Weybrede, Mendham, Fresyngfeld, and Wytheresdale
9 Thomas de Holand, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. Thomas de la
Sale, chevalier, of the manor of Leyham with appurtenances and
advowson of the church
10 Robert le Munk of Newton v. Philip Farman of Neuton and Avelina
his wife in Neuton and Magna Cornerd


11 Nicholas parson of the church of Tymwirth v. Robert son of John de
Batesford and Mabel his wife in Tymworth Magna, Lyvermere, and
12 Andrew de Bures, chevalier, and Alice his wife v. John Heryng of
Martlesham and Alianora his wife in Wherstede, Freston, Ipswich,
Caldewall, Wolfreston, Chatesham, and Coppedok
13 Robert Warde of Glemesford and Johanna his wife v. Thomas atte
Grene of Kirkestede and Katherine his wife in Melford
14 Robert de Illeye and Alice his wife v. John de Bedeford and Alice his
wife in Denherston
15 Walter de Byntre v. William de Rungeton and Margaret his wife of
the manor of Reston with appurtenances in Gorleston and Reston
16 John Draper of Reydon and John le Smyth of Shelleye v. John de
Bonewell and Agnes his wife in Reydon juxta Holton
17 John Cobet and Saiena his wife v. Stephen son of Henry Purchas and

Johanna his wife in Westerfeld, Todenham, Resshemere, Wikis Ufford,

and Wikis Bishops
18 John Russel and William, parson of Cheselford Church v. Adam
Colvile and Agnes his wife in Wantesden, Chesilford, and Rendlesham
19 John de Cavendish and Alice his wife v. Edmund de Hel .... and
Elizabeth his wife in ... yngton, and Magna and Parva Saxham
30 Edward III
20 William Germye, chevalier, and Isabella his wife v. Geoffrey Faussebroun, parson of Buxale church and Thomas Cat parson of Mosec (?)
church in Capele, Bergholt, Benteleye, Copedok, Little Brenham,
and Brenham Combusta
21 Richard de Hasketon of St. Edmunds, Adam Poyke of St. Edmunds,
and Edmund Cordewaner of St. Edmunds v. John Bilney of St.
Edmunds and Katherine his wife in Westlee and Fornham All Saints
22 Gilbert de Debenham, Robert dil Wod, parson of the church of
Sprouton and Thomas de Bergham v. Godffrey de Aldewyk and
Matilda his wife in Henleye, Hemmyngeston, and Bergham
23 Roger Sturmyn v. John de Denham and Matilda his wife in Buxhale
and Magna Fynberghwe, which Richard Walkefare, chevalier, held
for life
24 Simon le Cartere of Hecham and Isabella his wife v. William de
Askum and Matilda his wife in Bildeston

30 EDWARD III. 217

25 Robert de Badele, Keginald de Worstede, vicar of Codenham church
and John le Deneys v. John Heved and Alianora his wife in Asshe
juxta Helmyngham
26 John Parker of Clare v. John Mape of Clare and Johanna his wife in
Clare and Poselyngford
27 William de Seynclou v. Godfrey de Aldewyk and Matilda his wife in
Stonhamgernegan, Erlistonham, Cretyng Blessed Mary, and Cretyng
All Saints, Cretyng St. Olavy, and Mekelfeld
28 Robert Warde and Isabella his wife v. Eustace Herberd and Sarah his
in Magna Bures

29 Reginald Thurstan and Agnes his wife v. Roger le Gode and Alice his
wife in Bungeye
30 Robert Taillour of Sudbery v. Roger Joldayn of Colne Earls, and
Sarah his wife in Sudbery
31 Thomas Tymyot and Agatha his wife v. Eustace Herberd and Sarah
his wife in Magna Bures
32 Robert Taillour of Sudbery v. Nicholas Packard of Sudbery and Alice
his wife in Sudbery
33 John Reed v. Gilbert Rake and Cecilia his wife in Mildenhale
34 Thomas Herveys and Katherine his wife v. John Heued and Alianora
his wife of the manor of Croffeld with appurtenances
35 John Houel and Matilda his wife v. Robert son of Robert Houel and
John Celestre, chaplain in Wynerstou, Westhorp, and Baketon
36 John son of Roger de Loudhani and Isabella his wife v. William
Tempervoyse parson of Langenho church and John Brighrrich of
Wythermundeford of the manors of Heryngflet and Gunton with
appurtenances and advowson of Gunton church
37 Edmund de Paston of St. Edmunds v. John de Dagworth, chevalier,
of the manor of Thrandestou with appurtenances and advowson of
church (John son of William de Dagworth, clerk, appoH clam)
38 John de Haselwod, clerk, v. Robert de Corby and Johanna his wife in
39 John Pecke of Cauendish and Robert Bole of Haukedon v. John
Curteys of Elmesford and Agnes his wife in Cavendish (Richard
Stoure of Assfi appofi clam)


40 William de Wychyngham, John Knyvet, and Robert de Burwode,
parson of Sparham church and Richard Sprot of Geyste v. Thomas
son of Richard de Bradewell of moiety of advowson of Bradewell
41 John Rery of St. Edmunds v. John de Draghton and Margaret his
wife in Berton juxta St. Edmunds

42 Walter Huyrer of Melford v. Edmund Fitz Beneyt of . . . ham and

Johanna his wife in Stansted
43 Andrew de Bures v. John Waryn and Maria his wife of the manor of
Merkes in Reydon juxta Shelleye with appurtenances
44 John Kyng and Johanna his wife v. Robert Bekir parson of Shadenefeld
church and John de Brosyerd in Shadenefeld, Wylyngham, and
31 and 32 Edward III
1 Matilda la Neve and John her son v. John atte Fen of Hecham and
Alice his wife in Brecheham
2 Richard Baroun v. John Sakevyle and Agnes his wife in Asshefeld,
Cretyngham, Fraunsdon, Braundeston, Thorp, and Wynested
3 Adam de Hautboys, parson of Cokefeld church and John de Stanfeld
v. Robert de Batisford and Mabel his wife in Batisford, Ryngefeld,
and Badelee
4 Clement Spice v. Thomas Gynnour and Alice his wife in Reydon
5 Nicholas son of Robert de Rokelound v. Walter dil Cherche de
Tatyngtyn and Marsilia his wife in Cretyngg All Saints, Cretyngg
St. Mary, and Cretyngg St. Olave
6 Walter Cobbe of Parva Fynbergh v. Robert le Gardener of Lammersh
and Agnes his wife in Magna and Parva Fynbergh
7 George de Grene v. Robert de Bernham and Johanna his wife and
Walter Pempe and Margaret his wife in Thornedon
8 John de Wynggefeld, chevalier, Gilbert de Debenham and John de
Cavendissh and Alice his wife v. John the son of John de Odd . . .
chevalier, of the manor of OverhalledeCauendissh with appurtenances
9 William de la Pole, chevalier, and John his son, v. John the son of
William de Moubray, and William de Wyleby parson of the church
of Wyleby, of the manor of Grymston, with appurtenances and
advowson of churches of Tremele St. Martin and Alteston

31 32 EDWARD III. 219

10 William de Holbeche v. Peter de Veel, chevalier, and Elizabeth his wife
of the manor of Frenshohalle of Milton with appurtenances

11 Thomas le Coupere of Huntyngfeld v. John Wariner of Bregham and

Agnes his wife in Huntynfeld
12 Adam parson of Cokefeld church and William de Aylesham parson of
UfFord church v. Thomas Reynberd of Hatfelde Peverel of part of
the manor of Helmyngham
13 Thomas de Belcham of Sudbiry v. John Hanggard (or Hauggard)
and Isabella his wife in Sudbiry, Melford, and Magna Cornerthe
14 Richard, Archbishop of Nazareth and Margaret de Hampton v.
William Pecok, senior, and Lucy his wife in Rougham
15 Richard de Asketon v. John le Kyng of Parva Homynggeserth and
Alice his wife in Parva Homynggeserth
16 Henry .... ouse of London v. Roger Marscal and Alice his wife in
Eston, Elmesete, Nanton, Qwatfeld, and Magna and Parva Brecete
17 Henry Preciouse v. Roger Marescal and Alice his wife in Bildeston
18 John de Lakynghethe and Alice his wife v. Walter de Waunforde and
Margaret his wife in Lakynghethe
19 Giles de Pateshull v. William de Pateshull, knight, of the manor of
Watfeld with appurtenances
20 Henry de Welham, parson of Dalingho church, Waltere de Somertone,
clerk, and John son of Rose Broun of Somertone v. John Blome of
Southelmham and Johanna his wife in Ilketishale and Wysete
21 James de Hoo, parson of Napton church, Nicholas de Hoo, Clement
Brethenham and Emma who was wife of Clement de Hoo v. Robert
Tumour of Wykham and Beatrice his wife in Dalengeho and
22 John de Redgrave and Amicia his wife v. John Blauncpayn of Melford
and Ralph Archer of Wortham in Culford and Fornham St. Martin
23 Andrew Gore v. John Smyth and Clarice his wife in Hadlegh
24 John Rougheued v. John Lechat of Wyditon and Margaret his wife
in Melford and Alfeton
25 Lawrence Porterose, Alan Wollemongere, and John Amyot v. John
Rougheued and Johanna his wife in Melford and Alfeton

26 Andrew de Bures v. George de Cornerth and Johanna his wife in



27 John son of Nicholas Breton and Lora his wife v. Thomas Bonde and
John Deubeney of the manor of Herkystede
28 Robert Bory of Clare v. John Mape of Clare and Johanna his wife in
29 Thomas de Wengefeld and Margaret his wife v. John de Wengefeld,
chevalier, and Gilbert de Debenham of the manors of Letheryngham,
Thorp, and West Cretyng, and advowson of church of West Cretyng
30 William Chasteleyn and Leticia his wife and Simon their son v.
Nicholas Forester parson of the church of Semere and Sarah
W .... in Kerseye, Lelseye, Semere, Westfeld, and Hadelegh
31 Edmund de Stanton v. John Barkere and Isabella his wife in Hepworth
and Bernyngham
32 Henry Thomas of Henleye v. Godfrey Aldewyk and Matilda his wife
in Henleye
33 John Curteys of Lelesey and James atte cherche v. William de
Waldyngfeld and Amfrida his wife, Walter Leche of Manytre and
Katherine his wife and John Wolf and Johanna his wife in Leyham
34 Bobert de Hampton, chaplain, v. John Pykenot and Margaret his wife
in Aysfeld
35 William son of Hugh le Skynnere of Stratford v. John de Bonewell
and Agnes his wife in Holton and Reydon
36 John Gerard of Wyrlingworth v. Adam de Stonham and Alice his wife
in Fylthestowe
37 John atte Brigge of Belton v. William de Cornedon of Hekyngham
and Leticia his wife in Belton and Bradewell
38 John Everard v. Roger Crowe and Julia his wife in Wylbeghe
39 Richard Breouse, chaplain, v. Robert Bosevill and Thomas de Bergham

of the manor of Stradebrok and advowson of Stradebrok and

Wingefeld churches
40 John de Wynewyk, clerk, David de Wollore, clerk, John de Wenge-.
feld, chevalier, Thomas de Wengefeld and Gilbert de Debenham v.
Richard Breouse, chevalier, of the manor of Wengefeld with
41 John Curteys and John Aroundel v, Simon Holdeyn and Agnes his
wife in Polstede and Boxford
42 John de Bruseyerd v. Nicholas de Loudham and Matilda his wife in

33 EDWARD III. 221

43 Walter Donk v. Alexander le Erl and Clarice his wife in Welyngham
and Soterle
44 Thomas de Wyngefeld and Margaret his wife v. William Charnel,
parson of Dynyngton church and Philip Denys of the manor of
Letheryngham with appurtenances and advowson of the Priory of
45 John de Secford, senior, v. Godfrey de Aldewyk and Matilda his wife in
Henleye, Akenham, Wittenisham, Bergham, Asshe juxta Helmyngham, and Hemmyngeston
46 Adam Shight and Agnes his wife v. Richard del Ebel and Agnes his
wife in Wynerston and Cotton
47 Robert le Smyth of Baketon v. John le Bakere of Mendlesham and
Margaret his wife in Baketon and Wynerston
48 William Pottere v. John de Ufford, knight, Adam de Skakilthorp,
parson of Causton church and Adam de Hautboys, parson of
Cokefeld church of the manor of Playford, Kessegrave, Culfo,
Tudenham Magna and Parva, Belynges, and Risshemere, which
Richard de Martlesham and Matilda his wife held for their lives
49 Richard Abel and Agnes his wife v. John dil Medwe of Hopton and
Margaret his wife and Robert Spake of Godynham and Margaret
his wife in Wynerston
33 Edward III
1 John de Wengefeld, chevalier, Ralph Spygurnel, chevalier, Thomas
de Murieux, chevalier, Roger de Wolferston, William de Batisford,

Robert dil Wode, parson of Sprouton church and John le Cook of

Codenham v. Thomas del Ook of Berham in Ipswich, Bergham,
Cleydon, Whitton, Henleye, Hemyngston, Beilham, Codenham,
Crofeld, Pethagh, Magna Blakenham, Stonham Antyngham and
Stoke juxta Ipswich
2 William Chasteleyn and Leticia his wife v. Nicholas Forester parson
of Semere church and John Aroundel in Kerseye, Lelseye, Semere,
and Whatefeld
3 William Cullum of Brokford and William de Bergh parson of Cantele
church v. Richard de Bresyngham and Hawisia his wife in
Wetheringsete and Brokford
4 William Pynsweyn of Bauderseye, senior, and Dulcia his wife v. Henry
Starling of Ipswich and Cecilia his wife in Bauderseye


5 Helmyngus Leget v. Richard de Kyselyngbury, junior, and Cecilia his
wife in Hadlegh, Reydon, Hyntlesham, Aldham, and Leyham
6 Roger Niel of Sudbury v. Thomas Uolman of Sudbury and Alice his
wife in Sudbury
7 William de Neuton and Elizabeth his wife v. William Fyn of Aylesham
and Margaret his wife of a sixth part of the manor of Gellamhalle
in Elveden with appurtenances
8 Adam Fraunceys, Thomas de Langeton, chaplain, and Gregory
Fanelore v. Peter Fanelore of the manor of Neweton with appurtenances and advowson of church
9 Simon le Dextere and Johanna his wife v. Roger le Smyth of Melford
and Matilda his wife in Melford
10 John de Wyngefeld, knight, and Alianora his wife v. Stephen Gerard
and Johanna his wife of fourth part of the manor of Byklyng
11 John de "Wyngefeld, knight, and Alianora his wife v. Geoffrey Cobald
and Alice his wife in Weybrede and Fresyngfeld
12 William le Serjaunt of Suthberlyngham v. John de Hadeleye of
Cotton and Amicia his wife in Stoke juxta Eye
13 William Paycock of Clare v. Richard Munde of Clare and Mabel his

wife and John Getabon and Agnes his wife in Clare

li Stephen de Stalham of Magna Jernemuth v. Robert Aleyn and Alice
his wife in Lound and Askeby
15 William Paycock of Clare v. John Mape of Clare and Johanna his
wife in Clare
16 William de Russhebrok, knight, and Johanna his wife v. John de
Cauendyssh, Michael Bures, Ralph de and William de
Rokelound of the manor of Russhebrok with appurtenances
17 John de Rokwode and Johanna his wife v. Robert son of Robert de
Teye and Thomas de Rokwode in Aketon, Melford, and Groton
18 John de Hangard and Richard Abel of Sudbery v. Thomas de Leyham
and Sarah his wife in Sudbery, Aketon, and Magna Cornerth
19 Richard Abel and John Lyne v. Thomas de Bery and Johanna his wife
in Sudbery
20 Thomas de Bradewell and Petronilla his wife v. John de Bradewell
parson of Olton church and William Mawe of Magna Jernemuth
of the manor of Bradewell with appurtenances

34 EDWARD III. 223

21 Richard de Kyselyngbury of London v. Johanna daughter of John le
Enveyse in Stratford
22 Thomas le Tumour of Aldham and Margaret his wife v. William
Leuesone of Hemynggiston and Alice his wife in Aldham
23 William Hastyngg and William Wynter v. John de Reppes, junior,
and Elizabeth his wife of third part of the manor of Gelhamhalle
24 Thomas le Smyth of Northales v. John Belperche of Northales and
Johanna his wife in Northales
25 Thomas Reuel v. Thomas le Barbour of Sudbury and Sabina his wife
in Sudbury
26 Nicholas Packard of Sudbery v. John Wisebeche and Agnes his wife
in Subbery
27 John de Wingfeld, knight, and Alianora his wife v. David de Wollore,

clerk, and Gilbert de Debenham of the manors of Stradebrok and

Wyngefeld (except advowson of churches)
28 Robert de Illeye and Johanna his wife v. John de Cobeldyk and
Johanna his wife of the manor of Ryngesele with appurtenances
29 John de Wachesham and Margaret his wife v. Robert Wachesham and
Johanna his wife of the manors of Thoreton and Stanstede (except
advowson of church of Stanstede)
30 Adam de Hauboys, parson of Cokefeld church, Roger de Wolferston,
and Reginald Perpound v. Nicholas de Brampton and Cristina his
wife in Thorndon and Aspale
31 Robert de Saxham v. John Auncel of Sapiston and Margaret his wife
in Troston
32 John Frygoun of Pentelowe v. John Shaldeford of Clare and Alice
his wife in Clare
33 John de Lakynghethe v. Robert Fyn and Alice his wife in Thornedon,
Wetheryngsete, Brokford, and Thweyt
34 Mathew Broun of London v. Henry de Hevylle and Margaret his wife
in Parva Bradelegh and Thirlowe
34 Edward III
1 John son of William de Boylond of Freton and Walter Malveysyn,
parson of Frense church v. William de Loudham and Isabella his
wife in Stokeneylond, Everwarton and Kirketon juxta Euerwarton
2 John de Rokwode and Johanna his wife v. John de Todenham and
Margaret his wife in Lausele


3 John Shakerys of Stowe Market v. Thomas Stannard of Preston and
Johanna his wife in Stowe Market
4 John, parson of Wy'lbegh church, John parson of Shatysham church,
and William, parson of Sutton church i>. George le Glaunvyl of the
manors of Shatisham, Sutton, and Caldewelle, with appurtenances
and rent in Sutton and advowson, of Shatisham and Sutton churches
5 William Wynter and Matilda his wife v. John de Berneye and Johanna

his wife in Monks Illeye, Hecham, and Fynbergh

6 John Payn of Hales worth v. Stephen Gerard of Dunwich and Johanna
his wife in Halesworth
7 William de Clopton,' chevalier, and Maria his wife v. William de
Middilton and Isabella his wife of the manor of Haustede with
appurtenances and advowson of church
8 Robert de Bures, chevalier, Richard Bakere of Wykhambrook, Richard
Bresete, Geoffrey Fausebroun, parson of Buxhale church, Thomas
Cat, parson of Okholt church, and John de Cakestrete of Fynbergh
v. Thomas de Felton and Johanna his wife of the manor of Oldeneuton in Oldeueuton
9 William de Swyneford, vicar of Eye church v. Robert Fychet in Eye
and Hoxne
10 John L.anas (or Lavas) and Thomas Pepir, vicar of Wykham Market
church v. William Tucke and Margaret his wife in Petistre and
1 1 William Taillour v. Thomas Strikere and Margaret his wife in Tatyngton
12 William le Webbe v. Roger Slaghtere and Matilda his wife in Sudbery
13 John, parson of Beilham church v. William Kitlyng and Katherine
his wife in Beilham
14 William Skynnere v. John Rowe and Johanna his wife in Fresyngfeld
15 Thomas de Felton, chevalier, v. John de Boyton and Margaret his wife
of the manor of Eldeneueton with appurtenances
16 Robert atte Hyde of Bures atte Mout and Cristina his wife v. John
Chaumberleyn and Lucia his wife in Neylond
17 Magister William de Redenesse v. William Warner of St. Edmunds
and Beatrice his wife in Hegesete
18 Edmund de Brundyssh, parson of Castre church v. William Kytlyng
and Katherine his wife in Brundyssh

34 EDWABD III. 225

19 Kalph de Hemenhale, chevalier, John Edmund, and Roger Aubry v.
Thomas de Mount Chensy, chevalier, of the manor of Edwardeston

Selleseye, and Bradefeld Seyncler and advowsons

20 George Glaunvyl and Matilda his wife v. John parson of Wilbeye
of the church of the manors of Sutton, Shatesham, and Caldewelle,
with appurtenances and advowson of Shatesham church
21 Robert Palmere and Edmund Brid v. Thomas le Heyward of Parva
Wrattyng and Margaret his wife in Magna and Parva Wrattyng,
Kedyngton and Wytheresfeld
22 John de Sutton, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. William de
Waldyngfeld, and Aunflesia his wife, John Wolf and Johanna his
wife and Katherine, who was the wife of Walter de Barkworth of
fourth part of manors of Eldehalle, Fenhall, and Querehalle, with
appurtenances in Bergholt, Brantham, and Stratford
23 Roger son of Thomas de Grey, knight, and Margaret his wife v.
Thomas de Grey, knight, in Magna and Parva Cornerthe, Magna
Waldyngfeld, Neuton, Chilton, Sudbery, Stansfeld, and Haukedon
24 Walter de Witlesham v. William Dunkeslegh of Clare and Johanna
his wife in Clare
25 Adam de Hautboys, parson of Cokefeld church and William de
Aillisham, parson of Ufford Church v. Robert de Presenhale and
Agnes his wife and John Soterle and Amicia his wife in Eye,
Flynworth, Denham, Benyngham, and Ocolt
26 John Saxi and Henry Ayleld of Braumford, chaplain, v. John Felet
and Isabella his wife in Haustede
27 Ralph de Walsh v. Robert de Geddyngge, chevalier, and Elizabeth his
wife of a moiety of the manor and advowson of church of
Lyteleshale of Euston
28 Richard Chapman of Bures Blessed Mary v., Roger Chapman and
Matilda his wife in Bures Blessed Mary
29 Robert Seffrey v. William de Comdon and Leticia his wife in Corton
and Hopton
30 John Bonere of Ikelyngham v. John Gibbe of Kenteford and Sarah
his wife in Ikelyngham
31 Walter Everolf of Soterlee v. Oliver Curlu and Alice his wife in Soterlee


32 John Edmond, senior v. Adam Fitz Piers and Margaret his wife in
33 John de Norwich and Margaret his wife and Herveus de Welham
parson of Dalengho church v. John de Fitton and Cristiana his
wife in Ilketelishale, Metyngham, Bungeye, Shipmedwe, and Barsham
34 William de Wengefeld v. John atte Chirche of Cotton and Alice his
wife in Cotton, Fynyngham, and Baketon
35 Edward III
1 Thomas Deneys v. Thomas Burel and Matilda his wife in Codenham,
and Cretyng
2 Eichard de Olton v. Walter de Dounemowe and Julia his wife in Mutford
3 John Wynchel, parson of Parva Wenham church v. William de
Waldyngfeld and Aunflesia his wife in Brende Wenham and Parva
4 Bartholomew Fletismouth and Dionisia his wife v. William Wynter
and Benedict his wife in Everwarton
5 John le Fullere of Melford and Isabella his wife v. William Bertelot
of Melford and Cristiana his wife in Melford
6 William de Ressebrook, chevalier, John Bomond, parson of Rougham
church, and Richard de Martlisham v. William le Warner and Beatrice
his wife in Rougham, Hessete, Beketon, Berton, Drenkeston,
Thruston, and Bradefeld monachorum
7 John Hande v. Robert le Smyth and Johanna his wife in Helmyngham
and Codenham
8 Gilbert de Debenham and Maria his wife v. Walter Clere, parson of
Wyntirton church, of the manor of Parva Wytyngham
9 Robert atte Fen of Beauchamp Otys v. John atte Ree and Johanna
his wife in Sudbery
10 Thomas Saykyn v. John Masoun of Rikynghale and Katherine his wife
in Rykynghale
11 Thomas de Wynggefeld and Margaret his wife and John their son

v. John de Brysyngham and Margaret his wife of the manor of

Laxfield with appurtenanoes
12 John de Wetyngg, vicar of Magna Fynbergh Church, and Stephen
Hotot, clerk; v. William Ferthyngg and Margaret his wife, in Stowe
Market and Magna Fynbergh

36 EDWARD III. 227

13 Edmund de Wauncy, chevalier, v. Walter de Eeydon and Elizabeth
his wife of moiety of the manor of Cheuenton with appurtenances
14 John .... rard v. Peter de Bryse worth in Sahambarres, Asshefeld,
Cretyngham Thorp, and Monks Saham
15 John de Kynggisbery of Parva Cornerth v. John atte Welle and
Anna his wife in Aston, Bures Blessed Mary, and Parva Cornherth
16 Eichard Dautrys v. John Bret of Snoryngg and Philippa his wife in
Henham and Wangeford
17 John de Depham, Eichard de Bitton, and Simon de M . . . yng v.
John Squier and Agnes his wife in Carleton, Mutford, and Barneby
18 Eoger de Wylasham, chevalier, v. Adam Chapman and Alice his wife
in Brettenham and Thorp Morieux
19 William Maunser of Hadelegh v. Thomas, son of John Fitz Nicole of
Hadelegh in Hadelegh
36 Edward III
20 Peter Eolf of Elvedon, clerk, v. William de S . . . owe and Elizabeth
his wife of sixth part of the manor of Gelham halle with appurtenances
21 Gregory Fanelore v. John Osekyn, John Barton, and Thomas de
Langham, chaplain of the manor of Neuton
22 Walter de Amyas v. William Spenser and Isabella his wife in Lydgate,
Kertlyngge, Coulyngge, and Ousden
23 Walter de Witlisham and Katherine his wife v. John Eichmond of
Witlisham, chaplain, and William Colbayn of Fynchyngfeld in Clare
24 William Betoun of Hadlegh v. John atte Wode of Hadlegh and Ida
his wife in Hadlegh

25 William de Broseyerd of Sterston and William Berard v. Eichard

Dautrys and Margaret his wife in Wysete, Specteshale, Eumburgh,
and Chedeston
26 James Bek, parson of the church of Banyngham, and John le Cook
v. Eichard de Ware and Alice his wife in Framlyngham
27 Thomas de Felton, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. John Euly and
Margaret his wife of the manor of Iken with appurtenances
28 Thomas Mareschaunt of Bildiston v. John le Shephirde of Bildiston
and Agnes his wife in Bildiston
29 John de Lakynghethe v. John de Northaghe and Alice his wife and
Walter de Northaghe and Matilda his wife in Debynham, Whynston,
and Aspale


30 Richard Alnerd and John Cobald of Tatyngton v. John de Monde of
Dyngton and Cristiana his wife in Dyngton
31 John Gerard v. Richard Alnerd of Tatyngton and Amicia his wife in
Tatyngton and Bedefeld
32 Robert de Esyngwold, parson of Specceshale church, and William
Gunnyld of . . roustoke v. John Hodbovill and Petronilla his wife
in Specceshall, Elketeleshale, Rumburgh, and Wysete
33 Thomas de Wyngefeld v. John, son of John de Mendham of third part
of manor of Laxfield with appurtenances
34. Thomas de Wyngefeld v. Roger Braham and Rose his wife of a third
part of a fourth part of the manor of Laxfeld
35 Adam, parson of Cokefeld church, Reginald de Ecclis, and Robert
Davy of Asshefeld v. Petronilla was wife of John le Sweyn of
Walden, and Richard Plantyng of Storteford and Alice his wife in
Stowelangtot, Langham, Norton, and Hunteston
36 John Derman v. Geoffrey Mariot and Alice his wife in Kenteford
37 Thomas Cobald and Stephen Sterne v. John Clerc of Wysete and
Juliana his wife in Weybred
38 Agnes who was wife of Ralph Burrych of Groundisburgh, William

Golde, and William Gosselyne v. Stephen Chalouner and Matilda

his wife in Grondisburgh
39 John Groten of Boxford v. Ralph de Kyllysby and Beatrice his wife
in Boxford
40 John Joye of Wherstede v. Richard Webbere of Herkestede and
Cristina his wife in Wherstede
41 John Gernegan and Johanna his wife v. Thomas Osbern, parson of
Horham Church, of the manor of Somerleton
42 Thomas Munchesy, knight, John Harecourt, parson of church of
Osemundeston, and William de Walsokene, clerk, v. William Berard
of the manor of Bradefeld Sentcler and Leleseye, with appurtenances
and advowson of Bradefeld church and chapel of Leleseye
37 Edward III
1 Peter Oky v. William son of Ralph Bokkyngge, knight, and Johanna
his wife in Wynstone

37 EDWARD III. 229.

2 Geoffrey de Drayton of Magna Jernemuth, Roger de Drayton of
Magna Jernemuth, Nicholas de Drayton of Magna Jernemuth, and
John Botild of Stosne v. Henry Rose and Clementia his wife in
Giselham, Carleton Colevyll, Risshemere, Mitford, Barneby, and
3 Ralph de Hemenhale, chevalier, Adam de Hauteboys, parson of
Cokefeld church, and John Brathweyt, parson of Berughby church
v. Thomas de Felton, chevalier, and Johanna his wife, of the manor
of Ikene with appurtenances in Ikene, Sudbourne, Orford, Gategraue, Chiselford, Donyngword, Wantesdene, Tunstalle, Helmelee,
Blaxhall, and Snapes
4 William Colbayn, Walter de Witlesham, and Robert Palmer of
Kedyngton v. Thomas D . . . un de Clare and Katherine his wife
in Clare
5 Matilda, Prioress of the New Work of Derteford v. John Foxcote and
Margaret his wife of the manor of Braundeston Halle in Magna
Waldyngfeld with appurtenances
6 John de Rokewod and Robert de Teye v. John Filet and Isabella his
wife in Stansted, Lausill, and Hausted
7 Stephen Cavendish of London and Clement Spice v. Geoffrey Bentleye
and Saiena his wife in Reydon

8 Ralph de Hemenhale, chevalier, v. Simon de Langeford and Albreda

his wife in Baketone, Westthorp, and Fynyngham
9 William Foucher of Wytnesham v. Robert son of John dil Walle of
Wytneaham and Johanna his wife in Tudenham
10 Roger de Wolferston, Robert atte Gern, chaplain, and Geoffrey de
Martlisham v. John de Wachesham of Culpho of the manor of Culpho
11 Thomas de Burgh v. Benedict de Redyng and Alice his wife in
Huntyngfeld and Magna Lynstede
12 John Bryce v. John de Byntre, chevalier, and Elizabeth his wife in
Pakefeld, Gyselham, and Carleton
13 John Sidey v. John Place and Johanna his wife in Sudbury
14 William atte Herst and Lucia his wife v. John de Hecham of
Brendilleghe and Agnes his wife in Brendilleghe
15 Thomas Fullere of Monks Illegh and Margaret his wife v. John Lacy
and Alice his wife in Monks Illegh


16 John Byrce v. John atte Assh and Katherine his wife in Pakefeld,
Gysilham, and Carleton
17 Roger de Felbrigg, knight, George de Felbrig, and John, parson of
Haddesco church v. Geoffrey de Fordell, Burgess of town of Magna
Jernemuth and Margaret his wife in Wangford, Stovene, Brampton,
Outhall, Upredesham, and Shatingfeld
18 Sayerus Hay ward of Brendilleye and John atte Cote v. Eichard
Arnold of Brendilleye and Isabella his wife in Brendilleye
19 Thomas Foot of Stokneylond v. Hugh Bryon and Margaret his wife
in Stokneylond
20 John Vicari of Stokeneylond v. Silvester Fouke and Matilda his wife
in Stokeneylond, and Wiston
21 Richard de Sutton, John de Cavendissh, Roger de Wolferton, Walter
Berdefeld, parson of Parva Elyngham church, and Hugh Skeryere,

parson of Reydon church v. John, son of John de Sutton, knight,

and Alice his wife of the manor of Leyham
22 John de Holm v. John Pyteman and Matilda his wife in Atteleygh.
23 Stephen le Colyere of Brendilleye and Alice his wife v. Richard Arnold
of Brendilleye and Isabella his wife in Brendilleye
24 John le Bole of Lavenham v. John Batenian of Lavenham and Alice
his wife in Lavenham
38 Edward III
25 John de Braham, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. William de
Tendryngge, chevalier, and Leonellus de Bradenham of the manor
of Brantham with appurtenances
26 John de Hoo of Melford, senior, and Roger de Wolferston v. William
Cook of Waltham and Johanna his wife in Arketon juxta Everwarton
27 Philip Denys and Matilda his wife v. John Deneys and Roger de
Wolferston in Tatyngton, Burnedissh, Djnyngton, Wirlyngworthe,
and Bedefeld
28 Matilda who was wife of John de Veer, late Earl of Oxford, v. Bernard
Donat and Cecilia his wife in Hadleye
29 Alexander, parson of Stradbrok church and John de Belstede v. John
Heyne of Coggeshall and Elen his wife in Sprouton and Belstede

38 EDWARD III. 231

30 William Steel, Archdeacon of Toton, Thomas de Gildesburgh, parson
of . . . geham church, John de Lakynghith and Peter de Aldwyk,
chaplain, v. William de Penbrugge and Margaret his wife of the
manor of Geddyng with appurtenances in Magna and Parva
Welnetham, Eatlesden, Falsham, Bradefeld Monachorum, Drenkeston, Bradefeld combusta, Stanefeld, Haustede, and Lausele, and
advowson of the churches
31 Bichard de Sutton, John de Cavendissh, Boger de Wolfereton,
Leonellus de Bradenham, and Hugh Scoriere, parson of Beydon
Church, . John son of John de Sutton and Alice his wife in Ipswich
and advowson of St. Stephen's church in that town
32 John Dawe, chaplain, and Bartholomew Joye v. Richard de Rendlesham
and Katherine his wife and William Reynald and Johanna his wife
in Petristre, Wykham, and Bredefeld

33 William Man of Wennaston v. Boger Kyng and Anastasia his wife in

34 John de Herlaston, clerk, v. John Duncfi of Est Stonham and Agnes
his wife in Blaksale
35 John le Meller of Ufford v. William Bisshop of Eyk and Alice his wife
in Ufford
36 Thomas Barwe of Ixworth v. William Coke and Alice his wife in
37 John Godefrey v. Simon atte Slade and Avicia his wife in Haverhull
38 John Mountpillers and Johanna his wife v. Margaret who was wife of
Peter de Cretyng in Neuton Thorneye, Saxton, Cretyng St. Mary,
Cretyng St. Peter, Cretyng St. Olave, Cretyng All Saints, Stowe
Market, and Earls Stonham.
39 William de Hemenhale, chevalier, v. John de Bresyngham, senior, and
Margaret his wife of the manor of Otle with appurtenances and
advowson of Stuston church, which John son of John de Hoo held
for life
40 Michael de Bures v William de Walsham of Magna and Parva
41 Roger Wolfrestou and Thomas Boude . . v. Bichard Sprot of
Euerwardon and Margaret his wife in Euerwardon
42 William de Baryngham of Wethirden v. Bobert Cokerell of Wethirden
and Alice his wife in Wethirden


43 Simon Dounere of Stanton v. Thomas Tabbard and Katherine his
wife in Stanton
44 John de Lodebrok, junior, and Walter . . . syn v. Lawrence Quaram
and Isabella his wife in Bergholte
45 John de Bresyngham, senior, and Margaret his wife v. William de
Hemenale, chevalier, in Melles
46 John Calle of Leyham v. Johnle Knyght and Cristina his wife in Leyham
47^Michael de Bures v. Walter de Shetyngton of London and Elizabeth

his wife in Magna and Parva Whelnetham, Bisshebrok, and Nouton

48 William Cardmaker of Sudbury v. John Wode of Sudbury and Agnes
his wife in Sudbury
t^John Waryn of Capele and Agnes his wife v. Robert Tary and Alice
his wife in Capele and Benteleye
49 William Manser of Hadleye v. Thomas atte Pyrie of Resshel . . . and
Margaret his wife in Hadleye and Aldham
39 Edward III
1 Geoffrey de Stratton and Isabella his wife v. William Andrews of
Sprouton in Huntlysham, Chatysham, Parva Wenham, Hemmyngeston, Gosebek, Codenham, Bergham, Assh juxta Gosebek, Beilham,
and Blakenham
2 Robert Crull, parson of Swanescombe church, Roger Sevvale, parson
of Stratford church, and John Chamberlein, chaplain, v. Bernard
Donat and Cecilia his wife of the manors of Stratford, Watlesfeld,
and Stokeneyland with appurtenances and advowson of 'Watlesfeld
church and free chapel of St. Nicholas in the manor of Stokeneyland
3 Roger Chaumberlayn v. Bernard Donet and Cecilia his wife in Stratford
4 Henry Musket v. John Bresete and Alice his wife in Haghele
5 William Berard and John le Bextere of Kerseye v. Simon Leg and
Matilda his wife in Kerseye
6 John Bacoun, junior, v. Brian Packere of Berkyng and Agnes his wife
in Coffeton (sic)
7 Robert Capels v. Alexander Godchild and Johanna his wife in Felsham,
Cokefeld, Thorpmurieux, and Bradefeld Sender
8 John Tybetot, chevalier, and Elizabeth his wife v. Clement de
Brethenham, Andrew de Wanton, and Philip Chaumberleyn, of the
manor of Braunford called Lovetoftes
t Not now on file.

39 EDWARD III. 233

9 John de Rokwode and John Cordeboof, chaplain, v. John Fylet and
Isabella his wife in Hanstede
10 Walter Gille and William Bartelot v. Robert Belamy and Katherine
his wife in Melleford

11 Abbot of St. Edmunds v. William Seynclowe and Katherine his wife

in Fornham St. Genevephe
12 Andrew de Thweyt of Westleton v. William Cotyngham and Anicia
his wife in Westleton
13 John Bere of Sudbiry v. Thomas Bole and Mariota his wife in Sudbiry
14 William Bertelot of Melleford v. John de Levirmere and Elizabeth his
wife in Melleford
15 graue, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. John de Sutton,
chevalier, and Alice his wife, William Wynkefeld wod
in Magna Bures, Wyston, Asyngton, Parva Cornerthe, Magna and
Parva Waldyngfeld, and Sudbury
16 John de Sutton le Fitz, chevalier, and Alice his wife v. John de
Rokewod in Reydon
17 Thomas son of John Smyth of Thorp Morieux v. John Chaumberlayn
of Falisham and Johanna his wife in Falishani
18 Roger Fitz Hugh, parson of Dounham church v. Geoffrey Quarer of
Swofham Bulbek and Rose his wife in Drenkeston
19 John Holbrok of Boxford v. Hugh de Nustede and Beatrice his wife
in Boxford and Polstede
20 John Masoun of Sudbury v. Thomas Chapman of Sudbury and Agnes
his wife in Sudbury
21 Edmund Hopeton of Bildiston and Cristina his wife v. John Auvener
of Gaysleand Agnes his wife in Bildiston
22 John Siward of Polstede v. Hugh de Nustede and Beatrice his wife in
23 William de Hemenhale, chevalier, v. Thomas de Gatcle and Margaret
his wife in Rysby, Flenton, and Westowe
24 Philip Deneys v. John Deneys and Thomas Colette and Katherine his
wife of two parts of the manor of Badele
25 John son of Robert son of Richard Couse of Burne v. Alexander
Boliaunt of Uggethale and Agnes his wife in Uggethale

26 Roger Crowe of Eye v. Ralph Skacher and Johanna his wife in

Palgrave, Worthani, and Thrandeston


40 Edward III
27 Walter Webere and Thomas Crowe v. Thomas Morle and Amabilla his.
wife and William Spot and Agnes his wife in Stonham Jernegon
28 Richard Charman of St. Edmunds v. William de Hemenhale, chevalier,
in Rysby, Flempton, and Westowe
29 Simon Badele and Richard Wylde v. John Ruly and Margaret his wifeof the manor of Buxhale with appurtenances in Buxhale
30 William Cotur of Bungeye v. Robert son of William de Fresyngfeldi
and Sibilla his wife in Beklis
31 Simon de Badele and John Austyn v. John de Ruly and Margaret his.
wife of the manor of Buxhale with appurtenances
32 Robert Palmere, Richard Charman of St. Edmunds, James his son,
John atte Water and Thomas Ewell v. John Straunge of Tymewortk
and . Elizabeth his wife in Tymeworth, Ampton, Fornham St.
Genovefef, Magna Livermer, Berton juxta Villain St. Edmunds, and
advowson of Tymeworth church
33 Matheu Ray v. Henry Bakere of Chipenham and Alice his wife in
34 John Catessone of Laxfeld v. John Bisshop and Agnes his wife in
35 Walter Beneyt and Matilda his wife v. William Somenour of Mildeuhale,
chaplain, and John Bally of Thelnetham in Mildenhale, Tymworth,
Ingham, Ratlesden, and Hecham
36 Adam Hautboys, parson of Cokfeld church, John de Peshale, parson
of Alderton church, Reginald de Eccles, Robert Davy of Assbefeld,
and John son of John de Bokwode v. Amicia daughter of John'
Pecche, chevalier, and Katherine her sister of two parts of the manor
of Stowe Langetot and advowson of church
37 Thomas Richardessone and John Trapet v. Joon Avenaunt of Stanton

and Amy his wife in Hepworth

38 Robert de Irlonde of Redgrave and Matilda his wife v. Ranulph
Witheued of Suyterton and Margaret his wife in Redgrave
39 John Tury v. Oliver de Heyllond and Emma his wife in Wytnesham
41 Edward III
1 Roger de Bello Campo, senior, and Sibilla his wife v. Thomas Wake
of Blysworth and Alice his wife of fourth part of manor of

41 EDWARD III. 235

2 Ralph de Hemenhale, chevalier, John de Harleston, clerk, Reginald
de Eccles, and Hugh Bandan, clerk, v. William de Ufford, cluratin,
of the manors of Holeslee, Staverton, Hoo, and Donyngworth
3 William Malebys, clerk, Thomas de Watton, and Richard Cook dfr
Nafreton v. William But of Ilketeleshale and Felicia his wife in
Uketeleshall and Magna Redesham
4 John Mekelboy and John Bagge v. William Elys of Kirkeby and
Johanna his wife in Wenhaston, Donewych, Bregge, Speyghteshall,.
Walpol, Ubbeston, Hevenyngham, Huntyngfeld, and Laxfeld
5 John Hadenham, parson of Kenet church v. John Child and Isabella
his wife in Multone
6 Nicholas Blome v. John Veise and Emma his wife in Fynyngham,
Westhorp, and Cotton
7 Katherine who was wife of Roger Chaumberleyn v. Roger de
Wolferston, John Beneyt, vicar of Dedham church, and John
Chomberleyn, chaplain, in Stoke Neylond, Hyham, Shelleye,
Stratford, Whersted, and Parva Bromeleye
8 Walter de Watton and Eustace de Bernyngham v. Edmund Denever
and Matilda his wife in Westlee
9 John Wynch, late parson of Parva Wenham church, Philip Daneys,
William Berard, and Roger de Wolferston v. Thomas son of
Robert de Bumpsted and Alice his wife in Tatyngeston, Benteleygh,
Brantham, and Capell
10 Richard de Randlesham, John Vynte, and Nicholas Ole v. Nicholas
Lolt and Margaret his wife in Randlesham

11 William de Medefeld v. John Medefeld and Agnes his wife in

12 Nicholas Gemoun, chevalier, William de Wyngefeld, John deHarliston, parson of Blakeshall church, Edmund de Brundysh,
parson of Castre church, William Charnel, parson of Benyngton
church, Peter Broun, Master of Wyngefeld College, and John
Bakepol, parson of Badengham church v. Thomas de Wyngefeld
and Margaret his wife of the manor of Colston with appurtenances13 Henry Mascal of Hadlegh and Johanna his wife v. Thomas le Boueyre
of Hadlegh and Matilda his wife in Hadlegh
14 Robert Mason of Bernyngham v. Eustace Costard and Isabella his
in Bernyngham


15 Thomas Rokwode v. John Kitle and Agnes his wife and William
Sondon and Rose his wife in Polstede
16 Henry Maschal and Johanna his wife v. Thomas Garvey of Shellegh
and Cecilia his wife in Hadlegh
17 John Gouncy and Elen his wife v. John Holbrok in Waldryngfeld
N and advowson of Waldryngfeld church
18 Stephen Serle v. William Gynnour and Cecilia his wife in Stowe Market
42 Edward III
19 William Roger and Hugh Fastolf v. Osbert de Blundeston of the
manor of Blundeston with appurtenances and advowson of church
20 John Masoun of Sudbury and Thomas Chapman of Sudbury v. John
Birchis of Sudbury and Agnes his wife in Sudbury
21 Thomas Palgrave of Sudbury and Lucia his wife v. John de Nelend
and Johanna his wife in Magna and Parva Comerthe
22 John Mekelboy and John Farman v. Walter Josep and Margaret his
wife in Braunfeld, Walpol, and Thoryngton
23 Thomas Heyward, William de Balton, Hugo Payn, Bartholomew
Pulter, Robert de Saham, John de Thelnetham, Reginald de Eccles,
Thomas Caus, Edmund de Gonevill, senior, and James de Heygham

v. John Groos and Cecilia his wife in Neuton, Gorleston, Parva

Jernemuth, Southton, Northton, and Bradewell
24 Robert atte Grene of Ixworth v. William le Noble of Bokynham
Carlton and Margaret his wife in Ixworth, Berdewell, and Ixworth
25 Walter Monger v. Walter Northawe and Matilda his wife in Debenham
26 John Bowyere of Brendeilleye and Margaret his wife v. Simon Kyng
and Emma his wife in Brendeilleye
27 William Kylmond and Cristiana his wife v. John Graunger and
Beatrice his wife in Ixworth
28 Nicholas Barker of Ikworth v. William de Harnygham of Mildenhall
and Johanna his wife in Ikworth
29 Robert Maunser of London, Adam Farmer of London, John Neel de
Melford, senior, and William le Longe of Lavenham v. William son
of Alexander de Walsham in Melford and Alpheton
30 John le Warnere of Resshemere v. John de Essex and Isabella his
wife in Resshemere juxta Ipswich

42 EDWARD III. 237

31 Kichard de Sutton, Eoger de Wolferston, John de Presteney, parson
of Langenho church, and Hugh Scoyer, parson of Reydon church
v. John the son of John de Sutton, chevalier, and Alice his wife
in Reydon, Leyham, Shelleye, Brendewenham, Capell, and Bergholte
32 Thomas Sheldrake of Gratene and John Thurmode v. Robert
Thurmode and Katherine his wife, and Alexander Gerard and
Alice his wife in Thorp Moryeux and Lavenham
33 Edmund Bricoun v. John atte Tye and Johanna his wife in Thorp
34 John Neel of Melford, William Cook of Langham, and Adam Wildcote
v. Hugh de Nussted of Polstede and Beatrice his wife in Polstede
35 Simon de Salle, parson of Monks Illegh church, John Smert of
Whepsted, Robert de Neketon of Hecham, John Masoun of Hecham,
Robert Poggel of Hecham, and John Colkirke v. William Wynter
and Matilda his wife in Monks Illegh, Hecham, and Fynbergh

36 William Favel of Parva Cornerth v. John Kyngesbury of Bures St.

Mary and Agnes his wife in Parva Cornerth
37 Adam Hautboys, parson of Cokefeld church, John Pishale, parson of
Aldirton church, Reginald de Ecclys, Robert Davy of Asshefeld,
and John son of John de Rokwode v. Peter Bray and Maria his wife
of the manor of Stowe Langetot in Stowe Langetot and advowson
of church
38 Ralph de Hemenhale, chevalier, Thomas de la Dale, chevalier, Adam
de Hautboys, parson of Cokefeld church, John de Pishale, parson of
Alderton church, and Reginald de Eccles v. Robert de Ufford, Earl
of SufFord of the manors of Baudeseye, Chiselford, and Wykham
called Gelhamhalle
39 William de Bury and Alice his wife v. William de Clopton, senior,
knight of the third part of the manor of Toppesfeldhall in
Haddeleye and Leyham
40 Thomas de la Dale, chevalier, Reginald de Eccles, Adam Hauboy,
parson of Cokefeld church, John de Herlaston, parson of Blaksale
church, Robert Davy of Asshefeld, Thomas del Ook, John Muriel,
parson of Wortham church, and William Phelip v. Ralph de
Hemenhale, chevalier, of the manors of Cotton and Wicham-Skeyth
with appurtenances


41 John Pishale and James de Eston v. John Edger and Agnes his wife
in Clopton
42 Richard Cale of Kerseye v. John Godale of Preston and Lucia his wife
in Kerseye
43 Edward III
1 Abbot of St. Edmunds v. Ralph de Hemenhale of the manor of
Netherhalle of Pakenham
2 Richard Derham of Bernyngham v. Thomas Agas of Bernyngham and
Margaret his wife in Bernyngham
3 Ralph Suyft and John Duk v. Edmund de Lakynghethe and Johanna
his wife in Edwardeston and Waldyngfeld
4 William Oxewyk, parson of Hertherst church and Richard Scrut'ii.
William le Shepherd and Alice his wife in Hertherst

5 John de Cavendyssh and Alice his wife v. John de Clynton, chevalier,

in Cavendysh, and advowson of church
6 John Beneyt, clerk, William atte Hach, clerk, v. John de Prentys
de la Neylond, junior, and Agnes his wife in la Neylond
7 John Cole, Roger Waske, and Richard look v. Thomas Bonde and
Isabella his wife in Alderton and Ramesholt
8 John Swift of Wetherisfeld and John Alayn of Sudbury v. Robert
Quik of Sudbury and Katherine his wife in Sudbury
9 Richard son of Nicholas Muriel v. John son of Robert Prentice and
Agnes his wife in Neylond
10 John Masoun and Katherine his wife v. John Caldeswelle of Nether
Rykynghale and Isabella his wife in Nether Rykynghale
11 Robert de Halle and William Cutte v. William Lemband and Agnes
his wife in Alderton
12 John de Giselham of Wylyngham v. Richard Ketyl of Beccles and
Johanna his wife in Beccles
13 James Eldefeld of Neuton and John Simond of Aston v. William
Simond of Sudbury and Agnes his wife in Neuton
44 Edward III
14 John Trace of Multon juxta Kenteford, Walter Cliter, and William
de Metton v. John Frevyle of Parva Shelford, chevalier, and Elena
his wife of the manor of Netherhalle in Todenham with appurtenances

45 EDWARD III. 239

15 William Man of Wenaston v. Thomas Waterman and Ida his wife,
Thomas Mustardere and Basilia his wife, and Stephen Sweyn and
Elizabeth his wife in Thuryton and Blyburgh
16 John de Doune v. William de Sutton of Boxford and Petronilla his
wife in Boxford
17 Thomas Gerwy v. Walter Aleyn and Johanna his wife in Shelleygh

18 John de Fretori, parson of Magna Snoryng church, William Keed,

clerk, and Thomas de Milford v. Bernard Donate and Cecilia his
wife of the manor of Cosford with appurtenances
19 Walter de Southous and Margaret his wife v. John Brynkele in
20 John Muriell, parson of Wortham church, Reginald de Eccles, Nicholas
de Conyers, and John de Fynyngham v. Geoffry Wych, chevalier,
and Amicia his wife, and John Berry and Elizabeth his wife in
Stowmarket, Thorneye, Dagworth, and Veteri N . . . .
21 William Skynnere of Stanton v. Thomas de Kyrketon and Agnes his
wife in Stanton
. 45 Edward III
22 Henry Helyoun, Thomas Ewell and William Colbaynii. Hamo de Sutton,
chevalier, and Petronilla his wife, of the manor of Whixho with
appurtenances and advowson of the church
23 Edmund de Well, parson of Becclys church, Adam Payn, parson of
Brampton church, William de Chedestan, and John de Gesylham v.
Robert Norman of Gelyngham and Alice his wife, and John Pyncote
of Aldeby and Margaret his wife in Brampton, Stovene, Westhale,
Shadinefeld, and Upredesham
24 Adam Waterwarde and William Clerk of Bungeye v. John Bence and
Katherine his wife in Bungeye, Metyngham, and Ilketilshale
25 John Redeman v. William Wale of Parva Thomham and Beatrice
his wife in Magna and Parva Thornham and Melles
26 Robert Cryspyng v. John de Esthalle and Alice his wife of Whatefeld,
Nauleton, Elmesete, Aldham, Hadlegh, Semere, Lalleseye, and
Neddyng, and advowson of Whatefeld church
27 Richerus de Wichyngham, Edmund Kempe, Richard Galyon, John
Kyng, John Mason, and John de Colkirke v. William Wynter and
Matilda his wife in Monks Illeye, Hecham, Lellesheye, Fynbergh,
Bukkeshale, Brethenham, Wachesham, and Preston


28 John Brokesheved and Matilda bis wife v. William Noreyes of London
and Margaret his wife in Ixnyng
29 Hugh Fastolf v. Nicholas Couelard of Lowystoft and Golda his wife,

and William Coupere of Lowystoft and Matilda his wife in Carleton

30 William le Webbere of Haoheston v. Robert Chamberleyn and Agnes
his wife in Hacheston
31 Richard Waryn v. Richard White and Johanna his wife in Fresyngfeld
32 William de Wyngefeld, chevalier, and Johanna his wife v. William
Berard, William Charnell, parson of Denyngton church, Edmund,
parson of Horsete church in Cambridgeshire, of the manor of
Cotton, with appurtenances in Cotton, Neuton, Gyppyng, Eldneuton,
Stowe, Fynyngham, Baketon, Mendlesham, Wynerston, Hoxne,
Denham, Stradbrok, Wilbeye, Wyngefeld, Haule, Horham, and
33 Edmund de Gysilham, parson of Soterle church, William Marche of
Soterle, and John de Gyselham v. John de Wassyngford and Alice
his wife, and William de Tyryngton and Margaret his wife in
Henstede, Soterle, and Mutford
34 Thomas Fraunceys, parson of Hardyngham church, John de Estirford,
parson of Shadyngfeld church, John Fraunceys, and William de
Hulveston of Heveryngelond v. William Carles of Weston and
Alice his wife in Weston, Shadyngfeld, and Braumpton
35 Walter Beneyt v. William Huberd of Ikelyngham and Isabella his
wife in Mildenhall
36 Simon Taillour of Brandenferye, and John Gybbone of Brandonferye
v. John Notekyn of Brandonferye and Agnes his wife in Brandonferye
37 Thomas de Ewell and John de Ouertou v. John de Multon and
Johanna his wife in Thorp Morieux
38 John Cove, parson of Berdewell church, Robert Lullepek, and Robert
Duffons v, John Seffrey and Agnes his wife in Berdewelle
39 William Gilberd, chaplain, and John Proude, senior, v. William Sutton
of Neylond and Petronilla his wife in Neylond
40 Robert de Rendlesham v. Eoger Kembstere and Alice his wife in

46 EDWAED III. 241

41 Kalph de Hemenhale, knight, Philip Deneys, Roger Wolferston,

William Berard, and John, late parson of Parva Wenham church v.

William de Cosyngton, chevalier, and Elizabeth his wife, of the
manor of Brendewenham with appurtenances
42 Peter Mayden, John Aksteel, and John Buxston v. William Pakkys of
Stutton in Stutton
43 John Gernegan v. Walter Pope and Alice his wife in Horham
44 Adam de la Felde of Theberton v. Hamo Mey of Bilneye and Johanna
his wife in Theberton
45 Roger de Wolferton and Henry Sergeaunt of Parham v. William de
Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, and Johanna his wife of the manors of
Holleslee and Donyngworth
46 William de Elmham, chevalier, and Anna his wife v. John son of
Thomas de Aspale of the manor of Westhephalle with appurtenances
46 Edward III
1 Eustace Rous of Letheryngsete v. William Banyard of Wramplyngham and Katherine his wife in Pakenham, Berton, Levermere and
2 William Foot of Rungeton and Margaret his wife v. John Fullere of
Melford and Isabella his wife in Melford
3 Thomas Perles v. Andrew Benet and Alice his wife in Gorleston and
Parva Jerncmuth
4 Richard Daucres, Henry, parson of Heueryngham church, Henry de
Mosele, and William Fraunceys v . Robert Garneys and Katherine
his wife in Hevenyngham, Walpol, Pesenhall, Hendegate, Ryngesfeld Magna and Parva, Redesham, Bekles, Huntyngfeld, and
Weston juxta Beklee
5 Robert de Swylyngton, senior, chevalier, v. Robert de Swylyngton,
junior, chevalier, of the manors of Yokesford, Stykelond, and
6 John Clerk and Margaret his wife v. Robert de Malton and Ellen his
wife in Yoxforde
7 Roger de Wolferston, John Wynchel, vicar of Debenham church, and
Walter Hert, chaplain, v. Roger de Rypton and Katherine his wife
in Debenham, Wynston, and Aspale


8 John Cone (or Cove), parson of Berdewell church, and John atte
Chaumbre, chaplain, v. Richard de Pakenham and Johanna his wife
of part of the manor of Asshefeld
9 Thomas Marchaunt of Bildeston v. William Burghcher, chevalier, and
Alianora his wife in Bildeston
10 John Leverich v. Robert le Rede and Alice his wife in Yoxforde
11 Thomas de Wyngefeld, Henry, parson of Heveyngham church, and
Robert Garneys v. John Rotelond and Matilda his wife in Braunfeld,
Weneston, Thoryton, Mellis, Westelton, and Dunwich
12 John de Ramesholt, parson of Carleton church, Geoffrey Banyard,
junior, William de Clyf, Roger Swan, and John Denyel v. William
de Lopham and Agnes his wife in Sybeton, Braunfeld, Yoxford, and
13 William Berard and Richard de Batisford of Hadlegh v. Andrew
Spic . . . and Cecilia his wife in Leyham
14 Richard de Batisford and John Crull v. James de Batisford and Alice
his wife in Hadlegh
15 John Sefare of Chellisworth and William Sparowe of Somersham v.
John Langele and Margaret his wife in Barowe
16 Ralph de Walsham v. Robert de Geddyng, chevalier, and Elizabeth
his wife in Euston
17 John Wallere and Johanna his wife v. Richard Moyse and Johanna his
wife, and Margaret Otthemere in Baudeseye
18 John de Hemmyngton, parson of Willebegh church, William le Chyld
of Wyrlyngworth, and Roger Crowe of Eye v. John le Parkere of
Orford and Mabel his wife in Willebegh and Horham
19 John de Herlyng and Robert his son v. Thomas Caus, and James de
Hegham, chaplain, of the manors of Newton and Corton
20 Adam Hautboys, clerk, John de Pishale, clerk, Reginald de Eccles,
and Robert de Asshefeld v. William Cat of Thetford and Margaret
his wife of third part of the manor of Stowe Langetot

21 John de Reueshale and John de Somerton v. John Englys and Alice

his wife in Sudbery
22 John Craton, vicar of Hyntilsham church, William, vicar of Chatisham
church, and John, vicar of Wasshebroke church v. Robert de
Godelesford and Alice his wife in Chatisham

48 EDWARD III. 243

23 Roger Hony of Framelyngham v. Robert son of Robert le Wright of
Dynyngton and Johanna his wife in Framelyngham
24 John de Staverton v. William de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk and Johanna
his wife in Eyk
25 John Bere of Sudbery v. Robert Gerold and Alice his wife in Sudbery
26 John Rougheued, senior, and John Rougheued, junior, v. William
Bumpstede and Elizabeth his wife in Shymplyngg, Alfeton, and
27 John Bussh v. William de Langham and Rose his wife in Hyntlesham
28 Walter Pikerel v. Nicholas Wisman and Anna his wife in Herengewell
29 John de Pyshale, clerk, v. William de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, and
Roger de Boys, chevalier, of the manor of Ikene in Ikene, Subbourne, Categrave, Orford, and Ch . . . rd
50 William Skynnere v. John Denyas of Thetford and Alice his wife in
31 John Lessyngwelle and John Coggeshale v. Richard Palfreyman of
Mersey and Idonea his wife in Clare and Hunden
32 Roger Poy of Ratlesden v. Thomas de Ristoft and Matilda his wife in
33 Nicholas Goldyng v. John Goldyng and Alice his wife in Shymplyng
and Alston
34 Stephen atte Melne v. Stephen atte Holl of Melford and Alice his
wife in Heggesete and Beketon
35 William Port of Honeweton v. John Wolvene of Honeweton and Agnes
his wife in Honeweton

36 William Sparwe v. John Pertrich and Alice his wife in Stowemarket

37 Thomas Tymyot and Agatha his wife v. John Tymyot and Claricia his
wife in Bures Blessed Mary
38 William Burdeney v. Richard Fentyng and Margaret his wife in
39 Thomas de Colne and Margaret his wife v. Henry Purchas of Berdewell
and Margaret his wife in Bernyngham
48 Edward III
1 Hamo de Sutton, ohevalier, and Petronilla his wife v. William Colbayn,
Thomas Ewell, and Henry Helyon of the manor of Widekesho
2 Richard Freman v. James de Boxted and Alice his wife and Robert de
Aldeby and Cristiana his wife in Stokeneylond


3 Alexander Bruseyerd, clerk, Guido Crokedok, clerk, Richard Dancrys,
John Botild of Bergh, and Edmund de Mutford v. John de Ulneston,
chevalier, of the manors of Forstenden, Giselham, and Ulneston in
Debenham, and the advowsons of the churches of Frostenden and
4 Thomas Marchaunt of Beldeston v. William Wodeham and Sayena his
wife and Simon Morys and Margaret his wife in Hecham
5 Nicholas de Twyford, of London, and Margaret his wife v. Thomas
Giffard, knight, and Margaret his wife of moiety of manor of
6 William Berard v. John Crispyng and Johanna his wife of moiety of
manor and advowson of church called Cokefelds in Whatefeld
7 John Bishop and Emma his wife v. Robert Roper and Amicia his wife
in Stokeneylond
8 Robert Hereward of Aldebergh, John Eckles of Billokby, and Clementia
de Stalham v. John Page of London and Isabella his wife in West
9 John Boteler, of Ipswich, and William de London of Ipswich v.
John de Cavendissh, chevalier, and Alice his wife in Sprouton

10 Mathew de Roudesdale, clerk, and Robert Manser, clerk, v. Thomas

Wallere of Hadeleigh in Hadelegh
11 Robert de Asshfeld, Adam de Hautboys, clerk, John de Pyshale,
clerk, William de Stanton, clerk, and John de Rokwode, junior, v.
Thomas atte Perye and Margaret his wife in Rougham and
12 John de Sudbury, John Bere of Sudbury, and William Bray v. Ralph
Somerton of Sudbury and Anne his wife, and Robert Bretoun of
London and Alice his wife in Sudbury
13 John de Neuport, junior, and Meliora his wife v. William Strangman
of Bradewell and Katherine his wife of the manor of Crosfeld
14 William Burdeney v. John Sabyn and Johanna his wife in Wetheryngsete
15 Roger Erburgh and Walter de Wellis v. Bartholomew Lelye and
Claricia his wife in Eye
16 Thomas de Heigham v. John Fissh of Heigham and Alice his wife in

49 EDWARD III. 245

17 Edmund de Lakynghethe, and John atte Lane v. John Sybryght of
Cavenham and Alice his wife in Cavenham and Heigham
18 Robert Garneys of Hevenyngham, John Baude of Sibeton, Richard
Underwode of Pesenhale, and William le Rous of Denyeton v.
Robert Heynon of Yoxford and Johanna his wife in Yoxford
19 Thomas Caus of Hokham and Elizabeth his wife, Henry de Pakenham,
and Adam Galyon v. Katherine who was wife of John de Gaston,
knight, of the manor of Bucklesham and Resshemere juxta Ipswich
20 John Cranele v. John Goldyng and Johanna his wife in Preston
21 Robert Caunceler of Kessynglond, chaplain, Roger Herman, junior,
and Henry Westwynd v. Richard Oauencler, of Mutford, and
Margaret his wife in Benacre
22 Alexander Syly of Filchestowe and Agnes his wife v. John son of
William Reynold, and John Davy in Filchestowe

23 John de Hevenyngham, chevalier, and Hugh Verdon, parson of

Goldhaugre church v. Bartholomew Bacon, chevalier, of the manors
of Broom, Davyllers, and advowson of churches
24 William de Hemenhall, chevalier v., Thomas Fille of Stuston and
Margaret his wife in Stuston and Cokefeld
25 George de Fylbrig v. William Strete of the manor of Playford
49 Edward III
26 John son of John Gernegan, and Margaret daughter of Thomas
Visdeleu, chevalier, v. John Gernegan and Johanna his wife of the
manor of Stonham Gernegan and advowson of church
27 Robert Marny, chevalier, Bartholomew de Naunton, chevalier, John
Leche, clerk, John de Heylesdon, Edmund Gournay, Richard
Daucres, Clement de Brethenham, Reginald de Bungeye and
Nicholas de Hoo, clerk, v. William Elmham, chevalier, of the manors
of Westhorphall, Mershall, and Leveneyhall in Westhorp and
Stokeneylond, in Westhorp, Wynereston, Fynyngham, and Baketon
28 Gilbert Boulge v. John Dobbes and Mary his wife in Ipswich
29 Alexander de Parva Thryllowe v. Richard Northampton and Katherine
his wife in Magna and Parva Thrillowe and Magna and Parva
30 William de Halden, Gilbert Champeneys, John Ussher, and Thomas
Pateshull, chaplain, v. Ralph Aslakby and Alice his wife of third
part of manor of Neuton


31 John de Cakestrete and John Sorel v. Thomas Cook of Magna
Fynbergh and Margaret his wife in Magna Fynbergh
32 Walter Prat and John Redlond v. John Cral and Cristiana his wife in
Magna Waldyngfeld
33 Robert Brounyng and Thomas Waterman v. John Clappyng and
Johanna his wife in Northales, Benacre, and Cove
34 Richard Cheese, William Barbour, and William de Ersham of Beccles
v. Robert Coteler of Blitheburgh and Johanna his wife in Becoles
35 John Sad of Wykhambrok v. Robert atte Hide of Stokeneylond and
Alice his wife in Wykhambrok, Stradesele, and Denardeston

36 John de Pyshall and Adam de Leveryngton, clerk, v. George de

Filbrigge and Margaret his wife of the manor called Daungervilles
manor, manor called Lovedaye's manor, in Sprouton, and moiety of
manor of Coulynge and advowson of church of Daungersville's
37 Roger de Boys, chevalier, Adam de Cokefeld, clerk, John de Pyshall,
clerk, Robert de Asshefeld, John Muryel, clerk, and William,
parson of Stoneham Antegran church v. George de Filbrigge and
Margaret his wife in Aspale and Debenham
38 Roger de Wolferston and Roger de la March v. Robert Bacon,
chevalier, of rent and appurtenances in Westleton
39 William de Batesford v. Arthur de Sydolvesmere and Agnes his wife
in Batesford
40 Johanna Mouney v. Elizabeth Mouney of Stonham Antegayn in
Mekylfeld, Stonham Antegayn, and Stonham Gernegan
41 Geoffrey Ketill and John Neve v. Robert Thurmod and Katherine his
wife, and Alexander Gerard and Alice his wife in Brethenham and
42 John Eliot of Parva Lynstede, Hamo Fraunceys of Magna Lynstede,
and John Collard v. William Ilger of Gayesle and Alice his wife in
43 John Bole of Parva Lyvermere, and Robert de Hargham v. Thomas
Calewe and Margaret his wife in Parva Lyvermere
50 Edward HI
1 William le Rous of Denyeton, Thomas, vicar of Tatyngton church,
William le Childe of Werlyngworth v. William Necole of Southolte
and Johanna his wife in Wirlyngworth

50 EDWARD III. 247

2 John de Pieshale, clerk, Henry Sergeaunt, and Richard Smyth v.
. John le Neve of Stonham Comitis and Alice his wife, and Robert
le Neve of Stonham Comitis and Margaret his wife in Stonham
3 John Waryn of Parva Waldyngfeld v. Thomas Stagynet and Cecilia
his wife in Waldyngfeld
4 Thomas de Ty and Thomas his son v. John son of Roger Farman and

Margaret his wife in Cokefeld and Stuston

5 John Pyshale, late parson of Alderton church, George de Felbrigge,
Robert Hotot, William Berard, Walter de Stratton, and Robert
Waleys of Ipswich v. John de Weston of Ipswich and Alice his
wife in Witnesham, Westerfeld, and Todenham
6 Hugh Heygham and Robert Heygham v. John Halle of Colcestr and
Margaret his wife of six weirs with appurtenances in Oreford
7 Thomas son of Henry de Gonton, and Henry Greyn v. Henry de
Gonton of Lounde and Margaret his wife in Lound
8 Gilbert de Umfraunvill, Earl of Angos and Matilda his wife v. Mathew
de Redemane, chevalier, and Johanna his wife of two parts of a
third part of the manor of Thrustonton with appurtenances
9 Petronilla Notegood of Campesse v. William Skynnere of Wykham
and Beatrice his wife in Wikham
10 Thomas de Crundale, vicar of Tatyngton church, Robert le Pottere
of Brundissh and Henry Farman of Tatyngton v. John Hook of
Tatyngton and Constancia his wife in Tatyngton and Brundissh
11 Edmund de Well, parson of Becclys church, Henry Rose, Richard
Dancres and William March of Sotterlee .v. Robert Jolyf of
Kyngeston on Thames and Matilda his wife in Magna and Parva
Wirlyngham and Northtone
12 Henry Rose, Edmund de Welle, clerk, Richard Dancres, and William
March of Sotirle v. Thomas Rose and Katherine his wife in Mutford,
Resshemere, Carleton Colvyll, Gesilham, Henstede, Elgh, and
13 John de Staverton v. Richard Spicer and Rose his wife of the manor
of Campdelent with appurtenances in Walton, Filchestowe, Faltenham, Kirketon, Alteston, Tremleye St. Mary, and Tremleye St.


14 John Pishale, clerk, William de Stanton, clerk, Robert de Asshefeld,
and John son of John de Rokewode v. Thomas . . . toft de Elsyng
and Katherine his wife in Rougham and Russhebrok
15 William le Barkere of Northglemham v. Peter de Fornesete of
Saxmundham and Beatrice his wife in Northglemham and Stratforde

16 William Berners, John Bole, chaplain, William Bret of Kedyngton

and William Camberleyn of Thaxsted v. Richard Osseley of
Haverhill and Agnes his wife in Haverhill, Wycheresfeld, Magna
and Parva Wrattyng
17 Walter de Stratton v. Margaret daughter of Ralph de Shymplyngford
of the manor of Kirketon juxta Everwarton in Cokefeld, Alpheton,
and Shymplyng
18 William Fynberwe, parson of Ocolt church, Gilbert de Boulge, and
Simon Sygor v. John Cobat and Agnes his wife in Depenham,
Aspall, Wynston, and Wetheryngsete
19 Robert Aldewyk of Bildeston v. Simon Marchaunt of Bildeston and
Isabella his wife in Bildeston
20 Walter Amyas, clerk, Robert de Kedyton, Geoffrey de Hunden,
William Aylmer, John Sibill, William Fullere, and William Hore v.
Roger de Wrydewell and Margaret his wife of the manor of Netherehall in Poselyngworth
21 Roger Sewale, parson of Stratford church, Roger de Wolfreston,
Andrew Hamond, parson of Chelmyngton church, and John
Kebbel of Stratford v. Margaret daughter of Bartholomew de
Naunton, chevalier, in Stratford juxta Helton and advowson of
22 William de Assheby, clerk, Richard Lidgate, clerk, and Adam Coke v.
Thomas Clerk of Chatesham and Margaret his wife, and Robert de
Godelesford in Wyston, and Bures St. Mary
23 Nicholas Baldry of Heppeworth, and Geoffrey Baldry of Bernyngham
v. Robert Rolf of Bernyngham and Katherine his wife in Bernyngham
24 Richard Galyon of Hecham v. Henry Parich of Leyham and Alice his
wife in Hecham
25 Roger de Boys, chevalier, John de Pieshale, clerk, Robert de Asshefeld,
Roger de W Henry le Serjieaunt, Thomas de Wroxham,
Gilbert de Bonge, and William le Rous v. Augustinus . Renebrook
and Margaret his wife in Categrave, Orford, and Assh


51 Edward III

26 John Hande v. William Dosse and Beatrice his wife in Pethaghe and
27 Robert de Aysshefeld v. Robert Payn of Berdewell and Isabella his
wife in Santon, Berdewell, Ixworth, Hepworth, Walsham, and
28 John Kyngesfold v. Gilbert Talbot, chevalier, of the manor of Ixnyngg
29 John Dyn, parson of the church of St. Michael de Longa Stratton,
and Walter de Preston, chaplain, v. William Paumes of Naburne
and Alice his wife, and Isabella daughter of John de Saxlyngham,
of the manor of Westhall
30 Robert de Swylyngton v. Thomas de Hemyngton of the manor called
Lymbaudes de Westelyngton
31 Nicholas .... and Margaret his wife and third part of the
manor of Cornerthe
32 v. Geoffrey Cobbe and Alianora his wife of the manor
1 Richard II
1 George de Felbrigge, John de Pyeshale, clerk, Thomas atte Cok of
Bergham, Geoffrey Starlyng, junior, and Robert Waleys v. John
Dobbes and Mariota his wife in Ipswich and Stoke juxta Ipswich
2 John de Goldyngham, knight, and Margaret his wife v. John Rokwod
and Thomas Hughe of the manor of Parva Belsted, with appurtenances and advowson of the church
3 Adam Onge, chaplain, Geoffrey Baldry, and Adam Barley of Bernyngham v. Simon Onge of Bernyngham and Matilda his wife in
4 John de Rokwode, Robert de Aisshefeld, Robert de Kedyton, and
Geoffrey de Hundon v. Richard de Pakenham and Johanna his
wife of the manor of Ouesden with appurtenances and advowson
of the church
5 Rogor de Welasham, chevalier, John de Harleston, clerk, and Thomas
atte Coke of Bergham v. Thomas de Neuton and Elizabeth his wife
of the manor of Foukes
6 Nicholas Webestere, chaplain, William Grenegres, Nicholas Bokenham,
and Walter Jakeman v. Thomas Howe of Troston and Rose his

wife in Troston


7 William Berard v. Nicholas Payn and Alice his wife of moiety of themanor called Cokfeldhalle of Whatfeld with appurtenances
8 William Heylok of Wetheringsete and Thomas Deye of Brokford v.
William Gyles of Wetheringsete and Katherine his wife in
9 Richard Peruse and John Pottere v. John Baude and Maria his wife in
10 Roger Yelverton v. John Wympe and Alice his wife in Gorlyston
11 William de Benham, parson of church of St. Gregory of Bernham, and
Bartholomew Taillour of Thetford v. John Gunnour and Alice his
wife in Bernham
12 John de Fordham, clerk, John Bacoun, clerk, John Daventre, parson
of Brome church, Walter, vicar of Kymberle church, Edmund de
Lakyngheth, Stephen de Langham, Riohard Nootz, and John
Cranewys v. Katherine B . . . se of the manor of Wyngefeldhallein Wyngefeld
13 William Candeler of Kirkelee, William March of Soterlee, and Johnt
Drake of Northalis v. Thomas de Lynwode of Wytham and
Margaret his wife in Pakefeld, Kirkelee, and Carleton Colvill
14 Robert Hamound of Brekeford v. Peter le Whyte of Bury St..
Edmund's and Matilda his wife in Weteryngsete, Thorndon, Thweyt,
and Rok
15 William Coteler, chaplain, v. Peter le Whyte of St. Edmund's and
Matilda his wife in Wetheringsete, Brokford, and Thorndon
16 John Cokerill, clerk, Robert Hotot, Richard de Cretyngg, Hugh deLancastre, and John de Thweyt, chaplain, v. John atte Cros and.
Emma his wife in Wortham
17 William Davyd, John Fullour, and Richard Crisale v. John Carlesand Asselina his wife in Aston
18 John Bole of Euston, Hugh, parson of the church of Euston, and
William Hoor v. William Kyng of Euston and Sarah his wife in

2 Richard II
19 Adam de Verneye, citizen, of London, and Stephen Hull of London v.
John Geddyngg of Essex, in Polstede, Assyngton, and Cornerthe,.
which Elizabeth wife of Robert de Geddyngge held for life


20 William Berard of Neuton, and Robert de Thorndon v. John Esthalle
of Westoftes and Alice his wife in Whatefeld, Haddeleye, Semere,
Aldham, Elmesete, and Nanton
21 Nicholas Stilman of Aldham and John Webbe of Hadlegh v. Richard
Rokelond v. Roger de Acton of London and Johanna his wife in
Aldham, Hynclesham, and Hadleigh
22 John de Codenham v. Thomas of the Pond and Rose his wife in Stovene
23 Edmund Colyn of Beklys v. Alan Hauke and Alice his wife in Beklys
24 William atte Lee v. Walter Waldegrave and Johanna his wife in
25 Robert Swybourn, knight, John de Rokewode, Thomas de Rokewode,
William de Assheby, clerk, and Adam Cook of Bergholte v. Adam
Verneye of London, and Stephen Hull of London, in Polstede,
Assyngton, and Cornerth, which Elizabeth wife of Robert de
Geddyngt held for life
26 John de Pykeshale, clerk, Henry le Serjeant of Framelyngham Castell,
Gilbert de Boulge, and Simon Sygor v. John de Lanneye, chevalier,
and Maria his wife of the manor of Debach with appurtenances
27 Ivo Blounvill v. Robert Dust and Matilda his wife in UfFord, Melton,
and Dalyngho
28 Robert de Aisshfeld, and John son of John de Rokewode, junior, v.
Thomas Ofwode and Cristiana his wife in Batesford
29 John Holbrok of Boxford v. John Hereward and Margaret his wife in
30 William Crouche of Polstede and John Gosselyn of Boxforde v. John
Holbrok of Boxford and Alice his wife in Boxford
31 Thoruas atte Cok of Bergham, Robert Waleys and John Taverner of
Henley v. John Gouncy and Elena his wife of the manor of

Waldryngfeld and advowson of the church

3 Richard II
1 Philip Cavel of Melreth, clerk, John Gemptyngt, and William
Kymberlee v. Thomas Cavele of Melreth and Johanna his wife in
Hacheston, Marlesford, and Wikham
2 William Hore and Robert Wayte v. John Blundell and Avicia his wife
of the moiety of the manor of Wortham and moiety of the
advowson of the church, which George Felbrigg and Margaret his
wife held for Margaret's life


3 William Cotel of Groundesburgh v. William Jour and Isabella his
wife in Burgh juxta Groundesburgh
4 Edmund Lakyngheth and Robert Hethe v. Robert Kempe and
Margaret his wife, and Robert Noble and Johanna his wife of the
manor of Blountes
5 William Cokayn of Brethenham, Thomas Pakenham of Felsham,
and Thomas Smyth of Thorp Morieux v. Adam Hardhed of
Ratlesden and Cristiana his wife, and John Tonemer and Basilia his
wife in Brethinham
<5 John Gower v. John Spenythorn and Johanna his wife of the manor
of Kentewelle
7 and 8 John Shepherde of Waldyngfeld, John Power of Waldyngfeld, and
John Lyne of Sudbury v. Richard Webbe of Grotene and Agnes
his wife, and Thomas Webbe of Waldyngfeld and Emma his wife
in Edwardiston and Magna Waldyngfeld
9 John Shepherde of Waldyngfelde, John Power of Waldyngfelde, and
John Lyne of Sudbery v. John Bokenham and Elena his wife in
Edwardiston and Magna Waldyngfeld
10 Nicholas Geruoun, knight, Roger Boys, knight, John Pisale, clerk,
Roger de Wolferston, Robert Houtot, and John de Stoneham v.
George Glaunvylle and Matilda his wife in Sutton and the advowson
of the church
11 Abel Beman and John Peek of Cavendissh v. William Cat and
Margaret his wife in Pakenham, Berton, and Magna Lyveremere

12 John Filberd, Richard Wryght, and John Wale v. John Kempe and
Katherine his wife in Stoke juxta Clare, which Johanna wife of
William Berde held for life
13 Simon de Burley, chevalier, v. Robert Crull, clerk, William Reade,
clerk, and John Chaumberleyn, chaplain of the manor called
Gyffardis in Stokeneylond, the manor called Veyses in Stratforde,
and the manor called Watlesfelde with appurtenances and advowson
of the church of Watlesfelde
14 John de Ulveston, knight, Roger Welasham, knight, and Roger
Cristian, chaplain, v. Robert de Kenton and Alice his wife of the
manor of Kenton with appurtenances
15 Thomas atte Bregge of Frekenham v. John Skot and Alice his wife in


16 John de Cove, parson of the church of Berdewell, and John Martell
v. Eichard de Pakenham and Johanna his wife of part of the
manor of Asshefeld
17 Koger Reve of Melforde v. Thomas Prince of Hertherst and Beatrice
his wife in Melforde
18 Robert Catour of Bresete v. Robert Dun of Notlestede and Matilda
his wife in Bresete
19 Richard Sexteyn of Aketon, John Sexteyn of Aketon, and Peter
Sexteyn of Aketon v. Richard Somerford and Alianora his wife in
20 "William Berard v. John Crispyngg and Johanna his wife of moiety of
the manor of Whatefeld with appurtenances and advowson of half
the church of the same manor
21 Richard atte Lane, clerk v. Thomas Ewell and Agnes his wife in
22 William Farewel, clerk, and Thomas Ewell v. Walter Amyas, clerk,
in Lydgate, Coulyngge, Kertelyng, and Ouesden
23 Nicholas de Rendlesham, clerk, Richard de Rendlesham, and Robert
Hotoft v. William son of Thomas Videlu, chevalier, in Craneford,
Freston, and Snapes, which Thomas Videlu held for life

24 Philip de Melreth, clerk, John Gemptyng, and William Kymberle v.

Thomas Cauele and Johanna his wife in Hacheston
25 John Wryght of Hecham and John Cakebrede v. Robert Smyth of
Brethenham and Isabella his wife in Brethenham and Hecham
26 John Bette of Hadleye and Agnes his wife v. John William of Bildiston
and Johanna his wife in Hadleye
4 Richard II
27 William Burgate, knight, and John Huberd, clerk, v. Simon Langeford
and Albreda his wife in Burgate, Overrykynghale, Redgrave, and
28 Richard the Wryght of Stoke juxta Clare v. Robert Bilneye and
Margaret his wife in Stoke juxta Clare
29 Ralph de Tendryng and Katherine his wife v. Nicholas Breton of
Leyrebreton of the manor of Herkystede and advowson of the


30 William Phelip of Denyngton, .Robert Garneys of Hevenyngham,
William le Rous of Denyngton, William Cloutyng of Laxfeld,
Margaret Garneys, and William de Mendham v. Henry Frebern of
Lowestoft and Emma his wife in Lowestoft
31 John Tayllour of Hadlegh o. John Burs of Hadlegh and Agnes his
wife in Hadlegh
32 William Prest and John Whyte v. John Eggefeld and Agnes his wife
in Monkesilley
33 Thomas Ewell v. John Cokerell and Margaret his wife in Orford and
34 Richard de Ponynges, chevalier, v. John de Worth, chevalier, and
Blanche his wife of third part of the manor of Wrantham with
35 John Rote v. William Parker of Asshen and Alice his wife in Stoke
juxta Clare, which Matilda de Halle held for life
36 John de Barwe, parson of the church of Stanford, Geoffrey de Berg-

ham, vicar of the church of Yoxford, Robert Grethed, parson of

the church of Elyngton, Thomas atte Cok of Bergham, and Roger
de Wolferston v. Thomas de Neweton and Elizabeth his wife in
37 John de Pyshale, clerk, Henry le Sergeant of Framelyngham Castell,
Gilbert de Boughe, and Roger Adam of Petristre v. William
Reynald of Filchestowe and Johanna his wife in Petristre
38 John Chapman of Hadleye, junior, v. John Smyth of Hadleye and
Matilda his wife in Hadleye
39 John Talbot o. John Hacoun and Margaret his wife in Magna and
Parva Fynbergh
40 Walter Beneyt v. Edmund Kenne and Margaret his wife in Mildenhale
41 Thomas de Stanton and Margaret his wife v. John Rokwode of Parva
Fakenham and Margaret his wife of moiety of the manor of Parva
Fakenham with appurtenances
5 7 Richard II
1 William Burgate, knight, Hugh de Lancastre, and John Hoberd, clerk,
v. Richard of the Chirche and Katharine his wife of the manors of
Resshes and Swartsawe, with appurtenances in Gysslingham


5 Richard II
2 John son of Sairus de Rochefort, junior, and Alice his wife v. Roger
Hillary, knight, and Margaret his wife of the manor of Bergholt
with appurtenances
3 John Haddelee of London v. Gerard son of Warinus del Isle, knight,
of the manor of Hyntlesham with appurtenances
4 John Codlyng, parson of the church of St. Romwald of Colchester,
John Cristyan of Colchester, and John Middeljohan of Colchester
v. Alexander Coggere of Colchester and Alice his wife in Groundesburgh, Swynlond, and Clopton
5 Nicholas Twyford of London, knight, and Margaret his wife v. Thomas
Eldrych and Alice his wife, and Agnes Wolf of two parts of the
manor of Ixnyng with appurtenances
6 John Hadlee of London and Margaret his wife, Robert Ellerker, clerk,
John Romesey, clerk, v. Osebert Hamely and Matilda his wife of
moiety of the manor of Hyntlesham with appurtenances, moiety

of the advowson of the church

7 William Wynkefeld, chevalier, John Bacon, and John Aleyn, chaplain,
v. Edmund de Paston of St. Edmund's of the manor of Thrandiston
with appurtenances and advowson of the church
8 Robert Grethed v. John son of Ralph, son of John de Hanworth in
9 John Pepir and John Tynchon v. Thomas Chapeleyn of Beckles and
Johanna his wife in Beckles
10 Thomas Beanpyne and Margaret his wife v. Cecilia Turburvyle of the
manor of Lytelhawe with appurtenances
6 Richard II
11 Thomas atte Oke, Walter de Stratton, John de Staverton, Thomas
Stondon, and John Cardinal v. William Cardinal and Sarah his
wife in Capel
12 William atte Hacche, clerk, v. John Cral and Cristiana his wife in
Neylond juxta Stoke
13 Simon de Burley, knight, and Richard de Burley, knight, v. Margaret
who was the wife of William Molyns, chevalier, of the manor of
Oulton with appurtenances and advowson of the church


14 Henry Bume and Thomas Wryght of Ilketshale v. Nicholas Hunte of
London, junior, and Agnes his wife of the manor of Wisete with
15 John de Staverton v. Thomas Bonefey v. John Bonefey and Amacia
his wife in Yoxford
16 John de Cobeham, of Coulyng, knight, Eobert de Swylyngton, knight,
John Haylesdon, of London, Ealph de Forthyngton, clerk, and
Eobert Grethede, clerk, v. John son of Peter Brewes, knight, and
Margaret his wife of the manor of Wisete with appurtenances
17 John Farwell v. Henry Englissh and Margaret his wife of the manor
called Inghames with appurtenances in Conlyng
18 John de Pishale, clerk, John de Fynnysford, parson of the church of
Kirketon, and Eoger de Wolferston v. Alan Pegas and Johanna hig

wife in Loud ham

19 John de Pishale, clerk, John de Fynysford, parson of the church of
Kirketon, and Eoger de Wolferston v. John de Dersham of Wortham
and Margaret his wife in Loudham
7 Richard II
20 Edmund de Thorp, chevalier, Eobert Corbet, chevalier, Andrew,
parson of the church of Mateshale, and Thomas Moreyn of Langele
v. Thomas Gerberge, chevalier, and Elizabeth his wife of a moiety
of the manor of Wortham with appurtenances, which George and
Margaret de Felbrigge held for the life of Margaret
21 John de Pishale, clerk, Eoger de Wolferston, and Eobert de Aisshefeld v. Thomas Beanpyne and Margaret his wife of the manor of
22 John Vynte of Eyk and John Tournour, chaplain, v. Alan Pygas and
Johanna his wife in Eyk
23 William Justice of Tunstall v. Eoger Indibien and Alice his wife, and
Nicholas Grygge and Cristiana his wife in Tunstall and Blaxhall
24 John de Thorp v. Hamo de Bylney and Johanna his wife in Leyston
and Knoteshale
25 John Peeke of Leyham and Alianora his wife v. Eichard de Waldegrave, knight, and Johanna his wife of third part of the manor of
Helleye with appurtenances


26 Henry le Surveyour of Framelyngham, William le Rous, Robert de
Pyshale, Robert le Rous of Dynyetou, and Rdger Sparwe of Brandeston v. Roger Gossewold of Ipswich and Alice his wife in Brandeston
and Kettelebere
27 John de Staverton and John Ole of Assh v. Alexander Fastolf and
Beatrice his wife in Assh, Rendlesham, Blaxhall, and Marlesford
28 John Felbrigg, clerk, William Hastyng of Aylesham; Gilbert Boulge,
Edmund Kempe of Saxthorp, and John de Banham, clerk, v. Thomas
Caus of Hokham and Elizabeth his wife of the manors of Bokelesham and Resshemere juxta .Ipswich with appurtenances
29 Roger Wulfreston, Thomas Oclee, and John Bradenham v. Richard
Genytas of Shymplyngge and Alice his wife in Shymplyngge

30 Roger de Wolferston, William Joce, John Gerard of Groundisburgh,

Robert Walle, Robert le Wryghte, William Edgor, Robert Wodward,
and John Gardener v. William Kech and Johanna his wife in
31 John Morel, clerk, Richard Stonham, John Thorbern, and Thomas
Osbern v. John Gurdon of Debynham and Alice his wife in Wykham,
Mendlysham, and Thweyt
32 John Cokerell, clerk, and John Wyght, clerk, v. John Mouupellers
and Johanna his wife in Westcretyng
33 Geoffrey Kenewey, Roger Sparwe, Robert Walle, Robert Bernard,
and Robert Wodeward v. John Wodeward and Alice his wife in
34 William Foderyngeye, clerk v. William Boure of Hadleygh and
Isabella his wife in Hadleygh
35 William Copenger, chaplain, Roger Copenger, John Copenger, and
Semanus Bretoun . John Ruly and Margaret his wife in Buxhall
36 Adam Ayleward of Freston v. Robert Colvile of Carlton and Agnes
his wife in Buxlowe
8 Richard II
1 Thomas More, clerk, Robert Hotoft, Edmund de Lakynghithe, Robert
Hethe, Robert de Werlyngworthe, clerk, Robert Speteylman and
John Trottere v. Robert Clerk of Mendlesham and Johanna his
wife in Mendlesham, Wetheryngsete, Twoyt, Mykelfelde, Stonham
Jemegan, Ocholte and Benyngham


2 John Marlere, clerk, William Bateman, Nicholas de Massyngham and
Robert Rykedonn v. Robert de Wylughby, knight, and Roger Scale.8,
knight of two parts of the manor of Dalham with appurtenances
and two parts of the advowson of the church, which Margaret who
was wife of Walter de Norwych, knight, held for life
3 John de Wyngefeld, knight, William le Rous and Robert le Rous v.
Robert Cangle of Messyngge and Johanna his wife in Westhale,
Brampton, Specteshale, Chetestan, Henham, Sotherton, and Hothale
4 John de Stanerton, Robert Rendlesham, Thomas Wryghtyene, Walter

Goldsmyth and John Hore v. John Umfrey of Rendlesham and

Beatrice his wife in Rendlesham, Asshe, Leystoft, Olton, and
5 Robert Brokhole and Thomas his son v. William Broun and Katherine
his wife in Kedyngton
6 John Clenehond v. William Hadhulf of Magna Hexne and Alice his
wife in Sudbury
7 George Felbrigge and Margaret his wife v. Thomas Gerberge, chevalier,
and Elizabeth his wife of a moiety of the manor of "Wortham with
8 Hugh Houel v. John de Tudenham, knight, and Margaret his wife of
the manors ofBelynges, Groundesburgh, Sutton, and Neuton juxta
9 Edmund de Lakynghethe, John Sibyle, John Wermyngton, clerk, and
John Wermyngton v. Elizabeth Lutrell of the manors of Debenham
and Parva Waldyngfeld with appurtenances which Thomas Peverell
held for life
10 Michael de la Pole, chevalier, senior, Edmund de la Pole, chevalier,
Robert Bolton, clerk, and John Janne, clerk v. Thomas Botiler and
Sarah his wife of a mill and appurtenances in Stratford
11 John Arford and John Plante v. Robert Lestere of Bury and Isolda
his wife in Lausele, Haustede, and Thwelnetham
12 Robert Bacoun of Hadeleye and John Cook of Bedyngfeld v. Peter
Dowe of Bedyngfeld and Katherine his wife of the manor of
Mynnysmere with appurtenances
13^John Staverton and John Wallere v. Richard Talmache of Benteleye
and Margaret his wife in Ramesholt


14 Ralph de Walsham, Robert de Kedyngton, Thomas Ewell, and William
Hore, and Robert his son v. John Straunge and Elizabeth his wife
of the manor of Walsham with appurtenances
15 Henry Cokerell of Botoluesdale-Hamelet, and Richard Almot of
Melles v. Richard Glouere of Botoluesdale-Hamelet and Matilda his
wife in Botoluesdale-Hamelet
16 John de Bures v. John Straunge and Elizabeth his wife in Stanefeld,

Hausted, Lausele, Magna and Parva Whelnetham

17 John Straunge and Elizabeth his wife v. William Hunte and Elizabeth
his wife of the manor of Brokleye with appurtenances and advowson
of church
18 Isabella de Hedersete v. John Ruyley and Margaret his wife of the
manor of Buxhall with appurtenances in Buxhall and advowson of
Buxhall church
19 Thomas Gerard of Dersham v. John Bokele of Freston and Alice his
wife in Dersham, Boxforde, and Westleton
20 Henry Baldewyne of Neweton juxton Aston and Johanna his wife v.
John Baldewyne of Neweton juxta Aston and Cecilia his wife in
' Neweton juxta Aston
21 William Medefold, Ivo Wyrham, John Barker, and John Knight v.
Richard Sheryng and Isabell his wife in Brandunferye
9 Richard II
22 Henry Enges of Parva Jernemuth v. Nicholas Tymberman Burgess of
the town of Magna Jernemuth in Gorleston and Bradewell which
Agnes de Specsale of Gorleston held for life
23 Robert Hotot,, John de Aisshefeld, Robert Rous, and John Flour v.
Philip Deneys, knight, and Maria his wife in Tatyngton, Brundyssh,
Denyington, Bedefeld, and Wyrlyngworthe
24 Thomas Edward of the parish of St. Nicholas of Southelmham v.
Richard Gardyner and Alice his wife in Southelmham
25 Alexander Eustace v. Henry Gold of Clare and Matilda his wife in Clare
26 William Eeech of Wodebregge v. Peter Morkyn of Bradefeld and
Maria his wife in Martlesham
27 The Abbot of St. Edmunds of Bury v. John de Pakenham son of
Theobald de Pakenham of the manor of Pakenham called
Netherhalle with appurtenances


28 Thomas Bonefey v. John Foul water of Orford and Agnes his wife in
29 John Muryel, parson of the church of Bernyngham, Robert Droghete

of Bernyngham, John Joyntour of Thetford, and John Benet of

Thetford v. John Baldry of Bernyngham and Cecilia his wife in
30 Thomas Conyng of Melford v. John Straunge of Tymeworth and
Elizabeth his wife in Melford and Alpheton
31 Robert Grigge, parson of Stanton church, Robert Poley and John
Grenelef of Framesdene v. Hugh Balle and Johanna his wife in
32 Henry Thomston, vicar of the church of Stokeneyland, John atte
Forthe, John atte Brooke of Neyland, Ralph Chaumberleyn, Thomas
Smyth and John Shepherd v. John Aleyn and Rose his wife in
Stokeneyland, Magna and Parva Horkesley
33 Edmund Lakyngheth v. John Colbrond and Margaret his wife of the
advowson of the church of Gyslyngham
34 John Scut of Boureszerd v. William Gosse of Rendham and Agnes his
wife in Boureszerd and Rendham
35 William Milde, Thomas Last, John Milde, Roger Wridewell, Richard
Last, and Richard Elsyng v. John atte Wode of Hundou and
Beatrice his wife in Himden and Berneston
10 Richard II
1 William Gunuyld, Thomas Crane, and John Eyr v. John Beloyne, and
Margaret his wife in Framlyngham
2 Isabella, Countess of Suffolk v. Robert de Swyllyngton, chevalier,
Roger .... chevnlier, John Pysliale, clerk, Robert de Asshefeld
of the manor of Huntingfeld with appurtenances and advowson of
the Priory and churches of Huntyngfeld and Cokeleye
3 Robert de Asshefeld, Edmund Lakynghethe, Robert Grigge, clerk,
John de Asshefeld, John Rookwode of Euston, John Banham, and
William Spryngman v. John Purchas and Mary his wife in Ixworth
4 Michael de la Pole, chevalier, senior, Edmund de la Pole, chevalier,
Robert de Bolton, clerk, and John Janne, clerk, v. Roger de
Wolfreston in Stratford juxta Holton and advowson of the church

10 RICHARD II. 261

6 Robert de Asshefeld, Edmund Lakynghethe, Robert Grigge, clerk,
John de Asshefeld, John Rookwode of Euston, John Banham, and

William Spryngman v. Simon Cokerell of Badewelle Asshefeld in

Hunteston and Langham
6 Robert Hethe and Margaret his wife v. Thomas Stanton and Margaret
his wife of the service of 1 man for 6 days in the autumn and
half a messuage, &c, in Westle, Fornham All Saints and Parva
7 Roger Drury, knight, Thomas Munchasy, junior, John son of Robert
Asshefeld, and Robert Heggesete v. John Maymound of Magna
Whelnetham and Mariota his wife in Heggesete
8 Thomas Abberbury, knight, Robert Wyclif, clerk, John Banham,
John Guynes, and William Wayte v. William in the Fen of
Rossheworth and Cristiana his wife in Monks Illeye, Ketilberston,
and Preston
9 John le Eyr, clerk, and Thomas Blakheye v. Robert le Cook and
Margaret his wife in Ilketelishale
10 Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, Robert Bolton, clerk, and John
Janne, clerk, v. Roger Osbern and Alice his wife in Beylham,
Batesford, Rougham, and Colneys
11 John Taverner of Henleye and Robert atte Walle of Otteleye v. John
Collesone of Bokyng Assh and Alice his wife in Bokyngassh
12 John Bachecroft and Margaret his wife v John atte Lane and Beatrice
his wife of the manor of Nethirhalle in Todenham juxta Berton
with appurtenances
13 John Rosshebrook of Boxford, junior, v. Richard Bubbe and Matilda
his wife in Boxford
14 John Bussy, chevalier, John Leek, chevalier, John de Birton,
chevalier, v. Edmund Perpounte, chevalier, and Francisa his wife of
part of the manors of Barnardeston and Kedyngton
15 John Rosshebroke of Boxford, junior, v. Thomas Shephird of Byldeston
and Claricia his wife in Boxford
16 Ralph de Walton, John Benyngfeld, clerk, John Brook, clerk, John
Turk, and Nicholas Harpour, clerk v. John Giffard v. John de
Sutton, knight, of the manors of Polstede and Newelonde with
appurtenances in Polstede and Boxford and the advowson of the
churche of Polstede which William Cheyne miles held for life


11 Richard II
17 Johanna who was wife of Robert Houel, chevalier, v. Thomas Munchesy
of the manor of Weston with appurtenances which Hugh Houel held
for life
18 John Laweneye and John Karwent of Wynerston v. John Short of
Kenton and Margaret his wife in Kenton and Debenham
19 William le Rous of Denyeton and Robert his son v. William Banham
of Banham and Maria his wife in Southolt and Wirlyngworth
20 Thomas Ewell, Henry Petirburgh, William Say, chaplain, Robert
Stabler, chaplain, and John Redgrave, chaplain, v. Roger Rose of
St. Edmund's and Katherine his wife in town of St. Edmund's,
Westlee, Magna and Parva Homyngesherde
21 John de Sutton, chevalier, and Thomas Munchensy v. John Crulle and
Alice his wife of the manor of Horpol with appurtenances
22 Richard Michel of Ixnyng and John Spendelove of Ixnyng v. Edmund
Poule of Borewell and Agnes his wife in Ixnyng
23 Margaret Mareschall, Countess of Norfolk
Richard Upton, parson of Shymplyng church, Robert Hotot, John
Rougheued, junior, and William parson
of Thelnetham church of the manor of Bromhalle with appurtenances in Magna and Parva Lyvermere and the advowson of the
church of Magna Lyvermere
24 John del Wode son of George del Wode and Katherine daughter of
William Andrewe v. George del Wode and Margaret his wife in
25 Reginald de Nauton, Geoffrey Polle and Henry Story v. William
Gayesle and Johanna his wife in Nauton, Whatfeld, and Byldeston
26 John de Cobeham of Coulyng, chevalier, Robert de Swyllgngton,
chevalier, John Hailesdon of London, Ralph de Forthyngton, clerk,
and Robert Grethed, clerk, v. Margaret de Nerford of the manor of
Wisete with appurtenances
12 Richard II
1 John Calmas and James Sherman v. John Scott and Alice his

wife in Fretyngham and Wrydlyngton

2 Robert, Bishop of London, Edni. de Stafford, clerk, John Appelby,
clerk, Richard de Brenham, parson of the church of Holy Trinity

13 RICHARD II. 263

juxta Quenehith, I^pndon, William Rykhill, John Curson and
Margaret his wife and Kobert Neweport v. Johanna who was the
wife of Thomas de Felton of the manor of Barwe
3 John Hardegrey of Frekenham v. John Scott and Alice his wife of
Frekenham, in Frekenham and Wridlington
4 Robert Folke v. Roger Corde and Cristiana his wife in Buxhale
5 Robert Hotot, Robert de Mendlesham, Peter Lobbe, Robert
Spytelman of Cherndon, and John Yustace of Thorndon v. John
son of John Skylond of Mendlesham and Juliana his wife in
6 William Phelip, Robert Garneys, William Cloutyng, William Rous,
Peter Codon, Robert Rous, William de Cove and John Glemham
v. Adam Gelyet and Alice his wife in Wenhaston, Donewych,
Bregge, Spectishale, Walpool, Ubston, Honeyngham, Huntynfeld,
and Laxfeld
7 Thomas Wright of Hadelegh v. James BaflFord and Alice his wife
in Hadelegh
8 John Alisaundre of Kerseye, -John Aleyn of Boxford, and Robert
Drill of Boxford v. Richard Colyng of Clare and Margaret his wife,
and Henry atte Cross of Kerseye and Ellen his wife in Boxford
9 Robert Hethe, William Sopere of Mildenhall and John son of John
Landwade, and Ralph Wagor v. John Bulheued and Marjory his
wife in Berton juxta Mildenhall
13 Richard II
10 Thomas Monchensy and Edmund Lakynghethe v. John CniTIe and
Alice his wife of the manor of Wynerston.
11 Gilbert Debynham v. William Seyntclowe and Johanna his wife in
Codynham and Berkyng
12 Thomas Mortymer, chevalier, William Ford, clerk, and William
Skreyve v. Stephen Lescrop, chevalier, and Marjory his wife of

the manor of Fynbergh Magna

13 Galfridus de Dersham, parson of the church ofBlaxhale, and John
Dunmawe v. John Whyte, of Tunstall, and Margaret his wife in
Wenhaston, Thoryugton, Donewych, Walpole, Bregge, and
14 Hugo Burnell, Knt., and Jocosahis wife v. Thomas Blount, Knt., and
Isabel his wife of the ninuor of Bradeleye Magna


15 John Coo, sen., and Nicholas de Castre, parson of the church of
Monachorum, Illegh, and Robert atte medowev. Thomas Wilteshire
and Agnes his wife in Illegh Monks
16 John de Staneston, Robert Hotoft, Robert Grigye, clerk, John
Hardeshull, and Edmund Rungeton v. Thomas de Stanton and
Margery his wife in Troston, Levermer Magna and Parva,
Honeweton, Sapton, Fakenham Magna, and Pakenham
17 Thomas Blount, chevalier, and Isabel his wife v. John Hulle and
Nicholas Godefreye in Magna Bradeleye
18 John Leenge, citizen and merchant, of London, John Glemham,
William Lampet of Thorndon, William Hunte of Thorndon v.
Richard atte Ghirche of Gyselyngham and Katherine his wife
in Bedyngfeld, Rysshangill, and Aspale
19 Roger Wolferston, Clement Spice, William Rulle, and Roger
Caundissh v. Robert Hemenhale and Johanna his wife of the
manor of Grymerston
20 Johanna, the wife of Thomas de Felton, Knt., v. Robert, the Bishop of
London, Edmund de Stafford, clerk, Richard de Brunham, parson
of the Church of the Holy Trinity next Quenhith London, William
Rikhill, John Curzon and Maria his wife and Robert Neweport of
the manor of Barwe.
21 Peter Codon of Donewich v. Galfridus Clouterd of Mendham and
Margaret his wife in Homersfeld
22 Thomas Barton, parson of the Church of Little Thorrok, John Frere,
vicar of the Church of Stebenheth, John Gyrdeler, and William
Kelet v. Edm. Rose in Bekles, Barsham, Ryngefeld, Metford, and
23 Thomas Morwell, Knt., John Brunne, William Nocoun, clerk, John

Felbrigg, clerk, John Gouney, Richard Hargham, and Henry

Clyntton v. Thomas Grey, clerk in Cornherth Parva and Bures
Magna and Assyngtou
14 Richard II
24 Thomas Archbishop of York, Robert Bishop of London, Thomas Earl
of Gloucester, Thomas Earl of Arundell, Thomas Earl of Warwick,
and Richard le Scrope, Knt., v. Thomas Gray, parson of the Church
of Wetheresfeld of the manor of Cornerthe Magna

14 RICHARD II. 265

25 John de Staverton and John Gerard of Groundesburg v John Bregge
of Laxfeld and Margaret his wife in Laxfeld
26 John Fastolf, Knt., Alexr Fastolf, John Jern .... John Bercelot,
clerk, Bichard de Segynton, clerk, and Peter Cuttyns, clerk, v.
John Launeye, Knt., and Mary his wife in Fynbergh and
27 Boger son of Boger de Wolferston, Gilbert de Debenham parson of
the church of Horsham, Nicholas parson of the church
of Stutton, John Asshefeld and Bobert de Wolferston v. Boger son
of Peter Balle of and Johanna his wife in Stutton
28 Peter de Burgh and Boger Gylbert of Thurleton by Stephen
Bastwyk v. Thomas Hatton of Bekles and Felicia his wife in
29 John Auncel, clerk, William Cartere, clerk, Thomas Saunford v.
Bichard Hethe and Elizabeth his wife in Thorp Morieux, Falisbam,
Geddynge, Bradefelde Sender, Cokefeld, Preston, Kettilberston,
Brethenham, Hecham, Bildiston, and Batlisden, and advowson of
the churches of Thorp Morieux and Falisham
30 John Longvyll, Walter Dobbs, clerk, and Boger Keston v. William
Brokkele and Agnes his wife in Brokkele Bede and Wepstede
31 William Bykhill and Simon Outlawe v. William Skreyve and Agnes
his wife in Fynberg magna
32 John de Staverton and John Glemham v. Bichard Gonewell, of
Gravesende, and Alice his wife in Assh juxta Campesse
33 John Aleyn, John Grotene and Bobert Bokkynge, of Boxford, and
Alice his wife v. Thomas Byrd, of Boxford, and Alice his wife in

34 John Jaune, parson of the church of Glemesford, William Gerard,
William Deneys, clerk, Mathew Bernard and John Chapman v.
Geoffrey Starlyng, of Ipswich, in Gosebek, Assh, and Helmyngham
35 Bichard Mucheldevere and Margaret de Ekerton r. Alice de Bryene of
the manor of Cramavyll
36 William Fader of Dalengho v. Walter Stak of Petristre and Johanna
his wife in Dalengho
37 William Fullere and William Lampet v. George Felbrigge, clerk, and
Margery' his wife of the manor of Aspales in Mildenhall


38 Roger Tayllour, of Heoham, v. John.Cok, of Heoham, and Agnes his
wife in Hecham.
15 Richard II
1 Eichard Chaumberlain, John Raulyn, chaplain, and John Peke, of
Heigham, v. Richard de Stratford and Isabel his wife in Stratford
2 William Fynt, vicar of the church of Laxfield, Edm. Crisp, son of
John Crisp, and William Balston, of Laxfield, v. Robert Leman, of
Laxfeld, and Anabella his wife in Laxfeld and Dynyngton
3 Edmund de Redesham v. Richard Spisour, of Orford, and Katherine
his wife in Stonham Antingham, Stepelcretynge, Mekelfeld,
Pethawe, Debenham, Wynston, Stonham Earl, Stonham Gernegan,
and Gettyng
4 John Mauser, Richard Semere, William atte Brook, William de
Semere, chaplain, and John Trillowe, v. Richard Buxton and
Johanna his wife, William Chaumberleyn and Alice his wife,
Edmund Gent and Cristiana his wife in Hadlegh
5 John, son of John de Peyton and Johanna his wife v. John de Peyton
Chevalier in Newton and Cornerde Parva
6 Roger de Wolerston, John Boys, Clement Spice, Henry, parson of
the church of Kyrketon and John Aleyn v. John Straunge and
Elizabeth his wife in Wythersdale
7 John Chamgoo, of Felsham, v. Thomas Pakenham, of Felsham, and
Alice his wife in Felsham.

8 Robert Hamond, Robert Thew, Robert Rernham, and John Pompe v.

John Beuyugfield and Agnes his wife in Wetherynsete
9 Alan Abott v. Richard Wodeko and Beatrice his wife in Lavenham
10 John Gerard, William Sen of Melton, and Thomas Buntyng of
Wikham v. John Eleye of Melton, Baxtere and Dulcie his wife in
11 John Bayle of Heggesete v. John Maymund of Heggesete in Heggesete
12 William Holde.ryng of Henstede, and James Trenchemere and Simon
Holderyng and Isabella his wife in Carleton Colevill
13 Thomas Ewell of St. Edmund's, and William Hert, chaplain, v. John
Straunge of Brokkeley and Elizabeth his wife of the manor of

16 17 RICHARD II. 267

16 Richard II
14 Thomas Thirlowe, chaplain, John Bartere, chaplain, and Eichard
Bogge v. John Madefry and Cristiana his wife in Thurlowe Magna
and Wytheresfeld
15 Richard Waldegrave, Knt., sen., *. Simon Morys, and Margaret his
wife in Bures St. Mary
16 Robert de Oulton and William de Orford v. John Glemham and
William Manhawe and Agnes his wife in Beckles, Ryngesfeld and
17 John Stavertou and William Andrewe of Stoke juxta Gippe v.
George del Wode of Sutton and Margaret his wife in Hasketon,
Bredefeld, Boulge, Ufford, Groundesburgh and Melton, which
Thomas Coppedik and Agnes his wife hold
18 Thomas Ewell of Bury, William Bregge of Frekenham, Reginald vicar
of the church of Iselham, Henry atte Roche of Iselham, Robert
Warnere of Higham, William Dowe of Lakyngheth, and Richard
atte Lane of Heryngeswell v. John atte Lane of Heryngeswell and
Beatrice his wife of the manor of Freynshalle in Multon
19 Thomas More, clerk, Robert de Asshefeld, Robert Hotot, Roger de
Wolferston, and William Rous, of Donyngton, v. Robert de Burton,
of Framlingham castell, and Alice his wife in Hoo, Letheryngham,

Charsfwd, Dalengho, Wykham, Bredefeud, Debach, Clopton,

Mounwedon, Cretyngham, Braunston, Ketelbere
17 Richard II
20 Thomas Cogesale, Edmund Brokesbourne, Gilbert de Debenham,
Roger Wolferston, John Boys, Thomas Monchasy, Ralph
Chaumberleyn, and Peter Westwode v. Richard Sutton, chevalier,
of the manor of Oldehalle and in Burgholte and Stratford
21 Robert Aldewyk and John Aldewyk v. Peter Aldewyk, of Ratlesden,
aud Johanna his wife in Shellone Haule, Wetherden, Harleston,
Buxhale, Cai-leton, Woolpit, and Onhous
22 Thomas Kelyng of Huverill, and John Segreme, sen., and Agnes his
wife in Hauthacche
23 Clement Spice v. John Braham and Johanna his wife in Braham
24 Alexander de Waldene, Knt., and John Gurdon of Debenham v.
Richard, Ramseye and Alice his wife in


25 William Brian, Knt, Richard Waldegrave, Knt., jun., William
Berdewelle, Knt., Thomas Pynchebek, Robert Asshefeld, Richard
Howe, John Yelverton, and John Palmere v. William de Clopton,
Knt., of the manor of Wykhambrok, Giffardes and Halstede in Wykhambrok, Stradesett, Craufeld, Haukedene, Depedene, and Donaston
26 William Joce, George Felbrig, chevalier, John Staverton, Robert
Hotot and John Asshford v. Thomas More, clerk, of the manor
of Helmyngham, Crekeshall
27 William Abbot of St. Edmund's v. John Sely and Margaret his wife
in Ringham and Resshebroke
28 Richard Waldegrave, Knt., Edmund Lakyngheth and Robert Gerneys
v. Thomas Barton, clerk, John Gyrdelere, and William Keret in
Beckles, Garsham, Ryngesfeld, Mutford, Carleton, Shipmedowe,
Redesham Magna, Redesham Parva, Weston, Wyrlyngham,
Resshemere, Gesilham, Shadyngfeld, Rumburgh, Metyngham, and
29 William Gosselyn, chaplain, v. Nicholas Blome and Margaret his
wife in Gislyngham
30 Robert Clerk, parson of the church of Wrattyng Magna, Thomas

Halesworthe of St. Edmund's, and Stephen Stubbard of St.

Edmund's v. William Bokenham of Halstede, and Alice his wife in
Scolleley, Rede, Hetherset, and Whepstede
18 Richard II
1 Thomas Cogeshale, Thomas Bataill, John Boys, Roger Wolferston,
Thomas Monchesy, Gilbert Debenham, Clement Spice, John Aleyn,
and Ralph Chamberlayn v. Ralph Walton, John Beuyngfeld, clerk,
and John Brook, clerk of the manor of Polstede and Newelond in
Polstede and Coxford
2 Simon Farwelle, clerk, Thomas Heynes, and Henry Burny v. Robert
Farwelle, of Ilketeshale, and Agnes in wife in Ilketeshale and
3 Walter de Eye, chaplain, John Dobbes, of Sudbery, William, son of
John Slaughtore, of Sudbery, Peter Gerevays, of Sudbery, and
Robert Middelton v. Richard Poyntoure son and heir of
v. Richard Parsey, of Clare in Clare
4 William Phelipp Geoffrey, parson of the Church of Blaxhale, and
John Glemham v. Robert Bacham and Agues his wife in Blybourgh

18 RICHARD II. 269

5 John Glemham, John Rothyng, Thomas Cordwauer, parson of the
Church of Stratford juxta Benehale, and Nicholas Blaxhale v.
William Palmere and Margaret his wife in Thorpe Morieux and
6 John Chapman, of Codenham, v. Walter Dorewarde, of Bromeley
magna and Elizabeth his wife in Coderham
7 Thomas Hethe v. Henry Isham and Johanna his wife of the manor of
Tymworth and advowson of the church of Tymworth
8 John Atte Chirche, of Boxford, v. John Sandon and Emma his wife in
9 Edward Hunte, parson of the church of Codenham, v. Thomas
Hemgrave, chevalier, and Elizabeth his wife of the manor of
Hemegrave and Codenham and in Fletton, and advowsous of the
church of Hemegrave and Coddenham
10 John Weylaund and John Wodesey v. Simon Morys and Margaret
his wife in Seyntmarie Bures

11 Thomas Tayllour of Stansfeld, and John Hoketon of Haukedon v.

John Tye of Stansfeld, and Matilda his wife, and Robert Rogull
of Poslyngworth, and Margaret his wife in Poslynworth and
12 William Forde, clerk, Walter Brugge, clerk, and Robert Hethe v.
i John Palyngheth, Knt., and Margaret his wife of the manor of
Cauendissh and Stanesfeld
13 Robert Hotoft, Robert Rendlesham, and John Cockerel], sen.,
Richard Spysour, of Orford, and his wife in Orfbrd and
14 Thomas Kemp and Thomas Smyth of Thorpe Morieux v. John
Cockerell and Basilid his wife and Thomas Debonn and Alice his
wife in Cokefeld and Thorp Morieux
15 John Huwat of Edwardeston v. Richard Stonhill of Edwardeston
and Johanna his wife in Edwardeston
16 Thomas Avery of Stradsett v. John Benham of Tudele and Isabel
his wife in Stradsett
17 John de Thorp, clerk, John de Pykynhale, clerk, William Rees,
Henry Lomenour,' and Nicholas de Blakeneye v. Ralph Rameseye
and Alice his wife of the manor of Kettlebergh


18 John son of John Coo, sen., John Smyth, and Robert Gerard v. John
Resshebroke of Boxford, sen., and Agnes his wife in JBoxford
19 Richard II
19 Roger Caundyssh v. John Pope of Resshemere and Margaret his wife
in Resshemere, Playford, Ressegrave, and Tudenham
20 Simon Warner of Barwe v. Thomas Peyton of Hempton and Agnes
his wife in Barwe
21 John Reppes, prior of the Order of the Mount Carmelites of Ipswich
v. John Warton and Margaret his wife in Ipswich
22 Richard Smyth, parson of the church of Southreye, v. John Parker of

Hargrave and Alice his wife in Hargrave and Chenynton

23 Richard Wytermersshe, John Stefne, John Sargeant, and John Dore
of Sudbery v. Robert Bolton and Agnes his wife in Burye le Marie
24 William Milde of Clare, John Milde of Poselyngford, and John Parker
of Clare v. William Darnell of Clare and Sabina his wife in Clare
25 John Godewene and John Hethecote v. Thomas Culpeper and
Jocosa his wife of the manor of Cornerde in Denordeston,
Hundene, and Stradeshull
26 Thomas Balheude of Stanton and John de Dale of Stanton v. John
Corentre and Alice his wife in Stanton
27 John Sharp, citizen and clothworker, of London, v. Robert
Flyngaunt and Isabella his wife in Poslyngworth
28 Richard Waldegrave, chevalier, Robert Carbonell, chevalier, Thomas
Foryby, clerk, and William Skreve v. William Papworth,
chevalier, and Alice his wife of the manors of Cavendissh.and Denaston
29 Henry de Percy, Earl of Northumberland, Ralph de Percy, Thomas
de Skelton, chevalier, John de Levesham, clerk, and Hugo de
Ardem of Drefsield v. Ralph de Crumwell, chevalier, and Matilda
his wife of the manor of Cratefeld
30 John Creeke of Boxforde v. John atte Cherche of Edwardeston and
Petronilla his wife in Boxforde
31 John Rolf of Frekenham and John Sparwe of Thaxstede v. John
Martyn, son of Martyn atte Grene of Parva Thrillowe, and Sarah
his wife in Thrillowe Parva
32 George de Fylbrigge, knt, Roger de Wolferston, senior, Richard
Whytemershe, Andrew Hamond, parson of the church of Holbrok

20 21 RICHARD II. 271

Ralph' Chaumberlayn, William de Wolferston, and William Wyght
v. John de Jememuth and Anna his wife in Wolferston,
Chelmyngton, and Freston, and the advowson of the church of
33 Isabella, who was the wife of Baldwin Conert v. William Coxe and
Matilda his wife in Bukele
20 Richard II

1 John Borle, Robert Aylesham, and Robert Stansted v. William

Castellacre, knt, and Elizabeth his wife in Treswelle
2 Ralph Rokyngham v. Edmund Neon, chevalier, and Isabella his wife
of the manor of Stanstede
3 Ralph Rokyngham v. John Pilkyngton, chevalier, and Margaret his
wife of the manor of Stanstede
4 George Felbrigge, Knt., Simon Felbrigge, Knt., Thomas Geney, Knt.,
John Geney Knt, John Stauterton and Roger Cavyndyssh v. George
Sekford of the manor of Bulges and advowson of the church of
5 Thomas Avery, Robert Alfey and John Weston of Stradesele v.
Thomas Aylmer, of Wykhambrook and Amicia his wife in
Wykham brook
6 William Atte Tye, of Hessete, and Thomas Page, of Bradfeld
Monachorum, v. Robert Frebern, of Bradfeld Monachorum, and
Isabel his wife in Bradfeld Monachorum, Bradfeld Seynteler, and
Whilnetham Parva
7 John Cobald, of Weybrede, and Edmund Roo, of Mendham, v.
William Drolle and Alice his wife in Mendham, Weybrede,
Wetheresdale, Fresyngfeld, and Metefeld
21 Richard II
8 Walter Horett and Walter Cokerman v. John Jakye and Sabina his
wife in Coketela and Brendelradfeld.
9 Thomas de Bokenham, of Kenton, v. Walter Northagh, of Debenhan,
and Matilda his wife in Debenham and Bedyngfeld
10 John Porter v. John Clerk, of Fynechyngfeld, and Katherine his wife
in Clare
11 Robert Gelham, John Lombe, chaplain, Richard, Alfred, and John
Tavershall v. William Berdewell, chevalier, and Margaret his wife in


Arapton, Crofton, Lyvermere, Tymworth, Fornham, St. Geaerife,
[ngham, Culford, Wredewell, Sapston, Honeweton, Berdewell,
Txworth, Thorp juxta Ixworth, Stanton, Drynkston, Wolpet,
Toftokes, Glarayswell, and Stokelangcroft

12 Thomas Hethe, Richard Hethe, Nicholas Hethe, and Thomas Aleyn,

clerk, v. William Berdewell, chevalier, and Margaret his wife in.
Ampton, Ingham Lyvermere
22 Richard II
13 John Caltoft, of Redenhale, John Dool, and Richard Neve, v. Thomas
Wodeward and Agnes his wife in Fresyngfeld
14 Dionisus, parson of the church of Cleydon, John, parson of the church.
of Stratford, Walter Webbe, of Hadlegh, John, son of John Cosyn,
of Bergholt, Thomas Smyth, of Cleydon, and Thomas Shawe, of
Holton, v. William Tailburgh, of Holton, and Joanna his wife in
Holton and Stratford
15 William Burgate, knt, John Hobert, clerk, William Cloutyng, John
Glemham, John Lynge, and William Lampet, v. Thomas Poley and
Matilda his wife of the manors of Swartesham and Gyslynghames
16 John Skarlet, clerk, and Robert Middeltou v. William Langham and
Rose his wife, John Langham. citizen of London, in Elmesete,
Whatefeld, and Ofton
17 John Lanas of Wykham Market, and John his son v. Thomas
Skelton, chevalier, and Johanna his wife in Hatheton
18 Richard Randolf of Thrillowe Magna, and Henry Lombe .of
Haverhill and Joanna his wife in Haverhalle
19 Nicholas Raymes and John Peke of Heigham v. John atte Wode and
Margaret his wife in Heigham
23 Richard II
20 John Bolton of Lavenham v. Richard Brasyer of Lavenham and
Matilda his wife in Lavenham
1 Henry IV
1 William Fullere of Todenham, John Burgate of Kenet and John
Cavenham of Kenteford v. Richard Alfred and John Haveryng of
Kedyton and Florence his wife in Kenteforde
2 Richard Mycclefeld, Robert del Marche and Henry del Marche v.
William Doraunt of Joxford and Johanna his wife in Joxford

1 2 HENRY IV. 273

3 Robert Goodwyn of Beklys v. William Grygge of Southelmham and

Basilia his wife in Southelmham

4 Robert Aired, Thomas Godyng, and William Pelse of Tatyngton v.
William Noreys of Northamptonshire and Margaret his wife in
5 William de Willughby, knight, v. Robert Scales, knight, of the manor
6 John the son of Henry de Filkington v. John de Pilkington, chevalier,
and Margaret his wife of the manor of Chetbury with appurtenances
and advowson of the church
7 John Glemham, Robert Duk, William Wych, and Henry March of
Soterle v. Hugh de Burnham and Margaret his wife in Stoven and
8 Thomas Hethe, Richard Hethe, John Metefeld, clerk, John Albon,
and Nicholas Hethe v. John Halle of Ieworth and Margaret his wife
and John Halle of Thurston and Johanna his wife in Ieworth and
Hornygyserde Parva
9 Robert Samburn, vicar of church of Ayssh juxta Gosebek, John
Taverner of Henley, John Couper of Helmyngham and William
Deye of Pethawe v. Robert Dexter of Helmyngham and Isabella
his wife in Helmyngham, Hemmyngeston, Gosebek, and Ayssh juxta
2 Henry IT
10 Richard Rowe of Laxfeld, carpenter, v. Richard Wade and Margaret
his wife in Laxfeld
11 John Rome, clerk, John Hide, clerk, Thomas Skynnere, Thomas Cruwe,
and William Corley, clerk, v. Hugh Burnell, chevalier, and Jocosa
his wife of the manor of Magna Bradeley and advowson of the church
12 William Enote of London and Margaret his wife v. Alice the wife of
Simon Wynchecombe daughter of Thomas Maister of Ipswich,
senior, in Stoke, Grenewych, Whitton, Braunford, and Claydon
13 John Preston, clerk, John Gedford, clerk, and John Benham v. Thomas
Gyssyngge and Matilda his wife of Bildeston, Wachesham,
Steddynge, Whatefeld, and Nanton



3 Henry IV
14 John de Notyingharn, Eobert de Caverham, William Gerneys, John
de Chestan, Eichard Drewe, Robert de Knayton, clerk, and Roger
Cawod, clerk, v. Beatrice who was wife of Thomas de Roos of
Hamelak, chevalier, of the manor of Wysett
15 Peter Naunton and Johanna his wife v. John Wallere and Alice his
wife in Aldirton
16 Thomas atte More, clerk, Richard Sephare and John Hook v. William
Hook of Hecham and Johanna his wife in Hecham
17 John Webbe of Cavendyssh, Baker, and Agnes his wife, and Jacob
Hook of Pentelowe and Thomas Heryng v. William Stamborne of
Cavendyssh tailor and Alice his wife in Cavendyssh
18 ohn Wyse of Parva Cornherth, John atte Milne of Magna Cornherth,
Geoffrey Badewe, vicar of the church, Heygham and Simon Lanshull
parson of Parva Cornherth v. Thomas Clerk of Seyntmary Bures
and Johanna his wife in Seyntmary Bares
19 Richard Wethermerssh, William Wolferston and Thomas Norman of
Ryngesell v. John Draper of Magna Bresete and Johanna his wife
i in Ryngessell and Magna Bresete
20 John Alfrede and Thomas Gylore v. Simon Lopham and Agnes his wife
in Watlesfeld
21 Thomas Mysterton v. Hugo Clerk of Stowmarket and Alice his wife
in Stowemarket, Thorneye, and Saxton
22 William Spereman and Agnes his wife v. John Hamond and Aveline
his wife in Altyneston, Trymele blessed Mary and Trymele St. Martin
23 William Porter of Dryngeston and John Wyghtman of Whepstede v.
John Clevelond of Dryngeston and Cristiana his wife in Dryngeston
24 John de Boys, Clement Spyce, Ralph Chaumberleyn, Richard Alfred,
John Lavenhey, John Sneterton, chaplain, John Esthorp and
William Howat, chaplain, v. John Aleyu of Boxford and Alice his
wife in Mildenhale, Fornham St. Martins, and Berton juxta Bury
25 John Copangar and John Spetelman, tailor, v. John Grene and
Johanna his wife in Blaxhale

26 John Boof, senior, v. John atte Brigge and Agnes his wife in Lowestoft
27 Roger Maykyn v. Henry Hunte and Alice his wife in Alpheton, Melford,
and Acton

4 HENRY IV. 275

4 Henry IV
28 Eoger de Bernardeston and Robert Tyrwhyt v. William Ingham and
Margaret his wife of the manors of Kedyngton and Bernardeston
in Kedyngton, Sturmere, Haverhill and Bernardeston, Magna
"Wratlyng, Parva Wratlyng, Parva Thullowe, and the advowson of
the church of Kedyngton and Bernardeston
29 Peter Crulle, Eoger Haldenby, clerk, John Kemme, clerk, Thomas
Melreth, Stephen Ingelset, Edward Pich ... and "William Kelet
v. John Crulle and Nicholas Conyers and Johnna his wife of 40/shillings rent issuing out of the manors of Magna Barton and
30 John Andrewe of Wydekesho and Henry Tyel v. Thomas de Macchyng
and Alice his wife, William Prentys of Stoke and Matilda his wife,
and John Seman of Sudbury and Alice his wife, and Thomas Goold
and Johanna his wife in Wydekesho, Stoke, and Chilton
31 John Hunte of Wytheresford, Roger Hunte, chaplain and William
Giffard, junior, v. Thomas Tuwe and Agnes his wife and John Tuwe
and Elizabeth his wife in Wytheresfeld, Magna Thrillowe, Parva
Thrillowe, Magna Wrattyng, Parva Wrattyng, and Haverhill
32 John Mariot, John Chapman, Adam Gardyner, William Rokelond
Walter Childeman and Johanna Walle v. William Wykwane and
Alice his wife daughter and heir of John Mounceux and John
Porter and Margaret his wife in Gretyngham
33 Matthew Jacob, John Rougheued, John Porterose, John Bray of
Sudbury and Thomas Jacob of Cambridge v. Henry Sewale and
Matilda his wife in Sudbury
34 Robert Hamond of Wetheryngsete, Robert de Thorndone and John
Osefreyt v. Geoffrey Baronn of Somersham and Alice his wife in
35 Thomas Barker of Multon and John Drake of Norwich v. Thomas
Edons of Ikelyngham and Margaret his wife in Ikelyngham and

36 Robert, parson of Oldton church, Stephen Wyolf, Walter de Oldton,

John, parson of Lound church, John Thurberne, clerk, and John
Botheman v. John Foston of Oldton and Alice his wife in Oldton
and Lowestoft


37 William Beketon, clerk v. Walter Katbome of Drengeston and
Alice his wife in Beketon and Bougham
38 William Bacon and Benedict de Hoou. Kobert Godissone and Johanna
his wife in Bradefeld Monks
39 William Coggessale v. Bichard Lane Deye (sic) and Alice his wife in
40 John Chapman of Codenham, senior, v. John Bakere of Codenham,
junior and Isabella his wife in Codenham
5 Henry IT
1 John Stanerton, John Lancastre, John Glemham, John Cokerell of
Orford, William Wallere, Thomas Cobbe, parson of Bendlesham
church and Nicholas Blaxhall v. Bobert Bokenham of Bendlesham
and Matilda his wife in Assh juxta Campesse, Bendlesham and
Blaxhall called Stammeres tenement
2 Bichard Scot v. William Scot and Isabella his wife in Denyston,
Strateshell, and Wykham Broke
3 William Attetye and John Nunne, junior, v. John Claketon and Alice
his wife in Berton and Thurston
4 John Stanerton, John Cokerell of Oreford, John Berton, clerk, and
Simon Blyant v. Beginald Braybrok, chevalier, and Johanna his wife
of the manors of Cotton and Neweton and the manor called
Skythemanere and the manor called Boleo maner
5 Thomas Erpyngham, knight, William Argentem, knight, John
Henyngham, knight, William Felip, Bobert Asshefeld, and John
More, clerk, v. John son and heir of Thomas atte Cok of Bergham
of the manor of Fokes and wolfones in Orford, Sudbure, and Categrave
6 Boger Walden, clerk, Henry Hamerton, clerk, and Thomas Martyn,
clerk, v. Johu Walden and Idonia his wife in Wytheresfeld,
Thrillawe, and Haveryll
7 Nigellus Wedewe of Tunstall and John White of Tunstall and

Margaret his wife in Wantesden and Tunstall

8 Nicholas Andre we, parson of the church of Stutton and Jacob Andrewe
v. Thomas Mosyll and Margaret his wife in Bramforde and Spr
and third part of the manor of Stutton called Stuttonhall and third
part of the adowson of Stutton church

6 HENRY IV. 277

6 Henry IV
9 George Felbrygge, knight, Roger Caundyssh and "William Joce v.
Roger Drury, knight, and Margaret his wife in Otteleye
10 Thomas at1;e Hawe of Stanton v. John Nekyr of Ely and Margaret
his wife in Stanton
11 Richard son of Thomas Curteys of Russhebrok v. John Adam of Bury
Saint Edmunds, senior, and Anne his wife in Rougham
12 Robert Bolton, clerk, William Wolfreston, John Jaune, clerk, Robert
Andrewe, Robert Bolton, Jacob Andrewe, and Jacob Byllyngford v.
John Lincoln of London and Letitia his wife in Tafton, Berkyng,
Dermondesdon, Nedham, Codenham, Wylesham, Braunford, and
13 Thomas Maister, clerk, John Teyser, Edmund Markant, Lawrence
Trussebut, John Somerton, Thomas Welles, clerk, John Frebern,
John Kirkeby, Thomas Harwell, and Roger Mayster v. William
Godered of Horsete and Johanna his wife in Hauerhill
14 John Pylkyngton, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. Ralph Rokyngham
of the manor of Stanstede
15 William Wodeward of London and John Bever of Leystoft and Alice
his wife in Gunton, Leystoft, and Olton
1<5 John Busshor of Wenaston and John Rastall v. Nicholas Catys and
Margaret his wife in Blyburgh
17 William Argentem, knight, Robert Bukton, Edmund Carleton, Thomas
Monchensy of Lenne and Johanna who was the wife of Edmund
Lakyngheth v. Thomas de Redhamand Johanna his wife in Gorleston,
Bradewell, and Parva Yarmouth
18 Thomas Joop and William Stokes v. Thomas Colpeper, knight, and
Jocosa his wife in Poselyngworth, Clare, Stradesell and Pentelawe
7 Henry IV

19 Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk and Michael his son v. John

Cornvaille, knight, and Elizabeth his wife of the manors of Lowestoft
and Benhale and of the manor called Veysysmaner in Stratford and
hundred of Ludyngland in Stratford and the advowson of the
Abbey of Leyston, Priory of Butteley and church of Stratford
20 John Redgrave, chaplain, and Richard Baxtere, chaplain, v. John Bret
and Agnes his wife in Asshefeld, Elmeswell, Moscoke (?) and Norton


21 John Thurston o. Henry Lone and Elizabeth his wife in Rendham
and Carleton
22 Thomas Hethe, Richard Hethe, Nicholas Hethe, Richard Alrede,
and Robert Pope v. William Geddynge and Mirabilla his wife of
the manor of Lakford which Katherine wife of Thomas Notebem
held for life
23 Roger Caundissh, John Glemham and John Caundissh v. John
Fastnanen of Brigges in Flanders and Matilda his wife daughter
and heiress of John Heymond of Herdwyeh in tremleye blessed
Mary and Tremeleye St. Martyn
8 Henry IV
24 Walter Ores and Anestacia Oldhawe v. Henry White of Southwold
and Ela his wife in Kessyngloud
25 Thomas Hethe, Richard Hethe, Nicholas Hethe, Ricnard Alrede,
Robert Pope v. William Geddyng and Mabilla his wife of the manor
of Flempton which Katherine wife of Thomas Notebeme held for life
26 John Coppyng and Anna his wife v. Richard Rendelisham and
Christiana his wife in Bury St. Edmunds
27 Thomas Smythe, John Haveryngge and William Rene of Kedyngton
v. John Casse of Magna Bradeley and Isabella his wife in Kedyngton
28 John Doget, of Norwich, Heury Burny and Thomas Blakeye of
Ilketeshale v. Thomas Dryvere of Southelmham and Johanna his
wife in Southelmham.
29 John, Prior of the church of blessed Mary of Ixworthe v. Roger Drury,
chevalier, John Lodewyk, Nicholas Drury, Thomas Barre, and
Nicholas Rys, clerk, of the manors of Norton and Wykyn

30 John Loudham of Northampton v. John Strelley, chevalier of the

manor of Cokeley and Ronghale, &c, which John Tyndale of
Northampton held for life
31 John Beaumond of London and John Selby, chaplain v. Thomas son
of William Rothyng de Haverhill in Hauerhill
32 William de Lobenham, Thomas of Hilton, clerk, and Richard Fethhyngham, chaplain v. John de Pilkyngton, chevalier, and Margaret
his wife of the manor of Stanstede, &c, which Edmund Noon held
for life

9 HENRY IV. 279

33 John Preston, clerk, John Gedeford, clerk, William Egenton, clerk,
and William Wayte, clerk v. John Sterlyng of Ipswich and
Margaret his wife of the manor of Croffeld called Bokkyng in
Coddenham, Croffeld, Stonhamaspall, Cretyng St. Mary, and
Cretyng All Saints
34 John, Prior of the church of Blessed Mary of Ixworth v. William
Berdewell, chevalier, and Margaret his wife of the manor of Norton
and Wykyn, &c.
35 William Ware, clerk, Jacob Billingford, William Sautre, William
Ardale, William Neir, clerk, and Walter Chyle v. Thomas Hemgrave, chevalier, of the manor of Mutford, and a moiety of the
hundred of Mutford with appurtenances in Suffolk
36 John Breset of Eldneweton, John Legge, John atte Hel, and Thomas
Furbyschoure of Stowe v. Edmund Cuttyng of Stowe Market and
Matilda his wife in Stowe
9 Henry IV
37 Nicholas Latoner, Roger Gregory plomer and Thomas atte Feen,
clerk v. Thomas Staunford and Anna his wife in Braham and Stutton
38 William Clopton, John Rookwode, Gilbert Debenham, and Ralph
Chaumberlayn v. Jacob Andrewe and Alice his wife, and John
Hotot and his Elizabeth his wife of the manor of Braham and
39 Robert Wythe of Northales v. Geoffrey Huuteman of Northales and
Rose his wife in Northales
40 John Durward of Bokkyng, Richard Baynard, John Rookwode,

Geoffrey Michel, Ralph Chaumberlayn, and Richard Walton v.

Henry Hunt and Alice his wife of the manors of Giffardes and
Wodehouse with appurtenances in Shymplyng, Stansted, Boxsted,
Melford, and Glemesford
41 John Coo of Boxforde and John Fen of Boxforde v. Thomas Taillour
of Stoke Neylond and Matilda his wife and William Howat,
chaplain, in Boxford
10 Henry IV
1 John de Pylkyngton, chevalier, and Margaret his wife v. William de
Lobenham, Thomas .... clerk, and Richard Ferthynge, chaplain, of
the Manor of Stanstede, which Edmund Noon, chevalier, held for life


2 Richard Atte forde and Nicholas Cook v. Nicholas atte forde and
Agnes his wife in Cokefeld
3 William Phelypp of Dynyngton, Robert Codon, and Peter Codon v.
Robert Southgate of Beccles and Alice his wife, in Wirlyngham,
Becclys, and Elgh
4 Robert Cressener, John Rokewode, and Robert Somerton v. Richard
Whyte and Julia his wife in Boxforde and Cavendissh
5 ', John Sprot, John Copynger, John Neketon, and John Buntyng v.
John Frebrygge of Dedham and Margaret his wife in Buxhale
6 Roger Drury, chevalier, Richard Alfred of Fornham All Saints,
Thomas Harewell, Robert Holdery of Heygham, John Aas of
Iklyngham, and John Mason, chaplain v. Robert Pope of Mildenhale and Katherine his wife in Mildenhale
7 John Colman of Hadleigh and John Talbot v. John Capell of Polsted
and Agnes his wife in Polsted
8 John Wirlyngworth of Thetford, William Apulton of Thetford, and
John Skynner, chaplain v. Jacob Ferrour of Thetford and Alice
his wife in Eye
9 Edmund Thorp, knight, and Johanna his wife v. John Spenser and
Katherine his wife of the manor of Stonham Aspall, otherwise
called Stonham Antegayn and advowson of the church
11 Henry IV
10 John Haddele and Thomasina his wife v. Thomas Fornesete, clerk,
Walter Wylcokkes, clerk, and John Seynt Jermayn of London in ,

11 William Chubbe of Kirketon and Alice his wife v. William Pet of

Freston and Nichola'his wife in Shottele
12 Robert Clerk, clerk, Thomas Elyot and Thomas Clerk of Poslyngforth
v. John Hemery and Alice his wife in Poslyngforth
13 Ralph Bateman, Thomas Jacob v. Ralph Tebaud and Katherine his
wife in Parva Thirlowe
14 Stephen Motte of Cotton, John Halmot of Melles and Stephen Bacon
of Bury St. Edmunds v. Edmund Thorp and Johanna his wife in

12 HENRY IV. 281

15 John Braham, knight, John Stanerton, William Mounteney, Koger
Cavendyssh, Augustiu de Stratton and Thomas Dysynge of
Braham v. Robert Caketon of Kyrketon in Hundred of Saunforde
and Matilda his wife and John Oukhook of Wolferston and
Alianora his wife in Braham
16 Balph Chaumberleyn, Henry Tompson clerk, Edmund Peyton,
John Sterre, William Sterre, and Thomas Syward of Stoke Neylond
v. Ealph Peyton of Ipswich and Sarah his wife in Whitton,
Braunford, and Ipswich.
12 Henry IV
17 John Fastolf v. Richard Banyard of Spectenhale and Katherine his
wife and John Stanton and Elizabeth his wife in Badyngham
18 Richard Pole of Stanfeld and Robert his son v. William Brown and
Agnes his wife in Bradfeld Combusta
19 John son of John Howard, knight, Ralph Chaumberleyn, John Swan,
Thomas Cays John Verguys and Walter Mannyng v. William
Bardewelle, knight, and Margaret his wife in Drinkeston, Wolpyt,
Elmeswelle, Tostoke, Beketon, and Heslete
20 Alianora who was wife of John Peke of Leygham, William Clopton of
Stokeneylond, Richard Benton of Hadley chaplain Simon Mate of
Colchestre, John Beche of Colchestre and Richard Holbeche v,
John Goodgroom, chaplain, and Nicholas Tostoke, chaplain, in
Russhebrook, Riugham, Neweton Magna, Whelnetham, Bradefeld
Combusta, and Parva Bradefeld Monks.
21 Alianora Burgate and Richard del Chirche v. Nicholas Goldynge and

Alice his wife in Burgate and Wortham

22 William Tendryng v. John Constantyn and Katherine his wife of the
manor of Herkystede and advowson of church
23 John Clerk son of Peter Clerk of Fekenham, chaplain, Robert
Peturburgh, vicar of
and Richard Skeppere
called Thomas Baldok
Nedham, Kentford and

the church of Gaysle, John Weston of Milton

of Milton v. Thomas Persoun otherwise
of Nedham and Margaret his wife in Gaysle,

24 John Fray, John Speleman, Thomas Rolf, and William Chervell v.

Robert Porter and Alice his wife of a third part of a third part of
the manor of Ixnyng with appurtenances which Drugo Barantyn
held for a term of 32 years.


25 Thomas Erpyngharn, knight, John Wakeryng, clerk, John Ruthenhale
and John Spenser v. John Fraunoeys of Shadyngfeld and Sibilla his
wife in Henstide, Benaker, Kyssyngland, Gyslam, Eesshemere,
Pakefeld and Mutteford
26 John Plat, William Sugge and Nicholas Costyn v. John Herberd of
Leyham and Margaret his wife in Leyham and Shelleye
27 Walter Theband, clerk, Stephen Gille, Robert Colyn, and William
Asshedon v. Thomas Aspal and Johanna his wife in Hauerhill and
28 Thomas Dobbes of Sudbury v. John Hert and Anna his wife in
13 Henry IV
29 John Murydon, clerk, Thomas Jon and John Werkworth v. William
Cavendyssh of the manor of Fakenham Aspis with appurtenances
30 William Cavendyssh of London v. William Cavendyssh son and heir
of Andrew Cavendyssh, chevalier, of the manor of Cavendyssh
called Overhalle with appurtenances, which Robert Chichesley,
William Olyver, John Shawe, and Thomas Haryngton held for the
life of Rose wife of Andrew Cavendyssh
31 Robert Cavendyssh v. William Cavendyssh son and heir of Andrew
Cavendyssh, chevalier, of the manor of Cavendyssh called Overhalle
with appurtenances, which Rosa wife of Andrew Cavendyssh held
as her dowry

32 Simon Tyute of Estbergholt, William Havel, John Wodehous junior,

Robert Rykkes and Thomas Hegge v. John Ogger of Manytre and
Margaret his wife in Alyngton and Horham
33 William Rowe, clerk, v. Nicholas Broke and Margaret his wife in
34 Robert Cokerell and John Verguys v. Richard Jolyf and Margaret
his wife in Westthorp
35 Roger de Mortimer, John Pelhatn, knight, Richard Leverer, Alexander
Eustas, William Coggeshall and Hugh Fraunceys v. William
Clopton, knight, of the manor of Gyffardes in Wykhambrook,
Depeden, Denardeston, and Stanesfeld

14 HENRY IV. 1 HENRY V. 283

14 Henry IV
36 Drugo Barantyu of London, John Hale, clerk, Henry James, clerk,
John Stodesbury, clerk, John Blok, clerk, William Randolf, John
Frensh, Thomas Senyole, John Selman, John Fray, John Gredy,
William Est, Guido Katermayn, William Beel and John
Wyssyngsete v. Andrew Home of Slendesolde in Sussex and
Alianora his wife of third part of third part of the manors of
Ixenyng Valence with appurtenances
37 John Porterose and Walter Parker v. William Parker and Katherine
his wife in Sudbury
38 John Calwe, clerk, and John Baxtere v. Walter Gosmer and Claricia
his wife in Southwold and Reydon
1 Henry V
1 William Loveuey and Margaret his wife v. Thomas Shopage, Thomas
Maydeston of Isleworth, John Parleman, clerk, Thomas Warner of
Tremley, and Johr Bacheler of Heston of the manors of Stretton,
Grymmeston, and Assyngton Stretton
2 John Lancastre, William Mounteneye, Ralph Hemnale, and John
Sprot v. John Germyn of Metefold and Margaret his wife of the
manor of Gosbak called Germynes manor
3 John Westwoode, John Molt of Groten, and John Howat of Edwardston v. John Tydney of Boxford and Alice his wife of moiety of
one messuage with appurtenances in Boxford
4 Thomas Rist, clerk, Gilbert Debenham, Thomas Wolferston, John

Rookwode, and William Rookwode v. John Londham, son and heir

of Thomas Londham, knight, and Alice his wife, part of a certain
pasture called Alnergatemerrshe and Lonhammerrshe with appurtenances in Categrave and Orford
5 Clement Spice, William Sautre, Robert Gildesburgh, John Stretende,
clerk, Thomas Dale, clerk, John Cosyn, clerk, and Walter Boen v.
William Copte and Agnes his wife in Magna Whelnetham, Parva
Whelnetham, Bradfeld combusta, Stanfeld, Ne,weton, and Haustede
6 Thomas Harwell, Hugh Cobbe, chaplain, John Thomesson, Roger
Mayster, and John Lassh v. John Tollere of Havershill and Margaret his wife in Havershill, Wytheresfeld, and Parva Wrattyng


7 Edmund Monye of Freton and William Fyn v. William Rust and
Avelina his wife in Belton and Bradwell
8 Edmund Monye of Freton and William Fyn v. Edmund Rust and
Johanna his wife in Freton
9 Thomas Rungton and William Smyth, clerk, v. Edmund Rungton and
Johanna his wife of the manor of Troston and land in Troston,
Thelwetham, Berdewelle, Honeweton, Sapston, Pakenham,
Ykes worth, Thorp juxta Ykesworth, Magna Lyvermere, Parva
Lyvermere, and Magna Fakenham.
2 Henry V
10 William Clopton, William Rokewood, Thomas Hethe of Mildenhale,
Edmund Wynter, Thomas Hethe of Saxham, Giles de Perye, and
Walter v. Richard Hethe and Elizabeth his wife
of moiety of the manors of Thorp Morreux and Falisham, in Thorp
Morreux, Falisham, Geddyng, Bradefeld Sender,
Preston, Ketilberston, Brethenham, Hecham, Bildeston, Ratlisden,
and advowson of churches of Thorp Morreux and Falisham
11 Richard Bokeland v. John Petman and Margaret his wife and John
Staynton in Framlyngham
12 Robert Palgrave and Margaret his wife v. Thomas Kempston of the
manor of Gunton &c, and advowson of Gunton Church in Gunton,
Olton and Corton
13 John Bernard of Laxfeld v. Richard Wade of Pecham in Kent and

Margaret his wife in Laxfeld

14 William Bernham, clerk, John Gerard, clerk, William Paston, Thomas
Stodhagh and William Gerard v. William Lyouns and Johanna his
wife in Metyngham and Ilketeshall
15 Thomas Dowe of Stradebrook, John Hervy junior, Nicholas Hervy
and William Dokelyng v. Robert Bokenham of Norwich and
Anabilla his wife in Wortham and Reydon
16 Thomas Erpyngham, chevalier, Augustinus Stratton of Kyrketon,
and John Stratton v. John Frere and Margaret his wife in
17 Reginald Banham, clerk, John Brook and Thomas Runtyng v. Stephen
Wyvyle and Johanna his wife in Marlesforde, Asshe and Hacheton
18 Johu Carlille, parson of Ufford church, v. Richard Chaumbyrleyn of
Woodbregge and Maria his wife h^Woodbregge

3 4 HENRY V. 285
3 Henry V
19 Eobert Thorne and Simon Galion v. John Crassh and Margaret his
wife in Brendbradfeld
20 William Giffard, Thomas Mayster, clerk, and William Wasshpoke v.
William Mayster of Haverhill and Agnes his wife in Haverhill
21 William Giffard, Roger Mayster, and Thomas Mayster, clerk v. William
Mayster of Haverhill and Agnes his wife in Haverhill
22 Robert Stonham and Maria his wife v. John Spenser and Katherine
his wife of the manor called Stonhamesmaner in Ratlesden
23 John Fustan of Olton, William Smyth of Olton, and Adam Jakkeson
of Blunston v. Henry Smyth of Olton and Isabella his wife in
Olton and Lowystoft
24 Robert Leversegge, Thomas Glanton, and Edmund Hook v. John
Spenser and Katherine his wife of moiety of the manor of Burgate
in Burgate, Melles, Wortham, Redgrave, Palgrave, Thrandeston,
Yakesle magna, Thornham Parva, Thornham Stoke, Gyslyngham,
and Over Rykynghale, and the advowson of the church of Burgate

25 John Passelewe v. John Colles of Bungeye and Johanna his wife in

26 Simon Felbrygg, chevalier, William Philipp, Robert Clere, and William
Clere v. John Swanlond, parson of Wytlesham church, and Robert
Sewyn parson of Cleydon church of the manor of Cleydon and
Farnham, called Farnham Manor with appurtenances
4 Henry V
27 Thomas Chalton, Nicholas Dyxon, and William Darell v. William
Plumstede and Rosa his wife in Sprowton Wyke, Ufford, Wyke
Bishop, and Stoke juxta Ipswich
28 John Skarlet of Wrydelyngton, John Swage of Mildenhale, Robert
Skarlet of Lavenham, Robert Sygo of Mildenhale, Simon Bover of
Mildenhale, John Slygh of Mildenhale, and John Bakhot of Mildenof Mildenhale v. Adam son of Roger Rawelyn and Margaret his
wife, daughter and heiress of William Doraunt of Wygenhale, in
Wrydelyngton, Frekenham, Badlyngham, and Fordham
29 Henry Tomston, vicar of Stokeneylond church, John Rysyng, John
Chambre, and John Godyng, v. Thomas Mustarder and Alice his
wife and Richard Wente and Johanna his wife in Neylond


30 Gilbert Debenham, Dionisius, parson of Reydon church, John Brook,
parson of Polstede church, and William Brook of Holton v.
Nicholas Lunt of Estbergholte and Johanna his wife in Holton
31 William Piers of Ottele v. John Porter of Blakesle in Northamptonshire and Margaret his wife in Helmyngham, Bretyngham,
Braunston, Frammesden, and Monden.
32 Robert Pope of Mildenhale and Katherine his wife v. Adam, son of
Roger Rawelyn and Margaret his wife, daughter and heiress of
William Doraunt of Wygenhale of the manor of Twamhill
33 John Fitz Ralph v. William Raynforth and Alianora his wife of the
manor called Chirchefordhall in Capell &c.
5 Henry V
34 William Rokewode, senior, John Howard, knight, William Clopton,
Ralph Chambirlayne, John Notyngham, Giles Atte Pirie and
Geoffrey Salle v. Thomas Garneys and Matilda his wife called
Walshames, Sydelemers and Carbonell with appurtenances in

Rosshebroke, Stanfeld, Magna Whelnetham, Parva Whelnetham,

Brendbradfeld and Noweton
35 Milo de Stapilton, knight, v. Robert Brewes, knight, Oliver Gross,
John Boys, and William Sheffeld, clerk, of the manor of Weybrede
with appurtenances in Suffolk
36 William Fadir v. Thomas Sylle and Margaret his wife in Dalanghoo
37 Alan Noble, John Tye, and John Durant v. Simon Kyrkestede of
Nouton and Cristina his wife in Haukedon
38 Simon Felbrig, knight, John Howard, knight, William Swynbourne,
Geoffrey Swynbourne, Robert Teye, Richard Baynard, William
Rokewode, Thomas Barton, Richard Hamme, John Boteller of
London, and John Bele, chaplain, v. Andrew Boteller, knight, and
Katherine his wife of the manor of Noweton called Bottelers manor
with appurtenances in Magna Waldyngfeld and the advowson of
the church
6 Henry V
39 John Talbot of Hadlegh, John Hervy, John Smyth of Thorp Morieux,
and Robert Hillary v. John Corehom of Hadlegh junior, in Leyham
which he holds for life

6 9 HENRY V. 287
40 John Wrythook of Magna Benteley v. John Cooke of Melton and
Margaret his wife in Clopton
41 Cristiana who was the wife of Drugo Barantyn, William Porter, knight,
John Beanson, knight, Roger Floure, John Burgoyne, Willliam
Loksmyth, and John Ryvell v. John Wissyngsete of third part of
manor of Frostenden with appurtenances and advowson of church
42 John Bertram, Robert Bakere, Adam Blayer, and Hugh Ryng v.
Gilbert Moundevyll of Westhorp and Katherine his wife in Westhorp
and Baketon
7 Henry V
43 John Norwich, John Berney of Redeham, Edmund Redesham, Robert
Duke, and John Gyslyngham v. Thomas Ewode of Walpole and
Margaret his wife, in Walpole and Cokeley
44 John Alfrede, Jonn Fanner, chaplain, William Qwyte, Roger Couper,
and Simon Tyler of Bury Saint Edmunds v. Richard Alfrede and
Matilda his wife in Lawesell, Stansfeld, Hawested, and Wepsted

45 Robert Rous and Thomas Denys v. John Wolrych of Wilbeye and

Johanna his wife in Willebegh and Horham
46 William Wallere of Ramsholt, Thomas Sparhauk of Shatesham and
Thomas Aldhum of Sutton v. Thomas Seman of Capell and Margaret his wife in Hacheston and Capell
47 John Drax, serjeant-at-arms, and John Riche of London v. Roger
Whelpedale, principal of Queen's College, Oxford, Robert Whithed,
&o., John Burgoyne of Cambridge in Mildenhale
48 John Hevyngtham senior, knight, Richard Daniel, clerk, Robert Reue,
chaplain, John Keswyke, and Robert de Hoo of Wysete v. John
Chestan and Isabella his wife in Speksale and Rumburgh
8 Henri/ V
49 William Goodfare, clerk, Simon Blinunt, Thomas Grosse, Adam Blayer,
John Ingler, Henry Reve, and Thomas Ray v. John Blome of
Fynyngham and Margaret his wife in Fynyngham and Baketon
9 Henry V
50 William Phelyp, knight, Thomas Marny, knight, Richard Waldegrave,
knight, junior, William Berdewell, knight, William Swynbourne,
John Wodehous, Robert de Teye, John Lancastre, Richard Baynard,
Guido Corbet, William Rokewode, senior, John Rokewode, and
John Chetebere, clerk, v. William Rokewode, junior, and Agnes his


wife of the manor of Magna Whelnesham with appurtenances in
Magna Whelnetham, Parva Whelnetham, Brendebradefeld,
Hanstede, Stanefeld, Lansele, Nouton, Reshebrook, Lavenham,
Freston, Thorp Moryeux, Myldynge, Illegh, Monks Illegh,
Combusta, and Parva Waldyngfeld, and advowson of the church of
Magna Whelnetham
51 William Paston, Philip Caxton, Robert Willy, and John Damme, v.
Richard Vewetre and Johanna his wife of the manor of Hemgrave
52 William Fyngger and John Whatle v. John Coote and Katherine his
wife in Parva Hornynggeserth, Magna Homynggeserth, Magna
Ikworth, Parva Saxham, Magna Saxham, and Wesile
53 William Hanyngfeld and Cecilia his wife v. John Sampson of
Herkystede and Katherine his wife of moiety of the manor of
Welshames and Bretenham called Welshames manors

1 Henry VI
1 William Clopton of Melford and Robert Clerk v. Thomas Bendyssh of
Bumpsted in Essex and Alice his wife in Wykhambrook, Depden,
Stansfeld and Stradsyll
2 John Skapp of Fornham, Roger Goldsmyth of Bury, Geoffrey Herry
of Forneham, and John Lelye of Ingham v. John Croweche of
Forneham and Lucia his wife and William Syges of Mildenhale and
Agnes his wife in Forneham All Saints
3 William Clopton, Robert Cavendysh, Thomas Martell, Augustus
Dunton, Thomas Benet, John Holt, and Robert Clopton, v. Edward
Leget, son and heir of Edward Leget and Joanna his wife of the
manor of Cosserdhall and the advowson of the church of Whatfeld
4 Nicholas Dyxson, clerk, Thomas Holgyl, John Darell, William Darell,
Thomas Stokdale, and Thomas Delamore, v. Thomas Chaltqn of
London and Alice his wife of the manor of Bordesowe
2 Henry VI
5 Thomas Ingelond, chaplain, John Smyth of Bernardston, John
Heylok and Gilbert Mellor of Magna Wrattyng v. John Rande and
Joanna his wife in Parva Wrattyng, Magna Wrattyng, Kedyngton,
and Bernardston
6 William Clopton, John Smyth, clerk, Robert Bolton, clerk, John Neve,
Gilbert Muryell, and John Borley v. Robert Lynermere of Stradbrok
in Magna Lyvermere and Parva Lyvermere

34 HENRY VI. 289

7 John Fornham, Adam Comyn, and Semannus 1 Peyton v. John Hervy
of Alderton and Joanna his wife in Alderton and Ramesholt
8 Clement Lound v. Eobert Hornard of Sutton and Margaret his wife in
9 John Symond and John Hervy v. Thomas Martell and Alice his wife
in Bury Saint Edmund's, Magna Berton, and Fornham Saint
10 Thomas Gatley of Berton and John Notyngham of Bury Saint
Edmunds v. John Coppyng of Bury Saint Edmunds and Joanna
his wife in Berton

11 William Sygoo, John Spede, and Thomas Sygoo v. Thomas Gardener

of Myldenhale and Dionisia his wife in Myldenhale
12 John Limel (orLuvell), clerk, Thomas Cosyn, clerk, and William Salter,
chaplain v. Thomas Sylle and Margaret his wife inlkene andSudburne
13 Robert Harlyng, John Fitz Ralph, Hugo Bokenham, John Berdewell,
and Robert Berdewell v. Agnes Norton of Norton in Tostoke,
Norton, Elmeswell, Wolpet, Drenkeston, Beketon, Thruston, Bradefeld Monachorum, Rougham, Stowelangtoft, and Hunteston, and
advowson of Tostoke Church
14 John Ragge and John Hobere, chaplain v. John Wareyn and Beatrice
his wife in Gyslyngham
15 John Tyndale v. William Yonge of Edwarton and Margaret his wife
of moiety of a messuage in Wytnesham, Westerfeld, and Todenham
16 Edward Maynell, John Hoberd, and John Haveryng, clerk v. John
Maynell of Magna Thurlowe, and Margaret his wife of a moiety of
a messuage in Magna Wrattyng, Parva Wrattyng and Berneston
4 Henry VI
17 Thomas Morton, clerk, John Pressen, and John Tyndale v. John
Parker of Walsyngham in County of Norfolk, and Agnes his wife, one
of the daughters and heiresses of John Reve of Witnesham, of a
moiety of a messuage in Witnesham, Westerfeld, and Todenham
18 Walter Nicol v. Robert Deve and Joanna his wife in Dynyngton
19 Richard Doket, Thomas Wederby, John Exceter, Nicholas Bokkyng,
John Stodehagh, John Dekene, Thomas Denys, and Thomas Wysenian of Ipswich v: Robert Fitz Ralph and Margaret his wife in
Coppedok, Belsted, Capell, Benteley, and Magna Tatyngeston


20 Thomas Fowecher arid Katherine his wife v. Geoffrey Warner of
London and Joanna his wife in Wykammarcat, Petystre, and Loudam
5 Henry VI
21 Richard Wythermersh v. William Stonham of Hadlegh and Margaret
his wife, Nicholas Colloppe of Aldham and Christina his wife, and
William Mathe .... of Langham of the manors of Gyffardes,
Holtenhalle, and Ingrames, in Stoke, Neylond, Leyham, Reydon,

Shelly, Hygham, Holton, Wenham, Bergholt, Stretford, and Capell,

and advowson of Holton Church
22 Thomas Bryghtzene, clerk, and John Bolton v. John Tirell and
Katherine his wife of the manor of Burgate in Burgate, Melles,
Wortham, Redgrave, Palgrave, Thrandeston, Magna Yakesley,
Parva Thornham, Magna Thornham, Stoke Gyllyngham, and
Overekynghale, and advowson of Burgate Church
23 Robert Rous of Denyngton and Robert Pelse of Denyngton v. John
Lane of Framlynghain and Agnes his wife, John Cok of Otteleye
and Margaret his wife in Denyngton
24 Richard Skylman and Augustus Clerk v. John Bonde and Joanna his
wife in South wold
6 Henry VI
25 Robert Clopton and Thomas Benett v. Thomas Bayn of Hadleghe
and Alianora his wife in Hadleghe
26 William Phelip, Thomas Kerdeston, John Shardelowe, William Bernham, clerk, Robert Cavendysh, John Mannyng, Robert Rous,
William Yelverton, Richard Pethagh, clerk, Reginald Rous, Robert
Bannyard, Robert Crane, and William Payn v. Robert Duk of the
manor called Halys in Brampton, the manor called Shadyngfeld
Hall, Brampton, Shadyngfeld, Ryngesfeld, Elgh, Ilketilshale, Welyngham, Stouene, Weston juxta Becclys, Manga and Parva Redesham
27 Richard Bildeston, clerk, William Holder, and William Glasyer V.
John Glasderyght and Isabella his wife in Pakenham
28 John Leverych, Walter Bekesby, and William Queynt v. Peter
Bonefaunt and Margaret his wife, and John Tyler and Joanna his
wife in Thorp Murreux
29 Hugh Ressale v. Thomas Lyng of Norwich and Margaret his wife of
moiety of a messuage in Bungay

6 7 HENRY VI. 291

30 William fit Bobert Rous of Denyngton v. Thomas Misterton, Robert
Cavendysh, John Simond, Richard atte Chirohe and Margaret his
wife, William Toppesfeld, Robert Almot, Thomas Porter, clerk, and
William Goddard in Laxefeld and Denyngton
31 Robert Asshefeld v. John Bafe of Thetford, son and heir of Thomas
Bafe of Heppeworth in Heppeworth and Bernyngham

32 William Porter, knight, Roger Floure, John Beaufou, John Burgoyne,

John Loksmyth, and John Ryvell v. Thomas Seymcle of third part of
the manor of Frostenden in Norfolk, and advowson of the Church
which was held for life by Christiana who was wife of Drugo
33 Richard Wethermersh v. John Reymes and Robert Fitz Ralph and
Margaret his wife of the manor of Holton
34 William Porter, Roger Floure, John Beaufou, John Burgoyne, William
Loksmyth and John Ryvell v. William Bele of third part of manor
of Frostenden and advowson of church was held for life by
Christina who was wife of Drugo Barentyn
35 Robert Clopton of London v. Thomas son of Elminger Leget late of
Essex of manor of Coffordhall, in Hadle, Benton, and advowson of
Whatfeld Church
7 Henri/ VI
1 John Shukford, Robert Cavendysh, John Smyth, John Coket, John
Muddyng, clerk, Thomas Barker, and John Grenegrasse v. Robert
Hogge of Troston and Margaret his wife in Troston
2 John Rous of Pakenham, John Chetiwere, clerk, and John Leueryche
of Felsham v. John Cat late of Thetford of third part of a
messuage in Pakenham, Berton, Levermere, and Ixworth
3 John Arundell, clerk, Thomas Morton, clerk, John Pressen, Robert
Burton, Richard Selby, Thomas Deonys, and John Tyndale v. John
Brikles of London, draper, and Isabella his wife in Ipswich
4 Thomas Heigham, Robert Pope, Thomas Harewell, and John Heigham
v. Edmund
of Church
Magna and

Bret of Cokefeld of manor of Brettyshalle and advowson

of Bradfeld Combusta in Cokefeld, Herthest, Bradfeld
Bradfeld Seyncler, and Bradfeld Monachorum, and
Parva Whelnetham


5 John Fastolf, Henry Inglose, John Berneye of Eeedham, John Kirfclyng, clerk, and John Lynforthe v. Alexander Mannyng and Anna
his wife in Belton, Bradewell, Gorleston, Hopton, Freton, Lound,
and Ask by
6 Edmund Morys and John Grene v. John Roppeley and Margaret his
wife of the manor of Exnyng called Coggeshales

7 William Porter, John Burgoyn, John Rynell, and William Loksmyth

v. Alexannder Snellyng and Isabella his wife of third part of a
third part of the manor of Ixnyngge
8 John Arundell, clerk, Thomas Morton, clerk, John Pressen, Robert
Burton, Richard Selby, Thomas Deonys, and John Tyndale v. John
Brikles of London, draper, and Isabella his wife in Ipswich
8 Henry VI
9 Robert Cavendysh, Thomas Bray, John Pellicane, and Thomas Hervy
v. John Atte Hoo of Melford in Melford and Glemesford
10 Brian Stapilton of Ingham in Norfolk v. Henry, Earl of Northumberland, John Talbot, Thomas Scales, William Phelip, Thomas Kerdeston, Henry Inglose, Thomas Chaucers, Edmund Stapilton, William
Paston, John Brakle, and John Lynford of Staleham of manor of
Weybrede with appurtenances in county of Suffolk
11 William Phylypp, William Paston, John Bynbrok, Robert Reve, John
Tolle, and William Mendham v. Peter Garneys and Anne his wife
of the manor of Beklys called Rosesmaner in Beklis, Barsham,.
Ryngesfeld, Shypmedewe, Weston, Wyrlyngham, Rumburgh, and
12 Ralph Birche, William Gannok, chaplain, and William Tayllour vi
Margaret who was wife of John Pilkyngton, Edmund Pilkyngton,
and Robert Pilkyngton of the manor of Staustede
13 Ralph Birche, William Gannok, chaplain, and William Tayllour v.
Margaret who was wife of John Pilkyngton, Edmund Pilkyngton,,
and Robert Pilkyngton, of Chedberugh
14 John Verney, clerk, and William Lee v. Richard, Earl o/ Warwick
and Isabella his wife of the manors of Carleton, Middilton,,
Clopton, Swynlond, Cokfyld, Fenhalle, and Welnetham
15 John Fray, John Welles, Ralph Holand, Thomas Rolf, Thomas Haseley,,
Robert Fitz Robert, Richard Hungate John Dautree,, and William.

8 11 HENRY VI. 293

Wolf v. William Laweney of the manor of Caldeootes in Freton
and Belton
16 Reginald Rous, John Keoh of Hunton, Alexander Reydon, and John
Warner the son of John Warner of Denyngton v. John Tetton of
Denyngton and Margaret his wife in town of Denyngton

17 John Keche, clerk, Robert Caiitell, clerk v. William Goode of Asshe

and Margaret his wife in Asshe juxta Campse, Rendelesham,
Blaxsale, Marlesford, Tunstall, and Wykhammarket
9 Henry VI
18 William Ippyng and John Chamber v. Margaret who was wife of
Thomas Germyn, esq., William Ram and Alianora his wife, and
Valentine Bayly and Anne his wife in Rashbroke, Rougham, Neweton,
' and Bury St. Edmund's
19 William Wallers, John Thorne of' Dalangho, and Roger Wode v.
John Potesford and Rosa his wife in Letheryngham
20 John Clerk, chaplain, Thomas West, Thomas Skynnere, William Berde,
and Walter Smyth v. John Worlyche and Joanna his wife in Multon
21 John Smyth, parson of church of Fornham All Saints, and John
Stowe, clerk v. Robert Clopton and Felicia his wife in Shymplyng
and Alpheton
22 Robert Cook, clerk, and Thomas Kentewell v. Richard Buntyng of
Wykham Market in Suffolk, and Isabella his wife in Wykham
10 Henry VI
23 Nicholas Drury and Joanna his wife and John Fayrechild and
Cristina his wife in Thurston and Boketon
24 John Verney, clerk, Robert Andrewe, and John Throkmarton v.
Richard de Bello Campo, Earl of Warwick and Isabella his wife of
the manor of Blaxhale, &c.
11 Henry VI
25 John Hunte, Thomas Fraunceys, and William Clopton v. John Place
of Sudbury in Sudbury, Chilton, and Magna and Parva Cornerde
26 Thomas Fulthorp and Beatrice his wife and William Frevyll and
Anne his wife v. Elizabeth Tendryng in Wolfeston, Copedoke, and
Freston, and the advowson of Holbrook Church and the manor of


27 Elizabeth Tendryng and William Frevyll and Anna his wife v. Thomas

Fulthorp and Beatrice his wife of the manor of Tatyngston, &c.

28 Gilbert Debeuham and Margaret his wife v. Edward Hastyngges and
William Pers of Otteley of the manor of Parva Wenham and le
Waux in Wenham Combusta
29 Thomas Denys, John Caldewell, Robert Drye, and William Stonham
v. William Walworth and Margaret his wife in Ipswich, Westerfeld,
' Thurleston, Tudenham, and Kyshmer
30 John Gernon of London, John Mille of Colne Comitis and John Materas
of Bures Blessed Mary v. Thomas Gernon of Colne Comitis and
Alice his wife in Bures Blessed Mary
31 Richard Gateward v. William Olyve and Agatha his wife in
32 John Creswell, clerk, and Thomas Isaak v. Guido Corbet and Johanna
his wife of the manor of Asyngton with appurtenances in Parva
Cornerthe and Bures
33 William Clopton, Robert Cavendysh, John Harleston, Clement
Deneston, clerk, Thomas Milde, Thomas Hegham, Richard Alrede,
and John Smyth, clerk, v. Johanna Cavendyssh who was the wife
of John Wylden of the manor of Impeyhall with appurtenances in
Cavendyssh, Clare, and Poselyngforth
12 Henry VI
1 Richard Dagworth, parson of Tatyngston Church v. Thomas Fulthorp
and Beatrice his wife, Thomas Salisbury, Alexander Anne, John
Horsley, Robert Thorneff, of the manors of Tatyngston and
Creppyng with appurtenances in Tatyngston, Holbrook, Braham,
Estbergholte, Reydon, Wenham, Capell, Chelmyngton, Thurleston,
Hergham, and Sutton, and advowson of the Church of Tatyngstop '
and free Chapel of Holbrook
2 William Bramston, John Aggys and Simon Dallyng, parson of
Halywell Church in Huntingdon v. Thomas Assheman of Gyslyngham and Anna his wife in Gorleston, Bradwell, Hopton, Cortpn,
and Parva Jernemuth
3 Thomas Fulthorp and Beatrice his wife and Elizabeth Tendryng v.
William Frevyll and Anna his wife in Estbergholt, Braham,
Heygham, Capell, and Stratford, and advowson of the churches of
Freston and Buklesham

12 13 henry vi. 295

4 John Bertram, Stephen Smyth, clerk, Thomas Gosselyn, clerk,

Thomas Crystemesse, chaplain, and Nicholas Perponnt v. Nicholas

Drury, junior, and Alice his wife in Mykyfeld, Debenham, Stonham
Antegan, and Stonham Jernegan
5 John Verney, clerk, Eobert Andre we and John Throkmarton v.
Richard de Bello Campo, Earl of Warwick, and Isabella his wife of
the manors of Blaxhale and Asshe
6 Richard Sawyer v. Roger Puddok and Margaret his wife in Ixnyng
7 William Clopton, William Galyon and Philip Mannok v. Robert
Eland and Elizabeth his wife of the manor of Haustede and
appurtenances and advowson of the church
8 Agnes Rote v. Robert Turnour and Maria his wife in Westhorp
9 John Fastolf, knight, John Fitz Ralph, John Fastolf of Olton, and
John Kyrtelyng, clerk, v. William son of Henry Spyttelyng in
Gorleston, Southyermouth, Beltou, Bradwell and Hopton
10 Thomas Westhorp, clerk, v. Thomas Geddyng, Robert Cavendyssh,
William Galion, Clement Denston, clerk, Henry Drury, William
Rokewode, of Whelnetham, Robert Berdewell, Ralph Blanderhasset,
Hugo Bokenham, and Thomas Hegham of the manors of Lakeford
and Flempton
11 John Godyn, of London, v. William Whytehed of Lylleborn and
Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Thomas Hoo of the manor of
Hoo appurtenances in Hoo, Letheryngham, Charfeld, Dalynghoo, Wykham, Bredefeld, Debache, Clopton, Munwedon, Gretyngham, Braunston, and Ketylbere
12 John Gregory, of Mildenhale, William Gregory, senior, of London,
William Gregory, junior, of London, John Baccote of Mildenhale,
senior, and Thomas Sygoo of Mildenhale v. Thomas Sherde, of
London, and Anabilla his wife, William Wetenhale, of London,
in Mildenhale
13 Henry VI
13 Anna, Countess of Stafford, Robert Cavendysh, Robert Crane, Thomas
Hegham, Robert Ascy, clerk, John Clerk, chaplain, John Hegham,
clerk, John Fotour, chaplain, John Curteys, John Come wall, John
Cobbe and John Cullyng v. John Shardelowe of Oclee in Suffolk
and Margaret his wife of the manor of Downham called Shardelowes
with appurtenances in Downham


14 William Godard v. John Thurberne and Alice his wife in Gyslyngham

15 William Alnewyk, Bishop of Norwich, William Phelip, knight, Robert

Wyngfeld, knight, Robert Crane, Richard Doket, Thomas Denys,
Robert Brown, John Cheke, William Debenham of Ipswich, v. John
Rendlesham and Agnes his wife, John Draweswerd and Alice his
wife in Soham Monks and Soham Earls
16 John Cheke of Debenham, and William Debenham of Ipswich, v.
William Grenhood and Alice his wife in Soham Monks
17 Robert Brook of Dedham, John Idyon, Vicar of Dedham Church,
Gilbert Weye, John Baker, and John Pykerell v. Roger Saltere of
Stratford and Isabella his wife in Stratford
18 John Wodehous v. William Walworth and Margaret his wife of the
manors of Crosfeld and Asshe juxta Helmyngham with appurtenances in Crosfeld, Codeuham, Pothaghe, Stonham, Antegayn,
Cretyng, Asshe, Helmyngham, Otteley, Hemingngston, Henley,
Goslak, Stonham Aspall, Cretyng St. Mary, and Cretyng All Saints
19 John Glemham of Glemham v. Ela, who was the wife of Robert
Shardelowe, knight, William Phelip, knight, John Clyfton, knight,
John Hevenyngham, knight, Robert Cavendyssh, Robert Crane,
Thomas Heigham, Ralph Bokkyng, Andrew Brid, clerk, and John
Cullyng of the manor of Eston, Baventis, and Chadestan with
20 Robert Cavendyssh and Johanna his wife, William Clopton, John
Harleston, Thomas Broun, John Coo, Thomas Hardekyn, and
Thomas Hygham v. John Botelere of the manor of Bulleyhalle
with appurtenances in Clare, Cavendyssh, and Posselyngford
21 John Tirell, knight, and Katherine his wife, William Phylyp, knight,
John Clyfton, knight, John Hevenyngham, knight, Edward Tirell,
William Rokwode, Robert Asshefeld, Richard Doget, Thomas
Sengelton, John Pyrye, and Gregory Wery, clerk, v. Roger Felice
and Margaret his wife of the manors of Goldynghamhalle and
Hemenhales with appurtenances
22 Robert Crane, Thomas Grene, William Grene, and Richard Kebbyll
v. Thomas Rykedon and Margaret his wife in Stowemarket, Thorney,
Stoneham Earls, Gretyng St. Peters, Pettawe, Oldnewton, and

13 15 henry vi. 297

23 Hugh Acton, clerk, Kalph Harpele, clerk, John Bacon, senior, John
junior, Robert Blyklyng of Norwich, Robert Gunton of Norwich,
Peter Laurence, Robert Piert, John Folkard, Simon Walsokyn,
William Yiselham, John Pennyng, draper, Robert Toopp, William

Hempstede of Norwich, and Thomas Gryce of Norwich v. William

Ampulford and Margaret his wife of the manor of Todenham with
appurtenances and advowson of the church
14 Henry VI
24 John Frank, clerk, William Chauntrell, Robert Cavendyssh, John
Hody, Thomas Lysores, clerk, Richard Coroner, clerk, John Fooche,
clerk, William Clerk, clerk, Thomas Groveherst, and John Norton
v. Robert Ponynges, knight, of the manor of Wrentham with
25 Edmund Neve, chaplain, John Furbusshour, chaplain, and William
Bret, chaplain v. Henry Alcok and Elizabeth his wife in Badle
26 Edmund Noon, knight, John Paule, John Boof, William Wallere,
Robert Palgrave, Thomas Brasyere, Thomas Kemston, Hugh
Prentys of Palgrave, and John Befeld, parson of Gunton church v.
Nicholas deLoudham, brother and heir of John de Loudham, son and
heir of Roger de Loudham, knight, and Matilda his wife, daughter of
Richard de Grey of the manor of Gunton with appurtenances and
advowson of the church of St. Peter
27 Thomas Fulthorp and Beatrice his wife, and Richard Dagworth, parson
of parish Church of Tatyngston v. Margaret Warde daughter of
Thomas Mannyng of the manor of Creppyng with appurtenances
28 William Palgrave of Newmarket, senior v. Henry Waryn and Margaret
his wife in Mildenhale
15 Henry VI
29 Robert Cavendyssh, Robert Crane, John Heygham, clerk, Ralph
Bokkyng, and John Cullyng v. John Shardelowe and Margaret his
wife of the manor of Berton juxta Myldenhall called Shardelowes
30 Richard Alrede, Walter Cresner, Thomas Malton, Robert Burton, and
William Wayneld, clerk v. John Goldyngton and Matilda his wife
in Fornham All Saints, Hemgreve, Rysby, Bury St. Edmund's,
Westley, Laushull, Stanefeld, Haustede, and Wheppestede


16 Henry VI
1 John Coke and Ralph Wyreham v. Bartholomew Bretenham and
Cristina his wife in Nauton and Flokton
2 Robert Cavendissh and Elizabeth his wife v. John Botelere of the

manor of Bulleyhall with appurtenances in Clare, Cavendissh, and

Posselyngford, which the said Robert, Willm. Clopton, John
Harleston, Thomas Broun, John Coo, Thomas Hardekyn, and
Thomas Hygbam hold for the life of Robert
3 William Jenney and John Jenney, junior v. John Boure and Alice his
wife in Snape
4 Henry Powere v. John Hurlebat and Matilda his wife in Rougham
5 Robert Cavendyssh, John Heigham, clerk, Ralph Bokkyng, and John
Cullyng v. John Shardelowe of Bun' St. Edmund's and Margaret
his wife in Todenham
6 William de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, John Belley, and John Wareyn v.
John Gramond and Isabella his wife of the manor of Brampton
called Brampton Halle with appurtenances in Brampton, Westhale,
Redisham, Shadyngfeld, and Stouene, and advowson of the church
7 John Manser v. John Lancele, chaplain, Richard Harlewyn, chaplain,
and John Chaumpeneys, chaplain, in Magna Hadle and Aldham,
which Margaret who was the wife of John Manser, senior, held for
the term of her life
17 Henry VI
8 Robert Crane, Thomas Denys, Thomas Fastolf, John Felawe, John
Wytton, and Richard Courteby, parson of the church of St.
Stephen's, Ipswich v. Robert Asshefeld and Cecilia his wife, Simon
Fyncham and Elizabeth his wife, Robert Morton and Alice his wife,
and John Braham and Anna his wife of the manor of Northwodes
with appurtenances in Sprowston
9 John Playford, Thomas Ryngstede, vicar of the church of Mildenhall,
and Simon Chylston v. John Atkyn and Margaret his wife in
10 John Braham and Anna his wife v. Henry Halle of Helghweton and
Johanna his wife in Sprouton, Belsted, Washbrok, Burstall, and
11 John Wortham, and John, son of Alice Smyth v. John Warwell and
Katherine his wife in Stokeneylond

18 HENRY VI. 299

18 Htnry VI
12 William' Clopton, Robert Crane, Thomas Higham, Thomas Stotevyle,

John Higham, clerk, John Cobbe, and John Pycher v. Henry Trace
and Margaret his wife in Multou, Gaysle, Nedham, Higham,
Asshele, and Kentford
13 William Clopton, Robert Crane, Thomas Higham, Thomas Stotevyle,
John Higham, clerk, Edward Burton, aud John Cullyng v. Johanna
who was the' wife of Henry Welton and Thomas Welton in
Whatfeld, Hadley, Nauton, Aldham, and Semere
14 John Herberd of Yaxle, senior, Eobert Almot, Thomas Herberd, John
Herberd, junior, Richard Herberd, senior, Richard Herberd, junior,
and Robert Anyell v. Thomas Hertyshorn and Elizabeth his wife
in Welles, Burgat Parva, Yaxle, and Wurtham
15 Geoffrey Kempe and Margaret his wife and John Kempe and Margaret
his wife>ii. John Somersete and Johanna his wife in Wodebrigge
16 William Norwold, clerk, John Olney, Thomas Chalton, Thomas Batayle,
William Flete, Mathew Fowecher, William Barthelmewe, clerk, and
William Berneway v. William Nell and Alice his wife of the manor
of Cauendyssh called Overhall in Suffolk
17 Robert Asshefeld and Cecilia his wife v. John Braham and Anna his
wife in Ingham
18 William, Abbot of the church of St. Edmund's of Bury St. Edmund's
v. Isabella who was the wife of Thomas Morley, knight, lately lord
of Morley, and Robert Morley, son and heir of Thomas and Isabella,
in Becclis
19 Thomas Cock of Wyngefeld v. John Witham of Revissald and Alice
his wife in Esham
20 Robert W . . . , clerk, Hugh Acton, clerk, Thomas Wellys, Edmund
Cowper, clerk, and John Goddys of Norwich v. John Cok and
Margaret his wife who was the wife of John, the son of William
Berdewell of the manor of Berdewell called Berdewelhalle, with
appurtenances aud advowson of the church of St. John Baptist in
21 John Hopton v. Bartholomew Whitefeld and Elizabeth his wife of the
manors of Wysset, Roos in Wysset, Lembaldes, Rysinges, Claydons,
Brendefen and Meryels


19 Henry VI

22 Richard Maughfeld, Ralph Waller, and John Waller v. JohnCharman of London, son and heir of William Charman in Risseby,
Barwe, Saxham, Lakford, Flempton, and Westowe
23 Robert Crane, John Fastolf, John Ulveston, and John Waryn v.
Richard Verneye and Alianora his wife of the manors of Cocley,
and Roghaugh
24 William de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, Thomas Tudenharu, knight, John
Heyton and Thomas Shuldeham v. John Knyvet, senior, knight,
and John Knyvet, junior, and Alice his wife of the manor of
25 Gilbert Debenham, Richard Doket, Thomas Denys, Nicholas Petegreve,
John Heyward, William Petegrewe, and Robert Petegrewe v.
Thomas Albon and Johanna his wife in Mertelesham, Kesgrave,
and Parva Belyngys
20 Henry VI
26 John Ingowe, John Herny, and John Bust v. John Pellican and
Sara his wife, Thomas Pympe and Katherine his wife and William
Revell and Letitia his wife in Wortham, Burgate, Regrave,
Palgrave, Melles, and Thrandeston
27 Robert Crane v. William Clopton of the manor of Cotton with appurtenances in Cotton, Daketon, Oldene Weton, Gippyngne Weton,
Fynyngham and Mendelysham
28 Robert Warner of Motteford, Richard Pipyng of Motteford, and
Richard Eppe of Motteford v, Richard Kirkeby and Elena his wife,
John Speryng and Alice his wife and Richard Loweys and Matilda
his wife in Elgh, Motteford and Welyngham
21 Henry VI
1 Simon Whatlok, clerk, and William Hermer, chaplain, v. Thomas
Pyke and Agnes his wife in Haddeleygh
2 John Lodbroke, otherwise called John Chapman, Roger Moors, John
Moors, and Thomas Cosyn v. Richard Dunmowe and Johanna his
wife and Henry Yermouth in Stutton and Braham
3 JohnWynstowe, JohnWestbagh, andThomasNeutoni,. JohnTwyer, esq.,
and Alice his wife in Pakenham, Stowelangtoft, Norton, Thurston,
Tostoke, and Elmeswelle

21 23 HENRY VI. 301

4 John Smyth of Cavendyssh, William Chapman, John Broun, William

Fullere, and Eobert Asty v. Thomas Arlyn and Cecilia his wife and
John Masoun in Cavendyssh and Glemesford
5 William de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, John Belly and John Wareyn v.
William Wood and Margaret his wife of the manor of Brampton,
called Bramptonshalle with appurtenances in Brampton, Westhale,
Redesham, Shalyngfeld and Stovene and the advowson of the
church of these manors.
22 Henry VI
6 John Cristofer Thomas Fulthorp and Beatrice
his wife and Thomas Dale and Johanna his wife of the manor of
Tatyngston with appurtenances in Tatyngston and free chapel
called Holbrook Chapel in Chelmyngston, Freston,
Wolferston, Stutton, Brantham, Boutele, Capell, ' Wherstede,
Coppedoke, Hyntlesham, and Holton.
7 Eobert Wynkfeld, knight, v. John Mariot and Katherine his wife of
the manor of Shatesham with appurtenances and advowson of
the church
8 John Bradwey v. Thomas Muryell and Margaret his wife and John
Bacon and Isabella his wife in Cretyng St. Mary, Cretyng All
, Saints, and Cretyng St. Olave
23 Henry VI
9 Robert Crane, Edmund Mille, John Paston, William Isle, John
Damme, John Rowe, and William Gaynysford v. Hugh Burys,
Thomas Shelly and Robert Berd of the manor of Talinage with
appurtenances in Ipswich and the parishes of Parva Brisset,
Magna Brisset, Somerysham, Nanton, and Ofton, and advowson of
the Church of Nanton
10 Thomas Knolles of London, Thomas Selove of London, John Hacche,
Thomas Wortham, John Josepp, John Roos, and Robert Fen v.
William Massyngham and Elizabeth his wife of the manor of
Ernefeld with appurtenances in Stok juxta Neylond, and Polsted
11 Richard Hereward, William Clopton, John Clopton, John Denston,
Thomas West, Ralph West, Henry Tornour, Robert Deynes, John
Tille, dyer, William Scalder, William Herewarde, Robert Morell,
John Bust, Walter Oldehale, and John Grome v. Thomas Gauge


and Alice his wife, of messuages called Adholfys and land called

Tipperslonde with appurtenances in Sudbury

12 Eobert Parfyt, clerk, v. John Baily and Thomas Poley of the manor of
Boxstede with appurtenances
13 William Clopton, Robert Crane, John Heydon, John Denston; John
Marchall, Thomas Mannehell, clerk, Henry Tumour, and William
Clerk, parson of Aysshyn church, v. John Bendyssh of the manor
of Cloptonhall with appurtenances in Wykhambrook, Denardeston,
Stradeshall, Stansfeld, Haweketon, Chippeleigh, and Pepedon in
24 Henry VI
14 William, son of John Jenney, senior, v. John Jenney, senior, and
Margaret his wife of the manor of Herlyngflet with appurtenances
in Herlyngflet, Askeby, and Lounde
15 John Framlyngham and Margaret his wife v. John Crees of the manor
of Hoodeys with appurtenances in Alderton, Baudysey and Holesley
16 John Lynge v. John Calverle and Margaret his wife, daughter and
heiress of Eichard Collys and Bose his wife in Fynbergh Magna,
Combys, Onehowes, and Stowemarket
17 Adam, Bishop of Chichester, John Fortescu, knight, John Yerman,
John Nutbem and Thomas Luty v. John Howard of the manors of,
Stanstretehall, Leeffey, Wythermersh, Tendrynghall, Netherhall,
Calcers, Sprettyslond, Bourehous, Constables, and Pouneys
18 William, Marquis and Earl of Suffolk, and Alice his wife v. Thomas
Kerdeston, knight, and Philippa his wife of the manors of Bulcamp
and Henham with appurtenances in Brampton
19 George Hethe v. John Rys and Elizabeth his wife in Mildenale
25 Henry VI
20 Lawrence Martyn, John Clopton, Henry Tumour, Roger Morell, John
Barkere, and Edmund Tyler v. "William Medilton and Johanna his
wife in Hadley
26 Henry VI
21 John Hopton and Robert Repps v. John Hevenyngham, knight, and
Elizabeth his wife of the manors of Ubbeston, Cukkele, Stonham,
and Walpole

26 29 henry vi. 303

22 Henry Tumour, John Clopton, Ralph West, John Bust, and John
Hervy v. Thomas Pympe and Katherine his wife and William
Revell and Letitia his wife in Acton
23 John Marchall, John Denston, John Parre, and William Colman,
chaplain, v. John Bokenham and Alesia his wife in Hansted,
Whepsted, Michell, Hornyngeserthe and Nanton
24 William, Marquis of Suffolk, Thomas Hoo, knight, Thomas Tudenham,
knight, Thomas Brewes, John Haydon, Thomas Sholdham, John
Wygenhale, clerk, Thomas Eyngestede, clerk, John . Ker, clerk,
Geoffrey Norys and William Prentys v. Roger Chamburleyn, knight,
and Margaret his wife of the manor of Roystoues with appurtenances in Breswell
27 Henri/ VI
25 William Chapman v. John Hardekyn in Boxsted, Glemesford, Cavndyssh, Somerton, Hertherst, and Haukedon
26 John Fortescu, knight, Edmund Hungerford, knight, Edward Hull,
knight, Robert Corbet, knight, Richard Quatermayns, Henry
Fortescu, Philip Malpas, of London, Stephen Forester, Thomas
Yonge, Richard Chok, Roger Huswyf, clerk, Thomas Nicoll, and
John Gogh v. William Peeche, son and heir of John Peeche,
knight, and Beatrice his wife of the manor of Hyntelisham and
advowson of church, in Hadle, Hyntelisham, Heydon, Chatesham,
Waysshbroke, and Aldham
27 Thomas Fulthorp, knight, Alexander Nevyll, knight, William Hardyng,
Nicholas Blakeston, and John Peghan v. Thomas Laurens and
Katherine his wife of the manor of Creppyng in Stutton
28 Henry VI
28 .William Alnewyk, Bishop of Lincoln, John, Viscount of Beaumont,
Ralph Cromwell, knight, Ralph Boteler, knight, John Fastolf,
knight, William Oldhall, knight, William Tresham, William Burley,
Thomas Yonge, and Thomas Willoughby v. Richard, Duke of York
and Cecilia his wife of the manor and town of Southwold, &c.
29 Henry VI
29 John Shukford, Thomas Breton, clerk, and Thomas Love, chaplain v.
Adam Babyngton and Rose his wife in Langham


30 Henry VI

30 Eeginald Rous, Thomas Hallesworth, clerk, and Thomas Porter, clerk

v. Johanna Toppesfeld, William Toppesfeld, William Walworth,
and Margaret his wife, and John Walworth, in Laxfeld, Denyngton,
Bedyngfeld, and Codenham
31 Richard Wethermarssh, Richard Bygge, and John Mythe, senior, son
of John Mythe v. John Byrd of Soham in Cambridge, and Katherine
his wife in Sudbury, Chylton, and Magna and Parva Cornerd
32 Thomas Stotevyle, Walter Deresle, William Deresle, Richard Deresle,
and Robert Wyse v. William Barker and Johanna his wife in Lydgate, Kyrtelynge, Sylnerle, Colynge, Ovysden, and Dalham
33 William Alyngton v. Walter Wymere and Margaret his wife, daughter
and heiress of John Tolle of the manor of Gyselham, in Gyselham,
Kessynglond, Henstede, Beneacre, Mutford, Carleton, Pakefeld,
Kyrkeld, Barneby, Beccles, and Russhemere and advowson of
Russhmere church
34 John Smyth, John Clopton, John Denston, William Chapman, and
Roger Moryell v. Richard Claveryng of London, and John Claveryng, son and heir of Richard of moiety of the manor of Netherhall
in town of Cavendyssh
31 Henry VI
1 John Smyth, junior, William Chapman, and John Smyth, senior v.
John Rys of Thaxstede and Elizabeth his wife in Mildenhale
2 John Framlyngham and Jacob Joos v. John Holdernesse and Margaret
his wife in Bawedesey and Sutton
3 Thomas Stotevile, Thomas Heigham, and Thomas Westhorp, clerk v.
John Wodehous of the manors of Crosfeld, Bokkyng in Crosfeld,
and Asshe juxta Helmyngham, in Crosfeld, Codenham, Pethaghe,
Stonham Antegayn, Cretyng, Assh, Helmyngham, Otteley, Hemyngeston, Henle, Gossebak, Stonham Aspale, Cretyng St. Mary, and
Cretyng All Saints
32 Henry VI
4 John Smyth, senior, and John Smyth, junior v. George Heth and
Margaret his wife in Mildenhall
5 Robert Wyndevyle, John Everard, and Henry Everard v. Henry
Cobbe, of Ipswich, and Katherine his wife, in Cocley, Huntingfeld, '.
Walpole, Chedeston, and Halysworth

32 34 HENRY VI. 305

6 John Notebeme, William Sheldrake, clerk, William Jerold, chaplain,
Thomas Cranevyle, John Smyth of Cavendissh, Robert Hucton
of Stansfeld, John Gylmyn, junior, and Thomas Pouncy v.
John Jolken and Elizabeth his wife, relative and one of the heirs
of Adam de Gatesbury and Henry Elveden, kinsman and other heir
of the manor of Prediton and appurtenances in Stansfeld
7 Lawrence Cheyne, Thomas Westhawe, clerk, and Reginald Ely v.
Richard Rogeroum and Emma his wife in Bernardyston, Magna
Wrattyng, Magna Thirlowe
8 John Broun v. John Halle and Elizabeth his wife who was wife of
Michael Dexter of Ipswich, in Ipswich
33 Henry VI
9 John Wyngfeld, William Jenney, and John Jenney v. Gerard Wormeley
and Katherine his wife in Cretyngham, Framesden, Branston,
Blaxale, Tunstale, Farnham, and Glemham
10 John Fortescu, knight, John Cheyny of Pynne in Devonshire, John
Gogh, Thomas Nicoll, John Nicoll, and Thomas Povy v. Robert
Corbet, knight, and Elizabeth his wife and Henry Fylyngley and
Cecilia his wife of the manor of Beddinghall
11 Henry Tumour of Haverhill, Richard Bumstede, clerk, John Yates,
John Shotesham, clerk, Thomas Mayster, and John Stalon v.
Thomas Freman and Agnes his wife of the manor of Bertilmewes
in Tudenham juxta Ipswich
12 John Heydon, Thomas Bonet, chaplain, Thomas Bettys, Robert
Dynne, and Bartholomew Multon v. John Dynne and Johanna his
wife in Mildenhale
34 Senry VI
13 Philip Wentworthe, knight, Robert Wylughby, Robert Wyngefeld,
Thomas Drewes, Gilbert Debenham, John Heydon, Reginald Rous,
William Jenney, Walter Fulburne, Richard Chirche, William
Boundis, Thomas Kene, John Prylle, Thomas Warde, John Kempe,
and John Dod of Wodebregge, v. John Tymperley and Margaret his
wife of the manors of Petristres, Osmondis, and Talvas, in Sutton,
Shatesham, Ramesholt, Aldyrton, Baudesey, Helmele, Neweburne,
Thornham, and Gislyngham


14 Thomas Brewes and Elizabeth his wife v. Thomas Gardener, chaplain,

of the manors of Akenham, Wittellesham, Haston, and Hemyngston
15 John Denston, William Tyrell, senior, John Heydon, John Harleston,
Thomas Heigham, Thomas Drury, Beginald Eous, Koger Drury of
Hausted, William Colman, clerk, and John Grene of Gosfeld, v.
Philip Thornbury, knight, in Chenynton, Hardgrave, Depden, and
16 Roger Chamberleyn, knight, and Robert Fitz Ralph of the manor of
17 William Jenney, Hugh Fen, William Boundes, William Higham, and
John Russe, v. John Pye, of Pakefeld, and Johanna his wife in
Pakefeld, Kyrkeley, Gesylham, Carleton Colvyle, and Barnaby
35 Henri/ VI
18 John Cokerell, Richard Doket, and Henry Reder v. John Alman and
Alice his wife in Benacre
19 Thomas Barnardiston, John Vavasour and Walter Barnardiston, clerk,
v. Roland Neweton and Elizabeth his wife of the manors of
Kedington and Barnardiston in Kedington, Barnardiston, Sturnicer
Haverill, Magna Wrattyng, Parva Wrattyng, Parva Thurlowe, and
Hunden, and advowsons of churches of Kedington, and Barnardiston
36 Henry VI
20 Stephen Smyth, clerk, Walter Gerard, clerk, William Revet, chaplain,
John Coket, of Ampton, and Robert Revet, v. Thomas Fulmerston
and Isabella his wife in Bernyngham
21 John Morys and John Berte v. John Marchant, and Alice his wife in
Wyneston, Framesden, and Pethaugh
22 Robert Howys, clerk, Richard Duke, John Herward of Rollesby,
Walter Rawlyns, and John Bernard of Estsomerton v. John Stotevyle
and Johanna his wife in Beclys and Weston
37 Henry VI
23 John Boon, Abbot of Bury St. Edmund's v. Thomas Scales, knight,
and Esmania his wife of the manor of Aspales in Mildenhale
38 Henry VI
24 William Thweyt, John Clopton, John Smyth, John Noteborn and
Thomas Querry v. John Rous and Baldwyn Coksegge and Dionesia

his wife in Drenkestone

38 &ENRY VI. 4 EDWARD IV. 307

25 John Jernegan, junior, and Isabella his wife v. John Jernegan and
Agnes his wife of the manor of Horham with appurtenances
26 John Coket of Ampton, John Clopton, and Walter Coket, clerk, v.
John Rosshebrook of Combys and Elizabeth his wife in Kentford
27 Walter Lyhert, Bishop of Norwich, Ralph Shelton, John Drane, and
John Lopham v. Richard Penton of London, and Johanna his wife
and Richard Fader of London and Elizabeth his wife in Ipswich
39 Henry VI
28 Ralph Lever and Nicholas Nabbe, clerk, v. William Haryngton,
knight, and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Pylkngton and Margaret
his wife and Arthur Pylkngton of the manor of Chedbury, with
appurtenanoes and the advowson of the church
t William Alnewyk, Bishop of Lincoln, John Viscount Beaume, Ralph
Cromwell, knight, Ralph Boteler, knight, John Fastolf, knight,
William Oldshall, knight, "William Tresham, William Burley,
Thomas Yonge, and Thomas Willoughby v. Richard Duke of York,
and Cecelia his wife of the manor and Town of Southwold
2 Edward IV
1 John Denston, Thomas Peyton, Thomas Drury of Rougham, Thomas
Heigham, junior; and William Fegge v. John Bassett and Elizabeth
his wife in Cokkefeld, Bradfeld Combusta, Stanefeld, and Laushull
2 Thomas Gardener, clerk, Richard Wryght, and John Dade v.
Christopher Wasse and Catherine his wife in Wybrede and Istede parish
3 Robert Gardenere and Margaret Dunham v. John Chaworth and
Margaret his wife of the manor of Alvyngle in Alvyngle
3 Edward IV
4 John Sulyard v. Walter Bradley and Joanna his wife of the manor of
Wetherdene in Wetherdene
5 William Foller, chaplain, Robert Kempe, chaplain, Thomas Blomvile,
chaplain, v. John Blomvile and Margaret his wife, daughter of John
Shirblount in Hyntlesham, Flokton, and Burstall
4 Edward IV
6 John Markham, knight, Henry Sotehill and John Otre v. Thomas

Colt and Joanna his wife of the manor of Greis in Cavendisshe

t Not now on file.


7 Lawrence Hamerton and John Tymperley v. Eobert Wace an
Katherine his wife in Southelmham
8 John Batall and Eobert Spachet v. John Payn and Alice his wife i
9 John Smyth, senior, and John Smyth, junior, v. Thomas Eyngesto
Thomas Cavndisshe and Katherine his wife of the manor <
Netherhall with appurtenances in Poslyngford, Clare, Stansfel<
Coulynge, and Chipleigh
5 Edward IV
10 John Porter, Thomas Pynk, John Lovell, clerk, John Lamborne an
William Phelip v. Henry Chicheley and Alice his wife, Williai
Grygge and Hugh Vaughan of the manor of Codnamhall
6 Edward IV
11 John Skott, knight, ThomasColte, ThomasMoyne, JohnNewport, clerl
William Eoughton, and William Skott, v. Walter Norwich an
Margaret his wife, Thomas Stotevyle, Henry Spelman, Miles Metecal
James Bradman, Thomas Lancastre and John Felbrygge wit
appurtenances in Lydgate, Kertelynge, and Cowelynge
12 John Dyke, William Wolflete, clerk, John Grene, and William Grer
v. Thomas Hildersham and Alice his wife in Stoke juxta Clare
13 John Bassinthwayte of London and Eose his wife, William Taillou;
John Yonge, George Irland and John Gray v. John Byron of Londo
and Elizabeth his wife in Brandon Ferie
14 John Heydon, John Broughton, fit John Broughton, senior, Joh
Clopton, Thomas Peyton, senior, John
William Lee, Thomas Heigham, junior,
Heigham, William Thwayte and William
Basset and Elizabeth his wife of the

Fyncham, Thomas Drur;

Eobert Harleston, Clemer
Gerold, chaplain, v. Joh
manors of Laushull and Kento

7 Edward IV
15 Eichard Grey v. Geoffrey Dunston and Eose his wife in Eye
16 Willian Aleyn and John Jerveys v. Simon Serjaunt and Agnes h

wife and John Serjaunt and Margaret his wife in Newton

8 Edward IV
17 John Tylle v. John Colman and Margaret his wife in Preston
18 Thomas Cobham, knight, and Anna his wife v. Eichard West, knigh
Lord de la Warr and Katherine his wife of the manor of Fakenha

813 EDWARD IV. 309

19 John Hewer, Richard Holdych, William Prentys, and William Wayte
v. William Hykkys and Isabella his wife, who was the wife of John
Man late of Bungey, in Bungey and Ilketlyshale
9 Edward IV
20 Henry Turner, William Reve, John Revyle, and Edmund Dekeman v.
William Croxton of Randes and Margarte his wife in Haverhill,
Wederesfeld, and Parva Wrattyng
21 John Clopton, William Chapman, Robert Dene, William Scalder,
Alexander Coke, chaplain, and George Ketyll v. William Denton
and Emma his wife in Kedyngton, Berneston, Hunden, Wrottyng,
Thirlowe, and Haverell
22 William Foord, Robert Foord, Thomas Fulsnape, John Gerard, John
Clerk, and John Lacy v. William Dunton and Margaret his wife in
23 Henry Wentworth, senior, Robert Constable, knight, William Hopton,
John Calthorp, Philip Wentworth, William Bothe, and Simon Poley
v. Richard Martyn and Thomasina his wife of the manor of Guyshall
and with appurtenances in Poslyngford
10 Edward IV
24 Roger Towneshend and Henry Spilman v. Thomas Aslak and Elizabeth
his wife of the manor of Elgh otherwise called Wyllyngham All
Saints and Pakefeld
11 Edward IV
25 Thomas Frowyk of London and Joanna his wife, John Warde, citizen
and alderman of London, Thomas Bledlowe of London, John Ward
of London, and Reginald Asshe of London v. Henry Frowyk and
Joanna his wife of the manor of Parva Cornerd and advowson of
the church of Parva Cornerd

12 Edward IV
26 John Wyngfeld, knight, William Jenney, and John Glemham v. Robert
Lyston and Isabella his wife of the manor of Dalyngehoo
13 Edward IV
27 William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester, Daniel Husbande, clerk,
William Gifford, clerk, William Danvers, Thomas Danvers and
Richard Burton v. Henry Wode otherwise called Henry Benyngton
and Anne his wife, daughter and heiress of William Laweney, of the
manor of Caldecotes in Freton


28 William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester, Daniel Husbande, clerk,
William Gifford, clerk, William Danvers, Thomas Danvers and
Richard Burton v. Henry Wode otherwise called Henry Benyngton
and Anne his wife, daughter, &c. of the manor of Caldecotes in
Freton and Belton
29 Edmund Bohun of Fresyngfeld, Ralph Pulverstoft, clerk, and Thomas
Banyard v. Robert Scourour of Moryngthorp in Norfolk son and
heir of John Storour of Moryngthorp in Fresyngfeld
30 John Tymperley, senior, and Margaret his wife, William Holond,
Walter Fulburn and Roger Tymperley son of said John and Margaret
v. Nicholas Peyton and Alice his wife in Hadleygh
31 John Howard, knight, Thomas Howard, John Clopton, Thomas Heigham,
John Cheke and Jacob Hobart v. Thomas Wyndesore and Elizabeth
his wife and John Suhard and Anna his wife of a moiety of a
messuage in Ipswich called Cadons
14 Edward IV
1 Thomas Seyntjohn and Alice his wife v. Richard Weltden and Elizabeth
his wife of the manor of Langham in Langham
2 William Ford, Robert Ford, Thomas Fulsnape, John Clerke and
Robert Marneyn, v. John Archer and Rose his wife in Hadley
3 Thomas Stanley, knight, William Stanley, knight, John Wyngnfeld,
knight, Robert Wyngefeld, knight, Edward Grymston, John
Echyngham, Edward Wyngefeld, Henry Wyngefeld, junior, Robert
Wyngefeld, junior, Richard Wyngefeld, John Glemham, Thomas
Mail, clerk, Thomas Jeffray, Thomas Bennys and John Bischop
v. John, Duke of Norfolk and Elizabeth his wife in Letheryngham
and Eston juxta Letheryngham and Charsfeld and the advowson

of the church of Eston juxta Letheryngham

15 Edward IV
4 Roger Towneshend and Richard Felawe v. William Wade and Margaret
his wife in Ipswich, Whitton, and Allesburgh
5 Thomas Plaiter, William Brewes and William Clerk, clerk, v. Thomas
Cheyne, relative and heir of Thomas Soterle of the manor of Soterle
16 Edward IV
6 John Tymperley, senior, and Margaret his wife, John Selott, clerk,
John Cheke, William Tymperley, and Jacob Roodys v. John Blom-

16 20 EDWARD IV. 311

vyle of Braunford, senior, and Margaret his wife in Hyntlesham,
Flokton, and Burstall
7 Ralph Tylney, John Stork, John Kye, John Neve, John Edgore,
Robert Myles, and Robert Rolf v. Robert Smyth and Margaret his
wife in Stowemarket
8 Ralph Shelton v. Erkenwald Wellys, son and heir of Alice Wellys of
the manors of Meldyng, Fenhalle, and Rothyes, and in Meldyng,
Illegh combusta, Lavenham, Preston, Magna Waldyngfeld, Parva
Waldyngfeld, Edwardeston, Groton, and Boxford
17 Edward IV
9 John Howard, Lord Howard, knight, Thomas Howard, William Jenney,
John Clopton, Richard Suthwell, Thomas Heigham, Edmund Jenney,
John Cheke, Richard Heigham, Jacob Hobart, Katherine Fastolf,
widow, lately wife of John Fastolf, late of Oulton, Edmund Bedyngfeld, John Jernyngafl, Robert Rastwold, Thomas Playter, William
Bedyngfeld, clerk, and Thomas Banyard v. Thomas Fastolff son and
heir of John Fastolff, late of Nacton in Suffolk, and Ela his wife of
the manor of Oulton, &c, also the advowson of Church of Oulton
18 Edward IV
10 Robert Broun and Alianora his wife v. Thomas Playter and Anne his
wife of the manor of Osberne
11 Thomas Terry v. Robert Clerk and Elizabeth his wife, John Braine,
Bartholomew Gerneys and William Hamond in Neylond juxta Stoke
19 Edward IV

12 Walter Fulborn, John Cheke, John Bisshop, and Robert Eston v.

William Nicholson and Alianora his wife and Thomas Martyn in
Sutton and Shotesham
13 John Bishop of Rochester, Nicholas Goldewell, clerk, and John Bulman,
clerk, v. Ralph Illyngworth and Agnes his wife of the manor of
Bor,deshawe in Sprouton Wyke Ufford Wyke Stoke juxta Ipswich,
Bramford, Whitton, aud Brokes juxta Ipswich, co. Suffolk
14 John Fulsnape, Thomas Fulsnape, and William Forde v. William
Waryn and Joanna his wife in Hadley
20 Edward IV
15 William Fynderne, knight, Thomas Tyrrell, Henry Teye, Henry Tyrrell,
Richard Bendysshe and Thomas Hall, clerk, v. William Grene and
Margaret his wife of the manor of Ixnyng called Coggeshales


16 John Tymperley, senior, v. John Ive and Alice his wife and John Colby
and Isabella his wife, daughter of John Ive and Alice of the manor
of Boytoh in Fynbergh magna, Combys, Onehous, Stowemarket,
Hecham, Buxhale, and Felsham
21 Edward IV
17 John Sulyard and William Pykenham v. Alice who was the wife of
Thomas Stampe of the manor of Spanbeyes in Stratford juxta
Berngholt, Holton, Capell, Higham and Berngholt
22 Edward IV
18 William Revet and Simon Gelget v. Edward Conyers and Margaret
his wife in Mekefeld, Debenham, Stonham Antegan and Stoneham
19 Thomas Hobert, John Nycholl, and Robert Smethys v. Thomas
Smethys and Barbara his wife of land in Ilketshale and Redesham
1 Richard III
20 John Wyndham, John Paston, Roger Drury, Henry l'Estraunge, John
Garneys, Robert Drury, Richard Coote, William Hervy and John
Busshop v. William Bensted son and heir of John Bensted of the
manor of Tudenham
2 Richard III

21 Alice Hooke, William Stanley, Robert Crowemere, Robert Boof,

William Rypyng, John Rypyng, and Edmund Warnere v. John
Woodyherd and Alice his wife, John Fryre and Margeret his wife,
in Mutforde and Henstede
22 William Aylmere, clerk, v. John Upchare and Agnes his wife, John
Edgore, John Neve, Thomas Gowele, John Stavner, Robert Page,
and William Baldry in Combe
23 Jacob Hobart and John Everard v. John Kyllyngworth and Agnes his
wife of the manor of Sekford, in Ilketishale
3 Richard III
24 William Deeke, Richard Martyn of Melford, John Deeke of Byrdbroke, .
and Reginald Deeke of Stoke juxta Clare v. John Sparlyng of
Stoke juxta Neylond, and Julia his wife in Stoke juxta Neylond

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