Mining and Development in Indonesia
Mining and Development in Indonesia
Mining and Development in Indonesia
Bernadetta Devi
Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Sustainable Minerals Institute,
The University of Queensland;
Dody Prayogo
University of Indonesia
Key themes:
Key countries:
Research aims:
This desktop research provided a brief on mining legislation and policies
in Indonesia, before and after the period of national and regional
transition. The project aimed to identify current Indonesian regulatory
frameworks/policies and analyse their implications for mining, Corporate
Social Responsibility and community development and empowerment.
For further information on this action research:
Contact person: Bernadetta Devi
Prior to the decentralisation era, the Indonesian mining regulatory framework was governed with a
centralised mining administrative system under Law 11/1967.
Decentralisation and political reform resulted in significant changes to the Indonesian mining
regulatory framework with a greater role given to sub-national governments.
Decentralisation has encouraged a paradigm of localism in natural resources and economic wealth
for local communities.
Forestry and mining areas often overlap and there are conflicts between government agencies over
their control.
Companies are required to obtain relevant environmental approvals as well as the new
environmental license as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment.
Social and environmental responsibility has been legally mandated in Indonesia, but with mixed
outcomes from its implementation.
The Indonesian mining regulatory framework and practices are still in transition; however there is
clear intent to ensure greater benefits to Indonesias citizens.
The research illustrated that the evolution of regulatory frameworks for mining in Indonesia has been
pronounced during the past century and will continue to evolve. Notably, the key factors in this
regulatory framework pertain to:
Economic benefits that could be enjoyed by local people through the development of local suppliers
and infrastructure, and the creation of direct employment.
Corporate social responsibility through community development and empowerment programs that
can benefit communities, in particular those near mining operations.
The importance of mitigating impacts on the environment due to mining activities, both large and
The report includes recommendations regarding continued collaboration with LabSosio (Department of
Sociology, University of Indonesia), utilising the report information in training activities and international
publications, and further research activity.
Bernadetta Devi Research Officer, CSRM, Sustainable Minerals Institute,
The University of Queensland
Dr. Dody Prayogo Senior Lecturer and Researcher, LabSosio, University of Indonesia
Research team
Bernadetta Devi Research Officer, CSRM
Dr. Dody Prayogo Senior Lecturer and Researcher, LabSosio
Julia Keenan Research Officer, CSRM
Barbara Onate Santibanez Research Analyst, CSRM
Yosef Hilarius Research Assistant, LabSosio
Muhamad Irvan Research Assistant, LabSosio
The authors acknowledge Robin Evans (IM4DC Deputy Director) and Ian Satchwell (IM4DC
Director) who facilitated this Action Research project between the CSRM and IM4DC and
provided final feedback on this report. The authors also thank Paul Rogers (CSRM Research
Fellow) for reviewing the report as well as Dr. Daniel Franks (CSRM Senior Research Fellow)
for providing input.
In addition, the authors are grateful for the valuable support of Professor Dr. Saleem Ali (the
Director of CSRM) and Professor Dr. David Brereton (the former Director of CSRM).
Social Responsibility in
a leading research centre,
improving the social
the resources industry
We are part of the Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI) at the University of Queensland, one
of Australias premier universities. SMI has a long track record of working to understand and
apply the principles of sustainable development within the global resources industry.
At CSRM, our focus is on the social, economic and political challenges that occur when
change is brought about by resource extraction and development. We work with companies,
communities and governments in mining regions all over the world to improve social
performance and deliver better outcomes for companies and communities. Since 2001, we
have contributed significantly to industry change through research, teaching and consulting.
INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................6
Purpose .......................................................................................................................7
Methodology ...............................................................................................................7
Mining prospects...................................................................................................... 12
Government............................................................................................. 13
The Colonial period and the Indies mining law (Indische Mijnwet 1899) ............... 15
Mining during the reform era and regional autonomy (1998 current) ................ 20
Sources of laws......................................................................................................... 25
Processes ................................................................................................. 38
Impacts of mining..................................................................................................... 46
Summary .................................................................................................................. 55
Recommendations ................................................................................................... 58
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 60
Table 1: Sector share of GDP, per cent (Elias and Noone, 2011) ...............................................9
Table 2: Mineral Resources and Reserves of the Top 14 Mineral Commodities in Indonesia, ..
2010 ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 3: Drivers for community development by mining companies ..................................... 14
Table 4: Source of law and principal legislation ...................................................................... 26
Table 5: Current mining licences and their role ...................................................................... 27
Table 6: A break-down of mining area responsibilities by government tier ........................... 28
Table 7: Smelter Development Plan (MEMR, 2012)................................................................ 31
Table 8: Examples of PERDAs and related mining charges ..................................................... 45
Table 9: Variations of CSR/CD programs in Indonesian mining companies ............................ 49
Table 10: Impacts of CSR/CD programs................................................................................... 52
Table 11: Differences between private and state-owned mining corporations ..................... 53
The mineral resources sector plays a vital role in the Indonesian economy. Mining
contributes approximately five per cent of the total Indonesian Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) and a much greater share within the regional economies of some resource-rich
provinces such as West Papua, East Kalimantan and West Nusa Tenggara (PwC, 2012). 1
Indonesia is a key minerals supplier to the global market. This industry has attracted many
investors with newcomers of mining players from China, India, Russia, and South Korea
penetrating the Indonesia market.
The sector has undergone considerable change since 1998 in respect of policies and
regulatory frameworks. This is largely due to Indonesian democratisation and the
application of decentralisation of government and greater regional autonomy. As mining
activities have increased in Indonesias more democratic environment in recent years,
communities are increasingly demanding greater benefits from the mining industry, and
they are increasingly requiring mining companies to be more transparent and promote
better social performance. Regional governments have been seeking to maximise benefits
from mining in terms of both revenue and economic development.
Indonesian civil society (and specifically local communities) is demanding that mining
companies recognise their local rights, which has sometimes led to conflict between
companies and local communities. Since the early 2000s, company community conflicts
have increased in frequency and magnitude, affecting the development of the Indonesias
mining sector and ultimately its overall economic performance (Resosudarmo et al., 2009).
Consequently, it is essential for mining companies to promote better environmental and
social responsibility activities to assist communities in the host areas to benefit from mining
sector activities.
To promote sustainable mining development in Indonesia, national and sub-national
governments need to improve their governance mechanisms and policies so as to optimise
the benefits from the mining sector for the social, economic and environmental
development of the country and its citizens.
The transitional changes coupled with new society expectations create an opportunity for
the International Mining for Development Centre (IM4DC), funded by AusAID, to better
position itself to build the capacity of government, civil society and mining companies within
Indonesia in order to promote more sustainable development.
As a first step toward achieving this objective, the International Mining for Development
Centre Action Research program in 2012 provided a research grant to the Centre for Social
Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) to conduct desktop research on the regulatory framework
and policies which govern mining and development in Indonesia. This research project is
referred as the IM4Indo project.
Elias and Noon (2011) provides mining and utilities output contributes about 8 to 13 per cent to the
total of Indonesia GDP as described in the later chapter.
The IM4Indo project provides an overview of mining legislation and policies in Indonesia
before and after the period of national and regional transition. It identifies current
Indonesian regulatory frameworks and policies and analyses their implications for mining
and current development issues.
It is hoped that this research will assist IM4DC in its ability to continue to build local capacity
in mineral governance and mining in Indonesia. Findings from this research can be
incorporated into training materials describing the mining regulatory frameworks in
Indonesia within the broader discipline of community development and Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR).
In addition, this project is conducted in partnership with the LabSosio, Department of
Sociology, University of Indonesia (LabSosio-UI), and it is expected that this partnership will:
foster the development of an entry point for close collaboration between IM4DC and other
universities (UQ and UWA); result in the development of a formal university relationship to
conduct in-country training and researcher exchange; and lead to other collaborative
research projects with the LabSosio-UI.
This research was undertaken by desktop study which included reviewing literature and
materials that are available in the public domain such as journal articles, Indonesian mining
legislation (and its derived regulations as well as agency reports) and presentation materials.
Information presented in this report was also derived from:
The original timeframe for this research was February to September 2012. The research
actually commenced and took place from June 2012 and the intensive works were
completed in September 2012. The draft final report was submitted to IM4DC in December
2012. After receiving feedback from IM4DC, the final report was submitted in March 2013.
The scope
This report examines the evolution of the current regulatory framework for mining in
Indonesia, including its changes over time. A central focus is on the implications of the
regulatory framework for community development, including artisanal mining and corporate
social responsibility.
The landscape of the mining industry in Indonesia highlights the landscape of the
mining sector, including key players involved in this industry.
The development of Indonesias mining regulatory framework describes the
evolution of mining regulations in Indonesia.
The current mining regulatory framework analyses changes as a result of the
introduction of current mining Law 4/2009 and its implications on the environment,
CSR and artisanal mining.
Mining and local development examines the issue of mining and local
development under regional autonomy in terms of mining governance at the subnational level and the nature of CSR/CD impacts and impacts on local development.
The Republic of Indonesia has extensive mineral reserves and has become the worlds
largest exporter of thermal coal, as well as second in tin, third in copper and fourth in nickel
(Lieokomol, 2011). The Indonesian mining industry value of production is expected to almost
double from USD82.6 billion in 2010 to USD143 billion in 2016 and it is predicted that
growth will be from coal and nickel production, with annual growth rates of 10.4 per cent
and 9.1 per cent, respectively (Business Monitor International, 2012). Growth rate forecasts
for other metals will be low, but Indonesia is expected to be a dominant mineral exporter in
Asia and retain its status as the largest global thermal coal and tin exporter in the world.
Indonesias economy has developed rapidly in the last few decades, other than the
contraction following the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s. The structure of the
economy has changed significantly. In the 1960s, the economy was largely agricultural and
service based (51 per cent and 30 per cent respectively as illustrated in Table 1); however,
urbanisation and industrialisation have seen a move towards the manufacturing sector.
Agriculture remains a major industry, particularly in rural areas, although low levels of
modernisation mean that levels of productivity and income are low. Unlike its regional
neighbours, Indonesias manufacturing sector is focussed on food, tobacco and textiles,
rather than more complex manufactured goods (e.g. mechanical and electronic products)
(Elias and Noone, 2011).
Table 1: Sector share of GDP, per cent (Elias and Noone, 2011)
Mining and
(a) In 1967 the combined share of construction and mining and utilities was 5 per cent
Source: CEIC; RBA; World Bank; United Nations
The total exports of Indonesia in 2010 were valued at USD157.7 billion, of which the oil and
gas industry accounted for 17.8 percent and the mineral industry, 16.9 percent. The major
export markets were China, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan
and the United States. On the other hand, Indonesias total imports were valued at
USD135.6 billion, and the import items included crude petroleum, iron and steel, and
petroleum products. The major import partners were China, Japan, the Republic of Korea,
Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the United States (Kuo, 2012).
The mining and utilities output in Indonesia is much larger than in neighbouring countries,
and it has consistently contributed between 8 per cent and 13 per cent of GDP since the late
1980s. It has accounted for the extraction of 27 per cent of the worlds tin, 15 per cent of
nickel and 6 per cent of copper (in 2009) and 4 per cent of the worlds coal (in 2010) (Elias
and Noone, 2011).
Indonesias mineral reserves are distributed throughout the country, with mining production
contributing most significantly to the provinces of Papua, Bangka-Belitung, West Nusa
Tenggara and East Kalimantan. Many mining locations in Indonesia are remote with few
prospects for economic development and mining-related businesses provide some of the
only paid employment opportunities for local communities. These locations are also often of
significant biological and environmental value, such as small islands and tropical rainforests.
The Indonesian coal industry is in a period of rapid expansion, while production of other
minerals is developing more slowly. Gold and copper production decreased in 2011 due to
operation and market issues, and investor interest remains cautious (PwC, 2012).
Indonesia produced about 257 million tons of coal in 2010 and is the second largest coal
producer globally and the largest exporter of thermal coal. The distribution of coal
resources in Indonesia (illustrated in Figure 1) is concentrated in the provinces of Kalimantan
and Sumatera. As reported by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources MEMR
(Geology Agency) in November 2011, the total coal resources and coal reserves in Indonesia
are approximately 105,187 million tons and 21,131 million tons, respectively. A breakdown
of this by the most abundant minerals is provided in Table 2.
Figure 1: Coal mineral resources, reserve and distribution (2011)
Coal resources: 105,187.44 million tons; Coal reserves (2011): 21,131.84 million tons
Source: Geology agency of MEMR (status in November 2011)
Table 2: Mineral Resources and Reserves of the Top 14 Mineral Commodities in Indonesia,
Mineral Resources 2
(million tons ore)
Mineral Reserves 3
(million tons ore)
Iron Sand
Lateritic Ore
Primary Ore
Sedimentary Ore
Alluvial Gold
Primary Gold
Natural consentrations of minerals or, bodies of rock that are, or may become of potential economic interest
due to their inherent properties. ( [Retrieved on 29
November 2012].
The part of a mineral resource, which has been fully evaluated and is deemed commercially viable to work and
has a valid planning permission for extraction (
[Retrieved on 29 November 2012].
The information is extracted from the power point presentation material, Implementation of MEMR
Regulation no 7/2012 related to Enhancement of Mineral Added Value through Mineral Processing and Refining
Activity, Jakarta June 2012 received during the AusAID scoping mission in June/July 2012.
Mining prospects [Retrieved on
29 November 2012].
Key players
2.4.1. Government
Sub-national governments see mining as a source of revenue, and increasingly as an engine
of economic development, but also as disruptive activity. In the short term, local authorities
obtain direct revenues from mining companies for provision of services and permission to
operate. In the longer term they benefit most from ensuring that the mine contributes to
sustainable local development.
National and provincial governments have broad interests in securing social harmony and
economic growth, and in providing a well regulated business environment enabling an
environment that encourages investment on fair terms. Government has sought to promote
forward and backward linkage for downstream processing and local inputs. The
responsibility for governance of mining is discussed in greater detail in the later sections of
this report.
2.4.2. Mining companies
Indonesias mining sector is operated by a wide-range of domestic (state-owned or private)
companies and International companies (see Appendix A). At a glance, domestic companies
that currently dominate the Indonesia mining sector include:
PT Bumi Resources Tbk owns Indonesias largest and fourth-largest coal miners,
Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) and Arutmin, respectively.
State-owned PT Antam Tbk, produces bauxite, gold, nickel and silver.
PT Bukit Asam produces coal for export and generates electricity.
Adaro Energy is a large coal producer with investment in electricity generation.
PT Tambang Timah is the worlds largest integrated tin mining company. It is the tinrich Bangka regions largest operator, followed by PT Koba Tin. PT Tambang Timah
has 25 percent share in Koba Tin, while the remaining stake is held by the Malaysian
Smelting Corporation.
role in influencing public perceptions, government and industry about the negative
impacts of mining in Indonesia including human rights violations, conflict with
communities, negative health impacts and environmental damage.
National and international NGOs focussed on specific agendas, including anticorruption (e.g. Indonesia Corruption Watch), conservation (e.g. World Wildlife Fund
Indonesia), environmental law (e.g. Indonesian Centre for Environmental Law - ICEL)
and revenue transparency (e.g. Transparency International).
Foundations created by the private companies to support their social investment
and community development programs (e.g. Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta in Central
Partnerships between International NGOs and the private sector (like that of BHPBs
IndoMetCoal project in Kalimantan) which has seen the development of a
partnership with Flora and Fauna International to promote sustainable land use
To support mining for development, each of the key players is required to perform their
functions and roles, for example:
Government has its role to promote good governance in mining with less regulation
The mining company needs to balance its business interests and to support
programs for poverty alleviation where they operate, as well as to mitigate
environmental risks.
Civil society organisations act as agents that could promote the check and balance in
the mining sector as well as private and public interests.
In reality, however, it is difficult to get all parties to agree on all aspects in mining for
development due to competing and conflicting interests. Nevertheless, there are some
drivers that may bring parties together (as discussed during the AusAID scoping mission), as
illustrated in Table 3.
Table 3: Drivers for community development by mining companies
Mining Company
Long-term improvements in
quality of life
Access to livelihoods
Community better off due
to company presence
During the colonial period, the Dutch had all mining rights (Karim and Mills, 2003). The
policy was gradually relaxed due to pressures from the private sector to include the
Netherlands Indies (present day Indonesia) and the increased needs of coal in the 1850s
(Saleng, 2002). As a response, the colonial government created a Special Committee for
Mining in 1852, which later became the Colonial Mining Office (Dienst van het Mijnwezen).
The main task of this organisation was to conduct geological exploration in several areas
expected to have coal deposits. As a result, Ombilin mining, 6 located in Sawahlunto, West
Sumatera (1866) commenced operation in 1891. It is important to note that during this
period, there had been some rejection in the Dutch Parliament of the involvement of the
private sector in mining, which led to the direct involvement of the colonial government in
this industry.
In 1899, the Indische Mijnwet (Indies Mining Law) was introduced, to provide basic
classification of the minerals and authorities to govern the mining of minerals, including oil
and gas. This law was amended twice, in 1904 and 1918 to further govern mining in the
Dutch Indies areas. Similarly, in 1907, the colonial government introduced a set of
operational regulations (Mijnordonnantie) targeting mining safety.
The amendment of 1904 provided that concession rights could only be granted to Dutch
citizens, residents of the Netherlands East Indies or companies established under the laws of
the Netherlands or of the Netherlands East Indies. The main purpose was to limit the
number of companies applying for exploration concessions, particularly gold tenements
(Karim and Mills, 2003).
After independence of Indonesia, Ombilin mining was taken over by the new government and named as PT
Tambang Batubara Ombilin and later liquidated to be a subsidiary of PT Bukit Asam. This area has experienced a
growth in community mining since the reformation era started as they felt compelled to participate in coal
Later, the amendment of 1918 significantly reduced the mining concession from 75 years to
40 years. This amendment also opened the possibility for non-Dutch foreign interests to
obtain concession rights. The concession holders then had to pay a four per cent excise duty
for crude oil production and a 20 per cent tax on oil profits and 20 per cent of tax on
corporate profits to the colonial government. As the concession holders paid all taxes, they
owned the oil that they drilled.
As the approval of foreign interests came about, within five years there were 119
concessions granted by the Dutch colonial government to foreign companies (Karim and
Mills, 2003).
During the implementation of the Indies Mining Law, there were no records of any local
companies (Indonesian companies) involved in the mining industry. Essentially, the mining
activities conducted by the colonial government were exploitative and oppressive practices
both in terms of natural resources and forced labour (e.g. using prison labour) (Erwiza,
The struggle to defend Indonesia's independence following the 1945 proclamation had a
widespread social and political impact. Liberation movements against all forms of
colonialism and anti-colonialist sentiment were prominent and this strongly influenced all
socio-political practices, (including state administration) especially in the mining industry.
The initial step was to nationalise all the countrys natural resources, including mineral
resources, and all Dutch-owned private and public assets. Ownership of assets by other
foreign nationals was maintained, although slightly disrupted by the political changes of the
nationalisation process.
3.2.1. Nationalisation of mineral resources
Indonesia declared its independence on 17th August 1945 and created a new constitution in
the same year. For natural resources management including mineral resources, the 1945
Constitution states:
The land, the waters and the natural resources within shall be under the powers of the
State and shall be used to the greatest benefit of the people (Article 33.3 Basic
Constitution of Indonesia).
This illustrates a strong nationalism spirit, as this was created immediately in the postcolonial era of Indonesia. Nationalism within this new country influenced state
administration, whereby the government followed up with the nationalisation of all Dutchmining assets.
The mining sector, however, began to suffer and declined during the early days of
independence when Sukarno was President of Indonesia (1945-1966). This government did
not produce any operating regulations for Article 33.3 of the Constitution for the mining
It took until 1959 for President Sukarno and his government (often referred to as the Old
Order) to implement regulations that strengthened the role of the state in administering
mining (including oil and gas) resources. Specifically Law 44/1960 regarding the Oil and Gas
Mining stipulated that:
All oil and gas found within the territory of Indonesia is national property and
controlled by the state (Article 2).
Oil and gas mining operations should only be conducted by state enterprises (Article
Other parties other than state may be appointed to involve in mining operation as
contractors of the state enterprises if necessary (Article 6.1).
Until the end of 2012, the legal principles above were applied in the oil and gas industry
under the existence of Badan Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BP
MIGAS), as the state authority that controlled all oil and gas industry with private
components as the contractors of BP MIGAS. In November 2012, the Indonesian
Constitutional Court invalidated the laws that underpinned BP MIGAS and, as a
consequence, the Government transferred its role and responsibility to MEMR 7 .
Subsequently, the Minister has announced a new body called: Satuan Kerja Sementara
Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKSP Migas) to temporarily replace the
function of BP MIGAS (with Ministerial Decree 3135 K/08/MEM/2012). 8 It is expected that
the legal requirements and overall governance of the oil and gas sector will experience
further changes due to the current decision of the Constitutional Court that has seen the
disbanding of this institution.
The issuance of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law 37/1960 was one of the first
regulations for minerals mining in Indonesia, replacing the Indies Mining Law of 1899.
Similar to Law 44/1960, this law also provides that all mining resources at surface and below
surface within Indonesian territory are national wealth and are controlled by the state
(Article 2 of the Law 37/1960). Unlike Law 44/1960, this regulation mentions that provincial
and regency governments are given chances to receive parts of mining resources that are
found in their areas based on criteria given on the operating regulations. This law
categorised the mining resources into three groups: strategic, vital and neither of these.
This law, however, was not promulgated until the enactment of Law 11/1967.
3.2.2. Nationalisation of Dutch mine infrastructure and assets
The nationalisation of Dutch infrastructure and assets was done with the enactment of Law
10/1959 on the Revocation of Mining Rights. This legislation intended to revoke all rights
granted under the Indies Mining Law, the Dutch-made Indische Mijnwet 1899. One year
later, Law 37/1960 on Mining was enacted, to then fully terminate the implementation of
the Indische Mijnwet 1899 9. The Law 5/1960 (Agrarian Law) was also enacted, nationalising
all lands and plantations then under Dutch control, and regulating land use for mining
The nationalisation was followed by a centralisation of political power, at a time of rebellions
against the central government leaded by President Soekarno. During that period, the
political scene was dominated by a spirit of nationalism and anti-imperialism in all forms,
including foreign capital. As mining activities demanded large scale investments, and there
were no national entrepreneurs possessing the required capital, it became very difficult to
develop the industry without foreign assistance. In addition, the central government refused
any Western aid or investment, therefore stalling Indonesias economic growth.
The Old Order Regime eventually capitulated due to its anti-Western stance (especially
towards Western interests in Indonesias minerals and petroleum) and its communist
ideology. This saw the New Order Regime (President Suharto in 1966) take control of the
state administration and thus open the country to foreign investment in mining by enacting
Law 1/1967.
3.2.3. Law 1/1967
Suharto in his New Order government (1966-1998) was pro-West for the same interests of
combating communism and the urgent need for foreign aid to boost the national economy.
In 1967, two laws were enacted: Law 1/1967 on Foreign Investment and Law 11/1967 on
Basic Provisions of Mining, to allow foreign capital to enter the mining sector in Indonesia.
The immediate result was the arrival of Freeport mining operations. The company began to
invest in gold and copper mining in Papua and developed the first generation of Contracts of
Work (CoW) (see Box 1).
Law 11/1967 introduced the CoW scheme, under which mining investors and operators are
defined as contractors of the Indonesian Government (Gandataruna and Haymon, 2011,
OCallaghan, 2010). The CoW was defined as a contractual agreement between the
Indonesian Government and foreign mining investors. It established rights and obligations
such as taxes, royalty production and import duties, and employment of Indonesian
nationals (Gandataruna and Haymon, 2011).
The significance of this law was to terminate the Indische Mijnwet 1899, but this law was in abeyance until the
introduction of Law 11/1967.
did not include vital and strategic mineral resources. Sub-national governments were only
given responsibilities to manage the C-grade minerals such as nitrate, granite, phosphate,
marble and the like. Vital and strategic mining commodities remained under the control of
the central government. In this decade, there was new exploration of gold and copper in
Minahasa North Sulawesi, North Sumatra, Sumbawa, Maluku and other regions. Coal
mining did not develop much, as petroleum was relatively cheap and Indonesias oil deposits
were high, remaining as one of the major sources of national income.
During the 1990s, with increasingly scarce reserves and the expensive cost of petroleum and
gas, new sources of cheap energy became more in demand. Coal production, which in the
previous era was not very attractive to investors, rose due to high demand and high prices in
the international market.
By then, the Indonesian mining Law of 1967 was stagnant with no major changes, leaving
the coal industry with no regulations. It was only in 1996, that a new Presidential Decree on
Principles of Coal Contract of Work (CCoW or PKP2B) was enacted.
While copper, gold and other metal mines are regulated under the CoW, coal mining was
regulated under the CCoW. On this basis, coal mining concessions developed particularly
towards the end of the 1990s, included a proliferation of small local companies such as coal
mining cooperatives. Until the early 2000s, coal mining permit applications were dominant,
and applications numbered in the thousands.
The Indonesian reform era began in 1998 after the fall of President Suharto, with a
significant change in Indonesias political and administrative system. The most notable policy
change was the shift from a highly centralised system of administration to a decentralised
and democratic system. In the decentralised architecture, full autonomy 10 is being placed at
the regency/municipal level, with limited autonomy power at the provincial level. Under
this arrangement, the authority of central government has also been reduced.
Transferring political and administrative powers from the national government to subnational governments was not an easy task in the mining sector. Competing interests
between different levels of government and other parties involved, e.g. the private sector
and civil society, over natural resources delayed the enactment of Indonesian mining law
4/2009 by almost a decade from the commencement of the reform era.
Law 4/2009, however, has unified the regulation of mining (ores and minerals) and coal
(previously regulated under the Presidential Decree 75/1996). The implementation of this
law was an effort to accommodate changes occurring due to political reform and
decentralisation of government administration. In this period, the government enacted a
number of new regulations (see Appendix B).
Full autonomy means regency/municipal governments have their own discretion to create and implement
local policies as far as they do not violate national law and disturb public interests (Rasyid, 2002: p 1)
It is important to appreciate how regional autonomy has shaped the current mining
governance regime. Four important features of this are: the origin of decentralisation in
mining; the relationship between national and sub-national governments; the sense of
localism; and the mining and forestry sector.
3.3.1. The origin of decentralisation in mining
The 1967 legal architecture on mining development and the openness to foreign investment
had made Indonesia one of the major tin, copper and nickel producers by the end of the 20th
century. The mineral industry positioned itself as a major source of employment and tax
revenue (Gandataruna and Haymon, 2011, OCallaghan, 2010). However, the financial crisis
in 1997 badly affected the country. Within a very short period, industries which were
dependent on imported materials closed down and this was the causal factor in the high
unemployment rate. Mass unemployment led to social unrest, anti- government
demonstrations, violence and an uncontrollable communal confrontation. This situation
marked the end of Suhartos New Order regime, as well as the centralisation of national
government (Rasyid, 2002).
Subsequently, along with the fall of Suhartos regime in May 1998, there were political
changes on a large scale as well as the promotion of decentralisation in the central and
regional government relations. One of the drivers of decentralisation was to reduce the
tensions from natural resources rich provinces that were demanding to be independent and
separate from the national government (which would therefore result in the disintegration
of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia [RI]).
3.3.2. The relationship of national and sub-national government
To anticipate the potential breakdown of the Unitary RI, Law 22/1999 on Regional Autonomy
and Law 25/1999 on Financial Balance between Central and Regional Governments were
introduced and are commonly referred to as the Decentralisation Laws. As a result, the
position of the sub-national governments became stronger, subsequently reducing the
authority of the central government. With this new power, the sub-national governments
began to initiate policies that were aimed at bringing the public administration services
closer to communities and their constituents. In addition, it was perceived that by doing so,
local problems could be rectified much quicker.
The interpretation of decentralisation, however, has been distorted from its original
purposes. The national government viewed the sub-national governments policies as not
aligning with the national development goals. Therefore, Law 22/1999 on Regional
Autonomy was revised by Law 32/2004, which to some degree limits the freedom of the
regions, and brings national integration into its contents.
In the mining sector, Government Regulation (GR) 75/2001 was introduced to accommodate
the implications of decentralisation into the implementation of GR 32/1969 (under Law
11/1967). GR 75/2001 for the first time recognised decentralisation in the Indonesian mining
sector. The elucidation of this law stated that Indonesian mining was previously managed
with centralistic and monopolistic orientation. Therefore, due to the introduction of the
decentralisation laws, GR 75/2001 was enacted to balance the national and sub-national
interests. Each level of government was provided with certain authorities such as deciding
the mining areas, issuing mining authorisation, issuing peoples mining,
supervising/reporting, etc. Nevertheless, the CoW and CCoW were still under the power of
national government. These arrangements, however, were not easily manageable, and its
implementation created further uncertainties in the regulatory environment surrounding
mining licence authority.
3.3.3. Sense of localism
Besides reforming government administration, decentralisation has also encouraged a
paradigm shift in natural resources and economic wealth among local communities.
Communities surrounding mining areas are now increasingly demanding their rights for
natural resources which has in turn created a sense of localism. In many cases, they no
longer see themselves as stakeholders or the passive beneficiaries, but as shareholders of
the mining activities. They desire to have voices in the decision making of the local resources
surrounding them. Consequently, as shareholders, local communities surrounding mining
operations believe that they should be the first priority to receive benefits from mining,
ranging from direct employment, business opportunities and specific CSR programs.
This sense of localism has, however, exacerbated tensions between mining companies and
communities in a number of locations. In recent times, conflicts between corporations and
local communities have increased in their magnitude and frequency (Resosudarmo, 2005,
Prayogo, 2008). Amongst many, conflicts increasingly revolve around environmental issues
and land tenure, as well as social problems in and around mine areas. The tensions between
companies and local communities in many cases tend to be triggered by the actions of local
elites (or local leaders) that use mining for their specific political agenda and have vested
3.3.4. Mining and forestry
Almost all mining deposits in Indonesia are located within forested areas. Many of those are
regarded as critical and significant tropical rainforests. In the decentralisation era, Law
41/1999 on forestry was introduced. This law strongly prohibited open mining in protected
forests and mandated the revocation of all mining licenses that had been granted in
protected forests. Fierce lobbying by the mining sector resulted in the issuance of the GR in
Lieu of Law 1/2004 under President Megawatis regime. This law clarified that all mining
contracts or licenses made prior to the issuance of the 1999 Forestry Law remained valid. As
a result, a total of 13 mining companies that had acquired a mining contract or license for
protected or conservation forest areas before the enactment of the Forestry Law, were thus
allowed to continue with their activities as legalised under the Presidential Decree 41/2004
on License or Agreement for Mining within Forested Areas.
Throughout the history of Indonesian mining regulatory framework, from the post-colonial
to the current regional autonomy, it is apparent that the regulations are framed within two
strong features: the state control rights or Hak Penguasaan Negara (HPN) and resource
The first feature, HPN, is implicitly reflected in the article 33.3 of the Basic Constitution for
resource management (see Section 3.2.1) and through the issuance of Law 5/1960 on Basic
Agrarian Law. By all means, the state government has the authority to regulate and
consolidate the utilisation of land, water and airspace. The HPN allows the state
government to revoke the customary (adat) power of society when necessary in order to
ensure the existence of the nation (Lestari, 2011). The existence of HPN has become one of
the central debates when the state government uses its HPN to take communities rights
over customary lands and give them to the multinational companies, allegedly for the
purpose of national interests.
As the mining law is rooted to article 33.3 of the Basic Constitution, the concept of HPN also
applies. The debate surrounds who is the owner of the local natural resource. That is, the
HPN does not specifically mean that the state owns the resources (Saleng, 2002).
Article 33.3 was formulated with the concept that the state is given the authority to manage
resources, including minerals and mining, for the benefit of the Indonesian citizens.
However, this is widely debated, particularly under the regional autonomy era where local
communities believe that they have more rights to manage local resources. This is a topic
where further research needs to be undertaken to fully understand the issues and extent of
this debate.
The second feature that strongly influences the Indonesian mining regulatory framework is
resource nationalism. The nationalism spirit has been a central feature of the state interest
since the early days of Indonesia. The idea of resource nationalism is driven by the intention
of the state to protect its national interests.
Through the history of the CoWs 11 and today under the new mining regulatory regime, it is
clear that the Indonesian government does not consistently apply the concept of resource
nationalism or protectionism for its resources. During tough economic times, the
government has tended to relax the requirements for foreign mining companies to invest in
Indonesia. Conversely, during good economic times, the government has implemented
tough policies for foreign mining companies (Bhasin and McKay, 2002). This has contributed
to the uncertainties in the foreign business environment and has been a key inhibitor to
long-term economic growth in Indonesia 12.
It is clear, within current mining governance, that despite allowing the foreign investors to
obtain full mining licenses, for the first time the Indonesian government has re-introduced
The application of CoWs in Indonesia was conducted through the 1 generation to the 8 generation of CoWs.
Amendments were made to accommodate policy changes imposed on foreign mining companies.
Buehler, M. 2012. Resource Nationalism clouds Indonesias Economic Prospects. The Diplomat (7
September 2012).
economic-prospects/ [Retrieved on 8 October 2012].
protectionist measures (e.g. divestment policy, ban on raw material exports and domestic
value added policy) of which some are discussed in the next section.
Sources of laws
Presidential Regulation
Basic Constitution
Mining areas
Law 4/2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining is the principal legislation that governs the mining
sector in Indonesia, replacing its 1967 predecessor. The main triggers of this change were:
Consequently, the 2009 mining law provides the framework for all of the countrys mining
concessions and has brought about numerous changes to the previous mining regulatory
regime of Indonesia. Most notably, this includes: the change of Contract of Work regime
(CoW/CCoW) to a licensing regime (Ijin Usaha Pertambangan or IUP), the designation of
mining areas, recognition of the 100 per cent foreign investment (with its divestment policy);
a tender process; the utilisation of local content; as well as a ban on raw material exports
and its value added policy.
4.3.1. The change from CoW/CCoW to IUP
The CoW/CCoW framework for foreign investors and the mining authorisation (Kuasa
Pertambangan or KP) framework for Indonesian investors were replaced by a single areabased licensing system that is applicable to both foreigners and local investors (see Table 5).
This meant that the arrangement of the previous contract-based system (between the
investors and the central government) was abolished. For previous CoW/CCoW, there were
a series of negotiation processes between the central government and the concession
holders of CoW and CCoW.
Table 5: Current mining licences and their role
Type of License
Under the licence-based system, each level of government can issue a mining license
dependent upon each governments authority (as highlighted in the mining law). These are
illustrated in Table 6.
Unlike the previous CoW/CCoW arrangements that combined the licenses for all stages in
mining business cycles, the current mining license (IUP and IUPK) is granted in two separate
phases: exploration and production operations. The exploration IUP/IUPK is for conducting
general survey, exploration and feasibility studies within the authorised mining areas. The
production IUP/IUPK is for construction, mining, processing, refining, hauling and selling
within the authorised mining areas.
National Minister
Provincial Governor
The license-based system has been seen as a positive improvement (Business Monitor
International, 2012). However, this system is also believed to provide less certainty to
companies, particularly large investors, as it provides less protection against future changes
in the law, e.g lex specialis, and has eliminated contractual distinction between foreign and
domestic companies (Gandataruna and Haymon, 2011).
The law, however, preserves the validity of the existing CoW/CCoW, but it now requires
negotiation with the central government to ensure its content and the applicability are
sound. The re-negotiation commenced in August 2010 for 37 companies with CoW and 74
companies with CCoW. The re-negotiation covers six points: mining areas, contract
extension, royalty, companys responsibility in processing and refining, divestment strategy,
and the use of domestic mining services and materials. The re-negotiation of CoW/CCoWs is
being conducted as part of Presidential Decree 3/2012 on the Evaluation and Adjustment of
CoW and CCoW. A team was established and is expected to finalise the re-negotiation task
by the end of 2013 13.
In the IUP system, companies may acquire larger areas, but for reduced terms. The
maximum areas for IUPs have been significantly increased. Coal IUPs can be up to 50,000
hectares and 15,000 hectares for exploration and production phases, respectively. For
mineral IUPs, the maximum areas are 100,000 hectares for exploration and 25,000 hectares
for production. However, the term of production phase IUPs has been reduced to 20 years,
with the possibility of two 10-year extensions. The predecessor production license was for
30 years, with two 10-year extensions.
4.3.2. Divestment policy
The divestment policy is highlighted in the GR 24/2012 on the Obligation of Divestment (the
amendment of GR 23/2010). Based on this regulation, the government requires foreign
investors to divest their shareholding in the IUP to at least 51 per cent by the tenth year of
production. This requirement is higher than the previous one stated under the GR 23/2010
[Retrieved on 9th September 2012].
that required the foreign company to divest its 20 per cent of its shares after the fifth year of
production. The divestment starts five to ten years after the mine production to its
domestic partners that may be governments, state-owned enterprises or domestics
companies. The new share divestment requirements are:
The Business Monitor International (2012) highlights several risks with this policy, such as
the negative development in Indonesia, uncertainties due to the unclear basis for calculating
the price that must be paid to divesting parties and the ordering of divestment procedures.
In terms of the offer for divestment, the regulation provides that the offer will go in the
following order to:
Central government.
Provincial or regency government.
State-owned companies.
Regional government owned companies.
Private national legal entities through a tender process.
For this matter, the Business Monitor Indonesia (2012) warns of the complexity in the
implementation of the tender process with a fair price.
The operating legislation of this PP has yet to be seen, and is expected to create new
distortions as experienced by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara. The process of divestment of this
company has been slow. It has been burdened by various interests and disputes taking place
between central and regional governments, and the national private sector, in order to
determine who can control a majority stake in the company. 14
4.3.3. Designation of mining areas
Under Law 4/2009, mining will only be permitted in areas that have been designated as
Mining Areas (Wilayah Pertambangan) by the central government after consultation with
the Indonesia parliament and regional governments.
In November 2012, the Constitutional Court of Indonesia has amended that the regional
governments have the first rights to determine areas under their jurisdiction to be allocated
as Mining Areas as well as: Mining Business Areas (Wilayah Usaha Pertambangan) or Mining
Business License Area (Wilayah Ijin Usaha Pertambangan). The central government will then
consider these for final approval.
The issuing of IUP license is based on a request for specific areas (permohonan wilayah) for
mining by a company or cooperation or individual who wants to get the IUP. The request
Jakarta Globe, 14 September 2012. NNT Plans $500m IPO Once Divestment issue ends. [Retrieved
18 September 2012].
will be sent to the Minister, Governor or Regent/Mayor according to each responsibility (see
Table 6).
4.3.4. Tendering processes
A tender process needs to be conducted for the granting of the mining licenses for both coal
and minerals. This replaces the previous system of direct application. This process is likely
to attract genuine investors that are financially ready for the mining business. This process
will probably result in the removal of license brokers.
4.3.5. Domestic value added obligation
Based on the MEMR Ministerial Regulation 7/2012, Indonesia has announced its policy to
ban raw material exports by 2014, in order to develop higher value-adding downstream
industries. The driver of this policy is the increased exports of several mineral materials. For
example, iron ore and iron sand exports in 2011 increased 800 per cent (13 million tons) in
comparison to 2009. With its current export pace, the MEMR predicts that iron ore reserves
will be completely diminished within ten years. 15 Subsequently, as part of the new mining
law, as highlighted in the MEMR Ministerial Regulation 7/2012, companies are required to
develop downstream refining and processing industries within Indonesia. This is aimed at
reducing mining material exports and to provide more flow-on benefits of mining wealth to
the nation. Originally, coal thresholds were not included in this raw materials ban policy, but
a late decision by the government saw them also included.
As a consequence of this policy, several Indonesian miners have been vocal in claiming that
this policy may result in company bankruptcy as companies would no longer have the
capacity to meet their commitments with overseas buyers. This in turn would see the
withdrawing of funds from financial institutions. Nevertheless, the Indonesian Government
continues to emphasise the domestic value-added obligation, and notes the countrys
capacity is limited for mineral processing and refining (MEMR, 2012).
The MEMR has developed a smelter development plan across Indonesia (Table 7) to meet
the current shortages in the implementation of value-added policy on raw minerals.
Currently, Indonesia has limited mineral processing and refining plants and their allocation is
not widespread. The majority are listed as:
PT Smelting Gresik (Mitsubishi Flash) in Gresik, East Java for copper cathode and
anode slime.
PT Antam in Southeast Sulawesi for ferro nickel smelter.
PT Logal Mulia (PT Antam) in Bangka Belitung for tin ingot.
29 registered tin smelters in Bangka Belitung.
PT Inco in Sorowako, Southeast Sulawesi for nickel and cobalt in matte.
PT Inalum in Asahan, North Sumatera for Aluminium (raw material (alumina) is
imported from Australia and Japan).
The information is extracted from the MEMR power point presentation material, Implementation of MEMR
Regulation no 7/2012 related to Enhancement of Mineral Added Value through Mineral Processing and Refining
Activity, Jakarta June 2012
Lead-zinc concentrate
PT Agincourt Resources
Dorebullion plant
PT Timah
Bangka Belitung
Tin chemical
PT Antam
West Kalimantan
Manganese smelter
West Kalimantan
PT Nusantara Smelting
PT Silo Group
South Kalimantan
Pig iron
PT Tin Chemical
Cilegon, Banten
Tin chemical
PT AGB/Hyundai
PT Antam
PT Sinosteel Indonesia
Central Sulawesi
Central Sulawesi
North Maluku
PT Antam
Wetar, Maluku
Nabire, Papua
Timika, Papua
All business activities, including mining projects, which potentially have significant impacts
on the environment, are required to carry out Environmental Impact Assessments EIA
(known as AMDAL). This provides the basis for the government (Minister, Governor or
Mayor/Regent) to issue the environmental license. For projects that have no significant
impacts (e.g. supporting mining facilities), the IUP holder must undertake Environmental
Management Efforts (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UPL). The evolution of
this legislation and the current approvals are analysed below.
4.4.1. The evolution of environmental legislation
It is widely considered that Mining Law 11/1967 was severely lacking in providing
appropriate safeguards for the environment. Hamilton (2005) states that there were no
requirements for preservation of topsoil, contemporaneous reclamation, or control of onsite
or offsite environmental effects such as water pollution during mining operations. Similarly,
financial guarantee and bonds were not required to assure proper land reclamation and any
habitat restoration, particularly should the company become insolvent or at the mine
closure stage.
To ensure appropriate environmental safeguards in mining, the first environmental
regulation of mining operations in Indonesia was enacted through the MEMR Ministerial
Regulation 4/1977 (under the 1967 Mining Law) on the prevention and handling of
disturbance and pollution of the environment caused by general mining. This regulation
imposed on mine operators the necessity to prevent disturbance and pollution of the
environment where possible and to mitigate any damage caused by mining. This regulation
was brief in nature and lacked specific performance standards or operational requirements.
Subsequently, the Director-General of Mines released Decrees 7/1978 and 9/1978 for the
prevention and mitigation of damage cause by surface mining, mineral processing and
refining (Hamilton, 2005). These two regulations were seen as a significant improvement in
highlighting environmental requirements and concerns in mining. However, there was no
requirement for comprehensive management and maintenance systems. In addition, the
government had difficulties in enforcing mining companies to comply with these
To take another step in directing the operations of surface mines, the mines department
(now MEMR) announced another Decree, 1211/1995, that replaced and expanded the three
regulations: 4/1977, 7/1978 and 9/1978. The 1211/1995 Decree imposed an obligation
directly on the Mine Technical Manager to take preventive measures against the possibility
of environmental damage and pollution. If damage should occur, the Technical Manager
was required to undertake corrective measures immediately.
Monitoring and
environmental management plans were required to be submitted to the MEMR as the Chief
Mine Inspector and to the head of the appropriate provincial mine inspection agency.
Similarly, the decree addressed the obligations of the Technical Manager, prevention and
mitigation of environmental damage, and the management of mines after closure and
guarantee of reclamation. Reclamation obligations were later regulated in 2008 through
Ministerial Decree 18 of Reclamation and Mine Closure. This decree covers principles,
procedures, assessment and approval, guarantee of reclamation and closure of mines.
Through this decree, environmental management in mining enterprises became more tightly
controlled by the government.
In the broader environmental development of Indonesia, the enactment of Law 4/1982 on
Basic Provision of Living Environment was the significant foundation for environmental
management in the country. This law covered the basic provisions of preservation,
conservation and the utilisation of natural resources and their environment. The later
implementation of GR 29/1986 established an EIA process (AMDAL). These regulations,
however, did not specify the requirements for particular sectors of development, such as
mining. 16
Following the international release of the Brundtland Report in 1987, Indonesia was
influenced by international movements toward sustainable development. As a result,
institutions (mainly academic and government) focused more on the environment and
existing environmental issues. This saw the creation of a Centre for Environmental Study
(PSL) in several universities and the creation of the Indonesian Environmental Impact
Management Agency (BAPEDAL) based on Presidential Decree 23/1990. Moreover,
environmental NGOs began to appear, including NGOs that specifically monitored the
environmental activities of mining operations, namely the mining advocacy network JATAM.
JATAMs stance is very clear, being anti-mining, observing that mining activities negatively
impact the environment (see Section 2.4.4).
Since 1990, the pressure to have better environmental protection and management has
become stronger. Law 4/1982 was replaced with Law 23/1997 on Environmental
Management and later, revised with Law 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and
Management. AMDAL has also evolved in many ways 17 and has become a requirement in
major project approvals. Most recently, the government has required major projects to
acquire an environmental permit as part of the AMDAL process.
belakang&catid=37%3Aprofil-klh&Itemid=99&lang=id [Retrieved 5 September 2012].
As highlighted in the previous section, AMDAL was recognised in Indonesia in 1986 through its regulation of
29/1986. This regulation was replaced with the Government Regulation No 51/1993 on Environmental Impact
Analysis. To accommodate changes due to the enactment of Law No 23/1997, No 51/1993 was subsequently
replaced by Government Regulation No 27/1999.
Subsequently, mining projects are required to meet the legal requirements of environmental
approvals in Indonesia that are based on:
The supporting documents submitted with the application are incorrect or false,
The granting of the environmental license fails to follow the required procedure, or
The holder fails to meet the requirements in the AMDAL or UKL/UPL.
If the environmental license is revoked, the relevant business and or activities permits, which allow the
business to operate, will also be revoked.
Source: GR 27/2012
The implications of the new environmental law for the general public are: the community
and NGOs have greater rights in filing legal claims concerning environmental pollution or
damage. Furthermore, Law 27/2012 provides immunity to any person who fights for a
sustainable and healthy environment from any criminal charges or civil claims. In addition,
the environmental law provides stronger administrative and criminal penalties for any
violations of various provisions (e.g. criminalisation of actions where quality standards have
been exceeded). The new law imposes penalties on local or central government officials
who grant environmental permits without following the proper procedures.
Complaints were raised by the industries due to the onerous provisions of the
environmental permit as well as the AMDAL approval and UKL/UPL recommendation
(Kandar and Sidharta, 2010). Similarly, the environmental permit will increase complexities
and potential delays following the involvement of regional governments in issuing permits,
the requirement to undertake mandatory environmental audits, the creation of the security
fund and the requirement to comply with stricter provisions on quality standards.
Furthermore, this law has been seen as a misconception of the meaning of environmental
licence. The original push from the environmental NGOs in Indonesia (e.g. ICEL) was to
integrate all environmental permits together, as currently there are many permits that need
to be obtained by mining companies. All environmental permits are supposedly reflected in
the AMDAL document as the basis for issuing an environmental license. In fact, rather than
bringing together requirements in an integrated way, the new regulation simply adds a new
permit on top of other existing permits under the name of an environmental licence. 19
4.4.3. EIA or AMDAL process
Under the current government administration, the responsibility for environmental policy
rests with the Ministry of the Environment and its implementation is conducted by the
regional environment office. 20 This Ministry makes the environmental decision whether to
grant a potential project with the environmental license, which is based on the outcomes of
AMDAL. A diagram of the EIA processes in Indonesia is provided in Box 3 21 with its
explanation provided below.
The EIA (AMDAL) processes in Indonesia are conducted in two ways:
- For projects with significant impacts, it is compulsory to conduct AMDAL.
- For projects with non-significant impacts, it is compulsory to conduct the UKL/UPL.
As outputs of the AMDAL process, there are several documents, such as:
- KA ANDAL (the EIA guideline).
- ANDAL (Environmental Impact Statement or EIS) and RKL/RPL (Environmental
Management Plans/EMPs).
- UKL (Environmental Management Efforts) and UPL (Environmental Monitoring
The procedures for AMDAL consist of:
A private discussion with ICEL during the AusAid Scoping Mission in June 2012.
In the past, BAPEDAL as a non-departmental agency reporting directly to the President of Indonesia was a
specific body that had the responsibility for EIA (based on Presidential Decree No 23/2993). The regional
BAPEDAL was created in 1994. BAPEDAL was consolidated in 2002 to the Minister for the Environment. The
regional BAPEDAL was then transformed as the local government entity of the environment office.
Information provided in Box 3 is extracted from the presentation material of the Ministry of the Environment
(Deputy of Environmental Governance) on PP 27/2012 of the environmental license/permit.
For the GR 27/2012 to effectively function, it requires additional legislation which is yet to be
developed. Essentially, the DoE needs to develop eleven new ministerial decrees to support
the implementation of this regulation, of which some are:
Further provisions under this law are yet to be stipulated in government regulations, so the
law itself is unenforceable, and implementation of ESR is on the basis of sectoral law
requirements. In the case of mining, the relevant regulation is the mineral and coal mining
law 4/2009.
Articles 95 and 108-9 of the mineral and coal mining law 4/2009 require that mining license
holders prepare a program of Community Development and Empowerment (CDE). The
government, local government and the community should be consulted in preparation of
plans and programs.
The government regulations referred to in Article 109 regarding requirements for the CDE
are issued in Articles 106-109 of GR 23/2010.
The main drivers for including ESR/CDE in the revised law are:
4.5.2. Processes
The process of implementing CDE requirements is currently unclear, as no additional
regulations have been issued. A draft MEMR Ministerial Decree was issued in March 2011
(PwC, 2011) containing a range of information about how MEMR foresees implementation,
but gaps remain. For example, the draft decree does not include a budget formula, noting
instead that this will be adjusted based on the mining scale held by the mining permit
Some companies are already undertaking significant CDE programs in spite of the lack of
clear requirements, although implementation tends to vary in practice (discussed further in
Chapter 5).
Artisanal mining
Artisanal and small scale mining (ASM) in Indonesia has existed for more than 700 years
(Andiko, 2006, Lestari, 2011). It is important to note that there is no universal definition for
artisanal mining. In the context of Indonesia, ASM can be defined as small scale, nonmechanised and labour intensive mining activities and often in the informal sector of the
economy. That is, artisanal miners in Indonesia can be attributed with other terms such as:
informal miners (Lestari, 2011, Lahiri-Dutt, 2004), small-scale miners (Aspinall, 2001) or
pertambangan rakyat, or peoples mining, as stated in the Indonesian mining laws. Much
artisanal mining can be characterised as illegal, in that it is not formally authorised by
ASM activities are viewed as important as large scale mining activities, due to the large
number of people employed. ASM has a role in rural development and communities
livelihoods (particularly for the poor, where mining becomes the most promising economic
activity for survival). In areas that have limited or degraded natural resources, ASM
becomes the only alternative income available. Whether or not ASM contributes to
sustainable development, it is important to note that ASM will still play a significant role in
areas where poverty exists. It is therefore pivotal to maximise benefits from ASM and
mitigate the incurred costs.
4.6.1. Legal base
There have been some changes in the legal recognition of ASM in Indonesia. Prior to the
decentralisation and reformation era, ASM was governed centrally through Law 11/1967 and
its subsequent regulations. Under this law, matters in relation to ASM were governed under
the power of the MEMR. Governors were given limited authority to issue peoples mining
licenses (Ijin Pertambangan Rakyat IPRs), but not Regents or Mayors. 22 The regency/city
could only assist to register the artisanal mining activities under its jurisdiction, to establish
groups, and report artisanal mining activities to its respective Governor.
These arrangements changed due to regional autonomy. The Regent/Mayor now has the
power to manage the ASM as a manifestation of a greater role in local participation. 23 The
Regent/Mayor now has the authority to:
Issue artisanal mining licenses or Ijin Pertambangan Rakyat (IPR) (article 8.1 of the
Law 4/2009).
Decide the peoples mining areas (Wilayah Pertambangan Rakyat WPR) for small
scale mining (Law 22/2010).
Supervise and enforce artisanal mining activities (Law 55/2010).
Even though ASM is recognised within the mining legal framework, this sector has not been
a priority in government policies, as large scale mining is favoured (Andiko, 2006, Lestari,
2011). Because of this, Andiko (2006) states that artisanal and small scale miners have faced
uncertainties, particularly as the areas where people mine can be given away to larger
companies. Consequently, this has created conflict between ASM miners and larger
companies. In some cases, the ASM miners were forced to vacate the areas they previously
utilised, but as many have no other alternative livelihood, they remain and are recognised as
penambang tanpa ijin (PETI) or illegal miners.
PETI is a term given to people who extract minerals without a formal permit from the
responsible government or as defined by MEMR as:
mining business conducted by individuals, groups of people or companies/which
have legal recognition but which in their operation do not have the required permit
The governor can issue permits for artisanal mines, but the minister can revoke or refuse to prolong the permit
if considered in the national interest (see Decision No. 206/M/Pertamb/65 on the Implementation of Decision of
Wakil Panglima Besar III Koti Operasi Ekonomi No. Kpts.20/WPB-KOTOE 1965 and GR 32/1969 on the
Implementation of Law 11/1967).
Article 2.3 of the Government Regulation 75/2001 on the second amendment of Law 11/1967.
from government agencies according to the law (Zulkarnain et al. Cited in Lestari
There are approximately 109,000 people directly involved in ASM in Indonesia (Hentschel et
al., 2002). According to Aspinall (2001), 90 per cent of the small scale miners in Indonesia
are considered illegal miners by the government. It is, however, difficult to ascertain
accurate data on artisanal mining in Indonesia because of its magnitude, scale and
4.6.2. The implications of decentralisation for ASM
The emerging issues/problems associated with ASM in Indonesia are:
Changing nature of ASM: the original concept of small scale mining is not clear
within regional autonomy. ASM is undertaken by many people for their subsistence,
but now ASM may involve the use of heavy machinery and equipment by some
miners, who have a reasonably high financial capacity. In addition, brokers are
involved in ASM to connect the ASM miners with the market. This has negative
implications, such as the low price paid to the miners, loss of local revenue and an
increase in bribery activities with local authorities to ensure the sale of illegal mine
Informal, small scale versus illegal terms: this terminology can become hazy if an
ASM receives local government approval to conduct their activities by bribing the
officials, e.g. artisanal miners in Central Kalimantan (Spiegel, 2012). Further, the
government and general public often stigmatise the small scale and informal miners
as illegal miners.
Migrant versus indigenous miners: ASM miners are not always indigenous or native
workers that have a spatial attachment where ASM is conducted. The socio-political
aspects and geological endowment are two important factors affecting the
movement of ASM miners. Many ASM miners work far away from their original
place of birth in order to work where the minerals are located and where the
regulations and enforcement are relaxed. This has created tensions between ASM
insiders and outsiders which in many cases have led to serious community conflicts.
well as the creation of social diseases such as crime, gambling, alcoholism and
prostitution in the mining site and its surroundings (Djajadi et al., 2012).
The overall negative impacts from ASM activities may be minimised if sub-national
governments play a greater role in managing and monitoring ASM practices. It is apparent
that sub-national governments currently have limited involvement in managing ASM.
Rather, the sub-national governments tend to publish IPRs in order to gain as much income
as possible, and continue to allow ASM to proceed without strictly monitoring its impacts.
This is a prime reason for the continual gap that exists in the institutional capacity of subnational governments in performing their requisite authority in managing ASM following
This chapter examines the issue of mining and local development under regional autonomy
Governance of mining
Governance of mining in decentralised Indonesia has become a challenge across each level
of government. To a large extent, this is because there has been disconnection between
national and sub-national government in implementing policies. Essentially, the national
government has difficulty in supervising the sub-national government, whereas the subnational government has gone to extremes in undertaking their given powers for managing
the mining sector. Collectively, this is evidenced in the distortion of the fast proliferation of
regional IUPs and uncontrolled Peraturan Daerah (regional laws), or PERDA(s), that legalise
the local levies and third party contributions in the mining sector.
5.1.1. Proliferation of regional IUPs
In a decentralised system, sub-national governments have greater authority in the issuance
of mining licenses (especially the IUPs). 24 As a result, the number of IUPs issued by the
government continues to increase every year. Until 1999, the mining authorisations (Kuasa
Pertambangan or KP) across Indonesia totalled approximately 5,000 licenses. By mid-2012,
this number had risen to 10,566 licenses (IUPs). This illustrates the propensity for subnational governments to foster the distribution of IUPs for local (and administrative) wealth
IUPs recently released have been identified by the MEMR to have a number of associated
problems. Data from the MEMR (mid-2012) showed that amongst the 10,566 regional IUPs:
Only 5,940 IUPs (56 per cent) were declared as clean and clear, meaning that the
IUPs are free from administrative problems (e.g. not overlap with other IUPs).
These pertain mostly to coal mine IUPs. 25
The remaining 4,626 IUPs (44 per cent) were categorised as non-clear and clean,
due to: failure to comply with environmental/administrative requirements (e.g.
problems with AMDAL documents, exploration reports, results of feasibility studies,
tax issues, etc.); and land-use issues, where mining areas overlapped with agriculture
or protected forest areas, or overlapped IUPs issued by sub-national governments.
Prior to the issuance of Law 41/2009, the mining license was known as KP or mining concessions (Government
Regulation 75/2001) and as IUPs or mining business licenses (Article 8 of the Law 41/2009).
February 2012 data showed that 4,151 out of 10,235 coal mine IUPs were categorised as clean and clear.
In relation to overlapped IUPs, as at May 2012, there were at least 1,029 documented cases
of overlapping IUPs across Indonesia. 26 They were identified as:
455 overlapped IUPs for the same commodity, of which 61 cases were found in
Central Sulawesi.
401 overlapped IUPs for different commodities, of which 92 cases were found in
West Kalimantan.
173 overlapped IUPs released by different authorities, of which 40 cases were found
in Central Kalimantan.
license in Lahat, South Sumatra. PT Bukit Asam has spent about IDR203 billion since 1990 to
explore the coal deposits in the location.
2) The overlapping of IUPs for nickel mining is found in Konawe Utara regency, Southeast Sulawesi
between PT Antam (state-owned company) and two private companies: PT Duta Inti Perkasa
Mineral and PT Sriwijaya Raya. This occurred as the regent allowed IUPs for the private
corporations on land concessions of PT Antam.
3) In Tempilang, Bangka Barat Regency, PT Timah Tbk has an overlapped IUP with the palm oil
plantation company.
The overlapping of IUPs appears to be caused by two factors. The first reason is a lack of
administrative and bureaucratic capacity at the sub-national level in governing mining. The
powers and responsibilities in governing mining have been transferred to sub-national
governments with inadequate capacities in place to understand and address the specific
challenges that come with extractive industries. A lack of capacity can lead to poor
investment decisions which led to the duplication of IUPs, mismanagement of revenues or
spending allocations as well as poor monitoring, surveillance and law enforcement (The
Revenue Watch Institute, 2012).
In the end, the limited human resources and institutional capacity means that the subnational governments are unable to control mining activities and their associated impacts
occurring within their administrative jurisdictions. Gandataruna and Haymon (2011) state
that lack of institutional capacity at the sub-national level has led to legal uncertainty, poor
administrative practices and the increase in illegal mining activities. Cases similar to that in
East Kalimantan are a regular occurrence (a civil servant was arrested for allegedly allowing
two mining companies to operate illegally in the province after the central government
revoked and suspended their licenses 28).
The second reason for overlapped IUPs, is the practice of issuing an IUP as a political and
economic machine during Regent/Mayor elections; for example: 29
Local political leaders (Regent/Mayor) may utilise the issuance of IUPs to raise local
revenues within a five year period of leadership. Within this period, if they come
across land that has not been utilised for mining (producing mine materials and
development of infrastructure), they will issue an IUP for other companies.
IUP issuance is often done to finance the needs of prospective leaders (an incumbent
or new candidate) to win elections. The potential leaders may receive upfront
money as a political debt from businessmen interested in mining. As a return
gesture, when the funded candidate (an incumbent or a new candidate) is in power,
the political debt payments are made through issuance of IUPs, including on lands
actually used by other corporations. The leader knows about it, but cannot refuse
the request of the investor who contributed in his/her election.
7886.html [Retrieved 30 September 2012].
Lubis, T.M. 2012. Tumpang-Tindih Lahan:Siapa Yang Salah. [Retrieved 16th
July 2012].
The legal basis is the President Instruction (Inpres) 1/2012.
regional partitions. Similarly, there are PERDAs that cover the domain of a provincial
administration or the central administration, as regulated by Law 32/2004.
Table 8 provides examples of regional laws and their provisions regarding levies and fees
charged to mining companies by different sub-national governments. Currently, there is no
single guideline that provides standards and formulas for the sub-national government to
draft the PERDAs associated with mining charges, as each regency/municipality created their
own charges, which may not necessarily support a good environment for investment at the
regional level.
Table 8: Examples of PERDAs and related mining charges
Kutai Regency
Tapin Regency
Barito Utara
Samarinda Regency
Bangka Regency
Bengkulu Utara
Karimun Regency
20/ 2000
Third party contribution: 5 per cent of the company
Third party contribution: IDR2,500/ton for coal that
is brought out from the regency
Third party contribution for local development:
- Exploration permit fee: IDR10,000/hectare
- Exploitation permit fee: IDR50,000/ton
- A levy for coal transported on rivers in Samarinda:
No formula, but companies are obliged to pay levies
on general mining activities and related minerals
Fee in issuing IUP and IUPR
Note: these PERDAs have been revoked by the
national government
Exploitation and exploration levies: USD0.5-0.8/ton
Information received during the AusAID scoping mission in Indonesia (July 2012), indicated
that the Bangka Regency PERDA 21/2001 was revoked by the national government as it
conflicted with Law 28/2007 on taxes. In light of this, the Bangka Regency established a
Memorandum of Understanding with companies to regulate the third party contribution for
supervision (using PP 55/2010). For example, PT Timah Tbk is obliged to pay IDR1,000 per
kilogram of tin produced. The money is to be transferred per quarter to the specified
government account. This arrangement commenced on 1st January 2011 and is subject to
review every two years. This effort was assisted by a local NGO in Indonesia to promote
local government transparency and accountability of revenues received from mining
Impacts of mining
Although the mining levies have been actively promoted by the local government, the
impacts on local development have been minimal. Nevertheless, the benefit of mining can
be analysed through its direct contribution to the local economy, as well as the initiatives of
mining companies to promote their CSR/CD programs as elaborated below.
5.2.1. Local economy
The benefit of mining to the local economy can be observed through two indicators:
contribution to the development of local suppliers and local employment. A comparison of
monetary value between local suppliers contracts and regional development budgets
contextualises the benefits of mining industry partnering with local suppliers. For example:
In the East Kutai regency, the local suppliers that work together with PT Kaltim
PrimaCoal (PT KPC) have increased from 104 (2008) to 133 (2009), with total
contracts valued at USD30,019,279.76 (PT Kaltim Prima Coal, 2009). Compared to
the local development budget of East Kutai regency in 2009, the total of PT KPCs
contract value was equal to about 21 per cent of the entire regional budget.
In South Kalimantan Province, PT Adaro has worked together with 504 suppliers, 31
from surrounding mine sites and across Kalimantan. The contracts totalled
USD54,891,814.33 or equivalent to IDR570 billion (PT Adaro Indonesia, 2009). Added
to the external relations and community development activities, the total value of PT
Adaro expenditure in support of the local economy reached about USD64,521,957 in
2009 (PT Adaro Indonesia, 2009). Compared to the sub-national government
budgets, PT Adaro Indonesias budget was:
30.5 per cent of the budget of South Kalimantan Province.
Greater than the regional budget of Tabalong regency (approximately
USD64,000,000) in 2009. 32
. The benefits of direct employment provided to local people are obvious; however, this can
sometimes be a point of conjecture as it is subjective as to who the real local recipients
may be. For example:
In East Kutai Coal Mine, PT KPC reported that 75.6 per cent of its total workers
(4,973) were recruited from Sangatta, the town where the company operates.
At Batu Hijau Gold Mine, PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PT NNT) has employed about
63 per cent of local people for its total workforce, which was more than its stated
goal (MacDonald et al., 2007). However, a break-down of this found that only 30 per
cent was given to the local-locals, while the remainder was granted to other local
people, a definition that includes anyone from the Province of West Nusa Tenggara.
PT Adaro Report in 2009 however did not provide specific years for this data.
PERDA Kabupaten Tagalong 1/2009 on Regency Local Revenues and Expenditures (APBD Kabupaten)
For local people, working in the mining sector is favourable due to its higher salaries
compared to other sectors. Referring to PT KPCs report, the minimum monthly wage
received by workers was IDR1,637,000 in 2009. This figure was 15 per cent higher than the
minimum wage provisions of the regency for the mining sector (IDR1,387,500). Salaries paid
were also higher than the minimum wage for the region (IDR1,000,000) and the province
(IDR955,000). In total, PT KPC spent approximately USD90.7 million on salaries and
associated benefits, of which USD68.5 million was for local employees. Comparatively, the
East Kutai Regency had only USD59 million 33 of its entire 2010 budget allocated to staff
Although the contribution of mining companies to the local economy is significant, it often
triggers problems due to the unclear definition of locals, as has happened to PT NNT (see
above example). The discourse about who are regarded as locals continues to grow and
generally has not been agreed upon by stakeholders. Subsequently, the recruitment of
local-locals varies across districts and companies, even though they operate in the same
district. Therefore, in many cases, locals may comprise workers from other cities within the
same province/district. This can lead to conflict between local-locals and locals from
nearby cities (as evidenced in West Sumbawa). For example, the local people who live
surrounding mining sites protested to the West Sumbawa Government and PT NNT, asking
for both parties to conduct a fair and non-discriminative process in worker recruitment. In
particular, they requested not to restrict them by seeking formal education certificates. 34
As it stands, the recruitment of local-locals can be hindered by their lack of formal
education, 35 skills and experience. This requires a strong policy from local government and
willingness from mining companies to train local-locals to meet the required skills for
employment within the mining industry.
Unfortunately, the emergence of higher salaries in a mining community can result in higher
prices for goods and services. At the Batu Hijau gold mine in West Sumbawa Regency, goods
IDR559,837,579.235 with USD rate of 9,500 (source: East Kutai regional law 1/2010 on the 2010 regional
A wide salary gap between skilled migrant workers and unskilled local workers resulted in high tension and
conflicts between companies and local workers. Many local workers have demanded a pay rise recently and
companies have responded after long protests by local workers; e.g. Freeport increased its local workers salary
by 37 percent after three months of protests and PT NNT has increased the local salary by 25 percent over the
recent year (Chatterjee 2012).
Recent news reported that both companies seem to have cut back these increased salaries, even with some cuts
of local jobs, due to their high operation costs resulting from lower grades of ore and high labour costs (24/7 Wall
Street 2012).
and services prices have increased and become inaccessible for non-mine workers
(MacDonald et al., 2007). For this reason, mining has created a serious affordability
dilemma for some locals. Mining employment can bring about a good salary, even higher
than the regional minimum wage to local people who work for the company. However, for
those not locally employed in mining, this can be a serious problem. That is, the benefits
generated from mining are often not distributed equally to all local-locals. The low quality
employability of most local-locals, in conjunction with higher prices for basic goods and
services may severely constrain the likelihood of local-locals redeeming the benefits of
5.2.2. Mining Industry CSR/CD programs
Beside direct employment for local people, mining can lead to better standards of living for
local people if natural resource extraction occurs responsibly, is well managed and meets
government and community requirements. Corporate Social Responsibility and Community
Development (CSR/CD) can be the vehicles for this; however, in Indonesia CSR/CD tends to
be used to secure the mining business and to cover up (or avoid) tension and conflicts
between companies and local communities. In such circumstances, CSR programs are
developed in the form of charity 36, which tends to provide only short term benefits. In some
cases, it may even escalate the pre-existing and unresolved issues. Subsequently, it could be
said that the trend for CSR/CD in Indonesia is for companies to give a greater focus on their
own business security rather than genuinely attempting to promote better community
Nevertheless, there is a growing influence of international pressures and initiatives in
CSR/CD programs for application in Indonesia. These drivers are identified as (but not limited
Sustainability reporting: the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the requirement for
sustainability reporting have had a positive effect in the increasing of fund allocation for CSR
in Indonesia (although the value may fluctuate, depending on the financial performance of
mining companies). In general, during the period 2005 2010, the CSR fund allocation
amongst companies has aggregately increased about 17 per cent annually. 37 For example:
PT Antam (2010) increased its funds for the Partnership and Community
Stewardship Program (Dana Program Kemitraan Bina Lingkungan or PKBL) by 76 per
cent in 2010 (IDR283.6 billion), compared to 2009 (IDR161.3 billion).
PT Bukit Asam (2010) increased its environmental development program allocation
by 114 per cent in 2010 (IDR26.1 billion), compared to 2009 (IDR12.2 billion)
(Kitadin, 2008, LabSosio-UI, 2010).
PT Kitadin has had a constant increase in its annual CSR/CD budget and at one stage,
reached an increase of 600 per cent (PT Kitadin, 2008). However, when LabSosio
confirmed this finding with a relevant respondent, it was found that this budget is
not only for the CSR/CD allocated budget, but also the calculation of monetary value
PT Adaro (2009) in its report states that the company focused more on charity programs in earlier times.
[Retrieved on 16th July 2012].
of second hand and no longer needed equipment and goods that were given to
Evidently, the CSR/CD budget allocations may appear to be significant in monetary terms;
however, they do not necessarily contribute to the development and sustainability of a
community. In addition, the significant amount of company reported CSR/CD budgets has
enticed governments (especially sub-national governments) to directly manage the CSR/CD
budget as well as to formalise it within regional budgets (e.g. this has been found to have
taken place in the Riau Archipelago regency (LabSosio-UI, 2010)).
International and national certification: the international certification of ISO14000 and
ISO26000 and the national certification of the CSR Award have collectively influenced some
mining companies to consider CSR/CD in their operations (LabSosio-UI, 2008a).
Internal organisational change: Internally, mining companies have begun to increasingly
recognise CSR/CD in their organisational structure. In Indonesia, this has seen some
- Allocate management responsibility for CSR/CD programs; in some cases, CSR
committees (at the commissioner level) have been established to monitor and
evaluate CSR performance.
- Develop strategic partnerships with third parties in conducting CSR/CD; this is
typically with local NGOs, universities, or a consortium formed by several companies
(Bandu, 2001, MacDonald et al., 2007, LabSosio-UI, 2010, PT Adaro Indonesia, 2009).
- Employ CSR/CD staff on a full-time basis and the employment of international
professionals from this field. This change has led to the emergence of specialised
training institutions (e.g. Lead Indonesia and CSR Indonesia) to assist mining
company staff in conducting CSR/CD.
5.1.3. CSR/CD themes
There are six themes for CSR/CD conducted by mining companies in Indonesia. These are
summarised in Table 9.
Table 9: Variations of CSR/CD programs in Indonesian mining companies
Program contents
Roads, water supply, construction (sports halls, village/government halls,
and basic utilities mosques/churches or other religious facilities), village electricity facilities
Training on alternative livelihoods, including small scale business support, capital
assistance, seeds/livestock assistance
Scholarships, training for teachers, assistance with teaching facilities, additional school
physical facilities, cultural programs
Medicine supply, surgeries, health training and campaigns, construction of health centres
Environmental education, including campaigns, solid waste programs
Emergency relief donation, donation during religious events, revolving funds program,
allowance (money or goods) and allowing communities to use company facilities
Source: PT Antam (Persero) Tbk (2010), LabSosio UI (2010), Prayogo (2012), PT Kitadin (2004), PT
Adaro Indonesia (2009), PT Kaltim Prima Coal (2009) and PT Bukit Asam (Persero) (2010).
A breakdown of these themes and their positive or negative implications (below) illustrates
that more work needs to be done to ascertain the best performing aspects of CSR within
Indonesia and how these can be applied across the mining industry.
- Infrastructure is the most common aspect of a CSR program. Roads, irrigation/water
supply, electricity, schools and health centres are frequently constructed by the
companies operating in Indonesia. However, facilities such as health centres are
often mismanaged by locals, often due to a limited ability to operate, manage and
maintain them on an ongoing basis. In addition, some infrastructure is delivered
with limited participatory planning (Dananjaya, 2001), which does not reflect
community needs and therefore reduces the likelihood of long-term benefits to the
community as uptake and management may be poor.
- Some companies focus their CSR programs on empowering micro-economic
activities to promote small scale enterprises. Similarly, economic programs are
considered in relation to the extent of poverty existing in communities around the
mine sites. Hence, the economic programs revolve around local issues such as
agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery, service, trade and many others.
- The implementation of an economic plan is considered to increase the capacity and
skills of citizens and communities (LabSosio-UI, 2010, Prayogo et al., 2012) and these
are mainly used as an indicator of the success of CSR. However, there has been
limited evidence for the success of economic programs, especially those in the form
of capital assistance (e.g. revolving funds). Often, capital assistance in the form of
cash in-kind is used for consumptive goods rather than for supporting community
economic activities (LabSosio-UI, 2010).
- Scholarships are the most common education support provided by companies.
Almost all mining companies in Indonesia provide scholarships programs but on
differing scales in terms of money spent and the level of educational assistance
provided for. The scholarships are generally given for marginalised community
members (primary, secondary and high school assistance) and local students that
have obtained good academic results to enable them to pursue their higher degree
education (LabSosio-UI, 2010). Some educational programs are also conducted, and
these tend to take the form of skill enhancement training for teachers, teaching
facilities and cultural programs.
- Health CSR programs are associated with the dominant pattern of disease in the
given region. In malaria endemic areas, malaria eradication programs are dominant,
as is also the case with HIV/AIDS. Several companies have also implemented child
nutrition programs, health education and assistance to health facilities at a village or
within a district. The success rate of health programs is reasonably high due to the
tangible targets. Also, health institutions and resources are found in almost all
villages across Indonesia.
- Environmental programs are not commonly promoted in the CSR field by mining
companies in Indonesia, as the environment, health and safety divisions of mining
companies tend to focus on this in their operations. Most environment programs
for CSR are done outside the companys environmental management activities.
Environmental education, sea turtle conservation programs, re-vegetation and
beach cleaning are some examples. However, it is often found that environmental
programs (e.g. conservation) are not widely supported by communities and
environmental NGOs. The criticism is that these programs tend to attempt to hide
the negative impacts that may result from the mining activities.
- Donation activities are popular amongst mining companies as they can immediately
provide a response to community demands and defuse tensions that may arise
between a company and a community. However, the donation/charity programs
often have no long-term view for sustainability. They tend to escalate the unsolved
problems and tensions due to the limited coverage of beneficiaries and the temporal
nature of the assistance (LabSosio-UI, 2010).
5.1.4. Impacts of CSR/CD
In conducting CSR/CD, mining companies often do not fully appreciate the necessity for
sustainability of the programs they create and implement. Many companies focus heavily on
the security aspect of their business while ignoring the sustainability of their social
investments. This is an attributing factor to the disappointment and distrust of communities
from poorly implemented CSR/CD programs and exacerbates negative viewpoints about
mining companies (Labsosio-UI, 2008b, LabSosio-UI, 2010). To maximise outcomes, it is vital
for mining companies to fully understand and appreciate the objectives, design and
implementation of their CSR/CD programs and their impact.
Donations and infrastructure are two themes that are frequently found within mining
company CSR/CD programs in Indonesia (see Table 10). The view of the community as a
passive recipient, the limited skills of the CSR/CD community relations staff and the legacy of
project-oriented applications are some reasons for this (Ariesandi, 2002, Labsosio-UI, 2000,
Labsosio-UI, 2003). Furthermore, from a business perspective, the charitable output of
monetary donations and essential community infrastructure are more tangible than other
themes and may provide immediate benefits to the community and create a positive image
for the company. However, mining companies may mistakenly believe that this will lead to
equitable distribution across the community and a sense of community empowerment (such
as those derived from education programs). Unfortunately, in reality this is often not the
case and there are many examples of this actually resulting in low levels of community
participation and an inequitable distribution of resources.
Environment Donation
Medium Medium
Medium Low
Number of beneficiaries
Medium High
Distribution of beneficiaries
Medium Low
Medium Medium
Medium Medium
The required regulations are Law 4/2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining, GR 23/2010 on the Implementation of
Mineral and Coal Mining Enterprises, and Ministerial Regulation 28/2009 on the Implementation of Mineral and
Coal Mining Service Enterprises. The MEMR decree on community development and empowerment is still being
drafted since March 2011.
Source of funding:
In terms of CSR/CD funding sources, there is more variation among private companies
compared to SOEs. Some examples of these are:
- A percentage of products (tonnage); e.g. in Karimun Regency, granite and bauxite
mining companies are required to allocate IDR 5,000/ton and in East Kutai, coal
mining companies are required to allocate USD 8 cents/ton (PT Kitadin, 2004).
- Production costs; e.g. PT. Adaro as stated in its 2009 sustainability report.
- Percentage of gross revenues; e.g. PT. Freeport Indonesia in Papua sets aside one
per cent of its gross revenues for seven tribes surrounding the operational area and
the fund is managed by a foundation (Ngadisah, 2002).
- PT Adaro has included its CSR/CD budget in the production cost (PT Adaro Indonesia,
For state owned enterprises, the sources of CSR/CD funding are regulated by the SOE
Ministerial Regulation PER-05/MBU/2007. These are from:
Net profits (maximum two per cent).
The net profit of the PKBL programs; e.g. interests resulting from loan, bank
giro/deposits, etc.
The contribution or sharing of PKBL budgets from other state owned companies.
Domestic and foreign privately owned companies tend to focus their CSR programs on
communities residing in the immediate vicinity of their mine sites. On the other hand, stateowned companies do not have controls for the distribution of their CSR/CD funding, as the
national government controls the distribution of this funding, which in many cases does not
go to the most impacted communities. Therefore, this has led to poor social and
environmental performance of the state owned companies with nearby communities.
Table 11: Differences between private and state-owned mining corporations
Source of funds
CSR/CD program
Mostly communities in the vicinity of
beneficiary location the area (Rings 1, 2 and 3); or the
affected population
The local economy and community welfare are often considered within a regional
economy macro where the approach is to generalise the outcomes.
Indicators used for reporting and assessment of CSR/CD performance, such as GRI,
ISO or awards from various agencies, tend to focus more on the management
aspect, rather than on the results or beneficiaries.
This project has provided an overview of the history of mining legislation and policies in
Indonesia and an analysis of the current legislation and its impact upon the mining industry.
Listed below is a summary of the key points for consideration by policy makers, private
enterprise and other stakeholders to assist mining and development within Indonesia.
1) Prior to the decentralisation era, the Indonesian mining regulatory framework was
governed under Law 11/1967 and consisted of:
A strong nationalism ideology that provided rights for the state to control all
resources in Indonesia.
Limited operating regulation (established by the old order regime), which
hampered the development of mining within Indonesia.
A centralised mining administrative system that proved ineffective in
administering the mining sector.
Minimal recognition of local actors (sub-national governments, NGOs and
communities) in the mining sector, which hindered the flow-on benefits of
mining to regional and local communities.
Therefore, significant opportunities exist for the involvement of AusAID and/or IM4DC in
enhancing the technical capacity of national and local bureaucrats to implement regulation
efficiently. IM4DC can also play a role in encouraging bureaucrats to amend mining policies
in order to provide greater certainty to the mining industry and to ensure environmental
protection is prioritised and that the benefits of mining development equitably reach local
communities in Indonesia.
3) Decentralisation has encouraged a paradigm of localism in natural resources and
economic wealth for local communities
At the local level, many communities now see themselves as local shareholders of nearby
mining activities. As shareholders, local communities surrounding mining operations believe
that they should be the first priority to receive benefits from mining including direct
employment and business opportunities, and as recipients of CSR programs. In many cases,
this sense of localism has triggered tension and conflict between mining companies and
Local communities are more frequently demanding a fair benefit sharing of profits from
mining companies. As a response, some companies have recently allowed local
communities (including sub-national governments) to hold a certain percentage of their
securities (e.g. PT Kaltim Prima Coal in East Kalimantan allocated 10 per cent of its shares to
the local government). As this trend is likely to continue, it is important to develop and
implement guidelines that deal with this issue. This may be enabled through an open
dialogue with responsible parties.
Researchers in social science and community
development could provide advice on negotiation structure, agreement content and
governance arrangement. However, it is anticipated that the current mining regulations
may still require changes to accommodate this issue. Therefore, it is crucial for mining
companies to prepare and promote a benefit-sharing agreement with the local communities
for their profits as well as being adaptive to regulatory changes in the long transition of
Indonesia. The benefit-sharing agreement is common practice for mining companies in
developed countries like Australia (e.g. Rio Tinto).
4) Forestry and mining areas often overlap and there are conflicts between government
agencies over their control
Significant mining deposits are mostly found in forested areas in Indonesia, but Law 41/1999
on Forestry prohibited mining activities in protected forest areas and revokes prior licenses
for those areas. However, Law 1/2004 (which came about through fierce mining sector
lobbying) re-instated all prior licenses.
The Indonesian Ministries of Environment and of Forestry have become more stringent in
scrutinising requests for new mining licenses in forested areas. Mining activities (especially
open pit mining) is most likely to be banned within protected forests, due to strong
pressures from anti-mining NGOs such as WALHI and JATAM.
5) Companies are required to obtain relevant environmental approvals as well as the new
environmental license as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental approvals are essential for mining in Indonesia. This is done by conducting an
Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL). For mining, this is mandated by GR 23/2010
and subsequently, all mining exploration and extraction projects need to meet the legal
requirements of environmental approvals as highlighted by Law 32/2009. The recent GR
27/2012 requires mining operations to obtain an environmental license or permit. This
recent regulation is believed to provide more protection for communities and NGOs that file
legal claims against mining activities, but puts an extra burden on companies to obtain an
additional environmental permit besides the existing long list of other permits required. It is
well-known that the enforcement of those permits has been problematic in Indonesia.
6) Social and Environmental Responsibility has been legally mandated in Indonesia;
however, the outcomes of its implementation have been mixed
Article 74 of Law 40/2007 provides that companies doing business in the field of and/or in
relation to natural resources must put into practice Environmental and Social Responsibility.
In the mining sector, mining license holders have been required to maintain a program of
Community Development and Empowerment CDE (Articles 106109 of Law 23/2010) as
part of their CSR. The process of implementing CDE requirements is currently unclear, as no
additional regulations have been issued. A draft decree for CDE was issued by the MEMR in
March 2011; however, at the time of this report there had not been any further information
on the enactment of this draft.
In recent times, companies have conducted CSR programs with many variations in practice.
Evidently, many state-owned companies have different principles and rules in conducting
CSR in comparison to private local and foreign companies.
It is commonly found that the intention of CSR activities has been abused by many
companies (e.g. CSR budgets tend to be used for bribing and entertaining local elites). On
the other hand, local communities have sometimes been too demanding for the
implementation of activities that are not directly related to CSR/CD programs and have often
utilised the funds for their own individual/group benefits. It is recommended that CSR
programs are developed with a clear structure/approach and are part of a widespread
positive organisational culture that genuinely promotes sustainable communities in which
they operate, rather than simply responding to pressure/conflicts due to their activities. CSR
programs should be part of the cost of mine site establishment and operation and presented
clearly within a company business case.
IM4DC, in cooperation with the Indonesian institutions of higher education (e.g. Trisakti
University and LabSosio UI) as well as support from UQ/UWA, could develop training
programs to educate mining companies operating in Indonesia about the business case for
CSR in mining. This could ensure that local communities are aware of the likely benefits
from mining and will improve the probability of those communities providing their support
once those benefits are communicated early in the process.
7) Indonesian mining regulatory framework and practices are still in transition but there is
clear intent at ensuring greater benefits to indonesias citizens
This research has illustrated that the evolution of regulatory frameworks for mining in
Indonesia has been pronounced during the past century and will continue to evolve.
Notably, the key factors in this regulatory framework pertain to:
Economic benefits that could be enjoyed by local people through the development
of local suppliers and the creation of direct employment.
Corporate Social Responsibility through community development and
empowerment programs that can benefit communities, in particular those near
mining operations, as well as the broader society in the long run.
The importance that mining activities, both large and small-scale, mitigate their
impacts on the environment. In this space, ASM activities have been identified to be
an emerging issue in the decentralisation era where the existence of the ASM miners
should not been neglected, rather, they should be incorporated as part of the overall
development of the mining industry.
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PT Antam Tbk
PT Antam Tbk
South Sulawesi,
Sulawesi, Central
Central Java
Iron Sand
PT Antam Tbk
PT Koba Tin
Bangka Belitung
East Kalimantan
East Kalimantan
Rio Tinto
West Nusa
East Kalimantan
West Java
Gosowong Complex
North Maluku
North Maluku
North Sulawesi
Tanjung Buli
North Maluku
PT Antam Tbk
PT Antam Tbk
West Kalimantan
PT Antam Tbk
PT Inco
Indische Mijnwet
Set the key points of mining activities, mainly classification of minerals and executors of
mining concessions (private or government)
Amendments were made in 1910 and 1918, regarding the role of government and the
private sector in mining concessions. The 1918 amendment introduced the 5a contract (the
article 5a of this amendment) that allowed foreign investments in exploration and
exploitation of mining businesses
POST COLONIAL PERIOD (Old and New Orders) the period of nationalisation and centralisation
All mining rights issued before 1949 that had not been implemented were cancelled
The Indische Mijnwet 1899 was revoked and this regulation allowed the government to
attract foreign capital based on Production Sharing Contracts, in particular for oil and gas
This law is still active until now. This regulates land administration, utilisation (including for
mining development) and land ownership (including the customary lands). This law also
emphasises the idea of state control rights
Considering the importance of capital, technology and foreign expertise, this law opened up
opportunities for the establishment of legislation on foreign investment
This law was the first mining law published after the independence of Indonesia and
became a reference for mining activities for three decades in Indonesia. The law contained
several aspects such as: classification of minerals (vital, strategic and other minerals), the
nature of mining corporations and changes in the mining concession system into Kuasa
Pertambangan (Mining Authorisation)
This law was the operational legislation for Law 11/1967 and consisted of: rules on mining
rights, mining area, rights and obligations, end of mining rights, as well as other related
implementing rules
This regulated the mining board along with its responsibilities, duties and authority
This law covered the classification of minerals that were divided into 3 groups: a) strategic,
including petroleum, natural gas, bitumen, coal, uranium, nickel, tin, etc; b) vital, including
manganese, bauxite, copper, lead, zinc, gold, platinum, silver, mercury, diamonds, other
rare metals and sulphur, etc; c) other minerals not included in a and b, among others:
nitrate, phosphate, asbestos, granite, marble, sand, stone, etc.
This law gave the local government the authority to issue licenses on C-grade mineral
This decree sets the basic provisions for the obligations of mining entrepreneurs and
technical head of mines, prevention and mitigation, and post-mining and guarantee of
This decree regulated the main provisions of contract of work agreements and capital
investments and development. This decree is no longer in force, following enactment of
Law 4/2009.
This decree sets rules on the division and distribution of revenues from mining activities,
including the division between provinces and regencies/municipalities
This law provides a fiscal balance mechanism between the central and regional
governments. Although some items in this law are still considered by the sub-national
governments to be unfair, the enactment of this law has opened space for the regions to
gain a financial share from the mines that operate in their territories. By this law, MEMR
issued an annual Ministerial Decree on the determination of producing areas and the basis
for calculation for the regional share of general mining, oil and gas
The main content of this law is the classification, utilisation and management of forests, as
well as the ban of open pit mining in protected forests
This decree provided the basic rules on mining exploitation, environmental management,
regional development and community development, as well as partnership and
implementation of governmental tasks, and guidance and supervision.
This regulation was enacted to accommodate the spirit of decentralisation. Through this
regulation Regents/Mayors were given the authority to issue mining authorisation in their
respective regions, as well as Governors based on their respective responsibility
This decree provided the basic principles of reservation of mining areas, the rules on
information systems and methods of reservation
This regulation in lieu of law was very short (two pages), containing a cancellation of the
prohibition of open pit mining in protected forests, having considered previously issued
permits. This regulation was very controversial, as it was passed with the financial support
from mining companies harmed by Law 41/1999
This decree provides rules on the processing of requests of CoW and CCoW, as well as the
responsibility of implementation and supervision, and guidance of implementation of the
This regulation provides the obligations and procedures for reclamation and mine closure.
It regulates methods of reclamation, assessment and approval of reclamation plans,
execution and reporting, and reclamation guarantee. With this decree, regulation of mining
activities became more comprehensive, as the closure stage is now regulated by an official
This law replaces the mining law 11/1967 and creates a new mining regulatory regime in
Indonesia under the current democratisation and decentralisation. The law regulates
mining in Indonesia, including the provisions regarding the control of minerals and coal,
management authority, mining areas, mining enterprises and the issuance of mining
This regulation regulates planning for mining areas, including the determination of
traditional mining areas and also the procedure for data and information collection for
mining areas
This regulation provides procedures for the determination of mining areas (minerals and
coal) and their information systems
This regulation provides that foreign mining companies need to divest at least 51 per cent
of their shares in stages to their domestic partners, starting from the 5 through the 10
year of production. The Indonesian partners are classified as the central, provincial, district
governments, as well as state enterprises and domestic private companies
This regulation restricts mining companies on export of raw materials and requires them to
increase domestic value-added processes in Indonesia. The deadline will be in 2014
This regulation provides the types of businesses or development activities that must be
complemented with an environmental impact assessment