Module 1: Equation Forms in Process Modeling Section 3: Distributed Parameter Models and Abstract Equation Forms
Module 1: Equation Forms in Process Modeling Section 3: Distributed Parameter Models and Abstract Equation Forms
Module 1: Equation Forms in Process Modeling Section 3: Distributed Parameter Models and Abstract Equation Forms
amount of heat transferred from the steam to the liquid per unit time and per unit heat transfer
, we have
Boundary conditions:
Initial condition
This results in a ODE-IVP, which can be solved to obtain steady state profiles
for specified heat
This results in a ODE-IVP, which can be solved to obtain steady state profiles
This results in a Partial Differential Equation (PDE) model for the distributed parameter system.
Example 11
Now, let us consider the situation where the some hot liquid is used on the shell side to heat the tube
side fluid (see Figure 11). The model equations for this case can be stated as
where subscript
denotes tube side and subscript
conditions become
These are coupled PDEs and have to be solved simultaneously to understand the transient behavior.
The steady state problem can be stated as
Equations (91-92) represent coupled ordinary differential equations. The need to compute steady state
profiles for the counter-current double pipe heat exchanger results in a boundary value problem (ODEBVP) as one variable is specified at
Before we conclude this section, we briefly review some terminology associated with PDEs, which will be
used in the later modules.
Definition 12
Order of PDE: Order of a PDE is highest order of derivative occurring in PDE.
Definition 13
Degree of PDE: Power to which highest order derivative is raised.
Example 14
Consider PDE
Here, the
Solutions of PDEs are sought such that it is satisfied in the
domain and on the boundaries . A problem is said to be well posed when the solution is uniquely
determined and it is sufficiently smooth and differentiable function of the independent variables. The
boundary conditions have to be consistent with one another in order for a problem to be well posed.
This implies that at the points common to boundaries, the conditions should not violet each other.
A linear PDE can be classified as:
Homogeneous equations:Differential equation that does not contain any terms other than
order PDEs:
for i
j as
are elements of a real symmetric matrix
. Obviously
Elliptic: if all eigenvalues are +ve or-ve.
Hyperbolic: if some eigenvalues are +ve and rest are -ve.
Parabolic: if at-least one eigen value is zero.
The classification is global if
are independent of
, else it is local. Typical partial differential
equations we come across in engineering applications are of the form
subject to appropriate boundary conditions and initial conditions. This PDE is solved in a three
is denoted by
dimensional region , which can be bounded or unbounded. The boundary of
the spatial surface
is the outward normal direction to
We can
Elliptic Problems typically arise while studying steady-state behavior of diffusive systems. Parabolic or
hyperbolic problems typically arise when studying transient behavior of diffusive systems.