Diabetic Macular Edema
Diabetic Macular Edema
Diabetic Macular Edema
Diabetic macular edema is a microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus with serious
implications for vision loss. The central pathophysiologic event is retinal capillary incompetence
and leakage. Several biochemical hypotheses exist to explain the damage to retinal capillary
constituents in diabetes mellitus. Prolonged hyperglycemia has been implicated in direct injury to
retinal capillary endothelial cell and pericytes and to a decline in cell division (Engerman 1987).
Cells in the body produce energy from the metabolism of glucose. The sorbitol (or polyol)
pathway concurrently employs aldose reductase to reduce unused glucose to sorbitol (Brownlee
2001). Under normal circumstances cells metabolize glucose primarily via glycolysis,
particularly because at a physiologic serum concentration, aldose reductase has a low affinity for
glucose. However, high serum glucose concentrations can saturate the glycolysis pathway,
making excess glucose molecules available for reduction to sorbitol by the avidly-binding aldose
reductase. Excessive activation of the sorbitol pathway in hyperglycemia results in an
accumulation of sorbitol in the intracellular space which has been considered toxic to cells, in
particular to retinal capillary endothelial cells and pericytes (Brownlee 2001).
Retinal capillary walls normally consist of a succinct network of endothelial cells and mural
pericytes, which exist in a deliberate one-to-one ratio. In the 1950s, Kuwabara and Cogan
developed Trypsin digest studies in retinal tissue of diabetic human subjects, which made
possible the close examination of the retinal vasculature by light microscopy (Kuwabara 1960).
These retinal digest studies were the first of their kind to demonstrate the key pathologic events
of diabetic retinopathy. The biochemical derangements of diabetes mellitus cause a preferential
loss of pericytes, identified histologically as empty balloonlike spaces or ghost cells along
retinal capillary walls (Kuwabara 1960). Immunologic studies have demonstrated that mural
pericytes contain properties that make them structurally analogous to the smooth muscle layer of
larger scale blood vessels. The contractile nature and tonus of pericytes contribute to the
structural integrity of the retinal capillary wall (Herman 1985). Therefore, a loss of mural
pericytes may cause focal weakening and saccular dilatation of retinal capillaries, identified
biomicroscopically as microaneurysms. Microaneurysms are readily detected on close
fundoscopic examination and by fluorescein angiography and are one of the earliest signs of
nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (Freidenwald 1950). They are visually indistinguishable
from dot intraretinal hemorrhages and thus represent areas of focal retinal vasculature
The breakdown of the inner blood retinal barrier at the level of the retinal capillary endothelial
cells likewise contributes to capillary incompetence. This breakdown largely occurs with an
opening of tight junctions, or zonulae occludentes, between adjacent endothelial cells (Green
1985). The pathophysiologic outcome of inner blood retinal barrier compromise and abnormally
level, causing a generalized dysfunction of the blood retinal barrier, pathologic retinal edema,
retinal vascular compromise and closure, tissue ischemia, and the potential for serious loss of
visual acuity.