An Interactive Healthcare System With Personalized Diet and Exercise Guideline Recommendation
An Interactive Healthcare System With Personalized Diet and Exercise Guideline Recommendation
An Interactive Healthcare System With Personalized Diet and Exercise Guideline Recommendation
Tainan, Taiwan
Telecommunication Laboratories,
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd
Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Vincent S. Tseng
Yi-Ching Yang
Tainan, Taiwan
Tainan, Taiwan
A. System Overview
Nowadays, it is very common for people to get a report of a
comprehensive physical examination from a medical institution
or a hospital in Taiwan. The comprehensive physical
examination report states the value of the examination items
and the risk of diseases. Some risk of chronic diseases, for
example Metabolic syndrome, can be reduced by diet and
exercise. The healthcare service providers can give those
people, who has risk of some chronic diseases, some
recommendations about the diet and exercise guidelines by
their professional knowledge and past experience.
Tainan, Taiwan
Supervising and Reminding
This function is designed for supervising and reminding
users. In order to automatically supervise and remind users to
carry out their personal recommendations regarding diet and
exercise guidelines, an active database is utilized for achieving
this purpose. The active database is considered as an eventdriven architecture which can respond to both the conditions
those are inside and outside the database.
C. Real-time Interaction
The real-time interaction module provides those functions
which are guideline query, real-time physiological value
upload, real-time feedback, and Physiological Value Database
Edit Function. Because physiological measuring devices are
more and more popular, people can measure their physiological
value easily. Now users hope are not just only the real-time
measuring physiological value, they also want to know what
the right healthcare actions need to take when their
physiological value is out of the healthy range. Our proposed
system can give a real-time quick determination with the
physiological value database and guideline recommendations
from guideline database on Personal Health Management
Module when users upload their physiological value. In
addition, healthcare service providers can edit the health range
of physiological value and sort the recommended guideline for
each user.
1) Guideline Query
This function aims to query the guidelines in database
when the specific physiological measurement is given and
selects the guidelines to recommend which are high
Tainan, Taiwan
4) Achievement Visualization
This function shows the users daily record of carrying
out diet and exercise guideline recommendations. The
proposed system can record the execution status of users in the
period between the previous examination and the next
examination. As shown in Fig. 5, a users achievement report
of daily execution is presented as a line chart.
E. Reminding App
To promote applicability of our proposed system, we
extend the reminding function on mobile platform. Our
proposed app provides those two functions, user login and
reminding. When a user login, the app will verify the users
authority and then download his/her personal setting file of
supervising and reminding from database through web services.
The reminding app executes in the background, and it gives an
alarm as a reminder on the mobile devices according to the
users setting.
Reminding Function
Since the personal setting file is downloaded, this app has
the information of reminding time list of the user, and this
function is designed to give users an alarm as a reminder on
mobile devices. In Fig. 9, it shows that there is an alarm icon
on status bar, and that can be dropped down to see complete
Tainan, Taiwan
Choose potential
ential participants
Inform consents
ents fo
for participants
The participants
nts sta
start the human
The participants do the 2nd
physical examination
Have an intervi
interview to see
why to stop halfway
Collect users
rs fee
feedback using
Tainan, Taiwan
Tainan, Taiwan