Lilian Mesediba Ngoyi Anti-Apartheid Activist & Treason Trialist
Lilian Mesediba Ngoyi Anti-Apartheid Activist & Treason Trialist
Lilian Mesediba Ngoyi Anti-Apartheid Activist & Treason Trialist
Lilian Masediba Ngoyi was born in Pretoria in 1911 to a family of six children, and
obtained her primary schooling in Kilnerton. She later enrolled for a nurses' training
course, but she eventually took up work as a machinist in a clothing factory where
she worked from 1945 to 1956.
She joined the Garment Workers Union (GWU) under Solly Sachs, and soon became
one of its leading figures. Impressed by the spirit of African National Congress
(ANC) volunteers, she joined the ANC during the 1950 Defiance Campaign and was
arrested for using facilities in a post office that were reserved for white people.
Her energy and her gift as a public speaker won her rapid recognition, and within a
year of joining the ANC she was elected as president of the ANC Women's League.
When the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) was formed in 1954, she
became one of its national vice-presidents, and in 1956 she was elected president.
In 1955, she travelled to Europe as a delegate to a conference called by the Women's
International Democratic Federation, and was invited by socialist delegates to tour
Russia, China and other eastern bloc countries. She became a member of the
Transvaal ANC executive from 1955, and in December 1956 she became the first
woman ever elected to the ANC national executive committee.
Ngoyi also gained wide recognition overseas as a radical opponent of apartheid.
Together with Dora Tamana, she was arrested while trying to board a ship on her
way to a conference in Switzerland without a passport. She addressed protest
meetings against apartheid in a number of world centres, including London's
Trafalgar Square.
On the 9th of August 1956, she led the women's anti-pass march to the Union
Buildings in Pretoria, one of the largest demonstrations staged in South African
history. Holding thousands of petitions in one hand, Ngoyi was the one who
knocked on Prime Minister Strijdoms door to hand over the petitions.
In December 1956, Ngoyi was arrested for high treason along with 156 other leading
figures, and stood trial until 1961 as one of the accused in the fouryear-long Treason
Trial. While the trial was still on and the accused out on bail, Ngoyi was imprisoned
for five months under the 1960 state of emergency. She spent much of this time in
solitary confinement.
She was first issued her banning orders in October 1962, which confined her to
Orlando Township in Johannesburg and she was forbidden to attend any gatherings.
In the mid-1960s, she was jailed under the 90-day detention act and spent 71 days in
solitary confinement.
Her banning orders lapsed in 1972, but were renewed for a new five-year period in
1975. During the time of her banning, Ngoyis great energies were totally suppressed
and she struggled to earn a decent living.
Affectionately known as Ma Ngoyi, she suffered heart trouble and died on the 13th
of March 1980 at the age of 69.
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