Error Analysis
Error Analysis
Error Analysis
Density Measurement
Physics Lab II
This laboratory exercise allows students to estimate and analyze experimental uncertainties. Students will calculate the density of brass and chrome. Conclusions are drawn
from correlations between accepted density values and experimental values.
Equipment List
Electronic Digital Caliper, ACCULAB VI-200 mass scale, a set of masses of different
shapes and composition; 5 chrome spheres, 4 brass cylinders
Theoretical Background
In this set of experiments, you will determine the density of various objects. Density is
related to the mass and volume by
= M/V
where M is the mass of the object, V is the volume of the object, and is the density of
the material.
For this set of experiments, the measured objects are spheres, and cylindrical disks,
the latter consisting of single holes drilled out of their centers. The volume of the spheres
is determined by:
Vsphere = (4/3)R3 = (4/3)(D/2)3 = (1/6)D3 .
In this set of equations, Vsphere is the volume of the sphere, R is the radius of the sphere,
and D is the diameter of the sphere, which is twice the radius R.
For the cylindrical masses, the volume can first be approximated by the volume of a
Vcylinder,1 = R2 h = (D/2)2 h = (1/4)D2 h.
Density Measurement
In this equation, Vcylinder,1 is the first approximation to the volume of the cylinder, R is
the radius of the cylinder, D is the diameter of the cylinder, which is twice the radius of
the cylinder, and h is the height of the cylinder.
The more exact formula for the volume of the cylinder subtracts out the volume of
the hole,
Vcylinder,2 = (R2 Rhole 2 )h = ((D/2)2 (Dhole /2)2 )h = (1/4)(D2 Dhole 2 )h.
In this equation, Vcylinder,2 is the more exact representation for the volume of the cylinder,
h is the height of the cylinder, R is the outer radius of the cylinder, Rhole is the radius of
the hole, D is the outer diameter of the cylinder, which is twice the outer radius of the
cylinder, and Dhole is the diameter of the hole, which is twice the radius of the hole.
The measurement of the density of various objects provides the opportunity to introduce methods used to analyze scientific data. Learning to use these methods is the
primary purpose of this experiments. When taking measurements of a physical quantity,
various effects may cause the experiments to deviate from a more idealized case set out
in theory. These types of effects introduce experimental uncertainty, or experimental
error, into the experiment The errors referred to here are not mistakes in the
more common usage of the word, but departures from the idealized world of
theory. For this reason, the term Human Error should never be used in a
scientific report.
There are two classes of experimental uncertainties: systematic errors and random
errors. Systematic errors cause the data to be shifted in the same direction away from
the theoretical ideal. Examples of effects that cause systematic errors include friction
slowing down an object, or an uneven table top causing an object to speed up. Random
errors cause individual measurements to vary around some average value. Examples of
effects that cause random errors include not releasing an object from exactly the same
release point, or looking at the scale on an instrument at a slightly different angle each
time a reading is recorded as measured data. Being able to distinguish between these
two sources of experimental error is one of the goals of this lab exercise.
For the experiments in this class, there are two basic methods that will be used
to compare theory with experiment. The first basic method is a comparison of an experimentally measured quantity to a previously determined, or theoretically calculated,
quantity. This simple method is a percent difference calculation, and is defined by,
given measured
% difference = 100
The percent variation is useful in looking at how much an experimental quantity varies.
If a theory suggests that a particular quantity is constant, then that quantity should
have a small percent variation.
Density Measurement
Remember to include all units! Convert all measurements to meters,
kilograms, and seconds!!!
Density of Spheres
1. Power-up the computer at your station if it is not already on. Open the file titled
Density Lab on your desktop.
2. Select the tab entitled Data Sheet for Spheres. All measurements performed
using spheres will be recorded on this spreadsheet.
3. Select one of the spheres. Measure its mass using the scale and record this in the
mass column.
Density Measurement
Using the Electronic Digital Caliper
The following subtext provides instructions for proper use of the digital caliper.
(a) Turn on the Electronic Digital Caliper. Be sure to set the caliper to measure
metric units.
(b) It may be necessary to zero adjust the caliper. If your caliper does not display
0.00 mm at start up, press the zero setting button.
(c) Figure 1 displays the measured diameter of a cylinder placed between the jaws
of the caliper. Notice the cylinder is positioned at the middle indent of the
jaws. The spheres and cylinders used in this experiment should be positioned
(d) Once the cylinder is placed between the jaws, be sure to tighten the locking
screw. Record the measured quantity on the LCD display in the diameter
column of the spreadsheet.
4. Follow the procedure outlined above and measure the diameter of your selected
5. Select another sphere and repeat this procedure until you have measured the mass
and diameter of 5 spheres.
6. The Density Lab program is designed to calculate the volume and density of
the chrome steel spheres using your data. Consult with your lab instructor if the
program does not produce valid solutions with your data.
7. After recording all measurements for the spheres, select the Graph of Data for
Spheres tab. The program produces a plot of the data you recorded.
8. Print one copy of the Data Sheet and the Graph of Data. Include these prints
with your lab report.
9. Estimate and record the measurement uncertainty in the mass and diameter of the
spheres. A good rule of thumb for doing this is to take the smallest value that
an instrument can read and divide it by 2. For example, if the scale can read
mass to m = 0.1g, then the uncertainty in a mass measurement using this scale is
m = 0.05g.
Density Measurement
4. Measure the height of the cylinder and record this value in length column.
5. Insert the beak of the caliper (see Figure 1) into the hole of the brass cylinder.
(Note: The jaws of the caliper should be closed before the beak of the caliper is
inserted into the hole in the brass cylinder). Expand the jaws until the inner edges
of the beak meet the edges of the hole. Measure the diameter of the hole and
record this value in the diameter-in column.
6. Select another cylinder and repeat steps 2-5 until you have measured the mass and
diameter of 4 cylinders.
7. The Density Lab program is designed to calculate the volume and density of the
brass cylinders using your data. Consult with your lab instructor if the program
does not produce valid solutions with your data.
8. After recording all measurements for the spheres, select the Graph of Data for
Cylinders tab. The program produces a plot of the data you recorded.
9. Print one copy of the Data Sheet and the Graph of Data. Include these prints
with your lab report.
10. Estimate and record the measurement uncertainty in the mass, height, and diameter
of the cylinders.
Data Analysis
Density of Spheres
1. Calculate and record an average value of the density measurements.
2. Calculate the percent variation in the density values.
3. Compare the average density of the spheres to the density of chrome, which is 7.8
103 kg/m3 , by calculating the percent difference using your measured experimental
value and the above-mentioned theoretical value.
4. Calculate the percent uncertainty in the mass of the spheres using the smallest
measured value, the uncertainty value, and
% uncertainty = 100
measurement uncertainty
smallest measured value
5. Calculate the percent uncertainty in the diameter of the spheres using equation 7.
6. Using the values obtained for percent uncertainty in mass and diameter, determine
the largest percent uncertainty in the experiment.
Density Measurement
measurement uncertainty
smallest measured value
Final Comments
In the density of the cylinders experiment, the first calculation of volume disregarded
the diameter of the hole, therefore these values are less than ideal. This would cause
the density for the brass cylinders to be too small, since the density is the mass divided
by the volume. Your analysis shows that the percent difference values for the density of
copper using the first volume calculation is on the whole larger than the percent difference
values for which the second volume calculation is used to determine density of copper.
This kind of experimental uncertainty for which all data points are affected in the same
way i.e. pushed in the same direction away from the theoretical value is known as
systematic error.
Density Measurement
Selected Questions
1. You and your lab partner each measure the diameter of a cylindrical piece of aluminum. You obtain a measurement of 8.15 mm and your partner obtains a measurement of 8.00 mm. Your partner says: Well, one of us definitely did something
incorrectly. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your reasoning. [Based upon a
problem from Physics by Inquiry, vol. 1, by Lillian McDermott p. 133 (1996)]
2. Suppose we have 68 g of aluminum. (The density of aluminum is 2.7 g/cm3 ). How
much more aluminum, in mass, is needed to make a total volume of 40 cm3 . [From
Physics by Inquiry, vol. 1, by Lillian McDermott p. 145 (1996)]
3. Suppose we have equal volumes of aluminum and a mystery metal. The mystery
metal has a mass of 80 g. What is the density of the mystery metal if the aluminum
has a mass of 19 g and a density of 2.7 g/cm3 ? [From Physics by Inquiry, vol.
1, by Lillian McDermott p. 145 (1996)]