Sciencedirect: A Model To Predict Carbon Monoxide of Woods Under External Heat Flux Part Ii: Validation and Application
Sciencedirect: A Model To Predict Carbon Monoxide of Woods Under External Heat Flux Part Ii: Validation and Application
Sciencedirect: A Model To Predict Carbon Monoxide of Woods Under External Heat Flux Part Ii: Validation and Application
Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
A model to predict carbon monoxide (CO) of woods under external heat flux was developed. To improve the modeling accuracy, fire
processes such as water evaporation, volume shrinkage, water and gas transport inside wood slab were considered. Three reactions such
as water evaporation, oxidation reactions of virgin wood and char were included. Temperature and moisture dependent thermal properties
were used for modeling input. In the second part of this study, this model was validated by experiments. Comparisons between modeling
and experiments showed that mass loss rate and CO release rate can be well predicted for woods under different moisture contents and
external heat flux. Volume shrinkage, transport processes of water and gas volatiles inside wood slab were also included.
This paper serves as validation and application of a mathematical model in Part I: Theory of a model to predict CO of woods under
external heat flux. This model intends to provide a practical tool to predict toxic gases of combustible materials under fire conditions.
2013 Published
by Elsevier
the Asia-Oceania
Fire Science
Fire Safety
Elsevier Ltd.
access under CC
and peer-review under responsibility of the Asian-Oceania Association of Fire Science and Technology
Keywords: Wood; Carbon monoxide; Toxic gas; Water evaporation; Shrinkage; Mass transport
1. Introduction
Two types of ignition methods were used in cone calorimeter previously. Kindle ignition [1] means combustible
materials are ignited by external heat sources such as flame, sparks or hot surface, and in general, measurement of ignition
point based on the ASTM International is widely used. Autoignition [2-3] means combustible materials are ignited as a
result of internal heating, which arises spontaneously if there is an exothermic process liberating heat faster than it can be
lost to the surrounding.
Autoignition is a complex phenomenon. Blijderveen et al. [4] obtained that autoignition behavior is determined by a
combination of convective heat transfer between primary air flow and fuel bed and heat gained by reactions in the fuel bed.
Wang et al. [5] analyzed the influence of ambient pressure and oxygen content on autoignition by conducting contrastive
experiments at two different altitudes. Tahsini and Farshchi [6] studied the autoignition of polymer numerically and
experimentally to analyze its controlling parameters.
For validation of this model, experiments of woods under external heat flux were taken by autoignition in a cone
calorimeter, which means spark plug wasnt used during whole experimental time. This two-part study provides theory,
validation and application of a one-dimensional model used to predict carbon monoxide (CO) of woods under external heat
flux. Part I of this study has shown the theory of this mathematical model, including water evaporation, volume shrinkage,
transport processes of liquids and gas volatiles inside a wood slab. Temperature and moisture dependent thermal properties
were used for modeling input. Comparisons between modeling and experiments will be taken in the following contents.
1877-7058 2013 International Association for Fire Safety Science. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Asian-Oceania Association of Fire Science and Technology
Long Shi and Michael Yit Lin Chew / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
2. Experiments
2.1. Materials
Wood samples used in experiments were American cherry with average density is 558 kg/m3. The sample sizes are 100
mm 100 mm with different thicknesses, such as 10 mm and 20 mm. Samples were put under ambient environment for
more than 24 hours. Moisture contents of wood samples were then measured according to the oven dry method [7] by a
chamber furnace. In the furnace, temperature inside kept at a range of 102 to 105 C to drive off the water. Periodical reweighing were taken until no further weight loss was registered. The moisture content (wet basis) of woods samples was
then obtained. The average moisture content of tested samples is about 0.11.
2.2. Apparatus
Cone calorimeter as a frequent used equipment for piloted and autoignition experiments was used in this study [8]. Wood
samples were put in horizontal orientation on specimen holder. External heat fluxes of 25, 50, and 75 kW/m2 were chosen
for this study, representing the low, middle and high external heat flux. Fig. 1 shows a view of wood sample in cone
2.3. Procedure
Before experiments, gas analyzers and external heat flux were first calibrated accordingly. Wood samples were then
secured on a specimen holder and placed under the heater horizontally. The edges and rear surface of the wood samples
were covered with aluminum foil for insulation. Change in weight was dynamically recorded using the build-in weighting
device. Spark plug was not used during whole experimental time.
3. Comparison with experiments
3.1. Mass loss rate
Noises were produced during experiments in mass loss history data. Savitzky-Golay method [9-10] was used to solve this
problem. This method optimally fits a set of data points to a polynomial in the least-squares sense, which has been
developed and generalized well in the literatures. The main advantage of this method is that it tends to preserve features of
the distribution such as relative maxima, minima and width.
Figure 2 shows comparisons of mass loss rate (MLR) between predictions and experiments of wood samples under 25
kW/m2 external heat flux. From both the prediction and experiments, three stages of mass loss can be observed. The first is
the water evaporation. When temperature of a wood slice is higher than 100 C, liquid water start to evaporate as more heat
is absorbed. Water evaporation process can be observed obviously by MLR history data under this external heat flux. The
second stage is the preliminary pyrolysis reaction of virgin wood. This stage begins when woods start to decompose, may be
Long Shi and Michael Yit Lin Chew / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
when temperature is higher than 240 C [11]. The third stage is the pyrolysis reactions of both virgin wood and char. Peak
MLR can be observed in this stage.
Observation of water evaporation process is much obvious from prediction than experiment. The reason why the water
evaporation process isnt obvious may be because the time period of evaporation process is short and water takes a small
part of whole solid phase. In this case, mass loss is hard to be measured in such a short time. Another reason may be that
some jump points in MLR data are ignored after smoothing.
From the figure, it is noticed that peak MLR happens earlier and increases a lot with thin samples. This is because
absorbed heat per unit mass increase for thin samples under same external heat flux, and because heat is easier to penetrate
into depth.
Fig. 2. Comparisons of MLR between prediction and experiment under 25 kW/m2 heat flux for: (a) 10 mm thickness and (b) 20 mm thickness.
Figure 3 shows comparisons of MLR between predictions and experiments under 50 kW/m2 external heat flux. It is
noticed that modeling results obey very well with experimental data. As mentioned above, three mass loss stages can be
observed when wood samples are put under low external heat flux. However, the first stage under middle external heat flux
is difficult to be identified. Prediction shows a tiny peak at the very beginning. This may be because that the first two stages
are very close, and the time interval between the start of water evaporation and pyrolysis reaction of virgin wood is small.
As shown above, peak MLR of second stage were predicted a little earlier than experimental data for 10 mm thickness
sample. For 20 mm thickness sample, an opposite phenomenon can be observed. This phenomenon may be due to the
kinetic data for pyrolysis reaction of wood char.
Figure 4 shows comparisons of MLR of wood samples between predictions and experiments under 75 kW/m2 external
heat flux. It is noticed that the prediction fits very well with experimental data. This indicated that fire behaviors of wood
samples under higher heat flux also can be well predicted by this model.
From the comparisons of MLR between predictions and experiments, it is noticed that this model can predict MLR of
wet woods under different external heat flux well. The characteristics of MLR for wood samples with different thicknesses
can be also well predicted.
3.2. CO release rate
Experiments were taken without use of sparkplug during whole experimental time. When wood samples were positioned
under 25 kW/m2, no visible flame was observed during the whole experimental period. It is considered that wood samples
havent been ignited under this external heat flux. It presents that the wood samples go through smoldering combustion
under this external heat flux. For external heat flux of 50 and 75 kW/m2, wood samples were ignited as visible flame was
observed. The details about the experimental results can be seen elsewhere [2].
Long Shi and Michael Yit Lin Chew / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
Fig. 3. Comparisons of MLR between prediction and experiment under 50 kW/m2 heat flux for: (a) 10 mm thickness and (b) 20 mm thickness.
Fig. 4. Comparisons of MLR between prediction and experiment under 75 kW/m2 heat flux for: (a) 10 mm thickness and (b) 20 mm thickness.
Figure 5 shows comparisons of CO release rate between predictions and experiments under 25 kW/m2 external heat flux.
It is noticed that the CO release rate for 20 mm thickness wood samples are well predicted. Trend of predicted curve is
similar to that of experiments. The second peak from the prediction is a little later than experiment, which is similar to MLR
prediction. From the comparison of 10 mm thickness sample, predicted CO release rate have the same trend with
experiments, showing a single peak. But predictions are higher than experimental data. Time to peak CO release rate is a
little later than peak MLR. This is because time is needed for transportation inside wood slab before exhaustion to the air.
Figure 6 shows comparisons of CO release rate between prediction and experiment under 50 kW/m2 heat flux. It is
noticed that the predictions fit very well with experiments. Two peaks can be observed from CO release rate curve. The first
one is before ignition. Experimental results [12,13] showed a sharp decrease of CO release rate shortly after ignition and a
second peak near the end of the experiment. So in this model, it is assumed that the new produced CO during the presence
of visible flame change into CO2 immediatelyafter production. From both modeling and experiment, a sharp decrease of CO
release rate was observed after ignition. But CO release didnt disappear immediately as accumulative CO inside wood slab
keep flowing out through the surface by diffusion. The second peak happens after flameout. This may be because of the
absence of visible flame. Oxidation reaction of CO may take slower without visible flame, resulting in an increase of CO
release rate. And CO release rate will decrease until no more CO will be produced when virgin wood and char will have
been run out.
Figure 7 shows comparisons of CO release rate between prediction and experiment under 75 kW/m2 heat flux. It is
observed that CO release rate are well predicted before flameout. However, predictions are much higher than experiments
after flameout. In the model, it is assumed that flameout happens when the mass of solid phase is equal to the mass of
produced char by consuming all the virgin wood. The difference between modeling and experiments may be because of the
prediction of flameout. Char yield would decrease much under high external heat flux and this approach cannot accurately
Long Shi and Michael Yit Lin Chew / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
predict flameout time under high external heat flux. Unfortunately, no empirical model has been found to predict flameout
time under different external heat flux. Modeling results can be improved when this kind of empirical models will be
Fig. 5. Comparisons of CO release rate between prediction and experiment under 25 kW/m2 heat flux for: (a) 10 mm thickness and (2) 20 mm thickness.
Fig. 6. Comparisons of CO release rate between prediction and experiment under 50 kW/m2 heat flux for: (a) 10 mm thickness and (2) 20 mm thickness.
Fig. 7. Comparisons of CO release rate between prediction and experiment under 75 kW/m2 heat flux for: (a) 10 mm thickness and (2) 20 mm thickness.
Long Shi and Michael Yit Lin Chew / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
After comparing the predictions of CO release rate with experiments, it is noticed that CO release rate can be well
predicted by this model. For CO release rate under different external heat flux, it is assumed that the new produced CO
during the presence of visible flame change into CO2 immediately after production. For the time period before ignition or
after flameout, CO yields of each reaction are considered constant even under different external heat flux. Carbon monoxide
release rate under different external heat flux can be well predicted by this approach.
Fig. 8. Sensitivity analysis of input parameters: (a) grid number; (b) time step; (c) pre-exponential factor of virgin wood; (d) activation energy of virgin
wood; (e) heat of reaction of virgin wood; and (f) wood density.
Long Shi and Michael Yit Lin Chew / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
Fig. 9. Shrinkage of woods under different external heat flux for: (a) 10 mm thickness and (b) 20 mm thickness.
Long Shi and Michael Yit Lin Chew / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
seconds. And time period decreases with a thinner thickness or a higher external heat flux.
From Fig. 10, it is observed that water transport flux increases when temperature is rising. This is because diffusive force
increases when more liquid water change into water vapor under higher temperatures. As external heat penetrates into deep
depth, transport flux at the deep depth then start to increase. The transport flux at deep depth grows much quickly with a
higher external heat flux.
Water transport flux seems to increase faster with thin samples. Increasing trend of transport flux at deep depth becomes
much slowly with thick samples. This may be because temperature at depth increases much drastically inside a thin sample.
And diffusive force caused by temperature difference then provides the impetus to drive out the water.
Fig. 10. Water transport flux contours under different external heat flux: (a) 25 kW/m2; (b) 50 kW/m2 and (c) 75 kW/m2. Three figures in the left column
are for 10 mm thickness samples, and figures in the right column are for 20 mm thickness samples.
5.3. CO transport
Figure 11 shows contours of CO transport of different thicknesses wood samples under different external heat flux.
Values of transport flux are also represented by color. And the range of color bar is 0-2 g/m2 s.
Long Shi and Michael Yit Lin Chew / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
It is noticed from figures that peak CO transport flux is not at the surface but below the half depth of whole wood slab. In
the model, it is assumed that all the new produced CO during the presence of visible flame change into CO2 after production.
Ignition time becomes shorter with a higher external heat flux. As transport flux of CO before flameout is very small, it is
hard to be seen in the contours. Flameout time is assumed to happen when the mass of solid phase is equal to the mass of
produced char by consuming all the virgin wood. With a higher external heat flux, pyrolysis reaction of virgin wood and
char take place much quickly. Then flameout happens much earlier. So it is noticed from the figures that the transport
process begins earlier with a higher external heat flux.
From Fig. 11, it is also observed that transport flux increases much dramatically with a thinner thickness. This may be
because more heat can be absorbed for a unit mass of virgin wood under the same external heat flux. A higher diffusive
force would exist as more CO is produced during pyrolysis reactions.
Fig. 11. CO transport flux contours under different external heat flux: (a) 25 kW/m2; (b) 50 kW/m2 and (c) 75 kW/m2. Three figures in the left column are
for 10 mm thickness samples, and figures in the right column are for 20 mm thickness samples.
Long Shi and Michael Yit Lin Chew / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 422 431
6. Conclusions
In this two-part study, a one-dimensional model to predict CO of woods under external heat flux was developed. From
the comparisons between modeling and experiment, it is noticed that MLR and CO release rate of woods under different
moisture contents and external heat flux can be well predicted by this model. For CO release rate under different external
heat flux, it is assumed that the new produced CO during the presence of visible flame change into CO2 immediately after
production. For time period before ignition or after flameout, CO yields of each reaction are considered constant even under
different external heat flux. This will expand the applications of this model as limited experimental data of CO yields under
various external heat flux. Carbon monoxide release rate of woods under different external heat flux can be well predicted
by this approach. This model intends to provide a practical tool to predict toxic gases of combustible materials under fire
Besides the prediction of CO, fire processes such as water evaporation, volume shrinkage, transport of liquid water and
gas volatiles also can be predicted by this model. To improve modeling accuracy, temperature and moisture dependent
thermal properties are used for modeling input. Three reactions are considered in this model, such as water evaporation
reaction, oxidation reactions of virgin wood and char.
Transport processes of liquid water and gas volatiles inside wood slab can also be described by this model. From the
modeling results, it is noticed that water transport process inside wood slabs lasts a short time period, and the time period
decreases with a thinner thickness or a higher external heat flux. It is observed from predictions that peak CO transport flux
are not at the surface but below the half depth of whole wood slab, and transport flux increases much dramatically with a
thinner thickness.
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