02 Airframes Notes (ATPL)
02 Airframes Notes (ATPL)
02 Airframes Notes (ATPL)
Types of load
Static: Steady load of some intensity throughout
Dynamic: Varying intensity and direction for
Stress is the internal force per unit area inside a structural part as a result
of tension: Tension, Compression, Torsion, Shear, Bending
Wing (Main Plane)Stress - Bending
On ground: Wings droop due to fuel, engine and its own weight. Upper
surface under tension and lower surface under compression.
In flight: Wings bend upwards due to lift forces. Upper surface now under
compression and lower surface under tension.
To mitigate wind bending stress in flight
Wing mounted engines
Fuel Usage: Centre tank then wing tanks (inboard then outboard, if
Aileron Up Float: Crude drag inducing device
Pressurization Stress
Hoop (Radial) and Axial stress
Stressing a material may cause it to change its shape or to deform.
This change or deformation is know as STRAIN.
It will go back to its original dimension provided the change is within its
Elastic Limit.
Station numbers
Attachment methods: Riveting, Welding, Adhesive bonding, Bolting,
Material Properties
Ability to change its shape reversibly when subjected to certain
loads or forces
Plasticity (or Ductility)
Ability to deform irreverisibly under force or load
Stiffness / Rigidity
Ability to withstand reversible deformation under load
Resistance to damage
Limit load
Design limit load
Maximum load the airframe or component is designed to experience in
The life of an airframe is limited by fatigue which is caused by
load cycles experience during takeoff, landing and pressurization.
Wohler (S/N) Curve leads to fatigue
Use less load, more cycle
The more the applied alternating stress, the lesser the number of
cycles before it leads to fracture
Cockpit windows
Toughened glass with vinyl interlayers with rubber sealing
Cockpit window heating
Conductive film applied to inner surfave of outer glass pane to
provide electrical heating for anti-icing and defogging.
The heating also makes the glass more resistant to foreign object
impact like a bird strike. (malleable)
Window heat failure may result in some penalty
The airplane flight manual may specify a pressurization limit
and/or speed limit below a certain altitude (reduce impact in
case of a bird strike)
o Eg. 250kts below 10k ft
Window heat on and off to desired temperature
Usually only front 4 windows
(window heat photo)
Eye Reference Indicator
Positioning for best outside visibility and panel scan
Other metals
Landing gear
Lighter than steel
Strong and high corrosion resistance
Can withstand high temperatures
Used in high temperatures areas like engine compartment for fire
Magnesium alloys
Excellent strength to weight ratio
Poor elastic properties
Not used in primary structures
Composites (in the form of laminate or sandwich aka honey-comb)
Advantages of Composites Structures:
1. Improve resistance to damage
2. Corrosion resistant
3. Reduce overall airplane weight
1. Takes time to cure
Typical composite materials
2. Fiberglass
3. Carbon fiber
4. Aramide (Kevlar)
Their composition:
Matrix (Resin or Filler) which are basically binders
Fibres which are reinforcements
Meaning we can tailor to the direction of the load
Stiffness of composites depends on the panel design like the composition
of the constituents.
Aluminium or steel have the uniform stiffness regardless of the direction
of the load.
Sandwich structure composite
Two thin but stiff skin sheets and a light weight but thick core
The core, normally of low strength material, provides high bending
stiffness with overall low density due to its thickness. It also stabilizes the
covering sheets.
Long thin member that runs the length of the winf under the skin
Absorb some of the bending load
Help stiffen the skin against buckling
Consists of Tailplane and Fin
Similar to wing construction
Wing mounted engines vs Tail mounted ones
Tail mounted engines more prone to stall because of the shift in
Wing mounted engines more prone to yaw in case of single sided
engine failure
Probability of Failure Condition and Severity (Insert EASA
Duplex, Triplex
Hard Time Maintenance (different from Safe Life, in specific to
individual component)
Hard Time maintenance is a primary maintenance process under
which an item must be removed from service at or before a
specified time for inspection or overhaul
Also known as Time Between Overhaul (TBO)
On Condition Maintenance
This is a preventive primary maintenance process which requires
that a component be periodically inspected or checked against
some appropriate physical standard or limit to determine
whether it can continue in service.
If the limit is exceeded, the part has to be replaced
It is not a philosophy of fit and forget or fit until failure.
Pascals Law
Pressure = Force / Area
Force = Pressure x Area
Work Done = Force x Distance
Power = WD / Time
= Force x Distance / Time
= Pressure x Area x Distance / Time
= Pressure x Volume / Time
Mechanical Advantage
The use of a small force to create a larger force elsewhere
Hydraulics Applications
Landing Gear (Retractable)
Flight Controls
By converting pressure energy into mechanical works (through
Why is hydraulics better than Pneumatics
Liquid is imcompressible
Liquid transmits pressue equally
Hydraulics is used to convert pressure energy into mechanical
Hydraulics Fluid properties
Good lubrication
Low viscosity
Wide operating temperature range
Non corrosive
Non toxic
High flash point (if)
Types if hydraulic fluids
Provides storage space for system fliud
Provides a reserve to compensate for minor leaks in the system
Allows for variation in fluid volume due to thermal expansion and
actuator operation
Provides space for returning fluid
Purges system of air (prevents cavitation which makes brakes
May be pressurized or Unpressurized
Pressurized by air from engine bleed (typically 10-30psi)
o To give positive head pressure to pump Inlet
o Prevents cavitation
o Minimise foaming (prevent slushing)
Types of Hydraulic pumps
Low pressure pumps
o SPUR GEAR type
High pressure pumps
o Piston Types
Constant Volume
Pump Volume output is fixed
A pressure regulator is required to unload the
pump when system pressure is reached, and
the accumulator maintains the pressure
Constant Pressure (Variable Volume)
Pump volume output is variable according to
system requirements to maintain pressure.
Self regulated by output pressure and piston
acting on the swash plate angle
Located just after the pump
Filter solid particles > 25microns
When pressure builds up to a certain value, a FILTER BYPASS
warning will come on to warn of an impending bypass
On some system, a red button indicator will pop up for engineers
to rectify
Pressure Regulator
Also known as Auto Cut-Out Valve (ACOV) or Unloading Valve
Fitted to Constant Volume pump
ACOV is used in conjunction with the accumulator
Diaphragm for separation to prevent air from dissolving into fluid
Accumulator pressure gauge measures the system pressure
Hydraulic Fuse
Under normal operation condition, fluid is allowed to pass through
the fuse.
When there is a leak, there will be a pressure drop behind the
piston forcing it to close.
Flight Deck Warning Indicators
Low fluid Quantity
High Temperature
System Pressure Low
Pump Low Pressure Light
Open Centre Selector Valve
Fitted on older light aircraft, services connected in series
Only one service can be operated at a time
When no service is selected, the fluid passes though the centre
of the open centre selector
With a service selected and actuation completed, the selector
automatically returns to open position
What happens if it did not return to open position? Pressure relief
valve will actuate.
Closed / Pressurized System
Unloading valve (PR) maintains pressure at deisng value &
unloads pump by directing fluid back to reservoir
Operating pressure manintained in the line leading to selector
valve by accumulator
Can operate multiple services simultaneously
Indication system
Warning system
Emergency lowering system
Not On wheels
Touchdown Protection
Protects against inadvertent brake application at touchdown
Only when gears sense ground and on wheels spin up can brakes be
Locked Wheel Protection
Prevents wheel locking when landing on wet or icy runways
Primary Flight Controls:
Longitudinal (Roll) Axis
Asymmetrical Roll Spoilers
Lateral (Pitch) Axis
Normal / Vertical (Yaw) Axis:
Flap Control
Config Warnings
Takeoff (Intermittent Horn)
o Stab Trim NOT in takeoff range
o Flaps Not in takeoff setting
o Speed Brake lever not in down detent
Landing (Steady Horn)
o Gear NOT down and locked with aircraft in landing
Adverse Yaw
Prise Aileron
Aileron Rudder Coupling
Flight Control Systems can be classified into:
Mechanical (including Hydro-Mechanical
Fly by wire
Mechanical Control Surface Actuation
Manual (Reversible)
o Control stick load proportional to surface deflection and
Partially Powered (reversible) / Power Assist
Fully Powered (Irreversible)
Engine Source
Bleed (charge) air is trapped from engine IP Compressor stage at
high engine thrust and from HP stage at low engine thrust
(IP and HP stages are in HP Compressor)
Normal Ops Maximum cabin altitude
It is accepted that we can perform our normal functions up to
10000 ft
However, pressurization systems are designed to maintain cabin
altitudes of up to maximum of 8000 ft
Functions of Pressurization Systems
Create a cabin environment as close as possible to sea level
conditions (between SL to 8000ft) regardless of airplane altitude.
Allow aircraft cabin pressure to climb and descend at much slower
rate than the aircraft itself
Maintain a constant mass of air entering the cabin adn vary the
mass of air leaving the cabin
Outflow Valve (aka Flow Control Valve)
To increase cabin pressure, close outflow valve (cabin altitude is
To decrease cabin pressure, open outflow valve (cabin altitude is
Pressurisation System
Pneumatic Source
Outflow Valve/s
Outflow Valve Motor/ Actuators
Pressure Controller
Excessive Differential Pressure Relief Valve
Negative Differential Pressure Relief Valve
Differential Pressure
Differential pressure is the difference between the cabin pressure and
outside ambient pressure
The higher the pressure differential the higher the stress on the fuselage
Keeping the maximum differential pressure to a practical minimum will
reduce this stress
Therefore the structural strength of the aircraft will determine its
maximum Differential Pressure
Typical Maximum Differential Pressure of large modern aircraft is about 89
In modern planes, the outflow valve opens on landing as the ground . air
sensor or squat switch senses the ground
Ditching Handle
In emergency water landings, shut off all valve openings
System must be duplicated
Not less than 1lb/person/ min of air
If one pack is faulty, not less than 0.5lb/ person / min
On ground,
Ground AirCon Cart
Auxiliary Power unit
Typical System
Air Cycle System (Bootstrap
Done by energy conversion & Heat exchange
Air Cycle systems
The Air Cycle Machine (ACM) works on the preinciple of converting
pressure and heat energy into (work)kinetic energy at the turbine
The charge (bleed) air is cooled in the process at the turbine
Airline Operations
Anti-Icing and De-Icing Systems
1. Mechanical
De-icing boots
2. Thermal (Heating)
Bleed Air: Engine and Wing
Electrical: Windscreens, Pitot tubes (and some Static
ports), Propellers
3. Fluid
Propellers, Wing, Windscreens
De-icing boots
Inflatable rubber mats
On wings and some tail surfaces
Inflated alternatively and symmetrically
Operated when ice thickness reaches 1.5cm
Mechanical: De-Icing Boots
1. Inflation Air Source:
Pressure side of vacuum pump
Engine bleed air
Ground De-Icing
Rain protection
Windshield Wipers
Rain Repellant
o Used in very heavy rain when wipers alone is not effective
o Apply to one window at a time
Not to be used on dry windshield
Permanent rain repelling coating layer on windshield during
Supplemental Oxygen
Carried in pressurized aircraft in case of emergencies
Safety Precautions
Care must be taken with the use of oxygen systems
1. Control valves must be opened slowly (friction may cause
2. Contact with grease or oil must be avoided as it can result in a
chemical reaction leading to a spontaneous fire or explostion
3. Smoking is strictly prohibited
Flight Crew Supplemental Oxygen
Stored in the cargo
Gaseous Type
Self contained
Can be regulated and be turned off
First aid Therapeutic Oxygen
First Aid Oxygen (Portable bottles) are meant to provide some pax
who may require additional oxygen after an emergency descent due to
respiratory problems
To deal with pax with medical conditions like respiratory disorders
during normal flight
Additional bottles MUST be carried for pax with known medical
Flow rate
4 litre flow for first aid use 30 min
2 litre flow for post decompression walk around 60min
Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE)
PBEs must be available to all crew members
Device must be able to protect the eyes, nose and mouth for
It can be a portable oxygen bottle with a full face mask
Or a smoke hood
Or cockpit oxygen mask with smoke goggles
Crew portable Oxygen with full face smoke mask (Demand
Overheat Detectors
Wheel wells
Toilet Waste Bin
Overheat type detection
Unit type detector
o Bi-metallic material
Continous Loop (Firewire) detector
o Resistive
o Capacitive
Bi-Metallic Detectors
Two different metals with different expansion rate
There is a short time delay before the warning comes on
This is to prevent a false warning due to vibration
High expansion Rate tube
Low expansion Rate Spring bow
o When heated, the contact point will touch
Filler materials acts as the di-electric
Di-electric used has a positive co-efficient of capacitance with
temperature (positive temperature co-efficeinet _
Capacitance increases with temperature
The charging unit charges the electrode
The measuring unit monitors this charge and compares this with
a reference value
In a fire condition, as the temperature goes up, the capacitance
and therefore the charge increases.
The measuring unit senses this and sends a signal to the fire
warning circuit.
Gas filled Detectors
Titanium Hydride
Crushed capillary Tube can flow as long as there is a gas passage
Continuous Loop (Firewire) System
2 detector loops operating in parallel
With both loops operative, both have to detect a fire before a fire
warning is activated
With a single loop operative, a fault or fire will bring on the fire
Dual loop fire detection
Is a small explosive cartridge (electrically operated)
Upon detonation, the piston is forced down to allow the
extinguishing agent to be discharged into the selected engine
Thermal discharge
Discharge due to excessive pressure will result in the amber
discharge light illuminating
At the same time, an overboard discharge disk will be visible on
some aircraft type on the outside when you do your walk around
Saves weight
Prevents vapour lock to the EDP
Fuel Tanks
High Level Float Switch
Flt Deck Indication
Fuel Quantity
Fuel Temp
Fuel Flow
Low level
Fuel low pressure
Transfer Valve Position
LP Valve Position
Fuel Quantity Indication
This floats type with variable resistor is used mainly on light
aircraft to give volumetric indication
It cannot compensate for temperature or SG fluctuations and
maneuvering errors.
The capacitance type measures the mass of the fuel and is used
on most large modern aircraft.
AC Voltage applied to 2 plates separated by a di-electric motor
A number of plates connecting
Bowser=Refuelling truck
Inserting a soft iron into a coil will intensify the magnetism.
How to
create EMF?
Static electricity: No practical use
Pressure: Piezo electricity: Crystal microphone
Heat: Thermo electricity: Thermocouple
Light: Photo electricity: Photo electric cell
Chemical action: Batteries
Magnetism: Electromagnetic Induction: Generators and
Electric Induction
Three requirements for electromagnetic induction (EMF
Magnetic field
Relative motion between the two (either can be the rotor
and other the stator)
Strength of EMF induced is dependent on:
Strength of magnetic field
Number and size of conductor windings
Speed at which the conductor cuts across the lines of magnetic
Practical Generators
Practical generators are self exciting as soft iron cores has residual
magnetism to provide initial excitation
Voltage Regulation
Why the need for regulation?
Excessive voltage can cause damage to equipment
What happens when engine rpm is increased?
So how to regulate then?
Varying the field strength by varying the field current
Voltage Regulator
Maintains the ooutput voltage of the generaor at a constant value at any
engine speed and electrical load.
By changing the strength of magnetitc field
(varying the current supplied to the field windings)
Left Zero Ammeter / Load master
1. Connected between alternator and busbar
2. If needle deflected right (away from 0) , the generator is supplying
3. IF showing 0, the alternator or generator has failed or not supplying
Needle right (+) = charging
Needle left (-) = discharging
Cut out voltage
When Gen volt < Batt volt, the cut-out switch opens (to prevent
battery from discharging into generator)