Kevin Solway
Kevin Solway
Kevin Solway
I include here a selection of the teachings that have been of the most use to
me. As the selection is a product of my own mind, and my own personality, it
should convey as much of myself as any of my own personal writings.
Many have trod the Path of the Infinite before now, making it easier for us to
follow. It would be foolish for one to beat his own path through the
wilderness, thinking himself to be the only one, when there is encouragement
and guidance to be had.
Individuality and self-reliance cannot be surpassed, but the kind of
individuality that shuts itself off from the chance of help is complete and utter
King Milind: What is Nirvana?
Nagasena: The question is wrongly put. How can a man describe all the
interactions that ever have been and ever will?
King Milind: How can there be rebirth without transmigration?
Nagasena: Suppose a man were to light a lamp from another lamp, can it be
said that the one transmigrates from the other?
King Milind: No.
Nagasena: Just so, great King, is rebirth without transmigration.
King Milind: Where does wisdom dwell?
Nagasena: Nowhere.
King Milind: Then, there is no wisdom.
Nagasena: Where does the wind dwell?
King Milind: Nowhere.
Nagasena: So, there is no such thing as wind!
King Milind: If you speak honestly to someone about how badly they behave,
is this not abuse, which might lead to a breach of the peace?
Nagasena: Do you bow down and show respect to a criminal? Or do you
show him the error of his ways? Do you try to cure vigorous diseases with
soft drugs?
Nagasena: Vice dies away quickly by reason of its meanness, whereas
virtue, by its grandeur, takes a long time to die.
* * * *
- If a man do rituals for a thousand years. Better is it for the man who for but
a moment pay homage to a man who is grounded in true knowledge. And he
who lives a hundred years, not seeing the highest Truth, a life of one day is
better if a man sees the highest law.
- A man who has learnt little, grows old like an ox, his flesh grows, but his
knowledge does not grow.
- If a man make himself as he teaches others to be, then, being himself well
subdued, he may subdue others; for ones own self is difficult to subdue.
- Those who are ever watchful, who study day and night, and who strive after
Nirvana, their passions will come to an end.
- A man is not learned because he talks much. A man is not an elder because
his head is grey. He is "old-in-vain".
- So long as the sensual desire of man towards women, even the smallest, is
not destroyed, so long is his mind in bondage, as the calf that drinks milk is to
its mother.
- Sitting alone, lying down alone, walking alone and alone subduing himself,
let a man be happy at the end of desires.
- Rouse thyself by thyself, examine thyself by thyself, thus self-protected and
attentive wilt thou live happily.
- To be thoughtless is easy, it is easy to live without shame and be selfish. But
it is hard to be selfless, pure and intelligent.
- Riches destroy the foolish, if they look not for the other shore; the fool by his
thirst for riches destroys himself, as if he were destroying others in battle.
- Without knowledge there is no meditation, without meditation there is no
knowledge. He who has knowledge and meditation is near unto Nirvana.
- He who has compassion on his friends and confidential companions loses his
own advantage, having a fettered mind; seeing danger in friendship let one
wander alone like a rhinoceros. There is support and amusement in the midst
of company, and for children there is great affection; Although wishing
people well, one must wander alone like a rhinoceros. Having torn the ties,
having broken the net as a fish in the water, being like a fire not returning to
the burnt place, let one wander alone like a rhinoceros. They cultivate the
society of others and serve them for the sake of personal advantage; friends
without a motive are difficult to come by. Therefore, let one wander alone
like a rhinoceros.
- What fools say is pleasure, the nobles say is pain. What fools say is pain, the
nobles know as pleasure. See here is a thing difficult to understand, here the
ignorant are confounded.
- Those who "purify" themselves through philosophy are not on the true way.
They are attached to words. They go from teacher to teacher, philosophy to
philosophy, book to book. They grasp, they let go like a monkey letting go
one branch to catch hold of another.
- He (the Muni) does not enter time of living beings, he is no follower of
philosophical views, nor a friend of knowledge, and having penetrated the
opinions that have arisen amongst people, he is indifferent to learning, while
others acquire it. Not because of a philosophical view is one called a Muni,
but because of his freedom from desire, freedom from self.
- Philosophers cannot lead to purity, they praise only themselves and
stigmatise others. But a Buddha has overcome all dispute, he is indifferent to
learning, he is appeased.
- Let one not form any philosophical view in this world, either by knowledge
or by virtue and holy works, let him not represent himself equal to others, nor
think himself either low or distinguished. In him there is not the least
prejudiced idea with regard to what has been seen, heard, or thought; how
could any one in this world alter such a one who does not adopt any view?
- They do not form any view, they do not prefer anything, the Dhammas are
not chosen by them. He does not depend upon virtue or holy works. Having
gone to the other shore, such a one does not return.
* * * *
* * * *
One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing,
another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.
The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none,
but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.
Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent,
and discerning if he holds his tongue.
A sluggard does not plow in season,
so at harvest time, he looks but finds nothing.
Better is open rebuke
than hidden love.
He who rebukes a man will in the end gain
more favour than he who has a flattering tongue.
* * * *
- Knowledge and love of God are ultimately one and the same. There is no
difference between pure knowledge and pure love.
- A true devotee who has drunk deeply of Divine Love is like a veritable
drunkard, and, as such, cannot always observe the rules of propriety.
- As the lamp does not burn without oil, so man cannot live without God.
God is even in the tiger, but we must not go and face the animal! So it is true
that God dwells even in the most wicked of men, but it is not meant that we
should associate with the wicked.
- The human body is like a boiling pot, and the mind and the senses are like
the food cooking within it. The heat does not belong to the pot but to the fire.
So it is the fire of Brahman in man that causes the mind and the senses to
perform their functions, and when that fire ceases to act, the senses also, or the
organs, stop.
* Similarly, we are like a fountain. When the power to the water pump is
cut-off, the fountain ceases.
- A man who voluntarily goes into a river and bathes therein gets the benefit of
the bath; so does likewise he who has been pushed into the river by another,
or who while sleeping soundly has water thrown upon him by another.
- The locomotive engine reaches the destination itself, and also draws and
takes with it a long train of loaded wagons. So likewise act the Saviours.
They carry multitudes of men, heavily laden with the cares and sorrows of the
world, to the feet of the Almighty.
- A Sadhu accidentally trod on the toe of a wicked person, who beat him to
unconsciousness. His disciples brought him back to consciousness and one of
them asked "Sir, do you recognize who is attending upon you?" The Sadhu
replied "He who beat me". A true Sadhu finds no distinction between a friend
and a foe.
- When water is poured into an empty vessel a bubbling noise ensues, but
when the vessel is full no such noise is heard. Similarly, the man who has not
found God is full of vain disputations. But when he has seen Him, all vanities
disappear. He is like a deep pool, clear and full.
- A logician once asked Sri Ramakrishna "What are knowledge, knower, and
the object known?" To which he replied, "Good man, I do not know all these
niceties of scholastic learning. I know only my Mother Divine, and that I am
Her son".
- The true Sadhus seem to roam about like children or mad men, in dirty
- The sage alone can recognize a sage. Just as a specialist in a field of work
knows his subject.
- Two men went into a garden. The worldly-wise man no sooner entered the
gate than he began to count the number of the mango-trees, how many
mangoes each tree bore, and what might be the approximate price of the whole
orchard. the other went to the owner, made his acquaintance, and quietly
going under a mangoe tree began to pluck the fruit and eat it with the owners
consent. Now who is the wiser of the two? Eat mangoes, it will satisfy your
hunger. What is the good of counting the leaves and making vain
calculations? The vain man of intellect is uselessly busy in finding out the
"why and wherefore" of creation while the humble man of wisdom makes
acquaintance with the creator and enjoys the supreme bliss of this world.
- "I must attain perfection in this life, yea, in three days I must find God, nay,
with a single utterance of his name I will draw him to me". With such a
violent love the Lord is attracted soon. The lukewarm lovers take ages to go
to Him, if at all.
- The darkness of centuries is dispersed at once as soon as light is brought into
the room. The accumulated ignorances and misdoings of innumerable births
vanish before the single glance of the Almighty's gracious look. God is in all
men, but all men are not in God; that is the reason why they suffer.
- The waters of a swiftly-flowing current move round and round in eddies, but
quickly crossing these they resume their former course. So the hearts of the
pious fall sometimes into the whirlpools of despondency, grief and unbelief,
but it is only a momentary aberration. It does not last long.
- It is pleasant to scratch pimples and skin irritations, but the consequences are
bad. So the pleasures of the world are very pleasant in the beginning, but their
after consequences are very terrible to contemplate.
- There is little chance a bushman will get lost if he knows which direction is
North. So, if the mind of man is turned always towards God without
oscillation, direction will never be lost and one can steer clear of every danger.
- If you can detect and find out the universal illusion or maya, it will fly away
from you, just as a thief runs away when found out.
- If you wish to thread the needle, make the thread pointed, and remove all
extraneous fibres. Then the thread will pass easily into the eye of the needle.
So if thou wishest to concentrate thy heart on God, be meek, humble, poor of
spirit, and remove all filaments of desire.
* A frayed and agitated mind has no strength. It needs to be focused to a
point to be able to penetrate through the veil of maya.
- The tender bamboo can be easily bent, but the full-grown bamboo breaks
when an attempt is made to bend it. It is easy to bend young hearts towards
good, but the hearts of the old escape the hold when so drawn.
Q: What do you think of the man who is a good orator and preacher, but
whose spirituality is undeveloped?
A: He is like a person who squanders anothers property left in trust with him.
The ideas he expresses are not his own, but borrowed.
* The spiritual scriptures are a great treasure, but the foolish mis-use them,
and so destroy them altogether, spoiling all the hard work that was done to
create them.
- The man who, living in the midst of the temptations of the world, attains
perfection, is the true hero.
- When the tail of the tadpole drops off, it can live both in water and on land.
When the tail of ignorance drops off, man becomes free. He can then live
both in God and in the world equally well.
* * * *
- To the sage, neither death nor life makes any change in him, and how much
less should the consideration of advantage and injury do so!
- Men in general bustle about and toil, the sagely man seems stupid and to
know nothing. He blends ten thousand years together in the One, the myriad
things all pursue their spontaneous course, and they are all before him as doing
- He who knows the part which the Heavenly in him plays, and knows also
that which the Human in him ought to play, has reached the perfection of
- The wise men of old did not reject the views of the few, they did not seek to
accomplish like heroes before others. Though they might make mistakes they
had no occasion for repentance; though they might succeed, they had no self
complacency. Being such, they could ascend the loftiest heights without fear;
they could pass through water without being made wet by it; they could go
into fire without being burnt. They did not dream when they slept, and had
no anxiety when they awoke. They did not care that their food should be
pleasant. Their breathing came deeply and silently. The breathing of the true
man comes from his heels while men generally breathe only from their throats.
They knew nothing of the love of life or the hatred of death. Composedly they
went and came. They were free from all thought. They beamed simplicity.
Profit and injury are the same to them. Their placidity and satisfaction had the
appearance of joy; their every movement seemed to be a necessity to them.
Unceasing seemed their endeavours to keep their mouths shut. They never
incurred punishment. In this way they were one and the same in all their
likings and dislikings. Where they liked, they were the same; where they did
not like, they were the same.
- Tell a man that he is merely following the opinions of another, or that he is a
flatterer of others, and at once he flushes with anger. And yet all his life he is
merely following others, and is flattering them! His illustrations are made to
agree with theirs, his phrases are glossed - to win the approbation of the
multitudes. From first to last, from beginning to end, he finds no fault with
their views. He dresses so as to win the favour of his age, and yet does not
call himself a flatterer. He is but a follower of those others, approving or
disapproving as they do, and yet he will not say that he is one of them. This is
the height of stupidity.
- The stillness of the sages does not belong to them as a consequence of their
skillful ability. It is their basic nature.
- The sages ramble in the vacancy of untroubled ease, find their food in the
fields of indifference, and stand in the gardens which they had not borrowed.
- There is a vulgar saying: "The multitude of men consider gain to be the most
important thing; pure scholars, fame; those who are wise and able value their
ambition; the sages prize essential purity". Therefore simplicity is the
denomination of that in which there is no admixture. It is he who can embody
simplicity and purity whom we call the True Man.
- Some people try to peep at the heavens through a tube, or aim at the earth
with an awl. These implements are too small for the purpose. You will find
many like this.
- An insect of the summer cannot be talked with about ice; - it knows nothing
beyond its own season. A scholar of limited views cannot be talked with
about the Tao.
- Don't nourish a bird as you would nourish yourself - you will make them
perplexed and frightened. He who would nourish a bird as a bird should be
nourished should let it perch in a deep forest, or let it float on a river or lake,
or let it find its food naturally and undisturbed on the level dry ground.
- Always be peaceful and happy. Things are just as they are. Un-sagely
people become renowned as sages and the true sages are often ignored. This
is simply owning to the times and its character.
- If a man is crossing a river in a boat, and another empty vessel comes into
collision with it, even though he be a man of choleric temper, he will not be
angry with it. If a man empty himself of himself, during his time in the world,
and we may think about it, but the more we speak, the wider we shall be off
the mark. When you look for their origin it goes back to infinity, when I look
for their end, it proceeds without termination. The name Tao is a metaphor,
used for the purpose of description. Neither speech nor silence is sufficient to
convey the notion of it.
- How is a thing right? It is right because it is right. How is a thing wrong? It
is wrong because it is wrong.
- To him who does not dwell in himself the forms of things show themselves
as they are. His movement is like that of water (flowing), his stillness is like
that of a mirror (showing things just as they are). His tenuity makes him seem
to be disappearing altogether; he is still as a clear lake, harmonious in his
association with others, and he counts gain as loss. Men all prefer to be first,
he alone chooses to be last. Men all choose fullness, he alone chooses
emptiness. He does not store, and therefore he has a superabundance; he looks
solitary, but has a multitude around him. In his conducting himself he is easy
and leisurely and wastes nothing. He does nothing, and laughs at the clever
and ingenious.
- Observe a man's actions, scrutinize his motives, study what makes him
content. It is impossible for a man to conceal himself.
- Not to speak with a man who can be spoken with is to lose a man. To speak
to a man who cannot be spoken with is to waste words. He who is truly wise
never loses a man, he too, never wastes his words.
- When the multitude detests a man, inquiry is necessary; when the multitude
likes a man, inquiry is equally necessary.
- At fifteen I set my mind in learning; at thirty I could stand; at forty I had no
doubts; at fifty I knew the Fate; at sixty I was already obedient to the Fate; and
at seventy I could follow my hearts desires without transgressing the standards
of right.
- Study without thought is labour lost; thought without study is perilous.
- The one who never changes is either the wisest of the wise, or the dullest of
the dull.
- I won't teach a man who is not eager to learn; nor will I explain to one
incapable of forming his own ideas. Nor have I anything more to say to those
who, after I have made clear one corner of the subject, cannot deduce the other
- If a man is always aware of what he lacks and also what he has learned, he is
indeed fond of learning.
- Remember the end and aim of learning, whilst you are constantly engaged in
- If a man fails to have a firm hold of virtue and has no firm faith in the Tao,
what account can be made of him if he lives? What account can be made of
him if he dies?
- If trees are felled day after day on a hillside it becomes denuded. So it is
with the human heart. Given a chance, it regenerates.
- When a man's physical body is not straight he feels dissatisfied and seeks to
fix it. But when his mind is not straight he doesn't feel dissatisfaction. This is
called ignorance of the relative importance of things.
- I hate what seems right, but what in reality is wrong. I hate the darnel lest it
be confused with the corn. I hate the glib talker lest he be confused with the
righteous. I hate the good careful villagers, lest they be confused with the
- Words that are simple but profound in meaning are good words. Principles
that are condensed but comprehensive in application are good principles.
- One who shrugs shoulders and feigns flattering smiles is more exhausted
than a field labourer toiling in summer.
- No part of a man's body is more vital than the pupil of the eye. Listen to his
words and look into his eyes. How can a man conceal his true self?
- Only when a man of worth has himself been enlightened does he try to
enlighten others. Nowadays however, one tries to enlighten others while
oneself is in darkness.
- To accomplish without acting and to obtain without seeking - this is what is
meant by the function of Heaven. Although the Tao of Heaven is profound,
the great man will not deliberate on it, although it is great, he will not devote
his energy to it, although it is meticulous, he will not scrutinize it. This is
what is meant by refraining from contesting with Heaven.
- To speak with much refinement and coherence, to discourse for a whole day
with various reasonings and different approaches, but to concentrate on one
subject - this is the wisdom of the sage. The scholar speaks eloquently
according to the rules of public speaking, but does not possess true wisdom.
- If you do not know a person, look at his friends.
- When enough earth is accumulated to make a mountain, wind and rain arise.
When much goodness is accumulated, spiritual enlightenment comes of itself,
and the sagely heart is attained.
- To offer instruction without being asked is impetuous, to speak about two
things when asked about one is talkative.
- If a man learns much, but does not learn the Tao, then, to the end of his days
he will not be more than an absurd scholar.
- The selfish man, although he may ride in a coach and wear a crown, is no
different from a footless cripple. He can be called one who makes himself a
servant of those things he admires.
- Everything has its roots and branches. Affairs have their beginning and end.
To know what comes first and what comes last is to be near to the Tao.
- A single word may ruin an enterprise, and a single man may pacify the state.
- Let me have one minister who is faithful and sincere, who does not pretend
to other abilities, who has an upright and tolerant heart; who, seeing abilities
in other men, values them as if they were his own, and, hearing sagacious
wisdom from other men, loves it as though it were from his own mouth,
showing that he is open-minded.
- When there is sincerity there is enlightenment. When there is enlightenment
there is sincerity.
- It is only the individual possessed of supreme sincerity who can give full
development to his nature. Able to give full development to his nature, he can
give full development to the nature of all men. Able to give full development
to the nature of all men, he can give full development to the nature of all
things. Able to give full development to the nature of all things, he can assist
the transforming and nurturing processes of Heaven and earth. Able to assist
the transforming and nurturing processes of Heaven and earth, he may, with
Heaven and earth, form a triad.
- Don't get attached to words and debate. At best you will be known as a good
debater. This is of no value at all!
* * * *
been forgotten.
Thus I perceive the creation.
How do I know the ways of creation?
Because of this.
beginning of confusion.
Knowledge of the future is only a flowery trapping of
It is the beginning of folly.
Therefore the truly great man dwells on what is real and
not what is on the surface.
On the fruit and not the flower.
Therefore accept the one and reject the other.
Practice non-action.
Work without doing.
Taste the tasteless.
Magnify the small, increase the few.
Reward bitterness with care.
* * * *
Student: What is meant by, "proficiency in teaching but not in Transmission."
Master: It refers to those whose words are at variance with their deeds.
- Understand the one point, and a thousand others will accordingly grow clear;
misunderstand that one and ten thousand delusions will encompass you. He
who holds to that one has no more problems to solve.
- If the meaning is not brilliantly clear to you, hasten to ask your questions.
Do not allow hours to pass you in vain. If you people put your trust in this
teaching and act accordingly, without being delivered, I shall gladly take your
places in hell for the whole of my existence. If I have deceived you, may I be
reborn in a place where lions, tigers and wolves will devour my flesh! But, if
you do not put faith in this teaching, and do not practice it diligently, that will
be because you do not understand it. Once you have lost a human body, you
will not obtain another for millions of aeons. Strive on! Strive on! It is
absolutely vital that you come to understand.
Master: Who spoke the diamond sutra?
Student: You must be joking, of course you know that it was spoken by
Master: Well, that sutra states "If someone says the Tathagata expounds the
Dharma he thereby slanders the Buddha! Such a man will never understand
what I mean." But if you say it was not spoken by the Buddha you will be
Student: Is there anything in the world more marvellous than the forces of
Master: There is - the power of comprehending those natural forces.
- Zen Masters grasp at essentials and gain a direct understanding of the Mind
Source. Their methods consist of revealing and hiding, of exposing and
covering reality in a criss-cross manner which responds adequately to all the
different grades of potentiality (for Enlightenment). They excel in
harmonizing facts with the underlying principle, so that people may suddenly
perceive the Tathagata; and by pulling up their deep samsaric roots, they cause
their pupils to experience samadhi on the spot.
- It is written in a sutra "In all the Buddha-realms of the Ten Quarters, there is
only the one Dharma of the One Vehicle" - there is neither a second or a third,
except in so far as the Buddha employed relative terms in his expedient
teachings for the guidance of sentient beings. Whether a man remains
deluded or gains illumination depends on himself, not upon differences or
similarity of doctrine.
Student: Why do the Vinaya (school of discipline) masters not believe in Zen?
Master: The Noumenon is profoundly mysterious and not easily revealed,
whereas names and forms are easy to grasp. Those who do not perceive their
self- nature refuse to believe in it, those who do perceive their self-nature are
called Buddhas.
- Since fundamentally you are not bound, why seek deliverance? The Dharma
is beyond mere words, speech and writings. Do not seek it amidst a plethora
of sentences. The Dharma does not pertain to past, present or future; you
cannot write with it at the level of causal law. The Dharma transcends
everything and is incomparable. The Dharmakaya, though immaterial,
manifests itself in response to the needs of living beings; so you cannot turn
away from the worldly to seek deliverance.
Regarding blame . . .
- When a tearing wind snaps off a branch which falls and kills somebody,
there is no murderer and no murdered.
Student: How shall we understand that which is beyond the reach of words?
Master: Now, while you are speaking, what is there which cannot be reached
by your words?
- While deluded people are talking of ordinary and holy, Illumined men leap
over Samsara and Nirvana - both! While deluded people set their hopes on
some far distant aeon, illumined men instantly perceive all.
Student: If you are enlightened then do some magic for me.
Student: If you believe that I will not die then show me that I won't.
Master: Do you believe there will be a morrow.
Student: Yes, certainly.
Master: Then bring it forth and show it to me! . . . The morrow may not be
just now, but this doesn't mean it doesn't exist! You personally do not
perceive your own nature, but this does not mean that your nature does not
- Bodhisattvas are inherent in men and are not to be separated from the One
Mind. Awake to it, and it is there. You students of the Way who do not
awake to this in your own minds, and who are attached to appearances or who
seek for something objective outside your own minds, have all turned your
backs on the Way. That which is before you is it, in all its fullness, utterly
complete. You add nothing to it in your search for it.
- If you students of the Way wish to become Buddhas, you need study no
doctrine whatever, but learn only how to avoid seeking for and attaching
yourself to anything. Where nothing is sought this implies Mind unborn,
where no attachment exists, this implies Mind not destroyed.
- Relinquishment of everything is the Dharma, and he who understands this is
a Buddha, but the relinquishment of ALL delusions leaves no Dharma in
which to lay hold.
- If only you will avoid concepts of existence and non- existence in regard to
absolutely everything, you will then perceive the Dharma.
- To the city of illusions? . . . there are many directions, and stages of the path
and so on. But to the city of Precious things? . . . this is a place to which no
directions can be given. When you have a tacit understanding of its substance,
it is there.
- Many people are afraid to empty their minds lest they plunge into the Void.
They do not know that their own Mind is the void. The ignorant eschew
phenomena but not thought; the wise eschew thought but not phenomena.
When everything inside and outside, bodily and mental, has been relinquished;
when, as in the Void, no attachments are left; when all action is dictated purely
by place and circumstance; when subjectivity and objectivity are forgotten that is the highest form of relinquishment.
- When thoughts of the past cannot be taken hold of, that is relinquishment of
the past. When thoughts of the present cannot be taken hold of, that is
relinquishment of the present. When thoughts of the future cannot be taken
hold of, that is relinquishment of the future. This is called the utter
relinquishment of Triple time.
Student: What instructions have Masters everywhere given for study of the
Master: Words used to attract the dull of wit are not to be relied on.
Student: Then where do I hear Dharma that is taught to men of high capacity?
Master: You will find the teaching nowhere. Men of high capacity do not
seek teachers of words. They see nothing tangible in themselves, nor do they
see any other thing as tangible. Do not look for Dharma, for what sort of
Dharma could that be? Seek nothing, and you will save yourself a lot of
mental effort.
Student: Up to now, you have only refuted everything which has been said.
You have done nothing to point out the true Dharma to us. We are confused.
Master: In the true Dharma there is no confusion, but you produce confusion
by such questions. What sort of "True Dharma" can you go seeking for? . . .
Just observe things as they are and don't pay attention to other people. There
are some people just like mad dogs barking at everything that moves, even
barking when the wind stirs among the grass and leaves.
- If you would spend all your time - walking, standing, sitting or lying down learning to halt the concept-forming activities of your own mind, you could be
sure of ultimately attaining your goal. Since your strength is insufficient, you
might not be able to transcend samsara in a single leap; but after five or ten
years, you would surely have made a good beginning and be able to make
further progress spontaneously. It is because you are not that sort of man that
you feel obliged to employ your mind "studying the Way". What has all that
got to do with Buddhism?
- Concentrate your thoughts for a moment and avoid thinking in terms of good
and evil. While you are not thinking of good, and not thinking of evil, just at
this very moment, return to what you were before your father and mother were
- So, just discard all you have acquired as being no better than a bedspread for
you when you were sick. Only when you have abandoned all perceptions,
there being nothing objective to perceive; only when phenomena obstruct you
no longer; only when you have rid yourself of the whole gamut of dualistic
concepts of the "ignorant" and "Enlightened" category, will you at last earn the
title of Transcendental Buddha.
Student: Does the essential substance of the Buddha differ at all from that of
sentient beings or are they identical?
Master: Essential substance partakes neither of identity nor difference.
- Master Rinzai warned his students "All I am talking about is only medicine
appropriate for curing specific ailments. In my talks there is nothing
absolutely real."
- "The heart is the Buddha" is the medicine. "No heart, no Buddha" is to cure
those who are sick because of the medicine.
- Student: Is an awakened man still subject to the law of cause and effect?
Master: He does not obscure it.
- Master Nansen was washing his clothes. A monk asked "Is the Master still
doing such things?". Master Nansen, holding up his clothes, asked "What is to
be done with them".
- Student: What is the Buddha?
Master: The one in the hall.
Student: But that one is only an image, a lump of clay.
Master: That is so.
Student: So what is the Buddha?
Master: The one in the hall.
- When hungry I eat, when tired I sleep. Fools laugh at me. The wise
- If one son leaves his home to become a monk, seven generations of parents
will gain the Way.
- One man, just from being in the company of an enlightened man can reach
enlightenment - without any study. It is like walking through fog or dew.
Although you do not actually wet your garment, it gradually becomes damp.
- After so much suffering in Nirvanic castles
What a joy to sink into this world!
People wear silk clothes
Buddhas dress in rags
A wooden man walking in the evening
A stone woman with a bonnet For the first time you will see,
When you can cup your hands,
And pick up the moon as it floats on the still surface of a pond.
- Socrates used to go around Athens saying "You must know yourself". Once
a student of his asked him "Do you know yourself? ". Socrates said "I don't
know, but I understand this don't know.
- Student: What is the true way for women?
Master: What is woman?
- On plastic flowers: "I don't like plastic" is just as much an attachment as "I
like plastic". If you are attached to plastic your whole mind becomes plastic.
Put it all down. The sea doesn't say to a river "your water is dirty, you can't
flow into me". It accepts all waters, which make it the sea.
- Master: "The mouse eats cat-food, but the cat bowl is broken". What does
this mean?
Student: The mouse eats cat-food, but the cat bowl is broken.
Master: Correct, don't be attached to the words.
- Student: When you say you are here to save all people, does that mean only
to help them to get enlightened, or also to save them from hunger, war and
Master: I have already finished saving all people - put it down. Okay?
- You think that the whole world is suffering, and you are afraid the world will
be destroyed. You want to save all the people from suffering. So you are a
great Bodhisattva, a great man. But a truly great man is not attached to
anything, not enlightenment, not Bodhisattva. He has no words of speech only action. Go outside and ask a tree what the true way is. It will give you a
good answer.
- Possessing much knowledge is like having a thousand foot fishing line with a
hook, but the fish is always an inch beyond the hook.
- A man travelling across a field encountered a tiger. He fled, the tiger after
him. Coming to a precipice, he caught hold of the root of a wild vine and
swung himself down over the edge. The tiger sniffed at him from above.
Trembling, the man looked down to where, far below, another tiger was
waiting to eat him. Only the vine sustained him. Two mice, one white and
one black, little by little started to gnaw away at the vine. The man saw a
luscious strawberry near him. Grasping the vine with one hand, he plucked
the strawberry with the other. How sweet it tasted!
- Flowers rained down on Subhuti. The gods whispered to him "We are
praising you for your discourse on emptiness".
"But I have not spoken of emptiness" said Subhuti.
"You have not spoken of emptiness, we have not heard emptiness",
responded the gods. "This is true emptiness".
Blossoms showered upon Subhuti as rain.
- A Nun, liked only her own gold-leaf statue of the Buddha, so she devised a
funnel through which the incense perfume would rise only to her statue. This
blackened the nose of the golden Buddha, making it especially ugly.
- A woman died, but had left a letter for her son, in the form of a will, wishing
him Enlightenment.
She signed it: Your Mother,
- A noble heart never forces itself forward. Its words are as rare gems, seldom
displayed and of great value.
- Ikkyu, the Zen Master, was very clever even as a boy. His teacher had a
precious teacup, a rare antique. Ikkyu happened to break this cup and was
greatly perplexed. Hearing the footsteps of his teacher, he held the pieces of
the cup behind him. When the Master appeared, Ikkyu asked: "Why do people
have to die? ". "This is natural" explained the older man. "Everything has to
die and has just so long to live". Ikkyu, producing the shattered cup, added:
"It was time for your cup to die".
- Two daughters of a silk merchant live in Kyoto,
The elder is twenty, the younger eighteen,
A soldier may kill with his sword,
But these girls slay men with their eyes.
- One child met another on the way to the market. He asked "Where are you
going? ". "I am going wherever my feet go" the other responded. The first
went to his teacher for help, who told him "Ask him where he will go if he had
no feet - that will fix him." So, next morning "Where are you going? ". And
the other answered "Wherever the wind blows". Again the youngster was
nonplussed and took his defeat to his master. "Ask him where he is going if
there is no wind" said the master. Next day "Where are you going? " asked
the first child. "I am going to the market to buy vegetables" the other replied.
- Basui wrote the following letter to one of his disciples who was about to die:
"The essence of your mind is not born, so it will never die. It is not an
existence, which is perishable. It is not an emptiness, which is mere void. It
has neither colour nor form. It enjoys no pleasures and suffers no pains. I
know you are very ill. Like a good Zen student, you are facing that sickness
squarely. You may not know exactly who is suffering, but question yourself:
What is the essence of this mind? Think only of this. You will need no more.
Covet nothing. Your end which is endless is as a snowflake dissolving in the
pure air".
- Soichi was a Zen teacher sparking with enlightenment. Day and night the
whole temple stood in silence. There was no sound at all. Even the reciting
of sutras was abolished by the teacher. His pupils had nothing to do but
meditate. When the Master passed away, an old neighbour heard the ringing
of bells and the recitation of sutras. Then she knew Shoichi had gone.
- A monk visited Nansen Fugan who was living by himself in a small hut.
Nansen told him he had something to do up the mountain and asked him to
carry some food to him when mealtime came. When the monk didn't appear,
Nansen returned and found the cooking vessels smashed and the monk asleep;
thereupon he stretched out and took a nap himself. When he awoke, the monk
was gone. In later years, Nansen said, "Back when I was living by myself in a
small hut, I had a visit from a splendid monk. I've never seen him since."
Some Sayings of Sayen Shaku:
- My heart burns like fire but my eyes are as cold as dead ashes.
- Receive a guest with the same attitude you have when alone. When alone,
maintain the same attitude you have in receiving guests.
- Upon retiring, sleep as if you had entered your last sleep. Upon awakening,
leave your bed behind you instantly as if you had thrown away your old
Next day . . .
Tozan: Yesterday you forgave me 3 blows. I do not know why you thought
me wrong.
Ummon: You are good for nothing. You simply wander from one monastery
to another.
. . . Before Ummon's words were ended, Tozan was enlightened.
Mumon's comment:
Tozan swam around in a sea of good and bad (conceptions), but Ummon
crushed his nut shell. After all, he wasn't so smart.
The lioness teaches her cubs roughly;
The cubs jump and she knocks them down.
When Ummon saw Tozan his first arrow was light.
His second arrow shot deep.
* *
- Ummon asked: "The world is such a wide world, why so you answer a bell
and don ceremonial robes?
Mumon's comment: When one studies Zen one need not follow sound or
colour or a form, this is a very common way. It is not true Zen. The real Zen
student controls sound, colour, form, and actualizes the truth in his everyday
* *
- Joshu: What is the path?
Nansen: Everyday life is the path.
Joshu: Can it be studied?
Nansen: If you try, you will be far away from it.
Joshu: If I do not study, how can I know it is the path?
Nansen: The path does not belong to the perception world, neither does it
belong to the non perception world. Cognition is a delusion and non-cognition
senseless. If you want to reach the true path beyond doubt, place yourself in
the same freedom as sky. You name it neither good nor not-good.
At these words Joshu was enlightened.
Mumon's comment: Nansen could melt Joshus frozen doubts at once when
Joshu asked his questions. I doubt though if Joshu reached the point that
Nansen did. He needed thirty more years of study.
* *
- Shogen asked "Why does the enlightened man not stand on his feet and
explain himself? " And he also said "It is not necessary for speech to come
from the tongue."
Mumon's comment:
If the feet of enlightenment moved, the great ocean would overflow.
If that head bowed, it would look down upon the heavens.
Such a body has no place to rest.
Let another continue this poem.
* *
* *
- Daibai asked Baso "What is Buddha?"
Baso said "This mind is Buddha"
Mumon's comment:
Mumon's comment:
If you meet a fencing master on the road, you may give
him your sword.
If you meet a poet, you may offer him your own poem.
When you meet others, say only a part of what you
Never give the whole thing at once.
* *
- Nansen said: "Mind is not Buddha. Learning is not the path".
Mumon's comment: Nansen was getting old and forgot to be ashamed. He
spoke out with bad breath and exposed the scandal of his own home.
However there are few who appreciate his kindness.
When the sky is clear the sun appears
When the earth is parched the rain will fall
He opened his heart fully and spoke out.
But it was useless to talk to pigs and fish.
* *
- Shuzan held out his short staff and said: "If you call this a short staff, you
oppose its reality. If you do not call it a short staff, you ignore the fact. Now
what do you wish to call this?".
* * * *
from "Thus Spake Zarathustra"
Nietzsche as Christ
- I love them which greatly scorn because they also greatly adore; they are
arrows longing for the farther shore.
I love him which liveth that he may know, and which seeketh knowledge
that hereafter the Superman may live: for thus he willeth his own down-going.
I love him which reserveth no share of spirit for himself, but willeth to be
wholly the spirit of his virtue: thus in spirit he crosseth over the bridge.
I love him which justifieth future generations and redeemeth past
generations: for he willeth to perish by the present generation.
I love him which streweth golden words before his deeds and performeth yet
more than he promiseth: for he seeketh his own down-going.
I love him whose soul is over-full so that he forgetteth himself, and all things
are within him: thus all things become his downfall.
I love all them which are as heavy rain-drops falling one by one from the
dark cloud that lowereth over mankind: they herald the coming of the
lightning, and they perish as heralds.
- Where is the lightning to lick you with its tongue? Where is the madness
with which you should be cleansed? Behold, I show you the Superman. He is
this lightning, he is this madness.
- Did I not seek where the wind bites keenest, learn to live where no-one lives,
in the wilderness, where only the polar-bear lives. Unlearned to pray and
curse. Unlearned man and God. Become a ghost, flitting across the glaciers.
- Of all writings I love only those which the writer writeth with his blood.
Write in blood, and thou shalt learn that blood is spirit.
It is no light matter to understand other's blood. I hate idle readers.
- He that writeth in blood and in proverbs desireth not to be read, but to be
learned by heart.
In the mountains the shortest path is from summit to summit: but for that
path thou needest long legs! Proverbs shall be as summits, and they to whom
they are spoken shall be great ones of high stature.
- I have always written my works with my whole body: I do not know what
purely intellectual problems are.
It makes the most important difference, whether a thinker stands personally
by his problems, so that in them he has his fate, his need, and also his best
happiness, or whether he is "impersonal": that is, only understanding how to
grope for and hold them with the feelers of cold inquisitive thought. In the
latter case, nothing will come of it.
- The Superman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the Superman
shall be the meaning of the earth.
I conjure you my brethren, remain true to the meaning of the earth and
believe them not which speak to you of super-terrestrial hopes! Poisoners are
they, whether or not they know it.
"Body am I and soul" - thus saith the child. And why should one not speak
as do children?
But he that is awake and knoweth saith: "Body am I throughout, and naught
besides: and soul is but a word for a something in body".
The body is a great intelligence, a plurality with one mind. And thy little
intelligence, my brother, which thou callest "spirit" - it is a tool of thy body, a
little tool and a plaything of thy great intelligence.
Tools and playthings are mind and spirit; behind them lieth the Self. There
is more intelligence in thy body than in thy best wisdom. And who, then, can
say to what end thy body hath need of thy best wisdom?
I go not your way,
ye that despise the body! Ye are not my bridges to the Superman!
- Once blasphemy against God was the greatest of blasphemies, but God died,
so that these blasphemies died also. Now the most terrible of sins is to
blaspheme against the earth and to rate the bowels of the Unknowable One
higher than the meaning of the earth!
- Many an one have I found, that stretched himself and puffed himself up, and
the people cried: "Behold, a great man!" But of what use are bellows! At
length the wind goeth out of them.
This today is of the rabble; who amongst them knoweth any longer what is
great, what is small? Who with good success could there seek greatness?
It is I, godless Zarathustra, which saith: "Who is ungodlier than I, that I may
rejoice in his teaching?"
- This tree standeth here alone upon the mountain; it hath grown high above
man and beast.
Could it speak there were none to understand it: so high groweth it. Now it
waiteth and waiteth - wherefore waiteth it? It dwelleth too nigh to the clouds:
peradventure it awaiteth the first lightning-stroke?
- Is it not better to fall into the hands of a murderer than into the dreams of a
lustful woman?
- Can thou give thyself thine evil and thy good, setting up thy will as a law?
Canst thou be thine own judge and the avenger of thine own law? Even so is a
star cast out into the void, and into the icy breath of solitude.
- Injustice and filth are cast at the solitary: but, my brother, if thou wouldst be
a star, thou must shine upon them none the less!
Beware the Good and the Righteous! Fain would they crucify them which
devise their own standards of virtue - they hate the solitary.
- And beware the assaults of thy love! Too readily doth the solitary stretch
out his hand to him that meeteth with him.
Too many a man thou shouldst give not thy hand, but thy paw: and I will
that thy paw have claws!
- Today sufferest thou yet from the many, thou lone one: today hast thou yet
thy courage and thy hopes entire.
But a day cometh when loneliness shall weary thee, when thy pride shall
writhe and thy courage gnash its teeth. In that day thou shalt cry, I am alone!
A day cometh when thou shalt see thy high things no more, and thy low
things all too nigh: thou shalt fear thine exaltation as it were a phantom. In
that day thou shalt cry, All is false!
Thou must be willing to burn thyself in thine own flame: how mayst thou be
made anew unless thou first become ashes?
Thou Solitary, thou treadest the way of the loving: loving thyself thou
despisest thyself as only the loving despise.
My brother, go into thy solitude with thy love and thy creativeness; and,
long after, justice will limp after thee.
- Preach ye patience with that which is "earthly"? This "earthly" is over
patient with you, ye blasphemers!
- The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies, but also to
hate his friends.
You revere me; but how if one day the object of your reverence fall?
Beware lest ye be crushed by a falling statue!
Ye say ye believe in Zarathustra? But of what account is Zarathustra? Ye
are my believers: but of what account are believers?
Ye had not yet saught
yourselves: then ye found me. Thus do all believers: therefore all belief is of
little account.
Now I bid you lose me and find yourselves; and not until all have disowned
me shall I return to you.
- What is good? ye ask. It is good to be brave. Let little maidens: "To be
good is to be both pretty and pathetic".
- I see many soldiers: would I saw many warriors! "Uniform" are their
garments called: would that were not uniform which they conceal beneath!
- Worst are they that have petty thoughts. Verily, it is better to act wickedly
than to think pettily.
True, ye say: The pleasure of petty wickedness saveth us many a deed of
great wickedness. But herein one should not be saving.
An evil deed is like an ulcer: it itcheth and pricketh and breaketh forth - it
speaketh honestly.
"Behold, I am disease", saith the evil deed: therein is its honesty. But a
petty thought is like a fungus: it creepeth and hideth and will not be found until the whole body is rotten and withered with little fungi.
- And if a friend wrong thee, say: "I forgive thee what thou didst unto me; but
what thou didst unto thyself - how could I forgive thee that?"
speaketh all great love: it overcometh even forgiveness and compassion.
- Ah, where in the world have happened greater follies than amongst the
compassionate? And what in the world hath done more harm than the follies
of the compassionate.
- Ye throng about your neighbour, and have fine names therefore. But I say
unto you, your love for your neighbour is your evil love for yourselves.
- Thus spake the devil once unto me. "Even God hath His hell: it is His love
unto men".
And of late heard I the word spoken: God is dead: God hath died of his
pity for men.
- Oh, ye delicate hypocrites, ye lechers! You call your emasculate ogling
"contemplation". And that which giveth itself to the touch of cowardly eyes is
to be Christened "beautiful"! Oh, ye befouler of noble names!
Verily, ye fill your mouth full of noble words, and ye would have us believe
that your heart overfloweth ye liars!
But my words are mean, comtemptible, crooked words: willingly do I
gather up that which falleth from the tables of your banquets.
Yet they serve well enough to tell hypocrites the truth! Yea my fishbones,
my empty shells, my prickly leaves, shall tickle the noses of hypocrites!
Ye hide yourselves behind the mask of a god, ye "pure ones": your vile
worm hath crept into the mask of a god.
- If one take his hump from the hunchback, one taketh away his spirit. And if
one give the blind man his eyes he seeth too many evil things on earth, so that
he curseth him that hath healed him. But he that maketh the lame to run doeth
him the greatest hurt; for no sooner hath he learned to run than his vices run
away with him.
- O my brethren! In whom lieth the greatest peril to the whole future
mankind? Is it not the Good and the Righteous?
And whatsoever harm the wicked may do, the harm of the Good is the most
harmful harm!
The stupidity of the Good is unfathomably clever. The Good - they were
ever the beginning of the end.
- O my brethren, a man once saw into the heart of the Good and the
Righteous, and said: "They are the Pharisees". But men understood him not.
The Good and the Righteous themselves could not understand him: their
mind is imprisoned in their good conscience. But this is the truth: the good
must be Pharisees - they have no choice.
The Good must crucify him that inventeth for himself his own virtue! That
is the truth!
- Ye higher Men! One is pregnant only of ones own child. - Do not act "for"
your neighbour. Unlearn this "for", I pray, ye creators! Your virtue will have
you do naught with "for" and "for the sake of" and "because". Against such
false little words shall ye shut your ears.
"For my neighbour" is a virtue
only of the petty folk: with them it is : "tit for tat" and "turn and turn about":
they have neither right nor power for your self-seeking.
Where your whole love is - with your child - there also is your whole virtue!
Your work, your will is your "neighbour". Be not deceived by false values!
- May yourself be in your deed as a mother is in her child; I would fain this
were your definition of virtue!
Verily, perchance I have taken from you an hundred definitions and the
dearest playthings of your virtue; and now are ye wroth with me as children
They played on the seashore - then came a wave and swept all their toys
away into the deep: now they weep.
But this same wave shall bring them new playthings and cast new coloured
shells at their feet.
Thus shall they be comforted; and like them ye also, my friends, shall have
your comforts - and new coloured shells!
- Alas for your poverty, ye men, and your avarice of soul! As much as ye
give to your friend will I give to my foe, and become no poorer thereby.
- "Why so hard?" said the charcoal to the diamond, "are we not near akin?".
"Why so soft?" O my brethren, thus I ask you: are ye not my brethren?
Why so soft, so submissive, so yielding? Why is there so much disavowal
and abnegation in your hearts? Why so little fate in your looks?
And if ye be unwilling to be fates, and inexorable, how can ye one day
conquer with me?
And if your hardness will not sparkle and cut, and cut in pieces, how can ye
one day create with me?
For creators are hard. And ye must deem it blessed to press your hand upon
the milleniums of wax.
- Rash daring, long mistrust, cruel nay-saying, disgust, a cutting to the quick how rarely do all these come together! But from such seed truth is begotten!
- O my brethren, am I then cruel? But I say: "That which already faileth shall
be thrown down".
The All of today - it falleth, it decayeth: who would preserve it? But I - I
will throw it down!
- Many brief follies - that ye call love. And your marriage maketh an end of
many brief follies with one long stupidity.
Creative thirst, an arrow of desire for the Superman: say, my brother, is this
thy will to marriage?
Holy call I such a will and such a marriage.
- That ye feel scorn, ye Higher Men - that maketh me to hope. For the great
scorners are the great reverers.
That ye have despaired - therein is much to honour. For ye learned not how
to submit, ye learned not petty strategems.
- O my soul, I have taught thee the scorn that cometh not like gnawing
worms, but the great, the loving scorn that loveth most where it scorneth most.
My happiness itself cast I far and wide, east, south and west, that haply
many human fish may learn to tug and wriggle at the hook of my happiness.
Until biting upon my sharp and hidden hooks, they be forced to rise to my
height - the brightest hued groundlings of the deep to the most malicious of all
the fishers of men.
- Know ye the delight of rolling stones over the steep? These men of today behold them, how they roll into my abyss!
A prelude am I to better players, O my brethren! An example! Act upon
mine example!
And him that ye teach not to fly, I bid you teach him to fall the quicker!
- With a fearful eye he looked upon his disciples, his eye pierced their
thoughts and the thoughts behind their thoughts as it were with arrows. But in
a little while he laughed again and said, appeased:
It is hard to live with men because silence is so hard. Especially for a
talkative man.
- Not the height but the drop is terrible!
That precipice, wherein the glance falleth down whilst the hand gropeth up.
It is there that the heart groweth dizzy because of its double will.
This, this is my precipice and my peril, that my glance falleth up whilst my
hand would fain clutch and depend upon - the depths.
My will clingeth to man, with chains bind I myself to man, because I am
drawn upwards to the Superman: for thither tendeth mine other will.
- Ye look up when ye desire to be exalted: and I look down, for that I am
Which amongst you can both laugh and be exalted?
- And when I cry: Curse upon all the cowardly devils within you that would
fain whine and fold hands and adore - they cry: Zarathustra is godless.
And more especially do their teachers of submission thus - into whose ears I
love to cry: Yea! I am Zarathustra the Godless.
These teachers of submission! Like lice they creep wherever things are
puny and sickly and scabby: and my disgust alone hindreth me from cracking
- Verily, my joy and my freedom come like a storm! But mine enemies shall
deem that The Evil One rageth above their heads.
- With thunders, with heavenly fireworks, must one speak to indolent and
sleeping minds.
But the voice of beauty speaketh softly: it stealeth only into the most
awaked souls.
- Ye have served the people and the superstitions of the people, all ye famous
Wise Men, - ye have not served the Truth! And for that reason have ye been
- To be content to gaze, with the will dead, without the grasping and greed of
selfishness - with the whole body cold and grey as ashes, but the eyes drunken
like moons!
- Doth not this city reek of the smell of butchered spirit?
Seest thou not the souls hang like limp and filthy rags? - and they make
newspaper of these rags.
- The State is the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it uttereth its lies, and
this is the lie that creepeth out of its mouth: "I, the State, am the people!"
I pray you behold these superfluous ones! Diseased are they ever, they
vomit their bile and call it - newspaper. They devour but cannot digest one
Behold how they climb, these agile apes! They climb upon one another and
drag one another into the muddy abyss.
Where the State ceaseth - I pray you look there, my brethren! Do you not
see it, the rainbow, the bridge to the Superman?
- Of Scholars:
They are clever, they have cunning fingers; what hath my simplicity to do
with their multiplicity? Their fingers know well how to thread and knit and
weave: thus they knit stockings of the mind!
They work like millstones, and corn crushers - if grain be thrown into them!
They know but too well how to grind corn and make white dust thereof.
They watch one another well, and trust not one another over-much.
Ingenious in petty strategems, they lie in wait for those whose knowledge
goeth on lame feet; like spiders they wait.
They know, moreover how to play with loaded dice. We are as strangers to
one another, and their virtues are yet more repugnant to me than their
falsehoods and loaded dice.
They love not to hear that any goeth over their heads. Therefore they have
laid wood and earth and refuse betwixt me and their heads.
Thus have
they deadened the sound of my footsteps; and hitherto the most learned have
heard me least.
For men are not equal: so speaketh justice. And that which I will, they
cannot will!
- Ye Higher Men, learn this of me: in the market place none believe in
Higher Men. And will ye speak there, well and good! But the mob blinketh:
"We are equal!"
- Man's happiness is, I will. Woman's happiness is, He will. Behold, this
moment hath the world been perfected! - thus deemeth every woman when she
obeyeth with all her love.
Woman must obey and find depth to her surface. Surface is woman's
nature, foam tossed to and fro on shallow water.
But deep is man's nature, his current floweth in subterranean caverns:
woman divineth his power, but understandeth it not.
Saith the Kings - Faugh! to stand as First amongst the rabble! Oh! horror!
horror! horror! Of what use now are we Kings?
- Mine intellectual conscience demandeth of me that I should know one thing
and not know all else: I loathe all the semi-intellectuals, the hazy, the
- My brother, if thou be fortunate, thou hast but one virtue and no more: thus
mayst thou go more easily over the bridge.
- The most anxious ask today: "How is man to be preserved?" But
Zarathustra, alone and first, asketh: "How is man to be surmounted".
- I say ye suffer not yet enough! For ye suffer through yourselves, ye have
never yet suffered through Man. If ye said otherwise ye were liars! None of
you suffereth my sufferings.
- Courage is the best of slayers; courage slayeth even pity. But pity is the
deepest abyss: as deep as man looketh into life, so deep he looketh into
But courage is the best of slayers, the courage that attacketh; it slayeth even
death, for it saith: "Was this life? Well, then - again!"
- Together we must learn all, we must learn to climb above ourselves to
ourselves, and cloudlessly to smile Cloudlessly to smile down, shining eyed and very remote, when beneath us
violence and purpose and guilt steam like rain.
- They cough when I speak: they hold coughing a protest against strong winds
- they divine naught of my stormy bliss!
And of late a woman caught her child to her when it would have come to
me. Take the children away! cried she; such eyes scorch childrens' souls.
We have no time for Zarathustra, they object; but what value hath an age
that hath "no time" for Zarathustra?
And if they should ever praise me, how could I rest in their praise? Their
praise is as a girdle of thorns.
And this too I have learned amongst them: he that praiseth pretendeth that
he repayeth; but in truth he desireth further gifts!
I go amongst this people and shut not mine eyes: they have grown smaller
and grow ever smaller - and the cause therefore is their doctrine of happiness
and virtue.
- We take our stand in the midst - declareth their smirking unto me.
this is mediocrity, though it be called "moderation" At heart they desire one
thing above all - to be hurt by no one. Therefore they oblige all men and do
will by them.
But this is cowardice, though it be called "virtue".
- Do what you will - but be first such men as can will!
- So many a clever one had I found, that veiled his face and muddied his
waters, that none might look through them and down into them.
But to
him came the more clever unbelievers, the crackers of nuts: these fished out
from him the best hidden fish!
But the bright ones, the brave, the transparent - these I hold the wisest of the
silent: for their bottom is so deep that even the clearest water betrayeth it not!
- Sawest thou ever thy friend sleeping that thou mightest learn what manner
of man he was? What is thy friends face at other times? - It is thine own face
in a rough and imperfect mirror.
- They marvel that I am not ready to give wit and point to their clevernesses;
as if there were not wiseacres enough amongst them, whose voices grate on
mine like slate pencils!
- I do not hide my chilblains, my misfortunes and sufferings, and for this
people pity me. But Oh, how I pity their pity!
They hear only the howl of my wintry storms - not that I also traverse warm
seas, like the yearning, heavy, hot winds of the south.
- Whosoever will yet learn to fly, must first learn to stand and to walk and to
run and to climb and to dance. One learneth not flying by flying!
By many ways and modes I have come to my truth; not on one ladder only
climbed I to the height whence mine eye searcheth my distance.
And ever willingly have I asked my way of others. That hath never
offended my taste!
- By ladders of rope I learned to climb many a window and with nimble legs I
climbed high masts. To sit upon the high masts of knowledge seemed to me
no small bliss To flicker on high masts like a small flame - a small light indeed, yet a great
comfort to sailors driven from their course, and to shipwrecked folk!
- In your children shall ye make amends that ye were your father's children.
Thus shall ye redeem the past!
- "To the pure all things are pure" - thus say the people. But I say unto you:
"To the swine all things are swinish!"
- Weak men ever lose themselves on the way. And at length their weariness
asketh: "Wherefore did we set out? All is indifferent!"
- I love the brave: but it is not enough to be a swordsman - a man must also
know against whom to use the sword!
And often there is the greater courage in restraining oneself and passing by,
that one may reserve oneself for the worthier foe!
- Now I die and vanish, and in a moment I shall be naught. Souls are as
mortal as bodies.
But the knot of causation recurreth, in the which I am intertwined - it will
re-create me! I myself am amongst the causes of eternal recurrence.
I come again, with this sun, with this earth, with this Eagle, with this
Serpent - not to a new life, or to a better life, or to a similar life - I come again eternally to this self-same life, in greatest things and in least,
that I may teach again the Eternal Recurrence of all things.
- Better know naught than half-know much! Better be a fool on ones own
merits than a wise man by other folks opinions! I go to the roots.
mattereth great or small, marsh or heaven? An hand-breadth of territory is
sufficient for me, if it be real rock-bottom territory!
- As a ship that hath entered her calmest bay inclineth herself towards the
land, weary of long voyaging and uncertain seas - is not land more faithful?
Even as a such a ship putteth in and huggeth the shore so that it is enough
that a spider spin his thread thereunto from the land - no stronger rope it
needeth - Even as such a weary ship in calmest bay rest I now nigh to the earth,
faithful, trustful, waiting, moored thereunto with slenderest threads.
- What is the greatest thing ye can experience? It is the hour of great
contempt. The hour in which even your happiness is loathsome to you, and
your reason and your virtue likewise.
The hour in which ye say: What is my happiness worth! It is poverty and
uncleanness and despicable ease.
Of bliss unsought
Oh peace in the midst of uncertainty! How do I mistrust you all!
Verily I
mistrust your treacherous beauty! I am like the lover that mistrusteth too
silken a smile.
As he putteth from him the beloved woman - tender even in his hardness,
the jealous lover - even so I put from me this blissful hour.
Away with
thee, thou blissful hour! With thee bliss came to me against my will! I stand
- Verily, ye may all be Higher Men. But for me, ye are not high enough nor
strong enough.
And belong ye to me, ye belong not as my right arm belongeth.
For whosoever goeth on sick, weakly legs as you do, desireth above all
(whether he knoweth it or whether he hideth it from himself) to be spared.
With you I should lose all my chance of victory. And many an one of you
would fall to the ground heard he but the loud roll of my drums.
Moreover, for me ye are not beautiful enough, nor well-born enough. I need
clear, smooth mirrors for my doctrines; upon your surface mine image is
Your shoulders are laden with many a burden, many a memory; many an
evil dwarf lurketh in your holes and corners. There is hidden rabble within
And though ye be high and of higher race, much within you is crooked and
misshapen. There is no smith in the world that can hammer you straight and
Ye are but bridges: may higher ones stride across you to the other side! Ye
stand as stairs: therefore be not angry with him that riseth upon you to his
- I trace circles about me and sacred barriers: fewer and fewer climb with me
higher and higher mountains: I build up a mountain range of even holier
With whithersoever ye climb with me, O my brethren, beware lest a
parasite climb with you!
A parasite - it is a worm, a creeping, cringing worm, that seeketh to fatten
on your hidden sores and wounds.
And this is its cunning, that it divineth when climbing souls grow weary: in
your sorrow and dejection, in your sensitive shamefastness, it buildeth its
loathsome nest.
- Beware also of scholars! They hate you; for they are sterile! They have
cold, dried-up eyes, and in their sight every bird lieth plucked.
Such men
boast that they lie not: but impotence for lying is far other than love of truth.
Freedom from fevers delusions is far other than knowledge! I credit naught
from frozen minds. He that cannot lie, knoweth not what is truth.
Of "cultured men"
"We are altogether real and without beliefs or superstitions." Thus ye puff
yourselves up. But how could ye believe, ye motley ones - ye that are
compound pictures of all that hath ever been believed.
- Be not virtuous beyond your powers! And ask not of yourselves
Walk in the footsteps of your fathers' virtue! How should ye rise high, if
your fathers' wills rise not with you?
He whose fathers went after women and strong drink and wild boars - how
should he demand of himself chastity?
That were folly! It is much, verily, methinketh, for such an one, if he be the
- My friends, you ask after the school of suffering, the forge of destiny. Don't
you know? No, you who are forever talking of "the people" and such like, you
do not know. I am speaking of solitude.
Solitude is the path men most fear, so that those men who walk alone are
called mad or sick, because they think it is best to discourage themselves from
taking such a path.
And when you hear people call these men mad, don't you feel the blood
rushing to your cheeks? As though it might have been nobler and worthier of
you to become one of those madmen?
- Most men, the herd, have never tasted solitude. They leave father and
mother, but only to crawl to a wife and quietly succumb to new warmth and
new ties. They are never alone, they never commune with themselves.
They fear the solitary man and hate him like the plague; they fling stones at
him and find no place until they are far away from him. The air around him
smells of stars, of cold stellar places; he lacks the soft warm fragrance of the
home and hatchery. Zarathustra has gone a long way on the path of solitude.
He has attended the school of suffering.
- But how, my young friends, could I tempt or lead you? Solitude is not
chosen, any more than destiny is chosen. Solitude comes to us if we have
within us the magic stone that attracts destiny. Many, far too many, have gone
out into the desert and led the lives of "herd men" in a pretty hermitage beside
a lovely spring. While others stand in the thick of the crowd, and yet the air of
the stars blows round their heads.
Blessed be he who has found solitude.
Blessed be he who knows how to suffer!
- You are chosen to breathe the air of stars and from children to become men.
Cease to lament! Cease to weep tears of childhood because you have parted
from your mother and her sweet bread. Learn to eat bitter bread, mens' bread,
the bread of destiny.
* * * *
- When one preaches Christianity in such a way that the echo answers "he is
mad", know then this signifies that there are considerable elements of truth in
his preaching. But perhaps he is not pressing hard enough, either by his oral
preaching or by the preaching of his life.
But when one preaches
Christianity in such a way that the echo answers "Away with that man from
the earth, he does not deserve to live", know then that this is the Christianity of
the New Testament.
- Christianity is the kind of orthodoxy that is hearty twaddle. Mediocrity with
a dash of sugar. What we have come to call Christianity is precisely what
Christ came to abolish.
- The world has now become tolerant, has made progress, for the fact that
persecution no longer takes place - the fact is that there is nothing to persecute.
- Cuckolds - this is what people are in all matters. They know they are being
cheated; by their wives who are 100% selfish, by their religion which they
know is a fable. But they are such spineless wretches that they don't have the
courage to break dependence to them.
- Most men think that the more you think about life and the more knowledge
you have the happier you become. But the ironical thing, is that it only
increases sorrow.
- It is out of love that suffering befalls you. Blessed is he who is not offended
by it.
"Blessed is the man who does not fall away, on account of me".
- The quality of an individual can be measured by the distance between his
understanding and his willing.
- What a difference there is, between the powerful puff of an animated breeze
at the beginning - and a steady wind which uniformly fills the sails so that you
advance steadily under full sail.
- When children play together, this relativity becomes actuality to them, an
actuality in which they are, each one respectively, a significant magnitude.
But then there comes a message, that little Peter, Hans, or Soren, or whatever
the person is called, must go home. In this way the absolute disruptively
An adult goes and talks with other earnest men about what he wants to be in
the world, that he wants to be this and that, and it seems to the other earnest
men that he is an earnest man, almost as earnest as the others. But what
happens - suddenly there comes a message that he must go home - that is , the
God-relationship asserts itself.
The child cannot be allowed to get stuck to the illusion that the relationship
with the other children is the whole thing - for then comes the message that he
must go home.
- No one wonders anymore. They journey to far countries and tell us about it,
and we make comparisons, and marvel over the differences. Is this to wonder
over God? When a man lived in some isolated place and saw only a single
tree, one little shrub perhaps, a running brook, how he marvelled - at God.
- The tragedy of the majority of men is by no means that they are weak but
that they are too strong - genuinely, to be aware of God. A tree, an animal is
even stronger - and therefore it is not at all aware of God; a stone is the
strongest of all and therefore is completely unaware of God.
- Women or ideas are what beckon men out into existence. Naturally, there is
the great difference that for the thousands who run after the skirt there is not
always one who is moved by ideas.
- Like the boy who lets his kite fly aloft, so does the modern man let his
knowledge mount on high; to follow it with his eye he finds interesting,
prodigiously interesting, but . . . it does not lift him up, he remains in the mud,
more and more crazy about the interesting.
- God always makes fools of the wise. Men invent antecedent difficulties, the
introduction to the matter itself, and thereupon waste their time and powers
and lives and then die, never making a beginning in the end itself.
- The natural man can tolerate spirit for an hour when it is introduced very
guardedly at the distance of the imagination - yes, then it even pleases him.
But if it's moved any closer to him, so that it is presented with dead earnest as
a demand on him, then the self-preservation instinct of his ego is aroused to
such an extent that it becomes a regular fury.
- It is no wonder that wine (external conditions and the like) inspires - but that
water (self-denial, renunciation and the like) inspires;
Yes, this is religiousness. And this is the difference between existing
religiously and existing poetically.
- "Their deeds follow them" (the ignorant) - as if they walked behind in a
procession - perhaps for want of any other funeral procession.
- Man has the natural tendency to think that if he only makes an effort he will
be victorious. Christianity says that downfall is being victorious. Know this if you manage to reach merely a modest degree of perfection, your downfall is
certain; and the more you succeed, the more certain your downfall. To turn
over thoughts like these for only one hour is more exhausting than enormous
efforts in the hope of being victorious.
It is just as if Christianity would kill all courage, all delight, every hope in a
man. Yes, all spontaneous courage and delight and hope - this is called dying
to the world.
- "Man" never really rests at ease before he gets the wrong made into dogma not until then does he believe he is absolutely fortified against the right. To
love the world is to hate God. This is even a further intensification on the
former, just to make the threat an absolute minimum.
- Communication by means of journalism is an abstraction, which supposedly
is superior to the individual personality - and with Christ, the very opposite is
the case.
- In every generation there are hardly ten who fear to think wrong, but there
are thousands of millions who are all too afraid of standing alone with an
opinion, be it ever so right.
But when something is printed in the newspaper, this is eo ipso sure proof
that there is a goodly number who want to have or express the same opinion ergo, you may well venture to have the same opinion.
- If the press had a coat of arms, the inscription ought to be; Here men are
demoralized in the shortest possible time, on the largest possible scale, at the
cheapest possible price.
- All human effort tends towards herding together, let us unite, etc. Naturally
this happens under all sorts of high sounding names: love and enthusiasm and
sympathy and the carrying out of some grand plan. This is the usual hypocrisy
of the scoundrels we are. In a herd we are free from the standard of the
individual, and the ideal.
- People become numbers. The numbers become their horizon - their all.
They are just copies. Christianity wants every man to be an individual, but
through human bungling it has been transformed into exactly the opposite.
- Always be ready for joy. Rejoice that the hour of liberation will strike soon.
You may become so enervated if you do not, that you will not be able to hear
the sound when it does strike.
- The joy, that the poorer one becomes himself, the richer he is able to make
others. For all worldly possessions diminish the possessions of others to the
same degree as mine increase.
The poverty of the spirit. The more learned I become, the fewer I am able
to make understand me.
- Most men never reach faith at all. They live a long time in immediacy or
spontaneity, finally they advance to some reflection, and then they die. The
exceptions begin the other way around; dialectical from childhood, that is,
without immediacy, they begin with the dialectical, with reflection, and they
go on living this way year after year (about as long as others live in sheer
immediacy) and then, at a more mature age, faiths possibility presents itself to
them. For faith is immediacy or spontaneity after reflection.
Naturally, the exceptions have a very unhappy childhood and youth, for to
be essentially reflective at that age, which by nature is spontaneous or
immediate, is the most profound melancholy. But there is a return. Most
people drift on in such a way they never become spirit; all their many happy
years of immediacy tend towards spiritual retardation and therefore they never
become spirit. But the unhappy childhood and youth of the exceptions are
transfigured into spirit.
- Upbringing in Christianity slays childhood and youth, but this is far better
than the alternative.
- As the individual develops, God becomes for him more and more infinite,
- This is how one rises in the world, when a person has reached one rung of
the ladder, he hankers and tries to go higher. But when a person has become
involved with God, so that God truly has hold of him and uses him, this is how
he rises: at every higher rung he is supposed to climb, he begs like a child to
be exempted, for he well understands that, from a human point of view,
suffering and wretchedness and spiritual trial mount on the same scale. How
often an apostle has pleaded for himself in this way.
- How many men have any idea at all of how strenuous life becomes in an
actual relationship to God. This alone - to be completely deprived of the
habitual security which most people have when they have reached a certain
age, believing that their period of development has now essentially rounded
off and has now become repetitious, almost routinely repetitious - just this
alone, to have this security completely withdrawn.
- One who in truth has become involved with God is instantaneously
recognizable by his limp. To become involved with God in any way other
than being wounded is impossible.
He who does not involve himself with God in the mode of absolute
devotion does not become involved with God. God himself is how one
involves himself with Him. In respect to God, the how is the what.
In relationship to God one cannot involve himself to a certain degree, for
God is precisely the contradiction to all which is to a certain degree.
- Anyone who has the remotest idea of what it actually is to die to the world
also knows that this does not take place without frightful agonies. No wonder,
then, that he cries out, sometimes also rebels against God, because it seems to
him as if God has deceived him, he who from the beginning became involved
with God on the understanding that God would love him according to man's
idea of love and now sees that it is God who wants to be loved, and according
to God's idea of what love is.
- And so when a witness to the truth dies he says to God: Thank you, thank
you, O Infinite Love, for all the sufferings. And God says in return: Thank
you, my friend, thank you for the use I have had of you.
- No, God in Heaven is the only power who does not hold sales or reduce the
prices; his prices remain eternally unchanged, more firmly fixed than the
North star.
- Go slowly; if the going gets rough, then try a lower relationship to God, but
in such a way that you nevertheless begin again where you eased up.
- God can involve himself with the human race on one of two conditions,
either in such a way that individuals are found who are willing to venture out
so far in hating themselves that God can use them as apostles, or in such a way
that the true situation is honestly and unconditionally admitted. The latter is
my primitivity.
As far as the former is concerned, this is certainly the instruction of the New
Testament. But with respect to venturing out so far, the following must be
noted. This is something so dreadful for a human being that it is permissible
to say: I dare not.
- But while preachers and professors prattle to the millions about proofs of the
personality of God, the truth is that long ago there ceased to be men capable of
bearing the pressure and weight of having a personal God.
- Alas, and all the time the God of love sits in heaven and waits for someone
to become involved with him - while men are busily engaged in removing
themselves from God in various ways - maintaining all the time, please note,
that what they are doing is done in order to approach God.
Thus insisting that we are coming closer to God, we put him at a distance.
But is not this really what we instinctively and cunningly want?
- "Blessed is he who is not offended"! Just because everything Christian is in
the realm of paradox, the possibility of offence is always infinitely near unless one lives a nonsense life in which all reason is avoided.
- And when one does not have a single human being who understands him,
then He is willing to listen, and He can remember far better than any man,
even better that one can himself. And when ones thoughts are so confused
that one does not know whether he is coming or going, God has not forgotten
even the slightest thing one has prayed him to remember.
- Most people's guilt becomes less with time, this is due to forgetfulness, or
Melancholy is just the opposite - the longer the elapsed time, the more
dreadful the guilt seems.
- Who is the greater sinner - a thief, or the person who literally looks upon
stealing as the only kind of sin.
- When everything is going the way you want it to, even if you relate
everything to God, you can still not be sure that the joy you feel is the
testimony of the Spirit, for it can also be simply the particular heightening of
your own life by means of your good fortune and prosperity. But when
everything goes against you and you nevertheless perceive deep within you a
testimony that you are on the right path and ought to continue further along
this path where everything will probably go against you increasingly: this you
see, is the testimony of the Spirit.
- The Christian humorist is like a plant of which only the roots are visible,
whose flowers unfold for a loftier sun.
- Genuine humour cannot be caught, as irony can in a novel-simply because
not-to-write is part of the nature of the concept - just as Socrates left no books,
neither did Hamann, only as many as the modern rage for writing made
relatively necessary - occasional pieces.
- The humorist, like the beast of prey, always walks alone.
- Irony is the birth pangs of the objective mind (based upon the misrelationship; discovered by the I, between existence and the idea of existence).
Humour is the birth pangs of the absolute mind [based upon the misrelationship, discovered by the I (self), between the I and the idea of the I].
- The purely comic arises when a man knows the right thing and yet shows
that he does not know it. Here is the essential contradiction. A man knows
that God exists - and he says: I know it, damn it all!
He clings to the certainty that everything is uncertain.
- The ironist who is in the majority is eo ipso a mediocre ironist.
- What an abyss of perdition! At the bottom of it all lies despair. To want to
do even the least bit to halt this demoralization, to want at least to save oneself
- this would be regarded as ridiculous madness. No, let it go, one hears, let it
hit bottom - and although we sink in it, we entertain ourselves with wit which
expose the perdition. Done for, we are all done for, they say; nobody should
complain about anybody - let's all laugh!
The crazier the better they say. Even though the age is as bad as it is, the
latter makes it 100% worse. I dare say that ultimately they will want the
judgement in the next world to be witty.
- In his majesty God sets the pitch so high that if a person is unwilling to let
go of his finite common sense, will not abandon flat, self-indulgent mediocrity
- then what God calls help, salvation, grace etc, is the most biting irony.
- Socrates' existence is and was irony: whereas the entire contemporary
population of farm hands and businessmen and so on, all those thousands,
were perfectly sure of being human and of knowing what it means to be a
human being; Socrates was beneath them (ironically) and occupied himself
with the problem - what does it mean to be a human being?
- There are people who treat the ideas they pick up from others so frivolously
and disgracefully that they ought to be prosecuted for illegal traffic in lost and
found property.
- The case with most men is that they go out into life with one or another
accidental characteristic of personality of which they say: Well, this is the way
I am. I cannot do otherwise. Then the world gets to work on them and thus
the majority of men are ground onto conformity. In each generation a small
part cling to their "I cannot do otherwise" and lose their minds. Finally there
are a very few in each generation who in spite of all lifes terrors cling with
more and more inwardness to this "I cannot do otherwise". They are the
geniuses. Their "I cannot do otherwise" is an infinite thought, for if one were
to cling firmly to a finite thought, he would lose his mind.
- A man says: I cannot practice self-denial. Charming! And not only that but
he wants to be praised for his humility because he is humble enough to be
satisfied with ethical shabbiness.
. . . We hypocritically abolish Christianity by saying we are much too
humble to aspire to anything so lofty. We say: "I am too humble to want to be
- The most admired man of all is the one who is laziest of all, yet still
achieves great things. Given great talents, extraordinary shrewdness and weak
character, this combination will yield one of the finest forms of hypocrisy.
- Everything bad is ascribed to the predecessor: that we strive for earthly
goods is for the sake of the successor.
God help him who has no predecessor and no successor! For him truly life
becomes what according to the will of Christianity it should be: an
examination in which one cannot cheat.
- In our society idea-strength is regarded as weakness, and palpable strength is
regarded as strength. A person who has the strength to live devoid of ideas is
called strong.
- There are two levels of advancing ideals before men. The first kind of
carrier does it in such a way as he is praised and rewarded. In the same degree
as the reward increases, the ideal becomes less recognizable. He actually
stands in its way and draws attention from it and eventually conceals it
The true carriers, who, themselves suffering, advance the ideals before men.
In the same degree as such a carrier suffers more and more and his life
becomes unhappier and more wretched, in the same degree the ideal is seen
more and more clearly. He does not stand in the way of the ideal at all, does
not cloak it in any way with his carnality of finitude.
- Youths have lofty thoughts - but then he gets sensible and these thoughts are
forgotten. The exceptions do not have a period of youthfulness. Their youth
runs on in dark melancholy - and only when they are also fully educated and
matured - only then do these thoughts awaken, and with the enthusiasm of
- We need to reintroduce the prototypes, make them recognizable, something
which can be done only by: either/or. Either you have quality in common, or
you are on another qualitative level - but not this "also - well, not quite, but
nevertheless - also".
- Christianity makes one, humanly speaking, unhappy - I doubt that men so
structured will appear any more.
Nowadays everything must be done quite automatically. They have sunk
down into sheer meaninglessness, and corresponding to this, Christianity has
been remodeled into some kind of soothing syrup which, like other sweets: is
offered for sale by pastry women (clergy in silk and velvet) and which further
corrupts people.
- To be chosen by God is, speaking merely humanly, unconditionally the most
terrible of all the terrible misfortunes which can happen to man. And in every
weak moment the chosen one himself thinks so too.
Madness is set
between him and men; they cannot understand him. Thus he lives in the most
agonizing isolation. He endures bestial treatment from men, for when the idea
is to be introduced, men become so outraged that the animal side comes to
Literally there is not a single one who can understand him. Nor is he able to
help anyone, he knows full well he could never get anyone to relate himself to
the idea as he has. No one can rejoice with him. No one can sorrow with him;
no one understands how and why he suffers. God is rather the very one who,
with the most calculated cruelty, martyrs him when men are unable to do it.
So he lives. As long as he lives, intensively concentrated, he is much too
strong for his contemporaries, like a fatal poison. During his life, all those
who are called preachers, professors, all those pathbound animal creatures, are
the most zealous to put him to death, as with the Saviour of the world. When
he is dead, assistant professors, preachers and professors thin him out in their
own water, and then in the water of the thousands whom they teach - and the
water gives the most refreshing, delicious taste - magnificent!
- So also when stress and strain, humanly speaking, go beyond your powers,
you shall not spare yourself but submit everything to God; let him decide to
spare or not to spare. In any case you must in no way spare yourself but pray
to God for permission to spare yourself, and this confession of weakness will
still keep you in the God-relationship, to begin again where you left-off.
- Suffering will surely come. For the moment an imitator of Christ introduces
into the world an action properly characterized qualitatively as being
essentially Christian, he will of course collide with the world.
Action characterized essentially by Christian quality is perhaps not seen
once in each generation; it reaches only a certain degree, and thereafter comes
the collision.
- If someone suggests that discipleship of imitation should be in earnest, then
they say "This is blasphemy" - consequently, the truth is blasphemy.
- "Established Christendom" really dates from the time Christmas was
declared the supreme festival (in the Fourth Century). The Saviour of the
- On the stage came the clown, who told of a fire. The crowd thought it was a
jest. So he repeated his message. But no one listened . . . So will the world
come to an end, amidst general applause from the wits, who believe it is a
From Either/Or
. . . the young person in the banquet
- No, love anyone I cannot, before I have fathomed what love is; but this I
cannot, but have, rather, come to the conclusion that it is comical.
seems a convention for one lover to laugh at the other because he always finds
the other lover ridiculous, but not himself.
Even if love be the most exquisite joy, I renounce it, for there is no
happiness possible for me except my thought have free sway. For it is my
immortal part and, hence, of more importance than a wife.
- That a genius is not something every man is, surely is something every man
will concede. But that a Christian is something still more rare than a genius this has been clean forgotten, or rather knavishly consigned to oblivion.
- Geniuses are like thunderstorms. They go against the wind, terrify people,
cleanse the air.
The established Church has invented sundry lightning conductors.
it has succeeded. Yes indeed, it succeeded; it succeeded in making the next
thunderstorm all the more serious.
- Religion feeds people a drug that they don't need, or worse still, produces
something like craving in them - gets them addicted. Ah, the shame of it!
And yet this is exactly what is being done in religion where people are in very
truth fooled out of the real meaning of life and helped to waste their lives.
- Just as a dog which is impelled to walk on two feet has every instant a
tendency to go again on all fours, and does so as soon as it gets the chance,
waiting only to see its chance, so is Christendom an effort of the human race
to go back to walking on all fours.
- In times long past, it was demanded of the teacher that his life be a
guarantee for the teachings he proclaimed. The idea was abandoned long ago.
Society cares no longer for personal responsibility. The demand is now made
of the teacher that his life should guarantee that what he has to say is
entertaining and dramatic stuff, amusing, and purely objective.
For example, if you were not attached to women and spoke of the
Christianity of the New Testament which expresses preference for the single
state: why, my dear man! You ought not to speak on this subject, because
your congregation might think that you meant what you said and become
disquieted, or might feel insulted that you had been so personal. No, you are
not yet qualified to speak, wait till you are overloaded with attachments, then
it will be time for you to "bear witness to the truth". Then you will satisfy
them altogether, for your life will furnish the guarantee that it is all tomfoolery
and great fun.
Similarly, you should not teach to be poor when you
yourself are poor. Why, your congregation might think that you were in
earnest; they might become afraid and lose their good humour. No indeed,
first get yourself some fat living, and when you have had it so long that your
promotion to one still fatter is to be expected, then is your time to "bear
witness to the truth" - and you will satisfy them; for your life then furnishes
the guarantee that it is just a joke, such as serious men like to indulge in, now
and then, in theatre or in church, as a sort of recreation to gather new strength for making easy money.