The Months of Pregnancy
The Months of Pregnancy
The Months of Pregnancy
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Each month of the pregnancy is ruled by a planet. If there is any weakness in a planet
at the time of conception there may be issues in the month of development ruled by that planet[1]. There is a
difference in the rulership of the months between Jaimini and Varhamihira. We will analyze Varhamihiras as
they relate to the natural significations of the months of pregnancy.
The first month ruled by Venus is called Kalala, which is when the sperm and ovum
mix and begin multiplying exponentially. Caraka Sahit says that there is no distinct form in this month, yet all
organs exist in their latent form[2]. Generally, in Jyotia, calculations of pregnancy are calculated as 273 days
based on the sidereal lunar months (39 weeks). Allopathic medicine considers pregnancy (called gestation) to last
40 weeks (280 days) but this is counted from the last menstruation. Conception is possible about two weeks after
menstruation- which makes actual pregnancy about 38 weeks (266 days). This means when using allopathic
gestational weeks to enumerate the time frame of pregnancy the first month is actually only two weeks, as the
month is counted from the last menstruation. When an individual says they are 8 weeks pregnant (western
gestational weeks), they are approximately 6 weeks from conception. Vedic reference is counted from the
Month Lord
1 Kalala
2 Ghana Mars
Venus &
Sun sign
2nd house
from Sun
Moon &
3 Akura Jupiter 3rd from
4 Asthi
& Suns
Jupiter &
6 Agaja Saturn 6th from
Saturn &
Cetana Mercur th
7 from
Rahu &
Bhavan Lagne th
8 from
1 Prasav
0 a
from Sun
its not harmful) because if not there could be vta disturbance resulting in developmental issues or loss of the
fetus at this time.
The fourth month ruled by the Sun is called Asthi which means bone and is when the
fetus develops structure. The bone begins to harden, teeth buds develop, the arms and legs develop to the
proportion of the body, and reflexive movement stimulates kicking and stretching.
The fifth month is Carma which means skin. The skin grows in excess to be filled with fatty tissue later, the
pigmentary and sweat glands become more clear, the vernix caseosa forms on the skin as a protective layer, the
nervous sytem develops myelin and sensory development increases. The aspect of mind ( manas) which
processes sensory stimuli is developing. The fetus is aware of sounds outside the womb, sensitive to light, as well
as smell and tastes which show up in the amniotic fluid of the mother quickly after ingestion.
The sixth month ruled by Saturn is called Agaja which means produced from the body and represents the
growth of hair and nails. The fetus is also practicing the use of its digestive system by taking the amniotic fluid
into its digestive track and creating meconium. The lungs also take the amniotic fluid in and out while the
muscles of the lungs function to prepare the muscles for breathing. Locomotor control in the brain begins to
develop at this time (though just reflexive movements), as the nervous sytem and muscles integrate.
The seventh month ruled by Mercury is called Cetana-t which means the state of sentience or consciousnessthis is when the fetus is said to become fully aware of inside and outside the womb. The brain ( mastika) grows
very quickly at this time. Modern research shows the thalamocortical connections are formed at this time which
allows the true sensations of pleasure and pain. Some traditions say that this is when the soul enters the body as
this is when it becomes conscious. Suruta Sahits opinion is that the fetus gets cetan dhtu in the fourth
month when its heart begins to operate fully as the heart is the seat of consciousness. The yurveda texts agree
that the soul is needed to enter for the formation of an embryo to be established[5], therefore it is the working of
the intelligence that starts during the seventh month. It is the mundane awareness of the buddhi which is ignited
not the higher awareness of the jvtman.
The eighth month ruled by the lagnea is called Bhavana which means a place, abode or coming into existence.
The nutritional demands of the fetus increase and the mother is eating more. The ancient texts mention that this
is when the fetus begins to feel desires of hunger and thirst; most likely this view was in response to the mothers
enlarged appetite for nutritious foods. Previously, the focus was on functional development while now the focus is
growing bigger and the fetus begins putting on body fat at this point to prepare for emerging from the womb.
There is a symbiotic relationship in the eighth month between the fetus and mother to develop the ojas
The ninth month ruled by the Moon is called Udvega which means agitated. The fetus is fully functional and is
moving excessively in the womb. Visible feet are seen on the mothers belly as the fetus kicks and stretches. This
was interpreted as the fetus showing readiness to leave the womb. Though by the end of this month and
beginning of the next the movement slows down as the fetus grows so big it has no room to move.
The tenth month is called Prasava which means to bring forth or delivery, it is also
called the delivery month (sti-msa). Suruta Sahit says delivery is normal in the ninth or tenth month. In
modern thought, thirty-seven to forty-two gestational weeks is considered full-term. Before that is pre-term
delivery (34-36 weeks) and after 42 weeks is late. Only five to six percent of pregnancies go over forty-three weeks
and these are more likely to have complications. A strong Venus will indicate earlier delivery ( aprakla-ja).
Venus is the kraka for premature delivery, and when Venus is placed in the first or eighth house it can indicate
premature delivery[6]. A very strong Jupiter will indicate later delivery and the baby should be born with more
Jaimini also relates the houses from the Sun of the conception chart to the months of pregnancy[7]. The Moon is
the sustainer of the body, but the Sun (Savit) is the creator of the body. Therefore the first month relates to the
house in which the Sun is placed- relating to the creative force driving the individuals creation. The second
month relates to the second house from the Sun- and so forth. The tenth house is the achievement of the creative
being and the time to bring forth the creation.
The life process begins with mithuna, nieka, dhna, and the forty weeks of pregnancy. The grand finale is the
actual birth (janma) at the appropriate birth time (janma-kla).
Source: Cole, Freedom. Science Of Light, Vol.2. Chapter 6: Birth Circumstances. Science of Light LLC, Nevada
City, CA. 2012.
Article first appeared in Birth Circumstances, Jyotish Digest, Vol V, Issue 1, January-March 2009
[Introduction here]