Jalloh Complaint Affidavit
Jalloh Complaint Affidavit
Jalloh Complaint Affidavit
Your affiant. Special Agent Nicholas Caslen of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
support of an application under Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure for a warrant
Investigation to date has established probable cause to believe that JALLOH has
attempted and is attempting to provide material support and resources to ISIL, including the
service of assisting in the procurement of weapons to be used in an attack on U.S. soil in the
name of ISIL and money to assist in the facilitation of individuals seeking to join ISIL, knowing
that the organization is a designated terrorist organization, that the organization has engaged or
engages in terrorist activity, and that the organization has engaged or engages in terrorism in
violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2339B.
I am a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and have been
so employed since 2011. I am currently assigned to the FBI Washington Field Office (WFO),
Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). As part of my duties with the WFO JTTF, I am assigned to
investigate counter terrorism matters in Washington, D.C., northern Virginia, and elsewhere.
Prior to being assigned in Washington, DC, I was assigned to the JTTF in Wichita, KS. In
preparation for this assignment, and as part of my continuing education, I have successfully
completed national security focused training, to include formal courses and training exercises. I
have also read and/or studied numerous publications related to historical and current terrorism
topics authored by analysts, investigators, and in some cases, actual members or supporters of
designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO). I have participated in all aspects of counter
terrorism investigations, including but not limited to conducting physical surveillance, telephone,
email, and financial analysis obtained as a result of subpoenas, subject interviews, witness
interviews, electronic surveillance, and operations of confidential human sources and undercover
District of Virginia. I am an investigative or law enforcement officer of the United States, within
the meaning of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2510(7) and am empowered by law to
conduct investigations of, and to make arrests for, offenses enumerated in Title 18, United States
Code, Section 2516.
This affidavit is being submitted for the limited purpose of obtaining a criminal
complaintand search warrant and does not includeeach and every fact observed by me or known
to the government. I have set forth only those facts necessary to supporta finding of probable
Iraq (AQI), then known as Jam'at al Tawhid wa'al-Jihad, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization
(FTO) under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and Specifically Designated
Global Terrorist under section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224.
On May 15, 2015, the Secretary of State amended the designation of AQI as an
FTO under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and Specifically Designated
Global Terrorist under section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224 to add the alias Islamic State of
Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as its primary name. The Secretary also added the following aliases to
the ISIL listing: the Islamic State of Iraq and al'Sham (ISIS), the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
(ISIS), ad-Dawla al'Islamiyya fi al-'Iraq wa-sh-Sham, Daesh, Dawla al Islamiya, and Al-Furqan
Establishment for Media Production. On September 21, 2015, the Secretary added the following
aliases to the ISIL listing: Islamic State, ISIL, and ISIS. Although the group has never called
itself "Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)," this name has frequently been used to describe it through its
history. To date, ISIL remains a designated FTO. In an audio recording publically released on
June 29, 2014, ISIL announced a formal change of ISIL's name to Islamic State (IS). On or
about September 21, 2014, ISIL spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani called for attacks against
citizens - military or civilian - of the countries participating in the United States-led Coalition
against ISIL.
JALLOH was bom in September 1989 in Sierra Leone and is a naturalized United
States citizen.
I am advised that, Title 18, U.S.C. Section 2339B - Providing material support or
must have knowledge that the organization is a designated terrorist organization, that the
organization has engaged or engages in terrorist activity, or that the organization has
engaged or engages in terrorism.
I am also advised that, Title 18 U.S.C. Section 2339A(b)(l) provides, in pertinent part:
The term "material support" or resources means any property, tangible or intangible, or
service, including currency or monetary instruments or financial securities, financial
services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safe houses, false documentation
or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances,
explosives, personnel (1 or more individuals who may be or include oneself), and
transportation, except medicine or religious materials.
deceased member of the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), ISIL, brokered an
online introduction between confidential Human Source 1 (CHSl) and an individual later
identified by the FBI as JALLOH. The initial contact between CHSl and JALLOH took place on
or about March 27, 2016. Prior to his/her death, UCCl, who lived overseas, was actively plotting
an attack in the United States which UCCl believed would be carried out with the assistance of
both CHSl and JALLOH. Based on conversations between CHSl and UCCl, and CHSl and
JALLOH, UCCl had communicated with JALLOH before JALLOH was ever contacted by
CHSL The conversations between JALLOH and CHSl will be discussed in more detail below.
On or about April 2, 2016, UCC1 contacted CHS1 and asked about CHS1' s
willingness to take part in an attack operation in the United States. Specifically, UCCl asked
CHSl if "later on when day for operation comes," did CHSl have any family members willing
to participate in an attack. UCCl told CHSl, "its not a light decision but a rewarding one."
Virginia'. FBI physical surveillance ofthe meeting revealed anindividual matching the
description of JALLOH operating a vehicle registered to a family member of JALLOH's. Upon
comparing United States Passport photographs of individuals associated with the registered
address for this vehicle, JALLOH was confirmed as the individual that met CHSl by both FBI
physical surveillance and CHSl.
(JALLOH) is originally from Sierra Leone and has been a Muslim his entire life. JALLOH has
listened to a lot of lectures including those by "Shaykh Anwar," known to your affiant to be a
reference to now deceased Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Anwar al-AuIaqi (Aulaqi).
*Unless otherwise noted, all in-person meetings with JALLOH were consensually recorded.
During a recent six month trip to Africa, JALLOH met "khilafa"^ brothers inNigeria. JALLOH
described these individuals as "really good brothers." It was during this trip that JALLOH first
made contact with UCCl online. JALLOH told UCCl that he was interested inmaking hijrah^ to
Libya, which your affiant assesses to mean JALLOH intended to join ISIL in Libya. JALLOH
indicated he had even saved money to perform hijrah to Libya, and that he maintains a social
who killed five United States military members in a terrorist attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
in July 2015, was a "very good man."
JALLOH is a former member of the United States Army National Guard, but he
decided to quit after listening to Aulaqi lectures online. JALLOH was first introduced to
Aulaqi's lectures after hearing the news media refer to Aulaqi as a "hate preacher." This
prompted JALLOH to research Aulaqi online where he (JALLOH) discovered Aulaqi's lectures.
JALLOH explained that Aulaqi said it was a duty of every able Muslim to resist the American
presence and activity in Iraq and Afghanistan, JALLOH told CHSl that once the "Khilafah" was
armounced, "I understood this was the reality." JALLOH said that listening to Aulaqi lectures
helped him to "understand."
^"Khilafa" isan Arabic term forthe Islamic caliphate. Inthis context, your affiant assesses JALLOH was
referencing ISIL members.
^"Hijrah" isan Arabic term that means migration orjourney. In the Islamic faith, hijrah generally means migration
to a Muslim land. In this context, your affiant assesses JALLOH is using the term "hijrah" to refer to his journey to
join ISIL. Based on my training and experience, ISIL supporters refer to the travel to join ISIL as "hijrah."
^JALLOH maintains a social media account that is openly supportive of Islamic extremism and associates with
other users who openly support ISIL. Your affiant assesses that JALLOH maintains this social media account as a
means of staying connected to other ISIL supporters. ISIL's use of mainstream social media platforms and videos
are a key component of their recruitment efforts online, especially in western nations.
"Dawlah" is an Arabic term that means state. Your affiant isaware that ISIL members and supporters refer to ISIL
as "Dawlah" which is short for Dawla al Islamiya or Islamic State.
Later in the conversation, JALLOH said that he thinks about conducting an attack
all the time, and he was close to doing so at one point. JALLOH claimed to know how to shoot
guns, and that he had been thinking about conducting a Nidal Hassan (Hassan) - style attack.
When asked to explain what he meant, JALLOH said, "Nidal Hassan type of things. That's the
kind of stuff I started thinking you know." Hassan is a former Major in the United States Army
who killed 13 people and wounded 32 others in a terrorist attack on Fort Hood, Texas in
November 2009.
During the course of this investigation, your affiant learned that on or about
JALLOH departed the United States on or about June 11, 2015 via John F. Kennedy
International Airport with a final destination of Sierra Leone. On or about January 16,2016,
JALLOH returned to the United States from Sierra Leone via John F. Kennedy International
Airport. Based on the length of time JALLOH was overseas for this trip and the comments made
by JALLOH to CHSl on or aboutApril 9,2016,1 believe it was duringthis overseas trip that
JALLOH met ISIL members in Nigeria and first established contact with UCCl.
On or about April 14,2016, CHSl told UCCl about the meeting with JALLOH.
While they were discussing possible attack operations, UCCl directed CHSl to include
JALLOH in any attack planning if JALLOH was interested,
discussed attack plans with UCCl. JALLOH told CHSl that UCCl had asked JALLOH if
JALLOH wanted to participate in an attack. JALLOH informed CHSl that he told UCCl, "I
really want to but I don't want to give my word and not fulfill it."
On or about April 24, 2016, JALLOH told CHS1, "I just want to live a good
2016, JALLOH inquired about the timeline for an operation to be directed by UCCl and
involving CHSl and possibly JALLOH. JALLOH expressed that it was better to pl^ an
operation for Ramadan. JALLOH indicated he is working on himself to ensure his heart is strong
and does not fail him at the moment when it is needed the most.
Also at the May 1^ meeting, JALLOH asked CHSl if CHSl could assist
JALLOH if JALLOH wanted to make a donation (to ISIL). When asked to clarify, JALLOH
replied, "like if you want to like support the Khilafah through you know, like wealth." JALLOH
explained that by wealth he meant money.
JALLOH referenced past conversations he had with UCCl in which UCCl asked
if JALLOH would commit to participating in an operation. JALLOH stated he did not give
UCCl an answer then because he did not want to just please UCCl. When discussing potential
attack operationswith CHSl, JALLOH reiterated that it was something he had thoughtabout and
as a result, had even purchased a handgun. Your affiant believes JALLOH was referencing the
Glock 19 9mm handgim purchase from February, 2016 when he made this statement. JALLOH
admitted to going to a shooting range at times. JALLOH also said that conducting an operation
was not supposed to be easy because it isa test. Attaining "Jannah"^ is not easy, according to
JALLOH. When discussing the support JALLOH could provide if he decided not to take part in
an operation himself, JALLOH offered the possibilities of providing money and/or weapons.
^"Shaheed" is an Arabic term for a Muslim martyr. Inthiscontext, the FBI assesses JALLOH wishes to die a martyr
during the conduct ofjihad.
' "Jannah" is the Islamic concept of paradise. Many Islamic extremists believe thereward fordying as a martyr or
shaheed is entrance into Jannah.
Also during the May 1^^ meeting, JALLOH told CHS1 that heprays to Allah for
forgiveness and then he asks Allah to make his ending be death as a shaheed. JALLOH also said
When discussing attack operations, JALLOH stated he knows such operations are
"100 percent the right thing." JALLOH then asked if CHSl ever thought about targeted
operations (targeted killings). JALLOH then identified a person by name who had organized
multiple Draw the Prophet Mohammad contests inthe United States.^ JALLOH provided the
general location for this individual and described this individual as "evil." JALLOH insinuated
that this individual would be an ideal focus of a targeted attack because of his/her actions against
the Prophet Mohammad.
JALLOH explained, "sometimes you just have to take action.. .you can't be
thinking too much...you have to pick a action and take it cuz time is not on your side.. .since
Khilafah was announced, what, June, 2014'? It's nearly two years now...time flies. Before you
' In May 2015, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi attacked the "Fu-st Aimual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest"
held at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas. This event was organized by the individual identified by
JALLOH. Both Simpson and Soofi were killed by law enforcement officers in the attack. Shortly before the attack,
Simpson pledged his allegiance to ISIL on social media. Days later, ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack in a
radio broadcast.
Following ISIL's capture of Mosul, Iraq in June 2014, on or about June 29, 2014, ISIL formally changed its name
to the Islamic State and declared the establishment of an IslamicCaliphate to include portions of Iraq and Syria.
Additionally, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was named as the Caliph and leader of the so called Islamic State.
know it, it's three, four, five years, and you're still stuck in dunya'' or in dar ul kufar'^.. .find
yourself not, on the sidelines still, which is the problem."
On or about May 11,2016, JALLOH asked CHS1, "if I want to send some
sadaqa'^ for the Mujahideen with Ramadan coming up do you have any links for that
InshaAllah."''^ Upon being told ofanindividual with ISIL who could receive funds from
JALLOH, JALLOH indicated he was interested in sending $500. JALLOH later thanked CHSl
for offering to assist JALLOH in supporting the Khilafah (ISIL) financially. Based on the
comments JALLOH made to CHSl, your affiant believes JALLOH understood that the funds
On or about May 13, 2016, CHSl provided JALLOH with a Mobile Messaging
account (hereinafter referred to as MMl) that JALLOH was told could be used to provide funds
to members of ISIL. In actuality, MMl was controlled by FBI Employee 1, acting in an
conversation with FBI Employee 1 via MMl. JALLOH requested that CHSl inform the person
he believed to be a member of ISIL (FBI Employee 1), of JALLOH's account moniker so FBI
Employee 1 would know JALLOH was the person who had initiated the conversation.
Additionally, JALLOH asked CHSl what kinds of weapons, specifically "pistols or AK's,"
" "Dunya" is an Arabic term most commonly defined as thetemporal world - and its earthly concerns and
possessions. In the Islamic faith, many Muslims refer to their present lives on Earth as the dunya.
"Dar ul kufar" is an Islamic concept meaning a land governed by the "kufar" (disbelievers) and whose security is
not maintained by Muslims.
"Sadaqa" is an Arabic term meaning voluntary charity. In this context, your affiant believes that JALLOH was
referring to providing financial support to ISIL.
"InshaAllah" is an Arabic term meaning "God willing."
CHSl wanted JALLOH's assistance in procuring. The day prior to May 17, 2016, CHSl had told
JALLOH that these weapons would be used in a targeted attack, similar to the one previously
suggested by JALLOH, on two United States military personnel in the United States, and it
would be followed by an unspecified attack directed by ISIL. JALLOH concluded the
conversation by saying, "I will support with whatever you need fi-om me, I need the reward from
Allah and my sins to be forgiven."
initiated a conversation with FBI Employee 1 via MMl. To initiate this conversation, JALLOH
assistance in procuring weapons and concern that UCC2 would alert law enforcement of CHSl
and JALLOH's interest in procuring weapons, JALLOH reassured CHSl, stating, "...Akhi I'm
sure he won't be suspicious and even if he his (sic) he wouldn't report anything he has some
to contact UCC2 the coming weekend to ascertain if UCC2 had identified weapons available for
could "start sending the sadaqa in Ramadan inshaAllah or are you in need of it now," JALLOH
access to weapons for purchase, stating,"...yes I talked to him he's working on it for me Akhi
I'll let you know InshaAllah."
traveling to North Carolina and planned to meet with UCC2. CHS responded, saying,
"Insha'Allah akhi if he can help i can meet you in North Carolina." JALLOH replied, "Naam
Akhi that's why I'm meeting him face to face."
together for approximately four (4) hours in the vicinity of Charlotte, North Carolina. During this
time period, JALLOH and UCC2 traveled to various destinations in the Charlotte area.
Salam Akhi, I've been here with [UCC2] we got nothing drove around with him saw an AK but
the person didn't want to sell it..."
On orabout June 19,2016, JALLOH told CHSl,"...Akhi please have sabr'^ I'm
doing my best, [UCC2] is trying his best also the weapons I saw there people didn't want to sell
On or about June 20,2016, JALLOH contacted FBI Employee 1 via MMl and
provided the information required to provide funds to ISIL via FBI Employee 1. In addition to
the information required, which included an access code for a prepaid cash transfer, JALLOH
stated, "Ameen Akhi make dua for me that I get shahada Akhi please.. .it should be $500 dollars
in there inshaAllah." On or about June 21,2016, your affiant accessed the prepaid cash transfer
system and confirmed $500 was attached to the access code provided by JALLOH. On June 22,
2016, FBI Special Agents withdrew the $500 provided by JALLOH and placed the $500 in FBI
evidence control.
On or about June 25, 2016, JALLOH contacted CHSl and stated,"...Akhi may
Allah bestow his mercy on us and the khilafah.. .1 have to find time again to head down to North
"Sabr" is an Arabic term meaning "patience."
Carolina inshaAllah [UCC2] has secured one for me I want to get a second one also inshaAllah."
Your affiant assesses JALLOH is referring to UCC2 securing weapons. CHSl thanked JALLOH
and indicated he (CHS) would like to receive the weapons soon. JALLOH replied, "...Akhi
you're just now letting me know you're planning for this year's Ramadan before you had told me
it's a years plan and also what [UCCl] had told me..."
On or about July 2,2016, FBI Agents were provided a copy of the security
camera video from FFL for the time period during which JALLOH was inside FFL on July 1,
2016. The video portrayed JALLOH speaking with employees and handling an assault rifle. FBI
Agents interviewed one of the employees, who stated JALLOH attempted to purchase a
Bushmaster AR-15, but that JALLOH did not have the requisite forms of identification with him
to purchase the weapon. JALLOH told the employee he (JALLOH) would return on July 2,
2016, to purchase the assault rifle.
and purchased a Stag Arms SAl 5.56 caliber rifle, serial number Y406052. FBI physical
surveillance observed JALLOH entering and exiting FFL and an FBI Special Agent observed
JALLOH purchasing the assault rifle and test firing the assault rifle at FFL's firing range.
JALLOH provided his Virginia Driver's license and U.S Passport as forms of identification.
Prior to JALLOH departing FFL with the purchased assault rifle, the weapon was rendered
inoperable. JALLOH was operating his known Honda Accord on this trip to FFL.
JALLOH's residence during all times relevant to the investigation. Investigation has established
that the PREMISES is the only place to which JALLOH has access to store belongings.
Investigation has also established JALLOH utilized his cellular telephone to communicate with
UCCl. Based on my training and experience, individuals plaiming a terrorist attack, planning to
travel to commit violent jihad, or planning to provide other material support to a designated
terrorist organization use electronic and other means to view propaganda materials, communicate
search for records that might be found on the PREMISES, in whatever form they are found. One
form in which the records might be found is data stored on a computer's hard drive or other
storage media. Thus, the warrant applied for would authorize the seizure of electronic storage
media or, potentially, the copying of electronically stored information, all under Rule
PREMISES, there is probable cause to believe those records will be stored on that computer or
storage medium, for at least the following reasons:
Electronic files downloaded to a storage medium can be stored for years at little
or no cost. Even when files have been deleted, they can be recovered months or
years later using forensic tools. This is so because when a person "deletes" a file
on a computer, the data contained in the file does not actually disappear; rather,
that data remains on the storage medium until it is overwritten by new data.
b. Therefore, deleted files, or remnants of deleted files, may reside in free space or
slack space^that is, in space on the storage medium that is not currently being
used by an active file^for long periods of time before they are overwritten. In
addition, a computer's operating system may also keep a record of deleted data in
a "swap" or "recovery" file.
d. Similarly, files that have been viewed via the Internet are sometimes
permission to locate not only computer files that might serve as direct evidence of the crimes
described on the warrant, but also for forensic electronic evidence that establishes how
computers were used, the purpose of their use, who used them, and when. There is probable
cause to believe that this forensic electronic evidence will be on any storage medium in the
PREMISES because:
a. Data on the storage medium can provide evidence of a file that was once on the
storage medium but has since been deleted or edited, or of a deleted portion of a
file (such as a paragraph that has been deleted firom a word processing file).
Virtual memory paging systems can leave traces of information on the storage
medium that show what tasks and processes were recently active. Web browsers,
email programs, and chat programs store configuration information on the storage
medium that can reveal information such as online nicknames and passwords.
Operating systems can record additional information, such as the attachment of
peripherals, the attachment of USB flash storage devices or other external storage
media, and the times the computer was in use. Computer file systems can record
information about the dates files were created and the sequence in which they
were created, although this information can later be falsified.
where, and how" of the criminal conduct imder investigation, thus enabling the
United States to establish and prove each element or alternatively, to exclude the
innocent from further suspicion. In my training and experience, information
stored within a computer or storage media (e.g., registry information,
communications, images and movies, transactional information, records of
session times and durations, internet history, and anti-virus, spyware, and
malware detection programs) can indicate who has used or controlled the
may indicate whether the computer was remotely accessed, thus inculpatingor
exculpating the computer owner. Further, computer and storage media activity
can indicate how and when the computer or storage media was accessed or used.
For example, as described herein, computers typically contains information that
log: computer user account session times and durations, computer activity
associated with user accounts, electronic storage media that connected with the
computer, and the IP addresses through which the computer accessed networks
evidence relating to the physical location of other evidence and the suspect. For
example, images stored on a computer may both show a particular location and
have geolocation information incorporated into its file data. Such file data
typically also contains information indicating when the file or image was created.
The existence of such image files, along with external device connection logs,
may also indicate the presence of additional electronic storage media (e.g., a
c. A person with appropriate familiarity with how a computer works can, after
examining this forensic evidence in its proper context, draw conclusions about
how computers were used, the purpose of their use, who used them, and when.
d. The process of identifying the exact files, blocks, registry entries, logs, or other
forms of forensic evidence on a storage medium that are necessary to draw an
accurate conclusion is a dynamic process. While it is possible to specify in
advance the records to be sought, computer evidence is not always data that can
be merely reviewed by a review team and passed along to investigators. Whether
the computer and the application of knowledge about how a computer behaves.
Further, in finding evidence of how a computer was used, the purpose of its use, who
programs or anti-virus programs (and associated data) may be relevant to establishing the
user's intent.
a thorough search of a premises for information that might be stored on storage media often
requires the seizure of the physical storage media and later off-site review consistent with the
warrant. In lieu of removing storage media firom the premises, it is sometimes possible to make
an image copy of storage media. Generally speaking, imaging is the taking of a complete
electronic picture of the computer's data, including all hidden sectors and deleted files. Either
seizure or imaging is often necessary to ensure the accuracy and completeness of data recorded
on the storage media, and to prevent the loss of the data either from accidental or intentional
destruction. This is true because of the following:
a. The time required for an examination. As noted above, not all evidence takes the
form of documents and files that can be easily viewed on site. Analyzing
evidence of how a computer has been used, what it has been used for, and who
has used it requires considerable time, and taking that much time on premises
could be unreasonable. As explained above, because the warrant calls for forensic
examine storage media to obtain evidence. Storage media can store a large
knowledge will be required to analyze the system and its data on the Premises.
However, taking the storage media off-site and reviewing it in a controlled
environment will allow its examination with the proper tools and knowledge.
c. Variety of forms of electronic media. Records sought under this warrant could be
stored in a variety of storage media formats that may require off-site reviewing
with specialized forensic tools.
41(e)(2)(B), the warrant I am applying for would permit seizing, imaging, or otherwise copying
storage media that reasonably appear to contain some or all of the evidence described in the
warrant, and would authorize a later review of the media or information consistent with the
warrant. The later review may require techniques, including but not limited to computer-assisted
scans of the entire medium, that might expose many parts of a hard drive to human inspection in
order to determine whether it is evidence described by the warrant.
Because several people share the PREMISES as a residence, it is possible that the
PREMISES will contain storage media that are predominantly used, and perhaps owned, by
persons who are not suspected ofa crime. Ifitis nonetheless determined that that itis possible
that the things described in this warrant could be found on any of those computers or storage
media, the warrant applied for would permit the seizure and review of those items as well.
I submit that this affidavit supports probable cause for a criminal complaint
designated foreign terrorist organization, to wit: the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL),
in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2339B. I also submit there is probable cause
for a warrant to search the premises described in Attachment A and seize the items described in
Attachment B.
I declare under penalty of peijury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Nicholas Caslen
Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Theresa C. Buchanan