Sbi Smart Express Manuasl
Sbi Smart Express Manuasl
Sbi Smart Express Manuasl
October 25, 2012
Tags: cancelling order, cnc, mis, modifying order, orders, placing order
We will cover everything to do with Orders in this section:
The order window on Zerodha Trader looks as below, you can use the shortcut key F1 to Buy and F2 to
In the above snapshot above you will see various boxes, let me explain the use of each of them:
1. Exchange Segment: This box will indicate which segment you are placing the orders. The various
segments are NSE (NSE Equity), NFO (NSE Futures & Options), BSE (BSE Equity), BFO (BSE Futures &
Options), MCX (Commodities) and CDS (NSE Currency Derivative Segment).
2. Order Type: Order can be a Limit order (where you specify the buy/sell price), Market order (where you
buy/sell at market price), SL/SL-M (stop loss/stop loss market). The use of Stop Loss orders is
explained here. The difference between SL and SL-M is that when the trigger price is hit, the stop loss
order is sent as a limit order with limit price mentioned by you in the SL order, whereas in SL-M, the order is
sent to the exchange as a Market order.
3. PRO/CLI: PRO stands for Proprietary, CLI stands for client. All of you are trading as clients so the
default will remain as CLI.
4. INST Name, Symbol, Type, Strike, Expiry: All of these are chosen by default when you click on a
contract and ask to buy/sell. But if you want to change the contract/scrip, you can do it from here.
5. Basket Wave Line/ AUC No: Ignore this.
6. QTY: Buy/Sell order Quantity. By default it will show 1 for equity orders and 1 lot for F&O. To change the
default quantity and any other attributes of the order, look at the image below:
7. Price: Mention the price if your order is limit order; if it is a market order this field cannot be entered.
8. Tr Price: Trigger price will be used for Stop Loss orders. The price at which you want the stop loss to be
9. Disc Quantity (Disclosed Quantity): This feature can be used only on Equities (Stocks only) and
Commodities. If you are placing a big limit order and you dont want the entire quantity to be disclosed
fearing a non-execution of order you can choose Disclosed Quantity. For example, if you buy 2000 shares
of Reliance at Rs 800 and you mention the disclosed quantity as 500, your order will show only 500 in the
market depth window for everyone else, whereas actually it is 2000. This is useful only if you are trading
bigger quantities.
10. Prod Type (Product Type): MIS ( Margin intraday square off), CNC (Cash n Carry) and
NRML( Normal). The following details are important so ensure you remember the same:
type. So for example, if Crude futures overnight margin is Rs. 25,000, you will require only Rs 12,500 ( 50%
of 25,000) if you use the product type as MIS.
If you dont want any excess leverage, use the product type NRML and you would not have to worry about
auto square offs.
You can convert MIS to NRML and vice versa by visiting Admin positions (F11) or by visiting Trade book
(F8). You will need stipulated MCX overnight margins to convert to NRML. Click here to know how you can
convert your position.
11. Validity: While trading on NSE/BSE you get only 2 options, Day orders (valid till end of day) or IOC
Immediate or Cancel (as the name suggests, the order if not executed immediately will get cancelled). By
default day option will be selected. IOC will be a good option for people who place market orders of large
quantity thereby increasing the Impact cost.
While trading on MCX, in addition to the above validity types, you get GTD (Good Till Date. Validity date
can be mentioned in the 2nd validity box in the order), GTC (Good Till Cancelled) and EOS (End of
12. Client ID, Name, Participant, No of Days: These will be selected by default and no change to be
made on this. Validity date can be used only for GTD orders on MCX.
The Order Book allows you to Filter your orders,modify/cancel any pending orders or cancel all your
pending orders (in case you have more than one pending order). The below picture shows you how its
Insufficient funds (please note that when you place an order even if it is not executed, the
exchange blocks funds as long as it is open), so be sure to check for any Open orders in Order
Book. The rejection reason is self explanatory, but give us a shout if you cant figure out the
rejection reason.
*IMP* Ensure that you use the same order type to enter and exit. So if you buy using MIS, sell using
MIS and similarly for NRML & CNC.
Happy Trading,
Your friendly neighborhood discount brokerage
Please explain about stoploss orders. Whenever I place SL order in ZT I get message saying Stop loss
already triggered at XX price.
Thanks for this detailed post on orders. Waiting for stoploss order post.
Thank you.
Nithin Kamath
For stop loss orders..
11 Jan 2014 at 08:24 PM
Hi Nitin,
Brokerage wise you are best you are the best, but trading system you need to improve zerodha
alot, it is is like zig zag and I m holding share khan account also and trust me their tradetiger is
really superb. you should bring new updated version soon.
Nithin Kamath
Working on the new platform Yunus, we should hopefully be out with it in the next few months.
30 Apr 2014 at 02:11 AM