Guided Reading "FAMOUS ANIMALS" Lesson Plan
Guided Reading "FAMOUS ANIMALS" Lesson Plan
Guided Reading "FAMOUS ANIMALS" Lesson Plan
Day: Thursday/Friday
Date: 28/29 April 2016
Time: 11am-12pm
Subject: Reading
Topic: Guided Reading
Students Prior Knowledge and Experience:
Students are familiar with the processes of Guided Reading
This is the first Guided Reading lesson using the text Famous Animals.
Learning Purposes:
To use research strategies to locate information.
Student Evaluation:
Students use captions to locate information.
Students use the contents page to find
Content Descriptors
Use comprehension strategies to build literal and using text features and search tools to locate
inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by
information in written and digital texts efficiently
drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text
making connections between the text and
structures and language features (ACELY1680)
students own experience and other texts
Preparation and Resources:
Small books: Famous Animals
Teacher resource sheet
Learning Experiences
5 mins
Before reading
Ask students to look at the front and back covers of Famous Animals and discuss animals
Do you know these famous animals?
Do you know any other famous animals?
Students look at the Contents and consider the chapter titles.
What makes an animal a hero?
What would an animal have to do to be in the news?
Have students look through Famous Animals.
Do you recognise any of these famous animals?
There are specific features that make this a non-fiction text, such as photos, fact panels,
captions, labels the glossary and index.
There are lots of photos used in Famous Animals.
Discuss the use of photos in a biography with students.
How does this add impact to the information?
8 mins
Learning Experiences
Pages 2-9
What does the layout on pages 2 and 3 remind you of?
How does this layout suit the subject of Famous Animals?
Do you know Skippy, Marley, Babe, Flipper, Benji, Alex or Bart?
Which of these animals would you like to have known?
Which animal would you like to learn more about?
Explain that Benji was like a movie star.
Students begin reading pages 2-9 quietly (in their head).
Listen to individual students read a page from the book.
Read questions from teacher resource sheet.
Refer to teacher resource sheet for questions.
Closure and Transition
5 mins