Letter of Intent

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Letter of Intent
The CIPS position, and what the
buyer needs to know

1. The CIPS Position


2. What is a Letter of Intent?


3. Binding or Non-Binding?


4. What is the Purpose of a Letter of Intent?


5. What Reasons are there for using Letters of Intent?


6. What should a Letter of Intent contain?


7. Is it wise to sign a Letter of Intent?


8. Procedure for Issuing Letters of Intent


9. Keeping Risks to a minimum


10. Are there any alternatives?


11. What problems can arise?


12. Case Study


13. Conclusion


14. References


Appendix Suggested Format for a Letter of Intent


Tel +44(0)1780 756777 Fax +44(0)1780 751610 Email ckw@cips.org Web www.cips.org


Welcome to a
guide on
Letter of

Tel +44(0)1780 756777 Fax +44(0)1780 751610 Email ckw@cips.org Web www.cips.org


Cash flow is the lifeblood of any organisation. Companies in

the private sector generally focus on increasing profits, but it
is inadequate cashflows that can cause serious financial


CIPS is expressing beliefs on Letters of Intent (LOI)
as unfortunately these are commonly used, especially
in high value and high risk procurement projects,
when in fact CIPS holds that their use should be
avoided where possible. CIPS believes that P & SM
professionals should be proactive in their
procurement projects and should therefore be able
to foresee the potential problem of having to start a
project before the main contract can be let.They
should therefore ask the main contractor, (or, as
appropriate the sub-contractor), for a written offer
covering the limited work required to get the
project under way.This offer can then be accepted
by the client, rather than the client issuing an LOI
which is in fact an offer to the contractor. CIPS
believes this approach represents better practice in
such circumstances.
CIPS would underline its view that LOI should
only ever be employed in exceptional, and therefore
very rare, circumstances.

The key points of the CIPS position are as follows:

CIPS believes that P & SM professionals should be
sufficiently proactive and prescient in the
procurement projects and activities they are
engaged in to make the use of LOI unnecessary
In view of the dangers associated with LOI the CIPS
recommendation is that P & SM professionals should
only resort to using such a device in extreme and
exceptional circumstances
In those cases where the contractor appears, for
whatever reason, to have lost interest in progressing
the project CIPS recommends that the P & SM
professional should consider placing his business
CIPS recommends that rather than drafting and
issuing an LOI the contractor should be invited to
submit a proposal for the limited volume of work
which would otherwise be defined in such a
If circumstances dictate that an LOI is unavoidable
the CIPS recommendation is that the P & SM
professional should develop and implement a formal
and unambiguous procedure for issuing such

CIPS believes that P & SM professionals

should be proactive in their procurement
projects and should therefore be able to
foresee the potential problem of having
to start a project before the main
contract can be let.

Tel +44(0)1780 756777 Fax +44(0)1780 751610 Email ckw@cips.org Web www.cips.org

Letter of

CIPS suggests that where a contractor is being difficult or is

appearing uninterested in progressing the contract, the client
should, unless there is no other alternative, stop the
negotiations and place the business elsewhere.


As an LOI has no distinct legal meaning there is some
confusion about them within the P & SM profession.
Thus, LOI should not be confused with contract award
letters or letters of comfort.
A contract award letter is simply a letter advising the
successful contractor that it has won the contract; this
should only be issued once the procurement process is
complete; that is to say, bids have been clarified and
terms and conditions negotiated to a satisfactory
It is letters of comfort that are most commonly
confused with LOI. CIPS holds that letters of comfort
should not normally be employed. However, there are
certain circumstances where they can be used as long
as great care is exercised. For instance, when a
contractor states in their bid that their offer is valid for
60 days, they can often state, especially during difficult
negotiations, or if they do not perceive the Clients
business as especially valuable to them, that their offer
is no longer valid at the 61st day. In fact under English
law at least, the contractor can withdraw their offer at
any time until it is accepted by the client. Nevertheless,
it is sometimes prudent to issue a letter of comfort
requesting that they confirm that the offer is still valid
after the period specified in the tender.
A letter of comfort should state that the client is:
hoping to be in a position where they can offer a
contract to the contractor
requesting that the contractor should keep their
offer valid for another specified period of time with
a request that this be confirmed in writing
offering no contractual commitment.
However,if the objective of keeping the offer valid for a
longer period is really crucial,the client might offer a
peppercorn sum to act as consideration for keeping the
offer valid,thus creating a legally binding contract so
ensuring that the offer from the contractor remains on the
The client should recognise that a letter of comfort
can make the contractor feel so secure that their
willingness to negotiate or concede on points under
discussion may thereby be jeopardised.
CIPS suggests that where a contractor is being
difficult or is appearing uninterested in progressing the
contract, the client should, unless there is no other
alternative, stop the negotiations and place the business
An LOI differs from a letter of comfort in that it is in
fact an offer from the client to the contractor, with the
consideration stated, which the contractor can accept
and as such create a legally binding contract.A more
accurate term than Letter of Intent is An Instruction to

The purpose of an LOI is to have the preferred

contractor (i.e. that contractor to whom the buying
organisation expects to award the contract, or their sub
contractor) do something. For instance the client might
want the contractor to:
order some of those materials for the project or
service which may have a long lead time
reserve the capacity in their systems to deliver the
project as the contractor may be lining up other
clients to absorb that capacity
start the project; however, the extent of this start
must be clearly specified.
The client must ensure that the LOI does not
inadvertently legally oblige them to award the whole
contract to the contractor even if that is the intention.
Rather it obliges the client to only pay for that piece of
work identified in the LOI.

One of the pitfalls in an LOI which some may regard as
a casual non-binding document is that certain of its
provisions may indeed have legal effect. For example:
1 Seller may grant intending buyer access to possible
confidential information to allow the buyer to
conduct his due diligence checks. However, the
Seller may not want the buyer to make use of
information obtained in this way for any purpose
other than in respect of the transaction in question
2 Both parties may well have an interest in prohibiting
the disclosure of the terms being discussed, or even
the fact that they are negotiating at all. Many
potential buyers do not want the terms disclosable
for fear that the seller may use them to negotiate a
better deal with someone else
3 A no-shop clause, ie a clause prohibiting the seller
soliciting or entertaining any competing offers from
prospective third party buyers.
Termination also needs to be addressed. This can either
be a specific date (unless an extension is mutually
agreed by the parties), or rather than an end date there
can be a mutually agreed provision for a specific period
of notice.
It is important therefore for a distinction to be made
between binding and non-binding LOI; the former is to
be preferred as it will contain the key elements of a
contract (offer, acceptance, and consideration). Such a
letter should incorporate a sentence or clause along the
following lines:
This Letter of Intent is intended to create a legally
binding contract between the parties.

Tel +44(0)1780 756777 Fax +44(0)1780 751610 Email ckw@cips.org Web www.cips.org


Given that the purpose of an LOI is to bridge the gap

between the start of the project and execution of a final
contract it should state that the intention of the parties
is to enter into a formal contract and that the parties
will use their best endeavours to execute said contract
as soon as possible. Although such a provision is
unlikely to be legally enforceable it provides a useful
indication of the parties commercial intent.
The LOI should also contain provision for the
retrospective effect of the final contract.
A suitable form of wording could be as follows:
Once the contract is signed, its Terms and Conditions
will retrospectively govern the work carried out by you
pursuant to this LOI. Any monies paid to you in respect
of such work shall form part of the contract sum under
the contract.


Generally speaking the aim is to set out the general
terms of a transaction, together with the specific points
that might have been agreed prior to the finalisation of
a definitive agreement. This is often pushed if one or
both of the parties is unwilling to spend the time and
money required to negotiate an agreement until an LOI
has been signed. Furthermore a seller might be
unwilling to let the buyer go through the due diligence
process without first obtaining an LOI.
Often the parties agree that it is important to have
key terms of the transaction in writing (for example, the
purchase price and how it would be paid) as early as
possible, so as to avoid later confusion. Not least an LOI
may be required to facilitate the financing process.


CIPS takes the view that there should only be one
reason for issuing a letter of intent to secure the
project programme. CIPS holds that P & SM
professionals should be sufficiently involved in the
procurement process that they can anticipate the
potential of having to secure the programme, whilst
being unable to proceed with the contract award
thereby avoiding the need to issue an LOI.
Be that as it may, clients have reported a number of
reasons for using LOI. These include the following:

the business case not yet been approved

the funds not yet secured
technical approval not been obtained
the contract not yet signed
some documentation is still awaited
negotiations not yet concluded
short timescales due perhaps to an emergency or
poor planning


there is pressure from customers, or competition, to

get the product to market
tight commercial deadlines have to be adhered to.
CIPS has identified these scenarios in order to help P &
SM professionals be aware of, and so avoid, minimise or
manage any problems which might arise.
CIPS suggests that P & SM professionals should think
very carefully about issuing an LOI in any of the above
circumstances as there is a risk that the main contract
might not be awarded to the preferred contractor, or
indeed to any contractor.
A further consideration is that the client is often
pressurised by the contractors sales team to provide an
LOI due to:
claims of long lead times (for example, project
timescales under threat due to non-availability of
claims of competition for capacity from other clients
year end sales figures and associated discounts
a need to source and recruit labour.


If, after due and careful consideration the decision is
made to use an LOI, it needs to be borne in mind that it
should as a minimum contain the following data:
1) Basis of payment (eg cost plus margin, lump sum etc.)
2) Timing and procedures for submission of invoices
3) A cap on the amount payable to the contractor
under the LOI (which can be extended at the
owners discretion)
4) an accurate description of the range of works to be
carried out
5) provision for the owners right to vary the scope of
the works
6) a completion date where possible
7) a clear statement of the contractors standard of
care to be adopted in carrying out the works.
The LOI should set out a procedure whereby the
owner can instruct the contractor to cease work and
vacate the site. The LOI should also state that the
contractors entitlement to further payment after such
termination is limited to any amounts outstanding for
work carried out up to the date of termination.


Although CIPS,as noted above,is very critical of LOI and
would always advise P & SM professionals against using
them,there are some circumstances (project work or large
production runs for instance) where they can appear to be
an attractive and justifiable solution,being a non-legally
bindingway to get the parties to set out in writing what
the nature of the undertaking is between them.
All too often parties will sign such a document, feeling

Tel +44(0)1780 756777 Fax +44(0)1780 751610 Email ckw@cips.org Web www.cips.org

Letter of

that they have little or nothing to lose by doing so.

However, caution should always be exercised before
signing. As a general rule, it is recommended that the
parties go right through to the final contract document,
ensuring that it is correct in all respects, rather than risk
the pitfalls of an LOI.
It is not unusual for parties to believe that by signing
an LOI they have reached an agreement in principle to
enter into a complex legal transaction. In such
circumstances the parties may believe (probably
correctly) that negotiating the exact content of the final
definitive contract documents will take time and that if
something is not put in writing without delay the
proposed deal will fall apart.
This is understandable, and it is true that in certain
complex transactions an LOI can be a useful interim
measure allowing the parties to set out in writing some
measure of commitment. Notwithstanding this, P & SM
professionals should always bear in mind the very
strong reservations CIPS has about the dangers and
pitfalls of using LOIs.


If a letter of intent cannot be avoided, CIPS advocates
that the P & SM professional introduces a formal
procedure for issuing them.
This procedure should include the following:
they must be signed off by a person senior to that
person who would normally sign off the contracts
documentation should be completed to state the
reasons why the organisation is issuing a letter of
intent and to state the risks associated with the
issuing of the letter of intent, in particular in relation
to the project, and a figure should be associated with
the risk wherever possible
all forms should be signed by the person responsible
for signing the contract and a record should be
retained with the contract details
that the CEO, or his or her nominated
representative, is advised when letters of intent are
As negotiation and contract conclusion may be
difficult for the client once an LOI has been issued, the
following aspects should already have been agreed
price, cost and payment terms (otherwise these
could very easily be increased)
issues relating to intellectual property rights
deliverables, service levels and time-scales.
These issues are minimised if the client already has an
umbrella agreement in place with the contractor since
terms and conditions etc.would have been agreed prior to
the particular procurement project in hand.

Draft Contract Terms

If a draft detailed contract is in existence at the time a
LOI is drawn up, one of the following approaches
should be adopted:
1) attach the draft terms in their entirety, and specify
that even though they have not yet been fully agreed
by the parties as forming the final contract, the full
terms will be binding with respect to the whole of
the works until the LOI is replaced by the final
contract; or
2) simply identify the relevant terms of the draft
contract which have been finalised to date; for
example contractual conditions in relation to
insurance, or IPR (intellectual property rights).


If the P & SM professional is forced by circumstances to
produce an LOI, the following good practice should be
adhered to:
the wording should include it is our intention to
award the contract for and this letter is not
intended to create a legally binding contract for
anything other than the limited works stipulated in
the letter so that it is clear that the main contract is
not currently being awarded
if there are reasons for not awarding the contract
these should, ideally, be stated eg . subject to the
successful conclusion of our negotiations on or
quite simply subject to approval from our
the amount of work the client is liable for from the
letter of intent should be stated eg the
development work of Phase One up to and
including a maximum liability to us, the client, of
60,000 excluding VAT
the wording should state that in the event of the
main contract not being awarded to you, the
contractor, then all design work (for example) will
vest with us and that we have the right to novate
the contract to an alternative contractor
the terms and conditions that apply to the offer
should be stated which should be as close as
possible to those under discussion for the main
the date at which the letter of intent expires
words which entitle the client to cancel the letter of
intent if operationally necessary
a requirement for the contractor to confirm
acceptance of the letter.
It is important that the letter of intent is worded very
carefully so that it, and the actions supporting it, are not
taken to be legally binding for anything other than the
specific piece of work stated in the letter. It should also
state what is intended to happen next in the contract
award process.

Tel +44(0)1780 756777 Fax +44(0)1780 751610 Email ckw@cips.org Web www.cips.org


CIPS advocates that, instead of issuing a letter of intent, the

client should invite the contractor to submit an offer for the
limited volume of work which would normally be stipulated in
the LOI.


CIPS advocates that, instead of issuing a letter of
intent, the client should invite the contractor to
submit an offer for the limited volume of work which
would normally be stipulated in the LOI. The client
can then accept this offer and a separate contractual
arrangement comes into force from the main contract,
which may in due course be awarded to the contractor.
The separate contract, which can be created by the
client submitting an order in response to the offer, should
be written so that it can be novated or merged into the
main contract as soon as the main contract is placed.
In construction contracts where the main contractor
might sub contract the first phase of the work, the
client should ask the sub contractor to submit the offer
for the first stage of work (or whatever is needed at the
time), along with a novation agreement signed by the
sub contractor and the main contractor, for signature by
client. It must be a condition of the contract that the
contract will, at the sole option of the client, be novated
to the main contractor should the contract negotiations
be satisfactorily concluded. It is important that the
client ensures that:
the sub contractor performs to the same terms and
conditions as were required of the main contractor
for the specific work(s)
the main contractor cannot refuse to accept the
novation of contract should there be problems with
performance etc.
a novation agreement is signed by all parties.


CIPS policy is that P & SM professionals should actively
discourage their organisations from using letters of
intent as they can create many problems including:
the contractor perceiving that they are no longer in
a competitive situation, ie that the business has been
won by them already
the client may become reliant on the contractor if
the competition are advised, or hear informally, that
they were unsuccessful
the contractor will be reluctant to negotiate, for
instance on terms and conditions and service levels
as they are no longer trying to secure the business
as the LOI has created a contractual commitment
a breach of contract could well result in an action
for damages
the risk that the main contract fails to be awarded to
any contractor and so the work in hand as requested
in the LOI is a waste of resources.
Once signed,an LOI,even if non-binding,may place a seller
at a negotiation disadvantage by creating expectations by
third parties. The potential also exists for breaches of


Also, once terms are incorporated in such a document,

even if non-binding, parties seeking to renegotiate may
encounter difficulty. This is particularly likely to be the
case where parties have been in a hurry to sign an LOI
without considering the ramifications.
A further consideration is that, during the due
diligence process by a prospective buyer (after the
execution of an LOI but before final contract), s/he (the
buyer) may have access to a great deal of privileged
information which could well be of some concern to
the contractor.


The following example clearly demonstrates the
limitations of Letters of Intent from the clients
In the late 1980s Tesco decided to build a new store
at Redditch (one of a number in the companys
expansion programme at the time) and employed the
construction firm Costain as its design and build
At the commencement of the project Tesco sent an
LOI to Costain which said:
We write to advise you that it is our intention to
enter into a formal contract with your company in
accordance with the Tesco standard documentation
for use with Design and Build Contracts
Costain signed the LOI and returned a copy to
Tesco. Costain completed the construction of the store;
however a formal contract was never concluded
between the parties.
Some years later, during some alterations, a fire broke
out, causing damage which, claimed Tesco, was more
extensive than it should have been as the fire
containment measures installed by Costain had proved
inadequate.Tesco made a claim against Costain who
argued that they had never accepted contractual
It was decided in the courts that a contract had
indeed been concluded between the parties; however,
this did not extend to Costain having liability for the
designs subsequently produced, and implemented, by
Tescos design consultants some years later.

Letters of Intent are a way of suppliers passing risk back to purchasers, and as such CIPS
strongly recommends that they should not be used. CIPS has suggested an alternative to
LOI and suggests that where Letters Of Intent have to be employed, this should be seen as a
failure on the part of the P & SM professional.
Where P & SM professionals have to use LOI these should be supported by robust
procedures which are formally adhered to, along with a clear policy on those issues which
must be agreed with the contractor, in writing, prior to the LOI being issued.

Tel +44(0)1780 756777 Fax +44(0)1780 751610 Email ckw@cips.org Web www.cips.org

Letter of

A section on Letters of Intent, together with a suggested
form of wording, may be found in Buying Goods and
Services by Allwright and Oliver (revised edition by S
Singleton and K Burnett)
Articles and Papers
The Effect of Letters of Intent
J McGuinness
SCL (Society of Construction Law) 1997
T Wrzesien
Paper (18 October 2002) in the Winward Fearon
construction project series

Legal Cases
The Use of Letters of Intent Midland Veneers Ltd v
Unilock HCP Ltd
Ventriloquism or Voice of Reason Harvey
Shopfitters Ltd v ADI Ltd
The Meter is Running AC Controls v BBC


I am writing to confirm that it is our companys intention, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of negotiations
between us, to place a contract with your company for .(eg the design, supply, construction and commissioning
of . for the sum of ..(if already agreed).
The contract will generally be in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in your tender dated
.other than for the clauses set out in the attached Annex which still have to be agreed.The programme for
finalising all outstanding issues between us is enclosed (if appropriate).This letter is not intended to create a legally
binding contract for anything other than the limited works stipulated in this letter.
Pending the conclusion of our negotiations you are hereby authorised to proceed with .. up to a total
value not exceeding
On the placing of the contract with you, all work carried out by you under this letter of intent will be deemed
to have been carried out by you under the terms and conditions of the contract.
If we are unable to reach agreement with you on the outstanding issues between us within a period of
weeks from the date of this letter we shall have the right to terminate this letter of intent by notice in writing. In
that event:
we would reimburse you for carried out by you under the terms of this letter up to the date of
termination to a limit of . together with the cancellation costs reasonably incurred by you in respect of
orders for the ..(eg long lead time items).Alternatively we would have the right to take over such orders
from you, and all orders placed by you shall contain such provisions.
The property in all drawings and other documentation prepared by you under the terms of this letter and any
materials manufactured would vest in us.
Please acknowledge your acceptance of this letter and confirm that you will be starting work immediately.

Tel +44(0)1780 756777 Fax +44(0)1780 751610 Email ckw@cips.org Web www.cips.org


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