G.O Ms No 150
G.O Ms No 150
G.O Ms No 150
Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation Act, 1955 Reduction of Tax on Transfer of Property in Municipal Corporation
areas payable on sale deeds Orders Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 150,
Dated the 6th day of April, 2013.
O R D E R:
The following notification will be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh
Gazette, dated 06.04.2013.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 261 (1) (b) read with 679-E of the Hyderabad
Municipal Corporation Act, 1955, and in supersession of the earlier notifications issued on the
subject, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby fixes the Duty on Transfer of Property in all
the Municipal Corporation areas in the State of Andhra Pradesh at 1.5% (one and half percent)
without any deduction towards collection charges with effect from 1st April, 2013.
Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department Andhra Pradesh Municipalities
Act, 1965 Reduction of Tax on Transfer of Property in Selection / Special Grade Municipalities
payable on sale deeds Orders Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 151,
Dated the 6th day of April, 2013.
O R D E R:
The following notification will be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh
Gazette, dated 06.04.2013.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 120 (b) read with 387 A of the Andhra Pradesh
Municipalities Act, 1965, and in supersession of the earlier notifications issued on the subject,
the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby fixes the Duty on Transfer of Property in all Selection
/ Special Grade Municipalities in the State of Andhra Pradesh at 1.5% (one and half percent)
without any deduction towards collection charges with effect from 1st April, 2013.
Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act,
1965 Reduction of Tax on Transfer of Property in Municipalities (other than Selection / Special
Grade Municipalities) payable on sale deeds Orders Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 152 ,
Dated the 6th day of April, 2013.
O R D E R:
The following notification will be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette,
dated 06.04.2013.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 120 (b) read with 387 A of the Andhra Pradesh
Municipalities Act, 1965, and in supersession of the earlier notifications issued on the subject, the
Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby fixes the Duty on Transfer of Property in Municipalities (other
than Selection / Special Grade Municipalities) in the State of Andhra Pradesh at 1.5% (one and half
percent) without any deduction towards collection charges with effect from 1st April, 2013.
Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department Reduction of Tax on Transfer of
Property in Municipal Corporations and Municipalities in the State payable on sale deeds Orders
G.O.Ms.No. 153,
Dated the 6th day of April, 2013.
O R D E R:
The following notifications will be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette,
dated 06.04.2013.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 261 (1) (b) read with 679-E of the Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation Act, 1955, and in supersession of the earlier notifications issued on the subject, the
Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby fixes the Duty on Transfer of Property payable on all sale deeds
of Flats / Apartments in Municipal Corporations of the State of Andhra Pradesh at 1.5% (one and half
percent) without any deduction towards collection charges with effect from the 1st April, 2013.
N O T I F I C A T I O N - II
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 120 (b) read with 387 A of the Andhra Pradesh
Municipalities Act, 1965, and in supersession of the earlier notifications issued on the subject, the
Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby fixes the Duty on Transfer of Property payable on all sale deeds
of Flats / Apartments in Municipal Areas of the State of Andhra Pradesh at 1.5% (one and half percent)
without any deduction towards collection charges with effect from 1st April, 2013.
Dated : 30-03-2013
Read the following:-
G.O.Ms.No.719, Revenue (Registration.I) Deptt., dt.30/07/2010.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 05/01/2013 in the chambers of Honble C.M., on revision
of market
-0o0ORDER:The following notification will be published in Extraordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh
Gazette, dated 01-04-2013.
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Indian
Stamp Act, 1899 (Act II of 1899), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby reduces the stamp
duty payable on sale deeds from 5% to 4% in all areas of Andhra Pradesh under Article 47-A
of Schedule 1-A of the said Act, with effect from 01-04-2013.
The District Registrar,
This is an appeal filed by Sri P. PremKumar,S/o P. Rama Rao, R/o 8-3-268/A/1/A & 8-3-268/A/
1/A/1, Plot No.1-A, Aurora Colony, Road No.3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-500034 against the Final
orders issued by the District Registrar, Hyderabad(South) in Notice.No.G1/47/2010, dated.16.02.2010
treating the Pending Document No.1057/2009 of RO(OB), Hyderabad (South) as Conveyance on Sale
and instructing the appellant to pay the deficit duties accordingly.
As seen from the copy of the Pending Document No.1057/2009 filed by the petitioner the said
document styled as Release Deed executed on 05.11.2009 by Sri P. Navin S/o Late P. Rama Rao in
favour of Sri P. Prem Kumar S/o Late P. Rama Rao.
As per the recitals in the document originally Late P. Rama Rao purchased Plot bearing No.1-A
admeasuring 700 sq.yd., situated at Aurora Colony, Road No.3 Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-500034 vide
Registered Sale Deed Document No.3142 of 1983, dated.01.12.1983 andthereafter Sri P. Rama Rao
constructed a house on the said Plot having obtained permission from Municipal Corporation of
Hyderabad under Permit No.28/67of 1989 in file No.441/Open/8/83 and the house was Numbered as 83-268/A/1/A and 8-3-268/A/1/A/1. Subsequently, Sri P. Rama Rao executed a Registered Will Deed
Document No.127/2005 of Book-III, dated.01.11.2005 of SRO, Banjara Hills bequeathing the properties
held by him. According to the recitals of the said Will Deed Sri P. Rama Rao bequeathed the said house
with 4000 sq.ft. of built up area in Plot No.1-A, situated at Aurora Colony, Road No.3 Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad-500034, absolutely to Sri P.Prem Kumar i.e., his second son and in the saidWill Deed it
was mentioned therein that SmtP.R.Nappini(W/o testator) and Mr.P.Naveen (3rd son of the testator)
should enjoy the said property during the lifetime of SmtP.R.Nappini and after her demise the property
should devolve on Mr.P.Prem Kumar ( testators second son) with absolute rights. Sri P.RamaRao died
on 03.02.2006 and the above said registered will deed came into force after his death.Consequently, Sri
P.Naveen third son of the testator released his life interest i.e., 1/3 life interest in favour of his brother
Sri P.Prem Kumarexecuting a document styled as Release Deed on 05.11.2009 and the said document
was kept pending in R.O., Hyderabad (South) as No.P1057/2009 on 06.11.2009 since the Joint SubRegistrar-I entertained doubt as to the chargeability of instrument with a view that it is chargeable
under Article 20 of Schedule I-A of Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and impounded the same as No.1 of
2010(P1057 of 2009 of Book No.1) under Section 33 of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and referred the
issue to the District Registrar, Hyderabad(South) for taking further action. On examination of the issue,
the District Registrar, Hyderabad(South) issued a notice to the parties vide Notice.No.G1/86/2010,
dated.16.10.2009 informing that the pending Document No.P1057/2009 of Book No.I (impounding
Document No.1/2010) is a Conveyance and is chargeable with Stamp Duty of Rs.4,89,500/- on the 1/
3rd Market Value of the House property under Article 20 of Schedule I-A of Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and
thatthe Stamp born by the document is at Rs.90,100/- and therefore there is deficit Stamp Duty of
Rs.3,99,400/- and penalty. After giving reasonable opportunity to the parties, the District Registrar,
Hyderabad(South) rejected the representation dated.10.02.2010 of the parties, passed Final orderNo.G1/
47/2010, dated.16.02.2010 directing the parties to remit the said Deficit amount within fifteen(15) days
from the receipt of this notice. Aggrieved by the said orders this appeal is filed by the appellant requesting
to pass necessary orders treating the document as Release Deed among coparceners.
On receipt of the appeal filed by the petitioner, reasonable opportunity to putforth his arguments
if any was given to the petitioner. When the case was posted for hearing on 12.09.2012 at 3.00 PM the
Advocate for the petitioner had argued that in view of the judgment dated.21.02.2012 of the Honble
High Court of Andhra Pradesh in W.P.No.14963 of 2009 filed Sri G. Dayanand, published in 2012 (3)
ALD 373 wherein it was held that Release of joint-ownership of one co-owner in favour of rest of the
co-owners or one of them, with or without consideration, does not amount to Sale Fact that Release
of share in a property by a co-owner is for consideration, its character does not change It is not
necessary that, release must be in favour of rest of the co-owners As long as undivided share in a
property is not in favour of stranger, but in favour of another co-owner, transaction, would remain the
one of Release and not of a Sale A Release Deed, therefore, would not attract Article 47-A of
Indian Stamp Act. In the said judgment a reference to earlier judgment published in AIR 1973 Andhra
Pradesh 275(Case Referred No.66 of 1971 Dt.06.10.1972) was also referred wherein it was also held
that, Relinquishment by co-owner of his right in property in favour of other co-owner (on receiving
amount contributed by him in purchasing joint property) is a Release and not Conveyance. While
stating as such the Advocate on behalf of the petitioner requested to set aside the Final Notice.No.G1/
47/2010, dated.16.02.2010 issued by the District Registrar, Hyderabad(South) and to direct the Joint
Sub-Registrar-I, R.O., Hyderabad(South)to release/return their document after registration immediately
stating thattheir document is only a Release of co-parcenery Rights and the same was properly stamped.
The appeal filed by the petitioner has been examined in detail taking into consideration the
recitals of the document, the arguments putforth by the Advocate on behalf of the petitioner, the relevant
provisions of Stamp Law and other available connected records produced by the Advocate on behalf of
the petitioner. According to Article 46 of Schedule I-A deals with the chargeabilityof stamp duty relating
to release which is as follows:
any instrument not being a release provided for by sec-23 A, where by a person renounces a
claim upon anotherperson or against any specified property 3% on consideration or M.V of the property
whichever is higher over which the claim is relinquished. The above said stamp duty has been reduced
to 1% in respect of release deeds relating to release of rights in favour of family members [vide notification
II, G.O.M.sNo.1129 Revenue(Regn.1) dated:13.06.2005 with effect from 01.07.2005].
As seen from the pending document No.P1057/2009 in question it is stated therein that life
interest only has been conferred on the releaser i.e., Sri P. Navin and his mother i.e.,Smt P.R. Nappiniby
virtue of registered Will Deed bearing No.127/2005 of Book-III in SRO, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad and
as such it can be said that the releasor cannot relinquish more than that what has been conferred on him.
He cannot relinquish the property over which he has no ownership right.
Further the Honble High Court of Andhra Pradesh in its Judgment dated:03.08.2011 in
W.P.No.19981/2010 filed by Smt G. Subbalakshmi W/o Late VisweswaraRao, Hyderabad, made it
clear that a Release Deedis not required to be executed by all the coparceners joining the same deed or
the release deed is required to be executed in favour of the remaining coparceners either and thatthe
principal is to the extent the coparceners have relinquished their respective rights, the releasee of the
document derives a corresponding benefit of increased proportion in the estate.
In another W.P.No.14963/2009 filed by Sri G. Dayanand S/o Late Sri Venkaiah, Hyderabad, the
High Court of Andhra Pradesh delivered judgment on 21.02.2012 stating that even if the release of a
share in the property by co-owner is for consideration, its character does not change and it is not
necessary that the release must be in favour of rest of co-owners and thatas long as the undivided share
in a property is not in favour of a stranger, but is in favour of another co-owner, it would remain the one
of release and not a sale.
In view of the above facts and circumstances of the case and provisions of law, and court decisions,
it can be said that the document in question is a Release Deed in favour of family members relinquishing
life interest and is chargeable under Article 46 of schedule I-A of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 read with
notification-II issued vide G.O.Ms.No.1129 Revenue (Regn.I) Department, dated:13.06.2005.
Accordingly, the impugned Final NoticeNo.G1/47/2010, dated.16.02.2010 issued by the District
Registrar, Hyderabad(South) is set aside. It is ordered to register and release the document collecting
deficit duties if any accordingly if the document is otherwise in order.
Sd/- Vijay Kumar
Chief Controlling Revenue Authority and
Commissioner and Inspector General of
Registration and Stamps, A.P., Hyderabad
The District Registrar,Hyderabad(South)
ORDER:This is an appeal filed by Sri T.Roop Kumar before the CCRA against the orders of the District
Registrar, Hyderabad(South) issued in Order No.G1/5266/2010,dt:21.10.2010, wherein the appellant
was directed to pay the deficit stamp duty of Rs.2,38,210/-, TPT of Rs.86,610/- and Registration fee of
Rs.20,555/- totaling to Rs.3,45,375/- when a pending document P546/2010 of R.O.(OB),Hyderabad
(South) was referred to him impounding the same u/s 33 of the Indian Stamp Act. While doing so it was
opined by the District Registrar, Hyderabad(South) that there are two distinct matters i.e., partition of
two equal shares and also SALE of property to an extent of 433.09 sq.yards.
As seen from the contents of the orders dt:21.10.2010 issued by the District Registrar,
Hyderabad(South) those orders were issued taking into consideration the representations dt:23.08.2010
and 16.10.2010 of the appellant.
As seen from the material available in the file Government vide G.O.Ms.No.1664/Revenue
(UC.III) Department, dt:22.09.2005, allotted u/s 23(4) of the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation)
Act,1976 the excess land of 942 sq.mts in Plot No.2/p in Sy.No.79/p FatheNagar (V),Balanagar(M)
Ranga Reddy District in favour of 1. Sri T.Roop Kumar appellant herein and 2. Sri G.Subba Naidu as
both of them werereported to be in possession of the excess land supported by the primary documents
and it was ordered that their names shall be incorporated in Revenue, Registration and Survey records.
Based on the above orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.1664,dt:22.09.2005 the appellant and another
wanted to get the above said property partitioned and accordingly executed a partition deed on 16.07.2010
dividing the above said property into two schedules, the first schedule containing structure with plinth
area of 800 sq.ft along with an extent of 650sq.mtsequivalent to 786.629sq.yds allotted to the share of
Sri T.Roop Kumar (Appellant) and an extent of 292.2 sqmts equivalent to 353.620 sq.yds allotted to
the share of Sri G.Subba Naidu. The said document was presented for registration before the Joint subregistrar RO(OB),Hyderabad(South) on 16.07.2010, and since the registering officer entertained a doubt
as to the chargeability of the instrument, he impounded the same under sec.33 of I.S.Act and submitted
to the District Registrar, Hyderabad (South) for taking further action. Consequently the District Registrar,
Hyderabad (South) issued notices to the appellant and after giving a reasonable opportunity to represent
the case, issued final orders dt:21.10.2010. Aggrieved by the said orders the present appeal has been
On receipt of the appeal petition filed by the appellant he was given opportunity to represent his
case, if any, and during the course of hearing the advocate on behalf of the appellant argued the case and
requested the undersigned to treat the document as partition deed only chargeable under article 40 of
Schedule IA of I.S.Act stating that the partition of the property was made as per the revised endorsement
of the special officer and competent authority, ULC, Hyderabad issued vide Procgs.No.G/455/324/
03,dt:20.01.2007. It was also argued that the partition of the property was made as per the sketch
enclosed to the revised orders dated: 20.01.2007 of the Special Officer and as such inspite of the fact of
the partition of property into unequal shares, it is a partition deed only and nothing else and thus requested
to set aside the orders of the District Registrar, Hyderabad (South) dt: 21.10.2010.
The issue has been examined taking into consideration the arguments put- forth by the appellant,
facts of the case and provisions of the stamp law. According to section 2(15) of the Indian Stamp
Act,1899 instrument of partition means an instrument whereby co-owners of any property divide or
agree to divide such property in severalty and includes a final order effecting partition passed by any
revenue authority or any civil court and an award by any arbitrator directing a partition. A deed of
partition necessarily presupposes that more than one person have a joint share/right in the property and
basing on such right property is divided among the parties. According to sec 45 of the Transfer of
Property Act in respect of presumption of equity in the absence of the evidence as to the interest in the
fund to which the co-owners are respectively entitled or as to shares which they respectively advance,
such persons shall be presumed to be equally interested in the property. In the absence of evidence
showing the break up for what shares the consideration was paid, there is a presumption that the coowners interests are equal. It can be said that in the absence of specific mention about the shares of the
co-owners in any deed, all co-owners will be treated as having equal shares in the properties there
under. In the instantcase the revenue department allotted an extent of 942 sq.mts. of surplus land in
favour of the appellant and another and while doing so there was no mention of specifying shares
among them and as such it can be said that both of them are entitled for equal shares in the property.
Since the co-owners are joint owners of the undivided property, division of shares as mentioned
specifically in the partition deed only shall be taken for deciding chargeability but not basing on the
presumption that they have equal shares. In view of the above legal position, it can be safely concluded
that under any circumstances, due to the division of the property into unequal shares among the coowners partition cannot be treated as conveyance as the parties are co-owners having pre-existing right.
Even in case of any rational and reasonable conclusion drawn that the co-owners were holding equal
shares, the excess portion of property(more than half-share) falling to the schedule of one co-owner can
be treated as release only but, certainly not as conveyance. In view of the facts and circumstances of the
case, the orders of the District Registrar, Hyderabad(South) are set aside and the pending document No.
P546/2010 of RO(OB), Hyderabad(South) is held as partition deed to the extent of equal shares
between the parties and for the portion of the property in excess of half share, falling in the schedule
of one co-owner it is held as release, thus the document in question is held as a Partition cum Release
and chargeable to stamp duty accordingly.
Necessary further action shall be taken on the above said pending document to release the
document in the light of above conclusion after collecting the deficit duties if any, accordingly, if the
document is otherwise in order.
Sd/- Dr. Vijay Kumar
Chief Controlling Revenue Authority and
Commissioner and Inspector General of
Registration and Stamps,A.P., Hyderabad
Dated : 16.8.2012
The Commisisioner & Inspector General of
Registration & Stamps,
M.L. Road, Hyderabad.
Sub : W.A.No. 622/2011 filed by the department against the order dated 13.6.2011 in W.P.M.P.No.
2011 in W.P.No. 13562/2011 - allowed - intimation-reg.
Ref :
The above Writ Appeal filed by the department against the order dated 13.6.2011 in W.P.M.P.No.
16436/2011 in W.P.No. 13562/2011 came up for hearing before the Division Bench comprising Hon'ble
the Acting Chief Justice and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Vilas Afzulpurkar on 10.7.2012. After hearing both the
Counsel, the Division Bench reserved the judgment and pronounced the judgment on 14.8.2012 allowing
the Writ Appeal. The judgment copy will be sent in due course.
Yours truly,
for Advocate General
WRIT APPEAL No. 622 OF 2011
14th August, 2012
Between :
The Government of Andhra Pradesh,
Represented by its Secretary (Revenue),
Department of Revenue, Secretariat,
Hyderabad and others.
..... Appellants /
M/s. Srel Equipment Finance Pvt. Ltd.,
Kolkata, Represented by its Authorised
Signatory, Sri Mukesh Chandra Varma.
...... Respondent/
Writ Petitioner
It is submitted by the learned Government Pleader appearing for the State authorities that in the
writ petition, the petitioner has not questioned the order passed by the Registrar, the third appellant
herein, under Section 24 of the Act. Therefore, the Court was wrong in holding that the provisions of
Section 24 of the Act are not applicable to the facts of the case since the writ petitioner did not challenge
this. He further submitted that the main ingredient of Section 24 of the Act constitutes transfer in
consideration of the debt which has to be reckoned for calculating the stamp duty and this escaped from
the mind of the Hon'ble Court. It is further pointed out that the direction of deposit of Rs. 5 lakhs was
inadequate compared to the deficit stamp duty of Rs. 14.66 Crores. It is further contended that until and
unless the order passed by the third appellant under Section 24 of the Act is set aside, no relief could
have been granted in the said miscellaneous petition by the Hon'ble Single Judge. In these circumstances,
he submitted that the interim order should be vacated by this Court and the appeal should be allowed.
To appreciate the issue, it is necessary to refer to Section 24 of the Act, which reads :
"24. Where any property is transferred to any person in consideration, wholly or in part, of any
debt due to him, or subject either certainly or contingently to the payment or transfer of any money or
stock, whether being or constituting a charge or encumbrance upon the property or not, such debt,
money or stock is to be deemed the whole or part, as the case may be, of the consideration in respect
whereof the transfer is chargeable with ad valorem duty :
Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to any such certificate of sale as is mentioned in
Article No. 18 of Schedule 1.
Explanation : In the case of a sale of property subject to a mortgage or other incumbrance, any
unpaid mortgage money or money charged, together with the interest (if any) due on the same, shall be
deemed to be part of the consideration for the sale:
Provided that, where property subject to a mortgage is transferred to the mortgagee, he shall be
entitled to deduct from the duty payable on the transfer the amount of any duty already paid in respect
of the mortgage."
It appears to us prima facie the meaning of Section 24 is that where property is conveyed to a
person for consideration, wholly or in part, of any debt due to him, subject either certainly or contingently
to the payment or transfer of any money or stock whether or not charged on the property then the debt
money or stock is to be deemed the whole or part as the case may be of the consideration in respect of
which the conveyance is charged with ad valorem stamp duty. The Explanation to Section 24 of the Act
provides that in the case of a sale of property subject to a mortgage or other incumbrance any unpaid
mortgage money or money charged together with the interest (if any) due on the same shall be deemed
to be part of the consideration for the sale. A contingent liability to the payment of any debt means such
outstanding debt or possible adverse verdict which has to be complied with but which is not ascertained
on the relevant date. A security for any contingent future payments also falls within the meaning of
Section 24 of the Act.
In the instant case, on account of the loan transaction which the writ petitioner entered into with
ABC Engineering Works, a security was created on behalf of the borrower by way of mortgaging
certain immovable properties. A memorandum of title deeds was also executed to confirm the creation
of equitable mortgage. Subsequently, the third party mortgagors agreed to sell their respective immovable
properties in favour of the writ petitioner treating the basic market value of the properties in question
as consideration and accordingly 26 sale deeds were executed. When these sale deeds were presetned
for registration, the Sub-Registrar, Jadcherla -appellant No.4 herein declined to release the same on the
ground that they have suffered stamp duty only to the extent of the market value of the respective
properties and the entire loan amount of Rs.58.63 Crores has to be taken as sale consideration.
The object of Section 24 of the Act is very clear. That section means that when a purchaser
purchases a property for a certain amount subject to the payment of another debt, actual or contingent,
he is virtually pruchasing the property for the said amount plus the amount of the debtand the aggregate
of the two amounts ought to be treated as the true amount for which the property is being sold. Otherwise there is bound to be a difference between the true consideration and the consideration which is
made liable to stamp duty.
A reading of Section 24 of the Act and the object of that provision makes it clear that for the
purpose of stamp duty, the amount of the debt and the value of the property purchased have to be taken
into account. If that be so, the writ petitioner is required to pay stamp duty on Rs.58,63,71,255/- plus
the value of the property conveyed through sale deeds i.e.4,75,75,250/-. However, the writ petitioner
states that the entire loan amount was secured mainly by the primary security of the hypothecated
equipment an dpartially by the mortgage of immovable property though the entire loan amount is shown
in the memorandum of deposit of sale deeds. If the sale consideration is shown as Rs.58.63 Crores, the
entire loan receivables stand liquidated causing irreparable loss to the writ petitioner. But this cannot be
a ground for us to take a different view than what is understood from the language of Section 24 of the
In this connection, a reference may be made to the judgment of the Supreme Court in Somaiya
Organics (India) Ltd. v. Board of Revenue. In the said judgment, the Supreme Court considered the
object of section 24 of the Act and held that stamp duty would be payable on the sum total of amount of
consideration for sale of lands and buildings plus the amount for which the equitable mortgage had
been created. In our view, the principle laid down therein squarely applies prima facie to the facts of the
We are, therefore, of the view that the impugned order passed by the Hon'ble Single Judge is
liable to be set aside and the writ appeal has to be allowed.
The writ petition may be placed before the Hon'ble Single Judge for final hearing after four
weeks from date. Liberty is given to the parties to mention before the Hon'ble Single Judge.
14th August, 2012.
Date: 07.06.2013.
Sub:- Registration and Stamps Department Development Agreement cum GPA- chargeability of
stamp duty when the land owners divided their shares according to the land contributed clarification
issued - Regarding.
Ref:- From the DIG (R&S), Guntur Lr.No.153/2013, dt: 20.02.2013.
Through the reference cited the DIG(R&S), Guntur informed the C&IG that certain remarks
were made by the District Registrar (MV&A), Guntur regarding the chargeability of certain development agreements with stamp duty, when the land owners i.e where two or more land owners coming
together enter into development agreement cum GPA with the builder, divide the share of flats with
clear individual schedule and boundaries treating the same as partition among the co-partners. The
DIG(R&S), Guntur while stating as such requested to clarify whether such documents are to be classified as development Agreement cum GPA with partition among the land owners.
In this connection it is informed that prior to the year 1995 Article-6(B) was not existing in
schedule IA of I.S Act and the same was inserted through amendment vide A.P.Act, 1995 to make
provision for the chargeability of the agreements relating to consturction/ development / Sale of immovable property. Since there is a separate Article 6 (B) for development agreements and since the
Government from time to time, lastly vide with G.O.Ms.No.1178/ Rev (Regn.I) Department
dt:11.10.2010 specified the chargeability with stamp duty in respect of development Agreement -Cum
- GPA, such stamp duties as fixed by Government from time to time should only be taken into consideration and such documents be charged with stamp duty according to the rates specified therein.
The development Agreements are generally executed by the parties viz., owners or the land and
the developers entrusted with the work of development of the property, laying down certain conditions
as to the incurring of expenditure and sharing of developed property, sale of developed property units,
along with all other incidental matters as per the terms and conditions of the development agreement.
This is a legally permitted process arising out of the contractual obligation in the development agreement cum G.P.A. and in view of G.O.M.S.No.1178, dt:16.09.2010 wherein a specific rate of Stamp
Duty was fixed for charging the development agreement cum GPA. Hence, the question of existence of
distinct matters does not arise.
On examination of the matter in depth, it seems that the District Registrar (MV&A), Guntur
made the audit remarks without any legal basis but only by stretching his imagination. Agreement is
covered by a separate article which will not create any ownership, but only creates contractual obligation for a working arrangement ot develop/construct immovable property and deal with such property
as GPA holder of land owner(s). Hence, by no means it can be classified as agreement cum GPA with
partition. Sharing developed property in a particular ratio is also one of the terms and conditions of
development Agreement -Cum-GPA.
In view of the above facts, circumstances of the case and provisions of stamp law, the DIG
(R&S), Guntur is directed to examine the remark with reference to the above legal position and dispose
of the cases where such far fetched remarks on Development agreement cum GPA documents were
made by DR (MV&A), Guntur.
Sd/- Dr. Vijay Kumar
Commissioner and Inspector General of
Registration and Stamps, A.P., Hyderabad.
Dt: 26.07.2013
Revenue (Registration and Stamps) Department - I.S Act, 1899- Stamp Duty payable in respect of Settlement Deeds and Gift Deeds failing under article 49-A (a)(b)
and article 29 of Schedule - I-A- Reg.
Attention of all the Registering officers is invited to the subject cited. Through the
reference cited Government issued clarification as follows.
" A settlement is a transfer of property in lieu of pre-existing claim or right. After
'settlement' the claim / right gets exitinguished. Only in such cases the transactions attract
Article 49. Gifts are without any consideration or not in lieu of any claim or right. Gifts in favour
of family members are purely borne out of love and affection. Charging them under Article 49
is not only erroneous but also create legal problems. A gift by a father to his son or daughter
out of his self-acquired property cannot be called settlement chargeable under Article 49
because there is no claim or right of the Donee in the property. Similarly gifts to a spouse also
cannot be charged under Article 49 unless there is a pre-existing right or claim in the property,
which is sought to be extinguished by the transaction.
In any case there are two distinct articles: one for 'settlement' and another for 'gift'
and creating a third situation calling 'gift settlement' is thoroughly erroneous and illegal. It was
informed that this practice is going on for several decades in the Department. It needs correction.
Hence, all the Registering officers in the State are instructed to decide the nature
and classification of the documents titled as " gift settlement deeds" under one of the above
two categories i.e., either as settlement or as gift, keeping in view, the above clarification in
the Government memo in the reference cited.
Sd/- Dr. Vijay Kumar
Commissioner and Inspector General of
Registration and Stamps, A.P., Hyd.
It is manifest from a bare reading of the above Article that a settlement deed in favour of members of a family would fall within clause (a) and not clause (b) of Article 49.A.
The petitioner executed the Settlement Deed dated 30.03.2013 settling Acs.31.00 Gts. of land
situated in Madanpally Village, Shamshabad Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, which was absolutely
owned by hi, in favour of 'K.G.K. Family Private Trst' represented by its trustee, Vasireddy Vinod
Kumar. The Trust Deed dated 22.11.2012 reflects that this trust was created for the beneficiaries
deltailed in Schedule-II. Schedule-II contains the names of the petitioner, his wife and two sons. The
object of the trust, as set out in the Trust Deed, is to utilize the trust funds and the income generated
thereon for the benefit and maintenance of the beneficiaries. The two trustes were nominated to
administer to this family trust and the Trust Deed reflects no relationship between them and the
petitioner. The Trust Deed provides that the trustees would only be entitled to annual trusteeship fee of
Rs. 5,000/- each. Though the Trust Deed vests the petitioner with the liberty to amend the list of
beneficiaries set out in Schedule-II, the very nomenclature of the trust indicates that it is a private
family trust.
As pointed out by the Supreme Court in S.N. MATHUR V/s. BOARD OF REVENUE, the principles relating to charging of stamp duty are well settled. They are:
The object of the Stamp Act is generation of revenue. It is therefore a fiscal enactment
and has to be interpreted accordingly.
Stamp duty is levied with reference to the instrument and not in regard to the transac
tion, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Act.
Stamp duty is determined with reference to the substance of the transaction as embod
ied in the instrument and not with reference to the title, caption or nomenclature of the
For classification of an instrument, that is, to determine whether and instrument comes
within a particular descriptionin an Article in the Schedule to the Act, the instrument
should be read and constructed as a whole.
Where an instrument falls under two or more descriptions in the Schedule to the Act,
instrument shall be chargeable with only one duty,
The Sub-Registrar
Shamshabad, Ranga Reddy District.
Continued Page on No. 20
Having appreciated that the trust was created as family trust as the property was settled
for the welfare and maintenance of the family members, comprising the settler, his wife and
two sons, and that V. Vinod Kumar was only a trustee thereof, the District Registrar correctly
opined that it could not be said that the property was settled in favour of V.Vinod Kumar.
However, contradicting himself thereafter, the Disrtict Registrar observed that the pending
document would fall under Article 49.A(b) of Schedule I-A to the Act of 1899. It appears that
the District Registrar was himself in some doubt while coming to this conclusion as is evident
from the overwriting in the Memo extracted supra. This overwriting is sought to be explained
in the counder by starting that it was a typographical error. However, the inescapable fact
remains that the first paragraph of the Memo contradicts the second paragraph.
By the subject document the petitioner settled his absolute property in favour of a family
trust created for himself, his wife and two sons. Though the petitioner adopted the methodology of creating an intervening family turst and tereafter settled the property on the trust, the
fact remains that the settlement is essentially for distributing the property of the settler amongst
his family members. The interpolation of the family trust would therefore not exclude the
settlement effected under the subject document from the ambit of clause (a) of Article 49.A of
Schedule I-A to the Act of 1899.
On the above analysis, the writ petition is allowed. The sub-Registrar, Shamshabad,
shall treat the Settlement Deed, kept pending registration as Document No. P.86 of 2013, as
one falling under Article 49.A(a) of schedule I-A to the Indian Stamp Act, 189 and collect
stamp duty thereon accordingly. In the event the said document is found to otherwiese fulfill
the requirements of the Registration Act, 1908 and the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, the SubRegistrar, Shamshabad, shall complete the registration formalities and release the document
in accordance with the due procedure. WPMP No.25397 of 2013 shall stand closed in the
light of this final order.No order as to costs.
Article oF
Schedule 1-A
Article 6 (B)
Nature of
Sale Agreement
Sale Agreement
without possession
Sale Agreement
Development /
Agreement cum GPA
(5% adjustable &
1% not adjustable
Rate of Stamp
duty now fixed
(4%adjustable &
1% Not adjustable)
G.O.Ms.No.162,Revenue(Regn-I) Dept.,dated:30.03.2013.
In the reference 1st read above, orders were issued reducing the stamp duty payable on
saledeeds from 5% to 4% in all the areas of A.P. State under Article 47 - A of Schedule I-A of the
Indian StamP Act, 1899 with effect from 01.04.2013. In there ferences 2nd and 3rd read above,
orders were issued reducing thetransfer duty ontransfer of property in all the Municipalities,
Municipal Corporations and Panchayats in the State to1.5%.
2. Consequentonreductionofstampdutypayableonsaledeeds andalso reduction of transfer duty
to 1.5%, Government, after careful examination rationalizetheratesof stamp duty by bringing
downthe duty payableinrespectof certaindocumentsunder ScheduleI-Aof theIndianStampAct,1899.
Accordingly,thefollowingnotificationwillbepublishedintheextraordinary issueof A.P. Gazette
dated:0 2.12.2013.
In exercise ofthe powers conferred byclause(a) of sub-section(1) of section 9 of Indian Stamp Act,
1899 (Act II of 1899), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby reduces the Stamp Duty payable in
respect of following document sunder Schedule I-A to the Indian Stamp Act,1899:
Rate of Stamp
duty now fixed
Article 16
Article 20
Article 27
Exchangeof Property
G.O.Ms.No.162,Revenue(Regn-I) Dept.,dated:30.03.2013.
From the C & IG, R&S, Hyd. Lr.No.S1/11217/2010, Dt.23.05.2013, 30.3.2013, 22.6.2013
and 01.7.2013.
@@ @
In the reference 1st read above, orders were issued reducing the stamp duty payable on
saledeeds from 5% to 4% in all the areas of A.P. State under Article 47-A of Schedule I-A of the
Indian Stamp Act,1899 with effect from 01.04.2013.
Consequent on reduction of stamp duty payable on sale deeds, Government, after
careful examination rationalize the rates of stamp duty by bringing down the duty payable in
respect of certain documents under Schedule I-A of the Indian Stamp Act,1899.
Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the extraordinary issue of A.P.
Gazette dated:02.12.2013.
In exercise of the powers conferred byclause(a) ofsub-section(1) of section 9 of Indian Stamp
Act, 1899 (Act II of 1899), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby reduces the Stamp Duty
payable inrespect of following documents under Schedule I-A to the Indian Stamp Act,1899:
Article 35-A
Mortgage with possession
Article28(a),(b), (i) Further charges with
possession of the property
Article 28(b) (ii)
Further charges with out
Article 35(b), (ii)
Mortgage with out possession:
A) in favourof Govt. or Local
Bodies or UDAs to ensure
compliance to building /
B)Other than (A).
Rate of Stamp
duty now fixed
Read the following:
From the C&IG, R&S, Hyd. Lr.No.S1/11217/2010, Dt.23.05.2013, 30.3.2013, 22.6.2013 and
@@ @
Government, aftercareful examination rationalize the rats of stamp duty payable in respect
of certain documents under Schedule I-A of the Indian Stamp Act,1899.
Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the extraordinary issue of A.P.
Gazetted dated:02.12.2013.
In exercise ofthe powers conferred byclause(a) ofsub-section(1) of section 9 of Indian Stamp
Act,1899 (Act II of 1899), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh here by reduces the Stamp Duty
payable inrespect of following documents under Schedule I-A to the Indian Stamp Act,1899:
Rate of Stamp
duty now fixed
Article 41B(a)
Reconstitution of
partnership firm
Article 46C
The samedutyas a
conveyance for the amount
of such consideration
as set forth in the release
Release of right of
redemption of a
mortgage with
possessionor of the
right to obtain
Rate of Stamp
duty now fixed
Article 49-A(a)
Settlement in favour
of family members
Article 49A(b)
Settlement in other
Gift in favour of
relatives as defined
u/s 56(2) of IT Act,
1961 and Govt./
local bodies/ UDAs
4%of themarketvalue
ofthe property.
Partition Deeds:
In favour of family
members In favour
of others
Article 40
Fromthe C&IG, R&S, Hyd. Lr.No.S1/11217/2010, Dt. 23.05.2013, 30.3.2013, 22.6.2013 and
@@ @
Government, after careful examination rationalize the rates of stampduty by bringing down the duty
payable inrespect of certain documents under Schedule I-A of the Indian Stamp Act,1899.
Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the extraordinary issueof A.P.
Gazettedated : 05.12.2013.
In exercise ofthe powers conferred byclause(a) ofsub-section(1) of section 9 of IndianStamp Act,1899
(Act IIof1899), the GovernorofAndhra Pradesh here by reducethe Stamp Duty payablein respect of
following documents under Schedule I-A to the Indian Stamp Act,1899:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article of
Nature of
Existing Stamp
Rate of Stampduty
Schedule 1-A
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 31(a)(i)
Leasedeedsforless than
0.4%onthe totalrent
1 year
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 31(a)(ii)
Leasedeedsfor 1-5years: 0.4%oftotal rent
0.5%onaverage annual
For residential properties
In other case
1%onaverageannual rent
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 31(a)(iii)
Leasedeedsfor 5-10years:
For residentialproperties 0.4%oftotalrent
1%onaverageannual rent
Inanyother case
2%onaverageannual rent
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 31(a)(iv) Leasedeedsfor
0.6%of the total rent
6%onthe averageannual
10-20 years
rent reserved
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 31(a)(v)
Leasedeedsfor 20-30
---Article 31(a)(vi)
5%of themarketvalueof
3%of the marketvalue
than30years or
thepropertyor valueoften ofthe property
timesofAAR whichever is
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 31(b)
5%of themarketvalueof
2% onfine, premium or
premium or money
thepropertyor theamount money advanced
advanced withoutrent.
or valueofsuch fineor
premium or advanceas
setforthinthe lease,
whichever is higher.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 31(c)
5% onfine, premium or
2% onfine,premium or
premium orfor money
money advancedin
money advanced in
advanced in addition
addition to the duty which addition to the duty which
to the rent.
would have been payable would have been payable
on suchlease, if no fine or on such lease, if no fine
premium or advance had premium or advance had
been paid or delivered
been paidor delivered
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 31(d)
Where lessee undertakes 5% onthevalueofthe
2% on the value of
to effect improvements
and make over to less or contemplated to be made
at the time of termination by the lessee as set
of lease.
forthin the deed in addition
to the duty chargeable
under clauses (a)(b)or(c).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 33(b)
5% onthe lumpsumamo
untasset forth
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 33(c)
License granted for
5% on the lumpsum
2% on the lumpsum
lumpsum amount in
amount advancedas set
advanced as set-forth in
additionto rent.
forth inthe license in
license in addition to the
addition to the duty which which would have been
would have been payable payable on such license
if no
on such license if no
lumpsum amount
advanced had been
paidor delivered
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(BY ORDER AND IN THENAMEOFTHEGOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH)
Dt: 22.10.2013
Sub:- Public Services - R&S Department - Document.No. 7239/2005 of Registrar office (OB),
Nellore on account of adoption of wrong door no.-W.P.No.38413/2012 filed by Sri.
Somisetty Venkata Sesha Rao S/o Subba Rao, Occ: Business, R/o.Vinjamur Village
and Mandal of Nellore District - Petition filed before Hon'ble High Court of A.P. - Instructions issued - Reg.
Ref:- 1. From District Registrar Ongole, Lr.No.MV/756/2009, dt: 20.11.2012.
2. C&I.G.'s Memo.No. CCRA1/21727/2012, dt: 24.11.2012.
3. From District Registrar Ongole, Lr.No.MV/756/2009, dt: 29.11.2012 along with
AGR/Rev.(GO(A&R), dt: 29.11.2012 of G.P. for revenue (G) (A&R)
Hon'ble High court buildings A.p., Hyderabad.
4. C&I.G.memo.No. CCRA1/21727/2012, dt:03.12.2012.
5. Judgment dated : 30.04.2013 of Hon'ble High Court of A.P., Hyd, in W.P.No.38413/
filed by Sri Somisetty Venkata Sesha Rao S/o Subba Rao Occ: Business, R/
Village and Mandal of Nellore District.
The attention of all the District Registrars in the State is invited to the instructions
issued through Circular Memo.No. S1/24387/2000, dt.25.09.2009 wherein all the authorized
officers were instucted to collect the deficit duties U/s 41-A of I.S.Act in cases where no
stepswere taken for filling prosectution cases against the parties under section 27 and 64 of
IS Act. It was also instructed to determine the actual deficit amount by levying reasonable
penalty equal to 1% of the deficit stamp duty detected per month from the date of execution
of the deed to the date of payment and collect the same. Subsequently vide this office circular
memo No.S1/24387/2000, dt.27.11.2009 it was clarified that the instructions issued vide this
office circular memo dt.25.09.2009 are applicable to all the cases including pending cases
previously detected as well as cases detected in the month of 10/2009 and 11/09 and the
future cases also where no prosecution against the parties was launched /contemplated as
per the provisions of A.P Stamp (Inspection of Properties) Rules, 1998 (G.O.Ms.No.34 Revenue dt.08.1.1998) and all the authorized officers were also directed to add a certificate U/s
42 of I.S.Act on the original documents showing the deficit stamp duty, deficit regn. fee and
deficit transfer duty and penalty separately in all those cases where the stamp duty and
penalty were collected by the authorized officers.
They are informed that, the Hon'ble High Court of A.P., dt: 30.04.2013 in W.P.no. 38413/
2012 has passed the following order, while disposing the case covering similar issue filed by
Sri Somisetty Venkata Sesha Rao and others challenging the order passed by the District
Registrar Prakasam levying 3 times of deficit stamp duty as penalty.
"The writ petition is accordingly allowed, setting asidethe impugned proceedings passed
by the District Registrar, Prakasam District, confirmed in appeal by the Chief controlling Revenue Authority & Commissioner and Inspector General of Registration and Stamps, A.P., The
authorities shall proceed aganst the petitioner in terms of the memo dt: 27.11.2009 and the
petitioner shall abide by such orders as may be passed by the authorities in keeping with the
said memo."
In view of the above orders of the Hon'ble High court, the instructions of C&I.G (Registration and Stamp) issued vide memo.No.S1/23487/2000 dt: 25.09.2009 read with circular
memo No. S1/24387/2000, dt.27.11.2009 for issue of orders determining the actual deficit
amounts along with reasonable penalty as instructed there in shall to be followed in all cases
to ensure speedy disposal of cases and realisation of stamp duty arrears.
All the District Registrars in the State are directed to follow the instructions issued in
this regard in the above cited memo and settle all the pending cases within a period of 3
months and to launch a special drive under the personal supervision of the Deputy Inspectors
General concerned.
The District Registrar Prakasam is directed to implement the Hon'ble High Court order
dt: 30.04.2013 issued in W.P.No.38413/2012 and dispose off the case urgently.
Encl: As above.
Sd/- Dr. Vijay Kumar
Commissioner and Inspector General of
Registration and Stamps, A.P., Hyd.
By the proceedings dated 10.05.2007, the District Registrar, Prakasam District,
called upon the petitioner to pay Rs.60,73,400/-towards stamp duty along with penalty at
three times the deficit stamp duty, aggregating to Rs.2,42,93,600/-. This order stood confirmed in appeal by the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority & Commissioner and Inspector
General of Registration and Stamps, Andhra Pradesh, vide proceedings dated 20.11.2007.
It is now brought to the notice of this Court that the Commissioner and Inspector
General of Registration and Stamps, Andhra Pradesh, issued Memo No.S1/24387/2000 date
27.11.2009 stating thus:
" The attention of all the Authorized Officers is invited to the reference 2nd cited wherein
it was directed that where no steps were taken so far for prosecuting the parties under Section 27 and 64 of I.S. Act in all such cases they may collect the loss of duties under Section
41-A of I.S.Act by determining the actual deficit amounts along with reasonable penalty (which
can be equal to 1% penalty per month on the deficit stamp duty payable from the date of
execution of the deed to the date of payment) and collect the deficit duty and penalty and
make necessary endorsements and the Authorized officers were further directed to pass final
orders determining the loss of stamp duty and reasonable penalty and issue notice to the
affected parties for payment of total amount within 15 days from the date of notice and in case
if the parties fail to pay the loss within stipulated time the Authorized officers shall launch
prosecutions against the parties concerned under the provisions of the Section 64 of the I.S.
The above procedure was made applicable to all cases including pending cases
where no prosecution was launched against the parties.
Sri N.Ashwin Kumar, learned counsel for the petitioner, states that his client is
willing to abide by the dirctions contained in the afore-stated Memo dated 27.11.2009
The learned Assistant Government Pleader for Revenue states that as long as
the petitioner is held liable to pay some amount towards penalty, he has no objection to the
case of petitioner being dealt with under the Memo dated 27.11.2009.
The writ petition is accordingly allowed setting aside the impugned proceedings
passed by the district Registrar, Prakasam District, confirmed in appeal by the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority & Commissioner and Inspector General of Registration and Stamps,
Andhra Pradesh the authorities shall proceed against the petitioner in terms of the Memo
dated 27.11.2009 and the petitioner shall abide by such orders as may be passed by the
authorities in keeping with the said Memo. W.P.M.P.Nos.13684 &48732 of 2012 shall stand
closed in the light of this final order. No order as to costs.
That Rule Nisi has been made absolute as above witness the Hon'ble Sri N.V.Ramana the
Acting Chief Justice on this Monday, the Thirtieth day of April. Two Thousand and Thirteen.
affidavit filed therewith , the High Court will be pleased to suspend the Gazetted Notification
No. 6-A dt.9-2-1989 in so far as theland in sy.No. 302 & 303 of Mamidipally Village, Saroornagar
Mandal, RR District Notified at SI No.2913 during the pendency of the W.P.
WPMP.No.550 OF 2010:- Petition under Section 151 of CPC praying that in the circumstances stated in the affidavit filed therewith, the High Court will be plaesed to direct the office
to post W.P.No.9378 of 2009 "for being mentioned" for tomorrows.
Counsel for the Petitioners: Sri K. RAMA KRISHNA REDDY SENIO COUNSEL FOR SRI
Counsel for the Respondent No.1: The G.P FOR REVENUE
Counsel for the Respondent No.2: SRI M.A.K. MUKHEED, SC FOR A.P. WAKF BOARD
Writ Petition No.9378 of 2009
The petitioner purchased different extents of land totalling to AC.26.25 guntas in
Sy.No.302 and part of 303 of Mamidipally village. Saroornagar Mandal Ranga Reddy District
with an intention to develop the land and to put it to residential and other related purposes, the
petitioners applied to the Revenue Divisional Officer West and South to accord permission to
convert its use to one of non-agricultural purposes. They paid a sum of Rs.1,06,50,000/towards the stimulated fee permission was accorded vide proceedings dated 22-08-2007.
Necessary approval is also said to have been accorded by th Hyderabad urbon Development
Authority and a clearance by the Hyderabad Metro Development Authority.
The land was divided into plots and necessary deeds of transfer in respect of places
covered by roads and common areas in the lay-out were executed in favour of the concerned
local authorities. About 25 plots out of the lay-out were sold between April and November
2008. A sale deed dated 06-4-2009 executed in favour of one of hte prospective purchasers
of the petitioners was presented for registration before the 1st respondent. The document
was kept pending by assigning No.P-137/2009, Two days thereafter the 1st respondent made
an endorsement on 08-04-2009 to the effect that the document cannot be registered in view
of the information received from the A.P. Wakf Board the 2nd respondent herein to the effect
that the land belongs to them. Obviously he was applying the prohibition contained under
section 22-A of the Registration Act,1908 introduced through A.P. Act. 19 of 2007 Hence this
wirt petition.
The petitioners contend that the claim of the 2nd respondent that the land in Sy.Nos.
302 and part of 303 of Mamidipally village, belongs to them is untenable in law. It is pleaded
that the land was covered by the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Abolision
of inams Act 1955 for short the inams act) and that their predesessors in title were granted
Occupancy Right Certificate (ORC) by the authorites under the said enactment. It is also
stated that the notification dated 09-02-1989, published by the Government, under the wakf
Act, 1954 (for short the wakf Act) in relation to the lands in sy.Nos. 302 and 303 of Mamidipally
Village is contrary to the provisions of that Act, According to the petitioners no survey as
contemplated under the relevant provisions of the wakf Act was conducted much less, the
petitioners or their predecessors in title were put on notice. They place relaiance upon the
judgement rendered by this court in b.Gowra Reddy. Government of Andhra pradesh. which
in turn was affirmed by the Division Bench of this Court.
The Principal contest to the Writ petition is by the 2nd respondent. A detailed counter
affidavit is filed stating that the land in Sy. Nos. 299 to 306 of Mamidipally village was held by
a wakf institution and notification in respect of the said properties was published on 09-021989. According to them. survey in respect of the land was conducted in the year 1960 but
due to lack of proper infrastructure and funds, notification could not be made, soon thereafter.
It is further stated that the publiction of notification is only a formal step and once a property is
held by a wakf institution, it remais so, till a valid transfer in accordance with law takes place.
They have also raised an objection as to the maintainability of the writ petition stating that the
only remedy available to the petitioners was the one to institute proceedings before the wakf
Tribunal, and that even for such a remedy the limitation stipulated under the wakf Act had
Sri K. Rama Krishna Ready learned Senior Counsel appearing on behalf of the petitioners submits that the predecessors in title of the petitioners were granted ORCs in the year
1980 after issuing notice to the effected parties and conducting enquiry and that the 2nd
respondent or any institution on its behalf did not submit any claim at all. He contends that
with the issuance of ORC. The recipient thereof gets absolute right and a notification issued
on behalf of the 2nd respondent atmost a decade there after does not have any bearing upon
the rights, that are derived from the ORC. He submits that in case the 2nd respondent felt that
the ORC ought not to have been issued in respect of the land. It was supposed to avail the
remedies under the said enactment, but no steps were taken in that direction.
Learned Senior counsel submits that the wakf Act prescribed a detailed procedure to
be followed. Whenever a notification under section 4 thereof was to be issued and that even
according to the respondents such a procedure was not followed. He submits that conducting
of survey before publication of notification is an important step and any notification must be
preceded by the contemporary survey and examination of the claims of the persons interseted
in the land. He contends that a survey conducted in the year 1960 can by no stretch of
imagination constitute the basis for publication of notification in the year 1989. He submits
that the facts of the present case are similar to those in B.Gowra Reddy's case (supra).
Learned Government pleader for Revenue and sri M.A. Mukheed learned standing
counsel for the 2nd respondent on the other hand, submit that the writ petitioners cannot
assail the implementation of section 22-A of the Registration Act, as long as the land in question is covered by a notification issued under the wakf Act. They contend that limitation to
institute proceedings under the wakf Act, Vis -a-vis the notification published tereunder has
expired long back. They submit that once a land is notified as wakf. The prohibition ordained
under Section 22-A of the Registration Act operates and the 1st respondent has no option
except to refuse registration of the documetns in relation there to learned counsel submit tht
the conducting of survey under the wakf Act is almost a preparatory exercixe and that no
private individual has any right to participate therein. It is also urged that mere delay in
publication of the notification does not tell upon its legality.
The A.p.State Legislature intended to prohibit registration of documents owned by the
Government and accordingly introduced section 22-A of the Registration Act in the year 2004.
The said provision contemplated publication of a notification in the gazette. enlisting the survey numbers. or other particulars of the lands. as regards which prohibition was to operate.
That provision was challenged in a batch of wirt petitions. This Court has set aside the same
following the judgment of the Supreme Court. Thereafter another provision with the same
number but different text was introduced through A.P. Act, 19 fo 2007. The Provision reads.
"Sec22-A: Prohibition of Registration of certain documents:-
Documents relating to transfer of immovable property the alienation or transfer of which
is prohibited under any statute of the state or Central Government.
Documents relating to transfer of immovable property by way of sale agreement of
sale, gift exchange or lease in respect of immovable property owned by the state or Central
Government executed by persons other than those statutorily empowered to do so.
Documents relating to transfer of property by way of sale agreement of sale, gift, exchange or lease exceeding (ten) 10 years in respect of immovable property, owned by Religious and Charitable Endowments falling under the purview of the Andhra Pradehsh Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments Act 1987 or by Wakfs falling under
the wakfs Act, 1995 executed by persons other than those statutorily empowered to do so.
Agricultural or urban lands declared as surplus under the Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (Celling on Agricultural Holdings) Act, 1973 or the Urban Land (Celling and Regulation)
Act, 1976;
Any documents or class of documents pertaining to the properties the state Government may by notification prohibit the registration in which avwoed or accrued interests of
Central and State Governments, Local Bodies, Educational, Cultural, Religious and Charitable institutions, those attached by Civil, Criminal, Revenue Courts and Direct and indirect
Tax Laws and others which are likely to adversely affect those interests.
For the purpose of clause (e) of sub-section (1) the State Government shall publish a
notification after obtaining reasons for and full description of properties furnished by the District Collectors concerned in the manner as may be prescribed.
A perusal of this discloses that the prohibition would apply not only in respect of the
documents pertaining to the lands owned by the State or Central Governments, but also
those, held by religious institutions such as charitable endowment institutions and the wakfs.
It is only in respect of the properties covered by clause (e) of sub-section (1) The publication
of Notification is required under sub section (2). Mere existence of information pertainng to
the properties covered by clauses (a) to (d) of sub-section (1) is sufficient for a Registrar to
refuse registration of documents pertaining to such properties.
In the instant case, the registration of document submitted by the petitioners is refused
on the ground that it is in relation to wakf property Admittedly, there existed a notification
dated 09-02-1989 under the wakf Act 1954 as regards the said property if the matter were to
have been as simple as that no exception can be taken to the refusal of registration, However,
it is not so.
The land in Sy.Nos. 302 and part of 303 of Mamidipally Village was covered by the
provisions of the inams Act. By operation of that Act, a land notified as 'inam' straightway
vests in the Government and such of the persons, who are in possession of the same, for the
period stipulated thereunder are entitled to be granted ORC. The Revenue Divisional Officer
is conferred with the power to issue such certificates after conducting enquiry under section B
of that Act. In the year 1980 the persons who are in occupation of the inam land in Mamidipally
village, submitted applications before the Revenue Divisional Officer for grant of ORCs. Enquiry as stipulated under that Act was conducted and ORCs were issued. Thereby absolute
rights, Vis-a-vis the land are conferred upon them. It is thereafter that a notification was
issued under the wakf Act, 1954, on 09-02-1989.
With the publication of a notification under section 4 of the wakf Act, 1954 which is
similar to the provisions under the wakf Act, 1995 serious consequences as regards ownership flow. For all practical purposes the rights if any exercised by third parties over such land,
stand extinguished once a notification is issued. That is why a remedy is provided for under
that Act itself, to seek the relief vs -a vis the notifications. Three questions assume significance in this behalf:
Whether a notification under the wakf Act 1954 shall have the effect of extinthe rights determined under another enactment;
Whether the notification dated 09-02-1989 under the wakf Act issued in respect
the land in Mamidipally Village can be treated as valid ; and
Whether the starting point for computation of limitation for institution of proceedings
to challenge the notification under the Wakf Act by third parties
would be the date of
It has already been mentioned that the predecessors in titles of the petitioners were
granted ORCs in the year 1980 by the concerned Revenue Divisional Officer. The inams Act
has its origin to the agrarian reforms that have been introduced in the early 1950's. Constitutional Acts have to be amended to save laws, that were enacted for that purpose. The typical
feature of the Inams Act is that , with its coming ino force the lands covered by it vest, as a first
step in the Government. Certain rights are conferred upon the persons who are in enjoyment
of the property on the notified dated. Once an ORC is issued the person becomces virtually
an absolute owner. Whatever be the effect of the publication of notification under the Wakf
act, it does not have the effect of erasing the rights, that were conferred upon a citizen under
the inams Act. There is nothing in the Wakf Act, which adds overriding power to a notification
issued under it, vis-a-vis the rights conferred under a different statute.
Further the publication of a notification under the Wakf Act is only a step to add statutory flavour to the rights which a wakf institution is supposd to be having already. By itself, the
notification does not bring about any changes as to ownership. That is the reason behind the
detailed exercise which is required to be undertaken, before the notification is published. This
includes conducting of survey where the nature of rights held by wakf institution as on the
date, are ascertained. The notification is declaratory in its nature, than being constitutive of
independent legal regime. If, in the course of enquiry or survey, it is found that a piece of land
is enjoyed by a third party and not by wakf institution it may not be feasible to issue notification. In such an event, the concerned wakf may assert its rights by instituting proceedings
before the wakf Tribunal. Therefore, the mere publication of a notification under Section 4 of
the Wakf Act, 1954, does not have the effect of extinguishng the rights, that are conferred on
third parties under a statute earlier to it.
The petitioners submit that the notification dated 09-02-1989 published in respect of
Sy.Nos.302 and part of 303 is untenable and defective. Their principal contention is about the
non-conducting of survey and enquiry. Section 4 of the Wakf Act, be it 1954 or 1995 reads;
Sec.4: Preliminary survey of wakfs:
The State Government may by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint for the State
a Survey Commissioner of Wakfs and as may additional or Assistant Survey Commis-
sioners of wakfs as may be necessary for the purpose of making a survey of wakfs
existing in the State at the date of the commencement of this Act.
All Additional and Assistant survey Commissioners of Wakfs shall perform their functions under this Act under the general supervisions and control of the Survey Commissioner of Wakfs.
The Survey Commissioner shall, after making such inquiry as he may consider necessary, submit his report in respect of wakfs existing at the date of the commencement of
this Act in the State or any part thereof to the State Government containing the following particulars namely;a)
The Number of wakfs in the State showing the shia Wakfs and Suni wakfs
The amount of land revenue, cesses, rates and taxes payable in respect of
each wakf;
The expenses incurred in the realisation of the income and the pay or other
remuneration of the mutawalli of each wakf and
The Survey Commissioner shall while making any inquiry have the same powers as
are vested in a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure. 1908 (5 of 1908) in
respect of the following matters namely:a)
if during any such inquiry, any dispute arises as to whether a particular wakf is a shia
wakf or suni wakf and there are clear indications in the deed of wakf as to its nature the
dispute shall be decided on the basis of such deed.
The State Government may by notification in the Official Gazette direct the Survey
sioner to make a Second or subsequent survey of wakf
propertiesin the state and the provi
sions of sub-section (2), (3), (4)
and (5) shall apply to such survey as they apply to a survey
under sub-section (1).
Provided that no such second or subsequent survey shall be made until the expiry of a
period of twenty years from the date on which the report in relation to the immediately
previous survey was submitted under sub-section (3)
From this it is clear that a detailed survey is required to be conducted. The publication of the
notification must be soon, though not immediate, after the survey. The reason is that, any
events that occur between the date of survey, and date of publication of the notification would
render the very exercise futile. if any substantial development takes place between the two
events the survey conducted earlier can not at all constitute the basis for publication. Even
otherwise unreasonable delay would defeat the very objective underlying the provision.
It was way back in the year 1960 that the survey in respect of the land in sy.Nos299 to 306
of Mamidipally village was conducted under section 4 of the wakf Act, 1954. The publication
was made only in the year 1989. In the period of three decades, that has intervened several
legislative and administrative changes have taken place. The inams Act came into force and
in the course of its implementation the ORCs were granted in respect of the lands. Had any
survey been conducted immediately preceding the publication in the year 1989, the fact that
the petitioners or their predecessors in title had in possession and enjoyment of the property,
as absoulute owners or were issued ORCs could have been noticed, and issuance of notification would certainly have become doubtful. By no stretch of imagination, the survey conducted in the year 1960, can be said to be the basis for publication of a notification in the year
1989. Therefore the notification dated 09-02-1989 cannot be said to be inconformity with the
provisions of the wakf Act.
This court, in B. Gowra Reddy's case (supra) dealt with the manner in which the notification under challenge here in was issued, and expressed the view that it does not accord
with law. The principle laid down there in covers the facts of this case also.
The third contention arises on account of the objection raised by the 2nd respondent, to the
effect that the petitioners cannot challenge the notification at this stage. when its right to file a
suit under the Act is barred.
The question as to whether the limitation and other aspects covered by sections 4 to 6 of
the wakf Act would apply in relation to proceedings initiated by third parties also was dealt
with by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Board of Muslim wakfs, Rajasthan V. Radha Kishan.
It was held that the notification would become final and conclusive as between the wakf
Board and the Mutawalli on the one hand, and the persons interested in the wakf, on the
other, but not against the persons who are not interested in the wakf. The petitioners herein
did not claim any interest in the wakf concerned.
For the foregoing reasons the writ petition is allowed, as provided for
The miscellaneous petition filed in this writ petition also shall stand disposed of.
There shall be no order as to costs.