CSH Protocol
CSH Protocol
CSH Protocol
Here we describe methods for acute purication of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) from rodent retina
by immunopanning, followed by culture in serum-free medium. Though the method was initially
established and veried with rats, we have included modications for the purication of mouse
RGCs. This protocol is written for isolation of cells from one litter of pups. All of the volumes and
numbers of panning plates should be scaled according to the number of litters used, particularly for
rat RGCs.
It is essential that you consult the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets and your institutions Environmental
Health and Safety Ofce for proper handling of equipment and hazardous material used in this protocol.
RECIPES: Please see the end of this article for recipes indicated by <R>. Additional recipes can be found online at
BSA (4%)
To prepare a stock of 4% BSA in Dulbeccos phosphate-buffered saline (D-PBS), dissolve 8 g of BSA (SigmaAldrich A4161) in 150 mL of D-PBS (HyClone SH30264.01) at 37C. Adjust the pH to 7.4 with 1 mL of 1 N
NaOH. Bring the volume to 200 mL. Filter through a 0.22-m filter. Store in 1-mL aliquots at 20C. (Dilute BSA
stock to 0.2% in D-PBS just before use.)
DNase (0.4%)
To prepare a 0.4% stock of DNase in Earles balanced salt solution (EBSS), add 1 mL of EBSS (Sigma-Aldrich
E6267) per 12,500 units of DNase (Worthington LS002007). Keep on ice. Filter-sterilize, and store in 200-L
aliquots at 20C.
Earles Balanced Salt Solution (Ca2+- and Mg2+-free) (EBSS; Invitrogen 14155-063)
Ethanol-washed glass coverslips <R>
Fetal calf serum (FCS) (Gibco 10437-028)
Prepare 50-mL aliquots of FCS. Heat-inactivate aliquots for 30 min at 55C, and then store at 20C.
Correspondence: jtw@stanford.edu
i. Prepare two antibody-coated 15-cm Petri dishes for negative selection by adding 60 L of
goat anti-rabbit IgG (H + L) and 20 mL of 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.5) per dish.
ii. Prepare one antibody-coated 10-cm Petri dish for positive selection by adding 30 L of goat
anti-mouse IgM (-chain specic) and 10 mL of 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.5).
For Mouse RGCs
iii. Prepare one antibody-coated 10-cm Petri dish for positive selection by adding 30 L of goat
anti-mouse IgG + IgM (H + L) and 10 mL of 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.5).
2. Swirl the plates until the surfaces are evenly coated by the antibody-Tris solution.
3. Incubate the panning plates overnight at 4C.
Plates are hydrophobic to begin with, but after coating overnight, plates become visibly hydrophilic. If
plates are needed immediately, a quick but not ideal way of making plates is to coat with secondary
antibodies for 2 h at 37C. For best results, however, it is preferable to coat the plates with secondary
antibodies overnight.
Dissect retinas
Steps 1315
15 min per litter
Remove membranes
Step 15
1015 min per litter
& dissection
Steps 115
11.5 h
Steps 1631
22.5 h
Steps 3237
22.5 h
-Rat macrophage/
Bandeireia lectin panning
Steps 3234
Rat: 2 30 min
Mouse: 30 min + 10 min
Trypsin digestion
Step 38
4 min
T11D7 panning
Steps 3537
45 min
& plating
Steps 3842
11.5 h
i. Rinse both 15-cm negative selection plates prepared in Step 1.i three times with D-PBS.
ii. Rinse the single 10-cm positive selection plate prepared in Step 1.ii with D-PBS. Add 10 mL
of Thy1.1 hybridoma supernatant.
iii. Swirl to evenly coat plastic.
iv. Let plates sit at least 2 h at room temperature.
For Mouse RGCs
v. Make two new 15-cm plates for negative selection by adding 20 L of BSL-1 and 20 mL of
D-PBS to each plate for at least 2 h.
vi. Rinse the 10-cm positive selection plate prepared in Step 1.iii three times with D-BPS.
Add 10 L of mouse Thy1.2 antibody to a mixture of 9 mL of D-PBS plus 1 mL of 0.2% BSA.
vii. Swirl to evenly coat plastic.
viii. Let plates sit at least 2 h at room temperature.
Bandeireia lectin is an effective way to remove contaminating cell types. However, at high concentrations or when cells are incubated for long periods of time, it is also capable of binding to RGCs.
Thus, care must be taken to check that the negative panning plates containing BSL-1 have not bound
large numbers of RGCs. Although it is not in the protocol, BSL-1 can also be used as an alternative to
anti-rat macrophage antibody for rat RGC preps. The steps are the same as those of the mouse
The Thy1.2 antibody used for mouse RGC preps contains azide, which is toxic to cells. Thus, Thy1.2
plates must be washed thoroughly prior to exposure to cells (Step 34.ii).
9. Prepare the panning buffer by combining 18 mL of D-PBS, 2 mL of 0.2% BSA, and 200 L of
insulin in a universal tube.
10. Prepare a 30% FCS solution by ltering 6 mL of FCS into 14 mL of D-PBS in a universal tube.
11. Prepare the RGC growth medium and warm in a 37C incubator.
The dissection process is critical to obtaining optimal yield. Retinas that are removed in many small pieces will be lost
to the aspiration step prior to trituration. Thus, it is important to dissect out intact retinas to maximize yield. An
illustration of Steps 1315 is provided in online Movie 1 at cshprotocols.cshlp.org.
16. Add 165 units of papain to the tube with 10 mL of D-PBS from Step 5.i. Shake the tube gently and
warm in a 37C water bath for 5 min or until the papain is dissolved.
17. Measure out 2 mg of L-cysteine and add it to the tube containing papain. Add 10 L of 1 N
NaOH to neutralize the pH.
The addition of L-cysteine is necessary for the activation of the papain. Failure to add L-cysteine will decrease
the efficacy of papain-mediated proteolysis.
The strength of papain solutions can vary widely from lot to lot and can affect the final yield. Although this
protocol is based on the unit strength provided, each lot of papain should be tested empirically to determine
optimal concentration.
19. Add 100 L of DNase I stock to the tube containing low ovo solution prepared in Step 8.i.
20. Filter the papain solution into a universal tube.
21. Remove the excess D-PBS from the Petri dish containing the retina. Pour the retina into the tube
containing ltered papain solution. Incubate in a water bath for 30 min (for rat retina) or 45 min
(for mouse retina). Gently shake the tube to mix every 15 min.
22. Aspirate the papain supernatant and add 4 mL of the low-ovo solution to the retina. Let the tissue
settle in the tube for 1 min.
23. For rat RGCs only, add 80 L of anti-rat macrophage to the remaining 6 mL of low-ovo solution.
(For mouse RGCs, proceed to Step 24.)
An illustration of Steps 2425 is provided in online Movie 2 at cshprotocols.cshlp.org.
24. Aspirate the low-ovo solution and add 2 mL of low-ovo + anti-macrophage solution (if rat) or
low-ovo solution (if mouse) to the retina. Using a 1-mL pipette, gently triturate the retina three to
four times, and then let the tissue settle for 1 min.
25. After 1 min, transfer the supernatant to a new 15-mL tube. Again add 1 mL of low-ovo + antimacrophage or low-ovo solution to the tube containing the retina, gently triturate the retina three
to four times, and let the tissue settle for 1 min. Repeat until all of the low-ovo solution has been
Trituration is performed in low-ovo solution because cells survive trituration better in a lower protein
solution. High-ovo is subsequently used to fully quench any residual papain enzymatic activity.
Production of bubbles must be minimized, especially during trituration and recovery of trypsinized cells, to
ensure optimal cell health.
26. For rat cells only: Incubate the retinas for an additional 10 min at room temperature to allow
binding of the macrophage antibody.
27. Centrifuge the tissue at 1000 rpm for 12 min at 25C.
28. For mouse cells only: During Step 27, rinse the two 15-cm plates prepared in Step 7.v with D-PBS
and block each plate with 10 mL of 0.2% BSA.
29. Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the cells in the high-ovo solution prepared in Step 8.ii.
Centrifuge at 1000 rpm for 12 min at 25C.
30. Resuspend the cells in panning buffer. Bring the volume up to 15 mL.
31. Filter the cell suspension through an autoclaved 20-m nylon mesh.
i. First, form a cone with the mesh on top of a 50-mL tube, then prewet the mesh with 1 mL of
panning buffer.
ii. Transfer the cell suspension through the mesh lter, 1 mL at a time.
iii. Filter the remaining panning buffer through the mesh to rinse off any cells still on the mesh.
Filtering the cell suspension through the nylon mesh gets rid of large debris and tissues, and helps
break cell clumps into single cells, which will improve binding during the positive selection step
(Step 35).
34. Just before transferring the cells to the positive panning plate (Step 35), rinse the plate with
i. For rat cells, discard the Thy1.1 hybridoma supernatant and rinse the plate three times with
ii. For mouse cells, discard the Thy1.2 antibody solution and rinse the plate nine times with
D-PBS (Thy1.2 antibody contains azide!).
35. Transfer the cells to the positive panning plate and pan for 45 min (for both rat and mouse
RGCs), shaking the plate every 15 min.
An illustration of Steps 39 and 40 is provided in online Movie 3 at cshprotocols.cshlp.org.
36. In the last 15 min of panning, add 100 L of trypsin stock to 4 mL of warmed EBSS from Step 6.
37. Wash the positive panning dish six times with D-PBS. Examine the dish under the microscope to
ensure only adherent cells remain.
38. Rinse the dish with the remaining EBSS from Step 6, then add the trypsin-EBSS solution. Incubate
the dish at 37C for 4 min.
Ca 2+ inhibits trypsin activity, so the plate must be rinsed with Ca 2+-free EBSS solution before the addition
of trypsin.
Optimal trypsinization time should be determined with each new batch of stock trypsin solution and
should correspond to the point at which a large percentage of cells on the plate can be easily released by
gentle pipetting. Trypsinization times that are either too short or too long can result in reduced cell
39. Add 2 mL of 30% FCS to the panning dish. Gently squirt the solution against the plate to rinse
off the adherent RGCs. Transfer the cell solution to a new 50-mL conical tube containing 1 mL of
30% FCS.
Adding 1 mL of FCS to the tube before the cells are added ensures that the cells first contact liquid rather
than a dry surface.
Production of bubbles must be minimized, especially during trituration and recovery of trypsinized cells to
ensure optimal cell health.
40. Add another 5 mL of FCS to the panning dish. Repeat squirting and transferring cells until all the
FCS has been used. Check the dish under the microscope to conrm that the adherent cells have
been washed off.
41. Remove a 50-L aliquot of cell solution and quantify yield using a hemocytometer slide and
trypan blue. Centrifuge the remaining cells at 1000 rpm for 12 min.
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Protoc; 2013; doi:10.1101/pdb.prot074906
42. Resuspend the cells in prewarmed RGC growth medium and plate at the desired density on the
PDL- and laminin-coated coverslips prepared in Step 4. Cell density can vary depending on
desired experimental conditions: Plate <5000 cells per 24-well plate for low density, and
>30,000 cells per 24-well plate for high density.
To ensure optimal osmolarity and conditions for RGC survival and viability, cells are cultured in RGC growth
medium, an enriched serum-free growth medium that contains 50% DMEM and 50% Neurobasal medium.
For more information on rodent RGCs as a model system and details about their serum-free culture requirements, see Purification and Culture of Retinal Ganglion Cells (Winzeler and Wang 2013b).
BDNF Stock (50 g/mL)
1. Prepare a master BDNF stock (1 mg/mL) by resuspending 1 mg of human brainderived neurotrophic factor in powder form (BDNF; Peprotech 450-02) in 1 mL of
cold, sterile 0.2% BSA (Sigma-Aldrich A-4161) that was prepared in D-PBS (Gibco
14287). Make 200-L aliquots of the master stock, ash-freeze in liquid nitrogen,
and store at 80C.
2. To make a working BDNF stock, thaw a 200-L aliquot of master stock on ice. At the
same time, chill 3.8 mL of sterile 0.2% BSA solution on ice. Once chilled, add the master
BDNF stock to the 0.2% BSA solution and mix well, but gently, to avoid foaming. Make
20-L working aliquots and ash-freeze in liquid nitrogen. Store at 80C.
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (10 g/mL)
9.5 mL
9.5 mL
200 L
200 L
200 L
200 L
200 L
200 L
400 L
5 g/mL
110 g/mL
100 U/mL
100 g/mL
40 ng/mL
292 g/mL
20 L
5 g/mL
Extensively wash 12-mm glass coverslips (Carolina Biological Supply 633029) in 70%
ethanol. Perform the washes on a platform shaker in a beaker, with enough motion to
lightly agitate the coverslips but not break too many. Wash the coverslips for about 1 mo,
exchanging the ethanol approximately every day. (It is ne to skip some exchanges.) Store
the washed coverslips in 70% ethanol until use.
Forskolin Stock (4.2 mg/mL)
(for 200 mL)
Final concentration
30 mg/mL
30 mg/mL
2. Adjust the pH to 7.4 with 10 N NaOH. Bring the volume to 200 mL with D-PBS, and
then lter-sterilize.
3. Make 1-mL aliquots and store them at 20C.
Insulin Stock (0.5 mg/mL)
To prepare, add 3 g of BSA (Sigma-Aldrich A8806) to 150 mL D-PBS. Mix well. Add 3 g
of trypsin inhibitor (Worthington LS003086) and mix to dissolve. Add 1 mL of 1 N
NaOH to adjust the pH to 7.4. Bring the volume to 200 mL with D-PBS. Filter-sterilize
through a 0.22-m lter. Make 1.0-mL aliquots and store at 20C.
NAC Stock (5 mg/mL)
20 mL
20 L
20 L
20 L
1. Prepare the following stock solutions (these should be made fresh; do not reuse).
Combine 5 mg of progesterone (Sigma-Aldrich P8783) and 200 L of ethanol to
make a progesterone stock solution.
Combine 4 mg of sodium selenite (Sigma-Aldrich S5261), 10 L of 1 N NaOH, and
10 mL of Dulbeccos modied Eagles medium (DMEM; Gibco/Life Technologies
11960-044) to make a sodium selenite stock solution.
2. Combine the following:
BSA (Sigma-Aldrich A4161)
Transferrin (Sigma-Aldrich T1147)
Putrescine (Sigma-Aldrich P5780)
Progesterone stock solution
Sodium selenite stock solution
(for 200 mL)
Final concentration
320 mg
50 L
2 mL
10 mg/mL
10 mg/mL
1.6 mg/mL
6 g/mL
4 g/mL
3. Bring to a total volume of 200 mL in DMEM, and then lter-sterilize. Aliquot and
store at 20C.
Thyroxine (T3) Stock (4 g/mL)
We thank Maria Fabian for technical assistance, and Mariko Howe, Amanda Brosius-Lutz, and
Jennifer Zamanian for reading and comments on the protocol.
Chen Y, Stevens B, Chang J, Milbrandt J, Barres BA, Hell JW. 2008. NS21:
Re-dened and modied supplement B27 for neuronal cultures. J Neurosci Methods 171: 239247.
Goldberg JL, Klassen MP, Hua Y, Barres BA. 2002. Amacrine-signaled loss of
intrinsic axon growth ability by retinal ganglion cells. Science 296:
Winzeler A, Wang JT. 2013a. Culturing hybridoma cell lines for monoclonal
antibody production. Cold Spring Harb Protoc doi: 10.1101/pdb.
Winzeler A, Wang JT. 2013b. Purication and culture of retinal ganglion
cells. Cold Spring Harb Protoc doi: 10.1101/pdb.top070961.
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