Abstinenta Goldfrank
Abstinenta Goldfrank
Abstinenta Goldfrank
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Editors: Flomenbaum, Neal E.; Goldfrank, Lewis R.; Hoffman, Robert S.; Howland, Mary Ann; Lewin,
Neal A.; Nelson, Lewis S.
Title: Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, 8th Edition
Copyright 2006 McGraw-Hill
> Table of Contents > Part B - The Fundamental Principles of Medical Toxicology > Section I Biochemical and Molecular Basis > Chapter 12 - Chemical Principles
Chapter 12
Chemical Principles
Stephen J. Traub
Lewis S. Nelson
Chemistry is the science of matter; it encompasses the structure, physical properties, and reactivities of
atoms and their compounds. In many respects, toxicology is the science of the interactions of matter
with physiologic entities. Chemistry and toxicology are intimately linked. The study of the principles of
inorganic, organic, and biologic chemistry offer important insight into the mechanisms and clinical
manifestations of xenobiotics and poisoning, respectively. This chapter reviews many of these tenets and
provides relevance to the current practice of medical toxicology.
The Structure of Matter
Basic Structure
Matter includes the substances of which everything is made. Elements are the foundation of matter, and
all matter is made from one or more of the known elements. An atom is the smallest quantity of a given
element that retains the properties of that element. Atoms consist of a nucleus, incorporating protons and
neutrons, coupled with its orbiting electrons. The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus
of an atom, and is a whole number that is unique for each element. Thus, elements with 6 protons are
always carbon, and all forms of carbon have exactly 6 protons. However, although the vast majority of
carbon nuclei have 6 neutrons in addition to the protons, accounting for an atomic mass (ie, protons plus
neutrons) of 12 (12C), a small proportion of naturally occurring carbon nuclei, called isotopes, have 8
neutrons and a mass number of 14 (14C). This is the reason that the atomic weight of carbon displayed
on the periodic table is 12.011, and not 12, as it actually represents the average atomic masses of all
isotopes found in nature weighted by their frequency of occurrence. Moreover, 14C is actually a
radioisotope, which is an isotope with an unstable nucleus that emits radiation (particles and/or rays),
presumably in an effort to attain a stable state (Chap. 128). The atomic weight, measured in grams/mole
(g/mol), also indicates the molar mass of the element. That is, in 1 atomic weight (12.011 g for carbon)
there is 1 mole of atoms (6.023 1023 atoms).
Elements combine chemically to form compounds, which generally have physical and chemical
properties that differ from those of the constituent elements. The elements in a compound can only be
separated by chemical means that destroy the original compound, as occurs during the burning (ie,
oxidation) of a hydrocarbon which releases the carbon as carbon dioxide. This important property
differentiates compounds from mixtures, which are combinations of elements or compounds that can be
separated by physical means. For example, this occurs during the distillation of petroleum into its
hydrocarbon components or the evaporation of sea water to leave sodium chloride. With notable
exceptions, such as the elemental forms of many metals or halogens (eg, Cl2), most xenobiotics are
compounds or mixtures.
Dimitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist in the mid-19th century, recognized that when all of the known
elements were arranged in order of atomic weight, certain patterns of reactivity became apparent. The
result of his work was the Periodic Table of the Elements (Fig. 12-1), which, with some minor
alterations, is still an essential tool today. All of the currently recognized elements are represented; those
heavier than uranium are not known to occur in nature. Many of the symbols used to identify the
elements refer to the Latin name of the element. For example, silver is Ag, for argentum, and mercury is
Hg, for hydrargyrum, literally silver water.
The reason for the periodicity of the table relates to the electrons that circle the nucleus in discrete
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orbitals. Although the details of quantum mechanics and electronic configuration are complex, it is
important to review some aspects in order to predict chemical reactivity. Orbitals, or quantum shells,
represent the energy levels in which electrons may exist around the nucleus. The orbitals are identified
by various schemes, but the maximum number of electrons each orbital may contain is calculated as 2x2,
where x represents the numerical rank order of the orbital. Thus, the first orbital may contain 2 electrons,
the second orbital may contain 8, the third may contain 18, and so on. However, the outermost shell
(designated by s, p, d nomenclature) of each orbital may only contain up to 8 electrons. This is irrelevant
through element
20, calcium, because there is no need to fill the third-level or d shells. Even though the third orbital may
contain 18 electrons, once 8 are present, the 4s electrons dip below the 3d electrons in energy and this
shell begins to fill. This occurs at element 21, scandium, and accounts for its chemical properties and
those of the other transition elements. Note that hydrogen and helium are unique in needing only 2
electrons to complete their valence shell; all other elements require 8 to be complete. Also, because the
inert gas elements, which are also known as noble gases, have complete outermost orbitals, they are
unreactive under standard conditions. Transition elements are chemically defined as elements which
form at least one ion with a partially filled subshell of d electrons.
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Chemical Reactivity
Broadly, the periodic table is divided into metals and nonmetals. Metals, in their pure form, are typically
malleable solids that conduct electricity, whereas nonmetals are usually dull, fragile, nonconductive
compounds (C, N, P, O, S, Se, halogens). The metals are found on the left side of the periodic table, and
account for the majority of the elements, whereas the nonmetals are on the right side. Separating the two
groups are the metalloids, which fall on a jagged line starting with boron (B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, At).
These agents have chemical properties that are intermediate between the metals and the nonmetals. Each
column of elements is termed a family or group, and each row is a period. Although conceived and
organized in periods, trends in the chemical reactivity, and therefore toxicity, typically exist within the
The ability of any particular element to produce toxicologic effects relates directly to one or more of its
many physicochemical properties, which may, to some extent, be predicted by their location on the
periodic table. For example, the substitution of arsenate for phosphate in the mitochondrial production of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) creates adenosine diphosphate monoarsenate (Chap. 13). Because this
compound is unstable and not useful as an energy source, energy production by the cell fails; in this
manner arsenic uncouples oxidative phosphorylation. Similarly, the existence of an
interrelationship between Ca2+ and either Mg2+ or Ba2+ is predictable, although the actual effects are
not. That is, under most circumstances, Mg2+ is a Ca2+ antagonist, and patients with hypermagnesemia
present with neuromuscular weakness caused by blockade of myocyte calcium channels. Alternatively,
Ba2+ mimics Ca2+ and closes Ca2+-dependent K+ channels in myocytes, producing life-threatening
hypokalemia. Additionally, the physiologic relationship between lithium (Li+), potassium (K+), and
sodium (Na+) are consistent with their chemical similarities (all alkali metals in Group IA). However,
the clinical similarity between thallium (thallous) ion (Tl+) and K+ is not predictable. Other than their
monovalent nature (ie, +1 charge), it is difficult to predict the substitution of Tl+ (Group IIIA, Period 6)
for K+ (Group IA, Period 4) in membrane ion channel functions, until the similarity of their ionic radii is
known (Tl+, 1.47; K+, 1.33).
The Alkali (Group IA: Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr) and Alkaline Earth (Group IIA: Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra)
Alkali metals and hydrogen (not an alkali metal on earth) have a single outer valence electron and lose
this electron easily to form compounds with a valence of 1+. The alkaline earth metals (between the
alkali and rare earth, Group IIIB) readily lose 2 electrons, and their cations have a 2+ charge. In their
metallic form, members of both of these groups react violently with water to liberate strongly basic
solutions, accounting for their group names (2Na0 + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2). The soluble ionic forms
of sodium, potassium, or calcium, which are critical to survival, also produce life-threatening symptoms
following excessive intake (Chap. 17). Toxins may interfere with the physiologic role of these key
electrolytes. Li+ may mimic potassium and enter neurons through K+ channels, following which it
serves as a poor substrate for the repolarizing Na+-K+-ATPase. Thus, lithium interferes with cellular
potassium homeostasis and alters neuronal repolarization accounting for the neuroexcitability
manifesting as tremor. Similarly, as noted previously, the molecular effects of Mg2+ and Ba2+ may
supplant those of calcium. More commonly though, the consequential toxicities ascribed to alkali or
alkaline earth salts actually relate to the anionic component. In the case of NaOH or Ca(OH)2, it is a
hydroxide anion (not the hydroxyl radical), while it is a CN- anion in patients poisoned with potassium
cyanide (KCN).
The Transition Metals (Group IB to VIIIB)
Unlike the alkali and alkaline earth metals, most other metallic elements are neither soluble nor reactive.
This includes the transition metals, a large group that contains several ubiquitous metals such as iron
(Fe) and copper (Cu). These elements, in their metallic form, are widely used both in industrial and
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household applications because of their high tensile strength, density, and melting point, which is partly
a result of their ability to delocalize the electrons in the d orbital throughout the metallic lattice.
Transition metals also form brightly colored salts that find widespread applications including pigments
for paints or fireworks. However, the ionic forms, unlike the metallic form, of these elements are
typically highly reactive and toxicologically important. Transition elements are chemically defined as
elements which form at least one ion with a partially filled subshell of d electrons. Because the transition
metals have partially filled valence shells, they are capable of obtaining several, usually positive,
oxidation states. This important mechanism explains the role of transition metals in redox reactions
generally as electron acceptors (see Oxidation-Reduction below). This reactivity is used by living
organisms in various physiologic catalytic and coordination roles, such as at the active sites of enzymes
and in hemoglobin, respectively. Expectedly, the substantial reactivity of these transition metal elements
is highly associated with cellular injury caused by the generation of reactive oxygen species. For
example, manganese ion exposure is implicated in the free radical damage of the basal ganglia causing
The Heavy Metals
Heavy metal is often loosely used to describe all metals of toxicologic significance, but in reality, the
term should be reserved to describe only those metals in the lower period of the periodic table,
particularly those with atomic masses greater than 200. The chemical properties and toxicologic
predilection of this group vary among the agents, but their unifying toxicologic mechanism is
electrophilic interference with nucleophilic sulfhydryl-containing enzymes. Some of the heavy metals
also participate in the generation of free radicals through Fenton chemistry (Fig. 12-2). The likely
determinant of the specific toxicologic
effects produced by each metal is the tropism for various physiologic systems, enzymes, or
microenvironments; thus the lipophilicity, water solubility, ionic size, and other physicochemical
parameters are undoubtedly critical. Also, because the chemistry of metals varies dramatically based on
the chemical form (ie, organic, inorganic, or elemental), as well as the charge on the metal ion,
prediction of the clinical effects of a particular metal is often difficult.
Figure 12-2. The Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions which are the two most important mechanisms to
generate hydroxyl radicals are both mediated by transition metals (TM). Iron (Fe2+) and copper (Cu+)
are typical transition metals.
Elemental mercury (Hg0) is unique in that it is the only metal that exists in liquid form at room
temperature, and as such is capable of creating solid solutions, or amalgams, with other metals.
Although it is relatively innocuous if ingested as a liquid, it is readily volatilized (ie, high vapor
pressure) transforming into a physical state that causes significant pulmonary mucosal irritation on
inhalation. In addition, this change in the route of exposure raises its systemic bioavailability. Absorbed,
or incorporated, Hg0 undergoes biotransformation in the erythrocyte and brain to the mercuric (Hg2+)
form, which has a high affinity for sulfhydryl-containing molecules including proteins. This causes a
depletion of glutathione in organs such as the kidney, and also initiates lipid peroxidation. The
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mercurous form (Hg+) is considerably less toxic than the mercuric form, perhaps because of its reduced
water solubility. Organic mercurial compounds, such as methylmercury and dimethylmercury, are
environmentally formed by anaerobic bacteria containing the methylating agent methylcobalamin, a
vitamin B12 analog (Chap. 92).
Another toxicologically important member of the heavy metal group is thallium. Metallic thallium is
used in the production of electronic equipment and is itself minimally toxic. Thallium ions, however,
have physicochemical properties that most closely mimic potassium, allowing it to participate in, and
potentially alter, the various physiologic activities related to potassium. This property is clinically used
during a thallium-stress test to assess for myocardial ischemia or infarction. Because ischemic
myocardial cells lack adequate energy for normal Na+-K+-ATPase function, they cannot exchange
sodium for potassium (or in this scenario radioactive thallium) producing a cold spot in the
ischemic areas on cardiac scintigraphy (Chap. 96).
Although lead is not very abundant in the earth's crust (only 0.002%), exposure may occur during the
smelting process or from one of its diverse commercial applications. Most of the useful lead compounds
are inorganic lead (II) (Pb2+) salts, but lead (IV) (Pb4+) compounds are also used. The Pb2+ compounds
are typically ionizable, releasing Pb2+ when dissolved in a solvent, such as water. Lead (II) ions are
absorbed in place of Ca2+ ions by the gastrointestinal tract and replace calcium in certain physiologic
processes. This mechanism is implicated in the neurotoxic effect of lead ions. Lead (IV) compounds
tend to be covalent compounds that do not ionize in water. However, some of the Pb4+ compounds are
oxidants. Although elemental lead is not itself toxic, it rapidly develops a coating of toxic lead oxide or
lead carbonate upon exposure to air or water (Chap. 91).
The Metalloids (B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, At)
Although the metalloids share many physical properties with the metals, they are differentiated because
of their propensity to form compounds with both metals and the nonmetals carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen.
Thus, metalloids may be either oxidized or reduced in chemical reactions.
Toxicologically important inorganic arsenic compounds exist in either the pentavalent arsenite (As5+)
form or the trivalent arsenate (As3+) form. The reduced water solubility of the arsenate compounds, such
as arsenic pentoxide, accounts for its limited clinical toxicity when compared to trivalent arsenic
trioxide. The trivalent form of arsenic is primarily a nucleophilic toxin, binding sulfhydryl groups and
interfering with enzymatic function (Chaps. 13 and 85).
The Nonmetals (C, N, P, O, S, Se, Halogens)
The nonmetals are highly electronegative and, unlike the metals, may be toxic in either their
compounded or their elemental form. The nonmetals with large electronegativity, such as O2 or Cl2,
generally oxidize other elements in chemical reactions. Those with smaller electronegativity, such as C,
behave as reducing agents.
The Halogens (F, Cl, Br, I, At)
In their highly reactive elemental form, which contains a covalent dimer of halogen atoms, the halogens
carry the suffix -ine (eg, Cl2, chlorine). Halogens require the addition of one electron to complete their
valence shell; thus, halogens are strong oxidizing agents. Because they are highly electronegative, they
form halides (eg, Cl-, chloride) by abstracting electrons from less electronegative elements. Thus, the
halogen ions, in their stable ionic form, generally carry a charge of 1. The halides, although much
less reactive than their respective elemental forms, are reducing agents. The hydrogen halides (eg, HCl,
hydrogen chloride) are gases under standard conditions, but they ionize when dissolved in aqueous
solution to form the hydrohalidic acids (eg, HCl, hydrochloric acid). All hydrogen halides except HF
(hydrogen fluoride) ionize completely in water to release H+ and are considered strong acids. Because of
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its small ionic radius, lack of charge dispersion, and intense electronegativity, HF ionizes poorly and is a
weak acid. This specific property of HF has important toxicologic implications (Chap. 101).
Group 0: The Inert Gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn)
Inert gases, also known as noble gases, maintain completed valence shells and are thus entirely
unreactive except under extreme experimental conditions. However, despite their lack of chemical
reactivity, the inert gases are toxicologically important as simple asphyxiants. That is, because they
displace ambient oxygen from a confined space, consequential hypoxia may occur, and the expected
signs may be completely absent (Chap. 119). During high-concentration exposure, inert gases may
produce anesthesia, and xenon is used as an anesthetic agent. Radon, although a chemically unreactive
gas, is radioactive, and prolonged exposure is associated with the development of lung cancer.
Electrons are not generally shared evenly between atoms when they form a compound. Instead, unless
the bond is between the same elements, as in Cl2, one of the elements exerts a larger attraction for the
shared electrons. The degree to which an element draws the shared electron is determined by the
element's electronegativity (Fig. 12-3). The electronegativity of each element was catalogued by Linus
Pauling and relates to the ionic radius, or the distance between the orbiting electron and the nucleus, and
the shielding effects of the inner electrons. The electronegativity rises toward the right of the periodic
table, corresponding with the expected charge obtained on an element when it forms a bond. Fluoride
ion has the highest electronegativity of all elements, which explains many of its serious toxicologic
Several types of bonds exist between elements when they form compounds. When one element gains
valence electrons and another loses them, the resulting elements are charged and attract one another in
an ionic, or electrovalent, bond. An example is NaCl, or table salt, in which the electronegativity
difference between the elements is 1.9, or greater than the electronegativity of the sodium (see text
below and Fig. 12-3). Thus, the chloride wrests control of the electrons in this bond. In solid form, ionic
compounds exist in a crystalline lattice, but when put into solution, as in the serum, the elements may
separate and form charged particles, or ions (Na+ and Cl2). The ions are stable in solution, however,
because their valence shells contain 8 electrons and are complete. The properties of ions differ from both
the original atom from which the ion is derived and the noble gas with which it shares electronic
It is important to recognize that when a mole of a salt, such as NaCl (molecular weight 58.45 g/mol), is
put in aqueous solution, 2 moles of particles result. This is because NaCl essentially ionizes fully in
water; that is, it produces 1 mole of Na+ (23 g/mol) and 1 mole of Cl- (35.45 g/mol). For salts that do not
ionize completely, less than the intrinsic number of moles are released and the actual quantity liberated
can be predicted based on the defined solubility of the compound, or the solubility product constant
(Ksp). For ions that carry more than a single charge, the term equivalent is often used to denote number
of moles of other particles to which one mole of the substance will bind. Thus, an equivalent of calcium
ion will typically bind 2 moles (or equivalents) of chloride ions (which are monovalent) because calcium
ions are divalent. Alternatively stated, a 10% calcium chloride (CaCl2) aqueous solution contains
approximately 1.4 mEq/mL or 0.7 mmol/mL of Ca2+.
Compounds formed by two elements of similar electronegativity have little ionic character because there
is little impetus for separation of charge. Instead, these elements share pairs of valence electrons, a
process known as covalence. The resultant molecule contains a covalent bond, which is typically very
strong and generally requires a high-energy chemical reaction to disrupt it. There is wide variation in the
extent to which the electrons are shared between the participants of a covalent bond, and the
physicochemical and toxicologic properties of any particular molecule are in part determined by its
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nature. Rarely is sharing truly symmetric, as in oxygen (O2) or chlorine (Cl2). If sharing is asymmetric
and the electrons thus exist to a greater degree around one of the component atoms, the bond is polar.
However, the presence of a polar bond does not mean that the compound is polar. For example, methane
contains a carbon atom that shares its valence electrons with 4 hydrogen atoms, in which there is a small
charge separation between the elements (electronegativity [EN] difference = 0.40). Furthermore,
because the molecule is configured in a tetrahedral formation, there is no notable polarity to the
compound; this compound is nonpolar. The lack of polarity suggests that methane molecules have little
affinity for other methane molecules and they are held together only by weak intermolecular bonds. This
explains why methane is highly volatile under standard conditions.
Figure 12-3. Electronegativity of the common elements. Note that the inert gases are not reactive and
thus do not have electronegativity.
Because the electronegativity differences between hydrogen (EN = 2.20) and oxygen (EN = 3.44) are
greater (EN difference = 1.24), the electrons in the HO bonds in water are drawn toward the oxygen
atom, giving it a partial negative charge and the hydrogens a partial positive charge. Furthermore,
because H2O is angular, not linear or symmetric, water is a polar molecule. Water molecules are held
together by hydrogen bonds, which are stronger than intermolecular bonds (also called van der Waals
forces, see below). These hydrogen bonds have sufficient energy to open many ionic bonds and solvate
the ions. In this process, the polar ends of the water molecule surround the charged particles of the
dissolved salt. Thus, because there is little similarity between the nonpolar methane and the polar water
molecules, methane is not water soluble. Similarly, salts cannot be solvated by nonpolar compounds,
and thus a salt, such as sodium chloride, cannot dissolve in a nonpolar solvent, such as carbon
Alternatively, the stability and irreversibility of the bond between an organic phosphorus insecticide and
the cholinesterase enzyme are a result of covalent phosphorylation of an amino acid at the active site of
the enzyme. The resulting bond is essentially irreversible in the absence of another chemical reaction.
Compounds may share multiple pairs of electrons. For example, the two carbon atoms in acetylene (HC
[triple bond]CH) share three pairs of double bonds between them, and each shares one pair with its own
hydrogen. Carbon and nitrogen share three pairs of electrons in forming cyanide (C[triple bond]N-)
making this bond very stable and accounting for the large number of xenobiotics capable of liberating
Complex ions are covalently bonded groups of elements that behave as a single element. For example,
the hydroxide ion (OH-) and sulfate (SO42-) form sodium salts as if they were simply a chloride ion.
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Noncovalent bonds, such as hydrogen or ionic bonds, are important in the interaction between ligands
and receptors, and between ion channels and enzymes. These are low-energy bonds and easily
reversible. Van der Waals forces, also known as London dispersion forces, are intermolecular forces that
arise from induced dipoles as a consequence of nonuniform distribution of the molecular electron cloud.
These forces become stronger as the atom (or molecule) becomes larger because of the increased
polarizability of the larger, more dispersed electron clouds. This accounts for the fact that under standard
temperature and pressure, fluorine and chlorine are gases, whereas bromine is a liquid, and iodine is a
Reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions involve the movement of electrons from one atom or molecule to
another, and actually comprise two dependent reactions: reduction and oxidation. Reduction is the gain
of electrons by an atom that is thereby reduced. The electrons derive from a reducing agent, which in the
process becomes oxidized. Oxidation is the loss of electrons from an agent, which is, accordingly,
oxidized. An oxidizing agent accepts electrons, and in the process, is reduced. By definition, these
chemical reactions involve a change in the valence of an atom. It is also important to note that acid/base
and electrolyte chemical reactions involve electrical charge interactions but no change in valence of any
of the involved components. The implications of redox chemistry for medical toxicology are profound.
For example, the oxidation of ferrous (Fe2+) to ferric (Fe3+) iron within the hemoglobin molecule
creates dysfunctional methemoglobin.
Also, metallic lead and elemental mercury are both intrinsically harmless metals, but when oxidized to
their cationic forms both produce devastating clinical effects. Additionally, the oxidation of methanol to
formic acid involves a change in the oxidation state of the molecule. In this case, an enzyme, alcohol
dehydrogenase, acting as a catalyst, oxidizes (ie, removes electrons from) the C-O bond and delivers the
electrons to oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), reducing it to the reduced form
(NADH). As in this last example, oxidation is occasionally used to signify the gain of oxygen by a
substance. That is, when elemental iron (Fe0) undergoes rusting to iron oxide (Fe2O3), it is said to
oxidize. The use of this term is consistent because in the process of oxidation, oxygen derives electrons
from the atom to which it is binding.
Reactive Oxygen Species
Free radicals are reactive molecules that contain one or more unpaired electrons, and are typically
neutral but may be anionic or cationic. However, because certain toxicologically important reactive
molecules do not contain unpaired electrons, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ozone (O3), the
term reactive species is preferred. The reactivity of these molecules directly relates to their desire to fill
their outermost orbitals by receiving an electron; the result is oxidative stress on the biologic system.
Molecular oxygen is actually a diradical with two unpaired electrons in the outer orbitals. However, its
reactivity is less than that of the other radicals because the unpaired electrons have parallel spins, so
catalysts (ie, enzymes or metals) are typically involved in the use of oxygen in biologic processes.
Reactive species are continually generated as a consequence of endogenous metabolism and there is an
efficient system for their control. Under conditions of either excessive endogenous generation or
exposure to exogenous reactive species, the physiologic defense against these toxic products is
overwhelmed. When this occurs, reactive species induce direct cellular damage as well as initiate a
cascade of oxidative reactions that perpetuate the toxic damage.
Intracellular organelles, particularly the mitochondria, may also be disrupted by various reactive oxygen
species. This causes further injury to the cell as energy failure occurs. This initial damage is
compounded by the activation of the host inflammatory response by chemokines that are released from
cells in response to reactive oxygen species-induced damage. This inflammatory response aggravates
cellular damage. The resultant membrane dysfunction or damage causes cellular apoptosis or necrosis
(Chap. 13).
The most important reactive oxygen species in medical toxicology are derived from oxygen, although
those derived from nitrogen are also important. Table 12-1 lists some of the important reactive oxygen
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Even in neutral solution, a tiny proportion of water is always undergoing ionization to form both H+ and
OH+ in exactly equal amounts. It is, however, the quantity of H+ that is of concern, and this is the basis
of using the pH to characterize a solution. In a perfect system at equilibrium, the concentration of H+
ions in water is precisely 0.0000001, or 10-7, moles per liter and that of OH- is the same. The number of
H+ ions increases when an acid is added to the solution and falls when an alkali is added. In an attempt
to make this quantity more practical, the negative log of the H+ concentration is calculated, which
defines the pH. Thus, the negative log of 10-7 is 7, and the pH of a neutral aqueous solution is 7. In
actuality, the pH of water is approximately 6 because of dissolution of ambient carbon dioxide to form
carbonic acid (H2O + CO2 H2CO3), which ionizes to form H+ and bicarbonate (HCO3-).
There are many definitions of acid and base. The three commonly used definitions are those advanced
by (a) Arrhenius, (b) Brnsted-Lowry, and (c) Lewis. Because the focus is on physiologic systems,
which are aqueous, the original definition by the Swedish chemist Arrhenius is the most practical. In this
view, an acid is any xenobiotic that releases hydrogen ions, or protons (H+), in water. Similarly, a base
is a xenobiotic that produces hydroxyl ions (OH-) in water. Thus, hydrogen chloride (HCl), a neutral gas
under standard conditions, dissolves in water to liberate H+, and is therefore an acid.
For nonaqueous solutions the Brnsted-Lowry definition is preferable. An acid, in this schema, is a
substance that donates a proton and a base is one that accepts a proton. Thus, any molecule that has a
hydrogen in the 1+ oxidation state is technically an acid, and any molecule with an unbound pair of
valence electrons is a base. Because most of the acids or bases of toxicologic interest
have ionizable protons or available electrons, respectively, the Brnsted-Lowry definition is most often
considered when discussing acid-base chemistry (ie, HA + H2O H3O+ + A-; B- + H2O HB +
OH-). However, this is not a defining property of all acids or bases. Thus, Lewis offered the leastrestrictive definition of such substances. A Lewis acid is an electron acceptor and a Lewis base is an
electron donor. Simplistically, acids are sour and turn litmus paper red, whereas bases are slippery and
bitter and turn litmus paper blue.
Because acidity and alkalinity are determined by the number of available H+ ions, it is useful to classify
chemicals by their effect on the H+ concentration. Strong acids ionize completely in aqueous solution
and very little of the parent compound remains. Thus, 0.001 (or 10-3) mole of HCl, a strong acid, added
to 1 L of water produces a solution with a pH of 3. Weak acids, on the other hand, obtain an equilibrium
between parent and ionized forms, and thus do not alter the pH to the same degree as a similar quantity
of a strong acid. This chemical notation defines the strength or weakness of an acid and should not be
confused with the concentration of the acid. Thus, the pH of a dilute strong acid solution may be
substantially less than that of a concentrated weak acid (Table 12-2).
The degree of ionization of a weak acid is determined by the pKa, or the negative log of the ionization
constant, which represents the pH at which an acid is half dissociated in solution. The same relationship
applies to the pKb of an alkali, although by convention the pKb is expressed as the pKa (pKa = 14
pKb). The lower the pKa, the stronger the acid; the converse is true for bases. Knowledge of the pKa
does not itself denote whether a substance is an acid or an alkali. To some extent, this quality may be
predicted by its chemical structure or reactivity, or obtained through direct measurement or from a
reference source. The pK of a strong acid is clinically irrelevant because it is fully ionized under all but
the most extreme acid conditions.
Because only uncharged compounds cross lipid membranes spontaneously, the pKa has clinical
relevance. Salicylic acid, a weak acid with a pKa of 3, is nonionized in the stomach (pH 2) and passive
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absorption occurs (Fig. 9-4). Because it is predominantly in the ionized form (ie, salicylate) in blood,
which has a pH of 7.4, little of the ionized bloodborne salicylate passively enters the tissues. However,
because in overdose the serum salicylate rises considerably, enough enters the tissue to have devastating
clinical effects. Salicylate, a conjugate base of a weak acid and thus a strong base, equilibrates within the
various tissues across the outer mitochondrial membrane. In this intermembrane space (between the
inner and outer mitochondrial membrane) abundant protons exist, which are transported there via the
electron transport chain of this organelle (Chap. 13). Because salicylate is a strong base, it protonates
easily in this environment. In this nonionized form, some of the salicylic acid may pass through the
inner mitochondrial membrane, into the mitochondrial matrix, and again establish equilibrium by losing
a proton. The process just described uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, by dispersing the highly
concentrated protons in the intermembrane space that are normally used to generate adenosine
triphosphate (Chap. 13). Uncoupling in the skeletal muscle, for example, produces a metabolic acidosis,
and this shifts the blood equilibrium of salicylate toward the nonionized, protonated form, enabling
salicylic acid to cross the bloodbrain barrier. Presumably, once in the brain, the salicylate uncouples
the metabolic activity of neurons with the subsequent development of cerebral edema. This is the
rationale for serum alkalinization in patients with aspirin overdose (Chap. 35).
TABLE 12-2. pH of 0.10 M Solutions of Common Acids and Bases Represents the Strength of the
Acid or Base
Acid Base
HCl (hydrochloric acid)
H2SO4 (sulfuric acid)
H2SO3 (sulfurous acid)
H3PO4 (phosphoric acid)
HF (hydrofluoric acid)
CH3CO2H (acetic acid)
H2CO3 (carbonic acid)
H2S (hydrogen sulfide)
NH4Cl (ammonium chloride)
HCN (hydrocyanic acid)
NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate)
NaCH3CO2 (sodium acetate)
Na2HPO4 (sodium hydrogen phosphate)9.3
Na2SO3 (sodium sulfite)
NaCN (sodium cyanide)
NH4OH (aqueous ammonia)
Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate)
Na3PO4 (sodium phosphate)
NaOH (sodium hydroxide)
In a similar manner, alkalinization of the patient's urine prevents reabsorption by ionization of the
urinary salicylate. Conversely, because tricyclic antidepressants are organic bases, alkalinization of the
urine reduces their ionization and actually decreases the drug's urinary elimination. However, in the
management of cyclic antidepressant poisoning, because the other beneficial effects of sodium
bicarbonate on the sodium channel outweigh the negative effect on drug elimination, serum
alkalinization is recommended.
Organic Chemistry
The study of carbon-based chemistry and the interaction of inorganic molecules with carbon-containing
compounds is called organic chemistry, because the chemistry of living organisms is carbon based.
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Biochemistry (Chap. 13) is a subdivision of organic chemistry; it is the study of organic chemistry
within biologic systems. This section reviews many of the salient points of organic chemistry, focusing
on those with the most applicability to medicine and the study of toxicology: nomenclature, bonding,
nucleophiles and electrophiles, stereochemistry, and functional groups.
Chemical Properties of Carbon
Carbon, atomic number 6, has a molecular weight of 12.011 g/mol. With few exceptions (notably
cyanide ion and carbon monoxide), carbon forms 4 bonds in stable organic molecules. In organic
compounds, carbon is commonly bonded to other carbon atoms, as well as to hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, or halide (ie, fluorine, bromine, or iodine) atoms. Under certain circumstances, carbon can be
bonded to metals, as is the case with methylmercury.
The most rigorous method to name organic compounds is in accordance with standards adopted by the
International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC); these names are infrequently used, especially for larger
molecules, and alternative chemical names are common. Alternative chemical names are those based on
the structure of a molecule, but which do not adhere completely to IUPAC rules. The complete details of
the IUPAC naming system are beyond the scope of this text and can be reviewed elsewhere
(http://www.iupac.org), but a brief description of the fundamentals of this system is included here.
The carbon backbone serves as the basis of the chemical name. Once the carbon backbone has been
identified and named, substituents (atoms or groups of atoms that substitute for hydrogen atoms) are
identified, named, and numbered. The number refers to the carbon to which the substituent is attached.
Some of the common substituents in organic chemistry are OH (hydroxy), NH2 (amino), Br
(bromo), Cl (chloro), and F (fluoro). Substituents are then alphabetized and placed as prefixes to
the carbon chain.
As an example, consider the molecule 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane. The molecule has a 2carbon backbone (ethane), 3 fluoride atoms on the first carbon, a bromine atom on the second carbon,
and a chlorine atom on the second carbon (Fig. 12-4A). A basic understanding of a few simple rules of
nomenclature thus allows one to quickly generate the molecular structure of a familiar compound,
halothane, from what initially appeared to be an intimidating name.
Although the above-mentioned rules suffice to name simple structures, they are inadequate to describe
many others, such as molecules with complex branching or ring structures. The IUPAC rules for naming
compounds such as [1R-(exo,exo)]-3-(benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3,2,1]octane-2-carboxylic
acid methyl ester, for example, are too complex to include here. Fortunately, many compounds with
complex chemical names have simpler names for day-to-day use; as an example, this molecule is
commonly referred to as cocaine (Fig. 12-4B).
Cocaine is an example of a common or trivial name, that is, one without a rigorous scientific basis, but
which is generally accepted as an alternative to frequently unwieldy proper chemical names. Common
names may refer to the origin of the substance; for example, cocaine is derived from the coca leaf, and
wood alcohol (methanol) can be prepared from wood. Alternatively, a common name may refer to the
way in which a compound is used; rubbing alcohol is a common name for isopropanol. Common
names are often imprecise and may generate some confusion, however, as evidenced by the fact that
rubbing alcohol, when commercially marketed, may be ethanol or isopropanol.
An even less precise system of nomenclature is the use of street names. A street name is a slang term for
a drug of abuse, such as blow (cocaine), weed (marijuana), or smack (heroin). The
street name ecstasy refers to the stimulant 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), which is
most frequently consumed in pill form. It would stand to reason that liquid ecstasy might refer to a
solution of MDMA, but street names are not necessarily logical. Instead, liquid ecstasy refers to the drug
-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), a sedative-hypnotic agent with a completely different pharmacologic and
toxicologic profile. Furthermore, there are no standards for the content of ecstasy and many street pills
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Figure 12-4. Nomenclature. A. 2-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane, or halothane. B. [1R-(exo,exo)]3-(Benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo-[3,2,1]-octane-2-carboxylic acid methyl ester, or cocaine.
A final consideration must be given to product names. Product names are trade names under
which a given compound might be marketed, and are frequently different from both the chemical name
and common name. Thus, the inhalational anesthetic in Figure 12-4A with the chemical name 2-bromo2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane has the common name halothane and the trade name Fluothane.
Bonding in Organic Chemistry
Whereas much of the bonding in inorganic chemistry is ionic or electrovalent, the vast majority of
bonding in organic molecules is covalent. Whereas electrons in ionic bonds are described as
belonging to one atom or another, electrons in covalent bonds are shared between two atoms; this
type of bonding occurs when the difference in electronegativity between two atoms is insufficient for
one atom to wrest control of an electron from another. Single bonds are represented by 1, double bonds
by 2, and triple bonds by 3 lines between the atoms.
Nucleophiles and Electrophiles
Many organic reactions of toxicologic importance can be described as the reactions of nucleophiles with
electrophiles. Nucleophiles (literally, nucleus-loving) are species with increased electron density,
frequently in the form of a lone pair of electrons (as in the cases of cyanide ion and carbon monoxide).
Nucleophiles, by virtue of this increased electron density, have an affinity for atoms or molecules which
are electron deficient; such moieties are called electrophiles (literally, electron-loving). The electron
deficiency of electrophiles can be described as absolute or relative. Absolute electron deficiency occurs
when an electrophile is charged, as is the case with cations such as Pb2+ and Hg2+. Relative electron
deficiency occurs when one atom or group of atoms shifts electrons away from a second atom, making
the second atom relatively electron deficient. This is the case for the neurotoxin 2,5-hexanedione (Fig.
12-5); the electronegative oxygen of the carbon-oxygen double bond pulls electron density away from
the second and fifth carbon atoms of this molecule, making these carbon atoms electrophilic.
The reaction of a nucleophile with an electrophile involves the movement of electrons, by forming
and/or breaking bonds. This movement of electrons is frequently denoted by the use of curved arrows,
which better demonstrates how the nucleophile and electrophile
interact. The interaction of acetylcholinesterase with acetylcholine, organic phosphorus pesticides, and
pralidoxime hydrochloride provides an excellent example of the way in which nucleophiles and
electrophiles interact, and of how the use of curved arrow notation can lead to better understanding of
the reactions involved.
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Figure 12-5. Chemical properties of 2,5-hexanedione. Arrows designate the electrophilic carbon atoms.
Under normal circumstances, the action of acetylcholine is terminated when the serine residue in the
active site of acetylcholinesterase attacks this neurotransmitter, forming a transient serineacetyl
complex and liberating choline; this serineacetyl complex is then rapidly hydrolyzed, producing an
acetic acid molecule and regenerating the serine residue for another round of the reaction (Fig. 12-6A).
In the presence of an organic phosphorus agent, however, this serine residue attacks the electrophilic
phosphate atom, forming a stable serinephosphate bond, which is not hydrolyzed (Fig. 12-6B). The
enzyme, thus inactivated, can no longer break down acetylcholine, leading to an increase of this
neurotransmitter in the synapse, and possibly to a cholinergic crisis.
The enzyme can be reactivated, however, by the use of another nucleophile. Pralidoxime hydrochloride
(2-PAM) is referred to as a site-directed nucleophile. Because part of its chemical structure (the charged
nitrogen atom) is similar to the choline portion of acetylcholine, this antidote is directed to the active site
of acetylcholinesterase. Once in position, the nucleophilic oxime moiety (NOH) of 2-PAM attacks
the electrophilic phosphate atom; this displaces the serine residue, regenerating the enzyme (Fig. 12-6C).
For a further discussion of organic phosphorus compound toxicity and the use of 2-PAM, see Chap. 109
and Antidotes in Depth: Pralidoxime.
A second toxicologically important electrophile is NAPQI (Fig. 12-7). NAPQI is formed when the
endogenous detoxification pathways of acetaminophen metabolism (glucuronidation and sulfation) are
overwhelmed (Chap. 34). As a result of the electron configuration of NAPQI, the carbon atoms adjacent
to the carbonyl carbon (a carbonyl carbon is one that is double-bonded to an oxygen) are very
electrophilic; the sulfur groups of cysteine residues of hepatocyte proteins react with NAPQI to form a
characteristic adduct, 3-(cystein-S-yl)acetaminophen in a multistep process (an adduct is formed when
one compound is added to another). These adducts are released as hepatocytes die, and can be found in
the blood of patients with acetaminophen-related liver toxicity. Figure 12-7 diagrams the mechanism of
the proteinNAPQI reaction (Chap. 34).
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Figure 12-6. The reactions of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), organic phosphorus compounds, and
pralidoxime hydrochloride (2-PAM). Curved arrows represent the movement of electrons as bonds are
formed or broken. A. Normal hydrolysis of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase. B. Inactivation
(phosphorylation) of acetylcholinesterase by organic phosphorus compound. C. Reactivation by 2-PAM
of functional acetylcholinesterase.
Figure 12-7. The reaction of cysteine residues on hepatocyte proteins with NAPQI to form the
characteristic adducts 3-(cystein-S-yl) APAP.
Nucleophiles can be described by their strength; strength is related to the rate at which they react with a
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reference electrophile CH3I. Of more use in pharmacology and toxicology, however, are the descriptive
terms hard and soft. Although imprecise, the designations hard and soft help to
predict, on a qualitative level, how nucleophiles and electrophiles interact with one another.
Hard species have a charge (or partial charge) that is highly localized; that is, their charge to
radius ratio is high. Hard nucleophiles are molecules in which the electron density or lone pair is tightly
held; fluoride, a small atom that cannot spread its electron density over a large area, is an example.
Similarly, hard electrophiles are species in which the positive charge cannot be spread over a large area;
ionized calcium, a small ion, is a hard electrophile.
Soft nucleophiles and electrophiles, on the other hand, are capable of delocalizing their charge
over a larger area. In this case the charge to mass ratio is low, either because the atom is large or because
the charge can be spread over a number of atoms within a given molecule. Sulfur is the prototypical
example of a soft nucleophile and the lead ion, Pb2+, is a typical soft electrophile.
The utility of this classification lies in the observation that hard nucleophiles tend to react with hard
electrophiles, and soft nucleophiles with soft electrophiles. For example, a principal toxicity of fluoride
ion poisoning (Chap. 101) is hypocalcemia; this is because the fluoride ions (hard nucleophiles) readily
react with calcium ions (hard electrophiles). On the other hand, the soft nucleophile lead is effectively
chelated by soft electrophiles such as the sulfur atoms in the chelating agents dimercaprol (Antidotes in
Depth: Dimercaprol [British Anti-Lewisite or BAL]) and succimer (Antidotes in depth: Succimer [2,3Dimercaptosuccinic Acid]).
Isomerism describes the different ways in which molecules with the same chemical formula (ie, the
same number and types of atoms) can be arranged to form different compounds. These different
compounds are called isomers. Isomers always have the same chemical formula, but differ either in the
way that atoms are bonded to each other (constitutional isomers) or in the spatial arrangement of these
atoms (geometric isomers or stereoisomers).
Figure 12-8. Two molecules with chemical formula C2H6O. A. Dimethylether. B. Ethanol (ethyl
Constitutional isomers are conceptually the easiest to understand, because a quick glance shows them to
be very different molecules. The chemical formula C2H6O, for example, can refer to either dimethyl
ether or ethanol (Fig. 12-8). These molecules have very different physical and chemical characteristics,
and have little in common other than the number and type of their atomic constituents.
Stereoisomerism, also referred to as geometric isomerism, refers to the different ways in which atoms of
a given molecule, with the same number and types of bonds, might be arranged. The most important
type of stereoisomerism in pharmacology and toxicology is the stereochemistry around a chiral carbon, a
carbon atom to which four different substituents are bonded.
Consider the two representations of halothane shown in Figure 12-9. In this figure the straight solid lines
and the atoms to which they are bonded exist in the plane of the paper, the solid triangle and the atom to
which it is bonded are coming out of the paper, and the dashed triangle and the atom to which it is
bonded are receding into the paper. It is clear that, for the molecules in Figure 12-9A and B, no amount
of rotation or manipulation will make these molecules superimposable. They are, therefore, different
The molecules in Figure 12-9A and B are enantiomers or optical isomers. They differ only in the way in
which their atoms are bonded to the chiral carbon. It is important to define the stereochemical
configuration of these two molecules, which can be done in one of two ways. In the first
classificationthe D(+)/L() systemmolecules are named empirically based on the direction in
which they rotate plane-polarized light. Each enantiomer will rotate plane-polarized light in one
Page 19 of 123
direction; the enantiomer that rotates light clockwise (to the right) is referred to as D(+), or
dextrorotatory; the L(), or levorotatory enantiomer rotates plane-polarized light in a
counterclockwise fashion (to the left).
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Figure 12-10. R and S enantiomers of halothane. A. The substituents increase in a clockwise fashion, so
the configuration is R. B. The substituents increase in a counterclockwise fashion, so the configuration is
S. In this projection, hydrogen atoms are directly behind the carbon atoms.
The above analogy is oversimplified, however, as one enantiomer of a drug can be an agonist, while the
other enantiomer is an antagonist. Dobutamine, for example, has one chiral carbon and thus two
enantiomers. At the 1 receptor, l-dobutamine is a potent agonist and d-dobutamine is a potent
antagonist. Because dobutamine is marketed as a racemic mixture (a racemic mixture is a 1:1 mixture of
enantiomers), however, these effects cancel each other out. Interestingly, at the 1 receptor, d- and ldobutamine have unequal agonist effects, with d-dobutamine approximately 10 times more potent than ldobutamine.
Functional Groups
There is perhaps no concept in organic chemistry as powerful as that of the functional group. Functional
groups are atoms or groups of atoms that confer similar reactivity on a molecule; of less importance is
the molecule to which it is attached. Some representative functional groups in organic chemistry and
toxicology are the hydrocarbons (alkanes and alkenes), alcohols, carboxylic acids, and thiols. These
groups are discussed here because they illustrate important principles, not because this represents an
exhaustive list of important functional groups in toxicology.
Hydrocarbons, as their name implies, consist of only carbon and hydrogen. Alkanes are hydrocarbons
that contain no multiple bonds; they may be straight chain, usually designated by the prefix n- (Fig. 1211A), or branched (isobutane, Fig. 12-11B). Alkenes contain carbon-carbon double bonds. Alkynes,
which contain carbon-carbon triple bonds, are of limited toxicologic importance. Butane (lighter fluid) is
an alkane, and gasoline is a mixture of alkanes.
Hydrocarbons are of toxicologic importance for two reasons: they are widely abused as inhalational
drugs for their central nervous system depressant effects, and they can cause profound toxicity when
aspirated. Although these effects are physiologically disparate, they are readily understood in the context
of the chemical characteristics of the hydrocarbon functional group.
Hydrocarbons do not contain polar groups, or groups that introduce full or partial charges into the
molecule; as such, they interact readily with other nonpolar substances, such as lipids or lipophilic
substances. Hydrocarbons readily interact with the myelin of the CNS, disrupting normal ion channel
function and
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causing CNS depression. When aspirated, hydrocarbons interact with the fatty acid tail of surfactant,
dissolving this protective substance and contributing to acute lung injury (Chaps. 79 and 102).
Figure 12-11. Two isomers of the 4 carbon alkane, butane. A. n-Butane. B. Isobutane.
Figure 12-12. Reaction of cocaine with ethanol (A) to form cocaethylene and methanol (B).
Alcohols possess the hydroxyl (OH) functional group, which adds polarity to the molecule and
makes alcohols highly soluble in other polar substances, such as water. For example, ethane gas
(CH3CH3) has negligible solubility in water, whereas ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is miscible, or infinitely
soluble, in water. In biologic systems, alcohols are generally CNS depressants, but they can also act as
nucleophiles. Ethanol may react with cocaine to form cocaethylene, a longer-acting and more vasoactive
substance than cocaine itself (Fig. 12-12; see Chap. 74 for clinical details).
Alcohols can be primary, secondary, or tertiary, in which the reference carbon is bonded to 1, 2, or 3
carbons in addition to the hydroxyl group. Methanol, in which the reference carbon is bonded to no
other carbons, is also a primary alcohol. The difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary
structures is important, because although the alcohol functional group imparts many qualities to the
molecule, the degree of substitution can affect the chemical reactivity. Primary alcohols can undergo
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multistep oxidation to form carboxylic acids, whereas secondary alcohols generally undergo one-step
metabolism to form ketones, and tertiary alcohols do not readily undergo oxidation. This is a point of
significant toxicologic importance, and is discussed in more detail later.
Alcohols can be named in many ways; the most common is to add -ol or -yl alcohol to the appropriate
prefix. If the alcohol group is bonded to an interior carbon, the number to which the carbon is bonded
precedes the suffix.
Carboxylic acids contain the functional group COOH. As their name implies, they are acidic, and the
pKa of carboxylic acids are generally 4 or 5, depending on the substitution of the molecule. Carboxylic
acids are capable of producing a significant anion gap metabolic acidosis, which is true whether the
acids are endogenous or exogenous. Examples of endogenous acids are -hydroxybutyric acid and lactic
acid; examples of exogenous acids are formic acid (produced by the metabolism of methanol) and
glycolic, glyoxylic, and oxalic acids (produced by the metabolism of ethylene glycol). Carboxylic acids
are named by adding -oic acid to the appropriate prefix; the four-carbon straight-chain carboxylic acid is
thus butanoic acid.
Thiols contain a sulfur atom, which usually functions as a nucleophile. The sulfur atom of Nacetylcysteine can regenerate glutathione reductase, and can also react directly with NAPQI to detoxify
this electrophile. The sulfur atom of many chelating agents, such as dimercaprol and succimer, are
nucleophiles that are very effective at chelating electrophiles such as heavy metals. Thiols are generally
named by adding the word thiol to the appropriate base. Thus, a 2-carbon thiol is ethane thiol.
As noted above, molecules with a given functional group often have more in common with molecules
within the same functional group than they have in common with the molecules from which they were
derived. The alkanes methane, ethane, and propane are straight chain hydrocarbons with similar
properties. All are gases at room temperature, have almost no solubility in water, and have similar
melting and boiling points. When these molecules are substituted with one or more hydroxide functional
groups, they become alcohols: examples are methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol (a glycol is a molecule
that contains two alcohol functional groups), the primary alcohol 1-propanol, and the secondary alcohol
2-propanol (isopropanol). Each of these alcohols is a liquid at room temperature, and all are very water
soluble. All have boiling points that are markedly different from the alkane from which they were
derived, and quite close to each other.
In addition to conferring different physical properties on the molecule, the addition of the alcohol
functional group also confers different chemical properties and reactivities. For example, methane,
ethane, and propane are virtually incapable of undergoing oxidation in biologic systems. The alcohols
formed by the addition of one or more hydroxyl groups, however, are readily oxidized by alcohol
dehydrogenase (Fig. 12-13).
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Figure 12-13. Oxidative metabolism of (A) methanol, (B) ethanol, and (C) isopropanol. Note that
acetone does not undergo further oxidation in vivo. ADH = alcohol dehydrogenase; ALDH = aldehyde
As Figure 12-13 indicates, the oxidation of the primary alcohols methanol and ethanol results in the
formation of aldehydes (an aldehyde is a functional group in which a carbon atom contains a double
bond to oxygen and a single bond to hydrogen), whereas the oxidation of the secondary alcohol
isopropanol resulted in the formation of a ketone (a ketone is a functional group in which a carbon is
double-bonded to an oxygen atom and single-bonded to two separate carbon atoms). Although both
aldehydes and ketones contain the carbonyl group (a carbon-oxygen double bond), aldehydes and
ketones are distinctly different functional groups, and have different reactivity patterns. For instance,
aldehydes can undergo enzymatic oxidation to carboxylic acids (Fig. 12-13A and B), whereas ketones
cannot (Fig. 12-13C).
It is here that recognition of functional groups helps to understand the potential toxicity of an alcohol.
Methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol are all alcohols; as such, their toxicity before metabolism is
expected to be (and in fact is) similar to that of ethanol, producing CNS sedation.
Because these toxins are primary and secondary alcohols, all three can be metabolized to a carbonyl
compound, either an aldehyde or a ketone. Here, however, the functional groups on the molecules have
changed; whereas aldehydes can be metabolized to carboxylic acids (which can, in turn, cause an anion
gap acidosis), ketones cannot. It is for this reason that methanol and ethylene glycol can cause an anion
gap acidosis, and isopropanol cannot (Chap. 103).
The concept of functional groups, however useful, has limitations. For example, although both formic
acid and oxalic acid are organic acids, they cause different patterns of organ system toxicity. Formic
acid is a mitochondrial toxin, and exerts effects primarily in areas (such as the retina or basal ganglia)
that poorly tolerate an interruption in the energy supplied by oxidative phosphorylation. Conversely,
oxalic acid readily precipitates calcium and is toxic to renal tubular cells, which accounts for the
hypocalcemia and nephrotoxicity that are characteristic of severe ethylene glycol poisoning. The
concept of the functional group is thus an aid to understanding chemical reactivity, but not a substitute
Page 24 of 123
for a working knowledge of the toxicokinetic or toxicodynamic effects of xenobiotics in living systems.
Understanding key principles in inorganic and organic chemistry provides insight into the mechanisms
by which xenobiotics act. The periodic table forms the basis for inorganic chemistry and provides
insight into the expected reactivity, and to a large extent the clinical effects, of any element. A growing
understanding of how reactive species are formed and how they interfere with physiologic processes has
led to new insights in the pathogenesis and treatment of toxin-mediated diseases. Organic chemistry
forms the basis of life, and is essential to an understanding of biochemistry and pharmacology. Because
many xenobiotics are organic compounds there is direct relevance to medical toxicology.
1. Bailey PS, Bailey CA: Organic Chemistry: A Brief Survey of Concepts and Applications, 5th ed.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1995.
2. Bergendi L, Benes L, Durackova Z, Ferencik M: Chemistry, physiology and pathology of free
radicals. Life Sci 1999;65:18651874.
3. Kasprzak KS: Possible role of oxidative damage in metal-induced carcinogenesis. Cancer Invest
4. Loudon GM: Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed. Redwood City, CA, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, 1995.
5. Manahan SE: Toxicologic Chemistry. Boca Raton, FL, Lewis Publishers, 1992.
6. McMurry J, Castellion ME: General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ, Prentice Hall, 1996.
7. Oulette RJ, Rawn JD: Organic Chemistry. Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1996.
8. van der Vliet A, Cross CE: Oxidants, nitrosants, and the lung. Am J Med 2000;109:398421.
Editors: Flomenbaum, Neal E.; Goldfrank, Lewis R.; Hoffman, Robert S.; Howland, Mary Ann; Lewin,
Neal A.; Nelson, Lewis S.
Title: Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, 8th Edition
Copyright 2006 McGraw-Hill
> Table of Contents > Part B - The Fundamental Principles of Medical Toxicology > Section I Biochemical and Molecular Basis > Chapter 13 - Biochemical and Metabolic Principles
Chapter 13
Biochemical and Metabolic Principles
Kathleen A. Delaney
Xenobiotics are compounds that are foreign to a living system. Xenobiotic toxins injure living
organisms by interfering with critical metabolic processes, by causing structural damage to cells, or by
altering the cellular genetic material. The specific biochemical sites of actions that disrupt metabolic
processes are well characterized for many xenobiotics although mechanisms of cellular injury are not.
This chapter focuses on those general biochemical principles that are relevant to an understanding of the
injurious effects of toxic xenobiotics. It also reviews the current understanding of the biotransformation
enzymes and their clinical implications.
The capacity of a xenobiotic to produce injury in a living organism is affected by many factors that
include its absorption, distribution, elimination, site of activation or detoxification, site of action, and
capability to cross membranes to access a particular organ. Sites of action include the active sites of
enzymes or receptor binding sites, DNA, and lipid membranes. The route of exposure to a toxin may
confine damage primarily to one organ: for example pulmonary injury that follows inhalation; GI injury
that follows a caustic ingestion; or injury to the skin following dermal exposure. Hepatocellular injury
results when a toxic xenobiotic is delivered to the liver, either by the portal venous system following
ingestion, or by the hepatic artery that carries blood with xenobiotics absorbed from other sites of
exposure. Various factors affect the ability of a toxin to access a particular organ. For example, many
potentially toxic xenobiotics fail to produce injury because they cannot cross the bloodbrain barrier.
The negligible CNS effects of the mercuric salts when compared with organic mercury compounds are
related to their inability to penetrate the CNS. Two potent biologic toxinsricin (from Ricinus
communis) and -amanitin (from Amanita phalloides)block protein synthesis through the inhibition
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of RNA polymerase. Their very different clinical effects are related to tissue accessibility. Ricin has a
special binding protein that enables it to gain access to the endoplasmic reticulum in GI mucosal cells,
where it inhibits cellular protein synthesis and causes severe diarrhea.48 -Amanitin is transported into
hepatocytes by bile salt transport systems, where inhibition of protein synthesis results in cell death.43,50
The electrical charge on a toxin also affects its ability to enter a cell. Unlike the ionized (charged) form
of a xenobiotic, the uncharged form is lipophilic and passes easily through lipid cell membranes to enter
the systemic circulation. The pKa of an acidic xenobiotic (HA A- + H+) is the pH at which 50% of
the molecules are charged (A- form) and 50% are uncharged (HA form). A xenobiotic with a high pKa is
more likely to be absorbed in an acidic environment where the uncharged form predominates. Hence,
the site of absorption of a toxin in the gastrointestinal tract; the acidic environment of the stomach or the
alkaline environment of the small intestine; is affected by its pKa. See Chap. 9 for a more extensive
discussion of basic principles of pharmacokinetics.
General Enzyme Concepts
The capability to detoxify and eliminate both endogenous toxins and exogenous xenobiotics is crucial to
the maintenance of physiologic homeostasis and normal metabolic functions for all organisms. A simple
example is the detoxification of cyanide, a potent cellular poison that is ubiquitous in the environment
and is also a product of normal metabolism. Mammals have evolved the enzyme rhodanese, which
combines cyanide with thiosulfate to create the less toxic, renally excreted compound thiocyanate.85
The majority of xenobiotics have lipophilic properties that facilitate absorption across cell membranes in
organs that are portals of entry to the body: the skin, GI tract, and lungs. The liver has the highest
concentration of enzymes that metabolize xenobiotics. Enzymes found in the liquid matrix of
hepatocytes that are specific for alcohols, aldehydes, esters, or amines act on many different substrates
within these broad classes. Enzymes that act on more lipophilic xenobiotics, including the CYP
(formerly cytochrome P450) enzymes, are embedded in the lipid membranes of the endoplasmic
reticulum. When cells are mechanically disrupted and centrifuged, these membrane-bound enzymes are
found in the pellet, or microsomal fraction; hence, they are called microsomal enzymes. Enzymes
located in the liquid matrix of cells are called cytosolic enzymes and are found in the supernatant when
disrupted cells are centrifuged. Cytosolic enzymes are present in all tissues.42
Biotransformation Overview
The term biotransformation refers to the alteration of a xenobiotic as a result of enzyme action.51
Biotransformation usually results in detoxification, a reduction in the toxicity of a substance and
its removal from the body. In some cases, however, the metabolites produced may be more toxic than
the parent xenobiotic. In this case, the biotransformation results in toxication or metabolic
activation.82 A single xenobiotic may be a substrate for biotransformation by
several metabolic pathways, some resulting in detoxification and others in metabolic activation. The
predominant pathway for the biotransformation of an individual toxin is determined by many factors that
include the availability of cofactors, the effect of substrate concentration on the rate of substrate
metabolism (reflected by the Km [Michaelis-Menten dissociation constant] of the biotransformation
enzyme and by saturation effects), changes in the concentration of the enzyme caused by induction, and
the presence of inhibitors.82 The production of toxic metabolites by a given biotransformation process is
also affected by the concentration of protective agents such as glutathione.
The likelihood that a xenobiotic will undergo biotransformation depends on its chemical nature. Ionized
compounds such as carboxylic acids are less likely to cross a lipid membrane to enter the body. When
they do, the kidneys rapidly eliminate them. Very volatile compounds, such as dichloromethane, are
expelled promptly via the lungs. Neither of these groups of xenobiotics undergo significant enzymatic
metabolism. Nonpolar, lipophilic xenobiotics that are less soluble in aqueous fluids require
Page 26 of 123
Figure 13-1. A common oxidation reaction catalyzed by CYP enzymes: the hydroxylation of Drug-H to
Phase I Biotransformation Reactions
Phase I reactions are predominantly oxidation reactions that add functional groups suitable for
conjugation during phase II. These include hydroxyl (-OH), sulfhydryl (-SH), amino (-NH2), aldehyde (COH), or carboxyl (-COOH) moieties.42 Elements such as nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus that do not
contain carbon are also oxidized in phase I reactions. Other phase I reactions result in hydrolysis,
hydration, and dehalogenation.82
The CYP enzymes are cytochromes bound to the lipid membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum that use
a cyclical transfer of electrons between oxidized (Fe3+) or reduced (Fe2+) forms of iron. They are
responsible for the majority of phase I oxidative biotransformation reactions. Membrane-bound flavin
monooxygenase (FMO), another NADPH-dependent oxidase located in the endoplasmic reticulum,
makes an important contribution to the oxidation of amines and other compounds containing nitrogen,
sulfur, or phosphorus.51 A common oxidation reaction catalyzed by CYP enzymes is illustrated by the
Page 27 of 123
Figure 13-2. Conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde by CYP2E1 that uses reduced NADPH and oxygen
and by alcohol dehydrogenase that uses oxidized NAD-. This illustrates how NAD and NADP can
function in oxidation reactions in both their oxidized and reduced forms. Alcohol dehydrogenase has a
low Km for ethanol and is the predominant metabolic enzyme in moderate drinkers.
Overview of the CYP Enzymes
The most numerous and important of the enzymes involved in phase I oxidation reactions are the CYP
enzymes. This nomenclature derives from the complex cytochrome protein structure that is the basic
unit of the enzyme and the spectrophotometric characteristics of its associated heme molecule. When
bound to carbon monoxide, the maximal absorption spectrum of the reduced CYP (Fe2+) enzyme occurs
at 450 nm.59,62 CYP enzymes, which incorporate 1 atom of oxygen into the substrate and 1 atom into
water, were once called mixed-function oxidases. This activity is now referred to as a
microsomal monooxygenation reaction.59,82 These biotransformation CYP enzymes, bound to the
lipid membranes of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, are distinct from the cytochromes that comprise
the mitochondrial electron transport chain.59
Although most of the CYP isozymes are found in the liver, high levels can be found in extrahepatic
tissues, particularly the gastrointestinal tract.19 The lungs,54,59 heart,63 and brain63 also have discernible
amounts of CYP isozymes. Each tissue has a unique profile of CYP enzymes that determines its
sensitivity to different xenobiotics.19 The CYP enzymes in the enterocytes of the small intestine actually
contribute significantly to first-pass metabolism of some xenobiotics.41,59 Corrected for tissue
mass, the CYP enzyme system in the kidneys is as active as that in the liver. The activity of the renal
CYP enzymes is decreased in patients with chronic renal failure, with relative sparing of CYP1A2,
2C19, and 2D6 compared with 3A4 and 2C9.13
More than 2500 different genes coding for CYP enzymes have been identified.59,60 CYP enzymes are
categorized according to the similarities of their amino acid sequences. They are in the same
family if they are more than 40% similar, and same subfamily if they are more than 55%
similar. Families are designated by an Arabic numeral, subfamilies by a capital letter, and each
individual enzyme (or isozyme) by another numeral, resulting in the nomenclature CYPnXm for each
isozyme. For example, CYP3A4 is an isozyme of the CYP3 family and of the CYP3A subfamily.27,58
CYP enzymes catalyze a diverse number of reactions that include both biosynthetic and xenobiotic
biotransformation. Most xenobiotic metabolism is done by the CYP1, CYP2, and CYP3 families, with a
Page 28 of 123
small amount done by the CYP4 family.13,84 It is estimated that the total number of exogenous CYP
enzyme substrates may exceed 200,000 chemicals.47
Nearly 90% of oxidative transformation of xenobiotics is accomplished by 6 CYP enzymes: 1A2, 2C9,
C19, 2D6, 2E1, and 34A (Table 13-1).59,75 The approximate amounts of liver CYP enzymes are 3A4
(4055%), 2D6 (30%), 2C9 and 2C19 (1020%), 2E1 (7%), and 1A2 (2%).46,62
TABLE 13-1. Characteristics of Different CYP Isozymes1,13,19,46,47,54,59,62,63
Percent of liver CYPs 2%
Contribution to
Minor 70%
enterocyte CYPs
Percent of
215% 10%
metabolism of
typically used drugs
Organs other than
Nasal mucosa, Nasal mucosa, Lung, heart, Lung,
Nasal mucosa,
liver with isozyme intestine, stomach, heart, heart, intestine intestine
intestine lung, stomach,
Poor metabolizer
African American
Ultra extensive metabolizer
Northern Europeans
Southern Europeans
aEnzyme variations can exist even in those listed as No for polymorphism.
Substrate and CYP Enzyme Specificity
In vitro models, which are relatively inexpensive and involve no human subjects, have been used to
define the specificities of CYP enzymes for their substrates and inhibitors.28 Unfortunately, the ability
of an enzyme to metabolize a substrate in a test tube does not always predict its role in the cell. These
models use substrate and inhibitor concentrations that are much higher than would be encountered in
vivo, and the mathematical models that extrapolate to clinically relevant processes produce conflicting
results.28 This has resulted in discrepancies in reported substrates, inhibitors, and inducers of specific
CYP enzymes. Discordance between genetic type and phenotypic expression is routinely observed.6
The substrate specificity of a CYP enzyme greatly affects its role in biotransformation.29 Some CYP
enzymes, particularly those involved in biosynthesis, are highly selective. This is the case for CYP21A2,
a mitochondrial enzyme that specifically catalyzes the 21-hydroxylation of progesterone, an important
step in steroid synthesis.31 Most CYP enzymes involved in xenobiotic biotransformation have low
substrate specificity and can metabolize many substances.29 This lack of substrate specificity allows the
ongoing biotransformation of a substance in spite of deficiency or inhibition of a specific enzyme. When
a substrate can be biotransformed by more than one CYP enzyme, the enzyme that has the highest
affinity for the substrate usually predominates at low substrate concentrations, while enzymes with
lower affinity may predominate at high concentrations. This transition is usually
concomitant with, but is not dependent on, the saturation of the catalytic capacity of the primary enzyme
as it reaches its maximum rate of activity.29,31 The Km, which is defined as the concentration of enzyme
Page 29 of 123
that results in 50% of maximal enzyme activity, describes this property of enzymes. For example, ADH
in the liver has a very low Km for ethanol, making it the primary metabolic enzyme for ethanol when
concentrations are low.49 Ethanol is also biotransformed by the CYP2E1 enzyme. CYP2E1 has a high
Km for ethanol and only functions when ethanol levels are high. It accounts for only a small fraction of
ethanol metabolism in moderate drinkers, but accounts for significantly more biotransformation in
alcoholics. As another example, diazepam is metabolized by both CYP2C19 and CYP3A4. However,
the affinity of CYP3A4 for diazepam is so low (ie, the Km is high) that the majority of diazepam is
metabolized by CYP2C19.37
The CYP enzymes that biotransform a specific xenobiotic cannot be predicted by its drug class. Whereas
fluoxetine and paroxetine are both major substrates and potent inhibitors of CYP2D6, sertraline is not
extensively metabolized and exhibits minimal interaction with other antidepressants.5 The majority of hydroxy--methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors are metabolized by CYP3A4
(lovastatin, simvastatin, and atorvastatin); however, fluvastatin is metabolized by CYP2D6 and
pravastatin undergoes virtually no CYP enzyme metabolism at all.32 Among angiotensin-II receptor
blockers, losartan and irbesartan are metabolized by CYP2C9, while valsartan, eprosartan, and
candesartan are not substrates for any CYP enzyme. In addition, losartan is a prodrug whose active
metabolite provides most of the pharmacologic activity, while irbesartan is the primary active
compound. For these two drugs the inhibition of CYP2C9 is predicted to have opposite effects.24
The specificity of enzyme inhibition may be affected by the concentration of an inhibitor. Omeprazole is
a potent inhibitor of CYP2C19, CYP2C9, and CYP3A4.32,40 At lower concentrations omeprazole
selectively inhibits CYP2C19, a specificity that is lost at higher concentrations.28 The induction of
CYP3A4 by rifampin in HIV-positive patients is associated with decreases in blood concentrations of
the protease inhibitors saquinavir and ritonavir by 80% and 35%, respectively.27
The substrate selectivity of some CYP enzymes is determined by molecular, electrical, and
physicochemical properties of the substrates. The CYP1A subfamily has greater specificity for planar
polyaromatic substrates such as benzo[a]pyrene. The CYP2E subfamily targets low-molecular-weight,
hydrophilic xenobiotics, whereas CYP3A4 has increased affinity for lipophilic compounds. Substrates
of CYP2C9 are usually weakly acidic, whereas those of CYP2D6 are more basic.47 High specificity can
also result from key structural considerations such as stereoselectivity. Some xenobiotics are racemic
mixtures of stereoisomers. These may be substrates for different CYP enzymes and have distinct
affinities for the enzymes, resulting in different rates of metabolism. For example, R-warfarin is
biotransformed by CYP3A4 and CYP1A2, whereas S-warfarin is metabolized by CYP2C9.13,82
Genetic Polymorphism
A simple model of the human genome has a DNA sequence for each gene, with a corresponding allele
on each chromosome.89 For enzymes, the translation of these DNA sequences into proteins results in the
functionally defined phenotypic expression of the genes. When a genetic variation occurs, the result is
either a rare defect or a polymorphism. A polymorphism is a genetic change that occurs in at least 1% of
the human population.89 A genetic change in a biotransformation enzyme may result in an alteration of
the activity rate of that enzyme.6,89
The genetic polymorphism of human populations results in very significant differences in the abilities of
individuals to biotransform specific xenobiotics. Differences in biotransformation capacity that lead to
toxicity, once thought to be idiosyncratic, are likely caused by these inherited, unmeasured
differences in the genetic complement of the individual. A familiar consequence of genetic
polymorphism is the inheritance of rapid or slow acetylator phenotypes. Acetylation is a phase II
biotransformation that is especially important for the biotransformation of amines (R-NH2) or
hydrazines (NH2NH2). Slow acetylators may be at increased risk of toxicity associated with the
slower biotransformation of nitrogen-containing xenobiotics such as isoniazid (INH), procainamide,
Page 30 of 123
Page 31 of 123
in the onset and offset relative to starting and stopping the inducing xenobiotic. In addition, xenobiotics
with long half-lives require longer periods to reach steady-state concentrations that maximize induction.
CYP enzyme induction caused by xenobiotics with long half-lives, such as phenobarbital or fluoxetine,
may fully manifest only after weeks of exposure. Conversely, xenobiotics with short half-lives, such as
rifampin or venlafaxine, can reach maximum induction within days.13,27
Similar pharmacokinetic considerations affect the clinical manifestations of enzyme inhibition.
Competitive inhibition as a result of binding at substrate sites usually begins within hours.13 Because the
degree of inhibition correlates with the concentration of the involved xenobiotic, the time required to
reach the maximal effect correlates with the half-life of the xenobiotic in question.13 Although
competitive inhibition is a common form of CYP enzyme function, it is the least likely mechanism of
inhibition to be clinically relevant.24
Another mechanism of inhibition results from competition between one xenobiotic and a metabolite of a
second xenobiotic at its CYP enzyme substrate binding site. For example, the metabolites of
clarithromycin and erythromycin produced by CYP3A inhibit further CYP3A activity. The effect is
reversible and usually increases with repeated dosing. A relatively rare third mechanism is the
irreversible inhibition of a CYP enzyme by the reactive metabolite of a second xenobiotic at its substrate
binding site. This so-called suicide inhibition results in the destruction of the bound CYP enzyme.
Biotransformation by the affected CYP enzyme does not resume until new enzyme is produced.24,79
DrugDrug and DrugChemical Interactions with CYP Enzymes
Adverse reactions to medications, including drugdrug interactions, are estimated to be one of the top
10 causes of death in hospitalized patients, the risk of which increases with the number of drugs taken.
Fifty percent of adverse reactions are possibly related to pharmacogenetic factors.89 The most
significant interactions are mediated by CYP enzymes.59
Drugdrug interactions that involve CYP enzymes can be either pharmacodynamic or
pharmacokinetic in nature.13 Pharmacodynamic interactions occur when the mechanism of action of one
xenobiotic enhances or diminishes the effect produced by a second xenobiotic. Pharmacokinetic
interactions occur when the effect of one xenobiotic alters the absorption, distribution, metabolism,
and/or elimination of another, leading to a change in the effective concentration of the second xenobiotic
at its site of action.13 Drug interactions will be more significant if the xenobiotics have significant CYP
enzyme specificity. For example, the potent and specific CYP3A inhibitor itraconazole prevents the
metabolism of astemizole and simvastatin. Blockade of the biotransformation of these CYP3A-specific
substrates has resulted in torsade de pointes dysrhythmias or rhabdomyolysis.1
Many drugdrug interactions are not apparent in initial drug studies. Because of the overlapping
substrate specificities of many CYP enzymes, drugdrug interactions are not predictable even when
the specific enzyme responsible for the metabolism of a drug is known and can be quantitated. The lifethreatening interactions between terfenadine and ketoconazole, both metabolized by CYP3A4, were not
appreciated until 11 years after terfenadine was marketed.59,75
Many environmental and nondrug xenobiotics interact with the CYP enzymes. St. John's wort, an
herb marketed as a natural antidepressant, induces multiple CYP enzymes including 1A2, 2C9, and 3A4.
The induction of CYP3A4 by St. John's wort is associated with a 57% decrease in effective serum levels
of Indinavir when given comcomittantly.65 Xenobiotics contained in grapefruit juice, such as naringin
and furanocoumarins, are both substrates and inhibitors of CYP3A4. They inhibit the first-pass
metabolism of CYP3A4 substrates by inhibiting CYP3A4 activity in both the gastrointestinal tract and
the liver.17 Polycyclic hydrocarbons found in charbroiled meats and in cigarette smoke induce CYP1A2.
For smokers who drink coffee, levels of caffeine, a CYP1A2 substrate, will be increased following
cessation of smoking.46
Specific CYP Enzymes
Page 32 of 123
This enzyme is involved in the metabolism of 15% of all pharmaceuticals used today.13 As noted above,
the CYP1 family is induced by polycyclic hydrocarbons found in cigarette smoke and charred food. This
family bioactivates several procarcinogens including benzo[a]pyrene.62 Xenobiotics activated by CYP1
enzyme in the gastrointestinal tract are linked to colon cancer.59
CYP3A4 is the most abundant CYP in the human liver, comprising anywhere from 4055% of the
mass of hepatic CYP enzymes.13,32,46 The CYP3A4 enzyme is the most common one found in the
intestinal mucosa and is responsible for much first-pass drug metabolism.13
More than 120 xenobiotics are metabolized by CYP3A4. It is involved in the biotransformation of
5060% of all pharmaceuticals.60,86 Substrates include dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers,
cyclosporine, cisapride, many opioids, and many HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors.32 An excellent
example of an adverse drug interaction related to this enzyme is the QT interval prolongation and
spontaneous ventricular tachycardia that occurred in patients taking terfenadine or astemizole in
combination with ketoconazole or erythromycin.64,75 Ketoconazole inhibits CYP3A4, causing a 15- to
72-fold increase in serum levels of terfenadine.59
Bioflavonoids in grapefruit juice decrease metabolism of some substrates by 5- to 12-fold.13,27,59 The
CYP3A4 enzyme does not exhibit genetic polymorphism; however, there are large interindividual
variations in enzyme levels.27
Approximately one-third of human CYP enzymes are in the CYP2 enzyme family, which, with 76
alleles, exhibits the greatest degree of genetic polymorphism.46 Twenty-five percent of all drugs used
today, including 50% of the commonly used antipsychotics, are substrates for CYP2D6. It is sometimes
called debrisoquine hydrolase as it was first identified with studying the metabolism of the
antihypertensive agent debrisoquine.13,36,59
Approximately 510% of whites and 28% of African Americans are poor metabolizers of
CYP2D6 substrates.13 Perhexiline, an antianginal agent marketed in Europe in the 1980s, caused severe
liver disease and peripheral neuropathy in persons with a demonstrated inability to metabolize
debrisoquine.74 Decreased activity of CYP2D6 was implicated in the development of severe lactic
acidosis in some patients taking phenformin.61
This enzyme comprises 7% of the total CYP enzyme content in the human liver.62 Although not
considered to demonstrate genetic polymorphism, genetic changes account for a 2-fold increase in
nasopharyngeal cancer in Chinese persons who smoke. Besides CYP1A2, this is the only other CYP
enzyme linked to cancer.59 CYP2E1 is induced by a number of xenobiotics including ethanol,
phenobarbital, isoniazid, phenytoin, and cigarette smoke.45,90 The induction of CYP2E1 is associated
with increased liver injury by reactive metabolites of carbon tetrachloride and of bromobenzene (Chap.
26).33 During the metabolism of substrates that include carbon tetrachloride, ethanol, acetaminophen,
paranitrophenol, aniline, and N-nitrosomethylamine, CYP2E1 actively produces free radicals and other
reactive metabolites associated with adduct formation and lipid peroxidation (Chap. 26).20 CYP2E1 is
inhibited by acute elevations of ethanol, an effect illustrated by the capacity of acute administration of
ethanol to inhibit the metabolism of acetaminophen.10 The chronic ingestion of ethanol hastens its own
metabolism through enzyme induction.
The CYP2C9 enzyme is the most abundant isozyme of the CYP2C enzyme family which, with
Page 33 of 123
CYP2C19, comprises approximately 1020% of the CYP enzymes in the liver.46 This enzyme is
associated with polymorphism; poor metabolism occurs in 13% of whites and in 12% of Asians
and African Americans.13,59 This enzyme biotransforms warfarin-S, the most active isomer of warfarin.
There is an association between slow metabolism and an increased risk of bleeding in patients on
Phase II Biotransformation Reactions
Phase II biotransformation reactions are synthetic reactions that catalyze rapid conjugation of the
products of phase I reactions with endogenous molecules such as glucuronic acid, glutathione, sulfate, or
some amino acids, such as glycine, glutamic acid, and taurine. This conjugation terminates the
pharmacologic activity of the xenobiotic and greatly increases its water solubility and excretability.51,82
Most phase II reactions occur in the cytosol and are faster than phase I reactions.51
Glucuronides are the most common endogenous conjugating agents.51 Glucuronyl transferase
conjugates glucuronic acid donated by uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid (UDPG), with the nitrogen,
sulfhydryl, hydroxyl, or carboxyl groups of foreign or endogenous compounds. The more polar
conjugated xenobiotics are readily eliminated because of the ionized carboxyl group that is recognized
by both biliary and renal organic acid active transport systems. Smaller conjugates usually undergo renal
elimination, whereas larger ones undergo biliary elimination.51
Sulfate conjugates are highly ionized and very water soluble. The addition of sulfate donated by
oxidized cysteine to the hydroxyl group of alcohols and aryl amines is a common mechanism for phase
II detoxification.51 The biotransformation of phenol is an interesting example of the effect of
pharmacokinetics of biotransformation enzymes on the metabolism of an individual substrate. The
affinity of sulfate for phenol is very high (the Km is low), so that when low doses of phenol are
administered, the predominant excretion product is the sulfate ester. Because the capacity of this
reaction is readily saturated, when high doses of phenol are administered glucuronidation becomes the
main method of detoxification.
Glutathione-S transferases catalyze the conjugation of the tripeptide glutathione (glycine-glutamatecysteine, or GSH) with a diverse group of reactive, electrophilic metabolites of phase I CYP enzymes.
The reactive compounds initiate an attack on the sulfur group of cysteine, resulting in conjugation with
GSH that detoxifies the reactive metabolite. Some GSH-conjugates are directly excreted. More
commonly, the glycine and glutamate residues are cleaved and the remaining cysteine is acetylated to
form an N-acetylcysteine (mercapturic acid) conjugate that is readily excreted in the urine. A familiar
example of this detoxification is the avid binding of N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI), the toxic
metabolite of acetaminophen, by glutathione.8,11
Mechanisms of Cellular Injury
Ideally, potentially toxic metabolites produced by phase I reactions are detoxified during the phase II
reactions. When detoxification goes awry because of overproduction of a reactive intermediate or a
deficiency of phase II substrates, toxic intermediates can cause cellular injury. The following sections
review mechanisms of cellular injury related to xenobiotic biotransformation.
Synthesis of Toxins or Mistaken Toxins
Sometimes a xenobiotic is mistaken for a natural substrate by synthetic enzymes that act on the
xenobiotic and facilitate its injurious effects. The incorporation of the rodenticide fluoroacetate into the
tricarboxylic acid cycle is an example of this mechanism of toxic injury (Fig. 13-3). Another example is
illustrated by analogs of purine or pyrimidine bases that are phosphorylated and inserted into growing
DNA or RNA chains, resulting in mutations and disruption of cell division. This mechanism is used
therapeutically with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), an antitumor, pyrimidine base analog. When phosphorylated
to 5-fluoro-dUTP and incorporated into growing DNA chains, it causes structural instability of the
cellular DNA and inhibits tumor growth.72
Injury by Metabolites at Distant Sites
Toxic metabolites may be synthesized at one site and transported to other target sites where they cause
Page 34 of 123
injury. Cyanide formed by the hepatic metabolism of acetonitrile nail removers produces toxicity
at distant sites.15 Benzene is biotransformed in the liver to benzoquinone and dihydroxybenzene
intermediates, which subsequently injure the bone marrow.88 2,5-Hexanedione, the neurotoxic
metabolite of n-hexane and methyl-n-butyl ketone, is also produced in the liver, far from the site where
injury occurs.20
Figure 13-3. Pyruvate is converted to acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), which enters the Krebs cycle as
shown. Reducing equivalents, in the form of NADH, and FADH, donate electrons to a chain of
cytochromes beginning with NADH dehydrogenase. These reactions couple the energy released
during electron transport to the production of ATP. Ultimately, electrons combine with oxygen to form
water. The sites of action of toxins that inhibit oxidative metabolism are shown. The sites where
thiamine functions as a coenzyme are also illustrated. DH = dehydrogenase.
The toxicity of ingested xenobiotics may be altered by endogenous enzymatic activity or by the
enzymatic activity of bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract. Laetrile (amygdalin) was used as an
alternative treatment for cancer but caused deaths because of its biotransformation to cyanide.
Amygdalin must be hydrolyzed in the gut to cyanide to exert its toxicity. When administered
intravenously, amygdalin is not toxic.34 Nitrates present in well water in farming communities are
converted to nitrites by gut bacteria, leading to methemoglobinemia. A high gastric pH in very young
infants allows the growth of enteric organisms in the stomach, making infants particularly susceptible to
the toxic effects of ingested nitrates. Infants also have a reduced ability to detoxify nitrites.69
Injury by Metabolites of Biotransformation
The capacity of a tissue to biotransform certain toxins may be essential to the production of injury in that
tissue. Highly reactive metabolites exert damage at the site where they are synthesized. Tissue injury by
reactive metabolites occurs commonly in the liver, the major site of biotransformation of xenobiotics,
but occurs in other organs as well (Chap. 26).29,77 The lungs, skin, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and
the nasal mucosa have the ability to biotransform xenobiotics to metabolites that result in local
Page 35 of 123
injury.12,42 Overdoses of acetaminophen lead to excessive hepatic production of the highly reactive
electrophile NAPQI, which initiates a damaging covalent bond with hepatocytes (Chap. 34).8,11 Acute
renal tubular necrosis also occurs in patients with overdose of acetaminophen.39 This is attributed to its
biotransformation by prostaglandin H synthase within renal tubular cells to a highly reactive
Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are mitochondrial enzymes present in many tissues. They oxidize a large
number of different amines; including dopamine, epinephrine, and serotonin; and toxins such as
primaquine and haloperidol. The metabolic activity of MAOs was responsible for the outbreak of
parkinsonism associated with the use of methylphenyltetrahydropyridine (MPTP), an unintended
byproduct of attempts to synthesize a designer analog of meperidine,
methylphenylpropionoxypiperidine (MPPP). After crossing the bloodbrain barrier, MPTP is
biotransformed by MAO in glial cells to methylphenyldihydropyridine (MPDP+),
which is nonenzymatically converted to MPP+. The MPP+ is subsequently taken up by specific
dopamine transport systems into dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, resulting in inhibition of
oxidative phosphorylation and subsequent neuronal death.26
Free Radical Formation
Free radicals are compounds that have an unpaired electron and are very reactive with other species
because they seek to obtain another electron. They include the superoxide anion O2-, which is
produced by adding an electron to O2, and the highly reactive hydroxyl radical HO, which is
produced by splitting (homolytic cleavage) the H2O2 molecule. The H2O2 molecule itself is reactive and
is also associated with injury. The superoxide and hydroxyl radicals react with other molecules to
generate other free radical species. Some toxins promote the formation of reactive oxidizing species to
the extent that defensive mechanisms against oxidants are overwhelmed, a condition called oxidative
stress. Oxidative stress may result in oxidative damage to lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. Free
radicals are most destructive when they initiate chain reactions, such as when a free radical attacks
polyunsaturated fatty acids in cellular membranes resulting in lipid peroxidation. This attack removes a
hydrogen atom from a methylene carbon and leaves an unpaired electron, causing the formation of a
lipid radical. This lipid free radical attacks other unsaturated fatty acid chains, causing a chain reaction
that destroys the cellular membrane. Membrane degradation products initiate inflammatory reactions in
the cells, resulting in further damage.77
Molecular oxygen (O2) has two unpaired electrons in its orbits. Because oxygen is a relatively weak
univalent electron acceptor (and most organic molecules are weak univalent electron donors), oxygen
cannot efficiently oxidize amino acids and nucleic acids. However, the unpaired electrons of O2 readily
interact with the unpaired electrons of transition metals and organic radicals. Metals frequently catalyze
the creation of oxygen free radicals. The following is an example of hydroxyl radical formation: (A) A
first step is the addition of an electron to O2 to create the superoxide ion. (B) The very reactive
superoxide combines with hydrogen and another electron to produce hydrogen peroxide. (C) In the
presence of a metal ion catalyst such as iron, hydrogen peroxide undergoes various reactions to produce
the hydroxyl radical. The dot in these formulas represents an unpaired electron, the hallmark of a free
Page 36 of 123
The damaging effects of the free radicals can be minimized by reaction with antioxidants such as
ascorbate, tocopherols, and glutathione.51 Deficiencies of antioxidants, especially glutathione, are
associated with increased oxidative damage. Free radicals are also neutralized by several enzymes,
including peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase.
The ethanol-inducible CYP2E1 isozyme produces significant amounts of superoxide and peroxide free
radicals, and, in the presence of iron, hydroxyl free radicals that readily initiate lipid peroxidation. This
has been studied extensively in models of the metabolism of carbon tetrachloride, ethanol, and
acetaminophen.18 The formation of free radicals is implicated in the pulmonary injury caused by
paraquat, the myocardial injury caused by doxorubicin, and the liver injury caused by carbon
tetrachloride.57,67 Paraquat reacts with NADPH to form a pyridinyl free radical, which, in turn, reacts
with oxygen to generate the superoxide anion radical. Adriamycin is metabolized to a semiquinone free
radical in the cardiac mitochondria, which, in the presence of oxygen, forms a superoxide anion radical
that initiates myocardial lipid peroxidation.57 Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is metabolized to the
trichloromethyl radical (CCl3) that binds covalently to cellular macromolecules. In the presence of
oxygen, this is converted to the trichloromethylperoxyl radical (CCl3O2) that can initiate lipid
peroxidation (Fig. 13-4).68 See Chap. 26 for a more extensive discussion.
Figure 13-4. Carbon tetrachloride metabolism by the hepatocyte. Under hypoxic conditions, the CCl3
radical is the predominant species formed. At higher oxygen tensions, CCl3 radical is oxidized to the
CCl3OO radical, which is more readily detoxified by glutathione. Both free radicals bind to hepatocytes
and cause cellular injury.
Critical Biochemical Pathways and Toxins that Affect them
High-energy phosphate bonds, predominantly in the form of ATP, fuel all energy-dependent cellular
processes such as synthesis, active transport, and maintenance of electrolyte balance and membrane
Page 37 of 123
integrity. When the production or use of ATP is inhibited, rapid cell death occurs. The ultimate goal of
many metabolic processes is the production and mobilization of cellular energy. Numerous pathways
interconnect glycogen, fat, and protein reserves in many tissues that store and retrieve ATP and glucose.
The brain and red blood cells are entirely dependent on glucose for energy production, while other
tissues can also use ketone bodies and fatty acids to synthesize ATP.
Catabolic pathways that produce cellular energy include glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA, or
Krebs) cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation, which are mediated by the electron transport chain.
Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol, while the TCA cycle and the electron transport chain are located within
the mitochondria. Glycolysis produces small amounts of ATP through the anaerobic metabolism of
glucose. Pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, yields far more ATP when it is converted to
acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) and processed aerobically by the oxygen-dependent TCA cycle.
The TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, which function only in the presence of oxygen, are the
major pathways of oxidative metabolism and the synthesis of ATP (Fig. 13-3). Oxidative
phosphorylation disposes of electrons or reducing equivalents
generated by the oxidative metabolism of cellular fuels, such as sugars and lipids, and converts their
energy to ATP. Oxidative metabolism is highly energy efficient, producing 36 moles of ATP for each
mole of glucose metabolized, compared to the 2 moles of ATP produced by glycolysis. The following
sections review the basics of cellular energy metabolism and several important xenobiotics that affect
these critical metabolic functions (Table 13-2).38,56
Glycolysis is the first biochemical pathway in the metabolism of glucose. Other sugars enter the
glycolytic pathway after conversion to glycolytic intermediates (Fig. 13-5). The glycolytic process
converts one molecule of glucose to 2 pyruvate molecules + 2 ATP + 2 NADH. Pyruvate may follow
many paths. Under anaerobic conditions, the 2 pyruvates produced from 1 glucose molecule are reduced
by lactate dehydrogenase to 2 lactate molecules in an NADH-requiring step that regenerates NAD+.
Thus, anaerobic glycolysis yields 2 molecules of lactate + 2 ATP. When NAD+ and oxygen are
available, pyruvate is converted by pyruvate decarboxylase to acetyl-CoA, which is transported from the
cytosol into the mitochondrion and condenses with oxaloacetate within the TCA cycle to form citrate
(Fig. 13-3).38,56 In energy replete conditions, pyruvate molecules are used for fatty acid synthesis.
TABLE 13-2. Inhibitors of Glucose Metabolism and ATP Synthesis
Oxygen becomes unavailable
Xenobiotics respiratory paralysis
Xenobiotics ischemia
Xenobiotics hemoglobin
Inhibits NADH production
Iodoacetate (at GAPDH)
NO+ (at GAPDH)
4-(Dimethylamino)phenol pGluconeogenesis
Inhibits NADH production
Fatty acid metabolism Inhibits NADH production
Aflatoxin Protease inhibitors
Amiodarone Salicylates
Hypoglycin Tetracycline
Perhexiline Valproic acid
Inhibits NADH production
Tricarboxylic acid
Inhibits NADH production
Fluoroacetate (at aconitase)
chain complex I
chain complex III
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Antimycin-A, funiculosin,
Substituted phenols (are also
Di- and trivalent metal cations (Zn2+,
Hg2+, Cu2+, and Cd2+)
Inhibits electron transport at complex IV Cyanide H2S
chain complex IV
Azide Formate
Nitric oxide Carbon monoxide
Phosphine Protamine
Inhibits ATP production from ADP at
Mycotoxins (numerous, including
chain at ATP synthase ATP synthase
Organic chlorines (DDT and
Organotin agents (cyhexatin)
Disrupts the movement of ADP into and Atractyloside
ADP/ATP antiporter ATP out of the mitochondria at the
Free fatty acids and some compounds
ADP/ATP antiporter
with similar structure
Mitochondria inner Uncouples oxidative phosphorylation by Substituted phenols
disrupting the proton gradient stops
(pentachlorophenol, dinitrophenol)
proton flow at ATP synthase stops
Lipophilic amines (amiodarone,
ATP synthesis
perhexiline, buprenorphine)
Thiadiazole herbicides
NSAIDs with ionizable groups
(salicylates, diclofenac, indomethacin,
Mitochondria inner Diverts electrons to alternate pathways (vs.Adriamycin
to the electron-transport chain)
Naphthoquinones (menadione)
GAPDH = glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; MPP+ = 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium.
Arsenate has a toxic effect at the glycolytic step where 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase (3PGA) catalyzes the oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to 1,3-diphosphoglycerate; a reaction that
preserves a high-energy phosphate bond used to synthesize ATP in the next step of glycolysis (Fig. 135).14 As an analog of phosphate, arsenate acts as a substrate at this step. The resultant unstable
intermediate is rapidly hydrolyzed, preventing the subsequent synthesis of ATP and interrupting
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Figure 13-5. During glycolysis, the anaerobic metabolism of 1 mole of glucose to 2 moles of lactate
results in the net production of 2 moles of ATP. Arsenic inhibits 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase,
which catalyzes the oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to 1,3-diphosphoglycerate.
Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
The TCA cycle uses acetyl-CoA derived from glycolysis, fat, or protein to regenerate NADH from
NAD+. The cycle is a major source of electrons (in the form of NADH) and is critical to the aerobic
production of ATP (Fig. 13-3). Each acetyl-CoA molecule that is oxidized within the TCA cycle
ultimately forms 1 molecule each of CO2 and GTP (guanosine triphosphate), and, more importantly, 3
molecules of NADH and 1 molecule of flavin adenine dinucleotide (reduced form) (FADH2), which
enter the electron transport chain, and produce 15 molecules of ATP. In addition, the TCA cycle
provides important intermediates for amino acid synthesis and for gluconeogenesis.38
Inhibitors of the TCA cycle are powerful toxins. Two highly toxic rodenticides, sodium fluoroacetate
and fluoroacetamide, are incorporated as fluoroacetyl coenzyme A and enter the TCA cycle by
condensation with oxaloacetate to form fluorocitrate. This blocks the conversion of citrate to isocitrate,
which results in the accumulation of large amounts of citrate in the mitochondria, inhibition of the cycle,
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Compounds that are capable of carrying hydrogen ions across membranes are generally lipophilic weak
acids. These agents must have an acid-dissociable group to carry the proton, and a bulky lipophilic
group to cross a membrane.83 Dinitrophenol is able to carry its proton from the cytosol into the more
alkaline mitochondrial matrix where it dissociates, acidifying the matrix and destroying the proton
gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Interestingly, the phenolate anion of dinitrophenol is
relatively lipophilic and can cross back out to the cytosol where it gains a new proton and starts the
process over again. Long-chain fatty acids uncouple oxidative phosphorylation by a similar
mechanism.83 Fatal exposures to dinitrophenol and to pentachlorophenol, a wood preservative, are
associated with severe hyperthermia attributed to heat generation by uncoupled oxidative
phosphorylation.53 Rats develop fatal hyperthermia following oral ingestion of dinitrophenol.78 The
hyperthermia and acidosis associated with severe salicylate poisoning are also attributed to its
uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation.76
Pentose Phosphate (Hexose Monophosphate) Shunt
The hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt provides the only source of cellular NADPH. NADPH is used
in biosynthetic reactions, particularly fatty acid synthesis, and is an important source of reducing power
for the maintenance of sulfhydryl groups that protect the cell from free radical injury.9,35 As discussed
earlier, G6PD is a key enzyme in the pathway (Fig. 13-6). Reduced glutathione, which is quantitatively
the most important general antioxidant in cells, depends on the availability of NADPH. RBCs are
especially vulnerable to deficiency of NADPH, which results in hemolysis during oxidative stress.
Figure 13-6. The oxidation reactions of the pentose phosphate pathway are an important source of
NADPH for reductive biosynthesis and for protection of cells against oxidative stress. Deficiency of
G6PD, the first enzyme in the pathway, may result in RBC hemolysis during oxidative stress.
Another manifestation of oxidative stress in RBCs is the oxidation of the iron in hemoglobin from Fe2+
to Fe3+, producing methemoglobin that occurs both spontaneously and as a response to xenobiotics such
as nitrites and aminophenols. Because most reduction of methemoglobin is done by NADH-dependent
methemoglobin reductase, which is not deficient in persons who lack G6PD, such persons do not
develop methemoglobinemia under normal circumstances. However, when oxidative stress is severe and
methemoglobinemia develops, people who have G6PD deficiency have limited ability to use the
alternative NADPH-dependent methemoglobin reductase (Chap. 122).87
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Gluconeogenesis is a biochemical pathway localized predominantly in the liver that facilitates the
conversion of amino acids and intermediates of the TCA cycle to glucose. It is an important source of
glucose during fasting and enables maintenance of glycogen stores. Most of the steps in the synthesis of
glucose from pyruvate are simply the reverse of glycolysis, with three irreversible exceptions: (a) the
conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to glucose; (b) the conversion of fructose-1,6-diphosphate to
fructose-6-phosphate; and (c) the synthesis of phosphoenolpyruvate from pyruvate. The synthesis of
phosphoenolpyruvate from pyruvate is especially complex. Pyruvate is first converted to oxaloacetate
within the mitochondria, then to malate, which is transported out of the mitochondria and converted in
the cytosol back to oxaloacetate, and then to phosphoenolpyruvate (Fig. 13-7). Certain amino acids,
notably alanine, glutamate, and aspartate, are readily converted to TCA cycle intermediates and can be
used in the synthesis of glucose through this cycle.38 Glycerol, produced by the breakdown of
triglycerides in adipose tissue, is another substrate for gluconeogenesis.
The regulation of gluconeogenesis is opposite to that of glycolysis. Both glucagon and catecholamines
stimulate gluconeogenesis, whereas insulin and hyperglycemia turn it off. Gluconeogenesis requires the
presence of NAD+ in the cytosol, which is necessary to oxidize lactate to pyruvate. It also requires the
presence of NADH in the mitochondria. It is impaired by processes that increase the cytosol reducing
potential as measured by the cytosol NADH/NAD+ ratio (see discussion below).
A number of xenobiotics impair gluconeogenesis, resulting in hypoglycemia when glycogen stores are
depleted (Table 13-2). Hypoglycin A, an unusual amino acid found in unripe ackee fruit that is the cause
of Jamaican vomiting sickness, produces profound hypoglycemia.23,76,80 Its metabolite
methylenecyclopropylacetic acid (MCPA) indirectly inhibits gluconeogenesis by blocking the oxidation
of long-chain fatty acids, an important source of NADH in mitochondria. It also inhibits the metabolism
of several glycogenic amino acids including leucine, isoleucine, and tryptophan, and blocks their
entrance into the TCA cycle. MCPA may also prevent the transport of malate out of the
mitochondria.71,80,81 Significant hypoglycemia occurs in fasting patients with elevated ethanol
levels.7,25,49 This is likely a result of the impairment of gluconeogenesis by the increased cytosolic
NADH:NAD+ ratio associated with the metabolism of ethanol. This inhibits the two steps that require
NAD+: the conversion of lactate to pyruvate and the conversion in the cytosol of malate to
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Figure 13-7. Gluconeogenesis reverses the steps of glycolysis, with the exception of the bypass of the
three irreversible steps shown. The step from pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate involves both cytosolic
and mitochondrial reactions that use ATP. Hypoglycin A inhibits the intramitochondrial conversion of
oxaloacetate to malate by depleting NADH through interference with -oxidation of fatty acids. Ethanol
decreases cytosolic supplies of NAD+. Pyruvate kinase (PK) and phosphofructokinase (PFK), the
enzymes whose activities are regulated by glucagon via cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)dependent phosphokinase, are shown.
Fatty Acid Metabolism
Fatty acid metabolism occurs primarily in hepatocytes. Fatty acids mobilized in adipose tissue enter
hepatocytes by passive diffusion. Fatty acid synthesis is stimulated by insulin and inhibited by glucagon
and epinephrine. Acetyl-CoA is the primary building block of free fatty acids (FFAs). In energy-repleted
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cells, fatty acids are combined with glycerol phosphate to form triacylglycerol (triglycerides), the first
step in the synthesis of fat for storage. Hepatic triglycerides are bound to lipoprotein to form very-lowdensity lipoprotein (VLDL), then transported and stored in adipocytes. When hepatocytes are energy
depleted, triglycerides are broken down to FFA and glycerol (Fig. 13-8). This process is suppressed by
insulin, but supported by glucagon or epinephrine. FFAs undergo -oxidation in the mitochondria, a
process that breaks the FFA into acetyl-CoA molecules that can then enter the TCA cycle. FFAs require
activation before transport into the mitochondria. This is accomplished by acylcoenzyme A (acyl-CoA)
synthetase, which adds a CoA group to the FFA in an energy dependent synthetic reaction. These are
transported into the mitochondria by a process that utilizes cyclical binding to carnitine, a carnitine
shuttle (Fig. 13-3). Once inside the mitochondria, FFAs are converted to acetyl-CoA by -oxidation,
so-called because it involves the sequential removal of 2-carbon fragments, each time acting at the
second carbon (the carbon) position of the fatty acid. Each 2-carbon molecule removed from the FFA
produces 1 NADH and 1 FADH2, which enter oxidative phosphorylation, and 1 mole of acetyl-CoA,
which enters the TCA cycle. This process produces 1.3 times more ATP per molecule of carbon
metabolized than does the oxidative metabolism of glucose or other carbohydrates.38
Figure 13-8. Steatosis, an accumulation of fat, results when toxins interfere with the oxidation of fatty
acids. Other processes that may be associated with intracellular accumulation of fat include (a) impaired
Page 45 of 123
lipoprotein synthesis; (b) impaired lipoprotein release; (c) increased mobilization of free fatty acids; (d)
increased uptake of circulating lipids; and (e) increased production of triglycerides. -Oxidation takes
place in the mitochondria after transport of fatty acids from the cellular cytosol across the mitochondrial
membrane. The enzymes involved are (a) acyl-CoA synthetase; (b) carnitine palmitoyltransferase I; (c)
carnitine acylcarnitine translocase; and (d) carnitine palmitoyltransferase II. Acyl-CoA is the
intramitochondrial substrate for -oxidation. Potential mechanisms of inhibition of -oxidation include
induction of carnitine deficiency, inhibition of the transferase or translocase, and increased
NADH:NAD+ ratio via increased use of NAD+ or by inhibition of NADH use. The specific site of
action is not defined for many toxins that cause steatosis.
Many xenobiotics interrupt fatty acid metabolism at various steps, resulting in accumulation of
triglycerides in the liver (Table 13-2). The mechanisms of disruption of fatty acid metabolism are poorly
defined and numerous hypotheses are proposed.16 Some agents, including ethanol, hypoglycin, and
nucleoside analogs (Chap. 26), inhibit -oxidation, at least indirectly, through effects on NADH
concentrations. Protease inhibitors are associated with a syndrome of peripheral fat wasting, central
adiposity, hyperlipidemia, and insulin resistance.
The condition of alcoholic ketoacidosis is related in part to inhibition of gluconeogenesis in the
alcoholic patient and in part to an exuberant response to nutritional needs by the fatty acid machinery.
Vomiting in the alcoholic patient leads to decreased intake of carbohydrate, which stimulates a
starvation response with increases in serum glucagon, cortisol, growth hormone, and epinephrine
concentrations, and decreases in serum insulin. When the need for carbohydrate is not met by
gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, which is normally inhibited by insulin, is intensified and fatty acid
mobilization progresses. Glucagon stimulates mitochondrial carnitine acyltransferase, and -oxidation
of fatty acids is increased. The increased mitochondrial NADH:NAD+ ratio favors the production of hydroxybutyrate over acetoacetate, its oxidized form. The administration of fluids, dextrose and
thiamine to the alcoholic patient leads to correction of this process.70
Humans and other animals are exposed to a wide variety of xenobiotics. Some, including therapeutic
drugs, are harmless at low doses and toxic only at high doses. The toxicity of those xenobiotics that
interrupt important biologic functions or that result in cellular injury is dose-related and often rapidly
evident. The diverse mechanisms of toxic injury have been discussed in general terms. The capacity of
xenobiotics to cause injury is clearly a function of many factors specific to the xenobiotic, the tissue
injured, and the individual animal or species.
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Editors: Flomenbaum, Neal E.; Goldfrank, Lewis R.; Hoffman, Robert S.; Howland, Mary Ann; Lewin,
Neal A.; Nelson, Lewis S.
Title: Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, 8th Edition
Copyright 2006 McGraw-Hill
> Table of Contents > Part B - The Fundamental Principles of Medical Toxicology > Section I Biochemical and Molecular Basis > Chapter 14 - Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators
Chapter 14
Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators
Steven C. Curry
Kirk C. Mills
Anne-Michelle Ruha
Many poisonous substances produce their primary toxic effects by affecting neurotransmission. This
chapter reviews the normal physiology of neurotransmission, the molecular action and biochemistry of
several major neurotransmitters and their receptors, and the toxicologic mechanisms by which numerous
substances act at the molecular level. Acetylcholine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, serotonin,
-aminobutyric acid (GABA), -hydroxybutyrate (GHB), glycine, glutamate, and adenosine are the
neurotransmitters and neuromodulators of toxicologic interest that are discussed in this chapter.
When examining molecular actions of drugs and toxins on neurotransmitter systems, it is apparent that
substances rarely possess single pharmacologic actions. For example, doxepin, in part, antagonizes
voltage-gated sodium channels, histaminic H1 and H2 receptors, -adrenoceptors, muscarinic
acetylcholine receptors, dopamine D2 receptors, and GABAA receptors; prevents potassium efflux; and
inhibits norepinephrine, serotonin, and adenosine uptake. For obvious reasons, then, this chapter cannot
include every action of every drug or toxin on the nervous system. Nor is it meant to be a complete
discussion of toxic syndromes produced by various agents, as these are discussed in specific chapters.
Rather, this chapter provides a general and basic understanding of the mechanisms of action of various
toxic agents affecting neurotransmitter function and receptors, especially in the central nervous system.
With this focus, the clinical effects produced by various toxins are more easily understood and
predicted, and specific treatments aimed at reversing pharmacologic effects of the offending agents can
be rationally undertaken.
Given the complexity of the nervous system and the numerous actions of a given drug, it is not always
clear which neurotransmitter system is producing an observed effect during a particular toxicity.
Therefore, pharmacologic agents discussed in this chapter may be found in several sections. An attempt
is made to note what appears to be a drug or toxin's main mechanism of action, although other actions
are noted when possible.
Neuron Physiology and Neurotransmission
Membrane Potentials, Ion Channels, and Nerve Conduction
Membrane-bound sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) moves three sodium ions (Na+)
from inside the cell to the interstitial space while pumping two potassium ions (K+) into the cell.
Because the cell membrane is not freely permeable to large, negatively charged molecules on the inside
of the cell, such as proteins, an equilibrium results in which the inside of the neuron is negative with
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respect to the outside. This typical neuronal resting membrane potential is 65 mV.
Sodium, calcium (Ca2+), K+, and chloride (Cl-) ions move into and out of neurons through ion channels.
Ions always move passively down electrochemical gradients through ion channels, which are long
polypeptides comprising several subunits that span the plasma membrane several times. Many different
ion channels are structurally comparable, sharing similar amino acid sequences.17 Channels for a
specific ion can also vary in structure, depending on the specific subunits that have combined to form
the channel. Because of structural similarity of different channels, it is not surprising that many drugs or
toxins are able to bind to more than one type of ion channel.
More than 40 different ion channels have been described in various nerve terminals,99 and it is estimated
that a human being contains hundreds of different varieties of ion channels for Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, and K+.
Most ion channels fall into two general classes: voltage-gated (voltage-dependent) ion channels and
ligand-gated ion channels.99 Voltage-gated channels open or close in response to changes in membrane
potential. Ligand-gated channels open or close when a ligand (eg, neurotransmitter) binds to the channel
to change its configuration.
A commonly accepted model describes voltage-gated Na+ channels and some other voltage-gated ion
channels in three possible states. Using Na+ channels as an example, the Na+ channel is closed at rest
and impermeable to sodium, preventing Na+ from moving into the cell. When the channel undergoes
activation, the channel opens, allowing Na+ to move intracellularly, down its electrochemical gradient.
The channel then undergoes a third conformational change by becoming inactivated, preventing further
influx of Na+. The term recovery describes the conversion of inactive channels back to the resting state,
a process that requires repolarization of the cell membrane.
Depolarization of a neuron usually results from an initial inward flux of cations (Na+ or Ca2+), or
prevention of K+ efflux. The fall in membrane potential (movement toward 0 mV) results in further
activation of these voltage-dependent Na+ channels, allowing yet a greater influx of cations. When the
potential falls to threshold, Na+ channels are activated en masse, and there is a large influx of Na+.
Depolarization of a segment of the neurolemma causes the adjacent neuronal membrane to reach
threshold, resulting in the propagation of an action potential down the neuron. Sodium channel
activation is quickly followed by inactivation. Over the short-term, repolarization of the neuron
occurring after inactivation of Na+ channels mainly results from efflux of K+ and some influx of Cl-.
Neurotransmitter Release
Neurotransmitters are chemicals that are released from nerve endings into the synapse, where they
produce effects by binding to receptors on postsynaptic and/or presynaptic cell membranes. The
receptors may be on other neurons or effector organs such as smooth muscle. Concentrations of
neurotransmitters in cytoplasm are usually low because of rapid degradation by various enzymes and
because they diffuse out of the nerve ending. To provide a source of neurotransmitters that is protected
from degradation and that can be rapidly released, neurotransmitters are concentrated and stored within
vesicles in the axonal nerve terminal for release. As a wave of depolarization from Na+ influx reaches
the nerve ending, the membrane depolarization causes voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to open, allowing
Ca2+ to move rapidly into the cell. This influx of Ca2+ triggers exocytosis of vesicle contents into the
synapse. The voltage-gated Ca2+ channels responsible for inward Ca2+ currents that trigger
neurotransmitter release are mainly of the N and P subtypes.103,121 Calcium channel blockers used in
clinical practice (eg, verapamil, nifedipine) do not block these subtypes of voltage-dependent Ca2+
channels, but rather block the L-type. However, L-subtype Ca2+ channels reside elsewhere on neurons,
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which explains the ability of traditional Ca2+ channel blockers to affect some neurologic functions.
Vesicle Transport of Neurotransmitters
The pH inside neurotransmitter vesicles is about 5.5, lower than that in the cytoplasm. A vacuolar
adenosine triphosphatase (V-ATPase) in the vesicular membrane is responsible for movement of protons
into the vesicular lumen at the expense of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis. Vesicular uptake
pumps that move neurotransmitters or their precursors from the cytoplasm into the vesicle lumen, in
turn, are powered by the electrochemical H+ gradient; that is, the movement of an H+ out of the vesicle
into the cytoplasm is coupled to the movement of a neurotransmitter from the cytoplasm into the vesicle.
This is particularly true for vesicular transporters of GABA, glycine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and
At least four unique vesicular transporters for neurotransmitters have been sequenced to date. VGAT
transports GABA and glycine. VMAT2 transports all three monoamines, dopamine, norepinephrine, and
serotonin (VMAT1 transports monoamines into nonneuronal vesicles). VAChT is responsible for
acetylcholine (ACh) transport, and VGluT1 transports glutamate.
Neurotransmitters are confined within the vesicle, to a great extent, by ion trapping, as they are more
ionized and less able to diffuse back out of the vesicle at the lower pH. Anything that causes a decrease
in the pH gradient across the vesicle membrane results in the movement of neurotransmitters into the
cytoplasm.149 For example, amphetamines move into vesicles, where they buffer protons, causing the
movement of monoamine neurotransmitters out of vesicles, and raising cytoplasmic concentrations of
Neurotransmitter Uptake
Although acetylcholine is inactivated in the synapse by enzymatic degradation, most neurotransmitters
have their synaptic effects terminated by active uptake into neurons and/or glial cells. These plasma
membrane neurotransmitter transporters are distinct from those transporters responsible for movement
of neurotransmitters into vesicles within the cytoplasm. Cell membrane transporters (uptake pumps) for
different neurotransmitters are Na+-dependent transport proteins, during which the uptake of
neurotransmitters is accompanied by the movement of Na+ across the synaptic membrane.2
Neurotransmitter uptake transporters have been subdivided into two main families.2 One family includes
structurally similar uptake pumps for -aminobutyric acid, glycine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and
serotonin. They generally comprise 600700 amino acids and form loops spanning the plasma
membrane 12 times.
GAT-1 transports GABA into neurons, while GAT-2, GAT-3 and GAT-4 transport GABA into glial
cells and, possibly, into postsynaptic neurons. DAT, SERT, and NET are responsible for uptake of
dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, respectively. GLYT-1 (at least three isoforms) transports
glycine into neurons and astrocytes, while GLYT-2 transports glycine into glycinergic neurons.
The second family comprises 5 glutamate uptake transporters (excitatory amino acid transporters),
which appear to traverse the plasma membrane 10 times. EAAT1 resides in cerebellar glial cells;
EAAT2 in forebrain glia; EAAT3 in cortical neurons; EEAT4 in cerebellar Purkinje cells; and EAAT5
in the retina. Each time a glutamate moves into a neuron or glial cell, it is accompanied by 3 Na+ and 1
proton. At the same time, a K+ is extruded with each cycle.
Several properties make transporter proteins of particular toxicologic significance. First, they are
capable of moving neurotransmitters in either direction; when cytoplasmic neurotransmitter
concentrations are significantly elevated, neurotransmitters can be transported back into the synapse.
Second, these transporters are not always completely specific for a particular substance. For instance,
the uptake transporter for norepinephrine can pump dopamine and other biogenic amines into the
neuron. Third, a drug or toxin that acts at the level of the membrane transporter may affect functions of
several different neurotransmitters, depending on its specificity for a particular transporter. As an
example, fluoxetine is fairly specific at inhibiting uptake of serotonin, whereas cocaine inhibits the
uptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.
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Neurotransmitter Receptors
Channel Receptors
The first general class of neurotransmitter receptors comprise ligand-gated ion channels (channel
receptors or ionotropic receptors) in which the receptor for the neurotransmitter is part of an ion channel.
These channels comprise multiple subunits which combine in various combinations to create channels
that vary in their response to a given neurotransmitter or other agonist/antagonist. By binding to its
receptor, the neurotransmitter allosterically changes the configuration of the ion channel so that ions can
more easily traverse the channel and enter or leave the cell. As an example, the acetylcholine nicotinic
receptor at the neuromuscular junction is a ligand-gated Na+ channel. When
acetylcholine binds to the nicotinic receptor, the channel's configuration changes, allowing Na+ to move
into the cell and trigger an action potential. (The action potential then propagates down muscle via
voltage-gated Na+ channels.) Table 14-1 lists other examples of channel receptors.
TABLE 14-1. Types of Neurotransmitter and Neuromodulator Receptors
Linked to G Protein
Ion Channel
ACh nicotinic
ACh muscarinic
Glycine (inhibitory)
Glutamate AMPA
Glutamate NMDA
Glutamate kainate
Glutamate metabotropic
ACh = acetylcholine; AMPA = amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyI-4-isoxazole propionate; GABA = aminobutyric acid; 5-HT = 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin); NMDA = N-methyl-D-aspartate.
G Protein Receptors
The second general class of neurotransmitter receptors are linked to G proteins, which are part of a
superfamily of proteins with guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) activity responsible for signal
transduction across plasma membranes.140 G proteins comprise 3 polypeptide subunits: , , and
chains. These chains span the plasma membrane several times, and they associate with a separately
transcribed neurotransmitter receptor that spans the cell membrane 7 times, with an external binding site
for neurotransmitters. Some receptors (eg, GABAB receptor) coupled to G proteins are dimers
comprising two separate proteins, both of which must be present for activity.
Both the subunit and the subunit of a G protein may account for activity resulting from a
neurotransmitter binding to its receptor. The chain normally binds guanosine diphosphate (GDP) in
the cytoplasm and is inactive. When a neurotransmitter binds to its receptor on the outside of the cell
membrane, GDP dissociates from the chain and guanosine triphosphate (GTP) binds in its place,
activating the subunit. The activated chain then dissociates from receptor and from the and
chains. Both the activated subunit and subunits modulate effectors in the plasma membrane.140
The effector influenced by or subunits may be an enzyme that the subunits stimulate or inhibit
(eg, adenylate cyclase) or an ion channel that is opened or closed directly or through other chemical
reactions (eg, channel phosphorylation).30 Intrinsic GTPase activity in the chain eventually converts
the GTP to GDP, inactivating the subunit and allowing it to reassociate with the and chains and
the neurotransmitter receptor, terminating the action of the subunits.140
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inhibit adenylate cyclase or modulate K+ and Ca2+ channels. Receptors coupled to Gq/11 act through
membrane-bound phospholipase C to increase intracellular calcium concentrations.
Table 14-1 lists the neurotransmitter receptors coupled to G proteins. A given neurotransmitter can
activate different classes of receptors (eg, channel and G protein) or different types of receptors in the
same class. For example, GABAA receptors are Cl- channels, whereas GABAB receptors are coupled to
G proteins. Dopamine D1 receptors are linked to Gs, whereas D2 receptors are linked to Gi or Go.
Neuronal Excitation and Inhibition
Excitatory neurotransmitters usually act postsynaptically by causing Na+ or Ca2+ influx, or by
preventing K+ efflux, triggering depolarization and an action potential (Fig. 14-1). These effects may be
mediated by channel or G protein-coupled receptors.
Postsynaptic inhibition can be mediated by channel receptors or by receptors coupled to G proteins (Fig.
14-1). Inhibition is usually accomplished by movement of Cl- into the neuron or by movement of K+ out
of the neuron. Both processes hyperpolarize the neuron and move membrane potential farther away from
threshold, making it more difficult for a given stimulus to depolarize the membrane to threshold voltage.
Presynaptic inhibition, the prevention of neurotransmitter release, is usually mediated by receptors
coupled to G proteins. When a neurotransmitter released from a neuron binds to a receptor on that same
neuron to limit further neurotransmitter release, the receptor is termed an autoreceptor.133 Autoreceptors
reside on dendrites, cell bodies, axons, and presynaptic terminals. Autoreceptors on dendrites and cell
bodies (somatodendritic autoreceptors) usually inhibit further neurotransmitter release by increasing K+
efflux, hyperpolarizing the neuron away from threshold (Fig. 14-2). However, activation of
autoreceptors found on presynaptic terminals (terminal autoreceptors) usually limits increases in
Page 54 of 123
intracellular Ca2+ concentration by limiting Ca2+ influx or preventing release from intracellular Ca2+
stores, impairing exocytosis of neurotransmitter vesicles (Fig. 14-2). Types of neurotransmitter receptors
that serve as autoreceptors also usually reside postsynaptically, where they may mediate different
physiologic effects.
Presynaptic nerve terminal inhibition of neurotransmitter release is not limited to actions by
autoreceptors. Presynaptic terminal inhibitory receptors for various neurotransmitters may be found on a
single neuron (heteroreceptors). For example, not only does stimulation of an 2 autoreceptor on a
noradrenergic nerve limit norepinephrine release, but stimulation of presynaptic 2 receptors found on
postganglionic parasympathetic nerve terminals prevents acetylcholine release.
Finally, stimulation of receptors on presynaptic nerve endings may enhance, rather than inhibit,
neurotransmitter release. Such receptors also are usually coupled to G proteins. For example, stimulation
of a 2 receptor on an adrenergic nerve terminal enhances norepinephrine release.
Figure 14-2. Common mechanisms of presynaptic inhibition (the inhibition of neurotransmitter [NT]
release). A. Neuron A releases NT, which returns to activate receptors on the cell body or dendrites
(somatodendritic autoreceptors), or on the axonal terminal (terminal autoreceptors). Such activation
limits further release of NT by completing a negative feedback loop. B. At somatodendritic
autoreceptors, NT binding produces activation of G proteins, which promote either K+ efflux or Clinflux; both processes hyperpolarize the neuron away from threshold. C. At terminal autoreceptors, NT
binding activates G proteins, which, through various mechanisms, lower intracellular Ca2+
concentrations to prevent exocytosis of NT vesicles, despite depolarization. Presynaptic inhibitory
receptors for other types of NTs (heteroreceptors) are illustrated in C. Excitatory axonal terminal
autoreceptors and heteroreceptors that serve to enhance (not inhibit) neurotransmitter release are not
shown. G = G protein.
Page 55 of 123
ACh is a neurotransmitter of the central and peripheral nervous system. Centrally, it is found in both
brain and spinal cord; cholinergic fibers project diffusely to the cerebral cortex. Peripherally, ACh
serves as a neurotransmitter in autonomic and somatic motor fibers (Fig. 14-3).
Synthesis, Release, and Inactivation
Acetylcholine is synthesized from acetylcoenzyme A and choline. Acetylcholine moves into synaptic
vesicles via the vesicular membrane transporter VAChT, where it is stored before release into the
synapse by Ca2+-dependent exocytosis. Acetylcholine undergoes degradation in the synapse to choline
and acetic acid by acetylcholinesterase. An Na+-dependent transporter in the neuronal membrane then
pumps choline back into the cytoplasm to be used again as a substrate for ACh synthesis (Fig. 14-4).
Pseudocholinesterase (plasma cholinesterase) is made in the liver and
plays no role in the degradation of synaptic ACh. However, it does metabolize some drugs, including
cocaine and succinylcholine.
Figure 14-3. Diagram of the cholinergic nervous system, including adrenergic involvement in the
autonomic nervous system. ACh binds to CNS, ganglionic, and adrenal neuronal nicotinic receptors
(nnAChRs) and to neuromuscular junction nicotinic receptors (NMJ nAChRs). ACh also binds to
various subtypes of muscarinic (M) receptors in the CNS and on effector organs innervated by
postsynaptic parasympathetic neurons and to most sweat glands. NE and/or EPI released in response to
ganglionic ACh stimulation of nnAChRs activates - and -adrenoceptors. ACh =acetylcholine; ANS =
autonomic nervous system; CNS =central nervous system; EPI =epinephrine; NE =norepinephrine.
Acetylcholine Receptors
Nicotinic Receptors
After release from cholinergic nerve endings, ACh activates two main types of receptors: nicotinic and
muscarinic.85 Nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) reside in CNS (mainly in spinal cord), on postganglionic
autonomic neurons (both sympathetic and parasympathetic), and at skeletal neuromuscular junctions,
where they mediate muscle contraction (Fig. 14-3).
Nicotinic receptors at neuromuscular junctions (NMJ nAChRs) are part of an Na+ channel made of five
protein subunits and are thus channel receptors. Stimulation of these receptors by ACh results mainly in
Na+ influx, depolarization of the endplate, and triggering of an action potential that is propagated down
muscle by voltage-gated Na+ channels.
Page 56 of 123
Nicotinic receptors on central or peripheral neurons or in the adrenal gland are termed neuronal
nAChRs. Neuronal nAChRs are also ion channels, although in some cases Ca2+ influx through the
receptor may be more important than Na+ influx. Neuronal nAChRs also comprise five protein subunits.
Muscarinic Receptors
Muscarinic receptors reside in the CNS (mainly in the brain), on end organs innervated by
postganglionic parasympathetic nerve endings, and at most postganglionic sympathetically innervated
sweat glands (Fig. 14-4). At least five subtypes of muscarinic receptors, M15, are recognized and
linked to several G proteins. For example, in the heart, ACh released from the vagus nerve binds to M2
receptors linked to Gi. Gi opens K+ channels, allowing efflux of K+ down its concentration gradient,
which makes the inside of the cell more negative and more difficult to depolarize, slowing heart rate.
Different subtypes of muscarinic receptors also act as autoreceptors in various locations, M1 being the
most common.
Chemical Agents
Table 14-2 provides examples of agents that affect cholinergic neurotransmission.
Modulators of Acetylcholine Release
Figure 14-4 illustrates sites of actions of numerous agents that influence the cholinergic nervous system.
Botulinum toxins, some neurotoxins from pit vipers, and elapid -neurotoxins prevent release of ACh
from peripheral nerve endings.61 This results in ptosis, other cranial nerve signs, weakness, and
respiratory failure. Hypermagnesemia also inhibits acetylcholine release, probably by inhibiting Ca2+
influx into the nerve endings.85
Guanidine, aminopyridines, and black widow spider venom enhance the release of ACh from nerve
endings. Guanidine has been unsuccessfully tried as a treatment for botulism. Aminopyridines block
voltage-gated K+ channels to prevent K+ efflux; the resultant action potential widening (delayed
repolarization) causes prolongation of Ca2+ channel activation, enhancing influx of Ca2+ and promoting
neurotransmitter release. Aminopyridines have been used therapeutically in Lambert-Eaton syndrome,
myasthenia gravis, and multiple sclerosis, and experimentally in calcium channel blocker overdose.
Black widow spider venom causes acetylcholine release with resultant muscle cramping and
diaphoresis.6 Carbachol, a nicotinic and muscarinic agonist, also probably causes ACh release.
Page 57 of 123
Figure 14-4. Cholinergic nerve ending. Activation of postsynaptic muscarinic receptors hyperpolarizes
the postsynaptic membrane through G-protein-mediated enhancement of K+ efflux. Several subtypes of
muscarinic receptors coupled to various G proteins exista muscarinic receptor coupled to a G protein
that opens K+ channels is shown only as an example. Postsynaptic nicotinic receptor activation causes
Na+ influx and membrane depolarization. Importantly, Ca2+ influx appears to be the main cation
involved with some neuronal nicotinic receptors. Presynaptic muscarinic and 2-adrenoceptor
activation prevents ACh release through lowering of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. The agents listed
in Table 14-2 may act to enhance or prevent release of ACh [1]; activate or antagonize postsynaptic
muscarinic (M) receptors [2]; activate or antagonize nicotinic (N) receptors [3]; inhibit
acetylcholinesterase [4]; prevent ACh release by stimulating presynaptic muscarinic autoreceptors [5] or
2-adrenergic heteroreceptors [6]; or enhance ACh release by antagonizing presynaptic autoreceptors
[5] or by antagonizing presynaptic 2-adrenergic heteroreceptors [6] (on parasympathetic
postganglionic terminals). ACh =acetylcholine; G = G protein; NE =norepinephrine; VAChT = vesicular
transporter for ACh.
Nicotinic Receptor Agonists and Antagonists
Agents that bind to and activate nicotinic receptors may stimulate postganglionic sympathetic and
parasympathetic neurons, skeletal muscle endplates, and neurons within the CNS (Fig. 14-3). Prolonged
depolarization at the receptor eventually causes blockade of nicotinic receptors.113 For example,
poisoning by nicotine, both a neuronal and NMJ nAChR agonist, produces hypertension, tachycardia,
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Page 59 of 123
ACh = acetylcholine
aAntagonism of -adrenoceptors enhances ACh release from parasympathetic nerve endings.
bDepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent.
c-Bungarotoxin exemplifies many elapid -neurotoxins that produce paralysis and death from
respiratory failure.
Agents that block NMJ nAChRs without stimulation at skeletal neuromuscular junctions produce
weakness and paralysis. Examples include curare and atracurium. -Neurotoxins from elapids (eg, bungarotoxin) directly antagonize NMJ nAChRs,
producing ptosis, weakness, and respiratory failure from paralysis.164
Chemicals blocking peripheral neuronal nAChRs produce autonomic ganglionic blockade.
Trimethaphan is used as a pharmacologic ganglionic blocker; however, trimethaphan is not entirely
specific for neuronal nAChRs. Occasional patients develop weakness and paralysis from NMJ nAChR
Recent studies demonstrate that the function of neuronal nAChRs can be modulated by a variety of
compounds that do not bind to the ACh binding site, but bind instead to a number of distinct allosteric
sites on the neuronal nAChR. For example, aside from their ability to inhibit acetylcholinesterase,
physostigmine, tacrine, and galantamine bind to a noncompetitive allosteric activator site on neuronal
nAChRs to enhance channel opening and ion conductance (there is evidence suggesting that serotonin
may bind here as well). Furthermore, a diverse range of compounds, including chlorpromazine,
phencyclidine, ketamine, local anesthetics, and ethanol bind to a noncompetitive negative allosteric site
(s) to inhibit inward ion fluxes without directly affecting ACh binding. Steroids can desensitize neuronal
nAChRs by binding to yet an additional allosteric site. Finally, a dihydropyridine calcium channel
blocker binding site has been described, but remains poorly understood.115
Muscarinic Receptor Agonists and Antagonists
Peripheral muscarinic agonists produce bradycardia, miosis, salivation, lacrimation, vomiting, diarrhea,
bronchospasm, bronchorrhea, and micturition. Central muscarinic agonists produce sedation,
extrapyramidal dystonias and rigidity, coma, and convulsions. Examples of direct muscarinic agonists
include muscarine (from mushrooms), bethanechol, pilocarpine, carbachol, arecoline, and methacholine.
Anticholinergic poisoning syndrome results from blockade of muscarinic receptors and is more
appropriately referred to as antimuscarinic poisoning syndrome.136 Central nervous system muscarinic
blockade produces confusion, agitation, myoclonus, tremor, picking movements, abnormal speech,
hallucinations, and coma. Peripheral antimuscarinic effects include mydriasis, anhidrosis, tachycardia,
and urinary retention. Muscarinic antagonists number in the hundreds; Table 14-2 lists examples.
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition
Agents inhibiting acetylcholinesterase raise ACh concentrations at both nicotinic and muscarinic
receptors, producing a variety of CNS, sympathetic, parasympathetic, and skeletal muscle signs and
symptoms.32 Anticholinesterases include organic phosphorus compounds and N-methylcarbamates.
Organic phosphorus compounds are usually encountered as insecticides, although topical medicinal
organic phosphorus compounds are used for the treatment of glaucoma and lice. N-methylcarbamates
are found as insecticides and pharmaceutics. Medicinal N-methylcarbamates include physostigmine,
pyridostigmine, rivastigmine, and neostigmine. Edrophonium, galantamine, tacrine, and metrifonate are
noncarbamate, reversible anticholinesterases.
2-Adrenoceptor Agonists and Antagonists
Agonists and antagonists of 2-adrenoceptors are discussed in detail below. Briefly, stimulation of
presynaptic 2-adrenoceptors on postganglionic parasympathetic nerve endings decreases ACh release.
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Page 61 of 123
Figure 14-5. Noradrenergic nerve ending. The postsynaptic membrane may represent an end organ or
another neuron in the CNS. Brief examples of effects resulting from postsynaptic receptor activation are
shown. Agents in Tables 14-4 and 14-5 produce effects by inhibiting transport of dopamine (DA) or
norepinephrine (NE) into vesicles through VMA2 [1]; causing movement of NE from vesicles into the
cytoplasm [2]; activating or antagonizing postsynaptic - and -adrenoceptors [35]; modulating NE
release by activating or antagonizing presynaptic 2-autoreceptors [6], dopamine2 (D2) heteroreceptors
[10], or 2-autoreceptors [11]; blocking uptake of NE (NET inhibition) [7]; causing reverse transport of
NE from the cytoplasm into the synapse via NET by raising cytoplasmic NE concentrations [8];
inhibiting monoamine oxidase (MAO) to prevent NE degradation [9]; or inhibiting COMT to prevent
NE degradation [12]. COMT is not found in neurons in large amounts. AADC =aromatic L-amino acid
decarboxylase; ATP =adenosine triphosphate; DA-OHase = dopamine--hydroxylase; COMT =
catechol-O-methyltransferase; CNS =central nervous system; DOPGAL = 3,4dihydroxyphenylglycoaldehyde; G = G protein; NET =membrane NE uptake transporter; NME =
normetanephrine; Tyr-OHase = tyrosine hydroxylase; VMA2 =vesicle uptake transporter for NE.
In the vesicle, dopamine is converted to norepinephrine by dopamine--hydroxylase, an enzyme
requiring Cu2+ and ascorbic acid. Vesicles isolated from peripheral nerve endings contain dopamine,
norepinephrine, dopamine--hydroxylase, and ATP, and all of these substances are released into the
synapse during Ca2+-dependent exocytosis triggered by neuronal firing. (Whether dopamine-hydroxylase is released into CNS synapses has not been determined.) In neurons containing epinephrine
as a neurotransmitter, norepinephrine is released from vesicles into the cytoplasm, where it is converted
to epinephrine by phenylethanolamine-N-methyl-transferase. Epinephrine is then transported back into
vesicles before synaptic release.85
Norepinephrine is removed from the synapse mainly by uptake into the presynaptic neuron by the
norepinephrine transporter (NET). Although this transporter has great affinity for norepinephrine, it also
Page 62 of 123
transports other amines, including dopamine, tyramine, MAOIs, and amphetamines. Once pumped back
into the cytoplasm, norepinephrine can either be transported back into vesicles for further storage and
release, or can be quickly enzymatically degraded by monoamine oxidase (MAO), an enzyme expressed
on the outer mitochondrial membrane.
MAO resides in sympathetic postganglionic neurons, intestinal mucosa, liver, kidney, lung, and brain,
but also extracellularly. It exists as two isozymes, MAO-A and MAO-B,98 each with relatively separate
affinities for various substrates (Table 14-3). Neuronal MAO degrades cytoplasmic amines, including
neurotransmitters, to
prevent elevated cytoplasmic concentrations of biogenic amines. Hepatic and intestinal MAO prevent
large quantities of dietary bioactive amines from entering the circulation and producing systemic effects.
TABLE 14-3. Characteristics of Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) Isozymes
MAO Isozymes
++++ 0
Norepinephrine++++ +
Epinephrine ++
++++ +
Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), found in the synaptic cleft, also metabolizes norepinephrine and
epinephrine. In other tissue, COMT metabolizes catecholamines, including those that have entered the
systemic circulation.
Adrenergic Receptors
The two main types of adrenoceptors are -adrenoceptors and -adrenoceptors. All adrenoceptors are
linked to G proteins.
-Adrenoceptors are divided into three major subtypes (1, 2, and 3), depending on their affinity for
various agonists and antagonists.28,66,68,89 1- and 2-adrenoceptors are linked to Gs, and their
stimulation raises cAMP concentration and/or activates protein kinase A, which, in turn, produces
several effects, including regulation of ion channels. At least some 3-adrenoceptors may be coupled not
only to Gs, but also to receptors for Gi/o proteins.
The -adrenoceptors are polymorphic, with genetic variation in the human population.26 Polymorphism
influences response to medications, regulation of receptors, and clinical course of disease.26,68,89 In
general, peripheral 1-adrenoceptors are found mainly in the heart (along with 2 receptors), whereas
Page 63 of 123
subtypes, 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2B, and 2C.39,66 Most 1 adrenoceptors are coupled to Gq,
whereas most 2 adrenoceptors are coupled to Gi.
In peripheral tissue, 1-adrenoceptors reside on the postsynaptic membrane in continuity with the
synaptic cleft. Stimulation of these receptors on blood vessels commonly results in vasoconstriction.
Most 1 receptors are coupled to Gq.
2-Adrenoceptors reside on both sides of the synapse. Presynaptic 2-adrenoceptor activation mediates
negative feedback, limiting further release of norepinephrine (Fig. 14-5). Postganglionic
parasympathetic neurons (cholinergic) also contain presynaptic 2-adrenoceptors that, when stimulated,
prevent release of ACh (Fig. 14-4).
Postsynaptic 2-adrenoceptors on vasculature also can mediate vasoconstriction. Initially, it was
suggested that postsynaptic 2-adrenoceptors resided mainly outside of the synapse and mediated
vasoconstrictive responses to circulating agonists such as norepinephrine, whereas postsynaptic 1adrenoceptors responded to norepinephrine released from nerve endings. However, it has been
demonstrated that in at least some tissues (eg, saphenous vein), norepinephrine released following nerve
stimulation produces vasoconstriction through action at 2-adrenoceptors, making the previous
differentiation not as distinct.39,74 Because both 1- and 2-adrenoceptors on noncerebral vasculature
mediate vasoconstriction, a patient with hypertension from high concentrations of circulating
catecholamine (eg, pheochromocytoma or clonidine withdrawal) or from extravasation of
norepinephrine from an intravenous line commonly needs both 1- and 2-adrenoceptor blockade to
vasodilate adequately (eg, phentolamine). Stimulation of postsynaptic 2-adrenoceptors in the
brainstem inhibits sympathetic output and produces sedation (Fig. 14-6). In fact, dexmedetomidine, an
imidazole and potent 2A-adrenergic agonist, is used for sedation in intensive care patients, although
hypotension and bradycardia occur as expected side effects.13
Figure 14-6. Central action of agents that activate 2-adrenoceptors or that bind to type 1 imidazoline
binding sites (I1). There are poorly understood interactions between imidazoline binding sites and 2adrenoceptors that make delineation of specific effects difficult to attribute to specific receptor
Page 64 of 123
activation. BP = blood pressure; HR = heart rate; LC =locus ceruleus; NTS = nucleus tractus solitarius;
VLM =ventrolateral medulla.
Chemical Agents
Chemicals producing pharmacologic effects that result in or mimic increased activity of the adrenergic
nervous system are sympathomimetics (Table 14-4). Those with the opposite effect are sympatholytics
(Table 14-5).
Direct-Acting Agents
Drugs or chemicals whose sympathomimetic actions result from direct binding to - or -adrenoceptors
are called direct-acting sympathomimetics. Most of these drugs do not cross the bloodbrain barrier in
significant quantities.
Indirect-Acting Agents
Agents that produce sympathomimetic effects by causing the release of cytoplasmic norepinephrine
from the nerve ending in the absence of vesicle exocytosis are called indirect-acting sympathomimetics.
Amphetamine is the prototype of indirect-acting agents and is used for the discussion of what is known
about their mechanism of action. In general, mechanisms of indirect release of norepinephrine by
amphetamines, cocaine, phencyclidine, MAOIs, and mixed-acting agents noted in Table 14-4 are similar
in that their actions depend on their ability to produce elevated cytoplasmic norepinephrine
Amphetamine and structurally similar indirect-acting agents move into the neuron mainly by the
membrane transporter that pumps norepinephrine into the neuron. (Lipophilic indirect-acting
agents move into the neuron by diffusion.) From the cytoplasm, amphetamines are transported into
neurotransmitter vesicles, where they buffer hydrogen ions to raise intravesicle pH. As noted earlier,
much of the vesicle's ability to concentrate norepinephrine (and other neurotransmitters) is a result of ion
trapping of norepinephrine at the lower pH. The rise in intravesicle pH produced by amphetamines
causes norepinephrine to leave the vesicle and move into the cytoplasm.149,150 Such movement may be
caused by diffusion and/or reverse transport of norepinephrine by VMAT2. In the cytoplasm,
amphetamines also compete with norepinephrine and dopamine for transport into vesicles, which further
contributes to elevated cytoplasmic norepinephrine concentrations. In the case of amphetamine, the rise
in cytoplasmic concentrations of norepinephrine may be enhanced by the ability of amphetamine
metabolites to inhibit MAO, which impairs norepinephrine degradation.
TABLE 14-4. Examples of Sympathomimetics
Direct acting
-Adrenoceptor agonists
-Adrenoceptor agonists
Ergot alkaloids
Page 65 of 123
Indirect acting
Mixed acting
Selective 2-adrenoceptor antagonists
Imidazoline binding-site antagonists
Amphetamine metabolites
Inhibit NE Uptake
Tricyclic antidepressants
MAOIs = monoamine oxidase inhibitors; NE = norepinephrine.
a Mainly inhibit MAO-A at low doses.
Page 66 of 123
Every time the Na+-dependent uptake transporter, NET, moves, a bioactive amine (eg, tyramine) into
the neuron where it is released, a binding site for norepinephrine on NET transiently faces inward and
becomes available for reverse transport of norepinephrine out of the neuron. The normally low
concentration of cytoplasmic norepinephrine prevents significant reverse transport. In the face of
elevated cytoplasmic norepinephrine concentrations produced by indirect-acting agents as described
earlier, NET moves norepinephrine out of the neuron and back into the synapse, where the
neurotransmitter stimulates adrenoceptors (indirect action). This process is sometimes referred to as
facilitated exchange diffusion, or displacement, of norepinephrine from the nerve ending. Evidence
supporting reverse transport produced by amphetamines is that inhibitors of the transporter (eg, tricyclic
antidepressants) prevent amphetamine-induced norepinephrine release.
While all indirect-acting agents cause reverse norepinephrine transport by increasing cytoplasmic
norepinephrine concentrations, those that move into the neuron by the membrane transporter (eg,
amphetamines, MAOIs, dopamine, tyramine) further enhance reverse transport because their uptake may
cause more norepinephrine binding sites on NET to face inward per unit time.
Although cocaine does inhibit NET, it also causes some norepinephrine release. In fact, cocaine
similarly lessens pH gradients across vesicle membranes150 to raise cytoplasmic concentrations of
norepinephrine. That cocaine produces less norepinephrine release than amphetamines is partly
explained by cocaine-induced inhibition of the membrane transporter and by the fact that cocaine does
not move into the neuron by active uptake (ie, does not increase the number of norepinephrine binding
sites facing inward), but diffuses into the neuron. (Most of cocaine's severe sympathomimetic effects
probably result from cocaine's action on the brain rather than peripheral nerve endings.155)
TABLE 14-5. Examples of Sympatholytics
-Adrenoceptor antagonists
Ergot alkaloids
Prevent NE release with
2-Adrenoceptor agonistsd
Tricyclic antidepressants
Inhibit dopamine--hydroxylase
-Adrenoceptor antagonists
Page 67 of 123
Imidazoline binding-site agonistsd
d Agents in these categories vary in their relative selectivity for -adrenoceptors or imidazoline
binding sites.
Phencyclidine (PCP) is a hallucinogen that possesses multiple pharmacologic actions. Like toxicity from
many hallucinogens, PCP toxicity is accompanied by increased adrenergic activity, which results, in
part, from PCP-induced decreases in pH gradients across the vesicle membrane150 and indirect release
of norepinephrine. Like cocaine, PCP moves into the neuron by diffusion rather than uptake through the
membrane transporter, at least partly explaining less PCP-induced norepinephrine release than is
typically seen in amphetamine poisoning.
Reserpine, guanethidine, and bretylium cause neurotransmitter release either with initial doses or early
in overdose before their primary sympatholytic effects are observed. Presumably this is a result of
transient rises in cytoplasmic norepinephrine concentrations.
In addition to causing ACh release, black widow spider venom causes vesicle exocytosis of
norepinephrine, producing hypertension and diaphoresis over the palms, soles, upper lip, and nose. All
of the aforementioned indirectly acting agents, except black widow spider venom, enter the CNS.
Mixed-Acting Agents
Mixed-acting sympathomimetics act directly and indirectly. For example, large doses of
phenylpropanolamine indirectly cause norepinephrine release and act directly as -adrenoceptor
agonists. Intravenously administered dopamine indirectly causes norepinephrine release, explaining
most of its vasoconstricting activity, but also directly stimulates dopaminergic and -adrenoceptors.
Direct -agonism occurs at high doses. Except for dopamine, these agents also cross the bloodbrain
barrier to produce central effects.
Uptake Inhibitors
Inhibitors of norepinephrine uptake raise concentrations of norepinephrine in the synapse to produce
excessive stimulation of adrenoceptors.
There are two main mechanisms of action for inhibitors of biogenic amine uptake: competitive and
noncompetitive. Noncompetitive inhibitors, such as cyclic antidepressants, carbamazepine, venlafaxine,
methylphenidate, and cocaine, bind at or near the carrier site on NET to prevent NET from moving
norepinephrine and other agents into or out of the neuron. These inhibitors are not transported into the
neuron by this mechanism; lipophilic agents diffuse into the neuron. Various drugs used for their
antimuscarinic effects also block NET noncompetitively. These include benztropine, diphenhydramine,
Page 68 of 123
Page 69 of 123
imidazoline receptors (see Imidazoline and 2-Adrenoceptor Agonists below). One action of the
antidepressant mirtazapine is 2-adrenoceptor blockade.
Direct Antagonists
Direct - and -adrenoceptor antagonists are noted in Table 14-5. In overdose, and sometimes at
therapeutic doses, any -adrenoceptor selectivity becomes insignificant. Some -adrenoceptor
antagonists also are partial agonists.
Drugs That Prevent Norepinephrine Release
Drugs that prevent the release of norepinephrine, despite membrane depolarization, include guanethidine
and bretylium. Both drugs initially cause release of norepinephrine and can produce transient
sympathomimetic effects. Drugs that block the vesicle uptake transporter prevent the movement of
norepinephrine into vesicles and deplete the nerve ending of this neurotransmitter, also preventing
norepinephrine release after depolarization. Examples include rauwolfia alkaloids (reserpine),
tetrabenazine, and guanethidine (in part). Reserpine and ketanserin inhibit both VMAT1 and VMAT2,
whereas tetrabenazine only inhibits VMAT2. Like guanethidine, reserpine causes transient
norepinephrine release with initial dose or early in overdose. -Adrenoceptor antagonists block
presynaptic 2-adrenoceptors to limit catecholamine release from nerve endings, although this does not
appear to be their main mechanism of action.
Imidazoline and 2-Adrenoceptor Agonists
Numerous imidazoline derivatives (eg, clonidine) and structurally similar compounds are used as
centrally acting antihypertensive agents or long-acting topical vasoconstrictors. These agents are
currently divided into first-generation agents (eg, clonidine) that are thought to act at both 2Aadrenoceptor and imidazoline binding sites, and second-generation agents (eg, rilmenidine) that express
much greater affinity for imidazoline binding sites than for 2A-adrenergic receptors.
The ventromedial (depressor) and the rostral-ventrolateral (pressor) areas of the ventrolateral medulla
(VLM) are responsible for the central regulation of cardiovascular tone and blood pressure. They receive
afferent fibers from the carotid and aortic baroreceptors, which form the tractus solitarius via the nucleus
tractus solitarius (NTS).73
The hypotensive actions of 2-adrenoceptor agonists were previously attributed entirely to brainstem
2-adrenoceptor activation, because stimulation of postsynaptic 2-adrenoceptors in the NTS
decreased sympathetic output (Fig. 14-6).22 The discovery of imidazoline binding sites, however, led to
a more complicated analysis. It was discovered that imidazolines and related substances produced
hypotension when applied to the VLM, whereas catecholamines capable of activating 2-adrenoceptors
were claimed to be incapable of producing effects at this site. This led to the hypothesis that receptors
specific for imidazoline-like compounds, different from 2A-adrenoceptors, must exist. Decreased
sympathetic output could result from activation of imidazoline binding sites in the VLM and from 2adrenoceptor activation in the NTS; sedation and respiratory depression were attributed to 2adrenoceptor activation in the locus ceruleus.47
Imidazoline binding sites have been characterized and subdivided into I1, I2 (with subtypes), and I3.42 I1
binding sites reside on neuronal plasma membranes and are involved in controlling systemic blood
pressure. I2 sites are allosteric sites found on the external membrane of mitochondria and modulate
MAO-A and MAO-B.22,42 The putative I3 sites are thought to modulate insulin secretion via ATPsensitive potassium channels in -islet cells.
The molecular structure of the imidazoline binding sites has not been identified and it is unclear whether
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these sites act through ion channels, through G proteins, or through some other mechanism. An
endogenous ligand for these binding sites has been discovered. Agmatine, originally identified as a
clonidine-displacing substance, is synthesized by decarboxylation of arginine. It appears to function as a
neurotransmitter, and it binds all subclasses of both 2-adrenoreceptors and I-binding sites, as well as
block N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors. Other physiologic functions of agmatine
continue to be investigated.10,124
Functional studies suggested that the hypotensive effects of clonidine-like drugs involved imidazoline
binding sites, while most of the side effects involved 2A-adrenoceptors.47 Consequently, drugs such as
rilmenidine, possessing much greater activity at imidazoline binding sites than at 2A-adrenoceptors,
were developed. However, functional evidence suggests that there is significant interaction between the
imidazoline sites and 2A-adrenoceptors, and that this interaction is necessary to trigger hypotensive
effects.21,47 As examples, there appears to be a close relationship between presynaptic
imidazoline sites and downstream 2A-adrenoceptors in the VLM mediating hypotension;62
2A-adrenoceptors in the VLM appear to be activated as a consequence of imidazoline site activation.
Although second-generation agents (rilmenidine and moxonidine) preferentially act via imidazoline
binding sites, and although 2A-adrenoceptors are important for the hypotension produced by firstgeneration agents (clonidine and -methyldopa), hypotension produced by all of these agents is
dependent on central noradrenergic pathways.21,62 Some studies report that yohimbine, an 2adrenoceptor antagonist, reverses the hypotensive effect of both clonidine and rilmenidine-like drugs,
when given at high doses. Thus, it appears that there is significant interaction between imidazoline sites
and 2A-adrenoceptors, and that centrally acting antihypertensive agents with relatively high affinity
for imidazoline binding sites may require both imidazoline-specific sites and functional 2Aadrenoceptors to produce their hypotensive actions.
Ingestions of agents that activate 2A-adrenoceptors and imidazoline binding sites (Table 14-5) produce
a mixed picture. Peripheral postsynaptic 2-adrenoceptor stimulation produces vasoconstriction, pallor,
and hypertension, often with reflex bradycardia (Fig. 14-5). Peripheral presynaptic 2-adrenoceptor
stimulation prevents norepinephrine release (Fig. 14-5), whereas central 2-adrenoceptor stimulation in
the locus ceruleus accounts for CNS and respiratory depression (Fig. 14-6). Stimulation of postsynaptic
2-adrenoceptors in the NTS and, with some agents, of central I1 receptors in the VLM are thought to
inhibit sympathetic output and enhance parasympathetic tone, explaining hypotension with bradycardia
(Fig. 14-6).73 Both first- and second-generation agents produce dry mouth.22,42
Dopamine--Hydroxylase Inhibition
Inhibition of dopamine--hydroxylase (Fig. 14-5) prevents the conversion of dopamine to
norepinephrine, resulting in less norepinephrine release and less - and -adrenoceptor stimulation with
neuronal firing. Disulfiram produces such inhibition.44 Because norepinephrine release mediates most of
dopamine's ability to cause vasoconstriction, norepinephrine is the vasopressor of choice in a
hypotensive patient taking disulfiram. Diethyldithiocarbamate, used in metal
chelation and by some AIDS patients, is a disulfiram metabolite that produces similar actions. MAOIs
and -methyldopa also inhibit dopamine--hydroxylase, although this is not their main mechanism of
Dopamine is relatively contraindicated in hypotensive patients who have overdosed on MAOIs. First,
dopamine acts indirectly and its administration might produce excessive adrenergic activity and
exaggerated rises in blood pressure. Second, even if an adrenergic storm does not occur, most of
Page 71 of 123
Page 72 of 123
hypothalamic and limbic nuclei, whereas D4 receptors are concentrated in the frontal cortex and limbic
nuclei (rather than basal ganglia nuclei). Most agonists bind to the D3 receptors with higher affinity than
to D2 receptors, whereas most antagonists bind preferentially to D2 receptors.81,135 Most agonists and
antagonists express a lower affinity for D4 receptors than they express for D2 receptors; a notable
exception is clozapine.
Chemical Agents
Table 14-6 provides examples of chemical agents that affect dopaminergic neurotransmission.
Dopamine Agonism
Indirect- and Mixed-Acting Agents
Most indirect- and mixed-acting sympathomimetics cause dopamine release. The mechanism of action is
similar to that causing norepinephrine release. These agents diffuse into the neuron or undergo uptake by
DAT before being transported into vesicles by VMAT2 where they buffer protons and displace
dopamine into the cytoplasm for reverse transport by DAT into the synapse. Benztropine,
diphenhydramine, trihexyphenidyl, and orphenadrine also cause dopamine release, perhaps contributing
to their abuse potential, which is noted below.105 Excessive dopaminergic activity following therapeutic
doses or overdoses of decongestants (eg, pseudoephedrine), amphetamines, methylphenidate, and
pemoline can produce acute choreoathetosis and Tourette syndrome.24,91 Parkinsonian patients
ingesting excessive doses of L-dopa (which is converted to dopamine) may present with similar
Direct Agonists
Bromocriptine is an ergot derivative that directly activates dopamine receptors (mainly D2). Toxic
effects include those described above for indirect-acting agents. Apomorphine directly activates D2
receptors. Such action at the chemoreceptive triggering zone produces vomiting, whereas agonism in the
basal ganglia explains apomorphine's use in the treatment of Parkinson disease. Fenoldopam is a D1
agonist used as a vasodilator in the treatment of hypertensive emergencies.
D1 and D2-like receptor activation is the predominant mediator of locomotor effects from dopamine
agonists. Activation of either D1- or D2-like receptors produces antiparkinsonian effects.63,135
Cabergoline, ropinirole, and pramipexole are D2-like agonists used to treat Parkinson disease.8,42,60
Dihydrexidine is a D1-like agonist that has been used for the same purpose.
Uptake Inhibition
Agents inhibiting DAT prevent dopamine uptake and include cocaine, amphetamines, methylphenidate,
and probably amantadine. Increased dopaminergic activity from cocaine toxicity may produce
choreoathetosis (crack dancing) and Tourette syndrome. In general, antidepressants are not strong
dopamine uptake blockers. However, bupropion appears to be more active in this regard.131
As noted earlier, much of the drug craving and addiction produced by sympathomimetics probably
results from excessive dopaminergic activity in the mesolimbic system.145 Interestingly, the
anticholinergic drugs benztropine, diphenhydramine, trihexyphenidyl, and orphenadrine are also
dopamine uptake inhibitors, possibly explaining their abuse.105,141 In fact, benztropine is one of the
most potent dopamine uptake inhibitors known. Amantadine, an antiparkinsonian agent that causes
dopamine release and some inhibition of dopamine uptake (as well as being anticholinergic), is also
Page 73 of 123
Figure 14-7. A dopaminergic nerve ending and postsynaptic membrane. Dopamine (DA) released from
nerve endings binds to various postsynaptic DA receptors (D) on neurons or peripheral end organs.
Stimulation of presynaptic D2 receptors [4] lessens DA release. Agents in Table 14-6 may act to inhibit
vesicle uptake [1]; cause DA to leave the vesicle and move into the cytoplasm [2]; activate or antagonize
DA receptors [3,4]; inhibit DAT to prevent DA uptake [5]; cause reverse transport of cytoplasmic DA
(via DAT) into the synapse by raising cytoplasmic DA concentrations [6]; prevent DA degradation by
inhibiting monoamine oxidase (MAO) [7]; prevent DA degradation by inhibiting catechol-Omethyltransferase (COMT) [8]; or prevent dopa metabolism by inhibiting COMT [9]. Both DA and
dopa are substrates for COMT. For purposes of illustration, dopa metabolism is shown presynaptically,
and DA metabolism is shown postsynaptically. 3-O-MD =3-O-methyldopa; 3-O-MDA =3-Omethyldopamine; AADC = L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase; DAT =membrane DA uptake
transporter; DOPAC =3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid; Tyr-OHase =tyrosine hydroxylase; VMA2 =
vesicle membrane uptake transporter.
Increase of Receptor Sensitivity
Several drugs are thought to increase sensitivity of dopamine receptors, resulting in choreoathetosis,
even with therapeutic doses (eg, phenytoin). Evidence exists that increased dopamine receptor
sensitivity may be responsible for movement disorders resulting from amphetamines.29 Tardive
dyskinesia (discussed below) may also result from increased dopamine receptor sensitivity.
MAO Inhibition
MAOIs inhibit the breakdown of cytoplasmic dopamine. Part of the food and drug interactions with
MAOIs results from excessive release of dopamine from nerve endings.
COMT Inhibition
Page 74 of 123
Peripheral COMT inhibitors (eg, entacapone, tolcapone) are given with levodopa to patients with
Parkinson disease to prevent peripheral degradation of levodopa to 3-O-methyldopa. This allows more
levodopa to traverse the bloodbrain barrier and to be converted to dopamine by neuronal dopa
decarboxylase. Tolcapone also inhibits COMT in the brain.71 Other substrates of COMT include dopa,
dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and
their hydroxylated metabolites. COMT inhibitors might potentiate the effects of these drugs when
administered intravenously.71
TABLE 14-6. Examples of Xenobiotics That Affect Dopaminergic Neurotransmission
Dopamine agonism
Direct stimulation of dopamine receptors
Increase dopamine receptor sensitivity
Inhibit dopamine metabolismMAOIs
Dopamine antagonism
Block dopamine receptors
Inhibit dopamine metabolismCOMTs
Indirect acting
Tricyclic antidepressantsb
Destroy dopaminergic neurons
Inhibit dopamine uptake
Prevent vesicle dopamine uptake
Page 75 of 123
COMTs = catechol-o-methyltransferase inhibitors; MAOIs 5 monoamine oxidase inhibitors; MPTP = 1methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine.
a Metabolized to dopamine, which acts as an agonist.
b Relatively weak D receptor antagonists.
Dopamine Antagonism
Direct Receptor Blockade
Blockade of dopamine receptors is the specific aim when using many therapeutic agents. The
neuroleptic actions of butyrophenones, phenothiazines, and other antipsychotics mainly correlate with
their ability to block D2-like receptors, probably in the mesolimbic system. Many phenothi-azines block
both D1-like and D2-like receptors, whereas haloperidol mainly blocks D2-like receptors. Unfortunately,
antipsychotics and metoclopramide also block dopamine receptors in the striatum, producing various
extrapyramidal symptoms, including acute parkinsonism and dystonias.
In the last decade, several atypical antipsychotics have been marketed that produce fewer
extrapyramidal effects and are thought to carry less risk of producing tardive dyskinesia.127 The relative
affinity of an antipsychotic for 5-HT2A receptors over D2 receptors has predictive value for atypical
agents with a lower risk of extrapyramidal symptoms.118 Such agents include clozapine, olanzapine,
quetiapine, risperidone, and ziprasidone.
The ratio of muscarinic (M1) blockade to D2-receptor blockade is also important in limiting
extrapyramidal symptoms. Antipsychotic agents exhibiting strong antimuscarinic effects (eg,
olanzapine, clozapine, thioridazine) are also less likely to induce extrapyramidal symptoms.127
Buspirone, an antianxiety agent, antagonizes D2 receptors, which explains occasional extrapyramidal
reactions. Various cyclic antidepressants, especially amoxapine, block D2 receptors to some extent.
The chronic use of dopamine-blocking agents causes upregulation of dopamine receptors. The continued
use or, especially, withdrawal of dopamine antagonists (antipsychotics, metoclopramide, and
occasionally antidepressants) might result in excessive dopaminergic activity and tardive dyskinesia,
characterized by choreiform movements typical of excessive dopaminergic influence in the neostriatum.
The blockade of dopamine receptors by numerous agents, including butyrophenones, phenothiazines,
and metoclopramide, can produce a poorly understood disorder called neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome also follows acute withdrawal of dopamine agonists (eg, stopping Ldopa or bromocriptine in a patient prior to surgery). Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is characterized, in
part, by mental status changes, autonomic instability, rigidity, and hyperthermia.
Indirect Antagonism
Reserpine and tetrabenazine inhibit VMAT to prevent transport of dopamine into storage vesicles and
deplete nerve endings of dopamine. In fact, reserpine was used as an antipsychotic agent before the
introduction of phenothiazines. 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), a meperidine
analog, undergoes activation by MAO to a metabolite that causes death of dopaminergic neurons. Both
MPTP and its metabolite undergo uptake not only by DAT, but also by NET and SET, making their way
into all biogenic amine neurons. The reasons that dopaminergic neurons are selectively damaged
remains unknown. Both MAOIs and inhibitors of dopamine transporters prevent MPTP-induced
destruction of dopaminergic neurons.
Serotonin (5-HT, 5-OH-tryptamine) is a ubiquitous indole alkyl-amine found in nature (animals, plants,
venoms) that acts as a neurotransmitter centrally, but is also found peripherally. In fact, less than 2% of
the body's 5-HT is found within the CNS.
In the CNS, several hundred thousand serotonergic neurons lie in or in juxtaposition to numerous
midline nuclei in the brainstem (9 raphe nuclei), from which they project to virtually all areas of the
Page 76 of 123
brain, including the basal ganglia. Serotonin is involved with mood, personality, affect, appetite, motor
function, temperature regulation, sexual activity, pain perception, sleep induction, and other basic
functions. Serotonin is not essential for any of these processes but modulates their quality and extent.
The serotonergic system is extremely diverse, with 14 types of receptors that act to stimulate or inhibit
neurons, including those
of other neurotransmitter systems. Serotonin is also the precursor for the pineal hormone melatonin.50
Peripherally, 5-HT is produced mainly in the enterochromaffin cells of the intestine. Local release
contributes to peristalsis. Platelets take up 5-HT while passing through the enteric circulation. Serotonin
is released from activated platelets to interact with other platelet membranes (promote aggregation) and
with vascular smooth muscle (vasoconstriction in most vascular beds).
Experimentally, 5-HT exhibits diverse effects on the cardiovascular and peripheral nervous systems,
although the importance of these actions remains uncertain in the normal physiologic state. Serotonin
vasoconstricts (stimulation of 5-HT2, 5-HT1B, and 5-HT1D receptors) most vascular beds except for
coronary arteries and skeletal muscle, where it produces vasodilatation in the presence of intact
endothelium. 5-HT1B and 5-HT1D agonists (eg, sumatriptan) might produce coronary vasoconstriction
as an adverse effect to their desired actions on cranial vasculature.59
Centrally, it is particularly difficult to ascribe a specific symptom or physical finding to serotonergic
neurons because of the diversity of their physiologic actions. However, 5-HT definitely plays an
important role in the action of many hallucinogenic or illusionogenic drugs, which act as partial agonists
at cortical 5-HT2 receptors.88 Proserotonergic agents are used to treat depression, whereas agents that
antagonize 5-HT receptors (5-HT2) have greater importance in the management of schizophrenia.
Generally, 5-HT acts in opposition to dopamine. For example, 5-HT serves to increase prolactin,
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and growth hormone secretion, whereas dopamine decreases
prolactin secretion. As another example, activation of basal ganglial 5-HT2A receptors inhibits dopamine
release. However, well-known exceptions exist, such as cortical 5-HT3 receptors, whose activation
promotes dopamine release.88
Synthesis, Release, and Uptake
Figure 14-8 illustrates 5-HT synthesis. Tryptophan-5-hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme of 5-HT
synthesis and is free from negative feedback influences by the end product, 5-HT. Thus, increases in
tryptophan are predictably accompanied by increased 5-HT production. L-Amino acid decarboxylase
(dopa decarboxylase) converts 5-hydroxytryptophan to 5-HT. Cytoplasmic 5-HT is transported into
vesicles by VMAT2, where it is concentrated by ion trapping before release by Ca2+-dependent
exocytosis. In contrast to vesicles containing dopamine or norepinephrine, 5-HT vesicles contain almost
no ATP. After release into the synapse, a transporter (SERT) in the neuronal membrane transfers 5-HT
back into the neuron, where it reenters vesicles or is degraded by MAO.
Serotonin is preferentially metabolized by the MAO-A isozyme. Paradoxically, the serotonergic nerve
terminal is almost devoid of MAO-A but contains abundant amounts of MAO-B. It has been
hypothesized that the large amounts of MAO-B metabolize other agents that might inappropriately
promote serotonin release (eg, dopa). However, the small amount of MAO-A found in serotonergic
neurons provides adequate degradation of 5-HT.50
Serotonin Receptors
Most authors identify seven major functioning receptors (5-HT1 through 5-HT7) and numerous
5-HT1 Receptors
Page 77 of 123
Receptors in the 5-HT1 class are coupled to G proteins and commonly increase K+ efflux and decrease
cAMP concentrations. Members of the 5-HT1 receptor class express greatest affinity for 5-HT and are
thus biologically active under normal physiologic conditions. 5-HT1A receptors reside predominantly on
raphe nuclei, where they act as somatodendritic autoreceptors. Hippocampal 5-HT1A receptors reside
postsynaptically, where they also inhibit through similar mechanisms.83
Central 5-HT1D and 5-HT1B receptors primarily act as inhibitory terminal autoreceptors and
heteroreceptors. They are found less commonly on postsynaptic membranes. Originally 5-HT1B
receptors were not believed to exist in humans. However, most of the actions described in older
literature regarding 5-HT1D receptors can now be attributed to 5-HT1B receptors. Unfortunately, this
distinction will continue to lead to confusion for some years to come. Cranial blood vessels (eg,
meninges) possess 5-HT1D and 5-HT1B receptors, whose activation produces vasoconstriction and
decreased inflammation.57,59
5-HT1E and 5-HT1F receptors are more recently discovered members of the 5-HT1 receptor class. 5HT1F receptors reside on presynaptic membranes and may act in a similar fashion to 5-HT1D and 5HT1B receptors.9
5-HT2 Receptors
The three subtypes of 5-HT2 receptors are coupled to G proteins, thus serving to decrease K+ efflux
and/or increase intracellular Ca2+ concentration by raising concentrations of inositol triphosphate and
diacylglycerol.130 The three subtypes of 5-HT2 receptors are so similar in characterization that
investigational agents have great difficulty in distinguishing the subtypes. 5-HT2A receptors are most
concentrated in the cerebral cortex, where they serve as excitatory postsynaptic receptors. Their
activation increases glutamate release from pyramidal cells, but also can lead to release of GABA.1,86 5HT2A receptors also reside on platelets, where their activation produces platelet aggregation. 5-HT2C
receptors (previously 5-HT1C) reside on the choroid plexus, where they regulate cerebrospinal fluid
production. Peripherally, 5-HT2C activation also promotes penile erection. Activation of 5-HT2B
receptors in the GI tract promotes colonic contraction.86
5-HT3 Receptors
5-HT3 receptors are isopentameric ligand-gated cation channels that are structurally similar to ACh
nicotinic receptors, GABAA Cl- channels, and NMDA glutamate receptors.3 They have been localized
to both presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes. Upon activation, they stimulate the neuron by opening
the channel to cause depolarization through Na+ and/or Ca2+ influx. In addition, these channels are
normally blocked by Mg2+ in a voltage-dependent manner similar to glutamatergic NMDA receptors
(see Glutamate below). Centrally, 5-HT3 receptors are expressed diffusely, but are especially
concentrated in the chemoreceptive triggering zone, where their activation induces emesis. In the
cerebral cortex, their activation leads to increased release of dopamine and decreased release of ACh.
Cortical 5-HT3 receptors are frequently identified on GABA interneurons where they increase
inhibitory, GABAergic tone. In contrast to cerebral actions, activation of peripheral 5-HT3 receptors on
cholinergic nerves in the gut enhances ACh release to increase gastrointestinal motility.9,18
5-HT4 Receptors
5-HT4 receptors are coupled to G proteins (Gs). Their activation leads to increased cAMP
Page 78 of 123
concentrations. 5-HT4 receptors are scattered diffusely throughout the brain, and their exact role remains
undefined. Peripheral 5-HT4 receptors reside in the heart, intestines, and adrenal gland where their
activation can be demonstrated to produce tachycardia, aldosterone and cortisol release, and contraction
of gut and bladder smooth muscle. Again,
whether these actions are important under normal physiologic conditions is not clear. Both central and
peripheral 5-HT4 receptors promote the release of acetylcholine.41
Figure 14-8. A serotonergic nerve ending and postsynaptic membrane. Tryptophan hydroxylase [1]
converts tryptophan to 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-OH-tryptophan). Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase
(AADC) then metabolizes 5-OH-tryptophan to serotonin (5-HT). Serotonin is concentrated within
vesicles through uptake by VMA2 before exocytosis [2]. After uptake into the neuron by SERT [7], 5HT is transported back into vesicles or undergoes degradation by monoamine oxidase (MAO) to an
intermediate compound, which is converted to 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) [8]. 5-HT1,2,4,6,7
receptors [3,9,10] are coupled to G proteins, while 5-HT3 receptors [4] are ligand-gated cation channels
that may conduct Na+ and/or Ca2+. 5-HT3 cation channels also appear to be blocked by Mg2+ until the
cell is depolarized, allowing Mg2+ to dissociatea mechanism similar to that found at NMDA
glutamate receptors. In addition to residing on postsynaptic membranes, 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5HT1D, and
5-HT1F receptors serve as presynaptic autoreceptors that, when stimulated, decrease further release of 5HT [9,10]. Presynaptic 5-HT1A receptors mainly serve as somatodendritic autoreceptors, whereas
presynaptic 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, and 5-HT1F receptors serve as terminal autoreceptors. Agents in Table 147 act to enhance 5-HT synthesis [1]; inhibit VMA2 to prevent vesicle uptake of 5-HT [2]; raise
cytoplasmic concentrations of 5-HT, resulting in reverse transport of 5-HT into the synapse by SERT [6]
Page 79 of 123
by displacing 5-HT from vesicles [5] or inhibiting MAO [8]; activate or antagonize 5-HT receptors
[3,4,9,10]; or by inhibiting 5-HT uptake [7]. G =G protein; SERT =membrane 5-HT uptake transporter;
VMA2 =vesicle membrane uptake transporter.
5-HT5 Receptors
5-HT5 receptors exist in the form of at least two subtypes, one of which may be coupled to Gs. Their
mechanism of activation remains unknown. 5-HT5 receptor agonists or antagonists are not readily
5-HT6 and 5-HT7 Receptors
5-HT6 and 5-HT7 receptors are positively coupled to cAMP formation through G proteins. Their
distribution is poorly defined. However, many antidepressant and antipsychotic agents antagonize these
receptors. They are currently a source of great interest because of the possibility of avoiding dopamine
blockade to achieve antipsychotic activity. The 5-HT7 receptor may be particularly important in
Hallucinogenic substituted
Increase 5-HT release
Codeine derivatives
Reserpine (initial)
Increase 5-HT tone by unknown
Inhibit 5-HT breakdown (MAOIs)
Page 80 of 123
Tricyclic antidepressantsb
Serotonin Antagonism
Direct 5-HT antagonists
Ergots and indoles (eg,
Tricyclic antidepressants
Page 81 of 123
5-HT = serotonin; LSD = lysergic acid diethylamide; MAOIs = monoamine oxidase inhibitors; mCPP =
m-chlorophenylpiperazine (metabolite of trazodone and nefazodone); MDMA =
a Indoles and phenylalkylamines activate and antagonize various 5-HT receptors. Their
hallucinogenic/illusionogenic effects mainly result from partial agonism at 5-HT2 receptors.
b Clomipramine is the most potent 5-HT uptake inhibitor of the tricyclic antidepressants.
afferent stimulatory signals to the vomiting center in the brainstem.9 Ondansetron and other
experimental 5-HT3 antagonists are being studied in the treatment of schizophrenia because of their
ability to prevent dopamine release. Metoclopramide antagonizes 5-HT3 and D2 receptors.
Tianeptine is an antidepressant that enhances 5-HT uptake, thus lowering synaptic 5-HT
Serotonin Syndrome
Page 82 of 123
Excessive stimulation of 5-HT1A receptors and, to a lesser extent, 5-HT2 receptors, causes serotonin
syndrome.104 Briefly, this disorder is characterized by shivering, myoclonus, tremor, and rigidity
(especially of legs), along with hyperthermia, tachycardia, diaphoresis, confusion, agitation,
convulsions, and coma. This iatrogenic, idiosyncratic syndrome results most commonly from the
combined use of two serotonergic drugs (eg, SSRI and lithium, SSRI and MAOI, MAOI and
clomipramine). Reports indicate that serotonin syndrome may occur following the isolated use or
overdose of a single seroto-nergic agent (eg, venlafaxine or fluvoxamine). Drugs that act to increase
CNS dopamine concentrations, such as levodopa and bromocriptine, have potential to precipitate
serotonin syndrome by indirect serotonin release.104 Adverse effects (eg, rigidity, hyperthermia)
resulting from interactions between MAOIs and meperidine, dextromethorphan, or codeine may result
from excessive serotonergic activity, as well, because all of these agents enhance serotonergic tone
(Table 14-7).
-Aminobutyric Acid
GABA is one of two main inhibitory neurotransmitters of the central nervous system (glycine is
discussed below; see Glycine as an Inhibitory Neurotransmitter). Drugs that enhance GABA activity are
generally used as anticonvulsants, sedative-hypnotics, and general anesthetics. Agents that antagonize
GABA activity typically produce CNS excitation and convulsions. GABA is synthesized from
glutamate, the brain's main excitatory neurotransmitter.
In general, GABA inhibition predominates in the brain. In the spinal cord, through mono- and
polysynaptic reflex pathways, GABA mediates a number of physiologically minor peripheral effects
outside the CNS (eg, vasodilatation, bladder relaxation). Spinal cord GABA is important in attenuating
skeletal muscle reflex arcs.96
Synthesis, Release, and Uptake
Figure 14-9 illustrates GABA synthesis. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) requires pyridoxal
phosphate (PLP) as a cofactor. Pyridoxal phosphate is synthesized from pyridoxine (vitamin B6) by the
enzyme pyridoxine kinase (PK).102 VGAT, a vesicle-bound transporter comprising about 130 amino
acids and crossing the vesicle membrane about 10 times, transports GABA into vesicles from where it is
released through Ca2+-dependent exocytosis into the synapse.96 Uptake of GABA from the synapse
back into the presynaptic neurons is mediated by the Na+-dependent transporter, GAT-1, whereas uptake
into glial cells and possibly postsynaptic neurons is mediated by GAT-2, GAT-3, and GAT-4. Evidence
also suggests that GABA is released into the synapse from cytoplasm by reverse transport under some
conditions. In glial cells, cytoplasmic GABA can undergo degradation by GABA-transaminase (GABAT) to succinic semialdehyde (SSA), part of which then undergoes oxidation to succinate. GABA-T also
requires PLP as a cofactor.109 The transamination of GABA to SSA by GABA-T results in the
conversion of -ketoglutarate to glutamate, which then moves back into neurons to be used for
resynthesis of GABA.
GABA Receptors
There are three main types of GABA receptors (Table 14-8).20 GABAA receptors are Cl- channels that
mediate postsynaptic inhibition by allowing Cl- to move into and hyperpolarize the postsynaptic neuron.
Situated at various sites in relation to the GABA recognition site on the Cl- channel are sites for
exogenous and endogenous modulatory agents (Fig. 14-10) where numerous excitatory and depressant
drugs bind, and through which GABAA receptor responsiveness is regulated under normal physiologic
conditions. The common denominator for modulation at the GABAA complex is an increase or decrease
in inward Cl- current.
Throughout the CNS there are regional variations in expressions of multiple subunit genes for the
Page 83 of 123
inhibition results from preventing Ca2+ influx so as to impair exocytosis of neurotransmitter vesicles,
including those containing excitatory amino acids (eg, glutamate). Postsynaptic inhibition is mediated by
increasing K+ efflux through K+ channels, resulting in hyperpolarization of the membrane away from
threshold. Through presynaptic actions, GABAB receptors also serve as autoreceptors, where their
activation in response to synaptic GABA provides feedback inhibition of further neurotransmitter
release (Fig. 14-9).
A third GABA receptor, GABAC, is a Cl- channel that, when activated, allows increased Cl- influx. The
GABAC receptors are thought to comprise 5 ligand-binding sites, whereas GABAA receptors have 2
ligand-binding sites.20 GABAC receptors are composed of subunits (13). 1 subunits are located in
the mammalian retina, 2 subunits are present in most brain regions, and 3 subunits are found in the
hippocampus. 1 and 2 receptors have also been found outside the CNS.69 GABAC receptors are
sensitive to cis-4-aminocrotonic acid (CACA), are insensitive to baclofen, bicuculline, benzodiazepines,
and barbiturates, and are less sensitive to neuroactive steroids and to picrotoxin (Table 14-8).69 GABAC
receptors are activated at 40-fold lower GABA concentrations than GABAA receptors, are less liable to
desensitization, and remain open longer than GABAA Cl- channels.
Chemical Agents
Table 14-9 provides examples of chemical agents that affect GABAergic neurotransmission.
Modulation of GABA Production and Degradation
Isoniazid (INH) and other hydrazines (eg, monomethylhydrazine from mushrooms) lower CNS GABA
concentrations by several mechanisms. Most important, they compete with pyridoxine for binding to
PK, impairing PLP production.102 Pyridoxal phosphate binding to the GAD complex is easily
reversible.109 The acute decrease in PLP concentration, then, is rapidly accompanied by impaired
GABA synthesis and a decrease in GABA concentration. Lack of normal GABA inhibition produces
seizures typical of hydrazine intoxications. Although PLP is also required for GABA degradation by
GABA-T, acute decreases in PLP do not affect this enzyme nearly as much, because PLP is more
tightly bound to the GABA-T complex and remains associated with the enzyme.109 To a lesser extent,
isoniazid binds to the GAD-PLP complex to prevent GABA formation.
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Figure 14-9. GABAergic neurotransmission. GABA (-aminobutyric acid) released from a presynaptic
neuron (B) binds to postsynaptic GABAA, GABAB, or GABAC receptors to hyperpolarize and inhibit
neuron D [5,6] or to presynaptic GABAB heteroreceptors on neuron C [7] to inhibit neurotransmitter
release by blocking Ca2+ influx (an excitatory glutamatergic neuron is shown as an example).
Stimulation of GABAB autoreceptors on neuron B [8] also reduces further release of GABA. Synaptic
GABA undergoes uptake into the presynaptic neuron by GAT-1, and uptake into glial cells and possibly
postsynaptic neurons by GAT-2, GAT-3, and GAT-4 (GAT-2 is shown mediating uptake into glial cell
A as an example.) Acute falls in pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) lead to impaired glutamic acid
decarboxylase (GAD) activity and low GABA concentrations. Although GABA-transaminase (GABAT) also requires PLP, acute falls in PLP do not affect this enzyme as dramatically because of tight PLP
binding to the GABA-T complex. Agents in Table 14-9 act to impair PLP formation by inhibiting
pyridoxine kinase (PK) [1]; to increase GABA concentrations by either stimulating GAD [2] or
inhibiting SSAD [3]; to inhibit GABA uptake [4]; to stimulate or block GABA receptors [58]; to
cause GABA release [9]; or to inhibit GABA-T [10]. Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT),
GABA-T, and SSAD are mitochondrial enzymes. -KG = -keto-glutarate; G = G protein; GAT =
membrane GABA uptake transporter; SA = succinic acid; SSA = succinic semialdehyde; SSAD = SSA
dehydrogenase; VGAT = vesicle membrane GABA uptake transporter.
Cyanide inhibits numerous enzymes besides cytochrome oxidase. Inhibition of GAD with a resultant fall
in GABA concentration may partly explain seizures that occur in cyanide-poisoned patients. Domoic
acid (see Glutamate below) may inhibit GAD.35
TABLE 14-8. GABA Receptors and Their Characteristics
CI- channelG-protein-coupledCl- channel
Bicuculline antagonism Yes
Baclofen agonism
Benzodiazepine agonismYes
Page 85 of 123
Barbiturate agonism
Picrotoxin antagonism Yes
The most important mechanism for valproate's anticonvulsant action is unknown. In vitro studies
demonstrate its ability to increase brain GABA concentrations either by inhibition of succinic
semialdehyde dehydrogenase or by activation of GAD.70 Gabapentin's ability to increase the rate of
GABA synthesis in the brain also may result from stimulation of GAD.153 Vigabatrin, an
anticonvulsant, acts by irreversibly inhibiting GABA-T.147
GABAA Agonism
Figure 14-10 schematically illustrates the GABAA receptor complex. In general, substances that
increase GABAA complex activity cause CNS depression, ranging from mild sedation and nystagmus to
ataxia, stupor, coma, and even general anesthesia. Most indirect agonists that bind to the GABAA
complex have no activity in the absence of GABA. With some exceptions,
their pharmacologic actions require the binding of GABA to its receptor and do not result from a direct
effect on Cl- conductance exclusive of GABA binding. Many of these drugs demonstrate additional
actions that are not mediated through the GABAA complex.
Page 86 of 123
Figure 14-10. Representation of the GABAA Cl- channel receptor complex. Benzodiazepines
(BENZOs), barbiturates, picrotoxin, steroids, and GABA (-aminobutyric acid) clearly bind to different
sites on the channel. Although separate circles represent different agents capable of binding to and of
modulating Cl- influx through the GABAA receptor complex, it is not always apparent where these
agents bind on the channel. For example, general anesthetics and ethanol may produce their effects by
interacting with the steroid binding site. Chloral hydrate undergoes metabolism to trichloroethanol,
which interacts with the GABAA receptor complex. Zolpidem, zopiclone, and zaleplon are
nonbenzodiazepines that bind to the benzodiazepine site. Given the structural similarity of glutethimide
and methyprylon to barbiturates, it is speculated that their action may be mediated at GABAA receptors.
Direct GABA Agonists
The main direct GABA agonist of toxicologic interest is muscimol, found in some poisonous
mushrooms. Muscimol binds to the GABA receptor on the GABAA complex to mimic the action of
GABA.110 Ibotenic acid, a direct glutamate agonist found in the same mushrooms, is decarboxylated to
muscimol just as glutamate is decarboxylated to GABA.
Indirect GABA Agonists
Page 87 of 123
Volatile anesthetics
Direct GABAB agonists
Inhibit GABA-T
Page 88 of 123
Tricyclic antidepressants
Inhibit GAD
Domoic acid
Direct GABAB antagonists
Inhibit PK
c Major site of action is PK inhibition, though some direct GAD inhibition occurs.
Numerous steroids, such as alphaxalone and naturally occurring analogs, bind to more than one site on
the GABAA complex to inhibit or enhance the action of GABA.55,138
The synthesis of neuroactive steroids is partly regulated by benzodiazepine binding to mitochondrial
benzodiazepine receptors (MBRs) apart from the GABAA complex.80,138 These mitochondrial
benzodiazepine binding sites are found both within and outside the CNS and were originally called
peripheral benzodiazepine receptors. Mitochondrial benzodiazepine binding sites comprise three
subunits: a voltage-dependent anion channel; an adenine nucleotide carrier; and a binding site for PK
11195, an isoquinoline carboxamide derivative.54 Benzodiazepines vary in their affinity for
mitochondrial binding. On binding, benzodiazepines appear to enhance the movement of cholesterol into
mitochondria to begin steroid synthesis. Some of carbamazepine's action may be a result of binding at
mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptors.45
Barbiturates bind to the GABAA complex to produce several effects.77,138 All barbiturates enhance the
action of GABA by producing more Cl- influx for a given amount of GABA binding by increasing the
duration of Cl- channel opening. Whereas phenobarbital does not change the affinity of GABA or
benzodiazepines for their binding sites, depressant barbiturates, such as pentobarbital, do increase
GABA and benzodiazepine receptor affinities for their ligands, further enhancing inward Cl- currents.
At high concentrations, at least some barbiturates directly open Cl- channels to cause Cl- influx.77 In
addition, barbiturates possess other actions that depress all excitable membranes, including cardiac and
smooth muscle.
The intravenous anesthetics propofol and etomidate enhance inward GABAA Cl- currents, and at high
Page 89 of 123
concentrations they directly open chloride channels in the absence of GABA.7 The anesthetic effects of
etomidate are mediated by 3 subunits, while agonism at 2 subunits may contribute to etomidate's
sedative effect.111,125,142 Volatile general anesthetics also directly activate GABAA Cl- channels.
Some of ethanol's action is mediated through binding to the GABAA complex. The degree to which
ethanol enhances the effect of GABA on Cl- influx depends on the GABAA receptor subunit
composition. For example, receptors with an 4 or 6 subunit and a subunit respond to very low
concentrations of ethanol.151,163
Methaqualone produces at least part of its pharmacologic effect through indirect GABAA activity. Little
is known of glutethimide's and methyprylon's mechanism of action. Their structural similarities to
barbiturates suggest that much or most of them reside at the GABAA receptor. Trichloroethanol, a
metabolite of chloral hydrate, and clomethiazole interact at the GABAA complex in a manner similar to
barbiturates, although it is not clear whether they are binding to an identical site on the Cl- channel.166
Ivermectin, an antihelminthic, activates GABAA Cl- channels by increasing GABA binding.
Meprobamate displays barbiturate-like action at the GABAA receptor, and, at high concentrations, is
able to cause Cl- influx in the absence of GABA.126 High concentrations of felbamate also cause inward
Cl- currents in the presence of GABA, although this seems unimportant at therapeutic doses.126 Part of
topiramate's anticonvulsant action may result from enhanced Cl- influx through binding to GABAA
Inhibition of GABA Uptake
Valproate and the anticonvulsants guvacine and tiagabine work, in part, by inhibiting GABA uptake.
Although valproate is structurally similar to GABA, its inhibition of the GABA transporter does not
appear to be competitive.108
GABAA Antagonism
Direct GABAA Antagonists
Substances that act by any mechanism to decrease GABAA activity can cause CNS excitation and
convulsions by preventing inhibitory inward Cl- currents. Direct antagonists bind to the same site as
GABA to prevent GABA binding, the prototype being the convulsant bicuculline. Various antibiotics
interact with the GABAA receptor to antagonize the action of GABA. In a dose-dependent manner, both
imipenem and cephalosporins appear to directly antagonize GABA binding and can produce seizures at
high doses or at therapeutic doses in susceptible individuals.162 Evidence suggests that penicillin may
also directly antagonize GABA binding. Electrophysiologic and radioligand binding studies indicate that
norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, and enoxacin all combine with the GABA binding site to prevent
GABA binding.162 Theophylline and at least some nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents markedly
enhance GABA antagonism by some fluoroquinolones in vitro.162 Virol A, from Cicuta virosa, appears
to directly antagonize binding of GABA to its receptor on the GABAA complex.156
Indirect GABAA Antagonists
Penicillin is well known for producing convulsions at high doses (eg, >20 million units of penicillin per
day with renal insufficiency), and both penicillin and aztreonam, a monobactam, appear to block the Clchannel to prevent GABA-mediated inward Cl- currents.162
Picrotoxin, from Anamirta cocculus (fish berries), and the experimental convulsant pentylenetetrazol
bind to the picrotoxin site of the GABAA receptor complex to inhibit the action of GABA. Excessive
doses produce CNS excitation and convulsions. Some organochlorine insecticides (eg, lindane) also
Page 90 of 123
inhibit the action of GABA by binding to what appears to be the picrotoxin site.92 Convulsions
characterize acute poisonings by these agents. Both -thujone, the active component in wormwood oil,
and cicutoxin from the water hemlock noncompetitively antagonize GABAA activity.64,157
Flumazenil competitively antagonizes benzodiazepines, zolpidem, zaleplon, and zopiclone at their
receptors to reverse their pharmacologic effects.20,139 Paradoxically, large doses of flumazenil exhibit
anticonvulsant activity in animals. This is explained by flumazenil's ability to inhibit adenosine uptake,
not by partial agonism at the benzodiazepine receptor.117
Cyclic antidepressants, including amoxapine and maprotiline, and at least two MAOIs (isocarboxazid
and tranylcypromine) inhibit GABA-mediated Cl- influx at GABAA receptors.95,146 Their potency at
inhibiting Cl- influx correlates with the frequency of seizures that occur in patients taking therapeutic
doses of these medications. Impaired GABAA activity may contribute to or be primarily responsible for
seizures seen in patients who overdose on these agents. The exact binding site of these drugs on the
GABAA receptor complex is not yet known, although some evidence suggests at least indirect activity at
the picrotoxin binding site.
Some subtypes of GABAA receptors are susceptible to inhibition by zinc ions.138 What role this plays in
normal physiology or toxicology is not established.
GABAA Withdrawal
Acute withdrawal from all GABAA direct and indirect agonists appears almost identical except for time
course; in all cases, a common denominator is impaired Cl- influx. Withdrawal of all GABAA agonists
can cause tremor, hypertension, tachycardia, respiratory alkalosis, diaphoresis, agitation, hallucinations,
and convulsions. When GABAA receptors are chronically exposed to an agonist, changes in gene
expression of receptor subunits occur which lessens Cl- influx in response to GABA or drug binding,
producing tolerance. Importantly, withdrawal of the agonist produces yet further changes in subunit
expression. For example, benzodiazepine-insensitive 4-subunit expression is increased following
withdrawal of many GABA agonists, including benzodiazepines, zolpidem, zaleplon, neuro-steroids,
and ethanol. (Expression of other subunits, including 1, 2, 2, and 1 also change in response to
Page 91 of 123
patients with baclofen overdose are thought to result from disinhibition (inhibition of inhibitory
neurons). Carbamazepine's activation of GABAB receptors has been demonstrated, although this is not
thought to explain most of its anticonvulsant action. Some of -hydroxybutyrate's actions following
pharmacologic doses may be mediated through activation of GABAB receptors.
GABAB Withdrawal
Baclofen withdrawal is similar clinically to GABAA withdrawal. Hallucinations, agitation, tremor,
increased sympathetic activity, and convulsions are the main characteristics of baclofen withdrawal.
Withdrawal from chronic intrathecal baclofen administration may also be accompanied by large swings
in autonomic tone (hypotension, hypertension, tachycardia, bradycardia) and transient cardiomyopathy
and shock. Reinstitution of oral baclofen therapy following oral withdrawal, or intrathecal baclofen
following intrathecal withdrawal is the definitive treatment of choice.96
-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB; -hydroxybutyric acid) exists endogenously but toxicologic interest stems
from its use as a drug of abuse and as a treatment for narcolepsy.11,46,87 GHB is rapidly absorbed and
freely crosses the blood-brain barrier. Toxicity resulting from ingestion of GHB is explained by GHB
receptor and GABAB receptor activation, and comprises agitation, tremor, rapid onset of coma,
vomiting, bradycardia, hypotension, hypotonia, and apnea that usually resolve within several hours.
Although seizure activity has been noted in experimental animals, it is debated whether GHB causes true
convulsive activity in human beings. Human experiments with therapeutic doses of GHB have not
found EEG changes consistent with seizure activity.87 Some authors have reported generalized
seizures occurring in patients presenting after GHB overdose. Interestingly, patients with the rare
inborn error of metabolism, succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSAD) deficiency, have elevated
GHB concentrations and tend to experience seizures.56 Valproate similarly elevates endogenous GHB
concentrations by inhibiting SSAD.
Controversy exists as to whether GHB should be considered a neurotransmitter or simply a
neuromodulator because it is unclear whether this substance is concentrated within vesicles for synaptic
release. There is evidence demonstrating a sodium-dependent uptake transporter for GHB.
GHB receptors appear to be heterogeneously distributed throughout the brain, with highest
concentrations in the hippocampus, cortex, limbic areas, and thalamus, as well as in regions innervated
by dopaminergic terminals and dopaminergic nuclei. GHB receptors exist on neurons, mainly at the
synaptic level, but are absent from glial or peripheral cells.
At least two general GHB receptors have been described thus far, based on binding affinity for GHB and
other ligands. High-affinity receptors for GHB do not respond to GABA, GABAergic agonists, butyrolactone, or dopamine. Similarly, GHB does not activate GABAA Cl- channels. Flumazenil and
baclofen fail to antagonize GHB binding to its binding site.11
Although -butyrolactone (GBL) does not express affinity for GHB binding sites, GBL rapidly
undergoes hydrolysis to form GHB by peripheral -lactonase.11,94 1,4-Butanediol undergoes conversion
to GHB via alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase.
Several proposed pathways for endogenous GHB formation exist (Fig. 14-11).11 Evidence exists for
GHB's metabolism back to GABA, although this appears minimal at physiologic GHB concentrations.46
However, effects resulting from pharmacologic doses of GHB may result, in part, from secondary
GABA formation.
Although normal endogenous GHB concentrations are probably not high enough to activate GABAB
receptors, such receptor activation may occur with exogenous administration of GHB. Furthermore,
there appears to be functional interplay between GHB and GABAB receptors.11
Specific interactions between GHB and dopamine are complex and not fully delineated. Treatment with
Page 92 of 123
GHB appears to inhibit dopamine release, probably via stimulation of GABAB receptors.168 GHB also
affects the firing rates of dopaminergic neurons, dopamine synthesis, and levels of dopamine and its
major metabolites. GHB is thought to affect sleep cycles, temperature regulation, cerebral glucose
metabolism and blood flow, memory, and emotional control, and it may be neuroprotective.
Although GHB can suppress alcohol withdrawal, GHB is also addictive, and both tolerance and a
withdrawal syndrome have been described. Withdrawal is characterized, in part, by insomnia, cramps,
paranoia, hallucinations, tremor, and anxiety.
Glycine as an Inhibitory Neurotransmitter
Glycine acts as a postsynaptic inhibitory neurotransmitter in the spinal cord and lower brainstem. In the
CNS, serine is converted to glycine by serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT).
Figure 14-11. Potential pathways of GHB (-hydroxybutyrate) synthesis and degradation. GABA = aminobutyric acid; GBL = -butyrolactone; SSA =succinic semialdehyde; [1] =glutamic acid
decarboxylase; [2] = GABA-transaminase; [3] =succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase; [4] =specific
succinic semialdehyde reductase and/or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)dependent aldehyde reductase 2; [5] = mitochondrial oxidation; [6] =alcohol dehydrogenase and
aldehyde dehydrogenase; [7] =GHB dehydrogenase; [8] = -lactonase.
Page 93 of 123
Page 94 of 123
and glycinergic Cl- channels share significant amino acid homology. Glycine receptors are pentameric
proteins made up of and subunits. Four isoforms of the subunit and one isoform of the subunit
have been described.101
Glycine receptor activation causes an inward Cl- current that hyperpolarizes the membrane. It appears
that three glycine molecules must bind to sites on the Cl- channel to produce inhibitory Cl- influx.
Chemical Agents
Table 14-10 provides examples of chemical agents that affect inhibitory glycine Cl- channels. The
amino acids D-alanine, taurine, L-alanine, L-serine, and proline can activate glycinergic Cl- channels.
Both ethanol and propofol potentiate glycine-mediated inward Cl- currents through action at the
subunit of the glycine receptor, just as they do at GABAA Cl- channels.97,101 Clozapine inhibits glycine
Strychnine is the main toxicologic agent affecting glycinergic transmission. Strychnine binds to the
subunit of the glycine receptor to prevent glycine's action on Cl- influx,3 at least in part by decreasing
glycine's binding to its receptors. This physiologic antagonism of glycine's action produces increased
muscle tone, rigidity, opisthotonus, trismus, and death from respiratory failure and rhabdomyolysis.
Given the similarity in Cl- channels, it is not surprising that strychnine binds to the GABAA complex in
vitro. However, strychnine's affinity for this complex is less than that for glycine receptors, and most of
its toxicologic action is a result of physiologic antagonism of glycine's inhibitory action.
Picrotoxin binds to the glycine receptor to impair Cl- influx.93 Tetanus toxin produces rigidity and
trismus by preventing glycine release from nerve endings in the spinal cord and brainstem.
TABLE 14-10. Examples of Xenobiotics That Affect Inhibitory Glycine Chloride Channels
Glycine agonists
Glycine antagonists
Glycine uptake inhibitor
Ethanol and propofol enhance Cl influx through glycine Cl- channels, although they do not appear to
act as direct agonists. Evidence exists for picrotoxin's direct antagonism at the glycine binding site(s) in
contrast to GABAA Cl- channels, where it acts at a site separate from where GABA (-aminobutyric
acid) binds.
Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS. Up to 66% of all brain energy
expenditure is attributed to uptake and recycling of glutamate.67 Aspartate displays similar actions
although its exact role as a neurotransmitter is not as well defined because it is only active at certain
types of glutamate receptors. Glutamate and aspartate are commonly referred to as excitatory amino acid
(EAA) neurotransmitters. Glutamate is essential for memory, learning, perception, and locomotion.38,76
Glutamatergic neurotransmission has been a subject of intense research because of its role in mediating
neuronal damage in degenerative neurologic diseases and during times of trauma, ischemia,
hypoglycemia, and status epilepticus. Although glutamate receptor stimulation is necessary for normal
brain activity, excessive glutamate receptor activation endogenously or by glutamate agonists can
produce convulsions, neuronal damage, and death. Conversely, glutamate antagonists demonstrate
anticonvulsant activity and neuroprotective action in animal models of brain and spinal cord injury.
Glutamate may also play an important role in the development of drug abuse and subsequent withdrawal
Page 95 of 123
symptoms. Glutamate antagonists decrease drug craving and withdrawal symptoms in patients addicted
to ethanol, benzodiazepines, and opioids.14
Synthesis, Release, and Uptake
Glutamate is a nonessential amino acid that does not cross the bloodbrain barrier. It must, therefore,
be synthesized from products of glucose metabolism or other precursors that enter neurons. Glutamate is
primarily synthesized from glutamine by the enzyme glutaminase located within the mitochondrial
compartment. Other amino acids, such as aspartate, also serve as sources for glutamate production.
Glutamate stored within vesicles is released into the synapse by Ca-2-dependent exocytosis.38 Five
different EAA uptake transporters have been identified, and glutamate undergoes uptake both by
neuronal and glial cells.134 Synaptic glutamate transported into glial cells undergoes conversion back to
glutamine by the enzyme glutamine synthase. Glial cells then release glutamine back into the synapse
for uptake by neurons and recycling back to glutamate and then into storage vesicles (Fig. 14-13).
Reverse transport of glutamate from the cytoplasm into the synapse by the membrane transporter may
occur under some circumstances.38 Glutamate also serves as the precursor for GABA's synthesis.
Glutamate Receptors
The EAA receptor system is the most complex of all neurotransmitters. This complexity is necessary for
protection against the devastating effects of uncontrolled excitatory neurotransmission. At present, 11
different glutamate receptors are recognized. Three ionotropic glutamate receptors are cation channels,
and 8 metabotropic receptors are linked to G proteins.38
A single neuron may express numerous types of glutamate receptors. Postsynaptic glutamate receptors
are usually excitatory, although some inhibitory actions have been demonstrated. Presynaptic terminal
glutamate receptors appear mainly to inhibit release of various neurotransmitters, including glutamate
(Fig. 14-13).118
Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors
Three ionotropic glutamate receptors have been identified. All allow for excitation through cation
influx. These receptors are further categorized and named by their abilities to be activated or
antagonized by various substances: kainate, AMPA (-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole
propionate), and NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate).
Page 96 of 123
Figure 14-13. Glutamatergic neurotransmission. Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) converts ketoglutarate (-KG) to glutamate (GT) in mitochondria. GT also forms from glutamine via
mitochondrial glutaminase (GA). Glutamate is transported into vesicles [6] by VGlut1 (or possibly other
subtypes) for exocytotic release into the synapse. Synaptic glutamate activates four main types of
receptors. AMPA [2], kainate [3], and NMDA [4] receptors are cation channels. Membrane
depolarization in response to their activation causes neuronal excitation through cation influx.
Metabotropic receptors (mGluR) [1,8] are coupled to G proteins and are expressed on pre- and
postsynaptic membranes. In addition, some mGluRs reside outside of the synapse. Postsynaptic mGluR
excitation in this example [1] results from preventing K+ efflux, but other mechanisms of excitation
exist. Presynaptic mGluRs act to inhibit [8] glutamate (and other neurotransmitter) release through
modulating intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. Figure 14-14 provides a more detailed illustration of the
NMDA receptor. Excessive influx of Ca2+ through NMDA receptors (and through some AMPA and
kainate receptors) causes neuronal damage and cell death. An Mg2+ ion normally blocks the NMDA
receptor channel to prevent Ca2+ influx despite glutamate binding. However, depolarization of the
neuronal membrane by cation influx resulting from activation of any of the other receptor types causes
Mg2+ to dissociate from the NMDA receptor and to allow potentially damaging inward Ca2+ currents.
Glutamate undergoes uptake by neurons and glial cells by various subtypes of EEAT, the membrane
bound glutamate transporter [5]. In glial cells, GT is converted to glutamine by glutamine synthase (GS),
and glutamine is transported out of glial cells by system N-1 (SN1), a Na+- and H+-dependent pump that
is structurally similar to VGAT, the vesicle membrane GABA transporter. Glutamine then moves back
into neurons [7] where it undergoes conversion back to glutamate. Various agents in Table 14-11 affect
glutamatergic neurotransmission, in part, by stimulating or blocking the various glutamate receptors
[14,8] or by preventing glutamate uptake [5]. G =G protein.
Kainate receptors are named for their affinity for kainic acid found in seaweed and comprise
GluR57, KA1, and KA2 subunits.72 Activation allows Na+ influx and a small amount of K+ efflux,
resulting in neuronal depolarization. Some kainate receptors in the hippocampus also appear to allow
Page 97 of 123
Ca2+ influx following activation. Kainate receptors are the only ionotropic glutamate receptors, to date,
found presynaptically, although they are much more prevalent on postsynaptic neuronal membranes.52
The AMPA receptor is an ion channel structurally similar to the kainate receptor that also mediates Na+
influx (and lesser amounts of K+ efflux) on postsynaptic membranes, triggering neuronal
depolarization.12 AMPA receptors are composed of GluR13 subunits.72 The AMPA receptor is the
most common ionotropic glutamate receptor found in the brain and appears to account for most
glutamatergic excitation under normal conditions. A subtype of AMPA receptors in the hippocampus
may also allow Ca2+ influx after activation.129
The NMDA receptor, the most studied of all glutamate receptors, is a Ca2+ channel whose activation
allows for inward Ca2+ and Na+ currents (and some K+ efflux), resulting in neuronal depolarization
and excitation (Fig. 14-14). NMDA receptors comprise NR1, NR2AD, and NR3AB subunits.72
Excessive stimulation of NMDA receptors by glutamate released during times of ischemia, trauma,
hypoglycemia, or convulsions triggers damaging rises in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, activation of
numerous enzymes, and free radical formation, all of which incite cell death.76 Antagonists of NMDA
Ca2+ channels demonstrate anticonvulsant and neuroprotective activity during times of neuronal insult.
Figure 14-14. Representation of the NMDA glutamate receptor. The NMDA receptor is a voltage-gated
and ligand-gated Ca2+ channel. Glutamate (GT) binds to its receptor on the channel [2] to open the Ca2+
channel and to allow Ca2+ and Na+ influx and lesser amounts of K+ efflux. Mg2+ normally blocks the
Ca2+ channel, preventing cation influx in response to glutamate binding. Mg2+ leaves the channel when
the membrane is depolarized by 2030 mV. Glycine must also bind to its site on the NMDA receptor
complex for successful glutamate agonism. Polyamines bind on the extracellular surface of the receptor
[5]. Zn2+ binds [4] to inhibit Ca2+ influx. The phencyclidine (PCP) binding site [3] lies within the
channel. Agents in Table 14-11 may antagonize glycine binding [1]; block the Ca2+ channel by binding
to the PCP binding site [3]; bind to the polyamine binding site [5]; or directly stimulate the glutamate
binding site [2].
The NMDA Ca2+ channel is normally blocked by Mg2+ in a voltage-dependent manner, preventing
Ca2+ influx despite glutamate binding (Fig. 14-14).128 Only when the neuronal membrane is depolarized
Page 98 of 123
by at least 2030 mV through some other mechanism (eg, activation of another type of glutamate
receptor) will Mg2+ leave the channel and allow Ca2+ influx in response to glutamate binding. Thus, the
NMDA glutamate receptor is both a ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channel. Many neurons express
both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors for glutamate. Excessive stimulation of kainate or AMPA
receptors by glutamate causes cell damage through Na- (and in some instance, Ca2+) influx, because the
membrane depolarization they produce causes Mg2+ to leave the NMDA receptor and allows for
potentially damaging inward Ca2+ currents.38 Calcium ion influx through voltage-gated ion channels
(including the L subtype) on cell bodies that open in response to depolarization also contributes to
accumulation of intracellular calcium and cell damage. Consequently, excessive activation of any
excitatory glutamate receptor has the potential to produce neuronal cytotoxicity.76 Glutamate alone is
incapable of activating NMDA receptors, even after Mg2+ has dissociated from the ion channel. Glycine
also must bind to its specific receptor on the NMDA receptor complex for successful glutamate agonism
(Fig. 14-14), making glycine an indirect agonist of excitatory neurotransmission.38 Strychnine does not
antagonize glycine's excitatory action at NMDA receptors, explaining why glycine NMDA receptors are
also known as strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors.
Zinc ions normally bind to the NMDA receptor complex to antagonize the action of glutamate. Binding
of spermine or spermidine to a polyamine binding site on the extracellular side of the NMDA receptor
results in increased affinity of glycine and glutamate for their binding sites. However, polyamine
agonism is not essential for glutamate activation of NMDA receptors.65
Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors
Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are linked to various G proteins on post- and presynaptic
membranes (Fig. 14-13). Eight different receptors have been isolated. In contrast to ionotropic glutamate
receptors, mGluRs may excite or inhibit at postsynaptic membranes, and appear mainly to inhibit at
presynaptic locations. Postsynaptic excitation most commonly results from prevention of K+ efflux or
activation of phospholipase C, which serves to raise intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Postsynaptic
inhibition usually results from enhanced K+ efflux.100
Metabotropic glutamate receptors are commonly subdivided into three main groups based on their
sequence homology, intracellular signaling mechanisms and response to specific experimental
agonists.106 As a general rule, group I receptors (mGlu1, mGlu5) reside postsynaptically; activation
produces excitation through blockade of K+ efflux or by activating phospholipase C, producing rises in
intracellular Ca2+.152 In animal experiments, agonists of group I receptors produce convulsions, while
antagonists display anticonvulsant effects.106
Groups II (mGlu2, mGlu3) and III (mGlu4, mGlu6, mGlu7, mGlu8) receptors most commonly serve as
presynaptic autoreceptors and heteroreceptors and, when activated, inhibit adenylate cyclase activity.
This, in turn, prevents Ca2+ influx and serves to inhibit release of neurotransmitters, including
glutamate, GABA, dopamine, and adenosine. Group II presynaptic autoreceptors may play an especially
important role in decreasing further glutamate release during pathologic conditions when the
concentration of glutamate exceeds normal physiologic levels.152 Agonists of groups II and III
metabotropic receptors produce anticonvulsant effects in animals.106
TABLE 14-11. Examples of Xenobiotics That Affect Glutamatergic Neurotransmission
Glutamate agonism
NMDA receptor antagonists
Direct glutamate receptor agonists
Dizocilpine (MK801)
Domoic acid
Ibotenic acid
Glycine NMDA receptor agonists
Glutamate uptake inhibitor
Page 99 of 123
NMDA glycine antagonists
Kynurenic acid
Glutamate antagonism
Prevent glutamate release
Polyamine antagonists
BMAA = -amino--methylaminopropionic acid; BOAA = -N-oxalylamino-L-alanine; NMDA 5 Nmethyl-D-aspartate.
a Ethanol antagonizes glutamate's action at NMDA receptors through an unknown mechanism.
Chemical Agents
Table 14-11 provides examples of chemical agents that affect glutamatergic neurotransmission.
Glutamate Agonism
Domoic acid produces amnestic shellfish poisoning, partly characterized by confusion, agitation,
convulsions, memory disturbance, neuronal damage, and death.58 The structural similarity between
domoic acid and glutamate is thought to explain excessive activation of kainate receptors with secondary
NMDA receptor activation and neuronal damage.
Investigators hypothesize that other naturally occurring glutamate receptor agonists produce additional
neurologic diseases. The neurogenic form of lathyrism results from using chickling peas (Lathyrus
sativus) as a food staple. Chickling peas contain -N-oxalylamino-L-alanine (BOAA), an agonist of
AMPA receptors.38,79 Neurogenic lathyrism was common in German concentration and prisoner of war
camps during World War II and still occurs regularly in some parts of the world. Ibotenic acid, from
poisonous mushrooms, activates NMDA and some metabotropic glutamate receptors.38,79 It undergoes
decarboxylation to muscimol, a direct agonist at GABAA receptors. Clozapine inhibits glutamate
Because noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonism reproduces many signs and symptoms of
schizophrenia, investigators are directing efforts at increasing glutamate's activity at NMDA channels in
an effort to treat the disease. After crossing the bloodbrain barrier, milacemide undergoes conversion
to glycine, which is required for NMDA receptor activation. D-Cycloserine also crosses the
bloodbrain barrier to stimulate glycine receptors on NMDA calcium channels.38
Glutamate Antagonism
Prevention of Glutamate Release
Riluzole, used for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, indirectly prevents release of glutamate.
Lamotrigine diminishes glutamate release through blockade of voltage-gated Na+ channels. Blockade of
voltage-gated Ca2+ channels by nimodipine also appears to impair glutamate release.154
NMDA Receptor Antagonists
Although some experimental agents and pharmaceutics antagonize the action of glutamate, most of our
knowledge concerns antagonism at NMDA receptors. Phencyclidine and ketamine appear to bind within
the ion channel (PCP binding site) to block Ca2+ influx following glutamate binding (Fig. 14-14).76
Both agents possess other pharmacologic actions and can produce convulsions in overdose. However, in
animal models of seizures and neuronal insult, both drugs are neuroprotective and anticonvulsant.
Dextromethorphan and its first-pass metabolite, dextrorphan, exhibit anticonvulsant activity in animals.
Dextrorphan's anticonvulsant activity results, in part, from blockade of NMDA receptor Ca2+ channels
by binding to the PCP binding site. Dextromethorphan does not bind to the NMDA complex but, like
dextrorphan, can directly block N- and L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels.29
Dizocilpine (MK-801) is an NMDA receptor antagonist that binds to the PCP binding site in the NMDA
Ca2+ channel. Human trials of dizocilpine resulted in adverse effects similar to those produced by
phencyclidine, preventing further use in humans as a neuroprotective agent. Amantadine, memantine,
and orphenadrine act as low-affinity antagonists at the PCP site but are not associated with
psychotomimetic adverse effects. Part of amantadine's effectiveness in the treatment of Parkinson
disease may be related to NMDA antagonism. Pentamidine also antagonizes glutamate binding at
NMDA channels.154
Ethanol competitively inhibits NMDA receptor stimulation by an unknown mechanism, resulting in
upregulation of this glutamatergic system. It does not appear to act through currently recognized binding
sites.167 In some animal models of ethanol withdrawal seizures, NMDA receptor antagonists
demonstrate better anticonvulsant action than GABAA agonists.
Glycine Antagonists
Felbamate's anticonvulsant activity may result, in part, from antagonism of glycine at NMDA
receptors.100 Kynurenic acid, a metabolite of L-tryptophan, prevents NMDA activation through glycine
antagonism. Meprobamate also antagonizes NMDA glutamate receptors by a yet-to-be-determined
mechanism. However, given the structural similarity to felbamate, meprobamate may act by
antagonizing the action of glycine.126
Polyamine Antagonism
Ifenprodil and eliprodil antagonize glutamate's action at NMDA channels by preventing polyamine
The overall action of adenosine throughout the body is to lessen oxygen requirements and to increase
oxygen and substrate delivery. In keeping with the paradigm, adenosine functions in the CNS as an
extremely important inhibitory neuromodulator and vasodilator.
Synthesis, Release, and Uptake
Normal intracellular concentrations of adenosine range from 50 to 300 nM. An Na+-dependent purine
uptake transporter moves
adenosine into the neuron (Fig. 14-15). During times of adequate oxygen delivery and oxidative
phosphorylation, intracellular ATP concentrations are normally many fold greater than those of
adenosine. Adenosine begins conversion to ATP by adenosine kinase, but adenosine can also be
metabolized to inosine by adenosine deaminase, a less important pathway.25,120
ATP is commonly coreleased with other neurotransmitters (eg, norepinephrine, ACh, glutamate) into the
synapse where it can be degraded to adenosine monophosphate (AMP) (Fig. 14-15). When oxygen
delivery remains adequate to meet metabolic demands, most synaptic adenosine arises from the
extracellular dephosphorylation of AMP by ectosolic 5-nucleotidase.25
During increased cellular catabolism, especially during inadequate oxygen delivery, intracellular
adenosine concentrations rapidly rise as phosphorylated adenosine species are degraded to adenosine.
The rise in intracellular adenosine concentration results in reverse transport of adenosine into the
synapse by the purine uptake transporter (Fig. 14-15). Synaptic adenosine, then, activates adenosine
receptors on neuronal and nonneuronal tissue (eg, vasculature). Adenosine's actions are terminated by
uptake into glial cells and neurons (Fig. 14-15).25
also produces sedation and is important in sleep regulation.120 Other functions attributed to A1 receptors
include neuroprotection, anxiolysis, temperature reduction, anticonvulsant activity, and spinal analgesia.
Peripheral A1 receptor activation produces bronchoconstriction, decreased glomerular filtration,
decreased heart rate, slowed atrioventricular conduction, and decreased atrial myocardial contractility.36
In the heart, almost all A1 receptors reside in the atria.19
In the CNS, A2A receptors demonstrate limited distribution. They are concentrated on cerebral
vasculature and produce vasodilatation when stimulated.122,159 Additionally, A2A receptors are
especially prevalent on neurons in the striatum where they inhibit the activity of D2 receptors.48 Striatal
A2A receptors decrease GABA effects while enhancing cholinergic, glycinergic, and glutamatergic
neurotransmission.40 Some A2 receptors are found presynaptically where they serve to increase
requirements alternate with interictal periods of isolated spike waves during which metabolic demands
are less. The high-frequency phase lasts only a few minutes before suddenly terminating, sometimes
with a few seconds of electrocerebral silence. A gradual increase in electrical activity during the
interictal phase eventually leads to a recurrence of high-frequency spike activity.
These periodic spontaneous self-terminations of high-frequency electrical activity initially occur before
neurons exhaust oxygen and energy supplies. These punctuations result from adenosine release from
depolarizing neurons (and probably glial cells).43 Adenosine acts on presynaptic receptors to prevent
further release of excitatory neurotransmitters and acts on postsynaptic receptors to inhibit their actions.
Any agent that directly or indirectly enhances adenosine's action at A1 receptors in the brain will usually
exhibit anticonvulsant activity. Conversely, A1 receptor antagonists lower the seizure threshold and
make seizure termination more difficult and less likely to respond to anticonvulsants.
Agents that antagonize A2A receptors produce cerebral vasoconstriction and may limit oxygen delivery
during times of increased demand. Antagonism of A2A receptors in the striatum increases dopaminemediated motor activity.
Chemical Agents
Table 14-12 provides examples of chemical agents that affect adenosine receptors.
Direct Adenosine Agonists
ADAC (adenosine amine congener) is a direct A1 receptor agonist used in the treatment of Huntington
disease.19 Tecadenoson is a selective A1 receptor agonist that is used for treatment of supraventricular
Indirect Adenosine Agonists
Papaverine and dipyridamole inhibit adenosine uptake.116 Like other adenosine agonists, papaverine and
dipyridamole demonstrate anticonvulsant activity when injected into the CNS. Such actions are not
achievable with safe systemic doses.
In addition to their actions at GABAA receptors, benzodiazepines inhibit adenosine uptake.34,117 This
may explain observations that methylxanthines, potent adenosine receptor antagonists, reverse
benzodiazepine-induced sedation in humans. The potencies of benzodiazepines as inhibitors of
adenosine uptake show
good correlation with clinical anxiolytic and anticonflict potencies, suggesting that such inhibition
contributes to their action. The anticonvulsant effect of large doses of flumazenil also results from
inhibition of adenosine uptake. Carbamazepine inhibits adenosine uptake, although this is not thought to
account for most anticonvulsive action.
TABLE 14-12. Examples of Xenobiotics That Affect Adenosine Receptors
Inhibit ADA
Adenosine agonism
Direct agonists
ADAC (adenosine amine congener)
Inhibit AK
Inhibit uptake
Increase adenosine release
Calcium channel blockers
Adenosine antagonism
Tricyclic antidepressants
A1 blockade
A2 blockade
ADA = adenosine deaminase; AK = adenosine kinase.
a Ethanol is metabolized to acetate, which inhibits adenosine uptake.
Adenosine may mediate many of the acute and chronic motor effects of ethanol on the brain. Ethanol,
probably through its metabolite, acetate, prevents adenosine uptake, raising synaptic adenosine
concentrations.28 Excessive stimulation of several adenosine receptors in the cerebellum may explain
much of the motor impairment from low ethanol concentrations. In fact, animals made tolerant to
ethanol develop cross-tolerance to adenosine agonists. In mice, adenosine receptor agonists increase
ethanol-induced incoordination while adenosine antagonists decrease this intoxicating response.37
Numerous other agents are inhibitors of adenosine uptake, including propentofylline, nimodipine,
tricyclic antidepressants, and other calcium channel blockers.114,116
A1 receptors located at the spinal cord level are important modulators of pain transmission by limiting
release of substance P.132 Tricyclic antidepressants-induced inhibition of adenosine uptake may explain
some of their effectiveness in treating neuropathic pain.132 The analgesic effectiveness of opioids can be
partially attributed to their ability to increase the release of adenosine within the spinal cord.143
Dipyridamole inhibits adenosine deaminase, raising adenosine concentrations. During times of elevated
adenosine levels that occur with cardiac or cerebral ischemia, acadesine further enhances adenosine's
beneficial actions by three mechanisms: inhibition of adenosine kinase (AK), inhibition of adenosine
deaminase (ADA), and inhibition of adenosine uptake.107
Adenosine Antagonists
The main adenosine antagonists of toxicologic concern are methylxanthines. Theophylline and caffeine
are selective P1 antagonists, blocking both A1 and A2 receptors.159 The response to methylxanthines by
A3 receptors varies widely depending on the species. Human A3 receptors demonstrate very low affinity
for methylxanthines.160
Peripherally, methylxanthines produce excessive release of catecholamines from peripheral nerve
endings (and probably the adrenal gland) by blocking presynaptic A1 receptors. In turn, catecholaminemediated responses are exaggerated by blockade of inhibitory postsynaptic A1 receptors on end
Centrally, enhanced release and actions of excitatory neurotransmitters (eg, glutamate) and resultant lack
of periodicity probably explain convulsions that are frequently refractory to anticonvulsants in
methylxanthine poisoning. The reasons why theophylline convulsions carry such a high mortality stem
from a lack of self-termination (continual high-frequency spike activity and large metabolic demands)
that has resulted from A1 antagonism, compounded by vasoconstriction caused by blockade of A2
receptors.119 GABAA receptor agonism, especially by barbiturates, most effectively prevents and
terminates methylxanthine-induced seizures. Phenytoin not only is ineffective in treating theophyllineinduced seizures, but may actually increase the likelihood of seizures and mortality.15
Like phenytoin, carbamazepine's major anticonvulsant effect results from Na+ channel blockade. Unlike
phenytoin, carbamazepine appears to antagonize A1 receptors.31,34 This may explain the higher
frequency of seizures after carbamazepine overdose than after phenytoin overdose. The absence of A2
blockade by carbamazepine theoretically allows for increases in cerebral blood flow to meet metabolic
demands of the seizing brain.
Neurotransmitter systems share common physiologic features, including neurotransmitter uptake,
vesicle membrane pumps, ion trapping of neurotransmitters within vesicles, calcium-dependent
exocytosis, and receptors coupled to either G proteins or to ion channels. It is not surprising, then, that a
single pharmacologic agent frequently produces effects on several different neurotransmitter systems.
As the number of new drugs and toxins encountered by man continues to grow, an understanding of
their molecular actions in the nervous system helps the physician to anticipate and better understand
various pharmacologic and adverse effects resulting from therapeutic or toxic doses.
Kimberly Graeme contributed to this chapter in a previous edition.
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Editors: Flomenbaum, Neal E.; Goldfrank, Lewis R.; Hoffman, Robert S.; Howland, Mary Ann; Lewin,
Neal A.; Nelson, Lewis S.
Title: Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, 8th Edition
Copyright 2006 McGraw-Hill
> Table of Contents > Part B - The Fundamental Principles of Medical Toxicology > Section I Biochemical and Molecular Basis > Chapter 15 - Withdrawal Principles
Chapter 15
Withdrawal Principles
Richard J. Hamilton
In the central nervous system, excitatory neurons fire regularly, and inhibitory neurons inhibit the
transmission of these impulses. Whenever action is required, the inhibitory tone diminishes, permitting
the excitatory nerve impulses to travel to their end organs. Thus, all action in human neurophysiology is
Tonic activity of a xenobiotic produces an adaptive change in the neuron. For example, tonic stimulation
of an inhibitory neuron reduces the activity of that neuron so that the baseline level of function is again
attained. A withdrawal syndrome occurs when the constant presence of this xenobiotic is removed or
reduced and the adaptive changes persist. This produces a dysfunctional state in which there is
significantly reduced inhibitory neurotransmission, essentially producing excitation (Fig. 15-1). Every
withdrawal syndrome has two characteristics: (a) a preexisting physiologic adaptation to a xenobiotic,
the continuous presence of which prevents withdrawal, and (b) decreasing concentrations of that
xenobiotic. In contrast, simple tolerance to a drug is characterized as a physiologic adaptation that shifts
the doseresponse curve to the right; that is, greater amounts of xenobiotic are required to achieve a
given effect. Patients with withdrawal syndromes have often developed tolerance, but tolerance does not
require the continued presence of the xenobiotic to prevent withdrawal.38,86
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) provides a helpful
and descriptive set of criteria that mesh with our understanding of the pathophysiology of withdrawal
syndromes.30 According to DSM-IV, withdrawal is manifested by either of the following: (a) a
characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance or (b) the same (or a closely related) substance is
taken to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Note that either criterion fulfills this definition. Logically, all
syndromes have the first criterion, and so it is the presence of the second criterion that is critical to
understanding physiology and therapy.
For the purposes of defining a unifying pathophysiology of withdrawal syndromes, this chapter
considers syndromes in which both features are present. An analysis from this perspective distinguishes
xenobiotics that affect the inhibitory neuronal pathways from the effects of those agents that stimulate
the excitatory neuronal pathways, such as cocaine. Cocaine does not produce a withdrawal syndrome
using this definition, but rather a postintoxication syndrome that often results in lethargy,
hypersomnolence, movement disorders, and irritability. This syndrome does not meet the second of the
DSM-IV criteria for a withdrawal syndrome because the same (or a closely related) substance is not
taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms. This postintoxication syndrome, the so-called crack
crash or washed-out syndrome, is caused by prolonged use of the drug, and patients return to
their premorbid function without intervention.74,87,98 This distinction is important for toxicologists,
because (a) withdrawal syndromes that demonstrate both features of the DSM-IV criteria are treated
with reinstatement and gradual withdrawal of a xenobiotic that has an effect on the receptor and (b)
withdrawal syndromes that do not demonstrate the second feature require only supportive care and
resolve spontaneously.
Finally, withdrawal syndromes are best described and treated based on the class of receptors that are
affected because this concept also organizes the approach to patient care. For each receptor and its
agonists, research has identified genomic and nongenomic effects that produce neuroadaptation and
withdrawal syndromes. There appear to be six mechanisms involved: (a) genomic mechanisms via
mRNA; (b) second messenger effects via protein kinases, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP),43
and calcium ions; (c) receptor endocytosis; (d) expression of various receptor subtypes depending on
location within the synapse (synaptic localization); (e) intracellular signaling via effects on other
receptors; and (f) neurosteroid modulation. All or some of these mechanisms are already demonstrated
in each of the known withdrawal states.51 These mechanisms develop in a surprisingly rapid fashion and
modify the receptor and its function in such complex ways as to depend on the continued presence of the
substance to prevent dysfunction.49,63,67,69,85,99,103
GABAA Receptors (Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Ethanol, Volatile Solvents)
-Aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors have separate binding sites for GABA, barbiturates,
benzodiazepines, and picrotoxin, to name only a few xenobiotics (Chap. 14). Barbiturates and
benzodiazepines bind to separate receptor sites and enhance the affinity for GABAA at its receptor site.
GABAA receptors are part of a superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels, including nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors and glycine receptors, that exist as pentamers arranged around a central ion
channel.89 When activated, they hyperpolarize the postsynaptic neuron by facilitating an inward chloride
current (without a G protein messenger), decreasing the likelihood of the neuron firing an action
The GABA receptor is a pentamer comprised of two subunits, two subunits and an additional
subunit, most commonly , which
is a key element in the benzodiazepine binding site. The two GABA-binding sites per receptor are
located in a homologous position to the benzodiazepine site between the and subunits. Although the
mechanism is unclear, benzodiazepines have no direct functional effect without the presence of GABA.
Conversely, certain barbiturates, or perhaps all in a dose-dependent manner, can increase the frequency
of channel opening producing a net increase in current flow without GABA binding.36,67
Figure 15-1. Alcohol intoxication, tolerance, and withdrawal. Alcohol consumption in alcohol-naive
persons produces intoxication and sedation by simultaneous agonism at the -aminobutyric acid
(GABA) receptor-chloride channel complex and antagonism at the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)glutamate receptor. Continuous alcohol consumption leads to the development of tolerance through
changes in both the GABA receptor-chloride channel complex (a subunit shift from 1 to 4, results in
reduced sensitivity to the sedating effects of alcohol) and the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor
(upregulation in number, resulting in enhanced wakefulness). There is conceptually a level at which the
tolerant patient may appear clinically normal despite having an elevated blood alcohol concentration.
Tolerant patients who are abstinent lose the tonic effects of alcohol on these receptors, resulting in
Recent evidence demonstrates that this prototypical pentameric GABAA receptor assembly is derived
from a permutation and combination of two, three, four, or even five different subunits. The subtypes of
GABA receptors can even vary on the same cell.67 In fact, GABA receptors are heterogeneous receptors
with different subunits and distinct regional distribution. Although the preponderance of subtypes
122, 232, and 332 account for 75% of GABA receptors, there are at least 16 others of
import.103 The recognition of additional subunits of GABAA receptors, such as , has permitted the
development of targeted pharmaceuticals.7 For example, the drug zolpidem achieves its effect of
hastened onset of sleep by targeting the 1 receptor subunit of GABAA.84
Previously, ethanol was thought to have GABA-receptor activity, although a clearly identified binding
site was not evident (Chap. 75). Traditional explanations for this effect included (a) enhanced membrane
fluidity and allosteric potentiation (so-called cross-coupling) of the 5 proteins that construct the GABAA
receptor; (b) interaction with a portion of the receptor; and/or (c) enhanced GABA release.18,50,52,83
Research with chimeric reconstruction of GABAA and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) channels
demonstrates highly specific binding sites for high doses of ethanol which enhance GABAA and inhibit
NMDA receptor-mediated glutamate neurotransmission.68 However, research has not clarified whether
ethanol at low doses is a direct agonist of GABAA receptors or a potentiator of GABAA receptor
Ethanol exhibits all 6 mechanisms of adaptation to chronic exposure, and is the prototypical substance
for studying neuroadaptation and withdrawal.51 These 6 mechanisms appear to apply to benzodiazepines
as well.3,48,73,76 The mechanisms are (a) altered GABAA receptor gene expression via alterations in
mRNA and peptide concentrations of GABAA receptor subunits in numerous regions of the brain
(genomic mechanisms); (b) posttranslational modification through phosphorylation of receptor subunits
with protein kinase C (second-messenger effects); (c) subcellular localization by an increased
internalization of GABAA receptor 1-subunit receptors (receptor endocytosis); (d) modification of
receptor subtypes with differing affinities for agonists to the synaptic or nonsynaptic sites (synaptic
localization); (e) regulation via intracellular signaling by the NMDA, acetylcholine, serotonin, and adrenergic receptors; and (f) neurosteroid modulation of GABA-receptor sensitivity and
Intracellular signaling via NMDA subtype of the glutamate receptor appears to explain the
kindling hypothesis, in which successive withdrawal events become progressively more
severe.8,10,12,15,33,55,102 The activity of an excitatory neurotransmission increases the more it fires, a
phenomenon known as long-term potentiation, and is the result of increased activity of mRNA and
receptor protein expression, a genomic effect of intracellular signaling.38 As
NMDA receptors increase in number and function (upregulation)42 and GABAA receptor activity
diminishes, withdrawal becomes more severe.28,55,65,78 The dizocilpine (MK-801) binding site of the
NMDA receptor appears to be the major contributor, and this effect is recognized in neurons that
express both NMDA and GABAA receptors.4,101,105 Interestingly, animal models suggest that chronic
ethanol use induces alterations in the receptor subunit composition of the GABAA receptor, which may
be partly responsible for the development of ethanol tolerance, withdrawal, and kindling.20,55
In summary, it is an over simplification to view GABAA receptors as a homogenous and static collection
of cell-surface proteins that are stimulated by sedatives. GABAA agonists induce modulatory changes in
the receptors through genomic and nongenomic mechanisms that ultimately alter their function. In this
way, withdrawal symptoms represent the clinical manifestation of a change in GABA-receptor-complex
characteristics.19,44 When alcohol or any xenobiotic with GABA agonist activity is withdrawn,
inhibitory control of excitatory neurotransmission, such as that mediated by the now upregulated NMDA
receptors, is lost.34,63,81 This results in the clinical syndrome of withdrawal: CNS excitation (tremor,
hallucinations, seizures), and autonomic stimulation (tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia,
diaphoresis) (Chap. 76).39,50,85
Volatile solvents, such as gasoline, ether, and toluene, are widespread substances of abuse whose effects
appear to be mediated by the GABA receptor; all of these solvents have a well-established abuse
potential, especially in adolescents. These solvents can produce CNS inhibition and anesthesia at
escalating doses via the GABAA receptor. Elaboration of the mechanism specific for solvent abuse
awaits further study, although it is logical to assume that they act in a similar fashion as ethanol and
other xenobiotics with the GABAA receptor.9 They also appear to initiate the same dopamine reward
system as other drugs of abuse.77,91
GABAB Receptors (GHB and Baclofen)
GABAB agonists such as -hydroxybutyric (GHB) acid and baclofen have similar clinical
inhibition (by preventing Ca2+ influx) and postsynaptic inhibition (by increasing K+ efflux). The
postsynaptic receptors appear to have a similar inhibitory effect as the GABAA receptors. The
presynaptic receptors provide feedback inhibition of GABA release. Unlike GABAA receptors, these are
mediated through G protein messengers.13,62,104
GHB is a naturally occurring inhibitory neurotransmitter with its own distinct receptor. Physiologic
concentrations of GHB activate at least two subtypes of a distinct GHB receptor (antagonist-sensitive
and antagonist-insensitive). However, at supraphysiologic concentrations, such as those that occur after
overdose and abuse, GHB also binds directly to the GABAB receptor and is also metabolized to GABA
(which then activates the GABAB receptor). Endogenous GHB activates a presynaptic GHB receptor to
modulate GABA and glutamate release and inhibits dopamine release by the GABAB receptor.6 The
GHB withdrawal syndrome clinically resembles the withdrawal syndrome noted from ethanol and
benzodiazepines. Distinctive clinical features of GHB withdrawal are the relatively mild and brief
autonomic instability with the persistence of psychotic symptoms.97
Baclofen is also a GABAB agonist. The pre- and postsynaptic inhibitory properties of baclofen allow it,
paradoxically, to cause seizures in both acute overdose (because of decreased release of presynaptic
GABA via autoreceptor stimulation) and withdrawal. Withdrawal is probably a result of the loss of
chronic inhibitory effect of baclofen on postsynaptic GABAB receptors. On discontinuation, this
produces hyperactivity of neuronal Ca2+ channels (N, P/Q type),27 leading to seizures, hypertension,
hallucinations, psychosis, and coma. However, these manifestations may not differ from the withdrawal
symptoms of GABAA agonists.79,92
Typically, the development of a baclofen withdrawal syndrome occurs 2448 hours after
discontinuation of baclofen. Case reports highlight the development of seizures, hallucinations,
psychosis, dyskinesias, and visual disturbances. The intrathecal baclofen pump has become an effective
replacement for oral dosing, but withdrawal can occur following use of this modality as well.
Reinstatement of the prior baclofen-dosing schedule appears to resolve these symptoms within 2448
hours. Benzodiazepines and GABAA agonists (not phenytoin) are the appropriate treatment for seizures
induced by baclofen withdrawal.72
Opioid Receptors (Opiates and Opioids)
Similar to ethanol and GABAA receptors, opioid binding to the opioid receptors result in a series of
genomic and nongenomic neuroadaptations, especially via second-messenger effects. When opioids bind
to opioid receptors they alleviate pain by inhibiting neurons. They also activate Gs proteins, and
stimulate K+ efflux currents. The opioid receptors are also linked to the Gi/o proteins. These act through
adenyl cyclase and activate inward Na+ current, thus enhancing the intrinsic excitability of a neuron
(Chap. 38).23
Chronic exposure to opiates and opioids (all drugs with opioid-receptor affinity) results in a decreased
efficacy of the receptor to open potassium channels by genomic mechanisms and second-messenger
effects. Following chronic opioid exposure, the expression of adenyl cyclase increases through
activation of the transcription factor known as cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB).64,70
(Fig. 15-2) This results in an upregulation of cAMP-mediated responses such as
the inward Na+ channels responsible for intrinsic excitability. The net effect is that, only higher levels of
opioids result in analgesia and other opioid effects. In the dependent patient, when opioid levels drop,
inward Na+ flux occurs unchecked, and the patient experiences the opioid withdrawal syndrome. The
clinical findings associated with this syndrome are largely a result of uninhibited activity at the locus
Figure 15-2. Immediate and long-term effects of opioids. The acute effects of both opioids and 2adrenergic agonists are to increase inhibition through enhanced potassium efflux and inhibited sodium
influx. Chronic effects alter gene expression to enhance sodium influx and restore hemeostasis. CREB
(cAMP response element-binding protein).
Furthermore, opioid receptors and central 2-adrenergic receptors both exert a similar effect on the
potassium channel in the locus ceruleus. Clonidine binds to the central 2-adrenergic receptor and
stimulates potassium efflux, as do opioids, and produces similar clinical findings.2 This explains why
clonidine has some efficacy in treating the opioid withdrawal syndrome. In addition, the antagonistic
effect of naloxone at the opioid receptor seems to reverse the effect of clonidine on this shared
potassium efflux channel.2,35,40
Rapid opioid detoxification is a form of iatrogenic withdrawal that uses drugs with antagonist activity to
accelerate a return to premorbid receptor states. In theory, inducing opioid withdrawal under general
anesthesia with high-dose opioid antagonists permits the transition from drug dependency to naltrexone
maintenance without drug withdrawal symptoms.56,57,58 Naltrexone blocks the euphoric effects of
continued opioid use and discourages recidivism by blunting drug craving.47,59,60,61 Although the
mechanism by which naltrexone blocks drug craving is not entirely clear, the speculation is that mere
receptor occupancy by an antagonist is sufficient to blunt cravings. However, withdrawal symptoms
may still be intense and persist for up to 1 week after rapid detoxification, suggesting that clinical
recovery from the changes induced by chronic opioid use is slow.22,41,84,90,94
2-Adrenergic Receptors (Clonidine)
2-Adrenergic receptors are located in the central and peripheral nervous system. Clonidine is a central
and peripheral 2-adrenergic agonist. Stimulation of central presynaptic 2-adrenergic receptors
inhibits sympathomimetic output and results in bradycardia, and hypotension.32 Within 24 hours after
the discontinuation of clonidine, norepinephrine concentrations rise as a result of enhanced efferent
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