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88 Techniques o f Value Analysis and Engineering
Use information from only the best source.
Blast, create, refine.
Use real creativity.
Identify and overcome roadblocks.
7. Use industry specialists to extend specialized knowledge.
8. Get a dollar sign on key tolerances.
9. Utilize vendors' available functional products.
10. Utilize and pay for vendors' skills and knowledge.
11. Utilize specialty processes.
12. Utilize applicable standards.
13. Use the criterion, "Would I spend my money this way?"
the total general problem thus divided into its integers, the generality
applying to the whole is no longer applicable. Where this particular gen-
erality has protected the status quo for a period of time, the yield from
the use of value analysis techniques is usually especially large.
To summarize, avoid the generalities trap. Recognize that if a gen-
erality exists it has probably deferred effective value action in the past.
Proceed to break the situation down into specific, man-size integers of
function and cost. Then apply the appropriate value techniques and
watch the results.
Case Study
question should be, "What does this tolerance on the part do?" Be
specific, not general.
Case Study
y p 150%
5 125%
8 iooa
Y 5 75%
, =,
0 50%
" 25%
I ,
Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering
125% 150%
125% 150%
$ 2.00 $ 2.00
1.oo 1.00
1.50 1.50
2.50 2.50
3.12 3.75
7.62 8.25
6.50 6.50
Case Study
INTERPRETATION: Cost figures which were used for decision making and
which had been responsible for overpricing the product were not mean-
ingful because:
1. The use of blanket fixed overhead regardless of the fixed assets used
prevented decision makers from knowing how the business was really
affected by the various alternative methods for accomplishing the neces-
sary functions.
2. The job was used as a "filler" to take up the slack in the factory.
Whenever machine time opened up or men had no other jobs, parts were
made for inventory. Labor costs were not meaningful for decision making
between alternatives because they were often based on uneconomical
short runs and on the use of much higher skill than the particular items
required. Setup costs were not meaningful for decision making because
they were based, not on needs of the job, but rather on conditions of
"factory slack absorption." In fact, no costs-labor, material, or setup-were
meaningful for decision making because they were based, not on the needs
of the design or the job, but on other considerations.
3. The volume of the work in the factory was being reduced because,
unfortunately, the selling prices of the product were being influenced by
the summation of these costs.
Even a glimpse at the cost realities shows that included in these "care-
fully delineated" costs of parts, subassemblies, and assemblies were these
1. The legitimate cost of producing the functional parts, subassemblies,
and assemblies as they were designed
2. Completely extraneous costs for factory load balancing
3. Costs for totally unused items of fixed assets
It was decided that two activities would at once proceed.
1. Determination of appropriate costs, strictly applicable to the par-
ticular parts and assemblies being manufactured
2. Using the value analysis techniques, evaluation of all functions of the
With the meaningful figures of cost for accomplishing the various func-
tions by means of present designs and with a clear view of the value of
these functions, alternatives were developed where poor value existed.
The result was practical alternatives as a basis for decision making which
would reduce the total cost to less than half.
likewise, the sources from which the information comes must constantly
be weighed to ensure that they constitute the best ones available. The
more diligent and effective the search for the best information, the better
the value attained.
Questions by the score must be raised, and answers must be accepted
only from the highest level of the best sources in each case. Some ex-
amples of the sort of questions that should be asked are:
Why is this square?
Why is it painted red?
Why does it have a double set of contacts?
Why is it "hogged from solid bronze?
Why is there a 0.0001-inch tolerance on the diameter?
How does the customer mount the base?
At what atmospheric conditions must it work?
In what positions can it be mounted by the customer?
What limits its market?
What causes it to be noisy?
What benefits does the F4 finish on the inside of the cover bring?
Answers traditional to the thinking within any area are readily avail-
able. Experience shows that such pat, traditional answers must not be ac-
cepted. Whatcver the pertinent question is, only the best source must be
allowed to answer it. The following examples are offered in verification
of this statement.
Who is the best source, the engineer or the sales manager? In the value
analysis of a moderate-sized piece of electrical equipment, a partial in-
side cover was found which had a cost of $5. The analyst, in analyzing
functions, could find no function for it. Accordingly, in reporting to the
engineer in charge, he said, "This cover costs $5 and I can find no func-
tion for it." The engineer immediately answered, "It has no function, but
the customers require it." The analyst at once recognized this as quite
a normal situation, in which the engineer voiced his belief; in fact, he
voiced the criterion on which the decision to retain this cover had been
made for years. The analyst's suggestion, therefore, was, "Why don't we
ask the sales manager why it is that the customers require this cover if
it seems to us to have no function." When the question was subsequently
put to the sales manager, his answer was: "Does that cost $5? Take it off.
I have only one customer who uses it. The others take it off and throw
it away. I will see to it that this particular customer pays a special charge
for extra equipment."
Again, who is the best source, the sales manager or the purchasing
agent? At a manager's staff meeting, it was being determined whether or
not it was practical to increase production of some appliances from 2,000
Results Accelerators 101
to 4,000 per week. The marketing manager said, "In this market we can
now sell all we can make. However, with the shortage of steel, we can't
get enough to support a schedule of any more than 2,000 a week." This
statement contained what he believed, for the very good reason that he
had made inquiries. He had talked from time to time with purchasing
and had read in trade magazines about shortages of steel. Just before
the group made its decision, the engineering manager said, "Shouldn't
we call in our purchasing agent and get a direct up-to-the-minute read-
ing from him on this shortage of steel?" That was done and the purchas-
ing agent, like most competent men, knew more about "his business" than
anyone else. When told that they wanted to increase the schedule to
4,000, he told them to increase it; he would furnish the steel. Thus, a
loss of potential business was narrowly averted by merely going to, and
accepting the answer from, the best source. What the purchasing agent
did was to buy some of the necessary steel components in a partly fin-
ished or finished form, and by so doing, he properly utilized the steel
allotments of various component manufacturers for whom he provided
good business at the same time that he met his own quota of 4,000.
Who won't approve it, the Underwriters'? A value alternative sug-
gested for a small transformer would reduce its cost 20 per cent and
seemingly provide all the functions, as well as efficiency and reliability.
The answer from the engineer was, "The Underwriters' won't approve
the change." For the answer to the resultant question, "Why won't Under-
writers' approve?" communication was made directly with the Under-
writers'. The answer from the appropriate personnel in the Underwriters'
office was: "Proceed with the change. Several years ago, under different
conditions of application, we felt that the transformer should be made in
a certain way. However, we have since changed this requirement as the
added expense makes no contribution to safety or performance."
Case Study
the former kitchen was converted into eating space. With the advent of
modern plumbing, a further lean-to was provided for a bathroom and
the outside facilities were likely to be remodeled into a tool shed.
Intense study of any product shows that it is, to a greater or lesser
degree, the result of such a chain of happenings. Even the new products
that value work will bring forth will be, to some extent, of a similar
This situation raises the following vital questions in the search for
better value:
How can this chain of influence be periodically stopped?
How can a function needed today, in the light of today's knowledge,
be looked at objectively?
The technique of blasting, creating, and then refining is specifically
directed toward accomplishing these objectives. The aims of the three
steps in the use of the technique are:
1. Blast. In this stage (keeping in mind the basic functions to be ac-
complished, but not expecting necessarily to entirely accomplish them)
alternative products, materials, processes, or ideas are generated. These
alternatives should, first of all, qualify for accomplishing some important
part of the function in a very economical manner or, at least, serve as an
economical base for modifications that are likely to accomplish an im-
portant part of the function. At the same time, the precise amount of the
function which would be accomplished and the specific cost which
would result are brought into clear focus.
2. Create. Using intense creativity, as described in section 8-5, this step
should serve to generate alternative means by which the concepts re-
vealed by the blasting can be modified to accomplish a large part of the
function with pertinent increases in cost. In this creative part of the
technique, definite integers of increased function are associated with
definite integers of increased cost.
3. Refine. In this final step, the necessary created alternatives are
added to the functions which would be accomplished by the blasted
product. These are further sifted and refined, adding additional integers
of function with additional integers of cost, until the refined product
fully accomplishes the total function. It is not uncommon for the result-
ant newly constructed product concept to accomplish the total functions
with the same reliability and overall benefits for a cost of one-half to
one-tenth of the original.
The following are examples of execution of the three steps. The selec-
tion of the three most common simple fasteners-the nail, the screw, and
the bolt-is made purposely for the sake of clearness.
104 Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering
To blast a steel nail, let us compare its cost with that of steel wire of
the nail diameter, which surely is capable of performing an important
part of the function of a nail.
In our blasting of the nail, it is recognized that additional work must
be done on the steel wire to make it accomplish the total function of the
nail. Our next step must be to create, for review, a list of alternatives
which will serve for the function of the head, such as (1) bend the wire
at one end, ( 2 ) flatten it at one end, and ( 3 ) weld a small piece at
one end.
In refining, we first look again critically at the total function of the
nail. Second, we review the basic cost of the material from which the
nail is made, as found in the blasting, and also the amount of function
which the wire alternative fails to accomplish. Third, we develop the
ideas arrived at in the creative approach to a point where the ones most
practical can be selected for further consideration, and we then select
one or tu7o of the approaches which will provide, at a minimum cost,
most of the required additional function. Fourth, we critically review the
new approach, which embodies the blasted concept plus the created ad-
ditions, and determine whether the function is totally accomplished with
complete reliability. Also, we ask: Have the lowest-cost practical solu-
tions been selected? If the function is not totally accomplished with com-
plete reliability by the selected combination, we must refine further by
adding additional increments of function and cost so that the new
product becomes totally usable.
To blast a steel bolt, we may similarly compare it with steel wire or rod
of the appropriate diameter and in the appropriate amount, then with a
steel spike or nail, and finally with a steel screw. In addition, we study
the function which is intended for the bolt and, if possible, draw com-
parisons with other basic ways of accomplishing the same fastening
function at a much lower cost.
From among the blast alternatives, we may start here with the wire or
rod necessary and proceed to ( 1 ) create alternatives at the end as was
done in the case of the screw, ( 2 ) create alternatives at the head end,
and ( 3 ) examine the function to determine what variation of alternatives
can be provided for the particular application. In each case, we should
attempt to bring into view, at least for preliminary consideration, a con-
siderable number of alternatives.
For the refining, we follow the procedures described above in connec-
tion with the screw. The more complicated the product, the better are
the opportunities for wide use of creativity and for searching investiga-
tion of value alternatives which will accomplish total functions reliably
for very much lower cost.
The blast approach may often be used also on individual elements of
the cost. For example, let us take the case of a counterweight that cost
6 cents.
Its function was to provide weight. It was used in a completely en-
closed assembly with no parts other than its support near it. Simple anal-
ysis showed that its use value was 100 per cent and its esteem value 0
per cent. The amount of $2,000 per year was paid to grind a small flash
from the casting. This flash did not affect the weight or the mounting or
the environment.
The "function" secured for the expenditure of $2,000 was blasted and
revealed that the grinding provided no use function. With no esteem
function, any expenditure which does not provide a use function repre-
sents total waste. Accordingly, the grinding operation was blasted to zero
and eliminated from the cost.
Looking back, it is seen that it was quite normal to accept the $2,000
cost because it is normal to grind the flash from castings. It is the way
such things are done. It represents the way people who are used to
handling castings operate. It is accepted by them, on the basis of their
years of experience, as a normal, proper, and necessary operation to add
to casting making.
The reader will learn to recognize that the accomplishment of out-
standing results will depend, in some instances, upon expertness in the
106 Techniques o f Value Analysis and Engineering
Approximate costs for the above alternatives are brought into view.
108 Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering
1. Discontinue drilling the spool ends and the subsequent thread-
ing of the fine wires through the holes.
2. Use a drop of adhesive to hold the wires in place.
3. If the spool ends are not to hold the wire, they will not be
needed, and so we can discontinue using the spool.
4. Use a straight piece of suitable plastic or insulator material,
wind on the coils, and secure the wires by a drop of appropriate
Refine. By using only the coils as indicated from the "blast" step
and the small insulator and adhesive (alternative 4) to maintain
them in rigid relationship to each other, the electronic function can
be accomplished at considerably less than half the original cost.
However, we are now short of a means of supporting the assembly
in the equipment. To provide for this, an additional small mounting
part can also be secured by the drop of adhesive, as shown in Figure
8-6. The new cost is 19 cents. The annual cost, which had been
$78,000, is now $38,000.
cost of $30. Three-fourths of the cost was removed and all of the per-
formance reliability continued. This is a typical result of applying the
To summarize, the very useful value analysis technique of blasting,
creating, and then refining serves first to bring the needed functions
sharply into focus. Then the means being used or planned to accomplish
these functions are critically reviewed and blasted by comparing them
with processes, products, or materials which would accomplish only part
of the function but which would have a small fraction of the cost. This
is followed by an extensive and intensive creative effort in which a series
of significant alternatives for accomplishing the total function or each
part of the function or for causing other methods to perform satisfactorily
are brought into view. In a subsequent refining effort, the total needs for
the application are objectively considered in the light of all the informa-
tion developed in the function study and in the blast and create phases,
and a suitable combination of alternatives is established for reliably
accomplishing the total function at a cost lower than that existing.
Case Study
drilled in the center and six small holes drilled around and near the outer
circumference to serve for mounting two small 6-inch diameter by %-inch-
thick aluminum dials, cost $1.27. The search for a specialty product which
would perform this function revealed that aluminum companies sell slugs,
i.e., round pieces of aluminum punched from sheet stock, for use in impact
extrusion machines making toothpaste tubes and a wide variety of similar
containers. It was found that one of these slugs, 2% inches by 34 inch in
size, could be secured for 4 cents. However, it was slightly cupped, and
the judgment was that for the application in question it needed to be flat.
This could be accomplished by a flattening operation costing 1 cent. The
operation of drilling the center hole and the smaller holes for mounting the
dials came to 8 cents, giving a total of 13 cents instead of $1.27.
Plastic cams, ?4 inch thick by 2 inches in diameter, having the equiva-
lent of saw teeth, approximately eight per inch, cost $1 each. By review-
ing the product with the plastic supplier, it was determined that orders
placed approximately twice each year rather than more frequently in very
much smaller lot sizes, as had sometimes been done, resulted in a price of
20 cents.
A %-inch ID by %-inch OD by %-inch-long collar drilled and tapped
for a radial set screw cost 36 cents. It was made on a screw machine. Bv
changing the raw material to a heavy-wall tubing which was cut, burred,
and provided with a drilled and tapped radial hole, the cost came to 10
A special jam nut cost 20 cents. A standard jam nut of the same general
description cost 1 cent. However, the distance across comers of the stand-
ard jam nut was slightly too large-?& inch-to avoid interference with the
smallest-size gear which, under some conditions, was used in the mecha-
nism. A slight modification was made in the mounting arrangement, and
the cost became 1cent.
A small spur pinion, approximately 5/s inch in diameter by % inch long,
was being machined. Its cost was 65 cents. A supplier was found who
could provide the pinion stock of the proper size and thread so that the
factory merely needed to cut it off and burr it in order to produce an
interchangeable pinion for 40 cents.
Three switches and a switch mounting plate were purchased from the
same supplier for 85 cents. They were routed to the factory and put
together into an assembly. The cost of the assembly was $1.33. The par-
ticular supplier was asked to provide the assembly ready for use, shipping
only one part instead of four. This eliminated much inspection, mounting,
handling, storing, etc. The supplier offered delivery of the assemblies ready
to use at $1.
A bracket in the form of a U was made of % x 1-inch steel bar. The
base of the bracket was about 6 inches long, with each end turned up ap-
proximately 2 inches. Some suitable holes were drilled. The cost of the
bracket was 48 cents. In studying the reason for the high cost of this
bracket, it was found that one operation-a special straightening and sizing
of the ends to hold the distance between the two bent-up ends within ex-
tremely close tolerances-accounted for 12 cents of the cost. This sizing
Results Accelerators 113
functions that are similar to the function required and then adapt that
approach. The other means is to produce mentally a new approach-one
that has never been seen and, perhaps, one that has never before existed.
This process is called creativity. In using it, knowledge integers, or, in
modern-day computer language, bits, that have not been associated be-
fore are connected, or associated. For example, growing green grass has
not been commonly associated with the hood or exterior of an automobile.
Some paint-like material is usually associated this way. To consider grow-
ing grass, which must be periodically cut, as the finish for an automobile
is a new association. Thinking that could later spring from this associa-
tion has a better chance of being totally new. Unfound good solutions
are more likely to be found, and the finder can reap the original benefit
during the period when these solutions are being copied by competitors
who are not using creative problem solving.
When value analysis is used for the purpose of assuring profitable suc-
cess in competitive markets, it is absolutely mandatory that good creative
thinking processes be used. As soon as functions are clearly known, the
problems can be "set" in sentences beginning with "How might we . . . ,"
and intense creative thinking can and must begin.
The most common obstacle to deriving results from attempts to be
creative in developing ideas lies in the natural tendency to let judicial
thinking interfere with mental associations. For that reason, the main
requirement in applying the creative technique is to defer judgment.
Unless that be done, progress is soon retarded by sentiments such as "It
can't be done," "It won't work," or "Specifications won't allow it." Such
negative thoughts hamper a free flow of imagination; the things that they
imply must be left to be explored in a subsequent step.
Another obstacle to getting creativity into action is the tendency to
associate creative thinking with intricate and complex problems. The fact
is that even the simplest problems benefit from being dealt with crea-
tively. The thing to guard against here is the application of creativity in
the wrong directions. For example, in one case on record the problem
was to seal off a 3-inch pipe. Here the designer chose to be creative by
laying out a special pipe plug that served the function well indeed, at a
manufactured cost of $15. Had he applied his creativity to searching out
the best plug for the purpose from available supplies, he would, no
doubt, have chosen to purchase a perfectly serviceable plug from a local
plumber dealer at $3, thus avoiding a needless outlay of $12 that re-
turned no value.
A third cause of restricted use of creative thinking is often found in
the difficulty people may experience in getting a chain reaction of ideas
ignited and then sustained. In such instances, experience indicates that
a brainstorm session with, say, three or more participants works won-
Results Accelerators 115
not wise for him to continue to work toward lower costs at the particular
time. The sort of roadblock in question occurs after tests have shown that
the performance objectives have been met. Value objectives, being less
clear and not as measurable, are given secondary consideration, and
decisions tend to be made to proceed with the drawing up of the designs,
with the buliding of tools, and with manufacturing.
Some of the common roadblocks met with are:
There is no better material.
This is the best process considering quantities.
There is probably no better way of doing it and we are short of time
This has been proved to work. We won't change it.
Underwriters' wouldn't approve any other arrangement.
This is the result of a lot of study. It will be far better than com-
We changed that a few years ago and got into an epidemic of trouble.
We are not changing it again.
We had to maintain interchangeability.
You can't beat an automatic screw machine for any part that it can
We have ten turret lathes; we certainly make money by designing to
keep them busy.
There is no other source of supply.
We can't pay for the tools.
It doesn't make sense, but it's policy.
We know more about this than anyone else.
There is no plastic with those properties.
It is impractical to make castings that small.
It costs too much to change the drawings.
The customers like it this way.
It is important to bring these roadblocks clearly into the open and
to recognize that they usually represent the honest beliefs of the men
who make the decisions. To achieve improved reliability, simplicity, and
lower cost in these circumstances, more correct information must be
injected into the situation with proper timing and presentation so that
the decision maker will use it.
EXAMPLE 1: Rather large quantities of asbestos paper were used
for one application at a time when asbestos was in short supply and
was, besides, a costly item. Its function was to catch paint drippings
in a dip-painting line. When the value consultant questioned the use
of asbestos for this, he was told that it was the only material that fit
the specification and had the approval of the fire-safety committee.
118 Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering
The roadblock clearly was that the fire-safety committee would not
allow the use of anything other than asbestos paper. New information
was searched out from manufacturers of special papers, and when it
was found that "nonburning" paper could be made, samples were
obtained. Tests were made and the new paper proved to serve the
purpose reliably. Based on this new information, the roadblock was
overcome. The result was an improvement of value and a lessening of
procurement problems.
EXAMPLE 2: A stainless-steel nipple for conducting water into
electrical equipment cost 20 cents and was required in large quan-
tities. It was manufactured by purchasing standard fittings and then
modifying them. Manufacturing alternatives were later provided in
the creative phase of a manufacturing value study. The finding was
that the parts, made from tubing by semiautomatic machines, could
be purchased for 5 cents each. The roadblock clearly was a statement
put on the drawing for the guidance and instruction of the purchas-
ing department. It said, "Purchase stainless fitting #AB 1025, modify
as shown by the drawing." Again, with the roadblock clearly in view,
action could, as is usually the case, be taken to overcome its costly
effects. A review with the engineer disclosed that when the item was
designed ten years earlier it was a relatively low-volume item, and
the most economical way to provide the fitting was as specified. Some-
time during the years, matters changed so that the opposite situation
was now true. Of course, there was no reluctance on the part of
engineering to immediately strike from the drawing this roadblock
EXAMPLE 3: ''It iS patented." A rather complicated arrangement
was used to support about fifty pounds of rotating equipment on a
high-volume product. Application of value analysis techniques
quickly brought forth the information that a simple construction for
the support would cut the cost by 40 cents and result in an annual
saving of $%,000. However, the objection arose that the simple con-
struction could not be used because it was patented. The roadblock
came into clear view. Obviously, the simple construction should not
be used if it were covered by a valid competing patent and if
licensing could not be arranged for at a cost substantially less than
$24,000. A patent search was initiated, and soon the attorney re-
ported that there was no patent in existence that read on the simple
construction which would most effectively and economically accom-
plish the function. This eliminated the roadblock and allowed action
to simplify and improve the design, with the additional benefit of
eliminating the $24,000 of unnecessary cost.
Results Accelerators 119
Case Study
Truth is indeed often stranger than fiction. A most interesting and typical
example of such a situation is the case in which 800 small brass cams were
required per year. These cams were being machined from %-inch brass
material, and because of their unusual shape, the machining operations
did not lend themselves to any simple mechanical routine. Because the
quantities were so low, it had also been determined each time a change
was considered that it would certainly not be economical to purchase tools
for stamping them out.
The value engineer, in looking at the job and in creatively searching for
alternatives, felt that it was worthwhile to consider the use of a Kirksite
die. Kirksite resembles lead and is commonly melted and poured into a
die around a model of the part required. When it has set, it is hard enough
to be used for a tool to blank out a good quantity.
A manufacturing methods engineer, whom the value analyst succeeded
in interesting in the project, decided it had a chance of working and
thought he would like to try it. Hence, he asked his boss for a shop order
of $50 to give it a try. He didn't get it. The boss said, "It won't work."
Meanwhile, the engineer's interest in the project grew, and he went on to
tell the boss's boss what he had in mind and said he wanted the $50 to try
it. Again he was told, "It will never work." By now he had become so
enthusiastic about the idea and so involved in it that he decided to run
the risk of going to the top and telling the manager of manufacturing
120 Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering
about it. This he did; once more he asked for the needed $50 shop order,
only to be told that he couldn't have it because "it wouldn't work."
During the following few days, the idea stayed with him, and his frustra-
tion turned into constructive emotion. He decided he would do it anyway
and charge it to another shop order which he already had. It worked. The
demonstration was amazing. He decided to get the worst over first by
telling the manager of manufacturing, and when he did, he was im-
mediately given an opportunity to demonstrate. The amazed manufactur-
ing manager called in a number of his subordinates and they were given
the same demonstration. These people, in turn, called in a number of their
engineers for a demonstration. Each time a few pieces were run off and
checked for dimension.
An interesting happening was that, at the end of the day when the parts
were viewed, it was decided to send them to the storeroom for use in
production; as they were counted, it was found that they made up enough
parts for two years of production.
After a roadblock is identified as such and eliminated, it appears
v e y simple; prior to this, however, it is formidable and totally stops
Case Study
Case Study
designs had been developed, tested, proven, and put into production with
retention of the desired aluminum construction. For his accomplishment,
the engineer received a special award from his company-a personal gain
further recognizing his benefit to his company.
The concept of drawing on industrial specialists to extend the use of
specialized knowledge is so simple and straightforward that it ought
to be one that is followed as a rule rather than as an exception. That,
however, is contrary to the facts. There are several reasons why this
is so.
1. Unfortunately for the cause of value, contributors r:ommonly have
pride in what they do. Each individual, when he receives an assignment,
becomes interested in it, intrigued by it, and challenged by it. He puts
his body, his mind, and his emotions into it, and often he develops
several answers. When tests show that they, or at least one of them, will
work, he develops "pride of authorship." He may have attained neither
excellent nor a good degree of value, but physical tests do not show that
up. Therefore, he proudly supports any related projects of engineering,
manufacturing, purchasing, or management, and the product is born.
2. In the past, when a good degree of performance was required but
there was little emphasis on a good or excellent degree of value, it may
or may not have been necessary to call in help. Just the same, it has be-
come a quite well accepted practice, if performance problems continue,
to call in industrial specialists to help solve the performance problems.
In contrast, relatively few people as yet have become used to drawing
on the technology of such specialists in order to get better answers which
will improve reliability, provide simplicity, and result in lower cost.
Habits and attitudes of the past work against this simple expedient.
3. Supervisors and managers, lacking sufficient competitive experience,
may interpret the action of drawing on specialized knowledge as a sign of
weakness. Even today, superiors will occasionally measure their people
by their individual ability to solve the problems they meet up with with-
out calling in extra help. Such an attitude may have been excusable in
the past when there was so much less depth of knowledge in the various
technologies and when the primary effort was performance-oriented. The
fact remains that it has led to staggering, and sometimes bankrupting,
amounts of unnecessary cost in products.
4. Individuals sometimes lack recognition of the existence of more
knowledge pertinent to their work than what they have at hand.
5. People often do not know where to go to. get more knowledge
pertinent to their work, although they may feel that it probably exists.
6. The additional knowledge costs money. When a man buys an auto-
mobile, he sees, tests, and evaluates the automobile, then pays his money
for it. He knows, in general, what he will get before he makes the
124 Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering
decision. The exact opposite is true in the case of acquiring the help of
technical industrial specialists. If the accomplishments they can provide
were known beforehand, their services would be unnecessary. But the
fact that their services must be solicited and will cost money before their
contributions can be known is a strong deterrent to their use.
7. Securing more know-how may mean delay, especially if it is called
in belatedly at quite a late stage of product development. It seems much
easier to go ahead with plans as they are. The product is known to have
performance, attractiveness, and suitable features, and often it is assumed
that the value is good. That is particularly so when some ingenious
moneysaving ideas may have been developed in the course of the value
Case Study
A small precise part resembling the top half of a shingle nail was used in
quantities of 700,000 per year. The cost was $60 per thousand-6 cents
each. What would a shingle nail cost? Perhaps %o cent?
The part was found to be made of carbon steel, to have a very precise
head, and to have a %-thousandth tolerance on the shank part. In opera-
tion, it acted as a valve. The exactness of the head was quite important.
The function of the shank was the normal one of locating the functioning
head. The precision in the head was adding to performance. The precision
in the shank was adding only to cost. The shank precision made manu-
facturing the part a very costly job.
Suppliers who specialize in economical manufacture of that type of
part were shown the item, shown its performance, shown the precision
needed in the head, and shown the function of the shaft. The result was
a quotation of $1 per thousand. The shank would be held within a toler-
ance of two thousandths.
The engineering group could see no reason why this alternative would
not work and proceeded to find out why the %-thousandth tolerance was
specified in the drawing. The draftsman recalled a discussion of it with
the engineer at some previous time, when they had both decided on the
%-thousandth tolerance. The reason neither could recall. Tests were made.
No benefit resulted from shank precision. The change was made, the
identical function was obtained, and the cost was reduced to one-sixtieth
of the former cost.
Close tolerances, when they conform to standard practice and are pro-
vided automatically from properly adjusted machines, do not add sub-
stantially to increased cost in a good many cases. Often, however, from
any list of tolerances, there are one, two, or three which produce shock-
ing increases in manufacturing cost. These must be known for proper
decision making.
The real objectives of tolerances, of course, are:
To assure a product which will work, i.e., provide use functions
To provide a product which will sell, i.e., provide appearance functions
To provide a product which can be manufactured at lowest cost
Results Accelerators 127
equipment would take in its stride at fastest speeds and with minimum
maintenance comes to:
is required. Now then, what function does the $20,000 buy? Answer:
none. The flange of the pole piece is located on the magnet. Magnetic
flux comes up through this flange, turns out radially to the cylinder,
passes through the cylinder sides into air, and then passes through the
cylindrical voice coil which surrounds the cylindrical pole-piece section.
The small end of the cylinder is adjacent only to air and a felt cover pro-
viding appearance.
What would modifying the tolerance on length from plus or minus
0.002 inch to plus or minus 0.005 inch do? It would eliminate $20,000 of
cost and produce no change in either use or aesthetic functions. Similarly,
why does flange finish F5 add $10,000? What function does it buy? The
flange is in intimate contact with the smooth, flat surface of the magnet.
It is desirable to have metal-to-metal contact between each particle in the
flange face and the magnet. Any roughness or unevenness on the flange
face would result in voids between the metal surfaces and lower the
efficiency of operation of the speaker. It is found that true flatness and a
controlled high degree of fineness of surface can be achieved by a Blan-
chard grinding operation after coining. Hence real use function is pur-
chased with this $10,000. That sum represents a useful, necessary, and
proper element of cost until and unless another reliable value alternative
can be developed which will accomplish it at lower cost. The operation is
retained, and the yearly cost of these parts becomes $30,000.
If it is not known how to accomplish a specified tolerance in a potential
value alternative, give each tolerance a dollar cost equivalent to the
dollars of economy that the use of this tolerance prevents. For example,
in the previous analysis, if no known way of obtaining the tolerance of
length plus or minus 0.002 inch had been developed, tabulation of toler-
ance costs, based upon the cold coining process, would be as follows:
identifiable benefits come from designing bit by bit and, hence, that
much special hardware ought to be made in in-plant manufacturing
space. The feeling is that resultant increasing activity in the factory will
increase profits, business stability, control of markets, and utilization of
resources. In consequence, a search for available functional products is
regarded as a search for something injurious to the business.
The foregoing factors will oppose effective searches for specialty
functional products that quite commonly aid in eliminating substantial
unnecessary costs.
Case Study
Machine type
Blowers Couplings
Compressors Clutches
Fans Flanges
Pumps Sprockets
Engines Pulleys
Motors Chains
Actuators Escapements
Parts type Diaphragms
Housings Filters
Boxes Cast, Shock absorbers
Cases pressed, Mesh
Covers deep- Trim
Caps drawn, Fasteners
Cabinets fabri- Nails
Shields , cated Screws
Bearings Bolts
Sleeve Studs
Ball Vibration dampers
Roller Hangers
Needle Brackets
Jewel Pedestals
Hardware type
Leadscrews Bumpers
Shims Casters
Retainers Handles
Spacers Knobs
Gears Tie rods
Springs Turnbuckles
Results Accelerators 135
practical, it pays the seeker of new and varied ideas to scan the widely
published accounts of what is being shown.
4. Search trade magazines. Where library services are available, re-
quest searches by them if needed.
5. Contact, by writing or phoning, competent men in related busi-
nesses. Describe to them the functions needed and ask for guidance. In-
quiries directed to a dozen or so of those who represent top thought and
knowledge in any one industry will often bring a most gratifying yield.
6. Make chain inquiries. Select, say, three men who have the best
chance of knowing where to locate what is needed and ask them for
guidance. If they don't know the answer, attempt to get names from
them of the top two men they would suggest. Continue this process as
long as desirable. It is surprising how soon very complete and valuable
information can be assembled from competent men in a wide variety of
Once suitable sources of special functional products have been located,
do not neglect to: (1)assist the functional product vendor; ( 2 ) interpret
the needed functions to him; ( 3 ) provide him with a broad and deep
feeling for the importance of the various functions, for the various
operating situations, etc.; ( 4 ) help him to develop practical suggestions
for using his product or combinations of his product; and (5) secure
tangible suggestions from him.
With the aid of a few examples, let us see how this procedure may
work out.
EXAMPLE 1: An adjusting screw that cost 8 cents was used to
facilitate adjustment of electrical equipment. In use, a stiff wire was
hooked into the hole in the head. The screw was lifted against a
spring pressure, turned as desired, and then lowered again, allowing
the cross pin to drop into a slot and be held by it.
Manufacture of the screw required 3/1 and % G-inchdiameter steel
as the raw material. The larger piece required cutoff, threading, and
drilling of two holes. The smaller piece required cutoff, assembly in
hole, and staking. The part was deemed so unusual that it was not
expected that a vendor made such an item.
A review of the function-not of the part-brought forth the follow-
ing requirements :
A screw having a hole in the top, or other suitable arrangement, so
it can be lifted and turned
A head arrangement that will be pulled back into the slot and held
to prevent turning.
A search of specialty products having these two characteristics un-
covered the spade bolt shown in Figure 8-10. Its cost was 1/3 cent
Results Accelerators 139
It cost 1 cent to flatten it and 8 cents to drill the holes. The total
cost of the alternative (shown in Figure 8-12) was 13 cents.
EXAMPLE 3: A %-inch diameter thin nut (Figure 8-13) cost
8 cents. Its function was to hold a small 1-pound assembly on its
shoulder bushing between periods of use and not allow it to fall off
while it was not being used. There was no load on the nut. When in
use, the force of the work held the assembly in working position and
the nut was not performing any function. A small radial hole was
drilled and tapped in the nut for a setscrew to reduce the risk of its
loosening. It was made from hexagonal steel bar on which the
necessary operations were:
Drill and tap the center hole.
Drill and tap the radial hole.
Cut off.
What precisely was the function?
1. To hold one pound onto the bushing
2. To provide unusual vibration-proof features so that, under all
conditions, the nut would not loosen.
A search produced a specialty product for this exact function in
the appropriate size and type, namely, a standard locknut (Figure
8-14) possessing exactly the needed characteristics. Its cost was
1% cents (instead of 8 cents). Besides, tests proved this locknut to
be more vibration proof than the former nut with setscrew.
EXAMPLE 4: A high-temperature locknut-castellated nut-(Fig-
ure 8-15), including the drilling of the shaft on which it was
mounted and the safety wiring on assembly, cost $4.75. The function
was to hold a heavy, high-temperature part to a moving shaft which,
to some extent, was vibrating.
Search brought forth a variety of locknut arrangements, most of
which were judged unsatisfactory because of the extremely high
temperature of the application. Then a manufacturer of nuts using
plastic locking rings was given the complete problem. His engineer
Case Study
types of work, then merchandise this capability to those who have cor-
responding needs.
This second type of business is most vital to our economy but much more
difficult to merchandise than a product or process. The value analysis
technique that we are concerned with here ties in principally with the
second type.
To locate the best suppliers of this second category requires active and
effective search on the part of the user, especially since a vendor cannot
know what the needs are until he is located and told. The search is not
simple. The first half-dozen or so vendors to whom the needs are com-
municated may not be the few having the special know-how needed, and
thus the results become negative. Particularly high yields will be in pro-
portion to the skill and effort applied in using the tkchnique. Again, a
series of questions must be raised, such as:
What functions are required?
What processes might contribute?
What vendors lead in each area?
When the answers to these questions are established, the definite ac-
tions to take are as follows:
Get in touch with the indicated vendors.
Describe the technical situation clearly to bring out what is really
needed-the various functions; the limitations of size, weight, and dimen-
sion; the essentials of strength and appearance; etc.
State the economic situation clearly and fairly.
If there should be a prejudice by decision-making people against using
any item, such as, stampings, castings, forgings, plastics, aluminum, or
whatever, and the vendor's interest lies in that particular area, tell him
just what the situation is. If he is competing against in-plant manufac-
ture, tell him so and tell him the basis of the competition. If the product,
even after development, has a questionable market volume, tell him that
too. Only then can the supplier appraise the total situation and decide
what amount of his resources it will be good business for him to commit
to the solution of the problem.
The next step should be to allow the vendor's technical people time
to study alternatives, to develop and test new answers, and to make a
solid and new contribution. It is vital at this stage that the vendor be
given every opportunity to ask more questions about what is important
and what is not important, and also that he be assured that his suggested
solutions will be given attention by people who decidedly want the pro-
posals to be satisfactory for the particular purpose.
Results Accelerators 145
the standard process does not really exist, the differences being a blend-
ing of shades of gray. For practical purposes in securing important bene-
fits from the technique in question, the best definition seems to be that a
specialty process is an applicable process which would reliably ac-
complish the needed function for significantly lower cost and which
either exists or could, and would, be developed by some one who leads
in the technology involved if he understood the need for it.
For example, to the design and manufacturing engineers who designed
the J bolt shown in Figure 8-17 as a cut thread part costing 11%cents
each, the process of roll threading at a cost of 1% cents would be a
specialty process. Similarly, the hollow-forging method would be a
specialty process to engineering and manufacturing men who did not
know that hollow forgings 2 feet in diameter and 10 feet long could be
made with very high grade properties for $3,000 each after finishing
machining to take the place of a similar part made from solid material at
a cost of $6,000 each after machining.
The capabilities of specialty processes to accomplish functions per
dollar of expenditure extend far beyond what is normally recognized.
Such recognition by professional people engaged in technical value-
oriented work normally lags about three years behind capabilities. Gen-
eral recognition lags about ten years behind.
A good estimate seems to be that the recognition of normal decision-
governing design and manufacturing engineers lags about five years
behind capabilities. It is the purpose of the technique under discussion to
eliminate an important part of this five-year lag.
Most specialty processes go hand in hand with the never-ending de-
velopment of special tools. As a simple example, perhaps at some point
in the history of industrial development three types of hammers existed:
one for work with stone, one for the blacksmith, and one for the carpen-
ter. As a variety of work was brought to the carpenter, the familiar claw
hammer was developed to facilitate the nail-pulling process. Successively,
this tool has been further developed into a heavier hammer for the
process of laying oak flooring and a lighter and very much differently
shaped hammer for tacks, with the still further development of the mag-
netic head to make the tacking process even more economical. Similar
Case Study
Fig. 8-19 Bracket. Fig. 8-20 Tube support at one-
tenth the cost.
Results Accelerators 151
Case Study
THE TEMPERATURE-SENSITIVECONTROL (See also the case study in section 4-3.)
An electrical control, made in relatively large quantities, consisted of a
copper tube about 2 feet long attached to a bellows. The tube contained a
gas which was very sensitive to temperature. Expansion and contraction of
the gas operated the bellows to open and close electrical contacts. The
copper tubing, for most of its length, was ?4 inch in diameter, but for
about 4 inches at the far end, it was % inch in diameter. It was believed
by the engineers that the larger volume at the end was required in order
to give the desired sensitivity of control. The full length of the copper
tubing cost 10 cents or for a million per year, $100,000. Value work was
started in a number of directions.
Cost analysis showed that the proper lengths of the two sizes of copper
tubing cost 5 cents and the joining operation cost 5 cents, equivalent to
$50,000 a year. This immediately focused attention on the process of
joining which was accomplished by brazing. Searches for other processes
of joining failed to bring to light any useful alternative. Hence the func-
tion was more clearly examined and it was found that what was needed
was a small end about inch in diameter for mounting to the bellows and
a larger end to contain sufficient gas in the temperature control environ-
ment. It appeared that possibly what was in between did not matter. This
brought forth the idea of using a %-inch tubing and the process of swag-
ing it down. The cost would then become $70,000 per year instead of
$100,000. That alternative started a chain of useful results.
One process investigated was that of starting to draw the piece YE inch
in diameter and then, by some ingenious way, automatically opening the
152 Techniques o f Value Analysis and Engineering
die so that the 4 inches on the other end would not be drawn to the
smaller diameter. This solution proved very feasible. Samples were pro-
vided and proved excellent; the cost would be $60,000 per year.
Meanwhile, the engineers working along with the job continued taking
basic data and making basic tests to determine precisely the length of the
larger diameter needed at the end to give the sensitivity required. In
doing this, they discovered that, because of improvements in providing
gas with very much better temperature sensitivity than had been the case
in years past, the same control was attained without any enlarged portion
on the end. The tests proved that the use of copper capillary tubing some-
what less than 34 inch in diameter throughout its length and without any
enlarged section at the end provided the excellence of control needed. The
cost of this tubing came to 4 cents each, or $40,000 per year. The search
located two useful processes but the final best result came in this instance
from eliminating the need for the process.
Fig. 8-21 Standard Fig. 8-22 Knobs at one-ninth the cost.
tube socket at one-
third the cost.
158 Techniques o f Value Analysis and Engineering
e e
within the various shades of gray. This will result in sometimes using
standards, sometimes rejecting standards, and often using certain stand-
ardized functions but rejecting overall predigested standards.
Case Study
Although a range of sizes, stylings, and types of electric clocks were being
made to fit into the decor of each room of a house, it was recognized that
there existed a substantial market for a utility alarm clock. Therefore, one
clock was designed and marketed which included a minimum of cost for
producing aesthetic factors and features. It was a very successful product
and sold in large numbers. During a value audit on the clock, one of the
expense items investigated was the packaging. In line with techniques 7,
9, and 10, the best competence which could be found for this type of
package was invited into the job. One of these packaging specialists was
very enthusiastic and felt that he could provide a package with added
marketing benefits to protect the clock even better and to cost decidedly
Two weeks passed and nothing more was heard from him. When con-
tacted by telephone he replied, "We stopped our study of that." When
asked why, he said that in his investigation he was confronted by a man
who had the assignment of promoting standardization. This individual
held that the packages now used on the whole line were a standardized
family of packages-all based on the same philosophy and with each
' deviating only as much as necessary to fit the individual clock. Therefore,
to develop an alternative would be a waste of time.
Nevertheless, the vendor yvas encouraged to develop the alternative in
line with his original plan, and this was done. The use of the suggested
new package for this one extremely high volume clock would reduce costs
$150,000 per year. With this full-blown value alternative in hand, the deci-
sion was promptly made to delete the particular item from the standard-
ized group in order to decrease costs and improve the package. Over-
standardization does not bring the best value.
Although the basic problem-setting and problem-solving system is ap-
plicable to any type of problem, the results accelerators in this chapter
are quite specific to the task of locating and making it practical to pre-
vent or remove "unworking" elements of cost.
This is a pragmatic chapter. Every item in it arose from the need, in
situations where it becomes essential, to get better than normal cost re-
sults while maintaining high-grade performance.
To be unusually effective the user must:
Always end generalities-get into specifics.
Get and understand the makeup of pertinent costs-often very difficult
to accomplish.
Get and use information only from the best source in every situation.
Give no credence to any other.
Mentally blast the situation-tear it apart. Mentally build anew.
Mentally refine-minimize disadvantages.
Use real creativity. Bring the new and better solutions into mind, with-
out waiting to see them on a competitor's product or process.
Learn to identify stoppers or roadblocks for what they are. Deal with
them effectively. Do not allow them to stop progress or to prevent
Help industry specialists to know the exact functional need and offer
their assistance.
Relate exact costs to the causes of various increments of cost, and then
relate the exact function produced by those increments of cost to the
amount of the cost.
The best search for ready-made solutions to problems that face the
product or process designer uncovers only a part of the available "off-
the-shelf" help. Confront the suppliers with the functional needs, and
help them secure a good hearing and apply their products, processes,
standards, skills, and knowledge to the needs of this job.
New and better solutions are more readily created when the persons
involved believe or "feel" that the present answers certainly are not
optimum and hence, in analysis thinking, develop a feeling of "What
I think and how I feel" about the cost in relation to the function being