Clinical Teaching Plan
Clinical Teaching Plan
Clinical Teaching Plan
Tara Pospeschil
March 7, 2016
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Patient will state the signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and
hyperglycemia by 2200 on 3-8-16.
Goal met (2030 on 3-7-16)
Patient stated he knows he wont forget what hyperglycemia is
because he was peeing a lot and was really thirsty before he
passed out and ended up at the hospital. He also was able to
recall that signs of hypoglycemia included feeling really weak,
confused and sweating a lot.
Patient will state the differences between type 1 and type 2
diabetes by 2200 on 3-8-16.
Goal partially met (2030 on 3-7-16)
Patient stated that he understands in type 1 diabetes the body
cannot make insulin at all and in type 2 diabetes the body either
stops making it or cannot keep up with the high sugar. He stated,
he is feeling overwhelmed with all the information given to him
after being newly diagnosed, so he will read more about it later.
Patient will acknowledge the importance of taking his prescribed
insulin at the correct times each day by 2200 on 3-8-16.
Goal partially met (2030 on 3-7-16)
Patient stated it is important for him to take his insulin as
prescribed at the correct times each day to prevent long term
complications. He also stated that he know realizes he can stay
healthy and avoid problems if he keeps his glucose in control.
Patient will explain how he will incorporate his new insulin
therapy into his lifestyle by 2200 on 3-8-16.
Goal met (2030 on 3-7-16)
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its important to watch for them. He seemed very receptive of the basic
information, but a little bit overwhelmed and tired because he went through
some information with the diabetes educator earlier in the day.
Overall, this was a really good learning opportunity. It helped me
understand my patient better and how overwhelming a new diagnosis like
this can really be. I am glad that I could help make a little bit of a difference
in his life and let him know he will be okay and just needs to keep up with
this medications and insulin therapy.
The following is an FDAR note that I created while working with SH:
F: Deficient knowledge r/t new diabetes diagnosis amb patient stating I was
peeing a lot and became very thirst before passing out and ended up at the
hospital, blood glucose level of 892 on admission, and an A1C of 14.4% on
admission.-----------------------------------------------------------D: Patient is a newly diagnosed diabetic. Patient stated, I dont know a lot
about diabetes, just what the diabetes educator told me. Blood sugar on
admission was 892 and patient was in DKA r/t pneumonia and sepsis. Current
blood glucose level is 273. On admission his arterial blood gases were PCO2:
15, pH: 6.88, HCO3: 3 indicative of metabolic acidosis.--------------------A: Administered Novolog Insulin for blood sugar 273. Educated patient on the
differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Educated patient on signs
and symptoms of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia and the importance of
monitoring these symptoms.--------------------------------R: Patient stated, I know the symptoms of hyperglycemia because I was
peeing a lot more than normal and I was really thirsty. Then I blacked out and
work up in the hospital. This was very helpful and Im sure I will learn more
tomorrow from the diabetes
educator.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T. Pospeschil SN NTC
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