Asset Revaluation Regular Interval PDF
Asset Revaluation Regular Interval PDF
Asset Revaluation Regular Interval PDF
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Table of content
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Table of content
1 Revaluation of Assets at Regular Intervals
1.1 Revaluation Area
1.2 Asset Master Data
1.3 Asset Revaluation (Inflation) Program
1.3.1 Inflation Method
1.3.2 Revaluation Calculation Posting Variant Revaluation Key Inflation Index Period Control Method Time Base and Exposure to Inflation Variant
1.3.3 Account Determination Split Revaluation of Depreciation
1.3.4 Revaluation Using Provisional Inflation Indexes
1.3.5 Revaluation After End of Useful Life Example
1.3.6 Revaluation of Assets Under Construction and Investment Measures
1.3.7 Delete Asset Revaluation (Inflation) Program Log
1.4 Asset Customizing Settings Report
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Process Flow
1. In January, you post an asset acquisition of some drilling equipment for UNI 12,000.
2. The system debits the acquisition and production costs (APC) to the asset subledger account for drilling equipment and credits the vendor's account
(see graphic below); the transaction is automatically recorded on the asset reconciliation account in the general ledger.
The system automatically calculates the planned depreciation amounts for the entire year in the asset subledger, but without yet posting them to the
general ledger. The equipment has a useful life of 10 years and is to be depreciated using the straight-line method without any scrap value. That means
that one month's depreciation is UNI 100.
3. At the end of January, you execute a depreciation posting run .
The program posts the depreciation amount to the general ledger as follows:
Note that there is no revaluation amount for this month, as in this example, assets are not to be revaluated in the same month as they are acquired.
1. At February month-end, you revaluate the equipment using the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program.
The program:
1. Revaluates the asset acquisition
2. Inflation is currently running at 10% a month, which means that the equipment is now worth UNI 13,200.
3. Creates an asset revaluation document to post the revaluation amount (UNI 1,200) in the revaluation area in the asset subledger
Note that the program creates these documents in a batch input session, which you have to process in order to post the documents.
At this point, you can see the revaluation amounts in the asset subledger, but not in the general ledger. That happens in the next step.
1. When you have processed the batch input session, you execute a depreciation run in order to post February's revaluation and depreciation amounts to
the general ledger.
The program:
Posts the revaluation amount from the subledger to the general ledger
The program creates an inflation adjustment document that debits the revaluation of drilling equipment account and credits an inflation gain or loss account.
Posts the depreciation on the revaluation amount from the subledger to the general ledger
Now that the equipment's value has increased, the original monthly depreciation has to go up too. The system handles this simply by depreciating the
revaluation amount using the same rules that it uses for the APC. Spread over the asset's useful life of 10 years, the revaluation amount (UNI 1,200) has to be
depreciated at UNI 120 per annum, or UNI 10 per month.
Although January has already passed, the revaluation amount is typically still depreciated equally over the 12 months of the year. For this reason, that means
that we now depreciate not just UNI 10 for February, but also UNI 10 for January as well, a total of UNI 20. The posting is as follows:
After the drilling equipment has been revaluated, it is worth UNI 13,200 (UNI 12,000 + UNI 1,200), less depreciation at UNI 220 (UNI 200 + UNI 20), which
gives a net book value of UNI 12,980.
1. You repeat steps 3 and 4 until year-end. Each month, the system revaluates and depreciates the asset.
2. Note that in some countries, you are required to record the depreciation on the current month's revaluation amount on a separate G/L account from the
depreciation on previous months' revaluation amounts. For more information, see Revaluation of Depreciation Split .
3. At year-end, you execute the depreciation run one last time.
4. At this point, the whole year's depreciation and revaluation amounts have been posted to the general ledger.
You also change the fiscal year . When you do so, the system automatically carries forward the accumulated depreciation to the new fiscal year.
5. The next year, the procedure continues as before. You run the revaluation and depreciation programs at the end of each month. However, you revaluate
the previous year's depreciation and the current year's depreciation separately. At the end of January, with inflation still running at 10%, you would make
the following posting in addition to the others:
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Recording Revaluation Amounts
You use revaluation areas to record asset revaluation amounts . In the asset revaluation process, we saw that when you revaluated the drilling equipment, that
resulted in an increase in the asset's value of UNI 1,200.
One way of handling the revaluation amount in the SAP System is to record it in a separate revaluation area. In the graphic below, the asset's acquisition and
production costs (APC) are recorded in the book depreciation area, depreciation area 01. The revaluation amount (UNI 1,200) is recorded in a separate
revaluation area, area 03. The asset's adjusted net book value is shown in area 4.
Area 4 is termed a derived area , because the values that is shows are derived from two other areas, in this case the APC from area 01 and the revaluation
amount from area 03. Areas 01 and 03, conversely, are termed real areas, because they record values that have been calculated in their own right.
Recording Inflation in Revaluation Areas
This is the most common way of using revaluation areas, although accounting procedures vary from country to country. In Turkey, for example, inflation
adjustments are recorded in the book depreciation area (01), so no separate revaluation areas (in the graphic, 03 or 04) are required.
As you can see, the revaluation areas also show the depreciation on the inflation.
Recording Inflation Adjustments for Different Purposes
In some countries, you are required to depreciate and revaluate assets for different purposes. For example, as well as calculating depreciation for use in
general purpose financial statements, you may well have to calculate depreciation differently in order to determine how much income tax you have to pay.
Similarly, you may have to revaluate your assets for different purposes, using different rules.
To this end, you define separate revaluation areas. The above graphic has one area for recording revaluation amounts calculated for general purposes, area
03, and a derived area, area 04. For the purposes of asset revaluation for tax purposes, you would define two further revaluation areas, as shown in the graphic
Inflation for Tax Purposes
Here, as you can see, the revaluation amount for tax purposes (in area 07, UNI 1,250) is slightly higher than that for general purposes (in area 03, UNI 1,200).
Parallel Currencies
For each parallel currency used by your company code, you must create a copy of each revaluation area that posts to the general ledger. You must customize
them in the same way as the base depreciation area, with one exception: You must mark them as not to be posted to the general ledger.
These parallel currency areas are required only for technical reasons, because, logically, inflation is specific to a currency only (in this case, your local
currency). Therefore, the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program always posts zero amounts to parallel currencies.
You maintain revaluation areas in Customizing for Financial Accounting, under
Revaluation of the Balance Sheet Inflation Accounting Revaluation Areas.
Asset Accounting
Special Valuation
You can assign a revaluation key to all assets that are in a company code for which you have activated Inflation Accounting for Asset Accounting (FI-AA).
To access the revaluation data in the asset master, go to the detail screen of the depreciation area maintenance and choose Data for revaluation .
Master Data Maintenance
When you create a new asset master record, you assign a revaluation key to each real revaluation area.
To exclude an asset from revaluation, you can assign it a revaluation key whose inflation index contains only zero values.
Day-to-Day Activities
If you adjust an asset manually , the system:
Sets the last revaluation date to the last date in the interval in question
Deletes any entry from the Last inflation index field
If any asset has a last revaluation date but not an index, this information tells the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program that it was last revaluated manually.
When you come to run the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program, it revaluates every asset using the information from the revaluation key. Once the batch
input session with the asset revaluation amounts has been processed, the system updates the asset's last revaluation date. It also records which inflation
index it adjusted the asset with.
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You use this program to revaluate assets for inflation.
This program is intended for use at regular intervals, as described in the above procedure . If you need to revaluate assets once only, you use a different
program (see One-Time Revaluation Measures ).
For information about how the program handles provisional and definitive indexes, see Revaluation Using Provisional Inflation Indexes .
You have made the settings in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), by choosing
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation Accounting
Asset Accounting
Special Valuation
Revaluation of Fixed
In addition, before you run this program the first time in a production system, you must run this program as a dummy run for each company code in question
for the last day of the interval before the one that you are going to start revaluation amounts in. This creates the appropriate entry in the program log. You must
also include this date in the posting variant.
To access the program, from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation.
Financial Accounting
Fixed Assets
Periodic Processing
On the selection screen, you specify:
Which assets you want to revaluate
You can only select specific assets when you run the program in test mode. In update mode, the program runs for the whole company code.
Which date the assets are to be revaluated up to
You can only run the program for dates in the posting variant assigned to the inflation method.
You can execute the program as often as necessary for a particular date. It will create postings independent of the provisional or definitive version of the
Whether the report makes the adjustment postings directly or by batch input
If you want to use batch input, you enter a batch input session name and how many transactions the session can contain.
Whether you want to activate parallel processing
Parallel processing improves the reports performance by dividing the adjustment postings, normally done by one server, between a group of servers.
By default, the parallel processing fields are grayed out. To be able to enter the parallel processing data, enter the company code, assets, value date,
and choose
When you execute the program, the system:
Revaluates each asset
For information about how the program handles any manual postings that you have made for this interval, see Manual Revaluation .
Posts the revaluation amounts directly or generates a batch input session with the revaluation amounts
Displays a list of the revaluation amounts, showing:
Which assets have been revaluated
Which assets have been revaluated at zero
Which assets did not need to be revaluated (for example, assets that were not yet capitalized on the date in question)
Any errors that occurred
1. If the program generates a batch input session, process it immediately in order to effect the changes to the asset values at asset subledger level. You
must not run the program again until you have processed the session, as this can lead to inconsistencies.
When the batch input session has been processed, the system updates the assets' last revaluation date(again, at revaluation area level).
2. If there are any errors you can correct them as follows:
Errors arising from incorrect Customizing settings (for example, incorrect inflation index values)
In this case, change the Customizing setting and run the program again. It posts the appropriate revaluation amounts to make up the difference.
You can, however, only do so if the run was with provisional indexes.
Individual errors
You can correct problems with individual assets using a manual posting.
3. To transfer the revaluation amounts from the asset subledger to the general ledger, execute a depreciation run.
When the system posts the revaluation amounts to the general ledger, it creates only one accounting document for each account determination.
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The inflation method contains basic information required by the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program. Before you can run the program, you first have to
customize the inflation method.
You maintain inflation methods in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), by choosing
Asset Accounting
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation Accounting Inflation Methods
Special Valuation
Revaluation of Fixed
When you come to run the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program, the system uses the settings in the inflation method assigned to your company code to
Whether you are allowed to run the program for this date or not (by means of the posting variant )
Whether to activate the split revaluation of depreciation function
Whether you want the program to take into account revaluation amounts when settling costs accumulated on assets under to construction
Which transaction types to post the revaluations with
See also the information about Country Version Turkey .
See also:
Inflation Method in Financial Accounting (FI)
Inflation Method in Materials Management (MM)
In order to revaluate an asset, the system determines:
How to handle the asset transactions (by means of the period control method )
Which inflation index the asset is to be revaluated with
What period of time is to be revaluated (the time between the asset's last revaluation date and the program date)
It reads this information from the asset master data and the asset's revaluation key .
In the sample process , you were required to revaluate drilling equipment at the end of every month. Let us consider what happens at February month-end.
When you come to revaluate the asset on 28 February, the program proceeds as follows:
It looks up the asset's revaluation key to see which period control method is assigned to it.
In the period control method, it looks up what TBE variant you have entered for acquisitions.
The TBE variant tells the program to revaluate the asset for the interval of 128 February.
It looks up the asset revaluation key to see what inflation index to apply.
In the inflation index, it looks up the inflation values in the inflation index and then calculates the net inflation rate for the month of February.
It then checks the posting variant to see whether you have set 28 February as a posting date. Because you have, the system knows to create an asset
revaluation document for this asset.
If the system looks for an inflation index value for a particular date, but you have not maintained a value for that date, the system will determine the value
on that date automatically. To do so, it assumes that inflation progresses at a constant rate between any two inflation values. So, for example, if you enter
an inflation index value for 31 January (1,500) and one for 28 February (1,510), but want to calculate inflation as at 14 February, it will assume that the
inflation index on that date is 1,505.
With this information, the system is able to revaluate the asset.
See also:
Manual Revaluation
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The posting variant is used by the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program when you run it. The posting variants have two uses, which are outlined below.
You maintain posting variants in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), by choosing
Asset Accounting
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation Accounting Maintain Posting Variants
Special Valuation
Revaluation of Fixed
The revaluation key instructs the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program how to revaluate each asset.
You maintain revaluation keys in Customizing for Financial Accounting, by choosing
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation Revaluation Keys.
Asset Accounting
Special Valuation
Revaluation of Fixed
Once you have maintained the keys, you assign one to every asset master.
Day-to-Day Activities
Whenever you create a new asset, you specify in the asset master data which revaluation key the asset is to be revaluated with.
When you run the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program, it revaluates each asset according to the information in the revaluation key.
See also:
Asset Master Data
The Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program uses the inflation indexes when revaluating assets .
You maintain inflation indexes in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), by choosing
Asset Accounting
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation Accounting Maintain Inflation Indexes
Special Valuation
Revaluation of Fixed
Once you have done so, you assign an inflation index to each revaluation key .
When you come to run the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program, it revaluates each asset using the inflation index that you have entered in the revaluation
See also:
Inflation Index in Financial Accounting (FI)
Inflation Index in Materials Management (MM)
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See period control method .
The Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program uses the period control methods when calculating revaluation .
You maintain period control methods in Customizing for Financial Accounting, by choosing
Asset Accounting
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation Accounting Maintain Period Control Methods.
Special Valuation
Revaluation of Fixed
Once you have done so, you assign one to every revaluation key.
When you come to run the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program, the period control method instructs the system how to handle each asset transaction.
See also the information about Country Version Turkey .
The Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program uses the TBE variants when revaluating assets .
You maintain TBE variants in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), by choosing
Asset Accounting Special Valuation Revaluation of Fixed
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation Accounting Maintain Time Base and Exposure to Inflation Variants
Once you have done so, you create period control methods on the basis of the TBE variants, with a separate TBE variant for each asset transaction type. In
turn, you assign a period control method to each revaluation key.
When you run the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program, it revaluates each asset using the TBE variants assigned to it by means of the revaluation key.
See also:
TBE Variant in Financial Accounting (FI)
TBE Variant in Materials Management (MM)
You can use separate G/L accounts for:
Revaluation of acquisition and production costs
Revaluation of depreciation amounts from the current fiscal year
Revaluation of depreciation amounts from previous fiscal years
You can also split the revaluation of the current year's depreciation (see Split Revaluation of Depreciation ).
You specify which G/L accounts you want to use in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), by choosing
Asset Accounting
Revaluation of Fixed Assets
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation Accounting Account Determination
Special Valuation
Periodic Processing
When you execute a depreciation run, the program posts all of the revaluation amounts created by the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program to the general
ledger. It posts each of the amounts to the accounts that you have defined.
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In some countries, you are required to split the revaluation of the current year's depreciation amounts into two components (as illustrated in step 3 of the asset
revaluation process ) and post them to separate accounts:
The revaluation of the current month's depreciation
The revaluation of the depreciation amounts from previous months in the current year
It does not have any effect on the revaluation of depreciation amounts from previous years.
To activate the split, you select the indicator in the inflation method. You must also specify which G/L accounts you want to use.
By setting the indicator in the inflation method, you activate the split for all of the revaluation areas in the company code. You can deactivate it for specific
revaluation areas if you need to, in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), under
Asset Accounting Special Valuation Revaluation of Fixed
Revaluation for the Balance Sheet Inflation Accounting Revaluation Areas
Maintain Revaluation Areas
This function is best explained using the sample asset revaluation process .
At the end of February, the system revaluates the drilling equipment from UNI12,000 to UNI13,200.
It also revaluates the monthly depreciation from UNI100 to UNI110. This figure breaks down into the unadjusted depreciation on the APC at UNI100 and the
revaluation of the depreciation amount, UNI10.
That means that on 28 February the system posts:
The revaluation of the asset's APC (UNI1,200)
The unadjusted depreciation for February (UNI100)
The revaluation of the depreciation for the current month (UNI10)
The revaluation of the depreciation for previous months (UNI 10)
On 31 January you had already posted UNI100 depreciation on the asset. The posting here serves to increase this amount to UNI110, which is
necessary in order for the machinery to be depreciated over the asset's useful life.
In March, inflation is again running at 10%, which means that the asset is now worth UNI1,320 more:
UNI13,200 + UNI 1,320 = UNI14,520
This takes the monthly depreciation up to UNI121:
UNI14,520 120 months (10 years) = UNI121
This represents an increase of UNI21 on the original monthly depreciation amount, and an increase of UNI11 on the depreciation amount adjusted for February.
So on 31 March the system posts:
The revaluation amount on the asset's APC (UNI13,200 10% = UNI1,320)
The unadjusted depreciation for March (UNI100)
The revaluation of the original depreciation amount for the current month (UNI21)
This sum increases the original depreciation for March (UNI100) to UNI121, the amount now required to depreciate the asset.
The revaluation of the depreciation amount for previous months (UNI 11 2 = UNI22)
This sum, UNI11, increases the deprecation already accumulated in January and February (UNI100 + UNI10 = UNI110) to the necessary amount
Process Flow
1. When the authorities publish the inflation index in its provisional form for an interval , you maintain the inflation index values in Customizing, making sure
not to mark the index as definitive.
2. To carry out a provisional run, you execute the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program for the interval.
3. The program revaluates the assets as normal, creating a batch input session with the appropriate revaluation amounts. When you process the session,
the system updates the assets' last revaluation date .
You can execute as many provisional runs as you want. Each time, the system calculates the difference between the revaluation since the last run and
posts this amount.
4. Once the authorities publish the definitive index for the interval, you enter the definitive values in the inflation index in Customizing, and mark the index
as definitive.
5. You then run the program one last time in update mode with definitive inflation indexes. This time, it creates asset revaluation documents to make
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If you do want to continue revaluating assets after the end of their useful lives, make the setting in Customizing (see below). Then assign each of your assets
an appropriate depreciation key. When you carry out your closing activities, the system revaluates the assets accordingly.
If you do not want to revaluate assets after their useful lives, all you have to do is make the appropriate setting in Customizing. The system then stops
revaluating the assets as soon as their useful life ends.
If you stop revaluating assets after the end of their useful lives, it is the planned useful life in the asset master record that counts. In the example , the
asset's useful life expires on 31 December 20X7, so the system stops revaluating the asset as of 1 January 20X8. So even if you depreciate an asset in
full before the end of its expected useful life, the system continues to revaluate it until the planned useful life expires.
Specify in each company code's inflation method whether or not you want to revaluate scrap values.
Asset Master Data
If you want to continue with revaluation after the end of the useful life, in order to stop the system from depreciating the revaluated scrap value, assign the
asset master records a depreciation key that consists of at least two phases:
One (or more) for the useful life
To this phase (or these phases) you assign all the usual methods for the asset depreciation over the course of its useful life. Additionally, in order for the
system to automatically switch from the first phase to the second at exactly the end of the useful life, assign it changeover method 8.
One for the scrap value
To this phase you assign a base method that prevents the system from depreciating the asset.
When you execute the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program, it revaluates each asset's:
Acquisition and production costs
When you execute the next depreciation run, the system posts both revaluation amounts to the normal G/L accounts.
The Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program does not calculate any depreciation on the revaluation amount. Example
You own a machine with an expected useful life of seven years. At the end of the machines useful life, its acquisition and production costs are UNI 75,000,
once it has been revaluated. Depreciation, once revaluated, is UNI 71,250. The asset's revaluated scrap value is therefore UNI 3,750 (see below).
The asset's useful life ends on 31 December 20X7. On 31 January 20X8, you run the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program as you do every month. Here's
what happens to the asset in both cases.
Revaluation Stops After End of Useful Life
If you you stop revaluating your assets once they reach the end of their useful lives, the program ignores the asset entirely. The asset's scrap value remains
at UNI 3,750 for ever.
Revaluation Continues After End of Useful Life
Now assume that you continue revaluating the asset after the end of its useful life, and that in January 20X8, inflation rose by 4%.
The system makes the following accounting postings, one to adjust the machinery's APC, and one to adjust the accumulated depreciation:
Since the asset has already reached the end of its useful life, it is no longer depreciated. Therefore, only the acquisition and production costs and the
accumulated depreciation are revaluated. The asset's history sheet now looks as follows:
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You revaluate assets under construction and investment measures the same way as other assets, either using the Asset Revaluation (Inflation) program or
Furthermore, once an asset under construction has been completed and the costs are to be settled, you can also settle any revaluation values like any other
Where assets under construction are concerned, the system determines automatically how much of the revaluation amount is to be settled to the receivers
in direct proportion to the other costs assigned to them. You cannot split the revaluation amounts in any other way.
The settlement of investment measures works the same way, except that you can also settle them at the summary level.
See also:
Settlement of an Asset Under Construction
The program only deletes the information for one company code at a time.
You can only run the program for company codes with test status for Asset Accounting (FI-AA). The status is controlled by the setting in Customizing for FI,
Asset Accounting Preparing for Production Startup Production Startup Activate Company Code
You delete the FI-AA test data in Customizing for Financial Accounting (FI), by choosing
Production Startup Tools
Reset Company Code
Asset Accounting
The program is not included in the SAP Easy Access menu. In order to run it, use the program name J_1AALG1.
On the selection screen, you specify which asset you want to display.
The program is not included in the SAP Easy Access menu. In order to run it, use the report name J_1AAINFO_01.
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