Gplus Adapter 8.0 For Siebel CRM Deployment Guide

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Gplus Adapter 8.

for Siebel CRM

Deployment Guide

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Released by
Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc.
Document Version: 80gp_dep_slcrm_11-2012_v8.0.101.00

Table of Contents
List of

................................................................................................................. 13


................................................................................................................. 23
About Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM................................................ 23
Intended Audience................................................................................... 24
Making Comments on This Document .................................................... 24
Contacting Genesys Technical Support................................................... 25
Document Change History ...................................................................... 25
New in Document Version v8.0.100.00............................................... 25
New in Document Version v8.0.002.00............................................... 25

Chapter 1

System Requirements.......................................................................... 27
Deployment Options ................................................................................ 27
Installation Options .................................................................................. 28
Universal Definition File........................................................................... 31
Before Importing the Definition File .................................................... 32
System Requirements for Gplus Adapter Components........................... 32
Gplus Communication Server Requirements ..................................... 33
Configuration Synchronization Component Requirements................. 34
Voice Component Requirements ........................................................ 35
Gplus UCS Gateway Requirements ................................................... 37
Multimedia Component Requirements ............................................... 38
Gplus Adapter Media Routing Component Requirements.................. 38
Date and Time Synchronization .............................................................. 39

Chapter 2

Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM.......... 41

Overview.................................................................................................. 41
New in This Release................................................................................ 42
Planning................................................................................................... 42
Possible Deployment Scenarios ......................................................... 43
Configuring Genesys ............................................................................... 43
Importing the Communication Server Application Template ............... 44

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

Table of Contents

Creating the Communication Server Application Object..................... 45

Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box ............................. 46
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Communication
Server ............................................................................................. 51
Installation ............................................................................................... 56
Installing the Gplus Communication Server........................................ 56
Configuring the GenCommDrv.ini File (Optional)................................ 57
Uninstalling the Gplus Communication Server ................................... 64
Configuring Siebel ................................................................................... 64
Configuring the Siebel CTI for the Gplus Communication Server ...... 64

Chapter 3

Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component ............. 67

Overview.................................................................................................. 67
New in This Release................................................................................ 68
Configuring Genesys ............................................................................... 68
Prestart Information ............................................................................ 68
Importing the Configuration Synchronization Component Application
Template ......................................................................................... 69
Creating the Configuration Synchronization Component Application
Object ............................................................................................. 70
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box ............................. 71
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Configuration
Synchronization Component........................................................... 75
Configuring the Security Settings ............................................................ 83
Installation ............................................................................................... 86
Installing the Configuration Synchronization Component in a
Windows Environment .................................................................... 86
Installing the Configuration Synchronization Component in an UNIX
Environment.................................................................................... 87
Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component............... 88
Configuring Siebel ................................................................................... 89
Prestart Information ............................................................................ 89
Configuring Siebel Using Siebel Tools ................................................ 89
Configuring the Siebel Server............................................................. 95
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client................................. 95
Business ServiceUser Properties ...................................................... 100
Starting the Adapter............................................................................... 103

Chapter 4

Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component ................. 105

Overview................................................................................................ 105
New in This Release.............................................................................. 106
Configuring Genesys ............................................................................. 106

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Table of Contents

Prestart Information .......................................................................... 106

Importing the Campaign Synchronization Server Application
Template ....................................................................................... 107
Creating the Campaign Synchronization Server Application
Object ........................................................................................... 108
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box ........................... 109
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Campaign
Synchronization Server................................................................. 112
Configuring the Security Settings ..................................................... 120
Creating the List Import Format Object............................................. 122
Synchronizing the Time Zones .............................................................. 129
Installation ............................................................................................. 131
Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in a Windows
Environment.................................................................................. 131
Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in an UNIX
Environment.................................................................................. 132
Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component.................. 134
Configuring Siebel ................................................................................. 134
Prestart Information .......................................................................... 134
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools ........................................ 135
Configuring the Siebel Server........................................................... 144
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client............................... 147

Chapter 5

Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1 ........ 153

Overview................................................................................................ 153
New in This Release.............................................................................. 154
Configuring Genesys ............................................................................. 154
Prestart Information .......................................................................... 155
Importing the Campaign Synchronization Server Application
Template ....................................................................................... 155
Creating the Campaign Synchronization Server Application
Object ........................................................................................... 157
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box ........................... 157
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Campaign
Synchronization Server................................................................. 161
Configuring the Security Settings ..................................................... 162
Creating the List Import Format Object............................................. 165
Synchronizing the Time Zones .............................................................. 172
Installation ............................................................................................. 174
Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in a Windows
Environment.................................................................................. 174
Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in an UNIX
Environment.................................................................................. 175
Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component.................. 177

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

Table of Contents

Configuring Siebel ................................................................................. 177

Prestart Information .......................................................................... 177
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools ........................................ 177
Configuring the Siebel Server........................................................... 200
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client............................... 203

Chapter 6

Deploying the Voice Component ...................................................... 209

Overview................................................................................................ 210
Features and Enhancements............................................................ 210
New in This Release.............................................................................. 212
Installation ............................................................................................. 212
Overview of Voice Component Installation ....................................... 212
Setup Types ...................................................................................... 213
Target Directory Structure and File Locations................................... 213
Installing the Voice Component in a Windows Environment............. 214
Installing the Voice Component in an UNIX Environment................. 215
Running the Installation Shell Script ................................................. 217
Uninstalling the Voice Component .................................................... 218
Configuring Genesys ............................................................................. 218
Prestart Information .......................................................................... 218
Modifying Genesys Settings ............................................................. 219
Gathering the Genesys Object Settings ................................................ 224
Data Required for All Voice Configurations ...................................... 224
Basic Voice Feature Data ................................................................. 225
Expert Contact Feature Data ............................................................ 226
Outbound Campaign Feature Data................................................... 226
Outbound Contact Server Configuration Parameters ....................... 226
Universal Callback Feature Data ...................................................... 229
Configuring Siebel ................................................................................. 229
Prestart Information .......................................................................... 229
Configuring Siebel Using Siebel Tools .............................................. 230
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client............................... 245
T-Server Connections ....................................................................... 257
Agent Administration......................................................................... 258
Using Genesys Framework to Synchronize Agent Information ........ 264
Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations ............. 267
Creating Activity Records ................................................................. 268
Voice Component Common Configuration Information .................... 274
Customizations for the Basic Voice Feature ..................................... 290
Customizations for the Expert Contact Feature ................................ 291
Customizations for the Universal Callback Feature .......................... 291
Customizations for the Outbound Campaign or OCS Feature ......... 291

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Table of Contents

Checking Installations............................................................................ 302

Disclaimer ......................................................................................... 302
Checking the Voice Callback Installation .......................................... 304
Checking the Outbound Contact Installation .................................... 306
The Driver Settings for the Voice Component ....................................... 310
The Voice Component Driver Parameters ........................................ 310
The Driver:SupervisorExtensions Driver Parameter ......................... 324
The Driver: HangupOnEventReleased Driver Parameter ................. 325
The Service:UsePendingWorkmode Service Parameter .................. 326
The Driver:InboundPartyContainer and
Driver:OutboundPartyContainer Driver Parameters ..................... 326
The Gplus Adapter Application Name .............................................. 329
The Advanced Disconnect Detection Protocol (ADDP) Support ...... 329
Emulated Agent Work Modes ................................................................ 330
Agent States on Telesets with Multiple Positions and ACD Queues ..... 331
The Voice Component Log Files ........................................................... 332
The Voice Component Driver Commands and Events .......................... 332
The Voice Component Driver Commands ........................................ 333
The Voice Component Driver Commands (Changes for 8.0.1) ........ 336
Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key .......................................... 336
The CallSupervisor DeviceCommand Object ................................... 337
The EmergencyKey DeviceCommand Object .................................. 338
The TrackingID Parameter................................................................ 339
The DoNotDisturb Status .................................................................. 339
The Driver Events for the Voice Component .................................... 339
The T-Library Events Parameters ..................................................... 343
The Call Types.................................................................................. 345
The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands ............................ 346
The Basic Voice Device Commands................................................. 347
The Basic Voice Device Commands (Changes for 8.0.1)................. 370
The Expert Contact DeviceCommand Objects ................................. 370
The Outbound Contact DeviceCommands Objects .......................... 370
The Voice Callback DeviceCommands Objects ............................... 377
The Voice Component Device Events ................................................... 382
The Basic Voice Device Events ........................................................ 382
The Expert Contact Device Events ................................................... 391
The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server
Device Events............................................................................... 392
The Voice Callback Device Events ................................................... 405

Chapter 7

Deploying the UCS Gateway Server ................................................. 415

Overview................................................................................................ 415
New in This Release.............................................................................. 416

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

Table of Contents

Configuring Genesys ............................................................................. 416

Prestart Information .......................................................................... 416
Importing the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM
Application Template..................................................................... 416
Creating the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM
Application Object......................................................................... 418
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box ........................... 418
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Gplus UCS
Gateway Server for Siebel CRM................................................... 422
Installation ............................................................................................. 422
UCS Gateway Memory Allocation .................................................... 422
Installing the UCS Gateway Server in a Windows Environment....... 423
Installing the USC Gateway Server in an UNIX Environment........... 424
Configuring Siebel ................................................................................. 425

Chapter 8

Deploying the Multimedia Component ............................................. 427

Overview................................................................................................ 427
New in This Release.............................................................................. 428
Installing the Multimedia Component .................................................... 428
Installation Prerequisites................................................................... 428
Installation and Uninstallation Guidelines ......................................... 428
Installation......................................................................................... 429
Configuring Siebel ................................................................................. 431
Prestart Information .......................................................................... 431
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools ........................................ 431
Configuring the Siebel Server........................................................... 439
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client............................... 444
Multimedia Component Agent Administration................................... 448
Workbin Parameters ......................................................................... 450
Configuring the UCS Gateway Definition in Siebel................................ 451
Multimedia Component Driver and Configuration Parameters .............. 452
Interaction Server Device Commands................................................... 459
Interaction Server Device Commands (Changes for 8.0.1)................... 471
Outbound Contact Device Commands .................................................. 472
Multimedia Component Device Events.................................................. 476
Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events ....... 482

Chapter 9

Deploying the Media Routing Component ....................................... 487

Overview................................................................................................ 487
New in This Release.............................................................................. 488

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Table of Contents

Installing the Media Routing Component............................................... 488

Installation Prerequisites................................................................... 489
Installation......................................................................................... 489
Configuring Genesys ............................................................................. 490
Prestart Information .......................................................................... 490
Overview........................................................................................... 490
Importing the Gplus Open Media Server Application Template ........ 491
Creating the Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM
Application Object......................................................................... 492
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box ........................... 492
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Gplus Open
Media Server for Siebel CRM ....................................................... 498
Installing the Gplus Open Media Server................................................ 499
Installing the Gplus Open Media Server in a Windows and a UNIX
Environment.................................................................................. 499
The Target Directory Structure and File Locations ........................... 500
Uninstalling the Gplus Open Media Server....................................... 500
Configuring Siebel ................................................................................. 501
Prestart Information .......................................................................... 501
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools ........................................ 501
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client............................... 505
Nonreal-Time (Background) E-Mail Routing.......................................... 520
Pulling/Stopping Siebel eMail Interactions ............................................ 521
Configuring the Media Routing Component
for Routing Siebel Work Items .......................................................... 522
Driver and Configuration Parameters .................................................... 526
Device Commands and Events ............................................................. 526

Chapter 10

Deploying the iWD Routing Component .......................................... 527

Overview................................................................................................ 527
New in This Release.............................................................................. 528
Configuring Genesys ............................................................................. 528
Installing the iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component ........................ 531
Installation Prerequisites................................................................... 531
Installation......................................................................................... 531
Target Directory Structure and File Locations................................... 532
Configuring Siebel ................................................................................. 533
Prestart Information .......................................................................... 533
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools ........................................ 533
Siebel Repository File Preparation ................................................... 533
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client............................... 535
Configuring the Multimedia Component Agents ................................... 538
Configuring the Siebel eMail Response ................................................ 538

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

Table of Contents

The Siebel iWD API Representation ..................................................... 538

createTask Method ........................................................................... 540
updateTaskByCaptureId Method ...................................................... 544
restartTaskByCaptureId Method ....................................................... 547
cancelTaskByCaptureId Method ....................................................... 550
completeTaskByCaptureId Method ................................................... 553
getTaskByCaptureId Method ............................................................ 556
holdTaskByCaptureId Method........................................................... 557
ping Method ...................................................................................... 560
resumeTaskByCaptureId Method ..................................................... 561

Chapter 11

Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling .................... 565

Overview................................................................................................ 565
Solution Scope/Known Limitations ........................................................ 566
Associated Genesys Components ........................................................ 566
Configuring the Multimedia Solution...................................................... 566
Configuring the Interaction Routing Solution ......................................... 570
Configuring the Gplus Communication Server ...................................... 574
Configuring the Multimedia Component ................................................ 575

Chapter 12

Uninstallation Instructions ................................................................ 577

Overview................................................................................................ 577
Uninstalling the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM............. 578
Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component ................. 579
Changing the Genesys Configuration to Uninstall the Configuration
Synchronization Component......................................................... 580
Changing the Siebel Configuration to Uninstall the Configuration
Synchronization Component......................................................... 581
Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component on a
Windows or UNIX Platform ........................................................... 587
Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component ...................... 588
Changing the Genesys Configuration to Uninstall the Campaign
Synchronization Component......................................................... 588
Changing the Siebel Configuration to Uninstall the Campaign
Synchronization Component......................................................... 589
Uninstallation of the Campaign Synchronization Component on a
Windows or a UNIX Platform ........................................................ 597
Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1 ............. 597
Changing the Genesys Configuration to Uninstall the Campaign
Synchronization Component 8.0.1................................................ 598
Changing the Siebel Configuration to Uninstall the Campaign
Synchronization Component 8.0.1................................................ 599


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Table of Contents

Uninstallation of the Campaign Synchronization Component on a

Windows or a UNIX Platform ........................................................ 609
Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component ....... 609
The Required Environment ............................................................... 610
Deleting the Voice Component-Specific Values and Settings from
Siebel............................................................................................ 610
Deleting the Voice Component Drivers and Configurations from
Siebel............................................................................................ 611
Deleting the Voice Components Objects from Siebel ....................... 612
Deleting the Files Installed by the Voice Component Installation ..... 633
Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM UCS Gateway
Component ....................................................................................... 636
Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing
Component ....................................................................................... 636
The Required Environment ............................................................... 637
The Uninstallation Process ............................................................... 637
Uninstalling the Multimedia Component ................................................ 639
The Uninstallation Process ............................................................... 639
Removing the Responsibilities and the View Definitions .................. 642


Scripts ................................................................................................. 645

Generating and Deploying Browser Scripts........................................... 645
Updating the Application's
Application_PreNavigate Event Server Script .................................. 646
.............................................................................................................. 647


Related Documentation Resources ................................................... 649

Document Conventions ...................................................................... 651


............................................................................................................... 653

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Table of Contents


Gplus Adapter 8.0

List of Procedures
Communication Server: Importing the Communication Server
Application Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Communication Server: Creating the Communication Server
Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Communication Server: Configuring the tabs in the Properties
dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Communication Server: Installing the Gplus Communication Server. . . 56
Configuration Synchronization Component: Importing the
Configuration Synchronization Component Application Template . . 69
Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating the Configuration
Synchronization Component Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Configuration Synchronization Component: Configuring the tabs in the
Properties dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating a new Person
object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Configuration Synchronization Component: Adding a Person object
to the Super Administrators Access Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Configuration Synchronization Component: Associating a Person
object account with the Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Configuration Synchronization Component: Installing the Configuration
Synchronization Component in a Windows environment . . . . . . . . . 86
Configuration Synchronization Component: Installing the Configuration
Synchronization Component in a UNIX environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Configuration Synchronization Component: Importing the
GenesysConfigSynchronization.sif archive file for the Configuration
Synchronization Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Configuration Synchronization Component: Checking out an existing
project from the Siebel Repository for the Configuration
Synchronization Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Configuration Synchronization Component: Exporting Siebel extensions
of type S as DNs of type Extensions or ACD Positions in Genesys . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Configuration Synchronization Component: Importing the

PersonalizationActionSet.sif archive file into the Siebel
Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Configuration Synchronization Component: Compiling the Siebel
Repository File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Configuration Synchronization Component: Configuring the
Siebel Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Configuration Synchronization Component: Checking the EAI Server
Component Group status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Configuration Synchronization Component: Navigating to the Siebel
Server configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating the EAI Transport
Data Handling subsystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating a connection
subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating the runtime
events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the Application
Template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the
Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Campaign Synchronization Component: Configuring the tabs in the
Properties dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating a
new Person object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Campaign Synchronization Component: Adding a Person object to
the Super Administrators Access Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Campaign Synchronization Component: Associating a
Person object account with the Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Campaign Synchronization Component: Configuring
the Annex tab to display in object properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the Field objects . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Campaign Synchronization Component: Updating the Field object
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the Format object
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Campaign Synchronization Component: Copying the
Format object to a Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Campaign Synchronization Component: Defining the time zones for
a Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Campaign Synchronization Component: Installing the Component in
a Windows environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Campaign Synchronization Component: Installing the

Component in an UNIX environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Campaign Synchronization Component: Checking Out
Existing Projects from the Siebel Repository for the Campaign
Synchronization Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the Campaign.sif
Archive File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the
PersonalizationActionSet.sif Archive File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the
GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file. . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Campaign Synchronization Component: Selecting the correct path
to the Siebel File System directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Campaign Synchronization Component: Selecting the
Campaign Mapping mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Campaign Synchronization Component: Selecting the
Genesys DoNotCall Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Campaign Synchronization Component: Compiling the
Siebel Repository File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Campaign Synchronization Component: Configuring
the Siebel Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Campaign Synchronization Component: Checking the EAI Server
Component Group Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Campaign Synchronization Component: Navigating to the Siebel
Server configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating
a connection subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the
Genesys Campaign Export Position record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the runtime
events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Importing the
Campaign Synchronization Server Application Template. . . . . . . . 156
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating the
Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Configuring the tabs
in the Properties dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating a new
Person object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Adding a Person
object to the Super Administrators Access Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Associating a Person
object account with the Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Configuring the Annex

Tab to Display in Object Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating Field
objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Updating the Field
object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating the Format
object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Copying the Format
object to a Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Defining the time zones
for a Tenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Installing the
Component in a Windows environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Installing the
Component in an UNIX environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Checking out existing
projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Importing the
GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Importing the
Campaign.sif Archive File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Importing the
GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file. . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Selecting the correct
path to the Siebel File System directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Selecting the page
size in XML-messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Selecting the phones
and their type to export during the wave synchronization . . . . . . . 186
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Selecting the custom
fields to export during the wave synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Customizing the
runtime events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Example of a runtime
event customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Configuring the Site
Map of the Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Configuring the Page
tab of the Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Compiling the Siebel
Repository File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Configuring the

Siebel Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Importing the List of
Values and the Application, Views data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Deploying workflow
processes on the Siebel Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating the runtime
events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Assigning the correct
responsibility to an agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Voice Component: Installing the Voice Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Voice Component: Installing the Voice Component in a Windows
environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Voice Component: Running the installation shell script . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Voice Component: Modifying Genesys Outbound
Contact Server settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Voice Component: Setting the GSW_ATTEMPTS attribute . . . . . . . . . 223
Voice Component: Finding the T-Server connection information . . . . . 225
Voice Component: Finding the ACD Queue/PBX data information . . . 226
Voice Component: Finding the current version of Outbound Contact
Server (OCS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Voice Component: Checking out existing projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Voice Component: Importing the GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive
file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Voice Component: Importing the GenComm.sif archive file. . . . . . . . . 236
Voice Component: Importing the GenesysTools.sif archive file . . . . . . 237
Voice Component: Importing the *.sif files for the selected optional
Voice Component features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Voice Component: Resolving the Siebel application data conflicts . . . 239
Voice Component: Compiling the Siebel repository file . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Voice Component: Checking-in the Table Activity project changes
to the Siebel Server repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Voice Component: Applying changes to the Siebel database
tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Voice Component: Deploying the repository file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Voice Component: Importing the List of Values table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Voice Component: Creating a list of the reason code values for
the Basic Voice feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Voice Component: Creating a list of the Genesys call status values
for the Expert Contact feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Voice Component: Creating a list of the Genesys Routing Point

values for the Voice Callback feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Voice Component: Modifying and preparing the
configuration definition file for import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Voice Component: Creating a new configuration record in Siebel . . . . 255
Voice Component: Importing the new configuration record into
Siebel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Voice Component: Removing Unused Profiles in the Configuration . . 256
Voice Component: Assigning the correct responsibility and position
to an existing employee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Voice Component: Associating agents with an existing
Communications profile and Genesys settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Voice Component: Associating an agent to a campaign . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Voice Component: Creating a Position record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Voice Component: Adding an ACD Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Voice Component: Creating Telesets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Voice Component: Assigning a default Place object to a Person
object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Voice Component: Assigning an OCS agent to an Agent Group . . . . . 265
Voice Component: Assigning an Universal Callback agent to an
Agent Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Voice Component: Checking the basic Voice feature installation . . . . 302
Voice Component: Checking the Expert Contact installation . . . . . . . . 303
Voice Component: Checking the Voice Callback installation . . . . . . . . 304
Voice Component: Checking the Outbound Contact installation . . . . . 306
USC Gateway Server: Importing the USC Gateway Server
Application Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
UCS Gateway Server: Creating the UCS Gateway Server Application
object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
UCS Gateway Server: Configuring the tabs in the Properties
dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
UCS Gateway Server: Installing the UCS Gateway Server in a
Windows environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
USC Gateway Server: Installing the USC Gateway Server in a UNIX
environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Multimedia Component: Installing the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
Multimedia Component: Updating the Siebel repository file. . . . . . . . . 432
Multimedia Component: Configuring Siebel Tools for the repository
file deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Multimedia Component: Deploying the Siebel

repository file, browser scripts, web templates, and
changing the Siebel Server configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
Multimedia Component: Updating the associated List of Values
(LOV) tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Multimedia Component: Setting up the agent responsibilities . . . . . . . 445
Multimedia Component: Creating a customized configuration file . . . . 446
Multimedia Component: Configuring the CTI connection . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Multimedia Component: Assigning the correct responsibility to an
agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Multimedia Component: Configuring or creating Telesets . . . . . . . . . . 448
Multimedia Component: Assigning agents to a Multimedia
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Multimedia Component: Configuring the UCS Gateway
definition in Siebel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
Media Routing Component: Installing the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM Media Routing Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Media Routing Component: Importing the Gplus Open Media Server
for Siebel CRM Application template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Media Routing Component: Creating the Gplus Open Media Server
for Siebel CRM Application object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Media Routing Component: Configuring the tabs in the Properties
dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Media Routing Component: Installing the Open Media Server . . . . . . 500
Media Routing Component: Checking out existing projects . . . . . . . . . 502
Media Routing Component: Importing the GplusMediaRouting.sif
archive file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
Media Routing Component: Compiling the Siebel Repository File. . . . 503
Media Routing Component: Setting the business service query
access for the GplusMediaRoute and the GplusMediaRouteIXN
business services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Media Routing Component: Deploying the Siebel repository file . . . . . 505
Media Routing Component: Configuring and importing a Siebel
workflow process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Media Routing Component: Activating the Siebel Workflow Process
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Media Routing Component: Navigating to the Siebel Server
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
Media Routing Component: Creating a connection subsystem . . . . . . 512
Media Routing Component: Setting a value for the
MediaRoutingDefaultQueue configuration parameter . . . . . . . . . . 514

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Media Routing Component: Activating the Siebel eMail Response

Workflow Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Media Routing Component: Configuring the Siebel Internet
SMTP/POP 3 Server driver profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Media Routing Component: Creating a response group . . . . . . . . . . . 519
Media Routing Component: Configuring the Media Routing
Component in a Genesys environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
Media Routing Component: Configuring the Media Routing
Component in a Siebel environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
iWD Routing: Configuring the intelligent Workload Distribution
solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
iWD Routing: installing the Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel CRM
Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
iWD Routing: Compiling and Deploying the Siebel Repository File . . . 533
iWD Routing: Configuring a Siebel workflow process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
iWD Routing: Activating the Siebel Workflow Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
iWD Routing: Configuring the Siebel Web Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Configuring the
AgentProcessing interaction property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Configuring the Interaction
Server application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Modifying the existing
business processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Configuring the Gplus Adapter
for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
Uninstallation: Deleting the files installed by the Gplus Communication
Server for Siebel CRM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
Uninstallation: Deleting the files installed by the Gplus Communication
Server for Siebel CRM from the Siebel Server directory . . . . . . . . 579
Uninstallation: Deleting the objects and template in the Genesys
configuration for the Configuration Synchronization Component . . 580
Uninstallation: Deleting the Configuration Synchronization Component
Runtime Events in the Siebel Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
Uninstallation: Checking out the existing Configuration Synchronization
Component projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
Uninstallation: Deleting the objects from the Configuration Synchronization
Component project in the Siebel repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
Uninstallation: Changing the Personalization Action Set business
component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
Uninstallation: Compiling the Siebel repository file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
Uninstallation: Deleting the Configuration Synchronization Component
from the Siebel Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Uninstallation: Deleting the Application object, Application template,

and the Person object in the Genesys Configuration for the
Campaign Synchronization Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign Synchronization Component
runtime events in the Siebel configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
Uninstallation: Checking out the existing Campaign Synchronization
Component projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign Synchronization Component
objects from the projects in the Siebel repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign List Contact Business
Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Uninstallation: Compiling the Siebel repository file for the Campaign
Synchronization Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign Synchronization Component
implementations from the Siebel Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
Uninstallation: Deleting the Application object, Application template,
and the Person object in the Genesys Configuration for the
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign Synchronization Component
runtime events in the Siebel configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
Uninstallation: Deleting the workflow processes from the Siebel
Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
Uninstallation: Checking out the existing Campaign Synchronization
Component projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign Synchronization Component
objects from the projects in the Siebel repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign List Contact Business
Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
Uninstallation: Removing the link to the Administration - Campaign
Synchronization screen from the Site Map of the Application
object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
Uninstallation: Removing the Administration - Campaign
Synchronization screen from the Page tab of the Application Object
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
Uninstallation: Compiling the Siebel repository file for the Campaign
Synchronization Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign Synchronization Component
implementations from the Siebel Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign Synchronization Componentspecific values from the Siebel Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
Uninstallation: Removing the responsibilities and the view definitions for the
Campaign Synchronization Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Uninstallation: Deleting the Voice Component-specific values and

settings from the Siebel application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
Uninstallation: Deleting the Voice Component drivers and
configurations from the Siebel application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
Uninstallation: Checking out and locking existing Voice Component
projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
Uninstallation: Changing the Bitmap Category HTML Command
Icons records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
Uninstallation: Changing the Command object records . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
Uninstallation: Changing the Genesys Voice Business Service. . . . . . 620
Uninstallation: Changing the Expert Contact Feature items. . . . . . . . . 621
Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign Contact/Prospect Form
applet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign List Contact business
component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
Uninstallation: Changing the Siebel Financial Services application
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
Uninstallation: Changing the Contact Activity List applet . . . . . . . . . . . 625
Uninstallation: Changing the S_EVT_ACT_X Table Structure . . . . . . . 627
Uninstallation: Updating the S_EVT_ACT_X table changes in the
Siebel Server repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Uninstallation: Changing the Communication Toolbar items . . . . . . . . 630
Uninstallation: Compiling the Siebel repository file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
Uninstallation: Uninstallation of the Voice Component on the current
platform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
Uninstallation: Obtaining the server script source codes . . . . . . . . . . . 634
Uninstallation: Deleting the files installed by the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM UCS Gateway Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Uninstallation: Removing the Siebel objects
(Media Routing Component) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
Uninstallation: Removing the Siebel objects
(Multimedia Component) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
Uninstallation: Updating the Siebel configuration for the Multimedia
Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
Uninstallation: Removing the List of Values associated with the
Multimedia Component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Uninstallation: Removing the responsibilities and the view definitions
for the Multimedia Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
Uninstallation: Removing the Outbound web service definition . . . . . . 643


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Welcome to the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Deployment Guide. This
document describes how to install and configure the components of the Gplus
This document is valid only for the 8.0 release of this product.
Note: For versions of this document that have been created for other releases

of this product, visit the Genesys Technical Support website, or

request the Documentation Library DVD, which you can order by
e-mail from Genesys Order Management at
This preface contains the following sections:
About Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM, page 23
Intended Audience, page 24
Making Comments on This Document, page 24
Contacting Genesys Technical Support, page 25
Document Change History, page 25

For information about related resources and about the conventions that are
used in this document, see the supplementary material starting on page 649.

About Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM

The Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM is a software solution that provides
seamless integration between Siebel CRM and Genesys solutions. This
combination brings together Siebels leading software applications and
Genesys contact center solutions.
The Gplus Adapter provides a single point of access to contact information.
The Adapter brings together multiple media and channels, and provides access
to the power of Siebel software, promoting better contact relationships overall.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Intended Audience

Intended Audience
This document is primarily intended for system administrators or other
individuals who install and configure the Gplus Adapter. It has been written
with the assumption that you have a basic understanding of:

Computer-telephony integration (CTI) concepts, processes, terminology,

and applications.

TCP/IP Internet-working fundamentals including routing and client

/server- application communications via TCP sockets.

Basic conceptual understanding of database systems, including SQL

commands that are necessary to validate availability of your companys
database environment. You should involve your companys DBA resources
during the implementation of this project.

The network configurations that are used in your companys computing


You should also be familiar with the following Genesys solutions:


Universal Routing

Outbound Contact

eServices (formerly Multimedia)

Note: Please refer to the Genesys Interoperability Guide for further

information about the appropriate Genesys Applications version


Making Comments on This Document

If you especially like or dislike anything about this document, feel free to
e-mail your comments to
You can comment on what you regard as specific errors or omissions, and on
the accuracy, organization, subject matter, or completeness of this document.
Please limit your comments to the scope of this document only and to the way
in which the information is presented. Contact your Genesys Account
Representative or Genesys Technical Support if you have suggestions about
the product itself.
When you send us comments, you grant Genesys a nonexclusive right to use or
distribute your comments in any way it believes appropriate, without incurring
any obligation to you.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Contacting Genesys Technical Support

Contacting Genesys Technical Support

If you have purchased support directly from Genesys, please contact Genesys
Technical Support.
Before contacting technical support, please refer to the Genesys Care Program
Guide for complete contact information and procedures.

Document Change History

This section lists content that is new or that has changed significantly since the
first release of this document. The most recent changes appear first.

New in Document Version v8.0.101.00

This document has been re-issued to support the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM release 8.0.1. The following topics have been added or changed since the
previous release of the document:

A new subsection,New in This Release on page 154, summarizes the

feature enhancements that the 8.0.1 version of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM Campaign Synchronization Component.

Support for the new 8.0.1 version of the Campaign Synchronization

Component that is comprised of the Siebel waves campaign management
feature. See, Chapter 5, Deploying the Campaign Synchronization
Component 8.0.1, on page 153 for more information.

A new subsection, New in Document Version v8.0.100.00 on page 25,

summarizes the features enhancements that this release provides for the
Gplus UCS Gateway Component.

New in Document Version v8.0.002.00

Supported software versions have been updated throughout the document.

Otherwise, there have been no significant changes to this document since
the last release.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide



Document Change History

Gplus Adapter 8.0


System Requirements
This chapter outlines the minimum system and software requirements for the
Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM (Gplus Adapter).
Please review the system requirements before you install the Gplus Adapter.
This chapter provides information on the following topics:
Deployment Options, page 27
Installation Options, page 28
Universal Definition File, page 31
System Requirements for Gplus Adapter Components, page 32
Date and Time Synchronization, page 39

Deployment Options
If you are deploying the Gplus Adapter for the first time, Gplus Adapter
migration issues are not your concern. If your organization has already
deployed an earlier version of the Gplus Adapter, your deployment options
will vary depending on the version of the Gplus Adapter that you use. Table 1
on page 28 describes, at a very high level, where to find the appropriate
instructions for installing the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM, depending on
whether your organization has a previous version of the Adapter.
Note: In the following table and throughout this document, the Voice,

Multimedia, and Media Routing components of the Gplus Adapter are

identified as driver-based components, and the Configuration
Synchronization, Campaign Synchronization, Communication Server,
and UCS Gateway components of the Gplus Adapter are called
server-based components.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 1: System Requirements

Installation Options

Table 1: Deployment Options




New users of the Gplus

Adapter for Siebel CRM.

Follow the installation instructions that New users are those who are
are detailed in the Gplus Adapter 8.0
deploying the Gplus Adapter
for Siebel CRM Deployment Guide.
for Siebel CRM for the first

Existing users of Gplus

Adapter 6.5.2, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, or
7.5 for Siebel CRM who want
new (8.0) features and

Follow the procedures for migrating

from the Gplus Adapter 6.5.2, 7.0, 7.1,
7.2, or 7.5 for Siebel to the Gplus
Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM in the
appropriate section of the Genesys
Migration Guide.

Existing users of pre-6.5.2

Gplus Adapter for Siebel who
are seeking new (8.0) features
and maintenance.

Contact Genesys Technical Support to

discuss options that are specific to your
current version and configuration.

Warning: For information

regarding the uninstall process,
refer to the Gplus Adapter for
Siebel CRM documentation.
Then if necessary, contact
Genesys Technical Support.

Note: Customers are responsible for migration of all customizations.

Installation Options
Some of the features of this release of the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM
have a dependency upon other Siebel or Genesys products, and some also
depend on other Gplus Adapter components. To use these Gplus Adapter
features, you must implement the requirements.
The standard procedure, which this document assumes you are following, is to
install all of the required external product requirements first, before you start
the installation of the Gplus Adapter.

Gplus Adapter External Requirements

Table 2 on page 29 lists the Genesys and Siebel application software required
for various types of Gplus Adapter deployments. Depending on the Gplus
Adapter components and features installed at your site, certain pieces of Siebel
and Genesys software must also be present to support your deployment, in
addition to the fundamental requirements.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 1: System Requirements

Installation Options

The underlying Genesys framework of the integrated Siebel and Gplus

Adapter solution is powered by Genesys Framework and T-Servers.
Table 2: Gplus Adapter Options and Related System
Fundamental requirements (required for any deployment):
Siebel Call Center Application
Genesys Framework
Basic Voice

Genesys E-mail

Fundamental requirements, as listed Gplus Adapter Multimedia

Genesys T-Server

Genesys eServices

Expert Contact

Universal Callback

Genesys CTI-Less T-Server

Genesys Universal Callback server

Media Routing

Outbound Campaign

Gplus Adapter Multimedia


Siebel Marketing
Genesys Outbound Contact Server

Interaction Server (part of Genesys

Genesys Chat

Communication Server

Gplus Adapter Multimedia


Fundamental requirements only, as

listed previously

Genesys eServices
UCS Gateway

Configuration Synchronization

Fundamental requirements, as listed Fundamental requirements, as listed

Sun Java Runtime Environment
(JRE) 1.5.x or later

Genesys T-Server

Campaign Synchronization

iWD Routing

Fundamental requirements, as
listed previously

Gplus Adapter Multimedia


Siebel Marketing

Genesys Outbound Contact


Genesys intelligent Workload

Distribution (iWD)

The previously listed requirements are particularly significant if you want

additional information about the software that supports a Gplus Adapter
feature. The Gplus Adapter integrates many software applications. Detailed

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 1: System Requirements

Installation Options

information about some Gplus Adapter features is only available in the proper
documentation for the integrated software application that powers the feature.

Gplus Adapter Internal Requirements

Some of the components of this 8.0 release of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM have a dependency upon another Gplus Adapter component. This means
that you must install some components before others. Table 3 lists each major
Gplus Adapter component and provides notes on its dependencies on other
Gplus Adapter components.
To see the external software requirements for each component, refer to the
listing for that component under System Requirements for
Gplus Adapter Components on page 32.
Table 3: Internal Dependencies Among Gplus Adapter
Gplus Adapter
Communication Server

Gplus Adapter (Internal) Requirements

No prerequisite Gplus Adapter components.
The Communication Server is a prerequisite for
Gplus Adapter driver-based components.

No prerequisite Gplus Adapter components.
Synchronization Component No Gplus Adapter components have
dependencies on this component. However,
Configuration Synchronization functionality is
intended for use with the Voice and Multimedia
Campaign Synchronization


No prerequisite Gplus Adapter components.

No Gplus Adapter components have technical
dependencies on this component. However,
Campaign Synchronization functionality is
intended for use with the Outbound Campaign
feature of the Voice Component.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 1: System Requirements

Universal Definition File

Table 3: Internal Dependencies Among Gplus Adapter

Components (Continued)
Gplus Adapter
Voice Component
Basic Voice
Expert Contact
Outbound Campaign
Universal Callback

Gplus Adapter (Internal) Requirements

Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM
should be installed first.
You must first import the Basic Voice feature
before importing the other Gplus Adapter Voice
You must configure the Voice Component,
including all of the features you intend to use,
before adding any other driver-based Adapter

Multimedia Component

The following components should be deployed:


Gplus UCS Gateway for Siebel CRM

Genesys E-mail
Genesys Chat

Gplus Communication Server for Siebel


Media Routing Feature

The following component should be deployed:

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia

iWD Routing Feature

The following component should be deployed:

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia

Universal Definition File

This release includes a new definition file, the GenComm_universal.def file.
This GenComm_universal.def file is used by the Gplus Adapter Voice,
Multimedia Component, Media Routing Component, and iWD Routing
Component. This text file provides sample Siebel configuration data for these
components. The file contains configuration parameters, driver descriptions,
profile descriptions, and event and command descriptions. The configurations
created with the data from this *.def file incorporate the following drivers:


And the following profiles:

Gplus Universal Profile

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 1: System Requirements

System Requirements for Gplus Adapter Components

For more information, see Chapter 6, Deploying the Voice Component and
Chapter 8, Deploying the Multimedia Component.

Before Importing the Definition File

The GenComm_universal.def file includes commands and events to support the
Voice, Multimedia, Media Routing, and iWD Routing Component
components. Use this file to create the drivers and the profiles for these
To implement some configurations, you must modify the GenComm
_universal.def file before importing it.

Migrations and Upgrades

If you are migrating or upgrading to the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM,
refer to the Genesys Migration Guide for crucial information about migrating
your customizations to the newer version of the Adapter. The Genesys
Migration Guide includes information and examples that may simplify the
migration of customizations coded in your old.def file.
Gplus Adapter implementation libraries are common to all driver-based
components (Voice, Multimedia, Media Routing) of the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for
Siebel CRM.
This means that if any of the driver-based components is upgraded to the
newer version, then all Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM components running in
this Siebel Server will share and use the new upgraded Adapter
implementation libraries.

System Requirements for

Gplus Adapter Components
The Gplus Adapter is integrated with the Siebel Server, so all Siebel Server
hardware and software requirements are applicable to the Gplus Adapter and
its components. The Siebel Server must have the Communications Session
Manager component enabled in order to use the Gplus Adapter. Refer to the
Siebel documentation for current system requirements.
Note: Information about supported operating systems and platforms is

available in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 1: System Requirements

System Requirements for Gplus Adapter Components

Note: For the most up-to-date information about supported Genesys

applications, consult the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM chapter in the
latest Genesys Interoperability Guide.
The following is a list of the Gplus Adapter components:
Gplus Communication Server Requirements, page 33
Configuration Synchronization Component Requirements, page 34
Voice Component Requirements, page 35
Gplus UCS Gateway Requirements, page 37
Multimedia Component Requirements, page 38
Gplus Adapter Media Routing Component Requirements, page 38

Gplus Communication Server Requirements

Hardware Requirements
You need the following hardware to deploy the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Communication Server:

Pentium III 700 Mhz CPU or faster

256 MB of RAM

64 MB of disk space

800 600 256-color monitor or higher

Network adapter and network connection

Note: These are minimum hardware requirements. For large call centers

and/or large call volumes, more hardware resources (especially RAM

and CPU) will be required.

Software Requirements
You need the following software to deploy the Gplus Communication Server.
Genesys Applications

Consult the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM chapter in the Genesys
Interoperability Guide.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 1: System Requirements

System Requirements for Gplus Adapter Components

Configuration Synchronization Component Requirements

Hardware Requirements
You need the following hardware to deploy the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Configuration Synchronization Component:

Pentium III 700 Mhz CPU or faster

256 MB of RAM

200 MB of disk space

800 600 256-color monitor or higher

Network adapter and network connection

Note: These are the minimum hardware requirements. For large call centers

and/or large call volumes, more hardware resources (especially RAM

and CPU) will be required.

Software Requirements
You need the following software to deploy the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Configuration Synchronization Component:
Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1 Applications

Siebel Server

Siebel Tools

Siebel Web Engine

Siebel Web Client

Genesys Applications


Note: Please refer to the Genesys Interoperability Guide for further

information about the appropriate Genesys Applications version



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 1: System Requirements

System Requirements for Gplus Adapter Components

Voice Component Requirements

The Voice Component includes several features:

Basic Voice

Expert Contact

Outbound Campaign

Universal Callback

Most of these Voice features can be regarded as options, but to deploy any
feature of the Siebel CRM Voice Component, you must first deploy the
fundamental Basic Voice feature. The system requirements for this feature
appear in the following lists.

Basic Voice Feature (Fundamental Voice Component)

The following minimum requirements apply to all Voice Component features.
Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1Applications

Siebel Server

Siebel Call Center

Siebel Tools

Siebel Web Client

Genesys Applications


Gplus Communication Server

Configuration Server

Configuration Manager

T-Server (7.2 or higher is required, if you are using the Two-Step Network
Transfer functionality)

Note: Please refer to the Genesys Interoperability Guide for further

information about the appropriate Genesys Applications version


Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 1: System Requirements

System Requirements for Gplus Adapter Components

Expert Contact Feature Requirements

In addition to the previously listed requirements for the Basic Voice feature,
you need the following software to deploy the Expert Contact feature of the
Voice Component.
Genesys Gplus Adapter Components

Basic Voice

Genesys Applications

Genesys Expert Contact

Note: Please refer to the Genesys Interoperability Guide for further

information about the appropriate Genesys Applications version


Outbound Campaign Feature Requirements

In addition to the previously listed requirements for the Basic Voice feature,
you need the following software to deploy and use the Outbound Campaign
Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1 Applications

Siebel Marketing

Note: In addition to the fundamental Siebel application requirements (the

requirements that are imposed by the Basic Voice feature), the

Outbound Campaign feature also requires Siebel Marketing. Siebel
Marketing is required to manage outbound campaign interactions.
Genesys Applications

Outbound Contact

Note: Please refer to the Genesys Interoperability Guide for further

information about the appropriate Genesys Applications version

Genesys Gplus Adapter Components


Gplus Configuration Synchronization Component

Gplus Campaign Synchronization Component

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 1: System Requirements

System Requirements for Gplus Adapter Components

Universal Callback Feature Requirements

In addition to the previously listed requirements for the Basic Voice feature,
you need the following software to deploy the Universal Callback feature of
the Voice Component:
Genesys Applications

Universal Callback Server 7.1

Gplus UCS Gateway Requirements

Hardware Requirements
You need the following hardware to deploy the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Communication Server:

Pentium III 700 Mhz CPU or faster

256 MB of RAM

64 MB of disk space

800 600 256-color monitor or higher

Network adapter and network connection

Note: These are minimum hardware requirements. For large call centers

and/or large call volumes, more hardware resources (especially RAM

and CPU) will be required.

Software Requirements
You need the following software to deploy the Gplus UCS Gateway.
Genesys Applications


Note: Please refer to the Genesys Interoperability Guide for further

information about the appropriate Genesys Applications version

Other Applications

Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5.x

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 1: System Requirements

System Requirements for Gplus Adapter Components

Multimedia Component Requirements

You need the following software to deploy the Gplus Adapter 7.5 for Siebel
CRM Multimedia Component.
Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1 Applications

Siebel Server

Siebel Tools

Siebel Call Center

Siebel Web Client

Genesys Applications



Universal Routing

Note: For information about service packs and patches that are required by

Siebel, see Siebel documentation and the Siebel Technical Support


Note: Please refer to the Genesys Interoperability Guide for further

information about the appropriate Genesys Applications version


Gplus Adapter Media Routing Component Requirements

You need the following software to deploy the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel
CRM Media Routing Component.
Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1 Applications

Siebel Server

Siebel Tools

Siebel Call Center

Siebel Web Client

Genesys Applications




Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 1: System Requirements

Date and Time Synchronization

Universal Routing

Note: Please refer to the Genesys Interoperability Guide for further

information about the appropriate Genesys Applications version

Genesys Gplus Adapter Components

Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component

Gplus Communication Server 8.0

Date and Time Synchronization

Interactions between client/server applications in a multi-tiered computing
environments rely heavily on the proper configuration of the client and host
system. An important consideration is the proper management of the
Date/Time and Time Zone configuration.
The records exchanged among Genesys, Siebel, and database systems carry
timestamps. Computing systems designed to work together can produce
unpredictable results if the system dates and time are not synchronized.
Therefore, please make every effort to adhere to the following time
synchronization guidelines:

Enterprise servers that host Genesys, Siebel or database applications

should have their Time Zone configured properly for their particular
geographic region. To configure the timezone, please see the instructions
from the hardware or software manufacturer for your particular operating

As a best practice, all servers that process Genesys and Siebel data should
be synchronized to the second. This synchronization should be maintained
continuously and validated on a regular basis. For security reasons,
Genesys strongly recommends the use and deployment of Network Time
Protocol (NTP), version 4.1 or greater. The full protocol suite should be
deployed, and derivative protocols like DAYTIME, SNTP, or RDATE
should be avoided.

For a large environment with multiple call centers or multiple contact

points, the deployment of a network time appliance with stratum 1 access
should be considered. For those deployments in WAN environments where
packet latency may affect NTP operation, multiple NTP appliances should

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 1: System Requirements

Date and Time Synchronization

be deployed to individual LAN segments. Genesys does not recommend

particular equipment at this time, however, we do want you to be aware of
the following manufacturers of dedicated timeserver hardware:
Table 4: Dedicated Timeserver Hardware




EndRun Technologies

Praecis Cntp

Datum Corporation

Syncserver S100

True Time






For enterprise deployments in regulated environments (financial services,

insurance, government, brokerage, and so on), check with appropriate legal
resources. Certain jurisdictions have specific requirements that may
supersede these suggestions.

Deployment of timeserver resources can impact the operations of certain

authentication technologies. You should coordinate the deployment of NTP
with members of your systems security and database technologies

For more information about NTP, see

Gplus Adapter 8.0


Deploying the Gplus

Communication Server for
Siebel CRM
This chapter describes how to configure and install the Gplus Communication
Server for Siebel CRM. It includes the following sections:
Overview, page 41
New in This Release, page 42
Planning, page 42
Configuring Genesys, page 43
Installation, page 56
Configuring Siebel, page 64

Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM (the Adapter) reduces
in-process coupling between Genesys and Siebel code and increases the
isolation level among communication components. The result is:

decreased risk of failure

more flexible deployment possibilities for a heterogeneous environment

(platforms, operating system).

The Adapters communication component consists of two major parts:

1. Gplus Communication Driver: The Gplus Communication Driver is a
thin layer that delivers messages between Siebel Communication Server
and the Gplus Communication Server. The Gplus Communication Driver
must be deployed on a Siebel Server host.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

New in This Release

2. Gplus Communication Server: The Gplus Communication Server acts as

a host process for pluggable remote drivers for underlying Genesys
communication middleware (voice T-Servers and Open Media Interaction
Server). The Communication Server may run on different hosts with
different platforms and operating systems.
Notes: The Gplus Communication Server is a prerequisite for all

driver-based components.
The Adapter is not compatible with the Siebel CTI parameter,
MaxCommToolbar, if the value of that parameter is more than 1. For
more details about this parameter, refer to the Siebel
The process of configuring and installing the Adapter consists of:
1. Planning the configuration of the Adapter. See, Planning, page 42.
2. Configuring the Genesys section of the Adapter. See, Configuring
Genesys, page 43.
3. Installing Communication Server. See, Installation, page 56.
4. Deployment of the Communication Driver on a Siebel host. See,
Configuring Siebel, page 64.
5. Configuring Siebel. See, Configuring Siebel, page 64.

New in This Release

This section provides information about new features or functionality in the
Gplus Communication Server.
Release 8.0.1

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Release 8.0.0

No new features were introduced in this release.

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system.

Support for the secured connections to Interaction Server, T-Server,

Configuration Server, and Message Server.

Support for improved connection management.

In planning, you must first answer the following question:
Will the Adapter be deployed on the same host as the Siebel Server, or will it
be deployed on a different host?


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Important considerations to take into account include the following:

The average CPU load on the Siebel server host

The network throughput, latency, and reliability

The Adapter is implemented as a Genesys server, and is represented by an

Application object in Genesys Configuration Manager.
The installation of the component delivers both the Gplus Communication
Server and the Gplus Communication Driver, which may be considered as an
installation of a Genesys server that delivers the added ability of a Gplus
Communication Driver for a given platform (operating system).

Possible Deployment Scenarios

The following three Adapter deployment scenarios may be considered:
1. Both the Gplus Communication Server and Gplus Communication Driver
parts of the component may be deployed on the same host as the Siebel
Server. In this case, one installation delivers both parts to the required
2. The Gplus Communication Server part of the component may be deployed
on a dedicated host, but on the same platform (operating system) as the
Siebel host. The installation is performed on the dedicated host, and the
Gplus Communication Driver part of the component should be moved
manually to the Siebel Server host after that.
3. The Gplus Communication Server part of the component may be deployed
on a dedicated host, which uses an operating system that is different than
that of the Siebel host. Technically, this method of deployment can be
performed, but it requires the following installations to deliver the Gplus
Communication Server and Driver parts of the component to the different
The first installation is performed on the dedicated host to install the
Gplus Communication Server part.
The second installation is performed on the Siebel host to install the
Gplus Communication Driver part.
The third installation also installs the Gplus Communication Server
part of the component, along with the required Gplus Communication
Driver part. This installation requires an additional Application object
in Configuration Manager that is used only during installation.

Configuring Genesys
This section describes how to configure the Genesys section of the Gplus
Communication Server.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Configuring the Genesys section of the Gplus Communication Server consists

of the following sections:
Importing the Communication Server Application Template, page 44
Creating the Communication Server Application Object, page 45
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box, page 46
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Communication Server,
page 51.

Importing the Communication Server Application Template

This section describes how to import the Communication Server Application

Genesys recommends using an Application Template when you are
configuring your Adapter. The Application Template for your Adapter contains
the most important configuration options set to the values recommended for
the majority of environments. When modifying configuration options for your
Adapter later in the process, you can change the values inherited from the
template rather than create all the options by yourself.

Communication Server: Importing the Communication
Server Application Template
Purpose: To import the Communication Server Application Template.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Application
Templates folder.
2. Select Import Application Template.
3. Browse to and select the Application Template for the Communication
Server. Depending on the version that you are using, the name of this
template is:
Release 8.0.0: Gplus_Comm_Server_for_SiebelCRM_800.apd
Release 8.0.1: Gplus_Comm_Server_for_SiebelCRM_801.apd
4. Click Open.
The Properties dialog box for the Application Template displays.
5. Optional: Edit the Application Template name.
6. Click OK to accept the default values.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

The Application Template has been imported to the Genesys Configuration

End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the Configuration Layer Application object for the Communication

Server. See, Procedure: Communication Server: Creating the
Communication Server Application object, on page 45.

Creating the Communication Server Application Object

This section describes how to create the Communication Server Application

Communication Server: Creating the Communication
Server Application object
Purpose: To create the Application object for the Communication Server.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Application
Templates folder.
2. Select New > Application.
3. Select the Application Template that you just created, depending on the
version that you are using:
Release 8.0.0: Gplus_Comm_Server_for_SiebelCRM_800.apd
Release 8.0.1: Gplus_Comm_Server_for_SiebelCRM_801.apd
4. Click OK.The Properties dialog box for the Application object appears.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the Communication
Server. See, Procedure: Communication Server: Configuring the tabs in the
Properties dialog box, on page 46.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box

This section describes how to configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box,
arranged in the order in which they display.

Communication Server: Configuring the tabs in the
Properties dialog box
Purpose: To configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the
Communication Server.
Start of procedure
General Tab

1. Click the General tab in the Properties dialog box. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: View of General Tab in a Single-Tenant Environment

2. In the Name list, click the name of the Application object you are


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

3. In the Template list, click the name of the template you are configuring or
use the Browse button to select the template you are configuring.
4. Click Apply.
5. Next, if you are working in a multi-tenant environment, go to the Tenants
Tab; otherwise, go to the Server Info Tab.
Note: The Tenants tab only displays, if you are working in multi-tenant

Tenants Tab

6. Select the Tenants tab in the Properties dialog box. See Figure 2 on
page 47.

Figure 2: View of Tenants Tab

7. Click Add.
8. Select the Genesys Tenants under which the objects that are exported from
Siebel are created. For example, in Figure 2 above, the MCR tenant has been
Server Info Tab

9. Select the Server Info tab in the Properties dialog box.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

10. In the Host field, use the Browse button to select the host where you are
installing the Gplus Communication Server and click OK.
11. In the Communications Port field, enter any valid port number for the port
with the ID of default. Genesys recommends setting this to 18001, since
this corresponds to the value provided by the installation sample
configuration file for Siebel (the *.def file).
Note: This value determines the HTTP port number used by the Gplus

Communication Server to receive HTTP packets from the Gplus

Communication Driver. Use the value you enter here later when you
configure the Siebel portion of the Gplus Communication Server.
Start Info Tab

12. Select the Start Info tab in the Properties dialog box.
13. In the Working Directory field, enter the full name of the Component
installation directory on the host you specified on the Server Info tab. The
value you enter in this field is used as the default destination folder during
14. Enter any valid value into each of the following fields:
Command Line
Command Line Arguments
The values you enter in these fields are overwritten during installation;
however, the data must be present in these fields during the configuration
15. Leave the default values for the remaining fields.

Connections Tab

16. Select the Connections tab in the Properties dialog box.

Note: This step is mandatory for configuring the server to work with the

Voice and Multimedia components. You may also configure a

connection to the Genesys Message Server.
The content of the Connections tab depends on the Adapter
components being used.
For the Voice component: It is necessary to add a connection to the
corresponding T-Server. For backward compatibility, the Voice
component also supports a way to define connection to the T-Server
without adding the T-Server to the Connections list, as in Release
For the Multimedia and Media Routing components: It is necessary
to add a connection to the Interaction Server.
17. Click Add to attach a connection to the Interaction Server and/or T-Server.
See Figure 3 on page 49.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Figure 3: View of Connections Tab in Multi-Tenant Environment

Options Tab

Optionally, you can add a connection to the Genesys Message Server.

Optionally, you can add a connection to the Genesys Configuration

18. Select the Options tab. See Figure 4 on page 50.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Figure 4: View of Options Tab

19. In the Sections pane, the following sections are listed:

20. Double-click the Settings section to start.
21. Set the configuration options that are described in the following section,
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Communication
Server on page 51.
End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Next Steps

Set the configuration options for the Communication Server. See the
section, Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the
Communication Server on page 51.

Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the

Communication Server
Unless specified otherwise, set the Communication Server configuration
options in the Options tab of the Application object using the following
navigation path:
In Genesys AdminstratorApplication object > Options tab > Advanced View

In Configuration ManagerApplication object > Properties dialog box >

Options tab.
For ease of reference, the options have been arranged in alphabetical order
within their corresponding sections:
Log Section, page 51
open-media-driver Section, page 53
open-media-userdata Section, page 54
Settings Section, page 54
Universal Section, page 55
Voice Section, page 56

Log Section
The Gplus Communication Server supports the unified set of log options
(common log options) to allow precise configuration of the log file output. For
a complete list of unified log options and their descriptions, see the Common
Log Options chapter of the Framework Configuration Options Reference
Protection of
Sensitive Data in

To prevent displaying the private parameters included in UserData, Extensions,

and Reasons in the Adapters log, a number of options can be configured in the
Options section of the Gplus Communication Server Application object in
Configuration Manager.
These options are described in the Log-Filter and Log-Filter-Data sections of
the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual.
The Log-Filter section defines the parameter default-filter-type with valid
values copy, hide, or skip. This parameter specifies the default method of
presenting KVList information (including UserData, Extensions, and Reasons)
in the log. For examplesee Figure 5.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Figure 5: Log-Filter Parameters in Configuration Manager

The Log-Filter-Data section defines a list of key-value pairs and specifies the
way of presenting each individual KVList pair defined by the key name in the
log. The key defines the parameter name, while the value (which can be
defined as copy, hide, or skip) specifies how this parameter is presented in the
logfor example, see Figure 6 on page 53.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Figure 6: Log-Filter-Data Parameters in Configuration Manager

open-media-driver Section
The open-media-driver section has various options that can be configured.
The following section describes the possible options:

Default Value: -1
Valid Value: Any positive integer that defines the exact port value
Defines the port number that is used for interthread communications. If the
value of this configuration option is set to -1, this option is disabled. If the
value of this configuration option is set to 0, the port is selected automatically.
Default Value: 0
Valid Value: 10000 (10 seconds)
Determines the delay, measured in milliseconds (ms), between connecting to
Interaction Server and registering the first client. This delay is used to allow

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Interaction Server to restore the interactions state after an abnormal

Note: This parameter value must be less than the registration-timeout

Interaction Server parameter value.

Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
If the value of this option is set to true, subsequent agent sessions with the
same user name are allowed, and the previous agent session are disabled. If the
value of this option is set to false, only one session per agent is allowed. This
option is needed as a workaround when a session is not closed by Siebel, but
when the browser is forcibly closed.

open-media-userdata Section
The open-media-userdata section has the following option that can be

Default Value: top
Defines how particular user data is sent to Siebel. All data is normally sent
encoded as a single UserData field. It may be convenient to have part of the
user data delivered to Siebel as a top-level key. The user-data key should be
added to the section with the value of top, indicating that the key will be sent
as a top-level key in the data set.

Settings Section
The Settings section has various options that can be configured. The
following section describes the possible options:

Default Value: 30
Valid Value: Any positive integers that are greater than or equal to (>=) 4
Provides the value for the maximum number of threads that process tasks per
pool. The following two thread pools are present:
1. The first thread is used for processing incoming requests.
2. The second thread is used for processing responses on outgoing requests.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Genesys

Default Value: 30000
Valid Value: Any positive integer that is greater than (>) or equal to (=) 2000.
Provides the timeout value in milliseconds (ms) for handling a request that is
submitted by the Communication Server to the Communication Driver.
Default Value: 3600000
Valid Value: 0, or any positive integers greater than or equal (>=) 600000. If
ServiceInactivityTimeout equals 0, the lost sessions are removed.
(Optional) Provides the timeout value in milliseconds (ms) for handling an
inactive agent session. If there is no agent activity during the period of the
timeout, the agent's session is treated as lost, and is removed.

Universal Section
The universal section has various options that can be configured. The
following section describes the possible options:

Default value: outboundpreview
Valid Values: Any non-empty string containing media type for push preview
Defines the media type for push preview media. If the value of the option is
different from the default value (outboundpreview), you must change it before
compiling the *.srf file. In the MCR Session Manager Business Service,
change the following Business Service User Properties value:
OpenMediaReadyCommand_outboundpreview to the following new value:
OpenMediaReadyCommand_<new value>.

Default value: Empty string
Valid Values: Empty string or name of the view (For more information about
the view name, see the Universal Routing Server documentation.)
Defines the view that is used to transfer push preview interactions. If the value
of this option is an empty string, the transfer of push preview interactions is
performed without the use of the special intermediate queue that goes directly
to the agent.
Note: For the sample strategy (Park Queue Restore) of the park view/queue,

see the SampleBPforMMrecovery.wie file in the installation directory.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


Voice Section
The Voice section has the following option that can be configured:

Default value: false
Valid Values: TRUE, true, True, FALSE, false, False
Determines whether or not the checking of the DN state is enabled upon agent
login. If the checking of the DN state is enabled, the agent login is rejected, if
that DN is already registered.

This section describes the installation process for the Gplus Adapter 8.0
Communication Server for Siebel CRM and consists of the following steps:
Installing the Gplus Communication Server, page 56
Configuring the GenCommDrv.ini File (Optional), page 57

For further information about your deployment options, see the section
Planning on page 42.

Installing the Gplus Communication Server

To run an installation that delivers the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel
CRM driver part of the component directly under the Siebel Server (see
Deployment Scenario1and the second installation section of Deployment
Scenario 3 on page 43), the system administrator should have appropriate
privileges and stop the Siebel Server before installation.
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing in a UNIX environment.

Communication Server: Installing the Gplus
Communication Server
Purpose: To install the Gplus Communication Server.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


Start of procedure
Starting the
Server Installation

Deploying the
Driver on the
Siebel Host

1. To start the installation process, run the setup.exe file (for Windows), or file (for UNIX) from the Gplus Communication Server
installation package.
2. Answer the installation questions according to your selected deployment
3. Stop the Siebel Server.
4. Move the files from the Gplus Communication Driver subdirectory of the
target installation directory on the dedicated host to the bin folder (for
Windows), or to the lib folder (for UNIX) in the Siebel directory hierarchy
of the Siebel host.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the GenCommDrv.ini file. This step is optional. See the section,
Configuring the GenCommDrv.ini File (Optional).

Configuring the GenCommDrv.ini File (Optional)

The GenCommDrv.ini file is delivered to the bin folder (for Windows), or the
lib folder (for UNIX) in the Siebel directory hierarchy of the Siebel host in
two ways:
1. The file is delivered to the bin folder directly through the installation.
2. The files is manually delivered to the bin folder, as described in
Deployment Scenario 2 on page 43.
The GenCommDrv.ini file describes the default configuration of the Gplus
Communication Driver part of the component.
Note: If you are an advanced system administrator, you may change the

predefined configuration of the Gplus Communication Driver, but you

should take responsibility for coordinating the configuration options
for both the Driver and Server parts of the component.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


Table 5 describes the properties associated with the GenCommDrv.ini file.

Table 5: GenCommDrv.ini Parameters
Property name


General section


Default Value: 60000

(Optional) This property provides the timeout value

in milliseconds (ms) for CheckService activities
Valid Values: A
positive integer that is between Gplus Communication Driver and Gplus
greater than or equal to Communication Server.
Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (60000)
is used


Default Value: 1
Valid Value: An
integer that is greater
than or equal to (>=) 1.

(Optional) This property provides the value for the

maximum number of allowed client connections to a
particular endpoint (listening port on the server side).

Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (1) is

Default Value: 200

Valid Value: An
integer that is greater
than or equal to (>=)

(Optional) This property provides the delay value in

milliseconds (ms) that is applied if there is no data to
send and no data has been received with the last
packet. Otherwise, the next packet to server is sent

Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (200) is

Default Value: 30
Valid Value: An
integer that is greater
than or equal to (>=) 4
Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (30) is


(Optional) This property provides the value for the

maximum number of threads that process tasks per
pool. There are two thread pools present: one for
processing incoming requests, and one for processing
responses on outgoing requests.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


Table 5: GenCommDrv.ini Parameters (Continued)

Property name



(Optional) This property provides the timeout value

in milliseconds (ms) for handling an HTTP request
Valid Value: A
positive integer that is submitted by the Gplus Communication Driver to the
Gplus Communication Server.
greater than (>) the
defined minimum
value, where the
minimum value is
calculated, as
(ConnectTimeout) x
(RetryAttempts) x
Default Value: 30000

Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
value is calculated as
defined for the valid
value (it will not be set
as the default value).

Default Value: 2
Valid Values: 1, 2

(Optional) This property defines the Siebel API

version to use.

Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (2) is
Log Subsystem section

Default Value: ./
Valid Values: A valid
and accessible
directory path.

(Optional) This property provides the directory name

where the logs will be stored.

If an empty string is
applied, then the
default (./) is used.
If an invalid directory
path is provided or is
not accessible, then the
file is not created.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


Table 5: GenCommDrv.ini Parameters (Continued)

Property name

Default Value: log
Valid Value: A
non-empty string.

(Optional) This property provides the GenCommDrv
log file name extension.

Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (log) is

Default Value:

(Optional) This property provides the GenCommDrv

log file name prefix.

Valid Value: Any

non-empty string.
Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value
(GenCommDrv) is used.

Default Value: 10
Valid Value: A
positive integer that is
greater than or equal to
(>=) 2

(Optional) This property provides the number of log


Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (10) is

(Optional) This property defines the trace level. Valid

Valid Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, values for this parameter are:
0All messages (log events of Standard, Trace,
4, 5, 6
Interaction, and Debug levels) are logged.
Note: If an invalid
Default Value: 2

value is applied, the

default value (2) is

1The same as 0 (zero).

2Messages of low priority are logged.

3Messages of normal priority are logged.
4Messages of high priority are logged.
5Log alarm messages only are logged.
6No messages are logged.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


Table 5: GenCommDrv.ini Parameters (Continued)

Property name

Default Value: 10240
Valid Value: A
positive integer that is
greater than or equal to
(>=) 100.

(Optional) This property provides the maximum
GenCommDrv log file size in kilobytes.

Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (10240)
is used.
HTTP Client Connection section
Default Value: 0


(Optional) This property provides the value for the

start of the port range used to open a client
Valid Values: A
positive integer greater connection to the Gplus Communication Driver. A
than or equal to (>=) 0 value of 0 (zero) means that the server relies on the
operating system to assign a unique port number to
the application.
Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (0) is


Default Value: 10000

Valid Value: A
positive integer that is
greater than or equal to
(>=) 1000

(Optional) This property provides the timeout value

in milliseconds (ms) for connection to the Gplus
Communication Server.

Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (10000)
is used.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


Table 5: GenCommDrv.ini Parameters (Continued)

Property name



Default Value: 1

(Optional) This property is used to control the

number of attempts to send a request from the Gplus
Valid Values: A
positive integer greater Communication Driver to the Gplus Communication
than or equal to (>=) 1. Server.
Note: If an invalid
value is applied, the
default value (1) is
Security properties of HTTP Connection section


Default Value: (an

empty string)

(Optional) This property identifies the certificate to

be used.

Valid Value:
For Windows this
should be a base 64 or
hex encoded string.

For Unix, this should

be the absolute path
to the certificate file
(see also T-Server
Connections on
page 257 in
Chapter 6).
Note: If the value is
an empty string (),
an insecure
connection is used.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


Table 5: GenCommDrv.ini Parameters (Continued)

Property name

Default Value: (an
empty string)

(Optional) This property identifies the Certificate
Key to be used.

Valid Value:
For Windows, this
property is not used.
Therefore, no valid
values are defined.

For Unix, this is the

full path to the private
key file:

(see T-Server
Connections on
page 257 in
Chapter 6).

Default Value: (an

empty string)
Valid Values

(Optional) This property identifies the full path to the

certificate authority file.

For Windows, this

property is not used.
Therefore, no valid
values are defined.
For Unix, this is the
full path to the
certificate authority

(see T-Server
Connections on
page 257 in
Chapter 6). Default
value is (empty

The Contents of the GenCommDrv.ini File

The following code snippet shows the contents of the GenCommDrv.ini file:
// General

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

= 2


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


= 60000


= 30

Configuring Siebel

ClientConnectionsPerServer = 1

= 200


= 30000

// Log subsystem properties


= GenCommDrv


= ./


= log


= 10240


= 10


= 2

// HTTP Client connection properties


= 1


= 10000

ClientPortRangeStart = 0
// Security properties of HTTP connection
// (used when https is configured in
PrimaryGenCommServerURL/BackupGenCommServerURL URLs)

= ""


= ""


= ""

Uninstalling the Gplus Communication Server

Complete information about uninstalling the Gplus Adapter and its
components is provided in Chapter 12, Uninstallation Instructions, on
page 577.

Configuring Siebel
This section describes how to configure the Siebel part of the Gplus
Communication Server for Siebel CRM.

Configuring the Siebel CTI for the Gplus Communication

To start using the Communication Server, it is necessary to create a
corresponding communication configuration and communication profile for


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Siebel

the GenCommDrv.ini file. Genesys provides the GenComm_universal.def

configuration file as an example of the configuration.

Communication Driver Mandatory Parameter

Setting following parameter is mandatory for the Communication Driver:
Note: Additional parameters may be mandatory to use with the voice or

multimedia component. Refer to Chapter 6, Deploying the Voice

Component, on page 209 and Chapter 8, Deploying the Multimedia
Component, on page 427 for more information on these parameters.

This parameter should specify the URL of the Gplus Communication Server.
For example:

where is the host name where the Gplus Communication

Server is installed (must be resolvable from the Siebel host), and 9121 is an
example of a port as configured in Genesys Configuration Manager.
Note: In Configuration Manager the port must be empty (the default) or

have the setup value for the Connection Protocol option.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 2: Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM


Configuring Siebel

Gplus Adapter 8.0


Deploying the
This chapter describes how to configure and install the Gplus Adapter for
Siebel CRM Configuration Synchronization Component (the Adapter), which
is a server-based component.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Overview, page 67
New in This Release, page 68
Configuring Genesys, page 68
Configuring the Security Settings, page 83
Installation, page 86
Configuring Siebel, page 89
Business ServiceUser Properties, page 100
Starting the Adapter, page 103

The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Configuration Synchronization
Component (the Adapter) is a server-based component. The process for
configuring and installing this component is significantly different than the
process for driver-based components.
The process of configuring and installing the Adapter includes three general

Configuring Genesys

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

New in This Release

Installation of the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Each of these procedures is explained in detail under a separate heading as

Configuring Genesys, page 68
Installation, page 86
Configuring Siebel, page 89

Before importing agent configuration data from Siebel to Genesys, see the
Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Users Guide and read the section
Synchronizing Siebel Extensions and ACD Queues with Genesys

New in This Release

This section provides information about new features or functionality in the
Configuration Synchronization Component:
Release 8.0.1

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Release 8.0.0

No new features were introduced in this release.

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system.

Configuring Genesys
This section describes how to configure the Genesys section of the
Configuration Synchronization Component.
Configuring the Genesys section of the Configuration Synchronization
Component consists of the following sections:
Prestart Information, page 68
Importing the Configuration Synchronization Component Application
Template, page 69
Creating the Configuration Synchronization Component Application
Object, page 70
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box, page 71
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Configuration
Synchronization Component, page 75

Prestart Information
Before starting the configuration process you should have the following
Genesys Framework applications running:


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuration Database

Configuration Server

Configuration Manager

Configuring Genesys

As a Configuration Manager user, you should have sufficient privileges to

make changes to Configuration Layer objects.

Importing the Configuration Synchronization Component

Application Template
This section describes how to import the Configuration Synchronization
Component Application Template.

Genesys recommends using an Application Template when you are
configuring your Adapter. The Application Template for your Adapter contains
the most important configuration options set to the values recommended for
the majority of environments. When modifying configuration options for your
Adapter later in the process, you can change the values inherited from the
template rather than create all the options by yourself.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Importing
the Configuration Synchronization Component
Application Template
Purpose: To import the Configuration Synchronization Component
Application Template.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Application
Templates folder.
2. Select Import Application Template.
3. Browse to and select the Application Template for the Configuration
Synchronization Component. Depending on the version of Configuration
Manager that you use, this name varies slightly, as follows:
For versions 7.0 and earlier, use the following:
Release 8.0.0:

Release 8.0.1:

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

For versions 7.1 and later, use the following:

Release 8.0.0:

Release 8.0.1:

4. Click Open.
The Properties dialog box for the Application Template object displays.
5. Click OK to accept the default values.
The Application Template object has been imported to the Genesys
Configuration Layer.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the Configuration Layer Application object for the Configuration

Synchronization Component. See, Procedure: Configuration
Synchronization Component: Creating the Configuration Synchronization
Component Application object.

Creating the Configuration Synchronization Component

Application Object
This section describes how to create the Configuration Synchronization
Component Application object.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating
the Configuration Synchronization Component
Application object
Purpose: To create the Application object for the Configuration
Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Applications
2. Select New > Application.
Select the Application template that you just created:
Release 8.0.0:


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Release 8.0.1:

Release 8.0.0: Gplus_SiebelCRM_Config_Synch_800_for_CL_70.apd
Release 8.0.1: Gplus_SiebelCRM_Config_Synch_801_for_CL_70.apd
3. Click OK.
The Properties dialog box for the Application object appears.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the Configuration
Synchronization Component. See, Procedure: Configuration
Synchronization Component: Configuring the tabs in the Properties dialog
box, on page 71.

Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box

This section describes how to configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box,
arranged in the order in which they display.

Configuration Synchronization Component:
Configuring the tabs in the Properties dialog box
Purpose: To configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the
Configuration Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
General Tab

1. Click the General tab in the Properties dialog box (see Figure 7 on
page 72).

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 7: View of General Tab in Multi-Tenant Environment

2. In the Name list, click the name of the Application object that you are
3. In the Template list, click the name of the template that you are configuring
or use the Browse button to select the template that you are configuring.
4. Click Apply.
5. Next, if you are working in a multi-tenant environment, go to the Tenants
Tab; otherwise, go to the Server Info Tab.
Note: The Tenants tab only displays, if you are working in a multi-tenant

Tenants Tab

6. Select the Tenants tab.

7. Select the Genesys Tenants under which the objects that are exported from
Siebel are created.
8. Click Add.

Server Info Tab

9. Select the Server Info tab.

10. In the Host field, use the Browse button to select the host on which you are
installing the Configuration Synchronization Component, and click OK.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

11. In the Port list, add a port with any valid port number.
Note: This option determines the HTTP port number that is used by the

Configuration Synchronization Component to receive HTTP packets

from Siebel. You will use the value that you enter for this option when
you configure the Siebel part of the Configuration Synchronization
Start Info Tab

12. Select the Start Info tab.

13. In the Working Directory field, enter the full name of the Component
installation directory on the host that you specified on the Server Info tab.
The value that you enter in this field is used as the default destination
folder during installation.
14. Enter any valid value into each of the following fields:
Command Line
Command Line Arguments
The values that you enter in these fields are overwritten during installation;
however, data must be present in these fields during the configuration
15. Leave the default values for the remaining fields.

Options Tab

16. Select the Options tab (see Figure 8 on page 74).

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 8: View of Options Tab in a Multi-Tenant Environment

In the Sections pane, the following sections are listed:

17. Double-click the Genesys section to start.
18. Configure the configuration options that are described in the following
section, Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Configuration
Synchronization Component on page 75, starting with the Log section.
End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Next Steps

Set the configuration options for the Configuration Synchronization

Component. See, Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the
Configuration Synchronization Component.

Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the

Configuration Synchronization Component
Unless specified otherwise, set the Configuration Synchronization Component
configuration options in the Options tab of the Application object using the
following navigation path:
In Genesys AdminstratorApplication object > Options tab > Advanced View

In Configuration ManagerApplication object > Properties dialog box >

Options tab.
For ease of reference, the options have been arranged in alphabetical order
within their corresponding sections:
AgentLoginFolders Section, page 75
DNFolders Section, page 76
Genesys Section, page 77
Log Section, page 79
PersonFolders Section, page 79
PlaceFolders Section, page 80
SkillFolders Section, page 81
SkillLevels Section, page 82
Tenants Section, page 83

AgentLoginFolders Section
Each option in the AgentLoginFolders section controls the mapping of a Siebel
User ID to a Configuration Manager folder, where the Siebel user utilizes this
User ID to create an Agent Login object when importing the information from
Folders Option

You want to create an AgentLoginFolders option in the following scenario:

You have a switch named mySwitch defined in Genesys Configuration


You want the Siebel user with a User ID of user1, to create an Agent
Login object under the Configuration Manager folder, Folder1, which is a
subfolder of the Agent Logins folder under the switch, mySwitch.

Then create a new option in the AgentLoginFolders section with user1 as the
option name and /Agent Logins/Folder1 as the option value.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

All Configuration Manager folders referenced in this section should be created

in Genesys Configuration Manager prior to importing the information from
The ratio of Siebel User IDs to Genesys Configuration Manager folders in this
section is many-to-one.
Note: You can configure the import function, using the options in this

section, to assign different Configuration Manager folders in Genesys

to various Siebel users. However, if the same Siebel data is imported
into different Configuration Manager folders, errors during import
will occur due to uniqueness constraints imposed by the Genesys
Configuration Layer. These errors result in Siebel and Genesys data
being desynchronized. To avoid such errors, different Siebel users
should import the same Siebel data into the same set of Configuration
Manager folders. Alternatively, if each Siebel user has a unique folder
assignment, different Siebel users should not import the same Siebel
data into Genesys.

DNFolders Section
Each option in the DNFolders section controls the mapping of a Siebel User ID
to a Configuration Manager folder, where the Siebel user with this User ID
creates a DN object when importing information from Siebel.
DNFolders Option

You want to create a DNFolders section option in the following scenario:

You have a switch named mySwitch defined in Genesys Configuration


You want the Siebel user with the User ID of user1, to create a DN object
under the Configuration Manager folder, Folder1, which is a subfolder of
the DNs folder under the switch, mySwitch.

Then create a new option in the DNFolders section with user1 as the option
name and /DNs/Folder1 as the option value.
All Configuration Manager folders referenced in this section should be created
in Genesys Configuration Manager prior to importing information from Siebel.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

The ratio of Siebel User IDs to Genesys Configuration Manager folders in this
section is many-to-one.
Note: You can configure the import function, using options in this section to

assign different Configuration Manager folders in Genesys to various

Siebel users. However, if the same Siebel data is imported into
different Configuration Manager folders, errors during import will
occur due to uniqueness constraints imposed by the Genesys
Configuration Layer. These errors result in Siebel and Genesys data
being desynchronized. To avoid such errors, different Siebel users
should import the same Siebel data into the same set of Configuration
Manager folders. Alternatively, if each Siebel user has a unique folder
assignment, different Siebel users should not import the same Siebel
data into Genesys.

Genesys Section
The Genesys section has various options that can be configured. The following
section describes the possible options.

Default Value: none
Valid Value: none
Specifies the password for the login user name above, for example
GenesysAdapter. This user name should be created in the Siebel environment.
The user must have access to the Siebel database as a Siebel Administrator. For
more information about Siebel user administration, see your Siebel
Note: Genesys does not recommend using a common login for this process.

Default Value: none
Valid Value: none
Specifies the URL of the web server that has the Siebel Web Engine installed.
Initially, this option contains the following template string:


is the first part of the URL that you use to access your Siebel
Server through the Siebel Web Client.


specifies a virtual path on the server referring to the specific

Siebel Web Extension configuration. The default value for this
option is eai_enu.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

You must edit this URL template string according to your Siebel Web
Extension configurationfor example:

Default Value: false
Valid Value: false, true
Specifies how skill names are generated, and specifically if Skill Item Type
names (Skill names) are written or not. By default, this value is set to false,
which means that the Skill Item Type names (Skill names) are written in
Genesys Configuration Manager during synchronization. If you need to omit
Skill Item Type names (Skill names), set the value of this option to true.
Default Value: GplusConfSynchExportAlldata
Valid Value: Any valid string value
Refers to an entry in the [HTTP Services] section of the eai.cfg file found
within your Siebel Server installation. This entry provides the mapping to a
Siebel Named Subsystem record, which in turn describes the Business Service
Default Value: <required>
Valid Value: A valid username created in a Siebel environment
Specifies a Siebel user name for the Siebel Object Manager login to process a
request from the Adapter, for exampleGenesysAdapter.
This user name must be created in the Siebel environment. The user must have
access to the Siebel database as Siebel Administrator.
Note: Genesys does not recommend using a common login ID for this

For more information about Siebel user administration, refer to your Siebel

Default Value: false, true
Valid Value: false, true
Specifies how skill names are generated, and specifically how the names are
separated. By default, this value is set to false, signifying that separators are
not used. If you need to generate skill names as they were in version 6.5, set
the value of this option to true.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

xslTransformer (optional)
Default Value: <optional>
Valid Value: none
This configuration option is optional. Use this option, if you want to customize
the values of the synchronized data, such as Phone number, using your own
The Adapter provides a mechanism to customize the transformation rules
through an *.xsl file. In this case, you must add this option to the Genesys
section. The value of this option should be equal to the name of the.xsl file.
See the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Developers Guide for more
information about this option.

Log Section
The Configuration Synchronization Component supports a common set of Log
options to allow the precise configuration of the log file output. For a complete
list of Common Log options and their descriptions, see the Common Log
Options chapter of the Framework 8.0 Configuration Options Reference
Note: If you do not specify any log options, the default values apply.

PersonFolders Section
Each option in the PersonFolders section controls the mapping of a Siebel User
ID to a Configuration Manager folder, where the Siebel user with this User ID
create a Person object when importing information from Siebel.

You want to create a PersonFolders section option in the following scenario:

You have a Tenant named myTenant defined in Genesys Configuration


You want the Siebel user with the User ID of user1, to create a Person
object under the Configuration Manager folder, Folder1, which is a
subfolder of the Persons folder under the Tenant, myTenant.

Then create a new option in the PersonFolders section with user1 as the option
name and /Persons/Folder1 as the option value.
Make sure that the Siebel Organization or Division whose objects Siebel user
user1 will import is mapped to the Tenant, myTenant (see Tenants Section on
page 83).
All Configuration Manager folders referenced in this section should be created
in Genesys Configuration Manager prior to importing information from Siebel.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

The ratio of Siebel User IDs to Genesys Configuration Manager folders in this
section is many-to-one.
Note: You can configure the import function using the options in this

section, to assign different Configuration Manager folders in Genesys

to various Siebel users. However, if the same Siebel data is imported
into different Configuration Manager folders, errors during import
will occur due to uniqueness constraints imposed by the Genesys
Configuration Layer. These errors result in Siebel and Genesys data
being desynchronized. To avoid such errors, different Siebel users
should import the same Siebel data into the same set of Configuration
Manager folders. Alternatively, if each Siebel user has a unique folder
assignment, different Siebel users should not import the same Siebel
data into Genesys.

PlaceFolders Section
Each option in the PlaceFolders section controls the mapping of a Siebel User
ID to a Configuration Manager folder, where the Siebel user with this User ID
will create Place objects when importing information from Siebel.

You want to create a PlaceFolders section option in the following scenario:

You have a Tenant named myTenant defined in Genesys Configuration


You want the Siebel user with the User ID of user1, to create a Place
object under the Configuration Manager folder, Folder1, which is a
subfolder of the Persons folder under the Tenant, myTenant.

Then create a new option in the PlaceFolders section with user1 as the option
name and /Places/Folder1 as the option value.
Make sure that the Siebel Organization or Division whose objects the Siebel
user user1 will import is mapped to the Tenant, myTenant (see Tenants
Section on page 83).
All Configuration Manager folders referenced in this section should be created
in the Genesys Configuration Manager prior to importing information from


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

The ratio of Siebel User IDs to Genesys Configuration Manager folders in this
section is many-to-one.
Note: You can configure the import function, using the options in this

section, to assign different Configuration Manager folders in Genesys

to various Siebel users. However, if the same Siebel data is imported
into different Configuration Manager folders, errors during import
will occur due to uniqueness constraints imposed by the Genesys
Configuration Layer. These errors result in Siebel and Genesys data
being desynchronized. To avoid such errors, different Siebel users
should import the same Siebel data into the same set of Configuration
Manager folders. Alternatively, if each Siebel user has a unique folder
assignment, different Siebel users should not import the same Siebel
data into Genesys.

SkillFolders Section
Note: If the SkillFolders Application option contains an incorrect value

(for examplea folder which does not exist), the Person, even without
any skill, will not be exported from Siebel to Genesys.
Each option in the SkillFolders section controls the mapping of a Siebel User
ID to a Configuration Manager folder, where the Siebel user with this User ID
will create a Skill object when importing information from Siebel.

You want to create a SkillFolders section option in the following scenario:

You have a Tenant named myTenant defined in Genesys Configuration


You want the Siebel user with the User ID of user1, to create a Skill
object under the Configuration Manager folder, Folder1, which is a
subfolder of the Skills folder under the Tenant, myTenant.

Then create a new option in the SkillFolders section with user1 as the option
name and /Skills/Folder1 as the option value.
Make sure that the Siebel Organization or Division whose objects Siebel user
user1 will import is mapped to the Tenant, myTenant (see Tenants Section on
page 83).
All Configuration Manager folders referenced in this section should be created
in Genesys Configuration Manager prior to importing information from Siebel.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

The ratio of Siebel User IDs to Genesys Configuration Manager folders in this
section is many-to-one.
Note: You can configure the import function, using the options in this

section, to assign different Configuration Manager folders in Genesys

to various Siebel users. However, if the same Siebel data is imported
into different Configuration Manager folders, errors during import
will occur due to uniqueness constraints imposed by the Genesys
Configuration Layer. These errors result in Siebel and Genesys data
being desynchronized. To avoid such errors, different Siebel users
should import the same Siebel data into the same set of Configuration
Manager folders. Alternatively, if each Siebel user has a unique folder
assignment, different Siebel users should not import the same Siebel
data into Genesys.

SkillLevels Section
Each option in the SkillLevels section define the mapping of Siebel Skill
Expertise values to Genesys Skill Level values. To map a Siebel Skill
Expertise value to a Genesys Skill Level value, create a new option within this
section, where the option name is the value of the Siebel Skill Expertise and
the option value is the value of the Genesys Skill Level. The default mapping
is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: The Default Mapping of Siebel Skill Expertise Values to Genesys

Skill Levels


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring the Security Settings

After configuring the Application options, click OK to save the Application


Tenants Section
Options in the Tenants section define the mapping of Siebel Organizations or
Divisions to Genesys Tenants. To map a Siebel Organization or Division to a
Genesys Tenant, create a new option within this section, where the option
name is the name of the Genesys Tenant and the option value is the name of
the Siebel Organization or Division.

If you have an Organization named myOrganization in Siebel and a Tenant

named myTenant in Genesys, enter myTenant as the option name and
myOrganization as the option value. Then all Siebel objects that belong to
myOrganization Organization in Siebel are created under the Tenant, myTenant
in Genesys.
The relationship of Siebel Organizations or Divisions to Genesys Tenants is
Note: If you are working in a single-tenant environment, this section

contains one option, where the option name is Resources and the
option value is the name of your Siebel Organization or Division.
Saving the
Application Object

After setting the Application options, click OK to save the Application object.

Configuring the Security Settings

This section describes how to configure the security settings for the
Configuration Synchronization Component. The security settings must be
configured, so that the Component can make changes to the Genesys
Configuration Layer objects.
Follow the procedures outlined in this section to configure the security settings
for the Application object that you created in the section, Creating the
Configuration Synchronization Component Application Object on page 70.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating a
new Person object
Purpose: To add a new Person object to the environment.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring the Security Settings

Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager:
Right-click the Persons folder under Environment, if you are working in
a multi-tenant environment.
Right-click the Persons folder under Resources, if you are working in a
single-tenant environment.
2. Select New > Person.
The new Person window displays.
3. Select the General tab and enter the following parameters:
Employee ID = siebel7gplus
User Name = siebel7gplus
Is Agent = Clear

4. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Add a Person object to the Super Administration Access Group. See,

Procedure: Configuration Synchronization Component: Adding a Person
object to the Super Administrators Access Group.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Adding a
Person object to the Super Administrators Access
Purpose: To add a Person object to the Super Administrators Access Group.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, to display the existing Access Groups:
Right-click the Access Groups folder under Environment, if you are
working in a multi-tenant environment.
Right-click the Access Groups folder under Resources, if you are
working in a single-tenant environment.
2. Double-click the Super Administrators Access Group to display its
3. Click the Add button to add the Person object that you just created to the
Users list.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring the Security Settings

4. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Associate the newly created Person object account with the Application
object. See, Procedure: Configuration Synchronization Component:
Associating a Person object account with the Application object.

Configuration Synchronization Component:
Associating a Person object account with the
Application object
Purpose: To associate a Person object account with the Application object.
Start of procedure
In Configuration Manager, under Environment:
1. Click the Applications folder to display the existing applications.
2. Double-click the Application object that you just created to display its
3. Select the Security tab, in the Log On As section, and select This Account.
The Add User window displays.
4. Select the Person account that you just created and click Add.
5. Click OK to close the Add User window.
6. Click OK to save the Application object.
This completes the Genesys part of the configuration process. Now you are
ready to install the Configuration Synchronization Component.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Install the Configuration Synchronization Component. See the section,

Installation on page 86

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component


This section describes the installation process for the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for the
Siebel CRM Configuration Synchronization Component. Select one of the
following sections, depending on your environment:
Installing the Configuration Synchronization Component in a Windows
Environment, page 86
Installing the Configuration Synchronization Component in an UNIX
Environment, page 87

Installing the Configuration Synchronization Component in a

Windows Environment
This section describes how to install the Configuration Synchronization
Component on a Windows system.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Installing
the Configuration Synchronization Component in a
Windows environment
Purpose: To install the Configuration Synchronization Component on a
Windows operating system.
Start of procedure
1. To start the installation process, run the setup.exe file from the
Configuration Synchronization Component installation package.
2. In the Welcome window, click Next.
3. In the Configuration Parameters for the Genesys Configuration Server
window, enter the following:
The name of the host on which Configuration Server is running.
The communication port that client applications must use to connect to
Configuration Server.
The user name used to access Configuration Server.
The password used to access Configuration Server.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Select Application window, select the Application object by its
corresponding number that you configured in the previous procedure,
Procedure: Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating the
Configuration Synchronization Component Application object, on page 70.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component


6. Click Next.
7. In the Choose Destination Location window, click Next to accept the
default destination folder or use the Browse button to select a different
destination folder.
Note: If you want to deploy both the Configuration Synchronization

Component and the Campaign Synchronization Component, you must

specify a unique destination folder for each component. This prevents
the installation package of one component from being overwritten by
the installation package of the other component.
8. In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
9. In the Setup Complete window, click Finish.
The Configuration Synchronization Component is now installed.
In the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM program folder in the Start menu, you
can see that the installer created a shortcut for the Configuration
Synchronization Component.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel part of the Configuration Synchronization

Component. See the section, Configuring Siebel on page 89.

Installing the Configuration Synchronization Component in

an UNIX Environment
This section describes how to install the Configuration Synchronization
Component on an UNIX operating system.
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing in an UNIX environment.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Installing
the Configuration Synchronization Component in a
UNIX environment
Purpose: To install the Configuration Synchronization Component on an
UNIX system.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component


Start of procedure
1. In the directory in which the Configuration Synchronization Component
installation package was copied, locate a shell script named:
2. Run this script from the command prompt by typing sh and the file name:

3. When prompted, specify the host name, port, user name, and password of
the computer on which the Component will be installedfor example:
a. Enter the host name of Configuration Server.
b. Enter the port of Configuration Server.
c. Enter the user name for Configuration Server.
d. Enter the password for the user name.
4. Choose the Configuration Server environment by its corresponding
5. Specify the Application object you configured in the previous procedure,
Procedure: Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating the
Configuration Synchronization Component Application object, on page 70.
6. Specify the full path to the destination directory in which you want the
Component to be installed.
Note: If you want to deploy both the Configuration Synchronization

Component and Campaign Synchronization Component, you must

specify a unique destination folder for each component. This prevents
the installation package of one component from being overwritten by
the installation package of the other component.
The Configuration Synchronization Component is now installed.
In the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM program folder in the Start menu, you
can see that the installer created a shortcut for the Configuration
Synchronization Component.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel side of the Configuration Synchronization

Component. See the section, Configuring Siebel.

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

Complete information about uninstalling the Gplus Adapter and its
components is provided in Chapter 12, Uninstallation Instructions, on
page 577.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Configuring Siebel
This section describes how to configure the Siebel part of the Configuration
Synchronization Component for Siebel CRM.
Configuring the Siebel section of the Configuration Synchronization
Component consists of the following sections:
Prestart Information, page 89
Configuring Siebel Using Siebel Tools, page 89
Configuring the Siebel Server, page 95
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client, page 95

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process, you must make sure to do
the following:

You must have the Siebel Tools application running.

You should be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database.

You should have sufficient privileges to check-in and check-out projects

from the Siebel Server repository.

Configuring Siebel Using Siebel Tools

You will use Siebel Tools to compile an updated version of the Siebel
repository file for one, or more, of the Siebel applications that you use on your
Siebel Server, which you will then deploy on the server. For more information
about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.
Configuring Siebel using the Siebel Tools consists of the following
Importing the GenesysConfigSynchronization.sif Archive File, page 90
Checking Out an Existing Project from the Siebel Repository for the
Configuration Synchronization Component, page 91
Defining the Export of Siebel Extensions of Type S as DNs of Type
Extensions or ACD Positions in Genesys, page 92
Importing the PersonalizationActionSet.sif Archive File into the Siebel
Repository for the Configuration Synchronization Component, page 93
Compiling the Siebel Repository File for the Configuration
Synchronization Component, page 94

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Importing the GenesysConfigSynchronization.sif

Archive File
During this step, you will import objects into the Siebel repository that are part
of the Siebel implementation of the Configuration Synchronization
Component. The objects are added to the Genesys Config Synchronization
project in Siebel Tools.
Note: If the Genesys Config Synchronization project already exists in your

Siebel repository file, lock it before importing the

GenesysConfigSynchronization.sif archive.
If this project does not exist before export, lock it after the export.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Importing
the GenesysConfigSynchronization.sif archive file for
the Configuration Synchronization Component
Purpose: To import the GenesysConfigSynchronization.sif archive file for the
Configuration Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive... .
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the
GenesysConfigSynchronization.sif archive file. This file was created by
the installation program in: <target directory>/XXX/tools/objects where
XXX is the subfolder name (7.7, /8.0, or /8.1), depending on the Siebel
version that you use.
3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays.
4. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict Resolution section,
select Overwrite the object definition in the repository.
5. Click Next.
The Import WizardReview Conflicts and Actions window displays.
6. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
7. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

8. Click Finish to complete the Import Wizard.

Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by the

Siebel environment after importing the archive. This does not affect
the functionality of the Configuration Synchronization Component in
any way.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Check-out an existing project from the Siebel repository. See, Procedure:

Configuration Synchronization Component: Checking out an existing
project from the Siebel Repository for the Configuration Synchronization
Component, on page 91

Checking Out an Existing Project from the Siebel

Repository for the Configuration Synchronization
The Siebel implementation of the Configuration Synchronization Component
makes use of runtime events. To automate the process of creating runtime
events, which are required for Configuration Synchronization Component, you
must modify the Personalization Action Set business component. To modify
this object, you must check-out the corresponding project from the Siebel

Configuration Synchronization Component: Checking
out an existing project from the Siebel Repository for
the Configuration Synchronization Component
Purpose: To check out an existing project from the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check Out...
The Check Out dialog box displays.
2. Select Project category.
3. In the Projects list, select the Personalizations project.
4. Click Check Out.
End of procedure

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Exporting the Siebel extension of type S as DNs of type Extension or ACD

Positions in Genesys. See, Procedure: Configuration Synchronization
Component: Exporting Siebel extensions of type S as DNs of type
Extensions or ACD Positions in Genesys.

Defining the Export of Siebel Extensions of Type S as

DNs of Type Extensions or ACD Positions in Genesys
The Configuration Synchronization Component can export Siebel extensions
of type S to Genesys as DNs of type Extensions or ACD Positions. By default,
the Siebel extensions of type S are exported as Genesys DNs of type ACD

Configuration Synchronization Component: Exporting
Siebel extensions of type S as DNs of type Extensions
or ACD Positions in Genesys
Purpose: To set up the export of Siebel extensions of type S as DNs of type
Extensions in Genesys.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, navigate to Object Explorer \ Business Service
2. Select <Genesys Config Synchronization> Business Service.
3. For this Business Service, go to the Business Service User Props applet.
4. Select the record with Name <ConvertExt2ACD>.
5. Instead of True (default), set False as a value for this record.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Import the PersonalizationActioSet.sif archive into the Siebel

repository. See, Procedure: Configuration Synchronization Component:
Importing the PersonalizationActionSet.sif archive file into the Siebel

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Importing the PersonalizationActionSet.sif Archive

File into the Siebel Repository for the Configuration
Synchronization Component
This section describes how to import the PersonalizationActionSet.sif
archive file into the Siebel repository.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Importing
the PersonalizationActionSet.sif archive file into the
Siebel Repository
Purpose: To import the PersonalizationActionSet.sif archive file into the
Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive... .
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the
PersonalizationActionSet.sif archive file. This file was created by the
installation program in: <target directory>/XXX/tools/objects where XXX
is the subfolder name (7.7, /8.0, or /8.1), depending on the Siebel
version that you use.
3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays.
4. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict resolution section,
select Merge the object definition from the archive file with the
definition in the repository.

5. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
6. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.
7. Click Finish to complete the Import Wizard.
Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by the

Siebel environment after importing the archive. This does not affect
the functionality of the Component in any way.
End of procedure

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Compile the Siebel Repository File. See, Procedure: Configuration

Synchronization Component: Compiling the Siebel Repository File.

Compiling the Siebel Repository File for the

Configuration Synchronization Component
This section describes how to compile the Siebel repository file for the
Configuration Synchronization Component.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Compiling
the Siebel Repository File
Purpose: To compile the Siebel repository File.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects...
2. Select Locked projects.
3. In the Siebel Repository File edit box, enter the name of the repository
4. Click Compile.
The status bar at the bottom of the Object Compiler window indicates
when the compilation is finished.
5. When the compilation is finished, close Siebel Tools.
Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by the

Siebel environment after compiling the Siebel repository file. This

does not affect the functionality of the Component in any way
End of procedure
Next Steps


Configure the Siebel Server to work with the Configuration

Synchronization Component. See the section, Configuring the Siebel

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Configuring the Siebel Server

Complete the following procedure, described in this section, to configure the
Siebel Server to work with the Configuration Synchronization Component.

Configuration Synchronization Component:
Configuring the Siebel Server
Purpose: To configure the Siebel Server to work with the Configuration
Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
Updating the

1. To update the eai.cfg file in the Siebel Server installation, open the file
and add the following line to the [HTTP Services] section:
GplusConfSynchExportAllData = GplusConfSynchExportAllData.

Configuring the
Siebel Inbound
HTTP Transport

2. The Configuration Synchronization Component used the Siebel Inbound

HTTP Transport. For instructions about how to configure the Siebel
Inbound HTTP Transport, refer to the Siebel documentation.

Deploying the
Siebel Repository

3. Deploy the compiled Siebel repository file on your Siebel Server.

Additionally, you might have to generate and deploy the browser scripts
for the new repository file.
For further information on deploying an updated repository file to the
Siebel Server, refer tot he Siebel documentation.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure Siebel using the Siebel Web Client. See the section,
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client

You must connect to your Siebel Server using the Siebel Web Client.
Note: You must be logged in as a Siebel Administrator.

This part of the configuration process includes the following steps:

Checking the Status of the EAI Server Component Group, page 96
Creating a Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem, page 96.
Creating Runtime Events, page 99

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Checking the Status of the EAI Server Component

You must check the status of the EAI (Enterprise Application Integration)
Server Component Group on your Siebel Server. There are slight variations in
the navigation required by this process, depending on the version of Siebel
with which you are working.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Checking
the EAI Server Component Group status
Purpose: To check the status of the EAI Server Component Group on your
Siebel Server.
Start of procedure
1. Navigate through the Site Map to get to the desired applet:
In Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1 environments, select Site Map >
Administration - Server Configuration > Component Groups.
2. Select the Siebel Server on which you are working. For the selected server,
locate the Enterprise Application Integration Component Group in the
Server Component Groups applet. Verify that the value for the Enable State
group is Enabled.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a Siebel Enterprise Server named subsystem. See the section,

Creating a Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem.

Creating a Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem

You must configure one connection subsystem that is used by the
Configuration Synchronization Component.There are slight variations in the
navigation that is required by this process, depending on the version of Siebel
with which you are working.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Configuration Synchronization Component:
Navigating to the Siebel Server configuration
Purpose: To navigate through the site map to get to your Siebel Server
Start of procedure
1. Navigate through the site map to get to your Siebel Server configuration:
In Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1 environments, select Site Map >
Administration - Server Configuration.
2. Select Profile Configuration in the applet within the view.
3. Complete the process by completing the procedures that follow.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a EAI Transport Data Handling subsystem. See, Configuration

Synchronization Component: Creating the EAI Transport Data Handling

Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating
the EAI Transport Data Handling subsystem
Purpose: To create a EAI Transport Data Handling subsystem.
Start of procedure
1. In the Profile Configuration applet, create a new record.
2. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Alias in Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1: GplusConfSynchExportAllData
Description: Gplus Configuration Synchronization Component:

Profile: Gplus Configuration Synchronization Component

ExportAllData Parameters

Subsystem Type: EAITransportDataHandlingSubsys

3. Save the new record.

4. For the Named Subsystem record that you just created, enter the following
parameters in the Profile Parameters applet:

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

DispatchMethod: ExportAllData
DispatchService: Genesys Config Synchronization

End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a connection subsystem. See, Procedure: Configuration

Synchronization Component: Creating a connection subsystem, on
page 98.

Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating a
connection subsystem
Purpose: To create and configure one connection subsystem that is used by the
Configuration Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
Creating a

1. In the Profile Configuration applet, create a new record.

2. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Alias: GplusConfSyncConnectionPrimary
Description: Gplus Configuration Synchronization Component
Primary Connection

Profile: Gplus Configuration Synchronization Component Primary

Connection Parameters

Subsystem Type: HTTPSubSys

3. Save the new record.

4. For the Named Subsystem record that you just created, enter the following
parameters in the Profile Parameters applet:
HTTPRequestMethod: POST
HTTPRequestURLTemplate: http://<host>:<port>
<host> is the host on which you installed the primary Configuration
Synchronization Component.
<port> is the port that you specified with the Communications Port
option on the Server Info tab of the primary Configuration
Synchronization Component Application object.
Creating a Backup


5. In the Profile Configuration applet, create a new record.

6. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Alias in Siebel: GplusConfSyncConnectionBackup

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Description: Gplus Configuration Synchronization Component Backup


Profile: Gplus Configuration Synchronization Component Backup

Connection Parameters

Subsystem Type: HTTPSubSys

7. Save the new record.

8. For the Named Subsystem record that you just created, enter the following
parameters in the Profile Parameters applet:
HTTPRequestMethod: POST
HTTPRequestURLTemplate: http://<host>:<port>
<host> is the host on which you installed the backup Configuration
Synchronization Component.
<port> is the port that you specified with the Communications Port
option on Server Info tab of the backup Configuration
Synchronization Component Application object.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the runtime events that are required by the Configuration

Synchronization Component. See the section, Creating Runtime Events.

Creating Runtime Events

To create the runtime events that are required by the Configuration
Synchronization Component, you must run the InstallRunTimeEvents method
of the Genesys Configuration Synchronization Siebel Business Service using
the Siebel Business Service Simulator applet.
Note: The runtime events that are used by the Configuration

Synchronization Component replace functions that are performed by

scripts in the older versions of the Component (7.0, and older).

Configuration Synchronization Component: Creating
the runtime events
Purpose: To create the runtime events that are required by the Campaign
Synchronization Component.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Business ServiceUser Properties

1. Navigate through the site map to Business Service Administration >

Business Service Simulator applet.
2. In the Business Service Simulator applet, create a new record.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Service Name: Genesys Config Synchronization
Method Name: InstallRunTimeEvents
4. Click the Run button.
5. In the Siebel client, navigate to Administration - Runtime Events >
6. Select the Reload Runtime Events system menu item.
End of procedure
Next Steps

You have completed the configuration and installation of the Configuration

Synchronization Component.

Business ServiceUser Properties

This section describes the Genesys Configuration Synchronization User
Properties of this Business Service.
Customers can redefine the default values of the User Properties that are
specified in Table 6. These values are used during configuration
synchronization. Default values are useful when all configuration objects must
have the same values.
Table 6: User Properties of Genesys Config Synchronization
Business Service

Default Value




Empty string





(1 = Enabled)

(2 = true)

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Business ServiceUser Properties

Table 6: User Properties of Genesys Config Synchronization

Business Service (Continued)

Default Value



Empty string


Empty string



Empty string


(2 = true)


(1 = Default)


(1 = Enabled)



HTTP Connection Subsystem



HTTP Connection Subsystem



Library Name


(2 = true)

The value of this

parameter should
NOT be changed.

Data-Type Definitions
The following are definitions of data types that are used in Table 6:




0 - No Object State/CFGNoObjectState
1 - Enabled/CFGEnabled
2 - Disabled/CFGDisabled

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Business ServiceUser Properties

3 - Deleted/CFGDeleted



0 - Unknown/CFGNoRoute
1 - Default/CFGDefault
2 - Label/CFGLabel
3 - Overwrite DNIS /CFGOverwriteDNIS
6 - Direct/CFGDirect
7 - Reject/CFGReject
8 - Announcement/CFGAnnouncement
9 - Post feature/CFGPostFeature
10 - Direct Agent/CFGDirectAgent
11 - Use external protocol/CFGUseExternalProtocol
12 - Get from DN/CFGGetFromDN
13 - Default/CFGXRouteTypeDefault
14 - Route/CFGXRouteTypeRoute
15 - Direct/CFGXRouteTypeDirect
16 - Reroute/CFGXRouteTypeReroute
17 - Direct UUI/CFGXRouteTypeDirectUUI
18 - Direct ANI/CFGXRouteTypeDirectANI
19 - Direct No Token/CFGXRouteTypeDirectNoToken
20 - DNIS pooling/CFGXRouteTypeDNISPooling
21 - Direct DNISn ANI/CFGXRouteTypeDirectDNISnANI
22 - Ext protocol/CFGXRouteTypeExtProtocol
23 - Direct digits/CFGXRouteTypeDirectDigits
24 - Forbidden/CFGXRouteTypeForbidden
25 - ISCC protocol/CFGXRouteTypeISCCProtocol
26 - Pullback/CFGXRouteTypePullBack

For more detailed information about these data types, see the Genesys
Framework 8.1 Deployment Guide.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Starting the Adapter

Starting the Adapter

After the Configuration Synchronization Component (the Adapter) has been
deployed, it must always be kept running to ensure that the Genesys
environment stays up-to-date with the Siebel environment. Running the
Component constantly prevents error messages in the Siebel Web Client and
guarantees that the Genesys environment reflects the latest configuration
updates made in the Siebel environment.
The Configuration Synchronization Component can be started from the
command line. Depending on the operating system that you use, the name of
the component varies slightly, as follows:




The component supports the following command line options:

-host <host> -port <port> -app <application> [ -clean_batch | -batch ]

<host> is the name of the host on which the Genesys Configuration Server is

<port> is the port of the Genesys Configuration Server.
<application> is the name of the Configuration Synchronization Component

The -batch option should be used to synchronize Siebel and Genesys agent
data when the Configuration Synchronization Component is started for the first
time. To remove all of the agent data from the Configuration Synchronization
Component folders in Configuration Manager and then export agent data from
Siebel, use the -clean_batch option.
If you are using Windows, you can also start the Configuration
Synchronization Component from the Start menu by going to Programs >
Genesys Solutions > Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM and selecting the
components shortcut (the shortcut has the same name as the Configuration
Synchronization Component Application object). This starts the component
with the default command line options (without the -batch and -clean_batch

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 3: Deploying the Configuration Synchronization Component

Starting the Adapter

Notes: Before starting the Configuration Synchronization Component

with either the -batch or -clean_batch options, you should make

sure that all of the latest changes that you made in the Siebel Web
Client have been saved in the Siebel database. Usually, this can be
done by switching to a view that is different from the one you that
used to make the last modification.
For the -batch and -clean_batch options to work correctly,
different Siebel users should create Configuration Manager objects
of the same type under the same Configuration Manager folder.
When you use either the -batch or -clean_batch options, the
Configuration Synchronization Component uses folder mapping
for the Siebel user, specified by the username option in the
Genesys section of the Configuration Synchronization Component
You can use Genesys Management Layer, and specifically the
Solution Control Interface, to start, or stop, or switch between
primary and backup Configuration Synchronization Components.
If you want to do this, make sure that the Command Line
Arguments in the application Start Info tab do not include the
-service argument.


Gplus Adapter 8.0


Deploying the Campaign

This chapter describes how to configure and install the Siebel CRM Campaign
Synchronization Component of the Gplus Adapter.
Note: Gplus Adapter 8.0 supports Campaign Synchronization

Component and later releases only in the 8.0.0 stream.

This chapter includes the following sections:
Overview, page 105
New in This Release, page 106
Configuring Genesys, page 106
Synchronizing the Time Zones, page 129
Installation, page 131
Configuring Siebel, page 134

The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Campaign Synchronization Component is
a server-based component. The process for configuring and installing this
component is significantly different than the process for driver-based
The process of configuring and installing the Campaign Synchronization
Component includes the following general procedures:

Configuring Genesys

Installation of the Campaign Synchronization Component

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

New in This Release

Configuring Siebel.

Each of these procedures is explained in detail under a separate heading as

Configuring Genesys, page 106
Installation, page 131
Configuring Siebel, page 134

Before importing campaigns from Siebel to Genesys, see the Gplus

Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Users Guide and read the section Importing
Siebel Campaigns to Genesys.

New in This Release

This section provides information about new features or functionality in the
Campaign Synchronization Component:
Release 8.0.1

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Release 8.0.0

No new features were introduced in this release.

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system.

Configuring Genesys
This section describes how to configure the Genesys section of the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
Configuring the Genesys side of the Configuration Synchronization
Component consists of the following sections:
Prestart Information, page 106
Importing the Campaign Synchronization Server Application Template,
page 107
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box, page 109
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Campaign
Synchronization Server, page 112
Configuring the Security Settings, page 120
Creating the List Import Format Object, page 122

Prestart Information
Before starting the configuration process you should have the following
Genesys Framework applications running:


Configuration Database

Configuration Server

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Configuration Manager

As a Configuration Manager user, you should have sufficient privileges to

make changes to Configuration Layer objects.

Importing the Campaign Synchronization Server Application

This section describes how to import the Campaign Synchronization Server
Application Template.

Genesys recommends using an Application Template when you are
configuring your Adapter. The Application Template for your Adapter contains
the most important configuration options set to the values recommended for
the majority of environments. When modifying configuration options for your
Adapter later in the process, you can change the values inherited from the
template rather than create all the options by yourself.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the
Application Template
Purpose: To import the Campaign Synchronization Server Application
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Application
Templates folder.
2. Select Import Application Template.
3. Browse to select the Application Template for the Campaign
Synchronization Server.
4. Select the proper template based on the version of Configuration Server
used in your environment. Depending on the version of Configuration
Manager that you use, this name varies slightly, as follows:
For versions 7.0 and earlier, use the following:
For versions 7.1 and later, use the following:
5. Click Open.
The Properties dialog box for the Application Template object displays.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

6. Optional: Edit the Application Template name.

7. Click OK to accept the default values.
The Application Template object has been imported to Genesys
Configuration Layer.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the Configuration Layer Application object for the Campaign

Synchronization Server. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization
Component: Creating the Application object.

Creating the Campaign Synchronization Server Application

This section describes how to create the Campaign Synchronization Server
Application object.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the
Application object
Purpose: To create the Application object for the Campaign Synchronization
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the
Applications folder.
2. Select New > Application.
3. Select the Application template that you just created.
4. Click OK.
The Properties dialog box for the Application displays.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the Configuration
Synchronization Server. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization
Component: Configuring the tabs in the Properties dialog box.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box

This section describes how to configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box,
arranged in the order in which they display.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Configuring
the tabs in the Properties dialog box
Purpose: To configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the Campaign
Synchronization Server.
Start of procedure
General Tab

1. Click the General tab in the Properties dialog box (see Figure 10).

Figure 10: View of General Tab in a Multi-Tenant Environment

2. In the Name field, enter the name of the Application object you are

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

3. In the Template field, enter the name of the template that you are
configuring or use the Browse button to select the template that you are
4. Click Apply.
5. Next, if you are working in a multi-tenant environment, go to the Tenants
Tab; otherwise, go to the Server Info Tab.
Note: The Tenants tab only displays if you are working in a multi-tenant

Tenants Tab

6. Select the Tenants tab.

7. Select the Genesys Tenants under which the objects that are exported from
Siebel are created.
8. Click Add.

Server Info Tab

9. Select the Server Info tab.

10. In the Host field, use the Browse button to select the host where you are
installing the Campaign Synchronization Server and click OK.
11. In the Ports list, add a port with any valid port number.
Note: This option determines the HTTP port number used by the

Campaign Synchronization Server to receive HTTP packets from

Siebel. You will use the value that you enter for this option when
you configure the Siebel part of the Campaign Synchronization
Start Info Tab

12. Select the Start Info tab.

13. In the Working Directory field, enter the full name of the Server
installation directory on the host you specified on the Server Info tab. The
value you enter in this field is used as the default destination folder during
14. Enter any valid value into each of the following fields:
Command Line
Command Line Arguments
The values you enter in these fields are overwritten during installation;
however, the data must be present in these fields during the configuration
15. Leave the default values for the remaining fields.

Connections Tab

16. Select the Connections tab.

17. On the Connections tab, add the Applications from the following list to
which this Application connects:


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Options Tab

Configuring Genesys

Database Access Pointused to provide access to the Outbound

Contact database for storing Calling List tables (mandatory).

Outbound Contact Serverrequired for Do Not Call notifications and
call results synchronization in real-time mode.
T-Serverused by the Outbound Contact Server to communicate
through a Communication DN.
Message Serverrequired, if you plan to use the Management Layer
for alarm-signaling and centralized-logging capabilities.
Configuration Serverrequired, if you plan to configure connections
to this server.

18. Select the Options tab (see Figure 11 on page 112).

In the Sections pane, the following sections are listed:
19. Double-click a section to access its options.
20. Set the configuration options that are described in the following section,
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Campaign
Synchronization Server on page 112.
Note: To synchronize campaign information using this release of the

Gplus Adapter, you must map the Siebel User IDs (the login
names) of the users who created campaigns in the Siebel
environment to the DatabaseAccessPoints, TableAccessFolders,
CallingListFolders, and CampaignFolders.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 11: View of Options Tab in a Multi-Tenant Environment

End of procedure
Next Steps

Set the Campaign Synchronization Server configuration options. See the

section, Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Campaign
Synchronization Server.

Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Campaign

Synchronization Server
Unless specified otherwise, set the Campaign Synchronization Server
configuration options in the Options tab of the Application object using the
following navigation path:
In Genesys AdminstratorApplication object > Options tab > Advanced View


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

In Configuration ManagerApplication object > Properties dialog box >

Options tab.
For ease of reference, the options have been arranged in alphabetical order
within their corresponding sections:
CallingListFolders Section, page 113
CampaignFolders Section, page 114
DatabaseAccessPoints Section, page 115
Genesys Section, page 116
Log Section, page 118
TableAccessFolders Section, page 118
Tenants Section, page 119

CallingListFolders Section
Each option in this section controls the mapping of a Siebel User ID to a
Configuration Manager folder, where the Siebel user with this User ID creates
the Calling List objects when importing the information from Siebel.
To provide Campaign Synchronization functionality, the Siebel login names of
the users who created campaigns in the Siebel environment must be mapped to
the CallingListFolders section. These login names are the User IDs stored in
the Created By field of the corresponding campaigns. You can find these login
names in the Campaign List applet. In any supported Siebel version, you can
find these login names by querying the Siebel database. The following
example is a sample database query that you could use in this scenario:
Example of a
Database Query
Example of a



You want to create a CallingListFolders option in the following scenario:

You have a Tenant named, myTenant, defined in Genesys Configuration


You want the Siebel user (who created the relevant campaigns) with a User
ID of user1, to create a Calling List object under the Configuration
Manager folder, Folder1, which is a subfolder of the Calling Lists folder
under the Tenant, myTenant.

Then create a new option in the CallingListFolders section with user1 as the
option name and /Calling Lists/Folder1 as the option value. Make sure that
the Siebel Organization or Division whose objects the Siebel user, user1
imports is mapped to the Tenant, myTenant (see Tenants Section on
page 119).
Prior to importing information from Siebel, you must use Genesys
Configuration Manager to create the Configuration Manager folders referenced
in this section.
The relationship of Siebel User IDs to Genesys Configuration Manager folders
in this section is many-to-one.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Note: You can configure the import function using the options in this

section, to assign different Configuration Manager folders in Genesys

to various Siebel users. However, if the same Siebel data is imported
into different Configuration Manager folders, errors during import
will occur due to uniqueness constraints imposed by the Genesys
Configuration Layer. These errors result in Siebel and Genesys data
being desynchronized. To avoid such errors, different Siebel users
should import the same Siebel data into the same set of Configuration
Manager folders. Alternatively, if each Siebel user has a unique folder
assignment, different Siebel users should not import the same Siebel
data into Genesys.

CampaignFolders Section
Each option in this section controls the mapping of a Siebel User ID to a
Configuration Manager folder, where the Siebel user with this User ID creates
Campaign objects when importing information from Siebel.
To provide Campaign Synchronization functionality, the Siebel Login Names
of the users who created campaigns in the Siebel environment must be mapped
to the CampaignFolders section. You can find these login names in the Campaign
List applet. In any Siebel version, you can find these login names by querying
the Siebel database. The following example is a sample database query that
you could use in this scenario:
Example of a
Database Query
Example of a



You want to create a CampaignFolders option in the following scenario:

You have a Tenant named, myTenant, defined in Genesys Configuration


You want the Siebel user (who created the relevant campaigns) with a User
ID of user1, to create a Campaign object under the Configuration Manager
folder, Folder1, which is a subfolder of the Calling Lists folder under the
Tenant, myTenant.

Then create a new option in the CampaignFolders section with user1 as the
option name and /Campaigns/Folder1 as the option value. Make sure that the
Siebel Organization or Division whose objects the Siebel user, user1 imports is
mapped to the Tenant, myTenant (see Tenants Section on page 119).
Prior to importing information from Siebel, you must use Genesys
Configuration Manager to create the Configuration Manager folders
referenced in this section.
The relationship of Siebel User IDs to Genesys Configuration Manager folders
in this section is many-to-one.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Note: You can configure the import function using the options in this

section, to assign different Configuration Manager folders in Genesys

to various Siebel users. However, if the same Siebel data is imported
into different Configuration Manager folders, errors during import
will occur due to uniqueness constraints imposed by the Genesys
Configuration Layer. These errors will cause Siebel and Genesys data
to become de-synchronized. To avoid such errors, different Siebel
users should import the same Siebel data into the same set of
Configuration Manager folders. Alternatively, if each Siebel user has a
unique folder assignment, different Siebel users should not import the
same Siebel data into Genesys.

DatabaseAccessPoints Section
The options in this section allow you to designate where selected Siebel users
can create Genesys calling list tables when exporting campaigns from Siebel to
To provide Campaign Synchronization functionality, the Siebel Login Names
of the users who created campaigns in the Siebel environment must be mapped
to the DatabaseAccessPoints section. These login names are the User IDs
stored in the Created By field of corresponding campaigns. In Siebel versions
7.7, 7.8, 8.0, and 8.1, you can find these login names in the Campaign List
applet. In any Siebel version, you can find these login names by querying the
Siebel database. The following example is a sample database query that you
could use in this scenario:
Example of a
Database Query
Example of a
Points Option



You want to create a DatabaseAccessPoints option in the following scenario:

You want the Siebel user (who created the relevant campaigns) with a User
ID of user1, to create calling list tables in a database defined by the
Database Access Point, DAP1.

Then create a new option in the DatabaseAccessPoints section with user1 as

the option name and /DAP1 as the option value.
Prior to importing the information from Siebel, you must use Genesys
Configuration Manager to create the Database Access Points referenced in this
The relationship of Siebel User IDs to Genesys Database Access Points in this
section is many-to-one.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Genesys Section
The Genesys section has various options that can be configured. The following
section describes the possible options.

Default Value: <required>
Valid Value: Any string value containing the correct Communication DN
Determines the name of a communication DN, which is used for interactions
with the Outbound Contact Server, and specifically for the Do Not Call option.
Default Value: 5000
Valid Value: Any positive integer
Specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) that the Campaign
Synchronization Component waits for a response about a DoNotCall list
Default Value: GplusCampSynch
Valid Value: Any string value containing a Format object name
Determines the name of a list import Format object in Genesys Configuration
Layer, which is used by the Campaign Synchronization Component to create
Genesys calling list tables. The default value for this option is GplusCampSynch.
Note: Leave the default value unchanged at the time of deployment. For

more information about this option, see the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for
Siebel CRM Developers Guide.

Default Value: <required>
Valid Value: Any character string
Specifies the password for the login user name, which is the User ID stored in
the Created By field of corresponding campaignsfor example,
GenesysAdapter. This user name should be created in the Siebel environment.
The user must have access to the Siebel database as a Siebel Administrator.
Warning! Genesys does not recommend the use of a common login name for

this option. For more information about Siebel user

administration, see your Siebel documentation.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Default Value: 15000
Valid Value: Any positive integer
Specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) that the Campaign
Synchronization Component waits to reconnect to the Siebel Server before
sending a request for Synchronization data.
Default Value: 11000
Valid Value: Any positive integer
Specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) that the Campaign
Synchronization Component waits to reconnect and send to the Siebel Server
all of the Call Results Data received by the Adapter from Outbound Contact
Server during this interval (backward synchronization in real-time mode).
Default Value: <ServerUrl>/eai_enu/start.swe
Valid Value: <AnyValidUrl>/eai_enu/start.swe
Specifies the URL of the web server upon which the Siebel Web Engine is
installed. Initially, this option contains the following template string:


<ServerUrl> is the first part of the URL you use to access your Siebel

Server through the Siebel Web Client.

<path> specifies a virtual path on the server referring to the specific Siebel
Web Extension configuration. The default value for this option is eai_enu.

You have to edit this URL template string according to your Siebel Web
Extension configuration. The following is an example of an edited URL:

Note: For security reasons, you do not need to put <userName> and
<password> directly into the URL string. Use the username and
password options instead.

Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Synchronizes the Call Results from Genesys to Siebel in real-time mode. If
you set the value of this option to true, it enables this synchronization.

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Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Collects the synchronization summary information. If you set the value of this
option to true, it enables this collection. See the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel
CRM Developer's Guide for more information about synchronization summary
Default Value: <required>
Valid Value: Any character string
Specifies a Siebel user name for the Siebel Object Manager login to process a
request from the Gplus Adapterfor example, GenesysAdapter. This user name
must be created in the Siebel environment. The user must have access to the
Siebel database as Siebel Administrator.
Warning! Genesys does not recommend using a common login ID for this

option. For more information about Siebel user administration,

refer to your Siebel documentation.

xslTransformer (Optional)
Default Value: <optional>
Valid Value: A string value containing the *.xsl file name
This configuration option is optional. Transforms the values of various
synchronized data (for examplephone number) using your own customized
rules. The Adapter provides a mechanism to customize the transformation
rules through an *.xsl file. The value of this option should be equal to the
name of the *.xsl file.

Log Section
The Campaign Synchronization Server supports a common set of Log options
to allow the precise configuration of the log file output. For a complete list of
Common Log options and their descriptions, see the Common Log Options
chapter of the Framework 8.0 Configuration Options Reference Manual.
Note: If you do not specify any log options, the default values apply.

TableAccessFolders Section
Each option in this section controls the mapping of a Siebel User ID to a
Configuration Manager folder, where the Siebel user with this User ID creates
a Table Access object when importing information from Siebel.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

To provide Campaign Synchronization functionality, the Siebel Login Names

of the users who created campaigns in the Siebel environment must be mapped
to the TableAccessFolders section. These login names are the User IDs stored
in the Created By field of corresponding campaigns. You can find these login
names in the Campaign List applet. In any supported Siebel version, you can
find these login names by querying the Siebel database.
Example of a
Database Query
Example of a
Folders Option



You have a Tenant named, myTenant, defined in Genesys Configuration


You want the Siebel user (who created the relevant campaigns) with a User
ID of user1, to create a Table Access object under the Configuration
Manager folder, Folder1, which is a subfolder of the Table Access folder
under the Tenant, myTenant.

Then create a new option in the TableAccessFolders section with user1 as the
option name and /Table Access/Folder1 as the option value.
The Siebel Organization or Division, whose objects the Siebel user, user1
imports, must be mapped to the Tenant, myTenant. For information about
Tenants, see Tenants Section on page 119.
Prior to importing information from Siebel, you must use Genesys
Configuration Manager to create the Configuration Manager folders referenced
in this section.
The relationship of Siebel User IDs to Genesys Configuration Manager folders
in this section is many-to-one.
Note: You can configure the import function using the options in this

section, to assign different Configuration Manager folders in Genesys

to various Siebel users. However, if the same Siebel data is imported
into different Configuration Manager folders, errors during import
occur due to uniqueness constraints imposed by the Genesys
Configuration Layer. These errors result in Siebel and Genesys data
being desynchronized. To avoid such errors, different Siebel users
should import the same Siebel data into the same set of Configuration
Manager folders. Alternatively, if each Siebel user has a unique folder
assignment, different Siebel users should not import the same Siebel
data into Genesys.

Tenants Section
Options in this section define the mapping of Siebel Organizations or
Divisions to Genesys Tenants. To map a Siebel Organization or Division to a
Genesys Tenant, create a new option within this section, where the option
name is the name of the Genesys Tenant and the option value is the name of
the Siebel Organization or Division.

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Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Example of a

Configuring Genesys

If you have an Organization named, myOrganization, in Siebel and a Tenant

named, myTenant, in Genesys, enter myTenant as the option name and
myOrganization as the option value. Then all Siebel objects that belong to
myOrganization Organization in Siebel are created under the Tenant, myTenant
in Genesys.
The relationship of Siebel Organizations or Divisions to Genesys Tenants is
Note: If you are working in a single-tenant environment, this section should

contain one option, where the option name is Resources and the option
value is the name of your Siebel Organization or Division.
Saving the
Application Object

After setting the Application options, click OK to save the Application object.

Configuring the Security Settings

This section describes how to configure the security settings for the Campaign
Synchronization Component. The security settings must be configured for the
Campaign Synchronization Component, so that the Component can make
changes to the Genesys Configuration Layer objects.
Follow the procedures outlined in the following sections to configure the
security settings for the Application object that you created in the section,
Creating the Campaign Synchronization Server Application Object on
page 108.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating a
new Person object
Purpose: To add a new Person object to the environment.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager:
Right-click the Persons folder under Environment, if you are working in
a multi-tenant environment.
Right-click the Persons folder under Resources, if you are working in a
single-tenant environment.
2. Select New > Person.
The new Person window displays.
3. Select the General tab and enter the following parameters:
Employee ID = siebel7gplus


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

User Name = siebel7gplus

Is Agent = Clear

4. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Add a Person object to the Super Administrators Access Group. See,

Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component: Adding a Person
object to the Super Administrators Access Group.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Adding a
Person object to the Super Administrators Access
Purpose: To add a Person object to the Super Administrators Access Group.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, to display the existing Access Groups:
Right-click the Access Groups folder under Environment, if you are
working in a multi-tenant environment.
Right-click the Access Groups folder under Resources, if you are
working in a single-tenant environment.
2. Double-click the Super Administrators Access Group to display its
3. Click the Add button to add the Person object that you just created to the
Users list.
4. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Associate the newly created Person object account with the Application
object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component:
Associating a Person object account with the Application object.

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Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Campaign Synchronization Component: Associating a
Person object account with the Application object
Purpose: To associate a Person object account with the Application object.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, click the Applications
folder to display existing applications.
2. Double-click the Application object you just created to display its
3. Select the Security tab, in the Log On As section, and select This Account.
The Add User window displays.
4. Select the Person account you just created and click Add.
5. Click OK to close the Add User window.
6. Click OK to save the Application object.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the list import Format object by following the procedures in the
section, Creating the List Import Format Object on page 122.

Creating the List Import Format Object

This section describes how to create a List Import Format object. The List
Import Format object determines the structure of the calling list tables that the
Campaign Synchronization Server creates when importing Siebel campaigns.
Creating the List Import Format object involves the following processes:

Creating a Field object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component: Creating the Field objects, on page 123.

Updating the Field object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component: Updating the Field object, on page 126.

Creating a Format object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component: Creating the Format object, on page 127.

Copying the Format object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component: Copying the Format object to a Tenant, on page 129.

The first step of the process is to create several Field objects (which are
mandatory) for each List Import Format object.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Displaying the
Annex Tab

Configuring Genesys

However, before you create the Field objects, ensure that the Annex tab is
displayed in the Configuration Object properties window: See, Procedure:
Campaign Synchronization Component: Configuring the Annex tab to display
in object properties.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Configuring
the Annex tab to display in object properties
Purpose: To ensure the Annex tab is displayed in the object properties.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, from the View menu, select Options.
2. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Show Annex tab.
3. To close the window, click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the Field objects. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component: Creating the Field objects, on page 123.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the
Field objects
Purpose: To create a new Field object in Configuration Manager.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager:
Right-click the Fields folder under Environment, if you are working in
a multi-tenant environment.
Right-click the Fields folder under Resources, if you are working in a
single-tenant environment.
The new Field Properties window appears.
2. Select New > Field.
The new Field window appears.

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Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

3. On the General tab for the Field you are creating, enter the Name field
value from Table 7, Field Object Properties, on page 125. For example,
to complete the first instance, enter crm_campaign_id (see Figure 12).

Figure 12: Creating a New Field Object

4. On the Annex tab, create a new section called default (see Figure 13 on
page 125).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 13: Creating the send_attribute Option

5. In the default section, create an option with the option name

send_attribute and the option value from Table 8 on page 126, which
corresponds to the Field object you are creating.
6. Click OK.
7. Repeat steps 16 for each Field shown in Table 7.
Table 7 contains properties you need to enter on the General tab for each Field
Table 7: Field Object Properties
Field Name




Field Type





Campaign ID







Campaign List
Contact ID







Contact ID





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Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Table 8 shows the values for the send_attribute option, which you use when
creating Field objects.
Table 8: Values for send_attribute Option
Field Name

send_attribute Option Value







End of procedure
Next Steps

Update the Field objects. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component: Updating the Field object.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Updating the
Field object
Purpose: To update the Field object.
Start of procedure
1. If you need to synchronize the call results from Genesys to Siebel in
real-time mode, update the following Field objects:
2. Add the new option, icon_attribute to the default section of all of the
Fields, and set the value of the option to 1 (see Figure 14 on page 127).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 14: Adding the icon_attribute Option

End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the Format object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component: Creating the Format object.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the
Format object
Purpose: To create the Format object.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager:
Right-click the Format folder under Environment, if you are working in
a multi-tenant environment.

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Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Genesys

Right-click the Format folder under Resources, if you are working in a

single-tenant environment.

The new Format Properties window appears.

2. Select New > Copy of existing Format.
3. In the Browse window, select the default format for Outbound Contact,
which is Default_Outbound_70.
4. Click OK.
The Properties dialog box for the copy of the existing format that you are
about to create displays.
5. Enter the following values on the General tab:
In the Name field, enter GplusCampSynch.
In the Description field, enter the default List Import Format object
for the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Campaign Synchronization
6. Click OK.
7. In Configuration Manager, in the object tree view, right-click the Format
object you just created.
8. Select New > Shortcut to Field.
The Browse window displays.
9. Select the Field objects you just created.
10. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps


If you work in a multi-tenant environment, copy the Format object to a

Tenant. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component: Copying
the Format object to a Tenant.

If you work in a single-tenant environment, synchronize the time zones.

See the section, Synchronizing the Time Zones on page 129.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Synchronizing the Time Zones

Campaign Synchronization Component: Copying the
Format object to a Tenant
Purpose: To create a copy of the List Import Format object under each Tenant
that is mapped to a Siebel Organization or Division.
Note: Complete this procedure only if you work in a multi-tenant

Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under a Tenant that is mapped to a Siebel
Organization or Division, right-click the Formats folder.
2. Select New > Copy of existing Format.
The Browse window displays.
3. Select the Format object you just created.
4. Click OK.
The Properties dialog box appears for the Format copy that you are about
to create.
5. Click OK to copy the Format object.
End of procedure
Next Steps

No further steps are required.

Synchronizing the Time Zones

This section describes how to synchronize the names of the time zones in the
Genesys and Siebel environments. This means that you must make all of the
Time Zone names used in your Genesys environment match those used in your
Siebel environment. When you are finished, all of the time zones that are used
in reference to the contacts or prospects in your Siebel environment must be
present in the Genesys environment.
The procedure below explains how to copy the time zone names from the
Siebel environment to Genesys Configuration Manager, and specifically to an
individual Tenant that is mapped to a Siebel Organization or Division. For
additional information about setting and using the time zone definitions in
Configuration Manager, refer to the Framework 8.1 Deployment Guide.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Synchronizing the Time Zones

Campaign Synchronization Component: Defining the
time zones for a Tenant
Purpose: To define the time zones for a Tenant.
Note: It is also possible to modify the names of the time zones in the Siebel

environment, so that they match the time zone names in the Genesys
environment. The instructions above assume that the Siebel time
zones have been defined first.
If the time zones have been imported into the Genesys environment
while the Genesys Adapter is running (that is, after the deployment of
this Adapter), then you must restart the Genesys Adapter to accept
these changes.
For more information about Time Zone Administration in Siebel, see
your Siebel documentation.
Start of procedure
1. Open both the Siebel and Configuration Manager applications.
2. In Configuration Manager, under a Tenant that is mapped to a Siebel
Organization or Division, right-click the Time Zones folder.
3. Select New > Time Zone.
The new Time Zone window displays.
4. In Siebel, navigate through the Site Map to get to Time Zone
administration, as follows:
In a Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1 environment, select the following:
Administration - Data > Time Zone Administration

Take note of the time zone names in the Name column.

5. In Configuration Manager, select the General tab and enter the values for
the parameters listed below: (To minimize errors, use a cut-and-paste
a. In the Name field, enter the exact name of the time zone from the Siebel
b. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the time zone.
c. In the Offset field, enter the time difference between the local time
and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
d. In the Specific Zone Name in Netscape field, enter the time zone name
used by the Netscape Navigator browser.
e. In the Specific Zone Name in Microsoft Explorer field, enter the time
zone name used by Microsoft Explorer.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component


6. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

No further steps are required.

This section describes the installation process for the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for the
Siebel CRM Campaign Synchronization Component. Select one of the
following sections, depending on your environment:
Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in a Windows
Environment, page 131
Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in an UNIX
Environment, page 132

Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in a

Windows Environment
This section describes how to install the Campaign Synchronization
Component on a Windows operating system.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Installing the
Component in a Windows environment
Purpose: To install the Campaign Synchronization Component on a Windows
operating system.
Start of procedure
1. To start the installation process, run the setup.exe file from the Campaign
Synchronization Component installation package.
2. In the Welcome window, click Next.
3. In the Configuration Parameters to the Genesys Configuration Server
window, enter the following:
a. The name of the host on which Configuration Server is running.
b. The communication port that client applications must use to connect to
Configuration Server.
c. The user name used to access Configuration Server.

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Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component


d. The password used to access Configuration Server.

4. Click Next.
5. In the Select Application window, select the Application object you
configured in the previous procedure, Procedure: Campaign
Synchronization Component: Creating the Application object, on
page 108.
6. Click Next.
7. In the Choose Destination Location window, click Next to accept the
default destination folder, or click Browse to select a different destination
Note: If you want to deploy both the Configuration Synchronization

Component and the Campaign Synchronization Component, you

must specify a unique destination folder for each component. This
prevents the installation package of one component from being
overwritten by the installation package of another component.
8. In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
9. In the Setup Complete window, click Finish.
The Campaign Synchronization Component is now installed.
In the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM program folder in the Start menu,
you can see that the installer created a shortcut for the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel part of the Campaign Synchronization Component.

See the section, Configuring Siebel on page 134.

Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in an

UNIX Environment
This section describes how to install the Campaign Synchronization
Component on an UNIX operating system.
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing in an UNIX environment.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component


Campaign Synchronization Component: Installing the
Component in an UNIX environment
Purpose: To install the Campaign Synchronization Component on a UNIX
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing in a UNIX environment.

Start of procedure
1. In the directory where the Component installation package was copied,
locate a shell script named:
2. Run this script from the command prompt by typing sh and the file name:

3. When prompted, specify the host name, port, user name, and password of
the computer on which the Component will be installedfor example:
a. Enter the host name of Configuration Server.
b. Enter the port of Configuration Server.
c. Enter the user name for Configuration Server.
d. Enter the password for the user name.
4. Choose the Configuration Server environment by its corresponding
5. Specify the Application object that you configured in the previous
procedure, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating
the Application object, on page 108.
6. Specify the full path to the destination directory where you want the
Component to be installed.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Note: If you want to deploy both the Configuration Synchronization

Component and the Campaign Synchronization Component, you

must specify a unique destination folder for each component. This
will prevent the installation package of one component from being
overwritten by the installation package of the other component.
The Campaign Synchronization Component is now installed.
In the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM program folder in the Start menu,
you can see that the installer created a shortcut for the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel part of the Campaign Synchronization Component.

See, Configuring Siebel on page 134.

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Complete information about uninstalling the Gplus Adapter and its
components is provided in Chapter 12, Uninstallation Instructions, on
page 577.

Configuring Siebel
This section describes how to configure the Siebel part of the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
Configuring the Siebel section of the Campaign Synchronization Component
consists of the following sub-sections:
Prestart Information, page 134
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools, page 135
Configuring the Siebel Server, page 144
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client, page 147

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process, you must make sure to do
the following:


You must have the Siebel Tools application running.

You should be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

You should have sufficient privileges to check-in and check-out projects

from the Siebel Server repository.

Note: Campaign Synchronization functionality is intended for use with the

Outbound Campaign feature, which requires Siebel Marketing. Siebel

Marketing is required to manage outbound campaign interactions. As a
logical consequence, Campaign Synchronization effectively requires
Siebel Marketing.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools

Use the Siebel Tools to compile an updated version of the Siebel repository file
(SRF or *.srf file) for one, or more, of the Siebel applications that you use on
your Siebel Server, which you will then deploy on the server. For more
information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.
Configuring Siebel using the Siebel Tools consists of the following
Overview of the Siebel Repository File Preparation, page 135
Checking Out an Existing Project from the Siebel Repository for the
Campaign Synchronization Component, page 135
Selecting the Correct Path to the Siebel File System Directory, page 140
Selecting the Maximum Record Size in XML-Messages, page 141
Selecting the Campaign Mapping Mode, page 141
Selecting the Genesys DoNotCall Field, page 142
Compiling the Siebel Repository File, page 143

Overview of the Siebel Repository File Preparation

When compiled, the Siebel repository file integrates information from the
various Campaign Synchronization Component archives files (the *.sif files)
that you import.
For each Campaign Synchronization Component feature that you wish to
implement, you must import a Campaign Synchronization Component *.sif
file and resolve any data conflicts introduced by the imported file.

Checking Out an Existing Project from the Siebel

Repository for the Campaign Synchronization
The Siebel implementation of the Campaign Synchronization Component
makes use of runtime events. To automate the process of creating runtime
events, which are required for the Campaign Synchronization Component, you
must modify the Personalization Action Set business component. To modify

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

this object, you must check-out the corresponding project from the Siebel

Campaign Synchronization Component: Checking Out
Existing Projects from the Siebel Repository for the
Campaign Synchronization Component
Purpose: To check out an existing project from the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check Out...
The Check Out dialog box displays.
2. Select Project category.
3. In the Projects list, select the following projects:
4. Click Check Out.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Import the Campaign.sif archive. See, Procedure: Campaign

Synchronization Component: Importing the Campaign.sif Archive File.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the
Campaign.sif Archive File
Purpose: To import the Campaign.sif archive file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive...
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the Campaign.sif
archive file.
This file was created by the installation program in: <target
directory>/XXX/tools/objects where XXX is the subfolder name (/7.7,
/8.0, or /8.1), depending on the Siebel version you use.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays.
4. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict resolution
section, select Merge the object definition from the archive file with
the definition in the repository.

5. Click Next.
The Import WizardReview Conflicts and Actions window displays.
6. In the Conflicting Objects pane, select the Business Component category.
7. In the Object differences pane, select Campaign if available (there is no
Campaign option in the Object differences pane depending on the Siebel
version you usefor example, 7.7, 7.8, 8.0, and 8.1). If there are any
attributes in the Attribute differences pane, make sure that the
Resolution column for each attribute is set to Repository. To do this:
Right-click on an attribute and select Repository from the drop-down
8. In the Object differences pane, select Campaign List Contact. If there
are any attributes in the Attribute differences pane, make sure that the
Resolution column for each attribute is set to Repository. To do this:
Right-click on an attribute and select Repository from the drop-down
9. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
10. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.
11. Click Finish to complete the import.
Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by

the Siebel environment after importing the archive. This does not
affect the functionality of the Component in any way.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Import the PersonalizationActionSet.sif archive. See, Procedure:

Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the
PersonalizationActionSet.sif Archive File.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the
PersonalizationActionSet.sif Archive File
Purpose: To import the PersonalizationActionSet.sif archive file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive...
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the
PersonalizationActionSet.sif archive file.
This file was created by the installation program in: <target
directory>/seaXXX/tools/objects where XXX is the subfolder name (/7.7,
/8.0, or /8.1), depending on the Siebel version you use.
3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays.
4. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict resolution
section, select Merge the object definition from the archive file with
the definition in the repository.

5. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
6. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.
7. Click Finish to complete the import.
Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by

the Siebel environment after importing the archive. This does not
affect the functionality of the Component in any way.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Importing the
.sif Archive File


Import the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file. See,

Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the
GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file, on page 139.

During this step, you will import objects into the Siebel repository that are part
of the Siebel implementation of the Configuration Synchronization

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Component. The objects are added to the Genesys Campaign Synchronization

project in Siebel Tools.
Notes: If the Genesys Campaign Synchronization project already exists in

your Siebel repository file archive, lock it before importing the

GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file.

If this project does not exist before export, lock it after the export.
Also, the Adapter does not contain limitations for some of the
Adapter's compiled components that work only with the T eScript
Engine (and not the ST eScript Engine). The default value of the
Siebel option should be set to Enable ST Script Engine = true, but
for the Genesys component the value should be set to Enable ST
Script Engine = false.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Importing the
GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file
Purpose: To import the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file for
the Campaign Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive...
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the
GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file.
This file was created by the installation program in:
<TargetDirectory>/XXX/tools/objects where XXX is the subfolder name
(/7.7, /8.0, or /8.1), depending on the Siebel version you use.
3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays.
4. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict resolution
section, select Overwrite the object definition in the repository.
5. Click Next.
The Import WizardReview Conflicts and Actions window displays.
6. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
7. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

8. Click Finish to complete the import.

Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt files to be generated by

the Siebel environment after importing the archive. This does not
affect the functionality of the component in any way.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Setting up the correct path to the Siebel File System directory. See,
Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component: Selecting the correct
path to the Siebel File System directory.

Selecting the Correct Path to the Siebel File System

The proper path to your Siebel File System directory in the FileSystem user
property of the Genesys Campaign Synchronization Business Service must be
provided. This directory is used by the Campaign Synchronization Component
to store temporary files (these files contain xml-based requests for
For more information about the Siebel File System directory, see the Siebel
System Administration Guide.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Selecting the
correct path to the Siebel File System directory
Purpose: To provide the proper path to your Siebel File System directory in
the user property named FileSystem of the Genesys Campaign Synchronization
Business Service.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select
Genesys Campaign Synchronization.

2. Select the Business Service folder.

The Business Services window displays.
3. Select the Genesys Campaign Synchronization Business Service.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

4. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Business Service
User Prop folder under the Business Service folder.
The Business Service User Props window displays.
5. Select the FileSystem Business Service User Property.
6. In the Value column, enter the correct path to the Siebel File System
directory as it is defined in your Siebel environmentfor example:
For Unix: /siebel/filesystem/
For Windows: C:\sea\filesystem\

If no value is defined, the siebsrvr\bin directory is used for temporary

End of procedure
Next Steps

Select the maximum record size in XML-messages. See the section,

Selecting the Maximum Record Size in XML-Messages.

Selecting the Maximum Record Size in XML-Messages

The user property, Max Records in Message, allows for the customization of
the XML-message size for large campaign lists. The Adapter splits the
Campaign List records into fixed-sized chunks depending on the default value
set for XML-messages that are greater or equal then (<=) the value set for the
Max Records in Message user property. The default value is 100 records. You
must also update the Siebel Server parameter MaxPageSize >= Max Records in
Message, when changing this user property for a larger value.
Note: When changing the Max Records in Message user property to a larger

value, keep in mind that the HTTPSleepTime Siebel parameter for the
Genesys HTTP connection, with a default value of 120000
milliseconds (ms), should be enough for processing any requests on
the Genesys side. Practically speaking, if a message contains more
then 500 records, it could take a longer time for processing, and in this
scenario, the HTTPSleepTime parameter size should be increased as

Selecting the Campaign Mapping Mode

The Campaign Synchronization Component can be configured to support
either the Regular or Compatibility Campaign Mapping mode. For more
information about the Campaign Mapping modes, see the Gplus Adapter 8.0
for Siebel CRM Users Guide.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Campaign Synchronization Component: Selecting the
Campaign Mapping mode
Purpose: To select one of two supported Campaign Mapping modes.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select
Genesys Campaign Synchronization.

2. In the Object Explorer, select the Business Service folder.

The Business Services window displays.
3. Select the Genesys Campaign Synchronization Business Service.
4. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Business Service
User Prop folder under the Business Service folder.
The Business Service User Props window displays.
5. Select Mapping Mode Business Service User Property.
6. In the Value column, enter Regular for the Regular mode or Compatibility
for the Compatibility mode.
The mapping mode has been selected.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Select the Genesys DoNotCall field. See, Procedure: Campaign

Synchronization Component: Selecting the Genesys DoNotCall Field.

Selecting the Genesys DoNotCall Field

The Campaign Synchronization Component can be configured to update the
Genesys Do Not Call list with either IDs or phone numbers of Siebel Contacts
or Prospects marked as Do Not Call.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Selecting the
Genesys DoNotCall Field
Purpose: To configure whether IDs or phone numbers are used to update the
Do Not Call list in the Genesys environment.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select
Genesys Campaign Synchronization.

2. Select the Business Service folder.

3. The Business Services window displays.
4. Select the Genesys Campaign Synchronization Business Service.
5. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Business Service
User Prop folder under the Business Service folder.
The Business Service User Props window displays.
6. Select Genesys DNC Field Business Service User Property.
7. In the Value column, enter Customer Id to use IDs or Phone to use phone
The Genesys Do Not Call field has been selected.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Compile the Siebel repository file. See, Procedure: Campaign

Synchronization Component: Compiling the Siebel Repository File.

Compiling the Siebel Repository File

Importing a Campaign Synchronization Component archive file (*.sif)
effectively modifies the Siebel Communications Toolbar, so that it provides the
standard toolbar buttons for the Campaign Synchronization Component feature
associated with that *.sif file. The Siebel Communications Toolbar, including
these modifications and any customizations, is not created until the Siebel
repository file is compiled.
Note: Each Communications Toolbar item has its own position specified by

an appropriate field. You must ensure that after importing any new
toolbar items there are no conflicts for the position field that appears.
Siebel does not check this and conflicts may cause issues with the
appearance of the Communications Toolbar.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Compiling the
Siebel Repository File
Purpose: To compile the Siebel repository file.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects...
2. Select Locked projects.
3. In the Siebel Repository File edit box, enter the name of the repository
4. Click Compile.
The status bar at the bottom of the Object Compiler window indicates
when the compilation is finished.
5. When the compilation is finished, close Siebel Tools.
Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by

the Siebel environment after compiling the Siebel repository file.

This does not affect the functionality of the Component in any
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel Server. See the section, Configuring the Siebel

Configuring the Siebel Server

Complete the following procedure, described in this section, to configure the
Campaign Synchronization Component to work with the Siebel Server.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Configuring
the Siebel Server
Purpose: To configure the Siebel Server to work with the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
Updating the

1. To update the eai.cfg file in the Siebel Server installation, open it and add
the following line to the [HTTP Services] section:
GplusCampSynch = GplusCampSynchDispatch

The Configuration Synchronization Component uses the Siebel Inbound

HTTP Transport. For instructions about how to configure the Siebel
Inbound HTTP Transport, refer to the Siebel documentation.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Deploying the new

Genesys Projects

2. Deploy the new Genesys projects to the Siebel Server repository by

checking in the following projects:
a. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check In...
The Check In dialog box displays.
b. In the Projects list, select the following projects:
Genesys Campaign Synchronization
c. Click Check In.

Creating Genesys
Project Table on
the Siebel Server

3. Create the Genesys project tables on the Siebel Server Database by

completing the following steps:
Note: The Genesys project requires its own tables, which do not exist in

the original Siebel database.

a. In Siebel Tools, in the Table field of the Object Explorer, make a query
to select the following two new Genesys tables: CX_GEN_QUEUE_ITM and
You can use the first six characters common to both of the table names
(CX_GEN*) to select both.
b. Click Apply.
A pop-up warning appears.
c. Click OK to accept the warning.
d. In the new Apply Schema window, from the Tables drop-down list,
select Current Query.
e. Enter correct values for the Database user, Database user password and
ODBC data source.
Refer to Figure 15, Applying New Tables in a Siebel Database, on
page 146. For more information about creating custom tables, see the
Siebel documentation.
f. Click Apply to start the creation process.
The Changes successfully applied message appears, indicating that
tables were created.
g. Click Activate to activate these tables.
Note: Siebel Tools must be connected to the Siebel Server database,

instead of the local database. Perform this procedure after

deploying the Genesys project to the Siebel Server.

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Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Deploying the
Repository File

Configuring Siebel

4. Deploy the compiled Siebel repository file on your Siebel Server.

Note: Also, you might have to generate and deploy browser scripts for

the new repository file (see Scripts on page 645).

For further information about how to deploy an updated repository file to
the Siebel Server, see the Siebel documentation.

Figure 15: Applying New Tables in a Siebel Database

End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Configure Siebel using the Siebel Web Client. See the section,
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client on page 147.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client

You must connect to your Siebel Server using the Siebel Web Client.
Note: You must be logged in as a Siebel Administrator.

This part of the configuration process includes the following steps:

Checking the Status of the EAI Server Component Group, page 147
Creating a Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem, page 148
Creating Runtime Events, page 151

Checking the Status of the EAI Server Component

You must check the status of the EAI (Enterprise Application Integration)
Server Component Group on your Siebel Server. There are slight variations in
the navigation required by this process, depending on the version of Siebel
with which you are working.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Checking the
EAI Server Component Group Status
Purpose: To check the status of the EAI (Enterprise Application Integration)
Server Component Group on the Siebel Server.
There are slight variations in the navigation required by this process,
depending on the version of Siebel with which you are working.
Start of procedure
1. Navigate through the Site Map to get to the desired applet.
2. Select Site Map > Administration - Server Configuration > Component

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

3. Select the Siebel Server you are working on. For the selected server, locate
the Enterprise Application Integration Component Group in the Server
Component Groups applet. The group Enable State attribute should have
the value Enabled.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a Siebel Enterprise Server named subsystem. See, Procedure:

Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating a connection subsystem.

Creating a Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem

You must configure one connection subsystem that is used by the Campaign
Synchronization Component. There are slight variations in the navigation that
is required by this process, depending on the version of Siebel with which you
are working.

Campaign Synchronization Component: Navigating to
the Siebel Server configuration
Purpose: To navigate through the site map to get to your Siebel Server
Start of procedure
1. Navigate through the site map to get to your Siebel Server configuration:
In Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1 environments, select Site Map >
Administration - Server Configuration.
2. Select Profile Configuration applet within the view.
3. Complete the process by completing the procedures that follow.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Create a connection subsystem. See, Procedure: Campaign

Synchronization Component: Creating a connection subsystem, on
page 149.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating
a connection subsystem
Purpose: To create and configure one connection subsystem that is used by the
Campaign Synchronization Component.
Creating a

1. In the Profile Configuration applet, create a new record.

2. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
In the Alias field, enter GplusCampSyncConnectionPrimary.
In the Description field, enter Gplus Campaign Synchronization HTTP

In the Profile field, enter Gplus Campaign Synchronization HTTP

Connection Parameters.

In the Subsystem Type field, enter HTTPSubSys.

3. Save the new record.

4. For the Named Subsystem record you just created, enter the following
parameters in the Profile Parameters applet:
HTTPRequestMethod = POST
HTTPRequestURLTemplate = http://<host>:<port>
<host> is the host where you installed the Campaign Synchronization

<port> is the port you specified in the Communication Port field in the
Configuration Manager Server Info Tab of the Campaign Synchronization
Component Application object.
Creating a Backup

5. In the Profile Configuration applet, create a new record.

6. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
In the Alias field, enter GplusCampSyncConnectionBackup.
In the Description field, enter Backup Gplus Campaign
Synchronization HTTP Connection.

In the Profile field, enter Backup Gplus Campaign Synchronization

HTTP Connection Parameters

In the Subsystem Type field, enter HTTPSubSys.

7. Save the new record.

8. For the Named Subsystem record you just created, enter the following
parameters in the Enterprise Profile Configuration (Profile Parameters
applet in Siebel 7.7, 7.8, 8.0, or 8.1) applet:
HTTPRequestMethod: POST

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

HTTPRequestURLTemplate: http://<host>:<port>

<host> is the host where you installed the Campaign Synchronization

<port> is the port you specified in the Communication Port field in the
Configuration Manager Server Info Tab of the Campaign Synchronization
Component Application object.
Creating a

9. In the Profile Configuration in applet, create a new record.

10. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
In the Named Subsystem Alias applet, enter GplusCampSynchDispatch.
In the Description field, enter Gplus Campaign Synchronization

In the Profile field, enter Gplus Campaign Synchronization Dispatch


In the Subsystem Type field, enter EAITransportDataHandlingSubsys.

11. Save the new record.

12. For the Named Subsystem record you just created, enter the following
parameters in the Profile Parameters applet:
In the CharSetConversion field, enter UTF-8.
In the Service to Execute field, enter Genesys Campaign
In the Service Method to Execute field, enter GetGenesysMessage.
Notes: In Siebel 7.8 and higher, the CharSetConversion parameter is not

available from the applets (GUI). In this case, you have to set it
through the Siebel Server Manager (srvrmgr) using the following
change parameter CharSetConversion = UTF-8 for named
subsystem GplusCampSynchDispatch

For more information about Siebel Server Manager, see the

Siebel documentation.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Create the Genesys Campaign Export Position record. See, Procedure:

Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the Genesys Campaign
Export Position record.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the
Genesys Campaign Export Position record
Purpose: To perform the campaign export function to create a special position
record within the Siebel division.
Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Group Administration > Positions.
2. Click New on the Positions applet to create a new record.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Division: Select the division to which this position belongs
Position: Genesys Campaign Export
4. Save the new record.
To assign one or more employees to the position record that you just
created, use the Last Name field of the position. For further information
about how to add positions and assign employees to positions, see the
Siebel documentation.
You have completed the configuration and installation of the Gplus
Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Campaign Synchronization Component.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the runtime events that are required by the Campaign

Synchronization Component. See the section, Creating Runtime Events.

Creating Runtime Events

To create the runtime events required by the Campaign Synchronization
Component, you have to run the InstallRunTimeEvents method of the Genesys
Campaign Synchronization Siebel Business Service once using the Siebel
Business Service Simulator applet.
Note: The runtime events used by the Campaign Synchronization

Component replace functions that are performed by scripts in the

older versions of the component. Make sure that the runtime events
from the previous version of the Campaign Synchronization
Component are deleted.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 4: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component

Configuring Siebel

Campaign Synchronization Component: Creating the
runtime events
Purpose: To create the runtime events that are required by the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
1. Navigate through the Site Map to Business Service Administration >
Business Service Simulator.
2. In the Service Methods applet, create a new record.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Service Name: Genesys Campaign Synchronization
Method Name: InstallRunTimeEvents
4. Click the Run button.
5. After running the method, in the Siebel client, navigate to Administration
> Runtime Events >Events.
6. Select Reload Runtime Events system menu item.
End of procedure
Next Steps


You have completed the configuration and installation of the Campaign

Synchronization Component.

Gplus Adapter 8.0


Deploying the Campaign

Component 8.0.1
This chapter describes how to configure and install the 8.0.1 version of the
Siebel CRM Campaign Synchronization Component of the Gplus Adapter.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Overview, page 153
New in This Release, page 154
Configuring Genesys, page 154
Synchronizing the Time Zones, page 172
Installation, page 174
Configuring Siebel, page 177

The 8.0.1 version of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Campaign
Synchronization Component is a new product in comparison to the earlier
versions (7.5 and 8.0) of the Campaign Synchronization Component.
The major new features and enhancements are:

Support for the Siebel waves campaign management feature, which means
that instead of mapping (synchronizing) the Siebel calling lists to the
Genesys calling lists, the Siebel campaign waves are now mapped to the
Genesys calling lists.

Support for the synchronization of multiple parallel campaigns, including

single or multiple-tenants.

Improved synchronization algorithms to achieve better performance.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

New in This Release

The communication between Siebel and the Gplus Adapter Campaign

Synchronization Server is now unidirectional.

The implementation of a Siebel GUI to simplify the configuration and

synchronization procedures.

Each of these procedures is explained in detail under a separate heading as

Configuring Genesys, page 154
Configuring Siebel, page 177

See the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Users Guide for further details about
how to directly manage the campaign synchronization. Also, refer to the Gplus
Adapter for Siebel CRM Developers Guide for details on customizable

New in This Release

This section provides information about new features or functionality in the
8.0.1 version of the Campaign Synchronization Component:
Release 8.0.1

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

The 8.0.1 version of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Campaign
Synchronization Component is a new product in comparison to the earlier
versions (7.5 and 8.0) of the Campaign Synchronization Component.
The major new features and enhancements are:
Support for the Siebel waves campaign management feature.
Support for the synchronization of multiple parallel campaigns,
including single or multiple-tenants.
Improved synchronization algorithms to achieve better performance.
The communication between Siebel and the Gplus Adapter Campaign
Synchronization Server is now unidirectional.
The implementation of a Siebel GUI to simplify the configuration and
synchronization procedures.

See the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Users Guide for further details about
how to manage campaign synchronization with the new approach. Also, refer
to the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Developers Guide for details on
customizable solutions.

Configuring Genesys
This chapter describes how to configure and install the 8.0.1 version of the
Genesys part of the Campaign Synchronization Component.
Configuring the 8.0.1 version of the Genesys side of the Campaign
Synchronization Component consists of the following sections:


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Prestart Information, page 155

Importing the Campaign Synchronization Server Application Template,
page 155
Creating the Campaign Synchronization Server Application Object,
page 157
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box, page 157
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Campaign
Synchronization Server, page 161
Configuring the Security Settings, page 162
Creating the List Import Format Object, page 165

Prestart Information
Before starting the configuration process you should have the following
Genesys Framework applications running:

Configuration Database

Configuration Server

Configuration Manager

As a Configuration Manager user, you should have sufficient privileges to

make changes to Configuration Layer objects.

Importing the Campaign Synchronization Server Application

This section describes how to import the Campaign Synchronization Server
Application Template.

Genesys recommends using an Application Template when you are
configuring your Adapter. The Application Template for your Adapter contains
the most important configuration options set to the values recommended for
the majority of environments. When modifying configuration options for your
Adapter later in the process, you can change the values inherited from the
template rather than create all the options by yourself.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Importing the Campaign Synchronization Server
Application Template
Purpose: To import the Campaign Synchronization Server Application
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Application
Templates folder.
2. Select Import Application Template.
3. Browse to select the Application Template for the Campaign
Synchronization Server.
4. Select the proper template based on the version of Configuration Server
used in your environment. Depending on the version of Configuration
Manager that you use, this name varies slightly, as follows:
For versions 7.0 and earlier, use the following:

For versions 7.1 and later, use the following:


5. Click Open.
The Properties dialog box for the Application Template object displays.
6. Optional: Edit the Application Template name.
7. Click OK to accept the default values.
The Application Template object has been imported to Genesys
Configuration Layer.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Create the Configuration Layer Application object for the Campaign

Synchronization Server. See Procedure: Campaign Synchronization
Component 8.0.1: Creating the Application object.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Creating the Campaign Synchronization Server Application

This section describes how to create the Campaign Synchronization Server
Application object.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating
the Application object
Purpose: To create the Application object for the Campaign Synchronization
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the
Applications folder.
2. Select New > Application.
3. Select the Application template that you just created.
4. Click OK.
The Properties dialog box for the Application displays.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the Campaign
Synchronization Server. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization
Component 8.0.1: Configuring the tabs in the Properties dialog box, on
page 157.

Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box

This section describes how to configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box,
arranged in the order in which they display.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Configuring the tabs in the Properties dialog box
Purpose: To configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the Campaign
Synchronization Server.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Start of procedure
General Tab

1. Click the General tab in the Properties dialog box (see Figure 16).

Figure 16: View of General Tab in a Multi-Tenant Environment

2. In the Name field, enter the name of the Application object you are
3. In the Template field, enter the name of the template that you are
configuring or use the Browse button to select the template that you are
4. Click Apply.
5. Next, if you are working in a multi-tenant environment, go to the Tenants
Tab; otherwise, go to the Server Info Tab.
Note: The Tenants tab only displays if you are working in a multi-tenant

Tenants Tab

6. Select the Tenants tab.

7. Select the Genesys Tenants under which the objects that are exported from
Siebel are created.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

8. Click Add.
Server Info Tab

9. Select the Server Info tab.

10. In the Host field, use the Browse button to select the host where you are
installing the Campaign Synchronization Component and click OK.
11. In the Ports list, add a port with any valid port number.
Note: This option determines the HTTP port number used by the

Campaign Synchronization Server to receive HTTP packets from

Siebel. You will use the value that you enter for this option when
you configure the Siebel part of the Campaign Synchronization
Start Info Tab

12. Select the Start Info tab.

13. In the Working Directory field, enter the full name of the Server
installation directory on the host you specified on the Server Info tab. The
value you enter in this field is used as the default destination folder during
14. Enter any valid value into each of the following fields:
Command Line
Command Line Arguments
The values you enter in these fields are overwritten during installation;
however, the data must be present in these fields during the configuration
15. Leave the default values for the remaining fields.

Connections Tab

16. Select the Connections tab.

17. On the Connections tab, add the Applications from the following list to
which this Application connects:
Database Access Pointused to provide access to the Outbound
Contact database for storing Calling List tables (mandatory).
Outbound Contact Serverrequired for Do Not Call notifications and
call results synchronization in real-time mode.
T-Serverused by the Outbound Contact Server to communicate
through a communication DN.
Message Serverrequired, if you plan to use the Management Layer
for alarm-signaling and centralized-logging capabilities.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Options Tab

Configuring Genesys

18. Select the Options tab (see Figure 17 on page 160).

In the Sections pane, the following sections are listed:

Figure 17: View of Options Tab in a Multi-Tenant Environment

19. Double-click a section to access its options.

20. Configure the configuration options that are described in the following
section, Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Campaign
Synchronization Server on page 161.
End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Next Steps

Set the configuration options for the Campaign Synchronization Server.

See the section, Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the
Campaign Synchronization Server.

Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Campaign

Synchronization Server
Unless specified otherwise, set the Campaign Synchronization Server
configuration options in the Options tab of the Application object using the
following navigation path:
In Genesys AdminstratorApplication object > Options tab > Advanced View

In Configuration ManagerApplication object > Properties dialog box >

Options tab.
For ease of reference, the options have been arranged in alphabetical order
within their corresponding sections:
do-not-call Section, page 161
log Section, page 161
outbound Section, page 162
xml Section, page 162

do-not-call Section
The do-not-call section has the following option that can be configured:

Default Value: <optional>
Valid Value: Any string value containing the correct Communication DN
Determines the name of the Communication DN that is used for interactions
with the Outbound Contact Server, and specifically for the Do Not Call option.

log Section
The Campaign Synchronization Server supports a common set of Log options
to allow the precise configuration of the log file output. For a complete list of
Common Log options and their descriptions, see the Common Log Options
chapter of the Framework 8.0 Configuration Options Reference Manual.
Note: If you do not specify any log options, the default values apply.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

outbound Section
The outbound section has various options that can be configured. The
following section describes the possible options:

Default Value: GplusCampSynch
Valid Value: Any string value containing a Format object name
Specifies the name of a list import Format object in the Genesys Configuration
Layer that is used by the Campaign Synchronization Server to create Genesys
Calling List tables. The default value for this option is GplusCampSynch.
Default Value: 10
Valid Value: Any positive numeric value
Specifies the time interval (in seconds) that the Adapter waits for a reply from
Outbound Contact Server for a Do Not Call request.

xml Section
The xml section has the following option that can be configured:

xslTransformer (Optional)
Default Value: <optional>
Valid Value: A string value containing the *.xsl file name
This configuration option is optional. Transforms the values of various
synchronized data (for examplephone number) using your own customized
rules. The Adapter provides a mechanism to customize the transformation
rules through an *.xsl file. The value of this option should be equal to the
name of the *.xsl file.

Configuring the Security Settings

This section describes how to configure the security settings for the Campaign
Synchronization Server. The security settings must be configured for the
Campaign Synchronization Server, so that the Server can make changes to the
Genesys Configuration Layer objects.
Follow the procedures outlined in the following sections to configure the
security settings for the Application object that you created in the section,
Creating the Campaign Synchronization Server Application Object on
page 157.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating
a new Person object
Purpose: To add a new Person object to the environment.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager:
Right-click the Persons folder under Environment, if you are working in
a multi-tenant environment.
Right-click the Persons folder under Resources, if you are working in a
single-tenant environment.
2. Select New > Person.
The new Person window displays.
3. Select the General tab and enter the following parameters:
Employee ID = siebel7gplus
User Name = siebel7gplus
Is Agent = Clear
4. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Add a Person object to the Super Administrators Access Group. See,

Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Adding a Person
object to the Super Administrators Access Group.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Adding
a Person object to the Super Administrators Access
Purpose: To add a Person object to the Super Administrators Access Group.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, to display the existing Access Groups:
Right-click the Access Groups folder under Environment, if you are
working in a multi-tenant environment.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Right-click the Access Groups folder under Resources, if you are

working in a single-tenant environment.

2. Double-click the Super Administrators Access Group to display its

3. Click the Add button to add the Person object that you just created to the
Users list.
4. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Associate the newly created Person object account with the Application
object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Associating a Person object account with the Application object.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Associating a Person object account with the
Application object
Purpose: To associate a Person object account with the Application object.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, click the Applications
folder to display existing applications.
2. Double-click the Application object you just created to display its
3. Select the Security tab, in the Log On As section, and select This Account.
The Add User window displays.
4. Select the Person account you just created and click Add.
5. Click OK to close the Add User window.
6. Click OK to save the Application object.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Create the list import Format object by following the procedures in the
section, Creating the List Import Format Object on page 165.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Creating the List Import Format Object

This section describes how to create a List Import Format object. The List
Import Format object determines the structure of the calling list tables that the
Campaign Synchronization Component creates when importing Siebel
campaigns. Creating the List Import Format object involves the following

Creating a Field object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component 8.0.1: Creating Field objects, on page 166.

Updating the Field object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component 8.0.1: Updating the Field object, on page 169.

Creating a Format object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component 8.0.1: Creating the Format object, on page 170.

Copying the Format object. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component 8.0.1: Copying the Format object to a Tenant, on page 172.

The first step of the process is to create several Field objects (which are
mandatory) for each List Import Format object.
Displaying the
Annex Tab

However, before you create the Field objects, ensure that the Annex tab is
displayed in the Configuration Object properties window: See, Procedure:
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Configuring the Annex Tab to
Display in Object Properties.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Configuring the Annex Tab to Display in Object
Purpose: To ensure the Annex tab is displayed in the object properties.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, from the View menu, select Options.
2. In the Object Properties dialog box, select the Show Annex tab.
3. To close the window, click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the Field objects. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component 8.0.1: Creating Field objects, on page 166.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating
Field objects
Purpose: To create a new Field object in Configuration Manager.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager:
Right-click the Fields folder under Environment, if you are working in
a multi-tenant environment.
Right-click the Fields folder under Resources, if you are working in a
single-tenant environment.
The new Field Properties window appears.
2. Select New > Field.
The new Field window appears.
3. On the General tab for the Field you are creating, enter the Name field
value from Table 9, Field Object Properties, on page 168. For example,
to complete the first instance, enter crm_campaign_id (see Figure 18).

Figure 18: Creating a New Field Object


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

4. On the Annex tab, create a new section called default (see Figure 19).

Figure 19: Creating the send_attribute Option

5. In the default section, create an option with the option name,

send_attribute, and the option value from Table 10 on page 168, which
corresponds to the Field object you are creating.
6. Click OK.
7. Repeat steps 16 for each Field shown in Table 9 on page 168.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Table 9 contains properties you need to enter on the General tab for each Field
Table 9: Field Object Properties
Field Name




Field Type





Campaign ID







Campaign List
Contact ID







Contact ID





Table 10 shows the values for the send_attribute option, which you use when
creating Field objects.
Table 10: Values for the send_attribute Option
Field Name

send_attribute Option Value







End of procedure
Next Steps


Update the Field objects. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component 8.0.1: Updating the Field object.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Updating the Field object
Purpose: To update the Field object.
Start of procedure
1. If you need to synchronize the call results from Genesys to Siebel in
real-time mode, update the following Field objects:
Add the new option, icon_attribute to the default section of all of the
Fields, and set the value of the option to 1 (see Figure 20).

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Figure 20: Adding the icon_attribute Option

End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the Format object. See Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component 8.0.1: Creating the Format object.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating
the Format object
Purpose: To create the Format object.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager:
Right-click the Format folder under Environment, if you are working in
a multi-tenant environment.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Genesys

Right-click the Format folder under Resources, if you are working in a

single-tenant environment.

The new Format Properties window appears.

2. Select New > Copy of existing Format.
3. In the Browse window, select the default format for Outbound Contact,
which is Default_Outbound_70.
4. Click OK.
The Properties dialog box for the copy of the existing format that you are
about to create displays.
5. Enter the following values on the General tab:
In the Name field, enter GplusCampSynch
In the Description field, enter the default List Import Format object
for the Gplus Adapter 8.1 for Siebel CRM Campaign Synchronization
6. Click OK.
7. In Configuration Manager, in the object tree view, right-click the Format
object you just created.
8. Select New > Shortcut to Field.
The Browse window displays.
9. Select the Field objects you just created.
10. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

If you work in a multi-tenant environment, copy the Format object to a

Tenant. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Copying the Format object to a Tenant.

If you work in a single-tenant environment, synchronize the time zones.

See the section, Synchronizing the Time Zones on page 172.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Synchronizing the Time Zones

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Copying
the Format object to a Tenant
Purpose: To create a copy of the List Import Format object under each Tenant
that is mapped to a Siebel Organization or Division.
Note: Complete this procedure only if you work in a multi-tenant

Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under a Tenant that is mapped to a Siebel
Organization or Division, right-click the Formats folder.
2. Select New > Copy of existing Format.
The Browse window displays.
3. Select the Format object you just created.
4. Click OK.
The Properties dialog box appears for the Format copy that you are about
to create.
5. Click OK to copy the Format.
End of procedure
Next Steps

No further steps are required.

Synchronizing the Time Zones

This section describes how to synchronize the names of the time zones in the
Genesys and Siebel environments. This means that you must make all of the
Time Zone names used in your Genesys environment match those used in your
Siebel environment. When you are finished, all of the time zones that are used
in reference to the contacts or prospects in your Siebel environment must be
present in the Genesys environment.
The procedure below explains how to copy the time zone names from the
Siebel environment to Genesys Configuration Manager, and specifically to an
individual Tenant that is mapped to a Siebel Organization or Division. For
additional information about setting and using the time zone definitions in
Configuration Manager, refer to the Framework 8.1 Deployment Guide.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Synchronizing the Time Zones

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Defining
the time zones for a Tenant
Purpose: To define the time zones for a Tenant.
Note: It is also possible to modify the names of the time zones in the Siebel

environment, so that they match the time zone names in the Genesys
environment. The instructions above assume that the Siebel time
zones have been defined first.
If the time zones have been imported into the Genesys environment
while the Genesys Adapter is running (that is, after the deployment of
this Adapter), then you must restart the Genesys Adapter to accept
these changes.
For more information about Time Zone Administration in Siebel, see
your Siebel documentation.
Start of procedure
1. Open both the Siebel and Configuration Manager applications.
2. In Configuration Manager, under a Tenant that is mapped to a Siebel
Organization or Division, right-click the Time Zones folder.
3. Select New > Time Zone.
The new Time Zone window displays.
4. In Siebel, navigate through the Site Map to get to Time Zone
administration, as follows:
Administration - Data > Time Zone Administration
5. In Configuration Manager, select the General tab and enter the values for
the parameters listed below: (To minimize errors, use a cut-and-paste
a. In the Name field, enter the exact name of the time zone from the Siebel
b. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the time zone.
c. In the Offset field, enter the time difference between the local time
and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
d. In the Specific Zone Name in Netscape field, enter the time zone name
used by the Netscape Navigator browser.
e. In the Specific Zone Name in Microsoft Explorer field, enter the time
zone name used by Microsoft Explorer.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1


6. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

No further steps are required.

This section describes the installation process for the Gplus Adapter 8.0.1 for
the Siebel CRM Campaign Synchronization Component. Select one of the
following sections, depending on your environment:
Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in a Windows
Environment, page 174
Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in an UNIX
Environment, page 175

Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in a

Windows Environment
This section describes how to install the Campaign Synchronization
Component on a Windows system.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Installing the Component in a Windows environment
Purpose: To install the Campaign Synchronization Component on a Windows
operating system.
Start of procedure
1. To start the installation process, run the setup.exe file from the Campaign
Synchronization Component installation package.
2. In the Welcome window, click Next.
3. In the Configuration Parameters to the Genesys Configuration Server
window, enter the following:
a. The name of the host on which Configuration Server is running.
b. The communication port that client applications must use to connect to
Configuration Server.
c. The user name used to access Configuration Server.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1


d. The password used to access Configuration Server.

4. Click Next.
5. In the Select Application window, select the Application object you
configured in the previous procedure, Procedure: Campaign
Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating the Application object, on
page 157.
6. Click Next.
7. In the Choose Destination Location window, click Next to accept the
default destination folder, or click Browse to select a different destination
8. In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
9. In the Setup Complete window, click Finish.
The Campaign Synchronization Component is now installed.
In the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM program folder in the Start menu,
you can see that the installer created a shortcut for the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel part of the Campaign Synchronization Component.

See, Configuring Siebel on page 177.

Installing the Campaign Synchronization Component in an

UNIX Environment
This section describes how to install the Campaign Synchronization
Component on an UNIX operating system.
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing in an UNIX environment.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1


Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Installing the Component in an UNIX environment
Purpose: To install the Campaign Synchronization Component on a UNIX
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing in a UNIX environment.

Start of procedure
1. In the directory where the Component installation package was copied,
locate a shell script named:
2. Run this script from the command prompt by typing sh and the file name:

3. When prompted, specify the host name, port, user name, and password of
the computer on which the Component will be installedfor example:
a. Enter the host name of Configuration Server.
b. Enter the port of Configuration Server.
c. Enter the user name for Configuration Server.
d. Enter the password for the user name.
4. Choose the Configuration Server environment by its corresponding
5. Specify the Application object that you configured in the previous
procedure, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Creating the Application object, on page 157.
6. Specify the full path to the destination directory where you want the
Component to be installed.
The Campaign Synchronization Component is now installed.
In the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM program folder in the Start menu,
you can see that the installer created a shortcut for the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Configure the Siebel part of the Campaign Synchronization Component.

See, Configuring Siebel on page 177.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Complete information about uninstalling the Gplus Adapter and its
components is provided in Chapter 12, Uninstallation Instructions, on
page 577.

Configuring Siebel
This section describes how to configure the Siebel part of the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
Configuring the Siebel section of the Campaign Synchronization Component
consists of the following sub-sections:
Prestart Information, page 177
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools, page 177
Configuring the Siebel Server, page 200
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client, page 203

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process, you must make sure to do
the following:

You must have the Siebel Tools application running.

You should be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database.

You should have sufficient privileges to check-in and check-out projects

from the Siebel Server repository.

Note: Campaign Synchronization functionality is intended for use with the

Outbound Campaign feature, which requires Siebel Marketing. Siebel

Marketing is required to manage outbound campaign interactions. As a
logical consequence, Campaign Synchronization effectively requires
Siebel Marketing.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools

Use the Siebel Tools to compile an updated version of the Siebel repository file
(SRF or *.srf file) for one, or more, of the Siebel applications that you use on
your Siebel Server, which you will then deploy on the server. For more
information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.
Configuring Siebel using the Siebel Tools consists of the following
Overview of the Siebel Repository File Preparation, page 178

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Checking Out Existing Projects from the Siebel Repository for the
Campaign Synchronization Component, page 178
Importing the GenSymbolicStrings.sif Archive File, page 179
Importing the Campaign.sif Archive File, page 181
Importing the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif Archive File,
page 182
Selecting the Correct Path to the Siebel File System Directory, page 183
Selecting the Page Size in XML-Messages, page 184
Selecting the Phones and Their Types to Export During the Wave
Synchronization, page 186
Selecting the Custom Fields to Export During the Wave Synchronization,
page 187
Customizing the Runtime Events, page 188
Configuring the Site Map of the Application Object, page 196
Configuring the Page Tab of the Application Object, page 197
Compiling the Siebel Repository File, page 199

Overview of the Siebel Repository File Preparation

When compiled, the Siebel repository file integrates information from the
various Campaign Synchronization Component archives files (the *.sif files)
that you import.
For the Campaign Synchronization Component, you must import all of the
Campaign Synchronization Component *.sif files and resolve any data
conflicts introduced by the imported file.

Checking Out Existing Projects from the Siebel

Repository for the Campaign Synchronization
The Siebel implementation of the Campaign Synchronization Component
makes use of a number of objects provided by Siebel. Use the procedure to
enable the modifications of these objects. To do so, you will need to check-out
the corresponding projects from the Siebel repository.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Checking out existing projects
Purpose: To check-out existing projects from the Siebel repository.


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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. In Object Explorer, start Siebel Tools against the local database.
2. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check Out...
The Check Out dialog box displays.
3. In the Projects list, select the Campaign project to be checked-out.

Note: When you first open the Projects list, the Genesys Symbolic Strings

and Genesys Campaign Synchronization2.sif projects may not yet

exist, so they may not be available to be checked-out and locked.
The project named Genesys Symbolic Strings is created when you
import the GenSymbolicStrings.sif file, as explained in Procedure:
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Importing the
GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive file, on page 180. Lock the project
after importing the GenSymbolicStrings.sif file.
The project named Campaign is modified when you import the
Campaign.sif file, as explained in Procedure: Campaign
Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Importing the Campaign.sif
Archive File, on page 181 below. Check-out and lock the project
before importing the Campaign.sif file.
The project named Genesys Campaign Synchronization2 is created
when you import the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif file, as
explained in Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component
8.0.1: Importing the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive
file, on page 182. Lock the project after importing the
GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif file.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Import the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive files. See the

section, Importing the GenSymbolicStrings.sif Archive File on
page 179.

Importing the GenSymbolicStrings.sif Archive File

The GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive contains the localized symbolic strings
definition used for all of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Components. The
objects are added to the Genesys Symbolic Strings project.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Importing the GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive file
Purpose: To import the mandatory archive file with symbolic strings,
GenSymbolicStrings.sif,that is used across the Siebel archive files provider
within the Adapter.
Notes: The GenSymbolicStrings.sif file must be imported first.

If the Genesys Symbolic Strings project already exists in your

Siebel repository file, lock it or check it out before importing the
GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive. Otherwise, lock the project after
the import.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive...
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the
GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive file.
The Campaign Synchronization Component installation program created
this file in the following directory: <target directory>/ objects/<LANG>
where <LANG> is the subfolder name (ENU (English) by default) depending
on the Siebel locale you use.
3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays.
4. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict resolution
section, select Merge the object definition from the archive file with
the definition in the repository.

5. Click Next.
The Import WizardReview Conflicts and Actions window displays.
6. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
7. Merge any conflicts, if they correspond to your needs.
8. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.
9. Click Finish to complete the import.
End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Import the Campaign.sif archive. See, Procedure: Campaign

Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Importing the Campaign.sif Archive

Importing the Campaign.sif Archive File

The Campaign.sif archive file contains the modifications for the Siebel
Campaign List Contact business component.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Importing the Campaign.sif Archive File
Purpose: To import the Campaign.sif archive file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive...
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the Campaign.sif
archive file.
This file was created by the installation program in: <target directory>/
objects/<Siebel version> where <Siebel version> is the subfolder name
(/7.7, /8.0, or /8.1), depending on the Siebel version you use.
3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays.
4. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict resolution
section, select Merge the object definition from the archive file with
the definition in the repository.

5. Click Next.
The Import WizardReview Conflicts and Actions window displays.
6. In the Conflicting Objects pane, select the Business Component category.
7. In the Object differences pane, select Campaign List Contact. If there are
any attributes in the Attribute differences pane, make sure that the
Resolution column for each attribute is set to Repository. To do this:
right-click on an attribute and select Repository from the drop-down menu.
8. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
9. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

10. Click Finish to complete the import.

Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by

the Siebel environment after importing the archive. This does not
affect the functionality of the Component in any way.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Import the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file. See,

Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Importing the
GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file, on page 182.

Importing the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif

Archive File
During this step, you will import objects into the Siebel repository that are part
of the Siebel implementation of the Campaign Synchronization Component.
The objects are added to the Genesys Campaign Synchronization2 project in
Siebel Tools.
Notes: If the Genesys Campaign Synchronization2 project already exists in

your Siebel repository file archive, lock it before importing the

GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file.

If this project does not exist before export, lock it after the export.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Importing the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif
archive file
Purpose: To import the GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file for
the Campaign Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive...
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the
GenesysCampaignSynchronization.sif archive file.
This file was created by the installation program in: target directory>/
objects/<Siebel version> where <Siebel version> is the subfolder name
(/7.7, /8.0, or /8.1), depending on the Siebel version you use.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays.
4. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict resolution
section, select Overwrite the object definition in the repository.
5. Click Next.
The Import WizardReview Conflicts and Actions window displays.
6. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
7. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.
8. Click Finish to complete the import.
Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt files to be generated by

the Siebel environment after importing the archive. This does not
affect the functionality of the component in any way.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Select the correct path to the Siebel File System directory. See, Procedure:
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Selecting the correct path to
the Siebel File System directory.

Selecting the Correct Path to the Siebel File System

The proper path to your Siebel File System directory in the FileSystem user
property of the Genesys CampSynch Campaign Business Service must be
provided. This directory is used by the Campaign Synchronization Component
to store temporary files (these files contain xml-based requests for
For more information about the Siebel File System directory, see the Siebel
System Administration Guide.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Selecting the correct path to the Siebel File System
Purpose: To provide the proper path to your Siebel File System directory in
the user property named FileSystem of the Genesys Campaign Synchronization
Business Service.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select
Genesys Campaign Synchronization2.

2. Select the Business Service folder.

The Business Services window displays.
3. Select the Genesys CampSynch Campaign Business Service.
4. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Business Service
User Prop folder under the Business Service folder.
The Business Service User Props window displays.
5. Select the FileSystem Business Service user property.
6. In the Value column, enter the correct path to the Siebel File System
directory as it is defined in your Siebel environmentfor example:
For Unix: /siebel/filesystem/
For Windows: C:\sea\filesystem\

If no value is defined, the siebsrvr\bin directory is used for temporary

End of procedure
Next Steps

Select the page size in XML-messages. See, Procedure: Campaign

Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Selecting the page size in

Selecting the Page Size in XML-Messages

The user property, ContactPageSize, allows for the customization of the
XML-message size for large campaign lists. The Adapter splits the wave
records into fixed-sized chunks depending on the default value set for
XML-messages that are greater or equal then (<=) the value set for the Page
Size user property. The default value is 100 records. Follow the steps in


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Selecting the page

size in XML-messages to update the Siebel Server parameter,

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Selecting the page size in XML-messages
Purpose: To set the page size in XML-messages.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select
Genesys Campaign Synchronization2.

2. Select the Business Service folder.

The Business Services window displays.
3. Select the Genesys CampSynch Campaign Business Service.
4. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Business Service
User Prop folder under the Business Service folder.
The Business Service User Props window displays.
5. Select the ContactPageSize Business Service user property.
6. In the Value column, enter the required number. The default value is 100

Note: When changing the ContactPageSize user property to a larger value,

keep in mind that the HTTPSleepTime Siebel parameter for the Genesys
HTTP connection, with a default value of 120000 milliseconds (ms),
should be enough for processing any requests on the Genesys side.
Practically speaking, if a message contains more then 500 records, it
could take a longer time for processing, and in this scenario, the
HTTPSleepTime parameter size should be increased as well. See the
Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Users Guide for more details on how
to setup the HTTP connections for the Campaign Synchronization
End of procedure

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Select the PhoneField and PhoneType Business Service user properties to

export during the wave synchronization. See, Procedure: Campaign
Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Selecting the phones and their type to
export during the wave synchronization.

Selecting the Phones and Their Types to Export

During the Wave Synchronization
You must provide the contact phone list that is to be exported during the wave
synchronization. For each phone used in the wave synchronization, the
Genesys PhoneField and PhoneType Business Service user properties must be
added to the Genesys CampSynch Campaign Business Service user property.
These PhoneField Business Service user property names must be taken from
the Campaign List Contact business component.
Note: By default, the Calculated Home Phone # and the Calculated Work
Phone # fields are listed with the corresponding Type values of 1 and 2.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Selecting the phones and their type to export during
the wave synchronization
Purpose: To provide the contact phone list that is to be exported during the
wave synchronization.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select
Genesys Campaign Synchronization2.

2. Select the Business Service folder.

3. The Business Services window displays.
4. Select the Genesys CampSynch Campaign Business Service.
5. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Business Service
User Prop folder under the Business Service folder.
The Business Service User Props window displays.
6. Select or create the PhoneField<N> Business Service user property, where
<N> is a sequence number.
7. In the Value column, enter the required PhoneField name.


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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

8. Select or create the PhoneType<N> Business Service user property, where

<N> is a sequence number.
9. In the Value column, enter the required number that corresponds to the
Genesys PhoneType Business Service user property. See the Genesys
Outbound Contact Solution documentation for more details about the
Genesys PhoneType Business Service user properties.
10. Repeat steps 6-9 for each phone that has to be synchronized.
11. If you use runtime events to track the updated contacts and use the
non-default PhoneField Business Service user properties, make the
required changes in the Genesys CampSynch Tools and Genesys CampSynch
Event Handler business services, according to the steps described in the
following section. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component
8.0.1: Customizing the runtime events, on page 188.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Select CustomField Business Service user properties to export during the

wave synchronization. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization
Component 8.0.1: Selecting the custom fields to export during the wave
synchronization, on page 187.

Selecting the Custom Fields to Export During the

Wave Synchronization
You must provide the Campaign List Contact business component fields that
are to be exported to the Genesys side as part of the contact record. By default,
no custom fields are exported to the Genesys side.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Selecting the custom fields to export during the wave
Purpose: To select the custom fields to export during the wave
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select
Genesys Campaign Synchronization2.

2. Select the Business Service folder.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

3. The Business Services window displays.

4. Select the Genesys CampSynch Campaign Business Service.
5. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Business Service
User Prop folder under the Business Service folder.
The Business Service User Props window displays.
6. Select or create the CustomField<N> Business Service user property, where
<N> is a sequence number.
7. In the Value column, enter the required CustomField name.
8. Repeat steps 6-7 for each CustomField that has to be synchronized.
9. If you use runtime events to track the updated contacts and use the
non-default CustomField Business Service user property, make the required
changes in the Genesys CampSynch Tools and Genesys CampSynch Event
Handler Business Services, according to the steps described in the
following section. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component
8.0.1: Customizing the runtime events, on page 188.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Customize the runtime events. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component 8.0.1: Customizing the runtime events, on page 188.

Customizing the Runtime Events

You must customize the runtime events, if you are doing the following:

Using the Siebel runtime events to dynamically update the Genesys-side

contact data when it is modified on the Siebel-side.

Using PhoneField and CustomField Business Service user properties that

are not the same as the Business Service user properties that are found in
the out-of-the-box solution.

Follow the steps provided in Procedure: Campaign Synchronization

Component 8.0.1: Customizing the runtime events to customize these runtime

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Customizing the runtime events
Purpose: To automatically install or uninstall runtime events and generate
requests when the Genesys-side contact data is modified on the Siebel-side.


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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. For each PhoneField and CustomField Business Service user property that
you added in Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Selecting the custom fields to export during the wave synchronization, on
page 187 and Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Customizing the runtime events, on page 188, you must determine which
fields of which business component object contains the contact data.
These fields are from the Campaign List Contact business component
object that contains references from the Contact, Employee, List Mgmt
Prospective Contact, and other business component objects. For
examplethe Calculated Home Phone # field value is actually stored in
various locations (as shown in bulleted form below) under the following
<Business Component>:<Field Name>:
Contact: Home Phone #
Consumer: Home Phone #
Employee: Home Phone #
Person: Home Phone #
User: Home Phone #
List Mgmt Prospective Contact: Home Phone #
2. Add the following code lines into the SetupAllRunTimeEvents method of
the Genesys CampSynch Tools Business Service:
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA(<BusCompName>, "PreSetFieldValue",
<FieldName>, 1, <PrevVarName>, <FieldName>, sMethodName,

xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA(<BusCompName>, "SetFieldValue",
<FieldName>, 1, <VarName>, <FieldName>, sMethodName, bDebugLog);

<BusCompName>: is the name of the required business component
<FieldName>: is the name of the required field
<PrevVarName> and <VarName>: are the names of the global variables
where both the previous and the new field values are stored when they
are modified.
3. Add the following code lines into the Contact_WriteRecord method of the
Genesys CampSynch Event Handler Business Service:
var <local_prev_variable_name> =

var <local_variable_name> =

4. Modify the condition (highlighted below as Bold) used to determine if the

contact record was changed:
if ( (sPrevDNC != sDNC) ||
(sPrevHome != sHome) ||

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

(sPrevWork != sWork) ||
(<local_prev_variable_name> != <local_variable_name>) ||
!= sTZ) )

5. Add the following lines of code to clear the global variables:

End of procedure
Next Steps

Look at an example of how to customize a runtime event for the Campaign

List Contact business component field named, Calculated Fax Phone #.
See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Example of
a runtime event customization, on page 190.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Example
of a runtime event customization
Purpose: To illustrate an example of a runtime event customization for the
Campaign List Contact business component Calculated Fax Phone # field.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select All

2. Select the Business Component folder.

The Business Component window displays.
3. Select the Campaign List Contact business component.
4. Select the Calculated Fax Phone # field (see Figure 21 on page 191).
The Calculated Fax Phone # field is calculated from the following fields:
Fax Phone #
Prospect Fax Phone #


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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Figure 21: Selecting the Calculated Fax Phone #Field

5. Select the Fax Phone # and Prospect Fax Phone # fields (see Figure 22
and Figure 23).

Figure 22: Selecting the Fax Phone # Field

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Figure 23: Selecting the Prospect Fax Photo # Field

Both Figure 22 and Figure 23 display the Join column. The Join column
displays the foreign key relationship between the joined table and the
business components base table, which means that for every record in the
business component that corresponds to a row in the base table there can
be a corresponding row in the joined table. The Fax Phone # and Prospect
Fax Phone # fields are accessible through this Join columnfor example,
a join uses the foreign key relationship to make the Fax Phone # data in
the Name column available to the S_CONTACT table and to also make the
Prospect Fax Phone # data in the Name column and the FAX_PH_NUM data in
the Column column available to the S_PRSP_CONTACT table.
6. For the Fax Phone # field name, search through the Contact, Consumer,
Employee, Person, and User business components and locate the field names
that use the FAX_PH_NUM table column, which is found under the Column
For example in Figure 24 on page 193, the corresponding field name for
the Contact business component is Fax Phone #. The corresponding field
names for the other business component are listed as follows:
Consumer: Fax Phone #
Employee: Fax #
Person: Fax Phone #
User: Fax #
Note: The field names may vary from one business component to another.


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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Figure 24: Selecting the FAX_PH_NUM Table Column

7. For the Prospect Fax Phone # field name, search through the List Mgmt
Prospective Contact business component and locate the Fax Phone # field
name that uses the FAX_PH_NUM table column, which is found under the
Column column.
8. Edit the code for the SetupAllRunTimeEvents method of the Genesys
CampSynch Tools Business Service. The new lines of code are highlighted
below as Bold:
function SetupAllRunTimeEvents(sMethodName, bDebugLog)

xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Contact", "PreSetFieldValue",
Phone #",
1, "paContact_PrevWork", "Work Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Contact", "SetFieldValue",
Phone #",
1, "paContact_Work",
"Work Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Contact", "PreSetFieldValue",
Phone #",
1, "paContact_PrevFax", "Fax Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Contact", "SetFieldValue",
Phone #",
1, "paContact_Fax",
"Fax Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Contact", "PreSetFieldValue",
Zone Id",
1, "paContact_PrevTZ",
"Time Zone Id",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Contact", "SetFieldValue",
Zone Id",
1, "paContact_TZ",
"Time Zone Id",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Consumer", "PreSetFieldValue", "Work
Phone #",
1, "paContact_PrevWork", "Work Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Consumer", "SetFieldValue",
Phone #",
1, "paContact_Work",
"Work Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Consumer", "PreSetFieldValue", "Fax
Phone #",
1, "paContact_PrevFax", "Fax Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Consumer", "SetFieldValue",
Phone #",
1, "paContact_Fax",
"Fax Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);

xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Employee", "PreSetFieldValue", "Work

Phone Number", 1, "paContact_PrevWork", "Work Phone Number",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Employee", "SetFieldValue",
Phone Number", 1, "paContact_Work",
"Work Phone Number",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Employee", "PreSetFieldValue", "Fax
#", 1, "paContact_PrevFax", "Fax #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Employee", "SetFieldValue",
#", 1, "paContact_Fax",
"Fax #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Employee", "PreSetFieldValue", "Time
Zone Id",
1, "paContact_PrevTZ",
"Time Zone Id",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Employee", "SetFieldValue",
Zone Id",
1, "paContact_TZ",
"Time Zone Id",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Person", "PreSetFieldValue", "Work
Phone #",
1, "paContact_PrevWork", "Work Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Person", "SetFieldValue",
Phone #",
1, "paContact_Work",
"Work Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Person", "PreSetFieldValue", "Fax
Phone #",
1, "paContact_PrevFax", "Fax Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Person", "SetFieldValue",
Phone #",
1, "paContact_Fax",
"Fax Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Person", "PreSetFieldValue", "Time
Zone Id",
1, "paContact_PrevTZ",
"Time Zone Id",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("Person", "SetFieldValue",
Zone Id",
1, "paContact_TZ",
"Time Zone Id",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);

xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("User", "PreSetFieldValue", "Home Phone

1, "paContact_PrevHome", "Home Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("User", "SetFieldValue",
"Home Phone
1, "paContact_Home",
"Home Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("User", "PreSetFieldValue", "Fax #",
1, "paContact_PrevFax", "Fax #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("User", "SetFieldValue",
"Fax #",
1, "paContact_Fax",
"Fax #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("User", "PreSetFieldValue", "Time Zone
1, "paContact_PrevTZ",
"Time Zone Id",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("User", "SetFieldValue",
"Time Zone
1, "paContact_TZ",
"Time Zone Id",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("List Mgmt Prospective Contact",
"PreSetFieldValue", "Work Phone #",
1, "paContact_PrevWork",
"Work Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("List Mgmt Prospective Contact",
"Work Phone #",
1, "paContact_Work",
"Work Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("List Mgmt Prospective Contact",
"PreSetFieldValue", "Fax Phone #",
1, "paContact_PrevFax",
"Fax Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("List Mgmt Prospective Contact",
"Fax Phone #",
1, "paContact_Fax",
"Fax Phone #",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("List Mgmt Prospective Contact",
"PreSetFieldValue", "Time Zone",
1, "paContact_PrevTZ",
"Time Zone",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);
xSetupRunTimeEventWithPA("List Mgmt Prospective Contact",
"Time Zone",
1, "paContact_TZ",
"Time Zone",
sMethodName, bDebugLog);

9. Edit the code for the Contact_WriteRecord method of the Genesys

CampSynch Event Handler Business Service. The new lines of code are
highlighted below as Bold:
function Contact_WriteRecord(bDebugLog)

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

var sPrevWork =
var sWork
var sPrevFax =
var sFax
= TheApplication().GetProfileAttr("paContact_Fax");
var sPrevTZ
var sTZ
= TheApplication().GetProfileAttr("paContact_TZ");

if ( (sPrevDNC != sDNC) ||
(sPrevHome != sHome) ||
(sPrevWork != sWork) ||
(sPrevFax != sFax) ||
!= sTZ) )


End of procedure
Next Steps

Add the Genesys Administration screen to the Page tab of the Application
object that you are using. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization
Component 8.0.1: Configuring the Page tab of the Application object.

Configuring the Site Map of the Application Object

The following procedure describes how to add a link to the Administration
-Campaign Synchronization screen on the Site Map of the Application object.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Configuring the Site Map of the Application object
Purpose: To configure the Site Map of the Application object.


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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. Check-out or lock the project that corresponds to the Application object
that you are using. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component
8.0.1: Checking out existing projects, on page 178
2. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select the name
of the project of the Siebel application that you are usingfor example,
Siebel Universal Agent.
3. Select the Application folder.
The Application window displays.
4. Select the Application object that you are using.
5. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Screen Menu Item
folder under the Application folder.
The Application Screen Menu Items window displays.
6. Add a new record into the Screen Menu Items table using the following
column values listed in Table 11.
Table 11: The Column Values for the Screen Menu Items Table




Genesys Administration


<positive number>

Choose an appropriate number that is

unique for all of the existing Screen
Menu Items tables.

Text-String Reference


Choose any string referencefor

example, use the default string

End of procedure
Next Steps

Add the Genesys Administration screen to the Page tab of the Application
object that you are using. This procedure is optional. See, Procedure:
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Configuring the Page tab of
the Application object.

Configuring the Page Tab of the Application Object

The following procedure describes how to add the Genesys Administration
screen to the Page tab of the Application object.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Configuring the Page tab of the Application object
Purpose: To configure the Page tab of the Application object, if you need a
permanent Page tab for the Campaign Synchronization administration. This
procedure is optional.
Start of procedure
1. Check-out or lock the project that corresponds to the Application object
that you are using. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component
8.0.1: Checking out existing projects.
2. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select the
name of the project of the Siebel application that you are usingfor
example: Siebel Universal Agent.
3. Select the Application folder.
The Application window displays.
4. Select the Application object that you are using.
5. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Page Tab folder
under the Application folder.
The Application Page Tabs window displays.
6. Add a new record into the Page Tabs table using the following column
values listed in Table 12:
Table 12: The Column Values for the Page Tabs Table




Genesys Administration


<positive number>

Choose an appropriate number that is

unique for all of the existing Page Tabs



Choose any string referencefor

example, use the default string

End of procedure


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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Compile the Siebel repository file. See, Procedure: Campaign

Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Compiling the Siebel Repository File,
on page 199.

Compiling the Siebel Repository File

You can either compile all of the projects, or you can only compile the locked

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Compiling the Siebel Repository File
Purpose: To compile the Siebel repository file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects...
2. Select Locked projects.
3. In the Siebel Repository File edit box, enter the name of the repository
4. Click Compile.
The status bar at the bottom of the Object Compiler window indicates
when the compilation is finished.
5. When the compilation is finished, close Siebel Tools.
Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by

the Siebel environment after compiling the Siebel repository file.

This does not affect the functionality of the Component in any
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel Server. See the section, Configuring the Siebel

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Configuring the Siebel Server

Complete the following procedure, described in this section, to configure the
Campaign Synchronization Component to work with the Siebel Server.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Configuring the Siebel Server
Purpose: To configure the Siebel Server to work with the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
Deploying the new
Genesys Projects

1. Deploy the new Genesys projects to the Siebel Server repository by

checking in the following projects:
a. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check In...
The Check In dialog box displays.
b. In the Projects list, select the following projects:
Genesys Campaign Synchronization
Genesys Symbolic Strings
c. Click Check In.

Creating Genesys
Project Tables on
the Siebel Server

2. Create the Genesys project tables on the Siebel Server Database by

completing the following steps:
Note: The Campaign Synchronization Component requires its own

tables, which do not exist in the original Siebel database.

a. In Siebel Tools, in the Table field of the Object Explorer, make a query
to select four new Genesys tables: CX_GCAS_ASSIGN, CX_GCAS_CFG_OBJ,
You can use the first six characters common to all of the table names
(CX_GCAS*) to select them all.
b. With the four tables selected, right-click Add to Archive.
The Export to Archive File window displays the four tables.
c. Select the appropriate temporary file name and click Save.
d. Close the Siebel Tools application, but open it again under the Siebel
Server database.
e. Import the newly created archive file.
f. Click Next twice.


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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

g. Click Finish.
h. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select
Genesys Campaign Synchronization2.
i. Select the Table folder.
The Tables window appears, displaying the four newly added tables.
j. Click Apply.
A pop-up warning appears.
k. Click OK to accept the warning.
l. In the new Apply Schema window, from the Tables drop-down list,
select Current Query.
m. Enter the correct values for the Database user, Database user password
and ODBC data source.
For more information about creating custom tables, see the Siebel
n. Click Apply to start the creation process.
The Changes successfully applied message appears, indicating that
the tables were created.
o. Click Activate to activate these tables.
Deploying the
Repository File

3. Deploy the compiled Siebel repository file on your Siebel Server.

For further information about how to deploy an updated Siebel repository
file to the Siebel Server, see the Siebel documentation.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Figure 25: Applying New Tables in a Siebel Database

Deploying New
Images to the
Siebel Server

4. To deploy the new images to the Siebel Server, copy the image files from
the following folder, <target>/objects/IMAGES, to the corresponding
Siebel Web Server extension folder,
End of procedure
Next Steps


Configure Siebel using the Siebel Web Client. See section, Configuring
Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client on page 203.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client

You must connect to your Siebel Server using the Siebel Web Client.
Note: After deploying the newly compiled Siebel repository file and

restarting the Siebel Server, you must log in as a Siebel Administrator

for the Siebel Web Client.
This part of the configuration process includes the following steps:
Importing the Associated List of Values (LOV) and the Application View
Data, page 203
Deploying the Workflow Processes on the Siebel Server, page 204
Creating Runtime Events, page 205
Assigning the Correct Responsibility to an Agent, page 206
Restarting the Siebel Server, page 207

Importing the Associated List of Values (LOV) and the

Application View Data
The following procedure, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component
8.0.1: Importing the List of Values and the Application, Views data, describes
how to import a List of Values and the Application Views data, that are specific
for the Campaign Synchronization Component.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Importing the List of Values and the Application, Views
Purpose: To import the List of Values and the Application, Views data for the
Campaign Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
1. Log in as a Siebel administrator.
2. Select Site Map > Administration > Business Service, Simulator.
3. Create new record and specify Genesys CampSync Tools as the Service

4. Specify ImportAll as the Method Name.

5. Set Iterations to the value of 1.

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Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

6. In the Input Arguments applet, click the Load From File button, browse for
the following target directory, <target
directory>/objects/<LANG>/GplusCaS_LOV.xml, where <LANG> is the
subfolder name (ENU, by default) depending on the Siebel locale you use.
7. Load the GplusCaS_LOV.xml file.
8. Click the Run on the Service Methods applet.
9. Check the results of the import in the Output Arguments applet.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Deploy the Workflow Processes on the Siebel Server. See, Procedure:

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Deploying workflow
processes on the Siebel Server, on page 204.

Deploying the Workflow Processes on the Siebel

The workflow processes help automate the business processes and they are
defined within Siebel to emit or to receive Siebel XML-messages. The
Campaign Synchronization Component requires that two workflow processes
be deployed on the Siebel Server.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Deploying workflow processes on the Siebel Server
Purpose: To deploy the workflow processes on the Siebel Server.
Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Administration > Business Process, Workflow
2. In the Active Workflow Processes applet, choose the Import Processes
menu option.
The Workflow Process Import pop-up window displays.
3. In the Workflow Process Import window, select the
Genesys_CaS_Campaign_WF.xml file. This file is created by the installation
program in the following location: <target directory>/ objects/<Siebel
version> where <Siebel version> is the subfolder name (7.7, 8.0, or 8.1),
depending on the Siebel version you use.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

4. Click Import.
The Genesys CaS Campaign WF process appears in the applet when the
import is finished.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the Genesys_CaS_CR_WF.xml file. The Genesys CaS
CR WF process appears when the import is finished.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the runtime events that are required by the Campaign

Synchronization Component. See the section, Creating Runtime Events.

Creating Runtime Events

To create the runtime events required by the Campaign Synchronization
Component, you have to run the InstallRunTimeEvents method of the Genesys
CampSynch Tools Business Service once using the Siebel Business Service
Simulator applet.
Note: The runtime events used by the Campaign Synchronization

Component replace functions that are performed by scripts in the

older versions of the component. Make sure that the runtime events
from the previous version of the Campaign Synchronization
Component are deleted.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Creating
the runtime events
Purpose: To create the runtime events that are required by the Campaign
Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Administration > Business Service, Simulator.
2. In the Service Methods applet, create a new record.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Service Name: Genesys CampSynch Tools
Method Name: InstallRunTimeEvents
Iterations: 1

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

4. Click Run.
Note: No results are propagated through the Output Arguments applet.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Assign the correct responsibility to an agent. See, Procedure: Campaign

Synchronization Component 8.0.1: Assigning the correct responsibility to
an agent.

Assigning the Correct Responsibility to an Agent

The Campaign Synchronization Component contains an administration GUI
that is provided within a special screen and views. To access these views, a
special Genesys CampSynch Administrator Siebel responsibility is created
during the import of the List of Values (LOV), the Application, Views data
and the workflow processes.

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1:
Assigning the correct responsibility to an agent
Purpose: To assign the correct responsibility to an agent that is dedicated to
managing the campaign synchronization process.
Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Administration > Application, Responsibilities.
2. On the Responsibilities applet, select the Genesys CampSynch
Administrator responsibility.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Configuring Siebel

3. Add the required agents by using the Users applet on the Responsibilities
Note: The assigned agents should have permission to access and create
Profile Configurations (Site Map > Administration > Server
Configuration, Profile Configuration). These procedures are

required when setting up a campaign synchronization. They are

described in the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM User's Guide as part
of the campaign synchronization configuration procedure. If the
agents, who are assigned to manage the campaign synchronization, do
not have the ability to access and create new Profile Configurations
then perform these procedures yourself while logged in as a Siebel
End of procedure
Next Steps

Restart the Siebel Server. See the section, Restarting the Siebel Server.

Restarting the Siebel Server

Restart the Siebel Server that you are using to make the List of Values (LOV)
and the other data available to use.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 5: Deploying the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1


Configuring Siebel

Gplus Adapter 8.0


Deploying the Voice

This chapter describes how to configure and install the Gplus Adapter for
Siebel CRM Voice Component, which is a driver-based component and
contains the following sections:
Overview, page 210
New in This Release, page 212
Installation, page 212
Configuring Genesys, page 218
Gathering the Genesys Object Settings, page 224
Configuring Siebel, page 229
Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations, page 267
Checking Installations, page 302
The Driver Settings for the Voice Component, page 310
Emulated Agent Work Modes, page 330
Agent States on Telesets with Multiple Positions and ACD Queues,
page 331
The Voice Component Log Files, page 332
The Voice Component Driver Commands and Events, page 332
Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key, page 336
The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands, page 346
The Voice Component Device Events, page 382

The Voice Component functionality can be used in any or all of the following

Voice-only call centers (inbound calls)

Expert Contact functionality (CTI-Less T-Server support)

Outbound Campaigns (outbound campaign calls)

Universal callback functionality (voice callback requests)

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component


See the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Users Guide for additional
information about using this component.
Before you add any other driver-based Adapter Components, you must
configure the Voice Component, including all of the Voice features that you
intend to use.
Notes: Server-based components, such as Campaign Synchronization and

Configuration Synchronization, must be configured before the Voice

The Genesys Gplus Communication Server is a prerequisite for the
Voice Component.
This release of the Gplus Voice Component supports several major features,
including the following:

Basic Voice

Expert Contact

Outbound Campaign

Universal Callback (Voice features)

The Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Voice Component provides a single,
consistent user interface for customer relationship management, telephony
control, outbound-campaign calls, expert contact, and voice callback

Features and Enhancements

The Voice Component supports the following features, described below, any or
all of which can be implemented based on the needs of your contact center:

Basic Voice (inbound and outbound call functions)

Expert Contact with CTI-Less T-Server support

Outbound Campaign (outbound campaign calls)

Universal Callback (voice callback requests)

Basic Voice
The Basic Voice feature is intended for call centers that work with inbound
calls. This feature must be imported first, because it defines the Genesys Voice
Project in Siebel.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component


Expert Contact
The Expert Contact feature serves to establish connections with associates,
known as experts or knowledge workers, who are not regular call center
agents, and whose phones are not directly monitored by T-Server. Usually this
expert is a person who has the advanced skills required to handle specific
customer requests, or to solve customer problems. The expert has the option to
preview data about an incoming call in Preview Interaction mode, and to
manually notify the CTI-less T-Server about an incoming call and the progress
of that call. Because the T-Server has no CTI-link to the switch, it does not
necessarily receive notification of the experts phone interactions, so the expert
must use the Agent Desktop Toolbar to manually update the status of the
For additional details about Expert Contact, refer to the Genesys Expert
Contact 7 Getting Started Guide, or the Genesys Expert Contact 7 Deployment

Outbound Campaign
The Outbound Campaign feature is intended for call centers that primarily
work with outbound campaign calls. It supports Genesys Outbound Desktop
Protocol version 7.0. The Outbound Campaign feature provides integration of
Siebel CRM with the Genesys Outbound Contact Server capabilities. The
Outbound Campaign feature operates with the Voice Component and
implements full functionality of the Outbound Contact desktop on the Siebel
CRM Communications Toolbar for outbound campaign functionality. For more
information about the Siebel CRM Communications Toolbar, see the Gplus
Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Users Guide.

Universal Callback
The Universal Callback feature is used with the Voice Component to provide
voice and web callback functionality. For exampleusing voice callback
functionality in your company's Call Center IVR, a customer can request that a
representative from your company call the customer back. The customer
simply selects the Call Back option in the IVR menu and then enters a
telephone number with an approximate callback time. In the section titled
Checking the Voice Callback Installation on page 304, Voice Callback
scenarios provide additional details about using this feature.
Each incoming voice callback interaction creates an activity record in the
Siebel application and a new work item on the agent Communications Toolbar.
The Description field from the activity record is used for storing user data
fields passed from the Universal Callback Server. The set of user data fields
that are stored can be modified to meet contact center requirements.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

New in This Release

New in This Release

This section provides information about new features or functionality in the
Voice Component:
Release 8.0.1

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Release 8.0.0

No new features were introduced in this release.

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Support for the Push Preview dialing mode for Outbound Campaigns.

Support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system.

This section describes the installation process for the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for
Siebel CRM Voice Component. The Gplus Adapter can be installed on
Windows or UNIX platforms. On UNIX, you can use either Solaris or AIX.
Select one of the following sections depending on your environment:
Installing the Voice Component in a Windows Environment, page 214
Installing the Voice Component in an UNIX Environment, page 215

Overview of Voice Component Installation

The procedure involved in installing the Voice Component and setting up its
standard features are summarized below:

Voice Component: Installing the Voice Component
Purpose: To install the Voice Component.
Start of procedure
1. Install the Gplus Adapter from the installation package.
2. Using Genesys Configuration Manager, update the Genesys configuration
and collect the required information.
3. Using Siebel Tools, import the Siebel repository file (*.srf) archive files
from the installation package.
4. Customize the Siebel Communications Toolbar.
5. Recompile the Siebel *.srf file.
6. Deploy the Siebel *.srf file on the Siebel Server.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component


7. Configure the Siebel Call Center application.

8. Synchronize the time zone names in Siebel and Genesys.
9. Customize and import the Communications configuration file,

10. Create and administer the call center agents.

11. Start a test session for each feature, based on instructions in the section
titled, Checking Installations on page 302.
End of procedure
Each of the processes listed above are explained in the sections below, and
explanations are accompanied with step-by-step instructions for completing
each task in the process.
Note: Customization of the Siebel application and the Gplus Adapter is very

common. No overview, including the one provided above, could

encompass all of the possible customizations of the Gplus Adapter.
However, some of the more common Gplus Adapter customizations,
and some general information related to the Gplus Adapter
customization, is provided in the section titled Advanced
Customization of Voice Component Configurations on page 267.
Next Steps

Install the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Voice Component. Select
one of the following sections, depending on your environment:
Installing the Voice Component in a Windows Environment on
page 214
Installing the Voice Component in an UNIX Environment on
page 215

Setup Types
This version of the Adapter is compatible with the following versions of Siebel
CRM Server: 7.7, 7.8, 8.0, and 8.1.
For information about the files that you install and their location, see the
section Target Directory Structure and File Locations.

Target Directory Structure and File Locations

The following generic directory and host names are used in the description of
the directories structure:

<Gplus Communication Server directory> is the Gplus Communication

Server installation directory.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component


<Destination Directory> is the destination directory for installation used

by the installation script to copy the Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice files.

Files in subdirectory /7.7 <Destination Directory>/7.7 are related to

Siebel versions 7.7 /7.8.

Files in subdirectory /8.0 <Destination Directory>/8.0 are related to

Siebel version 8.0.

Files in subdirectory /8.1 <Destination Directory>/8.1 are related to

Siebel version 8.1.

<Web Server Host> is the Web Server host name where the Siebel Web

Server extension was installed.

<SWEIconImages directory> is the Siebel Web Server extension icon

images directory.

Installing the Voice Component in a Windows Environment

This section describes how to install the Voice Component on a Windows
Note: Before you install the Voice Component, stop the Gplus

Communication Server.

Voice Component: Installing the Voice Component in a
Windows environment
Purpose: To install the Voice Component in a Windows environment.
Start of procedure
1. Run the setup.exe file from the installation package (windows\setup.exe).
2. When prompted with the following message, Genesys Installation
Wizard will install the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice in the
following Destination Folder, choose the location of this destination

For example:
C:\Program Files\GCTI\Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice

3. When prompted with the following message, Genesys Installation

Wizard has collected all required information and is ready to
install Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice on your computer, click

4. When the Genesys Installation Wizard completes its execution, you must
manually copy the following files to their proper locations:


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component


Copy the files representing the Siebel icon images from the destination
directory, <Destination Directory>/<Siebel Version>/images/, where
<Siebel Version> is 7.7/8.0/8.1 depending on your version of Siebel
Server, to the following icon images directory, < Web Server
Host>/<SWEIconImages directory>.

For Siebel version 7.8, use the 7.7 directory.

Note: The installation package contains new complementary pairs of icons

for Ready/Not Ready buttons. During the installation process, standard

Siebel icons for the Not Ready button are overwritten with new ones
from the installation package. To preserve the standard Siebel icons,
Genesys recommends that you back up image files
icon_notready_enabled.gif and icon_notready_disabled.gif in a safe
location. These files should be restored manually if the Gplus Adapter
is uninstalled.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Genesys part of the Voice Component. See the section,
Configuring Genesys on page 218.

Installing the Voice Component in an UNIX Environment

This section describes how to install the Voice Component on the Solaris and
AIX operating systems.
The user, running the installation script, must have proper permissions to
create and write to the directories where the Gplus Communication Server
(GenCommServer) is installed.
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing in a UNIX environment.

Select one of the following sections depending on your environment:

Prerequisites for Solaris

Prerequisites for AIX

Prerequisites for Linux

Prerequisites for Solaris

The Voice Component must be installed on a computer where the Gplus
Communication Server (GenCommServer) is installed on Solaris. Before starting
the installation of the Voice Component on Solaris, you must have the

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component


following dynamically linked runtime libraries installed on the computer

where Siebel CRM is installed:

Follow the instructions under the heading, Running the Installation Shell
Script on page 217 to continue with the installation process.

Prerequisites for AIX

The Voice Component must be installed on a computer where the Gplus
Communication Server (GenCommServer) is installed on an AIX platform.
Before starting the installation of the Voice Component on AIX, you must have
the following dynamically linked runtime libraries installed on the computer
where Siebel CRM is installed:






Follow the instructions under the heading, Running the Installation Shell
Script on page 217 to continue with the installation process.

Prerequisites for Linux

The Voice Component must be installed on a computer where the Gplus
Communication Server (GenCommServer) is installed on an Linux platform.
Before starting the installation of the Voice Component on Linux, you must
have the following dynamically linked runtime libraries installed on the
computer where Siebel CRM is installed:


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component


Follow the instructions under the heading, Running the Installation Shell
Script to continue with the installation process.

Running the Installation Shell Script

The next step in the installation process is to install the shell script.

Voice Component: Running the installation shell script
Purpose: To install the Voice Component in Solaris, AIX, or Linux.
Start of procedure
1. Stop the Gplus Communication Server.
2. At the Solaris, AIX, or Linux prompt, execute the file.
3. When prompted with the message, Please enter the full path to your
Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM directory =>, enter the full
path to the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM installation
directoryfor example:

4. When the following message appears:

Note that path to "Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM
directory" directory can't be used as input to the "Destination
directory for installation" prompt.
Please enter full path of the destination directory for installation

enter the full path of the destination directory for installationfor


Files are extracted from the installation package to the destination

directory for installation, and then are copied into the correct folders.
5. When the installation script completes its execution, you must manually
copy the following files to their proper locations.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Genesys

Depending on your version of the Siebel Server, copy the files representing
icon images from <Destination Directory>/<Siebel Version>/images/ to
the following directories:
< Web Server Host>/< SWEIconImages directory >

For Siebel version 7.8, use the 7.7 directory.

Note: The installation package contains new complementary pairs of icons

for the Ready/Not Ready buttons. During the installation process, the
standard Siebel icons for the Not Ready button are overwritten with
new ones from the installation package. To preserve the standard
Siebel icons, Genesys recommends that you back-up the following
image files, icon_notready_enabled.gif and icon_notready_disabled.gif,
in a safe location. These files should be restored manually, if the
Gplus Adapter is uninstalled.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Genesys part of the Voice Component. See the section,
Configuring Genesys on page 218.

Uninstalling the Voice Component

Complete information about uninstalling the Gplus Adapter and its
components is provided in Chapter 12, Uninstallation Instructions, on
page 577.

Configuring Genesys
This section describes the configuration of the Genesys requirements of the
Voice Component. It includes information and instructions for configuring the
Voice Component functionality.
Configuring the Genesys section of the Voice Component consists of the
following sections:
Prestart Information, page 218
Modifying Genesys Settings, page 219

Prestart Information
Before starting the configuration process for each Gplus Adapter component or
feature listed below, you must have the listed applications installed and


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Genesys

Required for All Components

Genesys Framework

Configuration Database

Configuration Server

Configuration Manager


Expert Contact Feature

Genesys Expert Contact

CTI-Less T-Server

Outbound Campaign Feature

Genesys Outbound Campaign

Outbound Contact Server

Outbound Contact Manager

Universal Callback Feature

Genesys Framework

Universal Router

Universal Callback Server

Modifying Genesys Settings

Genesys Configuration Manager provides access to most of the following
information mentioned in this section:

Basic Voice Feature

Expert Contact Feature

Outbound Campaign Feature

Basic Voice Feature

The Basic Voice feature does not require any Genesys settings update. No
mandatory modifications are needed.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Genesys

Expert Contact Feature

You may need to change configuration settings when a Network T-Server is
used with respect to CTI-Less T-Server. Most configuration changes must be
done in the Network T-Server configuration object. Refer to the Genesys
Expert Contact 7 Deployment Guide for specific information and instructions.

Outbound Campaign Feature

Several Outbound Contact Server (OCS) installation settings must be changed
after the default installation of the Outbound Campaign feature. You can make
these changes in Configuration Manager using the Options tab of the OCS
application properties, as described in the following procedure, Procedure:
Voice Component: Modifying Genesys Outbound Contact Server settings.

Voice Component: Modifying Genesys Outbound
Contact Server settings
Purpose: To modify the Genesys Outbound Contact Server settings.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, select Environment > Applications and
right-click the Outbound Contact Server Application.
2. Select Properties.
The Properties dialog box displays.
3. Select Options > OCServer (see Figure 26).
To change the default value of the key, double-click the line you want to
login_action > hard_not_ready
outbound_release_action > hard_not_ready


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 26: Modifying Outbound Contact Server Settings

4. Check to make sure the configuration option, record_processed, is set to

yes. If not, change the value to yes. For more information about the
record_processed option, see the Genesys Outbound Contact 7.0 Reference
5. If you are using Outbound Contact release 7.0 or later, you can add the
configuration option customer_id, value = crm_contact_id (for more
information, see the topics The customer_id Configuration Option on
page 223 and Siebel CRM Applications on page 229).
If you are using an earlier version of Outbound Contact, continue
to Step 6.
6. Click Apply to submit changed values.
7. Click OK.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Set the GSW_ATTEMPTS attribute. See, Procedure: Voice Component: Setting

the GSW_ATTEMPTS attribute, on page 223.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Genesys

Modifying the Outbound Contact Manager Component

After default installation, no further changes are required for Outbound
Contact Manager.
For further information on how to install Outbound Contact Manager, see the
Genesys Outbound Contact Getting Started Guide.

Setting the Send Attribute Values in the Calling List

The send_attribute = GSW_ATTEMPTS key-value pair must be specified in the
Attempt field in the calling list format. You must specify this value because
after the default installation, Outbound Contact Server does not send the
number of attempts to the client, and vice versa. Figure 27 displays the attempt
Properties dialog box where you specify the key-value pair.

Figure 27: Setting the Send Attribute

For more information on how to set the send_attribute = GSW_ATTEMPTS

key-value pair, see Procedure: Voice Component: Setting the
GSW_ATTEMPTS attribute, on page 223.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Genesys

Voice Component: Setting the GSW_ATTEMPTS
Purpose: To set the GSW_ATTEMPTS attribute.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, select the section Formats, used by your
2. Browse to the appropriate Format record.
3. Right-click the Attempt field and select Properties from the shortcut
4. Select the Annex tab.
5. Create the section default and under this section, create a new record
called send_attribute = GSW_ATTEMPTS (see Setting the Send Attribute
Values in the Calling List Format on page 222).
6. Click OK to save the record.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Gather the Genesys settings. See the section, Gathering the Genesys
Object Settings on page 224.

DoNotCall Requests Based on Siebel Customer ID

The Do Not Call (DNC) function prevents a particular telephone number or
customer ID from being dialed. A Do Not Call request can be handled during
either an outbound call or an inbound call. The Campaign Synchronization
Component supports Do Not Call requests based on the Siebel customer ID
(this requires Genesys Outbound Contact Server release 7.0, or later). The Do
Not Call request is an extension of the Outbound Contact Server (OCS)
desktop protocol. You can also use the Do Not Call request based on the record
handle and phone number. Setting the Do Not Call request based on the
customers ID resolves the problem of more than one customer sharing the
same phone number. For more information about the Do Not Call request, see
the Outbound Contact Deployment Guide.

The customer_id Configuration Option

To support the Do Not Call request based on the Siebel customer ID, the
Outbound Contact Server associates a Calling List tables field with their

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Gathering the Genesys Object Settings

customer ID. The name of the Calling List tables fields that are used for the
customer ID is defined by the configuration option, customer_id (see the
section, Specifying the Do Not Call Command Attribute Keys on
page 294). If this option is not present in the calling list or the Application
object, or if it contains a field name that does not exist in the Calling List
table, by default, Outbound Contact Server uses the phone number to
determine the records that should not be dialed.

Gathering the Genesys Object Settings

You must find and record several Genesys object settings in Genesys
Configuration Manager before you proceed any further with the Voice
Component installation.
Warning! The data identified in this section is required to complete the

The specific Genesys data that you require depends on the Gplus Adapter
components and features that you plan to implement for your Contact Center.
The data requirements for each configuration are listed as follows under the
corresponding headings below:
Data Required for All Voice Configurations, page 224
Basic Voice Feature Data, page 225
Expert Contact Feature Data, page 226
Outbound Campaign Feature Data, page 226
Outbound Contact Server Configuration Parameters, page 226
Universal Callback Feature Data, page 229

Data Required for All Voice Configurations

For all Voice configurations, complete the following:

Find and record the T-Server connection information. See, Procedure:

Voice Component: Finding the T-Server connection information, on
page 225 for the steps on how to gather this connection information.
The required information includes:
The T-Server application name.

For the pre-7.5 description schema of connecting to the T-Server, the

required information includes:
The T-Server host name
The T-Server connection port
The switch type information
The backup T-Server host name (if applicable)


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Gathering the Genesys Object Settings

The backup T-Server connection port (if applicable).

Voice Component: Finding the T-Server connection
Purpose: To find the T-Server connection information.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, open the Environment view and then select the
Applications view.
2. From the toolbar, click New.
3. In the Browse dialog box, select the Application Template for this
application (navigating to the appropriate folder, if necessary), and click

4. On the Configuration tab, enter the following information for the T-Server
application configured for use with Outbound Contact Server:
Name: Enter the name of the T-Server application.
Connections: Click Add, and then add the T-Server application.
5. Open the T-Server applications Properties dialog box.
6. Click the Server Info tab.
7. In the Server Info section, enter the following T-Server connection
information (which you will need later for the Gplus Outbound Campaign
feature and for configuring the Siebel Call Center application):
Host: Host name
Communication port: Communication port number
End of procedure
Next Steps

No further steps are required.

Basic Voice Feature Data

If your application is configured to receive network calls and to use the
Network Attended Transfer/Conference (NAT/C) feature, then the following
information is required:

The premise switches names as they are defined in Genesys Configuration


Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Gathering the Genesys Object Settings

Expert Contact Feature Data

For the Expert Contact feature, find and record the following CTI-Less
T-Server connection information:

The T-Server host name

The T-Server connection port

The switch type information

The backup T-Server host name

The backup T-Server connection port

Based on the actual configuration of Genesys Expert Contact, find the

CTI-Less T-Server, and note the corresponding virtual switch name.

Outbound Campaign Feature Data

For the Outbound Campaign feature, find and record the following:

Gather the T-Server connection information

Gather the Outbound Contact Server configuration information

Check the T-Server settings

The required information includes:
The T-Server host name
The T-Server connection port
The switch type information
The backup T-Server host name
The backup T-Server connection port
The name of the voice queue on which the Outbound Campaign is
The version of the Outbound Contact Server you use. SeeVoice
Component: Finding the current version of Outbound Contact Server
(OCS) on page 228.

Outbound Contact Server Configuration Parameters

This section describes how to configure the Outbound Contact Server

Voice Component: Finding the ACD Queue/PBX data
Purpose: To find the Outbound Contact Server (OCS) ACD (automatic call
distribution) Queue/PBX (switch) information.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Gathering the Genesys Object Settings

Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, select Tenant > Agent Groups or Tenant >
Place Groups.

2. Select a particular Group.

3. Select Properties.
The Properties dialog box displays.
4. Select the Advanced tab
(see Figure 28).

Figure 28: Outbound Properties Dialog Box

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Gathering the Genesys Object Settings

5. From the Origination DNs pane, make note of the ACD Queue/PBX
information, which is used later for the Gplus Voice Component
For example, in Figure 28 on page 227, the Origination DNs information
required includes: DN Number (8000), Type (ACD Queue), Switch
(SwitchG3). For further information, see Configuring Siebel Using the
Siebel Web Client on page 245 and Procedure: Voice Component:
Associating agents with an existing Communications profile and Genesys
settings, on page 260.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Find and record the current version of Outbound Contact Server (OCS).
See, Procedure: Voice Component: Finding the current version of
Outbound Contact Server (OCS), on page 228.

Voice Component: Finding the current version of
Outbound Contact Server (OCS)
To find and record the current version of Outbound Contact Server (OCS) that
you use:
Start of procedure
1. Start at the command prompt window from Windows, or from a terminal
window in UNIX.
2. Navigate to the OCS installation home folder (for exampleC:\GCTI\OCS
on the Windows platform).
3. Run the Outbound Contact Server executable with the -V switch:
> ocs_server -V

4. Write down the Outbound Contact Server version.

End of procedure
Next Steps


Configure the Siebel side of the Voice Component. See the section,
Configuring Siebel on page 229.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Universal Callback Feature Data

The Voice and Web Callback Configuration does not require any Genesys
settings update. The time zone synchronization is a mandatory modification for
this configuration.
For this feature:

Gather the T-Server connection information.

Gather the Universal Callback server information.

This required information includes:

For T-Server:

The T-Server host name

The T-Server connection port

The switch type information

The backup T-Sever host name

The backup T-Server connection port

For Universal Callback Server:

The switch name of Voice T-Server

The Routing Points list on this switch

Configuring Siebel
This section describes how to configure the Siebel part of the Voice
Component for Siebel CRM.
Configuring the Siebel section of the Voice Component consists of the
following steps:
Prestart Information, page 229
Configuring Siebel Using Siebel Tools, page 230
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client, page 245

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process, you should have the
following Siebel CRM and Genesys Gplus applications installed and running:
Siebel CRM Applications

You must have the Siebel Tools application running.

You should be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

You should have sufficient privileges to check-in and check-out projects

from the Siebel Server repository.

To use the Outbound Campaign feature and the Outbound Contact Server
product, you must have the Siebel eMarketing application installed.

Genesys Gplus Applications

The Configuration Synchronization Component for Siebel CRM

application is optional and may be used with any Voice Component

The Gplus Campaign Synchronization Component for Siebel CRM

application is optional and it is designed to be used with the Outbound
Campaign feature.

Configuring Siebel Using Siebel Tools

Use the Siebel Tools to compile an updated version of the Siebel repository file
(SRF or *.srf file), which serves to define the Siebel Contact Center
application on the Siebel Server.
For more information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.
Configuring Siebel using the Siebel Tools consists of the following
Overview of the Siebel Repository File Preparation, page 230
Checking Out Existing Projects from the Siebel Repository for the Voice
Component, page 231
Importing the Voice Component (*.sif) Archive Files, page 233
Resolving Siebel Application Data Conflicts, page 238
Compiling the Siebel Repository File, page 241
Updating the S_EVT_ACT_X Table in the Genesys Project Server
Database, page 243
Deploying the Repository File, page 244

Overview of the Siebel Repository File Preparation

When compiled, the Siebel repository file integrates information from the
various Gplus Adapter Voice Component archives files (the *.sif files) that
you import.
For each Voice Component feature that you wish to implement, you must
import a Voice Component *.sif file and resolve any data conflicts introduced
by the imported file.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

The Voice Component features and their associated *.sif files are listed in
Table 13 on page 231. The *.sif files are provided with the Gplus Adapter
installation disk.
Note: Depending on the Siebel Server version, the appropriate *.sif files

should be imported from the following destination folders:

For Siebel 7.7/7.8:<destination folder>/7.7/
For Siebel 8.0: <destination folder>/8.0/
For Siebel 8.1: <destination folder>/8.1/
See the following installation sections for more information:
Procedure: Voice Component: Importing the
GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive file, on page 234
Procedure: Voice Component: Importing the GenComm.sif archive
file, on page 236
Procedure: Voice Component: Importing the GenesysTools.sif
archive file, on page 237
Table 13: Voice Component Features and Associated *.sif Files

Voice Component archive (*.sif) file

Basic Voice

GenSymbolicStrings.sif and GenComm.sif

Genesys Tools


Expert Contact


Outbound Campaign

GenComm_OCS.sif *

Universal Callback


* In some circumstances, you may have to manually update certain objects to

resolve any data conflicts.

Checking Out Existing Projects from the Siebel

Repository for the Voice Component
The Siebel implementation of the Voice Component makes use of a number of
objects provided by Siebel. use the procedure to enable the modifications of
these objects. To do so, you will need to check-out the corresponding projects
from the Siebel repository.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Voice Component: Checking out existing projects
Purpose: To check-out existing projects from the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Object Explorer, start Siebel Tools against the local database.
2. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check Out...
The Check Out dialog box displays.
3. Select Project category.
4. In the Projects list, select the appropriate projects listed below in Table 14,
Projects for All Supported Siebel Versions - Common for all Components
and Feature-Specific, on page 233.
Select the projects to be locked based on the features you want to
i. Always lock the projects that are common to all components.
ii. In addition, lock any other projects that are specific to the features
you are installing.
Note: When you first open the Projects list, the Genesys Voice, Genesys
Tools, and Genesys Symbolic Strings projects do not yet exist, so are
not available to be checked-out and locked.
The project named Genesys Symbolic Strings is created when you
import the GenSymbolicStrings.sif file, as explained in Procedure:
Voice Component: Importing the GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive
file, on page 234. Lock the project after importing the
GenSymbolicStrings.sif file.
The project named Genesys Voice is created when you import the
GenComm.sif file, as explained in Procedure: Voice Component:
Importing the GenComm.sif archive file, on page 236 below. Lock
the project after importing the GenComm.sif file.
The project named Genesys Tools is created when you import the
GenesysTools.sif file, as explained in Procedure: Voice
Component: Importing the GenesysTools.sif archive file, on
page 237. Lock the project after importing the GenesysTools.sif


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Table 14: Projects for All Supported Siebel Versions - Common for all Components
and Feature-Specific

Archive File

Common Projects
(for all components)


Basic Voice



Genesys Voice*



Genesys Tools*




Expert Contact


Outbound Campaign


Universal Callback


Persistent Customer
Genesys Symbolic

Contact (SSE)
Table Activity
<Project related to an
application on which
the Adapter is
deployed with the
Universal Callback
feature >**

* Lock the project after import of the corresponding *.sif file.

** This project is locked when deploying the Universal Callback feature as
described in Procedure: Voice Component: Resolving the Siebel application
data conflicts, on page 239. This is the project related to an application on
which the Adapter is deployedfor example: Siebel Universal Agent (for
Siebel Horizontal version) or Siebel Financial Services (for Siebel Vertical
End of procedure
Next Steps

Import the Voice Component *.sif archive files. See the section,
Importing the Voice Component (*.sif) Archive Files.

Importing the Voice Component (*.sif) Archive Files

By importing the Voice Component archives, you import the fundamental data
required to update the Siebel repository file for the Voice Component.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Deployment Order

Configuring Siebel

There is one limitation on the order in which you deploy the *.sif filesyou
must first install the GenSymbolicStrings.sif file, and then install the
GenComm.sif file. These two files provide the Basic Voice functionality, and are
both mandatory for any and all configurations.
The deployment of the GenesysTools.sif file is mandatory as it used during the
configuration of the Siebel Call Center application.
There are no restrictions on the order in which you deploy the rest of the
archive files. These other files are technically optional, so there is no
restriction on the order of their deployment. Each archive file is responsible for
a particular features functionality.
Before importing the mandatory *.sif files, you must check-out and lock the
existing projects from the Siebel repository. See the section, Checking Out
Existing Projects from the Siebel Repository for the Voice Component.

Voice Component: Importing the
GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive file
Purpose: To import the mandatory archive file with symbolic strings,
GenSymbolicStrings.sif, that is used across the Siebel archive files provider
within the Adapter.
Notes: The GenSymbolicStrings.sif file must be imported first.

If the Genesys Voice Component project already exists in your

Siebel repository file archive, lock it before importing the
GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive file. If this project does not exist
before export, lock it after the export.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive...
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the
GenSymbolicStrings.sif archive file.
The Voice Component installation program created this file in its
destination directory. Navigate to the appropriate directory in your
environment, as follows:
For Windows: <Destination directory>/<Siebel Version>.
For UNIX: <Destination directory>/<Siebel Version>.
3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays (see Figure 29 on page 235).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Figure 29: Import WizardPreview Window

Note: In the Conflict resolution area, the Merge the object definition
from the archive file with the definition in the repository

button is selected by default (see Figure 29).

4. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict resolution
section, select Overwrite the object definition in the repository.
5. Click Next.
The Import WizardReview Conflicts and Actions window displays.
6. Merge any conflicts, if they correspond to your needs.
7. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
8. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

9. Click Finish to complete the import.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Import the GenComm.sif archive file. See, Procedure: Voice Component:

Resolving the Siebel application data conflicts, on page 239.

Voice Component: Importing the GenComm.sif archive
Purpose: To import the mandatory GenComm.sif archive file.
Note: If the Genesys Tools project already exists in your Siebel repository

file archive, lock it before importing the GenComm.sif archive file. If

this project does not exist before export, lock it after the export.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive.
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, select the Voice Component
archive file, GenComm.sif.
The Voice Component installation program created this file in its
Destination directory. Navigate to the appropriate directory for your
environment, as follows:
For Windows:
<Destination directory>/<Siebel Version>

<Destination directory>/<Siebel Version>

3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window appears (see Figure 29 on page 235).
4. Resolve any Siebel application data conflicts. Refer to Table 15 on
page 239 to see which Voice Component features have conflicts that need
to be resolved. See, Procedure: Voice Component: Resolving the Siebel
application data conflicts, on page 239.
End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Import the GenesysTool.sif archive file. See, Procedure: Voice

Component: Importing the GenesysTools.sif archive file, on page 237.

Voice Component: Importing the GenesysTools.sif
archive file
Purpose: To import the GenesysTool.sif archive file.
Note: If the Genesys Tools project already exists in your Siebel repository

file archive, lock it before importing the GenesysTools.sif archive

file. If this project does not exist before export, lock it after the export.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive...
2. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the
GenesysTools.sif archive file.
The Voice Component installation program created this file in its
destination directory. Navigate to the appropriate directory in your
environment, as follows:
For Windows: <Destination directory>/<Siebel Version>.
For UNIX: <Destination directory>/<Siebel Version>.
3. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays (see Figure 29 on page 235).
4. Resolve any Siebel application data conflicts. Refer to Table 15 on
page 239 to see which Voice Component features have conflicts that need
to be resolved. See, Procedure: Voice Component: Resolving the Siebel
application data conflicts, on page 239.
End of procedure
Next Steps

If you are importing the *.sif files for the selected optional Voice
Component features, see, Procedure: Voice Component: Importing the *.sif
files for the selected optional Voice Component features, on page 238.

If you are not importing anymore optional *.sif files, you must resolve
any outstanding Siebel application data conflicts. See, Procedure: Voice
Component: Resolving the Siebel application data conflicts, on page 239.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Voice Component: Importing the *.sif files for the
selected optional Voice Component features
Purpose: To import the *.sif files for the selected optional Voice Component
Note: If you are deploying the Universal (Voice) Callback feature, see for

more information on how to resolve the Siebel application data

Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive...
2. For every selected optional feature, do the following:
3. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the corresponding
*.sif file archive file.
The Voice Component installation program created this file in its
destination directory. Navigate to the appropriate directory in your
environment, as follows:
For Windows: <Destination directory>/<Siebel Version>.
For UNIX: <Destination directory>/<Siebel Version>.
4. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays. (see Figure 29 on page 235).
5. Resolve any Siebel application data conflicts. Refer to Table 15 on
page 239 to see which Voice Component features have conflicts that need
to be resolved. See, Procedure: Voice Component: Resolving the Siebel
application data conflicts, on page 239.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Resolve the conflicts between the Siebel application for which the *.sif
file was originally prepared and the Siebel application on which the *.sif
file is deployed. See the section, Resolving Siebel Application Data

Resolving Siebel Application Data Conflicts

Some of the archive data that you import can conflict with the current Siebel
application data.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Conflicts between the Siebel application for which the *.sif file was
originally prepared and the Siebel application on which the *.sif file is
deployed may require resolution. Table 15 displays the Voice Component
features with the conflicts that need to be resolved.
Table 15: Features with Conflicts to be Resolved

Voice Component
archive (.sif) file

Conflict with

Conflict with

New Table

Basic Voice













Expert Contact





Outbound Campaign





Universal Callback





Refer to the following Procedure: Voice Component: Resolving the Siebel

application data conflicts to help you resolve these data conflicts.

Voice Component: Resolving the Siebel application
data conflicts
Purpose: To resolve the Siebel application data conflicts that are created
during *.sif file import process.
Start of procedure
1. Start first with the GenCom.sif file and then each additional Voice
Component feature that you wish to implement. Repeat the conflict
resolution steps below, substituting for the GenComm.sif file, the *.sif file
associated with that optional Voice Component feature that you
implemented. Refer to Table 15 on page 239 to check which Voice
Component features have conflicts.
2. Click Next on the Import WizardPreview window (see Figure 29 on
page 235).
The Review Conflicts and Actions screen displays.
3. In the Review Conflicts and Actions screen, from the Conflicting
Objects panel, navigate to Business Component, and select it so that the list
of business components appears.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

If there are no business components, skip to Step 5.

4. For each business component in the list, select it in the Conflicting

Objects panel.
In the Attribute Differences panel, right-click on each of the
following attributes (if they exist) and re-set the resolution to
Search Specification
Sort Order
Sort Specification
Note: A business component does not necessarily have any of these

attributes: Class, Search Specification, Sort Order, and Sort

5. In the Review Conflicts and Actions screen, from the Conflicting
Objects panel, navigate to Applet, and select it so that the list of applets
If no applets are listed, skip to Step 7.
6. For each applet in the list with Siebel application data conflicts, do the
In the Attribute Differences panel, right-click on each of the
following attributes (if they exist) and re-set the Resolution to
Search Specification
Sort Order
7. After importing the GenComm.sif file, lock the Genesys Voice project.
8. After importing the GenesysTools.sif file, lock the Genesys Tools project.
No other projects needs to be locked after importing any of the other *.sif
archive files.
9. For each additional Voice Component feature that you wish to implement,
repeat the import and conflict resolution steps above; but note the special
requirement for the Universal Callback feature below in Step 10.
Implementing the
Universal (Voice)
Callback Feature


10. If you are implementing the Universal (Voice) Callback feature:

a. Import the corresponding *.sif file
b. Resolve conflicts between Siebel Server applications, as necessary.
Use Table 15, Features with Conflicts to be Resolved, on page 239 to
check for potential conflicts.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

c. Manually copy the script as follows:

i. From the Object Explorer, go to the Application objects.
ii. From the Applications window, select the application on which
the Adapter is deployedfor example, Siebel Universal Agent for
Siebel Horizontal versions, or Siebel Financial Services for Siebel
Vertical versions.
iii. Right-click the application record and select Edit Server Script
from the drop-down menu.
iv. Edit the Application_PreNavigate method for the selected Server
Script with the code provided in the file <InsDir>/<Siebel
Version>/ If there are no server
scripts associated with the Application object, you will be asked to
select the scripting language. Select eScript in this case. Refer to
Updating the Application's Application_PreNavigate Event
Server Script on page 646 in the Appendix.
11. Compile the updated *.srf file. See the section, Compiling the Siebel
Repository File on page 241.
12. Deploy the new *.srf file. See the section, Deploying the Repository
File on page 244.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Compile the Siebel repository file. See the section, Compiling the Siebel
Repository File on page 241.

Compiling the Siebel Repository File

Importing a Voice Component archive file (*.sif) effectively modifies the
Siebel Communications Toolbar, so that it provides the standard toolbar
buttons for the Voice Component feature associated with that *.sif file. The
Siebel Communications Toolbar, including these modifications and any
customizations, is not created until the Siebel repository file is compiled.
Note: Each communications toolbar item has its own position specified by

an appropriate field. You must ensure that after importing new toolbar
items there are no conflicts for the position field that appears. Siebel
does not check this, and conflicts may cause issues with the
communications toolbar appearance.
Importing the primary Voice Component file, GenComm.sif, creates the
fundamental Siebel Communications Toolbar. Each of the other Voice

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Component archive files that you import modifies the toolbar, as applicable,
for the corresponding Voice Component features.
Note: As with the Voice Component archive files, each of the other Gplus

Adapter archive (*.sif) files modifies the Siebel Communications

Toolbar, as applicable. That is, each of the archive files associated
with the other Gplus Adapter components also includes code that
modifies the Siebel Communications Toolbar to provide the buttons
and controls necessary to work with the installed features.

Voice Component: Compiling the Siebel repository file
Purpose: To compile the Siebel repository file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects.
2. Select Locked projects.
3. In the Siebel Repository File edit box, select the name of the repository
4. Click Compile.
The status bar at the bottom of the Object Compiler window indicates
when the compilation is finished.
5. When the compilation is finished, close Siebel Tools.
Note: A siebel_assert_xxx.txt file may be generated by the Siebel

environment after compiling the Siebel repository file. This does

not affect the functionality of the component in any way.
End of procedure
Next Steps


If you are deploying the Universal Callback feature, update the new tables
in the Genesys project server database. See the section, Updating the
S_EVT_ACT_X Table in the Genesys Project Server Database on
page 243.

If you are not deploying the Universal Callback feature, deploy the Siebel
repository file. See, Deploying the Repository File on page 244.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Updating the S_EVT_ACT_X Table in the Genesys

Project Server Database
This section is required only if you are deploying the Universal Callback

Voice Component: Checking-in the Table Activity
project changes to the Siebel Server repository
Purpose: To check-in the changes made to the Table Activity project.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check In.
The Check In dialog box displays.
2. In the Projects list, select the following project:
Table Activity

3. Click Check In.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Apply the changes to the Siebel database tables. See, Procedure: Voice
Component: Applying changes to the Siebel database tables.

Voice Component: Applying changes to the Siebel
database tables
Purpose: To update the database table, S_EVT_ACT_X, on the local Siebel
database (or on a Siebel Server database).
Start of procedure
1. Connect Siebel Tools to the server database.
2. In Siebel Tools, in the Object Explorer, navigate to the Table object.
3. Navigate to the List of Tables pane.
4. Locate the S_EVT_ACT_X table.
5. Click Apply.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

A warning window is displayed.

6. Click OK to accept the warning.
7. In the Apply Schema window, from the Tables drop down list, select
Current Row.
8. Enter the correct values for the Database user, Database user password,
and ODBC data source fields.
You must enter the user name and password for a Database user who has
administrator's privileges in the Siebel environment.
See the Siebel documentation for more information about creating custom
9. Click Apply.
The message Changes successfully applied appears, indicating that the
tables were created.
10. Click the Activate button to propagate the database changes and make
them available to all users.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Deploy the Siebel repository file. See the section, Deploying the
Repository File.

Deploying the Repository File

Follow the steps in Procedure: Voice Component: Deploying the repository file
to deploy the repository file.

Voice Component: Deploying the repository file
Purpose: To deploy the updated *.srf file.
Start of procedure
1. To deploy the *.srf file, stop the Siebel Server.
2. Copy the new repository file to a specific location within the server
3. Restart the server.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

4. Additionally, you may have to generate and deploy browser scripts for the
new repository file (see the section, Scripts on page 645).
For further information on deploying an updated repository file to the
Siebel Server, refer to Siebel documentation.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel Call Center application. See the section, Configuring
Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client

This section describes the specific processes required to complete the
configuration for each Voice component feature. You must connect to your
Siebel Server using the Siebel Web Client.
Note: After deploying the newly compiled Siebel repository file and

restarting the Siebel Server, you must log in as a Siebel Administrator

for the Siebel Web Client.
Complete the following procedures, described in this section, to configure the
Siebel Call Center application on the Siebel Server.

Update the associated List of Values table.

Create a customized Communications configuration with the Gplus Voice

driver and profiles.

Create agents with appropriate rights and permissions.

For Outbound Campaign, associate campaigns with the proper employees.

For Outbound Campaign or Voice Callback, you must manually

synchronize the Time Zones names in Siebel and Genesys.

Configuring the Siebel Call Center application consists of the following

Updating the Associated List of Values (LOV) Table(s), page 246
Creating a Customized Communications Configuration, Drivers, and
Profiles, page 251
T-Server Connections, page 257
Agent Administration, page 258
Using Genesys Framework to Synchronize Agent Information, page 264

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Updating the Associated List of Values (LOV) Table(s)

This section describes how to import a List of Values table, that is specific for
the Voice Component and how to add a new list of reason code values and how
to create a new List of Value - Type records for the Voice Component

Voice Component: Importing the List of Values table
Purpose: To import the List of Values table for the Voice Component.
Start of procedure
1. Log in as a Siebel administrator.
2. Open the Site Map, then navigate to Administration - Business Service,
3. Specify Genesys Tools as the Service Name.
4. Specify ImportAll as the Method Name.
5. Set Iterations to the value of 1.
6. In the Input Arguments applet, click the Load From File button, browse for
<InsDir>/<Siebel Version>/GenComm_LOV.xml and load this file as shown
in Figure 30.

Figure 30: Importing the Lists of Values Table


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

7. Click Run on the Service Methods applet. The import results can be
checked in the Output Arguments applet.
If only the Voice
Component is

8. If only the Voice Component is deployed, but not the Multimedia

Component, then create a new List of Values (LOV) and manually
populate it with the values, as described below:
In Administration Data > List of Values, create a new LOV with the
following parameters:
Display Value Gplus Universal
Lang-Indep Code Gplus Universal
Lang Name English-American
Order N/A (leave empty)
Active On
Translate On
Replic Level All
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a list of the reason code values for the Basic Voice feature. See,
Procedure: Voice Component: Creating a list of the reason code values for
the Basic Voice feature.

Voice Component: Creating a list of the reason code
values for the Basic Voice feature
Purpose: To create a list of the reason code values for the Basic Voice feature.
Start of procedure
Creating a New
List of Values Type Record

1. Navigate to the List of Values - Type table, using the Siebel Tools,
choose the Screens application menu, choose System Administration, and
then the List of Values menu item.
2. Create a new record in the List of Values - Type applet.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Translate: Selected
Leave the default values for all other fields.
4. Save the new record.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Adding Reason
Code Values

Configuring Siebel

5. Add a new item to the List of Values - Type table for each reason code in
your contact center.
6. Select the Item Type: REASON_CODE.
7. Provide the following information for this item:
a. For the Display Value field, provide the string representing the reason
codefor example, Reason: Rest Room; Reason: Lunch; Reason: Gone
for break, and so on. See the note below.
b. For the Language Independent field, provide the positive integer value
for the reason codefor example, 10, 20, 30, and so on.
c. For the Language field, select English-Americanfor other languages,
see the Siebel documentation.
d. Leave the default values for all other fields.
Note: Genesys recommends that in the Display Value field, you use the

value Reason: prefix. This value gives an agent a hint to make a

choice of the reason code in the drop-down menu that is displayed in
the Transfer Multiple LOV Popup Applet applet.
End of procedure
Next Steps

To create a list of the Genesys call status values for the Expert Contact
feature. See the section, Procedure: Voice Component: Creating a list of
the Genesys call status values for the Expert Contact feature, on page 248.

Voice Component: Creating a list of the Genesys call
status values for the Expert Contact feature
Purpose: To create a list of Genesys call status values for the Expert Contact
Start of procedure
Creating the New
List of Values Type Records

1. Navigate to the List of Values - Type table, using the Siebel Tools,
choose the Screens application menu, choose System Administration, and
then the List of Values menu item.
2. Create a new record in the List of Values - Type applet.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Translate: Selected


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Leave the default values for all other fields.

4. Save the new record.

5. Create a new record in the List of Values - Type applet.
6. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Translate: Selected
Leave default values for all other fields.
7. Save the new record.
Specifying the
Genesys Call
Status Types

8. Create a new record in the List of Values - Type applet.

9. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Display Value: Active
Language Independent Code: Active
Language Name: English-American
Active: Selected
Translate: Selected
Leave the default values for all other fields.
10. Save the new record.
11. Complete steps 8 through 10 for all of the values provided below that are
used as the Display Value and the Language Independent Code:


12. Create a new record in the List of Values - Type applet.

13. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Display Value: [Network Switch Name]
Language Independent Code: [Network Switch Name]
Language Name: English-American
Active: Selected
Translate: Selected
Leave default values for all other fields.
Note: The values in this procedure are shown only as an example.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

14. Save the new record.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a list of the Genesys Routing Point values for the Voice Callback
feature. See, Procedure: Voice Component: Creating a list of the Genesys
Routing Point values for the Voice Callback feature.

Voice Component: Creating a list of the Genesys
Routing Point values for the Voice Callback feature
Purpose: To create a list of the Genesys Routing Point values for the Voice
Callback feature.
Start of procedure
Creating the New
List of Values Type Records

1. Navigate to the List of Values - Type table, using the Siebel Tools,
choose the Screens application menu, choose System Administration, and
then the List of Values menu item.
2. Create a new record in the List of Values - Type applet.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Translate: Selected
Leave the default values for all other fields.
4. Save the new record.

Adding the
Routing Point

5. Create a new record in the List of Values - Type applet.

6. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Display Value: [Routing Point Name]
Language Independent Code: [Routing Point]
Language Name: English-American
Active: Selected
Translate: Selected
Leave the default values for all other fields.
7. Save the new record.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

8. Complete steps 5 through 7 for all of the Routing Points in the list of
Routing Points that you gathered according to the instructions in the
section, Gathering the Genesys Object Settings on page 224.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a customized Communication configuration, driver, and profile. See

the section, Creating a Customized Communications Configuration,
Drivers, and Profiles.

Creating a Customized Communications

Configuration, Drivers, and Profiles
The Communications configuration, drivers, and profiles are all created by
importing data from the configuration definition fileGenComm_universal.def.
The Gplus Adapter supplies this file, which is also called the (*.def) file. It
includes the profiles, the drivers, and the command and event definitions for
the following Gplus Adapter Components:

Gplus Voice

Gplus OpenMedia.

Before importing the data from the configuration definition file, the sample
configuration parameters defined in this file must be customized to reflect your
actual contact center configuration. Then you can import the edited
configuration definition file. You can selectively import the following data
from the configuration parameters file:





The GenComm_universal.def file comes with the Gplus Adapter, and it is

typically worthwhile to create a copy and familiarize yourself with it.

Three procedures are involved in creating a Communication configuration:
1. Editing the configuration definition file. This may include editing to create
additional profiles for the same media type. See, Procedure: Voice
Component: Modifying and preparing the configuration definition file for
import, on page 252.
2. Creating the configuration record in Siebel. See, Procedure: Voice
Component: Creating a new configuration record in Siebel, on page 255.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

3. Importing the configuration. See, Procedure: Voice Component: Importing

the new configuration record into Siebel, on page 255.
Note: When the import task is completed, remove any unused profiles or

profiles. It is important to specify particular media types to work with

if you do not plan to use the full line of Gplus Components.

Editing the Configuration Definition File

The configuration definition (*.def) file must be edited to:

Supply the correct values for the required drivers fields.

Customize the commands and events definitions.

Make it version-specific for the Outbound Campaign feature.

Create additional profiles for the same Media Typefor example, a second
Voice profile.

Use the appropriate path to access the *.def file:

For Windows

<Voice Component folder>\<Siebel Version>\GenComm_universal.def


<Voice Component folder>/<Siebel Version>/GenComm_universal.def

Voice Component: Modifying and preparing the
configuration definition file for import
Purpose: To modify and prepare the configuration definition file for import.
Start of procedure
1. Locate the appropriate definition file and open it for editing.
2. Make a copy of the definition file.
Note: Always make a copy of the definitions file in case you need to

return to the original settings. Use the Notepad application for

Windows, or a visual (vi) editor for UNIX.
3. You must define the location parameters for each configuration:
In the [Driver: ] section, modify the ChannelString parameter to
specify the media types to be used.
If you plan to use only the voice functionality without the Push
Preview dialing mode of the Outbound Campaign feature, use
voice as the only valuefor example:
Channel String = "voice"


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

If you plan to use the Push Preview dialing mode of the Outbound
Campaign feature, use "outboundpreview" as the valuefor

Channel String = "voice,outboundpreview"

Note: You must install the Gplus Multimedia component to use the
Push Preview dialing mode of the Outbound Campaign


In the [Configuration Parameters] section, define the ConnectString

parameter as a premise switch name exactly as it is defined in Genesys
Configuration Manager for T-Serverfor example:
ConnectString = "Prem-1-G3_72"

In the [Driver Parameters: ] section, define the LocalConnString

parameter as a premise switch name exactly as it is defined in Genesys
Configuration Manager for T-Serverfor example:
Driver:LocalConnString = "Prem-1-G3_72"

4. Locate and modify the following parameters for each profile:

Driver:TServerAppNamethe T-Server application name, as it appears
in Genesys Configuration Manager. The corresponding T-Server
should be included in the Connections section of the GenCommServer
application in Configuration Manager. Parameters of the connection,
such as secure connection, should be configured in the GenCommServer
application in Configuration Manager, according to the Genesys 8.0
Security Deployment Guide.
This scheme of connection to T-Server was introduced in release version
7.5. To keep backward compatibility with previous releases, it is allowed to
leave this parameter unchanged, as in Driver:TServerAppName =
"CHANGE_ME", or to remove it from the configuration. In this case, use the
previously-allowed set of parameters shown below:
Driver:ServerHostthe host name of the machine, where T-Server is
running (for example, myhost1). You must provide a value for this
Driver:ServerPortthe port number for T-Server in decimal form, for
example: 5443. You must provide a value for this parameter.
Driver:BackupServerHostthe host name of the machine where the
backup T-Server is running (for example, myhost1bk). This parameter is
Driver:BackupServerPortthe port number for the backup T-Server in
decimal form (for example: 5445). This parameter is optional.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Driver:SwitchTypenumeric value, which defines the type of the

switch. For the list of available (supported) values, see The Voice
Component Driver Parameters on page 310.
That approach, however, does not allow usage of the new security features
in Genesys 7.5.
5. For the Expert Contact feature, specify the following parameters:
Service:HasKWProtocol = TRUE.
This enables the protocol support.
6. For the Outbound Campaign feature (with its OSC functionality), specify
the following parameters:
Service:HasOCSProtocol = TRUE
This enables the protocol support.
Note: See, Table 20, The Voice Component Driver Parameters, on

page 311, for more information about other OCS driver

7. For the Universal Callback feature, specify the following parameters:
Service:HasVCBProtocol = TRUE
This enables the protocol support.
Service:SwitchName = <Voice Switch Name>
Service:VCBDefaultRoutingPoint = <Routing Point>
The Service:VCBProcessedOnCallRelease parameter must be
synchronized with the Genesys VCB Server callback_processed
configuration option on the appropriate Routing Point or VCB Server
instance, if not specified on the Routing Point.
If you want the value of the callback_processed configuration
option to equal True, then set the value of the
VCBProcessedOnCallRelease parameter to equal False.
If you want the value of the callback_processed configuration
option to equal false, then set the value of the
VCBProcessedOnCallRelease parameter to True.
8. Save the definition file.
End of procedure
Next Steps


To create a new configuration record in Siebel. See Procedure: Voice

Component: Creating a new configuration record in Siebel.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Voice Component: Creating a new configuration
record in Siebel
Purpose: To create a new configuration record in Siebel.
Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Administration - Communications > All

A list of the existing configurations displays.

2. Click New to create a new configuration.
3. Enter a name for the new configurationfor example, Genesys

4. Click Save.
End of procedure
Next Steps

To import the new configuration record into Siebel. See, Procedure: Voice
Component: Importing the new configuration record into Siebel, on
page 255.

Voice Component: Importing the new configuration
record into Siebel
Note: Before importing the new configuration record, see the section

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations on

page 267 for additional ways to configure this functionality.
Purpose: To import the new configuration record into Siebel.
Start of procedure
1. Select a configuration record you have createdfor example, Genesys

2. Click the Import Configuration button.

3. Click Next.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

4. In the Next window, define the configuration file that you want to import,
and select one, or more, of the four data parts. Your selection depends on
your requirements. Select all of the following data parts for the initial
drivers and profiles
configuration parameters
5. Use the Browse button to select the Gplus Adapter configuration file:
GenComm_universal.def, or a customized version of it.
6. Click OK to start importing.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Remove the unused profiles and drivers that contain insufficient

connection information. See the section, Procedure: Voice Component:
Removing Unused Profiles in the Configuration, on page 256.

Voice Component: Removing Unused Profiles in the
Purpose: To remove the unused profiles and drivers containing insufficient
connection information. It is important to remove the unused profiles and
drivers, if you do not plan to use the full line of the Gplus Components.
Note: Before changing the *.def file, always create and save a backup copy.

Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Administration - Communication > All Configurations.
A list of the existing configurations displays.
2. Select a recordfor example, Genesys Configuration.
3. Select the Profiles tab.
4. Remove the unused profiles and drivers.
End of procedure


Connect to the T-Server Application object. See the section, T-Server


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

T-Server Connections
A T-Server connection can be made in two different ways:

A T-Server connection using the Connections tab of the Gplus

Communication Server: In this scenario, the Siebel configuration uses the
Driver:TServerAppName parameter to refer to the T-server connection. In
this scenario, it is also possible to define advanced connection
parametersfor example, security settings.

A T-Server connection using the Siebel configuration from pre-7.5

versions of the Adapter: If the Driver:TServerAppName parameter was not
defined in the Siebel configuration, or if its value is CHANGE_ME, then all of
the connection parameters are taken from the Siebel configuration as they
existed in the pre-7.5 versions of the Adapter. In this scenario, the security
settings cannot be defined.

Defining the T-Server Connection in Genesys

Configuration Manager
In this type of configuration, the connection to the T-Server Application object
should be added to the list of Gplus Communication Server connections, and in
the Siebel configuration, the Driver:TServerAppName parameter should be
configured to specify the T-Server Application object name of the primary
T-Server, exactly as it is configured in Configuration Manager. If the value of
the TServerAppName parameter is defined in the Siebel configuration, the
Adapter searches the connection parameters in Configuration Manager and
uses these parameters to establish a connection with T-Server. If this
connection is found, then the T-Server connection parameters (including the
advanced parameters) are taken from Configuration Manager, and the
AdapterAppName parameter is ignored (the Gplus Communication Server
application name is used instead).
Also, the switch type is taken from the T-Server Application object. If the
connection to the related T-Server is not found under the Connections tab of
the Gplus Communication Server Application object, the Adapter will not
open a connection to T-Server. The configuration of the Gplus Communication
Server Application object must be updated in Configuration Manager by
defining the connection to the related T-Server.
Using this method, it is possible to define a secure connection between the
Adapter and T-Server. If secure connection is defined, the Adapter and
T-Server will use Transport Layer Security (TLS) when exchanging data. For
details on configuration of security in Genesys, please refer to the Genesys
Security Deployment Guide.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Defining the T-Server Connection in the Siebel

In this type of configuration, the Driver:TServerAppName parameter is:

not defined in the Siebel configuration

or, has the value of CHANGE_ME.

All connection parameters are taken from the Siebel configuration as they
existed in the pre-7.5 versions of the Adapter. In this scenario, the security
settings cannot be defined.

Agent Administration
This section explains the processes involved in creating agents and
agent-related records.
Before using the Voice Component, you must first create the following:

Agent (see the section, Creating Agents on page 258.)

Positions (see the section, Creating Positions, Telesets, and ACD Queues
on page 262.)

Telesets (see the section, Creating Positions, Telesets, and ACD Queues
on page 262.)

ACD Queues (see the section, Creating Positions, Telesets, and ACD
Queues on page 262.)

Agent Group (see the section, Outbound Campaign Agent Configuration

on page 265.)

Creating Agents
To create an agent, you must re-define an existing employee (as defined in
Siebel) to function as an agent with the Gplus Adapter.
To be an agent, the employee must:


Have the correct responsibility and position in regards to the Adapter.

Be associated with a relevant profile.

For Outbound Voice and Voice Callback configurations, it is essential to

specify the proper Time Zone.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Voice Component: Assigning the correct
responsibility and position to an existing employee
Purpose: To assign the correct responsibility and position to an employee in
regards to the Adapter.
Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Users Administration > Employees.
2. Select an employee who is supposed to function as an agent in regards to
the Adapter.
3. Specify the following parameters for the employee record:
Click on the field.
Click Add new from the drop-down menu.
Select Universal Agent.
Click OK.
Click OK to return to the main screen.
Click the field.
Click New from the drop-down menu.
Browse to Telemarketing position.
Click OK.
Mark the position as Primary.
Click OK to return to main screen.
Time Zone:
Click the field.
Browse to desired time zone.
Click OK.
4. Save the record.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Associate the agents with an existing Communications profile. See,

Procedure: Voice Component: Associating agents with an existing
Communications profile and Genesys settings.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Voice Component: Associating agents with an existing
Communications profile and Genesys settings
Purpose: To associate agents with an existing Communications profile and
Genesys settings.
Start of procedure
1. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to All Configurations.
For Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1, select Site Map > Administration Communications> All Configurations.
2. On the Configurations applet, locate the Gplus Outbound Contact
3. Click the applet to make it active.
4. Select the Agents tab.
5. Click New.
6. On the Add Agents screen, browse to and select an agent.
7. Click OK to add the agent into the profile.
8. Save the agents record.
9. Select Administration - Communications > Agent General Profile.
10. Specify the following values for the record:
Agent Login: Agent login ID into ACD/PBX from Genesys
Password: Agent login password into ACD/PBX

11. Save the record.

12. Select the Telesets tab.
13. Click New.
14. Navigate to a particular Teleset on the Add Teleset drop-down menu. (The
Teleset value should match the one specified in Genesys.)
15. Select the Teleset to make it active and click OK.
16. Optional step: To select ACD Queues for the agent:
a. Select the ACD Queues tab.
b. For each agent, add 0 (zero) or more ACD Queues for the agent to log
c. Select the ACD Queue configured with the Genesys settings, and set
the ACD Queue as Primary.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

17. Save the record.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Associate an agent to a campaign. See, Procedure: Voice Component:

Associating an agent to a campaign

Voice Component: Associating an agent to a
Purpose: To associate an agent to a campaign. Associating an agent to a
campaign is also known as creating a campaign agent.
Note: This procedure is only required, if you use the Outbound Campaign

Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Administration Users > Employees.
2. Select an employee who is supposed to function as a campaign agent in
regards to the Adapter.
3. Click the Responsibility field.
4. On the left side of the pop-up window, select Campaign Agent.
5. Click Add.
6. Click OK to return to the main screen.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a Position record. See, Procedure: Voice Component: Creating a

Position record, on page 262.

For further information on how to create campaigns Contacts and/or Prospects

and synchronize this data with Genesys Outbound Contact, refer to the Gplus
Adapter 7.5 for Siebel CRM documentation.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Creating Positions, Telesets, and ACD Queues

By creating Positions, Telesets, and ACD Queues, you create the data
structures that support the agents. If you are using the Outbound Campaign
feature, the agents should be associated with the Voice ACD Queues, and the
newly created campaigns should be associated with the Agent Group. For more
information on agents, campaigns, and groups, see the Siebel documentation.

Voice Component: Creating a Position record
Purpose: To create a new Position record.
Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Groups Administration > Positions.
2. Click New on the Positions applet.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Division: select Default Organization
Position: Telemarketing
4. Save the record.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Add an ACD Queue. See, Procedure: Voice Component: Adding an ACD

Queue, on page 262.

Voice Component: Adding an ACD Queue
Purpose: To add an ACD Queue. An agent should be associated with an ACD
Queue, which is configured for operations with Outbound Contact Server
Start of procedure
1. Navigate to the List of Values (LOV) table, using one of the following
For Siebel version 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1, select Site Map >
Administration-Data > LOV Explorer


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

2. For each ACD Queue in your contact center, you must add a new item
from the list of items.
3. Select the Item Type, CTI_ACD_QUEUES.
4. Provide the following information for this item:
For both the Display Value and Language Independent fields, include
the number of the DN of type ACD Queue.
For the Language field, select English-American (for other languages,
see the Siebel documentation).
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a Teleset. See, Procedure: Voice Component: Creating Telesets, on

page 263.

Voice Component: Creating Telesets
Purpose: To create a Teleset, which is a set of DNs that represent a single
Start of procedure
1. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to All Telesets.
For Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1, select Site Map > Administration Communications> All Telesets.
2. For each Teleset, provide the following information:
Create a new Teleset in the Telesets list.
Add your agents Extension.
3. Give the Teleset a unique namefor example, you may want to name the
Teleset based on the cubicle number, or the location of the Teleset.
4. Select the Extensions tab.
5. Add all the Teleset DNs in the list (one, or more DNs). For each DN, you
must define the DN type:
SStandard DN
AACD Position

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

6. Follow Steps 2 to 5 above for each Teleset.

Note: If a Teleset has only DNs of type ACD Position, then you must

configure at least one of these DNs as a DN of type S in Siebel.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Use Genesys Framework to synchronize the agent information. See,

Using Genesys Framework to Synchronize Agent Information.

Using Genesys Framework to Synchronize Agent Information

After you have created the agents in the Siebel Call Center application and you
have checked to see that the agent information appears in the Genesys
environment, check the corresponding Persons properties in Genesys
Framework. If necessary, use Genesys Framework to make the necessary
For every employee (agent) configured in Siebel to work with the Voice
component of the Adapter, there must be an equivalent Person object with the
same Agent Login object in the Genesys configuration. The Genesys
Configuration Synchronization component of the Adapter should
automatically perform this synchronization.
If the Configuration Synchronization Adapter is not deployed, you must
manually duplicate the Siebel agents and places (Telesets) in the Genesys
After creating the Persons and Place objects in the Genesys environment,
either automatically or manually, check the Persons properties in Genesys
Framework to verify that the corresponding configuration is correct.
You must define a default Place for the newly created Persons object. Use the
following procedure to assign a default Place to a Person object.
Note: If no default Place objects are assigned to an agent, you must perform

this procedure manually.

Voice Component: Assigning a default Place object to
a Person object
Purpose: To assign a default Place to a Persons.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, select Environment > Tenant > Persons.
2. Click Persons.
3. Right-click a specific Person object and select Properties from the
drop-down menu.
The Properties dialog box displays.
4. Select the Agent Info tab.
5. Locate the Default Place drop-down menu.
6. Click Browse.
7. Click Places and select the appropriate place for the Person.
8. Click OK to add the Place.
9. Click Apply to submit changes.
10. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.
11. Repeat Step 3Step 10 for all agents.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Assign an agent to an Agent Group, if the agents are working with the
Outbound Campaign functionality. See, Procedure: Voice Component:
Assigning an OCS agent to an Agent Group, on page 265.

Outbound Campaign Agent Configuration

There are additional requirements for agents working with the Outbound
Campaign functionality. Agents must be assigned to an Agent Group
configured to work with Outbound Contact Server (OCS), which is associated
with the Outbound Campaign feature. If an agent is not assigned to a group,
you should manually perform this task, as explained in the following

Voice Component: Assigning an OCS agent to an
Agent Group
Purpose: To assign OCS agents to an Agent Group.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, select Environment > Tenant > Agent Groups.
2. Right-click a particular Agent Group configured to work with OCS.
3. Select New > Shortcut from the drop-down menu to access an agent.
4. Navigate to the agent entry with which you are working.
5. Click OK to add the agent.
6. Repeat Steps 25 for all agents that must be configured to work with OCS.
End of procedure
Next Steps

If you are working with the Universal Callback component, see,

Procedure: Voice Component: Assigning an Universal Callback agent to an
Agent Group, on page 266.

If you not working with the Universal Callback component, then there are
no further steps. You have completed the configuration and installation of
the Outbound Campaign feature of the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM
The configuration steps mentioned above are related to the synchronization
of information between Siebel and Genesys. For more detailed information
about the configuration of the Genesys Outbound Contact Server product,
refer to the Genesys Outbound Contact documentation.

Universal Callback Agent Configuration

All agents working with Universal Callback must be assigned to an Agent
group configured to work with the Universal Callback server. If an agent is not
assigned to a Agent Group, you should manually perform the following

Voice Component: Assigning an Universal Callback
agent to an Agent Group
Purpose: To assign Universal Callback agents to an Agent Group.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, select Environment > Tenant > Agent Groups.
2. Right-click a particular Agent Group configured to work with Universal
3. Select New > Shortcut from the drop-down menu to access an agent.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

4. Navigate to the agent entry with which you are working.

5. Click OK to add the agent.
6. Repeat Step 2Step 5 for all agents that must be configured to work with
Universal Callback.
End of procedure
Next Steps

You have competed the configuration and installation of the Universal

Callback configuration of the Gplus Voice Component for Siebel CRM.

Advanced Customization of Voice

Component Configurations
This section provide information and instructions for the advanced
customization of the Voice Component.
These advanced customization topics are described in the following sections:
Creating Activity Records, page 268
Voice Component Common Configuration Information, page 274
Customizations for the Basic Voice Feature, page 290
Customizations for the Expert Contact Feature, page 291
Customizations for the Universal Callback Feature, page 291
Customizations for the Outbound Campaign or OCS Feature, page 291

Note: Before attempting to make any modifications or customizations,

review the basic deployment procedures for any information that may
apply to the kind of changes you are makingfor example, if your
modification requires changes to the configuration (*.def) file, refer
to the section, Editing the Configuration Definition File on
page 252. The information in this section assumes that you understand
the context of the implementation procedures and any associated
requirements or constraints that may apply.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Creating Activity Records

Each incoming and outgoing interaction initiates the creation of an Activity
record in the Siebel application and also, creates a new work item in the
Communications (CTI) Toolbar. Many customization projects involve working
with these created Activity records. The Activity record creation and the
error-handling logic model are implemented in the Siebel *.def file by using
the standard methods. See the Siebel Communications Server Administrator
Guide for more information on this topic.
Warning! Creating an Activity record affects the performance of the Siebel

Server. If you are not using Activity records, remove the Activity
Creation code from the event handlers. See the section,
Modifying the Definition File and Resolving Any Related
Performance Issues on page 273, for more information.
This section consists of the following sections:
Creating a Basic Voice Feature Activity Record, page 268
Creating an Expert Contact Feature Activity Record, page 269
Creating an Outbound Campaign Feature Activity Record, page 270
Creating a Universal Callback Feature Activity Record, page 271
Modifying the Definition File and Resolving Any Related Performance
Issues, page 273
Transfer Functionality Restrictions, page 273
Transferring Outbound Calls to Agents Who are Not in a Campaign,
page 274

Creating a Basic Voice Feature Activity Record

Activity records for inbound and outbound calls are created in the
EventEstablished event. The Activity record creation is handled by the
following two event handlers:

[EventHandler:OutboundCallReceived] for outbound calls

[EventHandler:InboundCallReceived] for inbound calls.

The log creation logic model and the set of information fields used are defined
in the appropriate event response; the post-call release actions are defined in
the same event response as the After Call Work (ACW) elements.
Inbound Calls


For an inbound call, the [EventHandler:InboundCallReceived] event handler

creates an activity for an inbound call in the EventEstablished event and
displays the contact information on the agents dashboard. The
[EventHandler:InboundCallReceived] event handler then queries the Contact
Business Component record and depending on the number of rows returned by
the query specification, Work Phone # LIKE *{OtherDN}, it executes the
following three different log event handlers:

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Outbound Calls

Multiple contacts

Single contact

No contacts found.

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

For an outbound call, the [EventHandler:OutboundCallReceived] event handler

creates an activity in the [EventHandler:EventEstablished] event handler and
displays the contact information on the agents dashboard. The event handler
queries the Contact Business Component record and depending on the number
of rows returned by the query specification, Work Phone # LIKE
*{OtherDN}, it executes the following three different log event handlers:

Multiple contacts

Single contact

No contacts found.

The Display = true option must be commented out or removed from the
code, if you want to enable the Contact popup screen.

Creating an Expert Contact Feature Activity Record

Activity record creation scenarios are different, depending upon whether the
CTI-Less T-Server Preview-interaction mode is turned on or off, as explained
Scenario 1:
The Previewinteraction mode
is turned off

If the Preview-interaction mode is turned off:

Scenario 2:
The Previewinteraction mode
is turned on

If the Preview-interaction mode is turned on:

The Activity records for the inbound and outbound calls are created in the
same manner as for the Basic Voice feature. SeeCreating a Basic Voice
Feature Activity Record on page 268.

An Activity record is created in the EventKwPreviewIntRequest event with a

Requested status.

The established call reuses both the same work item in the Communication
toolbar and the same Activity record.

The log creation logic model and the set of information fields used are
defined in the following associated event response:

The post-call release actions are defined in the same event response as the
After Call Work (ACW) elements.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Table 16 displays the name of supported event handlers and the status property
that they set.
Table 16: Supported Event Handlers for the Expert Contact
Event Handler




All work items releasing events. See, Creating a Done

Basic Voice Feature Activity Record on
page 268 for more information.

Creating an Outbound Campaign Feature Activity

Activity records are created for all incoming Outbound Contact Server
interactions. The activity creation logic models for the Preview records and the
scheduled calls are defined in the following event responses:



The activity creation logic models for the Predictive and Progressive calling
modes are implemented in the OnPredictOCSRecord event response and the
[EventHandler:OutboundOCSCallEstablished] event handler.
The [EventHandler:PreviewOCSCallEstablished] event handler prevents the
duplication of Activity records created for any preview calls. The Preview
records (as well as the scheduled calls and the predictive calls) are incoming
interactions and they create their own activity record.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Depending on an agents response, the appropriate status is set in the Activity

record. Table 17 displays the name of supported event handlers and the status
property that they set.
Table 17: Supported Event Handlers for Outbound Contact
Event Handler



In Progress

EventEstablished (for Predictive and Progressive
Dialing modes)










Creating a Universal Callback Feature Activity Record

The [EventCallBackRequest] event handler creates an activity for callback
requests in the EventCallBackRequest event and displays the contact
information on the agent's dashboard. The event handler queries the Contact
Business Component record and then, depending on the number of rows
returned by the query specifications, executes the following three different log
event handlers:

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Multiple contacts

Single contact

No contacts found.

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Also, the event handlers shown in Table 18 update the Activity records
(created in the [EventHandler:EventCallBackRequest] event handler) and must
be commented out or removed from the code, if you want to disable the
creation of the Activity records for the CallBackRequest request.
Table 18 shows a list of supported event handlers and the status that they set.
Table 18: Supported Event Handlers for Universal
Event Handler























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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Modifying the Definition File and Resolving Any

Related Performance Issues
Creating Activity records affects the overall Siebel Server performance.
Genesys recommends that you review the requirements for creating Activity
records during the implementation phase. Make sure to comment out or to
remove the Activity Creation code that you are not using from the
GenComm_universal.def file.
For your convenience, the Activity Creation code is marked as follows:
Lines below are activity creation code <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Lines above are activity creation code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The Siebel Server performance is also affected when you query the Campaign
Business Component record for the Siebel SmartScript. If you are not using the
Siebel SmartScript, the following code, which is related to the Siebel
SmartScript handling, must also be commented out or removed from the
GenComm_universal.def file.
For your convenience, the SmartScript-related code is marked as follows:
; Lines below are Smart Script related code

; Lines above are Smart Script related code

Transfer Functionality Restrictions

Outbound Contact

The transfer functionality for agent-to-agent transfers using Outbound Contact

Server (OCS) is limited by the following restrictions:

Only two-step and mute (blind) transfers are allowed from agent-to-agent.
Genesys recommends that when making an agent-to-agent transfer, the
first agent should make a consultation call to the second agent before
making the transfer. If the agent receiving the transfer has a current call
and record on their desktop, the transfer may not be successful.

The user data should be attached to the call after the agent completes a

A call transfer is possible to and from agents and also, to agents logged
into a loaded or active campaign group. You can also transfer to agents
who are not participating in the active campaign. This option requires that
you use Outbound Contact 7.x, or higher.

Genesys recommends that the number of transferred outbound calls does

not exceed 5 to 10 percent of all outbound calls.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Expert Contact

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Because of the constraints imposed by CTI-Less T-Servers, the transfer

functionality for the Expert Contact feature is limited by the following

Mute (blind) transfers are supported only as an external reroute to the

Network T-Server for GenSpec.

Two-step transfers are supported for both internal CTI-Less T-Server

operations and for external transfers between CTI-Less T-Servers.

The maximum allowed number of active calls is two.

Transferring Outbound Calls to Agents Who are Not in

a Campaign
The Voice Component supports Outbound Preview, Predictive, Progressive,
and Push Preview campaign transfer calls to agents who are not participating
in an active campaign. This feature requires Genesys Outbound Contact,
version 7.x, or higher. In this type of transfer scenario, an agent, who is not in
the active campaign, can do the following:

reschedule a record as a campaign callback

set a new call status

update the number of dialled attempts

request a chain of records

cancel a record

mark a contact as Do Not Call (DNC)

process a record

Voice Component Common Configuration Information

This section describes the common configuration information that applies to
all Voice Component features.

Switch-Specific Configuration Instructions

You must make the following configuration changes for the following


the Alcatel A4400/OXE switch

the Nortel Communication Server 2000/2100 switch

the Rockwell Spectrum switch.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Alcatel A4400/OXE

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

The Adapter supports the operation of the T-Server for Alcatel 4400/OXE and
the Alcatel A4400/OXE switch with the Agent Substitute feature set to either
of the following:

on or true

off or false

In either of these two modes, the set of DNs for the agent Teleset in the
configuration must have the following defined:

DNs of type Extension, Teleset DN of type S (Standard DN)

DNs of type ACD Position, Teleset DNs of type A (ACD Position DN)

When you use the Agent Substitute feature set to on or true, you must define
the following two parameters in the CTI configuration:

Service:AgentSubstitute = TRUE

Service:ACDDNList = {@ACDDNList }

If you use the Agent Substitute feature set to off or false, you must define the
following two parameters in the CTI configuration:

Server 2000/2100

Server 1000

Service:AgentSubstitute = False

Service:ACDDNList = {@AgentID}

In order to allow agents to make outbound calls using the Siebel

Communications toolbar, the Nortel Communication Server 2000/2100
(previously known as Nortel DMS-100) switch must be configured to make
outbound calls from DNs of both types, ACD Positions and Extensions.
When using the Nortel Communication Server 1000 with SCCS/MLS
(previously known as Nortel Symposium or Nortel Meridian) switch, the
T-Server option, nrdy-after-login, must be set in accordance with your switch
configuration, otherwise T-Server does not send the proper notifications to its
clients regarding the Ready/NotReady state of the agents.

Configuring the Communication DN

The Communication DN is used to send and broadcast an EventUserEvent
Messages through
a Communication

The Siebel CRM configuration for Gplus Adapter can define a special DN,
which is called the Communication DN. Third-party applications (for example,
T-Server clients) can communicate with the Gplus Adapter using this
Communication DN to send EventUserEvent messages with an attached
UserData attribute to all agents currently logged into the Adapter. These
third-party applications are defined as any client application other than the
Gplus Voice Component.
The Communication DN for this feature is configured in Siebel by defining the
following communications driver parameter:
Driver:CommunicationDN <DN>

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

The value of this parameter must be equal to a DN that is configured in

Configuration Server as a Communication DN for the same T-Server and
In a Communication DN configuration, an EventUserEvent message is
distributed by T-Server to all Siebel CRM agent desktops that have the same
Communication DN configuration as the third-party application.
The data flow for the Communication DN configuration is described in the
following scenario:
1. Whenever any third-party application registered to the Communication DN
sends an EventUserEvent message with an attached UserData attribute to
this Communication DN, T-Server distributes this EventUserEvent message
with the same attached UserData attribute
2. This EventUserEvent message is then sent through the Communication DN
and distributed to all Siebel CRM agent desktops.
3. The EventUserEvent message is then sent to Siebel, if the corresponding
event handler with the EventUserEvent device event is defined in the Siebel
Communications configuration.
Figure 31 displays the data flow for this configuration.

Figure 31: Data Flow of an EventUserEvent Message Sent Through a Communication DN


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Through a

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

You can generate an EventUserEvent message (with an attached UserData

attribute) with the Voice Component and broadcast it to both third-party
applications, as well as all of the agents logged into the Siebel CRM Gplus
Voice Component with the same Communication DN configuration. Figure 32
displays the data flow of broadcasting EventUserEvent messages.
Note: You can also define additional parameters with the
SendUserEventToCommDN command in the Voice Component.

Figure 32: Data Flow for Broadcasting an EventUserEvent Message through a Communication DN

The Communication DN for this feature is configured in Siebel by defining the

following communications driver parameter:

The value of this parameter must be set to true.

Siebel can send the EventUserEvent message with an attached UserData
attribute by using the SendUserEventToCommDN command.
This command is defined in the sample GenComm_universal.def file described
in the following section, Editing the Configuration Definition File on
page 252. If the [Driver:BroadcastCommdnUserEvents2Agents] driver

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

parameter is not defined, or if its value is set to false, then the EventUserEvent
message is delivered by T-Server to the third-party applications only. See,
Figure 33.

Figure 33: Data Flow for Broadcasting User Events to Third-Party Applications Only

After you configure the Communication DN and set the

[Driver:BroadcastCommdnUserEvents2Agents] driver parameter to true, then
you must define the driver command in Siebel CRM that is associated with the
SendUserEventOnCommDN device command. The GenComm_universal.def file
contains a sample of the SendUserEventToCommDN configuration command.
The SendUserEventOnCommDN device command is used in the
GenComm_universal.def file to define the [Command:SendUserEventToCommDN]
parameter and the corresponding
[CmdData:ConnDataForSendUserEventToCommDN] parameter.
The device command must be defined in order to distribute the EventUserEvent
message with an attached UserData attribute to the Communication DN. For
example, in the GenComm_universal.def file, the Siebel CRM
[Command:SendUserEventToCommDN] command parameter is configured to


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

invoke the Adapter SendUserEventOnCommDN device command with the

following attached UserData attribute key-value pair list:

AdditionParam1/This is Param1

AdditionParam2/This is Param2

In the GenComm.def file, this configuration is shown in Example 1 below:

Example 1

Description = Send UserData To Comm DN
DeviceCommand = SendUserEventOnCommDN
Hidden = true
Profile =
Comments =
CmdData = ConnDataForSendUserEventToCommDN
Param.AdditionParam1 = This is Param1
Param.AdditionParam2 = This is Param2
Comments =

When you import the above definitions into the configuration, Siebel can use
the SendUserEventToCommDN command parameter to deliver the EventUserEvent
message (with the following attached UserData attribute as the key-value pair
list: AdditionParam1/This is Param1, AdditionParam2/This is Param2) to
other applications that have been registered to receive the same
Communication DN events.

The AttributeExtensions Parameter

The AttributeExtensions parameter allows you to send an Extensions attribute
with a request to T-Server. In this scenario, you define the
AttributeExtensions parameter in the Siebel Communications Server
command data. To define this parameter, two additional parameters must be
defined as shown in Table 19.
Table 19: Additional Parameters for the AttributeExtensions





<ValueOfExtension> where the value of

the extension is a number

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Example 2 describes how you can define the MakeCallToPhone command with
the AttributeExtensions parameter in the GenComm.def file.
Example 2
DeviceCommand = MakeCall

= Make Call to {@Phone}


= MakeCallToPhone

OnControl = TRUE


AttachContext= TRUE
RequiredField.@Phone= ?*
Param.PhoneNumber= {@Phone}
Param.CallNotifyText= Call from {@UserName}...



In this example, the Param.AttributeExtensions parameter defines the name of

the key-value, GCTI_PARAMETER, and the Param.GCTI_PARAMETER parameter
defines the value of the key-value, 111.
As a result, whenever Siebel calls the MakeCallToPhone command, the Adapter
sends the request to T-Server with the following Extensions attribute key-value

Sending Extensions Attributes with String and/or

Integer Value Types (Method 1)
The Gplus Adapter can send Extensions attributes with multiple extensions of
string and/or integer value types in requests to T-Server.
Attribute With a
String Value Type

To send the Extensions attribute with a multiple extensions of a string value

type, the Siebel configuration must use command data that includes the
StringAttributeExtensions parameter and its associated parameters.
The StringAttributeExtensions parameter defines the list of parameters that
are used as Extensions attributes in requests to T-Server. The names and values
of the associated parameters are used as the keys and values of the Extensions
attributes included in the requests to T-Server. If a parameter that is included in
the StringAttributeExtensions list does not exist, this parameter is ignored by
the Adapter.
In the StringAttributeExtensions list, you should separate each parameter by
a comma, , and optional spaces (that is, spaces or tabs) as shown in Example
3 on page 281.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Example 3

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Param.StringAttributeExtensions = "str1 , Str2 ,String3,string4"
Param.str1 = "String_str1"
Param.Str2 = "String_Str2"
Param.String3 = "String_String3"
Param.string4= "String_String4"

Example 4 shows a command that includes the ReasonCode key with a string
value of 7623 in the Extensions attribute of a request to T-Server:
Example 4

; ////////////Not Ready command

FilterSpec = "[$GetCommandStatus(NotReady)] = 'Enabled'"
Hidden = "TRUE"
DeviceCommand = "NotReady"
Description = "Set not ready for Voice"
Profile = "Gplus Universal Profile"
CmdData = "NotReadyWithReasonCode"

[CmdData: NotReadyWithReasonCode]
Param.ReasonCode = "7623"
Param.StringAttributeExtensions = "ReasonCode"
Attribute Using the
Value Type Integer

To send the Extensions attribute with multiple extensions of a integer value

type, the Siebel configuration must use command data that includes the
IntAttributeExtensions parameter and its associated parameters.
The IntAttributeExtensions parameter defines the list of parameters which
are used as Extensions attributes in requests to T-Server. The names and values
of the associated parameters are used as the keys and values of the Extensions
attribute included in the requests to T-Server. If a parameter that is included in
the IntAttributeExtensions list does not exist, then a default value of -1 is
In the IntAttributeExtensions list, you should separate each parameter by a
comma, , and optional spaces (that is, spaces or tabs) as shown in Example

Example 5

; ////////////SendDTM command
DeviceCommand = "SendDTMF"
; "Description" is provided by driver

= "DTMFData"


= "TRUE"


= "Gplus Universal Profile"

CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE"

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations


= "12345"

Param.AttributeExtensions = "GCTI_SendDTMF"
Param.GCTI_SendDTMF= "111"
Param.IntAttributeExtensions = "ToneDuration, Int2,PauseDuration"
Param.ToneDuration = "12"
Param.Int2 = "222"
Param.PauseDuration = "8"

The length of the StringAttributeExtensions or IntAttributeExtensions

parameters is defined by the length of the Siebel field, Param.*, and can be a
maximum of 251 characters. The number of associated parameters in the list
cannot be more than 40. The rest of the parameters are ignored.
Both types of Extensions attributes can be used in the same request. The earlier
approach to define the Extensions attributes for a single integer value was kept
(see the description of The AttributeExtensions Parameter on page 279). It
can be used for backward compatibility (see Param.AttributeExtensions and
the corresponding Param.GCTI_SendDTMF in Example 6 below).
In addition to this, two parameters in a command data define the names of
integer and string extensions which are going to be included as Attribute
Extensions in the request to T-Server as shown in Example 6:
Example 6

DeviceCommand = "SendDTMF"
; "Description" is provided by driver

= "DTMFData"


= "TRUE"


= "Gplus Universal Profile"

CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE"

= "12345"

Param.AttributeExtensions = "GCTI_SendDTMF"
Param.GCTI_SendDTMF= "111"
Param.IntAttributeExtensions = "ToneDuration, Int2,PauseDuration"
Param.ToneDuration = "12"
Param.Int2 = "222"
Param.PauseDuration = "8"
Param.StringAttributeExtensions = "str1 , Str2 ,String3,String4"
Param.str1 = "String_str1"
Param.Str2 = "String_Str2"
Param.String3 = "String_String3"
Param.String4 = "String_String4"


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Sending Extensions Attributes with String and/or

Integer Value Types (Method 2)
Where requests to T-Server could be sent with either attached UserData
attributes, Reasons attributes or Extensions attributes, the Gplus Adapter is
able to attach integer and/or string type values in these parameters when
invoking the corresponding device commands.
These parameters are defined in a [CmdData:] section of the corresponding
The names of the parameters that must be included as Reasons attributes are
provided by the Reasons parameterfor example:
Param.Reasons = "reason_i1, reason_str1,reasons_i2"

The names of the parameters that must be included as Extensions attributes are
provided by the Extensions parameter Extensionsfor example:
Param.Extensions = "Int2, Str4, Str1, reason_i1"

The way to define integer and/or string type values with

Param.IntAttributeExtensions and Param.StringAttributeExtensions
command parameters, as described earlier in this section, can also be used to
define the Extensions attributes.
The rest of the CmdData parameters that have the prefix Param are treated as
attached UserData attributes.
How to
Integer Type
Values from String
Type Values

The backslash symbol (\) in the first position of the parameter value is used
to denote an integer type value. Any other symbol in the first position denotes
that this symbol is a string type value. If the string type value needs to have a
backslash in its first position, then use a double backslash as follows:
If the value of a parameter, as defined in the Siebel Communications Server
command data, with a Param.* prefix begins with a single \ (backslash), then
this type value is treated as an integer. A single backslash is considered as a
string type value and its value is single backslash ("\").
In the following examples:

= "\" in [CmdData:NotReadyWithPopup]

is included in Reasons attribute as the string value type: res-Bslash

\ .

If the value of a parameter is defined by \ as an integer value type, but

cannot be converted to an integer value type, then the parameter value is 0
(zero) as shown in Example 7 on page 284.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Example 7

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Param.reasons_i2 = "\i453"

will have the value 0.


= "Make Call to "{@Phone}""

DeviceCommand = "MakeCall"

= "NOT [$GetCommandStatus(IsInteractionView)] = 'Enabled'"


= "TRUE"

OnEditControl = "TRUE"

= ""


= "Gplus Universal Profile"


= "MakeCallToPhone"


= "Call from {@UserName}..."


= "Int2, Str4, Str1, reason_i1"


= "\9832"


= "\12678"

Param.IntAttributeExtensions = "Int1, Int2,Str1,




= "{@Phone:PhoneTypeLookup}"


= "reason_i1, reason_str1,reasons_i2"


= "\\Str With 1 backslash"


= "_Without Backslashes"


= "\\OneMoreBack"

Param.StringAttributeExtensions = "Int1,Int2,Str1"

= "\8645"


= "qwerty"


= "\i453"


= "again w\ithout"


= "?*"


= ""


= "Set not ready for Voice"

DeviceCommand = "NotReady"

= "[$GetCommandStatus(NotReady)] = 'Enabled'"


= "TRUE"


= ""


= "Gplus Universal Profile"


= "NotReadyWithPopup"


= "[Name]"

Param.ReasonValue = "[Value]"


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations


= "Res1_int, Res3_str,




= "\1237"


= "//r2_str"


= "r3_str"


= "\"


= "\\with\\baslash"


= "Value Type Pick Applet"


= "List Of Values"


= "List Of Values"


= "TRUE"


= "[Type] = 'REASON_CODE' AND [Active] = 'Y'"

SelectTitle = "Please select the reason for changing status to Not-Ready"


= ""

How to Invoke the UpdateUserData Device Command

This section provides an example of the definition of device commands that
can be used for call attached data modification, as shown in Example 8:
Example 8

;////////////////////////////////////////////////;// "TestAttachData"
would be called from EventResponse
;//of some EventHandler:
;// for test purposes only

= "Attach UserData To call"

; DeviceCommand = "AttachData"
; DeviceCommand = "DeleteUserData"
DeviceCommand = "UpdateUserData"

= "true"

;// Please define real Profile how it is defined in real

;//configuration instead of "Gplus Universal Profile"

= "Gplus Universal Profile"


= ""


= "AssociateAttachData"

Param.AdditionParam1 = "This is Param1"
Param.AdditionParam2 = "This is Param2"
Param.AdditionParam3 = "This is Param3"

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

= ""


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

For testing purposes, you may create a new button on the Siebel
Communications toolbar and associate this button with the TestAttachData
command as defined above. For detailed information about how to create this
button on the Siebel Communications toolbar, see the Siebel documentation.
The following information is important to remember when working with data
attached to a call:

For incoming calls, the Adapter enables the following device commands
after the EventEstablished event is sent:


For outgoing calls, the same device commands are available after the
EventDialing event is sent

The AttachData device command should not be used to update any already
existing data attached to a call. In this scenario, the command simply adds
the specified parameters, which can lead to duplicated entries in the data
attached to the original call. The UpdateUserData device command creates
a new entry, or updates an existing one. For more information, see the
T-Server documentation related to the switch you are using.

You may also use other device commands (MakeCall, TransferMute,

TransferInit, and TransferStep) to attach data to a call by defining
additional parameters for these commands. All additional parameters for
these commands are considered as user data that has to be attached to a

Network Attended Transfer/Conference Feature

This release supports the Network Attended Transfer/Conference (NAT/C)
feature, which is designed to enable agents working in multi-site contact
centers to consult with each other before making call transfers or conferences,
regardless of whether both agents work at the same of different sites. It also
enables the agent who requests the consultation to maintain their conversation
with the customer while the system is looking for an available agent and
setting up the consultation call.
In this scenario, a network call request is relayed to the premise T-Server
(Premise A), and then this request is transferred to another premise T-Server
(Premise B) by using the NAT/C requests sent from Premise A. The network
call request is initially routed to Premise A, which is considered as the starting
point for the network transfer on Premise A.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

When the original calling party has established a connection with an agent
(Agent 1) on Premise A, the network multi-party functionality can be invoked.
In this scenario, Agent 1 can make a request for a consultation with another
agent (Agent 2) on Premise B. The NAT/C request is initiated on Premise A
with the required parameter of the remote location. When this request is
answered on Premise B, the consultation call leg is created on the network.
After the consultation call leg is initiated, Agent 1 is then able to swap voice
connections between Agent 2 and the original calling party. Agent 2 can also
swap the voice connection, but there is a limitation, which is that the voice
connection can only be swapped in one of the following ways:

Between Agent 1 and Agent 2.

Between Agent 1 and the original calling party.

After the consultation call leg is initiated, an agent can do the following:

Complete the transfer of the network call to a remote location (Premise B).

Reconnect the network call to Premise A.

Merge the network call into an existing conference call.

The NAT/C request can be initiated when the TransferInit or ConferenceInit

device commands are invoked. The remote location information is described
by the Param.RemoteConnectStr command data parameter.
The value of the Param.RemoteConnectStr command data parameter defines the
name of the premise switch where the destination DN resides. This premise
switch name is the name of the remote contact center and must be defined
exactly as it is in Genesys Configuration Manager.
Two other Siebel Configuration parameters define the name of the local
premise switch where the initial DN resides (this name is the T-Server switch,
defined in the current Siebel configuration). These Siebel Configuration
parameters are as follows:

ConnectString in the [Configuration Parameters] section

Driver:LocalConnString in the [Driver: ] section.

Both of these parameters are treated the same and must be defined as follows:

In the [Configuration Parameters] section, define the ConnectString

parameter as a premise switch name exactly as it is defined in Genesys
Configuration Manager for T-Serverfor example:
ConnectString = "Prem-1-G3_72"

In the [Driver: ] section, define the ConnectString parameter as a

premise switch name exactly as it is defined in Genesys Configuration
Manager for T-Serverfor example:
Driver:LocalConnString = "Prem-1-G3_72"

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

If the RemoteConnectStr parameter of the TransferInit, ConferenceInit, and

LocalConnString device commands define the different switches (remote
contact centers), and there is a network call on the DN, the Adapter tries to
initiate a network attended transfer when one of these device commands is
If the RemoteConnectStr parameter and the LocalConnString device command
are the same, the Adapter initiates a local consultation call on the same switch.
To invoke this functionality with a received network call from an originating
call party, the Adapter uses the approach recommended in the Siebel
Communications Server Administration Guide.
If the ConnectString parameter was defined in the Siebel configuration, then
the Siebel macro, $RemoteConnectStr2, allows the retrieval of the name of the
remote contact center from the Employee Business Component record.
As described in the Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide:
...$RemoteConnectStr2. The name of the remote call center. This macro, which
can be used with transfers and conference calls between call centers, derives
from the name of a remote call centers communications configuration from

The ConnectString configuration parameter (if defined), or

The employee ID of the agent to be called...

In a sample GenComm_universal.def file, the [CmdData:] section of the

following commands defines the value of the RemoteConnectStr parameter as a
$RemoteConnectStr2 macro (see an example below):





When a two-step transfer or a conference call is initiated, the Adapter

compares the name of the contact center of the initiator as defined by the
Driver:LocalConnString parameter with the value of the RemoteConnectStr
parameter. If these values are not equal and are not 0 (zero), and there is a
network call on the initiating DN, then the Adapter initiates a network call
transfer to the remote contact center defined by the value of the
RemoteConnectStr parameter. Otherwise, a local consultation call is initiated.
The same Communication toolbar buttons that initiate a local consultation call,
can also invoke the Adapter to complete the network call transfer, to reconnect
the network call, or to merge the network call into a conference call. If the
active work item is a network call, and the call state enables the related feature,
then the network call, a reconnected network call, or a merged network call is


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Because there is only one call on the premise switch/T-Server in a Network

Attended Transfer scenario, there is only one work item in Siebel. The network
alternate is invoked by clicking the NtwkAlternateConsultCall button on the
Communications toolbar when the call state enables this operation.
Example 9 shows how to define the RemoteConnectStr2 parameter in the
command device data, which can be found in the sample
GenComm_universal.def file provided with the Adapter:
Example 9

popup list"

= "TransferInit"
= "Consultative transfer to employee selected from


= "Consultative Transfer"


= "ConsultativeTransferToPopupEmployee"


= "TRUE"

CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE"

= "Gplus Universal Profile"


= "TRUE"


= "TRUE"


= "Employee"


= "Employee"


= "ACD Transfer Call Applet"


= "Begin Consultative Transfer to:"


= "[Phone #:Lookup]"

Param.CallNotifyText = "Consultative transfer from


= "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}"


= "[$RemoteConnectStr2(Id)]"

Note: The $RemoteConnectStr2 Siebel macro returns the non-null name of a

remote contact center when an agent is logged into Siebel. When a

destination agent is not logged into Siebel, or is in the same Siebel
configuration that the initiator of the transfer or conference call is, the
Adapter initiates a local consultation call.

Network Attended Transfer/Conference with Optional

Automatic Reconnection
When a network transfer TNetworkDestState request is initiated by the agent,
but the consultation call has failed returning a NetworkDestState event with the
NetworkDestStateFailed attribute with a Busy or NoAnswer cause, then the
network call should be reconnected back to the agent.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

This reconnection can be accomplished in one of the following two ways:

Manually, by clicking the Resume work item button on the Siebel

Communications toolbar, or

Automatically, by configuring a profile in Siebel to perform an automatic

reconnection of a network call after a specified timeout has elapsed.

The Driver:NtwkReconnectTimeout configuration parameter set to a default

value of 0 defines two things: whether or not an automatic reconnection is
configured and the value for the timeout.
If the value of the Driver:NtwkReconnectTimeout parameter is greater than 0
(zero), then the value represents the timeout (in seconds) before the Adapter
invokes a network reconnect request (TNetworkReconnect) to the T-Server. In
this case, if an agent attempts to perform a manual reconnection for the
network call from the Siebel Communications toolbar during the timeout, the
automatic reconnection is not invoked.
If the value of the Driver:NtwkReconnectTimeout parameter is 0 (zero - the
default), then the Adapter does not automatically invoke a TNetworkReconnect
request. The agent will need to invoke a manual reconnection as described

Customizations for the Basic Voice Feature

Network Attended Transfer Support
The premise T-Server uses a TSingleStepTransfer request to route a call to the
network T-Server. So, the Gplus Adapter uses a TSingleStepTransfer request
when it is performing a network transfer for all switches.
To ensure that the Adapter uses the TransferSStep device command for
network transfers, the value of the
Service:useSStepTransferForNetworkTransfer parameter must be set to true.
When performing a network transfer, the TransferSStep device command must
be configured, so that the value of the RemoteConnectStr device command
parameter defines the name of the network switch, as shown below in Example
10 on page 284.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Example 10

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

[Command: SingleStepTransferCallToNetworkTS]
= "TransferSStep"
CmdData = " SingleStepTransferCallToNetworkTS "
= "TRUE"
CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE"
= "Profile Name Here"
[CmdData: SingleStepTransferCallToNetworkTS]
Param.RemoteConnectStr = "<AttributeLocation_Value>"
Param.TrackingID =

where <AttributeLocation_Value> is the name of the network switch as

defined in the Genesys configuration.

Customizations for the Expert Contact Feature

Configuring the Set of User Data Available to an Agent
The user data attached to a call is stored in the Description field of the
Activity record. The required data is defined in the GenComm_universal.def file
in the EventKwPreviewIntRequest event handler. A query searches the list of
contacts using the following specification: Work Phone #' LIKE '*{ThisDN}.
Depending on the query results, the log creation logic model executes one of
the following types of log handlers: SingleLog, MultipleLog, or Log (in
scenarios where no contact is found) and displays the appropriate Siebel view
to the agent.
The set of fields that are available to the agent should be specified in the
following line within each log handler:
to {ThisDN}"

= "Preview interaction request

Customizations for the Universal Callback Feature

There are no customization for this release.

Customizations for the Outbound Campaign or OCS Feature

The Outbound Campaign feature is associated with the Genesys Outbound
Contact Server (OCS) product. Refer to the Genesys Outbound Contact
documentation for additional details about this product.

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Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Logout Control for the Predictive Dialing Mode

To schedule agent logout time and to prevent abandoned calls in Predictive
Dialing mode, use the AgentLogOutControl option in the
GenComm_universal.def file. The default value of this configuration option is
false. If you set this configuration option to true, you will enable the agent
state control (logout) functionality. This functionality notifies agents
requesting a logout, the time left until their actual logout. Upon reaching this
time, the agent is automatically logged out from communication services. See
the Genesys Outbound Contact documentation for more information about this
feature. Also for more information, see Parameter Name:
Service:AgentLogOutControl on page 316. This functionality is supported
only by Genesys Outbound Contact version 7.x.

OCS Server Timeout Requests

The Gplus Adapter controls the response time from Outbound Contact Server
(OCS). When the requested timeout is over, it erases the obsolete records from
the agents desktop. The timeout period is specified in the RequestTimeout
option in the GenComm_universal.def file. The default value for this option is 30
(in milliseconds)for example, Service:RequestTimeOut = 30.
Possible use cases include:

Configurations with one OCS, when the primary OCS is down, or not

Configurations with primary and backup OCSs, both running in the Warm
Standby modefor example, when an agent has records from the primary
OCS, but the backup OCSs role is switched to primary due to the failure
of the primary server.

OCS SmartScript Code CustomizationEvent

Response and Event Handler Information
The handling and processing logic in the SmartScript code has changed. The
SmartScript ID is not delivered as the user data key-value pair,
CRM_SMART_SCR_ID. Instead, as it is extracted from the Campaign Business
Component record. The Adapter assumes that the default SmartScript code is
used for handling all campaign records.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

The SmartScript-related code is included in the following event responses:

[EventResponse:OnOCSRecord]this event handler works for OCS records

received on the following user events
PreviewRecord(for the Preview dialing mode)
ScheduledCall(for scheduled records)

[EventResponse:OnPredictOCSRecord]this event handler works for OCS

records received on the following user events:

OutboundOCSCallEstablished(for both Predictive/Progressive dialing

OCSPartyChanged(for transferred calls)

Both event responses perform the following operations:

1. Queries the Campaign Business Component record.
2. Stores the SmartScript ID and the language code in the work-tracking
3. Stores the campaign information in the custom field of the work-tracking
4. Creates an Activity record.
See the GenComm_universal.def file for implementation details. The following
placeholders mark the start of the SmartScript related code:
; Lines below are SmartScript related code

The following placeholders mark the end of the SmartScript related code:
; Lines above are SmartScript related code

If you are not using the SmartScript functionality, the related code should be
removed from the following event responses: [EventResponse:OnOCSRecord]
and the [EventResponse:OnPredictOCSRecord]. Also, the
[EventHandler:EventCurrentSmartScriptWorkItemChanged] event handler
should be commented out or removed from the universal.def file.
For an example of how to use the SmartScript code in the
EventCurrentSmartScriptWorkItemChanged event handler, see Supported
Event Handlers for the Expert Contact Feature on page 270 and see the
GenComm_universal.def file for details about the current implementation. This
event handler is intended for SmartScript execution when an agent switches
between work items on the Siebel Toolbar. If you are using the SmartScript
code for screen pops, this event handler should be commented out. Also, the
appropriate SmartScript code should be developed and specified for use with a

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Specifying the Do Not Call Command Attribute Keys

There are different ways to apply the Do Not Call (DND) command. The
purpose of using the Do Not Call command is to modify a record so that the
associated phone numbers are not called. There are different ways to modify
the Do Not Call command attributes, so that it refers to either phone numbers
or customer IDs and applies the Do Not Call command based on the specified
attribute keys.
The Do Not Call command can be modified by specifying the following
The default value for the GSW_CHAIN_ATTR attribute key is defined in the
GenComm_universal.def file by the GService:OCSDoNotCallScope parameter with
the value set to AllChain.
The options for the Do Not Call command can modify the scope of the Do Not
Call request. You can specify one of the following attribute keys:




The following attribute keys: USE_RECORD_HANDLE, USE_PHONE, and

USE_CUSTOMER_ID correspond to the appropriate use cases from the Outbound
Contact Server Desktop Protocol definitions, and are described below:

The Gplus Adapter sends a request to the Outbound Contact Server to mark a
record as Do Not Call based on the record handle ID. The following additional
attribute keys: GSW_CHAIN_ATTR = RecordOnly or AllChain can be specified
to mark a chain or a record as Do Not Call. The default value for the
USE_RECORD_HANDLE attribute key is specified in the Service:
OCSDoNotCallScope = AllChain service parameter, and is effective for all
agents under a specific profile. This results in a specific phone number from a
record (or all phone numbers from a chain) being marked as Do Not Call and
is then included in the Do Not Call list.


The Gplus Adapter sends a request to the Outbound Contact Server to mark a
record as Do Not Call based on the phone number. As a result, the phone
number is included in the Do Not Call list and records, and this phone number
is never called again. See the Outbound Contact Server documentation for
more information.



The Gplus Adapter sends a request to the Outbound Contact Server to mark a
record as Do Not Call based on the customer ID. As a result, the customer ID
is included in the Do Not Call list and records, and this customer ID is never
called again. See the Outbound Contact Server documentation for more

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Setting the value of the Service:OCSEnableCustomerId service parameter to

false disables the use of the contact ID for compatibility with releases earlier
than 6.5.2 of Outbound Contact Server. If you set this service parameter to
false and specify the USE_CUSTOMER_ID attribute key in the Do Not Call
command, then the USE_RECORD_HANDLE use case is used instead. The default
value of the Service:OCSEnableCustomerId service parameter is true.
If No Attribute Key

If none of the following attribute keys, USE_RECORD_HANDLE, USE_PHONE, or

USE_CUSTOMER_ID, are specified, then the Gplus Adapter assumes that the
Adapter customer manually provided all of the necessary attributes keys,
specified in the command description, and without modifying the Siebel *.def
file, sent them to Outbound Contact Server.
See the Outbound Contact Server Desktop Protocol Do Not Call command
definition on page 375 for more information about the Do Not Call key
For example, in the sample GenComm_universal.def file (as shown in Example
11 on page 296):

The Service:OCSDoNotCallScope service parameter defines the default

value of the Param.GSW_CHAIN_ATTR parameter for the Do Not Call device

The GSW_CHAIN_ATTR attribute key is sent with the Do Not Call request in a
scenario, where the value of the Param.USE_RECORD_HANDLE parameter is
equal to "TRUE", is defined for the Do Not Call device command.

The Do Not Call device command can be invoked with the GSW_CHAIN_ATTR
attribute key values AllChain or RecordOnly, if this command is defined in
the CmdData section of the command, and the value of the
Param.USE_RECORD_HANDLE parameter equals "TRUE".

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Example 11

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

In a scenario where the value of the Param.USE_RECORD_HANDLE equals

TRUE, but GSW_CHAIN_ATTR attribute key is not defined, the default value,
AllChain, is used.

= "Mark phone number as Do Not Call"
DeviceCommand = "DoNotCall"
= "TRUE"
= "Gplus Universal Profile"
= ""
= "DoNotCall"
CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE"
;; Param.USE_PHONE


"Do Not Call"

Specifying Cancel Command Attributes

The OCSCancelScope configuration option for the OCSRequestRecordCancel
command, as it is defined in the sample GenComm_universal.def file, is used to
modify the scope of a cancel request. The OCSRequestRecordCancel command
behavior can be modified by specifying the following Send attribute keys:
attribute is not specified in the *.def file, then the Adapter uses the default
value, AllChain. In the configuration, the default value, OCSCancelScope, in the
GenComm_universal.def file is AllChain. Or, you can change the value to
RecordOnly, which cancels one record based on the cancel command. For
more information, see the Outbound Contact Server documentation.
The USE_RECORD_HANDLE and USE_PHONE attribute keys correspond to the
appropriate use cases described in the following Outbound Contact Server
Desktop Protocol definitions:
Use Case


The Gplus Adapter sends a request to the Outbound Contact Server to mark a
record as Cancel based on the record handle. As a result, the phone number is
marked Cancel in the calling list, and is not called for this campaign. See the
Outbound Contact documentation for more information. An additional
attribute GSW_CHAIN_ATTR with the values of RecordOnly or AllChain can
be specified to mark all records in a chain, or mark a single record as Do Not
Call. The default value for the USE_RECORD_HANDLE attribute is specified in the
OCSCancelScope service parameter and is effective for all agents under a
specific profile. The resulting record (or the whole chain) is marked as
Canceled and is not called within a particular calling list.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Use Case

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

The Gplus Adapter sends a request to the Outbound Contact Server to mark a
record as Cancel based on a contacts phone number. As a result, the phone
number is marked as Cancel in the calling list and is not called for this
campaign. See Outbound Contact documentation for more information.
If neither of the USE_RECORD_HANDLE or USE_PHONE attributes are specified, then
the Gplus Adapter assumes that the Adapter customer manually provided all of
the necessary attributes keys, specified in the command description, and
without modifying the Siebel *.def file, sent them to Outbound Contact Server.
See the Outbound Contact Server Desktop Protocol Cancel command
definition on page 373 for information about the RequestRecordCancel key
For example, in the sample GenComm_universal.def file (as shown in Example
12 on page 296):

The Service:OCSCancelScope service parameter defines the default value of

the Param.GSW_CHAIN_ATTR parameter for the CancelInteraction device

The GSW_CHAIN_ATTR attribute key is sent with the Cancel request in a

scenario, where the value of the Param.USE_RECORD_HANDLE parameter is
equal to "TRUE", is defined for the CancelInteraction device command.

The [Command:OCSRequestRecordCancel_] device command defines the

request to cancel the OCS record.

The CancelInteraction device command can be invoked with the

GSW_CHAIN_ATTR attribute key values AllChain or RecordOnly, if this
command is defined in the CmdData section of the command, and the value
of the Param.USE_RECORD_HANDLE parameter equals "TRUE".

In the case when USE_RECORD_HANDLE = "TRUE" but GSW_CHAIN_ATTR is not

defined, the default value AllChain is used.

The Do Not Call device command can be invoked with the GSW_CHAIN_ATTR
attribute key values AllChain or RecordOnly, if this command is defined in
the CmdData section of the command, and the value of the
Param.USE_RECORD_HANDLE parameter equals "TRUE".

In a scenario where the value of the Param.USE_RECORD_HANDLE equals

TRUE, but GSW_CHAIN_ATTR attribute key is not defined, the default value,
AllChain, is used.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Example 12

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

= "Cancel Interaction"
DeviceCommand = "CancelInteraction"
= "Campaign List Contact"
= "Campaign Detail - Position"
= "TRUE"
= "Gplus Universal Profile"
= "OCSRequestRecordCancel_"
CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE"
= "TRUE"
= "TRUE"
Comments = "Request Record Cancel - Cancel Current Work Item"
= "AllChain"
= "RecordOnly"

Disabling the Record Rescheduling Beyond a

Campaigns Expiration Date
By default, Siebel CRM allows for record rescheduling beyond the campaigns
expiration date. Genesys Outbound Contact can restrict record rescheduling by
hours. Additionally, Outbound Contact prevents a record from being
rescheduled in the past, which is also supported by default. To add more
sophisticated rescheduling time and date control algorithms, you must
customize the Siebel CRM application.
You can implement extended functionality in the Campaign List Contact
business component in the PreSetFieldValue server script function. A sample
script is shown below (see the topic, PreSetFieldValue Server Script
Function Example on page 298).
(For further information about programming and customizing Siebel CRM, see
Siebel Communications Server Guide, Siebel Tools Guide, and
Siebel E-Script Manual.)
PreSetFieldValue Server Script Function Example
In this example, Time_Is_Valid_Campaign_Date (FieldValue) is a customer
defined function, which returns TRUE if a particular date is between the
campaign Start and End dates.
Example 13


function BusComp_PreSetFieldValue (FieldName, FieldValue)

BusComp_PreSetFieldValue (Campaign List Contact):

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Checks the name of the field being updated to see if is one

of the fields that should be synchronized with the Genesys
Outbound Framework. If so, the function calls UpdateGenesysOCS( )
to attempt to connect to Genesys and change the value on the
Genesys server. If a Genesys error occurs (for example, if
cannot be contacted or does not recognize the field name) then
this function returns CancelOperation so that the value of the
remains the same, signaling to the user that a problem has
Otherwise ContinueOperation is returned and the update proceeds

Generally no error message will be shown if there is a problem

contacting Genesys, but the value of the field cannot be updated
this case.
var retVal = ContinueOperation;
var ViewName = TheApplication().ActiveViewName();
if ( (ViewName != "Campaign Detail" && ViewName != "Campaign
Detail - Position" ))
return (ContinueOperation);
// Debug code to show calls to this function in the status bar
// CallCommunicationsCommand("ShowStatusText", "Text", FieldName
+ " set to " + FieldValue);
switch(FieldName) {
case "Dial Attempts":
if(gDialAttempts == null)
gDialAttempts = GetFieldValue("Dial Attempts");
case "Status":
if(gStatusValue == null)
gStatusValue = GetGenesysStatusCode("Status");
case "Reschedule Time":
if ( Time_Is_Valid_Campaign_Date( FieldValue ) )
retVal =
"RSTime", FieldValue);
case "CallCompleted":

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

if (FieldValue == "Y") {
//retVal = CallCommunicationsCommand("RecordProcessed",
"", "");
if (retVal != ContinueOperation)
return (retVal);

Selecting an Alternative Destination Phone Number

It is possible to use an alternative destination phone number when making a
call to the campaign contact. By default, the Gplus Outbound Contact feature
places a call to the work phone number specified in the Siebel campaign
contact. Setting the IgnorePhoneNumber = TRUE key-value pair in the command
definitions file (GenComm_universal.def) overwrites the default behavior and
forces the use of a Genesys outbound campaign phone number as the
destination. The prefix to reach the outside phone network can be specified as
the value of the OutsideCallPrefix keysee Example 14:
Example 14


; MakeCall
; CRM_CAMP_CON_ID - Campaign List Contact
; IgnorePhoneNumber - if set to true, ignores PhoneNumber value and
calls number
; from Genesys campaign, otherwise calls PhoneNumber.
; OutsideCallPrefixPrefix to reach outside phone network; if
specified will be
; added to Genesys campaign phone number.
Description = Make call to campaign contact
DeviceCommand = MakeCall
Hidden = TRUE
CmdData = MakeCallToCampaignContact
BusComp = Campaign List Contact
Param.CRM_CAMP_CON_ID = {Id}
Param.PhoneNumber = {Work Phone #:Lookup}
Param.IgnorePhoneNumber = TRUE
Param.OutsideCallPrefix =
RequiredField.Work Phone # = ?*

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations

Outbound Contact Multiple Campaigns Agents

In Outbound Contact, agents can be shared among multiple campaigns.
When running a campaign in Predictive or Progressive modes, for every agent
assigned to more than one active CampaignGroup DBID, Outbound Contact
designates only one CampaignGroup for this agent. Outbound Contact Server
changes the CampaignGroups designation depending on the configured
campaign priorities, the agent activity history, the campaign statistics, and
notifies an agent about the new assignment by sending an
EventCampaignGroupAssigned event. For further details, see the Genesys
Outbound Contact Solution Deployment Guide.
Agents in Siebel can work in multiple campaigns.
When running a campaign in Predictive or Progressive modes, the
EventCampaignGroupAssigned event notifies an agent of an assignment to a
new campaign.
The status text area on the Siebel desktop is displayed for a short time and is
used for the agent notification that a new campaign was assigned to the agent.
The campaign name is displayed on the Siebel popup screen and displays the
campaign information and contact.
For campaigns running in Preview mode, an agent receives the records by
clicking the Record Request button on the Communications toolbar, and the
PreviewRecordRequest device command is sent to OCS. When the
PreviewRecordRequest device command is invoked, an agent gets the record
from the first campaign, which was reported by T-Server to the Adapter as
being loaded and started in Outbound Contact Server in the Preview mode.
For campaigns running in Push Preview mode, an agent automatically receives
a record. The agent must accept the record to start working with it.
Invoking the SetActiveCampaign device command can change the current
Preview mode campaign. Subsequent PreviewRecordRequest device commands
retrieve the preview records from the new campaign. The graphical user
interface (GUI) for Preview mode is not changed in this release.
If the current Preview mode campaign is unloaded, the Adapter sets as the
current (active) campaign, the first Preview mode campaign found in the
Adapter internal storage which has the state marked as loaded.
After an agent logs into Siebel when one or more campaigns was already
started in Outbound Contact, or after the Adapter reconnects to T-Server, the
current state of each campaign is reported when the agent logs into the
queue(s) associated with the corresponding Agent Group(s). For activation of
the Outbound Contact functionality in this scenario, Genesys recommends
invoking the login (or logout, then login) command from the Communications

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Checking Installations

Checking Installations
This section includes the preliminary information and instructions for checking
your implementation of each Voice feature to verify that it is correctly installed
and working. This section includes the following procedures:
Voice Component: Checking the basic Voice feature installation, page 302
Voice Component: Checking the Expert Contact installation, page 303
Voice Component: Checking the Voice Callback installation, page 304
Voice Component: Checking the Outbound Contact installation, page 306

Only a thorough testing of every possible configuration and variation can
provide a complete software application test. The tests listed below provide
only a suggested starting point. If these tests are acceptable, Genesys
recommends that you test each individual feature and variations by applying
the procedures listed for that feature in the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM
Users Guide. These preliminary tests are not intended to substitute for a
professionally designed and administered panel of tests.

Voice Component: Checking the basic Voice feature
Purpose: To check the functionality of the Basic Voice feature.
Start of procedure
1. Log in as an agent.
2. If are in the Not Ready state, select the Ready button.
3. Make a direct call to the agent Teleset.
The ringing icon on the Siebel Communication toolbar should start
blinking, indicating that a new call is waiting for the agent to answer.
4. Click the Answer incoming call button to establish a connection.
5. Confirm that the normal telephone or headset operations and the CTI
toolbar buttons are present.
6. Confirm that the basic voice functions are coordinated with the basic voice
controls on the CTI toolbar.
7. After the communication with the caller is completed, click the Hangup
call button to release the call.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Checking Installations

8. Type a phone number into the edit field of the Communication toolbar and
click the Make Call to <Phone Number> button and then do one of the
If this outgoing call is answered, then, after the communication is
completed, click the Hangup call button to release the call.
If this call is not answered, click the Hangup call button to release the
9. Try out other call scenariosfor example, a conference and a transfer call.
Refer to the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Users Guide for examples
of these scenarios.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Check the Expert Contact installation, if this feature is installed. See,

Procedure: Voice Component: Checking the Expert Contact installation, on
page 303.

Voice Component: Checking the Expert Contact
Purpose: To check the Expert Contact installation feature-enabled Siebel Call
Start of procedure
1. Log in as an agent and select the Ready button.
2. Click the On Call button on the Siebel Communication toolbar.
A new incoming call from an unknown recipient appears in the work items
list on the CTI toolbar. Proceed with the call as if it were an incoming call
so Genesys can track this call. From this point onward, use the same
checking process applied to the Basic Voice feature, with the exception of
testing of the confirm-status option.
3. If the Confirm-status configuration option is implemented, then a popup
window should appear after the defined time-out period. That is, if an
expert is on the call after the length of time set by the timer, a dialog box
appears asking if the expert is still on the call and if the agent wants to

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Checking Installations

4. To test the Preview-interaction option (Preview mode) installation when

the Preview mode is turned ON:
a. When an agent receives an incoming call, a new work item, Preview
Request, is created on the Siebel Communication toolbar, and the
Accept Incoming Interaction button starts blinking. To accept the
interaction, click the blinking button and use the standard procedures
for the call. The newly created call reuses the existing work item.
b. If the Siebel preview-bell option is implemented, then you can test it
by sending an interaction to an expert. Confirm that a sound is played
when the Preview Interaction dialog box appears.
5. To test the Preview mode installation when the Preview mode is turned
If the Preview mode is set to OFF, then the agent's work flow options are
exactly the same as in the Basic Voice feature. The agent can place
outbound calls, receive incoming calls, and make transfers.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Check the Voice Callback installation. See, Procedure: Voice Component:

Checking the Voice Callback installation, on page 304.

Checking the Voice Callback Installation

This section presents simple scenarios that show different ways of working
with the Voice Callback Server from the Siebel application.
To check the functionality of the Universal Callback Server (UCB) -enabled
Siebel Call Center, you must create a callback request from either the Siebel
desktop or the interactive voice response (IVR) side. After creating the
callback request, the next step is to make an agent ready and wait for a callback
request to be distributed from the voice callback queue.

Voice Component: Checking the Voice Callback
Purpose: To check the Voice Callback installation by following the agent
workflow scenarios described in the procedure.
Start of procedure
1. To initiate a callback session:
Click the Session start button on the Communication toolbar.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Checking Installations

2. To initiate a callback call (in Callback Preview mode).

a. After the callback interaction is delivered to the agent and the Contact
screen displays, click the Initiate Callback button on the toolbar,
which initiates a call to the number that was specified in the
b. To initiate a callback call to a different number:
i. Enter a new phone in the Phone field on the CTI toolbar.
ii. Select and highlight any text on the agent's desktop and click
Initiate Callback.
Either of these options initiates a call to the selected number.
3. To add a callback session:
a. Create a new Activity record.
b. Set type to Call.
c. Set the Priority.
Set to ASAP.
Set the priority level to a value different than ASAP and also set the
Due time value.
d. Save the record.
e. Click Add.
4. To cancel the callback session:
a. Locate the callback record.
b. Save the record.
c. Click the Cancel button.
5. To reschedule a callback session:
a. Locate the callback record.
b. Set the Due time value.
c. Change the priority value to a non-ASAP value.
d. Save the record.
e. Click Reschedule.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Check the Outbound Contact installation. See, Procedure: Voice

Component: Checking the Outbound Contact installation.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Checking Installations

Checking the Outbound Contact Installation

To check the functionality of the Outbound Contact Server (OCS) -enabled
Siebel Call Center, you must create campaign entries that are exported by the
Gplus Campaign Synchronization Component into the Genesys OCS database
and start a particular campaign from the Genesys Outbound Management

Voice Component: Checking the Outbound Contact
Purpose: To check the Outbound Contact installation.
Start of procedure
1. Log into the Siebel Call Center application as one of the agents that you
created during the Procedure: Voice Component: Assigning the correct
responsibility and position to an existing employee, on page 259
procedure. Scenarios are processed differently, depending on the OCS
campaign mode and are described below. For further information on how
to work with the Genesys Outbound Contact Server, refer to the Genesys
Outbound Contact Getting Started Guide.
Running in
Preview Mode

2. When a campaign is running in the Preview mode, log into the Siebel Call
Center, and then log into PBX/ACD on the Communications toolbar.
The Campaign [Campaign_Name] started message appears on the status
3. Click Preview Mode Start, to enable the following campaign control
buttons on the Communications Toolbar: Request Record, Request Chain,
Reject Record, Record Processed, Record Cancel, Mark Phone Do Not
Call, and Preview Mode Stop.

Running in Push
Preview Mode

4. When a campaign is running in the Push Preview mode, log into the Siebel
Call Center, then log into PBX/ACD, then log into Interaction Server (the
Gplus Multimedia component must be installed), and set Ready for Push
Preview on the Communications Toolbar.
On every requested preview record, the Campaign Overview screen with a
particular Contact/Prospect, is displayed and the following additional
controls, Make Call, Done Reject, and Do Not Call, are available on the


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Checking Installations

interface. Also, all changes to the following fields, Call Result, Attempts,
and Schedule Time, are written to the Genesys Outbound Contact Server
and the Siebel database.
The Done control (on the interface) and the Record Processed button (on the
Communications toolbar) write the operation and initiate the final OCS
database update. After this command, the Preview record is removed from
the Communications drop-down Work Items list. An active call
corresponding to this contact remains active and can be finished by
clicking Release Call. Alternatively, the call can be released and the
command, Record Processed, can be issued later.
Figure 34 on page 307 shows an OCS Preview record with an initiated
outbound call. The Preview campaign name also displays.

Figure 34: OCS Preview Record Window

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Running in
Predictive or
Progressive Mode

Checking Installations

5. When a campaign is running in Predictive or Progressive dialing mode, log

into the Siebel Call Center application, and then log into the PBX/ACD,
the initial state is Agent Not Ready.
A new outbound call is delivered to the agent when the agents status
changes from Not Ready to Ready. The campaign control buttons Record
Processed, Request Chain, Record Cancel, and DoNotCall become available
on the Communications toolbar.
On every delivered call, the Campaign Contact Overview screen with a
particular Contact/Prospect is displayed and the following additional
controls, Done and DoNotCall, are active and available on the interface.
Also, all changes to the Call Result and Attempts, Schedule Time fields
are written to the Genesys Outbound Contact Server (OCS) and the Siebel
The Done and DoNotCall controls (on the interface) and the Record
Processed and DoNotCall controls (on the Communications toolbar) save
the operation and initiate the final OCS database update. After that, the
active call command remains active and can be finished by clicking
Release Call. Also, the call can be released and the Record Processed
command can be issued later. In this scenario, a new work item
Wrap Up Record ->[Phone number] appears on the Communications toolbar
drop-down list and is removed after the agent clicks Done, Record
Processed, Record Cancel, or DoNotCall.
Figure 35 shows the initial Siebel Call Center screen after the agent logs in.
The campaign name also displays.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Checking Installations

Figure 35: Siebel Call Center Window

Figure 36 on page 310 shows an outbound call delivered to the agent. The
campaign name also displays.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Figure 36: Siebel Call Center Window, Outbound Call

End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

The Driver Settings for the Voice

The Voice Component Driver Parameters
The driver parameters define the set of values used by the Siebel
Communications Server to work with communications systems such as the
CTI middleware. The Gplus Adapter driver is one of these systems and an
appropriate set of parameters must be defined for it. A sample configuration
file GenComm_universal.def contains a set of parameters to be defined for the
Voice Component.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20 lists the supported driver parameters for the Gplus Adapter driver for
the Siebel Communications Server. The table indicates which parameters are
required and displays applicable default values. You view and modify these
driver parameters in the Communications Drivers and Profiles view in the
Administration - Communications screen). The channel type for this driver is
Gplus Universal.
Note: A Siebel administrator must configure the Siebel environment to work

with Gplus Adapter.

Each parameter is prefaced with a keyword indicating how it is used:

Parameters prefaced with Driver: are sent to the driver handle when the
driver is initialized. These parameters are sent to the
CreateISCDriverInstance method.

Parameters prefaced with Service: are sent to the driver handle when it
requests a service (creates the service handle). These parameters are sent to
the RequestService method.

Note: You must change the value of each mandatory parameter with the

default value CHANGE_ME as these parameters depend on your

configuration and cannot be used with default values.
For more information about the driver handle and its methods, refer to Siebel
Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters
Default Value



Parameter Name: Driver:AdapterAppName

Gplus adapter


The application name that is sent to T-Server when the Adapter opens
a connection to this T-Server.
(For compatibility with the pre-7.5 scheme of connection to T-Server

Parameter Name: Driver:AnswerCallDelay

500 milliseconds


Defines the delay between TMakeCall and TAnswerCall requests for

outbound calls on a DMS-100 switch.

Parameter Name: Driver:BackupGenCommServerURL



Specifies the URL of the backup Gplus Communication Server.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Driver:BackupServerHost



Specifies the name of the host machine on which the backup Genesys
T-Server is running.
(For compatibility with the pre-7.5 scheme of connection to T-Server

Parameter Name: Driver:BackupServerPort



Specifies the TCP/IP port number the client must use to establish a
connection with the backup Genesys T-Server.
(For compatibility with the pre-7.5 scheme of connection to T-Server

Parameter Name: Driver: BroadcastCommdnUserEvents2Agents



The value True enables the distribution of the EventUserEvent.

Parameter Name: Driver:CommunicationDN

empty string ()


Determines the name of a communication DN. The communication

DN is used to send and/or broadcast a user event. See Configuring
the Communication DN on page 275.

Parameter Name: Driver:HangupOnEventReleased



Applicable only when using the NEC NEAX switchesfor example,

NEC NEAX 2000 IPS, NEC NEAX ICS/IMS (7600, 7400).
If the switch configuration requires the phone to be put on hook after
call is released on the other side, then the Gplus Adapter should send
an additional Release request after receiving EventReleased, and the
value of Driver: HangupOnEventReleased must be set to TRUE


If the switch configuration does not require you to put the phone on
the hook, then set this parameter to FALSE
Parameter Name: Driver:InboundPartyContainer
empty string ()



Name of the TEvent attribute for substitution in the work item name
on the Siebel Toolbar for incoming calls

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Driver:LibraryName



The name of the remote driver module which is loaded by Gplus

Communication Server to handle requests for the Siebel
Communication Driver.

Parameter Name: Driver:LocalConnString


Yes, if
Transfer is

Determines the name of this premise location when the Network

Attended Transfer feature is used.
The value of this parameter must be set as a premise switch name
exactly as it is defined in the Genesys Configuration Manager for the
T-Server. See Network Attended Transfer/Conference Feature on
page 286.

Parameter Name: Driver:NtwkReconnectTimeout

0 (zero)


Defines whether automatic reconnection of the initiated Network

Transfer is configured and sets the timeout value. See Network
Attended Transfer/Conference with Optional Automatic
Reconnection on page 289.

Parameter Name: Driver:OutboundPartyContainer

empty string ()


Name of the TEvent attribute for substitution in the work item name
on the Siebel Toolbar for outgoing calls.

Parameter Name: Driver:PrimaryGenCommServer URL



Specifies the Universal Resource Locator (URL) of the primary Gplus

Communication Server.

Parameter Name: Driver:ReconnectTimeout



Defines the time in seconds for reconnection to T-Server or if defined,

to the backup T-Server when T-Server disconnects from the Adapter.
(For compatibility with the pre-7.5 scheme of connection to T-Server

Parameter Name: Driver:RemoteTimeout



This parameter defines a time interval, in seconds, during which the

T-Server waits for an ADDP response from the Adapter.
(For compatibility with the pre-7.5 scheme of connection to T-Server

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Driver:ServerHost



Name of the host that runs Genesys T-Server.

(For compatibility with the pre-7.5 scheme of connection to T-Server

Parameter Name: Driver:ServerPort



TCP/IP port number for T-Server.

(For compatibility with the pre-7.5 scheme of connection to T-Server

Parameter Name: Driver:SupervisorExtensions

Empty string
(No Supervisor


Defines a set of Supervisor Extensions which should not be shown on

the agent desktop when a supervisor is connected to the agents
current interaction.
Valid values are:
a string parameter consisting of a set of DNs
a simple file name
(See information about this parameter below this table.)

Parameter Name: Driver:SwitchType

0 (zero)


The type of switch for your contact center. Values include:

1Nortel Meridian
2Rockwell Spectrum
4Nortel DMS-100
5Lucent Definity G3
6Aspect Call Center
7Siemens Hicom 300E
8EADS PointSpan, EADS ESeries
9Ericsson MD110
12NEC NEAX 2400
12-NEC NEAX 3600i
14Teltronics 20-20 IXP
17Siemens Hicom 300
18Phillips Sopho IS3000


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Driver:SwitchType (continued)

0 (zero)


23Alcatel 4400
29Nortel Meridian Call Center Symposium
31Siemens Realitis DX (iSDX)
49Avaya INDeX (Lucent SDX)
50Siemens Hicom 300H
51Siemens HiPath 4000
52Alcatel A4200 OmniPCX Office (OXO)
58Knowledge Worker Gateway
62Cisco CallManager
69Siemens HiPath
70eOn eQueue
72SIP Server
Also see the document, Genesys Supported Media Interfaces
Reference Manual, which is available on the Genesys Technical
Support website.
Contact Genesys for a current list of switches and SwitchType values.
(For compatibility with the pre-7.5 scheme of connection to T-Server

Parameter Name: Driver:Timeout

0 (zero)


This parameter defines a time interval, in seconds, during which the

Adapter waits for an ADDP response from the T-Server. ADDP is
disabled if this parameter is not defined or if the value is set to 0.
(For compatibility with the pre-7.5 scheme of connection to T-Server

Parameter Name: Driver:TServerAppName



Defines the T-Server Application Name of the Primary T-Server as it

is defined in the Genesys Configuration Manager. See T-Server
Connections on page 257.

Parameter Name: Name



Name of the driver (can be any suitable name).

Parameter Name: Service:ACDDNList



Uses the macro @ACDDNList to obtain a list of ACD DNs (Extensions

of type A) associated with the current agent.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Service:AgentId



This parameter manages agent ID logging for server-side statistics on

the outgoing connections usage.
If the log level is set to DEBUG and if this parameter is specified, the
Agent ID is logged. Otherwise, the session ID is logged.

Parameter Name: Service:AgentLogOutControl



Applies only to the Predictive dialing mode. When this option is set to
TRUE, the agent logout control functionality is enabled and all agents
requesting logout are notified regarding the time left until actual
logout and upon reaching this time the agents are automatically
logged out from the Communication services.

Parameter Name: Service:AgentPreviewModeStart


Yes (when
campaigns in

Defines whether the agent is able to receive preview records without

first submitting a PreviewDialingModeStart request to OCS from the
desktop. In the Siebel Configuration, the
Service:AgentPreviewModeStart parameter must be set to
correspond with the value of the OCS option
agent_preview_mode_start in Configuration Manager.
See details in the Genesys Outbound Contact Deployment Guide.

Parameter Name: Service:AgentSubstitute


Yes (when
using the

For the Alcatel A4400 switch, this option must be set in accordance
with T-Server settings for the Agent Substitute option.
See more details in Switch-Specific Configuration Instructions on
page 274.

Parameter Name: Service:AgentWorkMode



Agent work mode. Should match one of the TLibrary TAgentWorkMode

enumeration values:

The parameter can be defined either as a number corresponding to

TLibrary TAgentWorkMode enumeration values or as a string (for
example, 1 or AgentManualIn).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Service:AutoLogout



If the value of this parameter is TRUE, when the agent logs out from
Siebel or closes the browser, then first the agent logs out from the
ACD Queue group, and then the agent logs out from Siebel. When the
value of this parameter is FALSE, the agent just logs out from Siebel.

Parameter Name: Service:AutoRejectRecords



Defines whether the Adapter sends requests to reject records when an

agent logs out from Siebel. If set to TRUE, when an agent logs out from
Siebel, the Adapter sends requests to reject all records. If set to FALSE,
the Adapter does not send requests to reject records.

Parameter Name: Service:DNList



Uses the macro @DNList to obtain a list of DNs (standard extensions

of type S) associated with the current agent.

Parameter Name: Service:DeliveryMarkUserDataKey



Defines the User Data key that is used to mark interaction as

delivered to an agent. For details about this option, see Chapter 11,
Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling, on page 565.

Parameter Name: Service:EntranceTimestamp

Empty string


If this option value is populated (not empty), the Adapter tries to

apply the Compute-TimeInQueue detection mode to obtain the
TimeInQueue attribute for a given call.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Service:FrozenTimeInQueue

Empty string


If this option value is populated (not empty), the Adapter tries to read
the corresponding value from the call-attached data (by using the
FrozenTimeInQueue detection mode) with this option value as its
key. After reading the value, the Adapter sends the results to Siebel in
the form of the TimeInQueue attribute for the call.
Compute-TimeInQueue detection modeFrom the CAD, the
Adapter reads a value that is associated with the key that is
provided by the EntranceTimestamp parameter. This value is a
string that must conform to the Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. The Adapter then calculates
the TimeInQueue attribute (in seconds) for the call (The difference
between the current time, converted to UTC, and the time that the
Adapter read from the CAD.)
FrozenTimeInQueue detection modeFrom the CAD, the
Adapter reads a value that is associated with the key that is
provided by the FrozenTimeInQueue parameter. This value is an
integer (in seconds) that represents the TimeInQueue attribute of
the call, which was calculated by an external application or
software. The Adapter sends this value to Siebel with no changes
(as is).
PBX-TimeInQueue detection modeThe Adapter reads from the
Extensions call attribute to obtain the PBX/switch-specific
TimeInQueue parameter and sends the value to Siebel. (This
attribute is not supported by all PBXs or switches.)
Note: If none of these options is defined, or if there are no keys
related to them in the call attached data, the Adapter uses
PBX-TimeInQueue detection mode (the existing Adapter mode
available prior to this release).
If both of these options are defined, and both have keys present in the
CAD, then the Adapter uses FrozenTimeInQueue detection mode,
which has a higher priority.
Example: If both of the new options are set in Siebel, as in the
following example:
[Driver Parameters:Gplus_Voice]
Required:Name = "Gplus_Voice"

Service:FrozenTimeInQueue = Key1
Service:EntranceTimestamp = Key2

then there are four possible ways in which the Adapter might interpret
this, and determine the TimeInQueue value that is sent to Siebel.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Service:FrozenTimeInQueue (Continued)

Empty string


For example:
If only the pair with the value of Key1 is present in the CAD, the
Frozen-TimeInQueue detection mode is used.
If only the pair with the value of Key2 is present in the CAD, the
ComputeTimeInQueue detection mode is switched to ON.
If both pairs have their respective values, Key1 and Key2, in the
CAD, the Frozen-TimeInQueue detection mode is used because of
its higher priority.
If both of the Key1 and Key2 values are absent from the pairs in
the CAD, the PBX-TimeInQueue detection mode is used.

Parameter Name: Service:HasAgentBusy



Can be TRUE or FALSE. Specifies whether the connected switch

supports the Do Not Disturb (DND) function. You can also disable
the DND function if it is supported by the switch, but you do not want
your agents to use it. If the value is FALSE, the associated feature is
disabled. For a disabled feature, an administrator can remove the
associated (DND) toolbar button from the repository using Siebel

Parameter Name: Service:HasAnswer



Upon an incoming call, if the value of this parameter is TRUE, the

Answer Incoming call button on the toolbar is available. If the value
is FALSE, this button is unavailable.

Parameter Name: Service:HasDisconnect



For the current active call, if the value of this parameter is TRUE, the
Hang-up call button on the toolbar is available. If the value is FALSE,
this button is unavailable.

Parameter Name: Service:HasForward



If both the switch and T-Server support call forwarding, and this value
is set to TRUE, the button on the toolbar that turns call forwarding on or
off is available. If this value is FALSE, this button is unavailable.

Parameter Name: Service:HasHold



If the value of this parameter is TRUE, the Hold button or Retrieve

button is available, depending on call state. If the value of this
parameter is FALSE, the Hold or Retrieve button is not available.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Service:HasKWProtocol



Enables or disables the Expert Contact functionality support.

Parameter Name: Service:HasOCSProtocol

TRUE for
Outbound Contact


Enables or disables the Outbound Contact functionality support.

Parameter Name: Service:HasVCBProtocol



Enables or disables the Voice Callback functionality support.

Parameter Name: Service:KwDefaultPartyStatus



Used by Gplus Adapter when the party status info is missing in the
KwPartyStatusRequest request from Siebel.

Parameter Name: Service:KwPiProtocolVersion


The Preview Interaction protocol version.

Parameter Name: Service:KwProtocolVersion


The Knowledge Worker protocol version.

Parameter Name: Service:NetworkCallTransferMode



This parameter has two valid values:

If the value of this parameter is Network, the Adapter uses the
Network T-Server operation (Network Consult/Transfer/Conference)
for creating and completing two-step operations (consult, transfer and
conference) for network calls; all other calls are processed using the
standard T-Server operations.
If the value of this parameter is Local, the Adapter uses only the
standard T-Server operations for two-step operations (consult, transfer
and conference) for all types of calls.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Service:OCSCallBackType



Specifies the callback type: Personal, or Campaign. These can be

chosen from the Siebel popup list, and the corresponding strings will
be sent as GSW_CALLBACK_TYPE values to OCS. For more information,
see Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations
on page 267.

Parameter Name: Service:OCSCancelScope



Specifies the scope of a cancel: AllChain, or RecordOnly. For more

information, see Advanced Customization of Voice Component
Configurations on page 267 and USE_RECORD_ HANDLE Use
Case on page 296.

Parameter Name: Service:OCSDoNotCallScope



Specifies the scope of a Do Not Call: AllChain, or RecordOnly. For

more information, see Advanced Customization of Voice Component
Configurations on page 267 and Specifying the Do Not Call
Command Attribute Keys on page 294.

Parameter Name: Service:OCSEnableCustomerId



Controls the use of Contact ID for compatibility with release 6.5.2 or

earlier of Outbound Contact Server. For more information, see
Advanced Customization of Voice Component Configurations on
page 267.

Parameter Name: Service:OCSTreatment



Specifies the treatment type: RecordTreatPersonal,

RecordTreatCampaign, or None. These can be chosen from the Siebel
popup list as Personal, Campaign, or None, and for the first two, the
corresponding strings will be sent as GSW_CALLBACK_TYPE values to
OCS. For None, GSW_CALLBACK_TYPE is not sent to OCS. For more
information, see Advanced Customization of Voice Component
Configurations on page 267.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Service:ReleaseCallOnAutoLogout



When the value of this parameter is set to FALSE, the Adapter will not
release an active call if an agent closes the browser or logs out from
Siebel. If the value of this parameter is TRUE and the option
AutoLogout = TRUE, when the agent logs out from Siebel or closes
the browser, then:
1. The Adapter sends a request to release the call if the ReleaseCall
command is enabled in the current call state;
2. The Adapter sends a request to log out the agent from the ACD
group if the LogOut command is enabled in the current state;
3. Only then does the agent log out from Siebel.
Note: This functionality is switch and T-Server dependent. Some
T-Servers may require changes to options in order to keep an active
call on logout.

Parameter Name: Service:ReleaseEstablishedCallOnAutoLogout



If the value of this parameter is set to FALSE, the Adapter will not
release an established call if an agent closes the browser or logs out
from Siebel.
If the value of this parameter is TRUE and the option AutoLogout =
TRUE, when the agent logs out from Siebel or closes the browser,
1. The Adapter sends a request to release an established call if the
ReleaseCall command is enabled in the current call state;
2. The Adapter sends a request to log out the agent from the ACD
group if the LogOut command is enabled in the current state;
3. Only then does the agent log out from Siebel.
Note: This functionality is switch and T-Server dependent. Some
T-Servers may require changes to options in order to keep an active
call on logout.

Parameter Name: Service:RequestTimeOut




The timeout period for requests to Outbound Contact Server.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Service:SelectDN



Specifies a DN to be used to issue commands such as MakeCall and so

forth. Otherwise, the first DN in the list specified with the parameter
Service:DNList is used.
This parameter is also used for SendUserEvent command; it defines
the DN on which the user event is sent.

Parameter Name: Service:SwitchName



Voice switch name, which Voice Callback Server uses for submitting
the Voice callbacks.

Parameter Name: Service:UsePendingWorkmode



Applicable only when using the Avaya Definity G3 switch. Parameter

Service: UsePendingWorkmode must be set according to the T-Server
option use-pending-work-mode. Both parameters must be set to the
same value: true or false. When the T-Server option
use-pending-work-mode is set to true, the Pending Work Mode
functionality is enabled.

Parameter Name: Service:UseSStepTransferForNetworkTransfer



To perform a network transfer with the device command parameter

TransferSStep for all switches, set this parameter to TRUE. The device
command parameter RemoteConnectStr must define the name of the

Network Switch where call should be transferred.

When this parameter is set to FALSE, for the switches that support
Mute Transfer and do not support Single Step Transfer, the Adapter
will invoke the request to T-Server to perform Mute Transfer with the
Device Command TransferSStep for the switches that support Mute
Transfer and do not support Single Step Transfer.
If you do not perform network transfers, leave the value set to FALSE
(the default value).
Parameter Name: Service:VCBDefaultCallbackType


The default Callback Type which the Gplus Adapter uses in case the
Callback type information is missing in the request from Siebel.

Parameter Name: Service:VCBDefaultRoutingPoint



The default routing point, which the Gplus Adapter uses in case the
routing point information is missing in the request from Siebel.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

Table 20: The Voice Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Default Value



Parameter Name: Service:VCBProcessedOnCallRelease



Indicates that the work item is kept on the call release event and the
agent must manually click the Interaction Processed button on the
Communication toolbar. This parameter must be synchronized with
the VCB server option callback_processed.

The Driver:SupervisorExtensions Driver Parameter

The Driver:SupervisorExtensions driver parameter defines a set of Supervisor
Extensions that should not be shown on the agent desktop when the supervisor
is connected to the agents current Voice interaction (call).
The valid values for this parameter are defined by the following rules:

A valid value is a string parameter consisting of: a set of DNs separated by

commas, a range of DNs in which a hyphen (-) is used as a separator and
the first number is less than the last number, or a mix of both.

The maximum length of the string parameter is 250 characters.

Spaces are allowed after commas, and before and after a hyphen.
For example:
2201, 2205, 2300 - 2374

A valid value can also be a simple file name, or a path and a file name. In
any environment, you can use a simple filename, such as
SupervisorExtensions.txt, for example. Other examples are:
On a Windows platform - C:\siebsrvr\SupervisorExtensions.txt.
On a UNIX platform - /opt/siebsrvr/SupervisorExtensions.txt


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

The named file itself must contain the set of Supervisor Extensions.
The file must contain a set of DNs separated by commas, or a range of
DNs, or a mix, with valid values as defined in the rules above; and in
New lines can also serve as separators.
The maximum number of Supervisor Extensions is limited by the
allowed size of the file in the operating system.
For example:

2211, 2212
2303 - 2310

If the file name is provided without a path, then the Gplus Adapter will
search for the file in locations defined by the operating system
environment variable path. If the file is not found, then the Gplus
Adapter will search for the file in the following locations:
On a Windows platform - Siebel Server folder\BIN\
On a UNIX platform - Siebel Server folder/lib/

The Driver: HangupOnEventReleased Driver Parameter

The Driver:HangupOnEventReleased driver parameter is used only when the
Gplus Adapter works with NEC NEAX/APEX switchesfor example, NEC
NEAX 2000 IPS, NEC NEAX ICS/IMS (7600, 7400). This configuration
parameter must be set up accordingly when a NEC NEAX/APEX switch is
If the switch configuration requires the phone to be put on the hook after a call
is released on the other side, then the Gplus Adapter must send an additional
release request after receiving an EventReleased event. In this case, the value
must be set to TRUE (the default value), as follows:


If the switch configuration does not require the phone to be put on the hook,
then set this parameter to FALSE, as follows:



The default value is TRUE.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

The Service:UsePendingWorkmode Service Parameter

The Service:UsePendingWorkmode service parameter is used to enable or disable
Ready/NotReady device commands when an agent has a call on the Avaya
Communication Manager (previously known as Avaya Definity G3) switch.
When using the Avaya Communication Manager switch, the
Service:UsePendingWorkmode service parameter must be set according to the
use-pending-work-mode T-Server configuration option. Both parameters must
be set to the same value: true or false. When the T-Server
use-pending-work-mode option is set to true, the pending work mode
functionality is enabled, which allows agents to change their Ready/NotReady
state when a call is in progress.

The Driver:InboundPartyContainer and

Driver:OutboundPartyContainer Driver Parameters
The Gplus Adapter displays (with certain TEvents) an adjusted (modified)
work item name on the Siebel Toolbar by using the value of some other TEvent
The Siebel configuration parameters, Driver:InboundPartyContainer and
Driver:OutboundPartyContainer, allow adjustments depending on their value.
The implemented functionality for both parameters is the same; the only
difference is that the Driver:InboundPartyContainer parameter defines the
adjustment (if any) for incoming calls, while the
Driver:OutboundPartyContainer parameter defines the adjustment (if any) for
outgoing calls.
If the Driver:InboundPartyContainer or Driver:OutboundPartyContainer
parameters are defined in the Siebel configuration and if the values described
by the parameters are found in the incoming TEvent attributes, then the value
defined by this attribute is shown in a work item on the Communications
If the Driver:InboundPartyContainer and/or Driver:OutboundPartyContainer
parameters define the attribute name for an adjustment, but these attributes are
not in the TEvent, then the OtherDN attribute is used.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

The acknowledged values for Driver:InboundPartyContainer and

Driver:OutboundPartyContainer and their actions are shown in Table 21:
Table 21: Driver:InboundPartyContainer and
Driver:OutboundPartyContainer Values and Actions


No parameter in the
configuration, or <empty

Keeps the representation of the work item list

without the substitution of the value defined by
the Driver:InboundPartyContainer or



configuration parameters.
OtherDN, or Native

Keeps the representation of the work item list

without the substitution of the value defined by
the Driver:InboundPartyContainer or

configuration parameters.

Substitutes the value of the TEvent ANI

attribute in a work item representation on the
Communications toolbar.


Substitutes the value of the TEvent DNIS

attribute in a work item representation on the
Communications toolbar.

<Name of parameter defined

in UserData of TEvent>

Substitutes the value of the <string or

integer parameter defined in UserData of
TEvent> in a work item representation on the

Communications toolbar.

Important note!

The Driver:InboundPartyContainer and/or Driver:OutboundPartyContainer

parameter substitution in the work item name is not performed in the
conference scenarios when the number of parties displayed is greater than 1.
When using the UserData parameter to make a substitution in the work item
name, the parameter described by the Driver:InboundPartyContainer and/or
Driver:OutboundPartyContainer parameters must be included as a string or an
integer pair in the UserData list and not hidden in the inner lists as shown in
Example 15 on page 328.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Example 15

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component

If the parameters are defined in a Siebel configuration as follows:

Driver:OutboundPartyContainer = "Destination"

= "Originator"

(Int) Destination


(Int) Originator


(Str) Destination


(Str) Originator



Important note!

If the modification of the work item name is going to be used and if the DNIS
and ANI attributes are represented in the TEvents, then it is recommended to use
the following values:




It is possible to use the modified appearance of the work item name on the
Communications toolbar with a single command using the command data.
Example 16 is an example of the of Command:ConferenceTransferToPhone
device command.
Example 16

If the parameters are defined in the Siebel configuration as follows:

Driver:OutboundPartyContainer = "Destination"

= "Originator"

then the Param.Originator and Param.Destination parameters can be defined

in the CmdData parameter to define the destination and the originator of the call.
So, the Command:ConferenceTransferToPhone parameter can be defined as

= "ConferenceInit"


= "Conference Transfer to "{@Phone}""


= "ConferenceTransferToPhone"


= "TRUE"


= "TRUE"

CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE"


= "Gplus Universal Profile"

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Driver Settings for the Voice Component


= "TRUE"

RequiredField.@Phone = "?*"

= "{@Phone:PhoneTypeLookup}"

Param.CallNotifyText = "Conference transfer from {@UserName} ..."


= "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}"


= "{@SelectedDN}"


= "{@Phone:PhoneTypeLookup}"

When a conference call is initiated from the Siebel toolbar, then the phone
number from the EditControl box on the toolbar and the SelectedDN is the call
destination and the call originator.
When using parameters in the command data (UserData) as a substitution, the
T-Server consult-user-data configuration option must be set to separate and
not set to joint. If the value is set to separate, it separates the UserData
attached to the call and this attached data is kept separate and not overwritten
by the other data from the consultation calls.

The Gplus Adapter Application Name

The parameter Driver:AdapterAppName configuration defines the application
name that is sent to T-Server when the Adapter opens a connection to this
If the parameter was not defined in the Siebel configuration, then the default
value is used, which is Gplus adapter.
For example:

"GP Adapter"

The Advanced Disconnect Detection Protocol (ADDP)

The Gplus Adapter supports the Advanced Disconnect Detection Protocol
(ADDP). ADDP allows the Adapter to detect disconnections from T-Server. To
enable this protocol and configure it in the Gplus Adapter, you must define the
following parameters in the Adapter's configuration. (These parameters are
also described in Table 20 on page 311.)

Driver:Timeout - This parameter defines a time interval, in seconds, during

which the Adapter waits for an ADDP response from the T-Server. ADDP
is disabled if this parameter is not defined or if the value is set to 0 (zero).

Driver:RemoteTimeout - This parameter defines a time interval, in seconds,

during which the T-Server waits for an ADDP response from the Adapter.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Emulated Agent Work Modes

Driver:TraceMode - This parameter defines an ADDP trace mode in

T-Server and/or in Adapter log files. The value of this parameter affects the
log generation only. The ADDP polling messages and the algorithm for the
disconnection detection remain the same, regardless of the value set here.
Warning! To avoid the false detection of the disconnect states that might

occur because of normal delays in the data network, Genesys

recommends that you set the ADDP timeouts to values greater
than 10 seconds, and that you set all local ADDP timeouts to the
same value.

Emulated Agent Work Modes

The Gplus Adapter can emulate the AgentManualIn and AgentAutoIn work
modes for some switches that normally do not support these modes. For these
switches, the value of the Service:AgentWorkMode parameter can be set to allow
the emulation of an agent work mode.
Emulation means that the an agent state could be changed by the Gplus
Adapter according to the work mode defined in the Siebel configuration. The
agent work mode is defined in a Siebel configuration by the value of the
Service:AgentWorkMode or AgentWorkMode parameters sent with the following
device commands: NotReady, Ready, ChangeNotReadyState, or Login.
The default value of the Service:AgentWorkMode is AgentWorkModeUnknown
The agent work mode could be changed when an agent invokes the NotReady,
Ready, ChangeNotReadyState or Login device commands with the AgentWorkMode
parameter set to the new value.
The valid values of the AgentWorkMode parameter and the corresponding
desktop behavior can be summarized as follows:


If the AgentWorkMode parameter is equal to the AgentWorkModeUnknown

parameter, then the Gplus Adapter does not change the agent state after
login or when an agent has a a call on a the agent Teleset. It is possible that
some switches may change the agents state by distributing T-Events
according to the switch configuration and functionality.

If the AgentWorkMode parameter is equal to the AgentManualIn parameter,

then (if the agent state is Ready) the Adapter sets an agent state to Not Ready
after login or after an the agent answers a call on the agents Teleset. This
scenario happens only if the switch and T-Server are allowed to set the
agent to the NotReady state when the agent has a call on the DN.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Agent States on Telesets with Multiple Positions and ACD Queues

If the AgentWorkMode parameter is equal to the AgentAutoIn parameter, then

(if the agent state is Not Ready) the Adapter changes an agent state to Ready
immediately after login and after a call is released. The Adapter changes
the state only if the state after login was NotReady, or if the agent state on
the call was NotReady.

For the switches that do not support the emulation of the work modes, the
value of the Service:AgentWorkMode configuration parameter must be set to
either CHANGE_ME or AgentWorkModeUnknown. The Ericsson MD-110, the
Siemens HiPath DX [previously known as Siemens Realtis-DX (iSDX)], and
the Aspect Call Center are examples of such switches.

Agent States on Telesets with Multiple

Positions and ACD Queues
Some switches, such as the Ericsson MD-110, support Telesets with multiple
positions and ACD Queues.
In such environments, an agent can be logged into multiple ACD Queues.
Also, before logging into Siebel, an agent can be in different and even opposite
states on different Positions residing on the same Teleset.
Siebel cannot support and maintain the agent state, the DN forwarding status,
and the DoNotDisturb (DND) state individually for each DN for such switches.
For such switches, the agent state, the DN forwarding status, and the
DoNotDisturb (DND) status are maintained by the Gplus Adapter only for the
whole Teleset.
The general rules for this environment are as follows:

An agent is considered to be in a Ready(NotReady) state if the agent is in the

Ready(NotReady) state on at least one of the agents Teleset DNs.

The forwarding state of the agents Teleset is considered to be ON if

forwarding is set on one of the agents Teleset DNs.

The DoNotDisturb (DND) state of the agents Teleset is considered to be

ON if DND is set on one of the agents Teleset DNs.

If, before logging into Siebel, an agent has a different Ready states on different
DNs that belong to the same Teleset, then, after logging into Siebel, the agent
can synchronize their state on all Teleset DNs by using the Ready/NotReady
commands on the Communications toolbar, which is generally recommended.
When you perform this synchronization of agent states on different DNs, you
may get an error message such as Set is in target state. This indicates
that you were already in the requested state on some DN or DNs on this

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Log Files

If, before logging into Siebel, an agent has a DN forwarding state set on any
DN that belongs to the same Teleset, then the DN forwarding state on all
Teleset DNs can be synchronized, which is generally recommended. After
logging into Siebel, you can do this by invoking the ForwardCall or
CancelForwardCall device commands on the Communications toolbar.
If, before logging into Siebel, an agent has set DoNotDisturb (DND) states on
any DN that belongs to the same Teleset, then the DoNotDisturb (DND) states
on all Teleset DNs can be synchronized, which is generally recommended.
After logging into Siebel, the agent can do this by invoking the SetBusy or
CancelBusy device commands on the Communications toolbar.

The Voice Component Log Files

All Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component log messages are now
processed by the Genesys Gplus Communication Server. The file names of the
log files are defined in the log section of the Genesys Gplus Communication
Server application in Genesys Configuration Manager. For more details on the
configuration of the log file output, see Log Section on page 51 of Chapter 6,
Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM.

The Voice Component Driver Commands

and Events
This section provides a complete list of all driver commands and events for the
Voice Component, including the Outbound Contact feature and the Expert
Contact feature. For additional information, refer to the Deployment Guides
and the Developers Guides for the related products.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Driver Commands and Events

The Voice Component Driver Commands

Table 22 contains a complete list of all of the driver commands for the Voice
Component. These commands may be used in the Siebel Communications
Configuration as device commands for communication commands.
Note: Changes for the 8.0.1 release are represented in the subsection The

Voice Component Driver Commands (Changes for 8.0.1) on

page 336.
Table 22: The Voice Component Driver Commands





Answer incoming call.



Release call.



Single-step transfer of the selected call.



Mute transfer of the selected call.



Initiate two-step transfer.



Complete two-step transfer.

ReconnectCall (previously,




Places the selected call on hold.



Reconnects a call that was on hold.



Reconnects a callback that was on hold.



Make an outbound call.



Initiate a single-step conference.



Initiate a two-step conference.



Complete a two-step conference.



Deletes a party from a conference call.



Logs in an agent.



Logs out an agent.

Reconnects the original call initiated using

ConferenceInit or TransferInit before
ConferenceComplete or TransferComplete.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Driver Commands and Events

Table 22: The Voice Component Driver Commands (Continued)






Switches an agents readiness state to Ready

on all agent DNs if agents state was NotReady.



Switches an agents readiness state to NotReady

on all agent DNs if the agents state was Ready.



Switches the agents readiness state from

Ready to NotReady or from NotReady to Ready
on all agent DNs.



Notify driver that currently selected call has




Initiates call forwarding.



Cancels call forwarding.



Turns call forwarding on or off.



Sets the Do Not Disturb mode for all of an

agents DNs.



Cancels the Do Not Disturb mode for all of an

agents DNs.



Turns the Do Not Disturb mode on or off.



Attaches the user data to the selected call.



Sends the user event to the selected DN.



Updates the user data that is attached to the

selected call.



Removes the specified user data from the

attached data for the selected call.



Sends a query to T-Server to return

information about a specified DN and ACD



Sends a user event to a Communication DN.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Driver Commands and Events

Table 22: The Voice Component Driver Commands (Continued)






When the agent is on an ACD call, this

command initiates a conference leg to the
agents supervisor. The supervisor must push
the Answer Agent key to complete the call leg
to the supervisor.



When the agent is on an ACD call, this

command initiates a conference leg to the
agents supervisor and to a recording device, if
such a device is installed. The supervisor must
push the Answer Emergency key to establish the
call leg.

Expert Contact Feature


Expert Contact

Informs the CTI-less T-Server that the expert is

on call.


Expert Contact

Rejects incoming Preview interaction.


Expert Contact

Agent provides the current call status in

response to the KwPartyStatusRequest request.
Configurable on the CTI-less T-Server side.

Outbound Contact Feature


Outbound Contact

Starts the Preview dialing mode.


Outbound Contact

Ends the Preview dialing mode.


Outbound Contact

Requests a Preview record.


Outbound Contact

Updates the call statistics and values.


Outbound Contact

Completes the record processing.


Outbound Contact

Rejects a record.


Outbound Contact

Cancels a record for a particular campaign.


Outbound Contact

Reschedules a record.


Outbound Contact

Reschedules a record (same as



Outbound Contact

Marks the phone, record, chain, or customer as

Do Not Call.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

Table 22: The Voice Component Driver Commands (Continued)





Outbound Contact

Requests the rest of the chain.


Outbound Contact

Adds a record to the chain.

Voice Callback Feature


Voice Callback

Starts the Voice Callback session.


Voice Callback

Cancels the Voice Callback session and deletes

the request from Voice Callback server.


Voice Callback

Reschedules the Voice Callback session.


Voice Callback

Creates a new Voice Callback session and

submits for processing.


Voice Callback

Marks the Callback record as done.


Voice Callback

Rejects the Callback record for rerouting to

other agents.

The Voice Component Driver Commands (Changes for 8.0.1)

Table 23 contains a list of changed/added driver commands for the Voice
Component. These commands may be used in the Siebel Communications
Configuration as device commands for communication commands.
Table 23: The Voice Component Driver Commands (Changes for 8.0.1)





Notifies the driver that the call has been




Notifies the driver that the recent active

call has been deselected.

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

The Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM has the capability to create a no-hold
conference call leg to a supervisor or emergency DN. This feature is supported
only on the Nortel Communication Server 1000 SCCS/MLS Symposium
switch, which is a functional hybrid of the Meridian 1 and the Symposium


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

With a properly customized Communications toolbar, an agent can press a

button to initiate this special type of conference request. By doing so, the agent
issues a TPrivateService request to initiate a no-hold conference call. The
no-hold conference call allows the agent to dial-in and conference without
putting the customer on hold.
Invoking the CallSupervisor feature when the agent is in an ACD call initiates
a conference leg to the agents supervisor. The supervisor must click the Answer
Agent button on the phone, which establishes that call leg to the supervisor.
Invoking the EmergencyKey feature initiates a conference leg to the agents
supervisor, and, if installed, to a recording device. The acting supervisor must
answer the call by clicking the Answer Emergency button on the supervisors
phone set.
Note: This command is supported by the Adapter; but the customer must

create a custom button to implement this feature.

This new functionality includes the following two device commands,
CallSupervisor and EmergencyKey, to invoke the corresponding functions.
These functions are described below.
Note: Both device commands (CallSupervisor and EmergencyKey) can be

invoked without parameters. The TrackingID parameter can be defined

in the [CmdData: ] section of Command. For details about this
functionality, see The TrackingID Parameter on page 339.

The CallSupervisor DeviceCommand Object

Invoking the CallSupervisor DeviceCommand object when an agent is in an
automatic call distribution (ACD) call initiates a conference leg to the agents
supervisor. The supervisor must press the Answer Agent button, which
establishes that call leg to the supervisor. For details about the CallSupervisor
configuration, refer to Example 17 below.
If the CallSupervisor service is invoked:

If the agent releases the call then the call is released from the agent DN.
The call between the contacts and the supervisors phones continues.

If the customer releases the call, an EventReleased message is received on

the agent DN, but the call between the agents and supervisors phones

The calls through the ACD Queue are not distributed to the agent.

After this call is released, the ACD Queue continues to distribute calls to
the agent DN.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

Example 17 displays a CallSupervisor DeviceCommand object configuration

Example 17


For Nortel Meridian CallCenterSymposium ONLY!


= "CallSupervisor"


= "Call Supervisor request"


= "CallSupervisor"


= "TRUE"

CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE"

= "Gplus Universal Profile"


The EmergencyKey DeviceCommand Object

Invoking the EmergencyKey DeviceCommand object initiates a conference leg to
the agents supervisor, and, if installed, to a recording device. The acting
supervisor must answer the call by pressing the Answer Emergency button on the
supervisors phone set. For details about the EmergencyKey DeviceCommand
object configuration, refer to Example 18 below.
If the EmergencyKey service is invoked:

If the agent releases the call, then the call is released on the supervisors
phone, the contacts phone, and the agents phone;

If the contact releases the call, there is no computer-telephony integration

(CTI) messaging, and the call between the agent and supervisors phones
continues. After releasing this call, an EventReleased message is received
on the agent DN.

Example 18 displays a EmergencyKey DeviceCommand object configuration

Example 18

For Nortel Meridian CallCenterSymposium ONLY!
= "EmergencyKey"
= "Emergency request"
= "EmergencyKey"
= "TRUE"
CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE"
= "Gplus Universal Profile"


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

The TrackingID Parameter

Both the CallSupervisor and EmergencyKey DeviceCommand objects can be
invoked without parameters. The TrackingID parameter can be defined in the
[CmdData: ] section of Command, or it can be omitted. If the TrackingID
parameter is defined in the [CmdData: ] section, then the Gplus Adapter uses
this value to identify the call to which the CallSupervisor or EmergencyKey
DeviceCommand object is applicable. If the Parameter TrackingID parameter is
not defined, or if Siebel Communication Server supplies the empty string value
for this parameter, then the CallSupervisor or EmergencyKey DeviceCommand
objects are called for the current call.

The DoNotDisturb Status

The DoNotDisturb (DND) status can be set to ON or OFF on the DN with the
following DeviceCommand objects: SetBusy, CancelBusy, and ChangeBusyState.
When the DND status is established for a DN, then the calls are not distributed
to or received by this DN.
Some switches and T-Servers (Avaya INDeX, for example) do not provide this
information about the DND status when they register the DNs. When these
switches are used, if a DND state was set on the DN to ON, and then an agent
logs into Siebel, the Communications toolbar indicates that the DND state is
OFF (the default value). In order to synchronize the DND state on the switch for
this DN with the DND state shown on the Siebel Communications toolbar, the
agent must use the phone to switch off the DND state.
When the Gplus Adapter works with these switches, the agent must perform
the same synchronization of the DND state if a T-Server restarts after the DND
state was set to ON on the switch.

The Driver Events for the Voice Component

This section describes the device events implemented by the Voice
Component. A device event is a notification of a communications occurrence
that the Siebel client receives from the Communications driver (the Gplus
Adapter in this case) along with some data fields (parameters).
For example, when a connection between the agents phone and the destination
is established for an incoming or outbound call, the Siebel client can be
notified with the EventEstablished device event with the associated data
(parameters), such as OtherDN, ANI and others shown in Table 25, The
Parameters Used with the Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343. For further information, see the Siebel Communications Server
Administration Guide.
The parameters used with the device events are listed in Table 25 on page 343.
Descriptions of the device events begin with the topic, The Voice Component
Device Events on page 382.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

Table 24 contains the description of the Communications driver events. These

events may be used in the Siebel Communications configuration as device
events for communications events.
Table 24: Communications Driver Events



Voice Component


Dialing notification when making a call.



Incoming call ringing.



Call established (inbound or outbound).



Call released or abandoned.



Call is held.



Call is retrieved.



Call user data changed.



DN is registered.



DN is unregistered.



Call forwarding is set.



Call forwarding is canceled.



Do Not Disturb mode has been set.



Do Not Disturb mode has been canceled.



Agent is logged in.



Agent is logged out.



Agent became ready.



Agent became not ready.



Connection to T-Server is established.



Connection to T-Server is lost.



Error received from T-Server.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

Table 24: Communications Driver Events (Continued)






T-Server has acknowledged a request

received from a client application. The
event is a response to a TSendUserEvent



User event from another client application.



Call party was replaced by another party.



Party was added to the conference call.



Party was deleted from the conference call.



Information about call parties.

Expert Contact Feature


Expert Contact

Preview Interaction error.


Expert Contact

Preview interacting request.


Expert Contact

Preview interaction canceled by T-Server.


Expert Contact

Response from T-Server that the

interaction was accepted.


Expert Contact

Response from T-Server that the

interaction was rejected.


Expert Contact

CTI-Less T-Server error.


Expert Contact

T-Server response.


Expert Contact

Response from CTI-Less T-Server after

agent clicks On Call.


Expert Contact

Request from CTI-Less T-Server to

provide current call status.


Expert Contact

Acknowledge that party status request was

submitted to CTI-less T-Server.

Outbound Contact Feature


Outbound Contact

Record was added.


Outbound Contact

Campaign was loaded.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

Table 24: Communications Driver Events (Continued)





Outbound Contact

Campaign mode was changed.


Outbound Contact

Campaign has started.


Outbound Contact

Campaign has stopped.


Outbound Contact

Campaign was unloaded.


Outbound Contact

Chained record delivered.


Outbound Contact

Whole chain delivered.


Outbound Contact

Chained work item in the Work Items list



Outbound Contact

Work item in the Work Items list changed.


Outbound Contact

Outbound Contact Server error.


Outbound Contact

Scheduled record delivered.


Outbound Contact

Preview Dialing session is over.


Outbound Contact

Preview Dialing session has been started.


Outbound Contact

Preview record delivered.


Outbound Contact

No more records exists in the Outbound

Contact Server database.


Outbound Contact

Record has been processed.


Outbound Contact

Record has been rejected.


Outbound Contact

Record has been canceled.


Outbound Contact

Request to remove record from desktop.


Outbound Contact

Record has been rescheduled.


Outbound Contact

Scheduled record has been rescheduled

(same as RecordRescheduledAcknowledge).


Outbound Contact

Call statistics and values have been



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

Table 24: Communications Driver Events (Continued)





Outbound Contact

Notification from Outbound Contact

Server about the time left until an agent
logs out in Predictive dialing mode.


Outbound Contact

Automatic logout acknowledge.

The T-Library Events Parameters

Table 25 on page 343 lists the parameters of the T-Library events that are used
by the Voice Component as parameters sent to Siebel when the event handler is
invoked. Use this list in combination with the device events for the Voice
Component topic under the following section, The Voice Component Device
Events on page 382.
Table 25: The Parameters Used with the Device Events of the Voice Component





The ConnectionID attribute.



The call types are Incoming, Outbound, Internal,

ConsultTransfer, ConsultConference, Consult or
Unknown. See Table 26 on page 345 for a description of
the call types.



The ThisDN attribute of the TEvent parameter (the

agents DN that received the call).



The OtherDN attribute of the TEvent parameter, the

OriginationDN attribute in case of an internal call.



The ThirdPartyDN attribute of the TEvent parameter,

origination of the transferred or conferenced call.



ANI (Automatic Number Identification).



DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service).



The previous ConnectionID attribute: the ConnectionID

attribute of the held call, if any.



The error code if the TEvent is an EventError event.



Error message if the TEvent is an EventError event.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

Table 25: The Parameters Used with the Device Events of the Voice Component





This parameter uniquely identifies the agent.



The directory number of the most significant ACD

Queue group in relation to a specific event.



The digits that have been collected by the device

collecting the digitsfor example, an IVR.

Server Version


The version (release number) of the running T-Server.



A pointer to the string containing the assigned customer

(Tenant) identifier through which the processing of the
call was initiated.



A pointer to the name of the host where T-Server is




A pointer to a number derived when a client application

dials from the specified switch, and allows the user to
reach a specific external Routing Point.



The Place attribute of a TEvent.



The ReferenceID attribute is a unique identifier generated

by a T-Server client and is attached to the request this
client sends to T-Server.



The current status of the call the event relates to.



An agent work mode.



The identifier or the most significant trunk in relation to a

specific event.



The role of the telephony object specified by the ThisDN




The MediaType attribute of the TEvent parameter.

All others


The calls user data.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

Support for the Emergency/Supervisor Key

The Call Types

The Gplus Adapter reports the call types to Siebel using the CallType and
CallTypeExt fields. The original information about the call types comes in the
CallType attribute of the TEvent parameter. The Gplus Adapter defines the
CallTypeExt field based on the call type and call flow. In the CallType field, the
Adapter sends integer values, while the CallTypeExt field sends values of type
string. Table 26 lists the possible call types for the Gplus Adapter.
Table 26: The Call Type Fields
0 (for Unknown)



Unknown or any other The call type is unknown. The Adapter cannot define the
call type based on the call flow.

CallTypeExt value
1 (for Internal)


An internal callfor example, agent-to-agent call.

1 (for Internal)


An internal callfor example, agent-to-agent call.

1 (for Internal)


An agent is on a call with another agent. The Adapter

cannot define who initiated the call.

1 (for Internal)


There are more than two parties on the call.

2 (for Inbound)


The inbound call from a customer.

2 (for Inbound)


There are more than two parties on the call.

3 (for Outbound)


The outbound call to a customer.

3 (for Outbound)


There are more than two parties on the call.

4 (for Consult)


A consultation call when an agent tries to transfer a call to

another agent.

4 (for Consult)


A consultation call when an agent tries to initiate a

conference call with another agent.

4 (for Consult)


When an agent initiates a transfer call or a conference call

by using the phone (not the Siebel Communications
toolbar). When the Consult call type is used, the Gplus
Adapter is not notified by T-Server of the specific action
in progressfor example, if it is a transfer or a conference
call, or if an agent put the current call on hold and made
another call.

4 (for Consult)


A consultation call to the agents DN.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device

This section provides the detailed descriptions of the device commands that are
supported by the Gplus Adapter Voice Component. A device command is a
feature of the Communications driver (Gplus Adapter in this case) that can
execute a particular function, which is implemented in a driver.
Usually the command is a request from the Siebel client to the
Communications driver to make a call, accept a call, transfer a call, or make a
conference with another agent and so on.
The following tables use the terms <datasetParam>, <AttributeExtensions>,
and <Other parameters>, which are defined below:

The term <datasetParam> is used in the tables to describe the set of

parameters for a particular device command. The datasetParam parameter
is a set of parameters that are defined in the command data with the prefix

The term <AttributeExtensions> designates a specific subset of the

datasetParam parameter. This subset of the parameters is defined in the
datasetParam parameter in a specific way. See the description of The
AttributeExtensions Parameter on page 279. If the AttributeExtensions
parameter is defined in the datasetParam parameter, then these parameters
are sent as an Extensions attribute with a request to T-Server invoked by
this device command.

The term <Other parameters> designates a subset of the datasetParam

parameter. This subset of the parameters defined in the datasetParam
parameter is included as an UserData attribute (with some exclusions) in
the T-Server request. Any exclusions in these parameters are identified in
the command descriptions.

The following commands are implemented in the Gplus Adapter and may be
used in the Siebel Communications configuration as device commands. For
information about Siebel device commands, see the Siebel documentation.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

The Basic Voice Device Commands

This section provides detailed descriptions of the Basic Voice feature device
commands (See Table 27).
Note: Changes for the 8.0.1 release are represented in the subsection The

Voice Component Driver Commands (Changes for 8.0.1) on

page 336.
Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands

Answers incoming call.


Not used




The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


Releases (disconnects) current call.


Not used




The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.



The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following


Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)



Performs a mute transfer of the selected call. The CallNofifyText parameter

conveys status information to the second agent. The RemoteConnectStr
parameter is required for transfers to another contact center. For the switches
that do not support mute transfer, but do support a single-step transfer, the
Adapter invokes the request to T-Server to perform a single-step transfer.
Destination number

Either the
stringParam or


must be defined.




The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


The destination number. If not

present, the stringParam is

PhoneNumber or

must be defined.


The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to the T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.




Exclusion from the user data:

PhoneNumber, ThisDN,
Digits, MonitorType,

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

TransferMute (Continued)



And corresponding to the

AttributeExtensions set of
parameters, see the descriptions
on Page 279 and Page 280.



Initiates a two-step transfer of the selected call. The caller is put on hold, and
the current agent dials another agents extension. The CallNofityText
parameter conveys status information to the second agent. The
RemoteConnectStr parameter is required for transfers to another contact center.
Destination number

stringParam or


must be defined.




The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


The destination number. If not

present, the stringParam
parameter is used.

PhoneNumber or

parameter must
be defined.


The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

TransferInit (Continued)



Exclusions from the user data:

PhoneNumber, ThisDN,
Digits, MonitorType,

And corresponding to the

AttributeExtensions set of
parameters, see the descriptions
on Page 279 and Page 280.

Completes a two-step transfer of the selected call. Completes the consultative

transfer. The current agent is disconnected and the caller is connected to the
agent to whom the call was transferred.


Not used



The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


Reconnects the original call initiated using the ConferenceInit or

TransferInit requests before the ConferenceComplete or TransferComplete


Not used



The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


Places the selected call on hold.


Not used




The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)


Releases (disconnects) current call.


Not used


The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.



The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is sent

with a request to T-Server as
described in the following



The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.


Reconnects a call that

was on hold.


Not used



The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


Reconnects a callback that was on hold.


Not used


Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)


Places an outbound call. The CallNotifyText parameter is used only for

internal calls.
Destination number

Either the stringParam or PhoneNumber parameter

must be defined.



The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.

Either the

The destination number. If not

present, the stringParam
parameter is used instead.


PhoneNumber or

must be defined.


The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is sent

with a request to T-Server as
described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.




Exclusions from the user data:

PhoneNumber, ThisDN,
Digits, MonitorType,

And corresponding to the

AttributeExtensions set of
parameters, see the descriptions
on Page 279 and Page 280.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)



Begin a single-step conference. The CallNofityText parameter conveys status

information to the second agent. The RemoteConnectStr parameter is required
for conferences between contact centers.
Destination number

Either stringParam or PhoneNumber must be




The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.

Either the

The destination number. If not

present, the stringParam
parameter is used instead.


PhoneNumber or

parameter must
be defined.


The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is sent

with a request to T-Server as

described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.



Exclusions from the user data:

PhoneNumber, ThisDN,
Digits, MonitorType,

And corresponding to the

AttributeExtensions set of
parameters, see the descriptions
on Page 279 and Page 280.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)




Initiates a two-step conference. The caller is put on hold, and the current agent
dials another agents extension. The CallNofityText parameter conveys the
status information to the second agent. The RemoteConnectStr parameter is
required for conferences between contact centers.
Destination number

Either stringParam or PhoneNumber must be




The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used

Either the

The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


PhoneNumber or

must be defined.


The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.



Exclusions from the user data:

PhoneNumber, ThisDN,
Digits, MonitorType,

And corresponding to the

AttributeExtensions set of
parameters, see the descriptions
on Page 279 and Page 280.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)


Completes a two-step conference. The caller and the agents in conference can
now talk to each other at the same time.


Not used



The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


Deletes a party that is specified by the PhoneNumber parameter from a

conference call. If the PhoneNumber parameter is not defined, then the
stringParam parameter is used instead.
Destination number

Either the
stringParam or


Defines the party to be deleted

from a conference call.

parameters must
be defined.


The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.


Either the

Defines the party to be deleted

from a conference call. If not
present, the stringParam
parameter is used instead.

stringParam or

parameters must
be defined.


The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following


The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)


Logs in an agent to one or multiple queues. If an agents Teleset contains

multiple DNs, the agent is only logged into the first DN.


Not used




List of ACD Queue numbers,

separated by commas.






Agent password



The workmode that is to be set

for an agent. AgentWorkMode is
sent to T-Server as a workmode
parameter. The default value is 0



The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.


Logs out an agent from one or all of the queues. If the agents teleset contains
multiple DNs, the agent will only be logged out of the first DN.


Not used




The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

LogOut (Continued)


The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.




The ACD Queue from which an

agent logs out.


Switches an agents readiness state to NotReady on all agent DNs if an agents

state was Ready.


Not used




The workmode that is to be set

for the agent. AgentWorkMode is
sent to T-Server as a workmode
parameter. The default value is 0



The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.


Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


A list of ACD Queue numbers,

separated by commas.


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)



Not used


The workmode that is to be set

for the agent. AgentWorkMode is
sent to T-Server as a workmode
parameter. The default value is 0



The value of the ReasonCode is

sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



The Extensions attribute is sent

with a request to T-Server as
described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.



A list of ACD Queue numbers,

separated by commas.


Switches an agents readiness state from Ready to NotReady or from NotReady

to Ready on all agent DNs.


Not used


The workmode that is to be set

for the agent. AgentWorkMode is
sent to T-Server as a workmode
parameter. The default value is 0



The value of the ReasonCode

will be sent to T-Server as a
reasons parameter. The default
value is -1.



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

ChangeNotReadyState (Continued)



The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.



A list of ACD Queue numbers,

separated by commas.


Notifies the driver that a call, currently selected in the Communications

toolbar, has been changed. The driver updates all the command statuses for the
newly selected call.


Not used




The work item TrackingID



Initiates call forwarding.

Destination number

Either the stringParam or PhoneNumber parameter

must be defined.


The destination number. If not
PhoneNumber or present, the stringParam
stringParam must parameter is used.
be defined.




The Call-Forwarding mode

(numeric value). The default
value is 1.


Cancels call forwarding.


Not used

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

CancelForwardCall (Continued)



The Call-Forwarding mode

(numeric value). The default
value is 1.


Turns call forwarding on or off.

Destination number

Either stringParam or PhoneNumber must be

Either the
PhoneNumber or


The destination number. If not

present, the stringParam
parameter is used instead.

parameter must
be defined.


The Call-Forwarding mode

(numeric value). The default
value is 1.


Initiates the Do Not Disturb mode for all DNs an agent is logged into.


Not used


Not used


Cancels the Do Not Disturb mode.


Not used


Not used


Turns call forwarding on or off.

Destination number

Either the
stringParam or

parameter must
be defined.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

ToggleForward (Continued)


Either the
PhoneNumber or

The destination number. If not

present, the stringParam
parameter is used instead.

parameter must
be defined.


The Call-Forwarding mode

(numeric value). The default
value is 1.


Turns the Do Not Disturb mode on or off.


Not used


Not used


Attaches the user data to the selected call. Note that the user data name
TrackingID is invalid.









Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.
Exclusion from the user data:


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

Sends a user event to the selected DN. The selected DN is either the currently
selected extension in the Communications view in the User Preferences
screen or taken from the stringParam parameter.
Can be configured to send AgentID and ConnID attributes in the related
SendUserEvent. To configure this, the CmdData section of the SendUserEvent
device command must include parameters Attribute.AgentID and
Attribute.ConnID, for example:
Hidden = "TRUE"
Description = "Send user event"
DeviceCommand = "SendUserEvent"
CmdData = "SendUserEvent"
AttachContext = "TRUE"
Param.ThisDN = "{@SelectedDN}"
Param.Attribute.AgentID = "Attribute_AgentID"
Param.Attribute.ConnID = "12340d0000000000"

The Attribute.ConnID value is a 16 digit hexadecimal that defines the ConnID.


If it is required to set the Attribute.AgentID and Attribute.ConnID

parameters in the UserData of the UserEvent, then a backslash (\) must be used
as an escape symbol before the parameter name.
The backslash (\) directs the Adapter to send a parameter with the name
beginning after the backslash as UserData with a SendUserEvent request. A
single backslash without a string is treated as a UserData parameter with key \,
for example:

AttachContext = "TRUE"
Param.ThisDN = "{@SelectedDN}"
Param.Attribute.AgentID = "Attribute_AgentID"
Param.Attribute.ConnID = "12340d0000000000"
Param.\Attribute.AgentID = "UserData_Attribute.AgentID"
Param.\Attribute.ConnID = "UserData_84321"
Param.\ = "This_Is_\"
Param.AgentID = "UserData_AgentID"

Then the UserEvent includes the attributes, AgentID and ConnID:

(Str) \
(Str) Attribute.ConnID
(Str) Attribute.AgentID
(Str) AgentID



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

SendUserEvent (Continued)

Selected DN (see







The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.
Exclusion from the user data:


Updates the user data that is attached to the selected call.

Note: The user data name TrackingID is invalid.






The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.



Exclusion from the user data:




Removes user data, specified by <Other parameters> from the user data
attached to the selected call.
Note: The user data name TrackingID is invalid.






The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.



Exclusion from the user data:





When the agent is on an ACD call, this command initiates a conference leg to
the agents supervisor. For that call leg to be established, the supervisor must
push the Answer Agent key to complete the call leg to the supervisor. For more
details, see The CallSupervisor DeviceCommand Object on page 337.


Not Used

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

CallSupervisor (Continued)


must be defined.

If the Siebel Communication

Session Manager invokes a
particular command with an
empty tracking ID, the Gplus
Adapter will try to use the value
of the Param.TrackingID
defined in the Command Data.


Exclusion from the user data:

PhoneNumber or

<Other parameters>


And corresponding to the

AttributeExtensions set of

parameters, see the descriptions

on Page 279 and Page 280.


Initiates a conference leg to the agents supervisor and, if installed, to a

recording device. The supervisor must push the Answer Emergency key to
establish the call leg. For more details, see The EmergencyKey
DeviceCommand Object on page 338.


Not Used



{@SelectedWork If the Siebel Communication

Item:DriverWork Session Manager invokes a
particular command with an
empty tracking ID, the Gplus
Adapter will try to use the value
of Param.TrackingID defined in
the Command Data.

<Other parameters>


Exclusion from the user data:


And corresponding to the

AttributeExtensions set of
parameters, see descriptions on
Page 279 and Page 280.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)



Sends a query to T-Server to return the information about the DN specified by

the command parameters, ThisDN and ACDQueue. If the ThisDN parameter is not
defined in the configuration, the default configured DN is used instead.The
type of information requested is defined by the command parameters,
AddressType and AddressInfoType.


Not Used




T-Server inquires about the

telephony object specified by
the ThisDN parameter. If not
present, the default configured
DN (Teleset of type S) is used



The list of ACD Queue

numbers, separated by commas



The type of telephony object in

question. The default value is 2.



The type of the requested

information. The default value is

Attribute Extensions


The Extensions attribute is sent

with a request to T-Server as
described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.

*The QueryAddress device command together with the set of command data parameters that are
defined in a sample GenComm_universal.def file, synchronize the state of the Communications
toolbar and the state of the agent on a Lucent Definity G3 switch. For more information about
other switches and how to define the corresponding command data parameters for the
QueryAddress device command, see the T-Server documentation related to the switch you are

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)


Sends a user event to the Communication DN.


Destination number




The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.



Exclusion from the user data:

No exclusions



Places the active call on hold and reconnects the previously held call.



The active work item

TrackingID. If not defined, the
internally maintained
TrackingID is used.



The TrackingID of the work

item that is currently on hold.



Sends the digits that are interpreted by an interactive voice response system.



The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.



The digits that are sent.



The value of the ReasonCode that

is sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

Send DTMF (Continued)
Attribute Extensions



The Extensions attribute is sent

with a request to T-Server as
described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.

Monitor Next Call


Enables the supervisors monitoring of the next call that comes to the agent.
The supervisors DN is either the currently selected extension in the
Communications view in the User Preferences screen (the selected DN) or
taken from the ThisDN parameter.
Either the
stringParam or


parameter must
be defined.


The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.



The supervisors DN. If not

present, the selected DN is used.


The agents DN that is
PhoneNumber or monitored. If not present, the
stringParam must stringParam is used.
be defined.

Monitor Type



Indicates whether the supervisor

wants to monitor one call or
subsequent calls. The default
value is -1. Other possible
values are:
0 = MonitorOneCall
1 = MonitorAllCalls

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

Monitor Next Call (Continued)


The value of the ReasonCode

that is sent to T-Server as a
reasons parameter. The default
value is -1.

Attribute Extensions


The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following


The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.
Cancel Monitoring


Cancels the supervisors monitoring of the next call that comes to the agent.
The supervisors DN is either the currently selected extension in the
Communications view in the User Preferences screen (the selected DN) or
taken from the ThisDN parameter.
Either the
stringParam or


parameter must
be defined.


The work item TrackingID. If

not defined, the internally
maintained TrackingID is used.



The supervisors DN. If not

present, the selected DN is used.

Either the

The agents DN that is

monitored. If not present, the
stringParam parameter is used.



stringParam or

parameter must
be defined.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 27: The Basic Voice Feature Device Commands (Continued)

Cancel Monitoring (Continued)
Monitor Type



Indicates whether the supervisor

wants to monitor one call or
subsequent calls. The default
value is -1. Other possible
values are:
0 = MonitorOneCall
1 = MonitorAllCalls



The value of the ReasonCode that

is sent to T-Server as a reasons
parameter. The default value is

Attribute Extensions


The Extensions attribute is

sent with a request to T-Server
as described in the following
The AttributeExtensions
Parameter on page 279 and
Sending Extensions Attributes
with String and/or Integer Value
Types (Method 1) on page 280.


Sets the active campaign for the Preview mode.

Either the
stringParam or


The name of the campaign in the

Preview mode as it is defined in
Configuration Manager.

parameter must
be defined.

Either the
stringParam or

The name of the campaign in

Preview mode as it is defined in
Configuration Manager.

parameter must
be defined.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

The Basic Voice Device Commands (Changes for 8.0.1)

Table 28 provides the detailed descriptions of the Basic Voice feature device
commands that were changed or added for the 8.0.1 release.
Table 28: The Basic Voice Device Commands (Changes for 8.0.1)

Notifies the driver that a call has been selected in the Communications
Toolbar. The driver updates all of the command statuses for the newly selected


Not used




The work item



Notifies the driver that the recent call has been deselected in the
Communications Toolbar. The driver updates all of the command statuses for
the newly selected call.


Not used




The TrackingID of the

selected workitem.



The TrackingID of the

deselected workitem.

The Expert Contact DeviceCommand Objects

This section lists the following Expert Contact features DeviceCommand objects:




For more details, contact Genesys Technical Support.

The Outbound Contact DeviceCommands Objects

This section provides the detailed descriptions of the Outbound Campaign
features DeviceCommand objects:





Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands










The mandatory fields GSW_APPLICATION_ID and GSW_CAMPAIGN_NAME are assigned

internally by the Outbound Contact Server (OCS) protocol instance, depending
on the mode and campaigns that are currently running.
The Outbound Contact Server DeviceCommand objects are described in Table 29.
Table 29: The Outbound Contact Server DeviceCommand Objects
Command Name



Request to activate a preview session for the agent.

(This command is needed if the value of the OCS
agent_preview_mode_start configuration option is
set to true.)

OCS Action

Link the agent DN and the campaign ID.

Mandatory Fields
Additional Fields

Not specified

Command Name



Request to terminate a preview session for the


OCS Action

Remove a link between agent DN and campaign


Mandatory Fields
Additional Fields

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

Not specified


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 29: The Outbound Contact Server DeviceCommand Objects (Continued)

Command Name



Request to send a preview record.

OCS Action

If the value of the OCS agent_preview_mode_start

configuration option is set to false, or there is a
link between the agent DN and the campaign ID.

Mandatory Fields
Additional Fields

Not specified

Command Name



Desktop sends to update record details.

Intermediate update.

OCS Action

Update the record fields internally and wait for the

next requests.

Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Can be both specified updatable Genesys fields and

user defined fields.

Command Name



Desktop sends an event to indicate that the record

is processed. OCS should update the record
information, if it is provided.

OCS Action

Update a record and its chain in the database; use

all the changes made by the previous requests
regarding the records in the chain. If a
RecordProcessed event has a GSW_TREATMENT field
correctly specified, OCS applies a treatment to the


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 29: The Outbound Contact Server DeviceCommand Objects (Continued)

RecordProcessed (Continued)
Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Can be both specified updatable Genesys fields and

user-defined fields.

Command Name



Desktop sends a request to indicate that the

preview record or the scheduled callback is not
dialed by this agent. The record should be re-sent to
another agent.

OCS Action

Mark a record as Ready and the rest of a chain if

GSW_CHAIN_ATTR = = AllChain.

Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Not specified

Command Name



Desktop sends a request to indicate that a preview

record or a scheduled callback should not be dialed.
Record should not be re-sent to another agent.
Should be marked in the database as Canceled.

OCS Action

Change the record

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 29: The Outbound Contact Server DeviceCommand Objects (Continued)

RequestRecordCancel (Continued)
if (GSW_RECORD_HANDLE is specified){
Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields


Command Name



Request a rescheduled preview record, predictive

call, or scheduled call.

OCS Action

Update a record chain and reschedule the record.


Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Not specified

Command name



Request a reschedule preview record, predictive

call, or scheduled call.

OCS Action

Update a record chain and reschedule the record.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 29: The Outbound Contact Server DeviceCommand Objects (Continued)

ScheduledRecordReschedule (Continued)
Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Not specified

Command Name



Agent requests this number not to be called again.

OCS Action

If GSW_RECORD_HANDLE is specified, update a record

or a whole chain as DoNotCall if GSW_CHAIN_ATTR
== AllChain.
Add phone(s) (GSW_CHAIN_ATTR == AllChain)
in a DoNotCall list.
1) if (GSW_RECORD_HANDLE is specified){

Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

Not specified


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 29: The Outbound Contact Server DeviceCommand Objects (Continued)

DoNotCall (Continued)
You can specify these attributes in the Siebel.def
file as command parameters. A specific set of
mandatory fields is sent to Outbound Contact

Tells the Adapter which set of mandatory fields are
sent to Outbound Contact Server.

Command Name



Request to send all records from the chain defined

by record handle.

OCS Action

Send the rest of a chain to the desktop.


Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Not specified

Command Name



Request to add record to the particular list.

OCS Action

Verify data and create new record in the list.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 29: The Outbound Contact Server DeviceCommand Objects (Continued)

AddRecord (Continued)
Mandatory Fields

Any user-defined fields.
Note: The key in a key-value pair should be equal
to the send_attribute of the field that you are
required to add.
The default field values (if not specified in a
request) are as follows:
GSW_PHONE_TYPE: 2, DirectBusinessPhone

Additional Fields

GSW_CALL_RESULT: 28, Unknown
GSW_FROM: 28800 (8 AM)
GSW_UNTIL: 64800 (6 PM)

The Voice Callback DeviceCommands Objects

This section provides the detailed descriptions of the Voice Callback feature
DeviceCommand objects (see Table 30).
Table 30: The VCB Commands
Gplus Adapter Name

Genesys VCB Server Name









Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 30: The VCB Commands (Continued)

Gplus Adapter Name

Genesys VCB Server Name











Table 31: The Voice Callback DeviceCommands Objects

Command Name



Client sends this request to the VCB server to

determine the availability of the Voice Callback

Callback Server Action

Sends back the corresponding response with the

requested information.

Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields


Command Name



Client sends this request to the VCB server to find

the callback requests that satisfy the search

Callback Server Action

Sends back the corresponding UserEvent

(CallbackQueryAcknowledge) with the query result
(number of callback requests found).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 31: The Voice Callback DeviceCommands Objects (Continued)

VCBQuery (Continued)
Mandatory Fields

At least one of the following:


Additional Fields

Any fields that have to be included in the search


Command Name



Client sends this request to the VCB server to

retrieve the callback request by indexing in the
query result set.

Callback Server Action

Sends the callback request back to the client


Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Not specified

Command Name



Client sends this request to the VCB server to

cancel the callback request.

Callback Server Action

Deletes the callback request and sends back a

confirmation (CallbackCancelAcknowledge).

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 31: The Voice Callback DeviceCommands Objects (Continued)

VCBCancel (Continued)
Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Not specified

Command Name



Client sends this request to the VCB server to

reschedule a callback request.

Callback Server Action

Reschedules a callback request and sends back

confirmation (CallbackRescheduleAcknowledge).
The callback is rescheduled to ASAP (as soon as
possible) if the VCB_DATE_TIME key does not exist
in the UserData attribute.

Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

VCB_DATE_TIME (if scheduled)

VCB_TZ_NAME (if scheduled)

Command Name



Client sends this request to add a callback request.

Callback Server Action

Creates a callback request object. Processes as a

scheduled callback request (immediately, if set to


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Detailed Descriptions of the Device Commands

Table 31: The Voice Callback DeviceCommands Objects (Continued)

VCBAdd (Continued)
Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Any user defined fields and default field values (if

not specified in a request):
VCB_DATE_TIME (if scheduled)
VCB_TZ_NAME (if scheduled)

Command Name



The VCB server sends a callback request to the

agents desktop.

Desktop Action

Sends back acknowledgement.


Mandatory Fields

All UserData attributes from Callback Request

Additional Fields

Any user defined fields

Command Name

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

The agents desktop submits the record processing
results to the VCB server.


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 31: The Voice Callback DeviceCommands Objects (Continued)

VCBProcessed (Continued)
Callback Server Action

Sends back acknowledgement. Applies treatment if

specified in the configuration.

Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Any user defined fields


Command Name



An agents desktop rejects the record.

Callback Server Action

Sends back acknowledgement. Submits a callback

request to another agent.

Mandatory Fields

Additional Fields

Any user defined fields

The Voice Component Device Events

This section provides the detailed descriptions of the device events for the
Voice Component including the Basic Voice feature and the Outbound
Campaign feature.

The Basic Voice Device Events

Table 32 on page 383 provides descriptions of the device events for the
Basic Voice feature.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 32: The Basic Voice Device Events

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Displays dialed call information.

TEvent Name



An attempt to make a call on behalf of the

telephony object specified by the ThisDN
parameter is in progress.


TrackingID of the work item.


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Displays ringing call information.

TEvent Name



An attempt to make a call on behalf of the

telephony object specified by the ThisDN parameter
is in progress.


TrackingID of the work item.


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Displays received call information

TEvent Name



The connection has been established for an

incoming or an outbound call.


TrackingID of the work item.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 32: The Basic Voice Device Events (Continued)


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Removes the related information from the work

item or removes the related work item.

TEvent Name



A call was released.


TrackingID of the work item.


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Enables the Resume Work Item button and disables

the Pause Work Item button (command)

TEvent Name



A call was placed on hold.


TrackingID of the work item.


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Disables the Resume Work Item button and enables

the Pause Work Item button (command)

TEvent Name



A call that was on hold has been retrieved.


Not applicable.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 32: The Basic Voice Device Events (Continued)


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action


TEvent Name



The calls user data has been changed.


TrackingID of the work item.


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action


TEvent Name



The agents DN was registered with T-Server.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory, RegisteredDN

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action


TEvent Name



The agents DN was unregistered with T-Server.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory, UnregisteredDN

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 32: The Basic Voice Device Events (Continued)

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Disables the Set Forward button and enables the

Cancel Forward button

TEvent Name



Call forwarding has been set to on.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory. DN on which the call

forwarding has been set.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Disables the Cancel Forward button and enables

the Set Forward button

TEvent Name



Call forwarding has been set to off.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory, DN on which the call

forwarding has been canceled.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action


TEvent Name



The Do Not Disturb mode has been set to on.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory. DN on which the DND has

been set.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 32: The Basic Voice Device Events (Continued)

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action


TEvent Name



The Do Not Disturb mode has been set to off.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory. DN on which the DND has

been canceled.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Disables the Login to Voice button and enables

the Logout from Voice button (command)

TEvent Name



Agent has been logged in.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory. DN on which agent was

logged in
AgentID, Mandatory, AgentID

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Disables the Logout from Voice button and

enables the Login to Voice button (command)

TEvent Name



Agent has been logged out.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory. DN on which agent was

logged out
AgentID, Mandatory, AgentID

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 32: The Basic Voice Device Events (Continued)

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Disables the Set Ready for Voice button


TEvent Name



Agent has been set to the Ready state.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory. DN on which the agent

became ready.
AgentID, Mandatory, AgentID
Workmode, Mandatory, Agents work mode

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Enables the Set Ready for Voice button


TEvent Name



Agent has been set to the Not Ready state.


Not applicable.


ThisDN, Mandatory. DN on which the agent

became not ready.
AgentID, Mandatory, AgentID
Workmode, Mandatory, Agents work mode

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

The Communications toolbar becomes active.

TEvent Name



The connection with T-Server has been established.


Not applicable.




Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 32: The Basic Voice Device Events (Continued)

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

The Communications toolbar becomes inactive.

TEvent Name



The connection with T-Server has been terminated.


Not applicable.



Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Displays an error in the status text area for a few


TEvent Name



The EventError message has been received from



TrackingID of the work item, if applicable.



Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action


TEvent Name



A user event from another client application has

been received.


Not applicable


The T-Event UserData attribute is received in

Siebel as ISC_KVParamList.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 32: The Basic Voice Device Events (Continued)

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Shows the changes in the displayed work item.

TEvent Name



The telephony object specified by the OtherDN

attribute has replaced the telephony object
specified by the OtherDN attribute in the previously
received T-Server event or the previous ConnID of
the call has been given a new ConnID value.


TrackingID of the work item, if applicable.


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Shows changes in the displayed work item

TEvent Name



The telephony object specified by the OtherDN

attribute has been added to the conference call.


TrackingID of the work item, if applicable.


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


Desktop Action

Shows changes in the displayed work item

TEvent Name



The telephony object specified by the OtherDN

attribute has been deleted from the conference call.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 32: The Basic Voice Device Events (Continued)

EventPartyDeleted (Continued)

TrackingID of the work item, if applicable.


See Table 25, The Parameters Used with the

Device Events of the Voice Component, on
page 343.

The Expert Contact Device Events

This section lists the device events for the Expert Contact feature, as follows:











For more details about these events, contact Genesys Technical Support.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device

This section provides detailed descriptions of device events for the Outbound
Campaign feature, which is associated with the Genesys Outbound Contact
Server (OCS) product.
The following list is the Outbound Contact Server (OCS) device events for the
Gplus Outbound Campaign feature. This section provides the details for each
of these events in Table 33 on page 393 below.































Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS sent insert request to the database (DB).


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Continue session.



Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Notification that an agent assignment was changed to a new campaign in

auto dial mode.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Displays Campaign Name as it is defined in Configuration Manager




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Sent by OCS when a campaign is loaded.

Note: This event is specific to OCS 6.5, Desktop Protocol 6.5 only.
TrackingID of the work item

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

EventCampaignLoaded (Continued)
Desktop Action

Store application ID and campaign name.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Should be sent when the mode of the running campaign is changed.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

In Preview Mode, the outbound traffic is usually more intensive.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Should be sent when the dialing of the campaign is started or resumed, or

as a response of an event agent login, if the campaign is started.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Store a campaign name and an application ID.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

EventCampaignStopped (Continued)

Should be sent when the dialing for a campaign is started or resumed, or as

a response of an event agent login, if the campaign is started.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Stop sending requests to a campaign.



Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Sent by OCS when a campaign is unloaded.

Note: This event is specific to OCS 6.5, Desktop Protocol 6.5 only.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Consider the campaign as not active.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Chain record delivered.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Continue the call work.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

EventChainedRecord (Continued)

Genesys and user-defined fields having send attributes.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



All chain has been delivered.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Continue the call work.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Gplus Adapter sends notification that the current work item has changed,
and that the previous and the current work items belong to the same chain.
Sent in response to the command, SetActiveCall.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Gplus Adapter sends notification that the current work item has changed.
Sent in response to the command, SetActiveCall.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action


Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS sends notification about error on the server side.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Continue the session.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS sends an event to desktop to indicate that this record should not be
Applicable to preview records and scheduled callbacks.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kill the record and the chain if RecordCancel contains GSW_CHAIN_ATTR =


Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

EventRecordCancel (Continued)


Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS sends to agent to indicate that scheduled callback should be executed.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Perform call work.



Genesys and user-defined fields having send attributes.

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS accepts a desktop request to close the preview session.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Desktop is unable to send requests to OCS and receive callbacks (see the
OCS configuration option, agent_preview_mode_start).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

EventPreviewModeOverAck (Continued)


Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS accepts a desktop request to initiate the preview session.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Desktop can send requests to OCS and receive callbacks (see the
agent_preview_mode_start configuration option).



Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Preview record to dial


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Perform call work



Genesys and user-defined fields having send attributes.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



No more records in the OCS internal buffer.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Try to send a request later.



Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS accepts a desktop request to cancel a record.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kill the record and the chain if RecordCancelAcknowledge contains

if (GSW_RECORD_HANDLE is specified) {




Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS accepts the PredictRejectRecord request.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kill the record and the chain if the RecordCancelAcknowledge event

contains GSW_CHAIN_ATTR == AllChain.



Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS accepts a desktop request to cancel a record.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kill the record and the chain if the RecordCancelAcknowledge event

contains GSW_CHAIN_ATTR == AllChain.
if (GSW_RECORD_HANDLE is specified) {



Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Gplus Adapter sends a request to remove the record from the desktop.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Removes the record from the desktop.



Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS confirms that the record has been executed.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kills the record and the chain if requested.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS accepts the PreviewRejectRecord request.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kills the record and the chain if the RecordCancelAcknowledge event

contains GSW_CHAIN_ATTR == AllChain.




Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Confirmation that the record was rescheduled.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Continue call work.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Confirmation that the record was rescheduled.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Continue call work.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS accepts a desktop request to update a records fields.


TrackingID of the work item

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 33: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Events

EventUpdCallComplStatsAckn (Continued)
Desktop Action

Continue call work.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Response for a logout request.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Displays time left until an automatic logout.




Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Automatic logout acknowledge.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Logs out an agent. Displays an agents status change.




Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

The Voice Callback Device Events

This section provides the detailed descriptions of the device events for the
Voice Callback configuration. The following list is the device events for the
Gplus Voice Callback configuration (see Table 34).
Table 34: VCB Events
Gplus Adapter Name

Genesys VCB Server Name







The Voice Callback Error Codes RequestCallbackQueryResult

and Descriptions










The Voice Callback Error Codes RequestCallbackError

and Descriptions

Table 35: The Voice Callback Device Events

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



The VCB Server sends this response to the VCB Client to confirm
that the request has been processed.

Client Action

Not specified

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 35: The Voice Callback Device Events (Continued)

EventAddVCBRequest (Continued)

VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 0 Acknowledge

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



The VCB Server sends this response to the VCB Client to confirm
the availability of the Voice Callback service.

Client Action

Perform the callback request processing.

VCB_STATUS: 0 or 1
If Routing Point was specified in request:
VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 1 SingleResult
If Routing Point was not specified:


VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 2 MultipleResult
VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 3 MultipleResultEnd


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 35: The Voice Callback Device Events (Continued)

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



The VCB Server sends this response back to the Client Server to
acknowledge the query execution and to provide the number of
callback requests in a result set.

Client Action

Sends back the UserEvent (CallbackQueryGetResult) to request the

query result by index.


VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 0 Acknowledge

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



The VCB Server sends to the Client Server the callback request for
the callback query.

Client Action

Collect data.
VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 1 SingleResult



Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 35: The Voice Callback Device Events (Continued)

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



The VCB Server sends this request to the VCB Client to confirm the
cancellation of the callback request.

Client Action

Wait for next the callback request.



VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 0 Acknowledge

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



The VCB Server sends this request to the VCB Client to confirm the
rescheduling of the callback request.

Client Action

Wait for the next callback request.



VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 0 Acknowledge


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 35: The Voice Callback Device Events (Continued)

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



Desktop confirms that the callback request has been received and

Callback Server Action

Not specified


VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 0 Acknowledge

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



The VCB Server sends this request to the desktop to confirm that the
corresponding request has been processed.

Desktop Action

Not specified


VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 0 Acknowledge

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 35: The Voice Callback Device Events (Continued)

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



The VCB Server sends this request to the desktop to confirm that the
corresponding request has been rejected.

Desktop Action

Not specified


VCB_RESPONSE_TYPE = 0 Acknowledge

Gplus Adapter Event Name:


VCB Protocol User Event:



The VCB Server sends this request to the desktop to inform about an
error condition.

Desktop Action

Removes the work item from the desktop when the value of the ERR#
is {100, 102, 103, 104, 108} and keeps it when the value of the
ERR# is {101, 105, 106 }.




Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

The Voice Callback Error Codes and Descriptions

This section describes the Voice Callback error codes, error numbers, and
descriptions (see Table 36).
Table 36: VCB Error Codes and Descriptions

VCB_ERROR_ Description

Invalid Request


Invalid request type

Invalid Request Data


Some mandatory keys are missing

Call not found


Call not found on the server

Record not found


VCB received request regarding

non-existing or already-processed

Request Already Processed 104

Received request refers to Callback

Request already processed

DB Error


Can not execute the request due to DB




Can not add the record



Error rescheduling a record

The Predefined Attribute Names

Table 37 represents the reserved attribute names.
Table 37: Predefined Attributes





Request identifier for

any request


Request (procedure) name

VCB_USER_EVENT_RESPONSE Response identifier for

any response


Name of corresponding request




Type of response

0, Acknowledge
1, SingleResult
2, MultipleResult
3, MultipleResultEnd
4, Error

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 37: Predefined Attributes (Continued)







Application ID



Session-wide unique
request identifier



0, "Ok"
3, "General Error"
4, "System Error"
6, "Busy"
7, "No Answer"
8, "SIT Detected"
9, "Answering Machine"
10, "All Trunks Busy"
11, "SIT Invalid Num"
12, "SIT Vacant"
13, "SIT Oper Intercept"
14, "SIT Unknown"
15, "SIT No Circuit"
16, "SIT Reorder"
17, "Fax Detected"
21, "Abandoned"
26, "Dropped"
27, "Dropped No
28, "Unknown"
32, "Silence"
33, "Answer"
34, "NuTone"
35, "NoDialTone"
36, "NoProgress"
37, "NoRingBack"
38, "NoEstablishe"
39, "Pager Detected"
40, "Wrong Party"



Maintained by requestor
Call result from the previous dial
attempt or the call result that the
agent sends to automatically
change the detected one.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 37: Predefined Attributes (Continued)





VCB_CALL_RESULT (Continued) 41, "Dial Error"
42, "Call Drop Error"
43, "Switch Error"
44, "No Free Port Error"
45, "Transfer Error"
46, "Stale"
47, "Agent CallBack
48, "Group CallBack

Call result from a previous dial

attempt or the call result an agent
sends to automatically change the
detected one.


Must be present when


Error Code, see Error

Codes table.


Error Name



Must be present when



DN Number


DN that the callback request

currently resides on


String of digits


Contact number (for example,

phone number)


0, Unknown


Callback Type


To define the search condition by

the queue


To define the search condition by

the stage of the callback request

2, Scheduled

0, Unknown
1, Queued
2, NotQueued


Name of Routing Point String

associated with Voice
Callback Service

VCB_ROUTING_POINT_DESCR Description of Routing String

Point associated with
Voice Callback Service

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

Queued means that the callback

request is in queue awaiting
To specify the Routing Point in
the request to the VCB Server.
Description which the agent may
use to assign the agent-created
callback request to the most
appropriate queue.


Chapter 6: Deploying the Voice Component

The Voice Component Device Events

Table 37: Predefined Attributes (Continued)






Name of Switch


To specify the location in a

request to the VCB Server.



The date/time to schedule the




EWT estimated during the

Callback offering.



The date/time when the EWT

was estimated.




The number of attempts


0, Unknown


Callback origination


Configuration Server TZ name

(usually a standard three letter
abbreviation such as PST).


The availability of the Callback



1, IVR
2, WEB
3, Desktop


0, Unknown
1, Not Available
2, Available




The Number of callback requests

returned by the query.




Index of the callback request in

the query result set.




VCB delivery mode, Auto dial

or Manual




Indicates that the current Siebel

view is the VCB view.


The Genesys protocols shortcuts

for Outbound Contact Server and
Voice Callback Solution.




Gplus Adapter 8.0


Deploying the UCS

Gateway Server
This chapter describes how to configure and install the Gplus UCS Gateway
Server for Siebel CRM and consists of the following sections:
Overview, page 415
New in This Release, page 416
Configuring Genesys, page 416
Installation, page 422
Configuring Siebel, page 425

The Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM is a back-end component
used by the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component to access
the data stored in the Genesys Universal Contact Server.
The process of configuring and installing the Campaign Synchronization
Component includes the following general procedures:

Configuring Genesys

Installation of the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM

Configuring Siebel.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server

New in This Release

New in This Release

This section provides information about new features or functionality in the
Gplus UCS Gateway Component:
Release 8.0.1

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Release 8.0.0

Support for the API (application programming interface) based on the

PSDK (Platform SDK).

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system.

Configuring Genesys
This chapter describes how to configure and install the Gplus UCS Gateway
Server for Siebel CRM.
Configuring the Genesys side of the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel
CRM consists of the following sections:
Prestart Information, page 416
Importing the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM Application
Template, page 416
Creating the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM Application
Object, page 418
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box, page 418
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Gplus UCS Gateway
Server for Siebel CRM, page 422

Prestart Information
Before starting the configuration process you should have the following
Genesys Framework applications running:

Configuration Database

Configuration Server

Configuration Manager

As a Configuration Manager user, you should have sufficient privileges to

make changes to Configuration Layer objects.

Importing the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM

Application Template
This section describes how to import the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for
Siebel CRM Application Template.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server

Configuring Genesys

Genesys recommends using an Application Template when you are
configuring your Adapter. The Application Template for your Adapter contains
the most important configuration options set to the values recommended for
the majority of environments. When modifying configuration options for your
Adapter later in the process, you can change the values inherited from the
template rather than create all the options by yourself.

USC Gateway Server: Importing the USC Gateway
Server Application Template
Purpose: To import the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM
Application Template.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Application
Templates folder.
2. Select Import Application Template.
3. Browse to select the Application Template for the Gplus UCS Gateway
Server for Siebel CRM.
4. Select the following template, as follows:
Release 8.0.0: Gplus_UCS_Gateway_for_SiebelCRM_800.apd
Release 8.0.1: Gplus_UCS_Gateway_for_SiebelCRM_801.apd
5. Click Open.
The Properties dialog box for the Application Template object displays.
6. Optional: Edit the Application Template name.
7. Click OK to accept the default values.
The Application Template object has been imported to Genesys
Configuration Layer.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create the Configuration Layer Application object for the Gplus UCS
Gateway Server for Siebel CRM. See, Procedure: UCS Gateway Server:
Creating the UCS Gateway Server Application object, on page 418.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server

Configuring Genesys

Creating the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM

Application Object
This section describes how to create the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel
CRM Application object.

UCS Gateway Server: Creating the UCS Gateway
Server Application object
Purpose: To create the Application object for the Gplus UCS Gateway Server
for Siebel CRM.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Applications
2. Select New > Application.
3. Select the Application template that you just created:
Release 8.0.0: Gplus_UCS_Gateway_for_SiebelCRM_800.apd
Release 8.0.1: Gplus_UCS_Gateway_for_SiebelCRM_801.apd
4. Click OK.
The Properties dialog box for the Application object appears.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the UCS Gateway
Server. See, Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box.

Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box

This section describes how to configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box,
arranged in the order in which they display.

UCS Gateway Server: Configuring the tabs in the
Properties dialog box
Purpose: To configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the Gplus
UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server

Configuring Genesys

Start of procedure
General Tab

1. Click the General tab in the Properties dialog box (see Figure 37 on
page 419).

Figure 37: View of General Tab in Single-Tenant Environment

2. In the Name list, click the name of the Application object that you are
3. In the Template list, click the name of the template that you are configuring
or use the Browse button to select the template that you are configuring.
4. Click Apply.
5. Next, if you are working in a multi-tenant environment, go to the Tenants
Tab; otherwise, go to the Server Info Tab.
Note: The Tenants tab only displays, if you are working in a multi-tenant


Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server

Tenants Tab

Configuring Genesys

6. Select the Tenants tab.

7. Select the Genesys Tenants under which the objects that are exported from
Siebel are created.
8. Click Add.

Server Info Tab

9. Select the Server Info tab.

10. In the Host field, use the Browse button to select the host on which you are
installing the UCS Gateway Server, and click OK.
11. In the Port list, add a port with any valid port number.
Note: This option determines the HTTP port number that is used by the UCS

Gateway Server to receive HTTP packets from Siebel. Use the value
that you enter for this option when you configure the Siebel part of the
UCS Gateway Server.
Start Info Tab

12. Select the Start Info tab.

13. In the Working Directory field, enter the full name of the Component
installation directory on the host that you specified on the Server Info tab.
The value that you enter in this field is used as the default destination
folder during installation.
14. Enter any valid value into each of the following fields:
Command Line
Command Line Arguments
The values that you enter in these fields are overwritten during installation;
however, data must be present in these fields during the configuration
15. Leave the default values for the remaining fields.

Connections Tab

16. Select the Connections tab.

17. Add a connection to the Universal Contact Server

Options Tab


18. Select the Options tab (see Figure 38 on page 421).

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server

Configuring Genesys

Figure 38: View of Options Tab

In the Sections pane, the following section is listed:

19. Double-click the log section to start.
20. Configure the configuration options that are described in the following
section, Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Gplus UCS
Gateway Server for Siebel CRM on page 422.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Set the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRMs configuration
option. See, Procedure: UCS Gateway Server: Configuring the tabs in the
Properties dialog box, on page 418.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server


Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Gplus

UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM
Unless specified otherwise, set the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel
CRM configuration options in the Options tab of the Application object using
the following navigation path:
In Genesys AdminstratorApplication object > Options tab > Advanced View

In Configuration ManagerApplication object > Properties dialog box >

Options tab.
log Section
The Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM supports a common set of Log
options to allow the precise configuration of the log file output. For a complete
list of Common Log options and their descriptions, see the Common Log
Options chapter of the Framework 8.0 Configuration Options Reference
Note: If you do not specify any log options, the default values apply.

This section describes the installation process for the Gplus UCS Gateway
Server for Siebel CRM.

UCS Gateway Memory Allocation

If you intend for your environment to handle large e-mails (which usually
means working with large e-mail attachments), you may need to increase the
amount of memory that you allocate for the UCS Gateway Server. Insufficient
memory may cause the UCS Gateway Server to return an HTTP 500 error
when the driver makes a request to add attachments to EmailOut.
Use the -Xmx option to set the maximum memory size for the UCS Gateway
Server. You can change this option in the starter.ini file on Windows
platforms, or in the file on UNIX platformsfor example, to set
the maximum memory size to 512 MB, set the value of the -Xmx option to


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server


Installing the UCS Gateway Server in a Windows

This section describes how to install the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel
CRM on a Windows system.

UCS Gateway Server: Installing the UCS Gateway
Server in a Windows environment
Purpose: To install the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM in a
Windows environment.
Start of procedure
1. To start the installation process, run the setup.exe file from the Gplus UCS
Gateway Server for Siebel CRM installation package.
2. In the Welcome window, click Next.
3. In the Configuration Parameters for the Genesys Configuration Server
window, enter the following:
The name of the host on which Configuration Server is running.
The communication port that client applications must use to connect to
Configuration Server.
The user name used to access Configuration Server.
The password used to access Configuration Server.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Select Application window, select the Application object by its
corresponding number that you configured in the previous procedure,
Procedure: UCS Gateway Server: Creating the UCS Gateway Server
Application object, on page 418.
6. Click Next.
7. In the Choose Destination Location window, click Next to accept the
default destination folder or use the Browse button to select a different
destination folder.
8. In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
9. In the Setup Complete window, click Finish.
The Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM is now installed.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server


In the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM program folder in the Start menu, you
can see that the installer created a shortcut for the Gplus UCS Gateway Server
for Siebel CRM.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel part of the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel
CRM. See, Configuring Siebel on page 425.

Installing the USC Gateway Server in an UNIX Environment

This section describes how to install the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel
CRM on an UNIX operating system.
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing in an UNIX environment.

USC Gateway Server: Installing the USC Gateway
Server in a UNIX environment
Purpose: To install the Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM in an
UNIX environment.
Start of procedure
1. In the directory in which the USC Gateway Server installation package
was copied, locate a shell script named:
2. Run this script from the command prompt by typing sh and the file name:

3. When prompted, specify the host name, port, user name, and password of
the computer on which the USC Gateway Server will be installedfor
a. Enter the host name of Configuration Server.
b. Enter the port of Configuration Server.
c. Enter the user name for Configuration Server.
d. Enter the password for the user name.
4. Choose the Configuration Server environment by its corresponding


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server

Configuring Siebel

5. Specify the Application object you configured in the previous procedure,

Procedure: UCS Gateway Server: Creating the UCS Gateway Server
Application object, on page 418.
6. Specify the full path to the destination directory in which you want the
USC Gateway Server to be installed.
The Gplus UCS Gateway Server for Siebel CRM is now installed.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel side of the environment. See the section,

Configuring Siebel.

Configuring Siebel
For the description of how to configure Siebel for the Gplus UCS Gateway
Server for Siebel CRM, please see Configuring the UCS Gateway Definition
in Siebel on page 451.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 7: Deploying the UCS Gateway Server


Configuring Siebel

Gplus Adapter 8.0


Deploying the Multimedia

This chapter describes how to configure and install the Gplus Adapter for
Siebel CRM Multimedia Component and includes the following sections:
Overview, page 427
New in This Release, page 428
Installing the Multimedia Component, page 428
Configuring Siebel, page 431
Configuring the UCS Gateway Definition in Siebel, page 451
Multimedia Component Driver and Configuration Parameters, page 452
Interaction Server Device Commands, page 459
Interaction Server Device Commands (Changes for 8.0.1), page 471
Outbound Contact Device Commands, page 472
Multimedia Component Device Events, page 476

The process of configuring and installing the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component includes the following general procedures:

Installing the Genesys Open Media Communication Driver (itx_scdrv) on

the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM.

Compiling and deploying the Siebel repository file.

Configuring the access permissions for the Siebel business services.

Deploying the web templates and browser scripts.

Configuring Siebel.

See the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Users Guide for additional
information about using this component.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

New in This Release

New in This Release

This section provides information about new features or functionality in the
Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component:
Release 8.0.1

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Release 8.0.0

No new features were introduced in this release.

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Support for the Push Preview dialing mode for Outbound Campaigns.

Support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system.

Support for the Multimedia Session Failover Handling. (See Chapter 11,
Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling, on page 565).

Installing the Multimedia Component

This section describes the installation process for the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM Multimedia Component. The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component can be installed on either Windows or UNIX

Installation Prerequisites
The prerequisites for the installation of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component are as follows:

Back up the Siebel database and the Siebel repository (*.srf) file.

Install the Gplus Communication Server (see Chapter 2, Deploying the

Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM, on page 41).

Install the Gplus UCS Gateway (see Chapter 7, Deploying the UCS
Gateway Server, on page 415).

Installation and Uninstallation Guidelines

In a Windows environment, the target computer may have only one installation
of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component. In an UNIX
environment, more than one installation of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component is allowed, but on any single computer, you can only
have one Adapter for every Siebel Server.
If the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component is already
installed on the target computer, a new installation is considered as a
reinstallation on that computer. Before you reinstall, you are asked the
following, depending on your environment:


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Installing the Multimedia Component

In a Windows environment, you are asked to uninstall the Gplus Adapter

for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component.

In an UNIX environment, you are asked to confirm the reinstallation.

The installation package contains a set of complementary icons for the

Ready/NotReady buttons. During the installation process, the standard Siebel
icons for the NotReady button are overwritten with the new ones from the
Genesys installation package. To preserve the standard Siebel icons, Genesys
recommends that you backup the following Siebel image files in a safe



If you uninstall the Gplus Adapter, you can manually restore the original
buttons with these files.
Note: Genesys recommends backing up the Siebel web template file,
CCHtmlType.swf, before starting the installation procedure.

This section describes how to install the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component on either a Windows or a Linux operating systems:
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component in

an UNIX environment.

Multimedia Component: Installing the Gplus Adapter
for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component
Purpose: To install the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia
Component on either a Windows or a Linux operating system.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Installing the Multimedia Component

Start of procedure
1. To start the installation process, run the setup.exe file (for Windows) or
run the file (for UNIX) from the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM Multimedia Component installation package on the host where the
Gplus Communication Server is installed.
Note: For the Windows installation, skip to step 3.


2. Enter the correct path to the Gplus Communication Server, so that the
installation file has the correct folder location to place the files necessary
for running the Open Media Communication Driver (itx_scdrv).
3. Enter the path to the main installation directory, so that the installation
program has the correct folder location to place the Siebel archive (*.sif)
files, the Siebel SmartScripts, the Siebel image files, and the general
product information.
Note: If the Voice Component is not installed, you must manually copy the

following files to their proper locations:

Copy the files representing the Siebel icon images from the
destination directory, <Destination Directory>/<Siebel
Version>/images/, where <Siebel Version> is 7.7/8.0/8.1 depending
on your version of the Siebel Server, to the following icon images
directory, < Web Server Host>/<SWEIconImages directory>.
For Siebel version 7.8, use the 7.7 directory.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Configure the Siebel part of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component. See the section, Configuring Siebel.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Configuring Siebel
This section describes how to configure the Siebel part of the Gplus Adapter
for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component.
Configuring the Siebel section of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component consists of the following sub-sections:
Prestart Information, page 431
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools, page 431
Configuring the Siebel Server, page 439
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client, page 444
Workbin Parameters, page 450

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process, you must make sure to do
the following:

You must have the Siebel Tools application running.

You should be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database.

You should have sufficient privileges to check-in and check-out projects

from the Siebel Server repository.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools

Use the Siebel Tools to compile an updated version of the Siebel repository file
(SRF or *.srf file) for one, or more, of the Siebel applications that you use on
your Siebel Server, which you will then deploy in the server. For more
information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.
Configuring Siebel using the Siebel Tools consists of the following
Overview of the Siebel Repository File Preparation, page 431
Configuring Siebel Tools for the Siebel Repository File Deployment,
page 432

Overview of the Siebel Repository File Preparation

When compiled, the Siebel repository file integrates information from the
various Multimedia Component archives files (the *.sif files) that you import.
For the Multimedia Component, you must import all of the Multimedia
Component *.sif files and resolve any data conflicts introduced by the
imported file.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Configuring Siebel Tools for the Siebel Repository File

This section describes how to deploy the Siebel repository file, the browser
scripts, the web templates, and how to change the Siebel Server configuration.
To deploy the repository file, use the compiled repository file as the Siebel
Server repository file.

Multimedia Component: Updating the Siebel
repository file
Purpose: To update the Siebel repository file.
Start of procedure
1. Start Siebel Tools.
2. If you did not previously import the *.sif archive files for the Voice
Component, then import the import the following archive files:
GenSymbolicStrings.sif (for Siebel 7.8 and higher)
from the following folder, <Installation Directory>/<Siebel Version> ,
where <Siebel Version> equals 7.7, 8.0, or 8.1 depending on your version
of the Siebel Server.
Create the
Multimedia Project

3. Create the Genesys Multimedia project, if it does not exist.

4. Lock the Genesys Multimedia project.
Note: See the section, Configuring Siebel Using Siebel Tools on

page 230 for more information on how to import the *.sif archive
files and how to create and lock a project.
5. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select All
6. Select the Business Component folder.
The Business Component window displays.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

7. Select one of the Action-related Siebel business components (BC) that you
use and that corresponds to the following two conditions:
a. The business component must have the following fields:
Attachment Flag
Attachment Id
Call Id
Email BCC Line
Email Body
Email CC Line
Email Sender Address
Email To Line
Parent Activity Id
Primary Contact Id
Short Comment
b. The business component should not have the following fields:
Attachment File Name
Attachment Flag 2
Interaction Id
For example, you might use the Action Home Page business component
or Action business component.
8. Make three copies of the chosen business components and name them as
Action - Genesys MCR.
Action - Genesys MCR(EmailOut).
Genesys Action(Chat).
9. Copy the newly-named business components into the Genesys Multimedia
project folder.
10. Make a copy of the Action Attachment business component and name it
Action Attachment - MCR EmailOut.

11. Copy it into the Genesys Multimedia project folder.

12. Select one of the Contact-related Siebel business components that you use
and that corresponds to the following two conditions:
a. The business component must have the following fields:
Email Address
Employee Flag

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

First Name
Job Title
Last Name
Login Name
b. The business component should not have the following fields:
For example, you might use the Contact(All) business component.
13. Make three copies of the chosen business component and name them as
Contact - Genesys MCR(EmailOut)
Inbound Interaction Contact List
Outbound Interaction Contact List
14. Copy the newly-named business components into the Genesys Multimedia
Importing the
Archive File

15. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive....

16. In the Select Archive to Import window, navigate to the
GplusMCR_Email_Chat_nested.sif archive file from the following directory,
<InstallationDirectory>/<Siebel Version>/, where <Siebel Version>
equals 7.7, 8.0, or 8.1 depending on your version of the Siebel Server. This
file updates the business components that you just created.
17. Click Open.
The Import Wizard-Preview window displays.
18. In the Import Wizard-Preview window, locate the Conflict resolution
section, and select Merge the object definition from the archive file
with the definition in the repository.
19. Click Next.
The Import Wizard Review Conflicts and Actions window displays.
20. Merge any conflicts, if they correspond to your needs, keeping the
following rules in mind:
a. Table 38 to Table 42 contain the relevant objects and attributes for the
Genesys Adapter functionality, which are related to the cloned business
components. All other objects and attributes must be taken from the
original business componentsfor example, right-click on each of the
attributes (if they exist) and re-set the resolution to Repository.
b. For each object or attribute that is listed in the tables, re-set the
resolution to File, as long as no conflict exists.
c. If there are conflicts for a given attribute or object, the conflicts must
be manually resolved.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Table 38: Action - Genesys MCR Business Component Objects

and Resolutions
Object Type

Object Name


BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



Server Script



Server Script



Server Script



Server Script




Attachment File Name



Interaction Id


Multi Value link



Table 39: Action - Genesys MCR (EmailOut) BC Objects and

Object Type

Object Name


BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



Server Script



Server Script



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Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Table 39: Action - Genesys MCR (EmailOut) BC Objects and

Resolutions (Continued)
Object Type

Object Name


Server Script



Server Script



Server Script



Server Script




Attachment File Name



Attachment Flag 2



Interaction Id


Multi Value link



Table 40: Genesys Action(Chat) BC Objects and Resolutions

Object Type

Object Name


BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute






Table 41: Action Attachment - MCR (EmailOut) BC Objects and



Object Type

Object Name


BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Table 41: Action Attachment - MCR (EmailOut) BC Objects and

Resolutions (Continued)
Object Type

Object Name


BC Attribute



Server Script



Server Script



Server Script



Server Script






Table 42: Contact - Genesys MCR (EmailOut) BC Objects and

Object Type

Object Name


BC Attribute



BC Attribute



BC Attribute



Server Script



Server Script



Server Script



Server Script



Server Script












21. For the Action - Genesys MCR and Action - Genesys MCR(EmailOut)
business components, set the Force Active field attribute to the checked
state (or true in the Property window) for the following fields:
Email Sender Address
Email To Line
Email BCC Line
Email CC Line

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Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Email Body
Interaction Id

22. For the Action Attachment - MCR EmailOut business components, set the
Force Active field attribute to the checked state (or true in the Property
window) for the following fields:
Activity Id
23. For the Inbound Interaction Contact List and Outbound Interaction
Contact List business components, set the attribute No Update to the
unchecked state (or false in the Property window).
24. Import the GplusMCR_Email_Chat.sif archive file from the following
directory, <Installation Directory>/<Siebel Version>/, where <Siebel
Version> is 7.7, 8.0, or 8.1.
25. Click Open.
The Import Wizard-Preview window displays.
26. In the Import Wizard-Preview window, locate the Conflict resolution
section, and select Merge the object definition from the archive file
with the definition in the repository.
27. Click Next.
The Import Wizard Review Conflicts and Actions window displays.
28. In the Conflicting Objects pane, select the Business Component category.
29. In the Object differences pane, select the Attribute differences pane. If
there are any attributes in the Attribute differences pane, make sure that
the Resolution column for each attribute is set to Repository. To do this:
right-click on an attribute and select Repository from the drop-down menu.
30. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
31. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.
32. Click Finish to complete the import
End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Configure the Siebel Tools for the repository file deployment. See the
section, Configuring the Siebel Server.

Configuring the Siebel Server

Complete the following procedures, described in this section, to configure the
Multimedia Component to work with the Siebel Server:
Multimedia Component: Configuring Siebel Tools for the repository file
deployment, page 439
Multimedia Component: Deploying the Siebel repository file, browser
scripts, web templates, and changing the Siebel Server configuration,
page 442

Multimedia Component: Configuring Siebel Tools for
the repository file deployment
Purpose: To configure Siebel Tools for the repository file deployment.
Start of procedure
Applying Changes
to the Siebel
Database Tables

1. Connect Siebel Tools to the server database.

2. In Siebel Tools, in the Object Explorer, navigate to the Table object.
3. Navigate to the List of Tables pane.
4. Locate the following tables:
5. Click Apply.
A pop-up warning window appears.
6. Click OK to accept the warning.
7. In the Apply Schema window, from the Tables drop down list, select
Current Row.
8. Enter the correct values for the Database user, Database user password,
and ODBC data source fields.
You must enter the user name and password for a Database user who has
administrator's privileges in the Siebel environment.
See the Siebel documentation for more information about creating custom

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

9. Enter the correct values for the Database user, Database user password,
and ODBC data source fields.
You must enter the user name and password for a Database user who has
administrator's privileges in the Siebel environment.
See the Siebel documentation for more information about creating custom
10. Click Apply.
The message Changes successfully applied appears, indicating that the
tables were created.
11. Click the Activate button to propagate the database changes and make
them available to all users.
Creating the Web

12. Make sure that the following web templates exist:

Applet Form Grid Layout
Applet Popup Form Grid Layout
Siebel web templates include a preset format that Siebel CRM reuses each
time it requires a particular layout.
13. If they do not exist, create them by importing the gridlayout.sif file from
the following folder: <Siebel Tools root directory>\OBJECTS.
Note: Before importing the gridlayout.sif file, the Siebel Tools and
Common Components projects need to be locked.

14. If there is no gridlayout.sif file available, create the following two web
a. <Name = Applet Form Grid Layout, Type = Applet Template - Grid
Layout, Project = <Any Locked Project>

then create the following new record on the Web Template Files applet:
filename=CCAppletFormGridLayout.swt, Name = Generic Form Applet
b. <Name = Applet Popup Form Grid Layout, Type = Applet Template Grid Layout, Project = <Any Locked Project>

then create the following new record on the Web Template Files applet:
filename=CCAppletPopupFormGridLayout.swt, Name = Generic Form
Applet (Base)
Adding the
Genesys Tab to
the Siebel

15. Add the Genesys tab (screen = Genesys) to the Siebel application that is
being usedfor example, Siebel Universal Agent (for the Siebel
Horizontal version) or Siebel Financial Services (for the Siebel Vertical
For Siebel Servers 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1, when inserting the Genesys tab in
addition to adding the Screen column, you also need to define the Text String Override field or provide the Text - String Reference reference.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Creating Symbolic
String References

16. If you want to use the Text - String Reference reference, then you must
first create a symbolic string for the Genesys display name and then enter it
into the text field. Symbolic strings provide a centralized mechanism for
storing and managing repository text strings.
a. Click Symbolic String in the Object Explorer view.
b. Click on the Symbolic String view and press Ctrl+N to create a new
c. Set the Name field to a X_Genesys value.
d. Set the Current String Value field to a Genesys name.
e. Set Project Field to any locked project.
f. Set the Type field to a Conversion value.

Adding or
Modifying the
Siebel Server
Script Event

17. Add or modify (if it already exists) the Siebel Server script event handler
for the Application_PreNavigate event of the Siebel application being
used. The content of the script event handler is provided in the
<InsDir>/<Siebel Version>/ file.
a. Refer to Updating the Application's Application_PreNavigate Event
Server Script on page 646 in the Appendix for general instructions.
b. Select the Application object, open the context menu by clicking the
right mouse button, and choose Edit Server Scripts. If there are no
server scripts associated with the Application object, you are prompted
to select the scripting language. Select eScript in this case.
c. Double-click the Application_PreNavigate event. Siebel Tools displays
the content of the corresponding event handler.
d. If the content of the corresponding event handler consists only of
return (ContinueOperation), replace this information with the content
of the <InsDir>/<Siebel Version>/ file.
e. If the Universal Callback feature of the Voice Component was
deployed, then the Application_PreNavigate event handler has already
been modified, and now needs to be merged with the file.
f. If Application_PreNavigate is already customized, you will need to
merge the file with your customized
code, depending on your original customization logic.
g. Save the changes in the server script and close the script window.
18. For users of Siebel 8.0, and higher:
Allow access to the Genesys Chat and Communications Client business
services from the browser script by adding the following user properties to
the application you use:
ClientBusinessServiceN = Genesys Chat
ClientBusinessServiceM = Communications Client where N and M must
be sequential integers, starting at 0 and incrementing by one. These
integers should be different from the existing integers.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

19. Compile the *.srf file and the browser scripts.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Deploy the Siebel repository file, the browser scripts, the web templates,
and change the Siebel Server configuration. See, Procedure: Multimedia
Component: Deploying the Siebel repository file, browser scripts, web
templates, and changing the Siebel Server configuration.

Multimedia Component: Deploying the Siebel
repository file, browser scripts, web templates, and
changing the Siebel Server configuration
Purpose: To deploy the Siebel repository file and to change the Siebel Server
Start of procedure
1. Stop the Siebel Server.
2. Back up the original Siebel repository file.
3. Copy the compiled repository file instead of the original Siebel repository
4. Deploy (copy) the browser scripts from the <Browser script compilation
folder> as set in Siebel Tools to the corresponding Siebel Web Server
extension folder (<SWEApp>/public/language_code).
5. Deploy (copy) the content of <Installation Directory>/<Siebel
Version>/WEBTEMPL/ folder into the Siebel Server WEBTEMPL directory, where
<Siebel Version> is 7.7, 8.0, or 8.1.
6. Add the content of the <Installation Directory>/<Siebel
Version>/WEBTEMPL/ToMerge/GenesysHtmlType.swf file to the
CCHtmlType.swf from the Siebel Server WEBTEMPL directory.
7. Deploy (or merge, if the file was customized) the commToolbar_shared.js
file from the <Installation Directory>/<Siebel Version>/SCRIPTS/
folder with the Siebel Server commToolbar_shared.js file, which should be
located in the corresponding Siebel Web Server extension folder,
(<SWEApp>/public/language_code\latest system browser folder (the
folder with the name = largest number)\scripts) where <Siebel
Version> is 7.7, 8.0, or 8.1.
8. For Siebel versions prior to 8.0:


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Allow access to the Genesys Chat Business Service from the browser
a. Open the application configuration file with a text editorfor
example, for the Siebel Horizontal version of the Siebel Universal
Agent, use the uagent.cfg file, or for the Siebel Vertical version of the
Siebel Financial Services, use the fins.cfg file.
b. Find the [SWE] section.
c. Add the following lines:
ClientBusinessServiceN = Genesys Chat
ClientBusinessServiceM = Communications Client

where N and M must be sequential integers, starting with 0 and

incrementing by one. These integers should be different from the
integers in the existing ClientBusinessService lines.
d. Save and close the file.
9. Start the Siebel Server.
10. Set up the business service query access for the following business services
in the Siebel Server configuration:
Genesys Chat
MCR Activity manager
MCR TopActiveWorkItem
MCR Session manager
GplusMediaRouteIXN (if the Media Routing Component is deployed)
GplusMediaRouteiWD (if the iWD Routing Component is deployed)
For Siebel Web Client 7.7 and higher, the MCR Session manager business
service name has to be specified as the value for the Business Service
Query Access List Server Component parameter.
a. Log into the Siebel Server as a Siebel administrator.
b. Navigate to Administration > Server Configuration > Enterprises.
c. On the Component Groups tab, select the required componentfor
example, Siebel Financial Services.
d. Switch to the Parameters tab.
e. Navigate to the Business Service Query Access List.
f. If the value is empty, set it to the following:
Genesys Chat, MCR Activity manager, MCR TopActiveWorkItem,
GplusMediaRoute, GplusMediaRouteIXN, GplusMediaRouteiWD,MCR
Session manager.

Otherwise, add it to the end, separated by a comma.

Note: There are no empty spaces after the commas in the value.

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Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

g. Restart the Siebel Server to make the changes effective.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the UCS Gateway definition in Siebel. See the section,

Configuring the UCS Gateway Definition in Siebel on page 451.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client

This section describes the specific processes required to complete the
configuration for the Multimedia Component.
Note: You must be logged in as a Siebel Administrator before starting.

Complete the following procedures, described in this section, to configure the

Siebel Call Center application on the Siebel Server.
Multimedia Component: Updating the associated List of Values (LOV)
tables, page 444
Multimedia Component: Setting up the agent responsibilities, page 445
Multimedia Component: Creating a customized configuration file,
page 446
Multimedia Component: Configuring the CTI connection, page 447
Multimedia Component: Assigning the correct responsibility to an agent,
page 448
Multimedia Component: Configuring or creating Telesets, page 448
Multimedia Component: Assigning agents to a Multimedia configuration,
page 450

Multimedia Component: Updating the associated List
of Values (LOV) tables
Purpose: To import the List of Values table for the Multimedia Component.
1. Log in as Siebel administrator.
2. Open the Site Map, then navigate to Administration - Business Service,
3. Specify Genesys Tools as the Service Name.
4. Specify ImportAll as the Method Name.
5. Set Iterations to 1.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

6. In the Input Arguments applet, click Load From File, browse for
<InsDir>/<Siebel Version>/GplusMCR_LOV.xml and load this file as shown
in Figure 39 on page 445.

Figure 39: Importing the Lists of Values Table

7. Click Run on the Service Methods applet.

8. Check the import results in the Output Arguments applet.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Set up the agent responsibilities. See, Procedure: Multimedia Component:

Setting up the agent responsibilities.

Multimedia Component: Setting up the agent
Purpose: To set up the agent responsibilities.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. Log in as Siebel administrator.
2. Navigate to Application Administration, Responsibilities.
3. Find the Genesys Multimedia Agent responsibility.
4. Use the Users applet to add agents who will use Multimedia views.
5. Log out.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a customized configuration file. See, Procedure: Multimedia

Component: Creating a customized configuration file, on page 446.

Multimedia Component: Creating a customized
configuration file
Purpose: To create a new configuration file.
Start of procedure
1. Log in as Siebel administrator.
2. Navigate to Communication Administration, All Configurations view.
3. Create a new configuration import <Siebel
Version>/GenComm_universal.def from the installation directory.
For more information, refer to the section Universal Definition File on
page 31 in Chapter 5, System Requirements.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Configure the CTI connection. See, Procedure: Multimedia Component:

Configuring the CTI connection, on page 447.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Multimedia Component: Configuring the CTI
Purpose: To configure the CTI connection.
Start of procedure
Using the Siebel Web Client:
1. Log in as a Siebel administrator.
2. Navigate to the Communication Administration, All Configurations
3. Find the target configuration.
4. Click the Profiles tab, then click on the Gplus_Universal driver.
5. Specify the Driver:PrimaryGenCommServerURL parameter, by providing the
location of the Gplus Communication Server.
For example, if the Gplus Communication Server is installed on the cti
host, and port 18000 is specified in the Genesys Configuration Layer as the
Server port, then specify the following parameter:
Driver:PrimaryGenCommServerURL= http://cti:18000

Note: The specified name must be resolvable from the host where the

Siebel Communication Server is running.

6. If you have a backup Gplus Communication Server, enter the information
for the Driver:BackupGenCommServerURL parameter, otherwise leave it
7. Specify the Service:ConnectionName parameter. This parameter should
contain the Connection name (the Interaction Server Application object) as
specified in the Connections tab for the Gplus Communication Server. For
Service:ConnectionName= InteractionServer_Switch_122

8. Log out.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create agents and agent-related records. See the section, Multimedia

Component Agent Administration.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Multimedia Component Agent Administration

This section explains the processes involved in creating agents and
agent-related records.
The Multimedia Component agent administration consists of the following
Multimedia Component: Assigning the correct responsibility to an agent,
page 448.
Multimedia Component: Configuring or creating Telesets, page 448
Multimedia Component: Assigning agents to a Multimedia configuration,
page 450

Multimedia Component: Assigning the correct
responsibility to an agent
Purpose: To assign the correct responsibility to an agent.
Start of procedure
1. Log in as a Siebel administrator.
2. Select Site Map > Administration > Application, Responsibilities.
3. On the Responsibilities applet, select the Genesys Multimedia Agent
4. Add the required agents who will use the Multimedia view by using the
Users applet on the Responsibilities tab.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure or create a Teleset. See, Procedure: Multimedia Component:

Configuring or creating Telesets, on page 448.

Multimedia Component: Configuring or creating
Purpose: To configure or create a Teleset, which is a set of DNs that represent
a single workplace.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. In the Siebel Site map, navigate to All Telesets.
For Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1, select Site Map > Administration Communications > All Telesets.
2. Find the Teleset that the agent already uses, or create a new one for the new
agent. For each Teleset, provide the following information:
Create a new Teleset in the Telesets list.
Add your agents Extension.
For a new agent, add the agent on the Agents tab
3. Give the Teleset a unique namefor example, you may want the Teleset
based on the cubicle number, or the location of the Teleset.
4. Select the Extensions tab.
5. Add all the Teleset DNs in the list (one, or more DNs) with a Place name
of <Genesys Place>@GP. For each DN, you must you must define the DN
SStandard DN
AACD Position

Notes: If you use the Gplus Configuration Synchronization component,

then the Genesys Place name is the same as the name of the
Teleset in Siebelfor example:
Teleset Name= T_CUBE_0001

then extension should be:


If a Teleset has only DNs of type ACD Position, then you must
configure at least one of these DNs as a DN of type S in Siebel.
Table 43 shows how an example Teleset configuration scenario could be
Table 43: Siebel Telesets
Object Type



Object Type








ACD Position



Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring Siebel

6. Follow Steps 2 to 5 above for each Teleset.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Assign an agent to a Multimedia configuration. See, Procedure:

Multimedia Component: Assigning agents to a Multimedia configuration,
on page 450.

Multimedia Component: Assigning agents to a
Multimedia configuration
Purpose: To assign an agent to a Multimedia configuration.
Start of procedure
1. Navigate to the Agent General Profile view.
2. Find the agent, then add the multimedia configuration as the primary
configuration for this agent.
3. If Siebel-Genesys synchronization is not used, then it is necessary to
manually define the Agent Login value the same as the Employee ID
value from the Genesys Configuration layer.
End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

Workbin Parameters
Workbins are available for use by an agent in Siebel defined as a List of
Value table of type MCR_WORKBIN_TYPE, where the Language-Independent Code
field defines the Siebel name of the workbin. The display value should
correspond to the workbin name as defined in Genesys Interaction Workflow
Designer. It may be necessary to change the display value to correlate with a
pre-existing Genesys Multimedia configuration.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Configuring the UCS Gateway Definition in Siebel

Configuring the UCS Gateway Definition in

This section describes how to configure the UCS Gateway definition in Siebel.

Multimedia Component: Configuring the UCS Gateway
definition in Siebel
Purpose: To configure the UCS Gateway definition in Siebel.
Start of procedure
1. Log in as a Siebel administrator.
2. Navigate to the Outbound Web Services configuration view (Web Services
3. Import the <Siebel Version>/Gplus.xml file.
This import creates the Genesys Gplus WebService outbound web service.
4. Configure the Genesys Gplus WebService by changing the URL in the
Address field of the Gplus Service port. The URL should point to the
installed UCS Gatewayfor example:

End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Driver and Configuration Parameters

Multimedia Component Driver and

Configuration Parameters
Table 44 contains a list of the driver parameters for the Multimedia
Component, which includes the Genesys Chat and Genesys E-mail drivers.
Table 44: The Multimedia Component Driver Parameters
Parameter name

Default value


Must be
defined in

Specifies the Universal

Resource Locator
(URL) of the backup
Gplus Communication




Specifies the name of

the remote driver
module that is loaded by
the Gplus
Communication Server
to handle requests for
the Siebel
Communication Driver.




Specifies the Universal

Resource Locator
(URL) of the primary
Gplus Communication




Specifies the driver





Uses the {@AgentID}

macro to obtain the
Agent Login of the
current agent.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Driver and Configuration Parameters

Table 44: The Multimedia Component Driver Parameters (Continued)

Parameter name

Default value

Must be
defined in




Specifies the name of

the Interaction Server
that is used.




Uses the {@DNList}

macro to obtain a list of
DNs with the standard
Siebel extensions of
type S associated with
the current agent.

Table 45 contains a list of the communications drivers properties for the

Multimedia Component.
Table 45: The Multimedia Component Communications Drivers Properties
Property name

Default value



Channel Type



Specifies the drivers

channel type; should not be

Inbound Flag



Specifies the driver

capability: can work with
inbound interactions;
should not be changed.

Outbound Flag



Specifies the driver

capability: can work with
outbound interactions;
should not be changed.




Specifies the driver

capability: designed for
interactive work; should
not be changed.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Driver and Configuration Parameters

Table 45: The Multimedia Component Communications Drivers Properties

Property name

Default value



Channel String

email, chat,


Specifies a
comma-separated list of
supported Genesys media

Library Name



Specifies the name of the

local driver module;
should not be changed.

Table 46 contains a list of the configuration parameters for the Multimedia

Table 46: The Multimedia Component Configuration Parameters
Parameter Name

Default Value

Required Comment




Determines the direction of the

chat transcript. The valid
values are TopToBottom and




Checks for the presence of the

popup window before
navigation. Genesys
recommend leaving this
parameter set to FALSE.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Driver and Configuration Parameters

Table 46: The Multimedia Component Configuration Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Name

Default Value

Required Comment




Multi-channel and routing

(MCR) Queue where the
inbound e-mails are placed
after the Mark done or Reply
operations are finished.
__STOP__ means that the
processing of the interaction is
completely stopped. If
post-processing for the
inbound e-mails is needed,
then this value should be
changed to the post-processing
queue as defined in your
business process workflow.
(For details on
post-processing, see the
Genesys eServices




Multi-channel and routing

(MCR) Queue where the
outbound e-mails are placed
after the Delete operation is
finished. __STOP__ means that
the processing of the
interaction is completely
stopped. If post-processing for
the deleted outbound e-mails is
needed, then this value should
be changed to the postprocessing queue as defined in
your business process
workflow. (For details on
post-processing, see the
Genesys eServices

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Driver and Configuration Parameters

Table 46: The Multimedia Component Configuration Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Name

Default Value

Required Comment




Determines the prefix of a log

filefor example, the full
name is formulated as
< ExceptionLogPrefix
>+<Agent Name>.log) and is

used for storing error messages

that may appear during CTI
calls to the business service



This value must be modified.

The value of this option is
used to fill out the From field
in the outbound and reply
e-mailsfor example,


E-mails for agent



If the queue is not explicitly

specified in the submit request,
then the Siebel eMails and
other open media work items
are submitted into this queue.




Multi-channel and routing

(MCR) Queue where the
Siebel eMails and/or other
open media interactions are
placed after an agent
completes the handling of the
__STOP__ means that the
processing of the interaction is
completely stopped.

If post-processing for the

Siebel eMails and/or open
media interactions is needed,
then this value should be
changed to the post-processing
queue as defined in your
business process workflow.
(For details on postprocessing, see the Genesys
eServices documentation).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Driver and Configuration Parameters

Table 46: The Multimedia Component Configuration Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Name

Default Value

Required Comment


E-mails for processing

by agents



...Message is too large... Yes

whole content is
attached as

Multi-channel and routing

(MCR) Queue where the new
outbound e-mail is created.
The text that is added to the
end of an inbound e-mail, if
the size of the e-mail body
exceeds the limit (16008

is a special tag which is

replaced by the name of the
attachment containing the
whole original message.

...Source message is too Yes

large... skipped.

The text that is added (instead

of the body of the original
e-mail) to the end of the reply
e-mail, if the content of the
reply e-mail generated by
default is greater than 16008




Turns the failure-recovery

mechanism on or off. The
default value is TRUE.


E-mails for processing

by agents


Multi-channel and routing

(MCR) Queue where the
outbound reply e-mail is


<user data key name>


Defines the interaction's user

data key name where the View
Id (<queue name>/<view
name>) for pulling an
interaction is taken from.
The default value is

Make sure that the value of

this parameter corresponds to
the used data key set in the
Prepare_for_Hold strategy.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Driver and Configuration Parameters

Table 46: The Multimedia Component Configuration Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Name

Default Value

Required Comment


<user data key name>



The key
RecoveryPullViewSystem is

reserved by the Adapter and

must be used to specify the
View Id in the workflow.
Possible values of the
Key are:

1. Any string: points to any

key/value pair that contains
the View Id from which the
interaction needs to be
pulled on recovery.
2. If a specified key does not
exist: the Adapter pulls the
interaction without any
View Id specifications, so
the interaction is pulled
independently in the
queue/view/strategy that it
is located.
3. If a specified key exists, but
the value of it is defined as
a non-existent View Id: the
interaction is not pulled.
4. Empty string (""): the
Adapter pulls an interaction
without a View Id
5. If the configuration
parameter is not present in
the def.file: the default
RecoveryPullViewSystem is


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 46: The Multimedia Component Configuration Parameters (Continued)

Parameter Name

Default Value

Required Comment


Outbound queue


Multi-channel and routing

(MCR) where the outbound
e-mail is placed as a result of
the Send operation.


Outbound queue


Multi-channel and routing

(MCR) Queue where the reply
e-mail is placed as a result of
the Send operation.

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47 on page 461 displays the Interaction Server driver supports the
following device commands:




















Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Notes: This set of Interaction Server device commands is different than

those that the Voice driver supports.

Changes for the 8.0.1 release are described in the following
subsection Interaction Server Device Commands for 8.0.1.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands


Performs a Login request.


Not Used




The reason for the login.


The description of the



Performs a Logout operation.


Not Used




The reason for the



The description of the




Sets the agent status to Ready for some-media media types.


Not Used





Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

The reason for becoming

Ready, if any reason is


The human-readable
description of the
specified reason.


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)


Sets the agent status to Not-Ready for some-media media types.


Not Used




The reason for becoming

Not-Ready, if any reason
is needed.


The human-readable
description of specified


Changes the agent media state reason for some-media media types at any time
while the agent is logged in.


Not Used




The reason for the media

state, if any is needed.


The human-readable
description of the
specified reason.


Accepts the interaction (inbound or outbound) offered to the agent.


Not Used





The driver identifier of

the item to be accepted.
If the value is not
specified, the driver
chooses an offered
interaction based on the
built-in list of priorities.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)

OpenMediaAccept (Continued)



The nickname of the

agent that is used for
chat (this value is
ignored for other
interactions). If the
value is not provided,
the Service:AgentId
value is used instead.



The offset of the agent

time zone that is used
only for chat
interactions. The default
value is 0.



The driver identifier of

the item to be accepted.
If the value is not
specified, the driver
chooses an offered
interaction based on the
built-in list of priorities.



The nickname of the

agent that is used for
chat (this value is
ignored for other
interactions). If the
value is not provided,
the Service:AgentId
value is used instead.



The offset of the agent

time zone that is used
only for chat
interactions. The default
value is 0.


Rejects (declines) the offered, but not accepted, interaction back to the router.


Not Used

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)

OpenMediaReject (Continued)



The driver identifier of

the item that is rejected.
If the value is not
specified, the driver
chooses an offered
interaction based on the
built-in list of priorities.



The reason for the



description of specified


Places the interaction handled by the agent into the specified queue and
removes it from the desktop. If the queue name is __STOP__, then this
command will completely stop the processing of the interaction.


Not Used




The driver identifier of

the interaction. If the
value is not specified,
the driver uses, by
default, the currently
selected interaction.



The reason for placing

the interaction in the
queue or for stopping the


The human-readable
description of the
specified reason.



Declines the interaction currently handled by the agent. Similar to

OpenMediaReject but is only for accepted interactions.



Not Used

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)

OpenMediaLeave (Continued)



The driver identifier of

the interaction. If the
value is not specified,
the driver uses, by
default, the currently
selected interaction.



The reason for declining

the interaction.


The human-readable
description of the
specified reason.


Marks the specified interaction as selected (such as the default interaction if

the command does not contain the interaction id). This command should be
used to synchronize the state of the Siebel communication toolbar which has
one active (selected) interaction and the driver. If this command changes the
selected interaction, the driver sends the corresponding OpenMediaSelected
event with the interaction information to Siebel.


Not Used




The driver identifier of

the item to be selected.


Deselects the specified interaction and sends an OpenMediaDeselected event

to Siebel. If the specified interaction was not selected, then no action is taken.


Not Used




The driver identifier of

the item to be


Creates a new interaction with the specified attributes in the specified queue.


Not Used

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)

OpenMediaSubmit (Continued)



The interaction ID of the

interaction to be created.



The interaction subtype,

such as OutboundNew,
A list of possible
attribute values is
defined in Genesys
Configuration under the
corresponding business



An interaction type,
such as Outbound or
A list of possible
attribute values is
defined in Genesys
Configuration under the
corresponding business




The media type of the

new interactionfor
example, email or



The queue where the

new interaction is



The additional attributes

(user data). Note that all
the unknown key-value
pairs in datasetParam
are also treated as user



The ID of the parent


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)


Places in queue or stops the processing of the specified interaction (parent)

and creates a child interaction with the specified ID. This command combines
OpenMediaPlaceInQueue and OpenMediaSubmit requests for convenience
purposes. If more advanced logic is required, the base commands should be
used instead.


Not Used




The driver ID of the

source item.



The target queue for the

source interaction (can
be __STOP__).



The reason for the reply.


The human-readable
description of the
specified reason.



The Interaction Server

Interaction ID of the
interaction to be created.



The interaction
subtypefor example,
OutboundNew or


A list of possible
attribute values is
defined in Genesys
Configuration under the
corresponding business


The Interaction type

for example, Outbound
or Inbound.
A list of possible
attribute values is
defined in Genesys
Configuration under the
corresponding business

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)

OpenMediaReply (Continued)



The media type of the

new interactionfor
example, email or chat.



The queue where the

new interaction is



The additional attributes

(user data). Note that all
of the unknown
key-value pairs in
datasetParam are also
treated as user data.



The ID of the parent



Changes the user properties associated with the specified interaction.


Not Used




The driver identifier of

the interaction. If the
value is not specified,
the driver uses, by
default, the currently
selected interaction.



The properties to be



The properties to be
removed from the



All of the pairs from the

provided dataset that are
not recognized as
predefined attributes are
treated similarly to the
value of the Properties
parameter, - updated.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)


Places the specified interaction in the specified workbin. Upon successful

completion, the interaction is removed from the CTI toolbar.


Not Used




The driver identifier of

the interaction. If the
value is not specified,
the driver uses, by
default, the currently
selected interaction.



The name of the

workbin as defined in
the Genesys Interaction
Workflow Designer.


Depending on the type

The properties to be
of workbin, one of these removed from the
attributes will be




The operation reason.


The description of the



Pulls the specified interaction.


Not Used




The ID of the interaction

to be pulled.



The operation reason.


The description of the



Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)


Transfers the interaction to another agent.


Not Used




The driver identifier of

the item. If the value is
not specified, the driver
uses, by default, the
currently selected item.



The target agent login

ID (employee ID in
Genesys terms).


Sends a chat message. Applicable only for chat interactions.


Not Used




The driver identifier of

the item. If the value is
not specified, the driver
uses, by default, the
currently selected item.



The text to be sent.


Removes the specified party from the chat session.


Not Used





The driver identifier of

the item. If the value is
not specified, the driver
uses, by default, the
currently selected item.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Interaction Server Device Commands (Changes for 8.0.1)

Table 47: The Interaction Server Driver Device Commands (Continued)

ChatReleaseParty (Continued)



The action to be
performed with the chat
session after removing
the specified party.
These actions can be:



See the Multi-Channel

Routing Chat
Development Guide for
more information.
The default value is



Assumes self, if this

parameter value is not



Text to be sent (if any).

Interaction Server Device Commands

(Changes for 8.0.1)
Table 48 on page 472 displays the Interaction Server driver device commands
changes for the 8.0.1 release:


Note: This set of Interaction Server device commands is different than those

that the Voice driver supports.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Outbound Contact Device Commands

Table 48: The Interaction Server Driver Device Command Changes for 8.0.1

Deselects the specified interaction and sends an OpenMediaDeselected event

to Siebel. If the specified interaction was not selected, then no action is taken.


Not Used




The driver identifier of

the item to be selected.



The driver identifier of

the item to be

Outbound Contact Device Commands

This section provides the detailed descriptions of the following Outbound
Campaign feature device commands:








Table 49 provides the details for each of these device commands:

Table 49: The Outbound Contact Device Commands
Command Name



The desktop sends an event to update the record

details. Intermediate update.

OCS Action

Updates the record fields internally, waits for the

next requests.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Outbound Contact Device Commands

Table 49: The Outbound Contact Device Commands (Continued)

OpenMediaOcsCallCompletionStats (Continued)
Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Can be specified, updatable Genesys fields and

user defined fields.

Command Name



The desktop sends an event to indicate that the

record is processed. Outbound Contact Server
should update the record information, if it is

OCS Action

Updates a record and its chain in the database; uses

all changes made by previous requests regarding
the records in the chain. If a RecordProcessed
event has the GSW_TREATMENT field correctly
specified, Outbound Contact Server applies a
treatment to the record.

Mandatory Fields


Command Name



The desktop sends a request to indicate that the

preview record or scheduled callback is not dialed
by this agent. The record should be re-sent to
another agent.

OpenMediaOcsRecordReject (Continued)
OCS Action

Places the push preview interaction back to the

originating queue.

Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Not specified

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Outbound Contact Device Commands

Table 49: The Outbound Contact Device Commands (Continued)

Command Name



The desktop sends a request to indicate that a

preview record or a scheduled callback should not
be dialed. The record should not be re-sent to
another agent. Should be marked in the database as

OCS Action

Changes the record.

Mandatory Fields

if (GSW_RECORD_HANDLE is specified){

Additional Fields

GSW_CHAIN_ATTR = "RecordOnly"

Command Name



Request a reschedule for a preview record,

predictive call, or scheduled call.

OCS Action

Updates a record chain and reschedules the record

Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields


Not specified

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Outbound Contact Device Commands

Table 49: The Outbound Contact Device Commands (Continued)

Command Name



An agent requests that this number is not to be

called again.

OCS Action

Specifies GSW_RECORD_HANDLE to update a record or

a whole chain as DoNotCall, if GSW_CHAIN_ATTR
== "AllChain". Adds phone(s) (GSW_CHAIN_ATTR
== "AllChain") in a DoNotCall list.

Mandatory Fields

1) if (GSW_RECORD_HANDLE is specified){

Additional Fields

Not specified


In the Siebel.def file, you can specify these

attributes as command parameters:
Tells the Adapter which specific set of mandatory
fields is sent to Outbound Contact Server.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Device Events

Table 49: The Outbound Contact Device Commands (Continued)

Command Name



A request to send all records from the chain that are

defined by record handle.

OCS Action

Send the rest of a chain to the desktop.

Mandatory Fields


Additional Fields

Not specified

Multimedia Component Device Events

This section provides the detailed descriptions of the following Multimedia
Component device events:


Communication Server is in service

Communication Server is out of service

Logged in

Logged out


OpenMedia in service

OpenMedia out of service







Workbin Content

Workbin Content Changed

Chat New Part

Chat Re Enter

Chat Party Left

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Chat Message

Command Status

Multimedia Component Device Events

For information about the use and the syntax of these device events, refer to
the Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide for your version of
the Siebel Server.
Table 50 provides the details for each of these device commands:
Table 50: The Multimedia Component Device Events
Communication Server is in service
Device Event



The Gplus Communication Server is back in servicerunning and

connected to the Gplus Communication Driver.


Not applicable


Not applicable

Communication Server is out of service

Device Event



The Gplus Communication Server appears to be out of service

Genesys Communication Server is not running or there is no connection
to it from the Gplus Communication Driver.


Not applicable


Not applicable

Logged in
Device Event



Agent has been logged in


Not applicable



Tenant identifier to which agent belongs

Logged out
Device Event



Agent has been logged out from Open Media


Not applicable


Not applicable

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Device Events

Table 50: The Multimedia Component Device Events (Continued)

Device Event



Agent is invited to handle the specified interaction


Driver ID of the offered interaction


Interaction properties

OpenMedia in service
Device Event



OpenMedia capability of the Adapter is back in service (it is possible to

execute OpenMedia requests)


Not applicable


Not applicable

OpenMedia out of service

Device Event



The OpenMedia capability of the Adapter appears to be out of service,

and it is not possible to execute any OpenMedia requestspossible
reason: connection to Interaction Server has been lost.


Not applicable


Not applicable

Device Event



Event sent when the driver changes the internally-selected work item,
and is usually sent as a result of a successfully completed
OpenMediaSelect command.


Interaction properties of the selected item.

Device Event



Event sent when the driver deselects a work item when another
interaction is selected, and is usually sent as a result of successfully
completed OpenMediaSelect and OpenMediaDeselect commands.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Device Events

Table 50: The Multimedia Component Device Events (Continued)

Deselected (Continued)

Interaction properties of the selected item.

Device Event



The interaction is released from the agentfor example, usually as a

result of a transfer, a place in queue operation.


Interaction properties

Device Event



The interaction is successfully accepted.


Interaction properties of the accepted work item.

Device Event



The interaction is created.


Interaction properties of the submitted work item.

Device Event



The interaction is pulled to the agent.


Interaction properties of the pulled work item.

Workbin Content
Device Event



Deliver the content of the specified workbin.



Workbin identifier


Content of workbin

Workbin Content Changed

Device Event



The content of the workbin is changed.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Device Events

Table 50: The Multimedia Component Device Events (Continued)

Workbin Content Changed (Continued)


Workbin identifier


ID of the interaction


Type of the interaction


Subtype of the interaction


Media type of the interaction

Parent Id

ID of the parent interaction (if any)


Type of operation if content changes


User data

Chat New Part

Device Event



New party was added to the chat session.



Chat user ID


Chat user type (AGENT or CLIENT)


Chat message type (such as TEXT)


Nickname of the user who joined the chat



Sequential number of the chat event


Time shift of the chat session


Chat visibility (reserved)


Chat start time



Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Device Events

Table 50: The Multimedia Component Device Events (Continued)

Chat Re Enter
Device Event



Party re-enters the chat session.



Chat user ID


Chat user type (AGENT or CLIENT)


Chat message type (such as TEXT)


Nickname of the user who re-entered the chat



Sequential number of the chat event


Time shift of the chat session


Chat visibility (reserved)


Chat start time

Chat Party Left

Device Event



Chat user left the chat session



Chat user ID


Chat user type (AGENT or CLIENT)


Chat message type (such as TEXT)


Nickname of the user who left the chat session


Sequential number of the chat event


Time shift of the chat session


Chat visibility (reserved)


Chat start time

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Device Events

Table 50: The Multimedia Component Device Events (Continued)

Chat Message
Device Event



Someone enters a new chat message.



Chat user ID of message author


Chat user type (AGENT or CLIENT) of message



Chat message type (such as TEXT)


Content of the chat message


Nickname of the message author


Sequential number of the chat event


Time shift of the chat session


Chat visibility (reserved)


Chat start time

Command Status
Device Event



The command status is changed.


The string describing the difference between the current and the
previous command status.

Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device

This section provides the detailed descriptions of the Outbound Campaign
device events, which is associated with the Genesys Outbound Contact Server
(OCS) product.
The available Outbound Contact Server (OCS) device events for the Gplus
Outbound Campaign feature are:







Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Device Events

Table 51 describes the available OCS device events for the Gplus Outbound
Campaign feature:
Table 51: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Commands
Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name


OCS Protocol User Event



Confirmation that DoNotCall was accepted.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kills the record and the chain if

DoNotCallAcknowledge contains the following:
GSW_CHAIN_ATTR != "RecordOnly".


if (GSW_RECORD_HANDLE is specified){

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS accepts a desktop request to cancel a record.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kills the record and the chain if

RecordCancelAcknowledge contains the following:
GSW_CHAIN_ATTR == "AllChain".

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Device Events

Table 51: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Commands

OpenMediaOcsRecordCancelAck (Continued)

if (GSW_RECORD_HANDLE is specified) {

Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



OCS confirms that record has been executed.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kills the record and the chain, if requested.



Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Push preview interaction is placed into the

originating queue.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Kills the record and the chain if

RecordCancelAcknowledge contains the following:
GSW_CHAIN_ATTR == "AllChain".


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component

Multimedia Component Device Events

Table 51: The Outbound Campaign/Outbound Contact Server Device Commands

OpenMediaOcsRecordRejectAck (Continued)


Siebel CRM DeviceEvent Name:


OCS Protocol User Event:



Confirmation that the record was rescheduled.


TrackingID of the work item

Desktop Action

Continue call work.



Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 8: Deploying the Multimedia Component


Multimedia Component Device Events

Gplus Adapter 8.0


Deploying the Media

Routing Component
This chapter describes how to configure and install the Gplus Adapter for
Siebel CRM Media Routing Component. The chapter includes the following
Overview, page 487
New in This Release, page 488
Installing the Media Routing Component, page 488
Configuring Genesys, page 490
Installing the Gplus Open Media Server, page 499
Configuring Siebel, page 501
Nonreal-Time (Background) E-Mail Routing, page 520
Pulling/Stopping Siebel eMail Interactions, page 521
Configuring the Media Routing Component for Routing Siebel Work
Items, page 522
Driver and Configuration Parameters, page 526
Device Commands and Events, page 526

Installation and configuration of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media
Routing Component includes:

Compiling and deploying the Siebel repository

Configuring and activating business workflows

Configuring Siebel eMail Response

Configuring Siebel.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

New in This Release

New in This Release

This section provides information about new features or functionality in the
Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component:
Release 8.0.1

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Release 8.0.0

No new features were introduced in this release.

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component no longer
uses the Gplus Communication Server to send routing requests to the
Genesys environment, but rather uses the Gplus Open Media Server.

The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component contains a
dedicated server for routing requeststhe Gplus Open Media Server for
Siebel CRM.

Support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system.

Installing the Media Routing Component

The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component can be
installed on either Windows or UNIX platforms.
Note: The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component uses

some of the same functionality that the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component does, so the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Media Routing Component should be installed after the Gplus
Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component. The Gplus Adapter
for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component will not function without
the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component.
The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component uses the same
communications driver names and profiles as the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM Multimedia Component. However, if you plan to use the Media Routing
Component for routing Siebel work items in addition to Siebel eMail, you will
need to make some changes in the communication configuration. For more
information, see the section, The Media Routing Component uses the same
driver as the Multimedia Component, so the device commands and events are
the same as for the Multimedia Component. For a list of the device commands
and events, refer to Chapter 8, Deploying the Multimedia Component, on
page 427. on page 526.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Installing the Media Routing Component

Installation Prerequisites
The following are prerequisites for installation of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM Media Routing Component:

Back up the Siebel database and the Siebel repository (*.srf) file.

Install the Gplus Multimedia Component (see Chapter 8, Deploying the

Multimedia Component, on page 427).

This section describes how to install the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media
Routing Component on either a Windows or a Linux operating systems:
Note: Do not use special symbols in any destination directory name when

installing Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component

in an UNIX environment.

Media Routing Component: Installing the Gplus
Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component
Purpose: To install the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing
Component on either a Windows or a Linux operating system.
Start of procedure
1. To start the installation process, run the setup.exe file (for Windows) or
run the file (for UNIX) from the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM Media Routing Component installation package.
2. Enter the path to the destination directory for installation, so that the
installation program installs the Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM
(follow the steps in Procedure: Media Routing Component: Installing the
Open Media Server, on page 500) and has the correct folder location to
place the Siebel archive (*.sif) files, the Siebel SmartScripts, the Siebel
image files, and the general product information.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Genesys part of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media
Routing Component. See the section, Configuring Genesys on page 490.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

Configuring Genesys
This chapter describes how to configure and install the Gplus Open Media
Server for Siebel CRM and consists of the following sections:
Prestart Information, page 490
Overview, page 490
Importing the Gplus Open Media Server Application Template, page 491
Creating the Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM Application
Object, page 492
Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box, page 492
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Gplus Open Media
Server for Siebel CRM, page 498

Prestart Information
Before starting the configuration process you should have the following
Genesys Framework applications running:

Configuration Database

Configuration Server

Configuration Manager

As a Configuration Manager user, you should have sufficient privileges to

make changes to Configuration Layer objects.

The Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM implements open media
routing functionality. It acts as a dedicated server that redirects requests from
Siebel CRM to the underlying Genesys communication middlewareOpen
Media Interaction Server. The Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM may
run on different hosts with different platforms and operating systems.
Note: The process of configuring and installing the Gplus Open Media

Server for Siebel CRM consists of:

Configuring Genesys
Installing Open Media Server
The Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM is implemented as a Genesys
server, and is represented by an Application object in Genesys Configuration
The following procedures describe how to configure the Genesys section of the
Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM and create the Application object in
Genesys Configuration Manager.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

Importing the Gplus Open Media Server Application Template

This section describes the procedures for importing the Gplus Open Media
Server for Siebel CRM Application template.

Genesys recommends using an Application Template when you are
configuring your Adapter. The Application Template for your Adapter contains
the most important configuration options set to the values recommended for
the majority of environments. When modifying configuration options for your
Adapter later in the process, you can change the values inherited from the
template rather than create all the options by yourself.

Media Routing Component: Importing the Gplus Open
Media Server for Siebel CRM Application template
Purpose: To import the Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM Application
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Application
Templates folder.
2. Select the Import Application template.
3. Browse to and select the Application template for the Gplus Open Media
4. Select the following template, as follows:
Release 8.0.0: Gplus_OpenMedia_Server_for_SiebelCRM_800.apd
Release 8.0.1: Gplus_OpenMedia_Server_for_SiebelCRM_801.apd
5. Click Open.
The Properties dialog box for the Application Template object displays.
6. Click OK to accept the default values.
The Application Template object has been imported to the Genesys
Configuration Layer.
End of procedure

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

Next Steps

Create the Configuration Layer Application object for the Gplus Open
Media Server for Siebel CRM. See the section, Creating the Gplus Open
Media Server for Siebel CRM Application Object.

Creating the Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM

Application Object
This section describes how to create the Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel
CRM Application object.

Media Routing Component: Creating the Gplus Open
Media Server for Siebel CRM Application object
Purpose: To create the Application object for the Gplus Open Media Server
for Siebel CRM.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under Environment, right-click the Applications
2. Select New > Application.
3. Select the Application template that you just created:
Release 8.0.0: Gplus_OpenMedia_Server_for_SiebelCRM_800.apd
Release 8.0.1: Gplus_OpenMedia_Server_for_SiebelCRM_801.apd
4. Click OK.
The Properties dialog box for the Application appears.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the Gplus Open Media
Server for Siebel CRM. See the section, Configuring the Tabs in the
Properties Dialog Box.

Configuring the Tabs in the Properties Dialog Box

This section describes how to configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box,
arranged in the order in which they display. The first tab is the General tab (see
Figure 40 on page 493).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

Media Routing Component: Configuring the tabs in the
Properties dialog box
Purpose: To configure the tabs in the Properties dialog box for the Gplus
Open Media Server for Siebel CRM.
Start of procedure
General Tab

1. Click the General tab in the Properties dialog box (see Figure 40).

Figure 40: View of the General Tab in a Single-Tenant Environment

2. In the Name list, click the name of the Application object you are
3. In the Template list, click the name of the template you are configuring or
use the Browse button to select the template you are configuring.
4. Click Apply.

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Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

5. Next, if you are working in a multi-tenant environment, go to the Tenants

Tab; otherwise, go to the Server Info Tab.
Note: The Tenants tab only displays, if you are working in a multi-tenant

Tenants Tab

6. Select the Tenants tab (see Figure 41).

Figure 41: View of the Tenants Tab

7. Select the Genesys Tenants under which the objects that are exported from
Siebel are created.
8. Click Add.
Server Info Tab

9. Select the Server Info tab.

10. In the Host field, use the Browse button to select the host where you are
installing the Gplus Open Media Server and click OK.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

11. In the Communications Port field, enter any valid port number for the port
with the ID of default. Genesys recommends setting this value to18101.
Note: This option determines the HTTP port number used by the Gplus

Open Media Server to receive HTTP packets from Siebel. Use the
value that you enter for this option when you configure the Siebel part
of the Gplus Open Media Server.
Start Info Tab

12. Select the Start Info tab.

13. In the Working Directory field, enter the full name of the Component
installation directory on the host you specified on the Server Info tab. The
value you enter in this field will be used as the default destination folder
during installation.
14. Enter any valid value into each of the following fields:
Command Line
Command Line Arguments
The values that you enter in these fields are overwritten during installation;
however, data must be present in these fields during the configuration
15. Leave the default values for the remaining fields.

Connections Tab

16. Select the Connections tab.


This step is mandatory for configuring the Gplus Open Media Server
to work with the Media Routing Component. You may also configure
a connection to the Genesys Message Server.

The content of the Connections tab depends on the Adapter

components being used. For Media Routing components, it is
necessary to add a connection to the Interaction Server.

17. On the Connections tab, click Add to attach a connection to the Interaction
Server (see Figure 42 on page 496).
Optionally, you can add a connection to the Genesys Message Server.
Optionally, you can add a connection to the Genesys Configuration

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 42: View of Connections Tab in a Multi-Tenant Environment

Options Tab


18. Select the Options tab (see Figure 43 on page 497).

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 43: View of Options Tab

In the Sections pane, the following sections are listed:

19. Double-click the Log section to start.
20. Configure the configuration options described in the following section,
Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Gplus Open Media
Server for Siebel CRM on page 498.
End of procedure

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

Next Steps

Set the Gplus Open Media Server s configuration options. See, Setting the
Genesys Configuration Options for the Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel

Setting the Genesys Configuration Options for the Gplus

Open Media Server for Siebel CRM
Unless specified otherwise, set the Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM
configuration options in the Options tab of the Application object using the
following navigation path:
In Genesys AdminstratorApplication object > Options tab > Advanced View

In Configuration ManagerApplication object > Properties dialog box >

Options tab.
For ease of reference, the options have been arranged in alphabetical order
within their corresponding sections:
log Section, page 498
open-media-driver and open-media-userdata Sections, page 499
Settings Section, page 499

log Section
The Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM supports a common set of Log
options to allow the precise configuration of the log file output. For a complete
list of Common Log options and their descriptions, see the Common Log
Options chapter of the Framework 8.0 Configuration Options Reference
Note: If you do not specify any log options, the default values apply.
Protection of
Sensitive Data in

To protect against displaying the private parameters in the UserData,

Extensions attributes, and the Reason_Code parameters in the Adapters log, a
number of options can be configured in the Options section of the Gplus Open
Media Server Application object in Configuration Manager.
These options are described in the Log-Filter and Log-Filter-Data sections of
the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual.
For more information, see the section, Chapter 2, Log Section, on page 51.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Installing the Gplus Open Media Server

open-media-driver and open-media-userdata Sections

See the sections, open-media-driver Section on page 53 and
open-media-userdata Section on page 54 for examples of how to configure
the options from the open-media-driver and open-media-userdata sections.
Note: The open-media-driver and open-media-userdata configuration

options must not be changed.

Settings Section
The Settings section has the following option that can be configured:

MaxProcessingThreads Option
Default Value: 5
Valid Value: Any positive integer greater than or equal to (>=) 4
Provides the value for the maximum number of allowed threads.

Installing the Gplus Open Media Server

This section describes the installation process for the Gplus Adapter 8.0 Open
Media Server for Siebel CRM and is divided into the following sub-sections:
Installing the Gplus Open Media Server in a Windows and a UNIX
Environment, page 499
The Target Directory Structure and File Locations, page 500
Uninstalling the Gplus Open Media Server, page 500

Installing the Gplus Open Media Server in a Windows and a

UNIX Environment
This section describes how to install the Gplus Open Media Server on a
Windows or a UNIX operating system.
Note: Do not use any special symbols in the destination directory name

when installing in a UNIX environment.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Installing the Gplus Open Media Server

Media Routing Component: Installing the Open Media
Purpose: To install the Gplus Adapter Open Media Server for Siebel CRM on
a Windows or a UNIX operating system.
Start of procedure
1. To start the installation process, run the setup.exe file (for Windows), or
the file (for UNIX) from the Gplus Open Media Server
installation package.
2. Answer the installation questions according to your selected deployment
End of procedure

The Target Directory Structure and File Locations

The following generic directory names are used in the description of the
directories structure:

<Destination Directory> is the destination directory for installation used

by the installation script to copy the Adapter component files.

<Application Name> is the subdirectory in the <Destination Directory>

where all files copied by installation are placed. It is the name of the
Application object of the Gplus Open Media Server for Siebel CRM.

Files in subdirectories <Destination Directory>/<Application Name>/7.7

are related to Siebel versions 7.7/7.8.

Files in subdirectories <Destination Directory>/<Application Name>/8.0

are related to Siebel version 8.0.

Files in subdirectories <Destination Directory>/<Application Name>/8.1

are related to Siebel version 8.1.

Uninstalling the Gplus Open Media Server

Complete information about uninstalling the Gplus Open Media Server and its
components is provided in Chapter 12, Uninstallation Instructions, on
page 577.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Configuring Siebel
This section describes how to configure the Siebel part of the Gplus Open
Media Server.
Configuring the Siebel section of the Gplus Open Media Server consists of the
following sub-sections:
Prestart Information, page 501
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools, page 501
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client, page 505

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process, you must make sure to do
the following:

You must have the Siebel Tools application running.

You should be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database.

You should have sufficient privileges to check-in and check-out projects

from the Siebel Server repository.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools

Use the Siebel Tools to compile an updated version of the Siebel repository file
(SRF or *.srf file) for one, or more, of the Siebel applications that you use on
your Siebel Server, which you will then deploy on the server. For more
information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.
Configuring Siebel using the Siebel Tools consists of the following
Checking Out Existing Projects from the Siebel Repository for the Media
Routing Component, page 501
Compiling, Updating, and Deploying the Siebel Repository File, page 503

Checking Out Existing Projects from the Siebel

Repository for the Media Routing Component
The Siebel implementation of the Media Routing Component makes use of a
number of objects provided by Siebel. Use the procedure to enable
modifications of these objects. To do so, you will need to check-out the
corresponding projects from the Siebel repository.

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Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Media Routing Component: Checking out existing
Purpose: To check-out existing projects from the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Object Explorer, start Siebel Tools against the local database.
2. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check Out...
The Check Out dialog box displays.
3. In the Projects list, select the GplusMediaRouting project to be
End of procedure
Next Steps

Import the GplusMediaRouting.sif archive file. See, Procedure: Media

Routing Component: Importing the GplusMediaRouting.sif archive file.

Media Routing Component: Importing the
GplusMediaRouting.sif archive file
Purpose: To import the GplusMediaRouting.sif archive file.
Start of procedure
1. Start Siebel Tools.
2. Lock the Genesys Multimedia project and lock the GplusMediaRouting
project, if it already exists.
3. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Import from Archive... .
4. In the Select Archive to Import window, browse to one of the following
<Installation Directory> paths, depending on your version of Siebel:
<Installation Directory>/7.7 for Siebel Server versions 7.7/7.8,
<Installation Directory>/8.0 for Siebel Server version 8.0
<Installation Directory>/8.1 for Siebel Server version 8.1.
5. Select the GplusMediaRouting.sif archive file.
6. Click Open.
The Import WizardPreview window displays.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

7. In the Import WizardPreview window, in the Conflict resolution

section, select Merge the object definition from the archive file with
the definition in the repository.

8. Click Next.
The Import WizardReview Conflicts and Actions window displays.
9. Click Next.
The Do you wish to proceed? window displays.
10. Merge any conflicts, if they correspond to your needs.
11. Click Yes.
The objects from the archive are imported into the Siebel repository.
12. Click Finish to complete the import.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Compile the Siebel repository file. See the section, Compiling, Updating,
and Deploying the Siebel Repository File.

Compiling, Updating, and Deploying the Siebel

Repository File
You can either compile all of the projects, or you can only compile the locked

Media Routing Component: Compiling the Siebel
Repository File
Purpose: To compile the Siebel repository file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects...
2. Select Locked projects.
3. In the Siebel Repository File edit box, enter the name of the repository
4. Click Compile.
The status bar at the bottom of the Object Compiler window indicates
when the compilation is finished.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

5. When the compilation is finished, close Siebel Tools.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Set up the business service query access for the GplusMediaRoute and the
GplusMediaRouteIXN business services. See, Procedure: Media Routing
Component: Setting the business service query access for the
GplusMediaRoute and the GplusMediaRouteIXN business services.

Media Routing Component: Setting the business
service query access for the GplusMediaRoute and the
GplusMediaRouteIXN business services
Purpose: To set up the business service query access for the GplusMediaRoute
and the GplusMediaRouteIXN business services.
Start of procedure
1. Log into the Siebel Server as a Siebel administrator.
2. Navigate to Administration > Server Configuration > Enterprises.
3. On the Component Group tab, select the required componentfor example,
Siebel Financial Services.

4. Switch to the Parameters tab.

5. Navigate to the Business Service Query Access List record.
6. Add GplusMediaRoute and GplusMediaRouteIXN business services to the end
of the record value, separated by a comma.
7. Restart the Siebel Server to make the changes effective.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Deploy the Siebel repository file. See, Procedure: Media Routing

Component: Deploying the Siebel repository file, on page 505.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Media Routing Component: Deploying the Siebel
repository file
Purpose: To deploy the Siebel repository file.
Start of procedure
1. Stop the Siebel Server.
2. Back up the original Siebel repository file.
3. Copy the compiled repository file into the proper location, so that you can
use it instead of the original Siebel repository file.
4. Start the Siebel Server.
End of procedure

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client

This section describes how to configure the Siebel application using the Siebel
Web Client and consists of the following sub-sections:
Configuring and Importing a Siebel Workflow Process, page 506
Deploying the Workflow Processes on the Siebel Server, page 510
Creating a Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem, page 511
Configuring the Multimedia Component Agents and Communications,
page 514
Configuring the Siebel eMail Response, page 516

Note: You must connect to your Siebel Server using the Siebel Web Client.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Configuring and Importing a Siebel Workflow Process

This section describes how to configure and import a Siebel workflow process.
A Siebel workflow is a series of Siebel business services that are linked to
complete a task.

This procedure is required only if you are using the Gplus Adapter for
Siebel CRM Media Routing Component for the routing of Siebel

Use the following steps to make any changes to the Siebel repository
file that are relevant to the Siebel business process:

Use Siebel Tools to make the changes to the repository file.

Export the updated repository file into an *.XML file.

Use the Siebel Client to import the updated repository file.

Media Routing Component: Configuring and importing
a Siebel workflow process
Purpose: To import and configure a Siebel workflow process for a series of
Siebel business services.
Note: When importing a workflow process, if you encounter the following

error, This operation is not allowed when there are no records

displayed. Please execute a query that returns at least one
record or add a new record, refer to the following Siebel error

codeAlert 594.
Start of procedure
Siebel Tools usage:
1. Lock the EMR Workflow project.
2. Using the Object Explorer, choose the Workflow Process tab.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

3. Import the GplusMediaRouting-ProcessMessage.xml file, as shown below in

Figure 44.

Figure 44: Siebel Tools Usage

4. Define the string values for the following properties according to your
environment (see Figure 45):
ConnectionNameThe ConnectionName value is the Application name
of a Genesys Interaction Server as specified on the Connections tab for
the Gplus Open Media Server.
SubmitQueueThe SubmitQueue value is the name of the queue to
which the interaction should be submitted.
5. Set the value of the RoutingMediaType property to BackgroundEmail, if you
use the nonreal-time (background) mode for e-mail processing. This
property is used as a parameter for the GplusMediaRouteIXN business

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

service. For more information about these properties, see the Media
Routing Component Customization section of the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for
Siebel CRM Developers Guide.

Figure 45: Defining Workflow Properties

6. To add AttachedUserData values to a routing request, you must add custom

input arguments for the GplusMediaRouting workflow step. To add these
values, perform the following procedure:
a. Select the GplusMediaRouting box in design view (see Figure 45).
b. Right-click on GplusMediaRouting.
c. Select Show Input Arguments from the menu (see Figure 46 on
page 509).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

d. Add a new record in the Input Arguments view.

All input arguments, except the predefined arguments, are attached to a
routing request as AttachedUserData.

Figure 46: Editing Input Arguments for GplusMediaRouting Workflow Step

7. Deploy the workflow process.

8. Export the workflow process into a filefor example, refer to this process
as <SEWorkflow.XML>.
9. Compile and apply the *.srf file.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Deploy the workflow processes on the Siebel Server. See the section,
Deploying the Workflow Processes on the Siebel Server on page 510.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Deploying the Workflow Processes on the Siebel

The workflow processes help automate the business processes and they are
defined within Siebel to emit or to receive Siebel *. XML messages.
Note: This procedure is required only if you are using the Gplus Adapter for

Siebel CRM Media Routing Component for the routing of Siebel


Media Routing Component: Activating the Siebel
Workflow Process
Purpose: To activate the Siebel workflow process.
Start of procedure
1. Log into the Siebel Client as a Siebel Administrator.
2. Import the <SEWorkflow.XML> file exported previously from the Siebel
Tools into the Active Workflow Processes list/set as shown in Figure 47 on
page 510.

Figure 47: Business Process - Workflow Process Import


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

3. Make sure that the workflow is active. If not, select the workflow process
you want to activate and click Activate.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem. See the section,

Creating a Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem.

Creating a Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem

This section describes how to configure a connection subsystem for the Gplus
Open Media Server that is used by the Media Routing Component. There are
slight variations in the navigation that is required by this process, depending on
the version of Siebel with which you are working.

Media Routing Component: Navigating to the Siebel
Server configuration
Purpose: To navigate through the site map to get to your Siebel Server
Start of procedure
1. Navigate through the site map to get to your Siebel Server configuration:
In Siebel 7.7/7.8/8.0/8.1 environments, select Site Map >
Administration - Server Configuration.
2. Select Profile Configuration in the applet within the view.
3. Complete the process by completing the procedures that follow.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Create a connection subsystem. See, Procedure: Media Routing

Component: Creating a connection subsystem, on page 512.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Media Routing Component: Creating a connection
Purpose: To configure a connection subsystem for the Gplus Open Media.
Start of procedure
1. Log in to Siebel Client as a Siebel Administrator.
2. Navigate through the Site Map to Siebel Server configuration:
Select Site Map > Administration - Server Configuration.
Creating a

3. Click the Profile Configuration applet.

4. Click the New Record button.
5. Specify the following parameters for the new record (see Figure 48 on
page 513):
Set the Profile field and Alias field to GplusOpenMediaServerPrimary.
Set the Subsystem Type field to HTTPSubSys
Set the Description field to GplusOpenMediaServerPrimary


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Figure 48: Creating a Connection Subsystem

6. Save the newly created record.

7. For the Named Subsystem record that you just created, enter the following
parameters in the Profile Parameter applet:
Set the HTTP Request Method parameter to POST
Set the HTTP Request URL Template to

where <host> and <port> are the host and the port of the Gplus Open
Media Server being used.
Creating a Backup

8. In the Profile Configuration applet, create a new record.

9. Specify the following parameters for the new record (see Figure 48 on
page 513):
Set the Profile field and Alias field to GplusOpenMediaServerBackup
Set the Subsystem Type field to HTTPSubSys
Set the Description field to GplusOpenMediaServerBackup
10. Save the new record.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

11. For the backup Named Subsystem record that you just created, enter the
following parameters in the Profile Parameter applet:
Set the HTTP Request Method parameter to POST
Set the HTTP Request URL Template to

where <host> and <port> are the host and the port of the Gplus Open
Media Server being used.
Note: After creating or updating a connection subsystem, you might have to

restart your Siebel server to make the changes effective. Refer to your
Siebel server documentation.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Multimedia Component agents and communications. See the

section, Configuring the Multimedia Component Agents and

Configuring the Multimedia Component Agents and

This section describes how to configure the Multimedia Component agents and

Media Routing Component: Setting a value for the
MediaRoutingDefaultQueue configuration parameter
Purpose: To set a value for the MediaRoutingDefaultQueue configuration
parameter. This parameter defines the name of the queue where the Siebel
eMail interactions that are marked as done are placed. No other parameter
configuration is required, except what is used for the Multimedia component.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Start of procedure
1. In the Genesys environment, create SiebelEmail and BackgroundEmail
media types. If you use the Media Routing Component for routing Siebel
work items, create a custom media type for each type of work item.
Note: Genesys recommends using different media types for different

Siebel work item types.

2. Add the newly-created media types to the agent capacity rules on the
Advanced tab of the SiebelEmail Properties window (see Figure 49 on
page 516).
3. Configure the Genesys routing strategy for routing the newly-created
media type interactionsfor example, see the <Siebel
Version>\GplusMediaRoutingSample.zcf file in the installation directory as
a sample strategy.
Note: No additional agent configuration is required, except for the

configuration that was already done for the Multimedia

Component configuration. Make sure that the agent has the
following capacity rules enabled:
If an agent is working with Siebel eMail then the SiebelEmail
media type is enabled.
If an agent is working with background Siebel eMail, the
BackgroundEmail media type is enabled.
Any custom media types are enabled if the Media Routing
Component is used for routing Siebel work items.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Figure 49: Capacity Rule Wizard

End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel eMail response. See the section, Configuring the
Siebel eMail Response.

Configuring the Siebel eMail Response

This section describes how to configure the Siebel eMail Response. A Siebel
eMail Response is a Siebel application that communicates with the Siebel
database in acknowledgement of a received email.
Configuring the Siebel eMail Response consists of the following procedures:
Procedure: Media Routing Component: Activating the Siebel eMail
Response Workflow Process, on page 517
Procedure: Media Routing Component: Configuring the Siebel Internet
SMTP/POP 3 Server driver profile, on page 518


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Procedure: Media Routing Component: Creating a response group, on

page 519

Note: This section is required only if you are using the Media Routing

Component for routing Siebel eMail.

Media Routing Component: Activating the Siebel eMail

Response Workflow Process
Purpose: To activate the Siebel eMail Response workflow process.
Start of procedure
1. Log into the Siebel Client as a Siebel Administrator.
2. Select Site Map > Administration > Business Process, Workflow
3. In the Active Workflow Processes applet, choose the Import Processes
menu option.
The Workflow Process Import pop-up window displays.
4. In the Workflow Process Import window, select the following workflow
eMail Response-Analyze Message
eMail Response-Append Thread Id
eMail Response-Client Send E-mail
eMail Response-Create Activity
eMail Response-Get Entitlement Id
eMail Response-Identify Language
eMail Response-Parse Junk E-mail
eMail Response-Response Workflow
eMail Response-Search Spec
eMail Response-Send Acknowledgement
eMail Response-Send Auto Response
eMail Response-SR Help
eMail Response-Update Activity Status
5. Make sure that the workflow is active. If not, select the workflow process
you want to activate and click Activate.
For more detailed information, please see the Siebel eMail Response
Administration Guide.
End of procedure

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Configure the Siebel Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver profile. See,

Procedure: Media Routing Component: Configuring the Siebel Internet
SMTP/POP 3 Server driver profile.

Media Routing Component: Configuring the Siebel
Internet SMTP/POP 3 Server driver profile
Purpose: To configure the Siebel Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver profile.
Start of procedure
1. In the Siebel Site Map, select Site Map > Administration Communications > Communications Driver and Profiles.
2. Select the record for the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server communication
3. Select the Profile tab.
4. Click New on the Profiles form and set the name of the profile to the value
of the e-mail address.
5. Click New to create the following necessary parameter value overrides:
From Address: the value must be the same as the e-mail address that
the profile works with, or the profile name, which is the same.
Incoming E-mail Directory: the directory where the incoming e-mails
are saved.
POP3 Account Name: the name of the POP account.
POP3 Account Password: the POP3 account password string.
POP3 Server: the name of the POP Server.
POP3 Server Port: the POP3 Server Port value (this value is usually
Siebel Server: the name of the Siebel Server on which the eMail
Response works.
SMTP Server: the name of the SMTP Server.
SMTP Server Port: the SMTP Server Port value (this value is usually
SMTP Account Name: the name of the SMTP account.
SMTP Account Password: the SMTP account password string.
6. Set the responsibilities of the created Server Driver Profile to Universal
End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Next Steps

Create a response group. See, Procedure: Media Routing Component:

Creating a response group.

Media Routing Component: Creating a response group
Purpose: To create a response group that determines the behavior for inbound
Start of procedure
1. In the Siebel Site Map, select Site Map > Administration Communications > All Response Groups.
The Response Groups list appears.
2. Click New on the Response Groups form.
3. Set the name of the response group to the exact value of the Internet
SMTP/POP3 driver profile name, with which the response group works.
4. Set the administrator e-mail address to an e-mail address in which you
want to direct undeliverable e-mail that is sent to profiles in each response
5. Set the Server option to the value of the Siebel Server that is used for the
eMail Response processing.
6. Set the value of the Startup option to Active.
7. Select the Profiles tab.
8. Click New and select the previously created profile for the Internet
SMTP/POP3 driver from the list of profiles.
9. Select the Input Arguments tab and click Generate Defaults.
10. Rename the ProcessName argument to
GplusMediaRouting-ProcessMessage. (See Figure 50 on page 520.)

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Nonreal-Time (Background) E-Mail Routing

Figure 50: Input Arguments Editing

End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

Nonreal-Time (Background) E-Mail Routing

Nonreal-time or background e-mail processing allows you to apply more
server processing power to the e-mail routing, which is especially important
when your site receives high volumes of e-mail. The nonreal-time
(background) mode of processing e-mail allows the servers to process a high
volume of inbound e-mails in the following way:


Inbound mail messages are retrieved by the Siebel eMail handler.

The Internet SMTP/POP3 driver converts the inbound e-mail into

multi-purpose internet mail extension (MIME) format files.

The Communications Inbound Receiver (CIR) transfers these files into the
Siebel File System. The Siebel File System is a shared file system

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Pulling/Stopping Siebel eMail Interactions

The Communications Inbound Processor (CIP) then processes these files.

Since the CIP uses the workflow to process the e-mail, you can set up
multiple CIPs to process the volume of the e-mail flow.

The native Siebel eMail Response application uses the Siebel Universal Queue
(UQ) to route the e-mails and to generate a @HandleNonRealtimeWorkItem Siebel
special event. In the Genesys-adapted Siebel eMail Response application, the
Genesys Universal Router (UR) functionality is used for e-mail routing,
therefore the @HandleNonRealtimeWorkItem Siebel event is not generated.
The Media Routing Component uses workbins for background e-mail
interactions. Genesys recommends using the same agent workbin for the Siebel
background e-mail as for the Multimedia Component inbound e-mail. The
mode of interaction processing is defined by a Genesys routing strategyfor
example, the background interaction should be placed into the agent workbin,
but the real-time interactions should be placed into the inbound queue. By
default, the Media Routing Component uses different media types to instruct
the Genesys Universal Router on how to process the e-mail call on the agent
sidefor example, refer to the provided strategy sample in the installation
directory <Siebel Version>\GplusMediaRoutingSample.zcf file.
The SiebelEmail media type is used for the real-time e-mail processing mode,
and the BackgroundEmail media type is used for nonreal-time e-mail processing
mode. The media type is set as an input argument of the GplusMediaRoute
business service in the GplusMediaRouting-ProcessMessage business process.
You may add an attributes value in an interactions attached data as an
indicator of the processing mode to be applied to an interaction, and update a
strategy to check this attributes value.
The nonreal-time (background) mode may be used for routing any Siebel work
items. The mode of processing is defined by the strategy used, which is the
same as for Siebel eMail.

Pulling/Stopping Siebel eMail Interactions

This section describes the pull/stop email functionality where agent requests
for the data are responded to by the server. Customization is required to use the
pull/stop email functionality provided in the Media Routing Component as the
component does not provide a user interface for this functionality.
Enabling the Pull

The pull functionality is implemented by the following communication

commands: PullbyInteractionIdMR and PullbyThirdPartyIdMR. To enable the
pull functionality for an agent, you must allow an agent to invoke the
PullbyInteractionIdMR or PullbyThirdPartyIdMR communication commands.
The command PullbyInteractionIdMR uses the InteractionId data parameter,
which is the field name to store the Genesys interaction ID, and invokes a
OpenMediaPullInteractionById multimedia driver device command.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring the Media Routing Component for Routing Siebel

The command PullbyThirdPartyIdMR uses the ThirdPartyId data parameter,

which is the field name to store the Siebel record ID, and invokes the
GplusMediaRoute.PullInteraction business service method.
Enabling the Stop

The stop functionality is implemented by the following communication

commands: StopbyInteractionIdMR or StopbyThirdPartyIdMR.To enable the
stop functionality for an agent, you must allow an agent to invoke the
StopbyInteractionIdMR or StopbyThirdPartyIdMR communication commands.
The command StopbyInteractionIdMR uses the InteractionId data parameter,
which is the field name to store the Genesys interaction ID, and invokes the
GplusMediaRouteIXN.StopWorkItem business service method.
The command StopbyThirdPartyIdMR uses the ThirdPartyId data parameter,
which is the field name to store the Siebel record ID, and invokes the
GplusMediaRouteIXN.StopWorkItem business service method.
To invoke the commands, you may do use one of the following methods:

Add a button into one of the activity applets to invoke the command.

Add a toolbar button.

Set the Hidden parameter of the command to True. The agent should locate
the appropriate Siebel record and invoke a command.

For additional information, please refer to the Media Routing Component

Customization section of the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Developers

Configuring the Media Routing Component

for Routing Siebel Work Items
This section describes how to configure the Media Routing Component for
routing Siebel work items in both Genesys and Siebel environments. The
Media Routing Component for Siebel can be used for routing any type of
Siebel work item by using Genesys Multimedia, both in real-time and in
nonreal-time (background) mode. The Media Routing Component provides the
basic functionality for work item routing, but does not provide an
out-of-the-box graphical user interface (GUI), so customization is required to
create this functionality.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring the Media Routing Component for Routing Siebel

Media Routing Component: Configuring the Media
Routing Component in a Genesys environment
Purpose: To configure the Media Routing Component in a Genesys
Start of procedure
1. Create a new custom media type, making sure to use different media types
for different Siebel work item typesfor example, create the
ServiceRequest and ServiceOrder media types to use the provided samples.
2. Add the newly-created media types to the agent capacity rules.
3. Configure the Genesys routing strategy for routing the newly-created
media type interactions for example, see the <Siebel
Version>\GplusMediaRoutingSample.zcf file in the installation directory as
a sample strategy.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Media Routing Component in a Siebel environment. See,

Procedure: Media Routing Component: Configuring the Media Routing
Component in a Genesys environment.

Media Routing Component: Configuring the Media
Routing Component in a Siebel environment
Purpose: To configure the Media Routing Component in a Siebel
Start of procedure
1. Add the newly-created media types into the Driver.Channel string.
2. Create Ready and NotReady commands for the newly-created media types.
A sample of this command is provided in the <Siebel
Version>/GenComm_universal.def file located in the installation directory.
The ReadyForSiebelSRGroup and NotReadyForSiebelSR commands are
located at the end of the file.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring the Media Routing Component for Routing Siebel

Add the new commands into the proper group commands. To use the
provided samples, add the ReadyForSiebelSRGroup command into the
ReadyGroup command group, and the NotReadyForSiebelSR command
into the NotReadyGroup command group.

3. Create an event handler for the OpenMediaAccepted event for each of the
newly-created media typesfor example, refer to the sample event
handler, OpenMediaAcceptedSR.
Set the proper Filter and Event Response parameters for the event
4. Create an event handler for the OpenMediaSelected event for each of the
custom media types for example, refer to the sample event handlers,
OpenMediaSelectedSR and OpenMediaSelectedOrder.
a. Set the proper FilterSpec and Event Response parameters for the event
b. Set a Siebel view that is used for editing a routed work item as a
SingleView parameter in the event response.
c. Set the QuerySpec parameter to the FieldName='{ThirdPartyId} value,
where FieldName is the field ID for a Siebel work itemfor example,
refer to the sample OpenMediaSelectedSR and OpenMediaSelectedSO
event responses located at the end of the <Siebel
Version>/GenComm_universal.def file.
5. Create event handlers for the OnOpenMediaPulledSR and OpenMediaAccepted
events for each of the custom media types.
Set the proper Filter, MediaType, and Event Response parameters for
the event handlerfor example, refer to the sample
OnOpenMediaPulledSR and OpenMediaAcceptedSR event handlers.
6. Create the commands to send a routing request.
Set the ServiceParam.ThirdPartyId command parameter to the ID field
for a Siebel work itemthe ID field should be the same field as in a
proper event handler. You may also send a routing request from a
workflow by calling the routing method of a GplusMediaRouteIXN
business servicefor example, see the SendRouteSR sample command
to route Siebel service requests in real-time mode, and see the sample
SendRouteSO command to route service orders in nonreal-time
(background) mode. Both of these sample commands are located at the
end of the <Siebel Version>/GenComm_universal.def file.
For more information please refer to the Media Routing Component
Customization section of the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM
Developers Guide.
7. Configure the MarkWorkItemDone command to support your media types
for example, adding the newly-created media types into the
FilterMediaType parameter. This parameter contains a list of media types
separated by commasfor example,
For a ServiceOrder media type, you may use a MarkDoneSO command.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Configuring the Media Routing Component for Routing Siebel

For a ServiceRequest media type, you may use a MarkDoneSR command,

or you may create your own MarkDone command.
As an alternative method, you may customize a button on a work item
view, or add a customized button on the communication toolbar to
invoke a MarkDone command.

For more information please refer to the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM
Developers Guide.
8. Assign the correct responsibilities to the agents, to make sure that they
have enough responsibilities to access to the appropriate views. For the
provided samples, the agent should have access to the following views:
Service Request Detail Personal Service Request List
Service Order-Browse Catalog
Order Entry - Line Items
Order Entry - My Orders.
Notes: The provided samples show how to route Siebel service requests in

real-time mode and how to route service orders in nonreal-time

(background) mode. The samples use the ServiceRequest media type
for Siebel service requests and the ServiceOrder media type for
service orders.
To use the samples, remove the comment marks in the <Siebel
Version>/GenComm_universal.def file before importing a
configuration, and follow the steps in Procedure: Media Routing
Component: Configuring the Media Routing Component in a
Genesys environment, on page 523.
To use the service requests commands, open the All Service
Request List view and then invoke a command from this view.
To use the service orders commands, open the Order Entry - All
Orders view and then invoke a command from this view.
9. If you are going to use the same pull/stop functionality for Siebel work
items as for the Siebel eMail routing, you should provide a record field to
store the Genesys interaction ID, as it is required to support a relation
between the Siebel work item records and the Genesys interactions.
If a work item is represented in the Siebel database as an activity record,
you may use a Call Id field, as done in Siebel eMail. For more
information please refer to the Media Routing Component
Customization section of the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM
Developers Guide.
End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 9: Deploying the Media Routing Component

Driver and Configuration Parameters

Driver and Configuration Parameters

For a complete list of the driver parameters that the Media Routing Component
uses, refer to the driver parameters described in Chapter 8, Deploying the
Multimedia Component.
Table 52 below contains the parameters specific to the Media Routing
Table 52: Media Routing Driver Parameters
Parameter Name

Default Value






The multi-channel and routing

(MCR) queue where the
third-party interactions (for
example, Siebel eMails) are
placed after completion (the
Send and Cancel buttons for
Siebel eMail).
__STOP__ means that the

processing of the interaction is

completely stopped. If postprocessing for the completed
third-party items is needed, this
value should be changed to the
post-processing queue where
the post-processing strategy is

(E-mails for agent



The multi-channel and routing

(MCR) queue where the
third-party interactions (for
example, Siebel eMails) are
placed for processing

Device Commands and Events

The Media Routing Component uses the same driver as the Multimedia
Component, so the device commands and events are the same as for the
Multimedia Component. For a list of the device commands and events, refer to
Chapter 8, Deploying the Multimedia Component, on page 427.


Gplus Adapter 8.0



Deploying the iWD Routing

This chapter describes how to configure and install the Gplus iWD Routing for
Siebel CRM Component.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Overview, page 527
New in This Release, page 528
Configuring Genesys, page 528
Installing the iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component, page 531
Configuring Siebel, page 533
Configuring the Multimedia Component Agents, page 538
Configuring the Siebel eMail Response, page 538
The Siebel iWD API Representation, page 538

The process of configuring and installing the Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel
CRM Component includes the following general procedures:

Configuring Genesys

Installing the iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component

Configuring Siebel

Configuring the Multimedia Component Agents

Configuring the Siebel eMail Response

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

New in This Release

New in This Release

This section provides information about new features or functionality in the
Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component.
Release 8.0.1

The following new features or functionality are included in this release:

Release 8.0.0

No new features were introduced in this release.

This is the first release of this component.

Configuring Genesys
This section describes how to configure the Genesys section of the Gplus iWD
Routing for Siebel CRM Component.
It is assumed that the iWD solution is properly configured to accept
interactions from the Siebel side. If required, the iWD Departments and
Processes have to be configured to apply the special rulesfor example,
different media types. See the intelligent Workload Distribution 8.0.
Deployment Guide for details.

iWD Routing: Configuring the intelligent Workload
Distribution solution
Purpose: To configure the intelligent Workload Distribution (iWD) solution.
Start of procedure
1. For each media type that you need to route through iWD, create a
Webservice Capture Point by doing the following:
a. Run the iWD Manager.
b. Log in and select an appropriate Tenant.
c. Select the Services view.
d. Select an appropriate iWD Solution and open the Services section (see
Figure 51 on page 529).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 51: iWD Solution Services View

e. Select the New Service.

f. In the Service Creation form:
i. Fill the Service Name field with a unique name.
ii. Select Webservice Capture Point as the service template.
iii. Select Runtime Node from the pull-down list.
iv. Deselect the Default check-box of the mediaType property and
select an appropriate media-type value from the pull-down list.
v. Deselect the Default check box of the webserviceURLMapping
property and enter a unique valuefor example, refer to this value
as <mediaURLMapping>.
vi. Update the other properties, if required.
vii. Click Save to save the newly created service (see Figure 52 on
page 530).

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Configuring Genesys

Figure 52: New WebService

g. Select the Deploy section.

h. Under the Deploy view, select the newly created services.
i. Click Deploy.
2. Store the Web Services Description Language (WDSL) representation of
the service for each newly created Webservice Capture Point by doing the
a. Type the following URL in an internet browser:
<runtime node context URL>/services/<mediaURLMapping>?WSDL.
b. When the page has loaded, save the contents as an .XML file (menu File
-> Save as)for example, refer to this file as <mediaWSCP.WSDL>.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Install the iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component. See the section,
Installing the iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component on page 531.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Installing the iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component

Installing the iWD Routing for Siebel CRM

This section describes the installation process for the Gplus iWD Routing for
Siebel CRM Component. The Component can be installed on Windows or
UNIX platforms and is divided into the following sub-sections:
Installation Prerequisites, page 531
Installation, page 531
Target Directory Structure and File Locations, page 532

Notes: The Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component uses some of

the same functionality as the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM

Multimedia Component, so the Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel
CRM Component should be installed after the Multimedia
Component. The Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component
will not function without the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component.
The Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component is an
alternative to the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing
Component. It is not recommended to use both of these
components simultaneously.

Installation Prerequisites
The following are prerequisites for installation of the Gplus iWD Routing for
Siebel CRM Component:

Back up the Siebel database and the Siebel repository (*.srf) file.

Install the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component (see
Chapter 8, Deploying the Multimedia Component, on page 427).

This section describes how to install the Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel CRM
Component on either a Windows or a Linux operating systems:
Note: Do not use any special symbols in the destination directory name

when installing the Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component
in a UNIX environment.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Installing the iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component

iWD Routing: installing the Gplus iWD Routing for
Siebel CRM Component
Purpose: To install the Gplus iWD Routing for Siebel CRM Component on
either a Windows or a Linux operating system.
Start of procedure
1. To start the installation process, run the setup.exe file (for Windows) or
run the file (for UNIX) from the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRM Multimedia Component installation package on the host where the
Gplus Communication Server is installed
2. Enter the installation destination directory.
The installation program will place the Siebel archive, scripts, and general
production information in this folder.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure Siebel. See the section, Configuring Siebel on page 533.

Target Directory Structure and File Locations

The following generic directory and host names are used in the description of
the directories structure:

<Destination Directory> is the destination directory for installation used

by the installation script to copy the Adapter for Siebel CRM iWD Routing


Files in subdirectories <Destination Directory>/7.7 are related to Siebel

versions 7.7 /7.8.

Files in subdirectories <Destination Directory>/8.0 are related to Siebel

version 8.0.

Files in subdirectories <Destination Directory>/8.1 are related to Siebel

version 8.1.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

Configuring Siebel
This section describes how to configure the Siebel part of the Gplus iWD
Routing for Siebel CRM and is divided into the following sub-sections:
Prestart Information, page 533
Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools, page 533
Siebel Repository File Preparation, page 533
Configuring the Siebel Workflow Process, page 535

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process, you must make sure to do
the following:

You must have the Siebel Tools application running.

You should be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database.

You should have sufficient privileges to check-in and check-out projects

from the Siebel Server repository.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Tools

Use the Siebel Tools to compile an updated version of the Siebel repository file
(SRF or *.srf file) for one, or more, of the Siebel applications that you use on
your Siebel Server, which you will then deploy in the server. For more
information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.
Configuring Siebel using the Siebel Tools consists of the following

Siebel Repository File Preparation

This section explains how to modify the Siebel repository (*.srf) file.

iWD Routing: Compiling and Deploying the

Siebel Repository File

Purpose: To import the necessary Siebel repository (*.srf) files and prepare
the Siebel repository file for compiling.
Start of procedure
1. Start Siebel Tools against the local database.
2. Lock the GplusMediaRouting project.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

3. Import the GplusMediaRoutingiWD.sif file.

4. Create a new Web Service for each Webservice Capture Point using the
WSDL files.
a. Select menu File -> New object.
b. Select the EAI tab and the Web Service form.
c. Select GplusMediaRouting from the Select the Project to hold
objects created from WSDL file drop-down list.
d. Specify an appropriate WSDL file (<mediaWSCP.WSDL>) generated by the
iWD Webservice Capture Point.
e. Specify the file name for the run-time XML data (Siebel Web Service
representation). The log name is automatically created. If necessary,
you can change the file names. For example, refer to the run-time XML
data file as <mediaWebService.XML>. See Figure 53 on page 534.

Figure 53: WSDL Import Wizard

5. Click Next.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

6. Click Finish.
During Web Service creation, Siebel creates a number of Integration
Objects and only one business service. By default, this business service is
named <mediaURLMapping>PortTypefor example, refer to this business
service name as <mediaBusService>.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure a Siebel workflow. See the section, Configuring Siebel Using

the Siebel Web Client on page 535.

Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel Web Client

This section describes how to configure the Siebel application using the Siebel
Web Client and consists of the following sub-section:
Configuring the Siebel Workflow Process, page 535

Configuring the Siebel Workflow Process

This section describes how to configure a Siebel workflow process. A Siebel
workflow is a series of Siebel business services that are linked to complete a
Note: This procedure is required only if you are using the iWD Routing

Component for the routing of Siebel eMail.

iWD Routing: Configuring a Siebel workflow process
Purpose: To configure a Siebel workflow process for a series of Siebel
business services.
Start of procedure
1. Lock the EMR Workflow (or the GplusMediaRouting) project.
2. Using the Object Explorer, choose the Workflow Process tab.
3. Import the GplusMediaRoutingiWD-ProcessMessage.xml file.
4. Define the string values for the following properties according to your
environment (for mandatory properties values in the
GplusMediaRoutingiWD-ProcessMessage.xml file, preset the values to the
CHANGE_ME string):

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

PrimaryOutboundDispatcherBS (mandatory)
BackupOutboundDispatcherBS (optional)
BusinessValue (mandatory)
Priority (mandatory)

Set the <mediaBusService> as the value for the

PrimaryOutboundDispatcherBS property (and optionally for the
BackupOutboundDispatcherBS property). This property defines the Business
Service name to be used to access the Web Service to send the queries to
The BusinessValue property defines an interaction (task) value in iWD
terms. See the intelligent Workload Distribution 8.0. Deployment
Guide for details.
The Priority property defines the interaction (task) initial priority in
iWD terms. See the intelligent Workload Distribution 8.0. Deployment
Guide for details.
If necessary, add and set any of the iWD createTask method
parameters into the workflow process. See table Table 53 on page 540
for parameters description.
5. To add AttachedUserData values to a routing request, you must add custom
input arguments to the GplusMediaRouting workflow step. To add these
values, perform the following procedure:
a. Select the GplusMediaRouting box in the Design view.
b. Right-click on GplusMediaRouting.
c. Select Show Input Arguments from the menu. (See Figure 51 on
page 529).
d. Add a new record in the Input Arguments view.
All input arguments except the predefined arguments are attached to a
routing request as AttachedUserData.
6. Deploy the workflow process.
7. Export the workflow process into a filefor example, refer to this process
as <SEWorkflow.XML>.
8. Compile and apply the *.srf file.
End of procedure
Next Steps


Configure the Siebel application. See, Procedure: iWD Routing: Activating

the Siebel Workflow Process, on page 537.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Configuring Siebel

iWD Routing: Activating the Siebel Workflow Process
Note: This procedure is required only if you are using the iWD Routing

Component for the routing of Siebel eMail.

Purpose: To activate the Siebel workflow process.
Start of procedure
1. Log into the Siebel Client as a Siebel Administrator.
2. Import the <SEWorkflow.XML> file exported previously from the Siebel
Tools into the Active Workflow Processes list/set.
3. Make sure that the workflow process is active. If not, select the workflow
process you want to activate and click Activate.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Siebel Web Services. See, Procedure: iWD Routing:

Configuring the Siebel Web Services.

iWD Routing: Configuring the Siebel Web Services
Purpose: To configure the Siebel Web Services.
Start of procedure
1. Navigate through the Site Map to the Web Services configuration:
Select Site Map -> Administration - Web Services -> Outbound Web

2. For each WebService Capture Point (each generated

<mediaWebService.XML> file), import the corresponding Outbound Web
Service definition (<mediaWebService.XML>).
a. In the Web Services applet, click Import.
b. Select an appropriate <mediaWebService.XML> file.
c. Click Import.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

Configuring the Multimedia Component Agents

3. For each imported Web Service, ensure that the Address value of the record
in the Service Ports applet (located below the Web Services applet) is
correctfor example, the value contains the correct URL pointed to the
corresponding Webservice Capture Point.
4. Restart the Siebel Server.
End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

Configuring the Multimedia Component

See Chapter 8, Multimedia Component Agent Administration, on page 448.

Configuring the Siebel eMail Response

See Chapter 9, Configuring the Siebel eMail Response, on page 516.

The Siebel iWD API Representation

On the Siebel side, the iWD API (application programming interface) is
implemented through the GplusMediaRoutingiWD business service. This
business service has a set of user properties that represent the default values for
some of the parameters. Set these parameter values, if necessary.
The GplusMediaRouteiWD business service provides server functionality and
allows submitting requests that are supported by Genesys iWD for controlling
the interaction routing process.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

The GplusMediaRouteiWD business service contains the following methods:

createTask Method

updateTaskByCaptureId Method

restartTaskByCaptureId Method

cancelTaskByCaptureId Method

completeTaskByCaptureId Method

getTaskByCaptureId Method

holdTaskByCaptureId Method

ping Method

resumeTaskByCaptureId Method

For a detailed description of these iWD methods, see the intelligent Workload
Distribution 8.0. Deployment Guide for details.
The following tables describe the available methods and their arguments:

Table 53, createTask Input Parameters, on page 540

Table 54, updateTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters, on page 544

Table 55, restartTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters, on page 547

Table 56, cancelTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters, on page 550

Table 57, completeTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters, on page 553

Table 58, getTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters, on page 556

Table 59, holdTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters, on page 557

Table 60, ping Input Parameters, on page 560

Table 61, resumeTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters, on page 561

The following symbols, found in the tables listed above, represent the different
methods and arguments:

Represents mandatory arguments.


Represents parameters that must either be passed as an argument or have a default value set in the Business Service user


Represents parameters that are required to update the Siebel

record status.


Represents the optional arguments.

For all arguments with descriptions that start with iWD, refer to the iWD
documentation for details, if necessary.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

createTask Method
The createTask method is used to send a createTask request to the Genesys
iWD. This method submits an interaction into a routing process.
For a list of input parameters and their descriptions, see Table 53.
Table 53: createTask Input Parameters
Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The Siebel work item ID.

Used as the CaptureId
parameter value for the iWD.



The name of the business

service based on

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a primary
web service.


The name of the business

service based on the

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and is
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a backup.

iWD: The date and time when

the task becomes active.
Before the task is activated, it
remains queued and is not
reprioritized and distributed.
If this parameter is not
provided, the task becomes
active instantly.
The format is


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 53: createTask Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name




iWD: The user or system that

created the task. This
argument is used only for
auditing purposes and is set to
SYSTEM if the value is not




iWD: The business value of

the task.




iWD: The task's category

for example, Followup.

iWD: The task's media

channelfor example, Fax,
Email or Webform.
iWD: The date and time by
which the task should be
completed according to SLA.
The format is


iWD: The time when the task

expires and is archived. Only
the tasks that have been
Canceled, Completed, or
Rejected are archived.
The format is




iWD: Decides whether to

initially hold the task. If true,
the task is created with the
initial status set to NewHeld
and is not processed any
further until a subsequent call
to resume the




iWD: The task priority, which

is an integer number used to
order tasks submitted to the
distribution system.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 53: createTask Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name




iWD: The ID of the process to

which the task should be






The Siebel business object

* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The Siebel business

component name.
* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Siebel Record ID.
The default value is Id.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Genesys Interaction Id.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the status information.
There is no default value.


The name of the business

component field that contains
the substatus information.
There is no default value.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 53: createTask Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The value of the record's

status in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

substatus in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a failed
call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of a record's

substatus in the case of a
failed call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The name of a business

component field that contains
the user name.
There is no default value.


The user name that is set for

the Siebel record if the
UserField argument is
There is no default value.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

updateTaskByCaptureId Method
The updateTaskByCaptureId method is used to send an updateTaskByCaptureId
request to the Genesys iWD. This method updates interaction information.
For a list of input parameters and their descriptions, see Table 54.
Table 54: updateTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters
Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The Siebel work item ID.

Used as the CaptureId
parameter value for the iWD.



The name of the business

service based on

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a primary
web service.


The name of the business

service based on the

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and is
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a backup.

iWD: The date and time when

the task becomes active.
Before the task is activated, it
remains queued and is not
reprioritized and distributed.
If this parameter is not
provided, the task becomes
active instantly.
The format is:


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 54: updateTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name




iWD: The user or system that

created the task. This
argument is used only for
auditing purposes and is set to
SYSTEM if the value is not




iWD: The business value of

the task.




iWD: The task's category

for example, Followup.

iWD: The task's media

channelfor example, Fax,
Email, or Webform.
iWD: The date and time by
which the task should be
completed according to SLA.
The format is:


iWD: The time when the task

expires and is archived. Only
the tasks that have been
Canceled, Completed or
Rejected are archived.
The format is:




iWD: Decides whether to

initially hold the task. If true,
the task is created with the
initial status set to NewHeld
and is not processed any
further until a subsequent call
to resume the




iWD: The task priority, which

is an integer number used to
order tasks submitted to the
distribution system.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 54: updateTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name




iWD: The ID of the process to

which the task should be






The Siebel business object

* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The Siebel business

component name.
* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Siebel Record ID.
The default value is Id.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Genesys Interaction Id.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the status information.
There is no default value.


The name of the business

component field that contains
the substatus information.
There is no default value.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

restartTaskByCaptureId Method
The restartTaskByCaptureId method is used to send a restartTaskByCaptureId
request to the Genesys iWD. This method restarts the routing process for an
For a list of input parameters and their descriptions, see Table 55.
Table 55: restartTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters
Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The Siebel work item ID.

Used as the CaptureId
parameter value for the iWD.



The name of the business

service based on

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a primary
web service.


The name of the business

service based on the

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and is
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a backup.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


iWD: The user or system that

created the task. This
argument is used only for
auditing purposes and is set to
SYSTEM if the value is not


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 55: restartTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name





iWD: Decides whether to

initially hold the task. If true,
the task is created with the
initial status set to NewHeld
and is not processed any
further until a subsequent call
to resume the






The Siebel business object

* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The Siebel business

component name.
* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Siebel Record ID.
The default value is Id.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Genesys Interaction Id.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the status information.
There is no default value.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 55: restartTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The name of the business

component field that contains
the substatus information.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

substatus in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a failed
call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of a record's

substatus in the case of a
failed call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The name of a business

component field that contains
the user name.
There is no default value.


The user name that is set for

the Siebel record if the
UserField argument is
There is no default value.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

cancelTaskByCaptureId Method
The cancelTaskByCaptureId method is used to send a cancelTaskByCaptureId
request to the Genesys iWD. This method cancels an interaction from routing.
For a list of input parameters and their descriptions, see Table 56.
Table 56: cancelTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters
Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The Siebel work item ID.

Used as the CaptureId
parameter value for the iWD.



The name of the business

service based on

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a primary
web service.


The name of the business

service based on the

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and is
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a backup.


iWD: The user or system that

created the task. This
argument is used only for
auditing purposes and is set to
SYSTEM if the value is not





Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 56: cancelTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name




The Siebel business object

* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The Siebel business

component name.
* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Siebel Record ID.
The default value is Id.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Genesys Interaction Id.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the status information.
There is no default value.


The name of the business

component field that contains
the substatus information.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 56: cancelTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The value of the record's

substatus in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a failed
call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of a record's

substatus in the case of a
failed call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The name of a business

component field that contains
the user name.
There is no default value.


The user name that is set for

the Siebel record if the
UserField argument is
There is no default value.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

completeTaskByCaptureId Method
The completeTaskByCaptureId method is used to send a
completeTaskByCaptureId request to the Genesys iWD. This method completes
an interaction routing process.
For a list of input parameters and their descriptions, see Table 57 on page 553.
Table 57: completeTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters
Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The Siebel work item ID.

Used as the CaptureId
parameter value for the iWD.



The name of the business

service based on

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a primary
web service.


The name of the business

service based on the

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and is
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a backup.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


iWD: The user or system that

created the task. This
argument is used only for
auditing purposes and is set to
SYSTEM if the value is not


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 57: completeTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



iWD: The date and time when

the task was completed .
The format is:





The Siebel business object
* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The Siebel business

component name.
* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Siebel Record ID.
The default value is Id.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Genesys Interaction Id.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the status information.
There is no default value.


The name of the business

component field that contains
the substatus information.
There is no default value.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 57: completeTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The value of the record's

status in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

substatus in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a failed
call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of a record's

substatus in the case of a
failed call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The name of a business

component field that contains
the user name.
There is no default value.


The user name that is set for

the Siebel record if the
UserField argument is
There is no default value.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

getTaskByCaptureId Method
The getTaskByCaptureId method is used to send a getTaskByCaptureId request
to the Genesys iWD. This method is used to request current information about
the interaction.
For a list of input parameters and their descriptions, see Table 58 on page 556.
Table 58: getTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters
Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The Siebel work item ID.

Used as the CaptureId
parameter value for the iWD.



The name of the business

service based on

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a primary
web service.


The name of the business

service based on the

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and is
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a backup.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

holdTaskByCaptureId Method
The holdTaskByCaptureId method is used to send a holdTaskByCaptureId
request to the Genesys iWD. This method puts an interaction on hold.
For a list of input parameters and their descriptions, see Table 59 on page 557.
Table 59: holdTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters
Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The Siebel work item ID.

Used as the CaptureId
parameter value for the iWD.



The name of the business

service based on

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a primary
web service.


The name of the business

service based on the

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and is
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a backup.


iWD: The user or system that

created the task. This
argument is used only for
auditing purposes and is set to
SYSTEM if the value is not




Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 59: holdTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name




The Siebel business object

* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The Siebel business

component name.
* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Siebel Record ID.
The default value is Id.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Genesys Interaction Id.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the status information.
There is no default value.


The name of the business

component field that contains
the substatus information.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 59: holdTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The value of the record's

substatus in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a failed
call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of a record's

substatus in the case of a
failed call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The name of a business

component field that contains
the user name.
There is no default value.


The user name that is set for

the Siebel record if the
UserField argument is
There is no default value.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

ping Method
The ping method is used to send a ping request to the Genesys iWD. This
method checks if iWD Web Service Capture Point is alive or not.
For a list of input parameters and their descriptions, see Table 60 on page 560.
Table 60: ping Input Parameters
Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The name of the business

service based on



class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a primary
web service.


The name of the business

service based on the

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and is
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a backup.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

resumeTaskByCaptureId Method
The resumeTaskByCaptureId method is used to send a resumeTaskByCaptureId
request to Genesys iWD. This method resumes an interaction routing after it
was held.
For a list of input parameters and their descriptions, see Table 61 on page 561.
Table 61: resumeTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters
Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The Siebel work item ID.

Used as the CaptureId
parameter value for the iWD.



The name of the business

service based on

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a primary
web service.


The name of the business

service based on the

class that is generated during

the Web Service creation
(<mediaBusService>) and is
intended to control the
Outbound Web Service,
which is used as a backup.


iWD: The user or system that

created the task. This
argument is used only for
auditing purposes and is set to
SYSTEM if the value is not




Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 61: resumeTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name




The Siebel business object

* If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The Siebel business

component name.
*If provided, an attempt to
update the record status (for
example, activity) is made.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Siebel Record ID.
The default value is Id.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the Genesys Interaction Id.
There is no default value.



The name of the business

component field that contains
the status information.
There is no default value.


The name of the business

component field that contains
the substatus information.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component

The Siebel iWD API Representation

Table 61: resumeTaskByCaptureId Input Parameters (Continued)

Argument Name

Symbol Default User

Property Name



The value of the record's

substatus in the case of a
successful call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of the record's

status in the case of a failed
call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The value of a record's

substatus in the case of a
failed call to iWD.
There is no default value.


The name of a business

component field that contains
the user name.
There is no default value.


The user name that is set for

the Siebel record if the
UserField argument is
There is no default value.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 10: Deploying the iWD Routing Component


The Siebel iWD API Representation

Gplus Adapter 8.0



Deploying the Multimedia

Session Failover Handling
This chapter contains the following sections:
Overview, page 565
Solution Scope/Known Limitations, page 566
Associated Genesys Components, page 566
Configuring the Multimedia Solution, page 566
Configuring the Interaction Routing Solution, page 570
Configuring the Gplus Communication Server, page 574
Configuring the Multimedia Component, page 575

The Multimedia Session Failover Handling feature has been introduced to
fully recover from short-term system failovers (an order of magnitude of x10
secondsfor example, Interaction Server switchover/unexpected
termination/restart and temporal network disconnect), while providing an
alternative recovery from longer periods of service unavailability.
The process of configuring the Multimedia Session Failover Handling consists
of the following items:

A special AgentProcessing custom property must be added to the

interactions. This value of this property can be set to yes, no, or pending.

The used business processes that must be modified in order to postpone the
further routing of interactions that are recovered after a failure to give a
chance to the clients to pull back those interactions. Also, the information
about where to pull the interaction from (<queue name>/<view name>) must
be attached, as well as the interactions User Data.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Solution Scope/Known Limitations

The Siebel side of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia must
store the agents state (logged in/out, Ready/Not Ready) and interactions list
as well as recover a session after a failure, if possible.

Solution Scope/Known Limitations

The following are the solution scopes and known limitations for the feature.

The Siebel Server and browser failovers (browser termination or

disconnect) are not covered by this solution.

The Adapter only restores the agent state and pull interactions that were
processed by the current agent session. If an agent session is closed, the
Adapter does not restore the agent session state and does not pull
interactions from the queue.

The Adapter restores the agent state and the pull interactions upon
receiving notification that the failed link has been restored.

The Adapter restores the agent state and pull interactions, whether or not a
timeout has expired. The pull interaction is executed when the connection
is restored. To prevent this scenario from happening, the agent must close
the browser and then reopen it.

The Adapter restores the agent state and pull interaction only once after the
connection is restored. Therefore, if the pull interaction fails for any
reason, the session is not completely restored.
This feature is not available for Genesys chat.

Associated Genesys Components

The Multimedia Session Failover Handling solution consists of the following
Genesys components and products:

Multimedia: Interaction Server;

Universal Routing Server;

Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM;

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia.

Configuring the Multimedia Solution

This section describes the following procedures that are needed to configure
the Multimedia solution:
Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Configuring the AgentProcessing
interaction property, page 567


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Configuring the Multimedia Solution

Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Configuring the Interaction Server

application, page 568

Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Configuring
the AgentProcessing interaction property
Purpose: To define the AgentProcessing interaction property by using
Configuration Manager.
Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, click the Business Attributes folder.
2. In the Business Attributes folder, create an attribute that is called
InteractionCustomProperties (type="Custom").
3. Create an AgentProcessing attribute under the Attribute Values folder.
4. Create a translation section under the Annex tab and add the translate-to
configuration option with either of the following values:
CustomString<X>" (if you use Interaction Server version 7.6.0 or
lower) where <X> corresponds to any unused custom field.
agent_processing (if you use Interaction Server version than 7.6.0 or
higher). You must create this field in the Interaction Server table. See
Figure 54 on page 568.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Configuring the Multimedia Solution

Figure 54: AgentProcessing Properties

End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Interaction Server application. See, Procedure: Multimedia

Session Failover Handling: Configuring the Interaction Server application,
on page 568.

Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Configuring
the Interaction Server application
Purpose: To configure the Interaction Server application.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Configuring the Multimedia Solution

Start of procedure
1. In Configuration Manager, under the Options tab, set the value of the
delay-updates configuration option to false in the settings section of the
Interaction Server application. See Figure 55.

Figure 55: InteractionServer Properties

Note: Setting this configuration option value to false might hinder the

performance of Interaction Server. The performance depends on the

volume of the interactions that are being processed at the time.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Interaction Routing solution. See the section, Configuring

the Interaction Routing Solution on page 570.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Configuring the Interaction Routing Solution

Configuring the Interaction Routing

This section describes the following procedure that is needed to modify the
business process by using the Genesys Interaction Routing Designer:
Procedure: Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Modifying the existing
business processes


This procedure must be performed for each queue from which the
interactions are restored.

The current views existing before starting this procedure are known as
pre-existing views.

Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Modifying the
existing business processes
Purpose: To modify the existing business processes.
Start of procedure
1. Start the Genesys Interaction Routing Designer application.
2. In the Login dialog box:
a. Enter a user name.
b. Enter a user password.
c. Click either Details or More options to display additional input login
d. Enter the application name, which is the instance of the application to
which you are logging in.
e. Enter a host name, which is the name of the computer on which
Configuration Server runs.
f. Enter a port number, which is the number of the communication port
that client applications use to connect to Configuration Server.
3. For the pre-existing views, add the following condition:
AgentProcessing is NULL OR (AgentProcessing!='yes' AND
AgentProcessing!='pending' ) OR
(AgentProcessing='pending' AND (placed_in_queue_at <
_timestampadd(_current_time(), - ###)))

(See Figure 56 on page 571.)


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Configuring the Interaction Routing Solution

Figure 56: Adding a Condition to the Interaction Queue Workflow

4. Add a unique Prepare_for_Hold_for_MM_recovery view that has the

following condition:
AgentProcessing='yes' AND (placed_in_queue_at <
_timestampadd(_current_time(), -###))

5. Add a unique strategy Prepare for Hold for MM recovery which sets the
condition AgentProcessing='pending' and places the interaction into the
original queue (see Figure 57).

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Configuring the Interaction Routing Solution

Figure 57: Routing DesignPrepare for Hold for MM Recovery View

6. Connect the Prepare_for_Hold_for_MM_recovery view with the Prepare

for Hold for MM recovery strategy.
7. Add a unique Hold_for_Pullout_for_MM_recovery view that has the
following condition:
AgentProcessing='yes' OR (AgentProcessing='pending' AND
(placed_in_queue_at > _timestampadd(_current_time(), -###)))

Note: Do not connect the Hold_for_Pullout_for_MM_recovery view to any

8. Set the freeze-interval value to 10 for all views.
The number value should be less than the number (###) of seconds in the
condition. Setting the freeze-interval value can be done in the following
two ways:
a. In Configuration Manager, by setting the Interaction Server
configuration option, default-view-freeze-interval.
b. By setting the Interaction Server configuration option,
default-view-freeze-interval, under the General tab of the View
Properties window in the Check Interval (sec) field.
This method is applicable only for versions of Interaction Server that
are earlier than 7.6.0.
9. Modify the strategies, which are connected to the pre-existing views. The
very first step must be to alter the User Data as follows:
a. Set the value of the RecoveryPullViewSystem key to <queue
name>/<view name>.

b. Set the value of the AgentProcessing key to no (see Figure 58 on

page 573).


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Configuring the Interaction Routing Solution

Figure 58: Routing DesignModifying the Strategy

End of procedure
Next Steps

Configure the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component. See
the section, Configuring the Gplus Communication Server on page 574.

For all of the view conditions, the value ### should be the same and should
correspond to a time interval that is measured in seconds (s) during which
interactions can be pulled. The default value to is 300 (seconds or 5 minutes).
Note: The actual period of time during which interactions can be pulled is

not very specific, and can be as much as the doubled value of the
specified number of seconds.
Example of a
Sample Business

The installation package for Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia
contains a sample of a business process (SampleBPforMMrecovery.wie). See
Figure 59 on page 574 for an example of the sample business process:

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Configuring the Gplus Communication Server

Figure 59: Sample Business Process

Configuring the Gplus Communication

An appropriate (non-zero) value for the Gplus Communication Server
on-connect-delay configuration option must be set. See "Chapter 2,
Deploying the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM, on page 41"
for details.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Configuring the Multimedia Component

Configuring the Multimedia Component

This section describes how to configure the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Multimedia Component to use the Multimedia Session Failover Handling

Multimedia Session Failover Handling: Configuring
the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia
Purpose: To configure the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia.
Component to use the Multimedia Session Failover Handling Feature.
Start of procedure
1. Using the Siebel Web Client, log in as a Siebel administrator.
2. Navigate to the Communication Administration, All Configurations view.
3. Find the target configuration.
4. Set the OpenMediaSessionRecovery configurations parameter value to TRUE
to turn on the failure-recovery mechanism.
5. Set an appropriate value for the RecoveryPullViewUserDataKey
configuration's parameter (see Table 46, The Multimedia Component
Configuration Parameters, on page 454 for details).
End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 11: Deploying the Multimedia Session Failover Handling


Configuring the Multimedia Component

Gplus Adapter 8.0



Uninstallation Instructions
This chapter provides uninstallation instructions for the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for
Siebel CRM.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Overview, page 577
Uninstalling the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM, page 578
Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component, page 579
Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component, page 588
Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1, page 597
Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component,
page 609
Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM UCS Gateway
Component, page 636
Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing
Component, page 636
Uninstalling the Multimedia Component, page 639

This chapter describes how to uninstall the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM.
The Adapter must be uninstalled one component at a time. To uninstall a
component, refer to the corresponding section in this chapter.
Uninstallation is typically performed for the following reasons:

You do not want to use one or more of the GplusAdapters components.

You want to upgrade to a newer (more current) release of the Gplus

Adapter, which may require uninstallation of the existing release.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM

Note: Some Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM components share common

files. Therefore, uninstalling one component may delete a file or the

files necessary for the remaining component. This problem can be
resolved in the following way: after you uninstall a component, you
can reinstall the Adapter for the remaining component.

Uninstalling the Gplus Communication

Server for Siebel CRM
This section describes how to uninstall the Gplus Communication Server for
Siebel CRM.
The process of uninstalling the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM
includes two general procedures:
1. Delete the files installed by the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel
CRM in the installation directory.
2. Delete the files installed in the Siebel Server directory. This step is
necessary when the Siebel Server runs on a UNIX platform, or when the
Siebel Server and the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRM are
installed on different hosts.

Uninstallation: Deleting the files installed by the Gplus
Communication Server for Siebel CRM
Purpose: To delete the files installed by the Gplus Communication Server for
Siebel CRM during deployment.
Start of procedure
For Windows
For UNIX Users

1. Complete the uninstallation program for the Gplus Communication Server

for Siebel CRM by using Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel on the
host on which you installed the component.
2. Delete the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel CRMs files by
removing the directory that was used as the destination directory during
3. Delete the file from the Siebel Server directory.
End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

Next Steps

Delete the files installed by the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel
CRM from the Siebel Server directory. See, Procedure: Uninstallation:
Deleting the files installed by the Gplus Communication Server for Siebel
CRM from the Siebel Server directory.

Uninstallation: Deleting the files installed by the Gplus
Communication Server for Siebel CRM from the Siebel
Server directory
Purpose: To delete the files installed by the Gplus Communication Server for
Siebel CRM from the Siebel Server directory.
Start of procedure
For Windows
For UNIX Users

1. Remove the GenCommDrv.ini and GenCommDrv.dll files from the Siebel

Servers BIN directory.
2. Remove the GenCommDrv.ini and files from the Siebel
Servers lib directory.
End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

Uninstalling the Configuration

Synchronization Component
This section describes how to uninstall the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Configuration Synchronization Component (Configuration Synchronization
The process of uninstalling includes the following three general procedures:
1. Changing the Genesys configuration.
2. Changing the Siebel configuration.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

3. Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component.

Note: The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Configuration Synchronization

Component was known as the Configuration Component prior to

release 7.0.

Changing the Genesys Configuration to Uninstall the

Configuration Synchronization Component
This section describes how to change the Genesys configuration in order to
uninstall the Configuration Synchronization Component.

Prestart Information
Before changing the configuration process, you should have the following
Genesys Framework applications running:

Configuration Database

Configuration Server

Configuration Manager

As a Configuration Manager user, you should have sufficient privileges to

make changes to the Configuration Layer objects.

Uninstallation: Deleting the objects and template in
the Genesys configuration for the Configuration
Synchronization Component
Purpose: To change the Genesys configuration by deleting the Application
object, the Application template, and the Person object to uninstall the
Configuration Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
Deleting the
Application Object

1. In Configuration Manager, right-click the Application object.

2. Select Delete.
The Delete dialog box displays.
3. Click Yes to delete the Application object.

Deleting the


3. In Configuration Manager, right-click the Application template.

The default name for the template is either

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component


4. Select Delete.
The Delete dialog box displays.
5. Click Yes to delete the Application template.
Deleting the
Person Object

6. In Configuration Manager, right-click the Person object.

The default user name for the object is siebel7gplus.
7. Select Delete.
The Delete dialog box displays.
8. Click Yes to delete the Person object.
This completes the changes you need to make to the Genesys
End of procedure
Next Steps

Change the Siebel configuration to uninstall the COnfiguration

Synchronization Component. See the section, Changing the Siebel
Configuration to Uninstall the Configuration Synchronization

Changing the Siebel Configuration to Uninstall the

Configuration Synchronization Component
This section describes how to change the Siebel configuration in order to
uninstall the Configuration Synchronization Component.

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process you must have the Siebel
Tools application running.
You should be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database and
have sufficient privileges to modify the Siebel Server repository.

Deleting the Runtime Events in the Siebel

To delete the runtime events that are required by the Configuration
Synchronization Component, you must run the UninstallRunTimeEvents
method of the Genesys Configuration Synchronization Siebel Business Service
once using the Siebel Business Service Simulator applet.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

Uninstallation: Deleting the Configuration
Synchronization Component Runtime Events in the
Siebel Configuration
Purpose: To delete the runtime events in the Siebel Configuration in order to
uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
1. Navigate through the Site Map to Business Service Administration >
Business Service Simulator.
2. In the Service Methods applet, create a new record.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Service Name: Genesys Config Synchronization
Method Name: UninstallRunTimeEvents
4. Click the Run button.
Note: After running this method, you should navigate in the Siebel client to
Administration Runtime Events > Events, and select the system menu
item Reload Runtime Events.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Use the Siebel Tools to change the Siebel configuration. See the section,
Using Siebel Tools to Change the Siebel Configuration for the
Configuration Synchronization Component.

Using Siebel Tools to Change the Siebel Configuration

for the Configuration Synchronization Component
Use Siebel Tools to compile an updated release of the Siebel repository file for
one or more of the Siebel applications you use on your Siebel Server, which
you will then deploy on the server.
For information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

Uninstallation: Checking out the existing
Configuration Synchronization Component projects
Purpose: To check out the Genesys Configuration Synchronization and
Personalization projects from the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check Out...
The Check Out dialog box displays.
2. In the Projects list, select the projects to be checked out.
3. Click Check Out.
Note: Make sure that the following projects are checked out from the Siebel


Genesys Configuration Synchronization


Next Steps

Delete the objects from the Configuration Synchronization Component

project. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Deleting the objects from the
Configuration Synchronization Component project in the Siebel repository.

Uninstallation: Deleting the objects from the
Configuration Synchronization Component project in
the Siebel repository
Purpose: To delete the objects from the projects in the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select All
2. From the Object Explorer, select the Business Component folder.
The Business Components window displays.
3. Select the Genesys CommSvr CM Agents / ACD Queues business component.
4. Right-click the selected record.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

5. Select Delete Record from the drop-down menu.

6. When you see the prompt, Are you sure you want to delete the current
record?, click Yes to delete the record.
7. Repeat Steps 2 6 for all Siebel repository elements referenced in Table 62
on page 584.
Table 62: Objects in the Genesys Configuration Synchronization


Business Component

Genesys CommSrv CM Agents / ACD Queues

Business Component

Genesys CommSrv CM Agents /Adapter

Profiles / Adapters

Business Component

Genesys CommSrv CM Agents / Telesets

Business Component

Genesys Profiles / Organizations

Business Component

Genesys Users / Organizations

Business Object

Genesys CommSrv CM Administration

Business Object

Genesys Users / Organizations

Business Service

Genesys Config Synchronization

Integration Object

Genesys Agent


Genesys Users / Organizations/Employee Skill

End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the modification to the Personalization Action Set Business

Component. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Changing the Personalization
Action Set business component.

Uninstallation: Changing the Personalization Action
Set business component
Purpose: To delete modifications that were made to the Personalization
Action Set business component during deployment.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

Start of procedure
1. From the Object Explorer, select the Business Component folder and
navigate to the Personalization Action Set business component.
2. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Field folder under
the Business Component folder.
The Fields window displays.
3. Select the Action Set ID field.
4. Right-click the selected record.
4. Select Delete Record from the drop-down menu.
5. When prompted, Are you sure you want to delete the current
record?, click Yes to delete the record.
6. Select the Actions field.
7. Right-click the selected record.
8. Select Delete Record from the drop-down menu.
9. When prompted, Are you sure you want to delete the current
record?, click Yes to delete the record.
10. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Multi Value Field
folder under the Business Component folder.
11. The Multi Value Fields window displays.
12. Make sure the Actions field is deleted.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Compile the Siebel repository file. See, Procedure: Uninstallation:

Compiling the Siebel repository file.

Uninstallation: Compiling the Siebel repository file
Purpose: To compile the Siebel repository file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects...
2. Select Locked projects.
3. In the Siebel Repository File edit box, enter the name of the repository

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

4. Click Compile.
The status bar at the bottom of the Object Compiler window indicates
when the compilation is finished.
5. When the compilation is finished, close Siebel Tools.
Note: It is possible for siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by the

Siebel environment after compiling the Siebel repository file.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the Configuration Synchronization Component from the Siebel

Server. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Deleting the Configuration
Synchronization Component from the Siebel Server.

Uninstallation: Deleting the Configuration
Synchronization Component from the Siebel Server
Purpose: To change the Siebel configuration by deleting the Configuration
Synchronization Component implementation from the Siebel Server.
Start of procedure
Deploying the
Repository File

1. Deploy the compiled Siebel repository file on your Siebel Server.

Notes: Also, you may need to generate and deploy browser scripts for

the new repository file. For further information about how to

deploy an updated repository file to the Siebel Server, refer to the
Siebel documentation.
Deleting the

2. Delete the following EAI Transport Data Handling and Connection

Subsystems, which were created in your Siebel environment during
deployment (listed here by their Alias):
3. Use the Delete named subsystem command in the Siebel Server Manager
(srvrmgr) utility to delete these subsystems.
For information about how to use Siebel Server Manager, see the Siebel


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Updating the
Deleting the
Genesys Tables

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

4. To update the eai.cfg file in the Siebel Server installation, open it and
delete the following line from the [HTTP Services] section:
GplusConfSynchExportAllData = GplusConfSynchExportAllData.

5. Delete the Genesys tables from the Siebel Server Database.

Note: Deleting Genesys tables from the Siebel repository does not delete

them from the Siebel database. You must delete them manually.
The Genesys Campaign Synchronization project contains two
tables: CX_GEN_QUEUE_ITM and CX_GEN_SYN_SUM. You can use any
database tool (such as, Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager or
Oracle Enterprise Manager) to drop these tables.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Uninstall the Configuration Synchronization Component on a Windows or

a UNIX platform. See the section, Uninstalling the Configuration
Synchronization Component on a Windows or UNIX Platform.

Uninstalling the Configuration Synchronization Component

on a Windows or UNIX Platform
Select one of the following topics depending on your environment.
For a Windows Environment
Complete the uninstallation program for the Configuration Synchronization
Component by using the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel on the
host where you installed the Configuration Synchronization Component.
For a UNIX Environment
Delete the Configuration Synchronization Components files by removing the
directory that was used as the destination directory during installation. Select
one of the following procedures depending on your environment.
You have deleted the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Configuration
Synchronization Component from your environment.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Uninstalling the Campaign

Synchronization Component
The process of uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Campaign
Synchronization Component (Campaign Synchronization Component)
includes three general procedures:
1. Changing the Genesys configuration.
2. Changing the Siebel configuration.
3. Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component.
Note: The Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Campaign Synchronization

Component was known as the Outbound Server Component prior to

release 7.0.

Changing the Genesys Configuration to Uninstall the

Campaign Synchronization Component
This section describes how to change the Genesys configuration in order to
uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component.

Prestart Information
Before starting the configuration process you should have the following
Genesys Framework applications running:

Configuration Database

Configuration Server

Configuration Manager

As a Configuration Manager user, you should have sufficient privileges to

make changes to the Configuration Layer objects.
Note: Stop all synchronization processes before uninstalling the Campaign

Synchronization Component.

Uninstallation: Deleting the Application object,
Application template, and the Person object in the


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Genesys Configuration for the Campaign

Synchronization Component
Purpose: To change the Genesys configuration by deleting the Application
object, the Application template, and the Person object to uninstall the
Campaign Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
Deleting the
Application Object

1. In Configuration Manager, right-click the Application object.

2. Select Delete.
The Delete dialog box displays.
3. Click Yes to delete the Application object.

Deleting the

6. In Configuration Manager, right-click the Application template.

The default name for the template is either


7. Select Delete.
The Delete dialog box displays.
8. Click Yes to delete the Application template.
Deleting the
Person Object

9. In Configuration Manager, right-click the Person object.

The default user name for the object is siebel7gplus.
10. Select Delete.
The Delete dialog box displays.
11. Click Yes to delete the Person object.
This completes the changes you need to make to the Genesys
End of procedure
Next Steps

Change the Siebel configuration. See the section, Changing the Siebel
Configuration to Uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component.

Changing the Siebel Configuration to Uninstall the Campaign

Synchronization Component
This section describes how to change the Siebel configuration in order to
uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process, you must have the Siebel
Tools application running.
You must be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database and
have sufficient privileges to modify the Siebel Server repository.

Deleting the Runtime Events in the Siebel

To delete the runtime events that are required by the Campaign
Synchronization Component, you must run the UninstallRunTimeEvents
method of the Genesys Campaign Synchronization Siebel Business Service
once using the Siebel Business Service Simulator applet.

Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign
Synchronization Component runtime events in the
Siebel configuration
Purpose: To delete the runtime events in the Siebel Configuration in order to
uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component.
In this procedure, you will run the UninstallRunTimeEvents method of the
Genesys Campaign Synchronization Siebel Business Service once by using the
Siebel Business Service Simulator applet.
Start of procedure
1. Navigate through the Site Map to Business Service Administration >
Business Service Simulator.
2. In the Service Methods applet, create a new record.
3. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Service Name: Genesys Campaign Synchronization
Method Name: UninstallRunTimeEvents
4. Click the Run button.
After running the method, navigate in Siebel client to Administration >
Runtime Events > Events, and select the Reload Runtime Events system
menu item.
End of procedure


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Next Steps

Use the Siebel Tools to change the Siebel configuration. See the section,
Using Siebel Tools to Change the Siebel Configuration for the Campaign
Synchronization Component.

Using Siebel Tools to Change the Siebel Configuration

for the Campaign Synchronization Component
You will use Siebel Tools to compile an updated release of the Siebel
repository file for one or more of the Siebel applications you use on your
Siebel Server, which you will then deploy on the server.
For information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.

Uninstallation: Checking out the existing Campaign
Synchronization Component projects
Purpose: To check out the Genesys Campaign Synchronization and
Personalization projects from the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check Out...
The Check Out dialog box displays.
2. In the Projects list, select the projects to be checked out. For example

3. Click Check Out.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the objects from the projects. See, Procedure: Uninstallation:

Deleting the Campaign Synchronization Component objects from the
projects in the Siebel repository.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign
Synchronization Component objects from the projects
in the Siebel repository
Purpose: To delete the Campaign Synchronization Component objects from
the projects in the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select All
2. From the Object Explorer, select the Business Component folder.
The Business Components window displays.
3. Select the Genesys Campaign List business component.
4. Right-click the selected record.
5. Select Delete Record from the drop-down menu.
6. When you see the prompt, Are you sure you want to delete the current
record?, click Yes to delete the record.
7. Repeat Steps 2 6 for all Siebel repository elements referenced
in Table 63 on page 593.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Table 63: Objects in the Genesys Campaign Synchronization



Business Component

Genesys Campaign List

Business Component

Genesys Queue Item

Business Component

Genesys Synch Summary

Business Component

Genesys Campaign Members

Business Object

Genesys Campaign Default List

Business Object

Genesys Campaign List

Business Object

Genesys Campaign List Contact

Business Object

Genesys Queue

Business Object

Genesys Synch Summary

Business Object

Genesys Campaign Members

Business Service

Genesys Campaign Synchronization

Integration Object

Genesys Campaign List Contact


Campaign List Contact / Campaign


Campaign List Contact / Campaign Lists


Genesys Campaign List / Campaign


Genesys Campaign List / Campaign List



Genesys Campaign List / Campaign Lists


Genesys Queue / Genesys Queue Item


Genesys Queue / Genesys Queue Item.

Sequence Number (Sequence)





End of procedure

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Next Steps

Delete the modifications to the Campaign List Contact business

component. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign List
Contact Business Component.

Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign List Contact
Business Component
Purpose: To delete the modifications that were made to the Campaign List
Contact business component during deployment.

Start of procedure.
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select

2. From the Object Explorer, select the Business Component folder.

The Business Components window displays.
3. Select the Campaign List Contact business component.
4. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Field folder under
the Business Component folder.
The Fields window displays.
5. Select the Primary Call List Id field.
6. Right-click the selected record.
7. From the drop-down menu, select Delete Record.
8. When you see the prompt, Are you sure you want to delete the current
record?, click Yes to delete the record.
9. Repeat Steps 4 8 for all elements of the Campaign List Contact business
component referenced in Table 64 on page 595.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Table 64: Elements to Delete from the Campaign List Contact

Business Component



Primary Call List Id


Time Zone Id


Time Zone Name



End of procedure
Next Steps

Compile the Siebel repository file. See, Procedure: Uninstallation:

Compiling the Siebel repository file for the Campaign Synchronization

Uninstallation: Compiling the Siebel repository file for
the Campaign Synchronization Component
Purpose: To compile the Siebel repository file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects...
2. Select Locked projects.
3. In the Siebel Repository File edit box, enter the name of the repository
4. Click Compile.
The status bar at the bottom of the Object Compiler window indicates
when the compilation is finished.
5. When the compilation is finished, close Siebel Tools.
Note: It is possible for the siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by

the Siebel environment after compiling the Siebel repository file.

End of procedure

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component

Next Steps

Delete the Campaign Synchronization Component from the Siebel Server.

See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign Synchronization
Component implementations from the Siebel Server.

Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign
Synchronization Component implementations from
the Siebel Server
Purpose: To change the Siebel configuration by deleting the Campaign
Synchronization Component implementation from the Siebel Server.
Start of procedure
Deploying the
Repository File

1. Deploy the compiled Siebel repository file on your Siebel Server.


Deleting the

Also, you may need to generate and deploy browser scripts for
the new repository file. For further information about how to
deploy an updated repository file to the Siebel Server, refer to the
Siebel documentation.

2. Delete the following EAI Transport Data Handling and Connection

subsystems, which were created in your Siebel environment during
deployment (listed here by their alias):
3. Use the Delete named subsystem command in the Siebel Server Manager
(srvrmgr) utility to delete these subsystems.
For information about how to use Siebel Server Manager, see the Siebel

Updating the


4. To update the eai.cfg file in the Siebel Server installation, open it and
delete the following line from the [HTTP Services] section:
GplusCampSynch = GplusCampSynchDispatch.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Deleting the
Genesys Tables

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

5. Delete the Genesys tables from the Siebel Server database.

Note: Deleting Genesys tables from the Siebel repository does not delete

them from the Siebel database. You must delete them manually.
The Genesys Campaign Synchronization project contains the
following two tables: CX_GEN_QUEUE_ITM and CX_GEN_SYN_SUM. You
can use any database tool (such as, Microsoft SQL Enterprise
Manager or Oracle Enterprise Manager) to delete these tables.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component on a Windows or a

UNIX platform. See the section, Uninstallation of the Campaign
Synchronization Component on a Windows or a UNIX Platform.

Uninstallation of the Campaign Synchronization Component

on a Windows or a UNIX Platform
Select one of the following topics depending on your environment.
For a Windows Environment
Complete the uninstallation program for the Campaign Synchronization
Component by using the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel on the
host where you installed the Campaign Synchronization Component.
For a UNIX Environment
Delete the Campaign Synchronization Components files by removing the
directory that was used as the destination directory during installation.
You have deleted the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Campaign
Synchronization Component from your environment.

Uninstalling the Campaign

Synchronization Component 8.0.1
The process of uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Campaign
Synchronization Component 8.0.1 (Campaign Synchronization Component)
includes three general procedures:
1. Changing the Genesys configuration.
2. Changing the Siebel configuration.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

3. Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component.

Note: Stop all synchronization processes before uninstalling the Campaign

Synchronization Component.

Changing the Genesys Configuration to Uninstall the

Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1
This section describes how to change the Genesys configuration in order to
uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1.

Prestart Information
Before starting the configuration process you should have the following
Genesys Framework applications running:

Configuration Database

Configuration Server

Configuration Manager

As a Configuration Manager user, you should have sufficient privileges to

make changes to the Configuration Layer objects.

Uninstallation: Deleting the Application object,
Application template, and the Person object in the
Genesys Configuration for the Campaign
Synchronization Component 8.0.1
Purpose: To change the Genesys configuration by deleting the Application
object, the Application template, and the Person object to uninstall the
Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1.
Start of procedure
Deleting the
Application Object

1. In Configuration Manager, right-click the Application object.

2. Select Delete.
The Delete dialog box displays.
3. Click Yes to delete the Application object.
4. Repeat Steps 1- 3 for all Application objects related to the Campaign
Synchronization Object that is being removed.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Deleting the

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

5. In Configuration Manager, right-click the Application template.

The default name for the template is either
Gplus_SiebelCRM_Camp_Synch_801_for_CL_70.apd or

6. Select Delete.
The Delete dialog box displays.
7. Click Yes to delete the Application template.
Deleting the
Person Object

8. In Configuration Manager, right-click the Person object.

The default user name for the object is siebel7gplus.
9. Select Delete.
The Delete dialog box displays.
10. Click Yes to delete the Person object.
This completes the changes you need to make to the Genesys
End of procedure
Next Steps

Change the Siebel configuration. See the section, Changing the Siebel
Configuration to Uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component.

Changing the Siebel Configuration to Uninstall the Campaign

Synchronization Component 8.0.1
This section describes how to change the Siebel configuration in order to
uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1.

Prestart Information
Before starting this part of the configuration process, you must have the Siebel
Tools application running.
You must be connected to the local copy of the Siebel Server database and
have sufficient privileges to modify the Siebel Server repository.

Deleting the Runtime Events in the Siebel

To delete the runtime events that are required by the Campaign
Synchronization Component, you must run the UninstallRunTimeEvents
method of the Genesys CampSynch Tools Siebel Business Service once using
the Siebel Business Service Simulator applet.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign
Synchronization Component runtime events in the
Siebel configuration
Purpose: To delete the runtime events in the Siebel Configuration in order to
uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component.
In this procedure, you will run the UninstallRunTimeEvents method of the
Genesys CampSynch Tools Siebel Business Service once by using the Siebel
Business Service Simulator applet.
Start of procedure
1. Log into Siebel as an administrator.
2. Navigate through the Site Map to Business Service Administration >
Business Service Simulator.
3. In the Service Methods applet, create a new record.
4. Specify the following parameters for the new record:
Service Name: Genesys CampSynch Tools
Method Name: UninstallRunTimeEvents
5. Click the Run button.
After running the method, navigate in Siebel client to Administration >
Runtime Events > Events, and select the Reload Runtime Events system
menu item.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the workflow processes from the Siebel Server. See the section,
Deleting the Workflow Processes from the Siebel Server on page 600.

Deleting the Workflow Processes from the Siebel

To delete the workflow processes that are required by the Campaign
Synchronization Component, you must use the Siebel Web Client.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Uninstallation: Deleting the workflow processes from
the Siebel Server
Purpose: To delete the workflow processes on the Siebel Server.
Start of procedure
1. Select Site Map > Administration > Business Process, Workflow
2. In the Active Workflow Processes applet, select the Genesys CaS Campaign
WF workflow process.
3. Choose the Delete Process menu option.
The Genesys CaS Campaign WF workflow process is removed.
4. Repeat steps Steps 3 and 4 for the Genesys CaS CR WF workflow process.
The Genesys CaS CR WF workflow process is removed.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Change the Siebel configuration for the Campaign Synchronization

Component by using Siebel Tools. See the section, Using Siebel Tools to
Change the Siebel Configuration for the Campaign Synchronization

Using Siebel Tools to Change the Siebel Configuration

for the Campaign Synchronization Component
You will use Siebel Tools to compile an updated release of the Siebel
repository file for one or more of the Siebel applications you use on your
Siebel Server, which you will then deploy on the server.
For information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.

Uninstallation: Checking out the existing Campaign
Synchronization Component projects
Purpose: To check out the Genesys Campaign Synchronization and
Personalization projects from the Siebel repository.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check Out...
The Check Out dialog box displays.
2. In the Projects list, select the projects to be checked out. For example

3. Click Check Out.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the objects from the projects. See, Procedure: Uninstallation:

Deleting the Campaign Synchronization Component objects from the
projects in the Siebel repository.

Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign
Synchronization Component objects from the projects
in the Siebel repository
Purpose: To delete the Campaign Synchronization Component objects from
the projects in the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select the
Campaign Synchronization2 project.
2. Delete all of the objects related to the selected project using the Object
End of procedure
Next Steps


Delete the modifications to the Campaign List Contact business

component. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign List
Contact Business Component, on page 603.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign List Contact
Business Component
Purpose: To delete the modifications that were made to the Campaign List
Contact business component during the deployment.

Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select
2. From the Object Explorer, select the Business Component folder.
The Business Components window displays.
3. Select the Campaign List Contact business component.
4. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Field folder under
the Business Component folder.
The Fields window displays.
5. Select the Calculated Contact Id field.
6. Right-click the selected record.
7. Select Delete Record from the drop-down menu.
8. When you see the prompt, Are you sure you want to delete the current
record?, click Yes to delete the record.
9. Repeat Steps 2 6 for all elements of the Campaign List Contact business
component referenced in .
Table 65: Elements to Delete from the Campaign List Contact
Business Component



Calculated Time Zone Name


Prospect Time Zone Id


Prospect Time Zone Name


Status LIC


Time Zone Id


Time Zone Name

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Table 65: Elements to Delete from the Campaign List Contact

Business Component (Continued)






10. Select the Status field.

11. Change the value for the PickList property to PickList Campaign Status.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Remove the link to the Administration - Campaign Synchronization

screen. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Removing the link to the
Administration - Campaign Synchronization screen from the Site Map of
the Application object.

Uninstallation: Removing the link to the
Administration - Campaign Synchronization screen
from the Site Map of the Application object
Purpose: To remove the link to the Administration - Campaign
Synchronization screen from the Site Map of the Application object.
Start of procedure
1. Check-out or lock the project that corresponds to the Application object
that you are using. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component
8.0.1: Checking out existing projects, on page 178.
2. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select the name
of the project of the Siebel application that you are usingfor example:
Siebel Universal Agent.
3. Select the Application folder.
The Application window displays.
4. Select the Application object that you are using.
5. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Screen Menu Item
folder under the Application folder.
The Application Screen Menu Items window displays.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

6. Remove the record related to the Administration - Campaign

Synchronization screen from the Screen Menu Items table.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Remove the Administration - Campaign Synchronization screen from the

Page tab of the Application object. See, Procedure: Uninstallation:
Removing the Administration - Campaign Synchronization screen from the
Page tab of the Application Object.

Uninstallation: Removing the Administration Campaign Synchronization screen from the Page tab
of the Application Object
Purpose: To remove the Administration - Campaign Synchronization screen
from the Page tab of the Application object.
Start of procedure
1. Check-out or lock the project that corresponds to the Application object
that you are using. See, Procedure: Campaign Synchronization Component
8.0.1: Checking out existing projects, on page 178.
2. In Siebel Tools, in the Project field of the Object Explorer, select the name
of the project of the Siebel application that you are usingfor example:
Siebel Universal Agent.
3. Select the Application folder.
The Application window displays.
4. Select the Application object that you are using.
5. Using the Types tab of the Object Explorer, select the Page Tab folder
under the Application folder.
The Application Page Tabs window displays.
6. Remove the record related to the Administration - Campaign
Synchronization screen from the Page Tabs table.
End of procedure

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Next Steps

Compile the Siebel repository file. See, Procedure: Uninstallation:

Compiling the Siebel repository file for the Campaign Synchronization

Uninstallation: Compiling the Siebel repository file for
the Campaign Synchronization Component
Purpose: To compile the Siebel repository file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects...
2. Select Locked projects.
3. In the Siebel Repository File edit box, enter the name of the repository
4. Click Compile.
The status bar at the bottom of the Object Compiler window indicates
when the compilation is finished.
5. When the compilation is finished, close Siebel Tools.
Note: It is possible for the siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) to be generated by

the Siebel environment after compiling the Siebel repository file.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the Campaign Synchronization Component from the Siebel Server.

See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign Synchronization
Component implementations from the Siebel Server.

Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign
Synchronization Component implementations from
the Siebel Server
Purpose: To change the Siebel configuration by deleting the Campaign
Synchronization Component implementation from the Siebel Server.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Start of procedure
Deploying the
Repository File

1. Deploy the compiled Siebel repository file on your Siebel Server.


Deleting the
Deleting the
Genesys Tables

Also, you may need to generate and deploy browser scripts for
the new repository file. For further information about how to
deploy an updated repository file to the Siebel Server, refer to the
Siebel documentation.

2. Delete the connection subsystems, which were created in your Siebel

environment for use with the Campaign Synchronization Component.
3. Delete the Genesys tables from the Siebel Server database.
Note: Deleting Genesys tables from the Siebel repository does not delete

them from the Siebel database. You must delete them manually.
The Genesys Campaign Synchronization2 project contains the
following tables: CX_GCAS_ASSIGN, CX_GCAS_CFG_OBJ,
database tool (such as, Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager or
Oracle Enterprise Manager) to delete these tables.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the Campaign Synchronization Component-specific List of Values

from the Siebel Server. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Deleting the
Campaign Synchronization Component-specific values from the Siebel

Uninstallation: Deleting the Campaign
Synchronization Component-specific values from the
Siebel Server
Purpose: To delete Campaign Synchronization Component-specific List of
Values from the Siebel Server.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Campaign Synchronization Component 8.0.1

Start of procedure
1. Delete the values of the following types from the List of Values:
End of procedure
Next Steps

Remove the responsibilities and the view definitions for the Campaign
Synchronization Component. See the section, Procedure: Removing the
Responsibilities and the View Definitions for the Campaign
Synchronization Component.

Removing the Responsibilities and the View

Definitions for the Campaign Synchronization
This section describes how to remove the responsibilities and the view
definitions for the Campaign Synchronization Component.

Uninstallation: Removing the responsibilities and the
view definitions for the Campaign Synchronization
Purpose: To remove the responsibilities and the view definitions f for the
Campaign Synchronization Component.
Start of procedure
1. Log in as a Siebel administrator.
2. Select Site Map > Administration > Application, Responsibilities and
delete the following record identified by their name:
Genesys CampSynch Administrator

3. Select Site Map > Administration > Application, Views and delete the
following records identified by their name:
Genesys CaS Config View
Genesys CaS Assign View
Genesys CaS Siebel Monitor View Status
Genesys CaS Siebel Monitor View Queue


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Genesys CaS Request Queue View

Genesys CaS Siebel Monitor View Summary
Genesys CaS Synch Summary View

End of procedure
Next Steps

Uninstall the Campaign Synchronization Component on a Windows or a

UNIX platform. See the section, Uninstallation of the Campaign
Synchronization Component on a Windows or a UNIX Platform.

Uninstallation of the Campaign Synchronization Component

on a Windows or a UNIX Platform
Select one of the following topics depending on your environment.
For a Windows Environment
Complete the uninstallation program for the Campaign Synchronization
Component by using the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel on the
host where you installed the Campaign Synchronization Component.
For a UNIX Environment
Delete the Campaign Synchronization Components files by removing the
directory that was used as the destination directory during installation.
You have deleted the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Campaign
Synchronization Component 8.0.1 from your environment.

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel

CRM Voice Component
This section describes how to uninstall the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Voice Component (Voice Component). Since there is a separate *.sif archive
file for each Voice feature, the information about the individual features is
inserted into the general discussion.
This section describes one uninstallation scenario: a full uninstallation of the
Voice Component.
As in any installation or uninstallation procedure, back up all of the files and
the configuration before starting.
The process of uninstalling the Voice Component involves four general

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

1. Deleting the Voice Component-specific values and settings from the Siebel
You use the Siebel Administration application to complete these related
2. Deleting the Voice Component drivers and the configurations from the
Siebel application.
3. Deleting the Voice Component objects from the Siebel application using
the Siebel Tools and compiling a new *.srf archive file.
Note: The Basic Voice Siebel objects from the GenComm.sif file may be

shared among other Voice Components, so these objects should be

removed only as the last step of a full uninstallation of the Gplus
Voice Adapter.
4. Deleting the files installed by the Voice Component installation.
Note: Before proceeding with Step 4 of the uninstallation of the Voice

Component, stop the Gplus Communication Server.

Step-by-step instructions for completing each process are provided below.

The Required Environment

The following environment is required in order to complete the uninstallation

The Siebel CRM Server platform with the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel
CRM should be installed and deployed.

You should have the Siebel Tools application running.

You should have administrator rights for accessing the Siebel application.

You should have sufficient administrator privileges when logging into the
operating system.

Deleting the Voice Component-Specific Values and Settings

from Siebel
Uninstallation: Deleting the Voice Component-specific
values and settings from the Siebel application
Purpose: To delete the Voice Component-specific values and settings from the
Siebel application.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Start of procedure
1. Before you delete these values, read Configuring Siebel Using the Siebel
Web Client on page 245.
2. For the Voice Component features, delete the values of the following types
from the List of Values (LOV):
Basic Voice
Expert Contact
Outbound Campaign
Voice Callback
End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the Voice Component drivers and configurations from the Siebel
application. See section Deleting the Voice Component-Specific Values
and Settings from Siebel.

Deleting the Voice Component Drivers and Configurations

from Siebel
This section describes how to delete the drivers and configuration from the
Siebel application.
Note: This procedure is optional.

Uninstallation: Deleting the Voice Component drivers
and configurations from the Siebel application
Purpose: To delete the Voice Component drivers and configurations from the
Siebel application.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Start of procedure
1. Log into Siebel as an administrator.
2. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to Communications Drivers and Profiles.
Select Site Map > Administration - Communications> Communications
Drivers and Profiles.
3. Navigate to the Gplus driver record and delete it.
4. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to All Configurations.
5. Select Site Map > Administration - Communications> All
6. Navigate to any unused profiles associated with the Gplus driver and delete
End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the Siebel components and objects from Siebel. See the section,
Deleting the Voice Components Objects from Siebel.

Deleting the Voice Components Objects from Siebel

The following elements of the configuration are affected during the
uninstallation process:
Basic Voice

Refer also to the GenComm.sif archive file for details.

Bitmap Category HTML Command Icons


Business Service Genesys Voice

Business Service Server Scripts


HTML Comm *

Toolbar Communication

Expert Contact

Toolbar Items

Refer also to the GenComm_ECS.sif file for details.


HTML Comm *KW*

Toolbar Communication

Universal Callback

Toolbar Items

Refer also to the GenComm_VCB.sif file for details.

Contact Activity List Applet


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Server script

Applet Web Template


Business Component Action

BusComp Server Scripts


Business Component Contact

BusComp Server Scripts


Pick List

PickList Genesys Call Result

PickList Genesys Rout Point


HTML Comm VoiceCallback*

Toolbar Communication

Toolbar Items




Refer also to the GenComm_OCS.sif file for details.

Campaign Contact/Prospect Form Applet

Server script

Applet Web Template


Persistent Customer Dashboard Applet


Business Component Campaign List Contact

BusComp Server Scripts


Single Value Field

Business Service Persistent Customer Dashboard

Business Service User Prop


HTML Comm *OB*

Pick List

PickList Genesys Call Result

Toolbar Communication

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Toolbar Items

Toolbar Dashboard

Using Siebel Tools to Change the Siebel Configuration

for the Voice Component
You will use Siebel Tools to compile an updated release of the Siebel
repository file for one or more of the Siebel applications you use on your
Siebel Server, which you will then deploy on the server.
For more information about using Siebel Tools, see the Siebel documentation.
If the components and objects above are already checked out and reside in the
local database, you will need to lock each one. See the topic, Configuring
Siebel on page 229 for instructions on how to check out and lock projects, if it
is necessary.
Next Steps

Check out and lock the existing Voice Component projects. See,
Procedure: Uninstallation: Checking out and locking existing Voice
Component projects.

Uninstallation: Checking out and locking existing
Voice Component projects
Purpose: To check out and lock the existing Voice Component projects from
the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check Out...
The Check Out dialog box displays.
2. In the Projects list, select the projects to be locked as selected from
Table 66 on page 615.
3. Click Check Out.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Table 66: Projects for All Supported Siebel Versions - Common for All Components
and Feature-Specific Projects

Archive File

Common Projects
(for all components)


Basic Voice




Expert Contact


Outbound Campaign


Universal Callback


Persistent Customer

Contact (SSE)
Table Activity
Genesys Voice
<Project related to an
application on which
the Adapter is
deployed with the
Universal Callback
feature >*

* This project is locked when deploying the Universal Callback feature as

described in Overview of the Siebel Repository File Preparation on
page 230. This is the project related to an application on which the Adapter is
deployedfor example, Siebel Financial Services.
The installation package for the Gplus Adapter 7.5 for Siebel CRM Voice
Component contains the toolbar buttons, the command descriptions, and the
bitmap images for the Genesys Chat, Genesys E-mail, and Siebel eMail
components. Only the elements related to uninstalling the components should
be deleted. Delete all of the elements for a full uninstallation. See the
instructions under Uninstallation: Changing the Expert Contact Feature
items on page 621 and Uninstallation: Changing the Bitmap Category
HTML Command Icons records on page 616 for the distribution of the
elements between the components.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the Gplus customizations from the Siebel repository. See the
section, Deleting the Gplus Customizations from the Siebel Repository
on page 616.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Deleting the Gplus Customizations from the Siebel

This section describes how to delete the modifications made to the following
records and services located in the Siebel repository:

Bitmap Category HTML Command Icons records

Command object records

Genesys Voice Business Service

Uninstallation: Changing the Bitmap Category HTML
Command Icons records
Purpose: To delete the modifications made during deployment to the Bitmap
Category HTML Command Icons records.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, select the Bitmap Objects
The Bitmap Category window displays.
2. In the Bitmap Category window, select the Bitmap Category HTML Command
Icons folder.
The Bitmaps Objects window appears.
3. Delete the following records in the Bitmaps Objects window:
a. Basic Voice Feature
Comm Do Not Disturb
Comm Do Not Disturb On
Comm Ready
Comm Ready Disabled
b. Expert Contact Feature
Comm Accept Callback Enabled
Comm Accept Callback Disabled
Comm Reject Callback Enabled
Comm Reject Callback Disabled
c. Outbound Campaign Feature
Comm OB Add Disabled
Comm OB Add Enabled
Comm OB Cancel Disabled
Comm OB Cancel Enabled


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Comm OB Chained Record Disable

Comm OB Chained Record Enabled
Comm OB Do Not Call
Comm OB Do Not Call Disabled
Comm OB Get Preview Record
Comm OB Get Preview Record Dis
Comm OB Record Disabled
Comm OB Record Enabled
Comm OB Record Processed Dis
Comm OB Record Processed Ena
Comm OB Record Reject Disabled
Comm OB Record Reject Enabled
Comm OB Schedule Disabled
Comm OB Schedule Enabled
Comm OB Start Preview Disabled
Comm OB Start Preview Enabled
Comm OB Stop Preview Disabled
Comm OB Stop Preview Enabled
Comm OB Update Disabled
Comm OB Update Enabled
d. Voice Callback Feature
Comm Callback Done Disabled*
Comm OB Cancel Enabled*
Comm OB Cancel Disabled*
Comm OB Add Enabled*
Comm OB Add Disabled*
Comm OB Record Processed Ena*
Comm OB Record Processed Dis*
Comm OB Record Enabled*
Comm OB Record Disabled*
Comm OB Get Preview Record*
Comm OB Get Preview Record Dis*
Comm OB Record Reject Enabled*
Comm OB Record Reject Disabled*
Comm OB Schedule Enabled*
Comm OB Schedule Disabled*
Comm VCB Start Session Enabled
Comm VCB Start Session Disable
* - Shared with other configurations.
e. Genesys Chat Feature
Comm GChat Not Ready

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions


Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Comm GChat Ready

Genesys E-mail Feature
Comm GEmail Not Ready
Comm GEmail Ready

End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the Gplus customizations made to the Command object records in the
Siebel repository. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Changing the Command
object records.

Uninstallation: Changing the Command object records
Purpose: To delete the modifications that were made to the Command object
records located in the Siebel repository.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, select the Command Objects
The Commands window displays.
2. Delete the following records in the Commands window:
a. Basic Voice Feature
HTML Comm AcceptGVoice
HTML Comm Alternate Call
HTML Comm Cancel Monitoring
HTML Comm Delete From Conf
HTML Comm Do Not Disturb
HTML Comm InitiateGVoice
HTML Comm LoginToGVoice
HTML Comm LogoutFromGVoice
HTML Comm Monitor Next Call
HTML Comm NotReadyGVoice
HTML Comm Query Address
HTML Comm ReadyGVoice
b. Outbound Campaign Feature
HTML Comm OB Add
HTML Comm OB Chain Request


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

HTML Comm OB Do Not Call

HTML Comm OB Preview Over
HTML Comm OB Preview Start
HTML Comm OB Record Cancel
HTML Comm OB Record Processed
HTML Comm OB Record Reject
HTML Comm OB Record Request
HTML Comm OB Record Reschedule
HTML Comm OB Scheduled Resched
HTML Comm OB Update
HTML Comm OB Request Logout
c. Voice Callback Feature
HTML Comm VoiceCallBackCancel
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackAdd
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackDone
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackQuery
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackRecord
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackReject
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackResched
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackStart
d. Genesys Chat Feature
HTML Comm AcceptGChat
HTML Comm LoginToGChat
HTML Comm LogoutFromGChat
HTML Comm NotReadyGChat
HTML Comm ReadyGChat
e. Genesys E-mail Feature
HTML Comm AcceptGEmail
HTML Comm InitiateGEmail
HTML Comm LoginToGEmail
HTML Comm LogoutFromGEmail
HTML Comm NotReadyGEmail
HTML Comm ReadyGEmail
f. Siebel eMail Feature
HTML Comm AcceptSEmail
HTML Comm InitiateSEmail
HTML Comm LoginToSEmail
HTML Comm LogoutFromSEmail
HTML Comm NotReadySEmail
HTML Comm ReadySEmail

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

g. Universal Interaction Handling commands

HTML Comm AddInteraction
HTML Comm Cancel Interaction
HTML Comm Interaction Done
HTML Comm Reschedule Interact
End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the Gplus customizations for the Genesys Voice Business Service.
See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Changing the Genesys Voice Business

Uninstallation: Changing the Genesys Voice Business
Purpose: To delete modifications that were made to the Genesys Voice
Business Service during deployment.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, select the Business Service
Objects folder.
2. Select the Genesys Voice Business Service record from the list of
Business Services.
3. Delete the record.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the Expert Contact Feature items. See the section, Deleting the
Gplus Adapter Customizations Made to the Expert Contact Feature Items.

Deleting the Gplus Adapter Customizations Made to

the Expert Contact Feature Items
This section describes how to remove the Gplus Adapter customizations made
to the following Expert Contact Feature items:


Command object records

Toolbar items

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Uninstallation: Changing the Expert Contact Feature
Purpose: To delete the modifications that were made to the Expert Contact
Feature items during deployment.
Start of procedure
Command object

1. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, select the Command objects
The Commands window displays.
2. Delete the following records in the Commands window:
HTML Comm KwCallStatusResponse
HTML Comm KwOnCall

Toolbar items

3. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, select the Toolbar objects
The Toolbars window opens.
4. Select Toolbar Communication in the Toolbars window.
5. From the Object Explorer, select the Toolbar Item folder.
6. Select the Kw On Call record.
7. Right-click the selected record and click delete.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the changes made to the Outbound Campaign Feature items during
deployment. See the section, Deleting the Gplus Adapter Customizations
Made to the Outbound Campaign Feature Items on page 621.

Deleting the Gplus Adapter Customizations Made to

the Outbound Campaign Feature Items
This section describes how to delete the modifications made to the following
Outbound Campaign Feature items:

Campaign Contact/Prospect Form applet

Campaign Contact List business component

Universal Callback Financial Services Siebel application

Contact Activity List applet

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign
Contact/Prospect Form applet
Purpose: To remove the modifications that were made to the Campaign
Contact/Prospect Form applet during deployment.

Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, select the Applet Objects folder.
2. Select the Campaign Contact/Prospect Form Applet on the list of applets.
3. Expand the Applet Objects folder in Object Explorer.
4. Next, follow the steps below to process these categories:
Server Script
Applet Web Template
a. On the List of Applets window, right-click on the record and select
Edit Server Scripts from the drop down menu.
b. Navigate to the WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod.
c. If this method contains only Gplus-related modifications, then replace
the complete source code between the braces with the statement:

Server Script

return (ContinueOperations) ;

If this method contains user customizations, remove only the

Gplus-related part of the code.
For more details, refer to the procedure, Uninstallation: Obtaining the
server script source codes on page 634.
d. From the Object Explorer, go to the Applet Web Template category.
e. From the Applet Web Templates window, select the record Edit.

Applet Web

f. From the Object Explorer, go to and expand the Control category.

g. Navigate to the Control window.
h. Delete the following record:



End of procedure
Next Steps


Change the Campaign List Contact business component. See, Procedure:

Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign List Contact Business Component,
on page 594.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Uninstallation: Changing the Campaign List Contact
business component
Purpose: To delete the modifications that were made to the Campaign List
Contact business component during deployment.

Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, select and expand the Business
Component Objects folder.
The Business Components window displays.
2. Select the Campaign List Contact business component in the Business
Components window.
3. Next, follow the steps below to process the following categories:
BusComp Server Scripts
Pick List
PickList Genesys Call Result
BusComp Server

a. Select the Campaign List Contact business component in the Business

Components window.
b. Right-click on the record and select Edit Server Scripts from the
drop down menu.
c. On the Script editor window explorer, expand the (general)
d. Select the (declarations) section.
e. Delete following statements:
var cStatusValue = null;
var bInitiatedByCommCommand = false;
f. Under the BusComp category navigate to the BusComp_PreInvokeMethod.
g. If this method contains only Gplus-related modifications, then replace
the complete source code between the braces with the statement:
return (ContinueOperations) ;

If this method contains user customizations, remove only the

Gplus-related part of the code.
For more details, refer to the topic, The Universal Callback server
script. on page 634.
h. Repeat Steps f and g for the following event handlers:

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component


Close BusComp[Campaign list Contact] - Script window using the

Tools menu command Window > Close.
j. From the Object Explorer, navigate to the BusComp Server Scripts
k. From the Business Component Server Scripts window, delete the
following records:
l. Save files using the File > Save All menu command.
m. From the Object Explorer, navigate to and expand the Field category.
n. Select the Status record.
o. On the Properties dialog box, set the fields PickList value PickList
Genesys Call Result to blank.


p. From the Object Explorer, go to the Pick List objects.

q. Process the following actions for PickList Genesys Call Result.

Pick List

r. Select the PickList Genesys Call Result on the PickList window.

s. Delete the record.

PickList Genesys
Call Result

End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the modifications made to the Universal Callback items during

deployment. See the section, Deleting the Gplus Customizations Made to
the Universal Callback Items on page 624.

Deleting the Gplus Customizations Made to the

Universal Callback Items
This section describes how to delete the modifications made to the following
Universal Callback items during deployment:


Siebel Financial Services application

Contact Activity List applet

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Uninstallation: Changing the Siebel Financial Services
Purpose: To delete the modifications made to the Siebel Financial Services
application during deployment.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, go to the Applications objects.
The Applications list window displays.
2. On the Applications list window, select the application on which the
Gplus Adapter was deployed (for exampleSiebel Financial Services),
then right-click the record and select Edit Server Scripts from the dropdown menu.
3. Under the Application category, navigate to the Application_PreNavigate
4. If this method contains only Gplus-related modifications, then replace the
complete source code between the braces with the statement:
return (ContinueOperations) ;

If this method contains user customizations, remove only the Gplus-related

part of the code.
For more details, refer to the topic, Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for
Siebel CRM UCS Gateway Component on page 636.
End of procedure
Next Steps

To delete the modifications made to the Contact Activity List applet

during deployment. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Changing the Contact
Activity List applet, on page 625.

Uninstallation: Changing the Contact Activity List
Purpose: To delete the modifications made to the Contact Activity List

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, select the Applet Object folder.
2. Select the Contact Activity List applet on the list of applets.
3. Expand the Applet Object folder in Object Explorer.
4. Next, follow the steps below to process the following categories:
Applet Web Template
Business Component Action
Pick List
PickList Genesys Routing Point
Applet Web


Component Action

Pick List


a. From the Object Explorer, navigate to the Applet Web Template

b. From the Applet Web Templates window, select the Base record.
c. From the Object Explorer, expand the Applet Web Template Item.
d. From the Applet Web Template Items window, delete the following
Genesys RoutPoint
e. From the Applet Web Templates screen, select the Edit List record.
f. Repeat Steps c and d.

From the Object Explorer, navigate to and expand the List category.
Select then List Column item
Navigate to the List Columns window.
Delete the following record:
Genesys RoutPoint

k. From the Object Explorer, navigate to and expand the Business

Component objects.
l. Select the Business Component Action in the Business Components
m. Process the following actions for:
n. From the Object Explorer, navigate to and expand the Field category.
The Field window displays.
o. From the Field window delete the following records:
Genesys Call Id
Genesys Route Point
p. From the Object Explorer, navigate to the Pick List Objects folder.
q. Process the following actions for the PickList Genesys Rout Point

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

r. Select the PickList Genesys Rout Point on the PickLists window.

s. Delete the record.

From the Object Explorer, navigate to the Command Objects folder.

The Command window displays.
u. Delete the following records in the Command window:
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackAdd
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackDone
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackQuery
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackRecord
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackReject
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackResched
HTML Comm VoiceCallbackStart


End of procedure
Next Steps

To restore the S_EVT_ACT_X table structure in the local Siebel database. See
the section, Restoring the S_EVT_ACT_X Table Structure in the Local
Siebel Database or in the Siebel Server Database on page 627.

Restoring the S_EVT_ACT_X Table Structure in the

Local Siebel Database or in the Siebel Server
This section describes how to update and deploy the S_EVT_ACT_X table changes
located in the local Siebel database.
Note: This operation is required only if new tables or new fields were

createdfor example, changes made to the GenComm_VCB.sif file.

Uninstallation: Changing the S_EVT_ACT_X Table
Purpose: To update the S_EVT_ACT_X table in the local Siebel database (or in the
Siebel server database).

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Start of procedure
1. Connect Siebel Tools to the server database.
2. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, navigate and expand the Table
Object folder.
3. Navigate to the List of Tables window.
4. Locate the S_EVT_ACT_X table.
5. In the Object Explorer window, select the Columns category.
6. Locate and remove the following records:
7. Click Apply.
A pop-up warning window appears.
8. Click OK to accept the warning.
9. In the new Apply Schema window, from the Tables drop down list, select
Current Row.
10. Enter the correct values for the Database user, the Database user password,
and the ODBC data source.
You must enter the user name and password for a Database user who has
an administrator's privileges in the Siebel environment.
See the Siebel documentation for more information about creating custom
11. Click Apply.
The message Changes successfully applied appears, indicating that the
tables were successfully created.
12. Click the Activate button to propagate the database changes and make
them available to all users.
Note: It may be necessary to create new fields in the local database. Refer to

the Siebel Tools documentation for more information.

End of procedure
Next Steps


Update the S_EVT_ACT_X table changes in the Siebel server repository. See,
Procedure: Uninstallation: Updating the S_EVT_ACT_X table changes in
the Siebel Server repository, on page 629.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Uninstallation: Updating the S_EVT_ACT_X table
changes in the Siebel Server repository
Purpose: To update the S_EVT_ACT_X table changes in the Siebel Server
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Check In....
The Check In dialog box displays.
2. In the Projects list, select the following projects:
Table Activity.
3. Click Check In.
To apply changes to Siebel databases, follow the steps described in the
section Updating the S_EVT_ACT_X Table in the Genesys Project
Server Database on page 243.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the modifications that were made to the Communication Toolbar

during deployment. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Changing the
Communication Toolbar items.

Deleting the Gplus Customizations Made to the

Communications Toolbar
This section describes how to delete the modifications made to the
Communication Toolbar during deployment.
Note: Some of the Communication Toolbar buttons are deleted during the

component uninstallation procedures. The scenario described below is

provided to present an overview of the Communication Toolbar
uninstallation procedures and to remove the Universal Interaction
Control buttons, which are used with all of the Voice Components.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Uninstallation: Changing the Communication Toolbar
Purpose: To delete the modifications that were made to the Communication
Toolbar items during deployment.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, from the Object Explorer, navigate to and expand the
Toolbar Object folder.
The Toolbar window displays.
2. Select the Communication Toolbar folder in the Toolbar window.
3. Process the following actions for the Communication Toolbar items.
a. From the Object Explorer, navigate to the Toolbar Item category.
b. Delete the records as shown in Table 67 on page 631.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Table 67: Toolbar Items



Basic Voice Feature

Start Voice Callback

Alternate Call
Cancel Monitoring
Delete From Conference
Do Not Disturb
LogIn GVoice
LogOut GVoice
Monitor Next Call
Query Address
Ready GVoice

Expert Contact Feature

KW on Call

Outbound Campaign Feature

Chained Record Request

Do Not Call
Preview Dialing Mode Over
Preview Dialing Mode Start
Preview Record Request

Genesys Chat Feature

Accept GChat
LogIn GChat
LogOut GChat
Not Ready GChat
Ready GChat

Genesys Email Feature

Accept GEmail
Initiate GEmail
LogIn GEmail
LogOut GEmail
Not Ready GEmail
Ready GEmail

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Table 67: Toolbar Items (Continued)



Siebel Email Feature

Accept Email
Initiate Email
LogIn SEmail
LogOut SEmail
Not Ready Email
Ready SEmail

Universal Interaction Control


Add Interaction
Reject Interaction
Cancel Interaction
Reschedule Interaction
Interaction Done

End of procedure
Next Steps

Compile the Siebel repository file. See, Procedure: Uninstallation:

Compiling the Siebel repository file, on page 632.

Uninstallation: Compiling the Siebel repository file
Purpose: To compile the Siebel repository file.
Start of procedure
1. In Siebel Tools, select Tools > Compile Projects...
2. Select Locked projects.
3. In the Siebel Repository File edit box, enter the name of the repository
4. Click Compile.
The status bar at the bottom of the Object Compiler window indicates
when the compilation is finished.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

5. When the compilation is finished, close Siebel Tools.

Note: It is possible that the siebel_assert_xxx.txt file(s) is generated by the

Siebel environment after compiling the Siebel repository file.

End of procedure
Next Steps

Delete the files installed by the Voice Component installation. See the
section, Deleting the Files Installed by the Voice Component Installation.

Deleting the Files Installed by the Voice Component

This section describes how to delete the files that were installed during
Before you start uninstalling the files, read the section, Installation on
page 212. The information from this topic will help you successfully complete
the uninstallation process.


Uninstallation: Uninstallation of the Voice

Component on the current platform
Purpose: To uninstall the Voice Component on the current platform.
Start of procedure
For a Windows

1. Log into the system as an Administrator.

2. Stop the Gplus Communication Server.
3. Double-click setup.exe from the installation package (windows\setup.exe).
4. When prompted, Genesys Installation Wizard lets you remove the
current installation of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice from
your computer, choose Remove and click Next.

5. To complete uninstallation, remove the icons from the web server images
For a UNIX

6. Log into the system as an Administrator.

7. Stop the Gplus Communication Server.
8. Go to the Gplus Communication Server directory.
9. Manually remove the following Gplus Adapter files:

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

<Gplus Communication Server directory>/

<Gplus Communication Server directory>/

10. Remove all of the files and subdirectories in the <Destination Directory>
folder, which is the destination directory for installation that is used by the
installation script to copy the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice files).
11. To complete uninstallation, remove the icons from the web server images
Note: Make sure to restore the original Siebel icons for the Ready/Not Ready

Communication toolbar buttons from the backup files. See the

Installation section of Chapter 6, Deploying the Voice Component,
on page 209 for details.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Obtain the server script source codes. See the section, Obtaining the
Server Script Source Codes Included in the Gplus Adapter Installation

Obtaining the Server Script Source Codes Included in

the Gplus Adapter Installation Package
You can obtain the source codes for the following server scripts:

The Campaign List Contact business component server script.

The Campaign Contact/Prospect Form applet server script.

The Universal Callback server script.

Uninstallation: Obtaining the server script source
Purpose: To obtain the Campaign List Contact business component server
script source code, the Campaign Contact/Prospect Form applet server script,
and the Universal Callback server script.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component

Start of procedure
Campaign List
Contact Business

1. Prepare a clean local Siebel database. Refer to the Siebel Tools

documentation for detailed procedures.
2. Start the Siebel Tools application and set up to work with your local
3. Import the GenComm_OCS.sif archive file. For more information, see the
topic, Resolving Siebel Application Data Conflicts on page 238.
4. From the Object Explorer, navigate to the Business Component objects.
5. In the Business component window, select the Campaign List Contact
6. Right-click the record and select Edit Server Script from the drop-down
7. From the Siebel Tools main menu, select File > Export.
8. Save the source code of the script.

Form applet

9. From the Object Explorer, navigate to the Applet objects.

10. In the Applets window, select the Campaign Contact/Prospect Form Applet
11. Right-click the record and select Edit Server Script from the drop-down
12. From the Siebel Tools main menu, select File > Export.
13. Save the scripts source code.

Universal Callback

14. Navigate to the <InsDir>/ file.

The source code for the Application_PreNavigate Event server script is
located in this file.
Note: Refer to Updating the Application's Application_PreNavigate Event

Server Script on page 646 in the Appendix.

End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM UCS Gateway Component

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel

CRM UCS Gateway Component
The section describes how to delete the files installed by the Gplus Adapter for
Siebel CRM UCS Gateway Component (UCS Gateway Component) in the
installation directory during deployment.

Uninstallation: Deleting the files installed by the Gplus
Adapter for Siebel CRM UCS Gateway Component
Purpose: To delete the files installed by the Gplus Adapter for Siebel
CRMUCS Gateway Component based on your platform.
Start of procedure

1. Complete the uninstallation program for the UCS Gateway Component by

using Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel on the host on which you
installed the component.


2. Delete the UCS Gateway Components files by removing the directory that
was used as the destination directory during installation.
End of procedure
Next Steps

There are no further steps.

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel

CRM Media Routing Component
This section describes how to uninstall the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM
Media Routing Component (Media Routing Component). The uninstallation
process consists of three steps:
1. Backing up your files and configuration before starting the uninstallation
process (recommended by Genesys).
2. Deleting the files installed in the installation directory.
3. Deleting the Siebel objects installed by the Media Routing Component
during deployment.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component

The Required Environment

The following environment is required to complete the uninstallation process:

The Siebel CRM Server platform with the Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel
CRM should be installed and deployed.

You should have the Siebel Tools application running.

You should have administrator rights for accessing the Siebel application.

You should have sufficient administrator privileges when logging into the
operating system.

The Uninstallation Process

This section contains step-by-step instructions about how to uninstall the
Media Routing Component from the Siebel Server and remove the unused
components from the Siebel application.

Removing the Files Installed by the Gplus Adapter for

Siebel CRM Media Routing Component
Follow the instructions below based on your environment.
For Windows Customers

Complete the uninstallation program for the Media Routing Component by

using Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel on the host on which you
installed the component.

For UNIX Customers

Delete the Media Routing Components files by removing the directory

that was used as the destination directory during installation.

Removing the Siebel Objects

Use the Siebel Tools application to remove the Siebel objects.

Uninstallation: Removing the Siebel objects (Media
Routing Component)
Purpose: To remove the Siebel objects.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Media Routing Component

Start of procedure
1. Remove the GplusMediaRoute and GplusMediaRouteIXN Business Services.
a. Lock the GplusMediaRoute and GplusMediaRouteIXN projects.
b. From the Object Explorer, browse to the GplusMediaRoute and
GplusMediaRouteIXN projects and select the Business Service tab.
c. In the Business Services window, right-click the GplusMediaRoute and
GplusMediaRouteIXN Business Services and select Delete from the
drop-down menu.
2. Remove the MediaRouting Communication Detail View.
a. From the Object Explorer, select the View tab.
b. Click the New Query button on the toolbar.
c. Set the Name to MediaRouting Communication Detail View, and click the
Execute Query button.
d. From the Views window, right-click the MediaRouting Communication
Detail View record and select Delete from the drop-down menu.
3. Remove the MediaRouting Comm Inbound Item Form applet and
MediaRouting Comm Outbound Item applet.
a. From the Object Explorer, select the Applet tab.
b. Click the New Query button on the toolbar.
c. Set the Project to GplusMediaRouting, and click the Execute Query
d. From the Applets window, right-click the MediaRouting Comm Inbound
Item Form Applet record and select Delete from the drop-down menu.
e. From the Applets window, right-click the MediaRouting Comm Outbound
Item Applet record and select Delete from the drop-down menu.
4. Recompile the project.

5. Start the Siebel Server.

6. Deactivate and delete the GplusMediaRouting-ProcessMessage workflow
a. Select Site Map > Business Process Administration > Workflow
b. Make a query for the GplusMediaRouting-ProcessMessage workflow.
c. Deactivate and delete all the GplusMediaRouting-ProcessMessage
End of procedure
Next Steps


There are no further steps.

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Multimedia Component

Uninstalling the Multimedia Component

The process of uninstalling the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia
Component (Multimedia Component) consists of the following steps:

Remove the files installed in the installation directory.

Remove the Siebel objects that were installed during the Gplus Adapter for
Siebel CRM Multimedia Component installation.

Update the Siebel configuration.

The Uninstallation Process

This section contains step-by-step instructions about how to uninstall the
Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component from the Siebel Server
and remove the unused components from the Siebel application.

Removing the Files Installed by the Gplus Adapter for

Siebel CRM Multimedia Component
Follow the instructions below based on your environment.

Complete the uninstallation program for the Multimedia Component by

using Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel on the host on which you
installed the component.


Delete the Multimedia Components files by removing the directory that

was used as the destination directory during installation.

Removing the Siebel Objects

This section describes how to remove the Siebel objects.

Uninstallation: Removing the Siebel objects
(Multimedia Component)
Purpose: To remove the Siebel objects for the Multimedia Component.
Start of procedure
1. Start Siebel Tools.
2. Select the Genesys Multimedia project in the top drop-down combo box of
the Object Explorer.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Multimedia Component

3. Go to the following folders and remove all of the objects belonging to the
Genesys Multimedia project:
Business Component
Business Object
Business Service
Integration Object
Symbolic Strings
Web Template
4. Remove the Page Tab record created during the deployment.
5. Compile a new *.srf archive file.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Update the Siebel configuration. This procedure is optional. See,

Procedure: Uninstallation: Updating the Siebel configuration for the
Multimedia Component, on page 640.

Updating Siebel Configuration

This step is optional. This section describes how to remove the drivers and the
configurations from the Siebel application.

Uninstallation: Updating the Siebel configuration for
the Multimedia Component
Purpose: To remove the drivers and the configurations from the Siebel
Start of procedure
1. Log into Siebel as an administrator.
2. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to Communications Drivers and Profiles:
Select Site Map > Administration -Communications > Communications
Drivers and Profiles.
3. Navigate to the Gplus_OpenMedia record and delete it.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Multimedia Component

4. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to All Configurations:

Select Site Map > Administration -Communications > All
5. Navigate to any unused profiles associated with the Gplus_OpenMedia
record and delete them.
End of procedure
Next Steps

Remove the List of Values (LOV) associated with the Multimedia

Component. See, Procedure: Uninstallation: Removing the List of Values
associated with the Multimedia Component, on page 641.

Removing the List of Values (LOV) Associated with the

Multimedia Component
This section describes how to remove the List of Values associated with the
Multimedia Component.

Uninstallation: Removing the List of Values associated
with the Multimedia Component
Purpose: To remove the List of Values associated with the Multimedia
Start of procedure
1. Log into Siebel as an administrator.
2. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to the List of Values administration
applet and delete the following records identified by Type and Display
CHANNEL_TYPE, Gplus Universal
COMM_MEDIA_TYPE, Gplus Universal
TODO_TYPE, Email - Outbound (MCR)\
TODO_TYPE, Email - Inbound (MCR)

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Multimedia Component


End of procedure
Next Steps

Removing the responsibilities and the view definitions. See, Procedure:

Uninstallation: Removing the responsibilities and the view definitions for
the Multimedia Component, on page 642.

Removing the Responsibilities and the View Definitions

This section describes how to remove the responsibilities and the view
definitions for the Multimedia Component.

Uninstallation: Removing the responsibilities and the
view definitions for the Multimedia Component
Purpose: To remove the responsibilities and the view definitions.
Start of procedure
1. Log into Siebel as an administrator.
2. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to the Responsibilities administration
view and delete the following record identified by Name:
Genesys Multimedia Agent


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Multimedia Component

3. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to the View administration view and
delete the following records identified by Name:
MCR Chat plus Knowledge Manager
MCR Reply Email plus InAttachments
MCR Reply Email plus Knowledge Manager
MCR Reply Email plus OutAttachments
MCR Reply Email with Suggestion
MCR Reply Email plus InAttachments T
MCR Reply Email plus Knowledge Manager T
MCR Reply Email plus OutAttachments T
MCR Reply Email with Suggestion T
MCR Workbin View
MCR dummy 1
MCR dummy 2
MediaRouting Communication Detail View
End of procedure
Next Steps

Remove the Outbound Web Service definition. See, Procedure:

Uninstallation: Removing the Outbound web service definition, on
page 643.

Removing the Outbound Web Service Definition

This section describes how to remove the Outbound Web Service definition.

Uninstallation: Removing the Outbound web service
Purpose: To remove the Outbound Web Service definition.
Start of procedure
1. Log into Siebel as an administrator.
2. In the Siebel Site Map, navigate to the Outbound Web Service
administration view and delete the following record identified by Name:
Genesys Gplus WebService
End of procedure

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Chapter 12: Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstalling the Multimedia Component

Next Steps


There are no further steps.

Gplus Adapter 8.0


This appendix describes how to generate and deploy the browser and server
scripts and includes the following sections:
Generating and Deploying Browser Scripts, page 645
Updating the Application's Application_PreNavigate Event Server Script,
page 646

Generating and Deploying Browser Scripts

You must generate and deploy the browser scripts each time a new Siebel
repository (*.srf) file is deployed to the Mobile Web Client or to the Siebel
These browser scripts are JavaScript files (*.js) that are automatically
generated when you compile the objects to a repository file (this is for
compiled projects only). You can specify where the files are to be compiled
(see the option in Siebel Tools), but if you are deploying to a server
environment, the files have to be manually migrated to a specific directory on
the Web Server. This process has been replaced by a utility file that extracts the
compiled browser script files from the repository file. This utility file is called
genbscript.exe and is located in either the siebsrvr/bin or the client/bin.
The browser scripts on the Siebel Server machine are located in the following
folder path: <SWEApp>/public/language_code.
Note: After you have created the browser scripts, you must re-start Siebel

For further information about browser script generation and deployment, see
Siebel Tools Reference and Alert 365: Browser Script Generation in Siebel
v7 on the Siebel support website.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Appendix : Scripts

Updating the Application's Application_PreNavigate Event Server Script

Updating the Application's

Application_PreNavigate Event Server
During the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Voice Component or the Gplus
Adapter for Siebel CRM Multimedia Component configuration, you must add
or modify, if it already exists, the server script handler for the
Application_PreNavigate event for the Siebel application that is being used.
The content of the event handler for each component is provided in a special
*.es file. The *.es for each component is listed as follows:

For the Voice component, this file is:


For the Multimedia component, this file is:


*.es File Structure

Each of these files has the following structure:

function Application_PreNavigate (DestViewName, DestBusObjName)
<function body>
return (ContinueOperation);

where <function body> is the eScript code designed for the appropriate
If the original Application_PreNavigate event script consists only of a
return(ContinueOperation) call, change the structure of the resulting eScript
code as follows:
function Application_PreNavigate (DestViewName, DestBusObjName)
<VOICE function body>
<MULTIMEDIA function body>
return (ContinueOperation);

Therefore, just copy the <function body> code from the appropriate files for
each component into the Application_PreNavigate event script body and then
finalize them by a return(ContinueOperation) call.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

Appendix :

Updating the Application's Application_PreNavigate Event Server Script

If the original Application_PreNavigate event script is more complex, make a

manual merge.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Appendix :


Updating the Application's Application_PreNavigate Event Server Script

Gplus Adapter 8.0


Related Documentation
The following resources provide additional information that is relevant to this
software. Consult these additional resources as necessary.

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM

Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Users Guide. Explains how to use the
Adapter in your contact center environment. Introduces the Gplus Adapter
and highlights new features in the current release.

Gplus Adapter 8.0 for Siebel CRM Developers Guide. Describes the API
(application programming interface) with which you can customize the
export of campaigns, campaign contacts, and Do Not Call requests from
Siebel to Genesys software.


Genesys Technical Publications Glossary, which ships on the Genesys

Documentation Library DVD and which provides a comprehensive list of
the Genesys and computer-telephony integration (CTI) terminology and
acronyms used in this document.

Genesys Migration Guide, which ships on the Genesys Documentation

Library DVD, and which provides documented migration strategies for
Genesys product releases. Contact Genesys Technical Support for more

Release Notes and Product Advisories for this product, which are available
on the Genesys Technical Support website at

Information about supported hardware and third-party software is available on

the Genesys Technical Support website in the following documents:

Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Manual

Genesys Supported Media Interfaces Reference Manual

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Related Documentation Resources

Consult these additional resources as necessary:

Genesys Hardware Sizing Guide, which provides information about

Genesys hardware sizing guidelines for the Genesys 8.0 releases.

Genesys Interoperability Guide, which provides information on the

compatibility of Genesys products with various Configuration Layer
Environments; Interoperability of Reporting Templates and Solutions; and
Gplus Adapters Interoperability.

Genesys Licensing Guide, which introduces you to the concepts,

terminology, and procedures relevant to the Genesys licensing system.

Genesys Database Sizing Estimator 8.0 Worksheets, which provides a

range of expected database sizes for various Genesys products.

For additional system-wide planning tools and information, see the

release-specific listings of System Level Documents on the Genesys Technical
Support website, accessible from the system level documents by release tab
in the Knowledge Base Browse Documents Section.
Genesys product documentation is available on the:


Genesys Technical Support website at

Genesys Documentation Library DVD, which you can order by e-mail

from Genesys Order Management at

Gplus Adapter 8.0

Document Conventions

Document Conventions
This document uses certain stylistic and typographical conventions
introduced herethat serve as shorthands for particular kinds of information.

Document Version Number

A version number appears at the bottom of the inside front cover of this
document. Version numbers change as new information is added to this
document. Here is a sample version number:

You will need this number when you are talking with Genesys Technical
Support about this product.

Screen Captures Used in This Document

Screen captures from the product graphical user interface (GUI), as used in this
document, may sometimes contain minor spelling, capitalization, or
grammatical errors. The text accompanying and explaining the screen captures
corrects such errors except when such a correction would prevent you from
installing, configuring, or successfully using the product. For example, if the
name of an option contains a usage error, the name would be presented exactly
as it appears in the product GUI; the error would not be corrected in any
accompanying text.

Type Styles
Table 68 describes and illustrates the type conventions that are used in this
Table 68: Type Styles
Type Style Used For



Please consult the Genesys Migration

Guide for more information.

Document titles
Definitions of (or first references to)
unfamiliar terms
Mathematical variables

Do not use this value for this option.

A customary and usual practice is one
that is widely accepted and used within a
particular industry or profession.

Also used to indicate placeholder text within

code samples or commands, in the special case The formula, x +1 = 7
where angle brackets are a required part of the where x stands for . . .
syntax (see the note about angle brackets on
page 652).

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide


Document Conventions

Table 68: Type Styles (Continued)

Type Style Used For



All programming identifiers and GUI

elements. This convention includes:

Select the Show variables on screen

check box.

(Looks like
teletype or

The names of directories, files, folders,

configuration objects, paths, scripts, dialog
boxes, options, fields, text and list boxes,
operational modes, all buttons (including
radio buttons), check boxes, commands,
tabs, CTI events, and error messages.

In the Operand text box, enter your



The values of options.

Logical arguments and command syntax.
Code samples.
Also used for any text that users must
manually enter during a configuration or
installation procedure, or on a command line.

Click OK to exit the Properties dialog

T-Server distributes the error messages in
EventError events.
If you select true for the
inbound-bsns-calls option, all
established inbound calls on a local agent
are considered business calls.
Enter exit on the command line.

A particular parameter or value that is optional smcp_server -host [/flags]
brackets ([ ]) within a logical argument, a command, or
some programming syntax. That is, the
presence of the parameter or value is not
required to resolve the argument, command, or
block of code. The user decides whether to
include this optional information.
(< >)

A placeholder for a value that the user must

specify. This might be a DN or a port number
specific to your enterprise.

smcp_server -host <confighost>

Note: In some cases, angle brackets are

required characters in code syntax (for
example, in XML schemas). In these cases,
italic text is used for placeholder values.


Gplus Adapter 8.0

[] (square brackets). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
< > (angle brackets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652

ACD position DNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
activity creation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
agentloginfolders section
Configuration Synchronization Component
AgentLogin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
AgentLogout Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
agent-to-agent transfers . . . . . . . . . . . 273
angle brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
application object
Gplus Communication Server . . . . . . . . 45
application object, creating
Campaign Synchronization component . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108, 157
Configuration Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70, 418
application template, importing
Campaign Synchronization component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107, 156, 417
updating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
audience, for document . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Basic Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
angle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652

Campaign Synchronization. . . . . . . . . . 29

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

Campaign Synchronization Component 120, 163

Field object, creating . . . . . . . . . 123, 166
Format object, copying . . . . . . . . . . 129
Format object, creating . . . . . . . . 127, 170
General tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109, 158
Options tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111, 160
security settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 120, 162
Server Info tab . . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 159
Siebel Repository File, deploying . . . 146, 201
Siebel Web Client, configuring
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147, 203, 245
Start Info tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 159
Tenants tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 158
Windows installation
. . . . . . . 86, 131, 174, 423, 430, 489, 532
Campaign Synchronization component
application object, creating . . . . . . 108, 157
application template, importing
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107, 156, 417
EAI Server Component Group status . . . 147
Format object, copying . . . . . . . . . . 172
subsystem, creating. . . . . . . . . . 148, 149
Campaign Synchronization Component, options
format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
send_attribute. . . . . . . . . . . . . 126, 168
synchsummary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Campaign Synchronization Component, sections
CallingListFolders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
CampaignFolders section . . . . . . . . . 114
DatabaseAccessPoints . . . . . . . . . . 115
Genesys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
TableAccessFolders . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Tenants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Cancel Command attributes
Outbound Campaign feature . . . . . . . 296
commenting on this document . . . . . . . . . 24
Communication DN
Driver:CommunicationDN . . . . . . . . . 275
SendUserEventToCommDN . . . . . . . 277
user events, broadcasting . . . . . . . . 277
user events, sending . . . . . . . . . . . 275



Communication Server . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
internal-port . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 161, 162
ProcessingThreadPoolSize . . . . . . . . . 54
RequestTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
service-duplicate-overwrite . . . . . . . . . 54
ServiceInactivityTimeout. . . . . . . . . . . 55
ThirdPartyId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Configuration Synchronization Component
agentloginfolders section . . . . . . . 75
application object, creating. . . . . . . 70
application template . . . . . . . . . . 69
dnfolders section . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Genesys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68, 75
log section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
new person. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
personfolders section . . . . . . . . . 79
placefolders section . . . . . . . . . . 80
security settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
skillfolders section . . . . . . . . . . . 81
skilllevels section. . . . . . . . . . . . 82
tenants section . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
eMail response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
Gplus Communication Server . . . . . . . . 41
application object . . . . . . . . . . . 45
GenCommDrv.ini. . . . . . . . . . . . 57
open-media-drive section . . 53, 161, 162
open-media-userdata section . . . . . 54
planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Siebel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
voice section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
multimedia agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
configuration options
Open Media Server
HTTP section . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
ServerURL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
SkipSkillItemTypeName . . . . . . . . . . . 78
username . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
UseSeparatorsForSkillName . . . . . . . . 78
xslTransformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Configuration Synchronization Component . 29
application object, creating . . . . . . . . 418
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 86, 422
Person, adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Person, creating new . . . . . . . 84, 120, 163
security settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Siebel Tools, configuring . . 89, 135, 177, 501
Windows, installation . . 86, 87, 214, 423, 424
Open Media Server
application object . . . . . . . . . . . 492
General tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492


creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T-Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
in document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
type styles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tables, server database . . . . . . . . . .
CTI-Less T-Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 29

server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
definition file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
migrating, upgrading . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
modifying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
system requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
destination phone number, setting alternative . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
device commands, Voice Component
AlternateCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
AnswerCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
AttachData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Cancel Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . 368, 369
CancelBusy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
CancelForwardCall . . . . . . . . . . 359, 360
ChangeBusyState. . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
ChangeNotReadyState . . . . . . . . 358, 359
ConferenceComplete . . . . . . . . . . . 355
ConferenceInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
ConferenceSStep . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
DeleteFromConference . . . . . . . . . . 355
DeleteUserData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
ForwardCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
HoldCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
LogIn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
LogOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356, 357
MakeCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Monitor Next Call . . . . . . . . . . . 367, 368
NotReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
QueryAddress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
ReconnectCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
ReleaseCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347, 351
ResumeCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
ResumeInactiveCall. . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Send DTMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366, 367
SendUserEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . 362, 363
SendUserEventOnCommDN . . . . . . . 366
SetActiveCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
SetActiveCampaign . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

Gplus Adapter 8.0


SetBusy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
ToggleForward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
TransferComplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
TransferInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349, 350
TransferMute . . . . . . . . . . . . .348, 349
UpdateUserData. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
DN types, defining . . . . . . . . . . . 263, 449
dnfolders section
Configuration Synchronization . . . . . . . 76
audience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
change history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
errors, commenting on . . . . . . . . . . . 24
version number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
DoNotCall, setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
driver parameters, Voice Component . . . . 311

EAI Server Component Group status
Campaign Synchronization component . . 147
EAI Server Component Group, status . . . . 96
eServices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Expert Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Field object, creating
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123, 166
font styles
italic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
monospace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
Format object, copying
Campaign Synchronization Component. . 129
Campaign Synchronization component . . 172
Format object, creating
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127, 170
Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24, 29

GenComm_universal.def. . . . . . . . . . . 278
Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
CertificateKey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CheckServiceTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
ClientConnectionPerServer . . . . . . . . . 58
ClientPortRangeStart . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
ConnectTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Gplus Communication Server . . . . . . . . 57

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

LogDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
LogExt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
LogFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
LogFilesCount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
LogLevel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
MaxLogKB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
NoDataDelay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
ProcessingThreadPoolSize . . . . . . . . . 58
RequestTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
RetryAttempts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
SiebelAPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
TrustedCA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
General tab
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109, 158
Configuration Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68, 75
Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
multimedia component . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Outbound Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Genesys Chat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Genesys CTI-Less T-Server . . . . . . . . . . 29
Genesys E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Genesys products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Genesys project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Genesys section
Campaign Synchronization Component . 116
Gplus Adapter for Siebel
deployment options . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Gplus Communication Server
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 43
installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 43
Gplus Open Media Server . . . . . . . . . . 490
cancelTaskByCaptureId . . . . . . . . 550
completeTaskByCaptureId . . . . . . 553
createTask. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
getTaskByCaptureId. . . . . . . . . . 556
holdTaskByCaptureId . . . . . . . . . 557
ping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
restartTaskByCaptureId . . . . . . . . 547
resumeTaskByCaptureId . . . . . . . 561
updateTaskByCaptureId. . . . . . . . 544
Business Process . . . . . . . . . . 514
GSW_ATTEMPTS attribute . . . . . . . . . 223

Application template . . . . . . . . . . . 491
inbound voice configuration . . . . . . . . . 268



Gplus Communication Server . . . . . . . . 41
Gplus iWD Routing Component . . . . . . 531
Open Media Server . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
intended audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
italics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
iWD Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

log section
Configuration Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Media Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Media Routing Component
. . . . . . . 487, 488, 489, 506, 510, 531
uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
definition file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
monospace font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Multimedia Component
uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
multi-tenant environment
. . 84, 110, 120, 121, 123, 127, 129, 158,
163, 166, 170, 172

Network Attended Transfer. . . . . . . . . . 286
Network Transfer Optional Automatic
Reconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
new person
Configuration Synchronization . . . . . . . 83

open-media-drive section
Gplus Communication Server . . . 53, 161, 162
OpenMediaOcsCallCompletionStats . . . . . 472
OpenMediaOcsRecordCancel . . . . . . . . 474
OpenMediaOcsRecordCancelAck . . . 483, 484
OpenMediaOcsRecordDoNotCall . . . . . . 475
OpenMediaOcsRecordDoNotCallAck . . . . 483
OpenMediaOcsRecordProcessed . . . . . . 473
OpenMediaOcsRecordProcessedAck . . . . 484
OpenMediaOcsRecordReject . . . . . . . . 473
OpenMediaOcsRecordRejectAck . . . 484, 485
OpenMediaOcsRecordReqst. . . . . . . . . 476
OpenMediaOcsRecordReschedule . . . . . 474


open-media-userdata section
Gplus Communication Server. . . . . . . . 54
AgentLogoutControl. . . . . . . . . . . . 292
system requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Options tab
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111, 160
options, Campaign Synchronization Component
format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
synchsummary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
options, Communication Server
internal-port . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 161, 162
ProcessingThreadPoolSize . . . . . . . . . 54
RequestTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
service-duplicate-overwrite . . . . . . . . . 54
ServiceInactivityTimeout . . . . . . . . . . 55
ThirdPartyId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Outbound Campaign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
device event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
Outbound Campaign feature. . . . . . . . . 270
Cancel command attributes . . . . . . . . 296
DoNotCall command attributes . . . . . . 294
Siebel Repository File, compiling . . . . . 242
Siebel Repository File, deploying . . . . . 244
telesets, creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Outbound Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 29
device command
OpenMediaOcsCallCompletionStats . 472
OpenMediaOcsRecordCancel. . . . . 474
OpenMediaOcsRecordDoNotCall . . . 475
OpenMediaOcsRecordProcessed . . . 473
OpenMediaOcsRecordReject . . . . . 473
OpenMediaOcsRecordReqst . . . . . 476
OpenMediaOcsRecordReschedule . . 474
device events
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483, 484
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484, 485
Outbound Contact Multiple Campaigns Agents
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490

parameters, GenCommDrv.ini
Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
CertificateKey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CheckServiceTimeout. . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Gplus Adapter 8.0


ClientConnectionPerServer . . . . . . . . . 58
ClientPortRangeStart . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
ConnectTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
LogDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
LogExt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
LogFile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
LogFilesCount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
LogLevel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
MaxLogKB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
NoDataDelay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
ProcessingThreadPoolSize . . . . . . . . . 58
RequestTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
RetryAttempts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
SiebelAPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
TrustedCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
parameters, Voice Component
AccessNumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
AgentID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
All others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
ANI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
AttributeExtensions . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
CallState. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
CallType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
CollectedDigits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
ConnID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
CustomerID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
DNIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Driver:AdapterAppName . . . . . . . . . 311
Driver:AnswerCallDelay . . . . . . . . . . 311
Driver:BackupGenCommServerURL . . . 311
Driver:BackupServerHost . . . . . . . . . 312
Driver:BackupServerPort . . . . . . . . . 312
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Driver:CommunicationDN . . . . . . . . . 312
Driver:HangupOnEventReleased . . . . . 312
Driver:InboundPartyContainer. . . . . . . 312
Driver:LibraryName . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Driver:LocalConnString . . . . . . . . . . 313
Driver:NtwkReconnectTimeout . . . . . . 313
Driver:OutboundPartyContainer . . . . . . 313
Driver:PrimaryGenCommServerURL . . . 313
Driver:ReconnectTimeout . . . . . . . . . 313
Driver:ServerHost . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Driver:ServerPort . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Driver:SupervisorExtensions . . . . . . . 314
Driver:SwitchType . . . . . . . . . . .314, 315
Driver:TServerAppName . . . . . . . . . 315
ErrorCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
ErrorMessage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
HomeLocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
MediaType. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
OtherDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
PreviousConnID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

ReferenceID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Server Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Service:ACCDNList . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Service:AgentId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Service:AgentLogOutControl . . . . . . . 316
Service:AgentPreviewModeStart . . . . . 316
Service:AgentSubstitute . . . . . . . . . 316
Service:AgentWorkMode . . . . . . . . . 316
Service:AutoLogout . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Service:AutoRejectRecords. . . . . . . . 317
Service:DNList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Service:HasAgentBusy . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasAnswer . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasDisconnect . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasForward . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasHold . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasKWProtocol . . . . . . . . . 320
Service:HasOCSProtocol . . . . . . . . . 320
Service:NetworkCallTransferMode . . . . 320
Service:OCSCallBackType . . . . . . . . 321
Service:OCSCancelScope . . . . . . . . 321
Service:OCSDoNotCallScope . . . . . . 321
Service:OCSEnableCustomerId . . . . . 321
Service:OCSTreatement . . . . . . . . . 321
Service:ReleaseCallOnAutoLogout . . . . 322
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Service:RequestTimeOut . . . . . . . . . 322
Service:SelectDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
ThirdPartyDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
ThisDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
ThisDNRole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
ThisQueue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
ThisTrunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
WorkMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Person, adding
Configuration Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Person, creating new . . . . . . . . . 120, 163
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120, 163
Configuration Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84, 120, 163
personfolders section
Configuration Synchronization Component . 79
placefolders section
Configuration Synchronization Component . 80
Gplus Communication Server. . . . . . . . 42
Gplus Communication Server. . . . . . . . 46
Siebel eMail interactions . . . . . . . . . 521



Removing List of Values . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Removing Outbound Web Service Definition
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
Removing Responsibilities and View Definitions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
Removing Siebel Objects . . . . . . . . . . 639

sections, Campaign Synchronization Component
CallingListFolders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
CampaignFolders . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
DatabaseAccessPoints . . . . . . . . . . 115
Genesys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
TableAccessFolders . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Tenants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
security settings
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120, 162
Configuration Synchronization . . . . . . . 83
Configuration Synchronization Component . 83
See definition file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
SendUserEventOnCommDN. . . . . . . . . 278
server database
tables, creating new . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Server Info tab
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110, 159
configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Call Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Gplus Communication Server . . . . . . . . 64
Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Siebel Call Center application . . . . . . . . 35
Siebel eMail interactions
pulling/stopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
Siebel Repository File, compiling
Outbound Campaign feature . . . . . . . 242
Siebel Repository File, deploying
Campaign Synchronization Component. . 146
Outbound Campaign feature . . . . . . . 244
Siebel Tools, configuring
Configuration Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89, 135, 177, 501
Siebel Web Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Campaign Synchronization Component,
configuring. . . . . . . . . . . 147, 203, 245
skillfolders section
Configuration Synchronization . . . . . . . 81
skilllevels section
Configuration Synchronization . . . . . . . 82
configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . 78


square brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652

Start Info tab
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 159
Siebel eMail interactions . . . . . . . . . 521
Alcatel A4400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Nortel Communication Server 1000 . . . 275
Nortel Communication Server 2000/2100 275
Synchronization Component. . . . . . . . . 201
system requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

creating new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Genesys project on server database . . . 243
telesets, creating
Outbound Campaign feature . . . . . . . 263
tenants section
Configuration Synchronization . . . . . . . 83
Tenants tab
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 158
Configuration Synchronization Component . 69
agents not in campaign . . . . . . . . . . 274
agent-to-agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
type styles
conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
italic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
monospace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
typographical styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651

UCS Gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Universal Callback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Universal Callback configuration. . . . . . . 266
Universal Callback server . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Universal Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Updating Siebel Configuration . . . . . . . . 640
upgrading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
definition file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

version numbering, document . . . . . . . . 651
Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

Gplus Adapter 8.0


Voice Component
definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Driver Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
driver parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
inbound voice configuration
. . . . . . . . . . . 219, 225, 226, 251, 268
inbound voice configuration device events 382
OCS device events . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Outbound Campaign feature . . 220, 226, 270
device commands . . . . . . . . . . . 370
outbound campaign feature device events 392
parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
Voice Component, device commands
AlternateCall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
AnswerCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
AttachData. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Cancel Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . .368, 369
CancelBusy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
CancelForwardCall . . . . . . . . . .359, 360
ChangeBusyState . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
ChangeNotReadyState . . . . . . . .358, 359
ConferenceComplete . . . . . . . . . . . 355
ConferenceInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
ConferenceSStep . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
DeleteFromConference . . . . . . . . . . 355
DeleteUserData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
ForwardCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
HoldCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
LogIn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
LogOut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .356, 357
MakeCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Monitor Next Call . . . . . . . . . . .367, 368
NotReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
QueryAddress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
ReconnectCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
ReleaseCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . .347, 351
ResumeCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
ResumeInactiveCall . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Send DTMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . .366, 367
SendUserEvent . . . . . . . . . . . .362, 363
SendUserEventOnCommDN . . . . . . . 366
SetActiveCall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
SetActiveCampaign . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
SetBusy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
ToggleForward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
TransferComplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
TransferInit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349, 350
TransferMute . . . . . . . . . . . . .348, 349
UpdateUserData. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Voice Component, device events
EventAgentBusy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
EventAgentLogin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
EventAgentLogout. . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
EventAgentNotBusy . . . . . . . . . . . . 387

Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRMDeployment Guide

EventAgentNotReady . . . . . . . . . . . 388
EventAgentReady. . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
EventCallForwardCancel . . . . . . . . . 386
EventCallForwardSet . . . . . . . . . . . 386
EventDialing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
EventError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
EventEstablished . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
EventHeld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
EventPartyAdded . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
EventPartyChanged . . . . . . . . . . . 390
EventPartyDeleted . . . . . . . . . . 390, 391
EventRegistered . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
EventReleased . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
EventRetrieved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
EventRinging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
EventServerConnected . . . . . . . . . . 388
EventServerDisconnected . . . . . . . . 389
EventUnregistered . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
EventUserDataChanged . . . . . . . . . 385
EventUserEvent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Voice Component, options
nrdy-after-login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Voice Component, parameters
AccessNumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
AgentID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
All others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
ANI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
AttributeExtensions . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
CallState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
CallType. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
CollectedDigits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
ConnID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
CustomerID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
DNIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Driver: prefix, defined . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Driver:AdapterAppName . . . . . . . . . 311
Driver:AnswerCallDelay. . . . . . . . . . 311
Driver:BackupGenCommServerURL . . . 311
Driver:BackupServerHost . . . . . . . . . 312
Driver:BackupServerPort . . . . . . . . . 312
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Driver:CommunicationDN . . . . . . . . . 312
Driver:HangupOnEventReleased . . . . . 312
Driver:InboundPartyContainer . . . . . . 312
Driver:LibraryName . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Driver:LocalConnString . . . . . . . . . . 313
Driver:NtwkReconnectTimeout . . . . . . 313
Driver:OutboundPartyContainer . . . . . 313
Driver:PrimaryGenCommServerURL . . . 313
Driver:ReconnectTimeout . . . . . . . . . 313
Driver:ServerHost . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Driver:ServerPort . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Driver:SupervisorExtensions . . . . . . . 314
Driver:SwitchType. . . . . . . . . . . 314, 315
Driver:TServerAppName . . . . . . . . . 315



ErrorCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
ErrorMessage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
HomeLocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
MediaType. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
OtherDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
PreviousConnID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
ReferenceID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Server Version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Service: prefix, defined . . . . . . . . . . 311
Service:ACCDNList . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Service:AgentId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Service:AgentLogOutControl . . . . . . . 316
Service:AgentPreviewModeStart . . . . . 316
Service:AgentSubstitute . . . . . . . . . . 316
Service:AgentWorkMode . . . . . . . . . 316
Service:AutoLogout . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Service:AutoRejectRecords . . . . . . . . 317
Service:DNList. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Service:HasAgentBusy . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasAnswer . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasDisconnect . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasForward. . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasHold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Service:HasKWProtocol . . . . . . . . . . 320
Service:HasOCSProtocol . . . . . . . . . 320
Service:NetworkCallTransferMode . . . . 320
Service:OCSCallBackType . . . . . . . . 321
Service:OCSCancelScope . . . . . . . . 321
Service:OCSDoNotCallScope . . . . . . . 321
Service:OCSEnableCustomerId. . . . . . 321
Service:OCSTreatment . . . . . . . . . . 321
Service:ReleaseCallOnAutoLogout . . . . 322
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Service:RequestTimeOut . . . . . . . . . 322
Service:SelectDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
ThirdPartyDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
ThisDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
ThisDNRole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
ThisQueue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
ThisTrunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
WorkMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
voice section
Gplus Communication Server . . . . . . . . 56

configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Windows, installation
Campaign Synchronization Component
. . . . . . 86, 131, 174, 423, 430, 489, 532
Configuration Synchronization Component
. . . . . . . . . . . . 86, 87, 214, 423, 424


Gplus Adapter 8.0

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