C 3:O C P: 3.1working Principle of Over Current Relay
C 3:O C P: 3.1working Principle of Over Current Relay
C 3:O C P: 3.1working Principle of Over Current Relay
In an over current relay or o/c relay the actuating quantity is only current.
There is only one current operated element in the relay, no voltage coil etc.
are required to construct this protective relay.
Fig.3-2 Instantaneous
-Operates in a definite time when current exceeds its Pick-up value. Its
operation criterion is only current magnitude (without time delay),Operating
time is constant., There is no intentional time delay.
Coordination of definite-current relays is based on the fact that the fault
current varies with the -position of the fault because of the difference in the
impedance between the fault and the source
The relay located furthest from the source operate for a low current value,
the operating currents are
progressively increased for the other relays when moving towards the
It operates in 0.1s or less
The operating time of an over current relay can be moved up (made slower)
by adjusting the time dial setting. The lowest time dial setting (fastest
operating time) is generally 0.5 and the slowest is 10.Operates when current
exceeds its pick-up value. Operating time depends on the magnitude of
It gives inverse time current characteristics at lower values of fault current
and definite time characteristics at higher values. An inverse characteristic
is obtained if the value of plug setting multiplier is below 10, for values
between 10 and 20 characteristics tend towards definite time
characteristics. Widely used for the protection of distribution lines.
Based on the inverse it has three different types as shown in fig.3-5:
- Normal Inverse Time Over current Relay
-Very Inverse Time Over current Relay
-Extremely Inverse Time Over current Relay
Fig.3-5Inverse types
3.3.4. Directional Over current Relays
When the power system is not radial (source on one side of the line), an over
current relay may not be able to provide adequate protection. This type of
relay operates in on direction of current flow and blocks in the opposite
Three conditions must be satisfied for its operation: current magnitude, time
delay and directionality. The directionality of current flow can be identified
using voltage as a reference of direction.