Functional and Work Capacity Evaluation Issues

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WINTER 2004 Number 1 Volume 3

Functional and work capacity

evaluation issues
Warren T. Jahn, DC, MPS, DABFPa, Leanne N. Cupon, DC, DABFPa, and
John H. Steinbaugh, DC, DABFPa

Private Practice of Chiropractic, Roswell, GA. Submit requests for reprints

to: Dr. Warren T. Jahn, 1305 Hembree Rd, Suite 203, Roswell, GA 30076.
Paper submitted December 4, 2003.

Functional capacity evaluation (FCE) may be defined as a
systematic, comprehensive, and objective measurement of an
individuals maximum abilities (ADL or work). The effect of
the examinees impairment on his or her ability to perform
purposeful tasks is the focus of functional and/or work capacity evaluation (FCE/WCE). The common thread that connects
all FCEs is the need for an evaluation of an individual with
an unresolved residual. The forensic examiner must be able to
determine the most suitable process from the 5 different types
of evaluation processes involving functional capacity evaluations. The College on Forensic Sciences (CFS) has identified
that most FCE administrators are not sufficiently grounded in
science, case law and forensic issues. Examples may include
misquoting standard journal articles and texts, making false
statements, providing junk science opinions and interpretation, and deliberately omitting important facts and knowledge.
In this day and age of managed care, cost containment of
workers compensation (fee schedules) claims, and economic
incentives can change the position of the test administrators,
therapists or providers. Through specialized training to better
understand the requirements and needs of the courts, the
forensic examiner can become a valuable tool in providing an
evidenced-based opinion regarding FCE/WCE questions.
This training should prepare the provider in FCE/WCE methods, forensic analysis and principles that have a reliable
evidence-based reasoning and methodology that is scientifically
valid. (J Chiropr Med 2004;3:15)
Key Words: Functional Capacity; Work Capacity; Impairment; Disability Evaluation; Activities of Daily Living; Americans with Disability Act; Forensics; Reliability

Defining terms within the medicolegal reporting process
is essential and the hallmark of a board-certified forensic examiner (DABFP). Functional denotes the performance of a deliberate, meaningful, or useful task that
Copyright 2004 by National University of Health Sciences

has a beginning and an end with a result that can be

measured. The maximum ability or potential of an examinee refers to capacity. Evaluation describes a methodical approach to monitoring and reporting performance
that requires the forensic examiner to observe, measure, and interpret the examinees performance in a
structured task or essential job function. Thus functional
capacity evaluation (FCE) may be defined as a systematic,
comprehensive, and objective measurement of an individuals maximum abilities (ADL or work). The medicolegal and financial ramifications of impairment and disability ratings have forced forensic examiners to become
increasingly responsible under managed healthcare and
workers compensation systems and Title I of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for generating
objectively-based functional and work capacity determinations regarding the examinees activities of daily living (ADL) and return-to-work potential. The effect of
the examinees impairment on his or her ability to
perform purposeful tasks is the focus of functional and/
or work capacity evaluation (FCE/WCE).
Historical Background
FCEs originated in the post-World War II era in conjunction with United States industrial developments.
The American Medical Association (AMA) in 1944 introduced the concept of systematic evaluations to promote and maintain health among workers. The U.S.
Civil Service Commission, around the same time period,
was preparing a classification of physically disabling
conditions to be matched with compatible positions of
employment available within the federal government.
This was the first attempt to define work activities of the
job, and ultimately the formulation of the U.S. Department of Labors Dictionary of Occupational Titles. (1) In a
series of papers, Dr. B. Hanman introduced concepts of
physical-demands analysis (PDA) and functionalcapacity assessment (FCA). The PDA provided details of
the physical requirements of job-related tasks such as
lifting, carrying, standing, walking, and stooping. The
FCA developed in a series of assessment procedures
designed to examine an individuals capacity to perform
the physical tasks listed in a PDA and involved 2

Volume 3 Number 1 WINTER 2004

components: evaluation of medical fitness and evaluation of work capacity.

The process of FCEs draws upon the principles of biomechanics, ergonomics, kinesiology, physics, and physiology. FCEs evolved partly out of the needs of third
party payers and the legal professionals to pursue more
objective information on which to base ADL and/or
return-to-work decisions. FCEs have emerged as the
objective measurement system to matching physical
abilities with essential and critical job demands (with
recent ADA), targeting short and long-term treatment
goals to justify work-hardening therapy, identifying job
modifications to enhance worker safety, and delineating
functional capacities in cases of litigation, impairment
and disability determination. (2) Applications toward
behavior management and the detection of submaximal
effort have been incorporated.
The forensic examiner understands that when injuries
or conditions do not resolve completely, there may be a
residual dysfunction in one or more body organ systems. Diagnoses and test results from other specialists
can be used in formulating impairment ratings within
the FCE process. Several states have established Rating
Guidelines (state, Industrial Commission, (3) designated
(law, rule, regulation, statute, etc.), a specific edition of
the AMA Guides, etc.). The chiropractic profession has
been teaching impairment rating as part of their postdoctoral studies, restricting themselves only to neuromusculoskeletal conditions, for many years. More recently, the College on Forensic Sciences (CFS) has been
instructing forensic examiners in disability systems and
organ ratings (AMA Guides 5th edition) with international certification offered by the American Board of
Forensic Professionals (ABFP). These forensic examiners
have been trained to navigate through the complexities
and subtleties of the major disability systems in the
United States and how to provide the proper documentation utilizing the appropriate rating guideline(s).
Types of Evaluation Processes
The common thread that connects all FCEs is the need
for an evaluation of an individual with an unresolved
residual. The most important functions of the forensic
examiner (administrator, evaluator) is to select the specific tasks and elements of the examinees job (essential
job functions), be in compliance with Title I of the ADA
and to provide exacting answers to the questions posed
by the referring entity. Knowledge of all aspects of the
ADA needs to be implemented by the forensic examiner
because Return-To-Work (RTW) examinations must be
job specific. (4) Therefore the forensic examiner must be

able to determine the most suitable process from the 5

different types of evaluation processes involving functional capacity evaluations. The 5 types of processes are
described below, arranged by an increasing complexity,
time, and expense hierarchy. Manufacturers of equipment designed for each type of process are listed.
Functional Goal Setting
Measurement of functional status that is pertinent to
the impairment (usual functional consequences) which
requires treatment is warranted in order to set recovery
goals. (5) In the case of a musculoskeletal impairment,
this type of evaluation measures range of motion,
strength, and ADL and/or work capacity. Equipment
from manufacturers (6) as ARCON, Baltimore Therapeutic Equipment (BTE), Chattanooga Group, Cybex,
Isotechnologies, Lafayette Instruments, Loredan Biomedical, and Smith & Nephew Rolyan is used for this
type of evaluation. The data that is collected is analyzed
and used to set functional goals and to provide objective
performance indices to monitor treatment progress.
Impairment or Disability Rating
Measurement of the loss-of-performance ability (functional consequences of an impairment) in essential or
critical functional areas of work can be used as an
estimate of disability. Information about the examinees
impairment is obtained through an independent medical examination (IME). Information concerning performance in terms of the essential or critical job functional
areas is obtained through an FCE. Equipment from
manufacturers such as Blankenship, WEST-EPIC, and
Key is used in this type of evaluation. Additionally,
there are other models measuring loss-of-performance.
The California Disability Rating System (7) uses the
percent of lost-lift capacity as the basis of a standard
disability rating for injuries that result in work-capacity
limitations. A disability rating falls into 1 of 8 categories
according to a series of functional issues. Each category
has been assigned a standard disability rating that is
used as 1 of 4 variables in a formula that translates the
occupational consequences of impairment in terms of
an occupational category, taking into account the examinees age.
Job Task Matching
Matching the workers abilities adequacy in performing
essential or critical job functions may be requested.
Information concerning the physical demands of a particular job is obtained through a job analysis and information concerning the workers impairment is obtained
through an independent medical examination. A com-

WINTER 2004 Number 1 Volume 3

parison of information leads to the identification of the

physical abilities that require an evaluation of functional adequacy. (8) This FCE type differs from the
Impairment or Disability Rating FCE because the evaluation content is uniquely determined for each examinee
and job in combination. Equipment from manufacturers
such as BTE, lsernhagen Work Systems, Loredan, Smith
& Nephew Rolyan, and WEST-EPIC is used in this type
of evaluation.
Occupation Matching
Matching of the examinees functional capacity to the
demands of an occupational classification may be requested. The physical demands of an occupation can be
obtained from sources such as the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (9) from the U.S. Department of Labor or the
O*NET (10) system for jobs that are typical for an occupational group. The physical demand level is often described in general terms: sedentary, light, medium,
heavy and very heavy and cross referenced with occasional, frequent, and constant. (11) The FCE tests and
level of demand are based on this information.
Information concerning the workers impairment is obtained through an independent medical examination
that includes an assessment of perceived functional capacity. This type of FCE is more complex than job task
matching because the occupational classification contains all job tasks that might be required in the variety
of jobs that are found within the classification and is
also more physically demanding because the full range
of job demands within the occupational classification
must be considered, the performance target is the maximum level for the tasks. Equipment from manufacturers as Valpar and Work Recovery Systems is used in this
type of evaluation.
Work Capacity Evaluation
Matching the examinees functional capacity to the demands of competitive employment is the most comprehensive type of functional capacity evaluation. The focus of the Work Capacity Evaluation is expansive,
encompassing all of the frequently encountered task
demands and worker behaviors, since there is no occupational target. Behaviors, through observation of performance in a simulated work environment, are assessed. This type of evaluation uses structured work
simulations and is constructed on descriptions found in
published resources. (1214) Selecting the FCE that is
appropriate is driven by the performance-demand targets that are contemplated, given the availability of a
job for the examinee and the specificity of information

concerning the job or occupational demands. These can

be purchased from a manufacturer such as Work Recovery Systems or can be constructed based on descriptions
found in published resources.
FCE Data Analysis Issues
1. Most providers or therapists do not have specific
education, experience, or training, access to proper
testing equipment (low or high tech), or adequate
time to sufficiently address and verify the degree of
functional loss relating to impairment in each case.
2. The process of FCEs draws upon the principles of
biomechanics, ergonomics, kinesiology, physics, and
physiology yet most test administrators, therapists, or
providers have little or no education or background
in these areas. They rely on computerized interpretation and not their own analysis of data to draw
conclusions and opinions.
3. Most high tech equipment is based on isokinetic
principles that do not translate into real world job
demands. Current literature (15) has shown how
low tech procedures are more valid and can be
correlated with the examinees job demands.
4. Most FCEs are conducted through the use of standardized global test batteries but the administration
of complete batteries is not an efficient or specific
approach. Domain testing (Focused Test Approach) is
preferred over the battery approach, but requires an
evaluator who is more experienced and is usually
beyond the ability of most test battery administrators, therapists or providers. Research (1619) has
been conducted that may make this domain testing
approach more available.
5. Many test administrators, therapists or providers do
not meet the criteria for performance tests that are
found in professional (2023) and federal (24) guidelines, state and federal legislation and case law.
6. Many test administrators, therapists or providers do
not meet or understand the relevance of the Rules of
Evidence for scientific opinions based on tests in
Daubert. (25)
7. Many test administrators, therapists or providers do
not comprehend that the Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990 (26) is pertinent when testing involves a
qualified individual with a disability. This Act was
signed into law and has changed the way administrators perform RTW evaluations. Prior to this law,
administrators were using unrestricted and random
test batteries to evaluate injured individuals. (27)
Since 1990 ADA supercedes all state laws, it is imperative that administrators address issues of disability resulting from job injury. The first 3 Titles of the
ADA affect the way the injured worker is to be tested

Volume 3 Number 1 WINTER 2004

for RTW or to determine residual disability from

their impairment.
8. Most test administrators, therapists or providers do
not understand the underpinnings (safety, reliability,
validity and practicality) for FCEs and the most important characteristic of a measure (utility).
9. Test administrators, therapists or providers fail to
identify less than full effort performance (maximum
voluntary effort (MVE)) which may result in exaggeration of disability findings and a false positive
determination of disability.
The College on Forensic Sciences (CFS) has identified
that most FCE administrators are not sufficiently
grounded in science, case law and forensic issues. Examples may include misquoting standard journal articles and texts, making false statements, providing
junk science opinions and interpretation, and deliberately omitting important facts and knowledge. Generally, there is an economic incentive to do so and areas of
increase usage (e.g., Texas Workers compensation). Income derived from FCEs can be substantial. In this day
and age of managed care, cost containment of workers
compensation (fee schedules) claims, and economic incentives can change the position of the test administrators, therapists or providers.
The CFS is spearheading an effort for chiropractic to
weed out unreliable chiropractic FCEs. It encourages
the national trade and state associations to promote
legislative action to sanction chiropractic physicians
who testify falsely.
Return-to-work issues and impairment ratings are just 2
of the largest challenges for forensic examiners. There
are opportunities for those properly trained to objectively quantify occupational disabilities based both on
structural and functional limitations. The skill sets used
to evaluate functional capacity of an individual are acquired over time. These skill sets are sharpened and
honed by actually performing FCEs of different complexities and organ systems.
Given the wide variety of functional assessment measures that are available, it is unlikely that many new
measures will be developed. The FCE process will be
supported by expert administrative systems that are
available online with built-in monitoring so that administrators, therapists, or providers with lower levels of
skill who have received the appropriate training will be
able to work as test administrators. Additionally, these
systems will identify patterns of performance that indi-

cate less than maximum voluntary effort through dynamic monitoring of test performance. These behaviors
will trigger follow-up testing to confirm or deny less
than maximum voluntary effort. This will increase the
reliability and subsequently, the validity and utility of
FCE results.
Board certified forensic examiners learn to avoid the
pitfalls of bias and perform an IME, thereby expressing
their opinions in a form that is understandable and
answers the questions posed by the requesting entity.
Board certification is becoming widespread, supported
by several universities, and demanded by underwriters.
Certification for forensic examiners can be obtained
through the American Board of Forensic Professionals
Through specialized training to better understand the
requirements and needs of the courts, the forensic examiner can become a valuable tool in providing an
evidenced-based opinion regarding FCE/WCE questions. This training, similar to the independent medical
examiner program sponsored by the National University
of Health Sciences (NUHS), and the CFS forensics program, should prepare
the provider in FCE/WCE methods, forensic analysis
and principles that have a reliable evidence-based reasoning and methodology that is scientifically valid.
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