Nicole Eramo Court Filings

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Charlottesville Division


) Case No. 3:15-cv-00023-GEC


Plaintiff Nicole P. Eramo, through her undersigned counsel, respectfully submits this
Counter-Statement of Material Facts in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion
for Summary Judgment.

Before Setting Out To Write A Rape on Campus, Erdely Had A History Of

Writing About Rape And Institutional Indifference To Rape.

During her tenure as a journalist, Erdely has written many articles accusing

various institutions of being indifferent to or covering up allegations of rape. Indeed,

Erdelys articles about rape have a common thread in that they identify some vulnerable victim
of sexual abuse and an indifferent institution to whom the victim reports her assault.

In April 1996, Erdely authored Intimate Intimidation, an article published in

Philadelphia Magazine. (May 12, 2016 Deposition of Sabrina Rubin Erdely at 44:10-13 (Erdely
Dep.) (Ex. 1); Sabrina Rubin Erdely, Intimate Intimidation, Philadelphia Magazine (April
1996) (Intimate Intimidation) (Ex. 2).)

Much like A Rape On Campus, Intimate

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Intimidation begins with a horrifying narrative of a woman being sexually assaulted. Rather
than the assault occurring by fraternity members at UVA, Gail Greeby, the protagonist of the
article, was assaulted by her gynecologist. Erdelys article goes on to accuse the medical
profession, and in particular various state medical boards, of failing to stop the alleged
perpetrator. According to Erdely, on the day of Greebys assault she became a victim not only
of [the doctor], but of a medical board that ignored her complaint and of a justice system that
didnt believe her voice alone was enough. (Intimate Intimidation at 85.)

In November 2008, Erdely authored an article The Crime Against Women That

No One Understands, which was published in Self Magazine. (Erdely Dep. at 44:14-17 (Ex. 1);
Sabrina Rubin Erdely, The Crime Against Women That No One Understands, Self Magazine
(Nov. 2008) (The Crime Against Women) (Ex. 3).) Just as in Intimate Intimidation, Erdely
begins the article with a graphic narrative of an alleged rape. According to Erdely, Leigh, the
alleged victim, claims she was date-raped by a man she met on a popular internet dating website
after their first in-person date. (The Crime Against Women at 190.) As in so many of her
articles, Erdely blames another institutionthis time the criminal justice system and
juriesfor not understanding the nature of nonstranger rape.

Erdely wrote that

[n]ationwide, despite all the legal advances of the past three decades, little has changed for
women who report a date rape. Because in far too many instances, juries dont believe date rape
exists. (Id. at 191.) Erdely went on to write that [t]o a juror, a rapist is a guy who jumps out of
the bushes and throws a woman to the ground . She has terrible injuries, and she leaps up and
reports it immediately to the police. Anything that falls short of that story is questionable. (Id.
(quoting a director of a womens rape advocacy group)). Finally, Erdely criticized the criminal

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justice system because, according to Erdely, [t]rials often hinge not on the behavior of the
defendant, but rather on whether the woman did enough to protect herself. (Id. at 194.)

In Rolling Stones January 22, 2009 edition, Erdely authored an article titled Sex,

Lies and Phys Ed, about a star high school athlete who engaged in a sexual relationship with his
young female physical education teacher. (Erdely Dep. at 44:18-21 (Ex. 1); Sabrina Rubin
Erdely, Sex, Lies, and Phys Ed, Rolling Stone Magazine (Jan. 22, 2009) (Phys Ed) (Ex. 4).)
In the article, Erdely took aim at the alleged disparity of treatment between male and female
sexual assault victims and the high schools and the medias alleged indifference to when a
young female high school teacher engages in an inappropriate relationship with a high school
boy. According to Erdely, [g]iven such salacious details [about such an affair], the media tend
to treat these cases as entertainment at least, that is, when the teacher is a woman. (Phys Ed
at 61.) Erdely went on to proclaim that when you [b]lur the lines between teachers and
students, [] it creates a backdrop thats part Penthouse Forum, part Melrose Place a reflection
of a broader cultural shift, in which a boy who has sex with his teacher is viewed not as a
survivor of sexual abuse, but as the luckiest kid in the 10th grade. Why treat a woman like a
criminal, after all, when all she did was give some randy teen the best night of his life? (Id. at
61-62.) Finally, to emphasize her thesis that the high school was indifferent to this alleged
sexual assault, Erdely writes that [w]hen the [high school athlete] confessed the affair to the
school police office, the cop high-fived him, then promised not to tell. (Id. at 62.)

In 2011, Erdely wrote a story for Rolling Stone in which she claimed that an altar

boy, pseudonymously called Billy Doe, was raped by two Catholic priests and a Catholic
schoolteacher in Philadelphia, and that these crimes were covered up by the Catholic church.
(Erdely Dep. at 44:22-25 (Ex. 1); Sabrina Rubin Erdely, The Catholic Churchs Sex-Crime

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Files: How a scandal in Philadelphia exposed documents that reveal a high-level conspiracy to
cover up decades of sexual abuse, Rolling Stone Magazine (Sept. 15, 2011) (Sex-Crime Files)
(Ex. 5).) The article accused the Catholic church of the cover-up of sexual abuse, which
Erdely explained was because the mindset of the churchs rigid hierarchy, which promotes
officials who are willing to do virtually anything theyre told, so long as its in Gods name.
(Sex-Crime Files at 65.)

In 2013, Erdely wrote and Rolling Stone published an article called The

Rape of Petty Officer Blumer: Inside the militarys culture of sex abuse, denial and cover-up.
(Erdely Dep. at 42:25-43:7 (Ex. 1); Sabrina Rubin Erdely, The Rape of Petty Officer Blumer:
Inside the militarys culture of sex abuse, denial and cover-up, Rolling Stone Magazine (Feb.
14, 2013) (Rape of Petty Officer Blumer) (Ex. 6).) The article centered on the story of a
female naval officer who was arrested for drunk driving and subsequently claimed that she had
been drugged and sexually assaulted. In the article, Erdely implied that Navy officials tried to
dissuade the officer from reporting her alleged rape and did little to investigate her claims.
Erdely suggested in her article that the military was indifferent to this officers claim of rape and
engaged in an effort to cover it up. (Rape of Petty Officer Blumer.)

Before Interviewing The First UVA Source, Erdely Sets Out To Write An Article
About Institutional Indifference To Rape On A College Campus.

Ex. 7 is the pitch for the article that became A Rape on Campus, which

Erdely wrote in the winter or spring of 2014 and presented to Deputy Managing Editor Sean
Woods. (A Rape on Campus Pitch, RS020610-11 (Pitch) (Ex. 7); Apr. 27, 2016 Deposition
of Sean Woods at 20:3-15 (Woods Dep.) (Ex. 8); Erdely Dep. at 14:8-18 (Ex. 1).)

In her pitch, Erdely wrote about looking at how administrations have turned a

blind eye to sexual assault. (Pitch at RS020610.)

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Erdely wrote about how universities had shown institutional indifference to the

problem of sexual assault on campus. (Id.)


She wrote that she would explore how Yale her original target campus for the

article deliberately shields those who commit rape from the consequences. (Id.)

Erdely wrote, Id like to examine sexual assault on college campuses: The

various ways colleges have resisted involvement, and juke their stats to make their campuses
appear safer than they are; how they may now be scrambling to clamp down (or sidestep
liability) . As the storys main thread Ill focus on a sexual assault case on one particularly
fraught campus possibly at Yale, though the field is wide following it as it makes its way
through university procedure to its resolution, or lack thereof. (Id. at RS020610-11.)

In a June 6, 2014 email to a potential source regarding what would become the

article, Erdely told the source that the article would revolve around a survivors experience
dealing with rape and its aftermath, and the way such cases are perceived and handled. (June
6, 2014 Email from Sabrina Rubin Erdley to Source, RS016980 (Ex. 9).) Erdely then said, I did
a similar article last year about rape in the military, and included a hyperlink to her February
2013 article The Rape of Petty Officer Blumer: Inside the militarys culture of sexual abuse,
denial and cover-up. (Id.) As set forth above, that article was about the alleged sexual assault
of a Navy officer, and it claimed that the military failed to investigate her rape and attempted to
cover it up. (Rape of Petty Officer Blumer (Ex. 6); Erdely Dep. at 42:25-43:12 (Ex. 1).)

Similarly, Erdely told source David Lisak on June 1, 2014 that her intention was

to take an immersive look at what is going on in college campuses with respect to sexual
assault; in much the same way that I wrote last year about the problem of military sexual assault,
teasing out the issues of how and why, and how the issue of culture and climate helped to feed

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into this culture of inaction.1 (Sabrina Rubin Erdely Reporting Notes, RS004072-502, at
RS004099 (Erdely Reporting Notes) (Ex. 10); Erdely Dep. at 25:22-27:2 (Ex. 1).)

In July 2014, before she had ever even interviewed Jackie, Erdely told Emily

Renda, a sexual assault advocate at UVA, that she planned to write about the cultural issues that
are sort of in the air and feeds into the problem of rape, and institutional indifference. (Erdely
Dep. at 28:17-29:20.)

Similarly, Erdely told source Alex Pinkleton on August 4, 2014, [T]he story Im

working on is one that not only captures hopefully what its like to survive a sexual assault on
campus, and how that plays out, but also a picture of what its like to be on campus now, what
the environment is like, where not only is rape so prevalent but also theres this pervasive hostile
culture, i.e., rape culture. And to demonstrate what were talking about when we talk about rape
culture, that whole tangle of issues that seem to be present: drinking, hookup culture, gender
roles, sexuality, language around consent, [and] institutional indifference. (Erdely Reporting
Notes at RS004256 (Ex. 10).)

Erdely Set Out To Portray Ms. Eramo As A Callous Administrator Who Was
Indifferent To Rape Even Though Erdely Is Told Repeatedly That Ms. Eramo Is
Passionate About Seeking Justice For Rape Survivors.

Erdely admitted numerous times throughout her reporting that she understood that

Ms. Eramo is beloved by survivors. For example, during her interview with UVA President
Theresa Sullivan, Erdely said, now I have to say all the students Ive talked to, these girls love
Dean Eramo. They think shes the greatest person ever. They think of her as a friend and a
confidant. (Id. at RS004450.)

Emphasis added unless otherwise specified.

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Emily Renda, an activist in UVAs sexual assault survivor community, told

Erdely that Ms. Eramo was her favorite human being on the planet, for whom she ha[s] so
much respect and appreciate[ion]. (Id. at RS004335.)

Two fraternity brothers at UVA who were also active in the sexual assault

advocacy community also spoke highly of Ms. Eramo, with Erdely writing in her notes of the
conversation that they went out of their way to tell me how impressed they are with Dean
Eramo, like everyone else. (Id. at RS004373.)

Even Jackie repeatedly praised Ms. Eramo to Erdely, telling Erdely, I love her. I

think shes fantastic. (Id. at RS004165.)


During a September 2014 dinner interview with Jackie and a then-friend of

Jackies, Jackie told Erdely, we love Dean Eramo, and Erdely responded, I get that, and Im
getting that from everybody. Everybody loves her. (Id. at RS004381.)

As early as July 2014, during one of the first interviews Erdely conducted with a

UVA source, Emily Renda told Erdely with respect to Jackies allegations that Ms. Eramo was
passionate about seeing justice for Jackie, and that Ms. Eramo and the Dean of Students Office
was working to investigate Jackies allegations to pursue ongoing action against Phi Kappa Psi.
(Mar. 18, 2016 Deposition of Emily Renda at 79:9-80:17; 176:17-178:7 (Renda Dep.) (Ex.

But one of Erdelys sources, a campus sexual assault advocate and then-friend of

Jackies named Alex Pinkleton, testified that Erdely repeatedly attempted to blame Ms. Eramo
for the fact that Jackie had not pursued a formal sexual misconduct complaint or sought a hearing
through the University, even though Jackie had never stated that she wanted to pursue a formal
complaint. (Mar. 18, 2016 Deposition of Alex Pinkleton at 140:6-141:10 (Pinkleton Dep.)

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(Ex. 12).) Pinkleton further testified, [Erdelys] point of view was that the main issue Jackie
was having with getting her case to go anywhere was the administration, and she came in
thinking that; and then even after Jackie and we and Sara and I had said we didnt think that
was the case in regards to Dean Eramo, [Erdely] kept saying that. (Id. at 144:4-21.)

Pinkleton further testified that Erdely manipulate[d] her, by claiming she

wanted to examine how sexual assaults were handled at UVA, when really she was looking for
evidence specifically that fit into her story from the beginning, so she just pulled at everything
that I said that could be taken as evidence that the administration was to blame. But I think it
was pretty clear to everyone else that what she really was going after in the article and in our
conversations where shes very aggressive towards wanting information about [the]
administration, that that was her scapegoat. (Id. at 184:20-187:12.)

Pinkleton further testified that Erdely constantly attempted to bait her into saying

something negative about Ms. Eramo: I think its more of like the subtle more of like subtle
instances throughout the process of where I repeated, you know, multiple times, I stand with
Dean Eramo, this is what I think about her, et cetera, et cetera; and then she comes with me over,
like, months of talking to her and keeps saying, well, this is what I see, and this is what Jackies
telling me, like, leading questions too. (Id. at 189:23-190:17.)

Regarding her interviews with Erdely, Pinkleton testified, The questioning is like

a never-ending game of twenty questions and it is a rigged game at that. Because, as was in
Sabrinas case, there was already a pre-formed storyline and other stories were going to have to
adhere to it. The storyline was such that, (1), there would be there would need to be a perfectly
innocent victim and a monstrous perpetrator to have in the story; (2), there would be no support

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or advocacy on [campus]; and (3), Dean Eramo would be the scapegoat for [the] administration.
(Id. at 191:15-193:23.)

Pinkleton further testified, I have reason to be suspicious of the tone and kind of

the conclusions being drawn as [Erdelys] writing this up, just from past history of being put into
an article as, like, a third-year bimbo, given that we had all of these conversations about a very
serious topic in which I was an advocate and not just a random third year. I dont really trust
anything that [Erdely] says. (Id. at 103:25-104:21.)

Pinkleton testified that she was lied to by Erdely. (Id. at 117:23-118:15.)


Sara Surface, another student and prominent campus advocate source that Erdely

interviewed, testified that Erdely was out to get [Eramo], and that Erdely told Surface that
Erdely hoped to see Ms. Eramo get fired. (Mar. 23, 2016 Deposition of Sara Surface at 59:1160:12 (Surface Dep.) (Ex. 13).)

Surface felt that [Erdely] wasnt accurately portraying Dean Eramo and a lot of

the work of the administration and campus activists correctly. (Id. at 118:18-119:18.)

The two main concerns Surface expressed to Erdely were the portrayal of Dean

Eramo and the use of Jackies name. (Id. at 76:19-24.)


Surface testified that she, Alex, and Jackie all believed that Dean Eramo was not

going to be portrayed as helping Jackie or of having done everything she could do for [Jackie],
that Jackie disagreed with this characterization, and that Jackie, Alex, and Sara all tried to make
clear to Erdely that her intended portrayal of Ms. Eramo was inaccurate. (Id. at 83:23-84:9.)

Both Surface and Jackie attempted to dissuade Erdely from her false portrayal of

Ms. Eramo. Surface testified: Sabrina made it clear that she that Dean Eramo was not going
to be portrayed well, and that Jackie began to to have extreme she felt extremely guilty, to

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the point where Jackie was frequently calling Sabrina and saying that that portrayal of Dean
Eramo was not correct. (Id. at 83:12-22.)

Surface testified that she began to have a number of concerns about Sabrina and

her journalistic integrity, particularly because Surface was very concerned about Sabrinas
portrayal of the administration, to the point that Surface considered reaching out to [Erdelys]
editor to tell her or to tell to question [Erdelys] professionalism and accuracy in reporting.
(Id. at 60:17-61:24.)

Surface testified that in response to Erdelys repeated negative statements to her

about the administration, Surface told her again and again that she was not getting all sides to
the story and made it clear that Erdelys intended portrayal of the UVA administration was
incorrect. (Id.) Erdely acknowledged that Surface tried to give her the deans point of view.
(Oct. 23, 2014 Email from Sabrina Rubin Erdely to Sean Woods, RS003259 (Ex. 14).) In
response, Erdely called Surface an administrative watchdog. (Surface Dep. at 74:23-76:16,
161:17-162:17 (Ex. 13).)

Surface further testified that the community of sexual assault survivors at UVA

was concerned about the article before it was published, because the process had been
extremely frustrating, [] we were worried about what content she was going to publish, because
it was clear that [Erdely] wasnt listening to us. (Id. at 110:8-111:3.)

Emily Renda testified that Erdely had a set narrative in mind about Ms. Eramo,

and that nothing could have stopped her from writing the way she did about Ms. Eramo. (Renda
Dep. at 175:15-176:16 (Ex. 11).)

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Sean Woods was the Deputy Managing Editor of Rolling Stone magazine at the

time A Rape on Campus was published. (Sean Woods Dep. at 10:19-11:3, 12:7-12 (Ex. 8).)
He was the assigning editor for the article. (Id. at 13:11-18.)

In her first draft, immediately following the articles first mention of Ms. Eramo,

Ms. Erdely wrote a note to her editor, Sean Woods, that said: [end on a different note? the
point: That despite the lip service given to rape at UVA and at colleges nationwide, in
reality, the combination of a rape-tolerant student body and an indifferent administration
creates a collegiate environment thats a free-for-all for sexual predators.] (Oct. 15, 2014
Email from Sean Woods to Jodi Peckman, Joe Hutchinson, & Sacha Lecca, RS002256-302, at
RS002269 (emphasis in original) (Ex. 15); Woods Dep. at 32:4-23.)

On her first draft, Erdelys placeholder heading for the section describing Jackies

first interactions with Ms. Eramo was: FOUR: Jackie reports, gets the Eramo/UVA
treatment. (Oct. 15, 2014 Email from Sean Woods to Jodi Peckman, Joe Hutchinson, & Sacha
Lecca, at RS002278) (emphasis in original.)

In an effort to underscore the claim that UVA was indifferent to sexual assault,

Erdely also omitted from the article the fact that many of the sources identified as random
students were actually heavily involved in campus advocacy and student groups related to sexual
assault prevention and awareness. Erdely quoted student Sara Surface describing the UVA
party scene, but did not mention that Surface was involved in multiple campus advocacy
groups related to sexual assault issues. (Sabrina Rubin Erdely, A Rape on Campus: A Brutal
Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA, Rolling Stone Magazine (Dec. 5, 2014), RS001070-79,
at RS001075 (Original Article) (Ex. 16); Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004369 (Ex. 10).)
Erdely quoted Alex Pinkleton talking about fraternity parties and identified her only as a third

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year expertly clad in the UVA-after-dark uniform of a midriff-baring sleeveless top and
shorts, omitting the fact that Erdely knew Pinkleton and was a member of One Less, a student
advocacy group.

(Original Article at RS001075; Pinkleton Dep. at 188:7-23 (Ex. 12).)

Similarly, Erdely quoted student Brian Head talking about student partying, but omitted the fact
that Head was the president of One in Four, an all-male student group dedicated to sexual assault
awareness and prevention.

(Original Article at RS001074; Erdely Reporting Notes at


Before Writing A Rape On Campus, Erdely Tells Another Source That There Is
A Culture Of Male Privilege And Entitlement At UVA And That It Is Difficult
For Men To Change.

During an interview with one source at UVA, Erdely and the source began talking

about the culture on UVAs campus. The source said to Erdely that I think thats why were not
as radical because we think that we have to take these small steps to get the campus culture on
the same line. (Sept. 13, 2014 Erdely Interview with Surface, RS004779-4806, at RS004804
(Ex. 17).) Erdely responds: I think thats very hard to ask people to change their waysnot to
just be able to change their culture but actually to change things I think. But especially to
ask the men to change because its like you know what were talking about is changing the
culture of male privilege and entitlement in a sense that theyve been looking forward to their
whole lives to go to college and indulge in these kinds of behaviors that theyve always been
taught its normal and now theyre being told that wait a minute, its not normal and you need to
rethink them and change. (Id. at RS004804-05.)

When asked about this during her deposition, Erdely confirmed that she believes

that there is, in fact, a culture of male privilege and entitlement at UVA. (Erdely Dep. at
176:15-20 (Ex. 1).)

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When asked about it during her deposition, Erdely also confirmed that she

believes men are taught as a norm that college is a place for drinking and having sex (Id. at
177:15-20), and that the culture of male entitlement bleeds into sexual assault (id. at 178:416).

Erdely Tells Other Sources That One Of UVAs Deeply Rooted Traditions Is That
Fraternities Run The Show, And Fraternity Members Are More Likely To Rape

Erdely also told Jackie that at UVA one of their deeply rooted traditions is [that]

fraternities run the show and nobody really does anything about it. (Sept. 11, 2014 Interview
Tr., RS118221-345, at RS118229 (Ex. 18).) According to Erdely, the only way if somethings
going to be done about that, like, there needs to be something erratic that happens. (Id.)

Erdely also told Jackie that she believes that fraternity members are more likely

to rape people. Theyre also more likely to have a rape-supportive attitude, you know, like
to be more sexually aggressive. (Id. at RS118236.)

On July 14, 2014, Emily Renda told Erdely that she wanted to raise a concern

about publishing part of Jackies story, specifically that Renda may need to urge [Erdely] not
to publish the name of the fraternity because we are trying to pursue ongoing action. (Erdely
Reporting Notes at RS004145 (Ex. 10).) When Renda explained that UVA was working to
investigate Jackies claims and her claims about two other supposed victims, and that
prematurely accusing the fraternity without an adjudication of guilt could be a due process issue
that would complicate future disciplinary proceedings, Erdely insisted that she wanted to be
able to name this fraternity and take them to task. (Id. at RS004147.)

Erdely Knew That Jackies Story Of Her Alleged Assault Changed Materially Over

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During her first interview with Jackie on approximately July 14, 2014, Jackie told

Erdely that her first month [at UVA] in September, she was gang raped at a fraternity [her]
first year of college, and that the rape wound up being a hazing thing. (Erdely Reporting
Notes at RS004153.) Jackie explained to Erdely that her perpetrator

, a third year whom

she had allegedly met while lifeguarding together at the university pool, picked [her] up and
actually took [her] out to eat before the alleged assault. (Id. at RS004153; 004161.) Later they
went to his fraternity party, where

took her upstairs to a room where the assault allegedly

occurred. (Id. at RS004153.) Jackie told Erdely that there ended up being eight other boys in
the room, and that although

never touched [her] he told the[] [others] what to do, and

seven of them raped [her]. (Id.) Jackie also explained to Erdely that at one point, one boy, the
last one he couldnt do it. He like physically could not perform So they made him use a
beer bottle. (Id. at RS4156.)

Erdelys first interview with Jackie did not take place until approximately July 14,

2014. Before Erdely interviewed Jackie, she interviewed sexual assault survivor, Emily Renda
on July 8, 2014. Renda told Erdely that fraternity rush at UVA the time when young men
interview and attempt to join a fraternity does not happen until early February, because
UVA do[esnt] allow rush until the spring. (Id. at RS004118.)

During her first conversation with Erdely about Jackie, Renda told Erdely,

speaking of Jackies gang-rape claims, obviously maybe her memory of it isnt perfect,
because Renda thought that since it was coming out in pieces, that there was either more or less
to it. (Renda Dep. at 172:13-20 (Ex. 11).)

Renda also went on to tell Erdely that Jackie alleged she was gang raped in the

fall, before rush, and the men who perpetrated it were young guys who were not yet members of

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the fraternity, and she [Jackie] remembers one of them saying to another cmon man dont
you want to be a brother. Erdely told Renda that the story was totally plausible. (Erdely
Reporting Notes at RS004119 (Ex. 10).)

Renda explicitly emphasized to Erdely that Renda did not have access to Jackies

case file and could not verify any of Jackies allegations beyond what Jackie was saying. (Renda
Dep. at 117:9-118:8 (Ex. 11).) Erdely also knew that Jackie and Renda were not friends at the
time of Jackies alleged rape, and therefore Renda only knew about Jackies supposed alleged
assault much later, after the fact. (Erdely Dep. at 60:6-13 (Ex. 1).)

In June 2014 testimony before a U.S. Senate subcommittee in which she briefly

referenced Jackies sexual assault allegations using a pseudonym, Renda stated that Jackie was
assaulted by five men. (Renda Senate Testimony, RS003587-93, at RS003587 (Ex. 19).); Renda
Dep. at 35:24-36:15 (Ex. 11).) Renda was told this number by Jackie. (Id. at 36:17-37:6.)

Erdely read Rendas Congressional testimony before the article was published.

(Erdely Dep. at 37:8-14 (Ex. 1).)


Erdely never asked Renda about her Congressional testimony or the number of

perpetrators involved in Jackies alleged assault. (Id. at 37:8-22.)


On September 19, 2014, Erdely interviewed one of Jackies first-year roommates,

Rachel Soltis. During that interview, Erdely asked Soltis if the orchestrator of Jackies gang rape
had taken Jackie to dinner on the night of the alleged assault. Soltis told Erdely I honestly dont
know that part, I cant recall, about him taking her out. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004422
(Ex. 10).) Soltis also told Erdely that Jackie had described her rape in two different ways. Soltis
explained to Erdely that Jackie first told Soltis and a group of other friends that these guys
forced her to do oral sex. (Id. at RS4420.) Soltis then explained to Erdely that it was not until

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much later in time that Jackie told Soltis that she was raped by I think six guys. (Id. at
RS004421.) Soltis also told Erdely that in the later version, Jackie claimed she had been raped
with a

. (Id.)

Jackie never told Erdely that she was forced to perform oral sex on any of her

alleged attackers. (See generally id.)


Erdely never asked Jackie why Renda believed she had been raped by five men,

why Soltice believed Jackie had been raped by six men, or why Jackie told Erdely that she had
been raped by seven men. (See generally id.)

The same day as the Soltis interview, Erdely spoke with Annie Forrest, another

then-friend of Jackies, explaining to Forrest that Erdely was hoping to verify every part of
Jackies story and to make it all as airtight as possible. (Id. at RS004425.) During that
interview Forrest explained to Erdely that Jackie had told her that several men had raped her,
during which a coat hanger was used. (Id. at RS004426.)

Erdely never asked Jackie to explain why Soltis believed that Jackie had been

raped with a

, or why Forrest believed that Jackie had been raped with a coat

hanger. (See generally id.)


Erdely acknowledged that she discovered in [her] reporting that some of the

details of [Jackies] account had morphed with time early on, she had told friends that she
had been forced to perform oral sex on a group of men, and her story had later changed to one of
vaginal rape. (Erdely Statement Draft, RS002176-79, at RS002177 (Ex. 20).)

Erdely never asked Jackie to explain why her story of rape morphed with time

from forced oral sex on a group of men to one of vaginal rape. (See generally Erdely
Reporting Notes (Ex. 10).)

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Erdely never mentioned in A Rape On Campus that Jackies story morphed

with time from forced oral sex on a group of men to one of vaginal rape. (See
generally Original Article (Ex. 16).)

Erdely never told then-Managing Editor Will Dana that Jackies story of sexual

assault had changed over time prior to the publication of the article. (Mar. 15, 2016 Deposition
of William Dana at 195:24-196:3, 203:10-16 (Dana Dep.) (Ex. 21).) Dana testified that he
would have acted aggressively had he been told of inconsistencies in Jackies story. (Id. at

Erdely did know, however, that Jackie claimed that her rape was just like a rape

that occurred on an episode of Law & Order SVU. (Sept. 12, 2014 Interview Tr., RS118346440, at RS118374-75 (Ex. 22).) Jackie told Erdely during one of their interviews that she had
watched an episode of Law & Order SVU from one in a later season [where] Elliot was still in
it and that it involved this girl who is at a fraternity party, and one guy taker her up to a room
and calls his friends in, and like four of them gang rape her. (Id. at RS118375.)

Law & Order SVU Season 14, Episode entitled Girl Dishonored, which

originally aired on television in April 2013, involves a woman who is gang raped in the way
Jackie described to Erdely during their interview, during a fraternity party, with one boy taking
the victim up a flight of stairs in the fraternity house into a bedroom, where several men gang
raped the victim. During the rape scene in the episode, one of the attackers yells Grab her leg!
just as Jackie claimed to Erdely that one of her attackers yelled during her alleged attack, Grab
its motherfucking leg. (Compare Apr. 24, 2014, Girl Dishonored, LAW AND ORDER SPECIAL
VICTIMS UNIT (Ex. 23), with Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004154 (Ex. 10).)

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Prior to the publication of the article, Erdely also knew that Jackie had told Erdely

inconsistent stories about how long the gang-rape supposedly lasted. (Erdely Dep. at 52:1753:21 (Ex. 1).) She originally told Erdely that she was gang-raped for three-and-a-half hours, but
then later claimed the rape lasted from exactly 12:52 a.m. to 3:30 a.m., which she knew from
looking at a clock in the room. (Id.)

During Erdelys first interview with Jackie on approximately July 14, 2014,

Jackie told Erdely that during her alleged rape there was a glass coffee table in the middle of the
room [and] I wound up crashing into that and it shattered under our weight. And the glass went
into my back. I have scars from it. I have scars on my back. My friends are always like what
are those from, and Im like theyre from September 28, 2012 [the date of the alleged rape].
(Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004154.) Jackie goes on to tell Erdely that she had a huge bruise
on [her] face, as a result of her alleged rape. (Id.)

Although Jackie described the significant injuries she received as a result of her

alleged rape, Erdely never asked Jackie whether she sought treatment from a hospital. (See
generally Erdely Reporting Notes.)

Erdely asked multiple people about Jackies alleged injuries, yet nobody could

corroborate them. (See generally id.) For example, Erdely asked Rachel Soltis whether she has
ever see[n] injuries on herarms or back? Soltis responded, come to think of it, she would
always have a lot of scratches on her from the cat, because she has three cats. I would often
notice that. But she has a lot of marks on her skin, bruises that havent really healed, or some
discolorations. So I havent really noticed. (Id. at RS004424.)

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During dinner with Jackie on September 11, 2014, Erdely asked Jackie to see her

scars from the assault. According to Erdely, Jackie pull[ed] back the beaded woven bracelets
on her left wrists, [yet] in the dim lighting [Erdely] s[aw] nothing. (Id. at RS004347.)

The very next night, at a dinner with Jackie, Jackies then-boyfriend, and Alex

Pinkleton, Erdely asked Jackie again about her scars. Jackie explained to Erdely I was trying to
look for them earlier and theyre not as distinct anymore. I used to have these really distinct
white marks where glass had cut me. Jackies then-boyfriend chimed in, I havent really seen
any marks on your back. I havent seen any. (Id. at RS004378; Sept. 12, 2014 Interview Tr.,
RS118346-440, at RS118372 (Ex. 22).)

In a December 17, 2014 email to Jackie, Erdely acknowledged that she had

known Jackies description of her injuries from supposedly being gang-raped on a shattered glass
table was a lie. Erdely wrote to Jackie, You also told me all of your friends have asked about
the scars on your back but none of your friends Ive spoken with have ever seen scars on your
back, including your boyfriend

. (If you recall, he said this when we were at dinner in

September.) (Dec. 17, 2014 Email from Sabrina Rubin Erdely to Jackie, RS019639-41, at
RS019640 (Ex. 24).)

Although Jackie Claims That She

As A Result Of Her Alleged
Assault, Erdely Cannot Corroborate The Claim Because Jackie Refuses To Produce

During the same September 12, 2014 dinner, Erdely learned during the

conversation that Jackie had told Alex Pinkleton that she

as a result of her

alleged assault a claim Jackie had not made to Erdely and that Jackie has
. Erdely asked Jackie,

I need to

know, anything that bolsters your story is helpful. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004382 (Ex.
10); Sept. 12, 2014 Interview Tr. at RS118387-88 (Ex. 22).) Erdely went on to ask Jackie,
Case 3:15-cv-00023-GEC Document 116 Filed 07/22/16 Page 19 of 93 Pageid#: 5500

Jackie responded

. (Erdely Reporting Notes

at RS004382; Sept. 12, 2014 Interview Tr. at RS118387-88.)


Jackies then-boyfriend stated that he was not aware of Jackie having ever
. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004382; Sept. 12, 2014

Interview Tr. at RS118386-87.)


After learning this information, Erdely made repeated requests of Jackie to

provide her with these


. At that same dinner, Erdely asked Jackie to provide her

corroborating the fact that she was

. (Sept. 12, 2014

Interview Tr. at RS118392.) Jackie responded that her mother must have those
home in

at her

, Virginia. But then Jackie waffled and said that her mother does not have the
because Jackie never told her mother she had

from her alleged

assault. (Id.)

At dinner, Erdely told Jackie that it was important for Jackie to obtain her

because they would corroborate Jackies account of being raped. Erdely said, I mean
for purposes of the article, like Im hoping to just pull together as many little, no matter like how
small the little scraps of evidence might seem, like I want to like pull them all together in one
place, you know, to make it very clear that like this isnt just . (Id. at RS118438.) At that
point, Alex, Jackies friend chimed in, its not really deniable. (Id.) Erdely said right,
exactly, exactly. (Id.)

Then during an October 20, 2014 interview with Jackie, Erdely asked Jackie do

you have that

Jackie responded, I know its at my house in

. So I have to ask my mom to look for it.

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I dont know if she knows about it, but I have a folder of

in my room and I can

ask her to bring it. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004476 (Ex. 10).)

Ultimately, Jackie never provided Erdely with the corroborating

before the article was published, and Erdely did not insist on seeing them before publishing the
article. (Erdely Dep. at 159:2-160:1 (Ex. 1).)
VIII. Although Jackie Claimed That She Wore A Red Dress That Was Bloodied From
Her Injuries On The Night Of Her Alleged Assault, Erdely Could Not Corroborate
The Claim Because Jackie Refused To Produce The Dress.

During their July 30, 2014 interview, Erdely asked Jackie about how she got

ready for her date with

the night of her alleged assault. Jackie responded that she went

through about ten dresses in my closet, and ultimately the one she picked was a red dress.
(Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004240.) Erdely asked Jackie whether since the dress was red,
was the blood very evident against it? Jackie responded that it wasnt evident. (Id. at
RS004242.) Erdely also asked what did you eventually do with the dress? Did you get rid of
it? (Id. at RS004241.) Jackie told Erdely that Jackies mother suggested that Jackie should keep
the dress for evidence, but that Jackie told her mother to burn it. (Id. at RS004241.)

On August 16, Erdely asked Jackie to find out if her mother had gotten rid of the

red dress she was allegedly wearing the night of her attack. (Id. at RS004315.) Jackie responded
that she would have to ask her mother when [she] gets home, because Jackie was out of town.

During her interview with Rachel Soltis, Erdely asked Soltis about her feelings

about what should be done about the fraternity where Jackie was allegedly assaulted. Soltis
responds, in part, just because we dont have the blue dress, the evidence, I dont think they
should go unpunished. (Id. at RS004423.)

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Erdely never asked Jackie why Soltis believed that Jackie wore a blue, rather than

a red, dress on the night of her alleged assault. (See generally id.)

Ultimately, Jackie never provided Erdely the dress to corroborate her (Jackies)

story that she wore a red dress and that she was bloodied on the night of her alleged assault. (See
generally id.; Erdely Dep. at 92:4-22 (Ex. 1).) Instead, Jackie simply told Erdely that her mother
threw it out. (Sept. 11, 2014 Interview Tr. at RS118226 (Ex. 18).)

Erdelys notes contained more than two pages of single-spaced questions that she

intended to ask Jackies mother to corroborate aspects of Jackies story. (Erdely Interview
Notes, RS014335-58, at RS14339-42 (Ex. 25).)

Erdely asked Jackie if she could speak with her mother to corroborate her story.

(Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004346.) But ultimately, Erdely never spoke with Jackies mother
to confirm this or any other information. (Erdely Dep. at 236:7-12 (Ex. 1).)

Erdely Caught Jackie In Multiple Other Lies During Her Reporting, But Never
Questioned Or Confronted Jackie About Them.

During a September 11, 2014 interview, Jackie told Erdely that Jackies mother

went to Brown for college. (Sept. 11, 2014 Interview Tr. at RS118225 (Ex. 18).)

Prior to publication of the article, Erdely discovered that this was a lie after

looking up Jackies mother online. In her notes, Erdely wrote, note, her profile says she went to
Providence College, NOT Brown, as Jackie told me. (Erdely Interview Notes at RS014344 (Ex.
25).) Erdely never asked Jackie about this discrepancy prior to publication. (See generally id.)

During a telephone interview with Jackie, Erdely told Jackie that Erdely believed

she had located two potential corroborating sources whose full names Jackie had refused to
provide to Erdely.

Erdelys notes reflect that she asked Jackie if these were the correct

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individuals, and she tells me its not them, but I dont really believe her. (Erdely Reporting
Notes at RS004404 (Ex. 10).)

During a September 19, 2014 telephone interview, Erdely asked Jackies former

roommate, Rachel Soltis, if Jackie had told Soltis how Jackie first came to meet with Ms. Eramo.
(Id. at RS004422.) Soltis said that Jackie told her that Jackie met Ms. Eramo when she had been
called in to testify as a witness at a sexual misconduct trial involving a victim who was sexually
assaulted a way similar to Jackie. (Id.) Erdely knew that this was a completely different story
than Jackie had told Erdely about how she met Ms. Eramo, even writing in her notes IF SO,
THIS IS NEWS TO ME. (Id.) Yet Erdely never confronted or questioned Jackie about this
glaring inconsistency. (See generally id.)

In an early interview, Jackie told Erdely that a friend of a friend who she did not

know said to her at a party that she should have just had fun with being raped by a bunch of hot
Phi Psi guys. (Id. at RS004244.) When Erdely later specifically asked Jackie about being told
this at a party, Jackie reversed course and claimed that it was actually her former friend Kathryn
Hendley Cindy in the article who said that to her two weeks after the alleged assault.
(Id. at RS004406.) Erdely recognized the about-face at the time, writing in her notes that she
was confused about this contradictory story and two different attributions for the same quote.

Nevertheless, Erdely did not confront Jackie about this discrepancy, and Defendants

published this callous, supposed quote in the article, and attributed it to Kathryn Hendley.
(Original Article at RS001074 (Ex. 16).)

During one of their initial interviews, Jackie told Erdely a story about how she

was attacked on a corner in Charlottesville by fraternity brothers whom she claimed threw a beer
bottle at her face. Jackie told Erdely that she was afraid to identify the name of Phi Psi in the

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article because I had a very bad experience with some fraternity guys. (Erdely Reporting
Notes at RS004167-8 (Ex. 10).)

According to Jackie, as a result of Jackie being very

outspoken about her experience being gang-raped at Phi Psi, and Jackie t[elling] [her] friends
who are first years not to go to [the Phi Psi house], three boys [who were in a fraternity] started
calling [her] a fat cunt and a bitch, that [she] was trying to ruin their frat, and they threw a beer
bottle at [her] face. (Id.) Jackie told Erdely that her face was really messed up, because the
bottle hit right below my eye, and that it was a really nasty cut. (Id.)

Erdely understood that the alleged incident on the corner was supposedly a result

of Jackie speaking out about her alleged gang rape. (Erdely Dep. at 70:13-72:13 (Ex. 1).)

Jackie further told Erdely that her roommate, Eliza, who Jackie claimed was a

nurse at the time, took the glass and everything out of her face. (Erdely Reporting Notes at
RS004168.) According to Jackie, Eliza was Jackies go to person when the beer bottle was
thrown at her face. (Id.; id. at RS004363; Erdely Dep. at 72:7-13)

On September 11, 2014, when Erdely asked Jackie for Elizas contact

information, Jackie provided her with Elizas email address.

(Erdely Reporting Notes at

RS004363; Erdely Dep. 72:19-73:23.)


Erdely never reached out to Jackies go to person to corroborate the bottle

incident or the extent of Jackies injuries before publication of the article. (Erdely Dep. at 72:1973:23.)

Instead, Jackie offered to, and did in fact, send Erdely photos of her alleged


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(Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004314 (Ex. 10); Jackie Injury Photo, RS015312 (Ex. 26).)

But Erdely and Jackies friends subjectively believed that Jackies injuries

looked like face paint. At dinner on September 11, 2014, Jackie told Erdely that her friend,
Alex Pinkleton, asked Jackie is that face paint? And Erdely replied, it looked like paint
like something smeared on your face. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004362; Sept. 11, 2014
Interview Tr. at RS118338-39 (Ex. 18).)

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From their earliest interviews in July 2014, Jackie repeatedly told Erdely that she

was an active member of One Less, a campus sexual assault advocacy group. (See, e.g., Erdely
Reporting Notes at RS004167, 4169, 4244, 4254 (Ex. 10).)

But on September 30, 2014, Sara Surface told Erdely that One Less has just

undertaken their selection process for joining the group, and that Jackie had just been admitted.
(Id. at RS004446.) Surface explicitly told Erdely that Jackie had not been a member of the
group. (Id.)

Erdely never asked Jackie why she claimed to have been so involved in One Less

throughout her time at UVA, when Surface told her that Jackie had just joined the group. (See
generally id.)

Jackie Refuses To Divulge To Erdely The Identities Of The Three Friends She
Claimed She Met With Immediately After Her Supposed Sexual Assault.

During their first interview in July 2014, Jackie told Erdely that after her sexual

assault, she called her three best friends on campus, who met with a bloody, beaten Jackie
outside of the Phi Kappa Psi house, then proceeded to callously tell Jackie not to go to the
hospital or report her rape because it would hurt the friends social standing and ability to get
into fraternity parties. (Id. at RS004158-4164.) Jackie told Erdely that these individuals first
names were Ryan, Alex, and Catherine. (Id.)

After Jackie told Erdely about Ryans, Alexs, and Katherines reactions, Erdely

asked Jackie for the three friends last names. (Erdely Dep. at 93:14-17 (Ex. 1).) According to
Erdely, she asked Jackie many, many times for their names. (Id. at 94:21-24.) But Jackie
refused to provide Erdely their last names. (Id. at 93:14-25.)

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Erdely understood that the reason Jackie refused to provide contact information

for these three friends called Andy, Randall, and Cindy in the article is that Jackie
said she had a strained relationship with them. (Id. at 93:14-94:8.)

Instead, Erdely asked Jackie on July 30, 2014 if Jackie would see if Ryan would

be willing to speak with Erdely. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004242 (Ex. 10).) Jackie
responded that Jackie can text him either later tonight or tomorrow, but that she had not yet
ha[d] a chance to get in touch with him. (Id.)

On August 11, 2014, Erdely left a long detailed message for Jackie asking Jackie

if she had spoken with Ryan yet to see if Ryan was willing to speak with Erdely. (Id. at

Having not heard from Jackie, two days later on August 13, 2014, Erdely left

another long message for Jackie, again asking if Ryan would speak with her. (Id. at RS004309.)

Jackie responded via email the next day that she ha[snt] heard back from

Ryan. (Id. at RS004309.)


On August 16, 2014, Jackie told Erdely that Jackie texted [Ryan] twice, and

messaged him on Facebook, but that she still ha[snt] heard back from [him]. (Id. at

During a dinner on September 11, 2014, Jackie told Erdely that Ryan had refused

to speak with Erdely because he was in a fraternity and he did not want the Greek system to
go down. (Sept. 11, 2014 Interview Tr. at RS118230-31 (Ex. 18).)

Erdely simply took Jackies word for it and told her that Ryan is obviously out.

(Id. at RS118256.) Erdely ceased her efforts to speak with Ryan (or any of the three friends)

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before publishing the article to confirm that he (or any of the three friends) were able or
unwilling to corroborate Jackies story. (Erdely Dep. at 275:13-276:17 (Ex. 1).)

Erdely also requested that Jackie provide her contact information for Alex and

Catherine, but Jackie refused to provide it. (Apr. 21, 2016 Deposition of Elisabeth GarberPaul at 102:20-106:1 (Garber-Paul Dep.) (Ex. 27).)

Woods testified that he repeatedly asked Erdely to find the three friends, but that

[s]he was telling me she couldnt find out who they were. (Woods Dep. at 126:16-127:25 (Ex.
8).) Erdely told Woods she did not know their last names and that nobody would give them to
her. (Id. at 128:1-11.)

But contrary to Erdelys claims to Woods, on September 19, 2014, during her

interview with Jackies first-year roommate, Rachel Soltis, Erdely learned the last name of
Katherine Hendley. Erdely asked Soltis about Jackies friends reactions when Jackie told them
about her alleged assault, and Soltis explained to Erdely, that yeah Catherine Hindley or
Hinkley, yeah she Cathy and Al[ex] told Jackie not to tell because it would ruin [Jackies]
reputation. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004421 (Ex. 10).)

Although Erdely had Hendleys last name (within one vowel of its proper

spelling), Erdely never tried to identify or contact Ms. Hendley to verify whether she did, in fact,
discourage Jackie from reporting an alleged gang-rape on the night of Jackies alleged assault.
(Erdely Dep. at 294:4-10 (Ex. 1).)

Erdely knew that it was very easy to find UVA student contact information

through UVAs people search. (Id. at 266:23-269:15.)


Erdely also did not bother to tell Rolling Stones fact-checker, Elizabeth Garber-

Paul that she had learned Kathryn Hendleys last name during her reporting. (Garber-Paul Dep.

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at 215:21-216:8 (Ex. 27).) Garber-Paul did not discover this until after the article was published.

After publication, Woods learned that a source had in fact given Erdely Kathryn

Hendleys full name identified as Cindy in the article but that Erdely never attempted to
contact her. (Woods Dep. at 129:18-130:3 (Ex. 8).)

When Sean Woods provided Garber-Paul with Kathryn Hendleys full name after

the publication of the article, Garber-Paul was able to obtain Hendleys email address in three
minutes using UVAs public database. (Dec. 11, 2014 Email from Elisabeth Garber-Paul to
Sean Woods, RS002973 (Ex. 28); Garber-Paul Dep. at 323:6-325:12 (Ex. 27).)

Although Erdely never spoke to Ms. Hendley, the article quotes Ms. Hendley as

discouraging Jackie from reporting her gang rape, telling Jackie that if she did, her reputation
[would] be shot for the next four years, and saying to Jackie, referring to her gang rape, Why
didnt you have fun with it? A bunch of hot Phi Psi guys? (Original Article at RS001072, 1074
(Ex. 16) (emphasis in original).)

Had Erdely contacted Kathryn Hendley, she would have willingly spoken to

Erdely. (Apr. 13, 2016 Deposition of Kathryn Hendley at 50:20-51:16 (Hendley Dep.) (Ex.
29).) Hendley would have told Erdely that Jackies description of the supposed meeting on the
night of the assault was almost entirely fabricated. (Id. at 16:14-19:18.)

Hendley would have told Erdely that Jackie was not visibly injured or bloodied,

that the meeting took place at a different time of day far from the Phi Psi house, and that Jackie
claimed she had been forced to perform oral sex on one or two men. (Id. at 22:8-26:25.)

Hendley would have also told Erdely that the quotations Jackie attributed to

Hendley were fabricated. (Id. at 25:9-29:25.)

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Alex Pinkleton told Erdely she was friends with Kathryn Hendley (Cindy in the

article) but despite being in possession of notes from that interview while conducting her own
interview with Pinkleton, Rolling Stone fact-checker Elizabeth Garber-Paul also never asked
Pinkleton for Kathryn Hendleys full name or contact information. (Garber-Paul Dep. 270:25271:17 (Ex. 27).)

Will Dana, then-Managing Editor of Rolling Stone, agreed that if Erdely had the

names of any of the three friends, he would have expected that that person would have been
contacted. (Dana Dep. at 383:5-17 (Ex. 21).)

Ryan Duffin also would have spoken to Erdely if she had contacted him prior to

the publication of the article. (Apr. 15, 2016 Deposition of Ryan Duffin at 33:10-34:10 (Duffin
Dep.) (Ex. 30).)

Duffin would have told Erdely that Jackie never reached out to him to ask if he

would speak to Erdely, and that Duffin never declined to speak with Erdely. (Id. at 33:1034:10.) Duffin would have also told Erdely that the quotes Jackie attributed to Alex and Kathryn
were fabrications. (Id.)

Had Erdely spoken with Duffin, she would have also learned that Duffin believed

that Jackie invented a fake person who she called Haven Monahan to try to make Duffin
jealous and spark a romantic interest in Jackie. (Id. at 134:14-137:12.) Duffin believed that
Jackie provided him fake telephone numbers for this Haven Monahan and encouraged Duffin
to exchange communications with him in a bid to instill romantic feelings in Duffin for Jackie.

Erdely would have also learned that Jackie told Duffin that she had a date with

this Haven Monahan on September 28, 2012 the night she claimed she was sexually

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assaulted and that it was Haven Monahan who supposedly orchestrated her alleged sexual
assault and allegedly forced Jackie to perform oral sex on five men. (Id. at 87:9-88:16, 19:1420:6, 94:2-12.)

Erdely would have learned that Duffin learned that there was no UVA student

named Haven Monahan, and that Duffin eventually challenged Jackie regarding Haven
Monahans existence. (Id. at 96:20-97:17, 102:8-104:11.) Erdely would have learned that
Duffin eventually had a falling out with Jackie over her repeated fabrications because he did not
believe her story and did not trust her. (Id. at 110:17-111:23.)

At the time of the publication of the article, Rolling Stone then-Managing Editor

Will Dana believed that Erdely had reached out to Ryan Duffin called Randall in the
article for comment, when in fact she had not. (Dana Dep. at 375:9-377:13 (Ex. 21).)

Then-Managing Editor Will Dana agreed that if Erdely had in fact contacted Ryan

Duffin, he would have willingly spoken to Erdely and would have rebutted certain central
aspects of Jackies account. (Id. at 379:4-380:9.)

Will Dana agreed that Rolling Stone should have attempted to contact the three

friends Jackie claimed she met with on the night of her alleged gang rape, and that doing so
would have been the easiest way to find out the flaws in [Jackies] story. (Id. at 347:23348:14.)

Deputy Managing Editor Sean Woods admitted that Jackies refusal to provide

Rolling Stone with names and contact information of people that could verify her claims was a
roadblock in Rolling Stones reporting. (Woods Dep. at 167:12-168:2 (Ex. 8).)

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Sean Woods admitted that failing to contact any of the three friends Jackie

supposedly met with on the night of her supposed sexual assault was a mistake. (Id. at 123:823.)

In the original draft of the article, Erdely wrote a note regarding the gang-rape

scene and the depiction of the callous statements of Jackies friends indicating to the reader that
all of the quotes came from Jackie and that Rolling Stone had not interviewed any of the other
supposed witnesses. (Oct. 15, 2014 Email from Sean Woods to Jodi Peckman, Joe Hutchinson,
& Sacha Lecca, at RS002261 (Ex. 15).) Woods edited the draft to remove this disclaimer.
(Woods Dep. at 83:1-84:1.)

In a draft mea cupla statement that he wrote for Erdely days after Rolling Stone

published the December 5, 2014 Editors Note, Woods also stated to Erdely, When Jackie
balked at revealing her friends names or said she would be contacting them for [Erdely],
[Erdely] should have walked away. (Mea Culpa Draft, RS015041-42, at RS015041 (Ex. 31);
Woods Dep. at 292:15-293:5, 298:5-24 (Ex. 8).) He further told Erdely, [i]n [your] desire to
bring this issue to a broader audience, [you] neglected to report Jackies story as vigorously as
[you] should have and to air both sides of a narrative without judgment or bias. (Mea Culpa
Draft at RS0015041.)

Jackie Refuses To Divulge To Erdely The Name Of The Supposed Ringleader Of

Her Alleged Sexual Assault.

Both Sean Woods and Will Danas reactions to reading the first draft of the

article were that they wanted to push for more information on the identity of Drew the
pseudonym used in the article for the supposed ringleader of the assault and the other
supposed assailants, but Erdely told Woods that she couldnt find that and that she ran into a
wall. (Woods Dep. at 27:9-30:17.)

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During the reporting of the article, Woods told Erdely at least three times that she

needed to learn the full name of the supposed ringleader of Jackies gang rape so that Rolling
Stone could verify his existence. (Id. at 148:24-149:9.)

Prior to the publication of the article, Erdely admitted to Alex Pinkleton that she

attempted to verify the existence of the supposed ringleader of Jackies gang-rape through
Facebook using the first name Jackie provided and was unable to do so. (Pinkleton Dep. 125:1524 (Ex. 12).)

Jackie also refused to tell Rolling Stone the names of any of her other supposed

attackers. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 150:3-20 (Ex. 27.)


Erdely never asked Jackie for the name of one of her supposed gang-rapists who

Jackie claimed was in a small anthropology discussion class with her. (Erdely Dep. at 56:9-57:3
(Ex. 1).)

Erdely never asked Jackie to see her transcript to determine whether Jackie did, in

fact, take an anthropology class, and whether she, in fact, failed that semester. (See generally
Erdely Reporting Notes, id. at RS004156 (Ex. 10).)

Erdely never asked Jackie how she was able to identify one of the perpetrators as

the pledge master, as Jackie claimed, or what any of her alleged attackers looked like. (See
generally Erdely Reporting Notes, id. at RS004156; Erdely Dep. 55:21-23; 56:1 (Ex. 1).)

Erdely never asked Jackie whether anyone attempted to enter or exit the room

during the three-and-a-half hour period of her alleged gang-rape, during which a fraternity party
was supposedly going on. Moreover, Erdely never asked Jackie whether anyone heard her
alleged screams. (See generally Erdely Reporting Notes, id. at RS004155-57.)

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153:2-154:2 (Ex. 8).) Woods admitted it was an intentional decision to leave this disclaimer out
of the final version of the article. (Id. at 154:10-155:3.)

Woods admitted that Rolling Stone did not make it clear to readers of the article

that Rolling Stone did not know the true name of the supposed ringleader of Jackies gang-rape
and had not even verified that he existed. (Id. at 151:20-152:9.)

Jackie Refuses To Divulge The Names Of Two Other Women She Claims Were Also
Gang Raped At Phi Kappa Psi.

Rolling Stone also claimed in the article that two other girls had been gang-raped

recently at Phi Kappa Psi and that Jackie shared this information with Ms. Eramo. (Garber-Paul
Dep. at 202:7-203:1 (Ex. 27).)

Jackie told Elderly during one of their interviews that she (Jackie) was aware of

two other women,


, who had allegedly been gang-raped at the Phi Psi house.

(Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004155 (Ex. 10); Erdely Dep. at 68:19-69:14 (Ex. 1).)

Erdely subjectively believed that this information was shocking, and that she

cant imagine [gang-rape] is all that common. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004155.) Erdely
subjectively believed that the idea that 3 women were gang raped at the same fraternity seems
like too much of a coincidence. (Id.)

Erdely never asked Jackie for



Instead, Erdely relied on Jackie to see if

last name. (See generally id.)


would speak to

Erdely. (Id. at RS004310; Erdely Dep. at 69:15-70:12 (Ex. 1).) For example, on September 11,
2014, Erdely asked Jackie about the other two [Phi Psi] survivors. (Sept. 11, 2014 Interview
Tr. at RS118256 (Ex. 18).) Jackie responded that

refused to speak with Erdely because

her parents prohibited it. (Id.) Erdely then asked if Jackie would text

to let her know

that Erdely is on campus. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004345.) Erdely explained to Jackie

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that it would be important not only to put [

] story out there but to lend to Jackies

story and credibility. (Id.)


Erdely also asked Jackie to speak with a woman named


, who could

story of gang-rape. (Id. at RS004311.) Again, however, although Erdely

claims she hounded Jackie to get in touch with her, ultimately Erdely was unable to speak with
because Jackie failed to provide Erdely with

contact information. (Erdely

Dep. at 69:15-70:12 (Ex. 1).)


During one of their interviews, Erdely told Jackie that I think Ive found who

sister who, according to Jackie, was a first-year at UVA] are.

According to Erdely, Jackie tells [her] its not them, but [Erdely] do[esnt] really believe her.
Erdely told Jackie that she would like to reach out to

and make sure she doesnt want to

cooperate, hear it from her, maybe shes willing to at least verify the Jackie part of the story, the
idea that Jackie confided in them. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004404 (Ex. 10).)

Jackie suggested instead that she (Jackie) should talk to [

because Jackie did not have

] sister,

phone number, but that she will definitely talk to her and

see what she says. Jackie ended the inquiry by telling Erdely that she was very adamant
that her family didnt want her participating in any way. (Id. at RS004404-05.)

Ultimately, Erdely never identified or spoke with

, or

because Jackie refused to identify their full names or provide their contact information.
(Erdely Dep. at 69:9-14; 70:1-12 (Ex. 1).)

At the time it published the article, Rolling Stone did not know who these other

supposed victims were and had only nicknames provided by Jackie. (Garber-Paul Dep. at
203:18-204:10 (Ex. 27).)

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Rolling Stone also knew that UVA did not know who these other two supposed

victims were. (Id. at 254:23-255:8.)


Rolling Stone never spoke to anyone other than Jackie who claimed to know who

these two other supposed victims were. (Id. at 204:11-206:5.)


Erdely was unable to corroborate anything that Jackie told her about


alleged assaults. Indeed, when Erdely asked Rachel Soltis whether Jackie ever told
[her] anything about [what]

might have told [Jackie] about Phi Psi, Soltis responded not

that I can recall. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004425 (Ex. 10).)


Rolling Stone asked Jackie to provide contact information for these supposed two

other victims so that they could verify their existence, and Jackie refused to provide that
information. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 206:10-16 (Ex. 27).)

In an October 25, 2014 email in which he sent Erdely edits on the first draft of the

article, Deputy Managing Editor Woods wrote to Erdely: A few notes, word choices made some
cuts, etc. Piece is great. I worry we cant confirm the two other girls coming to Jackie and
alleging gang rape at the same frat, lets discuss Monday am. Any word from Jackie? (Oct. 25,
2014 Email from Sean Woods to Sabrina Rubin Erdely, RS003216 (Ex. 33).) Erdely responded,
I have the same worry I wish I had better sourcing on a lot of the Jackie stuff a lot right now
is resting on Jackies say-so, including the entire lead. (Oct. 26, 2014 Email from Sabrina
Rubin Erdely to Sean Woods, RS018980 (Ex. 34).)

When asked whether she had any knowledge of whether these two other alleged

Phi Kappa Psi victims are real people or not, Garber-Paul, Rolling Stones fact-checker, testified:
I dont know either way. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 206:17-207:1 (Ex. 27).)

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In one of her reporting files, Erdely wrote that she still need[s] to speak with:

; mom. Catherine; alex? Jackies mom

(Erdely Interview Notes at RS14338-9 (Ex. 25).) Erdely never spoke with any of these people
prior to publication nor did she receive the

from Jackie. (See generally Erdely

Reporting Notes (Ex. 10).)


Instead, Rolling Stone again put a statement in the article stating that neither

woman was willing to speak with Rolling Stone, falsely implying that Rolling Stone knew who
the women were, had reached out for comment, and had been rejected. (Original Article at
RS001078 (Ex. 16).)

Although Woods had access to Erdelys reporting file before publication, he only

reviewed it in depth after A Rape on Campus was published. (Woods Dep. at 129:18-130:3
(Ex. 8).)

Woods testified that he expects that the fact checker would do a detailed review of

the reporting file prior to publication. (Id. at 315:20-316:6.) But Garber-Paul, the fact checker,
testified that she only had time to skim Erdelys reporting file. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 295:4-11
(Ex. 27).)

Woods admitted that when he reviewed Erdelys reporting notes, it was clear to

him that there was a pattern of Jackie being intent on controlling her narrative. (Woods Dep.
at 316:7-317:14.)

Woods admitted that Jackies many requests, demands, wishes, and failures to

provide information should have been unacceptable, and that Rolling Stones acquiescence to
their source resulted in Rolling Stone handcuffing its own reporting. (Dec. 6, 2014 Email from
Sean Woods to Will Dana, RS015172; Woods Dep. at 286:7-287:5 (Ex. 35).)

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Then-Managing Editor Will Dana acknowledged that during the reporting of the

story, Rolling Stone and Erdely suspended their skepticism of Jackie as a source. (Dana Dep. at
332:15-334:9 (Ex. 21).)

Erdely called Alex Pinkleton on December 5, 2014, and said that she had messed

up and she should have used another one of the stories that had documentation, such as [Alexs],
because she had had my trial documents; and she basically admitted to being so focused on this
one story that even when she couldnt get

name, she had just put so much work into it that

she she should have completely rewritten it and regrets that she didnt. (Pinkleton Dep. at
206:4-24 (Ex. 12).)

Erdely admitted to Pinkleton that she knew she should have rewritten the story

but that rewriting the whole story was so much work. (Id. at 208:6-9.)
XIII. Jackie Repeatedly Refuses To Speak To Erdely And Attempts To Pull Out Of The
Article, But Erdely Pressures Jackie Into Cooperating.

After Erdely repeatedly requested that Jackie reach out to Ryan,

, and provide a name for the supposed ringleader of her assault during July

and August 2014, Jackie began to refuse to return Erdelys phone calls. Erdely tried to follow up
with Jackie on August 21, August 27, and August 31, but Jackie did not respond to her requests.
(Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004316 (Ex. 10).)

On September 2, 2014, Erdely sent an email to Emily Renda asking if Emily had

heard from Jackie, stating that Erdely had not been able to reach her in weeks, and stating, the
silence on [Jackies] end is starting to bring out the worried Jewish mother in me.

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(Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004404 (Ex. 10).) Jackie told Erdely that she would not be
comfortable with that. (Id.)

Erdely did not hear from Jackie again, despite leaving her several voicemails and

sending her multiple text messages, until more than a month later. (Id. at RS004471.) Erdely
explained the situation to Rolling Stones photo editor, Sacha Lecca in an email. Erdely told
Lecca that unfortunately Jackie is in not-great mental shape right now, and wont be for a
long while. She went through a phase recently where she wasnt returning my calls and I had
to go to Virginia to make sure she was still on board. (Come to think of it, she hasnt returned
my calls this week.)

(Oct. 16, 2014 Email from Sabrina Rubin Erdely to Sacha Lecca,

RS018959-60 (Ex. 38).) Erdely told Lecca that she was trying to be as accommodating [of
Jackie] as possible:


On October 20, 2014, Erdely told Jackie Im going to have to call

to offer

him a chance to comment. Im not going to use his name in the article, but I have to do my due
diligence anyway. I imagine hes going to say nothing, but its something I need to do. (Erdely

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Reporting Notes at RS004477 (Ex. 10).) According to Erdely, Jackie sound[ed] shocked and
she stammer[ed] at the request. (Id.) Erdely continued: I dont know his last name, Ive
never asked you for it before. So Im going to ask you for it now, so that I can reach out to him.
(Id.) Jackie told Erdely, I dont want to give his last name, and she refused to provide it. (Id.)

Erdely again told Jackie that she need[s] to call him, [because] even though hes

not identified he may still be identifiable [in the article]. (Id. at RS004477.) The article say[s]
his fraternity and what year he graduated, that he worked at the pool, and that she need[s] to
give him a chance to comment back, because [i]ts just part of the process. (Id.) Jackie told
Erdely that she do[esnt] want to be the one to give [Erdely] the name, but that Erdely could
figure out who it was by ask[ing] Phi Psi for their list. (Id.) Erdely replied, Im going to have
to make this phone call. Our lawyer is going to insist. (Id.)

Erdely also suggested to Jackie, if I promise not to call [

] or reach out to him

in any way, could you give me his full name so that I can tell my editors and our lawyer that I
know he exists? (Erdely Interview Notes at RS14339 (Ex. 25).) Jackie still did not agree to
provide the name.

Three days later, on October 23, 2014, Erdely received a call from Sara Surface, a

then-friend of Jackies, who told Erdely that Jackie was having reservations about using her
name in the article. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004492.) Erdely explained to Surface, I
have to call (

). (Id.)
On October 23, 2014, Erdely wrote in an email message to Jackies friend, Alex

Pinkleton: So about Jackie. I get that shes apprehensive about me contacting


, but the thing

is going to know about the article one way or another because whether I tell him about it or

whether he sees it on the newsstand, hes going to read it, for sure. (Id be surprised if he didnt

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Woods admitted that, Yes, Jackie periodically went into freakout mode.

(Woods Dep. at 58:7-16 (Ex. 8).)


Woods knew in late October 2014 that Jackie was again expressing reservations

about her participation in the article. (Id. at 58:17-21.)


On October 24, 2014, just weeks before the article was published, Erdely sent

Jackie an email saying that I know youre in distress right now and that Im confident that we
can talk this through and figure this out well figure out solutions. (Oct. 24, 2014 Email
from Sabrina Rubin Erdely to Jackie, RS018958 (Ex. 41).)

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Alex Pinkleton also testified that Erdely threatened and pressured her and Jackie

to force Jackie to continue to cooperate with the article against Jackies wishes. (Pinkleton Dep.
at 200:14-202:21 (Ex. 12).) Erdely and Pinkleton had the following text message exchange on
October 24, 2014:
ALEX: Hi Sabrina, this is Alex. Im talking to Jackie right now and shes
telling me she 100% does not want her name in the article
ERDELY: Ok. I dont know why shes changed her mind but whatever she
decides is fine. Does she want me to call her now so we can talk it through? Or
ALEX: I dont think calling is a good idea bc shes thinking about pulling out
ALEX: Shes pretty overwhelmed with the idea of
ERDELY: We will figure something out. Theres always a way. But Jackie
needs to know shes an essential part of this article. Well figure out a way
forward thats comfortable for her. Ill need to talk to her by phone tomorrow. If
need be, I can also come down so we can talk it over in person
ALEX: I think thatll freak her out bc she feels like shes being pushed. Ill ask if
she wants to call you tomorrow instead of it feeling like shes being pressured into
ERDELY: Ok sounds good

ERDELY: Also? Im up for discussing whatever she wants to discuss (changing

her name, etc) but I need to be clear about this: theres no pulling the plug at
this point the article is moving forward. & I think its important that Jackie stay

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needs to be a part of this because, you know, its her story. So [Erdely] really was giving me no
other options other than pressuring me to get Jackie to talk to her. (Pinkleton Dep. at 202:22203:15.)

Pinkleton further testified that although she repeatedly told Erdely that Jackie did

not want to be in the article, Sabrina was like, well, shes telling me she does want the name in
the story, and she gets very aggressive she was aggressive about, like, no, her name needs to
be in this. And then when I was telling her about

, and Jackie not wanting

and Sabrina says, you know, Im trying to figure out who

in the story,

is, and I say, well, thats not

happening. Shes like, well, you cant pull out of this now, theres always a way And I think
that was the day we were baking, because I remember getting that text and being like, okay,
[Erdely] is a little bit crazy. (Id. at 188:25-189:22.)

Sara Surface felt that Erdely was manipulating Jackie, giving her grandiose

ideas of what the outcome of the article would really be with her name plastered on it. (Surface
Dep. at 74:23-76:16.) Surface observed Erdely pressuring Jackie to participate in the article
without regard for Jackies well-being, and felt that Erdely was lacking not just journalistic
integrity, but like personal integrity. (Id.)

Emily Renda also observed Jackie being pushed to stay in the story, and that

whenever Jackie tried to pull out for her own mental health, [] then somehow Sabrina would
always just convince her to go forward anyway. (Renda Dep. at 90:11-91:10 (Ex. 11).)

Just two weeks before publication, on November 3, 2014, Woods asked Erdely by

email if she had heard from Jackie, and Erdely responded: Not a word. Her friend Alex texted
last night to say she thinks Jackie may be having a hard time she didnt show up at a party

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where she was expected this weekend, and has barely been responding to texts. (Nov. 3, 2014
Email from Sabrina Erdely to Sean Woods, RS019109 (Ex. 42).)

Also on November 3, 2014, Erdely left Jackie a voicemail and told her, I know

you havent been returning my calls or my texts, but we really need to talk. Please, please call
me. I understand that youre scared. But we are in the home stretch with this article, and I need
to talk to you. I handed in my final draft on Friday, and we are moving into the production
process now. And if all goes according to plan, this article is going to be shipping to the printer
in less than two weeks. And I really, really would like for you to be included in this process. So
we need to talk about that. We need to talk about what this whole process looks like in the next
couple weeks, and how Id like for you to be involved. (Nov. 3, 2014 Voicemail from Sabrina
Erdely to Jackie, RESPJ00000273 (Ex. 43).)

According to Erdelys notes, Jackie called back finally later that day. (S.

Erdely Reporting Notes, RS004072-4502, at RS004499 (emphasis in original).) But Jackie still
refused to provide Erdely with

last name. (Id.)

In a text message to a friend on December 2, 2014, Jackie said that

(Dec. 2, 2014 Text between Jackie and a friend, RESPJ00000368-390, at

RESPJ00000374 (Ex. 44.).)

Jackie testified that

. (Apr. 7, 2016 Deposition of Jackie at 56:2-13

(Jackie Dep.) (Ex. 45).)

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When Jackie became unresponsive after Erdely pushed her for the name of her

assailant, Erdely capitulated and told Jackie that Rolling Stone would just use a pseudonym and
would stop asking her for the identity of her assailant. (Woods Dep. at 150:8-20 (Ex. 8).)

Then-Managing Editor Will Dana acknowledged that Erdely made a deal with

Jackie not to attempt to identify any of her assailants and to cease their efforts to learn whom any
of the alleged assailants were. (Dana Dep. at 248:5-250:4 (Ex. 21.)
XIV. Erdely Had A Financial Incentive To Push Jackie, Not To Rewrite Her Story, And
To Publish A Rape on Campus Under The Time Pressure Created By Her
Contract With Rolling Stone.

Ex. 46 is the March 18, 2014 Independent Contractor Agreement between Rolling

Stone and Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the operative agreement between Erdely and Rolling Stone at
the time A Rape on Campus was published in November 2014. (Mar. 18, 2014 Independent
Contractor Agreement between Rolling Stone and Sabrina Rubin Erdely, RS001099-1106; Dana
Dep. at 63:24-64:24 (Ex. 21); Erdely Dep. at 9:4-22 (Ex. 1).)

Under the terms of her contract, Erdely was obligated to provide seven feature

stories accepted by Rolling Stone by June 2016. (Dana Dep. at 72:24-73:23; Erdely Dep. at
10:7-23; Mar. 18, 2014 Independent Contractor Agreement between Rolling Stone and Sabrina
Rubin Erdely, RS001099-1106, at 3.)
(Erdely Dep. at 11:19-24.)

Former Rolling Stone Managing Editor Will Dana agreed that if a decision is

made to kill a story prior to publication, it is possible that the story would not be considered
accepted for purposes of the writers contract requirement. (Dana Dep. at 106:12-107:11.)

On December 19, 2014, Jackies lawyer, Palma Pustilnik, wrote a letter to Sean

Woods and Rolling Stones lawyer, demanding that Rolling Stone refrain from their
unrelenting and threatening communications to Jackie, and stating that [m]y clients clear
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understanding was that the highly graphic, intensely personal, and traumatic details of her brutal
assault were not for publication, and that the focus of the article was to be on survivor support.
(Dec. 19, 2014 Letter from Palma Pustilnik to Sean Woods and Elizabeth McNamara,
RS001081-1082; Woods Dep. at 342:15-343:6 (Ex. 47).)

Rolling Stone is no longer working with Sabrina Rubin Erdely and has terminated

her contract. (Woods Dep. at 290:20-292:3 (Ex. 8).)


Defendants Knew Jackie Was Mentally Unstable.


Erdely once asked Jackie whether she think[s] [she] ha[s] posttraumatic stress

disorder. (Sept. 11, 2014 Interview between Sabrina Erdely and Jackie, RS118221-8344, at
RS118270 (Ex. 18).) Jackie responded that although she was undiagnosed, she believes that she
definitely do[es]. Erdely responded to Jackie that it sounds like it. (Id.)

Jackie testified that

. (Jackie Dep. at 340:4-342:19 (Ex. 45).)


Erdely also knew that Jackie was easily manipulated, because Jackie told Erdely

that she was. During their September 11, 2014 interview, Jackie told Erdely, I think that when
youve come when you come from a background where youre always told that youre
worthless, that you end up getting into situations where its like people know that about you,
you know? Its like youre an easy target because they know that. I always felt like I was
manipulated or something, like I was easily manipulated because I didnt have the self-esteem to
I dont know. Its difficult. (Sept. 11, 2014 Interview between Sabrina Erdely and Jackie,
RS118221-8344, at RS118222.)

Erdely acknowledged that while reporting the article, Jackies fragile mental

state became increasingly apparent, that Jackie wavered on participating in the article and
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delayed responding to Erdely, and that when Erdely pressed Jackie for the name of the ringleader
of her assault, Jackie refused to divulge it and stopped speaking with Erdely altogether. (Erdely
Draft Press Statement, RS015018-5023, at RS015018 (Ex. 48).)

Erdely also admitted, I asked myself at the timeif it was wise to build the

opening of a story around someone who seemed so emotionally fragile. (Erdely Statement
Draft, RS002176-2179, at RS002178 (Ex. 20).)

Sean Woods admitted that prior to the publication of the article, he was

concerned about [Jackies] mental health. (Woods Dep. at 81:14-82:9 (Ex. 8).) He worried
that she was a fragile person. (Id. at 82:23-25.)

With respect to the November 3, 2014 email in which he asked Erdely, Any

word from Jackie? Woods testified, [a]gain, I mean, I just cant stress this enough how
concerned I was about Jackie and her mental health . . . . (Id. at 103:16-104:11; see also Nov.
3, 2014 Email from Sabrina Erdely to Sean Woods, RS019109 (Ex. 42.).)

In August or September of 2014, Erdely contacted Emily Renda to say that Erdely

had not heard from Jackie in a week or two, and that Erdely was concerned about her emotional
and mental wellbeing. (Renda Dep. at 85:15-86:22 (Ex. 11).)

Erdely admitted, Jackies emotional fragility and reluctance should have been a

signal that she may not have been up for the challenge of disclosing her full story, whatever the
reason. It should have been cause for me to scrutinize her further, if I felt she could withstand it,
or else to back off her story. (Erdely Draft Press Statement, RS015043-5045, at RS015044 (Ex.

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Rolling Stones fact-checker, Elisabeth Garber-Paul, was also aware prior to

publication that Jackie suffered from depression, was on medication for mental health issues, and
claimed to suffer from PTSD. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 247:11-23 (Ex. 27).)

Alex Pinkleton, a friend of Jackies and a source for Erdely, testified that prior to

the publication of the article, although she supported Jackie as an advocate, she had
hesitations about believing Jackie, noting that she was going back and forth with what she
was saying. One minute it would be, yes, I want to do this; the next minute its, no, I dont want
to, so (Pinkleton Dep. at 35:6-18 (Ex. 12).)
XVI. Rolling Stones Fact Checker Alerts Rolling Stone The Article Is Inaccurate,
Unverified, And Misleading, But Is Ignored By Sean Woods And Sabrina Erdely.

Elisabeth Garber-Paul was the Rolling Stone fact-checker assigned to fact-check

A Rape on Campus. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 31:11-22.)


As Rolling Stones fact-checker for the article, Garber-Pauls job responsibility is

to make sure the article is completely accurate by the time it goes to publication. (Id. at 23:27.)

Part of Garber-Pauls job was to make suggested changes or edits to the story and

discuss them with the author and the assigning editor. For A Rape on Campus, Deputy
Managing Editor Sean Woods was the assigning editor and he had final say as to any proposed
changes and edits. (Id. at 27:5-30:6.)

Garber-Paul made handwritten edits on three round of drafts of the article. (Id. at


Within a few hours of reading the article for the first time, Garber-Paul asked

Erdely by email: Quick question: did we ever get comment from Tom, or reach out for one?
(Id. at 36:16-41:23; Nov. 3, 2014 Email from Sabrina Erdely to Elisabeth Garber-Paul,

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RS013618-3619 (Ex. 51).) Tom referred to the pseudonym used for the supposed ringleader
of Jackies gang rape in the first draft, which was later changed to Drew. (Garber-Paul Dep. at
41:9-18.) This was in fact the first substantive question that Garber-Paul asked Erdely about the
article. (Id. at 41:9-42:2.)

Erdely responded, Unfortunately, the answer is no and no. (Id. at 50:24-51:6;

Nov. 3, 2014 Email from Sabrina Erdely to Elisabeth Garber-Paul, RS013618-3619, at


Garber-Paul was aware that Erdely has asked Jackie for the name of the alleged

ringleader of her gang rape, but that Jackie refused to provide it to Rolling Stone. (Garber-Paul
Dep. 52:7-22.)

Exhibit 52 is Garber-Pauls first round of handwritten fact-checking notes on the

draft article. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 70:11-24, 71:11-72:3; Garber-Paul 1st Round Handwritten
Notes, RS004810-4849 (Ex. 52.).) She received the draft on November 3, 2014 and made these
notations during phone conversations with Jackie on November 4 and 6. (Garber-Paul Dep. at

In the draft article, there was a purported quote from Randall, the pseudonym

Rolling Stone used for Ryan Duffin, one of the three friends that supposedly met with Jackie
following her supposed gang rape. (Id. at 76:4-22; Garber-Paul 1st Round Handwritten Notes,
RS004810-4849, at RS004814). The draft article stated: Greek life is huge at UVA, with onethird of undergrads belonging to a fraternity or sorority, so Jackie fears the backlash could be
biga shitshow predicted by her now-former friend Randall, who, citing loyalty to his own
frat, declined to be interviewed. (Id.).

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In fact, Rolling Stone had not interviewed or sought comment from Ryan Duffin,

and did not even know his full name at the time of publication. (Garber-Paul Dep. 77:19-78:6.)

In the margin on the draft next to this supposed quote from Randall, Garber-

Paul wrote, Put this on Jackie? (Id. at 76:23-77:11.) Garber-Paul was suggesting that Rolling
Stone should make clear that it had not interviewed Randall and that this supposed Randall quote
came from Jackie. (Id. at 77:12-18, 79:9-14.)

Garber-Pauls suggestion to put this on Jackie was not adopted by the decision-

makers at Rolling Stone. (Id. at 78:7-10, 79:15-17.) The same passage appears unedited in the
final, published version of the article. (Id. at 78:7-20; see also Original Article at RS001072 (Ex.

Similarly, Garber-Pauls suggestion that this statement be edited to say, Jackie

says [Randall] declined to be interviewed was rejected. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 78:21-79:22 (Ex.

Rolling Stone never confirmed Randalls quotes with him because Jackie

refused to provide Rolling Stone with Ryan Duffins contact information. (Id. at 83:7-19.)

Garber-Paul admitted that the normal response from a source asked for a

friends contact information would be, Sure, heres the e-mail address, but Jackie declined to
provide Rolling Stone with this contact information. (Id. at 82:8-83:5.)

Rolling Stones fact-checker tried to urge Rolling Stone to make it clear in the

article that the Randall shitshow quote came only from Jackie and not from Randall, but Sean
Woods overruled her. (Woods Dep. at 132:21-134:19 (Ex. 8).)

Woods admitted that allowing quotes from the individual called Randall into

the article that came only from Jackie, without making it clear to readers that Rolling Stone never

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spoke to Randall, misled Rolling Stones readers into believing that Rolling Stone had spoken to
him and knew who he was. (Id. at 130:4-132:22.)

Then-Managing Editor Will Dana agreed that supposed quotes from Ryan Duffin

were misleadingly attributed in the article to make it appear as though Erdely had spoken to Mr.
Duffin, when in fact she had not. (Dana Dep. at 380:10-18 (Ex. 21).)

Similarly, Rolling Stone included in the article supposed quotes from two of

Jackies other friends, pseudonymously called Andrew and Cindy, who were quoted as
callously calling Jackie a baby for being upset about her gang rape, and as telling Jackie that
she should have just had fun with being gang-raped by a a bunch of hot Phi Psi guys.
(Garber-Paul Dep. at 98:4-99:8 (Ex. 27).)

Again, Garber-Paul made a notation asking whether Rolling Stone needed to put

[these] quotes on Jackie? by which she meant that Rolling Stone should make it clear in the
article that these supposed quotes came only from Jackie, and that Rolling Stone had never
spoken with Andrew or Cindy. (Id. at 99:14-100:11, 100:24-101:8; Garber-Paul 1st Round
Handwritten Notes at RS004821 (Ex. 52).)

The final, published version of the article did not incorporate Garber-Pauls

suggested changes, and the same quotes appeared unedited in final article. (Garber-Paul Dep. at
101:9-102:4; Original Article at RS001074 (Ex. 16).)

Garber-Paul acknowledged that as a fact-checker, one of her job duties was to

confront sources about inconsistencies in their story. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 247:7-10.)


Erdely had been specifically told by one of Jackies friends that Jackies original

story was that a group of men forced her to perform oral sex, and Erdely was aware that Jackies
story of her supposed sexual assault had changed significantly over time. (Erdely Reporting

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Notes at RS004429 (Ex. 10); Garber-Paul Dep. at 289:5-290:17 (Ex. 27).) But Erdely did not
tell Rolling Stones fact checker that Jackies story had morphed from a story of forced oral sex
to a graphic, detailed description of a vaginal gang rape with use of a beer bottle. (Garber-Paul
Dep. at 290:18-22, 291:25-292:6.)

Erdely also never told Rolling Stones fact checker that Erdely knew Jackie had

told others a false story about how she met Ms. Eramo that was completely different from the
story Jackie told Erdely. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004422; Garber-Paul Dep. at 293:7295:15.)

Erdely never identified to Garber-Paul any inconsistencies, concerns, or

outstanding questions about Jackies story that she wanted Garber-Paul to help fact check.
(Garber-Paul Dep. 338:24-339:4.)

Instead, Erdely wasand encouraged Garber-Paul to beas accommodating as

possible to Jackie during the fact checking process, so as not to scare Jackie away from
participating in the article.

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(Garber-Paul 1st Round Handwritten Notes at RS004815 (Ex. 52); Garber-Paul Dep. at 83:2085:3 (Ex. 27).)

Jackie specifically told Garber-Paul that Jackie did not believe that Ms. Eramo

was less concerned with protecting students than with protecting UVAs reputation from scandal.
(Garber-Paul Dep. at 85:4-86:17.)

The same statement appears unedited in the final, published version of the article.

(Id. at 86:13-87:18.)

In the draft article where Ms. Eramo was described as a short woman with curly,

dark hair and a no-nonsense demeanor, Garber-Paul circled this statement, wrote a question
mark next to it, and wrote, Very sweet, second mom figure.

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(Id. at 116:2-20; Garber-Paul 1st Round Handwritten Notes at RS004828.)


This note was based on Garber-Pauls conversation with Jackie, who specifically

told Garber-Paul that she disagreed with this characterization of Ms. Eramo because it had a
negative connotation. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 116:14-118:12.) The characterization of Ms. Eramo
as having a no-nonsense demeanor appeared unchanged in the final, published version of the
article. (Id. at 116:21-117:6.)
checking on.

Exhibit 54 is the second draft of the article that Garber-Paul performed fact(Garber-Paul Dep. 127:3-16; Garber-Paul 2nd Round Handwritten Notes,

RS004860-4869 (Ex. 54).)


The deck at the beginning of the draft states, Jackie was just starting her

freshman year at the University of Virginia when she was brutally assaulted by seven upper
classmen at a frat party. When she tried to hold them accountable, a whole new kind of abuse

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began. (Garber-Paul 2nd Round Handwritten Notes at RS004860; Garber-Paul Dep. at 128:18129:7.)

On the draft, Garber-Paul circled the statement, When she tried to hold them

accountable, a whole new kind of abuse began, and wrote next to it in red pen, nope.

(Garber-Paul 2nd Round Handwritten Notes at RS004860 (emphasis in original); Garber-Paul

Dep. at 129:19-132:2.)

Garber-Paul discussed this statement with Deputy Managing Editor Sean Woods,

and Woods made the decision to retain the statement, When she tried to hold them accountable,
a whole new kind of abuse began, in the final, published version of the article. (Garber-Paul
Dep. at 131:18-132:22.)

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In her conversations with Jackie, Jackie made it clear to Garber-Paul that Jackie

considered Ms. Eramo to be an asset to the community. (Id. at 133:4-134:8.) Other sources
Garber-Paul spoke to, including Sara Surface, confirmed this view of Ms. Eramo. (Id. at 134:918.)

On the second draft round of fact-check edits, Garber-Paul suggested multiple

edits to the statement in the article: Lots of people have discouraged her from sharing her story,
Jackie tells me with a pained look, including the trusted UVA dean to whom Jackie reported her
gang rape allegations more than a year ago. (Garber-Paul 2nd Round Handwritten Notes at
RS004862 (Ex. 54); Garber-Paul Dep. at 158:20-159:15 (Ex. 27).)

The trusted UVA dean referred to in this sentence is Nicole Eramo. (Garber-

Paul Dep. at 159:8-10.)


During fact-checking, Garber-Paul suggested editing this sentence to read, Lots

of people have discouraged Jackie from sharing her story so publicly, in order to make it
clear that Rolling Stone was not suggesting that Ms. Eramo discouraged Jackie from speaking
about her assault or going to the authorities regarding her assault. (Garber-Paul 2nd Round
Handwritten Notes at RS004862; Garber-Paul Dep. 159:11-160:25.)

Deputy Managing Editor Sean Woods made the decision not to include that

change in the final, published version of the article. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 160:18-162:5.)

Garber-Paul made another note on this same sentence, suggesting it be edited

further to say, Lots of people have discouraged her from sharing her story so publicly, Jackie
tells me with a pained look, including the trusted UVA dean to whom Jackie reported her gang
rape allegations more than a year ago, who fretted that the article might complicate future

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proceedings. (Garber-Paul 2nd Round Handwritten Notes at RS004862; Garber-Paul Dep. at


This suggested edit was also not included in the final, published version of the

article. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 163:13-17.)


Garber-Paul also wrote an additional note next to the sentence about Ms. Eramo

discouraging Jackie from sharing her story, noting At best, some may be worried about her
mental health, but

(Id. at 163:18-25; Garber-Paul 2nd Round Handwritten Notes at

RS004862). This suggested language was also not included in the final published version of the
article. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 164:1-4.)

Garber-Pauls three suggested changes to the sentenceLots of people have

discouraged her from sharing her story, Jackie tells me with a pained look, including the trusted
UVA dean to whom Jackie reported her gang rape allegations more than a year agoare
depicted below:

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(Garber-Paul 2nd Round Handwritten Notes at RS004862.)


Ultimately, the statement about Ms. Eramo discouraging Jackie from sharing her

story was published unedited in the final version of the article, without any of the edits that the
fact-checker proposed.

(Garber-Paul Dep. at 164:5-165:12; see also Original Article at

RS001072 (Ex. 16).)


In the section of the draft article following the description of Jackies meeting

with Ms. Eramo, the draft article stated: Absent any real guidance, Jackie would eventually
wonder how other student victims tended to handle her situation. (Garber-Paul 2nd Round
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Handwritten Notes at RS004866 (Ex. 54).) Garber-Paul wrote a note on the draft that said,
Harsh? (Garber-Paul Dep. at 185:13-186:1 (Ex. 27).)

Garber-Paul admitted that she wrote this note because she thought that the

statement that Jackie did not have any real guidance could be interpreted as being too harsh.
(Id. at 186:4-6.) In the final, published version of the article, this statement was retained, but was
revised to say, absent much guidance. (Id. at 186:2-10.)

Next to the draft article where the article claims that Ms. Eramo told Jackie that

UVA does not publish sexual assault statistics because nobody wants to send their daughter to
the rape school, Garber-Paul wrote: Did Jackie describe this? Ask Sean. (Id. at 194:13-22;
Garber-Paul 2nd Round Handwritten Notes at RS004867.)

Garber-Paul had discussions with Sean Woods about whether Rolling Stone

should publish the supposed rape school quote from Ms. Eramo because they had no
confirmation of this supposed quote other than from Jackie. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 194:23195:12.)

Rolling Stone never asked Ms. Eramo or anyone at UVA whether Ms. Eramo ever

actually said this. (Id. at 192:11-194:12.) Rolling Stone decided to include this false quotation
from Ms. Eramo in the final, published version of the article. (Id. at 195:13-16.)

Exhibit 55 is Garber-Pauls third round of fact-checking edits, which she created

on or about November 10, 2014.

(Garber-Paul Dep. at 209:4-17; Garber-Paul 3rd Round

Handwritten Notes, RS004850-4859 (Ex. 55).)


On Exhibit 55, next to the photo illustration of Ms. Eramo that was made to

appear as if Ms. Eramo was smiling while a crying rape victim sat in her office, Garber-Paul
wrote the hand-written notation, Is this too mean?

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(Garber-Paul 3rd Round Handwritten Notes at RS004856 (Ex. 55) (emphasis in original); GarberPaul Dep. at 230:13-232:4 (Ex. 27).)

Garber-Paul admitted that this was her reaction to the doctored photograph of

Ms. Eramo in the article. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 232:13-233:1.)


The same photo illustration appears unchanged in the final, published version of

the article. (Id. at 233:2-5; see also Original Article at RS001076 (Ex. 16).)

Woods admitted that the fact-checker, Garber-Paul, discussed with him her

concern that the photo illustration of Ms. Eramo in the article was too mean, but that he
ultimately decided to publish it in the final article. (Woods Dep. at 171:16-173:22 (Ex. 8).)

Then-Managing Editor Will Dana also signed off on the inclusion of the

illustration of Ms. Eramo in the final article. (Dana Dep. at 134:5-21 (Ex. 21).)

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Woods admitted that the fact-checker, Garber-Paul, attempted to push the piece

and made a number of arguments to make the piece softer on Eramo. (Woods Dep. at 117:15118:9.)

The final, published version of the article does not at all mention the fact that Ms.

Eramo took Jackie to meet with the University and Charlottesville Police on multiple occasions.
(Garber-Paul Dep. at 268:21-25; see generally Original Article.)

Garber-Paul never even asked Jackie about the substance of her meetings with the

police and never asked Jackie if she discussed her supposed sexual assault with the police.
(Garber-Paul Dep. at 268:13-269:4.)

Erdely knew from speaking to Jackies friend, Rachel Soltis, that Jackie had told

Soltis a false story about first meeting Ms. Eramo when Jackie supposedly served as a witness at
a sexual misconduct trial of a woman who was raped by a fraternity member, but Erdely never
alerted Rolling Stones fact-checker that Jackie had told Soltis a completely different story
than what Jackie told Erdely with respect to how she met Ms. Eramo (Id. at 293:7-294:17.)
XVIII. UVA Attempts To Cooperate With Defendants, But Defendants Do Not Give UVA
A Meaningful Opportunity To Address The Charges Leveled In The Article.

On September 9, 2014, while attempting to set up an interview with Ms. Eramo

through UVA administrator MacGregor McCance, Erdely told McCance during a telephone call
that she was doing an article about rape on college campuses, focusing on University of
Virginia. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004327 (Ex. 10).) She further explained that the
article is going to be largely about the culture of campus life, and how it affects rape and its
aftermath how rapes are perceived, whether theyre reported. So in a sense its an article about
rape culture at college, what that looks like, and how that plays out in the lives of rape victims.

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(Id.) During her conversation with McCance, she never mentioned, as she had to myriad others,
that her article would focus on institutional indifference. (See generally id.)

On September 9, 2014, UVA provided Erdely additional information to follow up

on questions that Erdely had asked, but to which the administrators were unsure of the answers.
(Oct. 9, 2014 Email from Anthony deBruyn to Sabrina Erdely, RS016682-6683 (Ex. 56).)

On September 16, 2014, Erdely emailed UVA administrator McGregor McCance

asking several questions about UVAs statistics on sexual assault. (Erdely Reporting Notes at

McCance worked with Ms. Eramo to collect that data, and provided responsive

answers on October 2, 2014. (Id. at RS004446-4448; Oct. 2, 2014 Email from Charles McCance
to Sabrina Erdely, RS018811-13 (Ex. 57).)

On October 2, 2014, the day after Erdely described the theme of her article to

Rolling Stone photo editor Sacha Lecca as one of inaction and silence at UVA (Oct. 1, 2014
Email from Sabrina Erdely to Sacha Lecca, RS018873 (Ex. 58)), Erdely was provided the
opportunity to interview UVA President Teresa Sullivan for the forthcoming article. During that
interview, Erdely described A Rape On Campus as the article that I am writing [that] will
look at how rape and sexual assault play out against the larger context of a campus, both with
respect to student attitudes and also the administrations handlings so kind of the larger
culture in general. The problem of sexual assault is obviously a big national issue, its happening
on every campus, but my article is going to focus specifically on UVA. (Oct. 2, 2014 Interview
by Sabrina Erdely with Teresa Sullivan and Susan Davis, RS015046, at Minute 1:05-1:32 (Ex.
59).) Erdely went on to describe the fact that she has interviewed a lot of students over the past
few weeks, and that she ha[d] a lot of questions about how sexual assault is handled on the

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UVA campus. (Id., at Minute 1:33-1:42.) During the entirety of her approximately 44-minute
interview, Erdely never told President Sullivan that her article was about institutional
indifference to rape. (See generally id.)

After her interview with President Sullivan, Erdely interacted with Anthony

DeBruyn, another UVA administrator, who provided Erdely with additional information
responsive to her questions. (Oct. 9, 2014 Email from Anthony deBruyn to Sabrina Erdely,
RS016682-6683 (Ex. 56).) Throughout that correspondence, Erdely never told DeBruyn that A
Rape On Campus was going to focus on UVAs institutional indifference to sexual assaults.
(See generally id.)

Erdely likewise never asked UVA to verify whether Ms. Eramo said that the

reason the school does not post statistics about sexual assaults on their website is because
nobody wants to send their daughter to the rape school. (See generally Erdely Reporting Notes
(Ex. 10); Erdely Dep. 200:10-20 (Ex. 1).)

Garber-Paul also exchanged multiple emails and did a telephone interview with

University of Virginia representative Anthony DeBruyn. (Garber-Paul Dep. at 301:2-24 (Ex.

27).) Garber-Paul never conveyed to UVA any of the facts that Rolling Stone intended to
publish about Jackies supposed sexual assault, never asked whether or when Jackie actually
reported the location of her supposed assault to UVA, and never asked whether UVA had
reported Jackies allegations to the Charlottesville Police Department. (Id. at 313:3-314:11.)

De Bruyn did tell Erdely in an October 9, 2014 email, with respect to a different

case Erdely had provided him certain facts about, your characterization of the facts of the spring
2014 case you referenced during our interview is incorrect. (Oct. 9, 2014 Email from Anthony
deBruyn to Sabrina Erdely, RS016682-6683 (Ex. 56).)

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Garber-Paul also never asked Ms. Eramo or anyone else at UVA whether

Ms. Eramo had ever actually said the rape school quote that Jackie attributed to her. (GarberPaul Dep. at 189:13-194:12.)

When told by a University of Virginia public relations official in September 2014

that Ms. Eramo could not talk about specific cases or allegations because of student privacy,
Erdely specifically raised the possibility of her obtaining a waiver from the student to allow the
University and Ms. Eramo to discuss such issues. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004326 (Ex.
10.) However, Erdely never attempted to obtain such a waiver from Jackie and never presented
one to UVA. (Erdely Dep. at 169:23-172:11 (Ex. 1).) Erdely told UVA in September two
months before the article was published that she was not sure she would have time to obtain a
waiver. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004326.)
XIX. Defendants Intentionally Did Not Give Phi Kappa Psi A Meaningful Opportunity
To Address Or Rebut Jackies Allegations.

During dinner on September 12, 2014, Jackie asked Erdely whether Erdely had

reached out to the Phi Psi to seek comment, and whether the Phi Psi guys say theyd talk to
[Erdely] because Jackie was interested in what they theyre going to say. (Sept. 12, 2014
Interview Tr. at RS118431 (Ex. 22).)

Erdely had not yet sought comment from Phi Psi. Nevertheless, she told Jackie

that theyre either going to say, It didnt happen or theyre going to say, No comment, you
know? I mean, theyd be foolish to say anything else. (Id. at RS118431-8432.)

When Erdely reached out to Phi Psis house advisor for UVA to seek comment

about rape allegations at your chapter of Phi Kappa Psi, the house advisor returned Erderlys
phone call, asked that she put her questions in writing, and stated that he would be happy to

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answer them. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004462.) He told her again that hed be happy to
answer your questions. (Id. at RS004463.)

Erdely, however, never called him back because by that time [she] was putting

in calls to Phi Psi national instead. (Id.)


When Erdely contacted the president of the UVA Phi Kappa Psi chapter to ask

about gang-rape allegations, he told Erdely that he was aware fourth-hand that some kind of
allegation that something of a sexual nature had taken place at a party, but that he did know any
details. Although both Garber-Paul and Erdely were in possession of information from Jackie
that would have allowed Phi Kappa Psi a meaningful opportunity to address, admit, or deny
Jackies allegations, neither Erdely nor Garber-Paul provided any details to the chapter president.
(Garber-Paul Dep. at 329:22-332:10 (Ex. 27).)

When Erdely reached out to then-Phi Psi chapter president, Stephen Scipione,

Erdely told Scipione that she had become aware of allegations of [a] gang rape, and she asked
Scipione whether he could comment on those allegations.

(Erdely Reporting Notes at

RS004463-4464; Oct. 15, 2014 Email from Stephen Scipione to Sabrina Erdely, RS016693-6694
(Ex. 60).) Erdely did not provide Scipione the date of the alleged rape, the name of the alleged
fraternity member who perpetrated the alleged rape, or any description of the alleged attack.

Scipione responded to her request on the same day, saying that, an individual

who remains unidentified had supposedly reported to someone who supposedly reported to the
University that during a party there was a sexual assault. We were not told that it was rape, but
rather that something of a sexual nature took place. Even though this allegation is fourth hand
and there are no details and no named accuser, the leadership and fraternity as a whole have

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taken this very seriously. (Id.) Phi Psi further told Erdely that the source of the allegation is
anonymous and there is no evidence to substantiate [the claims]. (Erdely Reporting Notes at
RS004478 (Ex. 10).)

Erdely did not respond to Scipione with any additional information, including

identifying the accuser, the nature of the alleged assault, or why Erdely believed that the attack
was a gang-rape. (See generally id.)

Then-Managing Editor Will Dana acknowledged that Erdely did not share enough

information about Jackies allegations with Phi Kappa Psi to allow the fraternity to meaningfully
respond to the accusation. (Dana Dep. at 234:3-16 (Ex. 21).)

The Rolling Stone fact-checker, Garber-Paul, never contacted Phi Kappa Psi prior

to the publication of the article and thus did not seek comment, corroboration, or verification of
any details of Jackies story from Phi Psi, such as whether an individual matching the description
of the supposed ringleader of Jackies assault was ever a member of the fraternity. (Garber-Paul
Dep. at 327:11-329:11 (Ex. 27).) Garber-Paul did not contact Phi Psi because Erdely told her
she shouldnt. (Id. at 326:2-327:10.)

Then-Managing Editor Will Dana testified with respect to the article that it

represented an institutional, individual, and procedural failure, and that [e]very single person at
every level of this thing had opportunity to pull the strings a little harder to question things a
little more deeply, and that was not done. (Dana Dep. at 344:16-345:9.)

Rolling Stone Knew Eramo Tried To Get Jackie To Pursue A Complaint And Took
Jackie To The Police.

In one of their first interviews, Jackie told Erdely about telling Ms. Eramo in the

spring of 2013 that she had been sexually assaulted. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004246 (Ex.
10).) Notably, and contrary to Defendants claims in the article, Jackie did not tell Erdely that

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she told Ms. Eramo that she was gang raped, nor did she claim to have told Ms. Eramo where her
supposed sexual assault occurred. (Id.) Instead Jackie told Erdely, referring to what she told Ms.
Eramo, I was crying and trying to explain to her what happened because I had never told
anybody I had just broken it down into numbers, I was up in this room, there was 7 guys and 2
of them told them what to do, talking incoherently and crying . . . . (Id.)

Jackie told Erdely that Ms. Eramo immediately presented Jackie with the options

of pursing a sexual misconduct complaint with the university and/or criminal charges through the
police. (Id.) Jackie told Erdely that although she told Ms. Eramo she was unwilling to pursue
any kind of complaint, Ms. Eramo contacted her multiple times over the summer and when she
returned to campus to urge her to reconsider that decision. (Id. at RS004250.)

As early as July 2014, in one of their first interviews, Jackie told Erdely that she

had recently told Ms. Eramo about two other supposed, anonymous Phi Kappa Psi gang rape
victims (known only to Jackie). (Id. at RS004169). Jackie told Erdely that she did not want to
make a formal complaint or pursue misconduct proceedings regarding her assault and insisted on
retaining her anonymity, that Ms. Eramo had spoken with the Dean of Students about whether
the University could take away the fraternitys charter in the absence of an adjudicated complaint
and while preserving Jackies anonymity, and that the Dean of Students had concluded that if
another student came forward so that there were multiple reliable, anonymous reports about
sexual assault at Phi Psi, the University could and would seek to remove Phi Psis charter. (Id.)

Jackie told Erdely that Ms. Eramos reaction to Jackies claim of knowing another

unnamed girl who was also gang raped at Phi Psi was to say, you have to have her come in,
that [Ms. Eramo] got pissed at the frat, she said two fraternities lost their charter this year it
wouldnt bother me at all to add a third. (Id. at RS004312.) Jackie told Erdely that Ms. Eramo

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repeatedly pressed Jackie to encourage this other supposed victim to come forward to the Dean
of Students Office, but Jackie claimed the young woman was unwilling to do so. (Id.) Jackie
confirmed to Erdely that she did not tell Ms. Eramo the names of these two other supposed
victims, and that UVA did not know who they were. (Id.)

Also in July of 2014, Emily Renda told Erdely that Ms. Eramo and Dean of

Students Allen Groves were pursuing ongoing action against Phi Psi and that they were working
to get Jackies supposed two anonymous other Phi Psi victims to come forward. (Renda Dep. at
176:17-178:7 (Ex. 11).)

Renda told Erdely that Ms. Eramo was very passionate about

punishing Phi Psi and seeing justice done in Jackies case. (Id. at 79:12-22.)

Renda also communicated to Erdely that the two other supposed gang rape

victims were known only to Jackie, and that Renda and the university did not know who they
were but were working to convince them to come forward. (Id. at 77:18-79:5.) Renda also
communicated to Erdely that it was very difficult for the university to take action against Phi Psi
in the absence of formal reports from Jackie or the supposed other victims. (Id. at 80:18-81:7.)

Renda further communicated to Erdely that there were serious due process

concerns with taking action against a fraternity without a formal allegation and adjudication, but
that Ms. Eramo was doing everything in her power while respecting the due process rights of the
accused. (Id. at 82:4-84:6.)

Jackie also told Erdely that after an incident in April 2014 in which fraternity

members allegedly assaulted her with a bottle for speaking out about her sexual assault, Ms.
Eramo again encouraged Jackie to speak to the police and to pursue a university sexual assault
trial. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004250.) Jackie again confirmed her refusal to pursue
criminal charges regarding her assault. (Id.)

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Jackie also told Erdely that she had met with the Charlottesville Police through

Ms. Eramo. (Id. at RS004313.) In August 2014, Jackie forwarded to Erdely correspondence
between Jackie and Ms. Eramo in April 2014 reflecting that Ms. Eramo arranged multiple
meetings between Jackie and police officers and detectives in spring 2014, and that the
detectives had been aggressive about investigating Jackies claims, but that Jackie had refused to
proceed with an investigation. (Aug. 16, 2014 Email Chain from Jackie to Sabrina Erdely,
RS017031-42 (Police Emails) (Ex. 61).)

Sean Woods knew prior to the publication of the article that Ms. Eramo had taken

Jackie to the police, because [t]here were e-mails that I was maybe made aware of that sort of
show that there had been a that Eramo had helped her go to the police. We had a police
report that it had happened and that Dean Eramo was helping Jackie. (Woods Dep. at 42:1244:1, 46:8-17 (Ex. 8).)

On November 17, 2014, just two days before the article was published, Jackie told

Erdely that she had recently spoken with the head of university police about the impending
publication of the article and her safety concerns, and Jackie confirmed that this was one of the
same officers she spoke to the prior April, that he was aware of her sexual assault allegations,
and that he praised her for going public with her sexual assault allegations, supposedly saying,
Im glad you guys did this. Everyone should know. (Erdely Interview Notes at RS014343
(Ex. 25).)

Prior to the publication of the article, then-Managing Editor Will Dana was not

made aware that Erdely had emails in her possession showing that Ms. Eramo set up multiple
meetings between Jackie and the police. (Dana Dep. at 392:20-393:7 (Ex. 21).)

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Sean Woods made the decision to cut from the first draft of the article the fact that

Ms. Eramo took Jackie to meet with the police. (Woods Dep. at 94:23-96:5.)

The final, published article does not anywhere mention that Ms. Eramo arranged

multiple meetings between Jackie and the police. (Dana Dep. at 397:9-18.)

In July 2014, Emily Renda explained to Erdely that Dean of Students Allen

Groves and Ms. Eramo were pursing ongoing action against Phi Psi and trying to work to get
Jackies supposed two anonymous Phi Psi gang rape victims to come forward. (Renda Dep. at
176:17-178:7 (Ex. 11).)

Woods admitted that Rolling Stone knew prior to publication of the article that

Ms. Eramo absolutely wanted to see Jackies allegations investigated and adjudicated and
wanted Jackie to go forward with a complaint. Woods admitted: We have an e-mail where
Eramo is saying, We want to bring these men to justice. We have Eramo in an e-mail with
Emily Renda or Emily Renda stating Eramo is very hot about this, and is looking to investigate
Phi Psi, which is one of the reasons they Renda doesnt and this is my memory of it, and
again, I havent looked at these but that Renda said, you know, Eramo wants to bring Phi Psi to
justice. (Woods Dep. at 73:11-25.)

Emily Renda testified that Ms. Eramo put Jackie in touch with her (Renda)

specifically because Ms. Eramo was concerned that Jackie was not interesting in pursing any
University or police action regarding her sexual assault, and that Ms. Eramo hoped that by
working with Renda, Jackie might get to the point where she was willing and able to do those
things. (Renda Dep. at 25:5-24.)

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Woods admitted that, saying that Dean Eramo abused Jackie is just not what

happened, and said of Ms. Eramos support of Jackie, thats not an abuse. (Woods Dep. at

Woods also admitted that Ms. Eramo did not in any way discourage Jackie from

pressing charges with the university or the police. (Woods Dep. at 178:2-19.)
XXI. Jackie Herself Repudiates Defendants Claims About Mr. Eramos Treatment Of

On September 19, 2014 Jackie texted

(Sept. 19, 2014 Text

between Jackie and

, RESPJ00000808-811, at RESPJ00000808 (Ex. 62); Jackie

Dep. at 41:2-25 (Ex. 45).)


Jackie testified that

. (Jackie Dep. at

Jackie stressed to Erdely that

(Id. at 93:7-94:12.)

On October 20, 2014, Erdely told Jackie that her first draft is about the culture of

silence around rape at UVA, both from the students, who see it as just another aspect of the party

Case 3:15-cv-00023-GEC Document 116 Filed 07/22/16 Page 77 of 93 Pageid#: 5558

culture, and from the administration, who in my opinion just want to keep these things quiet and
contained. (Erdely Reporting Notes at RS004471 (Ex. 10).)

On November 7, 2014, just a week-and-a-half before the article was published,

Jackie emailed a friend, saying that

(Nov. 7, 2014 Email from Jackie to

RESPJ00000562-563 (Ex. 63).) Jackie then added,


On November 10, 2014, just nine days before the article as published,

(Nov. 10, 2014 Advocate Note, UVA050000071-72 (Ex. 64).)


Jackie testified that

. (Jackie Dep. at 76:1077:4 (Ex. 45).)

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Jackie was

. (Id. at 78:2-24.)

On November 21, 2014, Jackie told

. (Nov. 21,

2014 Text with Jackie and Alex Pinkleton and Sara Surface, RESPJ00000276-325, at
RESPJ00000300 (Ex. 65).)

Exhibit 66 is a November 24, 2014 Open Letter that Jackie and others wrote to the

Cavalier Daily, the UVA student newspaper, in support of Ms. Eramo.

(Students and

community supporters, LETTER: Advocating for Dean Eramo, THE CAVALIER DAILY (Nov.
14, 2015), ERAMO-00878-891 (Open Letter) (Ex. 66); Dana Dep. at 283:18-284:12 (Ex. 21);
Jackie Dep. at 24:11-25:8 (Ex. 45).)

Then-Managing Editor Will Dana was aware of Jackies statements in the Open

Letter on or about November 24, 2014. (Dana Dep. at 283:18-284:18.) Dana acknowledged
there were internal discussions at Rolling Stone at the time about Jackie having voiced public
support for Ms. Eramo. (Id. at 284:19-285:1.)

On December 3, 2014, Jackie texted Ryan Duffin, saying:

First off I want to say Im SO SORRY for the[] way Sabrina wrote about you
and Alex and Kathryn in the article. The story wasnt even supposed to be about
my assault. It was supposed to be about survivor support and advocacy at uva and
since Im super active in the advocacy community I agreed to take an interview
with her in June and she asked me to explain what happened to me so I did but I
never thought she would publish it . . . I had no clue what she was writing about
until October. I tried to pull out of it because I know her writing style and I know
she would sensationalize things and take extreme artistic license (which she
definitely did) but she said it would be published with or without me. I know she
misrepresented you and Alex and Kathryn as well as [D]ean Eramo and a lot of
other people in the story.
(Dec. 3, 2014 Text between Jackie and Ryan Duffin, Duffin-0001-04, at Duffin-0001 (Ex. 67).)
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The same day, Jackie also texted to Duffin: Yes, [Erdely] definitely did her own

thing and at the end I had absolutely no control over what she published. It was the shittiest
situation ever. I spoke with a reporter from the [P]ost explaining how Sabrina took a vast
majority of what I said and twisted it and ultimately manipulated my assault to get something
sensational and I told him that [Erdely] misrepresented you and Dean Eramo. (Id.)

Jackie also told Duffin that [Erdely] basically made up the entire post-gang rape

scene where Jackies friends supposedly urged Jackie to keep her sexual assault quiet to protect
her reputation. (Id. at Duffin-0002.)

Jackie confirmed in testimony

. (Jackie Dep. at 106:24-107:14 (Ex.

45).) Jackie also confirmed that

. (Id. at 108:5-109:14.)

Jackie also

(Id. at 118:4-120:3, 338:7-19.)


Jackie testified that

(Id. at 214:20-215:3,



(Id. at 336:9-15.)

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Jackie also
(Id. at

XXII. Rolling Stone Continued To Mislead The Public As Questions Were Raised About
Its Reporting.

On November 26, 2014, Erdely had a telephone conversation in which she asked

Jackie for the name of the ringleader of her supposed gang-rape. Jackie provided a name, but
claimed she was unsure how to spell it and provided multiple different variations. Erdely wrote
in her notes that it was odd that she doesnt know the name of her attacker. (Erdely Notes,
RS014975-4980, at RS014975 (Ex. 68).)

Erdely admitted that she believed Jackie had given her a false name for her

attacker on November 26, and that the conversation caused an alarm bell to go off in her head
at that time. (Erdely Dep. at 270:19-273:18 (Ex. 1).)

After Erdely had a telephone conversation with Jackie on November 26, 2014,

then-Managing Editor Will Dana acknowledged that he, Sean Woods, and Erdely had
discussions over the next several days about concerns with Jackie and there being some things
here to pay attention to. (Dana Dep. at 175:15-176:11 (Ex. 21).)

Dana acknowledged that in the days following a conversation Erdely had with

Jackie on November 26, 2014, Erdely discussed concerns with Dana about being unable to
confirm a name Jackie provided for the supposed ringleader of her assault, and that Erdely
communicated to Dana that Erdely was concerned about the integrity of the article. (Id. at 342:4343:18.)

During an interview for a Slate magazine podcast published on November 27,

2014, the hosts of the show repeatedly and directly asked Erdely if she knew who any of Jackies

Case 3:15-cv-00023-GEC Document 116 Filed 07/22/16 Page 81 of 93 Pageid#: 5562

assailants were and whether Erdely had spoken to or gotten comment from any of Jackies

(Nov. 27, 2014 Slate Podcast Tr., Certified Tr., Nov. 27, 2014 Slate DoubleX

Gabfest, Butch Goddess Edition, Compl. At Ex. D [Dkt. 14-8]; Answer 188; see also
frats_and_rape_in_rolling_stone_husbands_hurting.html.) Each time, Erdely avoided answering
the question, and despite these direct inquiries Erdely did not acknowledge that Jackie refused to
provide the names of any of her assailants to her or that Rolling Stone never obtained their names
or verified that any of them existed. (Id.)

In a November 28, 2014 email to Washington Post reporter Paul Farhi, who was

asking questions about how Rolling Stone verified Jackies story, Sean Woods claimed to the
Washington Post that Rolling Stone did not name any of Jackies alleged assailants for legal
reasons. (Nov. 28, 2014 Email from Paul Farhi to Sean Woods, RS016040-6043, at RS016042
(Ex. 69.).) Woods did not admit to Farhi that Rolling Stone did not actually know the names of
any of the alleged perpetrators. (Woods Dep. at 209:17-210:7 (Ex. 8).)

In response to more questions from Washington Post reporter Paul Farhi about the

reporting of the article, Erdely told Farhi on December 1, 2014: Paul, once again, Im not going
to comment on whether I talked to Drew or not. (Dec. 1, 2014 Email from Sabrina Erdely to
Paul Farhi, RS016119-6122, at RS016120 (Ex. 70).) When Woods suggested she tell Farhi that,
[t]his story wasnt about depicting a he said/she said account of a sexual assault but what
happened when a girl comes forward with a claim of brutal rape and how those in power failed to
respond to her, Erdely responded to Woods, Sorry to say, that is a terrible statement it opens
up the conversation to he said and what his side of the story was, and the fact that we didnt
include it . . . We cant give specifics . . . . (Id. at RS016119.)

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On December 1, 2014, Woods lied to Paul Farhi of the Washington Post, speaking

of Jackies alleged assailants, when he said, we verified their existence and Im satisfied that
these guys exist and are real. We knew who they were. (Paul Farhi, Author of Rolling Stone
article on alleged U-Va. rape didnt talk to accused perpetrators, THE WASHINGTON POST
(Dec. 1, 2014), ERAMO-04874-4876, at ERAMO-04875 (Ex. 71); Woods Dep. at 244:21246:13 (Ex. 8).) Woods admitted that claiming that Rolling Stone knew who Jackies attackers
were and verified their existence was a mistake, and that he shouldnt have said it like that.
(Woods Dep. at 247:17-248:2.) Woods admitted that these statements to Paul Farhi could be
categorized as falsehoods. (Id. at 276:17-23.)

Sara Surface testified that a few days after the article was published, when Jackie

gave them the name she had given to Erdely as the supposed ringleader of her assault, Surface
and Alex were quickly able to discern from simple online searches that the person by that name
was not in Phi Psi and did not match the description Jackie had given of her rapist. (Surface
Dep. at 122:19-123:14, 125:8-127:16 (Ex. 13).)

On December 2, 2014, Sara Surface told Erdely that Jackie had recently provided

her the same name, but that the only possible UVA student they could find with that name
wasnt in Phi Psi so that was confusing. (Erdely Notes at RS014975-76 (Ex. 68).)

Surface also told Erdely on December 2, 2014 and told her that she could not

match Jackies supposed assailant with an actual person and that something was up and she
doubted Jackies credibility. (Surface Dep. at 131:7-11, 194:19-195:16.) Erdely admitted to
Surface in that conversation that Erdely had also tried to verify the name Jackie had given to
Erdely as Jackies assailant and that Erdely could not verify it. (Id. at 131:12-132:15.)

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On December 5, 2014, a reporter from the Washington Post emailed Erdely to tell

her that he has interviewed Jackie and intended to publish a story questioning the truth of A
Rape on Campus.

(Dec. 5, 2014 Email from Sabrina Rubin Erdely to Melissa Bruno,

RS007816-22, at RS007817 (Ex. 72).)

Erdely wrote to a Rolling Stone public relations

employee, saying that it was important that Rolling Stone get a mea culpa to press before the
Washington Post article, so it doesnt look like we were shamed into it. (Id.) Erdely instructed
the PR employee to hold [the Post reporter] off, [a]sk him about his deadline, and [d]elay
him as much as possible, maybe tell him Id like to talk (though Im not sure that I do) but that
Im super busy today? (Id.)

Erdely then emailed the Post reporter, telling him, thanks for reaching out. Id

actually like to speak with you for your story. Whats your deadline? (Dec. 5, 2014 Email
from Sabrina Rubin Erdely to Taylor Shapiro, RS007825-28, at RS007826-27 (Ex. 73).)
XXIII. Rolling Stone Repeatedly Reaffirms The Defamatory Meaning And Implication Of
The Article.

In a press release issued contemporaneously with the publication of the article,

Rolling Stone described the article to other media outlets. (Woods Dep. at 175:4-176:25 (Ex. 8).)
The Rolling Stone press release said:

Case 3:15-cv-00023-GEC Document 116 Filed 07/22/16 Page 84 of 93 Pageid#: 5565

(Rolling Stone Press Release, RS008128-29 (Ex. 74).)


Will Dana agreed that the statement in the press release, RS008128-8129, is a

fair summary of the article. (Dana Dep. at 160:14-161:6 (Ex. 21).)


In an October 1, 2014 email to Rolling Stone magazine photo editor Sasha Lecca,

author Sabrina Rubin Erdely described the article as a story about how rape plays out against
the culture at the University of Virginia. Where the main narrative is about a girl who says
she was gang raped at a fraternity and the school has done nothing. The theme will be about
the culture of inaction and silence at UVA both from the students, who want to ignore sexual
assaults, because it spoils the giant party of college, and also because of some demented loyalty
to the institution and its image of perfection; and from the administration, wholl do anything to
avoid scandal. (Oct. 1, 2014 Email from Sabrina Erdley to Sacha Lecca, RS018873 (Ex. 58);
see also Erdely Dep. at 200:21-201:18 (Ex. 1).)

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Then-Managing Editor Will Dana acknowledged that the article claims that

Ms. Eramo discouraged Jackie from reporting her gang-rape allegations, testifying, [t]hats
exactly what the story says. (Dana Dep. at 390:16-391:6 (Ex. 21).)

In an official statement about the article on December 1, 2014, Rolling Stone

described the article as one womans account of a sexual assault at a UVA fraternity in October
2012 and the subsequent ordeal she experienced at the hands of University administrators in
her attempts to work her way through the trauma of that evening. (Dec. 1, 2014 Email from
Sean Woods to Paul Farhi, RS003077 (Ex. 75); Woods Dep. at 227:24-230:11 (Ex. 8).)

Rolling Stone and Erdely repeatedly described the article as being about how

Jackies sexual assault report to Ms. Eramo was met with indifference. (See July 1, 2016 Pl.s
Statement of Undisputed Facts in Supp. of Mot. for Summ. J. [Dkt. 99] 41, 87, 97, 104, 135.)

In her statements on the November 26, 2014 Brian Lehrer Show and the

November 27, 2014 episode of the Slate DoubleX Gabfest Podcast, Erdely claimed that the
article showed not only the indifference with which Jackies allegations were met, but also
how Ms. Eramo did nothing in response to Jackies allegations, how she brushed off Jackie,
how Jackies allegations were not reported to the police, how Jackie was discouraged from
moving this forward, and how Ms. Eramo sought to suppress Jackies supposed sexual
assault. (Certified Tr., Nov. 27, 2014 Slate DoubleX Gabfest, Butch Goddess Edition, Compl.







frats_and_rape_in_rolling_stone_husbands_hurting.html; Erdely Dep. at 256:8-258:7;,Certified
Tr., Nov. 26, 2014 The Brian Lehrer Show, Compl. At Ex. C [Dkt. 14-7]; Compl. 240; Answer

Case 3:15-cv-00023-GEC Document 116 Filed 07/22/16 Page 86 of 93 Pageid#: 5567

240; see also; Erdely Dep. at 250:4251:16 (Ex. 1).)


Defendants acknowledge that Erdelys statements on the Slate podcast and Brian

Lehrer Show were meant to summarize the contents of the Article. (July 1, 2016 Mem. of
Law in Supp. of Defs. MSJ [Dkt 102] at 66.)

Erdely herself acknowledged that these statements were shorthand for the article

itself. (Erdely Dep. at 252:16-20.)

XXIV. Readers Of The Article Understood The Intended Defamatory Meaning And

Emily Renda, one of Erdelys sources and at the time a campus sexual assault

advocate who worked with both Jackie and Ms. Eramo, testified that her impression upon
reading the article was that it misrepresented a lot of things, including that it painted a
particularly unnuanced picture of the administration and Nicole as being indifferent, which I
thought was not the case and I felt several of the people that were interviewed for the article
would not have said. (Renda Dep. at 96:5-21 (Ex. 11).)

Renda felt that the article portrayed Ms. Eramo negatively and that the portrayal

of Ms. Eramo in the Rolling Stone article was not fair, because it paints a picture of someone
who does not care and dissuades people from reporting, and that is far and away not the woman I
know and not the experience that plenty of people Ive known to have worked with her have
had. (Id. at 96:22-97:14.)

Renda read the article as implying and insinuating that Ms. Eramo was trying to

make [Jackies allegations] go away, which was false. (Id. 97:15-22.)

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Rendas impression of the article was that it portrayed [Ms. Eramo] as someone

who was indifferent or didnt care and or had discouraged Jackie from taking further action or
seeking help. (Id. at 125:5-126:2.)

Renda felt that the article unfairly demonized Ms. Eramo. (Id. at 102:3-19.)


Rendas impression upon reading the article was that it portrayed Ms. Eramo as

discouraging Jackie from reporting her sexual assault to the police or to the University. (Id. at

Rendas impression of the articles description of Jackies first meeting with

Ms. Eramo was that [the article] nominally ascribes to [Jackie] that it was her choice [not to file
a complaint with the university and/or police] but sets a picture up of somebody who had no
agency and was battered around by a lack of support . . . it seems the thesis of the article is that it
wasnt really an informed choice, or that it wasnt the right choice, or that she wasnt properly
supported in making that choice. (Id. at 196:2-14.)

Renda described reading the article as like being hit over the head with a

baseball bat because Jackies allegations were so shocking and because Dean Eramo had been
treated so unfairly. (Id. at 120:22-121:10.)

Alex Pinkleton testified that she believed Erdelys lip-service statement in the

article about Eramo being beloved by survivors did not detract from the defamatory impact of
the article, saying, [Erdely], out of an article that was how many pages long, like seven pages
long, so many words, put in one sentence where, like, oh, these three people oh, regardless of
the fact that Dean Eramo has swept gang rapes and tons of gang rapes other non-gang rapes
regardless of that fact, these three still stand by her; which is the total reason why Dean Eramo
got death threats, why we got death threats, why we were called terrible advocates. Because I

Case 3:15-cv-00023-GEC Document 116 Filed 07/22/16 Page 88 of 93 Pageid#: 5569

think thats completely hilarious to think that by putting in one sentence its like, well, they
support her. You put in the article like we supported the devil. Like, that was exactly how it
read. (Pinkleton Dep. at 144:22-145:15 (Ex. 12).)

Both Ms. Eramo and Rolling Stone received many emails from members of the

public who read the article and understood it as attributing to Ms. Eramo unfitness to perform the
duties of her employment as an Associate Dean of Students, and as accusing Ms. Eramo of
lacking integrity in the discharge of her employment duties.

(Dec. 7, 2014 Email from to, RS021352-1353 (Ex. 76); Dec. 4, 2014 Email

from Colleen Cicale to, RS021604 (Ex. 77); Nov. 28, 2014 Email from
Peter Engisch to, RS021657 (Ex. 78); Nov. 20, 2014 Email from Kim
Raff to Nicole Eramo, ERAMO-00805 (Ex. 79); Nov. 20, 2014 Email from Holly Rhodes to
Nicole Eramo, ERAMO-00816 (Ex. 80).)

On November 28, 2014 an individual named Peter Engisch sent an email to

Rolling Stone at the inbox with the subject A Rape on Campus.
Engisch wrote that Dean Eramo smells of cover up, deflect, delay and fake text book sensitivity.
Protecting UVA is her No. 1 priority. Sickening. (Nov. 28, 2014 Email from Peter Engisch to, RS021657 (Ex. 78).)

On December 4, 2014 an individual named Colleen Cicale sent an email to

Rolling Stone at the inbox saying I just finished reading Sabrina
Rubin Erdelys article about UVrApe, and adding that [Jackie] should be proud of the work
she has been doing as an advocate. She could teach her Dean Eramo a lesson or two on how to
treat survivors.

(Dec. 4, 2014 Email from Colleen Cicale to,

RS021604 (Ex. 77).)

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On December 7, 2014, an individual sent an email to Rolling Stone at the inbox referencing the article about Jackie and stating: Dean Eramo should
be fired. The Dean clearly set Jackie further adrift with her ambivalent response and bewildering
options; Eramo well knew Jackie was so conflicted shed not pursue the case, and Eramo
intentionally guided Jackie to this solution, offering her a soft shoulder to cry on instead of an
iron fist to help face her attackers and protect other students. This softballing was intentional, in
my opinion, to keep the case from becoming public and out of UVA control. (Dec. 7, 2014
Email from to, RS021352-53 (Ex. 76).)

On November 20, 2014, an individual named Kim Raff sent an email to

Ms. Eramo with the subject About the Rolling Stone article. (Nov. 20, 2014 Email from Kim
Raff to Nicole Eramo, ERAMO-00805 (Ex. 79).) Beginning, Dean Eramo, I am in the process
of reading the Rolling Stone article about rapes on the UVA campus, the email said, I am so
sickened by what I have read and I think you should be ashamed of yourself and how you treat
victims of sexual assaults. (Id.) The email went on to say, Why you continue to protect these
predators is baffling and I really cant understand how as a woman you can allow them to
continue to victimize more young women/men.

Please Please Please for the love of god

RESIGN! You clearly do not contain the needed skills as a human/woman to do your job
correctly. You are a horrible person and your school is an abomination and disgusts me. Please
RESIGN so you dont ruin another students life. Do the right thing. (Id.)

On November 20, 2014, an individual named Holly Rhodes sent an email to

Ms. Eramo with the subject Shame on you. (Nov. 20, 2014 Email from Holly Rhodes to
Nicole Eramo, ERAMO-00816 (Ex. 80).) The email stated, As a woman, how can you turn a
blind eye to these girls who are seeking help from such brutal actsgirls Ms. Eramo; GIRLS.

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God will have his day with you and hold you accountable just as the boys who have raped and
performed these disgusting acts. Do the great state of Virginia a favor and resign. You are a
despicable human being. (Id.)

Victoria Groves, a sexual assault survivor and former UVA student, read the

article and, based on the article, became very angry with how University of Virginia officials
acted, especially Associate Dean Nicole Eramo. (July 1, 2014 Declaration of Victoria Groves
4 (Ex. 81).) Groves believed that, based on the article, Dean Eramo had completely failed to
support Jackie, and that Dean Eramo had actively worked to convince Jackie to not move
forward with reporting her assault in order to preserve the Universitys reputation. (Id.) She
believed that Dean Eramo was not a real advocate for sexual assault victims and survivors, she
was not aware of victims rights and the duties of individuals in positions like hers to protect and
advocate on behalf of sexual assault victims, and that she was directly responsible for the fact
that Jackies attackers never saw justice. (Id. 5.) She further understood, based on the
article, Dean Eramo put the interest of the University above Jackies interest and did not act with
Jackies well-being in mind. (Id. 4.)

In fact, Groves was so disgusted ... with Dean Eramos actions that she was

compelled to voice her opinion and email Ms. Eramo. (Id. 6.) To that end, Groves emailed
Dean Eramo directly and wrote that Ms. Eramos compliance in allowing these offenders to
walk free time and time again [was] an atrocity, that her actions were the equivalent of
sweep[ing] sexual assault under the rug, and that Ms. Eramos supposed actions, as detailed in
the article sicken[ed] me. (Id. 7-8.)

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Based on the article, Groves held the conviction that Dean Eramo had

completely failed Jackie, and likely other sexual assault victims at the University of Virginia,
until I began to hear that the article was inaccurate in late 2014 and early 2015. (Id. 10.)

Dated: July 22, 2016

Respectfully submitted,
By: /s/ Elizabeth M. Locke
Thomas A. Clare (VA Bar No. 39299)
Elizabeth M. Locke (VA Bar No. 71784)
Andrew C. Phillips (VA Bar No. 88880)
Joseph R. Oliveri (VA Bar No. 84335)
902 Prince Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Telephone: (202) 628-7400
Attorneys for Plaintiff Nicole P. Eramo

Case 3:15-cv-00023-GEC Document 116 Filed 07/22/16 Page 92 of 93 Pageid#: 5573

I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of Plaintiffs Counter-Statement of Material
Facts in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment was
served on the below counsel of record on July 22, 2016, via the Courts electronic filing system.
Michael John Finney & William David Paxton
P.O. Box 40013
Roanoke, VA 24022-0013
Telephone: (540) 983-9373
Telephone: (540) 983-9334
Fax: (540) 983-9400
Elizabeth A. McNamara & Samuel M. Bayard
1251 Avenue of the Americas, 21st Floor
New York, New York 10020
Telephone: (212) 489-8230 / Fax: (212) 489-8340
Alison B. Schary
1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20006-3401
Telephone: (202) 973-4248 / Fax: (202) 973-4448
Attorneys for Defendants Rolling Stone LLC,
Sabrina Rubin Erdely, and Wenner Media LLC
Benjamin Gaillard Chew
1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036-5303
Telephone: (202) 585-6511
Attorney for Defendant Sabrina Rubin Erdely
Dated: July 22, 2016


/s/ Elizabeth M. Locke

Elizabeth M. Locke

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