Application of Extended BBCH Scale For Phenological
Application of Extended BBCH Scale For Phenological
Application of Extended BBCH Scale For Phenological
Phenological studies are important for understanding the influence of weather dynamics on vegetative growth, flowering and fruiting
on mango. BBCH (Biologische Bundesantalt, Bundessortenamt and Chemische Industrie) scale was used for data recording and to
assess utility of the scale in mango phenological studies. Phenological stages of the mango were recorded at weekly intervals on 60
shoots of cultivar Totapuri at five diverse locations for testing usefulness of scale under different diverse ecologies and data from
one location, i.e., Lucknow (26o 54 N and 80o 48 E ) was used for analysis. Existing BBCH scale was modified on the basis of data
recorded for mango in which seven out of 10 principal stages were used, starting with bud development (stage 0) and ending with
maturity of fruit (stage 8). Three digit scale was used for inclusion of the mesostages between the principal and secondary growth stages.
Highly recurring flowering phenophases were 511 (18 %), 513 (20 %) recorded in standard week 9 and 517 (45 %) in standard week
11 (March). Other important phenophases, 619 (38 %) and 709 (10 %) occured during standard weeks 13 and 22 to 23, respectively. A
high degree of variation in shoots representing principal growth stages viz., vegetative bud, leaf and shoot development was observed
due to simultaneous transition of the stages during standard week 33 to 42 and 4 to 24. Limitations of existing BBCH scale and
comprehended modifications have been proposed and discussed. The study revealed that the extended BBCHscale for mango can
be widely used because of its utility in describing all phenophases pertaining to bud, shoot, leaf, panicle and fruit development and
indicated the incisive growth pattern of the shoots and seasonal variation. This is the first report on quantitative analysis of mango
phenological data using BBCH scale.
Key words: BBCH scale, Biologische Bundesantalt, Bundessortenamt and Chemische Industrie, mango, phenology, phenophase,
flowering, growth
Phenological studies aim on the periodicity in the life-cycle
events of plants and are influenced by seasonal variations owing
to weather factors mainly temperature and precipitation. In
fact, changes in the time of phenophases of fruit trees are of
great economical importance because they have direct impact
on factors influencing final fruit yield (Kushwaha and Singh,
2008). Phenological studies in mango are also important for
planned management of orchards and alerting mango growers
against environmental vagaries. It is also useful for understanding
the phenological impacts during the flowering phase and the
subjacent effects on other phenological events. Researchers
have emphasized significant role of these studies in highlighting
common trends in mango phenology along with regional and
varietal differences in response to recent climatic changes
(Schnell and Knight, 1998) and understanding the differential
trends in main and off-season varieties.
Till eighties, there was no homogeneous coding method to
describe developmental stages of the major cultivated plants
and phenological stages were usually characterized using a
combinations of letter and numbers. Fleckinger (1948) evolved
a scale for fruit trees which does not fulfil the requirements of
a growth scale and mainly describe inflorescence and not the
8) completed the scale. First digit of the code depicts the principal
growth stage ranging from 0 to 9.
The second digit of the scale was used for recognizing the
mesostages occurred between the principal and secondary growth
stages, ranged from 0 to n. The code was given on the basis of
number of vegetative flushes and flowering occurred during the
year. Generally, two mesostages (1, 2) were used for coding.
However, it can be more than two according to the number of
flushes found in the region or multiple bearing varieties. The
use of codes for mesostages made the differentiation possible
between the principal and secondary vegetative and flowering
growth stages. The third digit of the codes were the numerical
values from 0 to 9, which was related to per cent growth of buds,
leaves, shoots, flower buds, panicle and fruit development.
Fig. 1. Depiction of important phenophases for mango with corresponding codes. All phenophase photographs are not
of cv. Totapuri and were found useful in identifying phenophases of Mangifera indica varieties.
Table 1. Extended BBCH scale used for mango (Hernndez Delgado et al., 2010)
Principal Code
0 Bud development
010 Dormancy: leaf buds are closed and covered with
green or brownish scales (Aubert and Lossois:
vegetative stage A)
011 Beginning of leaf bud swelling: bud scales begin to
013 End of leaf bud swelling: scales completely
separated, light green buds emerged (Aubert and
Lossois: vegetative stage B)
017 Beginning of bud break: light green to dark coppery
tan leaf tips just visible (Aubert and Lossois:
vegetative stage C)
019 Bud break: light green to dark coppery tan leaf tips
visible 5 to 10 mm above bud scales (Aubert and
Lossois: vegetative stage D)
020 Dormancy: leaf buds are closed and covered with
green or brownish scales (Aubert and Lossois:
vegetative stage A)
021 Beginning of leaf bud swelling: bud scales begin to
023 End of leaf bud swelling: scales completely
separated, light green buds emerged (Aubert and
Lossois: vegetative stage B)
027 Beginning of bud break: light green to dark coppery
tan leaf tips just visible (Aubert and Lossois:
vegetative stage C)
029 Bud break: light green to dark coppery tan leaf tips
visible 5 to 10 mm above bud scales (Aubert and
Lossois: vegetative stage D)
1 Leaf development
110 Leaf tips more than 10 mm above bud scales
vegetative 111 First leaf unfolded
115 More leaves unfolded: petioles visible
119 All leaves completely unfolded and expanded
120 Leaf tips more than 10 mm above bud scales
vegetative 121 First leaf unfolded
125 More leaves unfolded: petioles visible
129 All leaves completely unfolded and expanded
3 Shoot development
311 Beginning of shoot growth: axes of developing
shoots visible, about 10% of final length
312 Shoots about 20% of final length
315 Shoots about 50% of final length (Aubert and
Lossois: vegetative stage A)
317 Shoots about 70% of final length
319 Shoots about 90% of final length
321 Second vegetative flush beginning of shoot growth:
axes of developing shoots visible, about 10% of final
322 Shoots about 20% of final length
325 Shoots about 50% of final length (Aubert and
Lossois: vegetative stage E)
327 Shoots about 70% of final length
329 Shoots about 90% of final length
5 Inflorescence emergence
Principal 510 Buds closed and covered with green or brownish
511 Beginning of bud swelling: scales begin to separate
(Aubert and Lossois: flowering stage A)
513 Bud burst: first floral primordial just visible, panicle
development begins (Aubert and Lossois: flowering
stage B)
514 Panicle axis begins to elongate, leaves are visible in
mixed panicles
6 Flowering
610 First flower open
611 Beginning of flowering: 10% of panicle flowers
613 Early flowering: 30% of panicle flowers open
615 Full flowering: more than 50% of panicle flowers
open (Aubert and Lossois: flowering stage E)
617 Flower fading: majority of petals fallen or dry
619 End of flowering: all petals fallen or dry, fruit set
630 Barren panicle
631 Panicle completely dried or dropped
620 First flowers open
621 Beginning of flowering: 10% of panicle flowers
623 Early flowering: 30% of panicle flowers open
625 Full flowering: more than 50% of panicle flowers
open (Aubert and Lossois: flowering stage E)
627 Flower fading: majority of petals fallen or dry
629 End of flowering: all petals fallen or dry, fruit set
630 Barren panicle
631 Panicle completely dried or dropped
7 Fruit development
701 Fruits at 10% of final size, styles still visible.
season fruit
Beginning of physiological fruit drop (Aubert and
Lossois: fruit set stage A)
703 Fruits at 30% of final size, end of physiological fruit
drop. (Aubert and Lossois: fruit set stage B)
705 Fruits at 50% of final size
709 Fruits at standard cultivar size, shoulders fully
8 Maturity of fruit
Main season 800 Physiological maturity: fruit fully developed, pulp
fruit maturity
creamy green in colour.
801 Beginning of skin colour change (colour break
809 Fruit colour fully developed. Fruit ripe for
consumption, with correct firmness and typical
standard week 12 and 16. The stages for fruit development (701
to 709) were recorded during standard weeks 16 to 24. The stage
911 in standard weeks 12 to 16 indicated the existence of barren
panicles due to drying or dropping of flowers from the panicles,
while in later standard weeks, such as, from week 17 and onwards,
stage 911 represented the barren panicle after fruit drop. These
are few examples of interpretation of BBCH scale data. A perusal
of analysed data also revealed that the existing BBCH scale is
suitable for studying the mango phenology with few exceptional
aspects. Thus, modifications in the existing scale (Hernndez et
al., 2011) are presented (Table 2) to meet out the missing aspects
of the basic principles of BBCH scale (Hack et al., 1992).
As a matter of fact, researchers developed their own scale (Aubert
and Lossois, 1972), used older non-uniform scales or adopted
BBCH scale (Hernandez et al., 2011) to study mango phenology.
Nevertheless, this has led to the interpretation of scales in different
ways, leading to inconsistency in comparing research results. The
proposed scale attempts to unify the description for mango and
make it possible to address difficulties in interpretation of other
researches related with specific phenophase sampling. General
interpretation of collected data using the scale can also form the
basis for the development of future scales specific to tropical and
subtrpical fruit tree crops including mango.
Limitations of existing BBCH scale: Based on the data collected
from diverse mango growing locations and literature on the
application of BBCH scale for mango (Hernandez Delgado et
al., 2011), following questions were encountered which require
attention of researchers for improvement in scale or development
of methodology for providing precise description of the major
phenophases in mango. At initial panicle or shoot development
stage, the per cent growth of vegetative shoots (311 to 315),
flowering (611 to 615) or fruit development stage (701 to 705) can
not be assigned/predicted precisely, thus the assumptions made at
the time of data recording on the basis of existing BBCH scale for
mango may make it erroneous. The actual observation depends on
the degree of precision employed by the user. Sometimes, more
than one vegetative bud emerge as a result of further growth in
previous year bearing shoots, identified as stage 916. Some of the
stages (drying of shoots) seen in the field conditions necessitate
the selection and tagging of new shoot for data collection and
data collected on dried shoot may become irrelevant. Some of
the stages (010 and 510) appear morphologically same but their
further developments are totally different. The codes 630 and
631 indicating the barren and completely dried/dropped panicle,
respectively, is not well defined and accurate according to the
general BBCH scale.
Modifications in existing scale: Although the existing extended
BBCHscale for mango can be used widely without any
modification because it describes developmental stages of bud,
shoot, leaf and fruit development, even inflorescence and panicle
development. Yet some of the modifications are suggested to make
it more useful for phenological studies. Additional characteristics
of the proposed scale for mango are given in Table 2.
In the context of phenology related studies, mango has specific
vulnerability, such as perennial nature, complex flowering,
warming impacts on floral bud phenology (Schnell and Knight,
1998). Numerous data on phenology, collected (in past) in
contrasting climatic conditions (location, period) highlighting
We thank Dr. H. Ravishankar, Director, CISH, Lucknow and
Dr. C.P.A. Iyer, Chairman, Consortium Advisory Committee for
encouragement during study. The authors gratefully acknowledge
the financial support from NAIP, ICAR, New Delhi and thank
Dr. S. Kochhar, National Coordinator and Dr. Bengali Baboo,
National Director, NAIP for their encouragement; Dr. P.M.
Hernndez Delgado and Dr. V. Galn Saco Instituto Canario
Fig. 2. BBCH scale based percentage of shoots during different standard weeks
(a&b) temperture and rainfall pattern during the period(c). See code details in
Table 1.