LP 5 6 Rationale
LP 5 6 Rationale
LP 5 6 Rationale
White in The Monkeys Paw, but I paused while reading aloud to provide an example of a
character trait of Sergeant Major Morris to further emphasis what they should be looking for as
we read the text.
Integrative Interaction: I demonstrated this standard by showing a rapport with my students as
well as an interest in their ideas. Coupled with my expressed interest, I showed a respect for the
varied perspectives of my students. The class appeared to be split as to whether or not Sergeant
Major Morris intended to give the monkeys paw to the Whites, or whether he genuinely did not
want the family to have it. This was a very interesting point to focus on (briefly) and I valued the
input of the students, who argued each of their perspectives. In addition, I encouraged all
students to participate in their group activity and posed questions to the students as they analyzed
the character. For instance, one student argued that Sergeant Major Morris did not change in the
story because he was only in the beginning of it. However, I asked if Sergeant Major Morris
only had one character trait or if he had many. This question got the students thinking, and they
went back to the text to determine if he had more than one trait. Finally, I believe I remained
confident and calm throughout my lesson and was able to assess my own performance for