Rly Quaterss
Rly Quaterss
Rly Quaterss
Welfare Measures |
Staff with GP more than Rs. 2400 and upto Rs. 4200
Note : No existing Type-IV or other type of quarters will be transferred from Nongazetted pool to Gazetted pool merely because the number of Group C staff eligible
for such quarters in accordance with the above instructions, happens to be less than
the number of available quarters.
[Ref: No. Railway Boards letter No. 2008/LMB/10/16 dated 27.01.2011 (RB/L&A
Classification of staff as essential and non-essential for allotment of quarters
For the purpose of allotment of quarters, Railway staff are categorized into two
categories, i.e., essential and non-essential. Separate pools of allotment are
maintained for essential and non-essential staff. The actual classification as per
local conditions will be done by respective Zonal Railways. (Ref: No. E[G]57 LG
5-1 dated 21-1-1958])
Out of the quarters set apart for essential category staff, separate pool of
quarters should be maintained for the running staff proportionate to the strength
of running staff as against non-running essential staff. Seperate Priority
Register will be maintained for this purpose. [Ref: No. E[G]69 QR1-15 dated
The quarters of the loco running staff pool, on vacation, should be allotted only
to the loco running staff.
The Estate Officers/ Allotment Authorities on the Railways should carry out
checks/inspections every six months to ensure that the houses are occupied by
the allottee Railway servants only and are not sublet to outsiders in
contravention of the extant instructions. ( Ref. No.E(G)86 QR 1-6 dt.30.9.1986)
As soon as the charges of sub-letting are established by the pool holder, the
allotment of quarter will be cancelled and the disciplinary authority shall initiate
disciplinary proceedings against the railway servant concerned. In such cases,
the Competent Authority may consider placing the delinquent Railway servant
under suspension also.
Retention of quarter by the employee after expiry of the permissible period will
be treated as unauthorised.
Realisation of damages rate of rent should not be pended on the ground that
the employee has appealed or the case of the employee has been referred to
the Ministry of Railways for regularisation of the excess period of retention.
[Ref: No. E(G)85 QR 1-9 dated 15.01.90 ]
Manager while all other cases will be dealt with at AGMs level for forwarding to Board
along with recommendations for consideration.
[Ref: No. E[G]99 QR1-16 dated 16-3-2004 & 1-9-2005]
Upto 25 sq.m.
25- 30 sq.m.
30- 35 sq.m.
above 35 sq. m.
Upto 45 sq.m.
45- 50 sq.m.
50- 55 sq.m.
above 55 sq.m.
Upto 60 sq.m.
60-65 sq.m.
65-70 sq.m.
above 70 sq.m.
Upto 80 sq.m.
80- 90 sq. m.
90-100 sq.m.
100-120 sq.m.
150-200 sq.m.
200-250 sq.m.
250-300 sq.m.
300-350 sq.m.
Rates of license fee for Type-IV Quarters will also apply to officers Transit flats.
Flat rates for servants quarters and garages:
Servant quarters
Rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of Railway accommodation.
Railway Board's letter No. . F(X)I-99/11/1 Dated 17.3.05
(Rupees per sq.m. of plinth area/per month)
Type of accommo-dation
Existing Rates
I to IV
V & above
Transfer |
Welfare Measures |
Quarters |
Leave Rules
Permanent Transfer
2 months
6 months or more
Educational Grounds
No restriction
Audit staff
2 months
No restrictions
1 year
2 years
Temporary transfer
Upto 14.08.2012
Upto 31-03-2012
up to 30.06.2014
4 months
Entire period
4 months
1 month
2 years
Period of training
Study Leave
6 months
Maternity Leave
Period of LAP
2 years
Ex-India Leave
1 year
4 months
Further 2 months
Educational Grounds
Further 4 months
2 years
Re-employed Doctors
Period of re-employment.
Quarters |
Welfare Measures |
Quarters |
Railway staff |
retention of quarters |
quarters rules |
Rules regarding allotment of Railway quarters to husband and wife posted at the
same station
In the event of either of the two employees (husband & wife) being transferred
to another station, he/she (as the case may be), shall be entitled for allotment of
Railway quarter under the relevant rules. [Ref. No. E(G)73 QR 1-44 dated
Reservation of 10% in respect of Type I and Type II Railway quarters(in nonessential categories only) should be made in favour of SC/ST employees in all
the areas where the number of quarters is 50 or more.
The reservation is made against the total number of quarters at a station and
not against the number of quarters in a particular pool.
Two waiting lists are to be maintained, one general waiting list and another
special waiting list of SC/ST Railway employees for allotment against 10%
quota in Type I and II and 5% in Type III and IV.
The reserved quota is exclusively reserved quota for SC/STs and allotments
made to SC/STs from the general list is not countable towards the reserved
quota which has to be filled by allotment to SC/ST employees who are not
covered against the general [unreserved] points of the roster within the
vacancies of quarters to be filled up at a particular point of time. In other words,
SC/ST employees allotted Railway quarters on their own service length
seniority in the general list are not to be adjusted against reserved quota.
[Ref: No. 82-E[SCT]26/2 dated 27-9-83 and 2002-E[SCT]I/21/1 dated 20-11-02], [Ref:
No. 84-E[SCT]I/21/1 dated 22-08-86], [Ref: No. 97-E[SCT]I/22/5 dated 09-10-97],
(Ref: 99 /E/SCT/!/21/1 dt.25.6.99)
Out of turn allotment of quarter
Out of turn allotment of quarter wherever conceded, should be made strictly on the
basis of date of registration in the out of turn register to be maintained for the purpose
[Ref. No. E(G)66 QR 1-21 dated 12.10.1966]
On medical grounds : Heart ailment, Pulmonary T.B, and Cancer. only the
illness of the Government servant himself and/or members of his/her family i.e.
wife/husband and the children, should alone be considered for the concession
of ad-hoc allotment on these two grounds.
Provided that the said relation was a railway employee eligible for railway
accommodation and had been sharing accommodation with the retiring or
deceased railway employee for at least six months before the date or retirement
or death and had not claimed H.R.A. during that period. The same residence
might be regularised in the name of the eligible relation if he/she was eligible for
a residence of that type or higher type. In other cases a residence of the
entitled type or a type next below is to be allotted.
Requests for out of turn allotment of Railway accommodation from the eligible
dependents of deceased Railway employees who are appointed on
compassionate grounds may be considered for allotment of Railway quarter of
one type below the entitlement of the deceased Railway employee, minimum
being Type-I and restricting the allotment upto Type-IV failing which Type IV Spl
or the entitled category of accommodation to the compassionate appointee,
whichever is higher, subject to fulfilling the laid down conditions. This will be
applicable to all Group A, B, C & D Railway employees.
Provided that in case where the retiring employee, including those who take
voluntary retirement, or any member of his family, owns a house in the place of
his/her posting, the specified relative will not be eligible for allotment of railway
quarter on out of turn basis.
All the Railway personnel serving in the Railway Engineers Group Units [TA]
should be treated as essential staff for the purpose of allotment of Railway
accommodation. [Ref: E[ML]74 ML3-34 dt. 6-6-74]