Excercise1 Data VIsualization
Excercise1 Data VIsualization
Excercise1 Data VIsualization
Big Data is a powerful discovery tool for companies seeking to glean new insights.
But without the right framework for understanding it, much of that knowledge may
go unrecognized. Oftentimes, its data visualization that allows Big Data to unleash
its true impact.
The Visual Organization is fundamentally about how progressive organizations
today are using a wide array of data visualization (dataviz) tools to ask better
questions of their data and make better business decisions, says Simon, citing
the example of companies such as Amazon, Apple AAPL
+0.54%, Facebook, Google GOOG +0.97%, Twitter, andNetflix NFLX +0.94%,
among others.
Of course, many companies have long been using rudimentary dataviz tools, such
as a Microsoft Excel graph or chart, he notes. But thats unlikely to promote true
data discovery. On the contrary, at the most advanced companies, youll see that
employees are doing a great deal more than creating simple graphs, bar charts, and
pivot tables. Employees here are interacting with their data, and learning new
things about their businesses in the process.
Two recent factors have conspired to make this the moment for data visualization.
First, says Simon, is the rise of Big Data and the growing public awareness of its
power. Today more than ever, professionals are being asked to argue their cases
and make their decisions based on data, he says. A new, data-oriented mind-set is
permeating the business world.
But that push outside IT circles means that many non-technical professionals must
now produce and comprehend insights from Big Data. Visualization can help, and
a raft of new tools makes that possible. IBM, Cognos, SAS, and other enterprise
BI (business intelligence) stalwarts are still around, but they are no longer the only
game in town, he says. Today, an organization need not spend hundreds of
thousands or millions of dollars to get going with dataviz. These new tools have
become progressively more powerful and democratic over the last decade. Long
gone are the days in which IT needed to generate reports for non-technical
employees. They have made it easier than ever to for employees to quickly
discover new things in increasingly large datasets. Examples include Visual.ly,
Tableau, Vizify, D3.js, R, and myriad others.
Future Directions
What's most needed in the field of data visualization, as in other fields, is not
always what's most exciting or not even what's particularly innovative. Sometimes
we simply need to make it easier to do those things that work. One example of this
is the effort of a few software vendors to build data visualization best practices
right into the tools, such as in the form of defaults, thereby making it easier and
less time-consuming to do what works and harder and more costly to do what
doesn't. Besides these simple, straightforward but often overlooked improvements,
a few other areas offer the potential for enrichment, such as the following:
The integration of geo-spatial and network displays (such as node and link
diagrams) with other forms of display for seamless interaction and
simultaneous use.
Technological support for collaborative data sensemaking to bring the
complementary advantage of multiple brains together.
The application of data visualization beyond descriptive statistics to the
realm of predictive analytics, such as through the use of interactive
predictive visual models,
Tighter integration of data mining algorithms to find meaningful patterns
with data visualization to provide a better way to review and explore those
Improved human-computer interface devices for interacting with data
visualization in a more rapid and seamless manner.
Executive Summary:
Absorb information in new and more constructive ways.
1. By comparison, data visualization enables users to receive vast amounts of
information regarding operational and business conditions.
- Data visualization allows decision makers to see connections between multi-
data sets and provides new ways to interpret data through the
use of heat maps, fever charts, and other rich graphical representations .