40 Marks Exam QP Linux
40 Marks Exam QP Linux
40 Marks Exam QP Linux
f) Which of the following commands can be used to change default permissions for files and
A. chmod
Q. 2) Attempt any five one sentence questions
a) Which tar command option is used to list the files in a tape archive format?
b) How to copy multiple file in linux using command.
c) What command is used to add printing jobs to the queue?
d) What command is used to change the working directory?
e) What is kernel in linux?
f) What command is used to assign executable permission to all of the files named "pune"?
Q. 3) Attempt any two question
a) Write a short note on gzip and gunzip utility, with suitable example.
b) Describe the options available and their use with tar commands.
c) Explain the History of Linux O.S.?
Q. 5) Attempt any two question
a) Write a short note on daemon process in linux.
b) How users are managed in Linux, explain.
c) Explain the following X-window utility:- a) gEdit
b) xclock