TotalValve 6820TRV PDF
TotalValve 6820TRV PDF
TotalValve 6820TRV PDF
Markets Served
Gas Processing
Chemical Processing
Municipal Service
Nuclear Power
Special Applications
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Our patented technology allows for complete control of valve set pressures (+/- 2%).
Set pressures can be adjusted. Key options for dual sensing lines and fluid media filters
provide industry leading system reliability. Suitable for severe service where dirt,
hydrates and high moisture levels occur in the fluid media.
Pressure Cycling Service - This system has superior performance to pin type valves and rupture discs due to the
TRV modules advanced design. The system does not rely on a prediction of a material failure as in pin valves and rupture discs.
Installation - The TRV 6820 is designed for in line installation between pipe flanges. Each device is a full face design
with pipe flange bolting for lug, wafer and short pattern body configurations.
Field Testing and Resetting - The units field test connection port affords in-the-field testing. New settings can be
reset in the field if a desired set pressure change is required. The feature allows smoother start-ups and quicker resets (in less
than 3 seconds) when the device opens, versus the processes required for pin type valves or rupture discs.
Valve Activation - The 6820 TRV has two basic configurations the 6820 TRV-DP model for positive differential pressure
applications. The 6820 TRV-SP is the model for single positive sensing line pressure applications.
National Board Tested/ASME UD Certified
Total Valve Systems
1300 East Memphis
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Capacity Certification, Valve Type:
TRV 6820 NB Cap Cert. No.: TVO-M00606