Jaan Kalda
Translation partially by Taavi Pungas
Version: 21st November 2014
For a majority of physics problems, solving can be reduced to
using a relatively small number of ideas (this also applies to
other disciplines, e.g. mathematics). In order to become good
at problem solving, one must learn these ideas. However, it is
not enough if you only know the ideas: you also need to learn
how to recognize which ideas are to be used for a given problem With experience it becomes clear that usually problems
actually contain hints about which ideas need to be used.
This text attempts to summarise the main ideas encountered in solving kinematics problems (though, some of
these ideas are more universal, and can be applied to some
problems of other fields of physics). For each idea, there are
one or several illustrative problems. First you should try to
solve the problems while keeping in mind those ideas which
are suggested for the given problem. If this turns out to be
too dicult, you can look at the hints for each problem,
rather detailed hints are given in the respective section. It is
intentional that there are no full solutions: just reading the
solutions and agreeing to what is written is not the best way
of polishing your problem solving skills. However, there is a
section of answers you can check if your results are correct.
There are also revision problems for which there are no suggestions provided in the text: it is your task to figure out which
ideas can be used (there are still hints).
Problems are classified as being simple , normal , and
a = 20 km
dicult (the problem numbers are coloured according to this
colour code). Please keep in mind that diculty levels are relative and individual categories: some problem marked as dicult
v1 = 600 km/h
may be simple for you, and vice versa. As a rule of thumb, a
problem has been classified as a simple one if it makes use of
only one idea (unless it is a really tricky idea), and a dicult
one if the solution involves three or more ideas.
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the concepts
of speed, velocity and acceleration, radian as the measure for
angles, angular speed and angular acceleration, trigonometric
functions and quadratic equations. In few places, derivatives
and dierentials are used, so a basic understanding of these concepts is also advisable (however, one can skip the appropriate
The idea 1 advises us that we should look for a frame where
sections during the first reading).
some bodies are at rest; that would be the frame of one of the
planes. However, here we have a two-dimensional motion, so
the velocities need to be added and subtracted vectorially.
v2 = 600 km/h
a = 20 km
~ b~
modulus of a vector, v = |v | = vx2 + vy2 + vz2 . Similarly, displacement is a vector pointing from the starting point of a body
to its final position; travelled distance is the sum of the moduli
of all the elementary displacements (the curve length).
For vectorial addition, there are two options. First, we can
select two axes, for instance x and y, and work with the respective projections of the velocity vectors. So, if our frame moves
with the velocity u and the velocity of a body in that frame is
v then its velocity in the lab frame is w
= u + v , which can be
found via projections wx = vx + ux and wy = vy + uy . Alternatively, we can approach geometrically and apply the triangle
rule of addition, see above.
Once we have chosen the reference frame of one of the
planes, the problem 2 can be solved by using the following
t /min
pr 5.
A white piece of chalk is thrown onto a black horizontal board moving at constant velocity. Initially, the chalks
velocity was perpendicular to the boards direction of motion.
What is the shape of the chalks trace on the board?
To solve the next problem, in addition to the previous idea we
also need to use 2, which can be rephrased in a slightly more
general (but less specific) way: some minima and maxima can
be found without taking any derivatives, in fact the solution
without a derivative can turn out to be much simpler. For this
problem, an even more narrowed down formulation would be
the following.
It would be a very dicult task (requiring a numerical integration of a dierential equation) to estimate the trajectory of
the ball subject to a turbulent air drag. However, this is not
what you need to do, because the air drag is not described by a
formula for the drag force, but instead, by the final departure
from the corresponding free-fall-trajectory.
So, with the help of idea 9 we conclude that the air drag
cannot be neglected here. Once we have understood that, it
becomes evident that we need to apply the idea 7. However,
even when equipped with this knowledge, you might run into
mathematical diculties as there is no direct way of expressing the flight time t in terms of the given quantities. Instead,
you are advised to write down an equation containing t as an
unknown, and then to solve it.
it took the ball to reach the plane of the goal, if the goal was by 2u, i.e. vn = vn + 2u.
situated at distance L = 32 m from the footballer.
For this problem we must also remember
A typical problem gives all the parameter values describing a
system and then asks about its behaviour. Here, the system
might seem to be over-described: why do we need the value of s,
couldnt we just use the initial velocity to determine the flight
time to deduce t = v cos
? Such a question might arise, first
of all, because you are used to ignoring air friction. However,
no-one mentioned that you can neglect it here! Furthermore, it
is even evident that the air drag cannot be neglected, because
otherwise the ball would not depart from its free-fall trajectory!
page 3
axis, the direction being given by the screw rule (if the screw is
rotated in the same way as the body, the vector points in the
If we keep in mind the idea 9 and read the text carefully, we
direction of the screw movement).
notice that the racket is heavy so that we can use the idea 13.
Also, pay attention that the ball will not rotate after the colli- idea 17: When switching between rotating frames of refersion this is important for finding the parallel (to the rackets ence, angular velocities are to be added in the same as translaplane) component of the velocity.
tional velocities in the case of translationally moving frames of
Earlier we mentioned that vectors can be dealt with either reference. NB! This remains valid even if the angular velocitgeometrically (e.g. by applying the triangle rule for a sum of ies are not parallel (although non-small rotation angles can be
vectors and solving a trigonometrical problem), or algebraically added only as long as the rotation axis remains unchanged).
using projections. Quite often, geometrical approach provides
shorter solutions, but not always; this observation leads us to This idea is illustrated by a relatively simple problem below.
the following recommendation.
Thus far we dealt with instantaneous or constant velocities, and
in few cases we applied a simple formula s = vt for displacements. In general, when the velocity vecv is not constant, the
displacement is found as the curve under the graph of the velocity as a function of time. For instance, the displacement along
x-coordinate x is surface area under the graph vx = vx (t);
idea 18: Calculation of many physical quantities can be reduced (sometimes not in an obvious way) to the calculation of
surface areas under a graph (i.e. to an integral). In particular:
distance is the area under a v t curve (velocity-time), velocity
the area below an a t curve etc.
t (s)
solution (apart from replotting the graph and numerical calcu- It should be emphasized that if the frame rotates, the formula
lations) is given under hints.
for acceleration obtains additional terms.
pr 12. Two smooth slides lie within the same vertical plane
make angles to the horizontal (see the figure). At some
shown in graph. The boat is given initial speed v0 = 4 m/s.
What is the total distance travelled until the boat will almost moment, two small balls are released from points A and B and
they start sliding down. It took time t1 for the first ball that
come to rest?
started from point A to reach the ground; for the second one
a (m/s2)
the time of descent was t2 . At what time was distance between
the balls the smallest?
pr 11. The acceleration of a boat depends on its speed as
3 v (m/s)
dimensional motion of a body into independent motions in perpendicular directions: (a) motion along x is independent from
the motion along y for 2D geometry; (b) motion along x is independent from the motion along y, which is independent from
the motion along z; (c) motion along x is independent from the
motion in y z-plane. In particular, this can be done for frictionless collisions from a plane1 : if the axis x lies in the plane,
and y is perpendicular to it, you can study separately motion
along x and motion along y.
conservation law for unit mass if the free fall acceleration is a. fact 3: Free fall trajectory of the centre of mass a body in
fact 2: If a body moves with initial speed v0 , final speed v1 homogeneous gravity field g is a parabola, parametrically given
and constant acceleration a during time t, the distance trav- as x = v0x t and y = v0y t gt /2.
long as there is no other mechanism (such as the Lorenz force) which couples the motions in dierent directions
page 5
pr 13. An elastic ball is released above an inclined plane Two approaches are possible here: first, we may go into the
(inclination angle ) at distance d from the plane. What is frame of reference rotating with the turtles, in which case we
the distance between the first bouncing point and the second? apply the following idea.
Collisions occur without friction.
idea 22: Sometimes even a reference frame undergoing very
The next problem makes also use of the idea 20; however, one complex motion can be useful.
more idea is needed, see below.
Alternatively, we can use
pr 14. A puck slides onto an icy inclined plane with inclination angle . The angle between the planes edge and the idea 23: Instead of calculating physical velocities, it is somepucks initial velocity v0 = 10 m/s is = 60 . The trace left times wise to look at the rate of change of some distance, the
by the puck on the plane is given in the figure (this is only ratio of two lengths, etc.
a part of the trajectory). Find under the assumption that The following problem requires integration4 , so it can be
friction can be neglected and that transition onto the slope was skipped by those who are not familiar with it.
pr 16. An ant is moving along a rubber band at velocity
v = 1 cm/s. One end of the rubber band (the one from which
the ant started) is fixed to a wall, the other (initially at distance L = 1 m from the wall) is pulled at u = 1 m/s. Will the
ant reach the other end of the band? If yes then when will it
Here we need to apply the
idea 24: For some problems, optimal choice of parametrization can simplify mathematical calculations significantly. An
incomplete list of options: Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, and
spherical coordinates; travel distance; Lagrangian coordinates
The last sentence here is very important: if the transition is
(i.e. for fluids flow using the initial coordinate of a fluid particle
sharp, the puck approaches the inclined plane by sliding along
instead of its current coordinate); relative position of a particle
the horizontal and collides with it either elastically in which
according to a certain ranking scheme, etc.
case it jumps up, or plastically. In particular, if the collision
is perfectly plastic then that part of the kinetic energy which Here, the problem itself contains a hint about which type of
is associated with the motion along the surface normal of the parametrization is to be used. It is clear that the Cartesian
inclined plane is lost. More specifically, if we introduce perpen- coordinate of the ant is not good: it does not reflect the prodicular coordinates so that the x-axis is along the contact line gress of the ant in advancing along the rubber band. In order
of the two surfaces and y-axis lays on the inclined surface, x, y, to describe such a progress, we can use the relative position on
and z-motions are all separated; at the impact, vz goes to zero, the band: which fraction k of the rubber is left behind; the ant
and due to the absence of friction, vx and vy are preserved.
starts with k = 0, and k = 1 corresponds to the ant reaching
In this problem, however, the transition from one surface the end of the band. The parameter k is essentially a Lagto the other is smooth: around the line separating the two rangian coordinate: it equals to the initial coordinate of the
flat surfaces, there is a narrow region where the surface has a current rubber point in the units of the initial rubber length.
2 Surfaces
page 6
A s2 s0
pr 17. A boy lives on the shore OP of a bay M OP (see the
Here we can use a small addition to the last idea: if the quickest
way to a plane (in a 3-d problem) or to a line (in 2-d) is asked
then this plane or line can be substituted with a point very far
(at infinity) in the perpendicular direction to it. The reason for
that is quite simple: it takes the same amount of time to reach
any point on the plane (line) from that very-very distant point.
If we think about this in terms of geometrical optics then it
means that a set of light rays normal to the surface falls onto
the plane (line).
page 7
B x
u(t - T )
vt - w(T - t)
wave source
In order to be able to use the full potential of the idea 28, the
following simple facts need to be kept in mind.
fact 6:
fact 7:
idea 29: If it is asked to find the region in which a solution This problem has two solutions, a brute force one, and a short
exists to a certain problem then the boundary of this region can but tricky one. Both solutions, however, start in the same way,
often be found as a curve for which some discriminant vanishes. by using
The solution of problem 19 can be also used to derive a simple idea 31: To find a minimum (or a maximum), we have to
particular conclusion which we formulate as a fact.
vary free parameters (in this case the throwing point and the
fact 8: If the target is at the same level as the canon, the op- angle) by infinitesimally small increments and see what haptimal shooting angle (corresponding to the smallest launching pens to the quantity of interest. If it increases for all allowed
variations, we have found a minimum.
speed) is 45 .
Indeed, from the solution of problem 19 we have a quadratic You are supposed to use this method for showing that the stone
equation for the shooting angle, where we can put z = 0; the touches both edges of the roof.
Both solutions share also the next step, reducing the probrequired result is immediately obtained if we use the fact that
to the case c = 0. This reduction would be very useful
for optimal shooting, the discriminant of the equation is zero.
because then we know the optimal throwing point the right
pr 20. Under the assumptions of the problem 19, and know- edge of the roof. For this step you need
ing that the boundary of the region R is a parabola, show that
idea 32: For a free-fall of a body, there is an integral of mothe cannon is at the focus of the parabola.
tion (quantity which is conserved), 12 v 2 gh, where v is an
5 This is somewhat simplifying statement; to be more rigorous, we need to consider the two intersection points of the projectiles trajectory with a
horizontal line z = z0 , and how these intersections x = x1 and x = x2 (with x2 > x1 ) move when the launching angle is changed from 90 to 0 : for
= 90 , they are both at x = 0, and start moving to larger values of x with increasing . For a certain value of , x2 reaches its maximal value xmax
and starts decreasing; the two solutions merge and disappear when the trajectory is tangent to the line z = z0 . Hence, during this process, each point
on the segment 0 < x < xmax is passed exactly two times by one of the intersection points (either x1 or x2 ), and the target at that point (x, z0 ) can
be hit by the two corresponding values of .
page 9
Next we need to apply the idea 28; while in the case of the
brute force approach, this is a straightforward mathematical
application of the idea, the trickier solution makes use of the
idea 30 (and of the fact 9).
This centre of rotation can be reconstructed if
Let us consider one more problem which illustrates the us(a) we know the directions of velocities of two points and these
age of the idea 30.
directions are not parallel - it is where perpendicular lines
drawn from these points intersect;
pr 22. A target is shoot with the smallest possible launching speed; show that the launching velocity is perpendicular to
the terminal velocity (i.e. at the target).
(b) we know the velocities of two points, and the vectors are
parallel and perpendicular to the line connecting these
points - we find the intersection of the line connecting
the points and the line connecting the tips of velocity
vectors (see the figure)
This question is entirely based on
to t at the limit of infinitesimally small increments a and
t. The increment a is calculated using the definition 1:
this is the base of the isosceles triangle, the equal sides of
which are formed by the initial and final positions of the vector
a. Since the vector rotates at the angular speed , the apex
angle (in radians) is t; therefore,
base length equals to
a theat
2a tan(t/2) at Thus, t = t = a 8 . Note that
the formula can be rewritten via a vector product as d
dt =
Within this booklet, vector products will not be needed; however, it is still useful to know that a vector product of two vectors a and b equals by modulus to the surface area S = ab sin
of the parallelepiped built on the vectors a and b ( is the angle
between a and b); the vector is perpendicular to both a and b,
the direction being given by the screw rule (rotate the screw
from the first vector to the second one).
Now we can apply the fact 12 to a rotating velocity vector: let a point rotate with constant angular speed around
the origin so that its distance to the origin remains constant.
6 This
is the consequence of the Taylor expansion, to be discussed in more details in other booklets.
we have used approximate calculation for small angles: sin tan , where 1 is measured in radians.
8 We have replaced approximate equality by strict equality because the tangent is taken from an infinitely small angle
7 Here
page 10
= r and
we obtain v = d
dv to the formula
a = dt = v = r. The last equation can be also written for the acceleration vector as a = 2r; the minus sign
means that the acceleration is directed towards the origin; because of this it is called centripetal acceleration. If the angular
velocity is not constant, the point will obtain also a tangential
acceleration (tangent to the trajectory).
idea 35: Since the distance between any two points is fixed in
Let us consider the case when the rotation axis remains fixed;
then, both and
have a fixed direction and hence, are essentially scalar quantities, so that the vector signs can be dropped.
In order to derive an expression for the tangential acceleration,
let us consider a small time increment t; this corresponds to
a small angular speed increment , as well as to a small velocity increment v . Let us decompose the velocity increment
into radial and tangential components, v = vr + vt . Now,
the velocity vector changes both its direction and length, see
figure below.
Note that in the figure, the increments are exaggerated, actually these are very small. It is easy to see from the figure that for small angle approximation, vr = t v; with
this we recover the expression for the radial (centripetal) acceleration ar = v: we just need to divide the equality
by t. Meanwhile, due to the small angle approximation,
t | |v | |v | = r r = r = tr. Hence, at the
limit of infinitesimal increments, at = |v
t = r. This leads
us to
instantaneous axis, r would not be constant, which makes the derivation void.
page 11
In order to relate the rope unwinding rate to the motion of emit fume, the trails of which are depicted by black lines. Dethe spool, the following very general idea (with a wide applic- termine the direction and speed of wind (express the direction
ation scope) is helpful.
of wind as a clock-wise rotation angle from north). You may
idea 37: Draw two very close (infinitesimally close) states of draw lines and measure distances using a ruler in the figure.
the system and examine the change in the quantity of interest
(in this case, the length of the rope).
When doing that, we should not forget that the change was
infinitesimal, so that we can simplify our calculations (e.g. two
subsequent states of the rope can be considered parallel). Note
that we have actually already used this method when deriving
the fact 13.
idea 39: Some kinematics problems are based on the con- nique called auxiliary constructions: the solution of the prob10
attention to the fact that if the objects met, the meeting point
corresponds to an intersection point of the trails.
page 12
idea 43: For some problems, the main diculty is understanding, what is going on; once you understand, the calculations are
1 cm/s
typically quite easy. Keep your mind calm: in physics competii) Now, we have the same situation (and the same question) as
itions, you are not asked to do something impossible: act as a
before, except that the black comb is under a small angle 1
detective by investigating step-by-step what is going on, and
with respect to the grey comb (for numerics, use = 0.1 rad).
narrowing down possibilities by the exclusion method.
How to apply the idea 44 to the problem 33? Pay attention
And here is a test case for the detective inside you!
to the following. Instead of a moving comb, we can take a
pr 32. This photo of a rotating propeller of a plane is taken wave a(x, y, t) = sin(kr t); then, centres of the teeth correswith a phone camera. For such a camera, the image is scanned pond to points where a(x, y, t) = 1. If we have two overlapping
line-by-line: at first, the leftmost column of image pixels is combs, the transparent regions where the centres of the teeth
read, followed by the second column of pixels, etc.
of both combs are at the same position can be found as the
i) in which direction does the propeller rotate as seen by the points where a1 (x, y, t)a2 (x, y, t) = 1, and the regions where
photographer (clockwise, or counterclockwise)?
the teeth are almost at the same position can be found as the
ii) How many blades does the propeller have?
points where a1 (x, y, t)a2 (x, y, t) 1. Now we have a product
iii) How many rotations does the propeller make in one minute of two sinusoidal waves, so we can say that the moir pattern
if the total scanning time of this image was 18 seconds?
(this is how these dark stripes are called) is due to a nonlinear
interaction of waves. Further, in order to answer the question
about what is the propagation speed of the moir pattern, we
need to decompose this product of sinusoids into a sum of sinusoids (for a sinusoid, we can calculate the speed as the ratio
of the angular frequency and the modulus of the wave vector).
idea 45: Well-known conservation laws are the ones of energy, momentum, and angular momentum12 . However, sometimes additional quantities can be conserved (then, of course,
you need to show that it is conserved), which makes otherwise
mathematically very dicult problems easily solvable.
What can be hints that a non-trivial conservation law is valid
for a problem? Well, if you understand clearly that the diculty is mathematical (you understand what is going on, and
are able to write down the equations) and what you have at
The first part of the next problem can be also solved using hand are dierential equation(s)13 then that might be the case.
the idea 43. The second part, however, becomes mathematic- For instance, let us consider the following problem.
ally challenging; it would be much easier to solve it using the pr 34. A dog is chasing a fox running at constant velocity
following idea.
v along a straight line. The modulus of the dogs velocity is
idea 44: Wave propagation problems can be often conveniently analysed using the wave vectors: using orthogonal coordinates (x, y, z), and time t, a sinusoidal wave a(x, y, z, t) can
be represented as sin(kr t), where the scalar product of the
constant and also equal to v, but the vector v is always directed towards the fox. When the dog noticed the fox and started
chasing, the distance between them was L and at the first moment, their velocity vectors formed a right angle. What is the
11 Sinusoidal
page 13
pr 36.
page 14
pr 41. A uniform rope has been manufactured from an ex- pr 46. One end of a string of a negligible mass has been atplosive material, combustion travels along the rope at velocity
v. The velocity of a shock wave in the air is c, with c < v. Along
which curve should the rope be laid out to make the shock wave
reach a given point at the same time from all points of the rope?
(Finding a quantitative formula for the shape requires solving
a very simple dierential equation.)
tached to the side of a cylinder, not far from the ground. The
cylinder itself has been fixed on smooth slippery horizontal surface, with its axis vertical. The string has been wound k times
around the cylinder. The free end of the string has been tied
to a block, which is given a horizontal velocity v directed along
the radius vector drawn from the cylinders axis. After what
time will the string be fully wound around the cylinder again,
pr 42. A hinged structure consists of rhombi with side this time the other way round? [This problem leads to a very
to solve it,
lengths l, 2l and 3l (see the figure). Point A3 is moving at simple dierential equation; if you dont know how
1 d(l )
constant horizontal velocity v0 . Find the velocities of points
2 dt
A1 , A2 and B2 at the moment when all angles of the structure
are equal to 90 . Also, find the acceleration of point B2.
A3 v0
pr 43. Two motorboats simultaneously depart from two harbours (A and B) at distance l from one another, velocities of
the boats are v1 and v2 , respectively. The angles between their
velocities and the line connecting A and B are and , respectively. What is the minimum distance between the boats?
pr 44. A heavy disk of radius R is rolling downwards, unwinding two strings in the process. The strings are attached to
the ceiling and always remain under tension during the motion.
What was the magnitude of velocity of the disks centre when
its angular velocity was and the angle between the strings
was ?
page 15
sp h eri
l b ui x
pr 50. The figure represents a photo which was taken using around the point O (which is one of the intersection points
a very long exposure time (camera was pointing directly down). of the two rings) with a constant angular speed . Find the
What you can see is a trace of a blue lamp which burned con- minimal and maximal speeds vmin and vmax of the other intertinuously, but also flashed periodically with a red light (after section point of the two rings.
each t = 0.1 s. The lamp was fixed to the surface of a solid
disk, at the distance a = 4.5 cm from its symmetry axis. The
axis was vertical, and the disk slid and rotated freely on a ho
rizontal smooth ice surface. What was the speed of the centre
of the disk? You can take measurements from the figure using
a ruler.
pr 51. There is a capital O and three cities A, B and C, connected with the capital via roads 1, 2, and 3 as shown in the left
figure. Each road has length 2a. Two cars travel from one city
to another: they depart from their respective starting points
simultaneously, and travel with a constant speed v. The figure
on the right depicts the increasing rate of the distance between
the cars (negative values means that the distance decreases) as
measured by the GPS devices of the cars. The turns are taken
by the cars so fast that the GPS devices will not record the
behaviour during these periods.
i) Which cities were the starting and destination points of the
cars? Motivate your answer.
ii) What is the surface area between the vdist -graph and the
t-axis for the interval from t = 0 to t = a/v?
iii) Now let us consider a case when three cars (denoted by A,
B, and C) depart simultaneously from their cities (A, B, and
C, respectively) towards the capital; all the cars travel with a
constant speed v. Sketch the graphs for the distance changing
rate for the following car pairs: A B and B C.
iv) Suppose that now the GPS-devices are good enough to record the periods of taking the turns. Sketch a new appropriate
graph for the pair of cars B C. The curvature of the turns is
small enough so that the cars can still keep theirs speed v.
road 1
10 cm
road 2
a 90o 0
- v0
page 16
pr 56. On a wide river, two boats move with constant velocities. The velocity of the water in the river is constant across
the whole area depicted in the figure, and parallel to the coastline. The figure is based on a photo which was taken from air,
the camera being directed straight down. The positions of the
boats are marked with a square and a triangle, and the positions of litter fallen from the boats with pentagrams. One
of the boats departed from the point A; it is known that the
boats did meet with each other at a certain moment. From
which coastal point did the other boat depart? Solve the problem using geometrical constructions.
pr 57.
wavelength is of the order of the circle radius, but later, it tends HINTS
towards a value which is of the order of the water depth h. It 1. In the waters frame of reference, it is clear that departing
turns out that at the beginning, the wavecrest moves with acfrom the barge and returning to it took exactly the same
celeration a = g/, where g is the free fall acceleration; later, it
amount of time.
pr 62.
On a wide river, a motorboat moves with a constant speed v = 7 m/s from village A to village B over the
river. When answering the following questions you may take
measurements from the figure below depicting waves behind
the boat. What is the water speed in the river, and what is 5.
the water depth h? Note: wave speed in shallow water15 is
pr 63. Provided sketches (a) and (b) are made on the basis
of satellite images, preserving proportions. They represent 7. Express the lateral displacement of the ball as the sum of
tractors, together with their smoke trails. The tractors were
two components: lateral displacement in the airs frame of
moving along the roads in the direction indicated by the arreference (a trigonometrical task; this does not depend on
rows. The velocity of all the tractors was v0 = 30 km/h. For
t), and the lateral displacement of the moving frame.
sketch (a), the direction of wind is indicated by another arrow.
8. Algebraic approach: take one of the axes (say x) to be
When solving the problem, you may draw lines and measure
perpendicular to the rackets plane and the other one
distances using a ruler.
(y) parallel to it. Absence of rotation means that the yi) Using the provided sketch, find the wind speed for case (a).
components of the balls and rackets velocities are equal,
ii) Using the provided sketch, find the wind speed for case (b).
uy = vy , and there is no parallel force acting on the ball,
hence vy = vy . Using idea 13 we find that vx = vx + 2ux .
Applying idea 15 to the vectors v and v gives us an equation for finding ux ; apply Pythagoras theorem obtain |u|.
To find angle , express tan = uy /ux .
Geometric approach: draw a right trapezoid as follows:
we decompose v into parallel and perpendicular components, v = vx + vy ; let us mark points A, B and C so that
= vx and BC
= vy (then, AC
= v ). Next we mark
= vx ,
points D, E and F so that CD = vy = vy , DE
15 when
page 18
= 2ux ; then, CF
= vy vx + 2ux v and
and EF
from one plane to the other. Use fact 3 in conjunction
the provided graph to figure out the value of gy , the
AF = 2vy + 2ux 2u. Due to the problem conditions,
of the free fall acceleration to the y-axis. Now,
ACF = 90 . Let us also mark point G as the centre of
since we know the full free fall acceleration g = 9.8 m/s2 ,
AF ; then, GC is both the median of the right trapezoid
the relationship gy = g sin allows us to find the angle .
ABDF (and hence, parallel to AB and the x-axis), and
the median of the triangle ACF . What is left to do, is ex- 15. According to the first method, we use the frame which
pressing the hypotenuse of ACF in terms of v = |AC|,
co-rotates with the turtles, so that in the new frame, the
and apply the idea 16.
turtles move radially towards the centre; when applying
the rule of velocity addition, for each of the turtles we
Use the frame where the mirror is at rest: the source S
need to use the local velocity vector of the rotating frame
rotates with angular velocity . Now go back to the lab
at the location of the particular turtle. According to the
frame and find the angular velocity of the image in that
second method, at each moment, let us project the velocitframe.
ies of two turtles on the straight line connecting them
The area under the graph, from t = 0 until the given mothat way we can find the rate of decrease in the distance
ment, gives the displacement, and regions below the t-axis
between two turtles.
make negative contributions. Hence, if a certain moment
t corresponds to a maximal displacement then v(t) = 0 16. Write down the relationship between small increments:
dk = v dt/(L + ut); the answer is obtained upon integ(otherwise, the displacement could be increased somewhat
ration of the left- and right-hand parts of this equality.
by making t slightly smaller or larger, depending on the
sign of v(t). (Alternatively, we can say that extrema cor- 17. Apparently the boy will need to arrive to the coast OM
respond to zero derivative, and the derivative of x is
at the right angle, c.f. idea 2. Now we can apply the idea
v.) The same arguments lead us to the conclusion that
25 together with the fact 5 to the refraction of his trajectfor slightly smaller t-values we must have positive v, and
ory at the coast OP to find the angle at which he needs to
for slightly larger t-values negative v. Hence, the canarrive to the coast OP (the answers are expressed straightdidates are t = 4.7 s, t = 7 s, t = 12.5 s, and t = 18.3 s.
forwardly in terms of this angle).
Calculate the surface areas to see, which of them maxim18. First approach: use the waters frame of reference, because
izes the displacement.
then the swimming speed is independent of the swimming
v(t)t is the sum of rectangles making up the area unthe point A is moving or motionless in the new frame. It
der the v t-graph . However, the acceleration is given
is also clear that if we have found the fastest way of reachto us as a function of v, hence we need to substitute t
ing the point C, the same trajectory would give us the
with v. While trying to do that, we can introduce the
fastest way of reaching any other upstream point on the
acceleration (which is given to as a function of v):
same coast; in particular, we can take a point C which
moves together with the water (is motionless in the waters
t = v
frame), and the optimal trajectory would still remain the
This result serves us perfectly well:
same. With these modifications, we have a problem where
we can apply the Fermat principle; the resulting geomets=
vt =
rical optics problem is essentially the problem of finding
i.e. the displacement equals to the surface area under a
the angle of total internal reflection. For the second apv
graph which depicts a(v) as a function of v.
proach, once the front meets the point A, the front forms
Use the frame of one of the sliding balls according to
a cathetus of a right triangle AP Q, where Q is the point
the acceleration addition rule, the other one moves with a
where the front meets the riverbank, and P is the position
constant horizontal acceleration. Apply the idea 2 to find
of that Huygens source on the riverbank which creates the
the position where the distance is minimal. Express the
circular wave meeting the point A. Notice that the point
answer in terms of the distance AB; apply the idea 10 for
P is the point where the boy needs to start swimming in
finding the distance AB.
the waters frame of reference, and is displaced by wT from
the corresponding point in the lab frame.
If the axis x is parallel to the plane (and points downwards), the ball performs a free fall along x-axis, the accel- 19. Once you write down trajectory parametrically, x = x(t)
eration being equal to g sin ; if the axis y is perpendicuand z = z(t), time t can be eliminated; as a result, you
lar to the plane, the ball bounces along the y-axis up and
obtain an equation relating x, y, and the shooting angle
down, with the free fall acceleration g cos .
to each other, which we consider as an equation for find-
ing angle . The angle enters into this equation via two
terms, one containing tan , and the other cos2 . In
order to solve such equations, one possibility is to express
all trigonometric functions via a single one. It is possible
to express tan via cos , but that involves a square root,
page 19
precisely, the closest distance will be quadratically small; meanwhile, the displacement vector tv is linearly small, i.e. much larger.
page 20
27. Let us take y to be the coordinate of the upper end 33. i) While the grey combs moves by half of the teeth pitch,
a dark stripe moves to where currently there is a white
and x that of the lower end. Then the rod has length
stripe, i.e. by half of the dark stripe distance. Hence, the
l2 = x2 + y 2 ; l is constant, so its derivative must be zero.
stripe speed is as many times faster as many grey teeth
Let us take the time derivative of the whole expression,
can be counted per one stripe period.
using the chain rule of dierentiation known from mathii) The product of two waves can be expanded as a =
ematics: 0 = xx + y y = xu + yv (a dot on top of a symbol
sin(k1r t) sin(k2r) = 12 {cos[(k1 k2 )r t] cos[(k1 +
means its time derivative). From that, we can express
k2 )r t]}. The bands where a 1 are where the slow
u = vy/x = v tan .
sinusoid is close to one, cos[(k1 k2 )r t] 1; this is a
28. Go to the frame which moves with speed u and where
sinusoidal wave which moves with speed u = /|k1 k2 |.
boundary between the queue and moving cars is stationary; equate the flux of cars (how many cars is passing in a 34. Let us consider the evolution of the vector r pointing from
unit time) in the region of queue to its value in the region
the dog to the fox; calculate the changing rates of the modof moving cars.
ulus |r|, and of rx , the projection of r to the x-axis (taken
parallel to the foxs velocity). Is it possible to make such
29. The intersection point P of two trails corresponds to the
a linear combination of rx and |r| that its time derivative
moment when the heads of the trains met: it was carried
would be zero? If yes, we would obtain a new conservaby wind to where it currently is. So, based on the speeds of
tion law which could be used to obtain immediately the
trains we find their meeting point Q; since the speeds are
equal, this is the middle point of the segment AB connecting the current positions of the train heads. The segment 35. Use the vector addition rule to draw a rectangle of velocities u + v = w,
where w
is the velocity of the boy relative
AB was covered during the given time interval at the speed
to the coast. Apply the idea 2: if we fix the position of
2v = 100 km/h; this value can be used as a scale for findthe vector u and draw the possible triangles for dierent
ing the wind speed based on the length of segment QP
swimming directions, well see that the possible positions
(you need to measure |AB| and |P Q|).
of the endpoint of v lie on a circle. Now it is not dicult
30. First we conclude, based on the two collisions, that all
to conclude that the optimal swimming corresponds to v
the bodies move on the same plane, henceforth the (x, y)being tangent to the circle.
plane. According to the idea 41, we plot the trajectories
of the bodies in a 3D plot (as lines x = xa (t), y = ya (t); 36. Introduce coordinates x (the vertical position of the ring
O) and y (the vertical position of the ring O ), with the
x = xb (t), y = yb (t); x = xc (t), y = yc (t). Collisions cororigins at A and A , respectively. Also introduce the rope
respond to intersections of these lines, and intersection of
length L and the distance a between the rails (to be elimtwo lines means that the two lines are coplanar (lie on a
inated later from the answer). Relate these quantities to
single plane).
each other via Pythagorean theorem (keep things squared
31. In the free-falling frame, all the particles move with conto avoid square roots for easier manipulation) and apply
stant velocities; each particle had initial velocity equal to
the idea 38.
the wheels velocity at the releasing point, i.e. tangential
to the wheel and equal by modulus to R. Hence the en- 37. Apply idea 20: vertical motion is independent from the
motion in the horizontal plane. The ball can escape the
semble of particle expands as a circle, the radius of which
if it hits the upper rim of the well. This will happen if
can be calculated from the Pythagorean theorem. In the
the period of vertical motion relates to the time between
lab frame, the centre of the circle performs a free fall. A
two collisions with the wells walls for the horizontal modroplet reaching the point A corresponds to the expanding
tion as a rational number (ratio of two integers).
circle touching the ground.
32. Useful observations: each column of pixels is obtained very
fast, essentially simultaneously; so, each column of pixels
represents a vertical cut of the real object at the respective
position for a certain moment of time. However, dierent
columns correspond to dierent time. Each vertical curved
shape on the photo is a sequence of vertical cuts and hence
must correspond to the same blade of the propeller. At the
upper half of the photo, the scanning ling moves towards
the motion of blades, and none of the blades is missed:
if we number the blades by 1, 2 and 3 then the blade sequence at the upper half must be 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, . . . . In lower
half of the photo, the scanning line and blades move in the
same direction, and the blades are faster, hence here the
sequence is 3, 2, 1, 3 . . . . The scanning line moves appar-
38. Use the idea 1: switch to the frame of the wedge; determine there the acceleration of the ball; apply the rule for
the addition of accelerations to find the acceleration of
the ball in the lab frame. Once knowing the acceleration
and initial velocity, the trajectory can be also found easily.
39. Apply the fact 12 to calculate the acceleration the time
derivative of the velocity vector. The angular speed of the
rotation of the velocity vector can be found using the idea
40. Apply the idea 1: use the cones (free-falling) frame where
the tables corner moves upwards with the acceleration g.
41. Apply the idea 24 (work with polar coordinates r and ).
Express the squared curve length increment dl2 via the
page 21
squared increments d2 and dr2 (use the Pythagorean thetrivial. Second approach: study the evolution of the boys
orem); and relate dr2 to dl2 via the propagation speeds.
velocity vector v in (vx , vy )-plane: acceleration a = d
dt is
Note that dierential equations in the form kdx = xdy
constant by modulus, hence the endpoint of v moves with
a constant speed |a| from its initial position (0, v) to the
(where k is a constant) can be solved by separating variables, i.e. bringing all the x-s and y-s to the respective
final position (v, 0).
sides of equality (here, k dx
49. There are at least three dierent solutions; the simplest
hand right-hand-sides of the equality (which leads here to
one is based on the idea 30, and is quite similar to the geok ln(x/x0 ) = y, where x0 is a constant emerging when
metric solution of the problem 21. All the solutions start
taking the indefinite integrals17 .
in the same way as the ones of problem 30 by (a) showing
42. Denoting the diagonal length via d, relate the distance of
that the optimal trajectory needs to touch the sphere at
A3 from the wall to d; express the time derivative of d
a certain point P before hitting the sphere at its top T ,
in terms of v (c.f. idea 38 on Pg 12), and use this result
and (b) applying the idea 26 to consider throwing from T
to find the speeds of A1 and A2 . Use the idea 1 (switch
instead of throwing from an unknown point at the ground
to the frame of the centre of the largest rhombus) to find
the direction of the acceleration of B2 . Apply the idea 34
The first method makes use of the geometric properties of
to deduce the modulus of the acceleration: switch to the
the envelope parabola (see ideas 28 and 30, and facts 6, 7
frame where A2 (or A3 ) is at rest and the point B3 moves
and 9): |T P | + |P A| = 2|T Q| + R, where P A is a vertical
along a circle, and determine the centripetal acceleration
line, A lies at the same height as the spheres centre O,
the projection of the whole acceleration to the leg A2 B3 .
and Q is the tip of the envelope parabola. As the shoot43. Apply the ideas 1 (use the frame of one of the boats), and
ing speed is defined by |T Q| (see the hints of problem 21
the idea 2. You need the angle between the line AB and
for more details), we only need calculate |T P | and |P A|.
the relative velocity; note that the tangent of that angle
Since T P is a line coming from the focus, it is reflected
can be expressed quite easily.
by the parabola at P to a vertical line; since parabola is
44. Apply the idea 33: you can find the direction of velocities
tangent to the sphere, it is also reflected by the sphere to
for those two points of disc where the ropes are tangent to
a vertical line which means that T P O = OP A. Since
the disc. Indeed, keep in mind the idea 35 and notice that
T O P A we can conclude that T OP = OP A, and as
the upper ends of the ropes have zero velocities (where in
T OP is isosceles, OT P = T P O; together with equalcontact, the rope and disc points have equal velocities).
ity T P O + T OP + OT P = 180 we conclude that
OT P = 60 , which gives us immediately |T P | = R and
45. Apply the idea 20: the motion along each of the boards are
|P A| = R2 .
independent. Use the fact 4 (the free fall acceleration components will be g cos and g sin ); calculate the jumping
periods for each of the motions.
46. Apply the idea 21 to conclude that the speed of the block
remains constant. Express the angular speed of the unwound part of the rope in terms of its current length l; note
that is also equal to the angular speed of the point P
where the rope is tangent to the cylinder; relate this speed
to the rate at which the rope is unwound, dt
. Apply the
48. First approach: apply the idea 1: use the inertial frame 50. It can be seen that the red dots are repeated at the same
which moves with the initial velocity of the boy; while the
places of the blue cycloid for each of its periods, and
acceleration of the boy is fixed by modulus, the direction
there are three dots per period; according to the idea 6,
can be adjusted as needed. Since in this frame, the iniwell make use of this fact (in generic case it considerably
tial velocity is zero, the optimizations task becomes quite
longer calculations would be needed) to conclude that the
17 It
is nicer to keep ln(x/x0 ) instead of ln(x) ln(x0 ) as otherwise it would be dicult to check if the dimensionalities of the expressions are OK.
page 22
disks rotation period is three times longer than the flashing period, i.e. 0.3 s. The distance travelled corresponds to
the period length of ca 4 grid units; the value of a grid unit
can be found by noticing that the cycloid height equals to
19. z
21. vmin =
g(a + b + c)
23. Concentric arcs of radii l1 and l2 , where l1 and l2 are the
distances of the instantaneous rotation centre from the top and
bottom plates, respectively.
24. r = 4R
v /l1
3.4 m/s.
31. t = 2 R
g 1+
and = arctan(t).
32. counterclockwise; 3; 15 Hz
33. 7 cm/s; 12
5.7 cm/s.
34. l/2.
35. L 3.
36. v0 = v cos1 1
40. v r2 g/2h
1. vr = 4 km/h, vb = 16 km/h.
2. 4 km.
3. u = v/2 1 (a/2r)2 .
43. l sin , where tan = |v1 sin v2 sin |/|v2 cos v1 cos |
u = 2.8 m/s.
45. a tan /b
5. Straight line.
46. 2 2 kr(2k + 1)/v
6. 2/ 5 m/s
49. 4.5gR
9. v(t) 2a.
50. 20 cm/s.
10. 18.75 m
51. i) from A and C to the capital; ii) a(2 2); iii) for A-B:
until turning point, 2v henceforth; for B-C: constantly v 2;
iv) speed drops briefly down to 2v.
11. 78 m
15. 6.7 s
16. e100 1 seconds
+ l sin
17. x = cos (l h tan ) and t = h cos
u , where
= arcsin(v sin /u)
( w
18. x = a u cos
w+v .
54. blue pulse was the first one; 300 ms < T < 500 ms;
v 65 cm/s, 23 rad/s, R 5 cm
55. We define k 0.014 via the shape of the jet y = kx2 using
the units of the figure grid; then d = 32V 2 k/ 2 t2 g 1 mm.
page 24
1.5 min 73 s.
arccos uv +
R u2 v 2 .
page 25