Pta Rules Records Needs To Be Kept at Hs

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PTA Rules & Registers to be maintained in Schools

PTA Rules & Registers to be maintained in Schools
I. How to organize Parent Teacher Association
The first step towards the organization of Parent Teacher Association, the
teachers has to make a genuine attempt to win the confidence and co-operation
of the parents. The parents cannot but offer this co-operation when they realize
that the teacher is interested in the growth and well being of his child. The
following tips may help the teacher to win the co-operation of parents.
1. Invite and encourage the parents to talk freely on all matters relating to the
education of their children.
2. Patience to understand the child in the socio-cultural back - ground from which
the comes.
3. Ability to interpret the functions of the school in relation to home and show
parental co-operation facilities in education and pupil growth.
4. Extending understanding to the parents point of view.
5. Making the parent believe that the teacher is really and sincerely interested in
the growth and welfare of the child.
Once good relations are established between teachers and parents it should not
be difficult to form Parent Teacher Association at a conference of Parent and
Whenever organized, it should be an organization for fostering and developing
understanding and co-operation between the parents and, teachers in, the
community .around that school. The parents of pupils on the rolls of the school
and teachers or the staff of the school shall become members of the Association.

II. Functions of the Association

The following can be the functions of the association.
1. To promote understanding and co-operation between parent and teachers for
the welfare of children and youth.
2. To work for the social, economic, cultural and educational advancement for
better schools and better homes.
3. To organize teaching of arts and crafts and arrange for cultural programmes,
conferences, functions and seminars.
4. To organize the study, teaching and to making the life of the community richer
and happier.
5. To help and develop in children respect and regard for elder and teachers,
common institution, our traditions and culture, etc.
6. To help parents assist the teachers in their work by taking a keen interest in
the educational progress of their children and by periodical check up at home.

7. To help in improving the physical facilities in the school.

The associations shall elect from among its members, the necessary office
bearers, like President, Treasure etc. But the Headmasters of the school shall
always be its convener. It will be good to evolve a convention by which teachers
are not elected office bearers of the Association.

III. Duties of the Convener

The following shall be duties of the convener
1. To be the custodian be the duties of the convener.
2. To conduct the official correspondence on behalf of the association.
3. To convene meetings of the Association of subcommittees appointed by the
4. To keep the minutes of all the meetings.
5. To maintain accounts of association.

IV. The Funds of the Association

The funds of the association shall consist of:
1. Membership fee from its member and
2. Donations from the members.
In the early stages it may be wise not to insist upon membership fee. Each
individual association shall frame its own bye-laws for its working.
The inspecting officers are also expected to take keen interest in the working of
the parent teachers association of the school under them.

V. How to obtain active parent-teacher co-operation:

1. Frequent opportunities may be provided for teachers and parents to meet
2. Parent's meeting may be organized class-wise so that it is possible to
establish class teacher parent report.
3. Parents meeting may be organized at least once in a month.
4. Parents may be invited to the school to see their children at study.
5. Home visits may he allotted to all teachers in specified or selected areas.
6. Teachers may be given special training in home visits.
7. Pupils may be taken on excursions to place of interest in the locality where
parents are engaged in work.
8. activities of the school may be planned with the help of the parents.

VI. Bye Laws of school association

The Parent-Teacher Association of a school will frame and accept its Bye-laws
consistent with this instrument of instructions. Such Bye-laws must be got
approved by the Educational Officer in the control of the school. According to
G.O(P) 169/84/G.Edn. dated 20 th August 1984 it was ordered that hence forth

other than teachers of schools, .who do not have children studying in a particular
school will be debarred
The Deputy Directors (Edn.), District Educational Officers, Assistant Educational
Officers and heads of all schools in the State are hereby directed to constitute
parents - Teachers Associations in Schools according to these rules, also.
1. Membership fee Rs. 1,3 and 5 may be realized from the guardians in L.P.S.,
U.P.S. and H.S. irrespectively at the time of admission of pupils.
2. The right to be a parent member of the General body should automatically be
terminated, when that members ceases to be a guardian of any pupil on rolls, the
right to be a teacher member ceases as and when the teacher is transferred from
that school.
3. The vacancies if members of the Executive Committee may be filled up
immediately by co-opting or electing members from the general body.
4. The term of office of the executive committee shall be one year.
5. The number of members of the committee should not in any way exceed 15
6. The income and expenditure of the Association shall be audited every year by
a committee consisting of two parent representative elected from the General Body.
7. The Head of all schools in the state will constitute the Parent-Teacher
Association at school level by the 1st week of July itself of every academic year;
The controlling officer will see that all the above instructions scrupulously
followed by the head of the school. At the time of visit or inspection of schools
they will check this and make a note in their reports without fail. The receipt of
this circular should be acknowledged.


1. Main Cash Book
2. Treasury Bill Book
3. Acquaintance Roll
4. Acquaintance of LC Grant
5. Admission Register
6. Stock Registers of
1. Furniture
2. Appliances
3. Office Stores
4. Library Books
5. Laboratory Equipments
6. Games Articles
7. Audiovisual Aids
8. Materials and finished products of crafts
9. Teachers attendance Register

10. Casual leave register with applications

11. Inward and outward register
12. Increment Register
13. Establishment register
14. Log Book
15. Notice Book
16. Factual Diary
17. Inspection Diary
18. Stock register and other record on Noon Feeding
19. Supervision Diary
20. Visitors Diary
21. Movement Register
22. Substitution work book
23. Stagnation Register
24. Consolidated Fees Register
25. Consolidated Mark Register
26. Removal Register
27. Arrear Fee Demand Register
28. Issue Register of Library Book
29. Register of Refund
30. Bill Register
31. Register of Chelan and Chelan file
32. Register of Linguistic Minority
33. Pupils Attendance Register
34. Time Table and Year Plan
35. Punishment Register of pupils
36. Pass books for deposits
37. Breakage Register
38. Register of undisbursed salary
39. SSLC Duplicate Register
40. Liability Register
41. Night duty register
42. Register of stamp account
43. Kuthakapattom Register
44. FBS and Group Insurance Register
45. Register showing Medical Reimbursement
46. Cash Book and acquaintance of NCC
47. Register of sanctioning of PF loans
48. Register showing pending loan
49. Contingent register with Connected Vouchers
50. Register of Private study pupils with applications
51. Counterfoils of TC issued and application for TC
52. TC received and application for admission
53. Register of leave other than CL with applications
54. Other duty register with attendance certificate
55. Register showing the residential address of teachers

56. Individual cash book on special fees

57. Day book of special fees collection
58. General cash book of special fees
59. Voucher file with invoice and quotations
60. Fee receipts books and hand books of fee collection
61. Register of advance, recoveries and court attachment
62. Register of Audit/Inspection, Objections and clearance
63. Register showing accounts of flags and seals
64. Register of immovable properties and details of accommodation
65. Register of service books with service books
66. Register for the issue of extracts of admission register with applications
67. Register to check submission of lesson plan and composition work
68. Minutes books of special fees advisory committee and approved budget
69. Register showing the auction sale of unserviceable articles and valued
answer scripts.
70. Register relating to the conduct of SSLC and other public examinations,
71. Register showing the in-service courses of Teachers.
72. Register of OBC, OEC, SC and ST pupils.
73. Minutes of staff council and subject councils
74. Minutes of Cash Book and Receipt Book of P.T. A.
75. Register showing lending of school buildings
76. Register of closure of FBS with connected files
77. Acquaintance of different scholarships

Important Registers relating to cash transaction in Government Office/Institution

to be maintained by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned

Page number and the certificate of counting pages should be recorded at the first
inner page in the following registers by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer
1. Cash Book in form TR 7A
2. Treasury Bill Book in form TR 74
3. Receipts for acknowledgment of money in form TR5
4. Office copies of pay bills in form TR 51 B and the abstract there of in form TR
51 C and 51 D.
5. Register for the office copies of detailed arrear bills.
6. Register of Chelans
7. Acquaintance rolls in form TR 95
Every amount due to a subordinate employee drawn from treasury should be
disbursed through the acquaintance roll in the form TR 95. The name and
designation of the claimant and the net amount payable alone be entered in the
roll. But recoveries like co-operative Bank loans, other banks loans, chitty

premiums; etc should be made through the acquaintance after effecting such
recoveries. Such recoveries can be recorded as payments in the acquaintance
roll as well in the cashbook only after remitting/sending the amount to the
concerned society, Bank etc. Page war progressive and bill wise grand totals
should be struck down. Abstract of disbursement as follows should be struck
under the initial of the DDO (Head master/AEO)
Amount cashed on Rs.
Amount disbursed on Rs
Balance Rs
After the whole amount of the bill is disbursed, a certificate to the effect that
"Checked in accordance with Rule 432 (d) of KTC"-Vol I Should be recorded for
each bill with the signature of the DDO.
8. Register of contingent charges to be maintained in KFC Form 10.
In this register separate pages to be set apart for each minor head such as OE,
Rent, Tax etc. The budget provisions received through allotment letters for each
financial year and the expenditure incurred under each item should be noted
under the respective head, under the dated initial of the DDO. Every expenditure
incurred out of contingent charges in each financial year should be assigned by
consecutive voucher numbers from one. Such voucher numbers noted in the
bills, contingent register, cash book etc, also should be kept in a
voucher/contingent bill file in chronological order for being produced to audit. It
should be ensured that the articles purchased are received in good condition and
brought into stock. In the vouchers by which the articles were purchased, a
certificate to the effect that "the articles have been received in good condition and
brought to stock register of vide page No " should also be recorded under the
signature of the DDO and the articles should be brought to stock simultaneously.
9. Register of undisbursed pay.
10. Register of permanent advance in the form TR 96.
11. Stock Register of stores/furniture, etc.
Separate stock register to be maintained for the office stores and furniture where
in separate pages to be set aside for each item of article such as bench, desk,
chair, table, type writer, duplicating machine, etc, Physical verification of stock of
articles should be con ducted once in every years as on the lSt April or wherever
there is change in the officer in charge of the articles and the certificate to the
effect that the stock of article as on have been physically verified and found
correct, should be recorded in the concerned pages of the stock register on
proper attestation.
Store purchase rules should be observed for the purchase of articles, having
value exceeds Rs. 1000/- the quotation notice, quotations received and a
comparative statement should be kept for verification in audit.
The cashbook has two portions, left hand side is set apart for receipt and right
hand side is for payments. A model cash book in the Form 7A and as to how it is
to be written is appended.

On the last working day of every month cash in hand should be physically
verified by the DDO and a certificate to the effect that "Cash in hand of Rs has
been physically verified and found correct" should be recorded by the DDO under
his/her seal and signature.
ne attempt to win the confidence and co-operation of the parents. The parents
cannot but offer this co-operation when they realize that the teacher is interested
in the growth and well being of his child. The following tips may help the teacher
to win the co-operation of parents.
1. Invite and encourage the parents to talk freely on all matters relating to the
education of their children.
2. Patience to understand the child in the socio-cultural back - ground from which
the comes.
3. Ability to interpret the functions of the school in relation to home and show
parental co-operation facilities in education and pupil growth.
4. Extending understanding to the parents point of view.
5. Making the parent believe that the teacher is really and sincerely interested in
the growth and welfare of the child.
Once good relations are established between teachers and parents it should not
be difficult to form Parent Teacher Association at a conference of Parent and
Whenever organized, it should be an organization for fostering and developing
understanding and co-operation between the parents and, teachers in, the
community .around that school. The parents of pupils on the rolls of the school
and teachers or the staff of the school shall become members of the Association.

II. Functions of the Association

The following can be the functions of the association.
1. To promote understanding and co-operation between parent and teachers for
the welfare of children and youth.
2. To work for the social, economic, cultural and educational advancement for
better schools and better homes.
3. To organize teaching of arts and crafts and arrange for cultural programmes,
conferences, functions and seminars.
4. To organize the study, teaching and to making the life of the community richer
and happier.
5. To help and develop in children respect and regard for elder and teachers,
common institution, our traditions and culture, etc.
6. To help parents assist the teachers in their work by taking a keen interest in
the educational progress of their children and by periodical check up at home.
7. To help in improving the physical facilities in the school.
The associations shall elect from among its members, the necessary office
bearers, like President, Treasure etc. But the Headmasters of the school shall
always be its convener. It will be good to evolve a convention by which teachers
are not elected office bearers of the Association.

III. Duties of the Convener

The following shall be duties of the convener
1. To be the custodian be the duties of the convener.
2. To conduct the official correspondence on behalf of the association.
3. To convene meetings of the Association of subcommittees appointed by the
4. To keep the minutes of all the meetings.
5. To maintain accounts of association.

IV. The Funds of the Association

The funds of the association shall consist of:
1. Membership fee from its member and
2. Donations from the members.
In the early stages it may be wise not to insist upon membership fee. Each
individual association shall frame its own bye-laws for its working.
The inspecting officers are also expected to take keen interest in the working of
the parent teachers association of the school under them.

V. How to obtain active parent-teacher co-operation:

1. Frequent opportunities may be provided for teachers and parents to meet
2. Parent's meeting may be organized class-wise so that it is possible to
establish class teacher parent report.
3. Parents meeting may be organized at least once in a month.
4. Parents may be invited to the school to see their children at study.
5. Home visits may he allotted to all teachers in specified or selected areas.
6. Teachers may be given special training in home visits.
7. Pupils may be taken on excursions to place of interest in the locality where
parents are engaged in work.
8. activities of the school may be planned with the help of the parents.

VI. Bye Laws of school association

The Parent-Teacher Association of a school will frame and accept its Bye-laws
consistent with this instrument of instructions. Such Bye-laws must be got
approved by the Educational Officer in the control of the school. According to
G.O(P) 169/84/G.Edn. dated 20 th August 1984 it was ordered that hence forth
other than teachers of schools, .who do not have children studying in a particular
school will be debarred
The Deputy Directors (Edn.), District Educational Officers, Assistant Educational
Officers and heads of all schools in the State are hereby directed to constitute
parents - Teachers Associations in Schools according to these rules, also.
1. Membership fee Rs. 1,3 and 5 may be realized from the guardians in L.P.S.,

U.P.S. and H.S. irrespectively at the time of admission of pupils.

2. The right to be a parent member of the General body should automatically be
terminated, when that members ceases to be a guardian of any pupil on rolls, the
right to be a teacher member ceases as and when the teacher is transferred from
that school.
3. The vacancies if members of the Executive Committee may be filled up
immediately by co-opting or electing members from the general body.
4. The term of office of the executive committee shall be one year.
5. The number of members of the committee should not in any way exceed 15
6. The income and expenditure of the Association shall be audited every year by
a committee consisting of two parent representative elected from the General Body.
7. The Head of all schools in the state will constitute the Parent-Teacher
Association at school level by the 1st week of July itself of every academic year;
The controlling officer will see that all the above instructions scrupulously
followed by the head of the school. At the time of visit or inspection of schools
they will check this and make a note in their reports without fail. The receipt of
this circular should be acknowledged.

1. Main Cash Book
2. Treasury Bill Book
3. Acquaintance Roll
4. Acquaintance of LC Grant
5. Admission Register
6. Stock Registers of
1. Furniture
2. Appliances
3. Office Stores
4. Library Books
5. Laboratory Equipments
6. Games Articles
7. Audiovisual Aids
8. Materials and finished products of crafts
9. Teachers attendance Register
10. Casual leave register with applications
11. Inward and outward register
12. Increment Register
13. Establishment register
14. Log Book
15. Notice Book

16. Factual Diary

17. Inspection Diary
18. Stock register and other record on Noon Feeding
19. Supervision Diary
20. Visitors Diary
21. Movement Register
22. Substitution work book
23. Stagnation Register
24. Consolidated Fees Register
25. Consolidated Mark Register
26. Removal Register
27. Arrear Fee Demand Register
28. Issue Register of Library Book
29. Register of Refund
30. Bill Register
31. Register of Chelan and Chelan file
32. Register of Linguistic Minority
33. Pupils Attendance Register
34. Time Table and Year Plan
35. Punishment Register of pupils
36. Pass books for deposits
37. Breakage Register
38. Register of undisbursed salary
39. SSLC Duplicate Register
40. Liability Register
41. Night duty register
42. Register of stamp account
43. Kuthakapattom Register
44. FBS and Group Insurance Register
45. Register showing Medical Reimbursement
46. Cash Book and acquaintance of NCC
47. Register of sanctioning of PF loans
48. Register showing pending loan
49. Contingent register with Connected Vouchers
50. Register of Private study pupils with applications
51. Counterfoils of TC issued and application for TC
52. TC received and application for admission
53. Register of leave other than CL with applications
54. Other duty register with attendance certificate
55. Register showing the residential address of teachers
56. Individual cash book on special fees
57. Day book of special fees collection
58. General cash book of special fees
59. Voucher file with invoice and quotations
60. Fee receipts books and hand books of fee collection
61. Register of advance, recoveries and court attachment

62. Register of Audit/Inspection, Objections and clearance

63. Register showing accounts of flags and seals
64. Register of immovable properties and details of accommodation
65. Register of service books with service books
66. Register for the issue of extracts of admission register with applications
67. Register to check submission of lesson plan and composition work
68. Minutes books of special fees advisory committee and approved budget
69. Register showing the auction sale of unserviceable articles and valued
answer scripts.
70. Register relating to the conduct of SSLC and other public examinations,
71. Register showing the in-service courses of Teachers.
72. Register of OBC, OEC, SC and ST pupils.
73. Minutes of staff council and subject councils
74. Minutes of Cash Book and Receipt Book of P.T. A.
75. Register showing lending of school buildings
76. Register of closure of FBS with connected files
77. Acquaintance of different scholarships

Important Registers relating to cash transaction in Government Office/Institution

to be maintained by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned

Page number and the certificate of counting pages should be recorded at the first
inner page in the following registers by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer
1. Cash Book in form TR 7A
2. Treasury Bill Book in form TR 74
3. Receipts for acknowledgment of money in form TR5
4. Office copies of pay bills in form TR 51 B and the abstract there of in form TR
51 C and 51 D.
5. Register for the office copies of detailed arrear bills.
6. Register of Chelans
7. Acquaintance rolls in form TR 95
Every amount due to a subordinate employee drawn from treasury should be
disbursed through the acquaintance roll in the form TR 95. The name and
designation of the claimant and the net amount payable alone be entered in the
roll. But recoveries like co-operative Bank loans, other banks loans, chitty
premiums; etc should be made through the acquaintance after effecting such
recoveries. Such recoveries can be recorded as payments in the acquaintance
roll as well in the cashbook only after remitting/sending the amount to the
concerned society, Bank etc. Page war progressive and bill wise grand totals
should be struck down. Abstract of disbursement as follows should be struck
under the initial of the DDO (Head master/AEO)

Amount cashed on Rs.

Amount disbursed on Rs
Balance Rs
After the whole amount of the bill is disbursed, a certificate to the effect that
"Checked in accordance with Rule 432 (d) of KTC"-Vol I Should be recorded for
each bill with the signature of the DDO.
8. Register of contingent charges to be maintained in KFC Form 10.
In this register separate pages to be set apart for each minor head such as OE,
Rent, Tax etc. The budget provisions received through allotment letters for each
financial year and the expenditure incurred under each item should be noted
under the respective head, under the dated initial of the DDO. Every expenditure
incurred out of contingent charges in each financial year should be assigned by
consecutive voucher numbers from one. Such voucher numbers noted in the
bills, contingent register, cash book etc, also should be kept in a
voucher/contingent bill file in chronological order for being produced to audit. It
should be ensured that the articles purchased are received in good condition and
brought into stock. In the vouchers by which the articles were purchased, a
certificate to the effect that "the articles have been received in good condition and
brought to stock register of vide page No " should also be recorded under the
signature of the DDO and the articles should be brought to stock simultaneously.
9. Register of undisbursed pay.
10. Register of permanent advance in the form TR 96.
11. Stock Register of stores/furniture, etc.
Separate stock register to be maintained for the office stores and furniture where
in separate pages to be set aside for each item of article such as bench, desk,
chair, table, type writer, duplicating machine, etc, Physical verification of stock of
articles should be con ducted once in every years as on the lSt April or wherever
there is change in the officer in charge of the articles and the certificate to the
effect that the stock of article as on have been physically verified and found
correct, should be recorded in the concerned pages of the stock register on
proper attestation.
Store purchase rules should be observed for the purchase of articles, having
value exceeds Rs. 1000/- the quotation notice, quotations received and a
comparative statement should be kept for verifica- tion in audit.
The cashbook has two portions, left hand side is set apart for receipt and right
hand side is for payments. A model cash book in the Form 7A and as to how it is
to be written is appended.
On the last working day of every month cash in hand should be physically
verified by the DDO and a certificate to the effect that "Cash in hand of Rs has
been physically verified and found correct" should be recorded by the DDO under
his/her seal and signature.

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