LLB II Semester
LLB II Semester
LLB II Semester
1. Indian Contract Act--- Pollock and Mulla
2. Indian Contract Act--- Avtar Singh.
3. Principles of Mercantile Law--- R.K. Bangia.
4. Law of Contracts and Partnerships and Sale of Goods Act--- T.R. Desai.
5. Equity, Trust and Specific Relief--- G.P. Singh.
6. Equity, Trust and Specific Relief--- Akil Ahmed.
7. Contract--- Tata McGrow.
8. Sales of Goods Act, 1930--- Avtar Singh.
9. Indian Partnership Act, 1930--- Avtar Singh.
10. Pollock and Mulla on Contracts and Specific Relief Act (1999)---R.K. Abhichandani (ed.).
11. Law of Contract (1999)--- Krishnan Nair.
12. The Negotiable Instrument Act--- Bhashyam and Adiga.
13. The Negotiable Instrument Act--- M.S. Parthasharthi (ed.), J.S. Kheragaamvala.
14. The Sales of Goods Act--- Saharay, H.K.
15. Ansons Law of Contract (1998)--- Beatson (ed.).
Constitution of India--- V.N. Shukla.
Constitutional Law of India--- D.D. Basu.
Indian Constitutional Law--- M.P. Jain.
Constitutional Law of India Vol. 1-3 (1986)--- M. Hidayatullah Ed.
Constitutional Law of India--- M.V. Pylee.
Constitutional Law of India--- H.M. Seeravai.
Constitutional Development since Independence--- A. Jacob (ed.).
problems arising out of foundational inequalities in different family concepts. Another objective
is to view family law not merely as a separate system of personal laws based upon religions but
as the one system cutting across the religious lines and eventually enabling us to fulfill the
constitutional directive of uniform civil code at jurisprudentially at the academic study by
identifying the core concepts in marriage laws of all communities to evolve a Uniform Civil
Code devoid of political nest. Women and children have special family relations and hence in
family law administration students are expected to develop insight so that they could protect
constitutional rights of women and children. Conversion is another problematic area. It affects
the family and whether it is compatible with the concept of secularism and to what extent such
problem would stand resolved with the enactment of a Uniform Civil Code etc. are some of the
issues that need proper examination.
MODULE-1: Sources and Schools.
a) Sources of Hindu Law
i. Ancient Sources- Shruti, Smriti, Digest & Commentaries and
ii. Modern Sources- Equity, Justice and Good Conscience, Precedent and
b) Schools of Hindu Law:
i. Mitakshara School-Sub-schools of Mitakshara.
ii. Dayabhaga School.
c) Sources of Muslim Law
i. Ancient sources: The Quran, The Sunna (Practice of Prophet), Ijma
(Consensus of Opinion) and Quias (Analogical Deduction).
ii. Modern sources: Equity and Legislation.
d) Schools of Muslim Law
i. Sunni School of Muslim Law.
ii. Shia School of Muslim Law
e) Sources and Schools of Parsi and Christian Law.
MODULE-II: Marriage Laws
a) Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
i. Evolution of the institution of marriage.
ii. Nature and concept of Hindu marriage.
iii. Essential conditions of a Hindu marriage and consequences for
iv. Forms, validity and voidability.
b) Nikah (Muslim Marriage).
i. Nature and concept of Muslim marriage.
ii. Essential conditions of a valid marriage, prohibition/ disabilities,
classification of marriage and effects of valid, irregular and void
iii. Obligations arising out of marriage- Mahr, Maintenance etc.
1. Hindu Law--- Paras Diwan.
2. Family Law--- Paras Diwan.
3. Muslim Law of India--- Tahir Mahmood.
4. Principles of Hindu Law--- D.F. Mulla.
5. Principle of Muslim Law--- D.F. Mulla.
1. Transfer of Property--- D.F. Mulla.
2. Transfer of Property Act--- H.N. Tiwari.
3. Transfer of Property Act--- S.M Shah.
4. Lectures on Indian Easement Act--- Tripathi.
Amrit Lal Goverdhan Lal v. State Bank of Travancore AIR 1968 SC 1432
Morvi Mercantile Bank v. Union of India AIR 1965 SC 1954
Vasireddi Seetha Ramaiah v. Srirama Motor Finance Corporation 1977 AP 164
Wheels India Ltd., Mount Road v. Khem Chand Raj Kumar 1970 MLJ 648
Maganbhai v. Union of India AIR 1969 SC 785 Madhav dRao v.
Union of India Air 1971 Sc 530
Dehli Science Forum & Others v. Union of India JT 1996 (2) SC 295
Canara Bank v. Canara Sales Corporation & Others AIR 1987 Sc 1603
India Airlines Corporation v. Madhuri Choudhury Air 1965 Cal 252
Gatewhite Ltd. & Another v. Iberia Lineas de Espana SA (1989) 1 All
E.R. 944
Objective: This course on Labour and industrial law aims at delineating the aspect of
management of labour relations and dispute settlement bodies and techniques.
MODULE-1: Trade Union Act,1923
a) Trade Unionism in India.
b) Definition of trade union and trade dispute.
c) Workers Right to form Union vis a vis Indian Constitution: the membership of
trade union, closed shop and Union shop.
d) Registration of Trade Union- Remedies in case of non-registration and cancellation
of registration of union.
e) Privileges and protection of registered trade union from certain Acts and Omissions.
f) Unfair labour practices and victimization.
MODULE-II: Collective Bargaining
a) Concept and importance of Collective Bargaining.
b) Pre-requisite for Collective Bargaining.
c) Process of administering Collective Agreement (Negotiation, Mediation &
Voluntary Arbitration & Compulsory Arbitration).
d) Duration and Enforcement of Bipartite Agreement (Secs. 18, 19, Industrial
Dispute Act, 1947).
e) Pressurization: Strike, Go-slow, Work-to-Rule, Gherao and Lock-out.
MODULE-III: Standing Orders.
a) Concept, Nature and Scope of Standing Orders under Industrial Employment
(Standing Order) Act, 1946.
b) Formulation of Standing Orders and its Certification Process.
c) Modification and Temporary application of model Standing Orders.
d) Interpretation and enforcement of Standing Orders.
e) Penalties and procedure.