Review Article: Peri-Operative Pulmonary Dysfunction and Protection

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Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl.

1), 4650


Review Article
Peri-operative pulmonary dysfunction and protection
K. Marseu1,2 and P. Slinger1,3
1 Anaesthesiologist, Department of Anaesthesiology, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2 Lecturer, 3 Professor, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Pulmonary complications are a major cause of peri-operative morbidity and mortality, but have been researched less
thoroughly than cardiac complications. It is important to try and predict which patients are at risk of peri-operative
pulmonary complications and to intervene to reduce this risk. Anaesthetists are in a unique position to do this during the whole peri-operative period. Pre-operative training, smoking cessation and lung ventilation with tidal volumes of 68 1 and low positive end-expiratory pressure probably reduce postoperative pulmonary

Correspondence to: K. Marseu

Accepted: 5 October 2015

Pulmonary complications are a major cause of perioperative morbidity and mortality and increase hospital stay [15]. In the month after thoracic surgery, 1 in
20 patients die, mostly from pulmonary complications,
which affect one in ve thoracic patients [6]. Less is
known about pulmonary complications than cardiac
complications following non-cardiothoracic surgery,
although there may be more pulmonary complications
[24, 7]. In a retrospective cohort study of 45 000
patients undergoing colorectal surgery, one in ve had
pulmonary complications postoperatively, while 1 in
100 experienced cardiac complications [8]. The cost of
pulmonary complications was over three times the cost
of cardiac complications.
The results of large studies of postoperative pulmonary complications have been inconsistent [2, 3, 9,
10]. Pulmonary complications include a wide variety
of conditions such as atelectasis, pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic lung disease, acute lung injury (ALI),

acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and respiratory failure [2, 4, 5]. Approximately one in ve
patients who develop postoperative respiratory failure
will die within 30 days [4]. Thus, it is important to try
and predict which patients are at risk of pulmonary
complications to prevent them happening. This review
focuses mostly on non-cardiothoracic surgery, with
occasional reference to cardiothoracic surgery.

Risk factors for peri-operative

pulmonary complications
Patient characteristics and the type of surgery affect
the rate and severity of postoperative pulmonary complications.
The patient characteristics most commonly associated with pulmonary complications include age, poor
general health and functional status, comorbidities and
drug abuse, including smoking [1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 1113]. It
is unclear whether the association with age is due to
associated comorbidities, rather than age per se [1, 11].
2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Marseu and Slinger | Peri-operative pulmonary dysfunction

Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 4650

The ASA physical status and serum albumin concentrations less than 30 g.l 1 are associated with postoperative pulmonary complications [1, 2, 4, 9].
Comorbidities associated most with pulmonary complications include congestive heart failure, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease and renal insufciency
[1, 2, 5, 9, 11]. Alcohol consumption and smoking
moderately increase the rate of pulmonary complication [1, 2, 4, 11]. Additional factors for respiratory
failure after thoracic surgery include decreased preoperative respiratory function, the extent of lung resection and coronary artery disease [14]. Impaired
spirometry before non-thoracic surgery is not associated with postoperative pulmonary complications [2,
More recently, three associated pulmonary disorders have been found to increase pulmonary complications postoperatively, namely obstructive sleep apnoea,
obesity hypoventilation syndrome and pulmonary
hypertension [1, 4, 11, 13]. Postoperative hypoxia,
aspiration pneumonia, tracheal re-intubation and hospital length of stay are increased in patients with
obstructive sleep apnoea [13]. Chronic hypercapnia
(PaCO2 > 45 mmHg), sleep disordered breathing and
a BMI > 30 kg.m 2 characterise obesity hypoventilation syndrome, which is associated with more postoperative complications than obstructive sleep apnoea,
possibly because it is less often recognised as a problem [13]. Patients with pulmonary hypertension have
high postoperative rates of respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation and prolonged length of stay in intensive care [13]. Uncomplicated obesity and controlled
asthma do not increase pulmonary complications [1, 2,
4, 5, 11].
The duration and type of operation as well as the
anaesthetic technique inuence the rate of pulmonary
complications [1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11]. Pulmonary complications are more common after surgery that lasts more
than 3 h [1]. Operations in the chest and abdomen
increase pulmonary complications, due to diaphragmatic dysfunction, atelectasis and consequently inadequate ventilation [4, 5]. Pulmonary complications are
also more common after neurosurgery, head and neck
surgery and emergency surgery. Laparoscopy is not
consistently associated with fewer pulmonary complications than laparotomy, unless the patient is obese [3,

4]. General anaesthesia predisposes to pulmonary

complications, which might be partly attributed to
associated neuromuscular blockade, particularly if it is
inadequately reversed before tracheal extubation [24,
7, 15, 16].

2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Pre-operative interventions to reduce

pulmonary complications
Postoperative pulmonary complications can be reduced
by optimising the treatment of respiratory disease, particularly through pre-operative physiotherapy, rehabilitation and by stopping smoking [3, 7, 9]. Medications
should be continued peri-operatively, including longacting and short-acting inhaled bronchodilators and, if
indicated, a course of steroids or antibiotics [1].
Pre-operative training, or prehabilitation includes
a comprehensive program of chest physiotherapy,
physical exercise and nutrition. Pre-operative training
decreases pulmonary complications after lung volume
reduction surgery, lung transplantation and lung cancer surgery [9, 1719]. Pre-operative training may not
affect the rate of complications after other major surgical procedures [18, 20]. However, more specic preoperative lung expansion techniques, such as incentive spirometry, active breathing and forced expiration, halved the rates of postoperative pulmonary
complications, including pneumonia, if performed for
20 min a day for at least two pre-operative weeks [4,
11, 21].
Stopping smoking just before surgery may increase
the rate of pulmonary complications due to the combination of increased mucus production but less coughing [3]. Stopping smoking one month or more before
surgery may decrease complications including ARDS,
while wound healing may be improved [22, 23]. How
long smoking should be stopped before surgery is still
a matter of conjecture [9].

Intra-operative interventions to reduce

pulmonary complications
Postoperative pulmonary complications may be
reduced by lung protective modes of mechanical ventilation, attention to uid administration and adequate
In patients with ARDS, a tidal volume of
12 1 caused more deaths and morbidity than a

Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 4650

Marseu and Slinger | Peri-operative pulmonary dysfunction

tidal volume of 6 1, which is within the range

of normal spontaneous tidal volumes [24]. Tidal volumes larger than 68 1 and peak airway pressures more than 30 cmH2O are associated with
increased rates of ALI in mechanically ventilated
patients, including those with previously healthy lungs
(so-called ventilator-induced lung injury) [25, 26].
Acute lung injury is the most common diagnosis for
postoperative ventilatory failure and is associated with
mortality rates as high as 45% [27]. A recent metaanalysis of mechanical ventilation during general
anaesthesia in a variety of surgical procedures suggests
that, for patients with normal lungs, lower tidal volumes (68 1 ideal body weight) and low levels
of positive end expiratory pressure (< 6 cmH2O) are
optimal settings to decrease postoperative pulmonary
complications. The studies included in this meta-analysis have often included recruitment manoeuvres with
positive end-expiratory pressure. Although recruitment
appears to be benecial, it is not possible to recommend a specic recruitment strategy due to the differences in the manoeuvers used in the different studies
Higher volumes of intra-operative uid are associated with higher rates of peri-operative ALI and ARDS
[27, 29]. In cardiothoracic surgery, uid overload is
thought to contribute to pulmonary endothelial damage, compounding that caused by the inammatory
reaction to mechanical ventilation and cardiopulmonary bypass, leading to pulmonary oedema [3033].
A recent meta-analysis reported that higher volumes of
intravenous uid caused higher rates of pneumonia
and pulmonary oedema and longer hospital stays after
major surgery [34]. The contrasting concern is that
uid restriction might compromise perfusion to organs
and the surgical site, including colorectal anastomoses
[32]. The current recommendation is to titrate uid
infusions individually to specic cardiovascular measurements, such as stroke volume, cardiac output and
uid responsiveness as indicated by pulse pressure and
stroke volume variation [32].
Neuraxial analgesia reduces the rate of postoperative pulmonary complications by one half after otherwise painful abdominal, oesophageal, aortic and
cardiac operations [11], although one review concluded
that this evidence was not consistent [3]. Control of

thoracotomy pain with thoracic epidural analgesia

reduces postoperative ventilatory dysfunction and
complications. Thoracic epidural anaesthesia can also
reduce myocardial oxygen demand, which might be
important in patients with coronary artery disease
[35]. Regional anaesthesia might be used without general anaesthesia for other patients at increased risk of
postoperative pulmonary complications, for instance
patients with obstructive sleep apnoea [13, 36]. The
benet of this must be balanced against the potential
for complications associated with specic regional
techniques, such as the risk of pneumothorax, phrenic
nerve and diaphragmatic paralysis in certain brachial
plexus blocks. This would be of particular concern in
patients with pre-existing lung disease.


Postoperative interventions to reduce

pulmonary complications
Postoperative techniques to expand the lungs can halve
pulmonary complications, especially after upper
abdominal and thoracic surgery [14, 7]. These techniques include chest physiotherapy, continuous positive airway pressure and incentive spirometry. Chest
physiotherapy includes deep breathing, assisted cough,
postural drainage, percussion, vibration, suctioning
and ambulation. Continuous airway pressure is particularly useful in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
and patients unable to participate in incentive spirometry or deep breathing exercises, but can be an uncomfortable and expensive way of increasing tidal volumes
in these patients. Incentive spirometry, on the other
hand, is an easy and inexpensive way to encourage
deep breathing.

Other interventions
Volatile anaesthetics may protect lung function by
modulating the inammatory response through inhibition of pro-inammatory mediators. Volatile anaesthetics protect the lungs as well as the heart against
ischaemia and reperfusion injury [3740]. Inammation following one-lung ventilation is less after volatile
anaesthesia compared with propofol anaesthesia and
volatile agents might also reduce the composite rate of
adverse effects [41, 42].
Adequate gas exchange can be achieved by
slow ventilation with a tidal volume of 3 1 if
2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

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Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 4650

supported by extracorporeal gas exchange devices,

which are being used more in critically ill patients. A
tidal volume of 3 1 induces less inammation
than 6 1 and might improve outcomes [4345].

8. Fleisher LA, Linde-Zwirble WT. Incidence, outcome, and attributable resource use associated with pulmonary and cardiac
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9. Arozullah AM, Daley J, Henderson WG, Khuri SF. Multifactorial
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Postoperative patients commonly experience a pulmonary complication, which prolongs hospital stay
and can directly or indirectly contribute to mortality.
Anaesthetists are in the unique position to identify
patients at increased risk pre-operatively. Anaesthetists
can plan and institute peri-operative interventions to
reduce the rate of pulmonary complications, even in
healthy patients. Many promising interventions have
yet to prove that they reduce adverse pulmonary events.
It is therefore important to continue research to determine which interventions are valuable and which are
not. In the meantime, anaesthetists might help patients
before surgery through pre-operative training and
smoking cessation and peri-operatively by ventilating
the lungs with tidal volumes of 68 1 and low
levels of positive end expiratory pressure (< 6 cmH2O).

Competing interests
No external funding and no competing interests

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2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

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