Guidelines On Cyber Security Onboard Ships
Guidelines On Cyber Security Onboard Ships
Guidelines On Cyber Security Onboard Ships
Published by
Bagsvaerdvej 161
Denmark, 2880 Bagsvaerd
Terms of Use
The advice and information given in the Guidelines on Cyber Security onboard Ships (the
Guidelines) is intended purely as guidance to be used at the users own risk. No warranties or
representations are given, nor is any duty of care or responsibility accepted by the Authors, their
membership or employees of any person, firm, corporation or organisation (who or which has
been in any way concerned with the furnishing of information or data, or the compilation or any
translation, publishing, or supply of the Guidelines) for the accuracy of any information or advice
given in the Guidelines or any omission from the Guidelines or for any consequence whatsoever
resulting directly or indirectly from compliance with, adoption of or reliance on guidance
contained in the Guidelines even if caused by a failure to exercise reasonable care on the part
of any of the aforementioned parties.
Table of Contents
4.2 Recovery
Annex 4 Glossary
As technology continues to develop, information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT)
onboard ships are increasingly being networked together and more frequently connected to
the worldwide web.
This brings the greater risk of unauthorised access or malicious attacks to ships systems and
networks. Risks may also occur from personnel having access to the systems onboard, for
example by introducing malware via removable media.
Relevant personnel should have training in identifying the typical modus operandi of cyber
The safety, environmental and commercial consequences of not being prepared for a cyber
incident may be significant. Responding to the increased cyber threat, a group of international
shipping organisations, with support from a wide range of stakeholders, have developed these
guidelines, which are designed to assist companies develop resilient approaches to cyber security
onboard ships.
Approaches to cyber security will be company- and ship-specific, but should be guided by
appropriate standards and the requirements of relevant national regulations. The Guidelines
provide a risk-based approach to identifying and responding to cyber threats.
How to raise awareness of the safety, security and commercial risks for shipping
companies if no cyber security measures are in place;
How to protect data used onboard ships, according to its level of sensitivity;
International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code)
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)
For example ISO/IEC 27000 series of Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) standards
How to authorise administrator privileges for users, including during maintenance and
support on board or via remote link; and
How to protect data being communicated between the ship and the shore side.
Activists (including
disgruntled employees)
Reputational damage
Disruption of operations
Financial gain
Commercial espionage
Industrial espionage
The challenge
Political gain
Destruction of data
Publication of sensitive data
Media attention
Selling stolen data
Ransoming stolen data
Ransoming system operability
Arranging fraudulent transportation of
Getting through cyber security defences
Financial gain
State sponsored
Gaining knowledge
Disruption to economies and critical
national infrastructure.
Untargeted attacks, where a company or a ships systems and data are one of many
potential targets; or
Targetted attacks, where a company or a ships systems and data are the intended target.
Untargeted attacks are likely to use tools and techniques available on the internet which can be
used to locate known vulnerabilities in a company and onboard a ship. Examples of some tools
and techniques that may be used in these circumstances include:
The text in this chapter has been summarised from CESG, Common Cyber Attacks: Reducing the Impact
Phishing. Sending emails to a large number of potential targets asking for particular
pieces of sensitive or confidential information. Such an email may also request that an
individual visits a fake website using a hyperlink included in the email.
Ransomware. Malware which encrypts data on systems until such time as the distributor
decrypts the information.
Targeted attacks may be more sophisticated and use tools and techniques specifically created
for targeting a particular company or ship. Examples of tools and techniques which may be used
in these circumstances include:
Spear-phishing. Similar to phishing but the individuals are targetted with personal
emails, often containing malicious software or links that automatically download malicious
Deploying botnets. Botnets are used to deliver Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
The above examples are not exhaustive. The potential number and sophistication of tools and
techniques used in cyber attacks continue to evolve and are limited only by the ingenuity of
those organisations and individuals developing them.
Stages of a cyber attack
Cyber attacks are conducted in stages. The length of time taken to prepare a cyber attack will
be determined by the motivations and objectives of the attacker, and the resilience of technical
and procedural cyber security controls implemented by the company, including those onboard
its ships. The four stages of an attack are:
Delivery. Attackers may attempt to access company and ship systems and data. This
may be done from either within the company or ship or remotely through connectivity
with the internet. Examples of methods used to obtain access include:
Breach. The extent to which an attacker can breach a company or ship system will
depend on the significance of the vulnerability found by an attacker and the method
chosen to deliver an attack. It should be noted that a breach might not result in any
obvious changes to the status of the equipment. Depending on the significance of the
breach, an attacker may be able to:
Make changes that affect the systems operation, for example interrupting the
display of chart information on ECDIS;
Gain access to commercially sensitive data such as cargo manifests and/or crew
and passenger lists; and/or
Achieve full control of a system, for example a machinery management system.
Affect. The motivation and objectives of the attacker will determine what affect they
have on the company or ship system and data. An attacker may explore systems, expand
access and/or ensure that they are able to return to the system in order to:
It is crucial that users of IT systems onboard ships are aware of the potential cyber security
risks, and are trained to identify and mitigate such risks.
The cyber controls already implemented by the company and onboard its ships.
Multiple stakeholders are often involved in the operation and chartering of a ship
potentially resulting in lack of accountability for the IT infrastructure.
The ship being online and how it interfaces with other parts of the global supply chain.
The availability and use of computer-controlled critical systems for the ships safety and
for environmental protection.
These elements should be considered, and relevant parts incorporated in the company security
policies, safety management systems, and ship security plans. All relevant national legislation
and flag state regulations must be complied with, and in some cases, alternative risk mitigating
methods may have to be used to those suggested by these Guidelines.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)5 Cyber Security Framework can help
companies quantify the approach being taken to cyber security using common principles and
standards. The framework in adapted form, described in more detail in Annex 1, can provide an
indication of the maturity of a companys approach to cyber security with respect to identifying
risks, protecting systems and data, and detecting, responding to and recovering from a cyber
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Cyber Security Framework available at:
An increasing use of big data, smart ships and the internet of things6 will increase the amount
of information available to cyber attackers, making the need for robust approaches to cyber
security important both now and in the future.
Cargo management systems. Digital systems used for the management and control of
cargo, including hazardous cargo, may interface with a variety of systems ashore. Such
systems may include shipment-tracking tools available to shippers via the internet.
Interfaces of this kind make cargo management systems and data in cargo manifests
vulnerable to cyber attacks.
Bridge systems. The increasing use of digital, networked navigation systems, with
interfaces to shoreside networks for update and provision of services, make such systems
vulnerable to cyber attacks. Bridge systems that are not connected to other networks
may be equally vulnerable, as removable media are often used to update such systems
from other controlled or uncontrolled networks. A cyber incident can extend to service
denial or manipulation, and therefore may affect all systems associated with navigation,
including ECDIS, GNSS, AIS, VDR and Radar/ARPA.
Propulsion and machinery management and power control systems. The use of
digital systems to monitor and control onboard machinery, propulsion and steering make
such systems vulnerable to cyber attacks. The vulnerability of such systems can increase
when they are used in conjunction with remote condition-based monitoring and/or are
integrated with navigation and communications equipment on ships using integrated
bridge systems.
Access control systems. Digital systems used to support access control to ensure
physical security and safety of a ship and its cargo, including surveillance, shipboard
security alarm, and electronic personnel-on-board systems.
Passenger servicing and management systems. Digital systems used for property
management, boarding and access control may hold valuable passenger related data.
Lloyds Register, Qinetiq and University of Southampton, Global Marine Technology Trends 2030
Administrative and crew welfare systems. Onboard computer networks used for
administration of the ship or the welfare of the crew are particularly vulnerable when they
provide internet access and email. They can be exploited by cyber attackers to gain access
to onboard systems and data. These systems should be considered uncontrolled and
should not be connected to any safety critical system on board.
The above-mentioned onboard systems consist of potentially vulnerable equipment which should
be reviewed during the assessment. More detail can be found in Annex 2 of these Guidelines.
Vulnerable information and data
The confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) model 7 provides a framework for assessing
the vulnerability to, and impact of:
Unauthorised access to information or data about the ship, crew, cargo and passengers.
Loss of integrity of information and data relating to the safe and efficient operation of the
ship following unauthorised modification.
Loss of availability of information or data due to the destruction of information and data
or disruption to services.
In practice
Sensitive information may include ship position, status of and readout from OT systems, cargo
details, authorisations, certificates, etc.
A power management system contains a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
system controlling the distribution of onboard electric power. The system contains real-time
sensor data which is used on board for power management. It also generates data about the
power consumption, which is used by the shipping company for administrative purposes.
To determine if the information above is critical, the consequences likely to result from a
compromise to the confidentiality, integrity or availability should be considered. When doing so
the shipping company should determine the criticality of the information stored, processed or
transmitted by the SCADA system using the most sensitive information to determine the overall
impact of the system.
Using the CIA model the shipping company concludes that:
Losing confidentiality of the sensor data acquired by the SCADA system will have a low
impact as the sensors are publically displayed on board. However, from a safety point of
view, it is important that the information transmitted by the sensors can be relied upon
therefore there is a high potential impact from a loss of integrity. It will also be a safety
issue if the information cannot be read, and there is therefore a high potential impact
from a loss of availability.
For the power consumption information being sent to the shipping company for statistical
purposes, it is assessed that there is a low potential impact from a loss of confidentiality.
The company does not want the data to be public, however the effect would be limited if
it were to happen. There will also be a low potential impact from a loss of integrity as the
data is only used for in house considerations. There is therefore also a low potential
impact from a loss of availability.
Overall impact
Sensor data
Statistical data
commercial operations and ensure the safety of the crew, ship and the marine
environment; and
4. Identification of possible cyber incidents and their impact on key ship board operations,
and the likelihood of their occurrence in order to establish and prioritise mitigating
Companies may consult with the producers and service providers of onboard equipment and
systems to understand the technical and procedural controls that may already be in place to
address cyber security. Furthermore, any identified cyber vulnerability in the factory standard
configuration of a critical system or component should be disclosed in order to facilitate better
protection of the equipment in the future.
Map the ships key functions and systems and their potential impact levels, for example
using the CIA model;
Identify cyber security points-of-contact at each of the producers and establish working
relationships with them;
Review detailed documentation on the ships maintenance and support of its IT and OT
Establish contractual requirements and obligations that the shipowner/ship operator may
have for maintenance and support of shipboard networks and equipment; and
Support, if necessary, the risk assessment with an external expert to develop detailed
plans and include producers and service providers.
The activities performed under the assessment would include a build and configuration review
of computers, servers, routers and firewalls. It should also include reviews of all available cyber
security documentation and procedures for connected OT systems and devices.
Phase 3: Debrief and vulnerability review/reporting
Following the assessment, each identified vulnerability should be evaluated for its potential
impact and the probability of its exploitation. Recommended technical and/or procedural
corrective actions should be identified for each vulnerability in a final report.
Ideally, the cyber security assessment report should include:
Supplementary data a supplement containing the technical details of all key findings
and comprehensive analysis of critical flaws. This section should also include sample data
recovered during the penetration testing of critical or high-risk vulnerabilities; and
Appendices detailed records of all activities conducted by the cyber security assessment
team and the tools used during the engagement.
It should be a requirement that routers are secured against attacks and unused ports should be
closed to prevent unauthorised access to systems or data.
Configuration of network devices such as firewalls, routers and switches
It should be determined which systems should be attached to controlled or uncontrolled13
networks. Controlled networks are designed to prevent any security risks from connected devices
by use of firewalls, routers and switches. Uncontrolled networks may pose risks due to lack of
data traffic control and they should be isolated from controlled networks, as direct internet
connection makes them highly prone to infiltration by malware.
Networks, that are critical to the operation of a ship itself, should be controlled. It is
imperative that these systems - see Annex 2 of these guidelines - have a high level of
Networks, that provide suppliers with remote access to navigation and other OT system
software on onboard equipment, should also be controlled. Such networks may be
necessary for suppliers to allow upload of system upgrades or perform remote servicing.
Shoreside external access points of such connections should be secured to prevent
unauthorised access.
Other networks, such as guest access networks, may be uncontrolled, for instance those
related to passenger recreational activities or private internet access for seafarers.
Normally, any wireless network should be considered uncontrolled.
A more detailed description of shipboard networks can be found in Annex 3 of these Guidelines.
Secure configuration for hardware and software
Only senior officers should be given administrator profiles so that they can control the set up
and disabling of normal user profiles. User profiles should be restricted to only allow the
computers, workstations or servers to be used for the purposes for which they are required.
User profiles should not allow the user to alter the systems or install and execute new programs.
Email and web browser protection
Appropriate email and web browser protection serves to:
Ensure that the exchange of sensitive information via email or by voice is appropriately
protected to ensure confidentiality and integrity of data, for example protecting by
Prevent web browsers and email clients from executing malicious scripts.
13 In accordance with EC 61162-460:2015: Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Digital interfaces - Part 460: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - Ethernet interconnection - Safety and security
The access interconnect is the distribution partners responsibility. The final routing of user traffic
from the internet access point to its ultimate destination onboard (last mile) is the
responsibility of the shipowner. User traffic is routed through the communication equipment for
onward transmission on board. At the access point for this traffic it is necessary to provide data
security, firewalling and a dedicated last-mile connection.
When using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), the data traffic should be sufficiently encrypted.
Furthermore, a firewall in front of the servers and computers connected to the networks (ashore
or onboard) should be deployed. The distribution partner should advise on the routing and type
of connection most suited for specific traffic. Onshore filtering of traffic is also a matter between
a shipowner and the distribution partner. It is not sufficient to either filter traffic or have firewalls,
both types are needed to supplement each other to achieve a sufficient level of protection.
Producers of satellite communication terminals and other communication equipment may
provide management interfaces with security control software that are accessible over the
network. This is primarily provided in the form of web-based user interfaces. Protection of such
interfaces should be considered when assessing the security of a ships installation.
Malware defences
Scanning software that can automatically detect and address the presence of malware in systems
onboard should be regularly updated.
As a general guideline, onboard computers should be protected to the same level as office
computers ashore. Anti-virus and anti-malware software should be installed, maintained and
updated on all personal work-related computers onboard. This will reduce the risk of these
computers acting as attack vectors towards servers and other computers on the ships network.
The decision on whether to rely on these defence methods should take into consideration how
regularly the scanning software will be able to be updated.
Data recovery capability
Data recovery capability is about having the ability to restore a system and/or data from a secure
copy or image thereby allowing the restoration of a clean system. Essential information and
software-adequate backup facilities should be available to ensure it can be recovered following
a cyber incident. Where applicable, redundant information and OT systems should be tested to
ensure they work as intended.
Retention periods and restore scenarios should be established to prioritise which critical systems
need quick restore capabilities to reduce the impact. Systems that have high data availability
requirements should be made resilient. OT systems, which are vital to the safe navigation and
operation of the ship, should have backup systems to enable the ship to quickly and safely regain
navigational and operational capabilities after a cyber incident. More detail on recovery can be
found in Chapter 4 of these Guidelines.
Wireless access control
It should be ensured that wireless access to networks is limited to appropriate authorised
Application software security (patch management)
Critical safety and security updates should be provided to onboard systems. Such updates or
patches should be applied correctly and in a timely manner to ensure that any flaws in a system
are addressed before they are exploited by a cyber attack.
Shoreside personnel who support the management and operation of the ship.
These guidelines assume that other major stakeholders in the supply chain, such as charterers,
classification societies and service providers, will carry out their own best-practice cyber security
protection and training. It is advised that owners and operators ascertain the status of cyber
security preparedness of their third party providers as part of their sourcing procedures for such
An awareness programme should be in place for all seafarers, covering at least the following:
Risks related to emails and how to behave in a safe manner. Examples are phishing
attacks where the user clicks on a link to a malicious site;
Risks related to internet usage, including social media, chat forums and cloud-based file
storage where data movement is less controlled and monitored;
Risks related to the use of own devices. These devices may be missing security patches
and controls, such as anti-virus, and may transfer the risk to the environment to which
they are connected;
Risks related to installing and maintaining software on company hardware, where the
infection can be propagated, starting from infected hardware (removable media) or
software (infected package);
Risks related to poor software and data security practices where no anti-virus checks or
authenticity verifications are performed;
Cyber risks in relation to the physical presence of non-company personnel, eg, where
third-party technicians are left to work on equipment without supervision;
Detecting suspicious activity and how to report if a possible cyber incident is in progress.
Examples of this are strange connections that are not normally seen or someone plugging
in an unknown device on the ship network;
Awareness of the consequences or impact of cyber incidents to the safety and operations
of the ship;
Procedures for protecting against service providers removable media before they are
allowed to be connected to the ships systems.
In addition, seafarers need to be made aware that the presence of anti-malware software does
not remove the requirement for robust security procedures, for example controlling the use of
all removable media.
Upgrades and software maintenance
Hardware or software that is no longer supported by its producer or software developer will not
receive updates to address potential vulnerabilities. For this reason, the use of hardware and
software which is no longer supported should be carefully evaluated by the company as part of
the cyber risk assessment.
All hardware and software installations onboard should be updated to keep a sufficient security
level. Procedures for timely updating of software may need to be put in place taking into account
the ship type, speed of internet connectivity, sea time, etc. Software includes computer
operating systems, which should also be kept up to date 15.
Additionally, a number of routers, switches and firewalls, and various OT devices will be running
their own firmware, which may require regular updates and should thus be addressed in the
procedural requirements.
Anti-virus and anti-malware tool updates
In order for scanning software tools to detect and deal with malware, they need to be updated.
Procedural requirements should be established to ensure updates are distributed to ships on a
timely basis and that all relevant computers onboard are updated.
Use of administrator privileges
Access to information should only be allowed to relevant authorised personnel.
Administrator privileges allow full access to system configuration settings and all data. Users
logging into systems with administrator privileges may thus enable existing vulnerabilities to be
more easily exploited. Administrator privileges should only be given to appropriately trained
personnel who have a need, as part of their role in the company or onboard, to log into systems
Further information can be found in the Standard on Software Maintenance of Shipboard Equipment by CIRM and
using such privileges. In any case, use of administrator privileges should always be limited to
execution of functions requiring such access.
User accounts should be removed when they are no longer in use. User accounts should also not
be passed on from one user to the next using generic usernames.
In a business environment such as shipping, access to onboard systems is granted to various
stakeholders. Suppliers and contractors are a risk because often they have both intimate
knowledge of a ships operations and often full access to systems.
To protect access to confidential data and safety critical systems, a robust password policy should
be developed. Passwords should be strong and changed periodically. The company policy should
address the fact that over-complicated passwords which must be changed too frequently are at
risk of being written on a piece of paper and kept near the computer.
Physical and removable media controls
Transferring data from uncontrolled systems to controlled systems represents a major risk of
introducing malware. Removable media can be used to bypass layers of defences and can be
used to attack systems that are otherwise not connected to the internet. A clear policy for the
use of such media devices is essential; it must ensure that media devices are not normally used
to transfer information between un-controlled and controlled systems.
There are however situations where it is unavoidable to use such media devices, for example
during software maintenance. In such cases, there should be a procedure in place to require
checking of removable media for malware.
Equipment disposal, including data destruction
Obsolete equipment can contain data which is commercially sensitive or confidential. The
company should have a procedure in place to ensure that the data held in obsolete equipment
is properly destroyed prior to disposing of the equipment thereby ensuring that vital information
cannot be retrieved.
Obtaining support from ashore and contingency plans
Ships should have access to technical support in the event of a cyber attack. Details of this
support and associated procedures should be available on board. Please refer to Chapter 4 of
these Guidelines for more information about contingency planning.
Knowing how to verify that data is intact in cases where penetration is suspected but not
When a cyber incident is discovered, it is important that all relevant personnel are aware of the
exact procedure to follow. It is crucial that contingency plans, and related information, are
available in a non-electronic form as some types of cyber incidents can include the deletion of
data, compromising of systems and shutdown of communication links.
Take appropriate action to address a cyber incident that effects systems and/or
data; and
Who is the correct person in the IT department to contact immediately? In addition, what
to do if communication links are severed?
4.2 Recovery
Recovery plans should be accessible to officers on board in accordance with their responsibilities
defined in the plans. The purpose and scope of each specific plan should be defined and
understood by the officers and potential external IT personnel.
As explained in Chapter 3.1 essential information and software backup facilities should be
available to ensure recovery can take place following a cyber incident.
Recovery of essential ship or system functions related to the safe operation and navigation of
the ship may have to take place with assistance from ashore. How and where to get assistance,
for example by proceeding to a port, needs to be part of the recovery planning carried out by
the ship in cooperation with the shipowner or operator.
A better understanding of the threats facing shipping companies and the ships they
Investigating cyber incidents can be a complex and challenging task. Companies should consider
using external expert assistance to investigate such incidents as appropriate.
Protect the aim should be to develop and implement the appropriate safeguards to
ensure delivery of critical infrastructure services. The protect function supports the ability
to limit or contain the impact of a potential cyber incident. Examples of outcome
categories within this function include access control; awareness and training; data
security; information protection processes and procedures; maintenance; and protective
Detect the aim is to identify, develop and implement appropriate activities to identify
the occurrence of a cyber incident. The detect function enables timely discovery of a cyber
incident. Examples of outcome categories within this function include anomalies and
incidents; security continuous monitoring; and detection processes.
Respond the aim should be to develop and implement the processes and procedures
to detect a cyber incident. The respond function supports the ability to contain the impact
Summarised from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce. More
information can be found at:
of a potential cyber safety and security incident. Examples of outcome categories within
this include response planning, communications, analysis, mitigation, and improvements.
Recover the aim is to ensure appropriate activities are developed and implemented to
maintain resilience and to restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to
a cyber incident. The recover function supports timely recovery to normal operations to
reduce the impact of a cyber incident. Examples of outcome categories within this function
include recovery planning, improvements, and communications.
Figure 2. Adapted and reprinted courtesy of the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
U.S. Department of Commerce. Not copyrightable in the United States.
Risk management programmes offer the ability to quantify and communicate adjustments to the
cyber security framework of an organisation. Risks can be handled in different ways, including,
by mitigating the risks, transferring the risks, avoiding the risks, or accepting the risks,
depending on the potential impact to the delivery of critical services. The risk management
processes will make it possible to inform and prioritise decisions regarding cyber security. This
supports recurring risk assessments and validation of business drivers to help to select target
states for cyber security activities that reflect desired outcomes.
To manage risk, ships personnel and owners should be aware of and understand the probability
that a cyber incident will occur and the resulting impact. With this, they can determine a level
of risk which is unacceptable and should trigger action. In connection with ships, the level of risk
will be closely connected to the level of cyber security knowledge of the crew personnel on board
and their ability to navigate the ship and use the ships systems in manual mode.
Bridge systems
Radar equipment;
Engine governor;
Power management;
Gas liquefaction.
Medical records;
Passenger-facing networks
Administrative systems
Crew Wi-Fi or LAN internet access, for example where seafarers can connect their own
Summarised from NIST Special Publication 800-44 Version 2: Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers and aligned
with the recommendations given in EC 61162-460:2015: Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and
systems - Digital interfaces - Part 460: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - Ethernet interconnection - Safety and
By default, direct connections from an uncontrolled network should not be allowed. Access to
the controlled LAN from an uncontrolled LAN should be managed by registration of connections,
activation registrations and automatic deactivation after a pre-defined period. Such operations
should be kept restricted to authorised personnel only, and it should be ensured that the
operation could only take place after permission from an administrator. Direct connections
should only take place through a firewall or by activation from the controlled network side.
When bridging between uncontrolled and controlled LANs, a number of security measures should
be in place to:
Avoid malicious software. The main prevention measure is to maintain up-to-date antivirus, anti-spyware and anti-adware software together with up-to-date operating system
patch management on all computers accessing the LAN.
Prevent internet access from hybrid LAN computers. Internet should only be accessible
by computers that do not access onboard operational systems.
It is essential to monitor and manage systems in order to ensure that the IT personnel, in
conjunction with the teams in the organisation ashore and onboard the ship, are aware of the
networks status. There are network Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) available which in real
time can alert the system administrator when the network systems are attacked. They work by
inspecting the traffic on the wire and generating alerts if suspicious activities are identified.
Generally, intrusion detection is the process of monitoring the events occurring in a computer
system or network and analysing them for signs of possible cyber incidents, which are violations
or imminent threats of violation of computer-security policies, acceptable-use policies or
standard security practices19. IPSs are primarily focused on identifying possible cyber incidents,
but many may also identify reconnaissance activity, which may indicate that an attack is
imminent. In such situations, the IPS might be able to block reconnaissance and notify security
administrators, who can take action if needed to alter other security controls to prevent related
cyber incidents.
A network IDS/IPS can be a regular computer running software, an appliance-type device
running proprietary software or even a specialised card built into a switch. A firewall usually is a
device or application that enforces security policy based on specific elements (for example
source-destination addresses and ports) whereas an IPS is an enhanced device or application
that analyses the traffic itself, looking for known threats while rejecting those that do not comply
with the security policy. Host-based intrusion detection or various kinds of proactive logmonitoring software are also recommended. Sensors of the IDS/IPS should be placed logically
within the topology of the network. Unless resources for maintaining the network IDS/IPS
analysing and responding to alerts are plentiful, a few strategically placed sensors may be
When an IPS is selected, the company should make sure it complies with the latest industry best
practices and guidelines often described by authorities and organisations (for example NIST).
Some of the common detection methodologies include:
It is recommended to place a sensor on the internet-facing segment, because the public servers
are a visible target to attackers. Another sensor should be placed behind the firewall, to monitor
traffic between the internet and the internal LAN. An lDS/IPS sensor could also be placed by a
remote-access segment, for instance a dial-up server or VPN.
Annex 4 Glossary
Access control is selective limiting of the ability and means to communicate with or otherwise
interact with a system, to use system resources to handle information, to gain knowledge of the
information the system contains or to control system components and functions.
Asset management is control of any data, computer or device.
Configuration management is a practice and process of handling hardware, software and
firmware changes systematically so that a device or system maintains its integrity over time.
Cyber-attack is any type of offensive manoeuvre that targets IT and OT systems, computer
networks, and/or personal computer devices attempting to compromise, destroy or access
company and ship systems and data.
Cyber incident is an occurrence, which actually or potentially results in adverse consequences
to an onboard system, network and computer or the information that they process, store or
transmit, and which may require a response action to mitigate the consequences.
Cyber security onboard ships protects:
information and communications systems and the information contained therein from
damage, unauthorised use or modification, or exploitation; and/or
Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs), also known as Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Systems (IDPSs), are network security appliances that monitor network and/or system activities
for malicious activity.
Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited
area such as a home, ship or office building, using network media.
Malware is a generic term for a variety of malicious software which can infect computer systems
and impact on their performance.
Operational technology (OT) includes devices, sensors, software and associated networking
that monitor and control onboard systems.
Producer is the entity that manufactures the shipboard equipment and associated software.
Recovery refers to the activities after an incident to restore essential services and operations
in the short and medium term and fully restore all capabilities in the longer term.
Removable media is a collective term for all methods of storing and transferring data between
computers. This includes laptops, USB memory sticks, CDs, DVDs and diskettes.
Risk assessment is the process which collects information and assigns values to risks for
informing priorities, developing or comparing courses of action, and informing decision making.
Risk management is the process of identifying, analysing, assessing and communicating risk
and accepting, avoiding, transferring or controlling it to an acceptable level considering
associated costs and benefits of any actions taken.
Router is a device which forwards data from one network to another network, eg, from a satellite
communications network to an onboard computer network.
Service provider is a company or person who provides and performs the software maintenance.
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is the logical grouping of network nodes. A virtual LAN
allows geographically dispersed network nodes to communicate as if they were physically on the
same network.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) enables users to send and receive data across shared or public
networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network, thereby
benefiting from the functionality, security and management policies of the private network.
Virus is a hidden, self-replicating section of computer software that maliciously infects and
manipulates the operation of a computer program or system.
Wide Area Network (WAN) is a network that can cross regional, national or international
Wi-Fi is all short-range communications that use some type of electromagnetic spectrum to
send and/or receive information without wires.
CLIAs mission is to support policies and practices that foster a safe, secure, healthy and
sustainable cruise-ship environment for the more than 23 million passengers who cruise
annually, as well as promote the cruise travel experience. Members are committed to the
sustained success of the cruise industry and are comprised of the worlds most prestigious ocean,
river and speciality cruise lines; a highly trained and certified travel agent community; and other
cruise industry partners, including ports, destinations, ship developers, suppliers, business
services and travel operators.
CyberKeel focuses on providing penetration tests for maritime companies as well as guidance
and training on how to improve maritime cyber security.
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)
ICS is the principal international trade association for the shipping industry, representing
shipowners and operators in all sectors and trades.
ICS membership comprises 37 national shipowners associations in Asia, Europe and the
Americas representing over 80% of world merchant tonnage. ICS is concerned with all technical,
legal and employment affairs and policy issues that may affect international shipping.
Inmarsat sets the standard in maritime communications with the worlds most advanced
commercial global mobile satellite network. With a rich heritage spanning more than 35 years,
Inmarsat enables the maritime industry to stay connected with its highly reliable broadband
satellite network and its range of leading voice and data services.
Driving innovation in communications, Inmarsat is continually investing in new technology to
shape the future of the connected ship and build maritime communities. When it matters most,
thousands of ships depend on Inmarsat to enhance operational efficiency, promote seafarer
welfare and maximise safety at sea.
International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO)
INTERCARGO was founded in 1980, represents bulk carrier owners/operators (ships engaged in
the transport of dry-bulk commodities such as coal, grain and iron ore), and associates.
With Non-Governmental Organisation status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO),
INTERCARGOs objective is the creation of a safe, efficient and environmentally friendly dry
cargo sector.
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO)
INTERTANKO has been the voice of independent tanker owners since 1970, ensuring that the oil
that keeps the world turning is shipped safely, responsibly and competitively.
INTERTANKO is a forum where the industry meets, policies are discussed and statements are
created. It is a valuable source of first-hand information, opinions and guidance.
INTERTANKO contributes authoritatively and proactively at international, national, regional and
local levels on behalf of the tanker community.
INTERTANKO stands for safe transport, cleaner seas and free competition.
The International Union of Marine Insurance e.V. (IUMI) is a non-profit association established
for the purpose of protecting, safeguarding and advancing insurers interests in marine and all
types of transport insurance. It also provides an essential forum to discuss and exchange ideas,
information and statistics of common interest for marine underwriters and in exchange with
other marine professionals. IUMI encourages measures that reduce risk and support risk carriers.
Maersk Line
Maersk Line is the global container division and the largest operating unit of the A.P. Moller
Maersk Group, a Danish business conglomerate. It is the world's largest container shipping
company having customers through 374 offices in 116 countries. It employs approximately
7,000 seafarers and approximately 25,000 land-based people.
Maersk Line operates over 600 ships and has a capacity of 2.6 million TEU. The company was
founded in 1928.
NCC Group
NCC Group is a global cyber security specialist that provides security assessment services to the
maritime and many other industries. It has committee members at the British Standards
Institution (BSI), covering all technical aspects of maritime navigation and radio communication
equipment and systems (EPL/80 Work Group 6).
NCC Group is also a member of the Comit International Radio-Maritime (CIRM) in order to assist
the maritime industry by offering cyber security assessment services, best practice guidance
and awareness training.
Templar Executives
Templar Executives is a leading, expert and dynamic cyber security company trusted by
governments and multi-national organisations to deliver business transformation. Our unique
capability and experience optimises business outcomes through bespoke holistic cyber security
solutions encompassing culture and best practices.
Templar Executives has a background in developing cyber strategies for national governments,
FTSE100 companies and large, multinational organisations and provide cyber security
consulting, information auditing and training supplemented by unparalleled technical expertise
that is scalable through a robust and discreet expert ecosystem.
Wilh. Wilhelmsen Group
Wilh. Wilhelmsen Group (WW Group) is a global maritime industry group focusing on shipping
and integrated logistics services for cars and rolling cargo through their shareholding in Wilh.
Wilhelmsen ASA.
WW Group also occupy a leading position in the global maritime service industry through
Wilhelmsen Maritime Services. Last year they delivered products and services to 25,000 ships
and handled 70,000 port calls through the global network. Their maritime network embraces
2,200 ports in 125 countries.
Zodiac Maritime Ltd
Zodiac Maritime Ltd is an international ship management company, headquartered in London
with representative offices in Shanghai, Tokyo and Mumbai.
Zodiac Maritime Ltd specialises in the management of Very Large Ore Carriers (VLOCs),
Capesize, Panamax, Handymax and Handy size bulk carriers, container ships, crude tankers,
product tankers, chemical tankers, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tankers and pure car (Truck)