Atong English Dictionary Second Edition 26072016 PDF
Atong English Dictionary Second Edition 26072016 PDF
Atong English Dictionary Second Edition 26072016 PDF
Second Edition
Ie diksyneriaw ta tangkana phal. Ie diksyneriaw onlinemangmangsa
hanthia. Phalthang jakhalwamimangmangnasa printing khana mana.
This dictionary has been made for free online publication and distribution
and should not be sold for money. Printing of this dictionary is allowed
for personal use only.
uching ~ ukching
Table of contents
The Atong alphabet .......................................................................................... 3
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................... 5
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 6
About Atong and its Speakers .......................................................................... 7
What do we see in the dictionary? .................................................................... 7
Abbreviations for word classes and entry types .............................................. 11
Symbols used in the dictionary ....................................................................... 12
Abbreviations for semantic domains of nouns ................................................ 12
ATONG ENGLISH DICTIONARY ......................................................... 13
APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 166
Counting in Atong ............................................................................... 167
Numbers borrowed from English ......................................................... 171
Numbers borrowed from Hindi ............................................................ 171
Days of the Week ................................................................................ 172
Months of the Year .............................................................................. 172
Lexicon of Kinship Terms: Atong English ........................................ 173
Lexicon of Kinship Terms: English Atong ........................................ 176
Names of some places and rivers in Atong........................................... 177
I wish to thank all Atong speakers who have provided me with hospitality, help
and information, which made it possible for me to make this dictionary. Many
of the words and sentences in this dictionary are taken from the texts I recorded
during my stay with the Atongs on various occasions between 2004 and 2014. I
want to thank all the authors of the stories I recorded: Ms Dorina A Sangma,
Mr Todan M Sangma, Mr Ranus M Sangma, Mr Tonton M Sangma and his
parents, Mr Renjen S Marak, Mr Thangring (Rangsewa) M Sangma, Mr
Dalcheng M Sangma, Mr Miksrang J Momin, Mr Negverson M Sangma, Mr
Genda R Marak, Mr Samrat N Marak, Ms Monjilla R Sangma, Mr Johan A
Sangma, Mr Nikseng S Marak, Ms Janita M Sangma, Mr Kempai A Sangma,
Ms Jamila M Sangma, Mr, Derus R Marak, Mr Sandish M Sangma, Mr
Dilseng R Sangma, Mr Kiubirth M Sangma, Mr Cheng M Sangma, Mr
Jentibirth M Sangma, Mr Silcheng M Sangma.
When I collected the texts, they were first recorded on tape. They had to
be written down, and I could not have done that by myself. Therefore, my
special thanks go to Mr Salseng R Sangma, Mr Sandish M Sangma, Mr Ranus
M Sangma, Mr Tonton M Sangma, Mr Bitter M Sangma, Mr Inden R Sangma,
Mr Plindar R Marak, Mr Shyam R Marak and Mr Samrat N Marak for their
help in writing down and translating the stories. Their enthusiasm and devotion
are truly remarkable!
Other words and sentences in this dictionary and from notes I made while
interacting with Atong speakers and learning the language, while still other
words where intentionally added to the dictionary by a variety of speakers,
whom I all thank for their contributions. My thanks also go out to eveyone who
commented on my queries on Facebook.
Finally, I thank the Atongs for their kindness, friendship, hospitality, care
and patience while I was learning their language and culture. You have
conquered my heart and mind, and I will never forget you.
Seino van Breugel
This is the second edition of the AtongEnglish Dictionary, with just under
3800 entry words and eight appendices, which are lexicons presenting the days
of the week, months of the year, Atong numbers, as well as numbers borrowed
from English and Hindi, two lexicons of kinship terms, Atong to English and
English to Atong, and a list of some names of places and rivers in Atong. This
dictionary is in the first place for the Atongs, and in the second place for
everyone else who is interested in Atong. In this edition, the mistakes
discovered in the first edition, published in 2009 by the Tura Book Room, have
been corrected, and new words, expressions and examples have been added.
This edition is therefore bigger and better. If mistakes are discovered in this
edition, they will be corrected and a new version of the dictionary will be
uploaded online. The date of the current version is indicated on the second
page. Readers can help to make the dictionary better. If you see any mistake,
please contact me via Facebook, or write an email to me, Dr Seino van Breugel,
via the email address Please indicate precisely where
you found the mistake and suggest a correction. All suggested corrections will
be checked before any changes are made to the dictionary.
The spelling used in this dictionary is explained in the Atong Spelling
Guide and is also used in the book Atongmorot Balgaba Golpho. The Spelling
Guide, the story book and this dictionary are available online for download
without cost at the website
The grammatical terminology used in this dictionary is explained and
discussed in A Grammar of Atong, written by Seino van Breugel, which is
available for reading only at the District Library in Baghmara, the University
Library of NEHU Tura Campus, and at the Don Bosco Mission in Shallang.
See Burling, Robbins. 2003 The TibetoBurman languages of Northeastern India. In: Thurgood,
Graham and Randy J. LaPolla (eds.). The SinoTibetan languages. London, New York: Routledge.
The first noun is an action noun, which is translated as a good smell; whereas
the second noun has to do with the body of a human or animal, or with food,
and can be translated as fat (of human or animal) or grease.
Headwords can be preceded by an equal sign = or a hyphen -, which
means that they do not occur as a separate word in a sentence, but are rather
attached to some other word. For example, the headword =cha can be used in
sacha dont eat and gak can be used in reenggakok. Headwords with an
equal sign are called enclitics, while headwords with a hyphen are called
prefixes. What this means is explained in the book A Grammar of Atong. Most
of the enclitics cannot be translated with just one word in English. In these
cases, when you want to know their exact meaning, you can find it in A
Grammar of Atong. That book also has a dictionary, and when you look for an
enclitic there, it will tell you the section in the grammar where the enclitic is
discussed. Some enclitics can also be used as particles, in which case they are
still presented with an equal sign in the headword; this is because their use as
enclitic is more frequent in the recorded material.
Verbs are presented in their root form and followed by a hyphen, for
sa- v to eat
The hyphen means that the root is usually followed by another meaninful part:
a suffix or enclitic; as in sabo, sachaka, sakhuni, saak, samanok etc. The
root form is the form of the verb without any enclitics or suffixes.
Some headwords have more than one form or spelling. This can be
because different forms are used by different speakers in different villages, or
in different grammatical constructions, or simply because different forms are
variable without any limitations. Different forms or spellings of the same
headword are separated by the tilde ~, for example:
mimang ~ memang n PERS ghost, spirit of a dead person.
changkui ~ chengkui ~ chawkyi ~ chawki n ART big knife
When a word has more than one form, all forms can be found in their own
alphabetical place in the dictionary; they all have their separate entry. This
means that there is a separate entry in the dictionary that starts with the
headword memang, and three more entries that each start with one of the
other forms of changkui. This way, all different forms can be looked up
separately, no matter what form you usually use.
After the headword and the abbreviations, we find the English translation
of the headword. Sometimes, a word cannot be translated with another word in
English. In these cases, a description is given, for example:
sot n ANIM very small species of fly that comes out in the evening
and at night and cause itchiness
Sometimes, a translation needs some explanation, for example, the translation
of the headword dam ~ dym is bam! or thud! followed by the explanation
sound of something heavy hitting the ground:
dam ~ dym ideo bam! thud! the sound of something heavy hitting
the ground
In many cases, the English translation is followed by one or more
example sentences in Atong and their translation into English. The examples
sentences in Atong are always written in italics. In the example sentences
following an enclitic headword, for example =wa, the enclitic is underlined to
draw attention to its use, since it does not occur as a separate word. An example
of such an enclitic headword with an example sentence is:
=wa encl factitive Bisang reengwa? Where have you been?
We can see that after the headword, the abbreviation in italics indicates that it
is an enclitic. After that, the label of the enclitic is given; in the above example,
the label is factitive. Since this is a dictionary and not a grammar book, the
labels of enclitics are not explained; example sentences are given to illustrate
the use of the enclitic and its translations in all its different grammatical
functions. If the reader wants to know the grammatical details, please read A
Grammar of Atong, written by Seino van Breugel, which is available for
reading only at the District Library in Baghmara, the University Library of
NEHU Tura Campus, and at the Don Bosco Mission in Shallang. In that
grammar book, when you look up the enclitic headword =wa, you will see an
indication of the chapter or section in the book where the enclitic is explained
in detail, like this:
=wa encl factitive
To recapitulate, here are two examples of entries from the dictionary with
all the different parts indicated separately.
abbreviation indicating
the type of headword
dam ~ dym ideo bam! thud! the sound of something heavy hitting the ground
Ytykyimuna tokkyrengaw manaimunga hachina wuuuuuuuk dym!
takramphinoknotyi phylgym galwaan. So then, having got him in the neck,
the giant eagle fell to the ground wooooosh bam!
translation of the
example sentence
A final remark: if you cannot find a word starting with k, p or t, try if it starts
with kh, ph or th.
adjective Type 1
adjective Type 2
bound morpheme
discourse connective
event specifier
idiomatic expression
Primary-B verb
(transitive verb that can
take goal-marked clausal
interrogative word
intransitive verb
personal pronoun
phasal verb
indefinite proform
quantifier word
transitive verb
equal sign
artefacts including
materials and tools used
in their production
diseases or substances
produced by the body
QUANT quantities
SHAPE geometrical and other
forms and shapes
geographic, geological or
natural phenomena
kinship terms
time expressions
measure terms
hm ideo grunt!
hmmmm ideo sigh!
mhm procl Thats right.
-a ~ -ai evsp V towards the speaker
Nangdo hambun isang
raiaphinwachi, jykthangaw
bytaibone. Later, when you come
back here, bring your wife, OK.
Angdo hanep nangsang
reengni. Raiabo. I will
go/come to your place tomorrow.
Come. Chungkhalga sabanthai
nokchina phetaaknoro The eldest
son arrived home, it is said.
=a encl customary aspect
Kanjotano Ketketa Burae.
Ketketa Bura is skinny, it is said.
Phasgaba hahawchenga.
Umungsa hahawaimungsa
wacham tana. Umungdo marsja
somaidarangchi sawa. First, the
jungle is cut. Then, having cut the
jungle, the old rice stalks are cut.
Then, in the month of March, [the
dry wood] is burnt. Ning
songsyrekdo, ning Atongdo,
dakangdo mamyng thorom
niwami somaichido waiaw mania.
We heathens, we, the Atongs, in
the past, in a time that there were
no denominations, worshipped
aak aak ideo caw, caw! the call of
the crow
abek n ART long hollow drinking
spoon made of a dried fruit with a
hole at the top and a hole in the
side of the bulge at the bottom
used to scoop rice beer (chyw) out
Seino van Breugel, 2015
achu ambi khjyks PERS ancestors
Anga ie dakangmi achu
ambimigymynaw baletni. I am
going to tell about our ancestors of
long ago.
achu n KIN grandfather. Can also
be used by a grandson when
addressing his grandfather. This
word is also used to address an
unrelated elderly man. achu ambi
grandparents, ancestors. This word
is also used to talk about or
address an elephant when you are
in the jungle.
achuthangmaran n KIN a
grandfather and his grandchild
ade n KIN stepmother
aganggi n ANIM species of
agos n TIME August
agre ~ agrai adv too much
aguk n ANIM grasshopper (generic
term for the species)
agychi n PLANT species of tree
agynja n TIME (archaic) November
ah interj oh! Expresses surprise.
-ai ~ -a evsp V towards the speaker
Nang jykaw ning songsang
bytaibo. Take your wife to our
village. Chungkhalga sabanthai
nokchina phetaaknoro The eldest
son arrived home, it is said.
Angdo hanep nangsang
reengni. Raiabo. I will
go/come to your place tomorrow.
=ai ~ =e encl (1) contrastive topic
(2) emphatic positive illocutionary
force Magachakdo: Hai baisiga
biskut sakhawna noaidongano.
Hyt mancha nangba atong
budi nowano pherue. The dear
[said]: Come on, friend! I want to
steak the biscuits. What?! No!
Seino van Breugel, 2015
aina n ART mirror Ainachi
chaiwachi phalthangaw nuka.
When I look in the mirror I see
aiu interj wow! oh! oh no!
Expresses surprise or grief
aiy interj interjection of inquiry and
surprise: what are you doing?!
aja n KIN elder sister
ajam- vintr to yawn
ajip n ART fan
ajot n ART childrens game played
with two groups of unlimited size.
Between the two groups sits a
person called the king. Children
from both groups have to whisper
the name of a child from the other
group into the kings ear, first a
child from one group, then a child
from the other group. If two
children whisper the same name,
the king will call Ajot! and the
person whose name has been
whispered is out. The group that is
depleted first loses.
ajuju n SUPER ghost that is a
person without legs or which looks
like a monkey. It jumps from tree
to tree and has a long tongue with
which it can hit people, who then
ak- v to pluck (leaves, fruit etc. not
feathers), to pick (flowers)
=ak ~ =ok ~ =k encl perfective
aspect /change of state Nang ie
tupi bimi raak? Where did you
get that cap? Bisang reengok?
Where did [he] go? Churi
matanchak. The knife is not sharp
akai n KIN aunt: mothers elder
sister. Also used to address an
unrelated married woman older
than the speaker.
very long arms and hands with
very long nails. She will ask you
to scratch her long arm and if you
refuse, she will scratch you to
death with her long nails.
Ambi Jakbyryt n SUPER ghost
that is only a hand. It scratches the
back of someone walking in the
ambisuthyk n ANIM species of
gold-coloured metallic beetle that
flips itself back on its feet when it
lies on its back
ambithangmaran n KIN a
grandmother and her grandchild
ambret bambret n ACT childrens
ambyrai n PLANT species of tree.
The small green fruits of this tree
look like gooseberries, but are
hard and bitter. When you eat
them and then drink water, the
water tastes sweet.
amu n PLANT species of tree
=an encl focus/identifier enclitic
Magachakmi myndo tyisiwachian
miniksuru takjolarianoro. The
deers fur, when it is whet, just
gets flat-haired quickly. Hai, ang
ganang. Angan Raja. Angan
balthumni. Come on! I am here. I
am the king. I will speak on your
anai n KIN aunt: fathers sister
anaros n PLANT pineapple
-ang evsp V away, V without
holding back, V affluently
Teewdo gasamok. raina
mananchak. Phetangna dakang
walnaka. Now it has become
evening. We cant go anymore. It
will certainly be night before we
arrive. Iskyn jangaba songsang
detheng jalangok. He has run
=aro ~ =ro encl (1) declarative
enclitic (2) enclitic signalling that
the speaker will say more
Jalangaimyng kynsangdo
jangabamyng ytykyi
olrukoknoaro: angae soke
sokchak. After running away, they
spoke to each other like this, it is
said: I cant take it anymore.
Ytykyimuna phalthang kanga
baguaw awan awan dethengba
ichi dykymchi wenoknoro. So then,
he forgetfully wound his loin cloth
around his head, it is said, Im
telling you!
asa n PLANT species of tree
asakotoi n PLANT species of tree
asalchong n ANIM species of
black hairy caterpillar that lives on
jackfruit trees
asalja n TIME (archaic) June
asam n ART mortar, big heavy
hollowed log in which rice is
flattened by pounding it with an
aman. asam pan byryi four
asel n PLANT species of tree
aset- ~ asyt- v to throw away, to
dispose of, jyk aset- to divorce
Alsia rajae jyk asetai
jalangwachie songreangokno. The
lazy king divorced his wives and
travelled away, it is said. Kereng
nokkynchi asetaribo. Just throw
the bones away behind the house.
asingja ~ asyngja n TIME (archaic)
aski ~ askhui ~ askui n GEO star
asok n ART (1) type of woven
bamboo basket to keep live pigs in
to sell at the market (2) type of
fish trap that is suspended on the
edge of a waterfall
asol adv really, truly
feed his wives? thought the
people, it is said.
atakna interr why?
atha n MSRE half
athamphang n GEO the planet
athom n BODY stomach
atong interr what?
Atong n ART/PERS the Atong
language, Atong person
atongba prof something
Gethengna atongawba hynbo.
Buy something for him Seino naa
teew nang songsang reengchido
angna atongbaaw rabone. Seino,
if you now go to your country, buy
me something, OK.
atongtykyi interr how? how come?
atykyi ~ atakai interr how? Ie
alsia raja atykyi khengaidok?
Atykyian jykaw haldunna
manaidok? noai morotdyrang
chanchiphinaidoknoro. How does
this lazy king live? How does he
feed his wives? thought the
people, it is said.
atyw ~ atyyyw interj interjection of
surprise (usually pronounced long)
Atong jabekchi dywwa naa
ama? Balboto! nookno. Niwa
naa! Dywanchate mamungawba.
Phylgymsa dywwa naa ue.
Nanang garu ramtananggachi
dietdapai tanangwa nookno.
Phylgym deetdapettanangwa?!
nookno. Hoong nookno.
Atyyyyw! Ido dian thawokona,
randaido atongtykyi
thawarongnaka, mo ama?!
nookno. What have you put in the
curry, mother? Tell me! he said.
Nothing, Im telling you! I didnt
put in anything. It was an eagle
baaa interj wow! Expresses
=ba encl indefinite/additive/
contrastive topic/affirmative
Nokchi ang dyngdang muchiba,
sungmaneta anga nangna. (Aristo J
Momin) Whenever I am sitting at
home along, I think of you. Uchie
bythyiba reengok, machokba
reengok, magachakba reengok.
Then, the porcupine went and the
small deer went and the big deer
went. Nemaidongama baisiga?
Nemaidongaba. Are you well,
my friend? Im well indeed.
ba- v to be born, to give birth Sa
baak. The child is born, or [She]
gave birth to a child. Ang Sijuchi
bawa. I was born in Siju. Angaw
ama Sijuchi bawa. My mother
gave birth to me in Siju. sa bana
sa- to go into labour Ytykyimuna
jywgado noksangdo oganangarok
nookona, sa bana saarokno.
Ytykyimuna morotdo myngsaba
niokno. Ytykyimuna kynsangdo
uchian dyngdang sa baaknoSo
then, the mother was at home,
pregnant. She was going into
labour; but there was nobody
there. So then, she gave birth to
the child by herself.
ba- v to carry a child (in a cloth on
the body) Dada jojongaw
baaidonga. The older brother is
carrying his younger brother.
Nawgabaaw janawgaba okmachi
baaidok. The elder sister is
carrying her younger sister on the
front of her body.
basek n ART cloth in which to
carry a baby on the body
baaa ideo Moo! the sound a cow
baba n KIN father, daddy, dad. Can
also be used by father or mother
when they address their son. Can
also be used to talk about or
address an uncle.
babaji n PERS fortune teller
babelsi ~ babylsi n PLACE kitchen
babu n PERS child or baby (used to
call a small child or baby)
Seino van Breugel, 2015
baisakthangmaran n KIN people
who belong to the same mahari
baisiga ~ baisega n KIN friend
baiwak- v GEO land of broken-off
baibai adj2 the same Ang hanep
baibai khadi khanphinni.
Tomorrow I will wear the same
clothes again.
baidam n PERS some (people)
Ytykyisa dyngthangdyngthang
songchina hapchina jaltokna
gaakoknowa. Baidam
wathaigyrymchi muok, uawdo
wathaigythym myngok. Baidam
Rongsa thyikhalmi hawaichina
jalangok, uawdo Rongsa Hawai
myngok. Thats why they were
forced to run away to different
villages and different places, it is
said. Some stayed in
Wathaigyrym; that village is now
called Wathaigythym. Some
stayed in the plains of the river
Rongsa; that village is not called
Rongsa Hawai.
baik n ART bike
baisykyl n ART bicycle
baji n TIME oclock, hour Atong
baji teewe? Tiin baji dongok.
What time is it now? Its past
three oclock. Note that hours are
counted with numerals borrowed
from Hindi.
baju n KIN friend
bak- vtr to make barren, to weed
out all the plants, to scrape with a
spade or chopper Samsiaw
bakaidonga. She is scraping away
the weeds with a spade.
Khudalsang ha bakwa. We
weeded the land with a chopper.
bak- vtr to run after someone or
something, to catch up with Kyi
balphak- vtr to blow something
Balphakram n PLACE land of the
spirits of the dead and national
park in the South Garo Hills
balpisa n PLACE a place to piss
balsem- v to talk very long
balsyruk- v to whisper
balwa n GEO/SUBST wind, air
balwa- vs1 to blow (of the wind)
bam- v to brood, to sit on an egg
Taw kurungchi bamaidong. The
chicken is brooding in her nest.
bam- vgoal to obey, to surrender Ie
sagyrai angnado bamcha. This
child does not obey me. Arong
nokmae Duraaw Dorenggo
Wadachongaw panchi jap
khaaimu Englanmi Britis
gobormen sason kagabana
bamchano. Having tied a trap in a
tree, headman Arong did not
surrender to the reign of the
British government.
bamkhup ~ bangkhylok- v to bend
your head Ang (dykymaw)
bamkhupaidong pan thotniwana. I
am bending my head. because it
will hit the wooden beam,
ban- vintr to flow (of rivers)
Symsang tyi Nongal dolongtakai
banaidong. The water of the
Symsang river flows under Nongal
ban- vtr to trap, to catch in a trap
Jaga saakno uchie, taw pangai
banokno. They set traps and then
caught many birds, it is said.
bandaw ~ bando n ART tree house
banga num five
bangbang adv empty Ang pipuk
bangbangaidongkhua. My
baraairong. I am putting betel nuts
into the bag.
-barai evsp V always
baram- adj1 rough
baranda n PLACE veranda
barangsi n PLANT species of grass
barat n ART string that pulls the
skin of a drum tight
barat- vgoal to be ashamed, to be
shy Ie gawi nangna barataidong.
This girl is feeling shy towards
you. Nawang naa! Ang nangna
barataidong. You idiot! I am
ashamed of you.
barata n FOOD paratha, flatbread
barata phelsa one paratha
baratwami n ACT shame
bari n garden
bas n ART bus
basak- vintr to burn and cause a
rash to cause irritation or itching
Thamat ~ thamotba najekwaba
khichido basaka. If you touch the
thamat/thamot plant and the najek
bamboo they cause irritation.
Thamat basaka. Ta pyi! The
thamat plant causes irritation.
Dont touch it!
basnengthakgaba n PLACE bus
basu n ANIM crown feathers of a
-bat evsp indicates a superlative,
most, -est Uchi mutyngabae
bylakbatgabae Arong nokma
donganowa. The one who stayed
there as the leader was the
strongest, he was Arong Nokma, it
is said.
bat- vtr to stick in Kun
habykungchi batbo. Stick the
stick in the sand.
batdyl n ART slingshot
bebe adv truly
bebe raa vtr to believe Nang
memangaw beberaama ganag
noai?. Do you believe in the
existence of ghosts? Ang nangchi
bebe raa nang
khakhetdongana.I believe you
because you are an honest person.
Ang nangaw bebe racha. I dont
believe you.
bebylokmai n PLANT species of
begyri n ANIM cow fly
bejaw- vintr to experience the
sensation of being tickled Nang
angaw thebajawwa, ang bejawok.
You tickled me and I feel tickled.
bek n ART bag
bel- ~ bil- vtr to retract the
foreskin from the glans penis
Nang riaw belbo. Retract your
belcha n ART spade
benek- v to damage
bengblok n ANIM toad, species of
bera n ART a fence
beraberi ~ dengdyl n ART loosely
woven bamboo mat used as fence
of the balcony or veranda of the
beraw- adj1 to contain too much
soda (MSG), said about the taste
of food
berawri n PLANT species of tree
that can be used for firewood and
to make posts for houses. The
fruits can be used as a spinning top
bering n FOOD food cooked in a
bering-~ bereng- vtr to cook in a
bamboo tube (wasung) which is
bibasa adv wherever
bibyrokhon ~ bibakoron adv some
bichi interr where?
bichiba adv sometimes, somewhere
Ang chabiaw bichiba thagalok. I
dropped my key somewhere.
bichiba bichiba adv sometimes,
bichylap n BODY abdominal
bie interr which? where? Sam
manama. Bie same? The medicine
stinks. Which medicine? Bie
nang jongdyrange? Nang jonge
bie? nookno janggaklchi
syngokno. Where is your
younger brother? Your younger
brother, where is he? she said, it
is said.
bigaba ~ biga interr which?
Bigaaw biskut ranima? Which
biscuits shall I buy?
biji n ART injection, injection
needle biji su- to give an injection
biji phong ni two injections, two
injection needles
bijyrang- vtr to hang to dry Khadi
bijyrangbo. Hang the clothes to
bikha n MSRE surface of 80 by 80
bil- ~ bel- vtr to retract the
foreskin from the glans penis
Nang riaw belbo. Retract your
bilding n ART house built with
cement, building
bimang n BODY/ABSTR body,
bimung ~ bimyng n ABSTR name
Angmi bimung Samrat myngwa.
My name is Samrat.
boda n PERS ignoramus, dumbass
bodol- vtr to change Nang jama
bodolbo. Manamok! Change your
shirt. It stinks! Disk bodolbo. Ie
jamok. Change the CD. This one is
boiom n ART a jug boiom thai sa
one jug Getheng boiom thai
tham baiok. He broke three jugs.
boisaja n TIME (archaic) April
bokbok ~ bongbong ~ bong n
PERS liar Ta bong! You liar!
bol- v to cause irritation or itching
Thamat bola. Ta pyi! The thamat
plant causes irritation. Dont touch
boli n ACT offering to a spirit,
Songgumukan ue mongmawana
wai khurutaisa boli hynaisa
manai sathokwano. Because the
whole village prayed and offered
to the elephant tusks, they all
became very rich, it is said.
bonduk ~ bondyk ~ byndyk n
ART gun, shotgun
bongbong ~ bong ~ bokbok n
PERS liar Ta bong! You liar!
-bongbong evsp V too much, V
more than necessary, V in
abundance, V scandalously much
Nanangachido tiktikcha.
Sabongbong ryngbongbong.
Mangabaaw saphet ryngphet.
We do not meet our expenses with
our money. We are gluttons and
drunks/We always eat too much
and drink too much. Those who
are rich are self-destructive drunks
and gluttons.
bonyng n KIN brother-in-law: the
relation of a man and his younger
sisters husband or a man and his
wifes elder brother
bui- adj1 murky, turbid Tyi buia.
The water is murky/turbid.
buk- vintr to grow like a creeper or
bukalang adj2 to have holes in it
(of clothes)
bukylek n ANIM species of big
bul- vtr to dig up, to unearth, to stir
Noksamsang khudal paiaimyng,
tangkaaw bulai Thengthonna
hynetokno. Having carried a
chopper to the side of the house,
he dug up the money and gave it to
Thengthon, it is said.
buna n ANIM big black and yellow
flying insect
burbok ~ bulbok n PERS idiot
-burung sfx a group of more than
two persons
burung n/clf a bush, classifier for
bushes, or patches or clusters of
trees Palengma
burungbangabanga hawwaan
pungphek phingano. Having
cleared [an area of] five palengma
trees each, [they] filled up a
granary each. (Because the land
was so fertile they could grow
enough rice on a relatively small
area, namely a patch the size of
five palengma trees, to fill up an
entire granary with the harvest.)
busi n GEO/ART dust that is stirred
up by the wind or by human
but n SUPER spirit that leads you
but- v to squeeze in, to penetrate, to
go inside a hole Saphawba
hangkhalnyngsang butai
jalangokno. The rabbit runs away
and squeezes into a hole. Bandi
palyng butangwachi matsa
crossed and they all just drowned,
it is said.
bydyi adj2 old (for persons)
bydyi badai n PERS old couple
bydyi n PERS old man
byira n ANIM cat byira amanthong
jungle cat (the pattern on the skin
of this cat is in the shape of an
byirakhem n ANIM species of bee
byisa- ~ bysa- v to dance
byisyk interr how much? how
many? San byisyk muni? How
many days will you stay?
Nangchi rong byisyk ganang?
How much money have you got?
bykbyk ~ bakbak adv quickly
bykot- vtr to unsheathe, to take out
Galaimuna kynsangdo
phylgymaw uan rykjolaimuna
kukuri byk hotaimuna
tokkyrengaw tanthongokno. After
it had fallen to the ground, he ran
quickly to the eagle, unsheathed
his knife and cut off its neck, it is
bykphyl adj2 inside out Nang
jama/chola bykphyl. Your shirt is
inside out.
byl n ABSTR/BODY strength,
muscle Ido sagyraido hambundo
chungwachido alamyla byldo
bylnikhon. In the future that child
might really become a bit stronger.
byl chak khjyks strength
byl- vtr to cut and kill a big animal
or person, to slay
byl n ACT strike Masu tanna
bylsa nangni gethengo. To
slaughter the cow he needs one
byl- vtr to roll something into
to draw, to shock (electricity) Naa
gari bytna sapama? Do you know
how to drive (a vehicle)? Odek
ang khaw bytai thetok. The baby
pulled my hair and pulled it out.
Mai bytwamyngdo pungchina
songchina khairata. We carry the
rice harvest down to the granary,
to the village.
bytai- vtr to lead here, to bring here
(by driving)
bytchirit- vtr to draw a line
bytganggang- v to drive a vehicle
over a bumpy road
bythyi n ANIM porcupine
bythyn n GEO shade Ichi mubo.
Ichi bythyn galok. Sit here. The
shade is here. (literally: The shade
has fallen here.)
bythyw- v to block, to be blocked
Wasung/paip bythywok. The
wasung/water pipe is blocked. to
close the wasung or such
containers with raichak so that
the vapour cannot come out
bytjekjek- v to give short jerks, to
draw or write scratchily
bytjengjeng- v to pull jerkily
bytphin- v to rewind
bytphuruk- v to tear out with the
roots Getheng waaw
bytphurukwa. He tore out the
bamboo, roots and all.
bytruru- v to drag something
bytsek- vtr to take away a person,
to steal a person gawi bytsekgaba
a person who steals somebody
elses girlfriend
bytsorok- vtr to pull out
bytwa ~ bytwami ~ bytwamyng n
ACT harvest
bytwami n ACT tug-of-war
bytym n ACT a good smell
cha n FOOD tea
=cha encl no, not Udo tyihungna
sapcha. He does not know how to
swim. Anga Ketketa Bura
nogabaawan tyngkhucha. I dont
know this so-called Ketketa Bura
yet. Khasidarangdo noksamchi
simen, tota, tin pirinai hama.
Nokkhungchi? Nokkhungcha!
Noksamchi. For the wall of a
house, the Khasis mix cement,
planks and metal plates. For the
roof? Not the roof! For the
wall. Ang nangaw balchawa. I
will not tell about you. Phywra
sywaimungna garu susetchaai
dywetoknoai. Having pounded rice
powder, she added the mustard
leaves without washing them,
really! Kharekma ie?
Kharekancha, saman. Is this a
string-bean plant? Its not a
string-bean plant, its weeds.
cha n BODY leg, foot cha
kantara barefoot
chabykung n BODY instep
chachak n PLANT tea leaf
chachok n BODY sole of the foot
chachoron- ~ chochoron- vintr to
squat Hap sakancha chachoronai
mubo. Because there is not good
place to sit, squat.
chadok ~ chatok n BODY heel
chaduk- v to bump Ang nangsang
rerengwachi, ram manakaimu
panchi/panaw chadukok. When I
went to your place, because the
road was dark, I bumped into a
chadyl n BODY/PLANT root, vein
chadylmorong n PLANT main
root of a tree
chadylsaphek n PLANT small
chagang n PLANT bad rice that is
thrown away in the husking
chagyl n ACT footstep
Nokhapalchi chagyl
kyryngaidonga. Footsteps are
making noise outside.
chagywgyw- vintr to kneel down
chakereng n BODY shinbone,
chakhawak ~ chakhok n BODY
hollow side of the knee
chakhok ~ chakhawak n BODY
hollow side of the knee
chakhop ~ jakhop n ART shoe
chakok n PLACE hollow between
the roots of a tree Kynsangdo thik
ue napite phep chakoknyng .sang
galatwa. Later the barber fell
exactly into a hollow between the
roots of the banyan tree.
chakyw ~ chaku n BODY knee,
length from the knee to the foot
Uchie Thengthon khudalsang
haaw sawaidongano.
Sawaidongano, thywangaidokno,
chakyw chyigykdarangdo. Then
Thengthon is digging in the
ground with a chopper, it is said.
He is digging and he is getting
deep, it is said, about four metres
chama n PLACE lower side,
downstream, bottom, below
chachura n BODY hair on top of
the head
chagak n BODY palate
chagak- v to hit, to crash Uchi,
pherudo panchi chagakai
thyiokno. Then the fox hit a tree
and died, it is said.
chagodot- v to stumble Gandichi
chagodotwa. I stumbled over a
chai- v to look (at), to watch Tedo
biphagaba Naweng aina
chaiaimyng tangabasang
biphagaba kamyn rokaimyng aina
tanmangabaaw kynaimyng
biphagaba niwachi chaiai
chyichie phalthangaw
nukwanoaro. Now when she
picked up the mirror which her
husband had put down after
looking into it to shave his beard,
she saw herself, it is said. Angba
piktjyr chaina. I also want to see
the photos. Ang nangaw
chaikhuni. I will take revenge on
chaikhaw- v to spy (on), to peep
chaira n ACT a traditional song
chairura- vintr to look around you
chairuru- v to look around
chaisi- vtr to hate, to be annoyed by
the looks of something
chaithawa- adj1 to be beautiful
chaithum- v to guard, to watch over
chaitunggaba n PERS watchman
chak chok n khjyksai/n BODY
hand Tykywtokreng chak chok
dangchagabachi mai
rymetaidongano. She is cooking
rice in a water pot of which the
neck is so narrow that you cannot
stick your hand in it.
collecting the unburnt remains of
the jungle from the land, we sow
millet. Then we plant maize and
we plant sorrel.
chal- v to support
chalak adj2 cunning, clever Song
damsachi Thengthon mynggaba
morot myngsa ganangno. Ue
bylongen chalakno. In a village
lived a man called Thengthon, it is
said. He was very cunning, it is
said. Chalak morotaimyng udo
teewchinaan khengaidongano.
Because he is a cunning man, he is
now still alive, it is said.
chalgaba n ART a support
chamai ~ chame n KIN/PERS (1)
marriageable female cousin, (2)
the relation of female cousins from
intermarriageable families, (3) the
relation of the parents of a married
couple, (4) girlfriend, lover,
chamchia n PLANT species of tree
chame ~ chamai n KIN/PERS see
chamethangmaran ~
chamaithangmaran n KIN a
couple of marriageable crosscousins, a boy and girl who can
chanchi- vB to think (about/of) Ie
alsia raja atykyi khengaidok?
Atykyian jykaw haldunna
manaidok? noai morotdyrang
chanchiphinaidoknoro. How does
this lazy king live? How does he
feed his wives? thought the
people, it is said. Bandiaw watetna
chanchiaidokno. He thought about
sending Bandi, it is said. Jesang
ang reengchiba, mancha
nangaw awana. chanchia ang
nangawrarasa. (Aristo J Momin)
changba prof somebody, someone
changchon n BODY waist
changgaba prof whoever
Changgaba manai saa
changgaba nokdang takga, umi
bimyng gumukawan thalai
myngaimusa, wai khurutaimu,
saai ryngaimu, nemkhalchiba
nemkhalchachiba ue morotnado
dykdyksa chaisakni. Whoever is
rich, whoever is wealthy, having
called all their names clearly,
having performed the incantation
of the spirit, having eaten and
drunk, the person has to wait for a
short while to see whether or not
he has got better.
chanpat- v to build a bamboo
chanpheng- vgoal to defend Ang
hasongna chanphengni. I will
defend my country.
chaphang ~ chachakphang n
PLANT teaplant chaphang kai- to
plant a teaplant
-chap evsp V along with, V to
Nokbanthaidyrangaw sawaimung
nokbanthai dokhakhuchi
khachapai tangaba mongmawa
dorabyryi donggabaaw raai
jalangokno. Having burnt the
bachelors houses, they took the
20 KG weighing elephant tusks
which were tied to the dokhakhu
and ran away, it is said.
chap- v to stand (be in standing
chapchap adv close together (as in
a crowd)
chara n PERS mothers brothers,
the chara come together when
important decisions concerning the
family have to be made
chara n PLANT sapling
Phangnan dakang ang nukgaba
gorialdo chawsa
chawtawwachym. Ie gorialdo
khengna nanga ido. So, the
crocodile was floating down the
river, pretending to be dead. Then,
suddenly, the fox saw him.
Huh?! I have never before seen
a crocodile that floated upstream.
This crocodile has to be alive. Ie
morot tyi hungna sapchaaimu tyi
chawwa. Because this person did
not know how to swim, he
chawki ~ chawkyi ~ chengkui ~
changkui n ART big knife with a
curled blade used in the kitchen to
prepare food as well as in the field
to cut plants and weeds
chawarai- v to heat meat on a
frying pan without salt or water in
order to preserve it
cheet n ANIM species of green
chebe n ANIM species of bird
chegydek chegydek ideo call of the
chek- ~ chyk- adj1 cold Aiaw!
Angdo chykaidonga. Atakwa?
Teewmangmangsa tyiruwa
naa. Jeez, Im cold. What
did you do? I just took a bath,
chek n ART net, fishing net
chek num ten Rongchek hynbo.
Give me ten rupees Mityrchek
howwa. I jumped ten metres.
-chekchek evsp V repeatedly
Ytykimyng bengblokmyngdo
sangumuk pywdyngdyngaimyng
mongmamyng mykyranaw
sywchekchekai muokno mangni.
So then, the two of them, the
banana-sucking bird and the toad,
chengkui ~ chawki ~ chawkyi ~
changkui n ART big knife with a
curled blade used in the kitchen to
prepare food as well as in the field
to cut plants and weeds
chep- ~ chip- ~ chyp- v to be
imprisoned, to be caught
(Thengthone):Nangtym angaw
wetsado khema khakhubo. Yhy!
Khema manchak noaimyng
koksep wataimyng koksepchi
chypangokno. Please forgive me
one more time, (said Thengthon).
No! You cannot get anymore
forgiveness, they said and they
made a big bamboo basket and
imprisoned him in it, it is said.
Uchie Nepale: Ytykchido ang
reengsigama nangmyng phal?
nowano. Ma ytykchido
dongarini, ang chakdyrangaw
dengbo nooknoro. Khaakno,
Thengthonawdo. Ytykyimyng
chepgaba dengaimyng getheng
hongkhotokno. Then the Nepali
said: So then I will go instead of
you? it is said. Very well, in that
case, its all right. Untie my
hands, he said, it is said. He
untied Thengthon. So then, having
untied the prisoner, the prisoner
came out, it is said. Breketmyng
nyngchi chipgaba katha pangai
gamchatcha. The words in
brackets are not very important.
chep- ~ chyp- v to close Ue
Hadura waie songchi morot
thyinaakodo rongkhalmi nokapaw
chepchangano. Ue nokap
chepachian songgumukmi
morotdyrangan naano. As for that
spirit of Hadura, when a person
had died, the door of the cave
would suddenly close, it is said.
When that door is closed, the
people in the village hear it, it is
Seino van Breugel, 2015
chidok num sixteen
chini num twelve
chisykhu num nineteen
chisyni num seventeen
chitham num thirteen
chiakhol n PLACE a well, a source
-chichi evsp to V into pieces
thypsetthiriokno. Ytykmachiba
uba sagyraiba jumu
khathirithirioknotyi. They cut him
up into pieces and threw him away
again, it is said. But that child
joined together again and again, it
is said, to our surprise.
chichot n PLANT small inedible
chichu- v to blister
chichugaba n CORP a blister
Chidymak n PLACE Stream on the
way to Balphakram. When the
spirit of a dead person takes his
bath in that river, he forgets
everything about his life. This
stream is also called Tyihanggal or
chigi n PLANT species of plant
chigyryng n ART traditional snare
-chik ~ -chyk evsp V as long as you
can Ytykyimyng jaraw jaraw
getheng sokwa dabatdo
sakchikaidongano pheruba. So
then, for a long time, until he did
not hold out any longer, he was
holding out as long as he could, it
is said, the fox.
chikarak- v to joke
-chikchak evsp V in a crowd,
swarming Bandi nomkhalwachido
napat sywchikchakwatykyi
chikchak wekwak
taksigaaidongano utymba. When
baithongsyrangokno. Bonduk
baithongaimu kokchengba
chochepokno nemanchakno. Once
when they went a little further, the
monkey slipped and fell in the
mud and broke the gun in pieces, it
is said. The gun was broken and
the kokcheng was crumpled and
not good anymore, it is said.
chomot ~ chongmot adv/evsp
actually, really Anga Ketketa
Bura dongcha. Ketketa Bura
kanjota, anga mela chaibataw
noaimyng, pheruna Ketketa Bura
balwano. Ytykchiba pherue:
Nangan chomot Ketketa Bura
nookno. Im not Ketketa Bura.
Ketketa Bura is thin, I look much
fatter, said Ketketa Bura to the
fox, it is said. But the fox said:
You are really Ketketa Bura, it
is said.
chosa ~ choisa adv a little bit
chogop- v fully bent but not
touching the ground (used only
with plants) Rek chogopok. The
banana tree is bent.
chogyp- v to break off and fall
down (for branches and big
leaves) Balwana narykhelchak
chogypok. Because of the wind the
branch of the coconut tree has
broken off and fallen down.
choietja n TIME (archaic) March
choisa ~ chosa adv a little bit
chok clf classifier for bunches or
small heaps jaryt choksa one
small heap of chillies rasunok
choksa one bundle of spring
chok- v to scoop, serve up, dish up,
dish out, to comb khaw chok- to
comb ones hair. Mai chokbo.
Take some rice.
choklet n FOOD a sweet, chocolate
chokset- v to scoop away
chol clf classifier for ways, roads,
paths and rivers tyikhal cholni two
rivers ram choltham three roads,
paths sorok cholbyryi four roads
chol n ACT idea Nanangdo
myngsa cholawdo taknaka. We
will execute one idea.
chola n ART shirt
cholwat n PLACE a space
chom- v to stack, to pile up, to fuck
chom clf classifier for little piles of
fruit Narang chomni hynbone.
Give me two little piles of
chong clf classifier for iron nails
khil chongni two iron nails
chong n ANIM insect, bug, lice
chongkhobok n CORP white
patches, vitiligo
-chongmot ~ - chomot evsp V
determinedly, V certainly, V
definitely San nidyrang
dongphinaidok, nang noksang
nookno. It has been two days and
maybe he really does not dare to
come to your house.
chongsu n ANIM caterpillar
chongchang n ART bird cage made
of bamboo
chongchyro- v to squat
chonnyk- v to look down on, to
mock, to scorn, to insult
Ytykyimyng kynsang phalthangaw
chonnykgabaaw naaimyng alsia
rajae: Na anga ytykyi cholie
cholisemchaaidok noaimyng
teewba jykmyng jalaidokno. So
then, later, having heard the ones
that looked down on him, the lazy
If you cannot succeed in the job
that I gave to you, how can you
shoot the eagle?
chuduk- ~ chyduk- v to turn upside
down, to turn over
chugup- v to be on its side Rung
chugup paitanbo. Turn the boat on
its side. Chugupai tanwa. I put it
on its side. Rung chugupok. The
boat is lying on its side.
chugup- v to cover with a lid
chui interj interjection to chase
away a pig
chuki ~ choki n ART chair
chuli- v to be useful Tangka
poisaba, kamba janggina chulia.
Money and wealth are useful in
chultet- v to shake off
chun n BODY trump
chun n FOOD ground limestone
chung- adj1 big
chungai raicha expr I dont care
chunggalgal- v to grow up, to
become an adult Sa myngsa
baaimung, mandykarok.
Mandykasola hoong. ie
Jenkonparaba raiasyrangchak.
Welang welang
chunggalgalwasa ganakachym.
raiakhuchakhon? After one
child has been born, it is difficult.
Difficult indeed, yes. This Jenkon
and those associated with him
never come anymore. He will
almost certainly be compelled to
grow up quickly.
chungtaw- v to grow
chungthai n BODY big bosom
Samsa mylthai samsa chungthai.
One big bosom, one small bosom.
chyi- adj1 tired
chyigyk num ten
chyk- ~ chek- adj1 cold
-chyk ~ -chik evsp V as long as you
can Ytykyimyng jaraw jaraw
getheng sokwa dabatdo
sakchikaidongano pheruba. So
then, for a long time, until he did
not hold out any longer, he was
holding out as long as he could, it
is said, the fox.
chykyw num nine
=chym encl/prtcl irrealis enclitic or
particle Mura taisa ganangchym,
teew niwa. There was supposed
to be a small stool here, now its
gone. Ang taisa rajasa
lapokchym. Thyiok. I just made
one hundred [rupees] profit. I lost
the game. Ang ie khata dakangdo
tyngchachym. teewdo nemaian
tyngok. I did not know this word
before. Now I know it well.
Teewe biba song damsachie boba
myngsa ganangchymnoro. Now, in
a some village, supposedly
lives/lived a lazy king, it is said.
Abu, angdo dadaparaaw
sandiedongachym. Grandma, I am
searching in vain for my elder
brothers. Biskut dyngthang
ramachym. You could have
searched for other biscuits. Ang
nangaw bylongen nukna
sykaidongachym. ang phalthang
reengnado sykaidokchym,
ytykchiba anga sawamigymyn
reengna manchaaidonga. I really
want to see you, (but something
prevents me from doing this). I
would have liked to come myself
but because of me being ill, I am
not able to go. Hachyksang
balchido sal kolgryksa noai
myngnichym. When you say it in
chypangokno. Please forgive me
one more time, (said Thengthon).
No! You cannot get anymore
forgiveness, they said and they
made a big bamboo basket and
imprisoned him in it, it is said.
Uchie Nepale: Ytykchido ang
reengsigama nangmyng phal?
nowano. Ma ytykchido
dongarini, ang chakdyrangaw
dengbo nooknoro. Khaakno,
Thengthonawdo. Ytykyimyng
chepgaba dengaimyng getheng
hongkhotokno. Then the Nepali
said: So them I will go instead of
you? it is said. Very well, in that
case, its all right. Untie my
hands, he said, it is said. He
untied Thengthon. So then, having
untied the prisoner, the prisoner
came out, it is said. Breketmyng
nyngchi chipgaba katha pangai
gamchatcha. The words in
brackets are not very important.
chyp- ~ chip ~ chep v to imprison,
to lock up. See chep.
chyp ~ chup adv fully dressed, with
all your clothes on, wearing
whatever it is you are wearing Ang
chyp tyruok. I took a bath with all
my clothes on. Ang chup
reengariok. I just went wearing
the clothes I was wearing at that
-chyp evsp V wastefully, V
unsuccessfully, V completely,
imaginary Teew una rangsando
saniarokno. Sikharba
khachypanchakno. Ytykthyngai
somai jamchypaimuna, jyksang
sasang waiangokno. Now the sun
was setting. It was too late to hunt.
With all this stuff going on, he had
waisted his time and he returned to
his wife and children, it is said.
dythyichengai takaimu uan
memang sawetokno,
chywgynokno. Having made a
person out of sand and killed a
lizard, making a sacrifice and then
burning the ghost, they celebrated
chywgyn just like their ancestors,
it is said.
darat- v to fall down (for persons)
danang interj wow!
daba n PLANT coconut
dabat postp since, from, until
(indicating a limit in time)
Ytykchiba naa angna aro
angmyng jykna nang khengwa
dabat ang thyicha dabat angaw
muai sana hynbo nookno.
However, you have to keep
giving me and my wife food as
long as you live until I die, he
said, it is said. umyng ~ umi dabat
since that time, from that time
onward uchina dabat until then,
until that time Tainimyng dabat
nangmyngan baju takchaka. As
from today I will not be your
friend anymore.
dabogos n ART skewer
dachang ~ datchang n PLANT
species of shrub of which the
leaves and flowers are cooked and
dada n KIN elder brother. This
word is also used to speak about or
address a related older male
relative of your own generation:
cousin, or to address an unrelated
man older than you.
dagi n CORP scar
dai- v to be bigger, greater daiaiok
over, finished
manni udo uan, tangka poisa.
Uan gam mynga, dakangmi
chasongdo. Teewsa kepasyti noai
myngaidonga. Chasongna kri gam
myngariaro, tangka poisa. He will
obtain wealth, money. Earlier
generations called that wealth.
Now they call it capacity.
According to my generation this
money is called wealth.
dakang postp ago, before Bylsi
sana dakang jyk khymok
gethengdo. He got married one
year ago. Nangtymmi
nanggabaaw nangtymmi
piaidongabaaw, nangna
dakangan phetangok, nangna
dakangan udo reengsawok. That
which you needed, that which you
were asking for, had arrived before
you and it has certainly left before
you. Sana dakang chaksua.
Before eating I wash my hands.
dakanggaba adj1 first Uchi
thymaimyng, dakanggaba bobaan
dirichengokno. Then, having lain
in ambush, the first crazy person
got hold of (the horses tail) first,
it is said.
dakanggaba adv first, the first time
Dakanggabado jineral
mitingchengni. Umungsa song
gumuk thomaimung haba haryn
harynaw sowalni. First they will
start with a general meeting. Then
the whole village comes together
and they will divide the haba plot
by plot. Dakanggaba Turachi
muwachi Mobbinaw gorongwa.
The first time I stayed in Tura I
met Mobbin.
daket tak- v to rob Teewrawraw
morot nemchabatsyranggaba. Ie
chasongan nemchabatsyranggaba.
Morot tanchiba patok tancha.
dam clf classifier for villages Song
damsachi alsia raja myngsa
ganangchym. In a certain village
there was supposedly a lazy king.
-dam evsp V truly, really Khurutna
sapgaba morotawsa
songgumukchiba songchi
pangramaria. Udo pangaido
sapdamcha. Myngsa myngni
ytykyi sapa. There are just so
many people in the village who
know how to perform an
incantation. Many of them really
dont have the skill. Only one or
know how to do it.
dam n ABSTR price Ie masugari
dame biskyn? What is the price of
this bullock cart?
dam n ART bamboo mat
dama n art drum Raja! Nang
damaw chosa ie ang baisigathang
pheru tamnano noai
takaidongano. Ytykyimyng
kantaraaw Tambono
tambono noai tanangarioknoe
magachakdo. Ytykyimyng tamai
chaichie tedo byirakhem
hongkhotruruaimu kaksyrangokno
pheruawdo. Nomangaidokno udo.
Ytykyimyng jalangthiriokno
magachakdo. O King, can my
friend the fox play a bit on your
drum? he pretended to say, it is
said. Go ahead and play, go
ahead and play! the deer
pretended that the king said, it is
said. So then, when he tried to
play it, the bees all came out and
bit the fox all over, it is said. The
fox became weak, it is said. So
then the deer ran away again, it is
-damdam evsp V in different
places, V one after the other, V
flies entered his mouth. Noksang
byk dangjolai jalangoknoai. He
quickly ran into the house. Uchie
pagongmachi sa gataimu uchie
gethengdo.Ytykyimu tyinyngsang
dangangokno Then, having put
the children on his shoulders, he
went in, it is said. So then he
entered the water, it is said. Ma
baba, atykyimu walawa? nookno
amakaw, amakmi sadyrange.
Niwa. Ue nang awangpara
nokchi dangphakawa naa"
noatakokno. But daddy, why are
you so late? It is already night,
the monkeys children said.
Dont worry. I visited your
uncle he said, it is said.
Reenwachian rangsan dangaimu
walokno. When he left, after the
sun had set, it was night, it is said.
dang- vphase to enter into a mental
state, to start Anga nangaw
nukjyryngaria uchian anga
nangaw nukjyryngwachian
nangna khagalwa dangok. I just
saw you every day, then, when I
saw you every day, I started loving
dangkhym- ~ dangthym- v to
collapse (of a road or bridge), to
go into a hole
danyl n ART shield
dap- ~ dep- v to be on top, to press,
keep together by force, pinch
together, to pinch, to crush, to
-dap evsp V on top, V more, V and
add, also, as well Nanang garu
ramtananggachi phylgym
dietdapai tanangwa. An eagle
shat on the mustard leaves that we
had left outside to dry Ue
myngtham myngbyryigaba
pidapokno. Ytykyimung
bytangdapaimyng, tedo
myngseneawan. Ytykyimung
pherudo ue myngsenegabaan,
myngsene sagyraiaw, kakai
saakno pherudo. He asked for
three or four more children. So
then, having led them away as
well, there were seven of them. So
then, the fox ate all seven of them,
he ate all the seven children, it is
said, the fox.
dapet adv insipid, not tasty Jabek
dapet dapet takaidong. The curry
is not tasty.
darai n ART sword
darang ~ dyrang n PERS people,
=darang ~ =dyrang encl (1) plural
(2) an approximate amount or time
Ytykyimu sadarangba panganoa.
So then, there were many children,
it is said. Maiawdo pangai sacha
phorenmi morotdyrangdo. They
dont eat a lot of rice, foreign
people. Ang ie maidyrangaw
sachawa. I will not eat all that
rice. Imi
kilomityrkolgykdyrangtykyi rang
niwa.About twenty kilometre
from here, there is no rain. Angdo
maja 13 tarikchi chaphang phang
99 ang nok rygynchi kaiok. Te'ew
phang 150-darang sakkhunichym.
A few days ago, on the 13th, I
planted 99 tea plants behind my
house. Now I might fit another
150 or so more. Umungdo marsja
somaidarangchi sawa. So then,
around the time of the month of
March, we burn the land.
darangba prof anybody, anyone,
nobody, no one Ang songchi
darangba Atong khuchuk olna
mancha. In my country there is
nobody to talk Atong with.
dareng n PLACE edge
dari- v to commit adultery, to have
sex, to be a bad person, to behave
daw- v to open, to peel Kelkhi
dawai tanaimu, dawkha nokmi
ruti sakhawokno. Because
somebody had left the window
open, a crow had stolen bread
from the house, it is said. Nokhap
dawbo! Open the door!
Khopphylak dawarok. Shes
peeling the skin of a fruit. Narykel
dawaidong. Hes peeling an
orange. Tawti dawbo. Peel the
egg. Khasinai chypangsa dawang
takaidonga. She is slowly closing
and opening her eyes. (Gostar R
daw- n ANIM bird. This is the
bound form of the word taw
chicken, bird that appears in
names of birds.
dawblok n ANIM bulbul bird
dawbudok n ANIM species of bird
dawchegydek n ANIM species of
dawgamdot n ANIM eagle
dawgep n ANIM duck
dawkha n ANIM black crow
dawkharasun n PLANT crow
onion, species of onion
dawkruhasym n ANIM green
dawkumai n PLANT species of
dawkyru n ANIM pigeon
dawmaitak n PLANT species of
dawphaw ~ dopho n ANIM owl
dawphylgym n ANIM eagle
Seino van Breugel, 2015
used as fence of the balcony or
veranda of a house
dengga n PLANT species of small
leafy green
denggu n ACT extortion,
dep- ~ -dap- v to be on top, to
press, keep together by force,
pinch together, to pinch, to crush,
to stack
di n CORP shit
dibut n ANIM dung beetle
dichongkhamai n BODY cloaca
dichongkhanthyi n BODY
pygostyle. The pygostyle is the
main component of the structure
colloquially known as Popes
nose, parsons nose or sultans
nose. This is the fleshy
protuberance visible at the
posterior end of a bird (most
commonly a chicken or turkey)
that has been dressed for cooking.
dichyrak- v to have diarrhoea
diit- ~ deet- ~ diet v to shit, to do
number two Udo deetna
reengwa. He went for a shit.
diitset- ~ dietset ~ deetset- v to
pick your nose Nakhung
dietsetaronga. He is picking his
dikhal n BODY/PLACE arse,
anus, bottom
dikyntyk n PLACE toilet
dimai n BODY tail
diphathai n BODY buttock
dipyru- v to have diarrhoea
dipyryw- v to shit your pants
disep n BODY arse crack
disepra n BODY arse crack
dithap n ART diaper Jywgaba
sagaraiaw dithap
disko n PLACE disco
distrik n PLACE district
disu- v to piss, to pass urine, to do
number one, to urinate
disudap- v to piss on top of
disutyi n CORP piss, urine
disutyitup n BODY urine bladder
=do ~ =odo encl Topic enclitic
Nang sabo. Angdo sachawa.
You eat. I will not eat. Turasang
reengchido angna tupi rabone. If
you go to Tura, buy me a hat. Hap
pidan ramna manokodo jytnaka?
After you have found a new place,
youll immediately move?
dode n ANIM peacock
dodenjok n GEO Big Dipper( star
sign), Ursa Major (constellation)
dodokhichong n PLANT species
of plant
dokhakhu n ART carved,
ornamented and colourfully
painted king post of the bachelors
house above the entrance in
between the tie beam (bylbang)
and the peak of the roof
dopho~ dawphaw n ANIM owl
doba n SUBST mud
doi- v to catch
doi- v to hold, to grasp
doi- v to scoop into a receptacle
dojanggre n ART a ladder with
only one axis
dok- v to take off (clothes), to
unplug, to take apart, to
disassemble, to unblock
dok- v to weave
dokhan n PLACE shop
dokra n ART bag
doksylok- v to be detached
dol n CORP wrinkles
nokbanthai dokhakhuchi
khachapai tangaba mongmawa
dorabyryi donggabaaw raai
jalangokno. Having burnt the
bachelors houses, they ran away
taking the four dora (20 kg)
weighing elephant tusks which
were tied to the king post of the
bachelors house, it is said.
dorai n PLANT species of
dorma ~ dolma n ART salary
dosi n ACT blame Acha, naa
angmyng goreaw dosi hynok
nowano rangramyng rajado. So,
you blame my horse, said the
king of the sky, it is said.
dot clf classifier for cylindrical
objects like candles and bananas
and logs (but not for batteries) wa
dotsa one culm of bamboo kendel
dotsa one candle pan dotsa one
drakha n PLANT grape
dram n ART drum, barrel
-duga sfx excessive suffix, V too
much, too V
duk n ABSTR sorrow, sadness
dukhup- ~ dykhyp- vtr to dress
someone, to put clothes on
someone else
dukung n PLANT species of plant
dukung- vtr to dam, to make
circular a wall of stones in the
water in the river to trap fish.
Baisigathangmaran tyi
dukungokno. Nado
ramramanchakno. The friends
dammed the water. There was
plenty of fish.
dum- v to gather, to swarm
Hajambutungchi umyng
khuchuksang sotamai dumna
dangthokokno. When he was
Seino van Breugel, 2015
dykhyp- ~ dukhup- vtr to dress
someone, to put clothes on
someone else
dykyl n PERS cannibal
dykyl n PERS Khasi person
dykym n BODY/PLACE head,
upside, top dykym sa- to have
dykymphak n PLACE side where
the head is, space above the head
Dokra dykymphakchi syithaiwa.
The bag hangs above your head.
dykyret- ~ dykyryi- vtr to threaten
dykyryng- v to make noise on
dyl- ~ del- v to sting (of a bee etc.)
dyl n PLANT root, vine
dyl- v to lead Songmongaw
dylgabae Dilbangkongdang
Umangchalmang mutynwano.The
leaders of Songmong were
Dibangkongdang and
Umangchalmang, it is said.
dylang ~ delang n ART little house
for the spirit of a dead person built
close to the house where the dead
person is burnt to keep his remains
and ashes. The spirit of the
deceased will live in this little
house until it is burnt in the
ceremony called memang saweta
about one year after his death and
the spirit will go to Balphakram.
dylgaba n PERS leader
Songmongaw dylgabae
Umangchalmang mutynwano.
Songgadalaw dylgabae
Rangkhaimadopha mutynwano.
The leaders of Songmong village
were Dibangkongdang and
Umangchalmang, it is said. The
The car flattened the toad, so the
toad was flat.
dypyw hasaw n ANIM species of
small snake
dypyw n ANIM snake
dypywkaram n ANIM species of
black snake
dypywkheng n ANIM species of
green snake
dypywnokma n ANIM anaconda
dypywpoda n ANIM cobra
dyra- v to rape
dyrang ~ darang n PERS people,
=dyrang ~ =darang encl (1) plural
(2) an approximate amount or time
Ytykyimu sadarangba panganoa.
So then, there were many children,
it is said. Maiawdo pangai sacha
phorenmi morotdyrangdo. They
dont eat a lot of rice, foreign
people. Ang ie maidyrangaw
sachawa. I will not eat all that
rice. Imi
kilomityrkolgykdyrangtykyi rang
niwa. About twenty kilometre
from here, there is no rain.
Umungdo marsja somaidarangchi
sawa. So then, around the time of
the month of March, we burn the
dyri- ~ diri- v to hold
dythyi- vtr to kill (only used for
dytyi n KIN uncle: fathers elder
dytyithangmaran n KIN my dytyi
and his younger brothers child
dyw- v to add
=e ~ =ai encl (1) contrastive topic
(2) emphatic positive
illocutionary-force Magachakdo:
Hai baisiga biskut sakhawna
noaidongano. Hyt mancha
nangba atong budi nowano
pherue. The dear [said]: Come
on, friend! I want to steak the
biscuits. What?! No! What are
you thinking?! [said] the fox.
Nangtymdo phylgymaw
nukchawakhonai! You might not
see the eagle at all!
echaluk n ANIM snail
edres n PLACE address
edisyn n ART edition
egyro n PLANT species of tree
ek- v to separate Pheruna hyncha
sawana amak, pherudo jalokno.
Baju ekokno. Ytykyimuna
kynsangdo amakdo
dyngdanganok. Because the
monkey gave nothing to the fox,
the fox ran away, it is said. The
friends separated. So then, later
the monkey was alone, it is said.
elmoni n SUBST aluminium
elong n ANIM species of fish
Endia ~ India n PLACE India
-eng sfx suffix to make a numeral
into a fracture, -(e)th, e.g.
kolgykeng one twentieth.
Kolgykeng chyigykeng jesykyn
ganang phalchido sotbongaba
chynaria, kamalnado. A twentieth,
a tenth, however much the revenue
of the sale, even fifty [percentage],
you just offer it to the priest
engkal ~ ingkal n ART
engsyri n ART bamboo strip that
runs on top of the bamboo floor of
a house and has warap as its
counterpart underneath the floor to
keep the bamboo strips that make
up the floor in place
epril n TIME April
epyl n PLANT apple
era n ANIM species of fish
eskrup n ART hinge
-et sfx causative suffix, on transitive
verbs this suffix indicates that the
action is manipulated, more
intense or emphasises that the
Patient argument is affected
FOOD sperm, semen, juice (of meat
and fruit)
ga- adj1 good, nice morot gagaba
a good person. Naange bichi
sanaka, biskute? Acha
nanange iawe hyiawchi tyi
gagabachi tyrywai sana
baisiga noaidongano. Where
shall we eat then, the biscuits?
Well, well eat them over there,
at that nice river while we take a
bath, he said, it is said.
Dymchyrangsangsa chywgyn
ryngaisa nanangdo gachawa.
Celebrating chywgyn only with
srting instruments is not good
enough for us.
ga- v to trample, to trod mai ga- to
thresh rice
gaak- vsec to be compelled to, to
be forced to Mongma wa
niwamian manai sachak,
khanggal dongok. Ytykyimu
hapsan nukhung rajasa muchido
manai sana nengok. Ytykyisa
dyngthangdyngthang songchina
hapchina jalthokna gaakok.
Because the elephant tusks were
gapyret- v to stamp to death, to
crush with your foot
gapyryw- v to stamp through
something, to pierce by stamping
Thikthak saphaw butangga
rongkhalawan haiba mongmaba
gapyrywmanoknote. The
elephant stamped exactly through
the hole where the rabbit had
squeezed in, it is said.
gareret- v to tread on, to step on
gasu- adj1 splendid, cool, terrific
gasylek- v to sprain ones foot
gasyrot- v to slip and fall Wetsa
reengrawrawwachian dobachi
amakba gasorotaimu bunduk
baithongsyrangokno. Once when
they went a little further, the
monkey slipped and fell in the
mud and the gun broke in pieces, it
is said.
gatha n PERS idiot
gathymbylong v to make a hole in
a road or bridge by stamping
Getheng dolongchi
gathymbylongok. He made a hole
in the bridge by stamping on it.
gathyng v to kick
=gaba ~ =ga encl attributive/
derelational Thawgaba symgaba
phangnan sarongchagaba jilami
bostudyrangaw raai hynaimung
khasin khasin gumukawan
palyngchi jalgabadyrangaw
jumuphynetaaknowa. Having
brought and given tasty, sweet
things from the district which are
usually never eaten, they were
slowly able to get their husbands
back, who had run away into the
jungle, it is said. Nok ang mugaba
gurumok. The house in which I
gakgu- v to nod your head
gakji n PLANT lemon
gal n ACT pride, arrogance
Phalthang khuchuk dumgaba
sotmaiaw hongkhotna
manchaaimyng thygabaaw gal
takokno. He took pride in the flies
which had gathered in his own
mouth and had died not being able
to come out.
gal n CORP scar
gal- vintr to fall down Kynsangdo
raiwachie napitdo mongma
matsana nekarawrawna
kyrethyngaimyng phepmyng
galsyrangokno napitdo. Later,
when (the animals) were coming,
he feared the tigers, the elephants,
the ones that were continuously
coming closer, so much, he fell out
of the banyan tree, it is said, the
galruru- v scatter all over the
place, to fall through Bostu
galruruaimu rum serabera takok.
Because things are scattered all
over the place, the room is a mess.
Dokra pyrywaimu tangka bisyl
galruruok. Because my pocket
had a hole in it, the coins fell
through it.
galat- v to fall Tyikhal patwachi
rong rimylaimu
gasokhokaimuna, kokcheng
galatokno, saphawba galatokno.
When they were crossing the river,
because the stones were slippery,
the kokcheng fell and the rabbit
fell too, it is said.
galcha- v to boast
galdai n PLANT star fruit,
carambola, averrhoa carambola
galjak ~ kaljak n ANIM catfish
galon n ART/MSRE jerry can
Tanka nichiba ganangchiba ang
nangaw nemnuka. Whether you
have money or not, I like you. Ie
songchi nok kolachitsa ganang.
There are thirty one houses in this
village. Song damsachi alsia raja
myngsa ganangchym. In a village
supposedly lived a lazy king.
gandal n ART big beam that forms
the base of the house and rests on
the rongthai
gandalak n ANIM species of frog
which says gagagagaga
gandi n PLANT a log
gandurian n BODY umbilical cord
gandyrui n BODY bellybutton,
navel gandyrui goikorok six
gang- v to be erect, to have an
erection, to have a hard on, Nang
ri gangama? Do you have an
erection?/Do you have a hard on?
-ganggang evsp bouncily, bumpily,
going up and down in a bouncing
way. Ram thymbylong, ytykyimyng
gari bytganggangwa. The road is
ful of potholes, so the car was
ganggawa n ANIM mosquito
gangma n CORP pimple
gangphu- v to swell, to blow up
(like a chapatti on the fire)
gangthai n BODY fin (of fish)
ganthai n ANIM small brown
insect that makes a loud whistling
gantheng n PLANT stalk
gantirengreng n ANIM species of
beetle that makes a very loud and
high pitched sound
gapsan ~ hapsan adj2 the same,
garamak n ART soot
gawasu n BODY rib gawasu
tyntham three ribs
gawi n PERS female, girl
gawigaba n PERS wife
gawsu n BODY rib
getheng ~ detheng ppron he/she,
third person singular pronoun
referring to animates
gethengtheng ~ dethengtheng
ppron they, third person plural
pronoun referring to animates
gebeng n ABSTR width, breadth
geer n ART gear
gegydek n PLANT species of plant
gekgek ideo the call of the hornbill
geng clf classifier for long
vegetables rasunok gengsa one
spring onion
genji n ART tank top genji
khung/jora ni two tank tops
gepgep ideo quack quack! the call
of a duck
ges ~ kes n ART strut: beam that
runs, as the long side of a
rectangular triangle, between the
manjuri and the gandal in the
structure of a house
gesep ~ gysep ~ gisep n PLACE
space, interval. See gysep.
getphul ~ lekhaphul n PLANT
giching ~ gyching See gyching.
ginggang adj2 having, with
gisep ~ gysep ~ gesep n PLACE
space, interval. See gysep.
gisep gisep ~ gysep gysep adv from
time to time Nanage song
janrukok. Umi gymyn bichiba
gisep gisep chiti saietrukarinaka.
Our countries are very far from
each other. Therefore we will
golphook. Golpho khawachie
walangaidok. Then, they talked
and talked. While they were
talking, night was falling. Taisa
anga wensado uaw golpho
khaak. I have just talked about
that. Boba myngsagabachi myng
abun bobachi teewdo bobarara
myngni golpho kharukokno. The
first crazy person to the other
crazy person, now, among crazy
persons, the two of them gossiped
to each other, it is said.
gom n PLANT wheat
gom- v to bend gomga(ba) leech
gomagundai n PLANT species of
thick banana
gompara ~ gompyra n ANIM
species of large, poisonous, black
gomynda n PLANT pumpkin
gomynthyri n PLANT species of
gondu n ANIM rhinoceros, rhino
gong- v to be willing, to agree,
Atakaronga? nookno
mongmado. "Niwa. Muariaronga
ytykyian" nookno amake.
Atongba sakhawarongkhonne
nangdo nookno. Sakhawcha
naa. Niwa naa, gongwanasa
balwa sakai muarong
noatakokno amakba. What are
you doing? said the elephant?
Nothing. Im just sitting here like
this, said the monkey. Maybe
you are stealing something! said
[the elephant] Im not stealing!
Theres nothing going on. Im just
sitting here enjoying the wind
because I want to, said the
monkey. Ha ambi ang chakaw
khenetkhu nowano. Gongchak
angdo sa jywtynnaka tedo.
Nangna myia khenetokte
Seino van Breugel, 2015
-gorop evsp V with a whole group,
V together Uchie jyrym tymaimyng
rawokno, jinmatykyi
pyigoropokno. Then the people of
the village, having quietly lain in
ambush, caught Thengthon, they
grasped him all together, it is said.
gorothop n PLANT species of
small leafy green
gorweng ~ wengwang n ANIM
species of cricket that makes the
noise of a screaming baby or a
woman being murdered
grem clf gram, gr.
gremyr n ART/ABSTR grammar
guchung n ART ladder
guduk- v to wiggle, to be unstable,
to wobble, to move (unstably)
guduk tak- almost [verb] Nalam
gudukwachie teewdo tyi
thangpytpytaimyng jyksaiaiawan
Nawengawmu Kumiribaawma
khamoknowa. When the nalam
(species of fish) wiggled, water
splashed on the married couple
Naweng and Kumiri and burned
them, it is said. Rong gudukaimu
galatok. Because the stone moved,
I fell. Aia! Udo magachakdo
khorate noaimyng rykoknowa.
Tharapna guduk takwachiba
tarakai jalariano magachake.
Hey, this deer is lame! he said
and chased after it, it is said. When
he almost caught up with the deer,
it run away fast, it is said, the deer.
gugyreng n ANIM species of
gugyreng sa n ANIM species of
bright-green grasshopper
gukchepchep n ANIM grasshopper
gukmadym n ANIM grasshopper
gul- ~ jul- v to walk through the
jungle with difficulty.
gusylak n CORP abrasion ang
randai gusylakok I got an
guthini ~ guthyni n ART spear,
bamboo spear which is part of an
elephant trap, walking stick
guthum ~ gythym ~ gythum n
ART village
guwang ~ gawang n ANIM spider
gycheng n PLACE side, near
Jyksaian phonggychengchian
muaidonga. The married couple
are sitting near the cooking place.
gyching ~ giching adj2 aslant,
slant, diagonal, at an angle,
gyching ~ giching n
PLACE/ABSTR vicinity, angle,
gychingching mu- v to be tilted, to
make an angle
gyl- adj1 strong Usang, songga
Manggagremi banthaidarangba
Gyrynggyrang, Saljapang,
Aragundi, Motbanda,
Asyngduraparaba gumukan
raiathokaidongano. Chakphong
gylgabasano, kara
alamylachagabasano. They are all
coming to there, the young man
from the strange village of
Manggare: Rakarelwakmadare,
Gyrynggyrang, Saljapang,
Aragundi, Motbanda,
Asyngduraparaba, they are all
coming, it is said. They are men
with strong arms and tight veins
all over, it is said, they are not
ordinary men, it is said.
gyl- v to collect, to gather
takariokno. When I talk about
Bandi, what can I say? He had no
clothes; he wore a loincloth tied
together with sixteen knots. On his
head swarmed the lice, his ass
crack was full of shit, his belly
looked like a bird cage, it is said.
Panga bylsidarang reengok umi
gesepchian thyikhal goisachian
rongkhal khalsa ganangchym. Ue
rongkhalaw Durakhal
myngwachym. Many years ago, in
a river, there was a cave, but not
anymore, it is said. That cave was
supposedly called Durakhal.
gysep gysep ~ gisep gisep adv from
time to time Nanage song
janrukok. Umi gymyn bichiba
gisep gisep chiti saietrukarinaka.
Our countries are very far from
each other. Therefore we will
sometimes write each other letters
from time to time.
gythym ~ guthum ~ gythum n
ART village
gythyng ~ githyng ~ githing ~
githyng adj2 unripe, uncooked,
ha interj hey! interjection to get
someones attention . Hyiawe ram
thongsachi bydyi goronokno.
Bydyi gorongwachi: Ha!
achudyrang, nangtyme bisang?
nooknote. After a while, they met
an old man on the road. When they
met the old man, he said: Hey
grandsons, where are you going?
ha haw- v to cut/clear the land to
make a haba Phasgaba
hahawchenga. Umungsa ha
hawaimungsa wacham tana.
First we clear the jungle. Then,
hachepchep n ANIM grasshopper
Hachyk n PERS/ACT Garo
(person and language)
hadawak n PLACE lower side of a
hill, low ground
hagun n PLACE old plot of land in
a haba Baidamdo
hawangmangaba hagun
harynthangthangaw kanga. Some
people occupy their old already
cut plot, their own parcel which is
already used completely.
hagyrsak ~ hagylsak interj
interjection of astonishment Naa
sagyrai mylthengtheng
bisangreengaidong naa bunduk
pairama takaimu? nookno.
Myla hagylsakno sagyraido.
Naa bisang reengaidong naa
sagyrai mylthengtheng? You
child which is still very much too
small, where are you going
carrying that gun in your hand?
he said. Good Lord, that child is
small! Where are you going, you
child who is still much too small?
hagyrsak ~ hagylsak n
ABSTR/PLACE everything, all,
the world, the earth Mekalaia
wabatsyranggaba. Meghalaya is
the rainiest place on earth.
ha haw- vpan to clear the land
Phasgaba hahawchenga.
Umungdo marsja somaidarangchi
sawa. First, the land is cleared.
Then, around the month of March,
the land is burnt.
hajagyra n ACT the first weeding
of the haba. Mai
kaimanwamungsa hajagara
kama. Hajagara kamaisa
kamaimung kynsange jakun kama.
Jakun kamaimungsa nobembyl,
Seino van Breugel, 2015
his bond as member of the wife's
father's mahari.
ha khyn- vpan to collect the
remaining cinders after burning
the field to make it ready for
agriculture. Umungdo marsja
somaidarangchi sawa. Sawaisa
hakhamchido khynna nangcha.
Hakhamchachido ha khynchenga. Ha khynmanwamungsa
maisi khita. Then, around the
month of March, the land is burnt.
If it is burnt and everything burns,
it is not necessary to collect any
remaining cinders. If not
everything is burnt, the remaining
cinders are collected first. Only
after collecting the cinders, millet
is sown.
hakhyng n PLACE land that
belongs to a rich peron or nokma.
hamai n ANIM species of white
hamang n SUBST soil, earth, clay
hamangkyrang n ANIM scorpion
hamangrong adj2 brown
hamat adv troublesome
hapal n PLACE outside
haphal n PLACE field
harongrong n PLACE lower side
of a hill, low ground
Harongrongsang wylangbo. Go
down to a lower part of the hill.
haryn n parcel (of land), plot (of
land) Songgumuk thomaimyng
haba haryn harynaw sowalni.
The whole village gathers and will
divide the haba parcel by parcel.
haryn n PLACE plot of land,
parcel Songgumuk thomaimyng
haba haryn harynaw sowalni.
The whole village gathers and will
divide the haba parcel by parcel.
tanangwa nookno. The giant
eagle did this, oh you! In the dried
mustard, in our dried mustard, he
left a big shit, she said, it is said.
Ytykyi phetaaimungna haiokno,
nokchina janggalan: Bie nang
jongdyrange? Nang jonge bie?
nookno janggalchi syngokno. So
when they had arrived, it was
like, at home, all of them:
Where is your younger brother?
Your younger brother, where is
he? she said, it is said.
Uchiansega haiokno, pheru
nuksegaakno sawamiaw. Then in
turn, this thing happened, the fox
spotted some food, it is said.
Rymai sawachie, amakdo pan
gakhatna manano. Khusumdo
haiokno. Khusumdo gakhatna
manchano. Having cooked and
eaten it, the monkey is able to
climb into a tree, it is said. As for
the turtle, he did whatever, it is
said. The turtle cannot climb trees,
it is said.
haida procl I dont know.
hajal ~ hajar num thousand hajalsa
one thousand.
hajam- v to yawn
hajira n ART daily wages
hal- v to feed muthai hal- to
hala kha- v to wake someone up,
to disturb someone
haldun- v to feed, to maintain Ie
alsia raja atykyi khengaidok?
Atykyian jykaw haldunna
manaidok? noai morotdyrang
chanchiphinaidoknoro. How does
this lazy king live? How does he
feed his wives? thought the
people, it is said.
halsia ~ alsia n PERS lazy person
hangkyn n ANIM species of ant
that lives inside dead wood and
eats it
hangkyn raja n ANIM species of
hanthi- v to divide, to share Umi
gesepchian gamaw hanthiokno
wagabae. In the meantime the
father had divided his fortune, it is
said. Songgumuk thomaimyng
haba haryn harynaw hanthini.
The whole village gathers and will
divide the haba parcel by parcel.
Je haryn nigababado uan
hanthirukai hawa. As for those
whoever does not have a plot,
those mutually share and clear the
land. Angdo dyngthangmancha
nang khagalchido nangmi
gamaw angna hathiphabo. If you
love me especially, divide your
wealth for me.
hap n GEO place Umigymynsa ie
hapawe Badri Rongdyng Hawai
noanowa, aro rangawba mykha
badri myngwanowa. Thats why
this place is called Badri
Rongdyng Hawai, it is said, and
the rain is also called mykha
Badri, it is said.
hap n QUANT half
haphu- v to blow
hapjyt- v to move house
happen n ART short pants, shorts
hapsan ~ gapsan adj2 the same,
together Ang nangmi/nangmyng
hapsan chunga. I am as big as
hat- v to fuck Teraka
krismassomaichi ue gawiaw
babylsichi nokwengchi hatok
angdo. Last year at Christmas I
fucked that girl on the floor in the
hogol n snoring Juwchenwachi
nang hogol rawa. For the first
part that you were asleep you
hojokjok- v to jump up and down
hok- v to call loudly
holdiasop n CORP jaundice, yellow
Holen n PERS/PLACE Holland,
Dutch Holenmorot Dutchman /
hongkhot- v to come out, to exit, to
ejaculate, to cum Ytykyimyng
amak gawigaba biphagabaaw
kynaw thup, thup tokaidonganoa.
Uchian amakmu disa chat chat
hongkhotaidongano. So then, the
monkeys wife beats her
husbands back tok, tok. Then the
monkeys shit comes out squirt!
squirt! it is said.
hopat- v to jump like taking a step,
i.e. with your legs apart, not with
both legs together
hot- v to extract
huhu interj Hello? Is someone
huraw n ANIM gibbon, Hylobates
huk- v to sweep together
huksetgaba ~ huksetga n ART
hung- v to swim
hup- v to suck
husyring n ANIM rabbit
hy interj no
hyiawchi dem over there, yonder
hyiawe ~ hyiaw- dem that over
there, very far, very remote
hyits ~ hys ~ hyis ~ tyis ~ tys ~ yis
interj Ugh! What the?!
Expresses disapproval or
hyn- v to give When the recipient
is marked with the goal enclitic
=na the object given was meant to
become the possession of that
recipient. Tangkaaw Samratna
hynbo. Give the money to
Samrat. Angna tangka ratja
banga hynetbo. Give me five
hundred rupees. When the
recipient is marked by the locative,
the recipient is a temporary keeper
of the object given, i.e. the
locative-marked recipient will give
the object to someone else later.
Tangkaaw Samratchi hynbo.
Give the money to Samrat (so that
he can give it to someone else).
This locative construction in
Atong is functionally equivalent to
the Thai construction using the
word in:
ie ~ i- dem this, proximal
ileksyn n ACT election
ilektrisiti n ART electricity
In the negative this verb can mean
to seize, to capture. Ramchi
hampyi nanangdo watchaka
gethengawdo, sala! Gethengaw
watkhuna sootthelarinaka noai
khumongangokno. This evening
we will certainly get rid of him on
the road, the bastard! We will kill
him after all to get rid of him once
more, they conspired freely, it is
inchi clf the width of the upper joint
of the thumb, i.e. the joint under
the nail
India n GEO India
inggeech n ACT engagement
Inggeech khaak. I am engaged to
be married.
Inggylan n PLACE England
Inggylis ~ Inglis n English
(language or person)
ingkal ~ engkal n ART
insuren n ACT insurance
isor ~ isol n ABSTR God
isykyn ~ iskyn dem so much, so
many, such, this much, this many
Anga iskyn gamaw hanthietok.
Iskyn jangaba songsang detheng
jalangok. I gave him such wealth.
He ran away to such a far country.
Kynsangdo bean bebe iskyn san
iskyn somai thik khaaknoaro.
Later, truly, they agreed to meet
on such and such a day and time.
itha ~ ita n ART brick itha thut sa
one brick
itihas n ART history
ja interj interjection to chase a cow
ja sa- v to wake up, to get up, to get
out of bed
jaryt n PLANT chilli pepper
jarytbok n PLANT species of
jaboldam n ART garbage heap
jabyra n PERS fool, crazy person
jada n PERS stupid person, idiot
jadu n ACT magic
jagat- v the fact that your soul
leaves your body and temporarily
enters an animal
jagybeng ~ jagebeng n ART beams
that form the supporting structure
of the floor of a house and on top
of which the bamboo floor can be
jagydok n BODY/ABSTR biceps,
strength Ido sagyraido hambundo
chungwachido alamyla byldo
bylnikhon, jagydokdo
jagydoknikhon. In the future that
child might really become a bit
stronger, it might really get
jagyra n PLACE right, right hand,
right hand side
jagyryng n ACT shadow cast by a
jagysi n PLACE left, left hand, left
hand side
jahas n ART ship
jai- v to scold someone
jai- v to oppose, to refuse Unasa
Ketketa Burae pheruna jaisakna
chol mancha
chomotaimyng:Acha, ytykchido
anga ang nokkhuthaisa anga
dykdyksa chaigamaimyng kepai
mukhuna noaimyng
tholthiriokno, pheruna Ketketa
Burae. Because Ketketa Bura
could really not come up with an
idea to oppose the fox, he said:
Ok, in that case I will quickly
Tharapna guduk takwachiba
tarakai jalariano magachake.
When [the Bengal] almost reaches
[it], [it] just runs away, it is said,
the deer.
jaljeng n ART cupboard
jalphakang- v to run from one side
to the other
jam- vphase to complete, to finish
Sawa jamkhucha. I have not
finished eating yet. Rang
nemchengama nanang chyw
jamchenga noai rangmu chyw
ryngsusai chyichie, range san chi
byri wawano. Will our liquor
finish first or will the rain stop
first? they said and while they
were trying to compete with the
rain in drinking, the rain fell for
fourteen days, it is said. Gasamchi
rymai sawa jamchagabaaw
Nawengpara Kumiriparae
sawaimyng garan bawai
tanoknokhon. The food that they
didnt finish in the evening, having
fried it, they might have dried it
above the fire, it is said. Ang
amaparami nokchi randai sana
jamcha. At my mothers house,
there is always meat to eat. ja
jamangwasang at the end of the
jama n ART shirt
jamang- v to set (of the sun)
Rangsan jamanga. The sun sets.
jambu n PLANT species of tree
jamkhamwa n ABSTR the last one
jamura n PLANT pomelo
jan- adj1 far Haba janrukwaan
nukruketchawa. The rice fields are
very far apart from each other, you
will not see each other.
jang- adj1 quick
tiger caught the scent of the human
and walked in circles around the
lazy person, it is said. What does
the tiger want? he thought. He
was very afraid, it is said. Im as
good as dead! Then: My life is
already gone.
janggi thyi- vpan to die Dethengmi
janggi thyimanok. He has already
janira n ART mirror
janti n ART filter for rice beer
(chyw). Woven cylindrical filter
made of reed that stands in the jug
(gora) to form a permeable
membrane between the fermented
rice on the outside of the filter and
the alcoholic water inside the
filter. Water is poured onto the
fermented rice and the alcoholic
liquid is collected inside the filter
and scooped out with an abek.
januari n TIME January
jap n ART trap to drive away
enemies. A pile of rocks is stacked
on a hill behind a plank. The plank
is tied to a tree. When the enemy
comes, the rocks are released, roll
down and crush the enemy.
jap- v to pile up
japang n PLANT tree trunk
japrukruk adv one on top of the
other, in a pile
jarambong n GEO full moon
jarang- vintr to shine
jari- v to be startled
jaria n ART influence, pathway (cf.
Hindi /zariy/ pathway),
jasa- v to wake up, to get up, to get
out of bed
jaseng- v to shine
jasyri n ACT the experience that
you see yourself in a different
jetja n TIME (archaic) May
jineral miting n ACT general
meeting Dakanggabado jineral
mitingchengni. Umungsa song
gumuk thomaimung haba haryn
harynaw sowalni. First they will
start with a general meeting. Then
the whole village comes together
and they will divide the haba plot
by plot.
jingjong- adj1 wiggly, unstable
jingkha ~ jingka ~ sawel ~ sawyl n
PLANT species of vegetable
jingonget- v to shake
jinma n QUANT group, herd
Bajudyranggumukan jinmami
palyngsang sikhal khana
reengwa. All the friends went to
the jungle in a group to hunt.
mongmajinma a herd of elephants
jit- ~ jyt- v to move Rongawan
jitna jamchano. He could not
move the rock, it is said. Hap
pidan rama manokodo jytnaka?
When you have found a new
place, youll immediately move?
jitymryma vtr to roll something
(for the purpose of transporting it)
joba n PLANT Chinese rose
joi- v to drag, to catch (by dragging
a net through the water)
jojong n KIN younger brother. This
word is also used to talk about or
address a related younger male of
your own generation: cousin, to
address a young male unrelated
person younger than the speaker.
jok- v to escape, to be freed, to
come out, to leak out, to jump
because something startled you
Atakna reengwa. Balchachido
tokni, madame. Jora chaiwa.
Sala! mylteng teeuan jora
chaina, roalan jokkhucha! Why
hole under the banyan tree, it is
jol n GEO area
jol- v to roll up
joljol adv quickly
-joljol evsp V quickly
Jalangjoljolaribo! Just run
jolpi n ART bamboo fish trap
jom- v to sneak, to sneak up on
jomphol n ART hoist, crow bar, pry
jong n KIN younger brother. This
word is also used to address a
younger male cousin or an
unrelated man younger than the
jonggi n ART type of fish trap that
has an opening on the op with long
spikes pointing inwards
jongkuri n younger brother
Dykhimi jongkuriawba
bylawmangmangdo chaianchyini
noaimyng, ramchi
jywpengsawaidongano. Dykhis
younger brother is all strength, I
will test him, (the tiger) said and
it was sleeping and blocking the
way while waiting, it is said.
Maybe this word should be spelled
jongsyri n KIN brother-in-law:
spouses younger brother
jonja n PERS twin
jonong- ~ jorong- v to dissolve
Chini tyichi jorongok. The sugar
has dissolved in the water.
jora clf classifier for things that
occur in pairs sendel jorasa one
pair of sandals muthai jorasa one
pair of breasts mykren jorasa one
pair of eyes
toad took a small stick and jacked
up the stone, it is said.
julai n TIME July
jumang ~ jywmang n ACT dream
Atong jumang nukwa? What did
you dream? / What dream did you
see? Taija walchi jywwachi
jywmangsang banggirigaba
nukwa. Last night at night when I
was sleeping, I saw an earthquake
in my dream.
jumu- v to collect
jun n TIME June
jut- v to encourage Getheng angaw
sakhawkhalna jutwa. He
encouraged me to steal.
juta n ART shoe Teew reenggaba
gawi, longpen kanai juta hilaw
The girl who just went by wearing
trousers and shoes with high
heels (Wilseng S Marak)
jyk n KIN spouse
jykjak- v to be noisy, to make noise
jykmong ~ jykmongma n PERS
first wife of a man who has two
jyknyi n PERS widow, widower
jykrat- v to accuse of adultery
jykri ~ jykyryi n PERS widow,
jyksai n PERS husband and wife,
married couple
jyktyi n PERS second wife of a
man who is already married
jykyryi ~ jykri n PERS widow,
jyngjang adj2 dense
jyryk- v to have a nutty taste
-jyryng evsp V daily, V all the time
Gethenge alu kobi habijabi ytykyi
samchakdarangmynggymyn bagan
takwano. Ytykyi phangnan
gethenge uaw
Seino van Breugel, 2015
chairokjyryngariano, tyi
tytjyryngariano.He made a garden
with potatoes, cabbage and all
sorts of vegetables, it is said. So he
took care of them every day and
watered them every day, it is said.
jyryng jyryng adv always
jyryngnam adv always
jyryp adv quietly jyryp mubo sit
jyrypet- v to shut somebody up, to
make someone be quiet
jyt- ~ jit- v to move Rongawan
jitna jamchano. He could not
move the rock, it is said.
jyw- v to lie down (both the
movement and the position), to
jyw ~ jywgaba n KIN mother
jyw n ART a flattened bamboo
used to make mats jywsa one
flattened bamboo damdyl khawsa
one jyw of a damdyl
jywburung n KIN a group of
mothers and daughters
jyw wa n PERS parents
jywbydyi n PERS old woman,
woman with children
jywbythyn- v to lay on your belly
jywgebeng- v to lay on your side
jywkapkap- v to lay on your belly
jywkarang- v to lay on your back
jywmong ~ jywmorong n PERS
the eldest of a group of sisters
jywmrong solkari ~ jywmyrong
sorkar n PERS central
jywpara n PERS mothers house,
mothers household
jywri ~ jywryi n PERS child who
lost his mother
jywdap- v to lie on
jywmang ~ jumang n ACT dream
Atong jywmang nukwa? What did
you dream? / What dream did you
see? Taija walchi jywwachi
jywmangsang banggirigaba
nukwa. Last night at night when I
was sleeping, I saw an earthquake
in my dream.
=k ~ =ak ~ =ok encl perfective
aspect /change of state Churi
matanchak. The knife is not sharp
anymore. Nang ie tupi bimi
raak? Where did you get that
cap? Bisang reengok? Where did
she go?
=ka ~ =naka encl imperious future
or certain future Cha rynaimyng,
mai saaimyng, rainaka. After
drinking tea and eating rice, we
will go. .Aia dugaphinok
baisiga! Angaw thogiwado.
Tainido tanchomotchaka anga
gethengaw kakai sanakanookno
pherue. Its too much, friend!
You have betrayed me. Today, I
will certainly not spare him. I will
certainly bite and eat him.
ka- adj1 bitter
kadymbai n BODY chin
kamyn n BODY beard
karan- ~ kharan- v to be thirsty
for Tyiba karanok baisiga
angdo. Ang tyi chosa ryngna. I
am thirsty for water, my friend. I
want to drink a little water.
kasyrak- v to drink from the bottle
(i.e. without using a glass) Tyi
kasyrakai ryngbo. Drink the
water from the bottle!
kawak- v to open your mouth, to
have your mouth open Dada,
kakhirok n ANIM head lice, pubic
lice, crabs
kakmyn n BODY antenna (of
insect), feeler
kakpyret- v to crush by biting
kal n ART horn (traditional
kaltek ~ kalthek n AMIM species
of big red ant
kala n PERS deaf person
kalai n ART loin cloth
kaljak ~ galjak n ANIM catfish
kalthek n ANIM species of big red
kaltyk n PERS person who never
kam ~ gam n ACT work, wealth,
riches Kam khana harataidong
angdo. Im reluctant to work. Kam
niwa. Worthless. hawai kamai
sagaba someone who works hard
and struggles to survive. Gam
manni udo uan, tangka poisa.
Uan gam mynga, dakangmi
chasongdo. Teewsa kepasyti noai
myngaidonga. Chasongna kri gam
myngariaro, tangka poisa. He will
obtain wealth, money. Earlier
generations called that gam.
Now they call it capacity.
According to my generation this
money is called gam.
kam- v to clear the field, to cut the
jungle to make a field, to tear out
kam- v to suffer a penalty
Sakhawgabaaw jurimana kamna
nangni. Thieves have to suffer a
kamal n PERS priest
kan- v to wear Teew reenggaba
gawi, longpen kanai juta
hilaw(Wilseng S Marak). The girl
karan n PLANT seed, kernel, fruit
karang n BODY wing
karat ~ karat n ANIM squirrel
karaw n ACT debt, obligation,
trouble Nangdo uaw takchido
karaw mannine. If you do that,
youll be in trouble. Nangaw ang
karaw balni nang angmi bostu
sakhawchido. Ill tell you what
your debt will be if you steal my
things. Gawi bytsyrukai
jalangchido gawimi maharidarang
karaw balni. If you secretly run
away with a girl, her family will
tell you your obligations.
karen n ART electricity San
thamok karen niwa. It has been
three days [and/that] there is no
karydyl n PLANT species of liana
(hanging root). It is believed that
at night, when you fall asleep
under a karydyl, it will change into
Ambi Chakkhen.
kata ~ khata ~ katha ~ khatha n
ACT word kata ~ khata ~ katha ~
khatha jywkhynwa to tell long
epic stories during the festival of
chywgyn, one story usually takes
one night or longer to tell. kata ~
khata ~ katha ~ khatha jyksai
coordinate compound that consists
of two synonyms
katha n ART shallow bamboo
katija n TIME (archaic) October
katua ~ khatua n ANIM turtle,
kaw n PLANT type of fruit
kaw- v to shoot
kawwarai n BODY gill
kawbipha n PLANT species of tree
kep n PLACE cave (from English
kepleplep ~ kepreprep adv
stretched out on your belly
Ytykyimyng teedo amak
gethengdo rong pelang
sylgabachi kepleplep bamai
hyntakkonoa. So then, now the
monkey, as for him, he willingly
lay down stretched out on his belly
on a flat stone, it is said.
kereng n BODY bone
kes ~ ges n ART strut: beam that
runs, as the long side of a
rectangular triangle, between the
manjuri and the gandal in the
structure of a house
keset ~ kheset n ART cassette, tape
kesi ~ kensi n ART scissors
ket- v to be tight Jama keta. The
shirt is tight.
kewa n pineapple
kewal ~ khewal n ART a peddle,
oar khewal phong sa one oar
kha- v to tie Nokbanthai
dokhakhuchi khachapai tangaba
mongmawa dorabyryi dongabaaw
raiai jalangokno. They took the
elephant tusks weighing twenty
kilos which were kept tied to the
dokhakhu of the bachelors house
and ran away, it is said. Angawdo
gorechi chaaw nemen khabone
nookno. As for me, tie my legs
well to the horse, he said it is
kha- adj1 to be salty
kha ideo caw! the call of a black
kha interj interjection to threaten
somebody and to warn that you
might fight, war cry, Beware!
Beware for X! This interjection
precedes a clan name and in some
Seino van Breugel, 2015
khadong v to hope
khagal- vgoal to love Ang nangna
khagala. I love you.
khapak- vgoal to miss Ang songna
khapaka. I miss my village.
khapet- v to be angry with Ang
bajuaw khapetaidong. I am angry
with my friend.
khaphak n BODY chest
kharan- ~ karan- v to be thirsty
for Tyiba karanok baisiga
angdo. Ang tyi chosa ryngna. I
am thirsty for water, my friend. I
want to drink a little water.
kharek n PLANT yard long bean,
yardlong bean, also known as the
long-podded cowpea, asparagus
bean, snake bean, or Chinese long
bean. The subspecies name is
kharekrek- v to vomit, to barf
kharongthai n BODY chicken
khasi- v to not like and ignore
gorongrukokno gorongaimyngdo
tedo, khasirukarokno. They met
each other and having met, they
did not like each other and ignored
each other, it is said.
khasin adj2 slowly
khasin-kadym adj2 khjys slow
Uaw badaiangwachian bean bebe
darairaragabasang dolong
khagabachina phetangoknowa,
Badido. Dykhimi balgabatykyi
khasin kadymai reengcha.
Jaljoljolangaidongano. When he
crosses beyond that point, truly
Bandi arrives at a bridge made
entirely out of swords, it is said.
As Dykhi had said, he does not go
slowly. He is running quickly, it is
basket that is carried on the back
but that has a strap that is put
around the head) Ytykyimyng tedo
gethengthengdo na khynaimyng
baisigathangmaran rukpekba
tangsa, amakba tang sa
khaiaknowa. So then, now, as for
them, having collected the fish, the
frog and the monkey carried one
basket each, it is said.
khaithyi- v to hang oneself Ie
nokchi morot phalthangaw
khaithyiwa. In this house
somebody has hanged herself.
khakhudyl n PLANT species of
khal clf classifier for orifices, holes
and caves hangkhal khalni two
caves nakhungkhalni two nostrils
khal n PLACE hole khalsene seven
-khal sfx intensifier suffix used in
comparative and superlative
constructions, more than, -er as in
bigger, larger and greener, most, est as in biggest, largest, greenest
Mamyngawan nangchawa raja
naa angna nangmyng gore jalna
rakkhalgabaaw hynetaribo
nookno. I dont need anything, o
king, you just give your fastest
running horse, he said, it is said.
Gore jalna rakbebeokno.
Khasinkhalai jalkhalna noaimyng
gadukdukchiba rakkhalai
rakkhalai jalariokno. The horse
ran really quickly, it is said.
Having told it to run slower,
whenever he prodded it with his
legs, it just ran faster and faster, it
is said.
-khal evsp event specifying suffix
used on the non-finite verb in
certain types of causative
imperative clauses. Ang nonoaw
(Facebook message from D.S.M. Sangma 5
June2010.) Nang photodarangaw
one night or longer to tell. kata ~
khata ~ katha ~ khatha jyksai
coordinate compound that consists
of two synonyms
khatchi n ART sickle
khatdep- v to wrap, to wrap up, to
chatom clf classifier for bagsful
rasunok khatomsa one bagful of
spring onions
khatua ~ katua n ANIM turtle,
-khaw evsp V secretly, V
surreptitiously Arong nokma
chaikhawwachi Arong nokmami
mukhangaw khiemu thyiokno.
When headman Arong looked
surreptitiously, having hit Arongs
face, he died, it is said.
khaw n BODY hair (of the head)
khaw clf classifier for teeth,
planks, sheets of corrugated iron
for roofs and flattened bamboos
used to make mats (jyw) when
they are in a mat, damdyl khawsa
one jyw of a damdyl, wa khawni
two teeth, two tusks (of elephant),
tota khawtham tree planks, tin
khawbyryi four sheets of
corrugated iron
khaw- v to catch water in the
palms of your hands Paipmi tyi
getheng khawaimu ryngok. He
caught the water from the pipe in
his hands and drank it.
khawakwak- v to vomit, to barf
khawcharyng n BODY sideburn
khawchi ~ khawkhai ~ khawkhi n
CORP grey hair
khawchyryng n BODY scalpel hair
khawdam- v to put down
khawkham n ART pillow
khawkhirok n CORP dandruff
-khep evsp V firmly Rawkhepbo!
Hold it firmly!
khep- v to cry
khep- v to pinch, to cut with
scissors Rongkhalchi khonokaimu
khen chak khepok. When I felt
under the stone, a river crab
pinched my hand.
khep- v to wicker a bamboo mat
khereng- v to resist, to struggle, to
make a great effort Ta wat! Ta
wat! noaimyng bawensene
bawenaimyng thopangaidongano,
tungangaidongano. Bandi
kherengwachido tawsagyrai
watwa watwatykyi dymbyra
dymbyra takangaidongano. Dont
let him get away! Dont let him
get away! they said, and they
ganged up on him in seven circles,
it is said. When Bandi resisted, the
crowd broke up and they scattered
like chicks, it is said. Matsa
thangaaidonga Bandiba. Bandi
kherengwachido wachubyryi
wawa wawa thangasigaaidoknote.
When the tiger struggled, it threw
Bandi four bamboo lenthgs away.
When Bandi struggled, he threw
the tiger four bamboo lengths
khet v to be stuck
khet- v to tie the cloth in which you
carry a baby (basek)
khewal ~ kewal n ART a peddle,
oar khewal phong sa one oar
khi- v to count
khi- v to hit (a target), to touch
Myngsa them! Khawoknotyi.
Khianchano. One person shot,
pow! He did not hit it, it is said.
khomchuk- v to bend over
=khon encl/prtcl speculative
modality enclitic or particle
Rangsan rangbyrymaidonga,
wainikhon. The sun is blocked by
clouds, it might rain. Nang ama
nygylsang reengwama?
Hoong, khon. Did your
mother go to the market? Yes,
khonchi n CORP leprosy khonchi
manok ~ khonchi saak to have
khong- v to bark
khonok- v to search by feeling Ichi
rongkhalchi khen ganangthel
mangsa mangnido,
ganangthelnaba ganang. Hai,
nang usang khonokbo ang isang
khonoknaka. Here in these holes
under the stones there are crabs for
sure. Lets go, you feel and search
over there and I will feel and
search over here.
khophynga n ART cloth for
women worn on the head with a
knot at the back of the head
khopja n ART hinge
khoppalak ~ khoppylak n
PLANT/ANIM (1) the husky skin
of an onion, garlic, corn etc. (2)
skin or peel of fruit (3) eggshell
khorat n ART a saw
khori n ART watch
khorop- v to break (only used for
bamboo) wa khoropok the
bamboo is broken.
khorot n ART a saw
khoryndachong n ANIM silkworm
khosylak n CORP abrasion
=khu encl (1) incompletive aspect
(2) polite imparative Angdo
sawamigymyn teewrawrawdo
reengna mankhuchaaidonga. I
cannot yet go go school because of
my illness. Saakma sakhucha?
Have you eaten already or not yet?
Saaidongkhua. Im still eating.
Mai sakhubo! Eat more rice!
Baba, angna tangka ratjani
hynkhu. Dad, please giev me two
hundred rupees.
khrukhru ideo roo-koo! the call of
a pigeon
khubisi- v to hate, to dislike
khucheng- v to bite your teeth
firmly together Ytykyimyng
pherudo rypangthiriokno.
Phalthang sokwa dabatdo
tyinyngchi rongchi pyiaimyng
wa khuchengphinai
sakchikaidokno. So then the fox
soaked in the water again, it is
said. Until he could not hold out
any longer, he sat under water as
long as he could bear it, holding
on to a stone and biting his teeth
firmly together, it is said.
khuchi- v to dislike Mongma ranai
sana ang khuchia. I dont like to
eat elephant meat.
khuchit n CORP harelip
khuchuk n BODY/ART mouth,
khuchul n BODY lip
khuhamgaba n ART grammar
khuma n PERS dumb person,
someone who cannot speak
khumong- v to conspire Ramchi
hampyi nanangdo watchaka
gethengawdo, sala! Gethengaw
watkhuna sootthelarinaka noai
khumongangokno. This evening
we will seize him on the road, the
bastard! We will kill him after all
to banish him once more, they
conspired freely, it is said.
khurang n CORP voice
khurasak- v to promise. Rongdyng
maharimu Jaksongram
matsanokphandaimi matsamu
takrukaisa Rongdyng
maharidyrange dokra Habeng
khungsa ripan patsai sympak
khungsa hynnaka noyi
khurasakokno. Because the
Rongdyng family fought with the
tigers from the bachelors house of
Jaksongram, the Rongdyng
families promised to give one
Habeng bag, one womans dress
and one sleeping mat, it is said.
khusak- v to answer, to reply, to
khusep n BODY corner of the
khusum ~ kusum n ANIM
khusylip ~ khusylyp- v to whistle
khusymang n BODY facial hair,
beard, moustache
khuthikhuthyraiga(ba) n
khuthym- v to kiss
khutip- v to close your mouth
Hongkhotphinna manchaaimyng
khuthipwachie sotmai mangsene
mansymokno. Not being able to
come out again, when he closed
his mouth, he swallowed the seven
flies, it is said.
khutyi ~ khuti n CORP spit,
spittle, saliva khutyi thandapai
bala to speak with a lot of spittle
khutyisot- v to spit
khuchia n ANIM species of fish
khuchina n ANIM eel
khudal ~ kudal ~ wakhu n ART
hoe, chopper
khutai n top (of a house)
khyi- adj1 sour
khym- v to marry Ue alsia rajae
jykba myngni khymanoro. That
lazy king married two wives, it is
khymbal n PLANT species of tree
khymgaba n PERS spouse
khymkhalymphong n PLANT
species of tree
khyn- v to pick up, to gather, to
collect, Tyipaichi sukyrung khynok
ningdo. We have gathered river
snails in the Tyipai river. Sawaisa
hakhamchido khynna nangcha.
Hakhamchachido hakhynchenga,
hakhynmanwamungsa maisi
khita. After burning the jungle, if
the land is completely burnt, it is
not necessary to collect the
remaining unburnt jungle material.
If the land is not burnt, we collect
the unburnt jungle material from
the land first, only after collecting
it, we sow millet.
-khyngkhyng adv still, continuing
Ue habyriawe teewchina
khyngkhyng Atong khuchuksang
Matsa Chawkyi Asetram
myngwano. We call that mountain
up till now still Matsa Chawkyi
Asetram in the Atong language, it
is said. Angdo teewrawrawdo
isykynmi dukna khyngkhyngdo
nemai muphaaidonga. I am still
well despite my continuing
khyntyri n ART (1) the wooden
beam running over the top of the
roof of a house, comparable to a
ridge board. (2) purlin (other
speakers call purlins wakhaw)
-khynyng evsp to V into pieces Ang
randaiaw dadakkhynyngok. I
kok n ART basket
kokalang n PERS a bold person
kokbal n ART enormous basket
made of bamboo and used to store
rice and vegetables in the kitchen.
kokcheng n ART type of basket
made of bamboo carried on the
back with a strap around the head,
smaller than a koktang
kokdam ~ koktang n ART big
basket made of bamboo used to
carry goods and worn on the back
with a strap from the head.
Kokdam is said in Badri, koktang
in Siju
koke n ANIM species of large
gecko that lives in trees
kokpylak n PLANT chaff
koksep n big woven bamboo cage
used to keep chicken in when they
are sold on the market
koksi ~ khugyri n ART small
basket made of bamboo and reed.
koksi is the Sijyw word; khugyri is
said in Badri.
koktang ~ kokdam n ART big
basket made of bamboo used to
carry goods and worn on the back
with a strap from the head.
Kokdam is said in Badri, koktang
in Siju.
Kol India n PLACE Coal India
kol n ACT telephone call Kol
khabo! Call her/him/them!
kolachi ~ kolechyi num thirty
kolachita n PLANT Momordica
charantia, bitter gourd, bitter
kolani n PLACE colony
kom- v to feel like a loser Angdo
barataimyng komok. Me, being
ashamed, I felt like a loser.
kombol n ART blanket
krimichong n ANIM parasitic
worm that lives in the bowels
krismas n TIME Christmas
kristan ~ kristen n PERS Christian
krrrrr ideo the sound of someone
smoking viciously
krymkraw adv together, in unison,
in co-operation
kusum ~ khusum n ANIM
kudal ~ khudal ~ wakhu n ART
hoe, chopper
kukuri n ART dagger, type of knife
with a blade with an obtuse angle
used to survive in the jungle
kulal ~ kular ~ kural ~ kurar n
ART axe
kuli- v to open
kulthuk ~ kyltyk n PLANT species
of tree that has red hairy beans as
fruits. When you eat the seeds of
the beans you get sleepy.
kuma n PLANT species of tree
kun- adj1 curly
kun clf classifier for stick-like
things nokwek kunbanga five
kun n ART a stick
kung- vintr to be dammed up, to be
enclosed by a dam or circle of
kural ~ kular ~ kulal ~ kurar n
ART axe
kutuuukutukutuk interj
interjection to call a dog
kyi n ANIM dog
kyiwa n BODY canine teeth
kyimang n ANIM fruit fly
kyiryp ~ khirip n PLANT species
of edible plant of which the leaves
are mashed and dried and then
cooked to a pulp
phetdangok. This child arrived
last. Somai kynphaak. It was
already late.
kynphak- v to sleep in. Rang
wawamigymyn manapchi
kynphakwa. Because of the rain I
slept in this morning.
kynsang dtw later afterwards,
Kynsangdo jywchangna
nangokno. Uchie jywchangna
nangwachie matsa
gorongtatoknotyi, maikapchi
jywwachi. Kynsangdo matsado
morotsyn manaimyng raiwilokno
alsia rajado. Later he had to stay
the night somewhere, it is said.
Then, when he needed to stay the
night, he met a tiger when he was
sleeping on the hay, it is said.
Later, after the tiger had smelled
the scent of a human, it walked in
circles, it is said, around the lazy
kynsang n PLACE behind
nokapmyng kynsang behind the
kynsang postp Ytykyimyng walchi
raiaphyinokno. Raiaphinaisa
beanbebe phalthangmyng nokaw
gethengdo masu dimyng
phirinaimyng ue sona
bichamchymaw nok ryphiokno.
Nok ryphiwamyng kynsangdo
teew getheng nokawan alaga
morotdyrangdo tengchypchypai
nukariokno. So then he came back
at night, it is said. Having come
back, having mixed it with cow
dung, he plastered his house with
the golden flakes, it is said. After
plastering his house now, other
people saw how his house was
shiny, it is said. Rang
nemchengama nanang chyw
jamchenga noai rangmu chyw
said, it is said. Then Bil said:
Why? it is said. So then in turn,
the ones that came to ask were
kyryk- v to be clear, transparent
-kyrym evsp to V in a group Taw
dangkyrymangok, tawnokchi.
The chickens have all entered their
kyrymkyraw adv united, together,
in cooperation
kyryng- adj1 tight Usang, songga
Manggagremi banthaidarangba
Gyrynggyrang, Saljapang,
Aragundi, Motbanda,
Asyngduraparaba gumukan
raiathokaidongano. Chakphong
gylgabasano, kara
alamylachagabasano. They are all
coming to there, the young man
from the strange village of
Manggare: Rakarelwakmadare,
Gyrynggyrang, Saljapang,
Aragundi, Motbanda,
Asyngduraparaba, they are all
coming, it is said. They are men
with strong arms and tight veins
all over, it is said, they are not
ordinary men, it is said.
kyryng- v to make noise, to make a
kyrynggaba n ACT sound, noise
kyryngwa n ACT sound, noise
kyryw n ART thin strip of bamboo
used to make rope, bamboo rope
kyrywkeng n ANIM parasitic
worm that lives in the flesh of
animals and humans. It is believed
that when a kyrywkeng is crossing
the road, and a pragnant woman
laha n SUBST resin
lain clf classifier for a collection of
objects lined up on shelves
laisak n PLANT cabbage
laisen n ART licence
lait n GEO/ART light
laklak- v to prod in an orifice or
hole for pleasure, to nag
-langlang evsp very saklanglang
very red
lap n ACT profit, interest, gain,
value Hagylsakaw chol takai
chyichiba nangaw khymaido
angdo mamyng lap niokte. When
you try all sorts of small jobs, it
will not benefit me to be married
to you.
lap- v to gain, to make profit, to be
profitable Ang taisa rajasa
lapokchym, thyiok. I just made a
hundred rupees profit but I lost the
game. Atakgaba raja naa angna
gore lapchagabaaw watetwa
nookno. What kind of king are
you to send me a worthless
horse? he said, it is said.
lapan n PLANT pan/paan leaf
lapchagaba n PERS a good-fornothing
lapchagaba unprofitable, worthless,
las n ABSTR the last one
lathia n ANIM species of fish
law n PLANT cucumber-like
lechu n PLANT lychee
lekadawreng n ART kite
lekat- v to waste time Naa mai
sywkhalna balwachymte. Naa
teewchinaba lekataidongkhua.
You said that you would pound
some more rice. Until now you
have been waisting time and you
are still wasting time.
lekha n ART book, paper
lekhaphul ~ getphul n PLANT
leklek- v to prod in an orifice or
leng n CORP bronchitis leng
manok to have bronchitis
lengla adv crippled
lepstik n ART lipstick
letrin n PLACE toilet
lityr clf litre
lolal n ART road roller
longpen n ART a pair of pants,
trousers, long pants, long trousers
Teew reenggaba gawi, longpen
kanai juta hilaw (Wilseng S Marak)
The girl who just went by wearing
trousers and shoes with high
heels longpen khung sa a pair of
pants, trousers, long pants, long
loskor n PERS highest rank in the
system of customary law of the
Garos, judge
lukchok ~ rukchok n ANIM
species of frog
lukchokchok n ANIM species of
small gecko that creeps up the
walls of houses at night
lukpekpek ~ rukpek n ANIM
species of frog
lukwak ~ rukwak n ANIM toad
lyp adv gollop, eat all at once lyp
takai saa
mm ~ hmm procl no
ma- v to lose Sunglas palyngchi
maak angdo. I lost my sunglasses
in the jungle.
=ma encl/prtcl (1) interrogative
enclitic (2) or Ie ma ue? This one
or that one? Nangba reengnima?
Will you be going too?
ma inter okay, okay then, (very)
well then (Nepali) Ytykchido ang
reengsigama nangmi phal?
(Thengthone) Ma ytykchido
dongarini, ang chakdyrangaw
dengbo nooknoro. (The Nepali)
But shall I go instead of you?
(Thengthon) Very well then, in
that case, it will be most
convenient, untie my hands, he
said, it is said.
maam- v to moan
maang- vintr to set (of the sun)
Rangsan maanga. the sun sets.
machot- v to be an orphan
marek n ANIM when this bird
sings, you know that someone will
visit the village
masu n ANIM cow
masubolot n ANIM ox
masugari n ART bullock cart
masutandam n PLACE place
where cows are slaughtered
machak- v to be vengeful Ang
nangaw machakaidonga I am
vengeful towards you.
machirit- v to scratch, to be
machok n ANIM species of large
deer, maybe sambar deer
machong n PERS woman who is
the founder of a clan or village
machot- vphase to finish, to end, to
stop Mongmaaw chaina sawa
machotok. I stopped eating to look
at the elephant.
madam n PERS female teacher
madong n PERS somebody who
has married a person from the
same mahari as themselves.
magachak n ANIM barking deer
magal n ANIM species of fish
magana- v to lose Amakan
raiakaimuna: Mykhangba syma
dymbrubru. Dimaiba rawa
dymbrubru noaimuna
balatakokno. Rasong
manatakarokno haiaw
dawkhaaw, amakansega. Uchido:
Hoong, hoong, aak! aak!
noatakarongnote. Uchie byk
galatokno rutido. Uawdosega
pherusa kakkhypaimu saakno.
Ytykyimuna kynsangdo dawkhado
maganaak, sana mananchakno.
The monkey came: Your face is
black and shiny and you have a
black and shiny tail. he said, it is
said. The crow became proud
because of the monkey, it is said.
Then the crow said: Yes, yes!
Caw! Caw! it is said. Then the
bread fell down, it is said. The fox
then grabbed it with its mouth and
ate it, it is said. And so the crow
had lost its bread and could not eat
it anymore, it is said.
magyna adv in vain
mahari n PERS relatives, family,
clan. Among the Garos, there are
five maharis: Sangma, Marak,
Momyn (Hachyk spelling
Momin), Sira and Areng
mai ~ mei n TIME May
maijyk ~ maimijyk n ANIM
maijyreng n FOOD leftovers of
cooked rice dried in the sun used
to feed the pigs
maikap n PLANT hay
maikhol n PLANT the skin of a
grain of rice
maikholnang n PLANT unpeeled
maikhoppylak ~ maikhoppalak n
PLANT stalks left over after
threshing rice
maikhyt n FOOD burned rice
maikung n ACT second rice
harvest (in November)
maimanap n FOOD meal eaten in
the morning, breakfast
maimijyk ~ maijyk n ANIM
mainyl n PLANT/FOOD sticky rice
mainym clf length from the elbow
to the top of the fist
maip ~ mep n ART map
maipalak ~ maipylak n PLANT
stalks left over after threshing rice
mairong n PLANT husked rice,
uncooked rice
mairongkholnang n PLANT
unhusked rice
mairugu ~ meringgu ~ meringgaw
~ merenggaw n PLANT
mushroom (edible)
mai sa- vpan to eat Mai saakma?
Have you eaten already?
maisan n FOOD meal eaten in the
middle of the day, lunch
maisen n FOOD sticky rice in a
banana leaf
maisi n PLANT millet
maityk n ART pot for cooking rice
man- v to climb
man- v to crawl, to creep Khyryk
khawchi manaidonga. Lice are
crawling in my hair. Atongbatykyi
gasokok aksokok
hungthamakaimuna saphawba
hakhungchina mangatokno.
Somehow the rabbit, stumbling
and barely swimming, crawled
onto the river bank, it is said.
-man~ -man evsp already V-ed
samanok ~ samanok already
man- vB to be able, to get, to
obtain, to succeed manai sa- to
eat in great amounts, to be rich
Sagyrai raina mana. The child
can walk manai in great amounts
Morot bilding chunggabachi
mugaba manai saak. The man
who lives in that big house is rich.
Uchian magachakdo biskutaw
mana mana mana mana mana
saaidokno. Then the deer ate the
biscuits in great amounts, it is said.
Ang baju kam manok My friend
got work/a job. Kawbutungchi thik
thokyrengaw manokno. When he
shot [the giant eagle] he got it
exactly in the neck.
manai adv in great amounts, see
manmandapami ~ mandapwami n
ACT profit, interest, gain
mandyk- adj1 difficult,
complicated, troublesome Angdo
gylgylrongchawanasa teew
nokchi rang waaimu kam khana
haratok, mandykok kam khana.
As for me, precisely because I
usually roam around now that it is
raining, Ive become reluctant to
work; its very difficult to work.
Alternatively: It has become
difficult to work.
mansymrukruk- v to inherit
manak- adj1 dark
manam- adj1 to stink Di manama.
Shit stinks.
manam n ACT bad smell, stench
manap tw morning Wal
thywwamigymyn ang manapchi
jywchepwa. Because I went to
sleep late at night, I slept alone in
the morhing.
manap- v to be morning
Manapok. It has become morning.
Manapnaka. It will soon be
manapmi adv very early in the
morning Kynsangdo manapmi
sirimynmyn reengaimungna
Dabatwarisang dinggarai saiakno.
Then, having gone to Dabatwari
very early in the morning at the
break of dawn, [he] put up his fish
traps, it is said.
mandal n PLANT erithrina
superosastricta, species of tree
with thorns and very red flowers
which blossom in the late part of
the dry season
mang- clf classifier for animals,
knives and tools bythyi mangsa
one porcupine chawkyi ~
changkui mangsa one big knife
mangcha n SUPER a ghost that is a
corps risen from the dead
manggisi n PERS corps, dead body
Thymanggami manggisiaw synai
tanok. We have laid the dead
persons corps on the bed.
manggywak n ANIM millipede
mangka n ANIM species of fish
mangkhrang ~ mangkhram n
ANIM scorpion
mangkhung n ANIM species of
mangkung n ANIM cricket
(generic name for the species)
mangkyrang ~ mankyrang n
ANIM scorpion
-mangmang evsp only, just,
exclusively, continuously, as best
you can, barely, shoddily. This
suffix also indicates that the action
was done poorly or negligently, or
not fully as it was supposed to be
done. Ue morote hangkhal sawai
tangka bisylaw gopanchanoro.
Sam tanaimyng alamyla ytykyi
samaw gopmangmangariwanoro.
That man did not bury the coins in
a hole dug in the ground. He just
put some grass over them, like
that; he shoddily buried them only
in grass.
=mangmang encl only, just,
exclusively, even This enclitic
indicates an emotion of
annoyance, anger, apology or
disappointment, resentment or
disbelief on the part of the
speaker. Teewmangmangsa
tyiruwa naa. I only just now took
a bath. Ytykyimuna bunduk
raaimuna matsaaw kawna
noaimuna nisanaroknotyi.
Matsado uchi byk hoai
jalangokno. Ytykyimuna Sala!
Kyregamangmang matsa!
noaimuna reengarokno. So he
took his gun to shoot the tiger and
aimed. The tiger quickly jumped
and ran away. So then he said:
Damn! Cowardly tiger! and left.
Angna mamyngawan
nangchawa. Ytykchiba naa angna
myngsamangmangaw takbo
nookno. I dont need anything.
But you have to promise me only
one thing, he said.
chakawmangmang all strength and
Seino van Breugel, 2015
=maran encl reciprocal, a
reciprocal relationship between
two or more persons Ytykyimyng
baisigathangmaran tyi
dukungokno. So then, the friends
dammed up the water. Teewdo
saduthangmaran myngtham
ganangno. Now, there were three
men whose wives were sisters, it is
marirang n PLANT species of
mars n TIME March
marudyl n PLANT/SUPER species
of liana that turns into a ghost that
makes a loud noise of rummaging
through the jungle, breaking
branches and trees. But when you
look in the morning, there are no
broken branches and trees. The
noise is so loud and frightening,
that when you are within a
hundred metres of this ghost, you
cannot sleep. When you cut a
marudyl, a blood-like, red liquid
comes out.
mastel n PERS male teacher
mat n ANIM wild animal
mat n CORP a wound
mat- v to be sharp, to (be able to)
wound, to (be able to) cut kukuri
matanchak the dagger isnt sharp
anymore. chawkyi ang chaaw
matwa. The knife cut my hand.
cha matok my hand is cut.
matdam n ANIM otter
matdi n ANIM wild water buffalo
mathai n ANIM bachelor elephant,
solitary male elephant
matji ~ maji n PLACE middle Ang
Sandishmyng Bittermyng matjichi
matpalyng n ANIM wild animal
matrong n ANIM jungle goat
grows in the jungle as winding
branch with an undulating pattern
twirling itself around other trees
for support. The name of this plant
translates as ghost ladder
Memangguchung n PLACE the
way up over the hill before the
spirit of the deceased reaches
Chidymak on their way to
memangkereng n ANIM stick
insect, walking stick, phasmadotea
memangkereng n SUPER
skeleton ghost
memangkoksi ~ mimangkoksi n
PLANT pitcher plant
memangkyi ~ mimangkyi n
ANIM species of small frog that
says pekpekpekpek
Memangmaisansaram n PLACE
the place on the way to
Balphakram where the spirits of
the dead eat their lunch
memangsawdet n CORP wart
memesi n ANIM flying insect
meee ideo meh-eh-eh! naa! the
sound of a goat
megalaia n PLANT species of
creeper of which the sap helps in
the healing process of wounds
Megam n PERS Megam, Lyngam
mei ~ mai n TIME May
mejakbal n ANIM alligator
Mekalaia n PLACE Meghalaya
mel- adj1 fat (of person)
melanggaw n ANIM poisonous red
or black ant
memaboro n PLANT species of
nice smelling rice
menpart n PERS most important or
most salient person
mep ~ maip n ART map
meringgu ~ meringgaw ~
merenggaw ~ mairugu n PLANT
mushroom (edible)
mes n ANIM sheep
mew ideo meow! the sound of a cat
=mi ~ =myng encl genitive Baidam
rongsa tyikhalmi hawaichina
jalangok. Some ran away to the
plains of the river Rongsa.
Tawreksyrup mangsa,
gethengmyng thupaw phangnan
mongma phaiai sarongwana,
mongma mathaiaw thapna
reengaidonganowa. Because the
house of a banana-sucking bird
was always eaten up by an
elephant, he went to beat up the
bachelor elephant.
mimang ~ memang n PERS
ghost, spirit of a dead person.
mimanggambyrai n PLANT
species of plant
mimanggrai ~ mimanggyrai n
PLANT species of plant
mimangkoksi ~ memangkoksi n
PLANT pitcher plant
mimangkyi ~ memangkyi n
ANIM species of small frog that
says pekpekpekpek
mili- v to assemble, to meet, to
come together, to be appropriate
milimityr clf millimetre
mimi- v to to laugh, to laugh at
someone Ie biphae gawigumukaw
mimia. This guy is laughing at all
the girls.
mimikakak- v to be shaking with
mimiwami ~ mimiwamyng n ACT
a joke
miniksuru- v to be flat-haired (of
animals) Magachakmi myndo
tyisiwachian miniksuru
takjolarianoro. When the deers
fur is wet, it just quickly gets flathaired, it is said.
minit ~ minyt tw minute
mirang n ANIM neck feathers of
mistyri n PERS mason, house
builder and painter, vehicle repair
miting v to hold a meeting
Baisigathangmaran myngtham
mitingaidoknowa. The friends are
holding a meeting, it is said.
Dakanggabado jineral
mitingchengni. Umungsa song
gumuk thomaimung haba haryn
harynaw sowalni. First they will
start with a general meeting. Then
the whole village comes together
and they will divide the haba plot
by plot.
mityr clf metre
mmmm mmmm ideo Screeeech!
the call of an eagle
=mo encl/prtcl confirmative tag
enclitic or particle. Tyt!
diphuramama? nookno.
hoong manamaidongmo Hey!
Did you just accidentally fart? he,
said, it is said. Yes, it stinks,
doesnt it? Tanmanokona thyiok
udo, mo. Because they had cut him
up, he died, that one, isnt.
mobail n ART mobile phone
mobil n SUBST motor oil, engine
mochok n PLANT sapling
moila n SUBST dirt, filth
moina n ANIM species of bird
mojekjek- v to shake (a fixed
mojet- ~ mojot- v to suck
mok n PLANT species of plant
child of mama mothers brother
and anai fathers sister or of
awang fathers younger brother
and asyi mothers younger sister,
(2) the relation of male cousins
from intermarriageable families,
(3) a male friend belonging to an
intermarriageable family
mosathangmaran ~
mawsathangmaran n KIN two
boys of different maharis, for
example Marak and Sangma, in
two possible relationships
depending on the gender of the
speaker. Male speaker: my elder
sisters son and my son. Female
speaker: my elder brothers son
and my son.
mot- v to shake a fixed object
motorajip n ART fan
mu- v to stay, to sit (be in sitting
position), to sit down, to be at, to
live somewhere, to keep V-ing
(durative) Phylgymdo
nukanchano. Atongba saai
muarongno. The giant eagle did
not see [him]. He was sitting and
eating something. Dakangdo
Dawa maharisa ichi
muwanokhone. Perhaps in the
past the Dawa family lived here, it
is said. Chokichi mubo. Sit down
on the chair. Dakanggaba Turachi
muwachi Mobbinaw gorongwa.
The first time I stayed in Tura I
met Mobbin. Ytykimyng
bengblokmyngdo sangumuk
mongmamyng mykyranaw
sywchekchekai muokno mangni.
So then, the two of them, the
banana-sucking bird and the toad,
had been fighting the whole day,
and had kept repeatedly picking at
the elephants eyes.
muni n ACT a magic spell Ma
pynwasama muni ma ang
mykrenaw, ma nangchi ganang
atongba jadu. (Wylseng S Marak)
Whether my eyes are covered by a
magic spell, you have something
mura n ART stool (to sit on)
muri n FOOD popped rice
musuri n ART mosquito net
mychym- v to smile at someone
Gawi angaw mychymaidok. A girl
is smiling at me.
myia dtw yesterday
myk clf the length from the elbow
to the top of the middle finger
myk- v to tell lies
mykasyrep n PLANT species of
mykbu- v to be jealous
mykbyryw- v to have itchy eyes
mykcha- v to like somebody
mykchagaba n PERS sweetheart,
girl or boy that you fancy
mykchel- v to shine in the eyes
mykchep- v to look down upon, to
despise, to scorn Atakna nangdo
angaw mykchepa? Why do you
despise me?
mykdaw ~ mykdo n CORP night
mykep n BODY temple
mykgythal n ABSTR reality
Mykgythaldo dongcha
jywmangsa. Its not reality, its
just a dream.
mykha badri n GEO long period of
incessant heavy rainfall Ue hapchi
muwachi rangmu chyw
ryngsusawanasa Hachyk
khuchuksang mykha badri noyi
Teechinakhyngkhyngba Hachyk
Seino van Breugel, 2015
mykpeng mykpeng n PERS name
to call a cross-eyed person
mykpeng- v CORP to be cross-eyed
ie morot mykpengok this person is
mykphylyp- v to blink with your
mykrak- v to hold a wake (often
used with the incorporated noun
wal night) Wagaba thyigabana
sadyrangba jywgabamyng wal
mykrakaidonga. The children and
the mother are holding a wake for
the dead father.
mykraket- v to warn Ang nangaw
mykraketarong. Im warning you.
mykren ~ mykyren n BODY eye
mykren wathok songruk- to look
mykren tan- v to wink
mykren nuk- vpan to see Nang
walchi mykren nukama? Can you
see at night?
myksep n BODY corner of the eye
myksolkhare n BODY ring finger
myksong- v to plan, to intend Ang
kymna myksongarongchym
ytykchiba manni ma manchabai
kymna. I intend to get married but
maybe I will not be able to.
myksu- v to wash your face Angdo
phangnan ja saaimyng myksua. I
always wash my face after getting
myksymyl ~ myksmyl n BODY
myksyram ~ myksramn BODY
mykthoram n BODY middle finger
myktoksi n PLANT plant with
beautiful white flowers with a
yellow heart that look like big
jasmine flowers
myndyni khepa to wicker the
damdyl in a myndyni way
myng- clf classifier for spoken
things, games and for the word
bostu. golpho myngsa one story
khata myngni two words bostu
myngtham three things
myng- v to call someone/somebody
a name Wiliamnagalaw
symsanggre noai mynga.
Williamnagar used to be called
Symsanggre. Angmi bimung
Braiton myngwa. My name is
Braiton. Angmyng amaaw Goje M
Sangma myngwa. My mother is
called Goje M Sangma.
=myng ~ =mi encl genitive Baidam
rongsa tyikhalmi hawaichina
jalangok. Some ran away to the
plains of the river Rongsa.
Tawreksyrup mangsa,
gethengmyng thupaw phangnan
mongma phaiai sarongwana,
mongma mathaiaw thapna
reengaidonganowa. Because the
house of a banana-sucking bird
was always eaten up by an
elephant, he went to beat up the
bachelor elephant.
=myng ~ =mung ~ =mu ~
=mungna ~ =muna encl
sequential Ytykyimyng
magachakdo biskutaw tyisamchi
tanaimyng chaw! thorokangokno.
So then, the deer put the biscuits
down on the river bank and splash!
jumped into the river. Babami
tangka ratjabanga piaimung
jalangok. He asked five hundred
rupees from his dad and ran away.
Mubo noaimu cha hynok. Sit
down, he said and gave her some
tea. Manapmian mai jabek
rymaimungna reengariok. After
cooking rice in the morning, she
the influence of Kongos, all of
myngkhelek- v to call somebody by
a nickname Ang nangaw
Matsumoto myngkheleka. I call
you by the nickname Matsumoto.
myngkheleka n ACT nickname
myngnang- v to be suitable
myrumyru adv not clearly
myryng myryng adv barely
Hyiawchi habanokba ganang,
myryng myryng nuketaria. There
is also a rice field house, it is
barely visible.
mysepai chai- v to look with one
myt- v to extinguish Wal mytok.
The fire is out.
myte n SUPER deity, god
mythel- v to thank, to appreciate
Anga nangtymaw mythelbiok. I
thank you very much.
na- v to hear
na interj nah! Expresses
=na ~ =ona encl Goal enclitic
Hanep anga nangna golpho
balni. Tomorrow, I will tell you a
story. Naa angna tangka
hynchama? Wont you give me
any money? Ang nangna
chungkhala. I am taller than you.
Khaw kanwana daiaido nanange
ichi chaiai muwaan
gasukhalnaka. It is better that we
sit here and watch than that you
cut hair. Machana makbulna
mongmana paichaaimung
byldyngbyldang jalna
habachengok. Not bearing the
tigers, bears and elephants
Seino van Breugel, 2015
myself, but I cant. Mmung tangka
niwa aro sana ryngnaba niwa. I
have no money and I have nothing
to eat or drink. Songmi
nokgumukan wararaakona wal
khamna jangok. Because all the
houses of the village are made
only of bamboo, they are very
quick to catch fire. Ido phylgymmi
dian thawokona, randaido
atongtykyi thawarongnaka, mo
ama?! Because this eagles shit is
so tasty, how tasty will its meat be,
right, mother?! Balphakram
habyrigumukokona, raisotna
mancha. Because Balphakram is
all hills, you cannot go there
na n ANIM fish
nachan n ANIM firefly
nacheng n ANIM river shrimp
nagarang n ANIM species of
electric fish
nagungphel n ANIM species of
najek n ANIM species of fish
nakha n ANIM species of fish
nalam n ANIM species of blue,
purple river fish that tastes
particularly good when prepared in
a bamboo tube (see bering-)
nalamsusyrakdyl n PLANT
species of liana
naluk n ANIM tadpole
namatsa n ANIM species of fish
nanang ppron we, first person
plural inclusive
nanyl n ANIM electric eel
napat n ANIM species of fish
naphok n ANIM species of fish
narong n ANIM species of fish
naru n ANIM species of fish
narym n ANIM species of fish
Seino van Breugel, 2015
nakhal n BODY ear nakhal samsa
one ear
nakhalchadan n BODY part of the
head behind the ear
nakhal na- vpan to hear
Dethengmi balgabaaw nakhal ta
na! Dont listen to the things he
nakhong n BODY backside of the
nakhung n BODY/CORP nose,
snot (liquid) nakhung goisa one
nakhung rataw- v to snort
nakhungdi n CORP hard piece of
nakhungkhal n BODY nostril
nakhungkhal ni two nostrils
nakhungmyn n BODY nose hair
nakhungthek n ART nose piercing
nal- v to gorge, to stuff your face
nalangtaupal n ANIM species of
nalbas adv nervous
nalsasang n PLACE the other side
namakai ~ nakamai n ART small
basket used to sow rice out of
nambal ~ nombol n ABSTR
namchyk n KIN niece
namchyksyw n KIN grand-niece /
great-niece: the daughter of my
husbands sisters daughter
namgaba n KIN niece
namnokhol n KIN daughter-in-law
namnokholburung n KIN group of
-nang evsp V in a beautiful or nice
nang- v to bear fruit
nang- v to need, to have to, must
unrelated woman younger than the
naw- v to scold Angawe amaparae
nawba nawnaka tokba toknaka.
The people in my mothers house
will certainly scold me and beat
me. Angdo Tura reengni,
dongchachido angaw baba nawni.
I will go to Tura, otherwise father
will scold me.
nawang n PERS retard, half-brain,
fool, stupid, confused person
nawchak n ANIM species of fish
nawmyl n PERS marriageable girl
nawsyri n KIN sister-in-law:
younger brothers wife
=ne encl/prtcl affirmation seeking
tag enclitic or particle Uchi
Nepaldo: Naa ang masu mang
rajasaaw tynangsegabone
nookno. Ym noaimyng
Thengthonba tynangokno. Then
the Nepali said: You lead my
hundred cows away, ok? Yes,
he said and Thengthon led them
away, it is said. Nemai reengbo
baisiga, ne. Go carefully, my
friend, ok?
ne n ANIM bee
nekat n ANIM species of bee
nekatthup n ART hive, bees nest
newal n ANIM species of bee
Nedyran n PLACE The
Netherlands, Dutch
nek- adj1 close, near Rame tyi
nekokno. The road is very close to
the water. Literally: As for the
road, the water is very near.
neksem- adj1 to be very near
nem- adj1 good
nem- v to get better, to heal
nemen adv very Teew wen sa
rypa nangdo nemen sylnaka
past, in times when there was no
religion, we worshipped spirits.
Somaido nyiok Theres no time
niet- v to switch off, to turn off
Lait nietbo. Switch off the light!
niwa v nothing
niam n ACT custom, law, tradition
ning ppron we, us, first person
plural exclusive
nisan v to aim
nisi- v to poison Sanarai sachido
ang nangaw nisina manchaka. If
you eat a centipede, I will
certainly not be able to poison
no- v to say
=no encl evidential clausal enclitic,
termed quotative, that indicates
that the information in the clause
was not witnessed by the speaker
but that the speaker has it from
hearsay. Song damsachi morot
myngsa manai sabigyba
ganangnochym. In a village was
supposedly a very rich man, it is
said. Rongkhasang galaimyng
thyiokno. He fell down a cliff and
died, they said.
nobembyl ~ nobembol n TIME
noga n ART tree-house
nok n PLACE house nok tham three
nokbanthai n PLACE bachelors
house. Before Christianity each
village had a Bachelors house for
every clan that lived in the village.
In this house lived young,
unmarried men. They would
practice fighting, hunting, singing,
storytelling and all kinds of things
that young men would have to
learn before getting married.
Seino van Breugel, 2015
iron. Nang baba noksamchi
tangka gopgaba ganangno. Under
your fathers house lies buried
money, it is said.
noksuk n PLACE the side of an
object that faces the wall
noktapa n ANIM species of small
gecko that creeps up the walls of
houses at night
nokthai n ART small house next to
the main house
nokwek n ART broom (for
sweeping) nokwek kun tham three
nokweng n ART floor
nol n ART fence, fenced enclosure
nol kha- to make a fence
nom- adj1 soft, weak, easy Dam
noma. Its cheap. Raja! Nang
damaw chosa ie ang baisigathang
pheru tamnano noai
takaidongano. Ytykyimyng
kantaraaw Tambono
tambono noai tanangarioknoe
magachakdo. Ytykyimyng tamai
chaichie tedo byirakhem
hongkhotruruaimu kaksyrangokno
pheruawdo. Nomangaidokno udo.
Ytykyimyng jalangthiriokno
magachakdo. O King, can my
friend the fox play a bit on your
drum? he pretended to say, it is
said. Go ahead and play, go
ahead and play! the deer
pretended that the king said, it is
said. So then, when he tried to
play it, the bees all came out and
bit the fox all over, it is said. The
fox became weak, it is said. So
then the deer ran away again, it is
nombok- v to be unconscious, to be
tired after eating a lot Taisa
nombokok. A little while ago he
nukhu n PLACE courtyard
nukkhung ~ nokkhung n ART
nygyl n PLACE market
nygyltyi tw week nygyltyi sa tyi ni
one week or two Nygyltyi
raiagadyrangchi raiani. He will
come sometime next week.
nygyktyityi every week
=nyi ~ =ni encl without Chininyi
cha takbo. Make tea without
nyi ~ ni- v to not exist Mamung
tangka niwa aro sana ryngnaba
niwa I dont have any money and
nothing to eat or drink. Ang
sagrai niwa. I dont have
nyng n KIN aunt: fathers sister
nyng n PLACE inside
nyngtyw- v deep
o interj hey! o! oh!This
interjection can be pronounced
long to indicate acknowledgement.
O jojong! Bisang reengwa,
nangmi bajue? Nygylsang.
ooo. Hey, younger brother!
Where did your friend go? To
the market. Oh.
obosta n ACT event
odek n PERS baby
=odo ~ =do encl Topic enclitic
Nang sabo. Angdo sachawa.
You eat. I will not eat. Turasang
reengchido angna tupi rabone. If
you go to Tura, buy me a hat. Hap
pidan ramna manokodo jytnaka?
After you have found a new place,
youll immediately move?
=ona ~ =na encl Goal enclitic (See
ong n ANIM wasp
ongang n ANIM big edible frog
ongang n ANIM species of frog
opis ~ ophis n PLACE office
opiser ~ ophiser n PERS officer
ortho ~ oltho n ABSTR meaning
Ostrelia n PLACE Australia
ostro n ART weapon
oto n ART auto rickshaw
otorewain n ACT auto rewind
otyk n PLACE bottom of ravine or
pa- adj1 low, plain, flat, thin (of
pa- v to perch Sympak
chunggabachi phylgym paai
musawaidongano. The eagle is
perching in a sympak tree.
pagawa n PLANT the white,
spongy inside of a banana tree
pai- v to carry by hand Banggal
myngsa biskut chyrymbiai
paiaidonganote. A Bengal is
carrying a heavy load of biscuits.
Ue alsia rajae jykba myngni
kymanoro. Ytykyimyng jykba
myngnian sanaba jyk paithumna
nangano, jywnaba jyk paina
nangano. That lazy king was
married to two wives, it is said. So
then, as for these wives, the two of
them, when he eats his wives have
to carry him on their hands, and
when he sleeps his wives have to
carry him on their hands, it is said.
pai- vgoal to support, to tolerate
Ang khol rangsanna paicha. My
skin does not tolerate the sun.
pan n PLANT tree, firewood pan
phan sa one tree pan dot sa one
pan wa n khjyks/n PLANT plants,
plants and trees
panpyrak- v to cut breadth wise
panachol n PLANT mushroom (not
panbai n PLANT firewood
panchak n PLANT leaf
panchan n PLANT species of plant
panchengrong n PLANT species of
panchoka n PLANT small log
panchong n PLANT tree trunk
panchung n PLANT jackfruit
panchungchongsu n ANIM
species of black hairy caterpillar
that lives on jackfruit trees
panchyksi n PLANT twig
panchyksi goisa one twig
panchyreng n ART non-supporting
horizontal beam that forms part of
the structure of the side of a house
and to which the damdyl can be
pandala n PLANT twig
pandawsik n PLANT species of
pang- adj1 a lot, many
pangwami n ABSTR quantity,
pangkol n PLANT guava
pangkollipa n PLANT species of
pangkywal n PLANT guava
pangyrym n PLANT jungle thicket
panju n PLANT firewood
panjyl n PLANT species of tree
pankhol n PLANT bark (of a tree)
quarrelled like that, and the lion
jumped down and died. So the fox
escaped. So then everybody
wandered off.
parang n PLANT/ART reed, thatch
parang- v to wander, to go astray
parap- v to be (too) salty
paraw- v to call (of animal), to
shout (of animal and human)
parawchyrik- v to shout loudly
Morot sorokchi kepai
parawchyrikaidong. The man was
shouting loudly on the road
because he was angry.
pargunja n TIME (archaic)
-pat evsp V across Teedo jahastaw
chawpatangokno. Now he sailed
the boat away to the other side.
pat- v to cross Sikhar khana
reengokno reengokno
reengokno. Tyikhal goisaaw
patna nangokno. They went
hunting, they went and went. Then
they had to cross a river.
patal ~ phatal ~ phathal ~ pathal
n GEO stone
patyl n ART slingshot
pawai n ART bowl or its volume,
bowlful, classifier for curries
Atong jabek saak? Alu
nasaw pawai sa, taw khirip
pawai sa. What curry did you
eat? Potatoes with fermented
fish and chicken with khirip.
pawdyr n SUBST powder, baby
peel ~ pheel dong- ~ dong- v to
fail Getheng lekha nemai
poreancha, ytykyimu poreka peel
dongok. He did not study the
book well, so then he failed his
more work, like other people!
Natyme goibyisyk manphawa ie
bylsie? How many [baskets full of
rice] did you get altogether this
pha- v to dare Noksang rainaba
phaphinchaaidok. Jebadong anga
takruksyrangarinaka. Matsami
chaphungaw wangjoloknoaro,
alsia rajae. I dont dare to go
home. Anyway, I will just fight to
the end He bit the tiger on the
thigh, it is said, the lazy king. San
nidyrang dongphinaidok, nang
noksang raianado
nookno. It has been two days and
maybe he really does not dare to
come to your house.
phaat- ~ phaet- v to apply, to put
on, to put on a wound, to apply to
a wound Sambanggyri akaiokno,
tokdepdepaimu phaatokno. He
plucked sambanggyri, crushed it
and put it on the wound, it is said.
Jywgaba sagaraiaw dithap
phaetaidonga. The mother is
putting a diaper on the child.
phalak n ART piece of old cloth
used to clean things
phalap n PERS whore, prostitute
phagongma ~ phagungma n
BODY shoulder
phai- v to break, to translate
phaira ~ paira n ART type of
phaithong- v to break a solid
object in half (not lengthwise, i.e.
the result is a cross section, see
phaikana ~ paikhana n PLACE
phaithawa ~ phaithopa n BODY
phakdemel n PLANT species of
phakphaklak- v to spill
phakset- v to throw away (for solid
substances and things)
phakwal n BODY armpit
phal n PLACE share, shift of work,
instead of Ang reengsigama
nangmi phal? Shall I go instead
of you?
phal- v to sell Ang ie narykhel teen
nygylsang raangaimyng phalni. I
will bring these coconuts to the
market and sell them later.
phalong ~ phalwang n PLANT
species of plant
phalthang ppron self
phalthangthang ppron selves
phalwang ~ phylwang n PLANT
species of tree
phan clf classifier for trees;
classifier for food packed in
bundles in raichakpan phansa
one tree
phang clf classifier for grass, trees
and flowers narang phangsa one
orange tree narang rongsa one
phangnan adv always, never
Phangnan rupek mugabachido tyi
ganang. There is always water
where there are frogs. Thawgaba
symgaba phangnan
sarongchagaba jilami
bostudyrangaw raai hynaimung
khasin khasin gumukawan
palyngchi jalgabadyrangaw
jykthangthangaw jumuphynaakno.
Having brought and given tasty
and sweet things from the district
which are usually never eaten,
they slowly recollected all their
husbands who had run away into
the jungle, it is said.
Seino van Breugel, 2015
ytykyimu poreka peel dongok. He
did not study the book well, so
then he failed his exam.
phek clf classifier for smaller
branches of trees dala pheksa one
=phek qft distributive enclitic, also
occurs as quantifier after
classifiers. This enclitic can be
reduplicated to phekphek.
Palengma burung banga banga
hawwaan pungphek phingano.
They cut five bushes of palengma
(the tree Barebinia xariegata) each
and one rice stock house each was
filled, it is said. (This means that
the soil was so fertile that they
could cultivate a lot of rice on a
relatively small piece of land.)
=phek- v to make drunk, to be
pheking ~ peking n ACT luggage,
=phekphek qft distributive enclitic,
also ha a simple form: phek.
Myngphekphekan bunduk
raangrumokno. Each to them
took a gun, it is said.
phekphek- v flipping and turning
(like fish do on dry land or in a
dammed-up fishing place)
Ytykyimyng tedo tyi
dongangoknowa. Tyichiba naai
panganowa. Ytykyimyng
baisigathangmaran tyi
dukungokno dukungokno
dukungokno. Nado
ramramanchakno. Narongdo
phekphekramphinaidoknowa. So
now they reach the river. In the
water is a lot of fish. So then, the
two friends dam up the water.
There is an abundance of fish. The
fish are flipping and turning a lot.
they started repeatedly firing
blanks. Dykhimi balgabaaw sung
bering what Dykhi has said, he ran
like his life depended on it.
phi- v to invite Beanbebe
montyridyrngba Bilaw phina takyi
hongkhotangthokokno. The
ministers truly all went out to
invite Bil, it is said.
philm ~ philym ~ philim n ART
film, movie
-phin ~ -phyn evsp V backward, V
back, V again, over-V, V
overtime, V fully, obviously V, V
fully, V totally, V completely Hai!
Noksang raiphinnaka. Come on!
Lets go back home. Getheng
nangna ytykphinai khagalano,
ytykchiba nangna baratano. She
loves you so much, she says, but
she feels shy toward you, she says.
phing- v to be full Gylaschi tyi
phingok. The glass is full of water.
Gylas phingok, diphingna
manchaka. The glass is full; you
cannot fill it anymore. Nangmi
khathong bangbang dongchido
ang phingetni. If your heart is
empty, I will fill it.
phingpyryt- ~ phingpurut- v to
phoot ~ phot n ANIM mythical
black amphibian like a salamander
phok- v to lift up, to uproot, to
phone ~ phoon n ART/ACT
telephone, telephone call Angna
phone khaetboto! Call me (on the
phong clf classifier for cylindrical
objects and for long sharp or
pointy objects
say Kha Dawa the phutsul will
get you, it is said.
phyl- v to transform, to change
into Imi wa juw wak phylwa. Her
father and mother have changed
into pigs.
phylgym n ANIM eagle
phyltawtaw adv jerkingly (over a
rough road)
phylwang ~ phalwang n PLANT
species of tree
phylyp- v to blink (with your eyes)
Mykrenmi phylyp chaiwaan. I
looked at her with blinking eyes.
(Gostar R Sangma)
phylyp- v to blink once with your
-phyn ~ -phin evsp V backward, V
back, V again, over-V, V
overtime, V fully, obviously V, V
fully, V totally, V completely
phyn- v to cover Ang kombol
phynaidonga. A blanket is
covering me./I am lying under a
phyryw adj2 to have a hole in it
phyryw- v to be hollow
phyt- v to slice
phywra n FOOD rice powder
pi- v to ask, te request, to beg, to
pisa n TIME childhood
pithyn ~ bithyn n BODY liver
piti ~ pityi n FOOD rice beer
(gold coloured)
pityng n ART thread, necklace
pibok adj2 white, unripe, very light
picham adj2 old (of things)
pidan adj2 new
pidio n ART video
puktyng n BODY small intestine
pulis n PERS police
pun- v to catch with a fishing rod
and fishing hook na pun- to fish,
to catch fish
pung n ART granary, rice stock
house Mai bytwamyngdo
pungchina songchina khairata.
We carry the rice harvest down to
the rice stock house, to the village.
purun n ANIM goat
pusipusi ~ puspus interj
interjection to call a cat. Here
kitty kitty!
pyi- v to touch, to grasp Uchie
songmyng morotmyng jyrym
thymaimyng Thengthonaw
rawokno pyigoropokno. Then the
people of the village, having
quietly lain in ambush, caught
Thengthon, they grasped him all
together, it is said.
pyikhap- v to catch
pyiram- v to feel for, to search by
pyikhep- v to hold firmly
pyikhyrep v to crush with your
pyiru- v to collapse
pyithyng- v to hold on to, to gras
pyjyw- v to sow seeds by scattering
-pyl evsp V rapidly
pylang adj2 flat Ytykyimyng teedo
amak gethengdo rong pelang
sylgabachi kepleplep bamai
hyntakkonoa. So then, now the
monkey, as for him, he willingly
lay down stretched out on his belly
on a flat stone, it is said.
pyleng- ~ pyleng ~ pyleng v to be
flat Gari bengbylokaw depylengok,
ytykyimu bengbyloke pylengok.
ra- v to bring, give
ra- v to get, buy, take Nang ie
tupi bimi raak? Turami raak.
Where have you bought that
cap? I bought it in Tura. Ang
nangaw bebe racha. I dont
believe you. Wami jywmi
balgabaaw katha rachagabae
anga ytykgachina dongok.
Because I did not listen to the
words of my parents, I have
become like this.
raang- v to take away
ragat- v to start using
rasak- v to welcome Nangtym
angaw tyichi typratwaba nemariok
aro koksep chungkhuna
nangachym. Watyng tyngphekna
masu mangphek hynwa, gumukgamak angna masu mang rajasa
hynetwa angnado aro
tyinyngsangba nawmyl
sylsylgabasa rasaksawa. You
threw me into the water and that
was good, and I should have had a
bigger koksep. For every bamboo
strip they gave me a cow and in all
they gave me one hundred cows
and inside the water only beautiful
girls welcomed me.
rasek- v to accept, to receive
Angdo myngsa agrai
rasakchawa. I will not
accept/receive more than one
rasek- v to snatch
rataw v see nakhung rataw
raani ~ rani n PERS queen, also
used to call your daughter when
she is a little child, like in English
little princess
rabak ~ rabak rabak adv quickly,
rabal n PLANT rubber tree
Rabuga n PERS god who created
the world according to ancient
rai n PLANT reed
rai- v to go; to come Hai, rainaka
Come on, lets go. Kynsangdo
matsado morotsyn manaimyng
Seino van Breugel, 2015
raka n ART/ACT, the first letter of
the Atong alphabet, glottal stop
rakhi- v to protect, to guard
(against), to keep, to look after
Ning habachi mongmana amakna
mai saniwana rakhiaronga. We
are protecting our dry rice and
vegetable field against elephants
and monkeys so that we will eat
rice. De, naa ichi musigabone
baisigane, biskut rakhibone
nookno. Ytykyimyng pheruba
chaw! thorokangokno. Okay, now
you stay here friend, Okay, guard
the biscuits, okay?, he said, it is
said. So then, the foxsplash!
jumped in, it is said. Myngsa
morot manai sagabachi wak
rakhina gaakoknoaro. He was
forced to look after the pigs of a
ritch person, it is said.
rakhigaba n PERS caretaker
ram n PLACE place. With this
meaning, the word is only found
compounded in names of places,
e.g. Balphakram the place where
the wind blows,
Matsachawkyiasetram the place
where the matsadu threw away
their weapons and Maisansaram
the place where the spirits of the
deceased eat their lunch.
ram n PLACE road, way, path ram
chol tham three roads, paths, ways
ram- v to dry in the sun, to put in
the sun to dry Garu balagachi
ramai tanaimuna, habasang ha
kamna reengokno. After she had
put the mustard leaves outside to
dry in the sun, she went to work in
the rice field, it is said.
ram- v to search, to want, to try
Ytykyimyng tedo
baisigathanggaba pheruaw
ramaimyng nukaiokno. So now,
Hoong, manamaidongmo
noatakokno. Hey! Did you just
fart? he said, it is said. Yes, it
stinks, doesnt it? he said, it is
ramga n PLACE the side of an
object that faces away from the
ram rai- vpan to go Ytykyimu ie
habyritykyi ram raiano. So they
went over this mountain, it is said.
ramram adj2 ordinary, normal Ie
ramram dongcha. This is not
normal. Baisigathangmaran tyi
dukungokno. Nado
ramramanchakno. The friends
dammed the water. There was
plenty of fish.
-ramram evsp V normally, V
usually, V naturally, V commonly
Umigymyn teew nanang
hagylsakchiba phorenchiba,
Igylanchiba, Kalkata, Delhichi,
Bambechiba, Badrichiba,
Khychuchiba manramram
khymcha. Therefore, now, we
dont usually get and marry
someone from a foreign place,
from England, Kolkata, Delhi,
Mumbai, Badri or Khychu.
ran- adj1 to be dry
randai n FOOD/CORP meat, flesh,
rang n ART type of brass drum
rang n GEO rain Rang waaidong.
Its raining. Rang nemok. The rain
has stopped. Rang nemchengama
nanang chyw jamchenga noai
rangmu chyw ryngsusaie range
san chi byri wawano. Will the
rain stop first or will we finish our
liquor first? they said and while
competing in drinking with the
shot the eagle, it is said. Jisuna
rasong Praise Jesus.
rasun n PLANT onion rasun pibok
garlic rasun pisak red onion rasun
tyisuk species of onion
rasun tyisuk n PLANT spring
-rat evsp V downward, V
downstream Mai bytwamungdo
pungchina songchina
khairata.Having harvested the
rice, it is carried down to the
granaries, to the village. Hare!
Phangnan dakang ang nukgaba
gorialdo chawsa
chawtawwachym. Ie gorialdo
khengna nanga ido
Chawrataidonga ido. Huh?! In
the past, the crocodiles I saw
always swam upstream. This
crocodile has to be alive. It is
swimming downstream.
rat- v to throw Matsa rong ratwa. A
tiger threw a stone.
ratat- v to take out
ratsok- v to miss the mark
raw- adj1 tall, long
raw- v to catch Changba bydyi
myngsa khen rawarong
Somebody, an old man, is catching
river crabs. Uchie songmyng
morotmyng jyrym thymaimyng
Thengthonaw rawokno
pyigoropokno. Then the people of
the village, having quietly lain in
ambush, caught Thengthon, they
grasped him all together, it is said.
rawreng- adj1 slender and long
rawsoksok- v to fail to catch
-rawraw evsp continue to V,
countinuously, increasingly
Kynsangdo raiwachie napitdo
mongma matsana nekarawrawna
kyreethyngaimyng phepmyng
reel n ART train, rail, stud of a
reelgari n ART train
rek n PLANT banana tree
rekhep n PLANT species of huge
rekhep- v to be dry (of plants), to
be wrinkled (of person)
rekkun n PLANT banana flower
rekphang n PLANT banana tree
rekphul n PLANT non-edible
banana flower
rekthai n PLANT banana
rens n ART wrench
repa chepa adv in various places
reprep- v to rub the clothes while
doing the laundry
ret n ACT childrens game played
in a grid. There are hunters who
may only move along the lines of
the grid. The other children have
to try to cross the grid without
being touched by a hunter.
rewet n PLACE riverside,
=ri ~ =ryi encl without
Hagylsakchi anga jykri muwaba,
uanarinaka, sari parangwaba,
uanarinaka. I lived in the world
having lost a wife, and it will just
be like that, and I wandered
around having lost my children, it
will just be like that.
ri n BODY penis ri goini two
riambanthai n BODY glans penis
ribaw n PERS person with one
testicle bigger than the other
riganthong n BODY erect penis,
erection, hard-on Nangchi
riganthong ganang. You have an
erection/ a hard-on.
rok- v to shave Kamyn rokai
matok. I cut myself while shaving
my beard.
rokhom n ABSTR shape, type
rokset- v to wipe off
romrom- v to roll
romthom- v to be spherical Robol
romthoma. A football is round.
rong clf classifier for small round
objects, money, small stones,
seeds, stones in a game (when they
have a value) and fruits, default
classifier for counting buchuot
rongsa one mango tangka
rongchek ten rupees
-rong evsp usually V Thawgaba
symgaba phangnan
sarongchagaba jilami
bostudyrangaw raai hynaimung
khasin khasin gumukawan
palyngchi jalgabadyrangaw
jumuphynetaaknowa. Having
brought and given tasty and sweet
things from the district which are
usually never eaten, they slowly
recollected all their husbands who
had run away into the jungle, it is
rong n GEO colour
rong- v see chasu rongaimu mua
rong n GEO stone rong thut sa
one stone rong rong sa one small
round stone in a game
rongbaram n GEO type of rock
rongcheret n GEO pebble size
rongchun n SUBST lime stone
rongchung n GEO big rock
rongchung thut sa one rock, one
big stone
rongchyret n GEO very small
sangkhyning noaimung. So, when
you want to row the boat, and the
boat is just driven round and
round, it is the water dragon, it is
rongrengchangcheng adv swaying
from one side to the other
rongrong- v to slide over
rongthal- v to clean, to clarify, to
rongthala- adj1 clean
rongtyk n ART large clay pot to
keep rice in, rice pot
ronok- adj1 smooth
rophil- ~ rophyl- v to joke
roprop- v to crumble
ros n PLANT/
FOOD/BODY sap, juice (of meat
and fruit), sperm, semen,
rot- v to boil (something in water)
rotchok ~ rochok n ART stud,
vertical beam that forms part of
the side of a house to which the
damdyl can be attached
rothop n PLANT species of plant
from which you can make a type
of popcorn
rubibal n TIME Sunday
ruchut- v to join, to connect Sala
burbok sagyrai naa ningaw
halakhagabaai noaimungna
bunduk raasetetaimungna uaw
sagyraiaw gadakchichiokno.
singsingkholongsang typsetyi
tanangokno, typsetyi tanangokno.
[] Ytykyimuna uba
raiaronganoro. Damn you
stupid child who disturbed us!
they said and they took out their
rung n ART logboat, dugout boat.
river boat made out of a hollowed
tree trunk rung khan sa one boat
rungkhut n FOOD broken rice
runi n BODY brains
rupek ~ rukpek n ANIM species of
small frog which says
-rura evsp V up and down, V back
and forth, V and the opposite
motion Tedo raisotwae
tawangaimu ue Grip nok
hamgabatykyisa wylangthiriokno.
Ytykyimu rairuraai rairuraaimu
noai. Now, having gone up the
shortcut via the Grip House, he
went down again, it is said. So he
went up and down, up and down,
it is said.
rurong- v GEO to landslide ha
runonga there is a landslide
-ruru evsp more and more, V
around, V all over the place, V
through Tamai chaichie tedo
byirakhem hongkhotruruaimu
kaksyrangokno pheruawdo. While
he was trying to beat the drum, the
bees swarmed out and stung the
fox all over, it is said.
ruru- v to make liquid come out
ry- v to carve
rydym- v to sprout leaves
rygyn n PLACE side rygynchi near,
next to Ang choki rygynchi
chapaidonga. Im standing next to
the chair.
=ryi ~ =ri encl without
Hagylsakchi anga jykri muwaba,
uanarinaka, sari parangwaba,
uanarinaka. I lived in the world
having lost a wife, and it will just
be like that, and I wandered
around having lost my children, it
will just be like that.
ryngreng- v to shake your head
ryp- v to dive, to be/stay under
water, to immerse, to submerge
Ytykyimyng magachakdo biskutaw
tyisamchi tanaimyng chaw!
thorokangokno. Thorokangaimyng
hawtyi rypokno magachake. Bewal
rypaimyng phetaakno. So then, the
deer, having put the biscuits on the
river bank, splash! jumped in, it is
said. Having jumped in, he stayed
under water for some time, it is
said, the deer. Having stayed
under water for some time, he
emerged, it is said.
ryphi- ~ riphi- v to plaster (with a
mix of clay and cow dung) Nok
riphiaidong. Im plastering the
(floor of) the house.
ryt- v to pick up, to collect
sa- ~ sai- vtr to set as a trap, to set
in place, to do Jaga saakno uchie,
taw pangai banokno. They set
traps and then caught many birds,
it is said.
sa interj interjection to chase away
a chicken
sa num one, a/an. Combined with
the attributive enclitic =gaba ~
=ga, the form sagaba ~ saga can
mean first, or onethe other.
Ue gawichi sa myngkorok
ganangnoro aro detheng pipukchi
ganangkhua myngsa. That
woman had six children, it is said,
and in her belly she had one more.
Uchie ramchi pheru mangsa
gorongwano. Then they met a fox
on the road. Unasa boba
myngsagaba teew abun boba
nukaisigaakno. Then the first fool
saw another fool, it is said.
Songsagabaaw Songmong
myngwanowa, songsagabaaw
Songgadal myngwanowa. One
village was called Songmong, it is
said, the other village was called
Songgadal, it is said.
sa- v to be ill, sick, to hurt, to be in
pain dykym sa- to have malaria,
=sa encl delimitative Nangmi
jorado nangmi madamsate! Your
lover is no one other than your
teacher! Morot myngsasa
bytangwano. Only one man led
him away, they said.
jineralmitingchengni. umungsa
songgumuk thomaimung haba
haryn harynaw sowalni. In the
beginning they begin with a
general meeting. Only then, after
the whole village has gathered
together, they will divide the rice
field plot by plot. Songgumukan ue
mongmawana waikhurutaisa boli
hynaisa manai sathokwano. The
whole village, precisely because
they prayed to the elephant tusk
and precisely because they gave
offerings, they all became rich, it
is said.
sa n PERS child
sa- v to eat, to celebrate (by eating)
Maijyreng sacha, wakna. You
dont eat dried rice, its for the
pigs. Darai warem saak. The
sword has rusted. Getheng gol
saak. He has got/kicked a goal (in
football). Mamathanggaba
samynchykgana khyrethangaw
raai sanaka. Mothers brother
will marry his daughter to her
cousin. Song damsachi morot
manai sagaba ganangnochym. In
a village lived a rich man.
(Literally a man who eats in great
amounts.) Gethengdo morot wa
saagaba. He is a tough person.
(Literally He is a person who eats
bamboo). Nange bichi krismas
sanima? Where will you celebrate
Christmas? hawai kamai sagaba
someone who works hard and
struggles to survive.
sa bana sa- to go into labour.
Ytykyimuna jywgado noksangdo
oganangarok nookona, sa bana
saarokno. Ytykyimuna morotdo
myngsaba niokno. Ytykyimuna
kynsangdo uchian dyngdang sa
baaknoSo then, the mother was at
home, pregnant. She was going
into labour; but there was nobody
there. So then, she gave birth to
the child by herself.
sabanthai n KIN son. This word is
also used to talk about the male
children of my elder or younger
sadaiburung n PERS child born
out of an incestuous relationship
sadap- v to spill, to take more and
sagyrai n PERS child
Sagyraiwana khymchawa.
Because shes a child I will not
marry her.
sagyrai odek n PERS baby
sakhaw- v to steal Hai baisiga
biskut sakhawna noaidongano.
Come on, my friend, lets steal
the biscuits, he said, it is said.
sakhele- v to eat for fun
salak- v to lick
sama n PLANT species of tree
samynchyk n KIN daughter. This
word is also used to talk about the
male children of my elder or
younger brother.
second time, in October or
November we do a third weeding.
Then, when the rice is ripe, we
celebrate the new rice festival.
saikhiribudu n PLANT species of
sainokga(ba) n PERS author
saip ~ saep n PERS European,
white person, British military
sajin n CORP illness that makes
everything taste bitter
sak- adj1 red
-sak evsp V appropriately
sak- v to bear, to persevere, to
endure, to enjoy, to hold out, to be
patient, to suffer Rangsan sakna
manchaaimyng nokchi dangok.
Not being able to bear the sun
anymore, he went into the house.
balwa saka to enjoy the wind Naa
ie sastiaw rakna manchido
jokangni. If you can endure this
punishment, you will be freed.
Gongwanasa balwa sakai
muarong" noatakokno amakba.
Im just sitting here enjoying the
wind because I want to, said the
monkey. Aiaw! Biskynba bylsi
nidyrang dongphinai duk
sakwachido dethengna mamyng
tangka poisa, dethengmi duk
sakwana, wak rakhiganaba,
tangka poisa hynchano. Oh!
Approximately two years have
passed in which he suffered from
sorrow, he got no money for his
suffering and for the pig keeping
they gave him no money either.
sak- v to fit Angdo maja 13 tarikchi
chaphang phang 99 ang nok
rygynchi kaiok. Te'ew phang 150darang sakkhunichym. A few days
ago, on the 13th, I planted 99 tea
sam n PLANT/FOOD plant, weed,
sam- v to wait Mosa naa sambota.
Hynniba nangna teen. Hey
friend, wait! I will give it to you,
ok, later.
samalmaisirong n ANIM very
small species of ant
samanggri ~ samanggyri n
PLANT species of plant
sambanggyri ~ sambanggri n
PLANT medicinal plant that stops
bleeding. Uching chaaw
kakaimu, sambanggyri
tokdepdepaimu phawa. Because a
leech bit him on the foot, he
crushed sambanggyri and put it on
the wound.
sambarat n PLANT touch-me-not
plant, mimosa pudica. Species of
plant that closes its leaves when
you touch it
samchak n FOOD vegetable
samkong n PLANT high grass
sampattar n PLANT species of
samphat n ART fee payed to a
medicine man (oja) for his
samsai n PLANT low grass
samsi n PLANT grass
samsin maiphara n CORP small
samsin n CORP big boil, abscess
samthai n PLANT species of plant
samtokjang n PLANT species of
samycheng ~ sasyri n CORP
bladder infection
san tw day Range san chi bri
wawano. The rain fell for fourteen
days, it is said.
san- v to heal
Seino van Breugel, 2015
chaithirichiba, ba, matdam
saakno, aro kynsang
gasamsangphak chaithirichi
uawba matdam saakno. So then,
whenever he went to inspect the
fish trap, then there were no fish, it
is said. An otter had eaten it. So
then, he set his traps out in the
river again for half the day, it is
said. Having set out the traps,
when he later inspected them
again, well, the fish had all been
eaten, it is said, and later, when he
looked again in the evening, an
otter had eaten them again, it is
sangwal- v to forget
sanmaji n TIME noon, midday
sanyrai n ANIM centipede
sap- v to swoop down (of birds of
sap- vsec to know a skill Bildo
teewba gore dungna sapchanotyi.
Bil does not know how to ride a
horse, it is said to my surprise.
saphairam n PLANT species of
medicinal plant
saphang n ACT first rice harvest
(in August)
saphaw n ANIM rabbit
sapset- v to drain piseri sapsetbo
drain the fish-tank
sarai n CORP a cut, sarai mat- to
cut someone
saram n ACT new rice offering
festival in which the first rice is
offered to the gods or spirits
saram n FOOD dry rice grains
Saram sywai saa. Dry rice grains
are flattened (by pounding them
with an asam in an aman, and
sarat n PLANT species of plant
stuck to him, he did not look much
like a human anymore, he
certainly looked like a tangle of
blown-together plants. So then, the
king, who was expectingly waiting
said: Whats that coming
saw- v to be rotten
saw- v to curse at (use bad words)
saw- v to dig Nokdanggumuk
gopram sawwa habyri nalsasang.
The whole family dug graves at
the other side of the hill. Uchie
Thengthon khudalsang haaw
sawaidongano. Sawaidongano,
thywangaidokno, chakyw
chyigykdarangdo. Then
Thengthon is digging in the
ground with a chopper, it is said.
He is digging and he is getting
deep, it is said, about ten knees
saw- vtr to burn, to roast on the hot
ashes of the fire
Nokphandaidyrangaw sawaimung
nok phandai dokhakhuchi
khachapai tangaba mongma wa
dorabyryi donggabaaw raai
jalangokno. Having burnt the
bachelors houses, they took the
20 KG weighing elephant tusks
which were tied to the dokhakhu
and ran away, it is said. Ramchi
agal sawgaba ganang. On the
road is a burning forest fire. Jaryt
sawai, mantaw sawai,
maichengmung nalammung
thiksa berengai saa. We roast the
chilli pepper, we roast the brinjal
and cook it until it is well done
with maicheng (a species of leafy
green) and nalam (a species of
fish) in a bamboo tube and eat it.
ang nok sawok I have burnt the
house down.
sekari n ART pin lock
sekyn tw second
sel- v to leak Tenkimi mobil
selarong. Oil is leaking from the
sel- v to pour
selsoksok v to masturbate, to wank
Ri selsoksokni angdo. I will
selu n ANIM cockroach
-sem evsp certainly V Gorialdo
iskyn san somai jarawachina duk
manaidokno. Niwa ido pherudo.
Ang saawdo poresemetchagaba
kakai sana nangok ido
noaimung chanchichypai gorialba.
The crocodile was sad for a long
time. The fox was gone. He has
probably eaten my children, who
are certainly not studying, the
crocodile thought.
-seme evsp V reluctantly
sendel ~ sendyl n ART sandal,
sendel jora ni two sandals
sene num seven
seng- adj1 clever, intelligent
seng- v to bother by misbehaving
seng- v to shine, to dawn, to
become light Wal sengwachi
Sijunygylsang reengni. At dawn
we will go to Siju market.
sengkhi n ART traditional belt
made of ivory beads
sengsot- v to abbreviate Ue
habyriawe sengsotai Matsa
Changkui myngsigaariok. That
mountain is just called Matsa
Changkui for short.
sengki n PLANT type of fruit
sengsyp n ANIM species of small
sentimityr clf centimetre
saa siwa. When I was a child,
because my mother and father and
their families were poor, we
starved for food. khathong si- to
feel pity Angdo ue sagyraina
khathong sia. I feel pity for that
=si ~ =syi ~ =thai ~ =tyi encl
mirative, This enclitic indicates an
emotion of surprise, annoyance or
anger on the part of the speaker.
Atongtykyi taini jabek
thawoksyi? Why is the cury so
tasty today? Im surprised.
Ytykyimuna nukoknotyi phylgym
chunggaaw. So then, he suddenly
saw the giant eagle. Rang nemchie
ataknakasyi? Now that the rain
has stopped, what the heck shall
we do? Gadakchichiaimuna
thypsetthiriokno. Ytykmachiba
uba sagyraiba jumu
khathirithirioknotyi. They cut him
up into pieces and threw him away
again, it is said. But that child
joined together again and again, it
is said, to our surprise.
si- v to sharpen (a pointy object)
siwil- v to carve, to sharpen a
pointy object
sidai n PLANT species of tree
sidikeset n ART CD, compact disc
=siga ~ =sega encl the other, next
(See =sega.)
-siga ~ -sega evsp V in turn,
(alternative suffix for verbs)
Ytykyimyng chepgaba dengaimyng
getheng hongkhotokno.
Ytykyimyng Nepalaw khaaimyng
koksepchi chepetsigaaknoro. Uchi
Nepaldo: Naa ang masu mang
rajasaaw tynangsegabone
nookno. So then, having untied the
prisoner, he came out. So then, he
tied up the Nepali, and locked him
Seino van Breugel, 2015
sit interj interjection to chase a cat
sitbyryt- vtr to scratch someone or
sithi n SUBST fermented rice from
which chyw is drawn by adding
ski- ~ syki- v to learn, to teach
skrin ~ sykrin n ART screen
skul n PLACE school
soot- v to kill, to murder
Chigachakchi Dibangkongdang
Umangchalmangsa mongmaaw
sootai matsaaw sootai
mutynwano. At Chigachak
Dibangkogdang Umangchalmang,
killing the tigers and killing the
elephants, lived as the leader.
sore n SUBST mica, precious
sosorot- v to slip Ramchi
sosorotok. I slipped on the road.
soal- ~ sual- v to divide, to share
Songgumuk thomaimyng haba
haryn harynaw sowalni. The
whole village gathers and will
divide the haba parcel by parcel.
Je haryn nigababado uan
soalrukai hawa. As for those who
do not have a plot, those mutually
share and clear the land.
sojana n PLANT species of long
thin vegetable
sok n PLANT the new young leaves
of a plant (but not a tree) or
vegetable, a shoot, sprout
sok- v to succeed, to hold out Aia!
ido alsiado kakatyi! Sokchakatyi
angdo noaimyng matsado
jenetene jokaimyng jalangokno.
Jeez! That lazy person bites to
my surprise. I will not be able [to
fight]/ I will not succeed [to fight
with him], the tiger said and
Seino van Breugel, 2015
bamboo stick in it. Myngsene
bytwa motchagabaaw
manchagabaaw gudukchagabaaw
chaiaimu, Bandiba kawraw
bytjasaaimyng phalthang
phagongmathangchi phaiai
raiaaidonganote, Bandiba. Bandi
paianggabaaw mykren wathok
songphinai Gyrynggyrang
chaisymaidongano. Having
watched the seven unable men and
the pillar that does not move,
Bandi easily pulled the pillar out
and is carrying it on his shoulder,
it is said, Im telling you!
Gyrynggyrang is watching the
carrying Bandi with eyes raised on
bamboo sticks (i.e. attentively), it
is said.
songkhot- v to come out of a
narrow space
Songdu n PLACE the Brahmaputra
river Symsangdo Gohatichigaba
Songduna mylkhala. The Symsang
is smaller than the Brahmaputra in
songga n PLACE another village
songgamyng morot a person from
another village
songkhamphek n PLANT/ART
forked branch or post
songkhel v to roll head first
songkhot- v to come out of a small
opening, to squeeze out of
songmong n GEO main village
songrai- ~ songre- v to travel
songrat- adj1 to be bent
songre- ~ songrai- v to travel
songsal n ACT society
songsykhep n ART big pincher
songsyrek ~ songsarek n PERS
pagan, heathen Dakangmi
pichammi kamdyrangdo ie
Garohils Habeng Harot Chisak
Seino van Breugel, 2015
spit n ABSTR speed
spling ~ spyling ~ sipyling n ACT
spelling Atong khuchukmung
spyling/sipyling/spling rakancha.
The spelling of the Atong
language is not difficult.
spun n ART spoon
-srang ~ syrang evsp V very much,
V strongly, V completely, wholly
V, V till the end. Also used to
make things sound more emphatic.
ss interj interjection to chase away a
stel n ACT haughtiness, arrogance
Gethengchi stel panga. He/she is
very haughty. This word probably
comes from English style.
stulkhabar n ART tablecloth
su- v to scold
su- ~ syw- v to pound, to punch,
to prod, to inject, to crush Ang
khawchi mugaba khyrykaw
sywbone. Crush the lice in my
hair, will you?
su n BODY vagina
subylok- v to mash, to beat to a
pulp Beringwa mynwachido
subyloka. When the food cooked
in the wasung is ready, we mash
sugol n PERS vagina (used as a
swearword for women), cunt, bitch
sukherek- v to crash down
Jariaimu sukherekaimu wa
khawsa baiokno. Wa khawsa
baiokno mongmaba. Because he
was startled, he crashed down and
broke one tusk, it is said. He broke
one tusk, it is said, the elephant.
sumyn n BODY pubic hair
sunadylep n BODY clitoris
sukulbal ~ sykulbal ~ sykubal n
TIME Friday
sukyrung ~ sykurung ~ sukrung ~
sykrung n ANIM river snail
sul adj 2 next, neighbouring song
sul the next/neighbouring village
sul- v to stretch out, to stick out, to
extend Chak rawkhalai
suletkhubo nowano. Chak
rawkhalai suletkhubo nowano.
Choisa choisa rawkhalai
nowano. Choisa rawkhalai
nowano. Una jomaimu
sinthongwachie: Aiaw! Noaimu
jalangokno. Stretch your arm
further, he said, it is said.
Stretch your arm further he said,
it is said. A little bit further, he
said, it is said. A little bit
further, he said, it is said. Having
sneaked up on her he cut it [the
arm of the hanging root witch] and
she said: Argh! and ran away, it
is said. thylamphak sul- to tick
out your tongue
sun ~ sundul n PLANT tree trunk
sun- v to move, to shift
sung clf classifier for hollow
cylindrical objects or tubes
wasung sungtham three bamboo
sung n ACT/ABSTR remembrance,
thought, mind, brain, intelligence,
spirit, life sung ra- to remember,
to think (of, about), to keep in
mind Isolaw sung raai je Kristen
donggabado Isol phiaia
sachengna. Thinking of God,
anyone who is a Christian will
pray to God and start eating.
Gethengchi sung ganang. He is
sung- adj1 short (of time, person,
tasty today? Im surprised.
Ytykyimuna nukoknotyi phylgym
chunggaaw. So then, he suddenly
saw the giant eagle. Rang nemchie
ataknakasyi? Now that the rain
has stopped, what the heck shall
we do? Gadakchichiaimuna
thypsetthiriokno. Ytykmachiba
uba sagyraiba jumu
khathirithirioknotyi. They cut him
up into pieces and threw him away
again, it is said. But that child
joined together again and again, it
is said, to our surprise.
syimaran n KIN my syi and her
elder sisters child
syithai- ~ syithyi- ~ syithi- v to
hang Syithai tanarong raityngchi.
Its hanging on the washing line.
syk- v to insert, to be inserted, to
press, to push
syk- vsec to want Jywna
sykaidongkhua. I still want to
sleep. Nang syka Its up to you.
sykdep- v to press (with a finger)
syket- v to insert
sykhathang adv disorderly,
carelessly, simply, for nothing, for
sykhym- v to moan, to complain, to
feel sorrow, to mourn
syki- ~ ski- v to learn, to teach
sykjyret- v to crush with your hand
sykrin ~ skrin n ART screen
sykrom- v to grasp someone Thot
thyngthot takwachina dabat
khanetsigaaidongno. He (Bandi)
grasped her (Sore) and poured the
liquor into her mouth to the last
sykrung ~ sukrung ~ sykurung ~
sukyrung n ANIM river snail
symsak- vgoal to care for/about, to
be careful about
Phalthangthangna symsakaribo,
jalthikaribo! Just care for
yourselves, just run away!
Nangmi amana kadangai
symsakbo. Take care of your
Symsang n PLACE the Symsang
river, also called Someswari
-symsym evsp V continuously
syn n ABSTR a smell Syn
manaidong. He smells something.
syn- v to lay on the bed
Thymanggami manggisiaw synai
tanok. We have lain the dead
persons corps on the bed. Ang
nono jywna synai tanok. I have
lain my younger sister on the bed
to sleep.
syng- v to ask Edinchi syngbo.
Ask Edin.
synggaba n ACT question
synggera n BODY moustache that
sticks out
synggi n ANIM species of fish
syngsyngkhol n PLACE deep hole
in the ground
syngsyngkholong n PLACE deep
hole in the ground
synthi- v to suffer, to regret, to
repent, to lament, to moan, to
whine Phepchi synthibutungchi
teewe napit myngsa
raiphaknoro. While he was
suffering in the banyan tree, a
barber came by.
sypsak- v to be scratched Ha
khamaimu chak sypsakarok. After
working in the field my arm is
syrak syrak adv exactly, just
Nang syrak syrak takgaba
chaba nang takwa bimangba
Seino van Breugel, 2015
syt- ~ sit- v to take out the shit from
an animals intestines Angdo
masu pipuk sytaidong. Im taking
out the shit from the cows
intestines. Nangdo na pipuk
sitbo. Take the shit out of the
fishs intestines.
syt interj interjection to chase away
a cat
sytha ~ satha n ART umbrella
syw- ~ su- v to pound, to crush, to
punch, to prod, to inject Ang
khawchi mugaba khyrykaw
sywbone. Crush the lice in my
hair, will you?
syw n KIN grandchild
ta prtcl prohibitive particle Naa ta
dykyryngto! Dont make noise! Ta
ie nok dyngdang ham. Dont build
this house alone. Ta bong! Dont
=ta ~ =to encl emphatic imperative
Raiaboto! Come here!
Ytykyimyng sansachi umyng
gawigaba Bilaw kam khakhalna
hitoknowa. Naa
abundyrangtykyi kam khaai
chaiphabota! nookno. So then,
one day, his wife commanded Bil
to work more. Try to do some
more work like other people! she
tainep dtw this morning
taini dtw today Getheng
tainidarang raianikhon. He
might come sometime today.
taisa dtw a little while ago (today),
at a certain time in the past today
taisymphak n PLANT species of
taia- v to pull
synge syngchagaba taknae
synge syngchagaba. The lazy
king asked: How much for this
bullock cart? Hey! As far as
your buying is concerned, you are
just acting like someone who asks
but who is not really interested.
Chigachakchi Dibangkongdang
Umangchalmangsa, mongmaaw
sootai matsaaw sootai
mutynwano. Uchi song damni
takwano. In Chigachak,
Dibangkongdang and
Umangchalmang, having killed the
elephants and tigers, lived as the
leaders, it is said. There they built
two villages, it is said. Ytykyimyng,
ha! wenni rypwachian miniksuru
takokno sylokno magachakmi
nyndo. So then, ha! when he had
bathed twice, his fur was flat, it is
said, it was beautiful, it is said, the
deers fur. Angdo masuba
pangphachaaimyng niwa,
jamaiawan tanawachym noai
golphoa takaidongano. Uchi
myngsagaba: Angdo jamaiawan
tanasyrangok mangthamawan
noai bala takaidongano. As for
me, I already had only a few cows,
and now there is not one left; I
slaughtered them all, he is telling,
it is said. Then another man says:
I slaughtered all three of them it
is said. Aia! Udo magachakdo
khorate noaimyng rykoknowa.
Tharapna guduk takwachiba
tarakai jalariano magachake.
Hey, this deer is lame! he said
and chased after it, it is said. When
he almost caught up with the deer,
it run away fast, it is said, the deer.
=takai ~ =tykyi encl
perlative/similfactive Phulistykyi
nukramphinokno bunduk paigana.
They inadvertently looked like the
money and left those bones buried
in the jungle. Balai tanangok. I
have already said it. Angdo ytykyi
balaimyng tanarinaka. As for me,
having spoken like this, I will just
stop now.
tan- v see mykren tantan- v to cut, to cut up, to chop, to
chop up, to slay, to slaughter
Galaimuna kynsangdo
phylgymaw uan rykjolaimuna
kukuri byk hotaimuna
tokkyrengaw tanthongokno.
Tokkyreng tanthongaimungna
kynsangdo dykymawdo
jytsetetokno, ytykyimungna
pipukaw tanpyrakokno. Uchie
phalthangmi dadadyrangaw
nukokno, phawjonggarangaw.
After falling down, having run
quickly towards the eagle, having
drawn his knife, he cut the neck
off, it is said. After decapitating
the bird by cutting its neck, he
pushed the head away, it is said.
So then he cut the belly open, it is
said. Then he saw his own
brothers, his elder brothers, it is
said. Una phalthangmyng
masuthangthangaw tanaimyng
khaiangokno. Ramchi golphoanga
takaidongano: Angdo masuba
pangphachaaimyng niwa,
jamaiawan tanawachym noai
golphoa takaidongano. Then,
having slaughtered their own
cows, they carried them to the
market, it is said. On the way, they
are taking, it is said. I dont have
many cows, but I would have
slaughtered all of them anyway,
he said while chatting, it is said.
tanchekchek- v to cut into small
tannet n ART measure basket
tanset- v to abandon, to leave
tap n time, turn tap sa once tap ni
twice tap tham three times
tap- v to hit, to beat-up
=tara encl only, exclusively, alone,
myself/yourself/himself etc,
ourselves/yourselves etc. Anga
mamungawan dywanchate. Uan
phywramu garutara dywariwate. I
did not add anything, Im telling
you! I put in only rice powder and
muster leaves. Morot
myngsanoromo. jywtaraanokmo,
wa niok. There once was a
person. She had become a single
mother, there was no more father.
Ytykyimyng Bil phalthangdo
goreawtara watetaimyng
phalthangdo thyigabamyng
degaldyrangaw raakno. So then,
Bill sent the horse away by itself
and collected the weapons of those
who had died.
tarai dtw this year
tarak- v quick, fast. swift Hare! Ie
atakgaba magachake? Tedo
lengla lengla jaltherianoa. Una
ryktheriokno banggale. Tharapna
guduk takwachiba tarakai
jalariano magachake. Huh?!
What kind of a deer is that? Now
it is running as if it is lame again,
it is said. Then the Bengal chases
after it again, it is said. Whenever
he almost catches up with it, the
deer just runs away quickly, it is
said. Anga noksang tarakai raina
nangaidong. I need to go home
quickly. Tarakbo naa! Hurry up!
tarang n PLACE layer Angdo ie
rajami khemna jywthumaidonga,
damana. Ramramchagaba
kyryngwa ido. Hanyng tarang
Seino van Breugel, 2015
Have you seen Ranus or not? Jemi
sanchi Dibangkongdangaw matsa
kakok. One day, Dibangkongdang
was bitten by a tiger. Panaw jap
khaaimu kawtawna thymokno.
Having made a defence wall out of
wood, they lay in ambush to shoot
upward, it is said. Usangaw
rangpynramsangaw ha hawai
saairongno. Over there, at
Rangpynram they lived of the
land, it is said. Samaw chaaw
itykyi tokano. They trample the
grass like this, with their feet.
taw n ANIM chicken, bird
taw sagyrai n ANIM chick
tawchasi n PLANT species of
tawdimai n BODY tail feathers
tawgurung n nest
tawgylyk n ANIM species of
jungle bird
tawkarang n BODY birds wing
tawkhasi n ANIM capon, castrated
tawkurung n PLACE the nest of a
chicken, a chicken that is about to
lay an egg
tawmyn n BODY fluff, body
tawnok n ART chicken cove, coop
tawpachi ~ topachi n ART the
triangular bamboo mat under the
roof of a house between the
khynthyri, byrym and bylbang
tawpachi n ANIM swallow
(Family of Hirundinidae)
tawpak n ANIM bat, butterfly,
tawpakcha n PLANT species of
tawpakkhal n GEO cave in Siju
tawpaksa n ANIM moth
Seino van Breugel, 2015
teedo ~ tedo expr Ytykyimung,
teedo morot myngsa balokno:
Naa bisang raiaidonga? So
then, now, someone said: Where
are you going? Ytykyimyng tedo
tawreksyrupmyng bengblokmyng
baletaidokno. Ha parawbo
baisiga So then, now, the
banana bird and the toad said:
Call, friend!
teen dtw later today
teew ~ teaw dtw now teew
mangmang just now Teewba song
damsachi Thengthon mynggaba
morot myngsa ganangno. And
now, in a villagem there is a man
called Thengthon, it is said. Bildo
teawba gore dungna
sapchanotyi. Bil does not know
how to ride a horse, it is said, to
our surprise.
teewrawraw ~ teawrawraw expr
Ytykaria, teewrawrawmi gawido.
They do just like that, the girls of
nowadays. Teewrawraw morot
nemchabatsyranggaba. The
people of nowadays are extremely
bad. Angdo sawamigymyn
teewrawrawdo reengna
mankhuchaaidonga. As for me, I
cannot yet go to school because of
my illness. Angdo teewrawrawdo
isykynmi dukna khyngkhyngdo
nemai muphaaidonga. I am still
well despite my continuing
tebyl n ART table
tek- v to tie
telephon n ART telephone
-teng evsp still too V Balbo,
atakna reengwa. Balchachido
tokni, madame. Jora chaiwa.
Sala! mylteng teeuan jora
chaina, roalan jokkhucha! Tell
me, why did you go away? If you
Seino van Breugel, 2015
thagythyng n PLANT species of
thalet- vgoal to explain Ang
nangna Atong khuchuk saina
thaletni. I will explain to you how
to write the Atong language.
thamakhu n PLANT tobacco
thaba n ANIM bedbug
thaba- v to make someone carry a
child (in a cloth on the body) Odek
nangchi thabani I give you this
baby to carry.
thabai- vtr to break
thabarat- vtr to make someone feel
thabisi n ART amulet, antidote
thagal- v to drop Ang chabiaw
bichiba thagalok. I have dropped
my keys somewhere.
=thai ~ =tyi ~ =syi ~ =si encl
mirative, This enclitic indicates an
emotion of surprise, annoyance or
anger on the part of the speaker.
Atongtykyi taini jabek
thawoksyi? Why is the cury so
tasty today? Im surprised.
Ytykyimuna nukoknotyi phylgym
chunggaaw. So then, he suddenly
saw the giant eagle. Rang nemchie
ataknakasyi? Now that the rain
has stopped, what the heck shall
we do? Gadakchichiaimuna
thypsetthiriokno. Ytykmachiba
uba sagyraiba jumu
khathirithirioknotyi. They cut him
up into pieces and threw him away
again, it is said. But that child
joined together again and again, it
is said, to our surprise.
thai clf classifier for receptacles
boiom thai sa one jug dipot
thaisa one teapot khap thaisa
one cup Getheng boiom thaini
baiok. He broke two jugs
thamalang ~ thamylang n
PLANT sweet potato
thankhoana- v to gut lengthwise,
thang v to fall down on
thang- v to throw away with great
force Matsa kherengwachido
thangaaidonga Bandiba. Bandi
kherengwachido wachu byryi
wawa wawa thangasigaaidoknote.
When the tiger makes a great
effort, he throws Bandi one
bamboo length away. When Bandi
makes a great effort, he throws the
tiger whoooosh! four bamboo
lengths away, it is said, Im telling
=thang encl own Taaa!
Chamaaiparado: Na manwa
nogabana pangkhalai tanangaidonganowa. Tyyyk achudo:
Na manwa nogabana pangaiba tanangaidonganowa.
Ytykyimyng teewdo amakdo
nokthangchina dongangwachido
na nioknowa. Sooo! His
sweathearts household says: You
got fish, and he gives them even
more. Then, his grandfather says:
You got fish! and he gives him a
lot. So then, when the monkey
reaches his own house, he has no
more fish. Magachakmyng
pherumynge baisigathangmarannowa. The fox and the deer are
friends, it is said.
thangchichat- v to drain
thangguduk adv suddenly
thanglang n PLANT species of tree
thangphytphyt v to splash Nalam
gudukwachie teewdo tyi
thangpytpytaimyng jyksaiaiawan
Nawengawmu Kumiribaawma
khamoknowa. When the nalam
Seino van Breugel, 2015
he almost caught up with the deer,
it ran away fast, it is said, the deer.
thari- v to prepare, to arrange, to
thasa- vtr to wake somebody up
Thasabo uaw. Wake him up!
-that evsp V excessively
thatthongthong- v to tear to pieces
thaw- adj1 tasty
thaw ideo bang! pow! the sound of
a gun firing
thawjyw n PLANT type of fruit
thawal n CORP scab
the length of one bamboo stick
themet- v to fold
themyt n PLANT cucumber
thebajaw- ~ thebejaw- v to tickle
Nang angaw thebajawwa, ang
bejawok. You tickled me and I feel
thek- v to block off, to lock Tala
thekbo. Lock the lock.
thek- v to insert Waiyr karenchi
thekbo. Put the wire into the
electric socket.
-thel evsp surely V Ichi
rongkhalchi khen
ganangthelnaba ganang. Here in
the spaces under the stones there
are river crabs for sure.
thel- v to tie
them ideo, pow! bang! the sound of
a gunshot Myngsagado them!
kawokno. The first one shot, pow!
it is said.
them- v to fold up (clothes,
blankets etc.)
themtaw- v to roll up
theng clf classifier for pieces of
thep clf classifier for heaps and
small packets
gets it right, then the king will tell
him ajot.
thik kha- v to fix a date and time
Takrukna san somai thik
khawachym. They supposedly
fixed a time and a day to fight.
thikthak adv exactly, precise,
precisely Kynsange nygyltyi ni
reengwachi thikthak jahas
kanachina dongangok. Later,
when she had been going for two
weeks, she arrived exactly at the
ship and the harbour. Thikthak
phangnado chykhyw bajichi
saaidonga. He always eats
exactly at nine oclock. Thikthak
kawoknotyi ue sagyraie.
Kawbutungchi thik thokyrengaw
manokno. That child shot very
precisely. When he shot [the giant
eagle] he got it exactly in the neck.
thimimi- vtr to make someone
thimini- vtr to make someone smile
thin- v to climb a rope that is either
vertically or horizontally hung.
khara thin- to climb a rope
thing thing thing ideo pling, pling,
pling! klang, klang, klang! the
sound of something falling made
of metal
thintaw- v to climb up
-thiri ~ -theri evsp V again
Ytykyimudo uan, getheng,
sagaba: Angdo nemkhalancha
nochido, aro kamalsang thama
chaithiria. So then, as for him, if
he says: I am not better, they
will practice divination again at
the place of another priest.
Myngsa them! kawoknotyi.
khianchano. Aro myngsa
kawtheriokno. Them! One of them,
pow! took a shot. And another one
shot again. Pow! Biba
Seino van Breugel, 2015
-thok evsp V together, everybody
V, all of them V. Mai
sathokokma? Did you all eat rice
together? Golpho balna pangcha
natymthokbo. I want to tell a story,
listen up everybody.
thokbyrang adj2 multi-coloured,
many coloured
thokbyrym adj2 multi-coloured,
many coloured
thokthok adv precisely
thol n COPR wrinkles
thol- v to lie, to tell lies Anga
Ketketa Bura nogaawan
tyngkhucha noaimyng Ketketa
Burae phalthangawan pheruna
tholokno. I dont know this so
called Ketketa Bura yet, lied
Ketketa Bura about himself to the
fox, it is said.
tholam n PERS liar
thom clf classifier for things in
heaps or piles jyw thomsa a pile
of flattened bamboo used to make
thom- v to come together Song
gumuk thomaimung haba haryn
harynaw sowalni. The whole
village comes together and they
will divide the haba plot by plot.
thom- v to make a heap Rong
thomaidonga. Hes making a
heap of stones.
thong clf classifier for cylindrical
objects betyri thongbyryi four
-thong ~ -thong evsp V in half
(crosswise), V off Wa
baithongok. The bamboo is
broken crosswise. Galaimuna
kynsangdo phylgymaw uan
rykjolaimuna kukuri byk
hotaimuna tokkyrengaw
tanthongokno. After it had fallen,
thot- v to hit, to bump into
something or against something
Cha ronchi thotwa. I hit my foot
on a stone.
thothak n QUANT/MSRE a drop,
classifier for drops myktyi thothak
ni two tears/two teardrops
mykrensam thothak ni two drops
of eye medicine.
thotphyret- v to smash by hitting
against or on something
thu- v to put in your mouth
thuk- v to enclose with a fence nol
thuka to fence
thuk- v to wicker a bamboo mat
Damdyl thukaimu nok hama.
Having made the bamboo mats,
they build the house.
-thum evsp V on behalf of someone
else, instead of someone else
Atakna kyrewa,
morotmadyrangna? Hai ang
ganang. Angan raja. Angan
balthumni nooknoro pherue.
Why are you afraid for these
people? Come on! I am here. I am
the king. I will speak on your
behalf, said the fox, it is said. Ue
alsia rajae ytytkyimyng jykba
myngni khymanoro. Ytykyimyng
sanaba jyk paithumna nangano,
jywnaba jyk paina nangano. That
lazy king had married two wives,
it is said. So, to eat, his wives had
to carry him, it is said, and to
sleep, his wives had to carry him
too, it is said.
thumu- vtr to sit someone down
(used for children)
thunuk- v to show
thup ideo thunk! slap! a beating
thup n PLACE nest Tawreksyrup
mangsa gethengmyng thup
hagyrsakgumukawan myngani.
When he summons the
downstream spirit, that [priest]
will call upon the influence of all
those far away [places] up till
Bangladesh [and] the area of
Kongos, all of them.
thyl- v to go very far
Gathyngaimuna thylangok.
Because [I] kicked [it], [it] went
very far.
thylampak ~ thylapak n BODY
tongue thylamphak sul- to stick
out your tongue
-thylong evsp V nicely Uaw
waphekgumuk, wa pangumuk
tharithylongaimusa, sansa
dyngthangmancha thariaisa,
kamalna rykaisa, wai khuruta,
ning achu ambimi ningmi
pisachido. Having prepared those
small bamboo stalks, having
nicely prepared all the bamboo
and wood, one special day you
need to prepare that, search for a
priest and perform the incantation,
in the time of our ancestors, in our
thym- v to lay in ambush
thym- v to take revenge
thymbylong adj2 to have a hole in
it, damaged (of roads, bridges and
wooden planks)
thymyn v to ripen Panchung
thymytetbo. Keep the jackfruit so
that it can ripen.
thymyn- vtr to ripen
thymyt- v to put out (fire), to switch
off, to extinguish
-thyng evsp V so much Khuthipna
harataimyng kawakai
manamthynggabana sotmai
dumaai pangphinokno. Because
ningaw hala khagabaai
noaimungna bunduk
raasetetaimungna uaw
sagyraiaw gadakchichiokno.
singsingkholongsang thypsetyi
tanangokno. Brothers, brothers, I
am your younger brother! he said,
it is said. Damn you stupid child!
You have woken us up! they said
and, having thrown away their
guns, they cut the child up in
pieces, it is said. Having cut him
into pieces, they threw him in a
deep hole in the ground, it is said.
thyrgyryw v to shake something
large and unmovable
thyw- adj1 deep
thywkhong adj2 globular,
protruding, bulging
Tibet n PLACE Tibet
tibi n ART television
ticher ~ tichyr n PERS teacher
tiiititi interj interjection to call a
tika n ART payment
tiktik- v to make last Biskynan jachi
saaidonga? Tangkaawba tiktika.
Nanangachido tiktikcha.
Sabongbong ryngbongbong.
Mangabaaw saphet ryngphet.
How much do they eat every
month? They make their money
last. As for us, we dont make it
last. We are gluttons and
drunkards. The rich eat and drink
too much.
tin n ART corrugated iron sheet
used to make roofs tin kap sa one
sheet of corrugated iron
tintyrin n PLANT tamarind
tiup n ART tube
=to ~ =ta encl emphatic imperative
Raiaboto! Come here!
Seino van Breugel, 2015
tokthong- v to smash in half
tokthynyng ~ tokthining n BODY
toktokylek n PLANT species of
tong- v to fuck
tota n ART plank tota kap sa one
plank tota khawsa one plank
totyp adj2 bent Bandi
muetwachian dakhamba hachina
chaksi ni dongna guduk totyp
totyp takaidonganote. When Bandi
sits on the dakham it bent almost
completely to but two fingers from
the ground, it is said.
tu- ~ ty- v to feed (by putting food
or drink into the mouth Sagyraina
mai tuwa. I fed the child rice.
Bylsi senemi chywaw pityi
jyngjang phinggabaaw botol
kanetaidongano. Dada choisa
kawakbone noaimyng
hynetaidongano. Atong churu
ryngnaka? noaimu Botolgumuk
tyetsyrangbo. They are pouring
seven year old wine from a fully
filled bottle as small as a thumb, it
is said. Elder brother, open your
mouth a little they said and then
What little will I drink? he said
Feed me the whole bottle.
tuk- v overgrown, dense (of
vegetation) Ram tuka. The road is
overgrown. Palyng tuka. The
jungle is dense.
tum clf classifier for places and
packets Hap tumbyisyk? How
many places?
tun- ~ tyn- v to lead, to guide to
lead, to guide Naa ang masu
mang rajasaaw tynangsegabone.
You lead my hundred cows away,
tyichaw- ~ tyichaw v to drown Ie
morot tyi hungna sapchaaimu
tyichawwa. Because this person
did not know how to swim, he
tyigat n PLACE place in a river or
at the end of a water pipe where
the people get drinking water, take
a bath and wash their clothes and
tyigum n ART water container
made of metal and shaped like a
big vase used to store water in the
kitchen. Its place in the house is in
the tyinok
Tyihanggal n PLACE Stream on
the way to Balphakram. When the
spirit of a dead person takes his
bath in that river, he forgets
everything about his life. This
stream is also called Chidymak or
tyi hung- vpan to swim Naa tyi
hungna sapama? Do you know
how to swim?
tyikaran adj2 thirsty
tyikhal n GEO river thyikhal chol
ni two rivers
tyikhyrep- v to be wrinkled
because of being in the water for a
long time ang chaksi tyikhyrepok
my fingers are wrinkled because
they were in the water for a long
time chak tyikhyrepok dry leaves
tyimong n GEO main river
tyimuk n GEO source, spring (of a
tyinala n PLANT algae
tyinok n ART place in the kitchen
where the water pots (tyigum) and
other utensils like plates, cups and
glasses are stored.
tykhal n PERS person who goes
around eating in lots of other
people houses
tyksyl n ART pan for cooking rice
=tykyi ~ takai encl
perlative/similfactive Phulistykyi
nukramphinokno bunduk paigana.
They inadvertently looked like the
police because they were carrying
guns. Nanang Bagmaratykyi
reengni. We will go via/through
tykyw n ART water pot
tym clf classifier for fields haba
tymni two dry rice and vegetable
fields on the slope of a mountain
-tym sfx personal pronoun plural
suffix used to form the second
person plural exclusive personal
pronoun from the second person
singular and the third person plural
from the distal demonstrative:
nangtym you (plural exclusive)
utym they
tyn- ~ tun- v to lead, to guide Naa
ang masu mang rajasaaw
tynangsegabone. You lead my
hundred cows away, OK?
-tyn evsp lead/bring to V, be the
leader of the action, Keletynbo!
Play with the others as the leader.
tyng clf classifier for long thin
objects like ropes, chains, hairs
etc. kara tyngsa one rope
tyng- v to know (a fact or person),
to understand, to recognise
Ketketa Bura? Anga Ketketa
Bura nogaawan tyngkhucha
noaimyng Ketketa Burae
phalthangawan pheruna
tholokno. Ketketa Bura? I dont
know this so called Ketketa Bura
yet, lied Ketketa Bura about
himself to the fox, it is said. Ang ie
tys ~ tyis ~ yis ~ hyits ~ hys ~ hyis
interj Ugh! What the?!
Expresses disapproval or
indignation. Tys sala! Damn!
tyt- v to pour Ue tyigummi tyi tytbo
depotchi. Pour water from that
tyigum into the teapot.
uchingrawri ~ batro n ANIM
species of brown leech that lives in
the soil and mud
uchi disccon/dem then, there
uchiba disccon but then Una
myngsagaba sabanthai
sabanthai myngsagaba
bychymokno, uchiba
dangangphaariokno. Then one
son pulled the other out [from the
water], it is said, but then they just
crossed and they all just drowned,
it is said.
uching ~ uching ~ ukching n
ANIM leech
ue ~ u- dem that, there, distal
ufff ~ uph ideo oof! a puffing
umi ~ umido ~ umisa ~ umyng ~
umung ~ umyngdo ~ umyngsa
disccon then Naa wai
chunggabaaw nukoknoai
chanchibo, masu ranaka, purun
ranaka, taw rana nangni, wak
rana nangni, unado. Umi chywba
symna nangni, ue kamalna.
Suppose you see a big spirit.
Youll get a cow youll get a goat,
youll need to get a chicken, youll
need to get a pig, for him. Then
youll also need to brew some
liquor for that priest. Masu
gatyngaimuna kha Dawa!, kha
Dawa! noaimusa rung chawaimu
patronganoro. Whatever you do
whenever you cross, the boat will
spin. That is the water dragon.
Therefore, before you cross by
boat, because you stamp on the
head of the boat saying Kha
Dawa! Kha Dawa! and then
having gone by boat, you usually
cross, it is said. Only then does the
water dragon not get you, it is
uph ~ ufff ideo oof! a puffing
utyk udong expr let it be
utym ppron they, third person
plural personal pronoun
wa n BODY tooth, tusk (of
elephant) wa khawni two teeth,
two tusks
wa- vs1 to rain Rang waaidok. Its
raining. Literally: Rain is raining.
This verb can only take the noun
rang as its argument.
=wa encl factitive Angmyng bimung
Nykseng myngwa. My name is
Nykseng. Bisang reengwa?
Where have you been? Uchian
rajado kusi dongaimyng: Naa
atongaw nangni? nookno. Uchie
Bildo: Angna mamyngawan
nangchawa. Then the king was
happy. Do you need anything?
he asked? Then Bil said: I dont
need anything. Nangmi tangka
angna hynbo! yhy
hynchawa! Give me your
money! No, I wont give it!
Ooo! Mykgythaldo dongcha
jywmangsama, ma nang bimang
sylwaai.(Wilseng S Marak) Ooo! Is it
Ytykyimuna pankhambaichi
pywaimuna ytykyi sakhuchano
sawaawdo. So then, having flown
up in the treetop like this, he had
not yet eaten any food, it is said.
wa ~ wagaba n KIN father
wa n PLANT bamboo wa dotsa
one culm of bamboo wakhawsa
one long half of a bamboo morot
wa sagaba a strong and tough
wabyrek n ART horizontal beam
under the length of the roof
underneath the wakhaw; together
they form part of the structure of
the roof of a house that keeps
whatever covers the roof in its
wacham n PLANT stubble, old
rice stalk which is left over after
harvesting the rice
wachan n PLANT species of
fungus that glows in the dark
wachu ~ wachun n MSRE
wachurek n ABSTR capacity
wachyrik- vgoal to be startled
Gari horn khawanasa
wachyrikok, gethenge. Because
the car blew its horn he was
wada n PLANT species of bamboo
of which each culm comes out of
the ground individually instead of
in a bush
wadaweng n GEO star sign of
three stars in a straight line
wadokolong n ART water pipe
made of bamboo
wagat n ART bamboo shoulder
wagatram n BODY shoulder,
literally: the place where you put
the bamboo shoulder yoke
waphuk n ART white half of a
strip of bamboo used to make rope
wapuk n PLANT the inside of a
bamboo tube
warap n ART bamboo strip that
runs underneath the bamboo floor
of a house and has engsyri as its
counterpart on top of the floor to
keep the bamboo strips that make
up the floor in place
wari ~ waryi n PERS child who
lost his father
warung n PLANT young bamboo
wasung n ART bamboo tube used
as container and used to cook
bering in wasung sungni two
bamboo tubes
wasyl n ART/PLANT green half of
a strip of bamboo used to make
rope, the outside of a bamboo tube
watana n ART part of an elephant
wathai n PLANT smaller type of
wathaibok n PLANT species of
bamboo that is white from the
ground a little up
wathok n PLANT hollow bamboo
stick Myngsene bytwa
motchagabaaw manchagabaaw
gudukchagabaaw chaiaimu,
Bandiba kawraw bytjasaaimyng
phalthang phagongmathangchi
phaiai raiaaidonganote, Bandiba.
Bandi paianggabaaw mykren
wathok songphinai
Gyrynggyrang chaisymaidongano.
Having watched the seven unable
men and the pillar that does not
move, Bandi easily pulled the
pillar out and is carrying it on his
shoulder, it is said, Im telling
you! Gyrynggyrang is watching
the carrying Bandi with eyes
wasted time, he went back to his
family, it is said.
wai- v to scoop (of liquid) Angna
chyw gylaschi waibo. Scoop some
liquor into the glass for me.
Tyikhalmi tyi waiaimu getheng
ryngok. He scooped out some
water from the river and drank it.
waicheng n ART longest type of
waiseng n ART very big knife
traditionally used to kill tigers and
men waiseng mangsa one
wai khurut- vpan to perform an
incantation Ie chamasangmi wai
khurutchido ue hyisangmiaw
Banggladesmi thyl Kongosmi
jaria hagyrsakgumukawan
myngani. When you perform an
incantation for the Downstream
Spirit, you call upon the whole
area up to Bangladesh way over
there, upon the influence of
Kongos, you call upon the whole
area, everything.
waiphin n ACT return Waisa
waiphin lak sa nanga. To go and
come back you need one hundred
thousand rupees.
waiphin- v to go back, to return
Nangmi sabanthai waiphinaakte.
Your son has returned.
waisa n ACT the going (to
somewhere) Waisa waiphin lak sa
nanga. To go and come back you
need one hundred thousand
waiset- v to drain a little bit of
water, to scoop out water
Chamussang waisetbo. Scoop it
out with a spoon.
waiyr n ART wire
wak n ANIM pig, pork
walmak n PLACE future rice field
where the jungle has just been
walsam n PLACE fireside
walthum n fire that is burned
during the winter outside the
house to keep warm
wala- v to arrive at night, to be late
so that it is already night Ma
baba, atykyimu walawa? nookno
amakaw, amakmi sadyrange.
Niwa. Ue nang awangpara
nokchi dangphakawa naa"
noatakokno. But daddy, why are
you so late? It is already night,
the monkeys children said.
Dont worry. I visited your
uncle he said, it is said.
walchak- v to kindle the fire with
your breath by blowing
walmykrak- v to hold a vigil or
watch over the body of a dead
walsymsym n GEO twilight, dusk
Walsymsym takok. Its dusk.
wang n KIN (1) uncle: fathers
younger brother (2)stepfather
wang- v to bite a bit out of
wang- v to turn, to wind
wanggala n ACT biggest Garo
wangmaran n KIN my wang and
his elder brothers child
warasak- v to defend, to shield, to
warem n SUBST rust
wari n PLACE deep place in the
river where you can swim or take
a bath Tyi gagaba wari
thywgaba tyisamchi hap
sylgabachi myngni
baisigathangmaran chang
tyrywchengnaka noaidongano.
At the waterside of a place in the
river where there was nice and
deep water, in a beautiful place,
the two friends are arguing about
who will take a bath first, it is said.
waribul- v to fish at the festival of
waribula n ACT the Siju fishing
festival in the Symsang river at
warung n PLANT young or
immature bamboo
wasam n PLANT species of plant
wat- v to send away, to banish, to
get rid of, to switch on an
electrical apparatus like a radio,
TV, computer etc., to let go, to
squirt Gethengmi nokaw getheng
watok, ytykyimu dynthang nokchi
muarok. His family sent him
away, so now he is staying in
another house. Git watbo. Play
some music. (on the
radio/tape/CD/etc.) Ram watbo.
Go out of the way. Sunyngchi
rityi watchawa. I will not cum
inside her vagina. Ytykyi
pywtynangaimyng kynsangdo
dongna guduk takwachian
gethengtheng khusi
dongthamakaimyng gore dimaichi
phalthang chak diriga
sangwalaimyng khusi
dongaimyng watokno. Ytykyimyng
galai thyiokno. So then, having
flown away, later, when they
almost arrived, because they were
so very happy, they forgot to hold
on to the horses tail with their
own hands, and because they were
so happy, they let go, it is said. So
then they fell down and died, it is
wat- v to weave things from reed or
bamboo, to make a mat or basket
from bamboo or reed Getheng
koksep watna mana. He can
weave a bamboo cage.
watbyrak- v to be shameless
Getheng tawel watbyrakai kana
He was wearing his towel
shamelessly (i.e. not caring to
cover up his private parts).
Getheng watbyrakai mimirongwa.
He was laughing shamelessly (i.e.
without covering his mouth with
his hand).
watet- v to send (away), to post Ang
songthangchina dongangwachi
nangtymna chiti watetni. When I
have arrived in my own country I
will send you letters. Stem rong
chi dok tanaimu chiti wateta. You
put sixteen rupees worth of stamps
and post the letter.
watwa watwa adv scattered all over
the place
watyi n TIME rainy season
wawa ideo the sound of someone
throwing something Bandi
kherengwachido wachu byryi
wawa wawa thangasigaaidoknote.
When Bandi resisted, he was
thrown four bamboo lengths, it is
said, Im telling you!
welang ~ welang welang adv
quickly, fast
wek ideo squeal! oink! the sound of
a pig
wek- v to sweep
wekwak- adj1 to be very soft (like
mud), sloppy Ram wekwakok. The
road is very soft like mud.
wel- v to burn (as a sensation)
Jaryt wela chillies burn. mykren
wela walkhumigymyn. My eyes
burn because of the smoke.
morotsyn manaimyng raiwilokno
alsiado. Raiwilwilokno. Later, the
tiger got the scent of the human
and walked around the king, it is
said. He walked round and round,
it is said.
winwin- v to wind (something
around something)
wongong- v to stir
wongwet- v to dangle
wot- ~ wyt- ~ wen- ~ wyn- v to
sharpen, to whet
wungwung- v to stir
wuuuuk ideo wooosh! the sound of
something big falling down
wyiset- v to wipe off
wyl- ~ wil- v to go down, to
descend, to get off
wylang- v to go down, descend
wyn ~ wen ~ wyt- ~ wot- v to
sharpen, to whet
wynget- v to dangle
-wyngwang evsp V in a confused
wyngwang- v to wag Kyi dimai
wyngwangaidong. The dog is
wagging its tail.
wyngwet- v to swing, to move back
and forth
wyt- ~ wot- ~ wen- ~ wyn- v to
sharpen, to whet
yh yhm, eh Expresses hesitation.
yhy procl I dont agree, no, yes
yis ~ hyits ~ hys ~ hyis ~ tyis ~ tys
interj Ugh! What the?!
Expresses disapproval or
ym ~ am procl I agree, affirmative,
okay, thats right Ichi taw
mannichym anga tangka
nookno. Ytykchido ningba
phalthang nokaw sawaimyng
hathapyra phalchie mannima?
It is really good that you burnt
down my house. I thank you very
much and if my house had been
bigger, I would have gotten more
money than this, Thengthon said,
it is said. In that case, after we
will have burnt down our own
houses and sold the ashes, will we
get money too?
ytyken adv like this/that Atakna
raiawa? O, gylgylarong
ytyken, haratwanasa. Why have
you come? Oh, I am just
roaming like this, just because Im
ytykgaba adj2 this kind of, like
this, such Angba ytykgaba khadi
ranichymte. I would also buy
clothes like these.
ytykhal expr it doesnt matter
ytykmachiba disccon but,
however Gadakchichiaimuna
thypsetthiriokno. Ytykmachiba
uba sagyraiba jumu
khathirithirioknotyi. He cut it into
pieces again and disposed of it
again, it is said. But that child
reassembled once again, it is said,
to our surprise.
ytykyi adv like this/that Ma,
manni dongchido ie parang
kunsaaw kawanchyi noai
hynokno. Ytykyi songtawai
hynokno. Well, you will (be able
to shoot the eagle), try to shoot
this culm of reed, she said and
gave one. She chose one and put it
upright like this, it is said.
ytykyimyng ~ ytykyimu ~
ytykyimuna ~ ytykyimung ~
ytkyimungna disccon so then,
Arong surreptitiously looked,
having hit headman Arong in the
face, he died, it is said. Thats
why, because of headman Arongs
death, the gun-carrying white
soldiers were able to enter the
village, it is said. Ytykyisa Bandie
balaidongano [] Bandi spoke
like this, it is said []
yyy interj uhm, eh. Expresses
Counting in Atong
chyigyk ~ chek
khole rongsa
khole rongni
khole rongtham
khole byryi
khole banga
khole korok
khole sene
khole chatgyk
khole chykhyw
charanga ~ chibanga
chisene ~ chisyni
kholgyk ~ kholgryk ~ khol ~ rumsa
khole rongsa
khole rongni
khole rongtham
khole rongbyryi
khole rongbanga
khole rongkorok
khole rongsene
khole rongchatgyk
khole rongchykhyw
rumsa rongsa
rumsa rongni
rumsa rongtham
rumsa byryi
rumsa banga
rumsa korok
rumsa sene
rumsa chatgyk
rumsa chykhyw
kholgyk sa
kholgyk ni
kholgyk tham
kholgyk byryi
kholgyk banga
kholgyk korok
kholgyk sene
kholgyk chatgyk
kholgyk chykhyw
kholgryk sa
kholgryk ni
kholgryk tham
kholgryk byryi
kholgryk banga
kholgryk korok
kholgryk sene
kholgryk chatgyk
kholgryk chykhyw
khole chitsa
khole chini
khole chitham
khole chibyri
khole charanga
khole chidok
khole chisene
khole chichat
khole chisykhu
rumni rongsa
rumni rongni
rumni rongtham
rumni byryi
rumni banga
rumni korok
rumni sene
rumni chatgyk
rumni chykhyw
rumni chyigyk
rumni chitsa
rumni chini
rumni chitham
rumni chibyri
rumni charanga
rumni chidok
rumni chisene
rumni chichat
rumni chisykhu
rumsa chyigyk
rumsa chitsa
rumsa chini
rumsa chitham
rumsa chibyri
rumsa charanga
rumsa chidok
rumsa chisene
rumsa chichat
rumsa chisykhu
sotbyri sa
sotbyri ni
sotbyri tham
sotbyri byryi
sotbyri banga
sotbyri korok
sotbyri sene
sotbyri chatgyk
sotbyri chykhyw
sotbonga sa
sotbonga ni
sotbonga tham
sotbonga byryi
sotbonga banga
sotbonga korok
sotbonga sene
sotbonga chatgyk
sotbonga chykhyw
kholachi sa
kholachi ni
kholachi tham
kholachi byri
kholachi banga
kholachi dok
kholachi sene
kholachi chat
kholachi sykyw
rumtham rongsa
rumtham rongni
rumtham rongtham
rumtham byryi
rumtham banga
rumtham korok
rumtham sene
rumtham chatgyk
rumtham chykhyw
sotdok sa
sotdok ni
sotdok tham
sotdok byryi
sotdok banga
sotdok korok
sotdok sene
sotdok chatgyk
sotdok chykhyw
rumtham chyigyk
rumtham chitsa
rumtham chini
rumtham chitham
rumtham chibyri
rumtham charanga
rumtham chidok
rumtham chisene
rumtham chichat
rumtham chisykhu
sotsene ~ sotsyni
sotsene sa
sotsene ni
sotsene tham
sotsene byri
sotsene banga
sotsene korok
sotsene sene
sotsene chatgyk
sotsene chykhyw
rumbyryi rongsa
rumbyryi rongni
rumbyryi rongtham
rumbyryi rongbyryi
rumbyryi banga
rumbyryi korok
rumbyryi sene
rumbyryi chatgyk
rumbyryi chykhyw
kholchangbyryi rongsa
kholchangbyryi rongni
kholchangbyryi rongtham
kholchangbyryi rongbyryi
kholchangbyryi banga
kholchangbyryi korok
kholchangbyryi sene
kholchangbyryi chatgyk
kholchangbyryi chykhyw
sotchet sa
sotchet ni
sotchet tham
sotchet byryi
sotchet banga
sotchet korok
sotchet sene
sotchet chatgyk
sotchet chykhyw
rumbyryi chyigyk
kholchangbyryi chyigyk
rumbyryi chitsa
kholchangbyryi chitsa
sotsykhu sa
rumbyryi chini
kholchangbyryi chini
sotsykhu ni
rumbyryi chitham
kholchangbyryi chitham
sotsykhu tham
rumbyryi chibyri
kholchangbyryi chibri
sotsykhu byryi
rumbyryi charanga
kholchangbyryi charanga
sotsykhu banga
rumbyryi chidok
kholchangbyryi chidok
sotsykhu korok
rumbyryi chisene
kholchangbyryi chisene
sotsykhu sene
rumbyryi chichat
kholchangbyryi chichat
sotsykhu chatgyk
rumbyryi chisykhu
kholchangbyryi chisykhu
sotsykhu chykhyw
rajasa rongsa
rumbanga rongsa
rajasa rongni
rumbanga rongni
rajasa rongtham
rumbanga rongtham
rajasa rongbyryi
rumbanga rongbyryi
rajasa rongbanga
rumbanga rongbanga
rajasa charanga ~ rajasa chibonga
1,000 hajal ~ hajalsa
1,101 hajalsa rajasa rongsa
2,000 hajalni
7,895 hajalsene rajachatgyk kholchangbyryi charanga ~
hajalsene rajachatgyk sotsykhu banga
1,00,000 lak ~ laksa
2,50,675 lakkholgykbanga rajakorok sotsyni banga ~
lakkholebanga rajakorok rumtham banga
1,00,00,000 kror ~ krorsa
15,59,81,733 krorcharanga laksotbonga chykhyw hajalkholchangbyryi rongsa
rajasene kholachi tham ~ krorcharanga lakrumni chisykhu
hajalrumbyryi rongsa rajasene khole chitham
Seino van Breugel, 2015
siks ~ sik
sikstin ~ siktin
twenti wan
wan handryt
wan tawsyn
wan milion
cha ~ char
dys ~ das
sukulbal ~ sykulbal ~ sykubal
agos ~ agys
septembol ~ septembyl
oktobol ~ oktobyl
nobembol ~ nobembyl
desembol ~ desembyl
asyngja ~ asingja
bochi (Siju dialect), jachung (Badri
dialect) sister-in-law: elder brothers
bonyng brother-in-law: the relation of a
man and his younger sisters husband
or a man and his wifes elder brother,
any man of another mahari from the
same generation yourself.
bochithangmaran my wife and her
sister or brother together
chamai ~ chame (1) marriageable
female cousin, (2) the relation of
female cousins from intermarriageable
families, (3) the relation of the parents
of a married couple
chamethangmaran a couple of
marriageable cross-cousins, a boy and
girl who can marry
dada elder brother. This word is also
used to speak about or address a related
older male relative of your own
generation: cousin, or to address an
unrelated man older than you.
dytyi uncle: fathers elder brother
dytyithangmaran my dytyi and his
younger brothers child
gumi brother-in-law: elder sisters
husband or husbands elder brother
gumithangmaran my husband and my
younger sister or younger brother
haw uncle: mothers brother
hawmaran my haw and his (elder or
younger) sisters unmarried child
hawnokhol father-in-law, deceased
father-in-laws heir, addressed as mama
hawnokholburung a group that is
formed when one or more fathers-inlaw and sons-in-law come together: a
group of hawnokhol and khynokhol
mani aunt: fathers sister. This word is
also used to address your mother-inlaw.
mawsa ~ mosa (1) marriageable male
cousin: the child of mama mothers
brother and anaifathers sister or of
awang fathers younger brother and
asyi mothers younger sister (2) the
relation of male cousins from
intermarriageable families (3) a male
friend belonging to an
intermarriageable family. (4) friendly
term to address a person.
mawsathangmaran ~
mosathangmaran two boys of
different maharis, for example Marak
and Sangma, in two possible
relationships depending on the gender
of the speaker. Male speaker: my elder
sisters son and my son. Female
speaker: my elder brothers son and my
nai aunt: fathers sister
naimaran my nai and her (elder or
younger) brothers unmarried child
nainokhol mother-in-law, addressed as
nainokholburung a group of mothersin-law and daughters-in-law
nainokholthangmaran my nai and her
(older or younger) brothers married
namchyk niece
namchyksyw grand-niece / great-niece:
the daughter of my husbands sisters
namgaba niece
namnokhol daughter-in-law
namnokholburung group of daughtersin-law
sangmaracha two persons from the
same mahari who got married
syi uncle: mothers younger brother
syimaran my syi and her elder sisters
syw grandchild
wa ~ wagaba father
grandson syw
husband biphagaba, jyk
mother ama, jyw
mother-in-law nainokhol
nephew khyryithang ~ khyrythang
niece namchyk, namgaba
sister abi (elder sister), janaw (elder sister),
naw (younger sister) nono (younger sister)
sister-in-law bochi ~ jachung (elder
brothers wife), anyng (husbands wife),
jachung (wifes elder sister), nawsyri
(younger brothers wife)
son sabanthai
son-in-law kynokhol
spouse jyk
stepchild sathyra
stepfather wang
stepmother ade
uncle mama (mothers brother), haw
(mothers brother), syi (mothers younger
brother), dytyi(fathers elder brother), wang
(fathers younger brother), awang (fathers
younger brother)
Dawylingchiguthum ~
Dawylingchigythum ~
Dorenggo Wadachong
Garaigyty ~ Garaigythum ~ Garaigythym
Gongga Hadyng
Halwa Atong
Khalu Bokchung
Khalu Garo Hills
Khalu Khasia
Khalu Kyndamguthum ~
Kyndamgythum ~ Kyndamgythym
Khalu Kyndamguthum ~
Kyndamgythum ~ Kyndamgythym
Kynchung Kasriguthum ~ Kasrigythum
~ Kasrigythym
Maidu Hawai
Nongal ~ Nongwal
Patalguthum ~ Patalgythum ~
Raiwak Choklolguthum ~
Choklokgythum ~ Choklolgythym
Raiwak Chondolsu
Raiwak Dawkaparam
Raiwak Khambaipal
Raiwak Malengmaguthum ~
Malengmagythum ~
Raiwak Rongcheguthum ~
Rongchegythum ~ Rongchegythym
Raiwak Rongraiguthum ~
Rongraigythum ~ Rongraigythym
Sijyw Arteka ~ Artika ~ Areteka
Sijyw Damuguthum ~ Damugythum ~
Sijyw Duramong
Sijyw Hadura
Sijyw Songcham
Waimong Dalengguthum ~ Dalengythum
~ Dalengythym
Waimong Gonggrot
Waimong Habri
Waimong Hagympal
Waimong Hangsapal
Waimong Maiduguthum ~ Maidugythum
~ Maidugythym
Waimong Matchirampat