Non-Equilibrium Transverse Motion and Emittance Growth in Space-Charge Dominated Beams
Non-Equilibrium Transverse Motion and Emittance Growth in Space-Charge Dominated Beams
Non-Equilibrium Transverse Motion and Emittance Growth in Space-Charge Dominated Beams
1 Introduction
In recent years, a concerted attempt has been made to understand the space charge
dominated beam dynamics of intense electron beams, mainly in the context of
radio-frequency (rf) photoinjectors. The ultra-short beams in these devices undergo
transverse expansion from the photocathode in the initial cell of the rf gun, an
expansion accompanied by rapid rms emittance growth[1]. This growth has been
found to be due in large part to correlations in between the transverse phase space
angle described by the rms beam size σ and divergence σ ′ , and the longitudinal
position in the beam[2]. A transverse cross-section of the beam at a given
longitudinal position, is referred to as a beam slice, and removal of the correlation
between slice position and rms phase space angle σ ′ / σ is a process known as
emittance compensation[2,3]. As is discussed in the following section, this process
is explainable in terms of linear plasma oscillations (the beam is considered to be a
nearly laminar, cold relativistic plasma) about equilibria dictated by the value of the
current at a given slice, and the applied external forces. This analysis, originally
performed by Serafini and Rosenzweig (SR)[4], lead to the identification of a new
type of space-charge dominated beam equilibrium which is found in accelerating
systems, termed the invariant envelope. It was proposed in this analysis that the
invariant envelope is the preferred mode of beam propagation for providing
optimized emittance compensation. In fact, this point of view is not completely
consistent, as we shall see, with the original proposed mechanism of emittance
compensation. Part of the motivation for this work is to clarify the role of the
invariant envelope in the emittance compensation process.
re λ (ζ )
γ′ η γ′
σ r′′(ζ , z ) + σ r′ (ζ , z ) + σ r (ζ , z ) = . (1)
γ (z) 8 γ (z) γ ( z )3 σ r (ζ , z )
where kβ = qBz / βγm0 c 2 ≅ qBz / γm0 c 2 is the spatial betatron frequency[12], which
in this case is identical to the Larmor frequency of the particle. Eq. ? is a nonlinear
differential equation with no general analytical solution, but does have a particular,
equilibrium solution
1 re λ (ζ )
σ eq (ζ ) = . (3)
kβ γ3
The general solution for small amplitude motion about the equilibrium associated
with each beam slice is thus, assuming for simplicity that all slices are initially at
the same rms size σ r (ζ , 0) = σ r 0 , and no rms angular motion σ r′ (ζ , 0) = 0,
[ ] ( )
σ r (ζ , z ) = σ r 0 + σ r 0 − σ eq (ζ ) cos 2 kβ z , with derivative (6)
σ r′ (ζ , z ) = − 2 kβ σ r 0 − σ eq (ζ ) sin] ( )
2 kβ z . (7)
In this case the (σ r , σ r′ ) trace space trajectory of the envelope is simply an ellipse
( )
whose origin is offset to σ eq , 0 . The mismatched envelopes rotate about this
offset position with spatial frequency (wave-number) 2kβ , which is equal to the
plasma frequency k p = 4πrc nb / β γ 2 3
of the equivalent uniform density
( nb (ζ ) = λ (ζ )
/ 2πσ r2 )
matched beam[6]. In the small amplitude limit, the
oscillation frequency is independent of λ (ζ ) . Thus every trajectory of this form
aligns in trace space twice per plasma period, points at which the projected rms
emittance of the obtained by summing ( ) over the ensemble of beam slices in
this trace space
εr = σ r2 σ r′ 2 − σ rσ r′ (8)
λ1 λ2 λ3
λ 1<λ2 <λ 3
Figure 1. Trace space trajectories for (σ r , σ r′ ) in system launched with size below the equilibrium
for three representative slices, with line charge λ1 < λ 2 < λ3 . Oscillations proceed at the same
frequency ( k p = 2 kβ ) about different equilibrium values of σ r .
In the case most relevant to the emittance compensation process, the beam
is launched with a size smaller than equilibrium for all portions of the beam, and
the trace space trajectories for various slices are nested ellipses. This is shown in
Fig. 1, which displays three elliptical trajectories corresponding to three different
slices with λ1 < λ 2 < λ3 . These ellipses are traversed in the linear analysis with the
same frequency. Thus the area in trace space that the points on the three ellipses
describe when connected to the trace space origin (at a given time), which is
proportional to the emittance defined by Eq. 8, oscillates with twice the mismatch
oscillation frequency. This phenomenon is illustrated in Fig. 2, which displays the
σ r'
λ1 λ2 λ3
kp z=0,2π
Figure 2. Projected trace space areas described by the three slices of Fig. 1, at
k p z = 0, π / 2, 3π / 2, 2π . Note the area (emittance) is maximized at k p z = π / 2, 3π / 2 , and
vanishes at k p z = 0, 2π and also at k p z = π (not shown).
λ1 λ2
σeq3 λ σeq2
λ 3 < λ 1<λ 2
Figure 3. Projected trace space area described by three slice envelopes with line charge
λ3 < λ1 < λ 2 with the line charge of slice 3 so low that σ r 0 > σ eq , shown at k p z = π / 2 . The
emittance evolution behavior is qualitatively the same as in Figs. 1 and 2, but with larger amplitude of
The picture of the slice dynamics displayed in the trace space diagrams of Figs.
1 and 2 assumed, as is true of motion off of a cathode in an rf photoinjector, that
the beam expands from its initial size, exceeds an equilibrium value, and finally
returns to its initial state. As this in not the most general case, a more complicated,
but relevant picture is displayed in Fig. 3, where only two of the slices are launched
with sizes below equilibrium, but the third has low enough line charge density that,
at the same initial size of the other two slices, it is above equilibrium. This picture
displays what happens if a beam is launched with size matched in an rms,
integrated beam sense, so that some slices are above, and others below equilibrium.
It can be seen that, while the slice dynamics and associated emittance evolution is
in some ways different (the maximum emittance is larger in this case), the overall
periodicity of the emittance oscillation is the same. The most important way in
which the two situations differ is that in Fig. 1, the rms beam angle σ r′ is the same
re λ (ζ )
σ inv (ζ , z ) =
. (8)
γ′ (1 + η / 2)γ ( z)
It can be seen that the existence of this particular solution is not dependent on
external focusing, as even with η = 0 (pure travelling wave, no solenoid), the state
corresponding to this solution exists due to the effects of adiabatic damping.
The invariant envelope has the unique property that the trace space angle
σ r′ / σ r = −γ ′ / 2γ is independent of λ (ζ ) . Thus if one places all slices on their
invariant envelope, they will be aligned in trace space angle and the emittance
vanishes. It is not possible in practice to do this, and so one must consider what
happens when the all slices in the beam ensemble are placed close to their invariant
envelopes. First we examine the motion of a slice perturbed slightly off of its
invariant envelope, by using a linear expansion of Eq. 1 about this particular
γ ′ 1 + η γ ′
δσ r′′ + δσ r′ + δσ r = 0 (9)
γ 4 γ
where δσ r = σ r − σ inv . This equation has a general form of solution, for the type of
initial conditions we have been describing,
1 + η γ 0
δσ r = [σ r 0 − σ inv ] cos ln , (10)
2 γ ( z )
with γ 0 = γ (0) . Thus the mismatch envelope dynamics are not conceptually much
different than in the coasting beam case, with oscillations about the particular
solution (no longer an equilibrium, but a secularly diminishing envelope)
proceeding at approximately the plasma frequency (which is also no longer a
constant, but also is secularly diminishing). This is illustrated by the normalized
trace space (phase space) picture given in Fig. 4, which shows the dynamics of three
slices corresponding to the hierarchy of currents introduced in Fig. 3.
γσ r'
λ3 λ1 λ2
γσ r′ / σ r = − γ ′ / 2
Figure 4. Normalized, projected trace space areas described by three slices with line
charge λ3 < λ1 < λ 2 as the envelopes oscillate about the individual invariant
envelopes, with the line charge of slice 3 so low that σ r 0 > σ inv .
where Σ b is the beam charge per unit (slab) area, and a0 = Σ b / nb 0 is the effective
initial beam width. The case of free-expansion can be considered to represent the
most non-equilibrium situation it is possible to encounter. It can also be thought of
as forming one portion of propagation under periodic application of thin lenses
separated by drifts, or free-expansion regions.
The equations of motion for the electron position for the free-expansion
scenario are, under laminar flow conditions,
x ′′( z ) = k p20 F( x 0 ), F( x 0 ) = ∫ f ( x )dx = constant, (14)
where the local value of the initial (spatial) plasma frequency in the plane of
symmetry has been defined as
4πr n
k p20 = 2c 3b 0 . (15)
β γ
(k p z ) F( x ) .
x( x0 , z) = x0 + 0 (16)
The density distribution is also a simple function of its initial state, as conservation
( )
of probability gives f x ( x 0 ), z dx = f ( x 0 )dx 0 or
dx 0 1+ 0
In the freely expanding case, the density distribution becomes more uniform as it
expands over many plasma radians ( k p z >> 1),
f ( x0 )
f x( x0 ) =) ⇒
. (18)
(k p z ) f ( x ) (k p z )
2 2
1+ 0
This observation is critical, as it implies that the transport is “more linear”, since
the space-charge defocusing for a uniform beam becomes approximately linearly
dependent on offset,
x ′′( z ) = k p0
F( x 0 ) ≈ x / 2 z 2 (19)
This will in turn imply that the phase space wave-breaking effects which lead to
irreversible emittance growth are mitigated, as the angle a particle makes in phase
space becomes more linearly correlated with position,
x′ k p20 zF( x 0 ) 2
= → . (20)
x x 0 + 2 k p 0 z F( x 0 )
1 2 2
0.40 initial
0.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.0 1.2
Figure 5. Initially parabolic slab beam distribution (solid line), mapped to more
uniform (normalized) distribution (dashed line) after a drift length k p z = 4.
Distribution shown as a function of relative offset position, x / xmax .
has freely expanded for a distance k p z = 4. The profile has become noticeably
flattened during this expansion.
It is instructive at this point to calculate the emittance evolution associated
with this freely expanding beam. In order to do so, we consider a number of
possible forms of the distribution, gaussian, parabolic, and uniform (“flat-top”). ”).
The single particle equations of motion and the condition of laminar flow allow the
calculation of the second moments of the distribution and consequently the RMS
emittance. Laminar flow implies
Thus, the second moments of the distribution in trace space can be simply
calculated by integrating with respect to the initial particle positions. For example
σ2 is:
x2 = ∫ x ( x0 , z )nb ( x0 )dx0
Through this method the second moments are calculated and the emittance is found.
The emittance evolution of the drifting laminar beam can be written in the
following general form,
ε = αk p0
σ 0z , (24)
where σ 0 is the initial rms spread in the distribution, and α is a form factor
dependent on the initial beam distribution type. The values of α are summarized in
Table 1; for a uniform initial distribution, there are no nonlinear forces, and thus no
emittance growth. Note that in the case of free-expansion that the emittance grows
linearly with distance from the launching point, but has no dependence on initial
beam size, as k p20σ 0 ∝ Σ b . While this linear growth is a worrisome phenomenon,
it turns out not to be valid for cylindrically symmetric beams — in this case the
growth is reversed after a time during expansion, and after application of a thin
lens, nearly a perfect oscillation of this nonlinear space-charge force-induced
emittance can be made to occur. This compensation of the nonlinearity-derived
emittance, which is the central phenomenon under study in this paper, will be
discussed in following sections.
Gaussian π −3
Parabolic 2
Flat-top 0
Table 1. Values of the form factor α for various initial slab-symmetric distribution types.
This will change when we introduce focusing, but one conclusion remains from this
analysis: one must allow the beam to stay far from equilibrium in order to avoid
the most serious consequences of wave-breaking.
There are two ways to proceed from this point. One is to introduce thin
lenses to produce a periodic transport system with an rms matched (in the sense that
the envelope has the same periodicity and symmetry as the applied focusing forces)
beam. The other is to introduce a uniform-gradient focusing channel (akin to the
solenoid commonly used in cylindrically symmetric systems), but to allow a
mismatch between the beam and the channel. In the interest of simplicity, we will
first follow the latter course first.
In a system with uniform gradient focusing, Eq. 14 becomes
k p20
xeq ( x 0 ) = F( x 0 ),. (27)
It can be seen that this equilibrium can be made self-consistent, in the sense that no
particles will move after the distribution is launched, if F( x 0 ) = 1, and k p0
= kβ2 . If
any other distribution other than a uniform one is employed, there will be
subsequent motion, and associated rearrangement of the distribution. In this more
general case, we may write the solution to Eq. 22 as
[ ] ( )
x ( x 0 , z ) = xeq ( x 0 ) + x 0 − xeq ( x 0 ) cos kβ z . (28)
k p20 k p20
∂x 0
= 2 f ( x 0 ) + 1 − 2 f ( x 0 ) cos kβ z = 0, or
kβ kβ
( ) (29)
f ( x0 ) = −
kβ2 cos kβ z ( )
( )
. (30)
2 k p20 2
sin kβ z / 2
It can be seen that wave-breaking always occurs for a sufficiently small value of
f ( x 0 ) , i.e. portions of the beam found in a long continuous tail, assuming a
0.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.0 1.2
Figure 6. Trace space picture of slab symmetric beam at wave-breaking onset ( kβ z = π /2), for case
of kβ k p20 =2/3, showing two fixed points with opposing direction of rotation.
0.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.0 1.2
x / xm a x
Figure 7. Normalized beam density f / f (0) for a beam with initially parabolic slab beam distribution
(cut-off at 0.25 normalized density) at kβ z = π , for distribution in nearly matched ( kβ / k p 0 = 4 / 3 )
2 2
In order to calculate the emittance evolution in the case of the slab beam in a
focusing channel, we follow the same procedure as in the drifting beam case to up
to the point of wave-breaking, where strictly laminar flow ends and this analysis
breaks down. Assuming a cold beam initially at a waist ( x 0′ = 0 ) the emittance is
found to be
2 q r0 2 qλ (r0 )
Fr (r, z ) = ∫ 2πnb (rƒ, z )rdr
ƒ ƒ≡ .
γ 2r 0 γ 2r
The force has been written in terms of the enclosed current at an initial point r0 ( z0 ) ,
2 re λ (r0 )
r ′′( z ) + kβ2 r ( z ) = , (35)
β 2γ 3 r
δr ′′ + 2 kβ2δr = 0, (38)
[ ] (
r(r0 , z ) = req (r0 ) + r0 − req (r0 ) cos 2 kβ z ) (39)
∂req rp ∂λ k p2 (r0 )
= = , (41)
∂r0 2λ (r0 ) ∂r0 2 k p (r0 )
where we have employed the local measure of the initial beam plasma frequency,
nb (r0 ) = nb 0 exp − r02 / 2σ r2 . ) (43)
( )
λ (r0 ) = 2πnb 0 ∫ r exp − r 2 / 2σ r2 dr
= 2πnb 0σ r2 1 − exp − r02 / 2σ r2( )] (44)
= 2πσ r2 nb 0 − nb (r0 ) , ]
k p 0 r0 exp − r0 / 2σ r
2 2
)=− 2
cos 2 kβ z ( ) 4πr n
, with k p20 = k p2 (0) = 2c 3b 0 .(45)
kβ σ r 1 − exp − r 2 / 2σ 2
0 r )
sin kβ z / 2 ( ) β γ
k p 0 r0 exp − r0 / 2σ r
2 2
k p0 )
g(r0 ) > 1. (46)
kβ σ r 1 − exp − r 2 / 2σ 2
The function g(r0 ) is shown in Fig. 8 with f (r0 ) also displayed for comparison. It
can be seen that g(r0 ) approximately follows the density, and thus the threshold for
wave-breaking is estimated as
k p0
f (r0 ) ≅ 1. (47)
k p0
f ( y0 ) ≅ 1, (48)
2 kβ2
f g
f/f(0), g/g(0)
0.0 0.50 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Here α is again a form factor, defined as in the previous section. The numerical
values of α found for the cylindrically symmetric case are shown in Table 2. We
will see that Eq. 49 provides a very accurate description of the emittance evolution
up until wave-breaking. Note that the emittance in Eq. 49 in fact linearly dependent
on σ 0 , as k p0 ∝ σ 0−1.
Gaussian 0.141
Parabolic 0.065
Flat-top 0
Table 2. Values of the form factor α for various initial cylindrical beam slice distribution types.
The analytical treatments of intra-slice transverse space charge detailed above are
limited to the laminar flow regime, and in the case of cylindrical beams are only
approximate. They do however, predict where wave-breaking will occur and that it
can be minimized or avoided by mismatching the beam. In order to test these
predictions and examine the behavior of a beam slice after wave-breaking, we use
self-consistent simulations that follow the evolution of the beam using the space
charge force of Eq. 33.
20 1 0
15 7.5
1 0 5
5.0 2.5
0.0 0
0.0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0
k p z/2π
Figure 9. Results of a simulation of an the free-expansion of an initially Gaussian beam. The beam size
(solid line) increases monotonically while the emittance (dashed line) has a local maximum and
r' [radians]
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
(a) r [mm]
r' [radians]
0.0 5.0 1 0 15
(b) r [mm]
Figure 10. Trace space plots of a freely expanding, initially Gaussian beam at the initial emittance (a)
maximum and (b) minimum.
5.0 3
2.5 1.5
0.0 0
0.00 0.29 0.58 0.87 1.16 1.45
Figure 11. Evolution of beam size and emittance in simulation, with thin focusing lens applied at the
point of initial emittance minimum. Lens strength chosen to reverse the envelope angle.
2.0 6
Emittance [Arbitrary Units]
1.5 4.5
1.0 3
0.50 1.5
0.0 0
0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5
Figure 12. Evolution of beam size and emittance in simulation, with thin focusing lens applied at the
points of beam envelope doubling, and lens strength chosen to reverse the envelope angle. The
simulation is followed for the same number of plasma periods as in Fig. 10.
Density [Macroparticles/mm ]
0.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.0 1.2
(a) r [mm]
Density [Macroparticles/mm ]
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
(b) r [mm]
Density [Macroparticles/mm ]
0.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.0 1.2
(c) r [mm]
Figure 13. Evolution of beam distribution during simulation shown in Fig. 10, at the (a) beginning, (b)
focusing lens (midpoint) and (c) the endpoint (emittance minimum).
Norm. Emit. [mm mrad]
2 3 3 3 3
0.0 5.0 10 1.0 10 1.5 10 2.0 10 2.5 10
Z [mm]
Figure 14. Evolution of emittance for beam rms matched to a uniform focusing channel, from
simulation and analytical prediction (Eq. 49).
In the case of a beam accelerating under the influence of radio-frequency fields, the
paraxial equation of motion for a particle in a laminar flow conditions now contains
terms arising from adiabatic damping and ponderomotive (alternating transverse
gradient) forces,
re λ (r0 )
rp (r0 , z ) =
γ′ (2 + η)γ ( z)
. (51)
k p (r0 ) 1 γ0
≡ r0 .
kβ 2 + η γ (z)
In Eq. 51 we have identified kβ = γ ′ 8γ , and can see that the particular solution is
again proportional to the initial ratio of k p (r0 ) / kβ . We can again proceed to
linearize Eq. 51 about these particular solutions, to obtain
γ ′ 1 + η γ ′
δr ′′ + δr ′ + δr = 0 . (52)
γ 4 γ
r0′ = r0 . (54)
2 γ
1 + η γ 0
cos ln
∂rp 2 γ
=− . (55)
∂r0 2 1 + η γ 0
2 sin ln
8 γ
1 + η γ 0
cos ln
4πr0 nb rc
( )
k p2 r0 η
2 γ
∂r0 γ′ (2 + η)λ (r0 )γ ( z) 2kβ γ ′ 2 + η 2 1 + η γ 0
2 sin ln
8 γ
and we see that wave-breaking is again averted by cutting the tails off of the
To proceed in the analysis, we again use the laminarity condition to integrate
over the initial beam distribution and determine the second moments of the
4αre λ b 1+ η γ 0
ε geom = sin ln . (57)
γ ′ π (1 + η)γ 0γ 3 2 γ
Here again α is a unitless constant depending on the initial beam distribution, with
values listed in Table 3
Distribution α
Gaussian 0.1704
Parabolic 0.0561
Flat top 0
Table 3. Values of the form factor α for various initial cylindrical beam slice distribution types,
accelerating case.
The expression for the emittance evolution given in Eq. 54 is valid (in the linear
approximation δr << rp ) up to the point of wave-breaking. The details of wave-
breaking in the accelerating beam system are discussed in the following section.
Note that the emittance for this case is inversely dependent on the acceleration
gradient γ ′ and proportional to the beam current. These dependences are due
primarily to the setting of the beam size with the invariant envelope.
Emittance [mm mrad]
0.2 Theory
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Z [mm]
Figure 15. Emittance evolution of an initially parabolic beam matched to the invariant envelope with a
60 MV/m peak accelerating field gradient (These beam and accelerator parameters are the same as
those in the booster linac at the Neptune Advanced Accelerator Laboratory). The dashed line is the
simulation result and the solid is produced by Eq. 54.
r' [radians]
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
r [mm]
Figure 16. Trace space of an initially parabolic beam slice at the maximum emittance point in
accelerating beam simulation. Wave breaking has just occurred.
∂ε n2 16α 2 re λ b 1 + η γ 0 1 + η γ 0 1 + η γ 0
=0=− sin ln sin ln + 1 + η cos ln
∂z (1 + η)πγ 0γ ′ γ 2
2 γ 2 γ 2 γ
1+ η γ 0
tan ln = − 1 + η . (59)
2 γ
ε n,max =
4αre λ b 1
[ ( )]
sin tan −1 − 1 + η .
[ (
γ ′γ 0 π (1 + η) exp
( ))]
1/ 2
2 tan − 1+η
The final beam size in the simulations is estimated by ignoring the space
charge term in the envelope equation and assuming a steady state solution based on
a constant normalized emittance equal to the maximum as predicted by Eq. 61,
8 4 ε n,max
σ min = . (62)
η γ′
A comparison between the final rms beam size achieved in simulation and the
prediction of Eq. 62 for the simulation case of Fig. 16 is shown in Fig. 17. The
agreement is quite good in the asymptotic region, where the simulated beam size
approaches a constant value very close to that predicted from the above analysis.
Thus one can determine, simply by knowing the degree of nonuniformity of the
distribution (which is parameterized by α ) at the beginning of acceleration with
transverse matching to the invariant envelope.
RMS Beam Size [mm]
0.4 Invariant Envelope
Emittance Limit
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Z [mm]
Figure 17. The beam envelope evolution for the same simulation as Fig. 16. Here the beam size
follows the invariant envelope initially, but levels off as it approches the limit predicted by Eq. 62.
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