Lock It and Lose It Anyway

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Lock It and Still Lose ItOn the (In)Security

of Automotive Remote Keyless Entry Systems

Flavio D. Garcia and David Oswald, University of Birmingham; Timo Kasper,
Kasper & Oswald GmbH; Pierre Pavlids, University of Birmingham

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the

25th USENIX Security Symposium
August 1012, 2016 Austin, TX
ISBN 978-1-931971-32-4

Open access to the Proceedings of the

25th USENIX Security Symposium
is sponsored by USENIX

Lock It and Still Lose It On the (In)Security of

Automotive Remote Keyless Entry Systems
Flavio D. Garcia1
School of Computer Science,
University of Birmingham, UK.

David Oswald2
School of Computer Science,
University of Birmingham, UK.

Timo Kasper2
Kasper & Oswald GmbH, Germany.

Pierre Pavlids1
School of Computer Science,
University of Birmingham, UK.


to create a duplicate. In addition, mechanical tumbler locks and disc locks are known to be vulnerable to techniques such as lock-picking and bumping
that allow to operate a lock without the respective
key. Finally, for most types of car locks, locksmith
tools exist that allow to decode the lock and create
a matching key.

While most automotive immobilizer systems have

been shown to be insecure in the last few years, the
security of remote keyless entry systems (to lock and
unlock a car) based on rolling codes has received
less attention. In this paper, we close this gap and
present vulnerabilities in keyless entry schemes used
by major manufacturers. In our first case study, we
show that the security of the keyless entry systems
of most VW Group vehicles manufactured between
1995 and today relies on a few, global master keys.
We show that by recovering the cryptographic algorithms and keys from electronic control units, an
adversary is able to clone a VW Group remote control and gain unauthorized access to a vehicle by
eavesdropping a single signal sent by the original remote. Secondly, we describe the Hitag2 rolling code
scheme (used in vehicles made by Alfa Romeo, Chevrolet, Peugeot, Lancia, Opel, Renault, and Ford
among others) in full detail. We present a novel
correlation-based attack on Hitag2, which allows recovery of the cryptographic key and thus cloning of
the remote control with four to eight rolling codes
and a few minutes of computation on a laptop. Our
findings affect millions of vehicles worldwide and
could explain unsolved insurance cases of theft from
allegedly locked vehicles.


With electronic accessories becoming available, additional features were integrated into the locking and
starting systems of cars: some of them to improve
the comfort, others to increase security. On the side
of the car key, this implies some electronic circuitry
integrated in its plastic shell, as illustrated in Figure 1. Note that the link between Remote Keyless
Entry (RKE) and immobilizer is optional. In the
Hitag2 system (Section 4), the immobilizer interface
can be used to re-synchronize the counter used for
RKE, while VW Group vehicles (Section 3) completely separate RKE and immobilizer. In vehicles
with Passive Keyless Entry and Start (PKES) (Section 1.1.2), the low-frequency immobilizer link is
used to trigger the transmission of a door opening
signal over the high-frequency RKE interface.

Car Keys

2 These

Immobilizer Transponders

One of the most notable events in the history of

car security was the introduction of the immobilizer,
which significantly reduced the number of stolen
cars and so-called joyrides conducted by teenagers.
An electronic immobilizer improves the security of
the car key with respect to starting the engine.
Technically, most immobilizers rely on Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology: An RFID
transponder is embedded in the plastic shell of the
car key and contains a secret that is required to

For several decades, car keys have been used to physically secure vehicles. Initially, simple mechanical
keys were introduced to open the doors, unlock the
steering, and operate the ignition lock to start the
engine. Given physical access to a mechanical key,
or at hand of a detailed photograph, it is possible
1 These

Electronics in a Car Key

authors contributed the research on Hitag2.

authors contributed the research on VW Group.

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using a Time-Memory Tradeoff (TMTO).

As a result, the majority of RFID immobilizers
used in todays vehicles can be cloned: the secret of
the transponder can be obtained by an adversary to
circumvent the added security provided by the immobilizer. The cryptography of these immobilizers
has to be considered broken as their added protection to prevent criminals from starting the engine of
a car is very weak.

Remote keyless entry

(433/315/868 MHz)


mechanical part
(key blade)

RKE antenna

(125 kHz)


Figure 1: Main components of a car key: RKE and

immobilizer systems are separate and use different
RF frequencies.

Passive Keyless Entry and Start

Today, certain modern cars (especially made by luxury brands) are equipped with PKES systems that
rely on a bidirectional challenge-response scheme,
with a small operating range of about one meter:
When in proximity of the vehicle, the car key generates a cryptographic response to a challenge transmitted by the car. A valid response unlocks the
doors, deactivates the alarm system, and enables the
engine to start. As a consequence, the only remaining mechanical part in some cars is a door lock for
emergencies (usually found behind a plastic cover
on the drivers side), to be used when the battery is
Unfortunately, PKES does not require user interaction (such as a button press) on the side of the
car key to initiate the cryptographic computations
and signal transmission. The lack of user interaction makes PKES systems prone to relay attacks, in
which the challenge and response signals are relayed
via a separate wireless channel: The car key (e.g., in
the pocket of the victim) and vehicle (e.g., parked
hundreds of meters away) will assume their mutual
proximity and successfully authenticate. Since the
initial publication of these relay attacks in 2011 [14],
tools that automatically perform relay attacks on
PKES systems are available on the black market and
are potentially used by criminals to open, start, and
steal vehicles.

switch on the ignition and start the engine. An

antenna coil around the ignition lock establishes a
bidirectional communication link and provides the
energy for the transponder in order to verify its authenticity with a range of a few centimeters. All
modern immobilizers use cryptography for authentication between transponder and vehicle, typically
based on a challenge-response protocol.
For many years, only weak, proprietary cryptography was implemented in immobilizer transponders worldwide. This may have been caused by the
limited energy available on RFID-powered devices,
technological limitations, and cost considerations.
The first type of immobilizer transponder to be
broken was the widespread DST40 cipher used in
Texas Instruments Digital Signature Transponder
(DST), which was reverse-engineered and broken at
Usenix Security 2005 [8]: The 40-bit secret key of
the cipher can be revealed in a short time by means
of exhaustive search. This paper was at the same
time one of the first published attacks on a commercial device in the literature. A few years later, at
Usenix Security 2012, researchers published several
cryptanalytic attacks on NXPs Hitag2 transponders [30, 32], the most widely used car immobilizer
at that time. The authors showed that an attacker
can obtain the 48-bit secret key required to bypass
the electronic protection in less than 360 seconds.
One year later, in a paper submitted to Usenix Security 2013 (and finally published in 2015), the security mechanism of the Megamos Crypto transponder were found to be vulnerable to cryptanalytic attacks [31, 33]. The 96-bit secret key of the cipher
is mapped into a 57-bit state of a stream cipher
that can be rolled back. A flawed key generation
(multiple bits of the secret key are set to zero) additionally found in various transponders decreases the
attack time from the order of days to a few seconds


Remote Keyless Entry Systems

RKE systems rely on a unidirectional data transmission from the remote control, which is embedded in
the car key, to the vehicle. Upon pressing a button,
an active Radio Frequency (RF) transmitter in the
remote control usually generates signals in a freely
usable frequency band. These include the 315 MHz
band in North America and the 433 MHz or 868 MHz
band in Europe, with a typical range of several tens
to hundreds of meters. Note that a few old cars have
been using infrared technology instead of RF. RKE
systems enable the user to comfortably lock and un2

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lock the vehicle from a distance, and can be used to

switch on and off the anti-theft alarm, when present.
The first remote controls for cars used no cryptography at all: The car was unlocked after the successful reception of a constant fix code signal. Replay attacks on these systems are straightforward.
We encountered a Mercedes Benz vehicle manufactured around 2000 that still relies on such fix code
RKE systems.
The next generation of RKE systems are so-called
rolling code systems, which employ cryptography
and a counter value that is increased on each button
press. The counter value (and other inputs) form
the plaintext for generating a new, encrypted (or
otherwise authenticated) rolling code signal. After
decryption/verification on the side of the vehicle, the
counter value is checked by comparing it to the last
stored counter value that was recognized as valid:
An increased counter value is considered new and
thus accepted. A rolling code with an old counter
value is rejected. This mechanism constitutes an
effective protection against replay attacks, since a
rolling code is invalidated once it has been received
by the vehicle. The cryptographic mechanisms behind rolling code systems are further described in
Section 2.
In principle, such unidirectional rolling code
schemes can provide a suitable security level for access control. However, as researchers have shown in
the case of Keeloq in 2008, the security guarantees
are invalidated if they rely on flawed cryptographic
schemes: Keeloq was broken both by cryptanalysis [7, 15] and, in a more realistic setting, by sidechannel attacks on the key derivation scheme executed by the receiver unit [12, 17]. Although it is
frequently mentioned that Keeloq is widely used
for for vehicle RKE systems, our research indicates
that this system is prevalently employed for garage
door openers.
Another attack, targeting an outdated automotive
RKE scheme of an unspecified vehicle (built between
2000 and 2005), was demonstrated by Cesare in
2014 [9]: An adversary has to eavesdrop three subsequent rolling codes. Then, using phase-space analysis, the next rolling code can be predicted with a
high probability. However, apart from this attack
the cryptographic security of automotive RKE systems has not been investigated to our knowledge.
In particular, a large-scale survey and security analysis of very wide-spread rolling code systems has
not been carried out.
A different, simple but effective method used by
criminals to break into cars is to jam the RF communication when the victim presses the remote con-

trol to lock the car. The victim may not notice the
attack and thus leave the car open. A variant of
the attack is selective jamming, i.e., a combined
eavesdropping-and-jamming approach: The transmitted rolling code signal is monitored and at the
same time jammed, with the effect that the car is
not locked and the attacker possesses a temporarily
valid (one-time) rolling code. Consequently, a car
could be found appropriately locked after a burglary. This approach was first mentioned in [17] and
later practically demonstrated by [16,27]. Note that
one successful transmission of a new rolling code
from the original remote to the car usually invalidates all previously eavesdropped rolling codes, i.e.,
the time window for the attack is relatively small.
Furthermore, it is usually not possible to change
the signal contents, for example, convert a lock
command into an unlock. This limitation is often
overlooked (e.g. in [16, 27]) and severely limits the
practical threat posed by this type of attack.


Contribution and Outline

In this paper, we study several extremely widespread RKE systems and reveal severe vulnerabilities, affecting millions of vehicles worldwide. Our
research was in part motivated by reports of unexplained burglaries of locked vehicles (for example [1,
2]), as well as scientific curiosity regarding the security of our own, personal vehicles.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, we briefly summarize the results
of our preliminary analysis of different RKE systems
solely by analyzing the transmitted RF signals. The
main contributions presented subsequently are:
1. In Section 3, we analyze the RKE schemes
employed in most VW Group group vehicles
between 1995 and today.
By reverseengineering the firmware of the respective Electronic Control Units (ECUs), we discovered
that VW Group RKE systems rely on cryptographic schemes with a single, worldwide master key, which allows an adversary to gain unauthorized access to an affected vehicle after
eavesdropping a single rolling code.
2. In Section 4, we study an RKE scheme based
on the Hitag2 cipher, as used by many different manufacturers. We have reverse-engineered
the protocol in a black-box fashion and present
a novel, fast correlation attack on Hitag2 applicable in an RKE context. By eavesdropping
four to eight rolling codes, an adversary can re3

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cover the cryptographic key within minutes and

afterwards clone the original remote control.





Figure 3: General packet structure of a rolling code.

Gray background indicates that the part is either
encrypted or authenticated.

Preliminary Analysis of RKE Systems

To address the research question of this paper: how

secure are modern automotive RKE systems?, we
captured RF signals from the remote controls of a
variety of vehicles, including our own cars (VW Passat 3B, koda Fabia, Alfa Romeo Giulietta). Today,
the required hardware for receiving (and sending)
RKE signals is widely available. For our analyses,
we used various devices, including Software-Defined
Radios (SDRs) (HackRF, USRP, rtl-sdr DVB-T
USB sticks) and inexpensive RF modules. Figure 2
shows our simple setup which costs $40, is batterypowered, can eavesdrop and record rolling codes,
emulate a key, and perform reactive jamming.

Identifier (UID) of the remote control, the rolling

counter value, and the pressed button (i.e., unlock, lock, open trunk, in the US also panic
or alarm). Obviously, the data sent by the remote
control has to be cryptographically authenticated in
some way. There appear to be two major routes that
were taken by designers of RKE systems:
Implicit authentication: The complete payload
(or part of it) is symmetrically encrypted. The receiver then decrypts the packet, and checks if the
content is valid, i.e., if the UID is known to the
vehicle and the counter is in its validity window. Examples for this approach can be found in Section 3.
Explicit authentication: Some form of Message
Authentication Code (MAC) is computed over the
data payload and then appended to the packet. An
example of this approach is the Hitag2 scheme described in Section 4.
As a next step, we tried to determine the utilized
encryption algorithms. However, a search for publicly available documentation or data sheets yielded
little results. For example, the systems employed in
VW Group vehicles (VW, Seat, koda, and Audi)
appear to be a complete black box without any publicly documented security analysis. Since VW Group
vehicles are extremely wide-spread, we selected this
manufacturer as the target of our first case study
(Section 3). Our second case study focuses on the
Hitag2 scheme, for which abridged (one-page) data
sheets can be found on the Internet [26]. We found
Hitag2-based remote controls in vehicles made by a
variety of manufacturers, hence, we opted to recover
the exact functionality and further analyze the security of this RKE scheme (Section 4).

Figure 2: Arduino-based RF transceiver

Studying the raw received signals and guessing
the respective modulation and encoding schemes
turned out to be straightforward: The majority of
the studied RKE systems uses simple AmplitudeShift Keying (ASK) as modulation scheme, while
a smaller percentage employs Frequency Shift Keying (FSK). For the encoding of the actual data bits,
the most prevalent methods are Manchester encoding and pulse-width encoding. The utilized bit rates
range from less than 1 kBit/s (for older remotes) to
20 kBit/s (for newer remotes).
A typical rolling code packet consists of a preamble (i.e., a regular sequence of 0 and 1), a fixed
start pattern (a sequence of one or a few fixed bytes),
the actual, cryptographic data payload, and a final
checksum, cf. Figure 3. Note that many schemes
slightly deviate from this general structure. Also,
in virtually all cases, the same packet is sent multiple times, presumably to increase the reliability in
presence of environmental disturbances.
The data payload normally contains the Unique

Case Study 1: The VW System

With over 23% market share in Europe (September 2015) and 11.1% worldwide (August 2014), the
VW Group is amongst the leading global automotive manufacturers [13]. We had access to a wide
variety of VW Group vehicles for our security analysis, from vehicles manufactured in the early 2000s
to ones for the model year 2016. In total, the VW
Group has sold almost 100 million cars from 2002
until 2015. While not all of these vehicles use the

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published in 2015 [6] after we had carried our preliminary analysis. Note that this does not cover any
of the cryptographic algorithms presented here.

RKE schemes covered in this section, we have strong

indications that the vast majority is vulnerable to
the attacks presented in the following. Note that
the VW Group also includes certain luxury brands
(e.g., Porsche, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti) that
we did not analyze in detail. Instead, we focused
on more wide-spread vehicles manufactured by VW,
Seat, koda, and Audi. For a list of cars that we
validated our findings with, refer to Section 3.5.1.
Eavesdropping and analyzing the signals transmitted by numerous remote controls, we identified at
least 7 different RKE schemes, referred to as VW-x
(x = 1. . .7) in the following. Out of these systems,
we selected the four schemes covering the largest
amount of vehicles:


Analysis of Remote Control and


We obtained various VW Group remote controls and

extracted the Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) for
further analysis of the hardware. A typical PCB
for a VW Group RKE remote includes a Microcontroller (C), an RF transmitter, an antenna (integrated on the PCB) and a coin cell battery as the
main components. On many remote control PCBs
(e.g., implementing VW-2), we found a C marked
with Temic/Atmel M44C890E, cf. Figure 4. According to the datasheet available online [3], this
C is a 4-bit processor, the so-called MARC4. The
C is mask-programmed, i.e., the program code is
placed in Read Only Memory (ROM) and hence
fixed at manufacturing. According to Laurie [21],
it is possible to re-construct the program code of
MARC4 processors by taking microscopic photographs of the ROM memory and applying further
image processing to extract the value of each individual bit. However, we did not follow this approach
because we did not have access to suitable microscopic equipment.

VW-1: The oldest system, used in model years until approximately 2005. The remote control transmits On-Off-Keying (OOK) modulated signals at
433.92 MHz, using pulse-width coding at a bitrate
of 0.667 kBit/s.
VW-2: Used from approximately 2004 onwards.
The operating frequency is 434.4 MHz using OOK
(same as for VW-3 and VW-4), transmitting
Manchester-encoded data at a bitrate of 1 kBit/s.
VW-3: Employed for models from approximately 2006 onwards, using a frequency of 434.4 MHz
and Manchester encoding at a bitrate of 1.667 kBit/s.
The packet format differs considerably from VW-2.
VW-4: The most recent scheme we analyzed, found
in vehicles between approximately 2009 and 2016.
The system shares frequency, encoding, and packet
format with VW-3, but uses a different encryption
algorithm (see below).
The remaining three schemes are used in
Audi vehicles from approximately 2005 until 2011
(VW-5), the VW Passat since 2005 (model B6/type
3C and newer, VW-6) and new VW vehicles like the
Golf 7 (VW-7). We have not further investigated
the security of these systems, but at least for older
vehicles, it seems likely that similar design choices
as for VW-1VW-4 were made.
For our initial analyses, we implemented the most
likely demodulation and decoding procedure for all
of the above systems. We then collected rolling codes
of multiple remote controls for each scheme and compared the resulting data. For all schemes VW-1
VW-4, we found that most of the packet content
appeared to be encrypted, except for a fixed start
pattern and the value of the pressed button sent
in plain. We hence assumed that all systems use
implicit authentication, i.e., check the correctness
of a rolling code after decryption. Demodulation
routines for VW-3 and VW-4 were independently

Figure 4: PCB of an older VW Group remote control

using a MARC4 C
When studying remote controls of newer vehicles,
we found different, not easily identifiable Cs on the
PCB. An example of this is shown in Figure 5: We
could not identify the type of C from the markings on the main IC (top, towards the right), which
complicates the reverse engineering.
It seemed conceivable that some form of key derivation could be present, which would have to be
implemented on the receiving ECUs side. Thus,
we opted to analyze the RKE ECUs in the vehicle
that receive and process the remote control signals.
We therefore bought a number of ECUs implementing the respective RKE functionality, and attemp5

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(byte-permuted) state of a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) that is clocked a fixed number of ticks
for each new rolling code (i.e., the LFSR state has
the role of a counter). For reasons of responsible
disclosure, we do not provide the full details of the
obfuscation function and the LFSR feedback in this
paper. One bit of the final nibble btn indicates the
pressed button. The overall structure of a VW-1
rolling code packet is shown in Figure 6:

Figure 5: PCB of a newer VW Group remote control

using an unidentified C


ted to extract the firmware of the Cs present on

the PCB of the ECU. Note that in contrast to the
low-power 4-bit or 8-bit processors usually employed
in the remote control, the RKE ECUs often handles
numerous additional features of the vehicle and thus
utilizes a more powerful, Flash-programmable 16-bit
or 32-bit C (with documented debug and programming interfaces).
Using widely available, standard programming
tools for automotive processors, we were able to obtain firmware dumps for all studied ECUs. We then
located and recovered the cryptographic algorithms
by performing static analysis of the firmware image, searching amongst others for constants used in
common symmetric ciphers and common patterns
of such ciphers (e.g., table lookups, sequences of bitwise operations). The results of this process are described in more detail for each scheme VW-1VW-4
in the following. Note that as part of our negotiations with VW Group, and to protect VW Group
customers, we agreed to not fully disclose the part
numbers of the analyzed ECUs and the employed
Cs at this point. We furthermore agreed to omit
certain details of the reverse-engineering process, as
well as the values of cryptographic keys.



56 59

Figure 6: Packet structure of a rolling code for

VW-1. Gray background indicates that the part is
obfuscated or holds the LFSR state. The start pulse
is not shown.
In conclusion, the security of the VW-1 is solely
based on obscurity. Neither is there a cryptographic
key involved in the computation of the rolling code,
nor are there any vehicle or remote control specific
elements for some form of key diversification. With
the knowledge of the details of the obfuscation function and the LFSR, an adversary can generate valid
rolling codes to open and close a VW-1 vehicle based
on a single eavesdropped signal (to obtain the UID
and the current state of the LFSR). Note that we
observed similarly insecure LFSR-based schemes in
older Audi vehicles built before 2004.


The VW-2 and VW-3 Schemes

Starting with VW-2, a rolling code packet has the

following structure: A preamble (regular 0-1 pattern) is followed by a fixed start sequence start (individual per scheme), an encrypted 8-byte payload,
and finally a byte btn indicating the button that was
pressed. The packet structure (not showing the preamble) is depicted in Figure 7.

The VW-1 Scheme

The VW-1 system is the only VW Group scheme

discussed in this paper that operates at 433.92 MHz
(all newer systems use a frequency of 434.4 MHz).
In contrast to newer RKE schemes, the start of a
packet is not indicated by a long preamble, but by
a single 1-0 pattern (500 s high level, 500 s low
level). After this, the data bits are transmitted LSBfirst in pulse-width encoded form: A zero is indicated by a short high level followed by a longer low
level, while a one is represented with the opposite pattern (long high, short low). We discovered
that the first four bytes hold the UID of the remote
in an obfuscated form (several bytes of the packet
are XORed). The following three bytes lfsr hold the




btn btn

Figure 7: Packet structure of a rolling code for

VW-24. Gray background indicates that the part
is encrypted. Note that the fixed start pattern is
shorter for VW-2.
The 8-byte payload is generated from the following plaintext: a 4-byte U ID, a 3-byte counter ctr,
and one byte btn again indicating the pressed button. This payload is then encrypted using a proprietary block cipher that we recovered from the ECU

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firmware as described in Section 3.1. We later found

that this cipher appears to be the so-called AUT64
cipher employed in certain immobilizer transponders
as well [4]. Hence, we will use the name AUT64 in
the following and follow the notation given in the
public datasheet.
AUT64 is an iterated cipher, operating on 8-byte
blocks. It uses a round structure as depicted in Figure 8: In each round i the state (represented as
bytes a0 . . . a7 ) is first byte-permuted, using a keydependent permutation . This permutation is fully
described by a 3 23 = 24 bit string. Then, bytes
a0 . . . a6 are left unchanged, while byte a7 is updated using the round function g (a0 , . . . , a7 , keyi ),
where keyi is a 32-bit round key. In the case of
AUT64 in the VW Group system, the cipher has
12 rounds, while the datasheet [4] only specifies a
possible number of rounds between 8 and 24. The

a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
Combining function f



Bit perm.

Figure 9: One round function g of the AUT64 block

cipher as used in VW-2 and VW-3. a0 , . . . , a7 is the
8-byte state of the cipher, keyi the round key.
4-to-4 S-Boxes and 8! permutations. This results in
an effective key size of 32 + log2 (8!) + log2 (16!) =
91.55 bit. Finding an AUT64 key by exhaustive
search is therefore beyond current computational
capabilities, where a security level of 80 bit is usually
deemed acceptable for lightweight ciphers.
We have not further analyzed the mathematical
security of the cipher, but believe this to be an interesting research problem, especially due to the unconventional design with several key-dependent operations. For the analysis of the VW-2 and VW-3
RKE systems, however, it turned out that no further
cryptanalysis is necessary: Both schemes use a fixed,
global master key independent of vehicle or remote
control. In other words, this means that the same
AUT64 key is stored in millions of ECUs and RKE
remotes, without any key diversification being employed at all. The sole means by which the vehicle
determines if a rolling code is valid is hence by whitelisting certain UIDs and checking if the counter is
within the validity window. Incidentally, this also
implies that a VW Group vehicle using a particular scheme receives and decrypts all rolling codes for
that scheme transmitted in the vicinity.
Note that the global AUT64 master keys for VW-2
and VW-3 are different, but both can be extracted
from the ECU firmware and possibly from the C in
the remote control as well (e.g. with invasive attacks
like micro-probing or side-channel analysis).

a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
Byte permutation
a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7

a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7

Figure 8: One round i of the AUT64 block cipher

as used in VW-2 and VW-3. a0 , . . . , a7 is the 8byte state of the cipher, g (a0 , . . . , a7 , keyi ) the round
internal structure of g is shown in Figure 9: The
input bytes a0 , . . . , a7 are first combined with the
32-bit round key keyi using a sequence of concatenations, table look-ups, and XOR operations denoted
as f . Note that the round key is derived from a
part (denoted as kf in the following) of the main
key k by a fixed, nibble-wise permutation per round.
Each nibble of the 8-bit output of f is then passed
through the same 4-to-4 S-Box , bit-permuted using the same permutation used for the state (but
applied on a bit-level), and again passed through a
second instance of . Note that both and are
key-dependent in addition to keyi . Hence, the full
key of the AUT64 cipher is the tuple k = kf , ,
with an overall key size of 32 + 3 23 + 4 24 = 120 bit.
However, not all choices for and are permissible in order to have a bijective S-Box and a
valid permutationin total, there are 16! bijective


The VW-4 Scheme

In newer VW Group vehicles from approximately 2009 onwards, we found an RKE system that has
the same encoding and packet structure as VW-3 (although with a different start pattern), but does not
employ the AUT64 cipher. For this system VW-4,

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the analysis of the respective ECU firmware revealed

that the XTEA cipher [24] is used to encrypt a
rolling code packet with a format otherwise identical
to VW-3 (cf. Figure 7).
XTEA is a block cipher based on a 64-round
Feistel structure with 64-bit block size and 128-bit
key. Due to the structure of the round function
based on Addition, Rotate, XOR (ARX) operations,
it is well suited for lightweight software implementations required for low-end and low-power devices like
RKE remotes. The best known cryptanalytical attack on XTEA [22] is of theoretical nature (relatedkey rectangle attack on 36 rounds with 263.83 byte
of data and 2104.33 steps) and hence not relevant in
the context of RKE systems.
However, again we found that a single, worldwide
key is used for all vehicles employing the VW-4 system. The same single point of failure of the older systems VW-1VW-3 is hence also present in recently
manufactured vehicles. For example, we found this
scheme implemented in an Audi Q3, model year
2016, and could decrypt and generate new valid
rolling codes to open and close this vehicle (and numerous other VW Group vehicles, cf. Section 3.5.1).


cause the counter in vehicle and remote are in sync

afterwards. Note that the blocking behaviour could
be used for an automatized Denial-of-Service (DoS)
attack (aiming to lock out the legitimate car owners
of affected vehicles) by intentionally sending an old
signal (with a counter value of ctr 2 or less).
In conclusion, while the cryptographic algorithms
have improved over the years (from LFSR over
AUT64 to XTEA), the crucial problem of key distribution has not been properly solved in the studied schemes VW-14. However, according to VW
Group, this problem has been addressed in the
latest generation of vehicles, where individual cryptographic keys are used. We discuss the consequences and general implications of a successful
attack on a RKE system in more detail in Section 5.

Vulnerable Vehicles

Our findings affect amongst others the following VW Group vehicles manufactured between
1995 and 2016. Cars that we have practically tested
are highlighted in bold. Note that this list is not exhaustive, as we did not have access to all types and
model years of cars, and that it is unfortunately not
clear if and when a car model has been upgraded to
a newer scheme.

Implications and Observations

As the main result of this section, we discovered

that the RKE systems of the majority of VW Group
vehicles have been secured with only a few cryptographic keys that have been used worldwide over a
period of almost 20 years. With the knowledge of
these keys, an adversary only has to eavesdrop a
single signal from a target remote control. Afterwards, he can decrypt this signal, obtain the current
UID and counter value, and create a clone of the
original remote control to lock or unlock any door of
the target vehicle an arbitrary number of times.
We observed that (mostly) VW-4 vehicles blocked
the original remote control if a valid rolling code with
a counter more than 2 behind is received. In other
words, if ctr is the value expected by the vehicle, any
rolling code with ctr 2 or less leads to the blocking.
If an adversary sends at least two valid signals with
increased counter values (e.g., unlock and lock),
the original remote control of the owner will stop
working in the moment when the car receives an
outdated signal. In this case, usually automatic resynchronization procedures described in the respective vehicles manual help technically experienced car
owners to re-synchronize the remote control to the
car. In contrast, if the adversary only sends a single
valid signal, the original remote will not be blocked,
but only operate on the second button press, be-

Audi: A1, Q3, R8, S3, TT, various other types of

Audi cars (e.g. remote control part number 4D0 837
VW: Amarok, (New) Beetle, Bora, Caddy,
Crafter, e-Up, Eos, Fox, Golf 4, Golf 5, Golf
6, Golf Plus, Jetta, Lupo, Passat, Polo, T4, T5,
Scirocco, Sharan, Tiguan, Touran, Up
Seat: Alhambra, Altea, Arosa, Cordoba, Ibiza,
Leon, MII, Toledo
koda: City Go, Roomster, Fabia 1, Fabia 2,
Octavia, SuperB, Yeti
It is conceivable that all VW Group (except for
some Audi) cars manufactured in the past and partially today rely on a constant-key scheme and are
thus vulnerable to the attacks described in this paper, except for those cars that rely on the latest platform, e.g., the Golf 7 for VW.
Note that identical VW Group cars are sold under
different names in other countries, e.g., some Golf
versions were sold as Rabbit in North America.
We have tested some remote controls operating at
315 MHz, e.g., for the US market, and found them to
be vulnerable to our attacks as well, i.e., the only difference to their European counterparts is the operating frequency. Furthermore, cars of different brands

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may share the same basic technology, e.g., we found

some model years of Ford Galaxy that have the same
flawed RKE system as their VW Group derivatives
VW Sharan and Seat Alhambra.


Case Study 2: The Hitag2 System

The Hitag2 rolling code system is an example of a

RKE scheme that is not specific to a single vehicle
brand. Instead, it is implemented on the PCF7946
and PCF7947 ICs manufactured by NXP. While
these ICs contain an 8-bit general-purpose C that
(in theory) allows to realize a fully proprietary
scheme [26], it appears that numerous vehicle manufacturers have used a similar (though not identical)
RKE system, potentially following NXPs reference
implementation. In contrast to the VW Group system described in Section 3, it seems that manufacturers did not use a fixed, global cryptographic key.
Hence, to break this system, we developed a novel
attack to exploit the cryptographic weaknesses of
Hitag2 in the RKE context.
We first describe the Hitag2 cipher, which was
previously published in [35]. We have fully reverseengineered the rolling code scheme used in the
Hitag2 remote control ICs PCF7946/7947 as further
described in Section 4.2. The analysis was done in
a black-box fashionwe used a remote control for
which we were able to obtain the Hitag2 key (since
it was shared with the immobilizer in this particular
case), guessed potential implementations (based on
the immobilizer protocol) for the rolling code system, and finally recovered the complete scheme. In
contrast to the analysis of the VW Group systems,
no firmware extraction and reverse-engineering of
program code was necessary.
To this date, the best known practical cryptanalysis of Hitag2 was proposed in [32] in the context of
vehicle immobilizers. Their attack requires 136 authentication attempts and 235 encryptions/lookups,
which take 5 minutes on a laptop. In the context
of RKE systems, gathering 136 rolling code traces
is not practical in a realistic scenario, as it requires
to wait for the victim to push a button on the remote that many times. We therefore propose a new
attack that requires eavesdropping less authentication attempts (usually between 4 and 8) and one
minute computation on a laptop. In Section 4.4, we
present our novel correlation attack on Hitag2 in a
RKE scenario.
We first need to introduce some notation. Let
F2 = {0, 1} the field of two elements (or the set
of Booleans). The symbol denotes exclusive-or
(XOR) and 0n denotes a bitstring of n zero-bits.
Given two bitstrings x and y, xy denotes their concatenation. x denotes the bitwise complement of
x. We write yi to denote the i-th bit of y. For example, given the bitstring y = 0x03, y0 = y1 = 0 and
y6 = y7 = 1. We denote encryptions by {}.

Temporary Countermeasures

Completely solving the described security problems

would require a firmware update or exchange of both
the respective ECU and (worse) the vehicle key containing the remote control. Due to the strict testing
and certification requirements in the automotive industry and the high cost of replacing or upgrading
all affected car keys in the field, it is unlikely that
VW Group can roll out such an update in the short
term. Hence, we give recommendations for users of
affected vehicles in the following.
The well-known advice (see e.g. [25]) to verify that
a vehicle was properly locked with the remote control (blinking direction lights, sound) is no longer
sufficient. An adversary may have eavesdropped the
lock signal from a distance of up to 100 m and
generate a new, valid unlock rolling code any time
later. Preventing or detecting the eavesdropping of
RF signals is impractical. Hence, the only remaining
(yet impractical) countermeasure is to fully deactivate or at least not use the RKE functionality and
resort to the mechanical lock of the vehicle. Note
that in addition, for many cars, the alarm will trigger after a while if the car doors or the trunk are
mechanically opened, unless the immobilizer is disarmed with the original key.
With respect to forensics, there are several potential indicators (due to the nature of rolling code
schemes) that the remote control may have been
cloned: If the vehicle does not unlock on the first
button press, this could imply that an adversary has
sent valid rolling codes with counter values greater
than the one stored in the original remote control.
Note that no traces of the attack are left once the
counter in the original remote control has caught
up with the increased value stored in the car. Further, a complete blocking of the remote control (see
above) may be an indicator (e.g., for insurancerelated court cases) that the RKE system was attacked. It should however be taken into account
that, according to our practical tests, the remote
control will also be blocked if the car receives a
counter that is increased by more than 250 compared
to the last stored valuethis could for example happen if the remote control buttons are pushed many
times while not in the range of the vehicle.
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Hitag2 Cipher

transmits a message of the form shown in Figure 11.

U ID is a 32-bit identifier; btn is a 4-bit button identifier; lctr are the 10 least-significant bits of a 28-bit
counter ctr; ks are 32-bits of keystream; and chk is
an 8-bit checksum. The checksum is computed by
simply XORing each byte, i.e., computing a parity
During the authentication protocol, the internal
state of the stream cipher is initialized. The initial
state consists of the 32-bits UID concatenated with
the first 16 bits of the key k. Next, the counter ctr
is incremented and then iv = ctr||btn is XORed with
the last 32 bits of the key and shifted into the LFSR.
From this point, the next 32 bits of keystream, which
are output by the cipher ks, are sent as proof of
knowledge of the secret key k.

The targeted RKE protocol uses the Hitag2 stream

cipher. This cipher has been reverse engineered
in [35]. The cipher consists of a 48-bit LFSR and a
non-linear filter function f . Each clock cycle, twenty
bits of the LFSR are put through the filter function,
generating one bit of keystream. Then the LFSR is
shifted one bit to the left, using the feedback polynomial to generate a new bit on the right. See Figure 10 for a schematic representation.
Definition 4.1 The feedback function L : F48
2 F2
is defined by L(x0 . . . x47 ) := x0 x2 x3 x6 x7
x8 x16 x22 x23 x26 x30 x41 x42 x43
x46 x47 .
The filter function f consists of three different circuits fa , fb and fc , which output one bit each. The
circuits fa and fb are employed more than once, using a total of twenty input bits from the LFSR. Their
resulting bits are used as input for fc . The circuits
are represented by three Boolean tables that contain
the resulting bit for each input.


The following precisely defines the initialization of

the cipher and the generation of the LFSR stream
a0 a1 . . . and the keystream ks.
Definition 4.4 Given a key k = k0 . . . k47 F48
2 ,
an identifier id = id0 . . . id31 F32
2 , a counter ctr =
ctr0 . . . ctr27 F28
2 , a button identifier btn0 . . . btn3
F42 and keystream ks = ks0 . . . ks31 F32
2 , we let the
initialization vector iv F32
2 be defined as
iv = ctr||btn.
Furthermore, the internal state of the cipher at time
i is i := ai . . . a47+i F48
2 . Here the ai F2 are
given by
ai := idi
i [0, 31] (1)
a32+i := ki
i [0, 15] (2)

Definition 4.2 (Filter function) The filter function f : F48

2 F2 is defined by
f (x0 . . . x47 ) = fc (fa (x2 x3 x5 x6 ), fb (x8 x12 x14 x15 ),
fb (x17 x21 x23 x26 ), fb (x28 x29 x31 x33 ),
fa (x34 x43 x44 x46 )),
where fa , fb : F42 F2 and fc : F52 F2 are
fa (i) = (0xA63C)i
fb (i) = (0xA770)i
fc (i) = (0xD949CBB0)i .
f (x0 . . . x47 )

x2 , x3 , x5 . . . x46 we shall define f20 : F20
writing f (x0 . . . x47 ) as f20 (x2 , x3 , x5 . . . x46 ).

a48+i := k16+i ivi f (ai . . . ai+47 ) i [0, 31] (3)

a80+i := L(a32+i . . . a79+i )
i N .

Furthermore, we define the keystream bit ksi F2 by

ksi := f (a32+i . . . a79+i )

i [0, 31]. (5)
Note that the ai , i , and ksi are formally functions
of k, id, and iv. Instead of making this explicit by
writing, e.g., ai (k, id, iv), we just write ai where k,
id, and iv are clear from the context.

Remark 4.3 (Cipher schematic) Figure 10 is

different from the schematic that was introduced
by [35] and later used by [11, 28, 34]. The input
bits of the filter function in Figure 10 are shifted by
one with respect to those of [35]. The filter function
in the old schematic represents a keystream bit at
the previous state f (xi1 . . . xi+46 ), while the one in
Figure 10 represents a keystream bit of the current
state f (xi . . . xi+47 ). Furthermore, we have adapted
the Boolean tables to be consistent with our notation.


Cipher Initialization


A Fast Correlation Attack on


This section describes a practical key-recovery correlation attack against Hitag2. This attack requires
a minimum of four rolling codes (traces), but will
be faster and have higher success probability if more
are provided. The rolling codes can have an arbitrary counter value, i.e., do not have to be consecutive. In fact, the probability of success is higher

Rolling Code Scheme

This section describes the rolling code scheme used

by remotes based on the chips PCF7946/7947.
When a button on the remote control is pressed, it
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fa = 0xA63C

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

fb = 0xA770


fb = 0xA770

fc = 0xD949CBB0


fb = 0xA770


fa = 0xA63C



Figure 10: Structure of the Hitag2 stream cipher, based on [35]



btn lctr
48 52


Definition 4.5 We define the single-bit correlation score as:

#(b = f20 (y0 . . . y19 ))
bit_score(x0 . . . xn1 , b) =
where y0 . . . yn1 = x0 . . . xn1 , n < 20 (at the first
iteration of Step 3, n=8). We define the multiplebit correlation score as:
score(x0 , ks0 ) = bit_score(x0 , ks0 )
score(x0 . . . xn1 , ks0 . . . ksn1 ) =

0 chk
94 95 102

Figure 11: Packet structure of a rolling code for

Hitag2. Gray background indicates the keystream
part produced by the cipher.
when the traces are not consecutive, as consecutive
traces often only differ in a few bits from each other,
thus providing less correlation information. It also
depends on whether the same button was pressed or
not. The lower limit of four traces for the key recovery to work was determined experimentally. The
number of consecutive traces needed is higher, usually eight. Let U ID, iv j , ksj , j = 0 . . . n 1 be n
authentication traces for n > 3. Then, the attacker
proceeds as follows:

for n < 20.

bit_score(x0 . . . xn1 , ksn1 )

score(x0 . . . xn2 , ks0 . . . ksn2 )

The adversary will assign this guess the average

score over all traces. Note that, so far this scoring
computation is independent of the value iv as it
happens before iv gets to have any influence on
it (i.e. it is only XORed with unknown bits).
4. The adversary will now sort all guesses according
to their score and store them in a table of fixed
size, discarding the guesses with lowest scores
when needed. Experiments show that a table of
size 400, 000 guesses is usually sufficient.
5. For each guess in the table, the adversary goes
back to Step (1) and proceeds as before, except
that she will now extend the window size by
one (to size 17, . . . , 32), guessing the next LFSR
stream bit (a48 , . . . , a51 ). The bigger window allows the adversary to test on an additional bit of
keystream, giving her more meaningful correlation information each time. Special care needs to
be taken at Step (3) while scoring multiple traces,
since a48 = k16+i ivi b0 (see Eq. 3) and the iv
will be different in each trace. This is not a problem since in the previous Step (1) we had computed the corresponding keystream bit bi , and ivi
is sent in clear. Therefore key bits k16+i can be
computed for i [0, 31].

1. The adversary first guesses a 16-bit window corresponding to LFSR stream bits a32 . . . a47 . Observe that a32 . . . a47 = k0 . . . k15 and together with
the UID, this gives the adversary LFSR bits
a0 . . . a47 , see Definition 4.4. Also note that
a0 . . . a47 is constant over all traces. The adversary can now compute b0 = f (a0 . . . a47 ).
2. The adversary will then shift this 16-bit window
to the left of the LFSR, until bits a32 . . . a47 are on
the very left of the LFSR. This is the point when
the cipher starts outputting ks, see Equation 5.
3. Next, the adversary will compute a correlation
score for this guess. The window determines 8
input bits x0 . . . x7 to the filter function f20 (see
Figure 10) while the remaining 12 inputs remain
unknown. This correlation is taken as the ratio of
those 212 input values x8 . . . x19 that produce the
correct keystream bit (ks0 ). Furthermore, shifting our window further to the left allows the adversary to perform tests on multiple keystream
bits (ks0 . . . ks15 ). Although, with every bit shift,
the window becomes smaller as the leftmost bits
will fall outside the LFSR, meaning that more
input bits are unknown.

The power of this attack comes from using the window on the right of the LFSR to compute the necessary keystream bits to correct the internal state,
while combining different traces and using the window on the left of the LFSR to get meaningful correlation information on multiple keystream bits.

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Practical Results and Implications

Hitag2 RKE scheme: Abarth 500, Punto Evo; Alfa

Romeo Giulietta, Mito; Citroen Jumper, Nemo; Fiat
500, Bravo, Doblo, Ducato, Fiorino, Grande Punto,
Panda, Punto Evo, Qubo; Dacia Duster; Ford Ka;
Lancia Delta, Musa; Nissan Pathfinder, Navara,
Note, Qashqai, X-Trail; Opel Corsa, Meriva, Zafira,
Astra; Peugeot Boxer, Expert; and Renault Clio,
Modus, Trafic, Twingo. This list includes most of
our tested vehicles. This would indicate that all
vehicles mentioned in the list (although not practically tested by us) are vulnerable to the described
attacks as well.
In contrast to the VW Group scheme, the vulnerabilities in the Hitag2 RKE system are caused by the
cryptographically weak cipher, not a weak key distribution method. In consequence, even though it must
be said that the correlation attack of Section 4.4 is
devastating from a cryptographic point of view, the
data complexity is slightly higher compared to the
VW Group schemes, which can be broken with one
single eavesdropped signal. The attack on Hitag2
requires at least four (not necessarily consecutive)
rolling codes, i.e., the adversary has to be present
for a longer period of time to capture signals for
multiple key presses on the victims remote control.
However, to quickly obtain the required rolling
codes, the adversary could selectively jam the signal during the final checksum byte (which is predictable). In this case, the vehicle ignores the rolling
code, but the adversary nevertheless obtains the keystream. The victim would hence notice that the
vehicle does not respond, and instinctively press the
button repeatedly. After having received the fourth
signal, the adversary stops jamming and the remote
control operates normally from the victims point of
view. However, the attacker has then collected the
required amount of rolling codes to subsequently extract the cryptographic key. Hence, if the described
behaviour is observed by a vehicle owner, it is an
indication that an attack may be in progress.

We implemented the above correlation attack on a

standard laptop. When executing this attack in
practice, the first obstacle that an adversary faces
is the fact that only the 10 Least Significant Bits
(LSBs) of the counter ctr are sent over the air (see
Figure 11), but the full 28-bit counter is used to initialize the cipher (both car and remote store the full
counter). Therefore, the adversary needs to guess
the remaining 18 bits. In practice, this is not a problem as it takes 210 = 1024 key pushes on the remote
to have a carry to the Most Significant Bits (MSBs)
and therefore this usually happens only a couple of
times a year. In the worst case, the adversary has to
repeat the above attack with increasing MSBs until
she has the correct guess.
On average, our attack implementation recovers
the cryptographic key in approximately 1 minute
computation, requiring a few eavesdropped rolling
codes (between 4 and 8). As mentioned, the adversary needs to repeat this computation for each
guess of the 18 MSBs of the counter. For the vehicles
we tested, the MSBs of the counter were usually
between 0 and 10, which results in a total attack
time of less than 10 min. Besides, there was a strong
correlation between the vehicles age and the counter
value, so educated guesses are also possible.
We verified our findings in practice by building
a key emulator and then unlocking and locking the
vehicles with newly generated rolling codes:
Alfa Romeo

Cruze Hatchback
Logan II

2009, 2016


Answering the original research question about the

security of automotive RKE systems, the results of
this paper show that major manufacturers have used
insecure schemes over more than 20 years. Due to
the widespread use of the analyzed systems, our
findings have worldwide impact. Owners of affected
vehicles should be aware that unlocking the doors of
their car is much simpler than commonly assumed
today. Both for the VW Group and the Hitag2
rolling code schemes, it is possible to clone the original remote control and gain unauthorized access to

The vehicles in the above list are our own and

also from colleagues and friends who volunteered.
We furthermore found the following list of supported vehicles for an after-market universal remote
control [19] that is presumably implementing the
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the vehicle after eavesdropping one or a few rolling

codes, respectively. The necessary equipment to receive and send rolling codes, for example SDRs like
the USRP or HackRF and off-the-shelf RF modules like the TI Chronos smart watch, are widely
available at low cost. The attacks are hence highly
scalable and could be potentially carried out by an
unskilled adversary. Since they are executed solely
via the wireless interface, with at least the range
of the original remote control (i.e., a few tens of
meters), and leave no physical traces, they pose a
severe threat in practice.

receiving ranges can be substantially increased: The

authors of [18] report eavesdropping of a 433 MHz
RFID system, with technology comparable to RKE,
from up to 1 km using low-cost equipment. Likewise,
a large-scale DoS attack targeting VW Group cars
would be possible with an automated approachas
a result, the RKE system of the vulnerable vehicle
types would be deactivated for the respective remote
control and VW Group would face increased demand
for customer service, i.e., re-synchronizing remotes.
Legal Implications, Forensics, and Countermeasures It is unclear whether such attacks on
the RKE scheme are currently carried out in the
wild by criminals. However, there have been various media reports about unexplained theft from
locked vehicles in the last years. The security issues described in this paper could explain such incidents. Note that we have analyzed further automotive RKE systems (with similar results regarding their (in)security), but due to the difficulty of
responsible disclosure, cannot publish all results at
this point.
As of today, even experts in car theft cases expressed the opinion that the alarm and electronic
door locking systems of a car cannot be easily circumvented. From now on, they have to consider
that special universal remote controls to bypass the
security mechanisms might be used by criminals. In
contrast to mechanical tools to open vehicles, such
a device would leave no physical traces. Insurance
companies may thus have to accept that certain car
theft scenarios that have so far been regarded as insurance fraud (e.g. theft of personal belongings out
of a locked car without physical traces) have, considering the results of this paper, a higher probability
to be real. From a forensics point of view, the need
to press the button of the remote control more than
once in order to unlock the vehicle is an indicator
that the car might have been accessed by a criminal. For VW Group vehicles, the blocking of a
remote control should be regarded as suspicious as
well. However, there are other causes for such behaviour, e.g., short range due to an empty battery of
the remote control or environmental RF noise.
While the vulnerabilities of the VW Group system are due to worldwide master keys, Hitag2-based
systems suffer from weaknesses in the cipher itself.
Hence, in conclusion, for a good RKE system,
both secure cryptographic algorithms (e.g., AES)
and secure key distribution are necessary. Techniques to solve the security problems discovered in
this paper are widely available [23]. Atmel has created an open RKE protocol design [5], which is pub-

Security and Safety Implications The implications of our findings are manifold: Personal belongings left in a locked vehicle (as well as vehicle
components like the infotainment system) could be
stolen if a thief uses the vulnerabilities of the RKE
system to unlock the vehicle after the owner has left.
This approach is considerably more stealthy and
harder to prevent than the currently known methods of theft (e.g., using physical force or jamming
the rolling code). Moreover, since a valid rolling
code usually disables the alarm system, the theft is
more likely to remain undetected for a longer period
of time. Common recommendations like lock it or
lose it [25] or verify that the vehicle has been successfully locked and the transmission has not been
jammed (blinking direction lights, sound) are hence
no longer sufficient to effectively prevent theft. A
successful attack on the RKE and anti-theft system
would also enable or facilitate other crimes:
theft of the vehicle itself by circumventing the immobilizer system (e.g. [32, 33]) or by programming
a new key into the car via the OBD port with a
suitable tool
compromising the board computer of a modern vehicle [10, 20], which may even affect personal
safety, e.g., by deactivating the brakes while switching on the wiping system in a bend
inconspicuously placing an object or a person inside the car. The car could be locked again after the
on-the-road robbery, affecting the personal safety
of the driver or passengers if they (incorrectly) assume that the vehicle is securely locked
Note that due to the long range of RKE systems
it is technically feasible to eavesdrop the signals of
all cars on a parking lot or at a car dealer by placing an eavesdropping device there overnight. Afterwards, all vulnerable cars could be opened by the
adversary. Practical experiments suggest that the
USENIX Association

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lished in full detail. The security of their design

was scrutinized by Tillich et al. in [29]. It is now up
to vehicle manufacturers to securely implement such
next-generation RKE schemes.
For owners of affected vehicles, as a temporary
countermeasure in cases where valuable items are
left in the vehicle, we can unfortunately only recommend to stop using or disable/remove the RKE part
of the car key and fall back to the mechanical lock:
Lock It or Lose It? Remove It!

[4] ATMEL. e5561 Standard Read/Write Crypto

Identification IC, 2006.
datasheet, available at http://www.usmartcards.com/
[5] ATMEL. Embedded AVR Microcontroller
Including RF Transmitter and Immobilizer LF Functionality for Remote Keyless
Entry - ATA5795C.
datasheet, available
Datasheet.pdf, November 2014.

Responsible Disclosure

[6] Bloessl, B. gr-keyfob. Github repository,


Regarding the vulnerabilities of VW Group systems,

we contacted VW Group first in November 2015.
We discussed our findings in a meeting with VW
Group and an affected sub-contractor in February
2016, before submitting the paper. VW Group received a draft version of this paper and the final
version. VW Group acknowledged the vulnerabilities. As mentioned in the paper, we agreed to leave
out amongst others the following details: cryptographic keys, part numbers of vulnerable ECUs, and
the used programming devices and details about the
reverse-engineering process.
For Hitag2, we notified NXP in January 2016.
NXP received a version of this paper before submission. We would like to mention that the fact that
Hitag2 is cryptographically broken has been publicly known for several years and NXP has already
informed their customers back in 2012. We would
further like to highlight that for several years, NXP
offers newer, AES-based RKE ICs that are not affected by the vulnerabilities described in this paper.
Furthermore, many car manufacturers have already
started using the more secure chips for new designs.

[7] Bogdanov, A.
Attacks on the KeeLoq Block Cipher and Authentication Systems. In Workshop on RFID Security (RFIDSec08) (2007). rfidsec07.etsit.uma.es/
[8] Bono, S. C., Green, M., Stubblefield,
A., Juels, A., Rubin, A. D., and Szydlo,
M. Security analysis of a cryptographicallyenabled RFID device. In 14th USENIX Security
Symposium (USENIX Security 2005) (2005),
USENIX Association, pp. 116.
[9] Cesare, S. Breaking the security of physical
devices. Presentation at Blackhat14, August
[10] Checkoway, S., McCoy, D., Kantor, B.,
Anderson, D., Shacham, H., Savage, S.,
Koscher, K., Czeskis, A., Roesner, F.,
and Kohno, T. Comprehensive experimental
analyses of automotive attack surfaces. In 20th
USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 2011) (2011), USENIX Association, pp. 77

[1] abc7news. Key fob car thefts, 2013. http:

[11] Courtois, N. T., ONeil, S., and

Quisquater, J.-J. Practical algebraic attacks
on the Hitag2 stream cipher. In 12th Information Security Conference (ISC 2009) (2009),
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