Agrarian Conflicts
Agrarian Conflicts
Agrarian Conflicts
Another social sector, which protested to improve their living conditions were poor
peasants. Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, they also made their voice
to demand mainly changing the form of land tenure.
At the time, much of the arable land was concentrated in a few hands, then the peasants
took a series of actions such as the invasion of land to force the government to
democratize the property. The different governments, especially conservatives, lined with
landowners to prevent these actions and prosecute farmers who performed. Lopez's
government was aware of this situation and to remedy enacted Law 200 of 1936.
However, this law had the opposite effect than expected: landlords, seeing that some
settlers living on their lands could claim ownership over she decided to expel them. Thus,
after 1930, the agrarian conflict and violence between landowners and peasants soared
and became one of the causes that gave birth to the period of Violence.